Copyright ©2022, Vinh Phu Nguyen. All rights reserved. No part of this material can be re-
produced, stored or transmitted without the written permission of the author. For information
contact: Vinh Phu Nguyen, Faculty of Engineering, Monash University, Wellington Rd, Clayton
VIC 3800, Australia.
About the author
There are several issues with the traditional mathematics education. First, it focuses too p
much on
technical details. For example, students are asked to routinely apply the formula b˙ b 2 4ac
to solve many quadratic equations (e.g. x 2
2x C 1 D 0, x C 5x 10 D 0 etc. and the
list goes on). Second, the history of mathematics is completely ignored; textbook exposition
usually presents a complete reversal of the usual order of developments of mathematics. The
main purpose of the textbooks is to present mathematics with its characteristic logical structure
and its incomparable deductive certainty. That’s why in a calculus class students are taught what
is a function, then what is a limit, then what is a derivative and finally applications. The truth is
the reverse: Fermat implicitly used derivative in solving maxima problems; Newton and Leibniz
discovered it; Taylor, Bernoulli brothers, Euler developed it; Lagrange characterized it; and only
at the end of this long period of development, that spans about two hundred years, did Cauchy
and Weierstrass define it. Third, there is little opportunity for students to discover (rediscover to
be exact) the mathematics for themselves. Definitions, theorems are presented at the outset, the
students study the proofs and do applications.
Born and grew up in Vietnam in the early 80s, I received such a mathematical education.
Lack of books and guidance, I spent most of the time solving countless of mathematical exercises.
Even though I remembered enjoying some of them, admittedly the goal was always to get high
marks in exams and particularly pass the university entrance examination. Most of the time, it
was some clever tricks that are learned, not the true meaning of the mathematical concepts or
their applications. Of course why people came up with those concepts and why these concepts
are so defined were not discussed by the teachers (and unfortunately I did not ask these important
questions). After my bachelor, I enrolled in a master program. Again, I was on the same education
route: solving as many problems as possible. And you could guess, after a master was a PhD
study in the Netherlands. Though I had time and freedom and resources to do whatever I felt
needed, the focus was still to pass yet another form of examination – graduation. This time it
is measured by a number of research papers published in a peer-reviewed journal. To pursuit
an academic career, I took a postdoctoral job of which the main aim is to have as many papers
as possible. As you can imagine, I became technically fluent in a narrow field but on a weak
Eventually, I got a job in a university in 2016. For the first time in my life, I did not have to
‘perform’ but I am able to really learn things (staff in universities still need to perform to satisfy
certain performance criteria which is vital for probation and promotion). This is when I started
reading books not on my research field, and I found that very enjoyable.
The turning point was the book called A Mathematician’s Lament by Paul Lockhart, a profes-
sional mathematician turned college teacher. Paul Lockhart describes how maths is incorrectly
taught in schools and he provides better ways to teach maths. He continues in Measurement
by showing us how we should learn maths by ‘re-discovering maths’ for ourselves. That made
me to decide to re-learn mathematics. But this time it must be done in a (much) more fun and
efficient way. A bit of researching led me to reading the book Learning How to Learn by Barbara
Oakley and Terry Sejnowski. The biggest lesson taken from Oakley and Sejnowski’s book is
that you can learn any subject if you do it properly.
So, I started learning mathematics from scratch during my free time. It started probably
in 2017. I have read many books on mathematics and physics and books on the history of
mathematics. I wrote some notes on my iPad recording what I have learned. Then, it came the
COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic which locked down Melbourne–
the city I am living in. That was when I decided to put my iPad notes in a book format to have a
coherent story which is not only beneficial to me, but it will be helpful to others, hopefully.
This book is a set of notes covering (elementary) algebra, trigonometry, analytic geometry,
calculus of functions of single variables and probability. This covers the main content of the
mathematics curriculum for high school students; except that Euclid geometry is not discussed
extensively. These are followed by statistics, calculus of functions of more than one variable,
differential equations, variational calculus, linear algebra and numerical analysis. These topics
are for undergraduate college students majoring in science, technology, engineering and mathe-
matics. Very few such books exist, I believe, as the two targeted audiences are too different. This
one is different because it was written for me, firstly and mainly. However, I do believe that high
school students can benefit from ‘advanced’ topics by seeing what can be applications of the
high school mathematics and what could be extensions or better explanations thereof. On the
other hand, there are college students not having a solid background in mathematics who can
use the elementary parts of this book as a review.
The style of the book, as you might guess, is informal. Mostly because I am not a mathemati-
cian and also I like a conversational tonne. This is not a traditional mathematics textbook, so it
does not include many exercises. Instead it focuses on the mathematical concepts, their origin
(why we need them), their definition (why they are defined like the way they’re), their extension.
The process leading to proofs and solutions is discussed as most often it is the first step which is
hard, all the remaining is mostly labor work (involving algebra usually). And of course, history
of mathematics is included by presenting major men in mathematics and their short biographies.
Of course there is no new mathematics in this book as I am not a mathematician; I do not
produce new mathematics. The maths presented is standard, and thus I do not cite the exact
sources. But, I do mention all the books and sources where I have learned the maths.
The title deserves a bit of explanation. The adjective minimum was used to emphasize that
even though the book covers many topics it has left out also many topics. I do not discuss
topology, graph theory, abstract algebra, differential geometry, simply because I do not know
them (and plan to learn them when the time is ready). But the book goes beyond a study of
mathematics just to apply it to sciences and engineering. However, it seems that no amount of
mathematics is sufficient as Einstein, just hours before his death, pointed to his equations, while
lamenting to his son “If only I had more mathematics”.
And finally, influenced by the fact that I am an engineer, the book introduces programming
from the beginning. Thus, young students can learn mathematics and programming at the same
time! For now, programming is just to automate some tedious calculations, or to compute an
infinite series numerically before attacking it analytically. Or a little bit harder as to solve
Newton’s equations to analyse the orbit of some planets. But a soon exposure to programming is
vital to their future career. Not least, coding is fun! All the code is put in githubé at this address.
I was lucky to get help from some people. I would like to thank “anh Bé’ who tutored me, for
free, on mathematics when I needed help most. To my secondary school math teacher “Thay
Dieu, who refused to receive tutor fee, I want to acknowledge his generosity. To my high school
math teacher “Thay Son”, whose belief in me made me more confident in myself, I would like to
say thank you very much. To my friend Phuong Thao, who taught me not to memorize formulas,
I want to express my deepest gratitude as this simple advise has changed completely the way I
have studied since. And finally to Prof Hung Nguyen-Dang, whose the EMMC master program
has changed the course of my life and many other Vietnamese, "em cam on Thay rat nhieu".
In the learning process, I cannot say thank you enough to some amazing YouTube channels
such as 3Blue1Brown, Mathologer, blackpenredpen, Dr. Trefor Bazett. They provide animation
based explanation for many mathematics topics from which I have learned a lot.
I have received encouragement along this journey, and I would like to thank you Miguel
Cervera at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya whom I have never met, Laurence Brassar at
University of Oxford, Haojie Lian at Taiyuan University of Technology. To my close friend Chi
Nguyen-Thanh (Royal HaskoningDHV Vietnam), thank you very much for your friendship and
encouragement to this project.
This book was typeset with LATEX on a MacBook. A majority of figures in the book were
created using open source software Asymptote and Tikz. Other figures were generated using
geogebra, processing, Desmos, Julia, Python. I want to say thank you to Le Huy Tien,
a lecturer at Vietnam National University, Hanoi for his help and encouragement on Asymptote
and Tikz.
I dedicate this book to all mathematicians who have created beautiful mathematics that helps
making our world a better place to live.
GitHub is a website and cloud-based service that helps developers store and manage their code, as well as
track and control changes to their code.
1 Introduction 2
1.1 What is mathematics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Axiom, definition, theorem and proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3 Exercises versus problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4 Problem solving strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.5 Computing in mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.6 Mathematical anxiety or math phobia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.7 Millennium Prize Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.8 Organization of the book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2 Algebra 23
2.1 Natural numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2 Integer numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2.1 Negative numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2.2 A brief history on negative numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.2.3 Arithmetic of negative integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.3 Playing with natural numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.4 If and only if: conditional statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.5 Sums of whole numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.5.1 Sum of the first n whole numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.5.2 Sum of the squares of the first n whole numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.5.3 Sum of the cubes of the first n whole numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.6 Prime numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.6.1 How many primes are there? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.6.2 The prime number theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.6.3 Twin primes and the story of Yitang Zhang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.7 Rational numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.7.1 What is 5=2? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.7.2 Decimal notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.8 Irrational numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.8.1 Diagonal of a unit square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.8.2 Arithmetic
p of the irrationals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.8.3 Roots n x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.8.4 Golden ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.8.5 Axioms for the real numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.9 Fibonacci numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.10 Continued fractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.11 Pythagoras’ theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.11.1 Pythagorean triples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.11.2 Fermat’s last theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.11.3 Solving integer equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.11.4 From Pythagorean theorem to trigonometry and more . . . . . . . . . 74
2.12 Imaginary number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.12.1 Linear equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
2.12.2 Quadratic equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
2.12.3 Cubic equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.12.4 How Viète solved the depressed cubic equation . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
2.13 Mathematical notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2.13.1 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2.14 Factorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
2.15 Word problems and system of linear equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
2.16 System of nonlinear equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
2.17 Algebraic and transcendental equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
2.18 Powers of 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
2.19 Infinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
2.19.1 Arithmetic series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
2.19.2 Geometric series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2.19.3 Harmonic series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
2.19.4 Basel problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
2.19.5 Viète’s infinite product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
2.19.6 Sum of differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
2.20 Sequences, convergence and limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
2.20.1 Some examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
2.20.2 Rules of limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
2.20.3 Properties of sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
2.21 Inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
2.21.1 Simple proofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
2.21.2 Inequality of arithmetic and geometric means . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
2.21.3 Cauchy–Schwarz inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
2.21.4 Inequalities involving the absolute values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
2.21.5 Solving inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
2.21.6 Using inequalities to solve equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
2.22 Inverse operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
2.23 Logarithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
2.23.1 Why logarithm useful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
2.23.2 How Henry Briggs calculated logarithms in 1617 . . . . . . . . . . . 136
2.23.3 Solving exponential equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
2.24 Complex numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
2.24.1 Definition and arithmetics of complex numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
2.24.2 de Moivre’s formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
2.24.3 Roots of complex numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
2.24.4 Square root of i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
2.24.5 Trigonometry identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
2.24.6 Power of real number with a complex exponent . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
2.24.7 Power of an imaginary number with a complex exponent . . . . . . . 154
2.24.8 A summary of different kinds of numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
2.25 Combinatorics: The Art of Counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
2.25.1 Product rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
2.25.2 Factorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
2.25.3 Permutations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
2.25.4 Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
2.25.5 Generalized permutations and combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
2.25.6 The pigeonhole principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
2.26 Binomial theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
2.27 Compounding interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
2.28 Pascal triangle and e number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
2.29 Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
2.29.1 Arithmetic of polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
2.29.2 The polynomial remainder theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
2.29.3 Complex roots of z n 1 D 0 come in conjugate pairs . . . . . . . . . 178
2.29.4 Polynomial evaluation and Horner’s method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
2.29.5 Vieta’s formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
2.30 Modular arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
2.31 Cantor and infinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
2.31.1 Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
2.31.2 Finite and infinite sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
2.31.3 Uncountably infinite sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
2.32 Number systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
2.33 Graph theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
2.33.1 The Seven Bridges of Königsberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
2.33.2 Map coloring and the four color theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
2.34 Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
2.34.1 Euclidean algorithm: greatest common divisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
2.34.2 Puzzle from Die Hard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
2.35 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
3 Trigonometry 204
3.1 Euclidean geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
3.2 Trigonometric functions: right triangles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
3.3 Trigonometric functions: unit circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
3.4 Degree versus radian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
3.5 Some first properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
3.6 Sine table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
3.7 Trigonometry identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
3.8 Inverse trigonometric functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
3.9 Inverse trigonometric identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
3.10 Trigonometry inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
3.11 Trigonometry equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
3.12 Generalized Pythagoras theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
3.13 Graph of trigonometry functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
3.14 Hyperbolic functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
3.15 Applications of trigonometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
3.15.1 Measuring the earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
3.15.2 Charting the earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
3.16 Infinite series for sine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
3.17 Unusual trigonometric identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
3.18 Spherical trigonometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
3.19 Computer algebra systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
3.20 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
4 Calculus 258
4.1 Conic sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
4.1.1 Cartesian coordinate system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
4.1.2 Circles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
4.1.3 Ellipses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
4.1.4 Parabolas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
4.1.5 Hyperbolas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
4.1.6 General form of conic sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
4.2 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
4.2.1 Even and odd functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
4.2.2 Transformation of functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
4.2.3 Function of function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
4.2.4 Domain, co-domain and range of a function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
4.2.5 Inverse functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
4.2.6 Parametric curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
4.2.7 History of functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
4.2.8 Some exercises about functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
4.3 Integral calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
4.3.1 Areas of simple geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
4.3.2 Area of the first curved plane: the lune of Hippocrates . . . . . . . . . 281
4.3.3 Area of a parabola segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
4.3.4 Circumference and area of circles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
4.3.5 Calculation of ⇡ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
4.3.6 Volumes of simple solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
4.3.7 Definition of an integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
4.3.8 Calculation of integrals using the definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
4.3.9 Rules of integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
4.3.10 Indefinite integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
4.4 Differential calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
4.4.1 Maxima of Fermat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
4.4.2 Heron’s shortest distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
4.4.3 Uniform vs non-uniform speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
4.4.4 The derivative of a function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
4.4.5 Infinitesimals and differentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
4.4.6 The geometric meaning of the derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
4.4.7 Derivative of f .x/ D x n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
4.4.8 Derivative of trigonometric functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
4.4.9 Rules of derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
4.4.10 The chain rule: derivative of composite functions . . . . . . . . . . . 312
4.4.11 Derivative of inverse functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
4.4.12 Derivatives of inverses of trigonometry functions . . . . . . . . . . . 313
4.4.13 Derivatives of ax and number e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
4.4.14 Logarithm functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
4.4.15 Derivative of hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions . . . . . . . 319
4.4.16 High order derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
4.4.17 Implicit functions and implicit differentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
4.4.18 Derivative of logarithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
4.5 Applications of derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
4.5.1 Maxima and minima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
4.5.2 Convexity and Jensen’s inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
4.5.3 Linear approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
4.5.4 Newton’s method for solving f .x/ D 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
4.6 The fundamental theorem of calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
4.7 Integration techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
4.7.1 Integration by substitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
4.7.2 Integration by parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
4.7.3 Trigonometric integrals: sine/cosine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
4.7.4 RepeatedR integration by parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
4.7.5 What is 0 x 4 e x dx? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
4.7.6 Trigonometric integrals: tangents and secants . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
4.7.7 Integration by trigonometric substitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
4.7.8 Integration of P .x/=Q.x/ using partial fractions . . . . . . . . . . . 351
4.7.9 Tricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
4.8 Improper integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
4.9 Applications of integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
4.9.1 Length of plane curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
4.9.2 Areas and volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
4.9.3 Area and volume of a solid of revolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
4.9.4 Gravitation of distributed masses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
4.9.5 Using integral to compute limits of sums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
4.10 Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
4.10.1 Definition of the limit of a function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
4.10.2 Rules of limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
4.10.3 Continuous functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
4.10.4 Indeterminate forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
4.10.5 Differentiable functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
4.11 Some theorems on differentiable functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
4.11.1 Extreme value and intermediate value theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
4.11.2 Rolle’s theorem and the mean value theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
4.11.3 Average of a function and the mean value theorem of integrals . . . . 387
4.12 Polar coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
4.12.1 Polar coordinates and polar graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
4.12.2 Conic sections in polar coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
4.12.3 Length and area of polar curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
4.13 Bézier curves: fascinating parametric curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
4.14 Infinite series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
4.14.1 The generalized binomial theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
4.14.2 Series of 1=.1 C x/ or Mercator’s series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
4.14.3 Geometric series and logarithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
4.14.4 Geometric series and inverse tangent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
4.14.5 Euler’s work on exponential functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
4.14.6 Euler’s trigonometry functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
4.14.7 Euler’s solution of the Basel problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
4.14.8 Taylor’s series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
4.14.9 Common Taylor series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
4.14.10 Taylor’s theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
4.15 Applications of Taylor’ series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
4.15.1 Integral evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
4.15.2 Limit evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
4.15.3 Series evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
4.16 Bernoulli numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
4.17 Euler-Maclaurin summation formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
4.18 Fourier series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
4.18.1 Periodic functions with period 2⇡ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
4.18.2 Functions with period 2L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
4.18.3 Complex form of Fourier series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
4.19 Special functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
4.19.1 Elementary functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
4.19.2 Factorial of 1=2 and the Gamma function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
4.19.3 Zeta function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
4.20 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
5 Probability 434
5.1 A brief history of probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
5.2 Classical probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
5.3 Empirical probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
5.4 Buffon’s needle problem and Monte Carlo simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
5.4.1 Buffon’s needle problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
5.4.2 Monte Carlo method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
5.5 A review of set theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
5.5.1 Subset, superset and empty set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
5.5.2 Set operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
5.6 Random experiments, sample space and event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
5.7 Probability and its axioms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
5.8 Conditional probabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
5.8.1 What is a conditional probability? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
5.8.2 P .AjB/ is also a probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
5.8.3 Multiplication rule for conditional probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
5.8.4 Bayes’ formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
5.8.5 The odds form of the Bayes’ rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
5.8.6 Independent events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
5.8.7 The gambler’s ruin problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
5.9 The secretary problem or dating mathematically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
5.10 Discrete probability models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
5.10.1 Discrete random variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
5.10.2 Probability mass function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
5.10.3 Special distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
5.10.4 Cumulative distribution function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
5.10.5 Expected value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
5.10.6 Functions of random variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
5.10.7 Linearity of the expectation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
5.10.8 Variance and standard deviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
5.10.9 Expected value and variance of special distributions . . . . . . . . . . 500
5.11 Continuous probability models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
5.11.1 Continuous random variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
5.11.2 Probability density function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
5.11.3 Expected value and variance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
5.11.4 Special continuous distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
5.12 Joint discrete distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
5.12.1 Two jointly discrete variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
5.12.2 Conditional PMF and CDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
5.12.3 Independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
5.12.4 Conditional expectation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
5.12.5 Covariance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
5.12.6 Variance of a sum of variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
5.12.7 Correlation coefficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
5.12.8 Covariance matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
5.13 Joint continuous variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
5.14 Transforming density functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
5.15 Inequalities in the theory of probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
5.15.1 Markov and Chebyshev inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
5.15.2 Chernoff’s inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
5.16 Limit theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
5.16.1 The law of large numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
5.16.2 Central limit theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
5.17 Generating functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
5.17.1 Ordinary generating function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
5.17.2 Moment generating functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
5.17.3 Properties of moment generating functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
5.17.4 Proof of the central limit theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
5.18 Multivariate normal distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
5.18.1 Random vectors and random matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
5.18.2 Functions of random vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
5.18.3 Multivariate normal distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
5.18.4 Mean and covariance of multivariate normal distribution . . . . . . . 538
5.18.5 The probability density function for N. ; ˙ / . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
5.18.6 The bivariate normal distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
5.19 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
Bibliography 944
Index 949
1.1 What is mathematics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Axiom, definition, theorem and proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3 Exercises versus problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4 Problem solving strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.5 Computing in mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.6 Mathematical anxiety or math phobia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.7 Millennium Prize Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.8 Organization of the book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Without doubt this is a very difficult chapter to write. It is my attempt to explain what
mathematics really is (Section 1.1). All learners should know at least about the big picture of
the topic they’re going to study. In Section 1.2, common terminologies in mathematics such as
axiom, definition, theorem and proof are introduced. Next, the differences between mathematical
exercises and problems are discussed (Section 1.3). The message is to focus on problems rather
than on routine exercises. Section 1.4 is then devoted to some problem solving strategies. The
role of computers in teaching and learning mathematics is treated in Section 1.5.
"I’m just not a math person”. We hear it all the time. And we’ve had enough. I tried in
Section 1.6 to uncover this myth. You can be better at maths than you’re thinking.
Mathematics is not a dead, complete subject, created thousands of years ago. In fact, it is
a living subject with many unsolved problems and everyday new mathematics is being created
or discovered. Section 1.7 presents some of these problems. It is these problems that keep
mathematicians working late at night.
Finally, the organization of the book is outlined in Section 1.8.
You do not have to try to understand everything in this chapter if your maths is not solid yet.
Just skim through it and sometimes get back to it to see the big picture.
Chapter 1. Introduction 3
Mathematicians study imaginary objects which are called mathematical objects. Some examples
are numbers, functions, triangles, matrices, groups and more complicated things such as vector
spaces and infinite series. These objects are said imaginary or abstract as they do not exist in our
physical world. For instance, in geometry a line does not have thickness and a line is perfectly
straight! And certainly mathematicians don’t care if a line is made of steel or wood. There are
no such things in the physical world. Similarly we cannot hold and taste the number three. When
we write 3 on a beach and touch it, we only touch a representation of the number three.
Why working with abstract objects useful? One example from geometry is provided as a
simple answer. Suppose that we can prove that the area of a (mathematical) circle is ⇡ times the
square of the radius, then this fact would apply to the area of a circular field, the cross section of
a circular tree trunk or the floor area of a circular temple.
Having now in their hands some mathematical objects, how do mathematicians deduce
new knowledge? As senses, experimentation and measurement are not sufficient, they rely on
reasoning. Yes, logical reasoning. This started with the Greek mathematicians. It is obvious that
we can not use our senses to estimate the distance from the Earth to the Sun. It would be tedious
to measure the area of a rectangular region than measuring just its sides and use mathematics
to get the area. And it is very time consuming and error prone to design structures by pure
experimentation. If a bridge is designed in this way, it would only be fair that the designer be
the first to cross this bridge.
What mathematicians are really trying to get from their objects? Godfrey Hardy answered
this best:éé
S.n/ D 1 C 2 C 3 C Cn
Philip J. Davis (1923–2018) was an American academic applied mathematician.
Reuben Hersh (1927–2020) was an American mathematician and academic, best known for his writings on the
nature, practice, and social impact of mathematics. His work challenges and complements mainstream philosophy
of mathematics.
Godfrey Harold Hardy (February 1877 – December 1947) was an English mathematician, known for his
achievements in number theory and mathematical analysis. In biology, he is known for the Hardy–Weinberg
principle, a basic principle of population genetics.
For example, if n D 3, then the sum is S.3/ D 1 C 2 C 3, and if n D 4 then the sum is
S.4/ D 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 and so on. Now, mathematicians are lazy creatures, they do not want to
compute the sums for different values of n. They want to find a single formula for the sum that
works for any n. To achieve that they have to see through the problem or to see the pattern. Thus,
they compute the sum for a few special cases: for n D 1; 2; 3; 4, the corresponding sums are
n D 1 W S.1/ D 1
n D 2 W S.2/ D 1 C 2 D 3 D
n D 3 W S.3/ D 1 C 2 C 3 D 6 D
A pattern emerges and they guess the following formula
n.n C 1/
S.n/ D 1 C 2 C 3 C CnD (1.1.1)
What is more interesting is how they prove that their formula is true. They write S.n/ in the
usual form, and they also write it in a reverse orderéé , and then they add the two
S.n/ D 1 C 2 C C .n 1/ C n
S.n/ D n C .n 1/ C C 2 C 1
2S.n/ D .n C 1/ C .n C 1/ C C .n C 1/ C .n C 1/ D n.n C 1/
„ ƒ‚ …
n terms
That little narrative is a (humbling) example of the mathematician’s art: asking simple and
elegant questions about their imaginary abstract objects, and crafting satisfying and beautiful
explanations. Now how did mathematicians know to write S.n/ in a reverse order and add the
twos? How does a painter know where to put his brush? Experience, inspiration, trial and error,
luck. That is the art of it. There is no systematic approach to maths problems. And that’s why it
is interesting; if we do the same thing over and over again, we get bored. In mathematics, you
won’t get bored.
