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Handing over and taking over notes between Sri P.Sengupta, JE(E) and Sri Sarat Kumar Rout,
JE(E) Vide office order No. 8(1)/AE(E)/3E/CPWD/2019/49 Dated: 04/03/2019

1, Council House Street

This building is occupied by the following major department/offices which are having their
office hours five days in a week (BSNL and Post office having their office hours six days in a

1. Principal Director of Commercial Audit (PDCA).

O/o the Pr. Director of Commercial Audit & Ex. Officio MAB-1
2. Director General of Commercial Intelligences and Statistics.
3. Central Statistical Organization (CSO).
4. Office of Coal Controller.
5. Central Hindi Training Institute.
6. Assistant Commissioner of Salt.
7. Post office.
8. Office of Pay & Accounts (Textile).
9. Sr. Accounts officer, Ministry of Commerce.
10. Assistant Director (H), O/o D.C. Handicraft.
11. Pr. Accountant General (A&E) W.B

The building is connected with 6KV HT bulk supply of CESC Ltd. Kolkata through HT ACB (3 no’s
Panels one incoming and two outgoing newly installed) 2 no’s 500 KVA/440 Volts distribution
transformers (1 No new and another old) with 2 no’s LTACB each 800 Amp capacity and 1 no
800 Amps capacity ACB bus coupler i/e LT cubical panel with adequate switch gears.

There is also separate LT supply at south wing ground Floor for emergency supply. This supply
is being used for sub-station, corridor, Pump, 1 no lift and some rooms. Electricity bills are
being paid by CPWD both HT and LT.

Handed over by Taken over by

Ch to:- MOEI and Fans i/c sub-station at 1,Council House Street, Kolkata-1

Name of Staffs:-

1. Sri Sanjoy Saha (Electrician)

2. Sri T.K. Roy (Wireman)
3. Sri K.N. Mahato (Pump Operator)

There are 2 No’s Unskilled and 1 No Skilled out sourcing engaged to assist wireman in this
building through contract by Sri Guru Electronic vide Agreement No:-15/EE(E)/KCED-IV/

Ch to:- RMO Pump set at 1, Council House Street, Kolkata -1

There are only one pump house in this office premises. Three no’s submersible open well
mono-block pump (5 HP) are in operation for lifting of water from U.G. water pump. At present
there is only one bore well in this campus where one 3 HP submersible pump is installed for
lifting water from bore to U.G. sump.

Details of Pumps:
1. 5 HP submersible open well mono-block Pump Set – 3 Sets (Installed)
2. 3 HP Submersible Pump Set – 1 Set (Installed)
3. 3 HP Submersible Pump Set – 1 Set (Stand by) (Kept in store)
Name of Staffs:
1. Sri Ranjan Mazumder (Operator)

2 Nos. 13 Passenger OTIS make lift with the following accessories & Installations are fitted in the
lift car and lift operator room and sub-station.

1. Battery charger – 1 No.

2. 9 Plate 12 Volt Battery – 4 Nos.
3. Amplifier - 4 Nos. At present it is not in working condition.
4. Mouth Speaker – 4 Nos.
5. Speaker – 6 Nos.
6. Safety Grill – 1 No.

Handed over by Taken over by

Ch to: RMO 2 Nos. Passenger lift at 1, Council House Street

There are 2 Nos. Passenger lifts of OTIS make (13 Passenger) in this building. These lifts are
under comprehensive maintenance through OTIS Elevator(I) Ltd. The operation of the lifts is
done through contract. 2 Nos. operators are operating these lifts under M/S Sri Guru
Electronics, vide Agreement No:- 06/AE(E)3E/KCED-IV/CPWD/2018—2019. 2nd R/A bill has
been prepared upto 31/12/2018 vide EMB No. 329 & 330. (For 1 st RA-267 & 268)
The following original works at 1, Council House Street are also handed over.

1. Name of work: Providing and Installing Wet Riser & Automatic fire alarm system at, Council
House Street (SH: Automatic fire alarm system, P.A. system & talk back system)
Agreement No: 04/EE(E)/CED-IV/93-94
Agency: M/S Pragati Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
MB ref: 1184/CED-V and 1385/CED-IV
8th R/A Bill had been Paid for the above work. No work has been carried out in my Tenure and
no payment has been made.

2. Name of work: Providing and Installing wet riser & automatic fire alarm system at, Council
House Street (SH:- Wet Riser)
Agreement No:- 29/EE(E)/CED-IV/91-92.
Agency:- M/S Industrial Fire Engineers.
Ref. MB No. – 1747/CED-V
One joint inspection was held at, Council House Street on 20.08.1996 by the Agency along with
CPWD officials for keeping materials at site.

