Chapter 6 Sectioning

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Objectives of studying this chapter are:
➢ Describe the purpose of sectioning in technical drawings
➢ Define cutting plane lines, direction of sight, section lining etc. ➢ Mention and
explain the different kinds of sectioning

8.1 Introduction
The conventional method used to draw an object using the multi view or orthographic method of representation
is discussed in Chapter 7. This system is excellent to illustrate various external features. In this method,
complicated interior features are illustrated with hidden lines. These interior features can be shown more clearly
by the use of sectional views.

8.2 Terminology

8.2.1 Sectioning
It is defined as an imaginary cut made through an object to expose the interior or to reveal the shape of a portion.

8.2.2 Sectional View

A sectional view is a view of an imaginary surface, exposed by an imaginary slicing-open of an object, allowing
interior details to become visible. A sectional view is sometimes referred to as a cross section or simply section.
It is a view in which all or a substantial portion of the view is sectioned.

Sectional View
Fig. 8.1 Sectioning of an Object
8.2.3 Cutting Plane
Cutting plane is a plane that imaginarily cuts the object to reveal the internal features.

8.2.4 Cutting Plane Line

Cutting plane line is an edge view of the cutting plane. The cutting-plane line indicates the path that an
imaginary cutting plane follows to slice through an object. Think of the cutting-plane line as a saw blade that is
used to cut through the object. The cutting-plane line is represented by a thick black dashed line. Standard
format of cutting plane line is already discussed in chapter 2.

Cutting plane line

Top view

Front View

Front Sectional View

Fig. 8. 2 Section Line and Sectional V iew

Fig. 8. 3 Standard Cutting Plane Line

8.2.5 Section Lining
Section lining shows the locations where the object is sliced or cut by the cutting plane or the location where the
surface or surfaces are cut by the cutting plane. Symbol for section lining is different for different materials, but
in practice the symbol of cast iron i.e. the cross-hatch lines are used for sectioning of any materials. They are
represented by thin, black lines drawn at 450 to the horizontal, unless there is some specific reason for using a
different angle. Section lining is spaced by eye from 1/16" (1.5mm) to 1/4"(6 mm) apart, depending upon the
overall size of the object. The average spacing used for most drawings is .13"(3 mm). However, all the section
lines in a drawing must be of uniform thickness and they should be evenly spaced.
If a cutting plane passes through two parts, each part has section lines using a 45° angle or other principal angle.
These section lines should not be aligned in the same direction. If the cutting plane passes through more than
two parts, the section lining of each individual part must be drawn at different angles. When an angle other than
45° is used, the angle should be 30° or 60°. Section lining should not be parallel with the sides of the object to
be section lined.

Fig. 8.4 Symbol for Section Lining of Different Materials

Fig. 8.5 Method of Aligning Section Lines

8.3 Types of Section
The different kinds of sections used today are:
i. Full section ii. Offset
section iii. Half section
iv. Broken-out section v.
Revolved section vi.
Removed section.
vii. Auxiliary section etc.
In this part, we only discuss the most commonly used types of sections.

8.3.1 Full Section

A full section is simply a section of one of the regular multi views that is sliced or cut completely in two. When
the cutting plane passes through the entire object a full sectional view is obtained. Hidden lines are omitted from
sectional view.

Fig. 8.6 Full Section

8.3.2 Offset Section

Many times, important features do not fall in a straight line as they do in a full section. These important
features can be illustrated in an offset section by bending or offsetting the cutting-plane line. An offset section
is very similar to a full section, except that the cutting-plane line is not straight.
Fig. 8.7 Offset Section

8.3.3 Half Section

The sectional view obtained by passing the cutting plane halfway through an object is called a half sectional
view. In this case a quarter portion of the object is imagined to be removed. A cutting plane is added to the front
view, with only one arrowhead to indicate the viewing direction. Half sections are best used when the object is
symmetrical, that is, the exact same shape and size on both sides of the cutting-plane line. A half-section view
is capable of illustrating both the inside and the outside of an object in the same view.
A center line is used to separate the sectioned half from the unsectioned half of the view. As usual, hidden lines
are omitted from sectional view.

Fig. 8.8 Half Section

8.3.4 Broken-out Section
Sometimes, only a small area needs to be sectioned in order to make a particular feature or features easier to
understand. In this case, a broken-out section is used. It is the sectional view of a fractional part of object.
Brokenout sections are helpful when some interior details are to be shown but a full or half section is not
feasible because that would remove some essential feature of the object. In such case a broken-out section is
made directly of the exterior view. In fig. 8.9 the top section is somewhat confusing and could create a
question. To clarify this area, a portion is removed. The view is made by passing the cutting plane normal to
the viewing direction and removing the portion of an object in front of it. A break line is used to separate the
sectioned portion from the unsectioned portion of the view. There is no cutting plane line.

Fig. 8.9 Broken-out Section

8.3.5 Revolved Section

A revolved section, sometimes referred to as a rotated section, is used to illustrate the cross section of ribs, webs,
bars, arms, spokes or other similar features of an object. Revolved sections show cross-sectional features of a
part. One great advantage of revolved section is that there is no need for additional orthographic views. This
section is especially helpful when a cross-section varies. An imaginary cutting plane is assumed to pass across
the feature to be sectioned and then the obtained section is rotated by 900. The rotated section is then either
superimposed on the orthographic view of positioned with break lines.
Fig. 8.10 Placement of Revolved S ection

Following is the steps of constructing a revolved section

✓ Step 1: Assign position of cutting plane on the top view or plan.
✓ Step 2: Draw axis of rotation in front view.
✓ Step 3: Transfer the depth dimension to the front view.
✓ Step 4: Draw the revolved section on the front view enclosed by the lines indicating depth dimension.
Objec t




Fig. 8. 1 1 Steps for Construction of R evolved Section

8.3.6 Removed Section
Revolved sections tend to be confusing, and often create problems for the people who must interpret the
drawings. Today, it is recommended to use a removed section instead of a revolved or rotated section. A removed
section is very similar to a rotated section except that, as the name implies, it is drawn removed or away from
the regular views. The removed section is also used to illustrate the cross section of ribs, webs, bars, arms, spokes
or other similar features of an object. Note that a removed section must identify the cutting-plane line from
which it was taken. In the sectional view, do not draw features other than the actual section. the removed section
should be drawn on the same page as the regular views.

Fig. 8.12 Removed Section

8.4 Special Consideration for section of Ribs, Spokes and lugs

Object with Rib

Object with odd number of ribs

Plan with cutting plane

Plan and Cutting

True Section

True Section
Preferred Section

Fig. 8.13 Sectioning of Object with

Even Number of Ribs

Preferred Section
Fig. 8.14 Sectioning of Object with Odd
Number of Ribs
An object with lug

Plan with cutting plane line

Plan with cutting plane line

Sectional view (Lug is not sectioned)

Fig. 8.16 Sectioning of Object with Lug

Fig. 8.15 Sectioning of Object with Odd

Number of Spokes

8.5 Parts that Should Not Be Sectioned

Shaft, bolts, nuts, rivets, balls, pin and keys are not
sectioned even when they are in the line of cutting
plane. They are always left in full view to avoid

Fig. 8.17 Parts Not to Be Sectioned

8.6 Worked-out Examples of Sectioning

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