All high school students know that in mathematics we have different territories: algebra,
geometry, analysis, combinatorics, probability and so on. What they usually do not know is that
there is a connection between different branches of mathematics. Quite often a connection that
we least expect of. To illustrate the idea, let us play with circles and see what we can get. Here
is the game and the question: roll a circle with a marked point around another circle of the same
radius, this point traces a curve. What is the shape of this curve? In Fig. 1.1a we rolled the orange
circle around the red circle and we get a beautiful heart-shaped curve, which is called a cardioid.
This beautiful heart-shaped curve shows up in some of the most unexpected places.
Got your coffee? Turn on the flashlight feature of your phone and shine the light into the cup
from the side. The light reflects off the sides of the cup and forms a caustic on the surface of the
coffee. This caustic is a cardioid (Fig. 1.1b). Super interesting, isn’t it⇤⇤ ?
They can do this because of the commutative property of addition: Changing the order of addends does not
change the sum.
For more detail check
(a) (b)
So far, the cardioid appears in geometry and in real life. Where else? How about times table?
We all know that 2 ⇥ 1 D 2, 2 ⇥ 2 D 4, 2 ⇥ 3 D 6 and so on. Let’s describe this geometrically
and a cardioid will show up! Begin with a circle (of any radius) and mark a certain number
(designated symbolically by N ) of evenly spaced points around the circle, and number them
consecutively starting from zero: 0; 1; 2; : : : ; N 1. Then for each n, draw a line between points
n and 2n mod N . For example, for N D 10, connect 1 to 2, 2 to 4, 3 to 6, 4 to 8, 5 to 0 (this is
similar to clock: after 12 hours the hour hand returns to where it was pointing to), 6 to 2, 7 to
4, 8 to 6, 9 to 8. Fig. 1.2 is the results for N D 10; 20; 200, respectively. The envelope of these
lines is a cardioid, clearly for large N .
Let’s enjoy another unexpected connection in mathematics. The five most important numbers
in mathematics are 0,1 (which are foundations of arithmetic), ⇡ D 3:14159 : : :, which is the
most important number in geometry; e D 2:71828 : : :, which is the most important number in
calculus; and the imaginary number i , with i 2 D 1. And they are connected via the following
simple relation:
ei ⇡ C 1 D 0
which is known as Euler’ equation and it is the most beautiful equation in mathematics! Why
an equation is considered as beautiful? Because the pursuit of beauty in pure mathematics is a
tenet. Neuroscientists in Great Britain discovered that the same part of the brain that is activated
by art and music was activated in the brains of mathematicians when they looked at math they
regarded as beautiful.
I think these unexpected connections are sufficient for many people to spend time playing
with mathematics. People who do mathematics just for fun is called pure mathematicians. To
get an insight into the mind of a working pure mathematician, there is probably no book better
than Hardy’s essay A Mathematician’s Apology. In this essay Hardy offers a defense of the
pursuit of mathematics. Central to Hardy’s "apology" is an argument that mathematics has value
independent of possible applications. He located this value in the beauty of mathematics.
Below is a mathematical joke that reflects well on how mathematicians think of their field:
But, if you are pragmatic, you will only learn something if it is useful. Mathematics is super
useful. With it, physicists unveil the secretes of our universe; engineers build incredible machines
and structures; biologists study the geometry, topology and other physical characteristics of DNA,
proteins and cellular structures. The list goes on. People who do mathematics with applications
in mind is called applied mathematicians.
And a final note on the usefulness of mathematics. In 1800s, mathematicians worked on
wave equations for fun. And in 1864, James Clerk Maxwell–a Scottish physicist– used them to
predict the existence of electrical waves. In 1888, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz–a German physicist–
confirmed Maxwell’s predictions experimentally and in 1896, Guglielmo Giovanni Marconi– an
Italian electrical engineer– made the first radio transmission.
Is the above story of radio wave unique? Of course not. We can cite the story of differential
geometry (a mathematical discipline that uses the techniques of differential calculus, integral
calculus, linear algebra and multilinear algebra to study problems in geometry) by the German
mathematician Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann in the 19th century, which was used later by
the German-born theoretical physicist Albert Einstein in the 20th century to develop his general
relativity theory. And the Greeks studied the ellipse more than a millennium before Kepler used
their ideas to predict planetary motions.
The Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher Galileo Galilei once wrote:
Philosophy [nature] is written in that great book which ever is before our eyes – I
mean the universe – but we cannot understand it if we do not first learn the language
and grasp the symbols in which it is written. The book is written in mathematical
language, and the symbols are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, with-
out whose help it is impossible to comprehend a single word of it; without which
one wanders in vain through a dark labyrinth.
And if you think mathematics is dry, I hope that Fig. 1.3 will change your mind. These
images are Newton fractals obtained from considering this equation of one single complex
variable f .z/ D z 4 1 D 0. There are four roots corresponding to four colors in the images. A
grid of 200 ⇥ 200 points on a complex plane is used as initial guesses in the Newton method of
finding the solutions to f .z/ D 0. The points are colored according to the color of the root they
converge to. Refer to Section 4.5.4 for detail.
And who said mathematicians are boring, please look at Fig. 1.4. And Fig. 1.5, where we
start with an equilateral triangle. Subdivide it into four smaller congruent equilateral triangles
and remove the central triangle. Repeat step 2 with each of the remaining smaller triangles
infinitely. What we obtain are Sierpiński triangleséé .
Let’s now play the “chaos game” and we shall meet Sierpiński triangles again. The process is
simple: (1) Draw an equilateral triangle on a piece of paper and draw a random initial point, (2)
Draw the next point midway to one of the vertices of the triangle, chosen randomly, (3) Repeat
step 2 ad infinitum. What is amazing is when the number of points is large, a pattern emerges,
and it is nothing but Sierpiński triangles (Fig. 1.6)! If you are interested in making these stunning
images (and those in Fig. 1.7), check Appendix B.11.
The Polish mathematician Wacław Sierpiński (1882 – 1969) described the Sierpinski triangle in 1915. But
similar patterns already appeared in the 13th-century Cosmati mosaics in the cathedral of Anagni, Italy.
Figure 1.6: Chaos game and Sierpiński triangles. Processing source: check folder chaos_game_pde in
my github account mentioned in the preface.
Figure 1.7: Chaos game, pentagon and fractals. Processing source: check folder chaos_game_2.
To know what is mathematics, there is no better way than to see how mathematicians think
and act. And for that I think mathematical jokes are one good way. Mathematicians Andrej and
Elena Cherkaev from University of Utah have provided a collection of these jokes at Mathemat-
ical humor and I use the following one
minimum amount of water and energy needed. Later, the mathematician wakes up
and smells smoke. He goes to the hall, sees the fire and then the fire hose. He thinks
for a moment and then exclaims, "Ah, a solution exists!" and then goes back to bed.
to demonstrate that sometimes showing that something exists is just as important as finding
With just pen and paper and reasoning mathematics can help us uncover hidden secretes of
many many things from giant objects such as planets to minuscule objects such as bacteria and
every others in between. Let’s study this fascinating language; the language of our universe.
Hey, but what if someone does not want to become an engineer or scientist, does he/she still
have to learn mathematics? I believe he/she should because of the following reasons. According
to Greek, mathematics is learning and according to Hebrew it is thinking. So learning mathe-
matics is to learn how to think, how to reason, logically. Réne Descarte once said “I think then I
Before delving into the world of mathematics, we first need to get familiar to some common
terminologies; terms such as axioms, theorems, definitions and proofs. And the next section is
for those topics.
Unlike scientists and engineer who study real things in our real world and that’s why they
are restricted by the laws of nature, mathematicians study objects such as numbers, functions
which live in a mathematical world. Thus, mathematicians have more freedom.
Next come theorems. A theorem is a statement about properties of one or more than objects.
One can have this theorem regarding even functions: ‘If f .x/ is an even function, then its
derivative is an odd function’. We need to provide a mathematical proof for a mathematical
statement to become a theorem.
The word "proof" comes from the Latin probare (to test). The development of mathematical
proof is primarily the product of ancient Greek mathematics, and one of its greatest achievements.
Thales and Hippocrates of Chios gave some of the first known proofs of theorems in geometry.
Mathematical proof was revolutionized by Euclid (300 BCEé ), who introduced the axiomatic
method still in use today. Starting with axioms, the method proves theorems using deductive
logic: if A is true, and A implies B, then B is true. Or “All men smoke weed; Sherlock Holmes
is a man; therefore, Sherlock Holmes smokes weed”.
As a demonstration of mathematical proofs, let’s consider the following problem. Given
a b c 0 and a C b C c 1, prove that a2 C 3b 2 C 5c 2 1.
Proof. We first rewrite the term a2 C 3b 2 C 5c 2 as (why? how do we know to do this step?)
a2 C 3b 2 C 5c 2 D a2 C b 2 C c 2 C 2b 2 C 2c 2 C 2c 2
Then using the data that a b c 0, we know that 2b 2 D 2bb 2ab, thus
Now, we recognize that the RHSéé is nothing but .a Cb Cc/2 because of the well known identity
.a C b C c/2 D a2 C b 2 C c 2 C 2ab C abc C 2ca. Thus, we have
a2 C 3b 2 C 5c 2 .a C b C c/2
And if we combine this with the data that a C b C c 1, we have proved the problem. ⌅
To indicate the end of a proof several symbolic conventions exist. While some authors
still use the classical abbreviation Q.E.D., which is an initialism of the Latin phrase quod erat
demonstrandum, meaning "which was to be demonstrated", it is relatively uncommon in modern
mathematical texts. Paul Halmos pioneered the use of a solid black square at the end of a proof
as a Q.E.D symbol, a practice which has become standard (and followed in this text), although
not universal.
Common Era (CE) and Before the Common Era (BCE) are alternatives to the Anno Domini (AD) and
Before Christ (BC) notations used by the Christian monk Dionysius Exiguus in 525. The two notation systems are
numerically equivalent: "2022 CE" and "AD 2022" each describe the current year; "400 BCE" and "400 BC" are
the same year.
The expression on the right side of the "=" sign is the right side of the equation and the expression on the left
of the "=" is the left side of the equation. For example, in x C 5 D y C 8, x C 5 is the left-hand side (LHS) and
y C 8 is the right-hand side (RHS).
a b c
The proof is simple because this is a problem for grade 7/8
students. But how about a proof with shapes? See Fig. 1.8 for 2
such a geometry-based proof. Terms like a2 should be seen as the a a2
area of a square of side a. Inside the big square of side a C b C c–
of which the area is smaller than or equal to 1, we have many
smaller squares including one a2 , three b 2 and five c 2 , and it is c2
quite obvious that we have the inequality a C 3b C 5c 1. b
2 2 2 b2
(a) (b)
Figure 1.9: The angle inscribed in a semicircle is always a right angle (90ı ).
Not all proofs are as simple as the above ones. For example, in number theory, Fermat’s Last
Theorem states that no three positive integers a; b, and c satisfy the equation an C b n D c n
for any integer value of n greater than 2. This theorem was first stated as a theorem by Pierre
de Fermat around 1637 in the margin of a copy of Arithmetica; Fermat added that he had a
proof that was too large to fit in the margin. After 358 years of effort by countless number of
mathematicians, the first successful proof was released only very recently, in 1994, by Andrew
Wiles (1953) an English mathematician. About Wiles’ proof, it is 192 pages long.
Proofs are what separate mathematics from all other sciences. In other sciences, we accept
certain laws because they conform to the real physical world, but those laws can be modified if
new evidence presents itself. One famous example is Newton’s theory of gravity was replaced
by Einstein’s theory of general relativity. But in mathematics, if a statement is proved to be true,
then it is true forever. For instance, Euclid proved, over two thousand years ago, that there are
infinitely many prime numbers, and there is nothing that we can do that will ever contradict the
truth of that statement.
In mathematics, a conjecture is a conclusion or a proposition which is suspected to be true
due to preliminary supporting evidence, but for which no proof or disproof has yet been found.
For example, on 7 June 1742, the German mathematician Christian Goldbach wrote a letter to
Leonhard Euler in which he proposed the following conjecture: Every positive even integer can
be written as the sum of two primes. Sounds true: 8 D 5 C 3; 24 D 19 C 5; 64 D 23 C 41, as no
one has yet found an even number for which this statement does not work out. Thus, it became
Goldbach’s conjecture and is one of the oldest and best-known unsolved problems in number
theory and all of mathematics.
If we allow only real solutions, then with u D 2, we have x C 1=x D 2 which gives x D 1.
✏ Can we check the result? Substituting x D 1 into the LHS of Eq. (1.3.1) indeed yields
✏ Can we guess the result? Can we solve it differently? We can, by trial and error, see that
x D 1 is a solution and factor the LHS as .x 1/.x 3 2x 2 C 2x 1/. And proceed from
✏ Can we use the method for some other problem? Yes, we can use the same technique for
equations of this form ax 4 C bx 3 C cx 2 C bx C a D 0.
This step of looking back is actually similar to reflection in our lives. We all know that once in a
while we should stop doing what we suppose to do to think about what we have done.
Another useful strategy is to get familiar with the problem before solving it. For example,
consider this two simultaneous equations:
There is a routine method for solving such equations, which I do not bother you with here. What
I want to say here is that if we’re asked to solve the following equations by hands, should we
just apply that routine method?
No, we leave that for computers. We’re better. Let’s spend time with the problem first, and we
see something special now:
We see a symmetry in the coefficients of the equations. This guides us to perform operations that
maintain this symmetry: if we sum the two equations we get x C y D : : : And if we subtract the
first from the second we get x y D : : : (we can do the inverse to get y x D : : :). Now, the
problem is very easy to solve.
As another example of exploiting the symmetry of a problem, consider this geometry prob-
lem: a square is inscribed in a circle that is inscribed in a square. Find the ratio of the area of the
smaller square over that of the large square. We can introduce symbols to the problem and use
the Pythagorean theorem to solve this problem (Fig. 1.10a): that ratio is 1=2. But we can also
use symmetry: if we rotate (counter clockwise) the smaller square 45 degrees with respect to the
center of the circle, we get a new problem shown in Fig. 1.10b. And it is obvious that the ratio
that we’re looking for is 1=2.
x 2
(a) (b)
For problem solving skills, I recommend to read Pólya’s book and the book by Paul Zeit, [61].
The latter contains more examples at a higher level than Pólya’s book. Another book is ‘Solving
mathematical problems: a personal perspective’ by the Australian-American mathematician
Tarence Tao (1975). He is widely regarded as one of the greatest living mathematicians. If you
want to learn ’advanced’ mathematics, his blog is worth of checking.
(a) (b)
With only four such calculations, we get x D 0:73908513 which is indeed the solution to
cos x x D 0.
And finally, computers are used to build amazing animations to explain mathematics, see
for example this YouTube video. Among various open source tools to create such animations,
processing⇤ is an easy to use tool, based on Java–a common programming language. Figs. 1.2,
1.5 and 1.6 were made using processing.
Available for free at
I have introduced two tools for programming, namely Julia and processing. This is be-
cause the latter is better suited for making animations while the former is for scientific computing.
For the role of computers in doing mathematics, I refer to the great book Mathematics by
Experiment: Plausible Reasoning in the 21st Century by Jonathan Borwein and David Bailey
But if you think that computers can replace mathematicians, you are wrong. Even for arith-
metic problems, computers are not better than human. One example is the computation of a sum
like this (containing 1012 terms)
1 1 1 1
1 4 9 1024
Even though a powerful computer can compute this sum by adding term by term, it takes
a long time (On my macbook pro, Julia crashed when computing this sum!). The result is
S D 1:6449340668482264éé . Mathematicians developed smarter ways to compute this sum; for
example this is how Euler computed this sum in the 18th century:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81
1 1 1 1
10 200 6000 3 ⇥ 106
a sum of only 13 terms and got 1:644934064499874-a result which is correct up to eight deci-
mals! The story is while solving the Basel problem (i.e., what is S D 1 C 1=4 C 1=9 C 1=16 C
C 1=k 2 C ; Section 2.19.4), Euler discovered/developed the so-called Euler-Maclaurin
summation formula (Section 4.17).
Computers can be valuable assistants, but only when a lot of human thought has gone into
setting up the computations.
Considering how many fools can calculate, it is surprising that it should be thought
either a difficult or a tedious task for any other fool to learn how to master the same
tricks. Some calculus-tricks are quite easy. Some are enormously difficult. The fools
And this number is exactly ⇡ 2=6. Why ⇡ is here? It’s super interesting, isn’t it? Check this youtube video for
an explanation.
who write the textbooks of advanced mathematics — and they are mostly clever
fools — seldom take the trouble to show you how easy the easy calculations are. On
the contrary, they seem to desire to impress you with their tremendous cleverness
by going about it in the most difficult way. Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow,
I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow
fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow.
What one fool can do, another can.
Talking about teachers, Nobel winning physicist Richard Feynman has once said "If you find
science boring, you are learning it from wrong teacher". He implied that if you have a good
teacher you can learn any topic.
Let me get back to those kids who thought they fell behind the math curriculum. What should
you do? I have some tips for you. First, read A Mathematician’s Lament of Paul Lockhart. After
you have finished that book, you would be confident that if you study maths properly you can
enjoy mathematics. Second, spend lots of time (I spent one summer when I fell behind in the 9th
grade) to learn maths from scratché . Lockhart’s other books (see appendix A) will surely help.
And this book (Chapters 1/2/3 and Appendices A/B) could be useful.
Is math ability genetic? Yes, to some degree. Essentially none of us could ever be as good at
math as Terence Tao, no matter how hard we tried or how well we were taught. But here’s the
thing: We don’t have to! For high-school and college math, inborn talent is much less important
than hard work, preparation, and self-confidence.
Ok. What one fool can do, another can. What a simple sentence but it has a tremendous
impact on people crossing it. It has motivated many people to start learning calculus, including
Feymann. And we can start learning maths with it.
If you’re in the middle of a semester, then spend less time on other topics. You cannot have everything!
This function has trivial zeroes (that are all s such that ⇣.s/ D 0) on the negative real line, at
s D 2; 4; 6; : : : The location of its other zeroes is more mysterious; the conjecture is that
The nontrivial zeroes of the zeta function lie on the line Re s D 0:5
Yes, the problem statement is as that simple, but its proof is elusive to all mathematicians to date.
In 1900 at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Paris, the Germain mathematician
David Hilbert gave a speech which is perhaps the most influential speech ever given to math-
ematicians, given by a mathematician, or given about mathematics. In it, Hilbert outlined 23
major mathematical problems to be studied in the coming century. And the Riemann hypothesis
was one of them. Hilbert once remarked:
If I were to awaken after having slept for a thousand years, my first question would
be: Has the Riemann hypothesis been proven?
Judging by the current rate of progress (on solving the hypothesis), Hilbert may well have to
sleep a little while longer.
It is usually while solving unsolved mathematical problems that mathematicians discover
new mathematics. The new maths also help to understand the old maths and provide better
solution to old problems. Some new maths are also discovered by scientists especially physicists
while they are trying to unravel the mysteries of our universe. Then, after about 100 or 200 years
some of the new maths come into the mathematics curriculum to train the general public. And
the educators, whoever they are, hope that our kids can understand these maths–the mathematics
that were once only within the grasp of a few greatest mathematicians!
which represents the temperature of a point in the earth. An example of the latter is the velocity
of a fluid particle. We first introduce vectors and vector algebra (rules to do arithmetic with
vectors). Certainly dot product and vector product are the two most important concepts in vector
algebra. Then I present the calculus of these two families of functions. For the former, we will
have partial derivatives and double/triple integrals. The calculus of vector-valued functions is
called vector calculus, which was firstly developed for the study of electromagnetism. Vector
calculus then finds applications in many problems: fluid mechanics, solid mechanics etc. In
vector calculus, we will meet divergence, curl, line integral and Gauss’s theorem.
I present tensor analysis in Chapter 8. Tensors are that Albert Einstein used in 1905 to
write his famous field equations G ⌫ C g ⌫ ⇤ D 8⇡G=c 4 T ⌫ . These equations are the core of
his theory of general relativity that changed forever our understanding of the universe. This
chapter discusses tensors such as the metric tensor g ⌫ , its properties, its algebra and calculus.
Similar to vectors, tensors are ubiquitous in mathematics, science and engineering. Thus, a solid
understanding of them is essential.
In Chapter 9, I discuss what probably is the most important application of calculus: differen-
tial equations. These equations are those that describe many physical laws. The attention is on
how to derive these equations more than on how to solve them. Derivation of the heat equation
@2 ✓ @2 u 2 @2 u
2 , the wave equation @t 2 D c @x 2 etc. are presented. Also discussed is the problem
D 2 @x
of mechanical vibrations.
I then discuss in Chapter 10 the calculus of variations which is a branch of mathematics that
allows us to find a function y D f .x/ that minimizes a functional I D a G.y; y 0 ; y 00 ; x/dx.
For example it provides answers to questions like ‘what is the plane curve with maximum area
with a given perimeter’. You might have correctly guessed the answer: in the absence of any
restriction on the shape, the curve is a circle. But calculus of variation provides a proof and
more. One notable result of variational calculus is variational methods such as Ritz-Galerkin
method which led to the finite element method. The finite element method is a popular method
for numerically solving differential equations arising in engineering and mathematical modeling.
Typical problem areas of applications include structural analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, mass
transport, and electromagnetic potential.
Chapter 11 is about linear algebra. Linear algebra is central to almost all areas of mathematics.
Linear algebra is also used in most sciences and fields of engineering. Thus, it occupies a vital
part in the university curriculum. Linear algebra is all about matrices, vector spaces, systems of
linear equations, eigenvectors, you name it. It is common that a student of linear algebra can
do the computations (e.g. compute the determinant of a matrix, or the eigenvector), but he/she
usually does not know the why and the what. This chapter hopefully provides some answers to
these questions.
Chapter 12 is all about numerical methods: how to compute a definite integral numerically,
how to interpolate a given data, how to solve numerically and approximately an ordinary differ-
ential equation. The basic idea is to use the power of computers to find approximate solutions to
mathematical problems. This is how Katherine Johnson–the main character in the movie Hidden
Figures– helped put a man on the moon. She used Euler’s method (a numerical method discussed
in this chapter) to do the calculation of the necessary trajectory from the earth to the moon for
the US Apollo space program. Just that she did by hands.
The book also contains two appendices. In appendix A I present a reading list of books that I
have enjoyed reading and learned very much from them. I also present a list of actionable advice
on how to learn mathematics. You could probably start reading this appendix first. In appendix
B I provide some Julia codes that are used in the main text. The idea is to introduce young
students to programming as much early as possible.
When we listen to a song or look at a painting we really enjoy the song or the painting
much more if we know just a bit about the author and the story about her/his work. In the same
manner, mathematical theorems are poems written by mathematicians who are human beings.
Behind the mathematics are the stories. To enjoy their poems we should know their stories.