The following officers were present at that time as per previous handing over note.
a) Shri M.K. Dutta AE(E)/SCED-II/CED-V
b) Shri P.K. Mondal AE(E)/3E/CED-IV
c) Shri P.K. PAUL JE(E)/CED-IV

Handed over by Taken over by

The following materials are also handed over against above work, and No work has been
carried out during my tenure.
a) C.I. Pipe 150 mm (2.75 mtr Long) -------------------------- 38 Nos.
b) G.I. Pipe 150 mm (6.1/5.9 mts Long) ---------------------- 24 Nos.
c) G.I. Pipe 100 mm (6.15/5.9 mtr. Long) ---------------------- 5 Nos.
d) G.I. Pipe 65 mm (6.15/5.9 mtr. Long) --------------------- 1 No
e) G.I. Pipe 150 mm dia. (14.1 mtr. Long) -------------------- Installed at North side
f) G.I. Pipe 150 mm (14.25 mtr. Long) ------------------------ Installed at South side.
g) Hosel Real Cabinet -------------------------------------------- 7 Nos. (Damaged/Rusted)
h) Hosel Real -------------------------------------------------------- 5 Nos. (Damaged)
i) C.I Pipe 150 mm dia. (2.75 mtr long) ------------------------- 2 Nos.
j) Induction motor 3 ph. (Kirloskar make 75 Kw) ------------- 1 No.
k) Induction motor 3 ph. (Kirloskar make 15 Kw) ------------- 1 No.

The following running works at 1, Council House Street are also handed over.

1) Name of work: Up gradation of IEI Fans at 1, Council House St. Kolkata – 1 (SH: Replacement
of DB’s, switches and different Electrical wires in existing rusted conduit by UPVC trunking etc.)
Agt. No: 19/EE(E)/KCED-IV/2017-18
Agency: M/S Prayas Engineering Service
1st R/A bill had been completed vide EMB Nos. 129 & 130. No payment has been made in my
tenure. The work is in progress.

2) Name of work: Up gradation of E&M Services at 1, Council House st. Kolkata (SH:
Modification of 2 Nos. 13 passenger OTIS make passenger lift)
Agt. No. 07/EE(E)/KCED-IV/CPWD/2018-19
Agency: M/S OTIS Elevator Company (India) Limited
The material supplied by the agency and 1st RA Bill prepared accordingly vide EMB No-315,316.

3) Name of work: M.O.E.I. Fans, R.M.O. Motor Pumping set , R.M.O. 2 Nos. Passenger Lift
including Sub Station at 1 Council House Street, Kolkata, during the Year 2018-19. (SH: Providing
man power for Day to Day Operation of Passenger Lifts).
Agt. No: 06/AE(E)3E/KCED-IV/CPWD/2018-2019
Agency: M/S Sri Guru Electronics
Vide EMB No: 329, 330
2nd R/A bill completed total = 5 Months (from 01/08/18 to 31/12/18)

Handed over by Taken over by

4) Name of work: MOEI & fans RMO MP set RMO 2 nos. Passenger lift including Substation at 1,
Council House Street, Kolkata during the year 2018-19( SH: Providing services of man power for
day to day Operation & Maintenance of Office Building)
Agt. No: 15/EE(E)/KCED-IV/2018-2019
Agency: Sri Guru Electronics
Vide EMB No: 357, 358
1st RA bill completed total = 2.93 months (03/11/18 to 31/01/19)

5) Name of work: RMO 2 nos passenger lift at 1, Council House St. Kolkata (SH: comprehensive
maintenance 0f 2 Nos. 13 passenger OTIS make lift during year 2018-19)
Agency: M/S OTIS Elevator Company (India) Limited.
Agt. No: 07/AE(E)/KCED-IV/2018-19
No Bill has been paid. The work is in progress.

6) Name of work: Renovation and up-gradation of room No-410,411 and 323A of the Director
General of Commercial Audit Office at 1 Council House Street, Kolkata-01 i/c providing IEI &
Fans, power wiring, AC points etc.
Agency: M/S Chandimata Construction.
Agt. No: 41/EE/KCD-I/2018-19
No Bill has been paid. The work is in progress.

