Seminar Brochure
Seminar Brochure
Seminar Brochure
KOLHAPUR Dr Sohan Gopalkar 7020643024 GROUP ₹1,500 EACH (GROUP OF 5)
₹1,400 EACH (GROUP OF 10)
NAGPUR Dr Manish Patil 9372164395
Dr Sumit Paydelwar 7276564628 ON SPOT ₹2,500
Sangeeta Renge 9096864967
Ruchira Kshirsagar 9881049264
NASHIK Dr Yogesh Pagar 8975196322
"Unlock the secret to transform
your practice & achieving Renowned
breakthrough results in Critical Homoeopathic
cases this opportunity is your 8.30 am - 9.30 am: Registration and breakfast Practitioner, Tuljai
golden ticket!" Consultancy, Yavatmal
9.30 am -10 am: Inauguration Ceremony
Observational Homoeopathy: A Clinically
Proven Pathway 10 am - 1pm: Session by Dr. Vinayak R Rathod 1. Expertise in treating ICU and terminal cases.
Inspired by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann's 2. Quick prescriptions based on keen observation.
teachings, Observational Homoeopathy 1 pm - 2 pm: Lunch Break 3. Success through precise differentiation via easy way
of Observation
replicates exceptional results in gross
4. Featured speaker at 2nd AYUSH INTERNATIONAL
pathological cases, as achieved by renowned 2 pm - 4:30 pm: Session by Dr. Gajanan Conference 2024 at Dubai.
Homoeopaths. Our mission is to simplify this Dhanipkar 5. Addressed practitioners in various seminars and
pathway for fellow Homoeopaths and webinars.
students. 4:30 pm - 5 pm: Tea Break 6. Organized Mega Homoeopathic camps in various
cities like Mumbai, Pune, Akola, Yavatmal, Jalgaon, etc
for awareness
Key Principles: 5 pm - 6 pm: Q&A Session 7. Commitment to sharing knowledge to Homoeopathic
1. Unbiased observation (Aphorism 5) community.
2. Comprehensive patient understanding 7 pm-10pm: Musical Night followed by Dinner Personal Journey: From reluctant teacher to
3. Observe, record, and reconfirm findings passionate educator, driven by desire to uplift fellow
4. Prescription based on confirmed Homoeopaths and advancement Homoeopathy . His
transformation from busy clinician to dedicated
educator is significantly impacting the Homoeopathic
Application: community.
1. Materia Medica analysis
2. Patient's physical makeup and language DR GAJANAN
3. Mental and emotional condition DHANIPKAR M.D.
9 am - 10 am: Breakfast
assessment International
4. Disease causation evaluation 10 am - 1 pm: Session by Dr. Gajanan Dhanipkar Homoeopathic
5. Differentiation of medicines for similimum Speaker
1 pm - 2 pm: Lunch Break
Why Observational Homoeopathy?
1. To Avoid confusion in case analysis 1. Practicing Homoeopath for over 25 years in Thane
2 pm - 4.30 pm: Dr. Vinayak R Rathod (ICU Cases
2. To Reach at the similimum and important practical tips) 2. He is also a faculty at The Other Song- International
3. To Enhance patient health outcomes
Academy of Advanced Homoeopathy at Mumbai
4. To Advance Homoeopathic science 4.30 pm - 5:30 pm: Q&A Session 3. He is an international speaker and known for his
unique style of case taking & case analysis with
By embracing Observational Homoeopathy, brilliant clinical skills enhances excellent results in
Schedule subject to change.
we can ensure a structured and effective acute and pathological cases.
approach to Homoeopathic practice, 4. He has also authored books including Conquering
elevating patient care and the profession as a Fever with Homoeopathy and Conquering Thyroid
whole. with Homoeopathy.