The correspondence between Ramanujan– a 23 year old Indian clerk on a salary of only £20
per annum and Hardy–a world renown British mathematician at Cambridge is a touching story.
Or the story about the life of Galois who said these final words Ne pleure pas, Alfred ! J’ai
besoin de tout mon courage pour mourir à vingt ans (Don’t cry, Alfred! I need all my courage
to die at twenty) to his brother Alfred after being fatally wounded in a duel. His mathematical
legacy–Galois theory and group theory, two major branches of abstract algebra–remains with us
forever. Because of this, in the book biographies and some stories of leading mathematicians
are provided. But I am not a historian. Thus, I recommend readers to consult MacTutor History
of Mathematics Archive. MacTutor is a free online resource containing biographies of nearly
3000 mathematicians and over 2000 pages of essays and supporting materials.
How this book should be read? For those who do not where to start, this is how you could read
this book. Let’s start with appendix A to get familiar with some learning tips. Then proceed
with Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. That covers more than the high school curriculum. If
you’re interested in using the maths to do some science projects, check out Chapter 12 where
you will find techniques (easy to understand and program) to solve simple harmonic problems
(spring-mass or pendulum) and N -body problems (e.g. Sun-Earth problem, Sun-Earth-Moon
problem). If you get up to there (and I do not see why you cannot), then feel free to explore the
remaining of the books.
Conventions. Equations, figures, tables, theorems are numbered consecutively within each sec-
tion. For instance, when we’re working in Section 2.2, the fourth equation is numbered (2.2.4).
And this equation is referred to as Equation (2.2.4) in the text. Same conventions are used for
figures and tables. I include many code snippets in the appendix, and the numbering convention
is as follows. For instance Listing B.5 refers to the fifth code snippet in Appendix B. Asterisks
(*), daggers (é) and similar symbols indicate footnotes.
Without further ado, let’s get started and learn maths in the spirit of Richard Feynman:
Because a curious mind can lead us far. After all, you see, millions saw the apple fall, but only
Newton asked why.
And don’t forget that ability (intelligence) is malleable via efforts. If a guy of nearly 40 years
old, married with two kids and a full time job can learn math, you all can too. And you will do
it better.
2.1 Natural numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2 Integer numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.3 Playing with natural numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.4 If and only if: conditional statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.5 Sums of whole numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.6 Prime numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.7 Rational numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.8 Irrational numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.9 Fibonacci numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.10 Continued fractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.11 Pythagoras’ theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.12 Imaginary number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.13 Mathematical notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2.14 Factorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
2.15 Word problems and system of linear equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
2.16 System of nonlinear equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
2.17 Algebraic and transcendental equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
2.18 Powers of 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
2.19 Infinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
2.20 Sequences, convergence and limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
2.21 Inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
2.22 Inverse operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Chapter 2. Algebra 24
Algebra is one of the broad parts of mathematics, together with number theory, geometry
and analysis. In its most general form, algebra is the study of mathematical symbols and the
rules for manipulating these symbols; it is a unifying thread of almost all of mathematics. It
includes everything from elementary equation solving to the study of abstractions such as groups,
rings, and fields. Elementary algebra is generally considered to be essential for any study of
mathematics, science, or engineering, as well as such applications as medicine and economics.
This chapter discusses some topics of elementary algebra. By elementary we meant the
algebra in which the commutative of multiplication rule a ⇥ b D b ⇥ a holds. There exists other
algebra which violates this rule. There is also matrix algebra that deals with groups of numbers
(called matrices) instead of single numbers.
Our starting point is not the beginning of the history of mathematics; instead we start with the
concept of positive integers (or natural numbers) along with the two basic arithmetic operations
of addition and multiplication. Furthermore, we begin immediately with the decimal, also called
Hindu-Arabic, or Arabic, number system that employs 10 as the base and requiring 10 different
numerals, the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. And finally, we take it for granted the liberal use of
symbols such as x; y and write x.10 x/ rather than as
If a person puts such a question to you as: ‘I have divided ten into two parts, and
multiplying one of these by the other the result was twenty-one;’ then you know that
one of the parts is thing and the other is ten minus thing.
3 C 5 D 5 C 3; 3 ⇥ 5 D 5 ⇥ 3; 3 ⇥ .2 C 4/ D 3 ⇥ 2 C 3 ⇥ 4 .D 18/ (2.1.1)
One way to understand why 3 ⇥ 5 D 5 ⇥ 3 is to use visual representations. Fig. 2.1 provides two
such representations; for the one on the left, the area of that rectangle does not care whether we
place it in on the long or short side, thus 3⇥5 must be equal to 5⇥3é . For 3⇥.2C4/ D 3⇥2C3⇥4,
see Fig. 2.2.
3 5
Figure 2.1: Visual demonstration of the commutativity of multiplication 3 ⇥ 5 D 5 ⇥ 3.
3 3⇥2 3⇥4
2 4
Figure 2.2: Visual demonstration of the associativity of addition/multiplication .2C4/⇥3 D 2⇥3C4⇥3.
As there is nothing special about numbers 3; 5; 2; 4 in Eq. (2.1.1), one can define the follow-
ing arithmetic rules for natural numbers a, b and c éé :
If you do not know what is area and the formula for the area of simple geometries, check out Section 4.3.1.
Note that we do not attempt to prove these rules. We feel that they are reasonable to accept (using devices such
as Fig. 2.1). You can consider them as the rules of the game if we want to play with natural numbers. Of course
some mathematicians are not happy with that, and they came up with other axioms (rules) and from those axioms
they can indeed prove the rules we are discussing now. If interested you can google for Peano axioms.
However, as future engineers and scientists you have to be very exact with your calculations.
The main purpose of me telling this story to emphasize that arithmetic is not mathematics.
With these rules, we can start doing some algebra. For example, what is the square of a C b,
which is .a C b/.a C b/? (think of a square of side a C b, then its area is .a C b/.a C b/).
Mathematicians are lazy, so they use the notation .a C b/2 for .a C b/.a C b/. For a given integer
a, its square is a2 D a ⇥ a, its cube is a3 D a ⇥ a ⇥ a; they are examples of powers of a. In
Section 2.18 we will talk more about powers.
Getting back to .a C b/2 , we proceed aséé
This identity can help us for example in computing 100 0022 99 9982 without a calculator
nearby. Squaring and subtracting would take quite a while, but the identity is of tremendous
help: 100 0022 99 9982 D .100 002 C 99 998/.100 002 99 998/ D 4.200 000/.
Writing a2 b 2 as .a b/.a Cb/ is called factorizing the term. In mathematics, factorization
or factoring consists of writing a number or another mathematical object as a product of several
factors, usually smaller or simpler objects of the same kind. For what? For a better understand of
the original object. For example, 3 ⇥ 5 is a factorization of the integer 15, and .x 2/.x C 2/ is a
One more exercise to practice: .3a/2 D .3a/.3a/–this is just definition. Now .3a/.3a/ D .3/.3/.a/.a/
because of the associative property b2. Finally, .3a/2 D 9a2 .
factorization of the polynomial x 2 4. We have more to say about factorization in Section 2.14.
And when we meet other mathematical objects (e.g. matrices) later in the book, we shall see that
mathematicians do indeed spend a significant of time just to factor matrices.
How about .a C b C c/2 ? Of course we can do the same way by writing this term as
Œ.a C b/ C c/ç2 . However, there is a better way: guessing the result! Our guess is as follows
The red terms are present when c D 0, the blue terms are due to the fact that a; b; c are equal:
if there is a2 , there must be c 2 . By doing this way we’re gradually developing a feeling of
The next thing to do is .a C b/3 , which can be computed as
a+b a
b ab b2 b ab b2 b2
a+b a
a a2 ab a b (a b)2 ab b2
a b a b b
(a) (b)
.a C b/.c C d / D ac C ad C bc C bd
And to help students memorize it someone invented the FOIL rule (First-Outer-Inner-
Last). I’m against this way of teaching mathematics. This identity is vary natural as it
comes from the arithmetic rules given in Eq. (2.1.2). Let’s denote c C d D e (the sum of
Abstraction and representation. As kids we were introduced to natural numbers too early that
mots of the time we take them for granted. When we’re getting old enough, we should question
them by asking questions where these numbers come from?, why we write 5 for five? etc.. From
concrete things in life such as five trees, five fishes, five cows etc. human beings have developed
number five to represent the five-ness. This number five is an abstract entity in the sense that we
never see, hear, feel, or taste it. And yet, it has a definite existence for the rest of our lives. Do
not confuse number five and its representation (5 in our decimal number system) as there are
many representations of a number (e.g. V in the Roman number system).
We observed a pattern (five-ness) and we created an abstract entity from it. This is called
abstraction. And this abstract entity is very powerful. While it is easy to explain a collection
of five or six objects (using your fingers), imagine how awkward would it be to explain a set of
thirty-five objects without using the number 35.
Now that we have the concept of natural numbers, how we are going to represent them?
People used dots to represent numbers, tallies were also used. But it was soon realized that all
these methods are bad at representing large numbers. Just think of how you would write the
number "one hundred" using dots and you understand what I meant. Only after a long period
that we developed the decimal number system with only 10 digits (0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9) that
can represent any number you can imagine of!
Is the decimal number system the only one? Of course not, the computers only use two digits
0 and 1. Is it true that we’re comfortable with the decimal number system because we have ten
fingers? I do not know. I posed this question just to demonstrate that even for something as
simple as counting numbers, that we have taken for granted, there are many interesting aspects
to explore. A curious mind can lead us far.
History of the equal sign. The inventor of the equal sign ‘=’ was the Welsh physician and
mathematician Robert Recorde (c. 1512 – 1558). In 1557, in The Whetstone of Witte, Recorde
used two parallel lines (he used an obsolete word gemowe, meaning ‘twin’) to avoid tedious
repetition of the words ‘is equal to’. He chose that symbol because ‘no two things can be more
equal’. Recorde chose well. His symbol has remained in use for 464 years.
number. Mathematicians say that natural numbers are closed under addition and multiplication.
Why they care about this? Because it ensures security: we never step outside of the familiar
world of natural numbers, until... when it comes to subtraction. What is 3 5? Well, we can take
3 from 3 and we have nothing (zero). How can we take away two from nothing? It seems impos-
sible. Shall we only allow subtraction of the form a b when a b (this is how mathematicians
say a is larger than or equal to b)?
? 0 1 2 3 4
4 1D3
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 2D2
4 3D1 (2.2.1)
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 4D0
4 5D‹
If we imagine a line on which we put zero at a certain place, and on the right of zero we place
1, 2, 3 and so on (see the figure in Eq. (2.2.1)). The English mathematician, John Wallis (1616 -
1703) is credited with giving some meaning to negative numbers by inventing the number line,
which is what I am presenting here. Now, when we do a subtraction, let say 4 1, we start from
4 on this line and walk towards zero one step: we end up at three. Similarly when we do 4 2 we
walk towards zero two steps. Eventually we reach zero when have walked four steps: 4 4 D 0.
What happens then if we walk past zero one step? It is exactly what 4 5 means. We should
now be at the position marked by number one but in red (to indicate that this position is on the
left side of zero). So, we have solved the problem: 4 5 D 1. Nowadays people write 1 (read
’negative one’) instead of using a different color. Thus, 4 5 D 1. Now we have two kinds
of numbers: the ones on the right hand side of zero (e.g. 1; 2; : : :) and the ones on the left hand
side (e.g. 1; 2; : : :). The former are called positive integers and the latter negative integers;
together with zero they form the so-called integers: f: : : ; 3; 2; 1; 0; 1; 2; 3; : : :gè .
The number line is kind of a two-way street: starting from zero, if we go to the right we go
in the positive direction (for we see positive integers), and if we go to the left, we follow the
negative direction. For every positive integers a, we have a negative counterpart a. We can
think of as an operation that flips a to the other side of zero. Why we have to start with a
positive integer (all numbers should be treated equal)? If we start with a negative number, let say,
b (b > 0), then to flip it to the other side of zero is: . b/ which is b. So we have . b/ D b
for any integer–positive and negative. If b > 0 you can think of this as taken away a debt is an
negative numbers. The Nine Chapters used red counting rods to denote positive numbers and
black rods for negative numbers. During the 7th century AD, negative numbers were used in
India to represent debts. The Indian mathematician Brahmagupta, in Brahma-Sphuta-Siddhanta
(written c. AD 630), gave rules regarding operations involving negative numbers and zero, such
as "A debt cut off from nothingness becomes a credit; a credit cut off from nothingness becomes
a debt." He called positive numbers "fortunes", zero "a cipher", and negative numbers "debts".
While we have no problems accepting positive numbers, it is mentally hard to grasp negative
numbers. What is negative four cookies? This is because negative numbers are more abstract
than positive ones. For a long time, negative solutions to problems were considered "false". In
Hellenistic Egypt, the Greek mathematician Diophantus, in his book Arithmetica, while referring
to the equation 4x C 20 D 4 (which has a negative solution of 4) saying that the equation was
absurd. This is because Greek mathematics was founded on geometrical ideas: a number is a
certain length or area or volume of something; thus number is always positive.
. 1/ C . 1/ C . 1/ D 3
as, after all, if I borrow you one dollar a week for three weeks, then I own you three dollarsé .
This immediately results in the following
. 1/ ⇥ 3 WD . 1/ C . 1/ C . 1/ D 3 .D 3 ⇥ . 1//
And with that we know how to handle 2 ⇥ 10 and so onéé . But what maths has to do with
debts? Can we deduce the rules without resorting to debts, which are very negative. Ok, let’s
compute 5 ⇥ .3 C . 3// in two ways. First, as 3 C . 3/ D 0, we have 5 ⇥ .3 C . 3// D 0. But
from Eq. (2.1.2), we also have (distributive rule)
5 ⇥ .3 C . 3// D 5 ⇥ 3 C 5 ⇥ . 3/ D 0 H) 5 ⇥ . 3/ D 15
Thus, if we insist that the usual arithmetic rules apply also for negative numbers, we have deduced
a rule that is consistent with daily experience. From a mathematical viewpoint, mathematicians
always try to have a set of rules that works for as many objects as possible. They have the rules in
If you prefer thinking of geometry, the the number line is very useful: . 1/ C . 1/ C . 1/ is walking three
steps to the negative direction from zero, we must end up at -3.
The rule is the multiplication of a positive and a negative number yields a negative number whose numerical
value is the product of the two given numerical values. When a positive number a is multiplied with 1 it is flipped
to the other side of zero on the number line at a.
Eq. (2.1.2) for positive integers, now they gave birth to negative integers. To make positive and
negative integers live happily together the negative integers must follow the same rules. (They
can have their own rules, that is fine, but they must obey the old rules).
But how about . 1/ ⇥ . 1/? One way to figure out the result is to look at the following
. 1/ ⇥ 3 D 3> >
. 1/ ⇥ 2 D 2=
H) . 1/ ⇥ . 1/ D 1
. 1/ ⇥ 1 D 1> >
. 1/ ⇥ 0 D 0
and observe that from top going down, the RHS numbers get increased by one. Thus . 1/⇥0 D 0
should lead to . 1/ ⇥ . 1/ D 0 C 1 D 1. This is certainly not a proof for we’re not sure that
the pattern will repeat. This was just one short explanation. If you were not happy with that,
then . 1/ ⇥ . 1/ D 1 was a consequence by our choice to maintain the arithmetic rules, the
distributive rule, in Eq. (2.1.2):
1 C . 1/ D 0 ) Œ1 C . 1/ç ⇥ . 1/ D 0 W 1 ⇥ . 1/ C . 1/ ⇥ . 1/ D 0 H) . 1/ ⇥ . 1/ D 1
Coincidentally, it is similar to the ancient proverb the enemy of my enemy is my friend. If you are
struggling with this, it is OK as the great Swiss mathematician Euler (who we will meet again
and again in this book) also struggled with the fact that . 1/. 1/ D 1 too.
Question 1. How many are there integer numbers?
Here is another property of numbers that we find: if we multiply two consecutive odd num-
bers (or consecutive even numbers) we get a number that is one less than a perfect square (e.g.,
5 ⇥ 7 C 1 D 36 D 62 , 10 ⇥ 12 C 1 D 121 D 112 ). Is this always the case, or can we find two
consecutive odd or even numbers for which this phenomenon does not occur? We can check this
forever, or we can prove it once and for all. Mathematicians are lazy, so they prefer the latter.
odd even
3 2
5 4
Figure 2.4: Even and odd numbers. Using this visualization, an odd number is obviously written as 2k C1–
it is not divisible by 2.
Here is the proof. The plan of the proof is: (i) translate the English phrase "two consecutive even
numbers" into mathematical symbols: if the first even number is 2k, then the next even number
is 2k C 2é , (ii) translate “multiply two consecutive even numbers and add 1” to .2k/.2k C 2/ C 1.
The remaining is simply algebra:
Proof. Let’s call the first even number by 2k, then the next even number is 2k C 2 where
k D 1; 2; 3; : : :. The sum of their product and one is:
which is obviously a perfect square. Why mathematicians care about perfect squares? One
reason: it is super easy to compute the square root of a perfect square. ⌅
Similarly, multiplying three successive integers and adding the middle integer to this product
always yields a perfect cube! For example, 2 ⇥ 3 ⇥ 4 C 3 D 27 D 33 . Why?
Divisibility is the ability of a number to be evenly divided by another number. For example,
four divided by two is equal to two, an integer, and therefore we say four is divisible by two.
I introduce some terminologies now: the number which is getting divided here is called the
dividend. The number which divides a given number is the divisor. And the number which we
get as a result is known as the quotient. So, in 6 W 3 D 2, 6 is the dividend, 3 is the divisor and 2
is the quotient. Mathematicians write 3j6 to say that 6 is divisible by 3éé .
Think of concrete examples such as 2; 4 or 6; 8, and you will see this.
ajb does not mean the same thing as a=b. The latter is a number, the former is a statement about two numbers.
So, you see that after the property has been discovered, the proof might not be so difficult. Now,
we write a counting number in this form
an an 1 a1 a0
an an 1 a1 a0 D an ⇥ 10n C an 1 ⇥ 10n 1
C C a1 ⇥ 10 C a0
n n 1
D an .10 1 C 1/ C an 1 .10 1 C 1/ C C a0
D .an C an 1 C C a1 C a0 / C an an C an 1 an 1 an C C a1 /
„ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ …1
n terms n 1 terms
10n 1 D 99 9 H) an .10n
„ ƒ‚ … 1/ D an ⇥ 99 9 D 9 ⇥ an an an
„ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ …
n terms n terms n terms
A good question is how we have discovered the property in the first place? It is simple: by
playing with numbers very carefully. For example, we all know the times table for 9. If we not
just look at the multiplication, but also the inverse i.e., the division, we see this:
9⇥1D9 9W9D1
9 ⇥ 2 D 18 18 W 9 D 2
9 ⇥ 3 D 27 27 W 9 D 3
9 ⇥ 4 D 36 36 W 9 D 4
Then, by looking at the red numbers, the divisibility of a number for 9 was discovered. The
lesson is always to look at a problem from different angles. For example, if you see the word
‘Rivers’, it can be a name of a person not just the rivers.
Here are only a few interesting facts about natural numbers. There are tons of other interesting
results. If you have found that they are interesting, study them! The study of natural numbers
has gained its reputation as the “queen of mathematics” according to Gauss–the famous German
mathematician, and many of the greatest mathematicians have devoted study to numbers. You
could become a number theorist (a mathematician who studies natural numbers) or you could
work for a bank on the field of information protection – known as “cryptography”. Or you
could become an amateur mathematician like Pierre de Fermat who was a lawyer but studied
mathematics in free time for leisure purposes.
If you do not enjoy natural numbers, that is of course also totally fine. For sciences and
engineering, where real numbers are dominant, a good knowledge of number theory is not
needed. Indeed, before writing this book, I knew just a little about natural numbers and relations
between them.
One of the amazing things about pure mathematics – mathematics done for its own sake,
rather than out of an attempt to understand the “real world” – is that sometimes, purely theoretical
discoveries can turn out to have practical applications. This happened, for example, when non-
Euclidean geometries described by the mathematicians Karl Gauss and Bernard Riemann turned
out to provide a model for the relativity between space and time, as shown by Albert Einstein.
Taxicab number 1729. The name is derived from a conversation in about 1919 involving
British mathematician G. H. Hardy and Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. As
told by Hardy:
I remember once going to see him [Ramanujan] when he was lying ill at
Putney. I had ridden in taxi-cab No. 1729, and remarked that the number
seemed to be rather a dull one, and that I hoped it was not an unfavorable
omen. "No," he replied, "it is a very interesting number; it is the smallest
number expressible as the sum of two [positive] cubes in two different ways.
Let’s see some math magics, which, unlike other kinds of magics, can be explained.
Magic numbers.
This magic trick is taken from the interesting book Alex’s Adventures in Numberland by
Alex Bellos [5]. The trick is: "I ask you to name a three-digit number for which the first
and last digits differs by at least two. I then ask you to reverse that number to give you a
second number. After that, I ask you to subtract the smaller number from the larger number.
I then ask you to add this intermediary result to its reverse. The result is 1089, regardless
whatever number you have chosen". For instance, if you choose 214, the reverse is 412.
Then, 412 – 214 = 198. I then asked you to add this intermediary result to its reverse,
which is 198 + 891, and that equals 1089.
a1 1; a2 2; a3 3; a4 4; a5 5
there exists at least one even number. Proving this is hard (because it is not clear which one is
even), so we transform the problem to proving that it is impossible that all those numbers are
odd. If we can prove that, then at least one of them is even. This technique is called proof by
If we assume that all numbers a1 1; a2 2; a3 3; a4 4; a5 5 are odd, we get a1 is
even, a2 is odd, a3 is even, a4 is odd and a5 is even. Thus, there are three even numbers and two
odds. But in 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 there are two evens and three odds! We arrive at a contradiction, thus
our assumption is wrong. We have proved the problem, at least for n D 5.
Nothing is special about 5, the same argument works for 7; 9; ::: Actually 1; 2; 3; : : : ; n starts
with 1, an odd number, and thus there are more odd numbers than even ones. But a1 1; a2
2; : : : ; an n starts with an even number, and hence has more evens than odd numbers.
It was a good proof, but what do you think of the following proof? Even though the problem
concerns a product, let’s consider the sum of a1 1; a2 2; : : : ; an n:
Why bother with this sum? Because it is zero whatever the values of a1 ; a2 ; : : :⇤⇤ Now the sum
of an odd number of integers is zero (which is even) leads to the conclusion that one of the
number must be even. (Otherwise, the sum would be odd; think of 3 C 5 C 7 which is odd).
difference of cba and abc is 99.c a/. Note that c a D f2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8g. Thus the intermediary number can be
only one of f198; 297; 396; 495; 594; 693; 792g. And we write this number as xyz, with x C z D 9 and y D 9 and
thus its inverse is zyx. Now, adding xyz to zyx will result in 100.xz/C20yC.xCz/ D 100⇥9C20⇥9C9 D 1089.
If you’re not sure what this sentence means, take n D 3 for example, then we have three integers 1; 2; 3.
Arrangements of them are .1; 2; 3/, .1; 3; 2/, .2; 1; 3/ and so on.
To be mathematicians alike, we say that the set of odd integers is closed under multiplication.
This sum is called an invariant of the problem. Thus, this problem solving technique is to find for invariants in
the problem. Check the book by Paul Zeit, [61] for more.
Why mathematicians knew to look at the sum S instead of the product? I do not know
the exact answer. One thing is sum, product are familiar things to think of. But if that did not
convince you, then the following joke tells it best:
A man walking at night finds another on his hands and knees, searching for some-
thing under a streetlight. "What are you looking for?", the first man asks; "I lost a
quarter," the other replies. The first man gets down on his hands and knees to help,
and after a long while asks "Are you sure you lost it here?". "No," replies the second
man, "I lost it down the street. But this is where the light is."