Handed over by Taken over by

Following Tools & Plant are handed over:
1. D.E Spanner ------------------------------------- 1 Set (T.K. Roy, W/M)
2. 500 V Megger ----------------------------------- 1 No (Store)
3. Earth Megger ------------------------------------ 1 No (Store)
4. Tong Tester -------------------------------------- 1 No (Store) (K K Chandra)
5. Line Tester---------------------------------------- 1 No (Store) (U/S)
6. Lock of various size –--------------------------- 6 Nos. (Store)
7. Brief case------------------------------------------ 2 Nos. (Lift room Almirah) (U/S)
8. Wooden Table ----------------------------------- 1 No (Elect Staff room)
9. Hammer ½ Lbs----------------------------------- 1 No (T.K. Roy, W/M)
10. Al. Ladder (10Ft)--------------------------------- 1 No (Store U/S)
11. Small Almirah (Steel) ---------------------------- 2 Nos. (Lift room/store)
12. 8 Selves Locker (Steel) -------------------------- 1 No (S/Stn.)
13. 4 Selves Locker (Steel) -------------------------- 1 No (S/Stn.)
14. Plair 8”--------------------------------------------- 2 Nos (U/S)
15. Screw driver of different size ----------------- 13 Nos. (8-Store, 5T.K.Roy)
16. Citizen clock--------------------------------------- 1 No (U/S)
17. Metallic Wired tape (15mt)------------------- 1 No (U/S)
18. Slide Wrench (12”)------------------------------ 1 No (T.K. Roy, W/M)
19. Torch (2Cell)--------------------------------------- 1 No (U/S)
20. Wooden Ladder (8’)----------------------------- 1 No (U/S)
21. Calculator------------------------------------------ 1 No (Store)(U/S)
22. Leather tool Bag---------------------------------- 2 Nos. (T.K.R)
23. Air Blower ------------------------------------------ 1 Set (Store)
24. Crimping tools (10 Sqmm-120 Sqmm) ---------- 1 No (Store)
25. Artificial Respirator ------------------------------ 1 No (Tr. Room) U/S
26. Mini hand drill------------------------------------ 1 No (Store)
27. Steel table Side rack (30”*30”*15”)----------------- 1 No (Lift Room)
28. Steel Almirah (Big)------------------------------- 1 No (Store)

The following Registers are also handed over:

1. Attendance Register ------------------------------- 7 Nos. (Old/closed)
2. Attendance Register-------------------------------- 2 Nos. (New)
3. MAS A/C Register ---------------------------------- 1 No
4. Original Works MAS. A/C Register------------ 1 No
5. Sub-Station Log Book------------------------------ 1 No (New)
6. Sub-Station Log Book------------------------------ 1 No (Old/closed)
7. Complain Register---------------------------------- 4 Nos. (Old/closed)
8. Pump Log Book-------------------------------------- 4 Nos. (Old/closed)
9. Pump Log Book-------------------------------------- 1 No (New)
10. T&P Register----------------------------------------- 1 No
11. Dismantle Register--------------------------------- 1 No(Old/closed)

Handed over by Taken over by

1) Installation and Connection of Roof Top PV source at 1, Council House St, Kolkata -700001
Consumer No.- 01035004005
For connectivity of 110 KWP solar PV plant installed on 28/03/2017 at roof top, located at 1,
Council House St, Kol-1
The Rooftop solar Project work done by H/S Pasithea Infrastructure Limited
The following solar Project work completed at 1, Council House St Building, for roof top solar
1. Civil Foundation (160 Nos.)
2. Structure Erection on foundations for Solar module mounting
3. 319 Nos. (345 WP Waaree Make) Solar PV Module mounting on tables.
4. Inverters (50 KW & 60 KW, Sungrow Make) & ACDB mounting.
5. AC Power cable (2 rim 3.5*95 Sqmm Al. armd.) & DC String Cables (4 Sqmm Cu Cable)
laying through cable tray & conduct.
6. Lighting arrester mounting.
7. Separate 6 Nos. earth pit making for AC Components, DC components and lighting
8. Meter Panel erection.
9. Commissioned the Plant on 28/03/2017 Solar Energy Bill (Invoice) Submitted by M/S
Pasithea Infrastructure Limited, & Payment through CPWD. The Roof Top Solar project
maintained by and under custody of M/S Pasithea Infrastructure Limited.

Informed by Noted by

3 Govt. Place Income Tax Building
The above chargeable building is occupied by Income Tax Department. All electrical
Installations i/c light, fan, i/c wiring are maintained by CPWD. There are 4 Nos. main panels in
this building (2 Nos. New Panels and 2 Nos. old Panels). In this building, the power is supplied
from 2,Govt Place sub-staion through Installed 500 KVA transformer, this 500 KVA transformer
installed only for I/Tax Building. There are 4 Nos. 3.5*300 Sqmm. Al. Cond. Cable connected
from 2,Govt Place. Sub-station for 4 Nos. L.T. Panel at Ground floor of Income Tax Building (2
Nos. L.T. Panels installed at South wing and 2 Nos. L.T. Panels installed at North wing). There
are also other sub Panles installed at different floors. Electricity consumption bill is paid by
CPWD with the 2, Govt. Place bill.
The following W.C. Staffs are presently posted in this building for maintenance in one shift
(General Shift 9 am to 5 pm)
1. Sri Tarak Nath Das (W/man)
2. Sri Kartik Ch. Das (Operator)
3. Sri Bachan Mandal (Khalasi) (Absent from 15/12/2007 without any information)
There are 2 Nos. bore well at the back side of this building near Pump house.
At present only one bore well is working, one no 5 HP submersible pump is installed for water
supply in this building (Other bore well not in operational)

There is only one way installed OMEGA make Passenger lift (6 Passengers) maintained by
OMEGA Elevator.
There is only one C.R.Staff in this building operating the above lift.
1. Sri Debakar Mondal (Lift Operator)

The following running works are also handed over.

