Lencho Question Answer

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Question from “A Letter to God”

1. What are the qualities of Lencho?

 The qualities that Lencho have, are-
i) He was hard working,
ii) simple minded,
iii) he has firm faith in God.
2. What was peculiar about the house where Lencho live?
3. What did Lencho wish throughout the morning?
4. How did the air become fresh and sweet?
5. Why was Lencho’s family full of sorrow?
 Lencho’s family was full of sorrow when the crops were destroyed by the hailstorm. The hailstorm left
nothing for them. Even they didn’t have any food for surviving till then next harvest.
6. How did Lencho ask help from God?
7. What help did Lencho ask from God?
8. What is mean by ‘ox of a man’?
 It means that Lencho was physically very strong and hard working as (like) an ox.
9. What did the postmaster need to help Lencho?
 The postmaster needed 100 pesos to help Lencho.
10. Who gave the money for Lencho?
 The postmaster, his friends and the post office employees donated the money to help Lencho.
11. Why did the wrinkles arrive on his brow while writing?
 The wrinkles arrived on his brow while writing as he had to give a lot of efforts to express his feelings. It
shows that though he knew how to write but he was not much educated.
12. Lencho’s manner of posting the letter showed that-
i) he was basically a simple person.
ii) he needed education.
iii) he had to be taught how to write a letter.
iv) he needed a stamp.
13. What does 'bunch of crook, means?
 It means group of dishonest/corrupt people.
14. Why did Lencho ask rest of the money from God again?
 Because he needed it very much so that he can saw his field again and run his family till next harvest.
15. Who read Lencho’s letter?
 He postmaster and the postman.
16. What did Lencho have faith in? What did he do?
 Lencho had faith in God.
 He wrote a letter to God asking him for hundred pesos.
17. What did the postmaster do after reading Lencho’s letter?
 After reading launches later the postmaster decided to reply launches letter. But he needed 100 pesos to reply
that letter. So he decided to collect money from his office employees and friends in the name of charity and
himself added a part of his salary. He did this so that Lencho’s faiths in God remain unshaken.
18. Did Lencho surprised to find a letter for him with money (or from God)?
 No, he didn't show any reaction by finding a letter for him with money (from God).
19. Why did Lencho compare the raindrops with money/new coins?
 Lencho compared the raindrops with money/new coins because the raindrop would help to grow the crops of his
field. A good harvest could help him to earn more money. The raindrops were indirectly helping Lencho to earn
more profit.
20. What has been taught to Lencho?
 Lencho has been taught/instructed that Gods sees everything, even deep in one's conscience or heart.
21. What does ‘help from God’ indicate?
 Here ‘help from God’ means Lencho asked for help from God and he will surely help him in his bad time.
22. How did Lencho console his family?
 Lencho consoled his family by saying that nobody dies of hunger and God would never let them died of hunger
or starvation.
23. What the line ‘but he still knew how to write signifies’?
 This line signifies or means that normally a farmer doesn't know how to write but Lencho did.
24. Why did the postmaster help Lencho?
 Postmaster was a very kind hearted person. When he came to know about Lencho’s condition he felt very pity
for Lencho. Even he became very inspired by seeing Lencho’s faith in God. So he decided to help Lencho to keep
his faith unshaken in God.
25. Why did Lencho write another letter to God?
 Lencho wrote another letter to God because he only got 70 pesos instead of 100. So to ask rest of the money, he
wrote another letter to God.
26. Why did the postmaster sign the letter ‘God’?
 The postmaster left a sign ‘God ‘on the letter so that Lencho began to believe that God sent him the money.
27. Lencho addressed the post office employees as ‘a bunch of crooks’. Give reason to support your
 Lencho was a poor farmer whose crops were destroyed by hailstorm. But he didn’t lose his hope. Instead he
wrote a letter to God asking 100 pesos from him. But when he got reply-letter from God, he found only 70
pesos in it. This incident made him very angry. He thought that God must send him 100 pesos but the post
office employees kept 30 pesos. Without knowing the real fact he started to call them ‘bunch of crooks’. But the
post office employees were very kind hearted person. They all donated to help Lencho.
28. Give a character sketch of Lencho.
 Lencho was a simple hearted person. He was poor but hardworking person. He worked very hard like an ox in
his field. Even he had firm faith in God. He and his family were fully dependent on agriculture. At the
beginning he was very happy hoping about a good harvest. But that year suddenly a hailstorm destroyed his
crops. The hailstorm left nothing for him so that he could maintain his family. He didn't lose hope and instead
he wrote a letter to God asking help from him. Even he was so innocent that he couldn’t realise that he was
helped by the post office employees. Instead he started to think them as a bunch of crooks.

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