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1st - Unit - Test - MSC - 1st - Sem - Yoga Philosophy N Health

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in Yoga 1st semester-Unit test 1


MST 104: Yoga philosophy and Health

Answering to every question is mandatory

1. The following section(s) of Taittariya Upanishat states that man is a product of the
essence of food (anna) *
2 points

a) Bhruguvalli.
b) Brahmānandavalli. B1 U1 Pg No 6
c) Śikṣāvalli.
d) All of the above

2. According to Tattvabōdha, Prāṇamaya kōśa is composed of *

2 points

a) Five Prāṇas
b) Five Prāṇas + five jnānendriya
c) Five Prāṇas + five karmendriya U1 Pg. 26
d) Five Prāṇas + five jnānendriya + five karmendriya

3. In SVYASA, Stress is seen as uncontrolled speed as per which text? *

2 points

a) Yoga Vasishta
b) Patanjali Yoga Sutra
c) Bhagavad Geeta
d) Taitariya Upanishat

4.Svasthya as defined by Sushruta Samhita does not include the following factor *
2 points

a) Strong Ojas
b) Three doshas are in balance
c) Pleasantness of the mind
d) Proper excretion of wastes

5. Which of the following is not true in regard to NCDs? *

2 points
a) They can be treated with a penetrative approach B1 U2 Pg. 44
b) They are Idiopathic
c) Allopathy treats the symptoms of NCDs, not their root
d) NCDs do not have a specific external cause

6. Sara adhi can be attributed to the following kosha *

2 points

a) Manomaya kosha
b) Vijnanamaya kosha
c) Pranayamaya kosha
d) Anandamaya kosha Pg. 55

7. Taittarīya upaniṣat uses the terms Annamaya ātmā, Prāṇamaya ātmā etc. But in
Vedantic enquiry these sheaths are treated as anātmā ('It is not me'). How to reconcile
this? *
2 points

a) The upanishat sages began with the assumption that Anna, Prāṇa etc. are ātmā, but later
realized that they are anātmā. But the initial assumptions remained in the text.
b) In the name 'Annamaya ātmā', ātmā means something else, and not the Self.
c) Vedantic enquiry starts by treating them as anātmā so as to get rid of specific
identifications, and eventually the seeker realizes that all of them are also ātmā.
d) This is a contradiction and cannot be reconciled.

8. Which of the following is not a factor that indicates that happiness does not
originate from the outside? *
2 points

a) Continued exposure of the sense organs to their objects leads to fatigue

b) Diminishing returns on repetition
c) Objectivity of happiness
d) Same sensations provide different experiences to different people

9. What does Yoga Vasishtha say about the relationship between Adhi and Vyadhi? *
2 points

a) Adhi always arises independent of Vyadhi

b) Vyadhi is always caused by Adhi
c) Sometimes they arise together Pg. 74
d) None of the above

10. Which of the following is not true in regard to the definition of health by W.H.O.? *
2 points

a) It includes physical and mental wellbeing

b) It says that health is not mere absence of disease
c) It includes social wellbeing
d) None of the above

11. Which of the following is a definition of Yoga in the Yoga Vasishtha? *

2 points

a) yōgaḥ karmasu kauśalam Bhagavadgita

b) yōgasthaḥ kuru karmāṇi Bhagavadgita
c) Manahpraśamanōpāyah yōga ityabhidhīyatē
d) duḥkhasaṁyōgaviyōgaṁ yōga sañjñitam Bhagavadgita Pg. 64

12. According to modern physics, which of these statements is implausible

(unlikely)? *
2 points

a) Matter is a form of energy

b) There is no point in space that is empty
c) Energy is conserved
d) Vital energy is a form of energy

13. In the Mahabharata, Krishna says that *

2 points

a) For the sake of an individual, a family may be sacrificed

b) For the sake of a family, a village may be sacrificed
c) For the sake of a nation, a village may be sacrificed
d) For the sake of an individual, a village may be sacrificed

14. Which of the following is not true with Yogic counseling? *

2 points

a) There should be empathy, not sympathy

b) It is mostly about listening to the participant
c) We should be straightforward in pointing out their errors
d) We should work on ourselves to become more perceptive

15. Which of the following does Charaka Samhita not list in the three primary causes
of diseases? *
2 points

a) Prajnaparadha
b) Consequence of time
c) Consequence of space
d) Unbalanced use of the sense organs

16. Quantum physicist John Wheeler proposed the hypothesis of *

2 points

a) It to Bit
b) Bit is It
c) Bit from It
d) It from Bit Pg. 17 1st Para

17. In the Gita, samatvaṁ yōga ucyatē is said in the context of *

2 points

a) Success and failure

b) Praise and insult
c) Friend and foe
d) Stone and gold

18. In medicine, idiopathic means *

2 points

a) A condition that does not arise spontaneously or for which the cause is unknown
b) A condition that does not arise spontaneously or for which the cause is known
c) A condition that arises spontaneously or for which the cause is unknown Pg. 42
d) A condition that arises spontaneously or for which the cause is known

19. It has been found that if some rats learn a new trick in some part of the world,
then *
2 points

a) Other rats only in the same continent learn it faster

b) Other rats anywhere in the world learn it faster Pg. 18
c) Only their descendants learn it faster
d) Only that species of rats learns it faster

20. Duḥkhasaṁyōgaviyōgaṁ yōga sañjñitam means *

2 points

a) Separation from the union with sorrow is Yoga Pg. 64

b) Union with the separation from sorrow is Yoga
c) Separation from the separation with sorrow is Yoga
d) Special union with the separation from sorrow is Yoga


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