1)Name of work:- RMO 1 No Passenger lift at Income Tax Building, 3 Govt. Place Kolkata-1 (SH:
Comprehensive maintenance of 1 No 6 passenger OMEGA make lift during the year of 2018-19)
Agreement No.- 14/AE(E) 3E/KCED-IV/2018-19
Agency: M/S OMEGA Elevator.
No bill has been paid till date. The work is in progress.

Handed over by Taken over by

2)Name of work: Setting up the Aayakar Sevottam Kendra at Income Tax Building, 3, Govt.
Place, Kolkata – 700001 (SH: Renovation of Electrical Works)
W/O No: 37/WO/KCED-IV/DB/2014-15 Dated: 24/02/2015
Agency: M/S Sunny Enterprise, 27 Pathak Para Road, Kolkata -60

Above work 1st R/A bill done vide MB No: 2261/Page No: 1 to 31, Balance work due, because
civil false ceiling work pending.The work is in progress now.
For this work following materials also handed over:
1) 1400 mm sweep ceiling Fan – 17 Nos. (Make: Havells, Pacer)
2) LED Fittings (2’*2’) – 23 Nos. (Make: Philips, Type: Re 140BLED293-6500PSEWH)

3)Name of work: Setting up the Aayakar Sevottam Kendra at Income Tax Building, 3, Govt.
Place, Kolkata – 700001 (SH: Providing Automatic Fire Alarm system)

Agreement No: 05/AE(E)/3E/KCED-IV/2015-16

Agency: M/S Raj Enterprise

The above work could not be started because civil false ceiling work pending from long back.
However Civil work started recently, and the above work is also is in progress now.

The following materials were kept in this building form long back. Survey report had
been prepared and submitted to D/Office for sanction and Public Auction earlier by the then
250 KVA transformer (Bajaj make, HV 6.6 KV ------------ 1 No.
HTOCB (ECE make, Type – HOP – 7)
(HV 6.6 KV, MVA-250, KA- 13.13, mfd – 1967 ------------ 1 No.
Details of pumps: 1) 5 HP submersible pump set ----------------- 1 No. (Installed position)

Handed over by Taken over by

T&P of 3, Govt. Place

1. Steel Almirah (Big) ------------------------ 2 Nos. (3, Govt. Place store and 1,C.H. street lift room)

2. Wooden Almirah -------------------------- 1 No. (1,C.H. street) (U/S)
3. Wooden table ------------------------------ 1 No. (3, Govt. Place) (U/S)
4. Steel Table (4*2) --------------------------- 1 No. (1,C.H. street lift room)
5. Steel Chair ---------------------------------- 3 Nos. (1, C.H. street–2 Nos., 3, Govt. Place – 1No.)
6. Metal Locker (6self)----------------------- 3 Nos.(2Nos. at 1,C.H. st. lift room & 1 No. at 3,Govt. Place)
7. Wooden Bench ---------------------------- 1 No. (3, Govt. Place) (U/S)
8. DE Spanner --------------------------------- 1 No. (1,C.H. street lift room Almirah) (U/S)
9. Nose Plier ----------------------------------- 4 Nos. (2 Nos. at 1,C.H. st. & 1 No. at 3,Govt. Place) (U/S)
10. Pressure type oil can --------------------- 5 Nos. (4 Nos. at 1,C.H. st. & 1 No. at 3,Govt. Place) (U/S)
11. Adjustable Spanner 10” ----------------- 3 Nos. (1,C.H. street) (U/S)
12. Hammer1 ½ -------------------------------- 3 Nos. (1,C.H. street)
13. Box Spanner 3/6---------------------------- 3 Nos. (1,C.H. street)
14. Tool Box without Tool--------------------- 2 Nos. (1,C.H. street)
15. Leather tool bag---------------------------- 2 Nos. (3, Govt. Place)
16. Steel Almirah (small) ---------------------- 1 No. (3, Govt. Place)
17. Wooden Ladder 8’-------------------------- 1 No. (3, Govt. Place)
18. Wooden Ladder 10’----------------------- 1 No. (3, Govt. Place) (U/S)
19. Wooden Ladder 12’----------------------- 1 No. (3, Govt. Place) (U/S)
20. Al. Ladder ------------------------------------ 1 No. (1,C.H. street)
21. 6” Varnier Caliper--------------------------- 1 No. (1,C.H. street)
22. Metal Locker with 6 locker--------------- 1 No. (1,C.H. street)
23. Screw Driver of different size-------------2 Nos. (U/S)
24. Slide Wrench--------------------------------- 1 No. (3, Govt. Place) (U/S)
25. Lock-------------------------------------------- 4 Nos. (U/S)
26. Hack Saw Frame ---------------------------- 1 No. (1,C.H. street) (U/S)

