1586967031.requirements For CBs Issue Oct15
1586967031.requirements For CBs Issue Oct15
1586967031.requirements For CBs Issue Oct15
0. Introduction
0.1 The Quality Council of India (QCI) has taken an initiative to establish an
independent third party voluntary “RMC Plant Certification Scheme” at the behest
of the Ready Mixed Concrete Manufacturers Association (RMCMA). The
certification is based on the Ready Mixed Concrete Production Control Criteria
(RMCPCS) developed by the Buildings Materials and Technology Promotion
Council (BMTPC) which lays down, in detail, the requirements on plant and
equipment, key personnel, concrete mix design, production, testing facilities,
control on quality of concrete ingredients, final product, delivery, control and
maintenance of process control equipment, etc, which the RMC Plant must
comply with in order to get certified under the scheme. The RMC Plants
Certification Scheme has two options for certification, one being ‘RMC Capability
Certification’ and other being ‘RMC 9000+ Capability Certification’, the latter
ensuring compliance to the requirements of ISO 9001 also in addition to the QCI
Scheme requirements. For this purpose, the Scheme has also detailed the
certification requirements vide the document “RMCPCS Certification Process”
and these are required to be complied with by the RMC plants desirous of getting
certified against the RMCPCS criteria.
0.2 The RMC plants requiring certification against this scheme are required to be
certified ultimately by NABCB accredited Certification Bodies duly approved by
the Quality Council of India, as the Scheme owner, and complying with the
requirements as specified under this Scheme. The requirements that the
Certification bodies need to comply with for getting approved by QCI under this
Scheme are detailed in this document.
1.3.1 For being able to offer RMC Capability Certification as above, the certification
bodies shall need to be accredited against ISO 17065:2012 for the additional
requirements specified in this document. For being able to offer certification for
RMC 9000+ Capability Certification, the certification body shall need to be
accredited against ISO 17021:2011 for scope sector 16 (Concrete), with
additional requirements specified in this document
1.4 The requirements prescribed in this document are additional requirements that
the certification body shall fulfil. Irrespective of which scheme (refer clauses 1.2
and 1.3.1 of this document) the certification body opts for, the requirements
mentioned in each clause, whether they pertain to ISO 17065 or ISO 17021, shall
2. General Requirements
2.1 Legal and Contractual Matters
2.1.1 In addition to the requirements as specified in the respective accreditation
standards (clauses 4.1 of ISO17065:2012 and clauses 5.1 of ISO 17021:2011)
following requirements shall apply:
2.1.2 Certification agreement The certification body shall ensure that its certification agreement requires
that the client comply with the following requirements in addition to those
specified in the respective standards as above:
a) Always fulfill the certification requirements including product requirement as
specified in the document “Criteria for Production Control Ready Mixed
Concrete”, the certification process described in the document “RMCPCS
Certification Process” and the requirements specified in this document as
applicable and the changes in them as communicated by the certification
body, time to time;
b) The certified RMC Plant and its processes always fulfils the certification
c) The liability on account of non conforming processes shall rest with the
certified RMC plant;
d) The client makes all necessary arrangements for the conduct of the initial and
recertification onsite audit/evaluation, surveillance onsite audits/valuations
(announced and unannounced), onsite special/short notice audits/evaluations
for the purpose of complaints investigation, etc. It shall also include provision
for examining documentation and records, and access to the relevant
equipment and facilities, products, location(s), area(s), personnel, and client's
e) The client shall make claims regarding certification only in respect of the
location and the scope for which certification has been granted;
f) The client shall endeavor to ensure that no certificate or report nor any part
thereof is used in a misleading manner;
g) Keeps a record of all complaints made known to the client relating to the
compliance with certification requirement and to make these records available
to the certification body for its verification. The client shall also agree to take
appropriate action with respect to such complaints and any deficiencies found
in products/process in accordance with the requirements of the Scheme;
h) The client shall inform the certification body, without delay, of matters that
may affect its ability to conform to the certification requirements. These shall
include changes in:
i. The legal, commercial, organizational status or ownership,
ii. Organization and management (e.g. key managerial, decision-making or
technical staff),
iii. Contact address and production sites/premises,
iv. Modifications to the plant design and or processes or the production
methods, changes in manufacturing/testing equipment and in the internal
control measures which are significant in nature.
v. Any other information indicating that the RMC plant may no longer comply
with the requirements of the certification criteria and the certification
scheme. Records kept by the client in respect of the complaints received and their
resolution shall be verified by the certification body during the surveillance visits
to the client’s premises. The client shall agree for re-audit/evaluation by the certification body as
per the requirement of the certification scheme, in the event of changes
significantly affecting its capability to comply with the requirements of the
certification scheme. The client shall also agree for re-evaluation by the certification body, in the
event of changes in the standards to which compliance of the plant is certified. In addition to the requirements as specified above the requirements
specified vide clauses 2.5 (confidentiality) shall also be part of the agreement
with the client.