Given a conditional statement “if A then B", we’re also interested in the converse: “if B then
A". It is easy to see that the converse is not always true. The number six is divisible by 2, but it
is not divisible by four. When the converse is true, we have a biconditional statement:
S.n/ D 1 C 2 C 3 C Cn (2.5.1)
The notation S.n/ indicates this is a sum and its value depends on n. The ellipsis : : : also known
informally as dot-dot-dot, is a series of (usually three) dots that indicates an intentional omission
of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning. The word
(plural ellipses) originates from the Ancient Greek élleipsis meaning ’leave out’. In the above
equation, an ellipsis (raised to the center of the line) used between two operation symbols (+
here) indicates the omission of values in a repeated operation.
There are different ways to compute this sum. I present three ways to demonstrate that there
are usually more than one way to solve a mathematical problem. And the more solutions you
can have the better. Among these different ways to a solve a problem, if it can be applied to
many different problems, it is a powerful technique which should be studied.
The first strategy is simple: get your hands dirty by calculating manually this sum for some
cases of n D 1; 2; 3; 4; : : : and try to find a pattern. Then, we propose a formula and if we
can prove it, we have discovered a mathematical truth (if it is significant then it will be called
theorem, and your name is attached to it forever). For n D 1; 2; 3; 4, the corresponding sums are
n D 1 W S.1/ D 1
n D 2 W S.2/ D 1 C 2 D 3 D
n D 3 W S.3/ D 1 C 2 C 3 D 6 D
n D 4 W S.4/ D 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 D 10 D
From that (the red numbers) we can guess the following formula
n.n C 1/
S.n/ D 1 C 2 C 3 C CnD (2.5.2)
You should now double check this formula for other n, and only
when you’re convinced that it might be correct, then prove it. Why
bother? Because if you do not prove this formula for any n, it remains
only as a conjecture: it can be correct for all ns that you have manually
checked, but who knows whether it holds for others. How are we going
to prove this? Mathematicians do not want to prove Eq. (2.5.2) n times;
they are very lazy which is actually good as it forces them to come up with clever ways. A
technique suitable for this kind of proof is proof by induction. The steps are: (1) check S.1/ is
correct–this is called the basis step, (2) assume S.k/ is correct, this is known as the induction
hypothesis and (3) prove that S.k C 1/ is correct: the induction step. So, the fact that S.1/ is
valid leads to S.2/ is correct, which in turn leads to S.3/ and so on. This is similar to the familiar
domino effect.
Proof by induction of Eq. (2.5.2). It is easy to see that S.1/ is true (Eq. (2.5.2) is simply 1 D 1).
Now, assume that it holds for k–a natural number, thus we have
k.k C 1/
S.k/ D 1 C 2 C 3 C Ck D
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 2. Algebra 39
k.k C 1/ .k C 1/.k C 1 C 1/
S.k C 1/ D S.k/ C .k C 1/ D C .k C 1/ D
2 2
I now present another way done by the 10 years old Gauss (who would later become the
prince of mathematics and one of the three greatest mathematicians of all time, along with
Archimedes and Newton):
S D 1 C 2 C 3 C C 100
S D 100 C 99 C 98 C C 1
2S D 101 C 101 C C 101 D 101 ⇥ 100 (2.5.3)
100 ⇥ 101
What a great idea! A geometric illustration of Gauss’
clever idea is given in the figure: our sum is a triangle, and by
adding to this triangle another equal triangle we get a rectangle
which is easier to count the dots. Why 1 C 2 C 3 C makes
a triangle? See Fig. 2.5 for the reason. The lesson here is
try to have different views (or representations) of the same
problem. In this problem, we move away from the abstract
(numbers 1; 2; 3; : : :) back to the concrete (rocks or dots) and
by playing with the dots, we can see the way to solve the 6
1 3 6 10 15
1 D1
3 D1C2
6 D1C2C3
10 D 1 C 2 C 3 C 4
The power of a formula. What is significant about Eq. (2.5.2)? First, it simplifies computation
by reducing a large number of additions to three fixed operations: one of addition, one of
multiplication and one of division. Second, as we have at our disposal a formula which produces
a number if we plug in a number, we can, in theory, to compute S.5=2/, it is 35=8. Of course it
does not make sense to ask the sum of the first 5=2 integers. Still, formula extends the scope
of the original problem to values of the variable other than those for which it was originally
S.n/ D 1 C 2 C 3 C C n D k (2.5.4)
The notation nkD1 k reads sigma of k for k ranges from 1; 2; 3, to n; k is called the index of
summation. It is a dummy variable in the sense
P that it does not appear in the actual sum. Indeed,
we can use any letter we like; we can write niD1 i ; 1 is the starting point of the summation or
P lower limit of the summation; n is the stopping point or upper limit of the summation. And
is the capital Greek letter sigma corresponding to S for sum. This summation notation was
introduced by Fourier in 1820. You will see that mathematicians introduce weird symbols all the
times. Usually they use Greek letters for this purpose. Note that there is no reason to be scared
of them, just like any human languages we need time to get used to these symbols.
Now comes the art. Out of the blueè , mathematicians consider this identity .k 1/2 D
k 2 2k C 1 to get
n X
n X
2 2
Œk .k 1/ ç D .2k 1/ D 2 k n D 2S.n/ n (2.5.6)
kD1 kD1 kD1
Refer to Section 2.25.2 for detail on factorial.
Believe me, it is what mathematicians
do and it led to many interesting and beautiful results; one of them is
the factorial of 0.5 or .1=2/ä D ⇡=2, why ⇡ here?, see Section 4.19.2.
If you are really
P wondering the origin P of this magical step, Section
P 2.19.6 provides
Pone answer.P
To see why nkD1 .2k 1/ D 2 nkD1 P k n, go slowly: nkD1 Pn.2k 1/ D n
kD1 2k
kD1 1. Now,
1 C 1 C C 1 D n, but 1 C 1 C C 1 D kD1 1. For the term kD1 2k, it is 2 1 C 2 2 C C2 n D
„ ƒ‚ …
n terms P
2.1 C 2 C C n/ D 2 nkD1 k.
Now if the sum on the left hand side can be found, we’re
Pdone. As it turns out it is super easy to
compute this sum, to see that we just need to write out kD1 Œk 2 .k 1/2 ç explicitly:
Œk 2 .k 1/2 ç D .12 02 / C .22 12 / C .32 22 / C C .n2 .n 1/2 /
D 12 C 22 12 C 32 22 C C .n2 .n 1/2 / D n2
This sum is known as a sum of differences, and it has a telescoping property that its sum depends
only on the first and the last term for many terms cancel each other (e.g. the red and blue terms).
We will discuss more about sum of differences, when we see that it is a powerful technique (as
the sum is so easy to compute).
Introducing the above result into Eq. (2.5.6) we can compute S.n/ and the result is identical
to the one that we have obtained using Gauss’ idea and induction.
Among the previous three ways, which one can be used now? Obviously, the clever Gauss’s
trick is out of luck here. The tedious way of computing the sum for a few cases, find the pattern,
guess a formula and prove it might work. But it is hard in the step of finding the formula.
So, we adopt the telescope sum technique starting with this identity .k 1/3 D k 3 3k 2 C
3k 1
.k 1/3 D k 3 3k 2 C 3k 1 H) k 3 .k 1/3 D 3k 2 3k C 1
It follows then
n X
n X
3 3 2
Œk .k 1/ ç D 3 k 3 kCn
kD1 kD1 kD1
But, the telescope sum on the right hand side is n3 i.e., nkD1 Œk 3 .k 1/3 ç D n3 . Thus, we
can write
n.n C 1/ n.n C 1/
3S.n/ D n3 C 3 nD .2n C 1/ (2.5.8)
2 2
where we have used the result from Eq. (2.5.2) for nkD1 k. Can we understand why the result
is as it is? Consider the case n D 4 i.e., S.4/ D 1 C 4 C 9 C 16. We can express this sum as
a triangle shown in the first picture in Fig. 2.6. As the sum does not change if we rotate this
triangle, we consider two rotations (the first rotation is an anti-clockwise 120 degrees about the
center of the triangle) shown in the two remaining figures. If we sum these three triangles i.e.,
3S.4/, we get a new triangle shown in ??. What is the sum of this triangle? It is 9.1 C 2 C 3 C 4/,
and 9 D 2.4/ C 1, so this triangle gives .2 ⇥ 4 C 1/.4/.5/=2, which is the RHS of Eq. (2.5.8).
Why we knew that a rotation would solve this problem? This is because any triangle in
Fig. 2.6 is rotationally symmetric.
1 4 4 9
2 2 3 4 4 3 9 9
3 3 3 2 3 4 4 3 3 9 9 9
4 4 4 4 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 9 9 9 9
a) b)
Figure 2.6: S.n/ D 12 C 22 C 32 C n2 : pictorial explanation of the result 3S.n/ D n.nC1/=2.2n C 1/.
3 3 3 3
S.n/ D 1 C 2 C 3 C n D k3 (2.5.9)
As this point, you certainly know how to tackle this sum. We start with .k 1/4 :
n X
n X
n X
4 4 3 2
Œk .k 1/ ç D 4 k 6 k C4 k n (2.5.11)
kD1 kD1 kD1 kD1
We know the LHS ( kD1 Œk 4 .k 1/4 ç D n4 ), and the second and third sums (from previous
problems) in the RHS except the one we are looking for (the red term), so we can compute it as:
Using Eq. (2.5.2) we can see that, the sum of the first n cubes is the square of the sum of the first
n natural numbers. Actually we can see this relation geometrically, as shown in the below figure
for the case of n D 3: S.3/ D 1 C 8 C 27 D .1 C 2 C 3/2 .
Pn 1
n.n C 1/ n2 n
kD1 k D D C
2 2 2
Pn n.n C 1/.2n C 1/ n 3
3n2 C n
kD1 k2 D D C (2.5.13)
6 3 6
Pn 2
n .n C 1/ 2
n 4
2n C n2
kD1 k3 D D C
4 4 4
Clearly, we can see a pattern which allows us to write for any whole number p (we believeé in
the pattern that it will hold when p D 4; 5; : : :)
k D C R.n/ (2.5.14)
where the ratio of R.n/ over npC1 approaches zero when n is infinitely large; see Section 2.20
for a discussion on sequence and limit. This result would become useful in the development of
calculus (precisely, in the problem of determining the area under the curve y D x p ).
PnAll the sums in Eq. (2.5.13) contain two terms, and we can see why by looking at Fig. 2.7. For
kD1 k , the term n =2 is the area of the cyan
P triangle OAB. And the term n=2 is the area of the
1 2
pink staircases (Fig. 2.7a). Similarly, for nkD1 k 2 , the term n3 =3 is the volume of the pyramid
(Fig. 2.7b). If you’re good at geometry you should bePable to compute this sum geometrically
following this pyramid interpretation. However, for nkD1 k p p 3, it is impossible to use
geometry while algebra always gives you the result, albeit more involved.
Question 2. We have found the sums of integral powers up to power of three. One question
arises naturally: is there a general formula that works for any power?
4 D 2 ⇥ 2; 6 D 2 ⇥ 3; 8 D 2 ⇥ 4; 9 D 3 ⇥ 3
2 D 1 ⇥ 2; 3 D 1 ⇥ 3; 5 D 1 ⇥ 5; 7 D 1 ⇥ 7
So, we have two groups of natural number as far as factorizing (expressing a number as a
product of other numbers) them is concerned. In one group .2; 3; 5; 7; : : :/, the numbers can only
be written as a product of one and itself. Such numbers are called prime numbers, or just primes.
If you know calculus, this is the younger brother of this x n dx D x nC1=nC1 C C .
Yes, many times following your gut is the best way to go. And in maths, patterns are everywhere.
4 16
A 25
(a) 1 C 2 C C n for n D 5 (b) 12 C 22 C C n2 for n D 5
The other group .4; 6; 8; 9; : : :/ contains non-prime numbers or composite numbers. Primes are
central in number theory because of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic stating that every
natural number greater than one is either a prime itself or can be factorized as a product of primes
that is unique up to their order. For example,
328 152 D 2 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 3 ⇥ 11 ⇥ 11 ⇥ 113
each of the numbers 2; 3; 11; 113 is a prime. And this prime factorization is unique (order of
the factors does not count). That’s why mathematicians decided that 1 is not a prime. If 1 was
a prime then we could write 6 D 1 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 3 D 2 ⇥ 3: the factorization is not unique! As with
matters are made of atoms, numbers are made of prime numbers!
100 25 0.25
1 000 168 0.168
10 000 1 229 0.123
100 000 9 592 0.096
1 000 000 78 498 0.079
of the most famous, most often quoted, and most beautiful proofs in all of mathematics. Why? It
is because the largest prime that Euclid knew was probably a small number, but with reasoning
only he could prove that there are infinite primes.
His proof is now known as proof by contradiction (also known as the method of reductio ad
absurdum, Latin for "reduction to absurdity"). To use this technique, we assume the negate of
the statement we are trying to prove and use that to arrive at something impossibly correct. So,
we assume that there are finite prime numbers namely p1 ; p2 ; : : : ; pn . And from this assumption
we do something to arrive at something absurd, thus invalidating our starting point.
Euclid considered this number p:
p D p1 ⇥ p2 ⇥ ⇥ pn C 1
Because we have assumed there are only n primes, p cannot be a prime. Thus, according to
the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, p must be divisible by any of pi (1 i n), but the
above equation says that p divides by any pi always with remainder of 1. A contradiction! So
the assumption that there are finite primes is wrong, and thus there are infinite prime numberséé .
John Pell, an English mathematician who dedicated himself to creating tables of useful numbers.
Thanks to his efforts, the primes up to 100 000 were widely circulated by the early 1700s. By
1800, independent projects had tabulated the primes up to 1 million.
Having the tables (or data) is one thing and getting something out of it is another. And we
need a genius to do that. And that genius was Gauss. In a letter to his colleague Johann Encke
about prime numbers, Gauss claimed merely to have looked at the data and seen the pattern; his
complete statement reads "I soon recognized that behind all of its fluctuations, this frequency is
on the average inversely proportional to the logarithm."
25 175
15 800
75 600
50 400
25 200
0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Figure 2.8: Plot of the prime counting function ⇡.N / for N D 102 ; 103 ; 104 .
We are not Gauss, so we need to visualize the data. We can say ⇡.N / is a function and call
it the prime counting function. It is a function because when we feed to it a number it returns
another number. In Fig. 2.8 the plotè of ⇡.N / is given for N D 102 ; 103 ; 104 . What can we get
from these plots? It is clear that as N get larger and larger ⇡.N / can be considered as a smooth
function. Among all functions that we know of it is N=log N that best approximates ⇡.N /.
But why log? See Table 2.2 and the red numbers. The red number is exactly log 10. In this
table, the third column is N=⇡.N / and the first entry in the fourth column is the difference of
the second entry and the first entry in the 3rd column. Let f .N / be the mysterious function for
N=⇡.N /, then we have f .10N / D f .N / C 2:3. A function that turns a product into a sum!
That can be a logarithm. Indeed, log.10N / D log N C log 10, and log 10 D 2:3. This table was
probably the one that Gauss merely looked at and guessed correctly the function. Without doubt,
he was a genius.
However, Gauss did not prove his conjectureé . The theorem was proved independently by
Jacques Hadamard and Charles Jean de la Vallée Poussin in 1896 using ideas introduced by
Bernhard Riemann (guess what, Riemann was Gauss’s student), in particular, the Riemann zeta
function (Section 4.19.3).
Created using the function step of matplotlib.
I am not sure why. Maybe the maths of his time was not sufficient.
Table 2.2: The density of prime numbers. The fourth col is the difference in 3rd col.
N ⇡.N / N=⇡.N /
f2; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23; 29; 31; 37; 41; 43; 47; 53; 59; 61; 67; 71; 73; 79; 83; 89; 97g
Mathematicians call the prime pairs .3; 5/, .5; 7/, .11; 13/ etc. the twin primes. Thus, we have
the following definition:
Definition 2.6.1
A couple of primes .p; q/ are said to be twins if q D p C 2.
Note that except .2; 3/, 2 is the smallest possible distance (or gap) between two primes.
Mathematicians then ask the same old question: how many are there twin primes? It is unknown
whether there are infinitely many twin primes (the so-called twin prime conjecture) or if there
is a largest pair. The breakthrough work of Yitang Zhang in 2013, as well as work by James
Maynard, Terence Tao and others, has made substantial progress towards proving that there are
infinitely many twin primes, but at present this remains unsolved. For a list of unsolved maths
problems check here.
It is usually while solving unsolved mathematical problems that mathematicians discover
new mathematics. The new maths also help to understand the old maths and provide better
solution to old problems. Then, after about 100 or 200 years some of the new maths come into
the mathematics curriculum to train the general public.
Yitang Zhang (born February 5, 1955). On April 17 2013, a paper arrived in the inbox of
Annals of Mathematics, one of the discipline’s top journals. Written by a mathematician virtually
unknown to the experts in the field — a 58 year old§ lecturer at the University of New Hampshire
named Yitang Zhang — the paper claimed to have taken a huge step forward in solving the twin
primes conjecture, one of mathematics’ oldest problems. Just three weeks later Zhang‘s paper
“No mathematician should ever allow himself to forget that mathematics, more than any other art or science, is
a young man’s game,” Hardy wrote. He also wrote, “I do not know of an instance of a major mathematical advance
initiated by a man past fifty.”
was accepted. Rumors swept through the mathematics community that a great advance had been
made by an unknown mathematician — someone whose talents had been so overlooked after he
earned his doctorate in 1991 that he had found it difficult to get an academic job, working for
several years as an accountant and even in a Subway sandwich shopéé .
“Basically, no one knows him,” said Andrew Granville, a number theorist at the Université
de Montréal. “Now, suddenly, he has proved one of the great results in the history of number
theory.” For Zhang’s story, you can watch this documentary movie.
There are many more interesting stories about primes but we stop here, see Fig. 4.76 for a
prime spiral.
The pursuit of tenure requires an academic to publish frequently, which often means refining one’s work within
a field, a task that Zhang has no inclination for. He does not appear to be competitive with other mathematicians,
or resentful about having been simply a teacher for years while everyone else was a professor. As he did not have
to publish many papers he had all the time to focus on big problems. I think his situation is somehow similar to
Einstein being a clerk in the Swiss patent office.
Rational here does not mean logical or reasonable, it is a ratio of two integers.
Definition 2.7.1
A rational number is a number that can be written in the form p=q where p and q are integers
and q is not equal to zero.
The requirement that q is not equal to zero comes from the fact that division by zero
is meaningless. Because, if we allowed it, we would get absurd results. For instance, as
0 ⇥ 1 D 0 ⇥ 2, divide both sides by 0, we get 1 D 2, which is non-sense.
Cut a line into n equal segments. Now, we have to discuss how to get 1=n geometrically using
compass and straightedge. A straightedge is simply a guide for the pencil when drawing straight
lines. In most cases you will use a ruler for this, since it is the most likely to be available, but you
must not use the markings on the ruler during constructions. Why not? Because we’re trying to
define rational numbers (e.g. 1=2) using only what we have so far: the whole numbers. So, at
this stage, we do not actually have rulers!
The steps are (illustrated for a division of a segment into three C
equal parts):
Arithmetics with rational numbers. We now need to define addition and multiplication for
rational numbers. We first present these rules here (explanations follow immediately):
a c ac a c ad C bc
⇥ D ; C D (2.7.1)
b d bd b d bd
Surprisingly the rule for multiplication is easier to grasp than that for addition. We refer to
Fig. 2.9 for an illustration. Imagine of a square wooden plate of unit sides. Thus the area of this
plate is 1 (whatever the unit). Now we divide the longer side into 3 equal parts, so each part is
1/3. Similarly, we chop the shorter edge into two halves, so each part is 1/2. Now, the area of
one peace is 1=3 ⇥ 1=2 and it must be equal to 1=6 as there are six equal rectangular pieces, and in
1 1 1 2 1 2
⇥ = ⇥ =
3 2 6 3 2 6
1 1
1/2 1/6 1/2 2/6
1 2 3
= =
2 4 6 1/4
a c
= =) ad = bc
b d
Figure 2.10: Equality of two rational numbers. The rational 1=2 is said to be in its lowest term as it is
impossible to simplify it. On the other hand, 2=4 is not in lowest term.
total they make a unit square of which the area is one. If we take two pieces then the area is 2=6
and they make a rectangle of sides 2=3 and 1=2; so 2=3 ⇥ 1=2 D 2=6.
It is not hard to add two rational numbers when they have the same denominator:
1 3 1C3 4
2 2 2 2
This is because one-half plus three halves is certainly four halves, which is 4=2. This is similar
to one carrot plus two carrots is three carrots. The unit is just a half instead of 1 carrot. For
rational numbers having different denominators, the rule is then to convert them to have the
same denominator:
1 4 1⇥3 4⇥2 3 8 11
2 3 2⇥3 3⇥2 6 6 6
The conversion is based on the equality of two rational numbers explained in Fig. 2.10.
Percentage. In mathematics, a percentage (from Latin per centum "by a hundred") is a ratio
expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign ("%"), although the
abbreviations "pct.", "pct" and sometimes "pc" are also used. As a ratio, a percentage is a
dimensionless number (pure number); it has no unit of measurement.
Arithmetic is important but this is more important. We have to check whether the rules of
integers, stated in Eq. (2.1.2), still hold for the new number–the rationals? It turns out that the
a c ad C bc bc C ad bc ad c a
b d bd bd bd bd d b
Note that in the proof we have used ad C bc D bc C ad , as these numbers are integers. Why
this is important? Because mathematicians want to see 2 D 2=1–that is an integer is a rational
number. Thus, the arithmetic for the rationals must obey the same rules for the integers.
which means that the units are in the 0 position, the tens in the 1 position and the hundreds in
the 2 position, and the position decides the power of tens. Now, 3=10 D 3 ⇥ 10 1 is zero unit and
three tenths, thus the digit 3 must be placed on the 1 position, which is before the units: 03, but
we need something to separate the two digits otherwise it is mistaken with 3. So, 3=10 is written
as 0:3. The decimal point separates the units column from the tenths column. Similarly, 3=100,
which is three hundredths, is written as 0:03–the number 3 is at position 2. The number 351:3
is understood as
210 1
351:3 D 3 ⇥ 102 C 5 ⇥ 101 C 1 ⇥ 100 C 3 ⇥ 10 1
people). What’s more interesting lies in Eq. (2.7.2): we can see that there are two types of
decimals for rational numbers. The decimal 0:25 is a terminating decimal. The (long) division
process terminates. On the other hand, 1=3 D 0:3333 : : : with infinitely many digits 3 as the
division does not terminate. The decimal 0.3333... is called a recurring decimal. How about 1=7?
Is it a recurring decimal? Of course it is, you might say. But think about this: how can you sure
that the red digits repeat forever? It could be like this: 1=7 D 0:142857142857 : : : 142857531 : : :
But things are not that complicated for rational numbers. Any recurring decimal has the pattern
forever. And the reason is not hard to see. Let’s look at the following division of integers by 7:
0D0 7 C 0; 6 D0 7 C 6; 12 D0 7C5
1D0 7 C 1; 7 D0 7 C 0; 13 D0 7C6
2D0 7 C 2; 8 D0 7 C 1; 14 D0 7C0
3D0 7 C 3; 9 D0 7 C 2; 15 D0 7C1
4D0 7 C 4; 10 D0 7 C 3; 16 D0 7C2
5D0 7 C 5; 11 D0 7 C 4; 17 D0 7C3
Look at the remainders: there are only six (except 0) of them: f0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6g. That’s why
1=7 D 0:142857142857 : : :, which has a cycle of six–the length of the repeating digits.