The following register for 3, Govt place/Tax Building also handed over:
1. Attendance registers (Old/closed) ------------------ 5 Nos.
2. Attendance registers (New) -------------------------- 3 Nos.
3. Lift Log Book (Old/closed) ----------------------------- 1 No.
4. MAS A/C registers (Old/closed) ---------------------- 2 Nos.
5. MAS A/C registers (New) ------------------------------ 1 No.

Handed over by Taken over by

Handing over and taking over notes between Sri Pralay Sengupta, JE(E) and Sri Sarat Kumar
Rout, JE(E) Vide office order No. 8(1)/AE(E)/3E/CPWD/2019/49 Dated: 04/03/2019

Handing over of electrical maintenance work of Treasury Building, 2 Govt. Place, Kolkata- 1,
which is occupied by O/o the Principal Account General/(A & E), WB. And the Accountant
General (A& E) WB alongwith the following departmental staff posted in this office.

1. Sri D.K. Brahma, Wireman

2. Sri D.K. Purkait, Khalasi

The following maintenance works are handed over.

Name of work: MOEI & Fans i/c Sub-station Equipments at Treasury Building 2, Govt. Place,
Kolkata – 1.

There is one indoor type 6.6 KV Sub-station located near CLB office. There are TWO nos. oil
Transformer installed in the Sub-station building, out of two one 630 KVA Transformer is for
supply to Treasury Building and other 500 KVA Transformer is utilized for supply to Income Tax
Building, 3, Govt. Place, Kolkata – 700001. Electricity bill is being paid by CPWD.

Following sub-station equipments are hereby handed over in installed position.

1. 6 KV 250 MVA LT switch gears with incoming 400A OCB. CT ratio 100/5A – 1 set. Outgoing
panel 400 Amp OCB with CT ratio 15/50/5A, SL No. PB-4/25099, PB-4/25100 – 2 sets capacitor
Bank 3 Ph 300 KVAR (with micro Processor 6 step each of 50 KVAR capacities)

One installed in LT panel room and other installed in store room.

1250 Amp ACB for bus coupler - 1 No.

LT panel for 630 KVA Transformer (2, Govt. Place) consisting of the following switch gears.
a) 1250 Amp. ACB (Incomer) ---- 1 No.
b) 400 Amps. Switch gears ------- 3 Nos.
c) 400 Amps. 4 Pole MCCB -------1 No.
d) 630 Amps. Switch Gears -------1 No.
e) 200 Amps. Switch gears --------3 Nos.
f) 125 Amps. Switch gears --------2 Nos.

Handed over by Taken over by

LT panel for 500 KVA Transformer (3, Govt. Place) consisting of the following switch gears:
a) 1000 Amps. ACB (Incomer) -----1 No.
b) 400 Amps. Switch gears -------6 Nos.

c) 630 Amps. Switch gears -------1 Nos.
d) 250 Amps. Switch gears--------1 No.
e) 125 Amps. Switch gears -------1 No.
There are 2 Nos. skilled worker provided on contract basis one no for Wireman and another for
Pump operator.
Name of work: RMO 1 No Passenger lift at Treasury Building at 2, Govt. Place, Kolkata-1
There is one no. 8 passenger lift installed in middle position of this building. The lift operated by
staff through contract for one shift (9 am to 5 pm) can be extended as per demand of client
dept. except Saturday/Sunday/Holiday.
The following works are also handed over:
1)Name of work: Renovation entire room for Audit Portion PH-II, Treasury Building at 2, Govt.
Place, Kolkata – 01 (SH: Providing Internal IEI & Fans including switch gears and service
connection )
Agency: M/S G.M. Enterprise
Agt. No: 01/AE(E)3E/KCED-IV/2018-19
Above work 1st R/A bill completed vide EMB No: 187 & 188. No bill paid during my tenure.
Work is in progress.
2)Name of work: Providing Internal EI & Fans, Power wiring for E-wing at Ground floor in
Treasury Building of AG office, 2 Govt. Place, Kolkata.
Agt. No: 16/EE(E)/KCED-IV/2017-18
Agency: M/S Prayas Engineering Services
Above work 1st R/A bill completed vide EMB No: 113 & 114. No bill paid during my tenure. Work
is in progress.
3) Name of Work: “Special repair of existing Wet Riser system at Treasury Building, 2
Govt. Place (West), Kolkata for the year 2018-19.”
Agt. No: 11/EE(E)/KCED-IV/2018-19
Agency: M/S Maa Durga Electric Centre
No running bill paid. Work is in progress.
4)Name of work: MOEI & Fans i/c Sub-station at Treasury Building, 2, Govt.Place, GI Press
Building Manager Bunglow, 8, K S Roy Road, Kol-700001 during the year 2018-19(SH: Providing
services of skilled Workers for day to day maintenance of office building)
Agency: Sri Guru Electronics
Agt. No: 20/EE(E)/KCED-IV/CPWD/2018-19
1st RA Bill submitted to D/O vide EMB-369 & 370. Work is in progress.

