Chapter 4 Eng-Drawing PDF
Chapter 4 Eng-Drawing PDF
Chapter 4 Eng-Drawing PDF
Objectives of studying dimensioning are:
➢ To know the purposes of dimensioning
➢ To understand the differences between dimension line, extension line, leaders etc.
➢ To know the guidelines of dimension system.
➢ To learn to draw the dimension of technical drawings as per the standard
Correct Wrong
Fig. 5.2 Extension Lines in Proper Way
If the space is very limited for inserting dimension lines, the portion to be dimensioned are enlarged
for clear dimensioning. Sometimes smaller circular dots are used in place of arrowhead for space
limitation. Fig. 5.10 shows such example.
Portion to be enlarged Enlarged view of A Use of small dot
Fig. 5.10 Dimensioning in Limited Space
Fig. 5.13 Difference among the Dimensioning Of Chord Length, Arc Length and Angle
5.11 Dimensioning of Round Holes
✓ Round holes are dimensioned in the view in which they appear as circles.
✓ Smaller holes may be dimensioned using a leader which points toward the center of the hole in
which the note gives the diameter, or extension lines may be drawn from the circle with a dimension
that also indicates the diameter.
✓ Larger circles are dimensioned with a dimension line drawn across the circle through its center at
an angle with the diameter dimension shown.
✓ It is important when dimensioning holes to call off the diameter, not the radius.
Wrong Correct
Wrong Correct
Wrong Correct
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(K) (L)
(O) (P)
Exercise and Assignments:
(1 ) (2)
(3 ) (4 )
(5) (6)
(10 )
(11 )
Review Questions