2.1.3 Use of licence, certificate and marks of conformity - In addition to the
requirements as specified in the respective accreditation standards (clause 4.1.3
of ISO17065:2012 and clause 8.4 of ISO 17021:2011) following requirements
shall apply: The certification body shall document clear instructions regarding
appropriate use of certification mark/certificate and for providing information
Issue 1.0 / Oct 2015 Page 4 of 21
2nd Floor, Institution of Engineers Building, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi – 110002
Phone: +91-11-2337 8056 / 57; Fax: +91-11-2337 8678; Web: www.qcin.org; E-mail: [email protected]
about certification status by its clients. It shall also identify the aspects that would
be considered as misleading and unauthorised as relevant to the relevant
certification scheme. The certification agreement shall make appropriate cross
references to the above document, so as to make it legally binding. In no case,
the mark shall be used to imply that the product (RMC) is certified. In case the certification body runs more than one product/process
certification schemes, then it may document a procedure specifying generic
requirements common to all schemes and in line with the requirements of
ISO/IEC 17065:2012 and additional section with specific requirements as
specified for the RMC PCS. The certification body shall ensure that the Certificate is used only with
reference to the RMC plant (s) certified. Accordingly the Certification Mark shall
be put on the delivery challan carrying reference to the supplies made by the
certified Plant. Each delivery challan shall carry the following information:
a) Address of the RMC Plant.
b) Certification Number.
c) Certification Mark.
d) CB Logo. The certification body shall have documented procedures for the
measures to be adopted in case of non-compliances to specified requirements
with respect to use of certification mark, misuse, including false claims as to
certification and false use of certification body marks and these shall be part of its
agreement with the certified clients (RMC plants). The procedure shall include
the process steps and the actions (including penal actions as relevant), the
certification body intends to take in the event of observing misuse/misleading use
of RMCPCS certificates and marks. The certification body shall ensure that the applicants are not misusing the
certification mark in any way prior to grant of certification.
b) The CB may also provide any other guidance documents on the certification
criteria for the benefit of the applicant, as long as they are not
advisory/consultative in nature.
c) The certification body shall make publicly available on its website the
information about applications registered and certifications granted,
suspended or withdrawn.
d) On request from any party, the certification body shall provide the means to
confirm the validity of a given certification and the provision for the same shall
be made available on the website.
e) The certification body shall maintain and make publicly available on its
website, a directory of valid certifications under RMCPCS scheme, that as a
minimum shall show the name, relevant certification criteria, scope and
geographical location (e.g. city and country) and contact details for each
applicant and certified client and validity of certification for the certified clients.
Please also see additional requirements given in the document “RMCPCS
Certification Process (clause 1.3)”, which are required to be placed on the
certification bodies website.
f) The certification body shall also make arrangement for providing and up-
dating of information with respect to status of certified clients, based on
classification of non-conformities raised during audits/evaluations in line with
the requirements specified in clause 5.3.2 of “RMCPCS Certification
Process”. The certification body shall have procedure for frequent updating of the
information on its website. The responsibilities for ensuring accuracy of the
information made available on the website, ensuring frequent updates, etc shall
be documented. The information on complaints handling process and the certification
body’s procedure shall be directly available to the public, without the public
having to go through layers of cross linkages.
2.6.2 Information exchange between a certification body and its clients Information on the certification activity and requirements- The
certification body shall provide and update clients on the following:
a) a detailed description of the initial and continuing certification activity,
including the application, initial audit/evaluation, surveillance audit/evaluation,
and the process for granting, maintaining, reducing, extending, suspending,
withdrawing certification and recertification;
b) the certification criteria for RMCPCS certification scheme;
c) information about the fees for application, initial certification and continuing
3. Structural requirements
3.1 In addition to the requirements as specified in the respective accreditation
standards (clause 5 of ISO17065:2012 and clause 6 of ISO 17021:2011)
following requirements shall apply:
3.2 Organizational structure and top management
3.2.1 The organization structure shall include structure of the parent body (legal entity)
if separate from the department/division that offers certification. It shall also
include structure of the related departments in relation to the department offering
certification services.