Sometimes you’re asked to find the fraction corresponding to a recurring decimal. For exam-
ple, what is the fraction of 0:2272727 D 0:227 where the bar on 27 is to indicate the repeated
digits. To this end, we write 0:227 D 0:2 C 0:027. Now, we plan to find the fraction for 0:027.
We start with y D 0:27, then taking advantage of the repeating pattern, we will find a linear
equation in terms of y to solve for it:
100y D 27:27
27 27 2 27 5
99y D 27 H) y D H) 0:027 D H) 0:227 D C D
99 990 10 990 22
Is 0.9999... equal to 1? We all know that 1=3 D 0:3, multiplying both sides with 3, we obtain
1 D 0:9 D 0:9999 : : : And there are many other proofs for this. For example, the following
proof is common and easy to get:
x D 0:999 : : :
100x D 99:999 : : :
99x D 99 H) x.D 0:999 : : :/ D 1
But what is going on here? The problem is at the equal sign, and the never ending 9999. To fully
understand this we need to go to infinity and this will be postponed until Section 2.20.
So we have integers and rational numbers. It is easy to see that 0 1/8 1/4 1/2 1
1 p
O 1 A 2
(a) (b)
Figure 2.11: Proof that the diagonal of a unit square has a length of 2: Starting with one unit square,
we add three more unit squares to the problem, and we suddenly get a symmetrical geometry object. The
area of the square ABCD is d 2 and this square is twice as plarge as the unit square. Thus, d 2 D 2 (a). A
geometric construction of a line segment with length being 2 (b). We start
p with the right triangle OAB
with AO D AB D 1. The Pythagorean theorem then tells us that OB D p 2. Now using a compass, draw
a circle centered at O p
and with OB as radius we get point C with OC D 2. And that point C is where
the irrational number 2 lives.
How are we going to prove that 2 is irrational? The only information we have is the
p of an irrational number–the number which is not a=b.pSo, the goal is to prove that
2 ¤ a=b. Where do we begin? It seems easier if we start with 2 D a=b, and play with this
to see if somethingp come up. We’re trying to use
p proof by contradiction. Let’s do it.
Assume that 2 is a rational number i.e., 2 D a=b or a =b D 2 where a; b are not both
2 2
even (if they are, one can always cancel out the factor 2). So, a2 D 2b 2 which is an even number
(since it is 2 multiplied by some number). Thus, a is an even number (even though this is rather
obvious, as always, prove it). Since a is even, we can express it as a D 2c where c D 1; 2; 3; : : :
a D 2c H) a2 D 4c 2 H) 4c 2 D 2b 2 H) b 2 is even, or b is even
So, we are led to the fact that both a; b are even, which is in contradiction with a; b being not
both even. So, the square root of two must be irrational. We used proof by contradiction. To
use this technique, we assume the negate of the statement we are trying to prove and use that to
arrive at something impossibly correct.
p of irrational numbers include square rootsp
of integers that are not complete squares
e.g. 10, cube roots of integers that are not cubes, like 3 7, and so on. Multiplying an irrational
number by a rational coefficient or adding a rational number to it produces again an irrational
numberéé . The most famous irrational number is ⇡–the ratio of a circle circumference to its
diameter– ⇡ D 3:14159265 : : : The decimal portion of ⇡ is infinitely long and never repeats
replacing 2 with 1:414? There are many reasons. One is that mathematicians love patterns
p p
For example, assume that 2 C r1 D r2 where r1 ; r2 are two rationals, then we get 2 D r2 r1p . But
rationals are closed under
p subtraction i.e., r 2 r 1 is a rational. Thus we arrive at the absurd conclusion that 2 is
rational. Therefore, 2 C r1 must be irrational.
Because the LHS is 5, and square of 5 is 25 not 13.
not the answer. For example, the Basel problem asked mathematicians to compute the sum of
infinite terms:
1 1 1
4 9 16
Anyone knows that the answer is 1:6449, approximately. But Euler and many other mathemati-
cians were not happy with that: they wanted to find out a formula/expression for S. That problem
defied all mathematicians except Euler. He eventually found out that the exact answer is ⇡ 2=6.
Not only this is a beautiful result in itself, Euler had discovered other mathematical results while
working on this problem.
2.8.3 Roots n
A square root of a number x is a number y such that y 2 D x; in other words, a number y whose
square (the result of multiplying the number by itself, or y ⇥ y) is x. For example, 4 and 4 are
square roots of 16, because 42 D . 4/2 D 16. Every nonnegative real number xphas a unique
nonnegative square root, called the principal square root, which is denoted by x where the
symbol is called the radical sign. The term (or number) whose square root is being considered
is known as the radicand. In other words, the radicand is the number or expression underneath
the radical sign. The radical symbol was first used in print in 1525, in Christoph Rudolff’s Cossé .
It is believed that this was because it resembled a lowercase "r" (for "radix"). The fact that the
symbol of square root is is not as important as the concept of square root itself. However, for
the communication of mathematics, we have to get to know and use this symbol when it has
become standard.
The definition of a square root of x as a number y such that y 2 D x has been generalized
p in
the following way. A cube root of x is a number y such that y 3 D x; it is denoted by 3 x. We
need a cube root when we know the volume of a box and need to determine its side. Extending
to other roots is straightforward. If n p
is an integer greater than two, a nth root of x is a number
y such that yp D x; it is denoted by x.
n n
Metrica. So, what is exactly the algorithm? It starts with an initial guess of the square root x0
and this observation: if x0 is smaller than the true square root of S , then S=x0 is larger than the
root of S . So, an average of these two numbers might be a better approximation:
✓ ◆
1 S
x1 D x0 C (2.8.1)
2 x0
And we use x1 to compute x2 D 0:5.x1 C S=x1 /. The process is repeated until we get the
value that we aim for. How good is it algorithm? Using Juliap(see Listing B.1) I wrote a small
function implementing this algorithm. Using it I computed 5 (which is about 2:236067977)
with x0 D 2 and the results are given in Table 2.3.
Table 2.3: Calculation of 5 with starting value x0 D 2.
n xn error e D xn 5
1 2.25 1.00e-2
2 2.2361111 4.31e-5
3 2.2360680 2.25e-8
The performance of the algorithm is so good, with three iterations and simple calculations
we get a square root of 5 with 6 decimals. However, there are many questions to be asked. For
example, where did Eq. (2.8.1) come from? p
One derivation of Eq. (2.8.1) is as follows. Assume that x0 is close to S, and e is the error
in that approximation, then we have .x0 C e/2 D S . We can solve for e from this equation:
S x0
.x0 C e/2 D S H) x02 C 2x0 e C e 2 D S H) e D (2.8.2)
2x0 2
where e 2 was omitted as it is negligible. Having obtained e, adding e to x0 we will get Eq. (2.8.1).
Actually, the Babylonian method is an example of a more general method–the Newton method
for solving f .x/ D 0–see Section 4.5.4.
How about the calculation of n x? Does the Newton method still work? If so, what should
be the initial guess? Is the Newton method fast? Using a small program you can investigate all
these questions, and discover for yourselves some mathematics.
Rationalizing denominators.
p Do you remember that when you wrote 1= 2 and your strict
teacher corrected it to 2=2? They are the same, so p why bother? I think that the reason is
historical. Before calculators, it is easier to compute 2=2 (as approximately 1:4142135=2)
than to compute 1=1:4142135. And thus it has become common to not write radicals in the
denominators. Now, we know the why, let’s move to the how. p
How to rationalize the denominatorp of this term
p 1=.1 C 2/? The secret lies in the identity
.aCb/.a b/ D a 2
b , and thus .1C 2/.1
2/ D 1, the radical is gone. So, we multiply
p p
the nominator and denominator by 1
2, which is the conjugate radicaléé of 1 C 2:
p p
1 1 1 1 2 1 2 p
p D p ⇥1D p ⇥ p D D 2 1
1C 2 1C 2 1C 2 1 2 1
And it is exactly the same idea when we have to divide two complex numbers .a C bi/=.c C d i/.
We multiply the nominator and denominator by c d i , which is the complex conjugate of c Cd i .
This time, doing so eliminates i in the denominator
p as i 2p
D 1.
In general the radical conjugate of a C b c is a b c. When multiplied together it gives
us a2 b 2 c. The principle of rationalizing denominators is as simple as that. But, let’s try this
problem: simplify the following expression
1 1 1 1 1 1
SD p C p p Cp p Cp p Cp C p
3C2 2 2 2C 7 7C 6 6C 5 5C2 2C 3
A rush application of the technique would work, but in a tedious way. Let’s spend time with the
expression and we see something special, a pattern (in the red terms we have 7; 6 then 6; 5):
1 1 1 1 1 1
SD p C p p Cp p Cp p Cp C p
3C2 2 2 2C 7 7C 6 6C 5 5C2 2C 3
So, we rewrite the expression as
1 1 1 1 1 1
SDp p Cp p Cp p Cp p Cp p Cp p
9C 8 8C 7 7C 6 6C 5 5C 4 4C 3
p p p p
Now, we apply the trick to, say, 1=. 9 C 8/ and get a nice result of 9 8. Doing the same
for other terms, and add them altogether gives us:
p p p p p p p p p p p p p
SD 9 8C 8 7C 7 6C 6 5C 5 4C 4 3D3 3
where all terms, except the first and last, are canceled leaving us a neat final result of 3 3.
This is called a telescoping sum and we see this kind of sum again and again in mathematics,
for instance Section 2.19.4. The name comes from the old collapsible telescopes you see in
pirate movies, the kind of spyglass that can be stretched out or contracted at will. The analogy
is the original sum appears in its stretched form, and it can be telescoped down to a much more
compact expression.
Another p
common type of exercise about square/cube roots is to simplify radicals. For exam-
ple, what is
p 4 C 2 3. p As2 we know that the radicand should be a perfect square , we assume
The solution is based on the belief that the radicand must be a perfect square i.e., it is of the form
. /2 . And this radicand has 4 terms, we think
p of the
p identity
p .x C y C z/ D x C , and this
2 2
leads to the beautiful compact answer of 13 2C4 3C18 5. Well, I leave the details for youé .
p the first question, use the strategy p of solving a simpler problem e.g.
1, which is nothing but 5 , to see the pattern. For the second question,
1 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 3 ⇥ 4 Cp 2
3x 2 C 6x 4
D 6x 4
p p p p p p
Details: we wish 104 6 C 468 10 C 144 15 C 2006 to be of the form .x a C y b C z c/2 . The question
is: what are a; b; c? Look at 6; 10; 15 and ask why not 6; 10; 14, then you’ll see that apD 2; bpD 3; cpD 5. For
x; y; z we have xz D 234, yz D 72, xy D 52. A teacher proceeds the reverse with .x a C y b C z c/2 , and
thus she can generate infinitely many problems of this type. But, as a student you just need to do just one.
The correct answer is 1 C 2x 2 . It is clear that .6 C 3/=6 is definitely not 3! If you’re not sure,
one example can clarify the confuse.
Another common mistake is this one:
p p
3x 2 C 3x 4 C 3x x2 C x4 C x
3x 2 x2
Due to the square root in 3x,p it is incorrect to cancel 3 inside the square root. This is clear if
you think of the last term as 3=3, forget the x, and this is definitely not 1!
a c aCb 1
D D H) D1C or 2
1D0 (2.8.3)
b a a
where D a=b. Solving the above quadratic equation for (Section 2.12.2 discusses quadratic
equations), we get
✓ ◆ p
1 2 1 1C 5
D 1 C H) D D 1:618033988 (2.8.4)
2 4 2
The number is irrational§ . It exhibits many amazing properties. Euclid (325-265 B.C.) in his
classic book Elements gave the first recorded definition of . His own words are ‘A straight
line is said to have been cut in extreme and mean ratio when, as the whole line is to the greater
segment, so is the greater to the lesser’. The German astronomer and mathematician Johannes
Kepler once said ‘Geometry has two great treasures: one is the theorem of Pythagoras, the other
the division of a line into extreme and mean ratio. The first we may compare to a mass of gold,
the second we may call a precious jewel.’
Let’s start with a square of any side, say x, then construct a rectangle by stretching the square
horizontally by a scale by (what else?). What obtained is a golden rectangle. If you put the
square over the rectangle so that the left edges are aligned, you get two areas following the
golden ration (Fig. 2.12 ). For the right rectangle (which is also a golden rectangle), split it into
a square and a rectangle, then you get another rectangle, and repeat this infinitely. Starting from
the left most square, let’s draw a circular arc, then another arc for the next square etc. What you
obtain is a spiral which appears in nature again and again (Fig. 2.13 )
The golden ratio appears in a pentagon as shown in Fig. 2.14. Assume that the sides of the
pentagon are one, and the diagonals are d . From the two similar triangles (shaded), one has
Because 5 is irrational.
CE D 1=d , and thus 1=d C 1 D d : the short portion of the diagonal AE plus the longer portion
equals the diagonal itself. So, d D . The flake in Fig. 1.7 is also related to the golden ratio. It’s
super cool, isn’t it?éé .
Figure 2.14: The ratio of a diagonal over a side of a pentagon is the golden ratio.
Check this wikipedia for detail.
and all the irrational numbers, such as 2, ⇡ and so on. The adjective real in this context was
introduced in the 17th century by René Descartes, who distinguished between real and imaginary
roots of polynomials. The set of all real numbers is denoted by R. To do arithmetic with real
numbers, we use the following axioms (accepted with faith) for a; b; c being real numbers:
We use these axioms all the time without realizing that we are actually using them. As an
example, below are two results which are derived from the above axioms:
a D . 1/a
. a/ D Ca D a (2.8.6)
.a b/ D a C b
The third is known as a rule saying that if a bracket is preceded by a minus sign, change positive
signs within it to negative and vice-versa when removing the bracket.éé
Always use one example to check: .5 2/, which is 3, is equal to 5 C 3, which is 2. So the rule is ok.
aD aC0 (a ⇥ 0 D 0)
aD aC0⇥a (Axiom 5)
aD a C .1 C . 1// ⇥ a (Axiom 6)
aD a C a C . 1/ ⇥ a (Axiom 9)
aD. 1/ ⇥ a (Axiom 6)
With that result, it is not hard to get . a/ D . 1/. a/ D . 1/. 1/.a/ D a. For .a b/ D
a C b, we do:
.a b/ D . 1/.a b/ (just proved)
D . 1/a C . 1/. b/ (Axiom 9)
D a C . 1/. b/ (just proved)
D aCb (. c/. d / D cd )
I did not prove . c/. d / D cd but it is reasonable given the fact that we have proved
. 1/. 1/ D C1.
You might be thinking: are mathematicians crazy? About these proofs of obvious things
George Pólya once said
Mathematics consists of proving the most obvious thing in the least obvious way
(George Pólya)
But why they had to do that? The answer is simple: to make sure the axioms selected are
minimum and yet sufficient to provide a foundation for the theory they’re trying to build.
Definition 2.9.1
The Fibonacci sequence starts with 1,1 and the next number is found by adding up the two
numbers before it:
Fn D Fn 1 C Fn 2 ; n 2 (2.9.1)
Table 2.4: Ratios of two consecutive Fibonacci numbers approach the golden ratio .
n Fn FnC1 =Fn
2 2 -
3 3 1.50000000
4 5 1.66666667
:: :: ::
: : :
19 6765 -
20 10946 1.61803400
21 28657 1.61803399
Of course, this table was generated by a small Julia program. Eq. (2.9.1) is a recursive definition, so in this
program we also used that technique. In a program, we define a function and within its definition we use it.
Fn C FnC1 D x 2 Fn ; Fn C xFn D x 2 Fn
Now, divide the last equation by Fn and we get x 2 D x C 1: the same quadratic equation that
the golden ratio satisfies. That is why the ratio of consecutive Fibonacci numbers is the golden
There exists another interesting relation between the golden ratio and Fibonacci numbers; it
is possible to express the powers of the golden ratios in terms of a C b where a; b are certain
Fibonacci numbers. The procedure is as follows:
3 2 2
D D .1 C / D C D1C2
4 3
D D .1 C 2 / D C 2.1 C / D 2 C 3
That is, starting with 2 D 1 C , which is just the definition of , we raise the exponent by one
to get 3 , and replace 2 by 1 C . Then, we use 3 to get the the fourth-power, and so on. The
expression for 5 was not obtained by detailed calculations, but by guessing, again we believe
the pattern we are seeing: the coefficients of the power of the golden ratio are the Fibonacci
numbers. In general, we can write:
D Fn 2 C Fn 1 (2.9.3)
Notepthat the equation D 1 C 1= has two solutions, one is and the other is D
1=2.1 5/ and these two solutions are linked together by D 1. That is the negative
solution is 1= . If we have Eq. (2.9.3) for , should we also have something similar for 1= –
the other golden ratio? Following the same procedure done in Eq. (2.9.2). As 1= is a solution
to D 1 C 1= , we have
In all the final equalities, we have used D 1 C 1= so that final expressions are written in
terms of 1= . Now, we’re ready to have the following
✓ ◆
1 n 1
D Fn 2 Fn 1 (2.9.4)
Now comes a nice formula for the Fibonacci sequence, a direct formula not recursive one. If
we combine Eqs. (2.9.3) and (2.9.4) we have
D Fn 2 C Fn 1 = ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
✓ ◆n n 1 n 1
1 1 H) D C Fn 1
D Fn 2 Fn 1 ;
And thus, (because C 1= D 5)
✓ ◆n " ✓ ◆nC1 #
1 n 1 1 nC1 1
Fn 1 Dp ; Fn D p (2.9.5)
5 5
And this equation is now referred to as Binet’s Formula in the honor of the French mathematician,
physicist and astronomer Jacques Philippe Marie Binet (1786 – 1856), although the same result
was known to Abraham de Moivre a century earlier. p
We have one question for you: in Eq. (2.9.5), D 0:5.1 C 5/ is an irrational number, and
Fn is always a whole number. Is it possible?
The purpose of this section was to present something unexpected in mathematics. Why on
earth the golden ratio (which seems to be related to geometry) is related to a bunch of numbers
coming from the sky like the Fibonacci numbers? But there are more. Eq. (2.9.1) is now referred
to as a difference equation or recurrence equation. And similar equations appear again and again
in mathematics (and in science); for example in probability as discussed in Section 5.8.7.
45 13 1 1 1
16 16 16=13 3 1
1C 1C
13 1
Ok, so continued fraction is just another way to
p write a number. What’s special? Let’s explore
more. How about an irrational number, like 2?pHow to express the square root of 2 as a
continued fraction? Of course we start by writing 2 D 1 C :
p p 1 p p
2D1C 2 1D1C p .because . 2 C 1/. 2 1/ D 1/
1C 2
p p
Now, we replace 2 in the fraction i.e., 1=.1 C 2/ by the above equation, and doing so gives
p 1 1 1
2D1C p D1C D1C (2.10.1)
1C 2 1 1
2C p 2C
1C 2 1
We got an infinite continued fraction. Note that for 45=16, a rational number, we got a finite
continued fraction.
Using the same idea, we can write the golden ratio as an infinite continued fraction
1 1 1
D1C H) D1C D1C (2.10.2)
1 1
1C 1C
And as D 0:5.1 C 5/, we get this beautiful equation:
1C 5 1
D1C (2.10.3)
2 1
q p
p p
And that is not the end. You have probably seen this: 0:5.1 C 5/ D 1C 1C 1C .
Here is why:
r q
1 2
p p
D1C H) D1C H) D 1C H) D 1C 1C 1C
Fixed point iterations. Now, we’re going to compute using its definition: D 1C1= . We’re
using a method called fixed point iterations. What is a fixed point of a function? The definition
given below answers that question:
Definition 2.10.1
A fixed point x ⇤ of a function f .x/ is such a point that x ⇤ D f .x ⇤ /.
I am not sure about the origin of this method, but in Section 3.6, we shall see how the Persian
astronomer al-Kashi (c. 1380 – 1429) in his book The Treatise on the Chord and Sine, computed
sin 1ı to any accuracy. For that problem, he needed to solve a cubic equation of which solution
was not available at his time. And he presented a fixed point iteration method to compute sin 1ı .
A geometric illustration of a fixed point is shown in Fig. 2.16. Among other things, this
concept can be used to solve equations g.x/ D 0. First, we rewrite the equation in this form
x D f .x/, then starting with x0 , we compute a sequence .xn / D .x1 ; x2 ; : : : ; xn /éé with
As shown in Fig. 2.17a, the sequence .xn / converges to the solution x ⇤ , if x0 was chosen properly.
Starting from x0 , draw a vertical line that touches the curve y D f .x/, then go horizontally until
we get to the diagonal y D x. The x-coordinate of this point is x1 , and we repeat the process.
Fig. 2.17(b,c) are the results of fixed point iterations for the function y D 2:8x.1 x/. What
we are seeing is called a cobweb.
I demonstrate how this fixed point iteration scheme works for the golden ratio . In Table 2.5,
I present the data obtained with nC1 D 1 C 1= n with two starting points 0 D 1:0 and another
0 D 0:4. Surprisingly, both converge to the same solution of 1.618. Thus, the second negative
solution of D 1 C 1= escaped. In Fig. 2.18, we can see this clearly.
There are many questions remain to be asked regarding this fixed point method. For example,
for what functions the method works, and can we prove that (to be 100% certain) that the
sequence .xn / converges to the solution? To answer these questions, we need calculus and thus
I postpone the discussion to Section 12.5.
For now, a sequence is nothing but a list of numbers. In Section 2.20, we talk more about sequences.
y y = f (x)
f (x⇤ ) = x⇤
Figure 2.16: A fixed point of a function f .x/ is the intersection of the two curves: y D f .x/ and y D x.
Figure 2.17: Fixed point iterations for the function x D 2:8x.1 x/. In (b,c), the red line is y D x. The
code used to generate Figs b and c is in fixed_point_iter.jl.
n nC1 n nC1
1 2.0 1 -1.5
2 1.5 2 0.3333333
3 1.666666 3 3.9999999
4 1.6 4 1.25
5 1.625 5 1.8
:: :: :: ::
: : : :
19 1.618034 19 1.618034
20 1.618034 20 1.618034
Proof. The proof given in Fig. 2.20 is using the same strategy adopted in Fig. 2.11: we start with
one right triangle of sides a; b; c and we add three more, arranged in a special way that together
they make a big square of side a C b. Then, we compute the area of this big square in two ways.
First way is .a C b/2 , which is a2 C 2ab C b 2 . And the second way is: its area is equal to the
sum of areas of the four triangles and the square of side c (why this is a square? Look at the
angles ˛). This area is 4.1=2/ab C c 2 . So, we have
a2 C 2ab C b 2 D 2ab C b 2 H) a2 C b 2 D c 2
a2 a c
Figure 2.19: Pythagorean theorem. The sum of the areas of the two squares on the legs (a and b) equals
the area of the square on the hypotenuse (c).
a b
c c
a ↵ c
b a
Figure 2.20: One proof of the Pythagorean theorem.
Definition 2.11.1
Integer triples .a; b; c/ are called Pythagorean triples if they satisfy the equation a2 C b 2 D c 2 .
This result indicates that .u2 v 2 /2 C .2uv/2 D .u2 C v 2 /2 . Thus, the triple .u2 v 2 ; 2uv; u2 C
v 2 / is a Pythagorean triple! We are going to compute some Pythagorean triples using this and
Table 2.6 presents the result.