Handed over by Taken over by

Name of work: RMO water pumping set at Treasury Building at Govt. Place, Kolkata – 1
1. 5 HP Mono sub motor pumping set ------ 2 Sets
2. 4 HP submersible Motor pumping set --- 1 Set (inbore well)
3. 5 HP submersible Motor pumping set --- 1 Set (one inbore well)

The following official records are also handed over:
a) MAS a/c Register
b) Dismantle a/c Register
c) Attendance Register
d) Pump Log Book
e) Sub-station Log Book
The following T & P are also handed over:
1. Steel Almirah (Big) ---------------------- 1 No.
2. Steel Almirah (Small) ------------------- 2 Nos.
3. Metal clothier locker ------------------- 2 Nos.(1-S/W Room+1-Staff Room)
4. Metal Steel table with 3 lockers ----- 2 Nos.
5. Metal Clothier Locker (4 Locker) ----- 1 No. (in pump room)
6. Steel chair with arm -------------------- 3 Nos.
7. Steel chair (arm less) ------------------- 5 Nos.
8. First aid box ------------------------------ 1 No.
9. Digital Tong Tester --------------------- 1 No.(Brahma Da)
10. Lock various size ------------------------ 3 Nos.
11. Hammer (2 Lbs) ------------------------- 1 No.
12. 500 Volts LT meger--------------------- 1 No.
13. Aluminum Ladder 12’ ------------------ 1 No.
14. Aluminum Ladder 8’-------------------- 1 No.
15. Nose plier (8”) -------------------------- 2 Nos.
16. Slide Wrench (12”) --------------------- 1 No.

Following materials are also handed over:

1. 63 mm Gun Metal Nozzle ----------- 16 Nos.
2. 63 mm dia 15 mtrs long canvas hose pipe
with both end Gun Metal coupling -- 9 Nos.

Handed over by Taken over by

Handing over and taking over notes between Sri Pralay Sengupta, JE(E) and Sri Sarat Kumar
Rout, JE(E) Vide office order No. 8(1)/AE(E)/3E/CPWD/2019/49 Dated: 04/03/2019

The following maintenance work of following buildings is as:

A. G.I Press Building (East & West wing) and Manger Bungalow at 8, K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata

B. SSC Office Building (Now Company Law Board office and SIB office) at 5, Esplanade Row,
Kolkata – 1
The following officers are occupied in the building are given below:
i. GI Press Building, East wing (Ground, 1st & 2nd Floor). O/o The Director General of Audit,
ii. GI Press Building, West wing (Ground & 1st floor). O/o The A.G. (A & E) & Govt. of India
Book Depot
iii. GI Press Building, West wing (2nd Floor). O/o The AG (A & E)
iv. Manager Bungalow (Ground Floor, 1st & 2nd floor). O/o The AG(A & E)
i. SSC office building (Gr. Floor & 1st floor) – occupied by Company Law Board
ii. SSC office Building (2nd floor) – O/o SIB
The following department staffs with name & designation are given below:
1. Sri P. Mandal, Wireman
2. Sri Dina Das, Wireman
3. Sri A.K. Chakrabarty, Operator
4. Sri S. Choudhury, Lift Operator
5. Sri K.M. Naskar, Khalasi
6. Sri P.K Mallick, Mech (AC & R)
7. Sri Tapan Pramanik, Mech (AC & R)

Name of Work: RMO Pump set at G.I Press Building at 8, K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata.
There is one shift for running operation of pump set, General shift (9 am to 5 pm) this time may
be extended as per client dept. There is only one bore well (situated near 1000 KVA sub-station)
which is not working at present, there is a sump near G.I Press Building (East wing), supply
water is coming in this sump (not sufficient) and from now bore well (belongs to Treasury
Building) water is coming through submersible pump, through mono sub pump, water supply to
over head tanks from pump.
Details of pump set and bore well are given below:
1. Bore well – 1 No. (Not in operation)
2. 5 HP Mono sub pump motor sets – 2 Nos. (Installed position)