3.2.2 The certification body shall identify and document all related bodies (separate
legal entities) as well as other departments of the same legal entity and their
activities and functions and their relationships with the certification body when
describing its organizational structure. This shall cover all relationships and
related bodies, bodies related to the certification body based on ownership;
governance; management; management personnel; shared resources, finances,
contracts and marketing. The activities of all related bodies shall also be
documented for the purpose of identifying any potential conflict of interest. The
certification body shall also have a system for disclosure and documentation of
the types of activities carried out by its internal and external personnel and
subcontractors in general and in particular regarding the designing of relevant
product/process/service, consultation, internal evaluation/auditing, training, etc.
The above information shall also be used for identification of actual/potential risks
to impartiality.
3.2.3 The identification of responsibilities, however done, shall clearly and
unambiguously reflect the responsibilities for activities/functions as described
vide clause 5.1.3 a) to n) of ISO/IEC 17065:2012 and clause 6.1.2 a) to i) of ISO
Issue 1.0 / Oct 2015 Page 12 of 21
2nd Floor, Institution of Engineers Building, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi – 110002
Phone: +91-11-2337 8056 / 57; Fax: +91-11-2337 8678; Web: www.qcin.org; E-mail: [email protected]
3.2.4 The requirement specified vide clause 5.1.4 of ISO/IEC 17065:2012 shall cover
the Impartiality committee and any other committees, if established by the
certification body for certification scheme development, planning for certification
evaluation (sampling and determination), certification review and decision
making, appeals process, etc.
3.3 Mechanism (Impartiality Committee) for safeguarding impartiality
3.3.1 An Impartiality committee with specific responsibility for safeguarding the
certification body’s impartiality in its certification functions and for ensuring that
the policy on safeguarding impartiality and related procedures and other systems
are effectively implemented shall be the only means of fulfilling this requirement.
The impartiality committee as specified in clause 6.2 of ISO 17021:2011 will fulfil
the requirement as specified in this document.
3.3.2 The Impartiality Committee shall:
a) Assist the certification body in developing the policies relating to impartiality
of its certification activities,
b) Counteract any tendency on the part of a certification body to allow
commercial or other considerations to prevent the consistent objective
provision of certification activities,
c) Advise on matters affecting confidence in certification, including openness
and public perception, and
d) Conduct a review, as least once annually, of the impartiality of the audit,
certification and decision making processes of the certification body.
e) Approve the conflict of interest analysis and the mitigation measures
described in clause 2.2.8 of this document.
Other tasks or duties may be assigned to the committee provided these
additional tasks or duties do not compromise its essential role of ensuring
This committee shall meet regularly, at least once a year, and a complete record
of the proceedings of this committee shall be maintained.
In either case above, the auditor shall audit a minimum of three audits of RMC
plants under the supervision of a qualified auditor before being allowed to audit
The entire process under b) shall be subject to verification by the AB. The AB
shall give priority to witnessing such auditors in its assessment programme.
OR The certification body may use auditors who do not have the requisite
qualifications as prescribed above provided they are supported by technical
experts (TEs) who meet the qualifications at 4.2.1 above. The time spent by the
TE on an audit shall be in addition to the audit time as prescribed under the
‘Certification Process’ which the CB is expected to spend. The auditor/evaluator involved in offsite documentation review of
information received with the application and before going for onsite assessment
(Tables 1 – 11 as given in “Criteria for Production Control Ready Mixed
Concrete” shall have the qualifications as described in clause 4.2.1 of this
4.2.2 In case of audit for the RMC 9000+ Capability Certification based on
implementation of Quality Management Systems as per ISO 9001 and the RMC
Production Control Criteria, the audit team shall have at least one auditor
qualified for technical area “Manufacture of Concrete” within the EA Code 16 with
the competence specified in cl. 4.2.1 in the absence of which a technical expert
shall be used.
4.2.3 One of the auditors/evaluators in the team shall be nominated as the team
leader. The team leader shall be a ISO 9001 Auditor, qualified as team leader as
per the requirement given in ISO 17021:2011.