(2,1) (3,4,5)
(4,2) (12,16,20)
(3,2) (5,12,13)
(4,3) (7,24,25)
(5,4) (9,40,41)
Note that the triples .3; 4; 5/ and .12; 16; 20/ are related; the latter can be obtained by mul-
tiplying the former by 4. The corresponding right triangles are similar. Generally, if we take
a Pythagorean triple .a; b; c/ and multiply it by some other number d , then we obtain a new
Pythagorean triple .da; db; dc/. This leads to the so-called primitive Pythagorean triples in
which a; b; c have no common factors. A common factor of a; b and c is a number d so that
each of a; b and c is a multiple of d . For example, 3 is a common factor of 30; 42, and 105, since
30 D 3 ⇥ 10; 42 D 3 ⇥ 14, and 105 D 3 ⇥ 35, and indeed it is their largest common factor. On
the other hand, the numbers 10; 12, and 15 have no common factor (other than 1).
If .a; b; c/ is a primitive Pythagorean triple, it can be shown that
a2 C b 2 D c 2 H) b 2 D .c a/.c C a/ (2.11.2)
As both a and c are odd, so its sum and difference are even. Thus, we can write c a D 2m,
c C a D 2n. Eq. (2.11.2) becomes
.2k/2 D .2m/.2n/ H) k 2 D mn H) m D p 2 ; n D q2 (2.11.3)
Now, we can solve for a; b; c in terms of p and q, and obtain the same result as before:
c D p2 C q2; a D q2 p2; b D 2k D 2pq
There are many books written on this famous theorem, for example Fermat’s Last Theorem:
The Book by Simon Singh. I strongly recommend it to young students. About Wiles’ proof,
it is 192 pages long and I do not understand it at all. Note that I am an engineer not a pure
How can we solve this? Some hints: (1) a and b are symmetrical so if .a; b/ is a solution, so
is .b; a/; (2) usually squaring is used to get rid of square roots. But we have to first isolate a; b
before squaring:
p p p
aD 2009 b
a D 2009 C b 2 2009b .squaring the above/
p p p
Thus, we have 2009b D c, where c is a positive integer. Now we rewrite 2009b as p 7 41b.
Now we know that only the square root of a perfect square is a natural number, thus 41b is a
natural number when b D 41m2 , where m 2 N (this is similar to writing m is a natural number,
but shorter, we will discuss about this notation later). Since a and b are playing the same role,
we also have a D 41n2 , n 2 N. With these findings, Eq. (2.11.4) becomes:
p p p
n 41 C m 41 D 7 41 H) n C m D 7
It is interesting that the scary looking equation Eq. (2.11.4) is equivalent to this easy equation
n C m D 7, which can be solved by kids of 7 years ago and above by a rude method: trial and
error guessing (Table 2.7).
p p p
Table 2.7: Solutions to aC b D 2009.
If we’re skillful enough and lucky –if we transform the equations in just the right way– we
can get them to reveal their secrets. And things become simple. Creativity is required, because
it often isn’t clear which manipulations to perform. And that’s why mathematics is exciting. If
all problems can be solved by routine procedures, we all get bored!
where, in the second equality, we have replaced x 2 C 10x by 39. The last equality means
x C 5 D 8, and hence x D 3. The ancient mathematicians stopped here i.e., they did not find out
the other solution–the negative x D 13, because for them numbers simply represent geometric
entities (length, area, ...).
Algebraically, the above is equivalent to using the identity .a C b/2 D a2 C 2ab C b 2 , we
have added 25 D 52 to complete the square .x C 5/2 , which is the area of the square of side
x C 5. This is also the key to solving cubic equations by a similar completing a cube procedure.
Another way to solve the quadratic equation x 2 C bx C c D 0
is to use a change of variable x D u b=2 to get rid 90
of the term bx to obtain this reduced quadratic equa- 70
tion u2 D d , with d D b 2 =4 c. Note that we can 60 x 2
4x + 3
solve easily the reduced equation. How did we know y 50 u 2
Thus, by shifting the graph of y D f .x/ to the left a dis- 0
tance of b=2, we have the same graph but in the form 8 6 4 2 0
2 4 6 8
y D f .u/ D u2 d .
Quadratic equations in disguise. Many equations are actually quadratic equations in disguise.
For example, x 4 2x 2 C 1 D 0 is a quadratic equation t 2 2t C 1 D 0 with t D x 2 .
To demonstrate unexpected things in maths, let’s consider this equation:
5 xD5 x2
To remove the square root, we follow the old rule: squaring both sides of the equation:
5 x D 25 10x 2 C x 4
Ops! We’ve got a quartic equation! Now comes the magic of maths, when I first saw this it was
like magic. Instead of seeing the equation as a quartic equation in terms of x, how about seeing
it as a quadratic equation in terms of 5??? With that in mind, we re-write the equation as
ax 3 C bx 2 C cx C d D 0; a¤0 (2.12.2)
The condition a ¤ 0 is needed, otherwise Eq. (2.12.2) becomes a quadratic equation (suppose
that b ¤ 0). As we can always divide Eq. (2.12.2) by a, it suffices to consider the following
cubic equationéé
x 3 C bx 2 C cx C d D 0 (2.12.3)
It turned out that solving a full cubic equation Eq. (2.12.3) was not easy. So, in 1545, the Italian
mathematician Gerolamo Cardano (1501–1576) presented a solution to the following depressed
Note that the b; c; d in Eq. (2.12.3) are different from Eq. (2.12.2).
cubic equation (it is always possible to convert a full cubic equation to the depressed cubic by
using this change of variable x D u b=3 to get rid of the quadratic termé )
x 3 C px D q (2.12.4)
As Eq. (2.12.5) was successfully used to solve many depressed cubic equations,
p it was perplexing
that for Eq. (2.12.6) it involves the square root of a negative number i.e., 121.
So, Cardano stopped there and it took almost 30 years for someone to make progress. It was
Rafael Bombelli (1526-1572)–another Italian– in 1572 who examined Eq. (2.12.7). He knew
that x D 4 is a solution to Eq. (2.12.6). Thus, he was about to check the validity of the following
identity q q
3 p 3 p ‹
2C 121 2C 121 D 4 (2.12.8)
where the LHS is the solution if the cubic formula is correct and 4 is the true solution. In the
process, he accepted the square root of negative numbers and treated
p it as an ordinary number.
In hisp
own words, it was a wild thought as he had no idea about 121. He computed this term
.2 C 1/3 as
p p p p
.2 C 1/3 D 8 C 3.2/2 1 C 3.2/. 1/2 C . 1/3
p p p p (2.12.9)
D 8 C 12 1 6 1 D 2 C 11 1D2C 121
p p p
p p
Thus, he knew 2 C 121 D 2C 1. Similarly, he also had 2C 121 D 2C 1.
Plugging these into Eq. (2.12.7) indeed gave him four (his intuition was correct):
q q
3 p 3 p
x D 2C 121 2C 121 D 4 (2.12.10)
Again, calculus helps to understand why this change of variable: x D b=3 is the x-coordinate of the inflection
point of the cubic curve y D x 3 C bx 2 C cx C d . Note, however, that at the time of Cardano, calculus has not yet
been invented. But with the success of reducing a quadratic equation to the form u2 d D 0, mathematicians were
confident that they should be able to do the same for the cubic equation.
Remark 1. Knowing one solution x D 4, it is straightforward to find the other solutions using
a factorization as
x3 15x 4 D 0 ” .x 4/.x 2 C 4x C 1/ D 0
If you’re not sure of this factorization, please refer to Section 2.29.2. The other solutions can be
found by solving the quadratic equation x 2 C 4x C 1 D 0. That’s why we only need to find one
solution to the cubic equation.
del Ferro’s method to solve the depressed cubic equation. For unknown reason, he considered
the solution x D u C v. Putting this into the depressed cubic equation, we get:
He needed another equation (as there are two unknowns), so he considered 3uv C p D 0, or
v D p=3u. With this, the above equation becomes u3 C v 3 D q, or
u3 Dq
3 1
cos3 ✓ D cos ✓ C cos.3✓ /
4 4 (2.12.11)
x 3 D px C q
It follows that x D a cos ✓ where a and ✓ are functions of p; q. Substituting this form of x into
the cubic equation we obtain
p q
cos3 ✓ D cos ✓ C (2.12.12)
a2 a3
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 2. Algebra 80
As any ✓ satisfies the above trigonometric identity, we get the following system of equations to
solve for a and ✓ in terms of p and q:
p 3 p ✓ p ◆
D 2 3p 1 3 3q
a2 4 H) a D ✓ D cos 1
; p
q 1 3 3 2p p
D cos.3✓ /
a3 4
Does Viète’s solution work for the case p D 15 and q D 4 (the one that caused trouble with
Cardano’s solution)? Using Eq. (2.12.14) with p D 15 and q D 4, we get
✓ p ◆
p 1 1 2 5
x D 2 5 cos cos (2.12.15)
3 25
which can be evaluated using a computer (or calculator) to give 4 (with angle of 1.3909428270).
Note that this equation also gives the other two roots 3:73205 p (angle is 1:3909428270 C 2⇡)
and 0:267949 (angle is 1:3909428270 C 4⇡). And there is no 1 involved! What does this
tell us? The same thing (i.e., the square root of a negative number) can be represented by i and
by cosine/sine functions. Thus, there must be a connection between i and sine/cosine. We shall
see this connection later.
Seeing how Viète solved the cubic equation, we can unlock de Ferro’s solution. de Ferro
used this identity .u C v/3 D u3 C v 3 C 3u2 v C 3uv 2 . We put this identity and the depressed
cubic equation altogether
.u C v/3 D 3uv.u C v/ C u3 C v 3
x3 D px C q
So, with x D u C v we obtain from the depressed cubic equation .u C v/3 D p.u C v/ C q.
Compare this with the identity .u C v/3 D , we then get two equations to solve for p and q:
pD 3uv; q D u3 C v 3
And voilà! We now understand the solution of de Ferro. Obviously the algebra of his solution
is easy, what is hard is to think of that identity .u C v/3 D u3 C v 3 C 3u2 v C 3uv 2 in the first
x3 5x D 6
Viète could treat the general cubic equation
A3 C px D q
where p and q are constants. Note that Viète’s version of algebra was still cumbersome
and wordy as he wrote ‘D in R - D in E aequabitur A quad’ for DR AE D A2 in our
2.13.1 Symbols
The use of many symbols is the basis of mathematical notation. They play a similar role as
words in natural languages. They may play different roles in mathematical notation similarly as
verbs, adjective and nouns play different roles in a sentence.
Lectures as symbols. Letters are typically used for naming mathematical objects. Typically the
Latin and Greek alphabets are used, but some letters of Hebrew alphabet are sometimes used.
We have seen a; b; ˛; ˇ and so on. Obviously these alphabets are not sufficient: to have more
symbols, and for allowing related mathematical objects to be represented by related symbols,
diacritics (e.g. f 0 ), subscripts (e.g. x2 ) and superscripts (e.g. z 3 ) are often used. For a quadratic
equations, we can use x and y to denote its two roots. But it is sometimes better to use x1 and
x2 (both are x and we can see what is the first and what is the second root). What is more, when
we want to talk about the n roots of a n-order polynomials, we have to use x1 ; x2 ; : : : ; xn . Why
because we do not even know what is n.
Other symbols. Symbols are not only used for naming mathematical objects. They can be used
for operations (C; ; ; : : :), for relations (D; >; <; : : :), for logical connectives ( H) ; ”
; _; : : :), for quantifiers (8; 9/ and for other purposes.
What we need to know is that a notation is a personal choice of the particular mathematician
who used it for the first time. If interested, you can read A history of mathematical notations by
the Swiss-American historian of mathematics Florian Cajori (1859 –1930) [9].
2.14 Factorization
I have discussed a bit about factorization when presenting the identity a2 b 2 D .a b/.a C b/.
Herein, we delve into this topic with more depth. Recall that factorization or factoring consists
of writing a number or another mathematical object as a product of several factors, usually
smaller or simpler objects of the same kind. Factorization was first considered by ancient Greek
mathematicians in the case of integers. They proved the fundamental theorem of arithmetic,
which asserts that every positive integer may be factored into a product of prime numbers, which
cannot be further factored into integers greater than one. For example,
48 D 16 ⇥ 3 D 2 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 3
Then comes the systematic use of algebraic manipulations for simplifying expressions (more
specifically equations) dated to 9th century, with al-Khwarizmi’s book The Compendious Book
on Calculation by Completion and Balancing.
The following identities are useful for factorization:
In using these identities, we need to see 1 as 12 or 13 , then the identity appears. For example,
a3 1 is a3 13 D .a 1/.a2 C a C 1/. This is similar to in trigonometry we see 1 as
sin2 x C cos2 x.
The first method for factorization is finding a common factor and using the distributive law
a.b C c/ D ab C ac. For example,
6x 3 y 2 C 8x 4 y 3 10x 5 y 3 D 2x 3 y 2 .3 C 4xy 5x 2 y/
Then, factorizing each group and a common factor for the entire expression will show up:
In many cases, we have to look at the expressions carefully so that the identities in Section 4.12.2
will appear. For example, let’s simplify the following fraction
x 6 C a2 x 3 y
x 6 a4 y 2
We can process the numerator as x 3 .x 3 C a2 y/. About the denominator we should see it as
.x 3 /2 .a2 y/2 , then things become easy as the denominator becomes .x 3 C a2 y/.x 3 a2 y/.
And the fraction is simplified to x 3=x 3 a2 y .
The next exercise about factorization is the following expression:
a3 C b 3 C c 3 3abc
.a b/2 C .b c/2 C .c a2 /
Now we make some observations. First, the nominator is of degree three and the denominator
is of second degree. Second the three variables a; b; c are symmetrical. Thus, if that expression
can be factorized into a polynomial, it must be of this form
A D pa C qb C rc H) A D p.a C b C c/
The fact that p D q D r stems from the symmetry of a; b; c. To find p, just use b D c D 0 in
the original expression, we find that p D 0:5. Thus, one answer might be:
And now we just need to check if
✓ ◆
3 3 3 aCbCc
a Cb Cc 3abc D Œ.a b/2 C .b c/2 C .c a2 /ç
And it is indeed the case. Thus, the answer is 0:5.a C b C c/.
The above method is not the usual one often presented in textbooks. Here is the textbook
.a3 C b 3 / C c 3 3abc D .a C b/3 3ab.a C b/ C c 3 3abc
3 3
D Œ.a C b/ C c ç 3ab.a C b C c/
D Œ.a C b/ C cçŒ.a C b/2 .a C b/c C c 2 ç 3ab.a C b C c/
D .a C b C c/.: : :/
where in the third equality we have used the identity x 3 C y 3 D .x C y/.x 2 xy C y 2 /. Now
you see why in the expression of A, we must have the term 3abc, not 4abc or anything else. It
must be 3abc, otherwise there is nothing to simplify!
Another powerful method to do factorization is to use the identity difference of squares i.e.,
.X /2 .Y /2 D .X Y /.X C Y /. The thing is we have to make appear the form .X/2 .Y /2
called difference of squares. One way is to complete the square by adding zero to an expression.
For example, suppose that we need to factorize the following expression:
A D x4 C 4
⇥ ⇤
A D .x 2 /2 C 22 C 4x 2 4x 2
D .x 2 C 2/2 .2x/2
D .x 2 C 2 C 2x/.x 2 C 2 2x/
Let’s solve one challenging problem in which we will meet a female mathematician and an
identity attached to her name. The problem is: compute the following without calculator:
Observe first that 324 D 4 81 D 4 34 . Then all terms in A have this form: a4 C 4b 4 with
b D 3. So, let’s factorize a4 C 4b 4 :
This identity is known as the Sophie Germain identity, named after the French mathematician,
physicist, and philosopher Marie-Sophie Germain (1776 – 1831). Despite initial opposition from
her parents and difficulties presented by society, she gained education from books in her father’s
library and from correspondence with famous mathematicians such as Lagrange, Legendre, and
Gauss (under the pseudonym of ’Monsieur LeBlanc’). Because of prejudice against her sex, she
was unable to make a career out of mathematics, but she worked independently throughout her
life. Before her death, Gauss had recommended that she be awarded an honorary degree, but
that never occurred!
Now A is making sense: in the above identity we have a 6 and a C 6, and note that the numbers
in the nominator and denominator in A differ by 6: 10 and 4, 22 and 16 etc. This means that
there are many terms that can be canceled. Indeed, with Eq. (2.14.3), we have:
(( (
104 C 324 10((
.10 16 C 18/.( 4C 18/
D ((
44 C 324 ((
( C(18/.4 . 2/ C 18/
584 C 324 .58 64 C 18/.( 52(C(18/
D (
524 C 324 .52
( ((
((58 C(18/.52 46 C 18/
Why factorization? Because factored expressions are usually more useful than the correspond-
ing un-factored expressions. For example, we use factorization to simplify fractions. We use
factorization to solve equations. It is hard to know what is the solution of x 3 6x 2 C11x 6 D 0,
but it is easy with .x 1/.x 2/.x 3/ D 0. Factors can be helpful for checking expressions.
For instance, consider a triangle of sides a; b; c, its area is denoted by A, then we have two
16A2 D 2b 2 c 2 C 2c 2 a2 C 2a2 b 2 a4 b 4 c 4
D .a C b C c/.a C b c/.b C c a/.c C a b/
As we know that the triangle area will be zero if a C b D c, and thus the factored expression for
16A2 reveals this clearly while the un-factored expression does not. By the way, the factored
expression above is known as Heron’s formula, see Eq. (4.3.1).
Manipulation of algebraic expressions is a useful skill which can be learned. Herein we dis-
cuss some manipulation techniques. An algebraic expression is an expression involving numbers,
parentheses, operation signs (C; ; ⇥; ) and variables a; b; x; y. Examples of algebraic expres-
sions are: 3x C 1 and 5.x 2 C 3x/. Note that the multiplication sign is omitted between letters
and between a number and a letter: so we write 2x instead of 2 ⇥ x.
Consider this problem: given that the sum of a number and its reciprocal (i.e., its inverse) is
one, find the sum of the cube of that number and the cube of its reciprocal.
We can proceed as follows. Let’s denote by xp the number, we then have x C 1=x D 1.
Solving this quadratic equation
p we get x D .1 ˙ i 3/=2. Now, to get x 3 C 1=x 3 we need to
compute x 3 , which is .1 ˙ i 3/3 =8, but that would be difficultéé . There should be a better way.
This is what we need
S D x3 C 3
and we have x C 1=x D 1. Let’s cube this and S will show :
✓ ◆3 ✓ ◆
1 1
3 1 1
xC D x C 3 C 3x 2 C 3x 2
x x x x
1 D S C 3.x C /
1 D S C 3 ⇥ 1 H) S D 2
We found S without even solving for x. With p that success, how about this problem: finding
S D x 2021 C 1=x 2021 given that x C 1=x D 2?é
Let’s consider another problem: given two real numbers x ¤ y that satisfy
x 2 D 17x C y
y 2 D 17y C x
What is the value of S D x 2 C y 2 C 1?
Not really, but for maths–as an art form–we aim for beautiful solutions not ugly ones.
Obviously the solution just presented would not work as no one would dare to do .x C 1=x/2021 . Of all the
tools we have met which one can helpp us to easily compute any power of a number? If you use it, then this problem
becomes easy. The solution is S D 2.
.x 2 C y 2 /.x 2 y 2 / D .16/.18/.x 2 y 2/
Thus, S D .16/.18/ C 1. Another way (a bit slower) is to solve for x C y from the second
equation of Eq. (2.14.4), and then put it into the first to solve for x 2 C y 2 .
Figure 2.21: Alice, Bob and Charlie pouring concrete into a container. Why 100? The idea is not to use
small numbers such as 1; 2; : : : to avoid working with fractions. If you like, choosing 60 is working fine.
But I think 100 is a nice number.
2A C 2B D 100
3A C 3C D 100 (2.15.1)
4B C 4C D 100
We have a system of three linear equations that is why we call it a system of linear equations.
The solution of this system is the three numbers A; B; C that when substituted into the system
we get true statements. How are we going to solve it? We know how to solve ax C b D 0, so
the plan is to remove/eliminate two unknowns and we’re left with one unknown. To remove two
unknowns, we first remove one unknown. To do that we can use any equation, e.g. B C C D 25,
write the to-be-removed unknown in terms of the other: for instance C D 25 B. Now C is
We can start removing any unknown, I start with C : from the third equation, we can get
C D 25 B, put it into the second equation we get 3A 3B D 25. This and the first equation
is the new system (with only two unknowns A; B) that we need to solve. We do the same
thing again: from 2A C 2B D 100 we get B D 50 A (i.e., we’re removing B), put that into
3A 3B D 25: A D 175=6. Now we go backward to solve for B and for C . Altogether, the
solution is A D 175=6, B D 125=6 and C D 25=24éé . Then, if the time required for all three
people work together to fill the container is t , then the amount of concrete will be .A C B C C /t .
Thus, we have
100 24
.A C B C C /t D 100 H) t D D hours (2.15.2)
This solution is plausible because it is smaller than the two hours that take Alice and Bob;
Charlie should be useful even though he is a bit slower than the other two kids.
Did we solve the system? Even though we spent sometime and found A; B; C satisfying the solution, to be
honest with you, we have just found one solution. Of course if we can prove that this system has only one solution,
then our A; B; C are the solution. Can you explain why this system has a unique solution and when such a system
does not have solution? And can it have more than one solutions?
Let’s consider another word problem taken from The joy of x by the American mathematician
Steven Strogatz (born 1959). The problem goes like this. If the cold faucet can fill a bathtub
in half an hour and the hot faucet fills it in one hour, then how long does it take if both faucets
are filling together the bathtub? At the age of 10 or 11 Strogatz’s answer was 45 minutes when
given this problem by his uncle. What’s your solution?
Here is his uncle’s solution. In one minute, the cold faucet fills 1=30 of the bathtub and
the hot faucet fills 1=60 of the bathtub. So, together they can fill 1=30 C 1=60 D 1=20 of the
bathtub in one minute. Thus, it takes them 20 minutes. That’s the answer. What if we do not
know fractions?
Is it possible to get the same answer without using fractions? Yes, using hours instead of
minutes! So, in one hour the cold faucet can fill two bathtubs, and the hot faucet fills one bathtub.
Together, in one hour they can fill 3 bathtubs. So, it takes them 1=3 hour to fill in one bathtub.
This is the solution of the older Strogatz. It does not involve fractions but it involves 3 bathtubs.
We could not think of this solution if our mind is fixed with the image of a real bathtub: one
bathtub with two faucets. Don’t forget maths is a world existing independently with our world.
You can do anything you like in this mathematical world!
Let’s stretch farther, can we solve this problem without doing any maths? Still remember
Paul Dirac’s above mentioned quote? This is the way to have deep understanding. Setting up the
equations and solving them without doing this step is like a robot.
Let’s try. Ok, we know that the cold faucet fills the tub in 30 minutes, so regardless the rate
of the hot faucet, together they have to fill in the tub in less than 30 mins. On the other hand, if
the hot faucet rate was the same as the cold one, then together they would do the job in 15 mins.
So, without doing any maths, we know the answer t is 15 < t < 30. What we have just done
is, according to Polya in How to solve it, considering special cases of the problem that we’re
trying to solve. We might not be able to solve the original problem, but we can solve at least
some simpler problems.
