English 1
English 1
English 1
) / 3 1 -E -r 451379
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Q No. lllarks
C Test I ': I
The instructions below are to be displayed at each place given. Wiite,the correct letter of the exarniners'
place in,rthe cage given against each instruction. The use only
first one is do'ne for you.
'(See page
C Test 3 l"raminers
Study rhe picrure and fill in the blanks in the paragraph using the words given in the box.
,I the lrseonly
letter of the corect word in the blank. The first one is done Jor you.
(a) memorable
(b) busy
; (c) me4Js
(g) bullock
(h) sje€dri'
(i) too
O carrying
(k) road
I recently visited a village and this is the picture that I drew for an art
competition recollectingl u ,..r" of my visit' This is a paddy field during the harvesting
(1) ......h....... . Two men and a woman are working (2) .-. ""' ' Two men are
(3) . , .... with winnowing paddy. The (4) ........,
. . ' '.... is helping them by
collecting paddy into gunny bags. Another woman is bringing their (5) .'...... in
a reed box kepr on her (6) ... ..... . A little girl is walking ahead of her. She is also Q.3
A illan in a (9) .. cart is passing the paddy field
lor her. .1.. ... along
L\L|ZA22QB23y31-E-I -4
C '['est 7 For
ll.ead the story gi\.rn irelr-rr,v and answer the questions. exarriners'
use only
,-i) A young wolnar) \,t'as travelling in Italy. She was irr a sheet in F-lorcnce, adnLiring some lealher h
in a shop window. Sudrienly, an old \voman touchecl her ann and said in Italian, 'Excuse me. Miss.'
'Yes'?'aslced thc young wornan, wondering what this oitl wornan u,anted.
'Isi there someole in your family, maybe your urolher, called Jer:nifer'l'
(O 'Yes', said (he young \volnan.'My motlrer's name is Jcnnifer. Why? How did you know that?'
'Because you look cxactly like the lady who taught nle English when I was living in Boston in 1950"
replied the old woman.
'That's strange' said the yolurg woman. 'I come from Boston. But no one in my family is a teacher.'
'Are you sure?' asked the stranger. 'Pretty sure,' she said, but feelir-rg doubtful.
QQt That night back at the hotel, the young woman phoned her parents' home in Boston and she tolcl her
mother rvhat had happened that day. Her mother told her that for about five years in the 1950s she
had volunteered to help fcrreign students to learn English. N{any of them had come to America from
Underline l"he correct ans\ver.
(1) What was the young woman doing in the street'?
(a) talking to people
(b) helprng older people
(c) rvatciting handbags in shops
(2) Who n'as Jennifcr?
(a) the olcl rvoman (b) the young wollan's nrother (c) the young woman
(3) l'he old wontan was talking about her
(a) rnother. (b) teacher. (c) sister.
(4) 'Ihe word 'them' in line 12 refers ro
(a) the y()ung wonlan and her mother"
(b) foreign students.
(c) Jenniler and her students.
(-5) Which sentence is correct according to the story?
(a) A yoLrng woman meets an old woman who had taught her English.
(b) The l/oung rvotnan's mother had taught English to the old woman in Boston.
lTotal I
I -----]
(c) 'fite )/oung womarl in the story looks exactly iike the olci woman. Ii.-l sl
t) 'fest 8
Wlite a parrtgraplt on any one of the following topics. flse about 50 to 60 words.
(a) How r.l,e should look after the elderly people
(b) d' television progralnme I watched