4.2.4 The certification body will have a system for qualifying lead auditor/evaluators for
RMCPCS, based on experience of having performed at least three
audits/evaluations under the RMCPCS scheme. For one time initial qualification,
some other evaluation methods such as audit experience as team leader in other
similar areas, may be used.
4.2.5 While carrying out audit/evaluation of a RMC plant for both requirements
specified in ISO 9001 and the “Criteria for Production Control Ready Mixed
Concrete”, the audit team shall collectively have competence as specified in
clauses 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 above.
4.3 Other certification body personnel as relevant to the RMPCS - Other
certification body personnel involved in the RMC scheme certification evaluation
activities shall have the competence as stated below:
4.3.1 Application Review personnel – The functions to be carried out by the
personnel involved in review of application review is to confirm the adequacy of
the information provided by the applicant and identification of the deficiencies
observed, if any, vis-à-vis the requirements specified in the documents like
“Criteria for Production Control Ready Mixed Concrete” and “RMCPCS
Certification Process”. Further in case the application reviewer also needs to
carry out mandays estimation (especially for RMC 9000+ Capability Certification
scheme) and team nomination, the persons involved in application review
process, shall have thorough knowledge of RMCPCS certification requirements
as defined in above stated documents, in addition to meeting the requirements
specified in the relevant requirements for application review personnel as
specified in ISO17021:2011. The application review personnel shall be qualified
based on experience of having performed at least three applications under the
RMCPCS scheme or through any other equivalent route.
4.3.2 Technical Reviewer – The certification body personnel involved in technical
review function shall have the same requirement as that specified in clause 4.2.1
of this document. When reviewing the audit reports for RMC 9000+ Capability
Certification, the technical reviewer shall also meet the qualification criteria as
specified in the relevant requirements of ISO17021:2011 and shall preferably be
qualified on the basis of demonstrated competence to carry out the review
function say based on experience of having performed at least three technical
reviews under the RMCPCS scheme. The technical reviewer shall be
independent from the audit/evaluation team. Only person(s) employed by the
certification body or on long term (2 – 3 years) full time contract with the
b) Date of audit/evaluation,
c) Audit team details,
d) Number of non-conformities raised and their categorization,
e) Time lines for non-conformity closure
f) Audit conclusions / recommendations, if any.
5.5 Certification Document
5.5.1 The certificate to be issued to certified RMCPCS for the two options as specified
in clause 1.2 of this document shall be as per the certification document template
as enclosed vide Annex A.
5.6 Complaints and appeals handling system
5.6.1 All the requirement as specified in clause 7.13 of ISO 17065:2012, clauses 9.7,
9.8 of ISO 17021:2011, those specified in clause 8 of the document ”RMCPCS
Certification Criteria” are applicable in addition to those specified below:
5.6.2 In case of complaints related to a certified client and the products manufactured
by the certified client, then the examination and evaluation of the complaints shall
take in to consideration the effectiveness and implementation of the clients
production control system. The process of establishing validity of the complaint
shall generally involve processes like conduct of additional surveillance activities
– visit to certified client’s premises for special evaluation, testing and evaluation
of the products manufactured in the plant, if necessary, etc. The decisions on
complaint shall then be based on the result of additional surveillance activities. The certification body’s complaint handling process shall document the
actions to be taken by the certification body as well as the certified client, in case
the complaint is established to be valid and the plant’s production control is found
to be non compliant with the specified criteria. Some of these actions/conditions
shall also be included in the certification body’s legally enforceable contract with
the client.
5.6.3 In respect of appeals, the certification body shall ensure that the
individual(s)/committee entrusted with handling of appeal and its resolution/
decision shall be independent of the persons involved in certification related
recommendations and decision and their position in the certification body shall be
such that it shall not be possible to influence their decisions with respect to the
subject of the appeal. The procedure shall also have provision for giving a written statement to
the appellant, of the appeal findings including the reasons for the decisions
reached and also communicating to the appellant about the provision for giving
an opportunity to formally present his case. Based on the presentation made, the
individual or a committee appointed for hearing the case shall take a final
decision on the appeal and a formal notice of the outcome and the end of the
appeal process shall be given to the appellant.
RMC Capability
RMC 9000+ Capability
The Scope of Certification covers
Production Control of Ready Mixed
Concrete as per Building Materials &
Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC)
Authorised by:
Certification Manager
(Full Details including office address)
The current status of certification is available on www. (CB and QCI website www.qcin.org).