Handed over by Taken over by

There are two no passenger lift, one is 6 passenger Johnson make, is in running in west wing
and another is capsule lift 13 passenger in east wing by M/S Johnson Elevator Pvt. Ltd. The 6
passenger lift is operated only one shift from 9 a.m to 5 p.m by dept. staff.
1.Name of work: a) RMO Passenger lift for G.I Press Building at 8, K.S. Roy Road, and at 2 Govt.
Place, Kolkata – 01 during 2018-19.(Comprehensive maintenance of 8 passenger lift 1 no at 2
Govt. Place and 6 passenger lift 1 no at 8, K.S. Roy Road of Johnson make)

b) RMO 1 no 13 passenger capsule lift at 8, K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata – 01 during 2018-19. (SH:
comprehensive maintenance of 1 no Johnson make 13 passenger capsule lift)
Agency: M/S Johnson Elevator Pvt. Ltd.
Agreement No: 11/AE(E)3E/KCED-IV/CPWD/2018-19
The work is in progress.

2.Name of work: RMO window/split/package type A.C. unit at G.I Press Building at 8, K.S. Roy
Road, Kolkata. (SH: operation of 20 Nos. (16.5 TR each)Package type A.C. Unit & 4 Nos. Ductable
split type in PDA & G.I Press Building at 8, K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata – 1 during 2017-18)
Agreement No: 28/EE(E)/KCED-IV/2017-18
Agency: M/S M.R. Engineering Corporation.
3rd R/A Bill submitted to D/O vide EMB No. 307 & 308, 257 & 258, 183 & 184
Running and operation of this above package unit is one shift (9 am to 5 pm) except Saturday,
Sunday & Holiday by M/S M.R. Engineering Corporation.

3.Name of work: Providing power plug for computer in Ground, 1st & 2nd floor at 8, K.S. Roy
Road, Kolkata-700001.
Agreement No: 29/EE(E)/KCED-IV/2018-2019
Agency: M/s. Electro Equipment Trading Corporation.
1st R/A Bill submitted to D/O vide EMB No.

The following store materials are handed over with MAS a/c register.
1. 1400 mm C/Fan (make: C.G) ----------------------------------------16 Nos.
2. 400 mm sweep AC wall mounted fan (make: C.G) -------------10 Nos.
3. 300 mm sweep AC Exhaust fan complete (make: C.G) ------- 2 Nos.
4. 2*36 watt mirror optic surface fl. Fittings (make: C.G) --------8 Nos.
5. 1*36 watt box type surface Fl. Fittings (C.G) ------------------- 25 Nos.
6. 4’ – 40 watt twin mirror optic fittings (make: Philips) -------- 42 Nos.
7. 1400 mm sweep AC ceiling fan (Make: Usha) -------------------12 Nos.
8. 400 mm sweep wall bracket fan (Usha) ---------------------------19 Nos.

Handed over by Taken over by

Name of work: MOEI & Fans, RMO MP Sets, RMO Fire Alarm System, RMO Wet Riser System at
GI Press Bldg at 8, KS Roy Road& at 2, Govt Place, 3 Govt Place Kolkata-700001 during 2018-
19( SH-Providing services of man power for day to day maintenance of Automatic Fire Alarm
System & Operation of wet riser System)
Agt. No: 17/EE(E)/KCED-IV/2018-2019
1st R/A bill completed up to 31/01/2019 = 2.80 Months (07/11/18 to 31/01/19)

Running & operation of this above works are carried out through agency.
Details of fire fighting equipments in installed position are given below:
a) Electric motor driven fire pump set having capacity 100 HP --------------- 1 set
b) Diesel Engine driven fire pump set having capacity 125 HP ---------------- 1 set
c) Jockey Pump motor set having capacity 15 HP ------------------------------ 1 set
d) Automatic Control Panel ------------------------------------------------------- 1 set
e) 12 Volts heavy duty battery ---------------------------------------------------- 2 Nos.
f) Diesel Engine complete set ---------------------------------------------------- 1 set
The internal hydrant box and external hydrant box i/c Gun metal branch pipe, Nozzle, rubber
liner hose pipe, Gun metal landing valves etc. all installed at different floors at Treasury Building
and GI Press Building are already being handed over to the AG office.

Handed over by Taken over by

The following Fire Fighting Equipments were maintained by Maintaining Fire Fighting agency for
comprehensive maintenance work which were already been handed over to the client dept.:

1. Internal Hydrant box -------------------------------------------------------- 41 Nos.

2. External hydrant box --------------------------------------------------------16 Nos.
3. Fire Brigade inlet connection with 4 No. G.M coupling --------------2 Sets
4. Electric motor driven fire pump set having capacity 125 HP -------1 Set
5. Diesel Engine driven fire pump having capacity 100 HP -------------1 Set

6. Jockey Pump motor set having capacity 15 HP -------------------------1 set
7. Automatic control panel -----------------------------------------------------1 Set
8. Double headed double outlet G.M. Landing valve --------------------41 Nos.
9. 20 mm rubber hose pipe Gun metal nozzle with stop cock---------41 Nos.
10. 20 mm rubber hose pipe 40 mtrs long -----------------------------------41 Nos.
11. 63 mm dia 15 mtrs long canvas hose with both end G.M coupling------90 Nos.
12. Single headed G.M. valve 63 mm dia with coupling ------------------16 Nos.
13. 63 mm dia Gun metal Nozzle -----------------------------------------------1 No.
14. 12 V heavy duty chargeable battery---------------------------------------2 Nos.