Systems of linear equations in chemistry. Back then in high school I did not know how to
balance chemical equations like the following one C3 H8 C 5 O2 ! 3 CO2 C 4 H2 O. The
problem is to find whole numbers x1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 such that
x1 C3 H8 C x2 O2 ! x3 CO2 C x4 H2 O
That is, to balance the total numbers of carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) atoms on the
left and on the right of the chemical reactionéé . Now, C, H and O play similar role of Alice, Bob
and Charlie. There are three atoms, and conservation of each atom gives one equation:
Again, we see a system of linear equations! Solving this is easy: elimination technique. There
is one catch: we have four unknowns but only three equations. Let x4 D n, then we can
Because atoms are neither destroyed nor created in the reaction.
Systems of linear equations. Eq. (2.15.1) is one example of a system of linear equations. In
these systems, there are n equations for n unknowns x1 ; x2 ; : : : ; xn where all equations are linear
in terms of xi (i D 1; 2; : : :) i.e., we will not see nonlinear terms like xi xj . In what follows, we
give examples for n D 2; 3; 4:
If we focus on how to solve these equations, we would come up with the so-called Gaussian
elimination method (when we’re pressed to solve a system with many unknowns, say n 6).
On the other hand, if we are interested in the question when such a system has a solution, when
it does not have a solution and so on, we could come up with matrices and determinant. For
example, we realize that putting all the coefficients in a system of linear equations in an array
like 2 3
1 2 4 1
62 1 1 77
AD6 45 1 3 45
7 (2.15.4)
6 7 2 3
and we can play with this array similarly to the way we do with numbers. We can add them,
multiply them, subtract them. And we give it a name: A is a matrix. Matrices, determinants
and how to solve efficiently large systems of linear equations (n in the range of thousands and
millions) belong to a field of mathematics named linear algebra, see Chapter 11.
We’re not sure about the original source of systems of linear equations, but systems of linear
equations arose in Europe with the introduction in 1637 by René Descartes of coordinates in
geometry. In fact, in this new geometry, now called analytical geometry, lines and planes are
represented by linear equations, and computing their intersections amounts to solving systems
of linear equations.
But if systems of linear equations only come from analytical geometry we would only have
systems of 3 equations (a plane in 3D is of the form ax C bc C cz D 0), and life would be
boring. Systems of linear equations appear again and again in many fields (e.g. physics, biology,
economics and in mathematics itself). For example, in structural engineering–a sub-discipline of
civil engineering which deals with the design of structural elements (beams, columns, trusses),
we see systems of linear equations; actually systems of many linear equations. For example,
consider a bridge shown in Fig. 2.22a which is idealized as a system of trusses of which a part
is shown in Fig. 2.22b. Applying the force equilibrium to Fig. 2.22b we will get a system of 9
linear equations for the 9 unknown forces in the nine trusses.
(a) (b)
1. Two dogs, each traveling 10 ft/sec, run towards each other from 500 feet apart. As
they run, a flea flies from the nose of one dog to the nose of the other at 25 ft/sec.
The flea flies between the dogs in this manner until it is crushed when the dogs
collide. How far did the flea fly?
2. Alok has three daughters. His friend Shyam wants to know the ages of his daughters.
Alok gives him first hint: The product of their ages is 72. Shyam says this is not
enough information Alok gives him a second hint: the sum of their ages is equal
to the number of my house. Shyam goes out and look at the house number and
tells “I still do not have enough information to determine the ages”. Alok admits
that Shyam cannot guess and gives him the third hint: my oldest daughter likes
strawberry ice-cream.” With this information, Shyam was able to determine all
three of their ages. How old is each daughter?
Regarding the daughter-age problem, we have three unknowns and three hints, so it seems
to be a good problem. But did you try to set up the equations? There is only one equation, that is
xyz D 72 if x; y; z are the ages of the daughters. What if the product of their ages is a smaller
number, let say, 12? Ah, we can list out the ages as there are only a few cases. If that method
works for 12, of course it will work for 72; just a bit extra work. If you still cannot find the
solution, check this this website out. What if the product of their ages was a big number?
This is a good exercise to show that we should be flexible. Setting up equations is a good
method to solve word problems; but it does not solve all problems. There seems to be a problem
that defy all existing mathematics. And it is a good thing as it is these problems that keep
mathematicians working late at nights.
Algebra is a language of symbols. Now, if we think again about the word problems, we see that
algebra is actually a language–a language of symbols (such as a, or A). What is the advantage
of this language? It is comprehensible: it can translate a lengthy verbose problem into a compact
form that the eyes can see quickly and the mind can retain what is going on. Compare this
To complete a job, it takes: Alice and Bob 2 hours, Alice and Charlie 3 hours and
Bob and Charlie 4 hours. How long will the job take if all three work together?
Assume that the efficiency of Alice, Bob and Charlie is constant.
2A C 2B D 100
3A C 3B D 100
4B C 4C D 100
x 3 C 9x 2 y D 10
y 3 C xy 2 D 2
Can we eliminate one variable? It might be possible, but we do not dare to follow that path. Try
it and you’ll see why. There must be a better way. Why? because this is a math exercise! High
school students should be aware of this fact: nearly all questions in a test/exam have solutions
and it is usually not hard and time consuming (as the test duration is finite!). Furthermore, if
there is a hard question, its mark is often low. Thus, you do not need to spend all of your time to
study to get A grades. Use that time to explore the world.
We present the first solution by considering .x C 3y/3 . Why this term? Because upon
expansion, we will have terms appearing in the two equations:
y 3 C .4 3y/y 2 D 2 H) y 3 2y 2 C 1 D 0 (2.16.2)
Recognizing y D 1 is one solution of the above equation, we can factor its LHS and writeè
p p
2 1˙ 5 5⌥3 5
.y 1/.y y 1/ D 0 H) y D 1 .x D 1/; y D .x D /
2 2
Is this solution a good one? Yes, but it is not general as it cannot be used when the second
equation is slightly different e.g. y 3 C 5xy 2 D 2. We need another solution which works for
any coefficients.
What is special about Eq. (2.16.1)? We see x 3 , x 2 y 1 , y 3 and x 1 y 2 ; these terms are all of
cubic order! If we do this substitute y D kx (or x D ky), all these terms become x 3 , kx 3 , k 3 x 3
and k 2 x 3 , and thus we can factor out x 3 and thus cancel this x 3 and we have an equation for k.
That’s the trick:
x 3 C 9x 2 y D 10 H) x 3 .1 C 9k/ D 10
y 3 C xy 2 D 02 H) x 3 .k 3 C k 2 / D 2
By dividing the first equation by the second one, we get the following cubic equation for k:
We can isolate terms involving y and square to get two equations for x:
( p p ( p
xD3 y x D9Cy 6 y
p p H) p
xC5D5 yC3 x C 5 D 25 C y C 3 10 y C 3
This exercise was not about solving cubic equations, so this cubic equation must be easy. That’s why guessing
one solution is the best technique here.
And that’s what we need: the red term is x D ./2 , then x C5 D ./2 . So, using the boxed equation
in Eq. (2.16.5), we introduce these changes of variables:
8̂ ✓ ◆2 8̂ ✓ ◆
ˆ 1 5 ˆ 1 5 2
<x D a ˆ
<x C 5 D aC
4 a 4 a
ˆ ✓ ◆ H)
ˆ ✓ ◆
ˆ ˆ
1 3 1 3 2
:̂y D b :̂y C 3 D bC
4 b 4 b
The original system of equations (2.16.4) become simply as:
8̂ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1 5 1 3 8
< a C b D3 < aCb D8
2 a 2 b
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ H) 5
ˆ1 5 1 3 : C3 D2
:̂ aC C bC D5 a b
2 a 2 b
which can be solved easily. A correct change of variable goes a long way!
Sometimes we can solve a hard equation by converting it to a system of equations which is
easier to deal with. As one typical example, let’s solve the following equation:
q q
3 p 3 p
14C x C 14 xD4
If we look at the terms under p
the cube roots, we seep
something special: their sum is constant i.e.,
p p
without x. So, if we do u D 14 C x and v D 14
3 3
x, we have u3 C v 3 D 28. And of
course, we also have u C v D 4 from the original equation. Thus, we have
uCv D4
u3 C v 3 D 28
which can be solvedpto have u D p 1; v D 3, and from that we get x D 169. If the equation is
p p
slightly changed to 14 C x C 3 14 a x D 4, a is any number, then our trick would not
work. Don’t worry you will not see that in standardized tests. In real life, probably. But then we
can just use a numerical method (e.g. Newton’s method, discussed in Section 4.5.4, or a graphic
method) to find an approximate solution.
Definition 2.17.1
A polynomial equation of the form f .x/ D an x n Can 1 x n 1 Can 2 x n 2 C Ca1 x Ca0 D
0 is called an algebraic equation. An equation which contains polynomials, trigonometric
functions, logarithmic functions, exponential functions etc., is called a transcendental equation.
In Section 2.12 we have solved linear/quadratic/cubic equations directly. That is, the so-
lutions ofpthese equations can be expressed as roots of the coefficients in the equations e.g.
x D b˙ b 2 4ac=2a in case of quadratic equations. It is also possible to do the same thing for
fourth-order algebraic equations (the formula is too lengthy to be presented here). But, as the
French mathematician and political activist Évariste Galois (1811 – 1832) showed us, polyno-
mials of fifth order and beyond have no closed form solutions using radicals. Why fifth order
equations so hard? To answer this question, we need to delve into the so-called abstract algebra–
a field about symmetries and groups. I do not know much about this branch of mathematics, so
I do not discuss it here. I strongly recommend Ian Stewart’s book Why Beauty Is Truth: The
History of Symmetry [52].
For transcendental equations, we need to use numerical methods i.e., those methods that
give approximate solutions not exact ones expressed as roots of the coefficients in the equations.
For example, a numerical method would give the solution x D 0:73908513 to the equation
cos x x D 0. We refer to Section 4.5.4 for a discussion on this topic.
Associated with algebraic equations and transcendental equations we have algebraic and
transcendental numbers, respectively. An algebraic number is any complex number (including
real numbers) that is a root of a non-zero polynomial in one variable with rational coefficients
(or equivalently, by clearing denominators, with integer coefficients). All integers and rational
numbers are algebraic, as are all roots of integers. Real and complex numbers that are not
algebraic, such as ⇡ and e, are called transcendental numbers. If you’re fascinated by numbers,
check out [46].
2.18 Powers of 2
The two to power four is two multiplied by itself four times, which is expressed as
24 WD 2„ ⇥ 2ƒ‚
⇥ 2 ⇥…
2 (2.18.1)
4 times
Thus, 24 is nothing but a shorthand for 2 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 2. So, for positive integer as exponents, a
power is just a repeated multiplicationéé .
We can deduce rules for common operations with powers. For example, multiplication of
two powers of two is given by
2m ⇥ 2n WD .2
„ ⇥ 2 ƒ‚
⇥ ⇥…
2/ ⇥ .2„ ⇥ 2 ƒ‚ 2/ D 2mCn
⇥ ⇥… (2.18.2)
m times n times
which basically says that to multiply two exponents with the same base (2 here), you keep the
base and add the powers. And this is the product rule am ⇥ an D amCn for m; n 2 N é .
The next thing is certainly division of two powers. Division of two powers of two is written
D 2m n (2.18.3)
If that was not clear, we can always check a concrete case. For example,
25 2⇥2⇥2⇥2⇥2 2⇥2⇥2⇥2⇥2
D D D 2 ⇥ 2 D 22 D 25 3
2 3 2⇥2⇥2 2⇥2⇥2
How about raising a power i.e., a power of a power such as .23 /2 ? It’s 82 D 64 D 26 . And we
generalize this to:
.2m /n WD .2„ ⇥ 2 ƒ‚
⇥ ⇥… 2/ ⇥ .2
„ ⇥ 2 ƒ‚
⇥ ⇥ …2/ ⇥ ⇥ .2 ⇥ ⇥ …2/ D 2mn
„ ⇥ 2 ƒ‚ (2.18.4)
m times m times m times
„ ƒ‚ …
n times
And we also have this result .2m /n D .2n /m as both are equal to 2mn .
So far so good, we have rules for powers with positive integer index. How about zero and
negative index e.g. 20 and 2 1 ? To answer these questions, again we follow the rule applied to
1 ⇥ 1 D 1: the new rule should be consistent with the old rule. From the data in Table 2.8:
2 D 1 and 2 1 D 1=2: in this table, while going down from the top row, the value of any row
in the third column is obtained by dividing the value of the previous row by two.
The next natural question is how to find powers to a rational index e.g. 21=2 . We apply the
rules working for integer indices e.g. the raising a power rule in Eq. (2.18.4). We do not know
yet what 21=2 is, but we know its square! Details are as follows:
.21=2 /2 D 2.1=2/2 D 2 H) 21=2 D 2 (2.18.5)
We did the same game before: multiplication (of 2 integers) is a repeated addition. Now, we define a new math
object based on repeated multiplication. Why? Because it saves time.
Refer to Section 2.24.8 for what N is. Briefly it is the set (collection) of all integers. Instead of writing the
lengthy “n is an integer”, mathematicians write a 2 N.
n 2n Value
3 2⇥2⇥2 8
2 2⇥2 4
1 2 2
0 20 1
-1 2 1
which reads ’2 to the power of 1=2 is the square root of 2’, nothing new comes up here. In the
same manner, 21=3 is computed as
.21=3 /3 D 2.1=3/3 D 2 H) 21=3 D 2
We can now generalize these results, to have (n; p; q are positive integers or n; p; q 2 N)
p p
a1=n D ap=q D (2.18.6)
n q
a; ap
This was obtained by replacing 2 by a–a real number, as in previous development there is nothing
special about 2; what we have done for 2 works exactly for any real number.
Now that we have defined powers with a rational index am=n . Do all the rules (e.g. the
product rule) still apply for such powers? That is do we still have am=n ap=q D am=nCp=q ? To
gain insight, we can try few examples. For instance, 31=2 ⇥ 31=2 equals 3 (from square), but is
also equal 3 from 31=2C1=2 D 31 . Now we need a proof, once and for all!
Proof. We write am=n as aq m=q n and ap=q as apn=q n , then it follows
qm pn p p p p
qn q mCpn
aq mCpn D a q n D am=nCp=q
qn qn qn
a qn a qn D aq m apn D aq m apn D
A bit of history about notation of exponents. The notation we use today to denote an
exponent was first used by Scottish mathematician, James Hume in 1636. However, he used
Roman numerals for the exponents. Using Roman numerals as exponents became problematic
since many of the exponents became very large so Hume’s notation didn’t last long. A year
later in 1637, Rene Descartes became the first mathematician to use the Hindu-Arabic numerals
of today as exponents. It was Newton who first used powers with negative and rational index.
Before him, Wallis wrote 1=a2 instead of a 2 .
Power with an irrational index. For a number raised to a fractional exponent, p i.e., ap=q , the re-
sult is the denominator-th root of the number raised to the numerator, i.e., ap . Again, we should
ask ourselves this question: so what happens when you raise a number to an irrational number?
Obviously it is not so simple to break it down like what we have done in e.g. Eq. (2.18.5).
p p
What is 2 ? It cannot be 2 multiplied by itself 2 times! So, the definition in Eq. (2.18.1)
no longer works. In other words, the starting point that a power is just a repeated multiplication is
no longer valid. This situation is similar to multiplication is a repeated addition (2⇥3 D 2C2C2)
does not apply to 2 ⇥ 3:4. p
To see what might be 2 2 , we can proceed as follows, without a calculator of course.
p we would not learn anything interesting but a meaningless number. We approximate
2 successively by 1:4, 1:41,
p 1:414 etc. and we compute the corresponding powers (e.g.
D 2 ). The results given in Table 2.9 show that as a more accurate
1:4 14=10 7=5 5
2 D 2 D 2 7
approximation of the square root of 2 is used, the powerspconverge to a value. p Note that I have
used a calculator to compute each approximation of 2 e.g. 2 214 . This is not
2 14=10 10
cheating as the main point here is to get the value of these approximations.
Table 2.9: Calculation of 2 2.
21:4 214=10 D 214
21:41 2141=100 D 2141
21:414 21414=1000 D 21414
21:4142 2.6651190
21:41421 2.6651190
21:41421356 2.6651441383063186
21:414213562 2.665144142000993
21:4142135623 2.665144142555194
21:41421356237 2.6651441426845075
But, how can we be sure that 2 2 is a number? This can be guaranteed by looking at the
function 2x as shownpin Fig. 2.23. There is no hole in this curve or the function is continuous,
so there must exist 2 2 .
Are the rules of powers still apply for irrational index? Do we still have ax ay D axCy with
x; y being irrational numbers? If so, we say that the power rules work for real numbers, and
we’re nearly done (if we did not have complex numbers). How to prove this? One easy but not
strict way is to say that we can always replace ax by ar with r is a rational number close to x,
and ay by at . Thus ax ay p⇡ ar at D arCt .
We have calculated
p 2 2 by approximating the square root of 2 with a rational number, e.g.
21414 . However, calculating the 1000th root is not an easy task. There must be
21414=1000 D
a better way to compute 2x for any real number x directly and efficiently. For this, we need cal-
culus (Chapter 4). That is, algebra can only help us so far, to go further we need new mathematics.
Adding up powers of two. Let’s consider the summation of powers of two starting from 21 to
2n 1 :
n 1
n 1
S.n/ D 1 C 2 C 4 C 8 C C 2 D 2i D‹ (2.18.7)
i D0
I have added the shorthand notation using the sigma just for people not familiar with this to
practice using it. It is useless for our purpose here though. To find the expression for S.n/, we
need to get our hands dirty by computing S.n/ for a number of values of n. The results for
n D 1; 2; 3; 4 are tabulated in Table 2.10. From this data we can find a pattern (see columns 3
and 4 of this table). And this brings us to the following conjecture:
S.n/ D 1 C 2 C 4 C 8 C C 2n 1
D 2n 1 (2.18.8)
And if we can prove that this conjecture is correct then we have discovered a theorem.
1 1 2-1 21 1
2 3 4-1 22 1
3 7 8-1 23 1
4 15 16-1 24 1
Proof. It is easy to see that S.1/ is correct (1 D 21 1). Now, assume that S.k/ is correct, or
1C2C4C8C C 2k 1
D 2k 1
2C4C8C C 2k 1
C 2k D 2 ⇥ 2k 2
1C2C4C8C C 2k D 2kC1 1
Why powers?
I think that the concept of power emerged from practical geometry problems. If you have
a square of length 2, what is the area? It is 2 ⇥ 2 or two squared. If you have a cube of
length 2, the volume is 2⇥2⇥2 or two cubed. The notation 23 is just a convenient shortcut
for 2 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 2. Then, mathematicians generalize to an for any n.
What is 2 ? It is 2, an integer! You can check this using a calculator and then prove
it using the rules of powers that you’re now familiar with. Let’s go crazy: how about ⇡ ⇡ ?
We know that x; x 2 ; x 3 are called the first, second and third powers of x. But we also
know that x 2 is written/read x squared and x 3 as x cubed. Why? This is because ancient
Greek mathematicians see x 2 as the area of a square of side x.
Scientific notation.
When working with very large numbers such as 3 trillion we do not write it as
3 000 000 000 000 as there are too many zeros. Instead, we write it as 3 ⇥ 1012 (there
are 12 zeros explicitly written). Any number can be written as the product of a number
between 1 and 10 and a number that is a power of ten. For example, we can write 257 as
2:57 ⇥ 102 and 0.00257 as 2:57 ⇥ 10 3 . This system is called the scientific notation.
Doing arithmetic with this notation is easier due to properties of exponents. For example,
when we multiply numbers, we multiply coefficients and add exponents:
The scientific notation immediately reveals how big a number is. We use the order of
magnitude to measure a number. Generally, the order of magnitude of a number is the
smallest power of 10 used to represent that number. For example, 257 D 2:57 ⇥ 102 , so
it has an order of magnitude of 2.
2.19 Infinity
This section presents a few things about infinity, the concept of something that is unlimited,
endless, without bound. The common symbol for infinity, 1, was invented by the English math-
ematician John Wallis in 1655. Mathematical infinities occur, for instance, as the number of
points on a continuous line or as the size of the endless sequence of counting numbers: 1, 2, 3
The symbol 1 essentially means arbitrarily large or bigger than any positive number. Like-
wise, the symbol 1 means less than any negative number.
This section mostly concerns infinite sums e.g. what is the sum of all positive integers. Such
sums are called series. In Section 2.19.1 I present arithmetic series (e.g. 2 C 4 C 6 C ), in
Section 2.19.2 I present geometric series (e.g. 1C2C4C ), and in Section 2.19.3 the harmonic
series 1 C 1=2 C 1=3 C . In Section 2.19.4, the famous Basel problem is presented. Section
Section 2.19.5 is about the first infinite product known in mathematics, and the first example of
an explicit formula for the exact value of ⇡.
Why we have to bother with infinite sums? One reason is that many functions can be ex-
pressed as infinite sums. For example,
f .x/ D a0 C .an cos nx C bn sin nx/
1 2 1 4 1 6
.1 x 2 /1=2 D 1 x x x C
2 8 16
This simple problem exhibits what is called an arithmetic series. After day 1, he has 10 cents.
On the second day he gets 13 cents, on the third day 16 cents, and so on. The list of amounts he
gets each day
10; 13; 16; 19; 22; : : : ;
is called a sequence. When we add up the terms in this sequence to get the total amount he has
at some point
10 C 13 C 16 C 19 C 22 C 25 C 28 C 31 C 34 C 37
the result is a series or precisely a finite series, because the number of terms is finite. Shortly,
we shall discuss infinite series in which the number of terms is infinite. In this particular case,
where each term is separated by a fixed amount from the previous one, both series and sequence
are called arithmetic.
The amount is simply obtained as a sum of ten terms, it is 235. But we need a smarter way
to solve this problem, just in case we face this problem: what is the amount after a year? Doing
the sum for 365 terms is certainly a boring task.
What we want here is a formula that gives us directly the arithmetic series. And mathemati-
cians solve this specific problem by considering a general problem (as it turns out it is easier
to handle the general problem with symbols). Let’s first define a general arithmetic sequence
with a being the first term and d being the difference between successive terms. The arithmetic
sequence is then
a; a C d; a C 2d; : : : ; a C .n 1/d; : : : (2.19.1)
where the nth term is a C .n 1/d . Now, the sum of the first n terms of this sequence is
a C a C d C a C 2d C C a C .n 1/d . To compute this sum, we follow Gauss, by writing
the sum S in the usual order and in a reverse order (for 4 terms only, which is enough to see the
S D a C aCd C a C 2d C a C 3d
S D a C 3d C a C 2d C a C d C a
2S D 2a C 3d C 2a C 3d C 2a C 3d C 2a C 3d
We can see that 2S D 4 ⇥ .2a C 3d /, or S D .4=2/.2a C 3d / D .4=2/Œ.a/ C .a C 3d /ç. Now
we see the pattern, and thus the general arithmetic series is given by
num. of terms
aCaCd C C a C .n 1/d D .1st term C final term/ (2.19.2)
Thus, with observation, we have developed a formula that just requires us to do one addition and
one multiplication, regardless of the number of terms involved! That’s the power of mathematics.
1 1 1 X 1
SD C C D (2.19.3)
2 4 8 i D1
where the ellipsis ‘. . . ’ means ‘and so on forever’. This sum is called a geometric series, that is
a series with a constant ratio (1=2 for this particular case) between successive terms. Geometric
series are among the simplest examples of infinite series with finite sums, although not all of
them have this property. Why ‘geometric’? I shall explain it shortly.
Hey! What kind of human that walking to a door like that? The story is like this, you might
guess correctly that it came from a philosopher. In the fifth century BC the Greek philosopher
Zeno of Elea posed four problems, and the above is one of them passed on to us by Aristotle.
Zeno was wondering about the continuity of space and time.