Informed by Noted by

Following T&P are also handed over:

1. Self 6’ (Steel 5 selves) ----------------------------------------------------- 2 nos. (3E Sub-division) P-116

2. Revolving office chair with arm----------------------------------------- 1 No. (3E S.D for JE) P-115
3. Executive high back revolving chair ----------------------------------- 1 No. (3E S.D for AE) P-114
4. Office chair with arms----------------------------------------------------- 3 Nos. (3E S.D for AE) P-113
5. 5’*3’ Executive office Table --------------------------------------------- 1 No. (3E S.D for JE) P-112

6. 4.5’*2.5’ office Table ----------------------------------------------------- 1 No. (3E S.D for SDC) P-111
7. 6’*4’ Executive office table --------------------------------------------- 1 No. (3E S.D for JE) P-110
8. PVC chair with arms ------------------------------------------------------- 2 Nos. (2, Govt. Place) P-107
9. Steel Table with one Locker & 3 drawer size (4.5’*2.5’) -------- 1 No. (2, Govt. Place) P-106
10. Self supporting extendable Al. ladder of total height (14’+10’)=24ft -------- 1 No. (GI Press Bldg, 8K.S. Roy
Road) P-103
11. Computer Table ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Nos. (Sub Div. office) P-102
12. Computer Revolving chair with handle ------------------------------ 3 Nos. (Sub div. office) P-98
13. Steel Almirah (78”x35”x19”)---------------------------------------------4 Nos (3E Sub-Division) P-27
14. Notice Board-----------------------------------------------------------------1 No (3E Sub-Division) P-41
15. Tender Box (Wooden)----------------------------------------------------- 1 No (3E Sub-Division) P-44
16. Metal Clothed Locker------------------------------------------------------1 No (3E Sub-Division) P-51
17. Steel Table, 1370mmx960mmx760mm-------------------------------1 No (3E Sub-Division-JE) P-56
18. Biometric Machine-Precision Make-PBABAS100-------------------3 Nos (1CH-1No,3Govt Place-1
no, 2 Govt Place-1 No) P-119
19. HP Laserjet Pro M12a Printer------------------------------------------- 1 No (3E Sub-Division) P-121
20. Office Steel Table (Size 1200x600x750)------------------------------- 1 No (3E Sub-Division) P-122
21. Office revolving Chair with Arm---------------------------------------- 1 No (3E Sub-Division) P-123

Handed over by Taken over by

Following work is also Handed over-

Name of work: Providing Passenger Lift,11kv Substation, CCTV & Automatic Fire Alarm system
in the O/o ASI at Currency Building,1 BBD Bag,Kolkata-1(SH: Providing Unitized Packaged
Substation, Automatic Fire Alarm system and CCTV System )

Name of Agency: M/S Luxmi Electric Engineers

Agreement No-27/EE9E)/KCED-IV/CPWD/2018-19

1st RA Bill paid vide EMB No………………………….. The work is in progress.


N/W- Construction of IIT Kharagpur Research Park, New Town, Rajarhat. SH:- Main Building
B+G+9 Storied cum Auditorium , Substation building including Internal Water Supply, Sanitary
Installations, Internal Road, Drainage, Sewage, Internal Electrical Installations, Lifts, wet riser
system, substation, air conditioning.

Agreement No.:- 20/11/CE/EE/KCD- V/2014-15.

Agency: - M/s NCC Limited.

1. Approved drawing of HVAC, AFAS, WRFFS, & Lifts as on date are here
by handed over.
2. All relevant corresponding documents are hereby handed over.
3. All make approved documents are hereby handed over. ( As on date)
4. All test reports submitted by agency are hereby handed over.
5. Up to date record measurement with T/C by AE (E) is kept in the sub-
division office.
6. All relevant documents for TFA in file.

Name of work: -"Construction of IIT Kharagpur Research Park, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata,
West Bengal. ( SH : Providing Grid Interactive Roof Top Solar PV Power Generation System and
Solar Water Heating System)"

Name of Agency: M/S Sunson Energy Devices Pvt. Ltd.

Agreement No-13/EE(E)/KCED-IV/2018-19

No materials for the above work have been supplied by the agency till date.

Handed over by Taken over by


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