To have an idea what S might be, you can compute it for some concrete values of n to see
what the sum might be. I did that for n up to 20 (of course using a small Julia code, Listing B.2)
and the result given in Table 2.11 indicates that S D 1. Even though the sum involves infinite
terms it converges to a finite value of one! And a geometry representation of this sum shown in
Fig. 2.24 confirms this. Noting that, in the past, Zeno argued that you would never be able to
get to the door! This is because the Greeks had no notion that an infinite number of terms could
have a finite sum.
Terms S
1 0.5
2 0.75
3 0.875
:: ::
: :
10 0.9990234375
20 0.9999990463
Pn 1 P1
Table 2.11: S D i D1 2i . Figure 2.24: Geometry visualization of S D 1
i D1 2i .
Although we have numerical and geometric evidence that the sum is one, we still need a
mathematical proof. We need to do some algebra tricks here. The idea is: we do not go to
infinity (where is it?), thus we consider only n terms in the sum, then we see what happens to
this sum when we let n go to infinity (the danger isPfor n not for us, and this works). That’s why
mathematicians introduce the partial sum Sn D niD1 1=2i . With this symbol, they start doing
some algebraic manipulations to it and it reveals its secret to them. First they multiply Sn by 1=2
and put Sn and .1=2/Sn together to see the connection:
1 1 1 1 1
Sn D C C C C C
2 4 8 2n 1 2n
1 1 1 1 1
Sn D C C C C nC1
2 4 8 2n 2
What next then? Many terms are identical in Sn and half of it, so it is natural to subtract them
from each other to cancel out the common terms:
1 1 1 1
Sn Sn D H) Sn D 1
2 2 2nC1 2n
Because the series involves infinite terms, we should now consider the case when n is very large
i.e., n ! 1. For such n, the term 1=2n –which is the inverse of a giant number–is very very
small, and thus Sn is approaching one, which means that S approaches one too:
S D1 when n ! 1
There is nothing special about 1=2; 1=4; : : : in the series. Thus, we now generalize the above
discussion to come up with the following geometric series, with the first term a and the ratio r:
S D a C ar C ar 2 C ar 3 C (2.19.4)
Then, we introduce the partial sum Sn (n is the number of terms) and multiply it with r, rSn , as
Sn D a C ar C ar 2 C ar 3 C C ar n 1
rSn D 0 C ar C ar 2 C ar 3 C C ar n
It follows then,
.1 r/Sn D a ar n H) Sn D .1 r n/
1 r
a C ar C ar 2 C ar 3 C C ar n 1
D .1 r n/ (2.19.5)
1 r
For the particular case of a D 1, we have this result
1 rn
ri D 1 C r C r2 C r3 C C rn D (2.19.6)
i D0
1 r
The Rice And Chessboard Story. There’s a famous legend about the origin of chess that goes
like this. When the inventor of the game showed it to the emperor of India, the emperor was so
impressed by the new game, that he said to the man "Name your reward!". The man responded,
"Oh emperor, my wishes are simple. I only wish for this. Give me one grain of rice for the first
square of the chessboard, two grains for the next square, four for the next, eight for the next
and so on for all 64 squares, with each square having double the number of grains as the square
Let’s see how many grains would be needed. It can be seen that the total number of grains is
a geometric series with a D 1 and r D 2. Using Eq. (2.19.6), we can compute it:
S D 1 C 2 C 4 C ::: D .1 264 / D 18; 446; 744; 073; 709; 551; 615 (2.19.7)
1 2
The total number of grains equals 18; 446; 744; 073; 709; 551; 615 (eighteen quintillion four hun-
dred forty-six quadrillion, seven hundred forty-four trillion, seventy-three billion, seven hundred
nine million, five hundred fifty-one thousand, six hundred and fifteen)! Not only it is a very
large number, it is also a prime; the number of grains is the 64th Mersenne number. A Mersenne
number is a prime number that is one less than a power of two (2n 1). This number is named
after Marin Mersenne, a French Minim friar, who studied them in the early 17th century.
So we have seen two geometric series, one in Eq. (2.19.3) with r D 1=2 < 1 and one in the
chessboard legend with r D 2 > 1. While the first series converges, or is convergent (i.e., as the
number of terms get bigger and bigger the sum does not explode, it settles to a finite value), the
second series diverges (or is divergent); the more terms result in a bigger sum. The question now
is to study when the geometric series converges. Before delving into that question, noting that r
can be negative; actually mathematicians want it to be. Because they always aim for a general
To see why geometric series with r < 1 converge, let’s look at Eq. (2.19.5). We have the term
1 r n which depends on n. But we also know that if 1 < r < 1 (or compactly jrj < 1 using
the absolute value notation), then r n approaches zero when n is getting bigger and bigger. You
can try these numbers 0:510 , 0:511 , 0:512 and you will see that they become smaller and smaller
and approaching zero (On a hand calculator, start with 0.5 and press the x 2 button successively,
you will get zero). Not a mathematical proof, but for now it is more than enough. For a proof,
we need the concept of limit. (Actually we have seen the idea of limit right in Table 2.11).
So, we have for jrj < 1, 1 r n goes to one when n goes to infinity. From Eq. (2.19.5) the
geometric series thus becomes
a C ar C ar 2 C ar 3 C D ; for jrj < 1 (2.19.8)
1 r
Note that this formula holds only for jrj < 1. If we use it for jrj > 1, we would get absurd
results. For example, with r D 2, this formula gives us
1C2C4C8C D 1
which is absurd. Weird things can happen if we use ordinary algebra to a divergent series! Now
we can understand why Niels Henrik Abeléé said “Divergent series are the devil, and it is a
shame to base on them any demonstration whatsoever”.
Absolute value. When we want to say a number x is smaller than 1 but larger than 1, we
write jxj < 1. The notation jxj denotes the absolute value or modulus of a real number x. The
absolute value of a number may be thought of as its distance from zero. The notation jxj, with a
vertical bar on each side, was introduced by the German mathematician Karl Weierstrass (1815
– 1897) in 1841. He was often cited as the "father of modern analysis" and we will have more to
say about him in Chapter 4.
For any real number x, the absolute value or modulus of x is defined as
x; if x 0
jxj D (2.19.9)
x; if x < 0:
For example, the absolute value of 3 is 3, and the absolute value of 3 is also 3.
Using the geometric series formula to express repeating decimals. We can use geometric
series to prove that a repeating decimal is a rational number. For example,
0:22222222 : : : D 0:2 C 0:02 C 0:002 C
2 2 2
D C C C .a D 2=10; r D 1=10/
10 100 1000
2 9 2
D = D using Eq. (2.19.8)
10 10 9
Niels Henrik Abel (1802 – 1829) was a Norwegian mathematician. His most famous single result is the first
complete proof demonstrating the impossibility of solving the general quintic equation in radicals. He was also an
innovator in the field of elliptic functions, discoverer of Abelian functions. He made his discoveries while living in
poverty and died at the age of 26 from tuberculosis. Most of his work was done in six or seven years of his working
life. Regarding Abel, the French mathematician Charles Hermite said: "Abel has left mathematicians enough to
keep them busy for five hundred years." Another French mathematician, Adrien-Marie Legendre, said: "what a head
the young Norwegian has!"). The Abel Prize in mathematics, originally proposed in 1899 to complement the Nobel
Prizes, is named in his honor.
1 1 1 X
S D1C C C C D (2.19.11)
2 3 4 k
Why is this series called the harmonic series? We can find the following answer everywhere.
It is such called because each terms of the series, except the first, is the harmonic mean of its
two nearest neighbors. And the explanation stops there!. This response certainly raises more
questions than it answers: What is the harmonic mean? To have a complete understanding, we
have to trace to the origin.
The harmonic mean. We know p the arithmetic mean of two numbers a and b is A D 0:5.a C b/.
The geometric mean is G D ab. The harmonic mean is H D 2ab=.a C b/. Or equivalently,
1=H D 0:5.1=a C 1=b/; H is the reciprocalé of the average of the reciprocals of a and b. So,
1=n is the harmonic mean of 1=.n 1/ and 1=.n C 1/ for n > 1. Now, we are going to unfold
the meaning of these means.
It is a simple matter to find the average of two numbers. For example, the average of 6 and
10 is 8. When we do this, we are really finding a number x such that 6; x; 10 forms an arithmetic
sequence: 6,8,10. In general, if the numbers a; x; b form an arithmetic sequence, then
x aDb x H) x D (2.19.12)
Similarly, we can define the geometric mean (GM) of two positive numbers a and b to be the
positive number x such that a; x; b forms a geometric sequence. One example is 2; 4; 8 and this
helps us to find the formula for GM:
x b p
D H) x D ab
a x
Now getting back to the harmonic series. What is the value of S ? I do not know, so I
programmed a small function and let the computer compute this sum. And for n D 1010 (more
than a billion), we got 25.91. Now, we know this sum is infinity, thus called a divergent series.
Reciprocal is like inverse. Mathematicians love doing this. For example, instead of saying “perperndicular”,
they say “orthogonal”.
How can we prove that? The divergence of the harmonic series was first proven in the 14th
century by the French philosopher of the later Middle Ages Nicole Oresme (1320–1382). Here
is what he did:
1 1 1
2 ✓3 4 ◆
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
S >1C C C C C C C C .replace 1=3 by 1=4/
2 4 4 5 6 7 8
✓ ◆
1 1 1 1 1 1 (2.19.13)
S >1C C C C C C C .1=4 C 1=4 D 1=2/
2 2 5 6 7 8
✓ ◆
1 1 1 1 1 1
S >1C C C C C C C .replace 1=5; 1=6; 1=7 by 1=8/
2 2 8 8 8 8
„ ƒ‚ …
So Oresme compared the harmonic series with another one which is divergent and smaller
than the harmonic series. Thus, the harmonic series must diverge. This proof, which used a
comparison test, is considered by many in the mathematical community to be a high point
of medieval mathematics. It is still a standard proof taught in mathematics classes today. Are
there other proofs? How about considering the function y D 1=x and the area under the curve
y D 1=x? See Fig. 2.25. The area under this curve is infinite and yet it is smaller than the area
of those rectangles in this figure. This area of the rectangles is exactly our sum S .
Z 1 dx
= ln(1) = 1
1 x
1/2 1
1/3 y=
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 2.25: Calculus-based proof of the divergence of the harmonic series. The harmonic series and the
are under the curve y D 1=x leads to a famous constant in mathematics. Can you find it?
It is interesting to show that one can get the harmonic series from a static mechanics problem
of hanging blocks (Fig. 2.26a). Let’s say that we have two blocks and want to position them
one on top of the other so that the top one has the largest overhang, but doesn’t topple over.
From statics, the way to do that is to place the top block ( 1 ) precisely halfway across the one
underneath. In this way, the center of mass of the top block falls on the left edge of the bottom
block. So, with two blocks, we can have a maximum overhang of 1=2.
With three blocks, we first have to find the center of mass of the two blocks 1 and 2 . As
shown in Fig. 2.26b, this center’s x coordinate is 3=4 (check Section 7.8.7 for a refresh on how
to determine the center of mass of an object). Now we place block 3 such that its left edge
is exactly beneath that center. From that we can deduce that the overhang for the case of three
blocks is 1=2 C 1=4. Continuing this way, it can shown that the overhang is given by
✓ ◆
1 1 1 1 1 1
C C C D 1C C C
2 4 6 2 2 3
which is half of the harmonic series. Because the harmonic series diverges, it is possible to have
an infinite overhang!
Figure 2.26: Stacking identical blocks with maximum overhang and its relation to the harmonic series.
Without loss of generality, the length of each block is one unit.
To understand why similar series possess different properties, we put the geometric and the
harmonic series together below
1 1 1 1 1 1
Sgeo D 0 C C C C C C
2 4 8 16 32 64
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Shar D1C C C C C C C
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Now we can observe that the terms in the geometric series shrink much faster than the terms in
the harmonic series e.g. the sixth term in the former is 0.015625, while the corresponding term
is just 1=7 D 0:142857143.
Basel, the hometown of Euler as well as of the Bernoulli family who unsuccessfully attacked
the problem.
The Basel problem asks for the precise summation of the reciprocals of the squares of the
natural numbers, i.e., the precise sum of the infinite series:
1 1 1 1
S D1C C C C C C D‹ (2.19.14)
4 9 16 k2
Before computing this series, let’s see whether it converges. The series converges which can
be verified by writing a small code. For a proof, we follow Oresme’s idea of using a comparison
test. The idea is to compare this series with a larger series that converges. We compare the
following series
1 1 1
S1 D 1 C C C C .S1 is nothing but S/
2⇥2 3⇥3 4⇥4 (2.19.15)
1 1 1
S2 D 1 C C C C
1⇥2 2⇥3 3⇥4
And if S2 converges to a finite value, then S1 should be convergent to some value smaller as
S1 < S2 . Indeed, we can re-write the partial sum of the second series as a telescoping sum
(without 1)é
1 1 1 1
S2 .n/ 1D C C C C
1⇥2 2⇥3 3⇥4 n.n C 1/
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
D 1 C C C C
2 2 3 3 4 n nC1
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ (2.19.16)
1⇤ 1⇤ 1⇤ 1⇤ 1⇤ 1 1
D 1 ⇤ C ⇤ ⇤ C ⇤ ⇤ C C
⇤2 ⇤2 ⇤3 ⇤3 ⇤4 n nC1
1 1
D1 H) S2 .n/ D 2
nC1 nC1
When n is approaching infinity the denominator in 1=nC1 is approaching infinity and thus this
fraction approaches zero. So, S2 converges to two. Therefore, S1 should converge to something
smaller than two. Indeed, Euler computed this sum, first by considering the first, say, 100 terms,
and found the sum was about 1.6349§ . Then, using ingenious reasoning, he found thatéé
1 1 1 1 ⇡2
4 9 16 k2 6
See Section 2.19.6 to see why mathematicians think of this way to compute S2 .
How Euler did this calculation without calculator is another story. Note that the series converge very slow
i.e., we need about one billion terms to get an answer with 8 correct decimals. Euler could not do that. But he is a
genius; he had a better way. Check Section 4.17 for detail.
We have to keep in mind that at that time Euler knew, see Section 4.14.4, that another related series has a sum
related to ⇡:
⇡ 1 1 1
D1 C
4 3 5 7
How Euler came up with this result? He used the Taylor series expansion of sin x, and the infinite
product expansion. See Section 4.14.7 for Euler’s proof and Section 3.10 for Cauchy’s proof.
In what follows, I present another proof. This proof is based on the following two lemmas‘ :
✏ SD ;
3 nD1 .2n 1/2
Z 0
✏ x m ln xdx D
1 .m C 1/2
which can be proved straightforwardly. Then, the sum in the Basel problem can be written as
1 Z
4X 4X 4 X 0 2n
1 1
1 1
SD D D x ln xdx
3 nD1 .2n 1/2 3 nD0 .2n C 1/2 3 nD0 1
Z ✓X 1 ◆
4 0 2n
D ln x x dx .the sum is a geometric series/
3 1 nD0
Z 0
4 ln x
D dx
3 1 1 x2
where in the first equality, we simply changed the dummy variable 2n 1 to 2n C 1 as both
represent odd numbers. In the second equality, we used the second lemma with 2n plays the role
of m. In the third equality, we change the order of sum and integration and finally we computed
the sum which is a geometric series 1 C x 2 C x 4 C éé . Why the geometric series appear here
in the Basel problem? I do not know, but that is mathematics: when we have discovered some
maths, it appears again and again not in maths but also in physics!
Remark 2. And why calculus (i.e., integral f .x/dx) in a class of algebra? Why not? We
divide mathematics into different territories (e.g. algebra, number theory, calculus, geometry
etc.). But it is our invention, maths does not care! Most of the times all mathematical objects are
somehow related to each other. You can see algebra in geometry and vice versa. That’s why I
presented this proof here in the chapter about algebra.
Viète formulated the first instance of an infinite product known in mathematics, and the first
example of an explicit formula for the exact value of ⇡. Note that this formula does not have any
practical application (except that it allows mathematicians to compute ⇡ to any accuracy they
wanté ; they’re obsessed with this task). But in this formula we see the connection of geometry
(⇡), trigonometry and algebra.
Viète’s formula may be obtained as a special case of a formula given more than a century
later by Leonhard Euler, who discovered that (a proof is given shortly), for n large we have
sin x x x x
D cos 1 cos 2 cos (2.19.18)
x 2 2 2n
Evaluating this at x D ⇡=2:
2 ⇡ ⇡ ⇡
D cos cos cos (2.19.19)
⇡ 4 8 16
p p
Starting with cos ⇡=4 D 2=2 and using the half-angle formula cos ˛=2 D 1Ccos.˛/=2 (see
Section 2.24.5 for a proof), the above expression can be computed as
q p
p p p p
2 2 2C 2 2C 2C 2
⇡ 2 2 2
Proof. Here is the proof of Eq. (2.19.18). The starting point is the double-angle formula sin x D
2 sin x2 cos x2 , and repeatedly apply it to sin x=2, then to sin x=4 and so on:
x x
sin x D 2 sin cos
2 2
x x x
D 2.2 sin cos / cos (2.19.20)
4 4 2
x x x x x x x x
D 2.2/.2 sin cos / cos cos D 23 sin 3 cos 1 cos 2 cos 3
8 8 4 2 2 2 2 2
Thus, after n applications of the double-angle formula for sin x, we get
x Y
n x x x x n x
sin x D 2 sin n cos 1 cos 2 cos n D 2 sin n cos i (2.19.21)
2 2 2 2 2 i D1 2
where in the last equality, I used the short-hand Pi symbol (it is useless for the proof here, I
just wanted to introduce this notation). It is used in mathematics to represent the product of a
bunch of terms (think of the starting sound of the word “product”)éé .
Dividing both sides by x gives us
sin x sin n
D 2 cos x cos x cos n
x x=2n 2 1 22 2
As the red term approaches 1 when n is very large (this is the well known trigonometry limit
limh!0 sin h=h D 1 or simply sin h ⇡ h when h is small), Euler’s formula follows. ⌅
This problem itself does not have any
Q practical application!
To practice, mathematicians write niD1 i to mean the product of the first n integers (e.g. .1/.2/ .n/).
Viète had a geometry proof, which is now presented. When ⇡ is present, there is a circle
hidden somewhere. As this formula should be applicable to any circle, let’s consider a circle
of unit radius. The idea is to compare the area of this circle (which is ⇡) with that of regular
polygons inscribed in the circle. Starting with a square, then an octagon, then hexadecagon and
so on, see Fig. 2.27. If you do not know about trigonometry, then read Chapter 3 and get back.
For an octagon, its area is eight times the area of the triangle OAB with OH D cos ⇡=8 and
AB D 2 sin ⇡=8:
1 ⇡ ⇡ ⇡ 2
A8 D .8/. /.2 sin / cos D 4 sin D 4
2 8 8 4 2
where sin 2x D 2 sin x cos x was used for x D ⇡=8. And thus, equating this area to the circle
area, we get the following equation
p p
2 2 2
⇡ D4 H) D
2 ⇡ 2
which is only a rough approximation for ⇡. We need to use a polygon of more sides. For an
hexadecagon, similarly we have
s p p
1 ⇡ ⇡ ⇡ 1 2=2 4 2
A16 D .16/. /.2 sin / cos D 8 sin D 8 Dp p
2 16 16 8 2 2C 2
And again, equating this area to the circle area gives us
p p p p
4 2 2 2 2C 2
⇡Dp p H) D
2C 2 ⇡ 2 2
⇡/4 H
1 ⇡/8 A
O O 1
Viète was a typical child of the Renaissance in the sense that he freely mixed the methods
of classical Greek geometry with the new algebra and trigonometry. However, Viète did not
know the concept of convergence and thus did not worry whether his infinite sequence of op-
erations would blow up or not. That is, one gets different value for ⇡ with different numbers
of terms adopted (we discuss this issue in Section 2.20). As an engineer or scientist of which
sloppy engineering mathematics is enough, we just need to write a code to check. But as far
as mathematicians are concerned, they need a proof for the convergence/divergence of Viète’s
formula. And the German and Swiss mathematician Ferdinand Rudio (1856-1929) proved the
convergence in 1891.
1C3C5C7C C .2n C 1/ D n2
Now, we have discovered another fact about natural numbers: the sum of the first odd numbers
is a perfect square. Using dots can you visualize this result, and obtain this fact geometrically?
Yes, facts about mathematical objects are hidden in their world waiting to be discovered. And as
it turns out many such discoveries have applications in our real world.
i 0 1 2 3 4 5
i2 0 1 4 9 16 25
i2 .i 1/2 1 3 5 7 9
I just wanted to show that the motivation for the trick of considering k 2 .k 1/2 D 2k 1
presented in Section 2.5.1 comes from Table 2.12.
Let’s now consider the sum of an infinite series that Huygens asked Leibniz to solve in 1670é :
the sum of the reciprocals of the triangular numberséé :
1 1 1 1 1
1 3 6 10 15
Leibniz solved it by first constructing a table similar to Table 2.13. The first row is just the
reciprocals of the natural numbers. The second row is, of course, the difference of the first row.
Thus, the sum of the second row is
✓ ◆
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S
2 6 12 2 1 3 6 2
Since this sum is the sum of differences, it is equal to the difference between the first number
of the first row, which is one, and the last number (which is zero). But S is twice the sum of the
second row, thus S D 2.
And who was this Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz? He would later become the co-inventor of
calculus (the other was Sir Isaac Newton). And in calculus that he developed, we have this fact:
Rb R
a f .x/dx D F .b/ F .a/. What is this? On the LHS we have a sum ( is the twin brother of
˙ ) and on the RHS we have a difference! And this fact was discovered by Leibniz–the guy who
played with sum of differences. What a nice coincidence!
When Leibniz went to Paris, he met Dutch physicist and mathematician Christiaan Huygens. Once he realized
that his own knowledge of mathematics and physics was patchy, he began a program of self-study, with Huygens as
his mentor, that soon pushed him to making major contributions to both subjects, including discovering his version
of the differential and integral calculus.
Refer to Fig. 2.5 for an explanation of triangular numbers.
n Sn
1 0.5
2 0.75
3 0.875
4 0.9375
5 0.96875
6 0.984375
7 0.992188
:: ::
: :
14 0.999939
15 0.999969
Table 2.14: The sequence . niD1 1=2i /. Figure 2.28: Plot of Sn versus n.
In the previous discussion, our language was not precise as we wrote when n is larger and
larger (what measures?) and Sn gets closer to one (how close?). Mathematicians love rigoréé , so
To see to what certain rigor means to them, this joke says it best: A mathematician, a physicist, and an engineer
were traveling through Scotland when they saw a black sheep through the window of the train. "Aha," says the
engineer, "I see that Scottish sheep are black." "Hmm," says the physicist, "You mean that some Scottish sheep are
black." "No," says the mathematician, "All we know is that there is at least one sheep in Scotland, and that at least
one side of that one sheep is black!"
they reword what we have written as to say the limit of the sequence .an / is a:
So, the small positive number ✏ was introduced to precisely quantify how an is close to the limit
a. The number N was used to precisely state when n is large enough. The symbol 8 means “for
all” or “for any”. The symbol 9 means “there exists”.
Now, we can understand why 1 D 0:9999 : : : Let
and so on. Sn will stand for the decimal that has the digit 9 occurring n times after the decimal
point. Now, in the sequence S1 ; S2 ; S3 ; : : :, each number is nearer to 1 than the previous one, and
by going far enough along, we can make the difference as small as we like. To see this, consider
10S1 D 9 D 10 1
10S2 D 9:9 D 10 0:1
10S3 D 9:99 D 10 0:01
And thus,
✓ ◆
lim 10Sn D lim 10 D 10 H) lim Sn D 1 or 0:9999 : : : D 1
n!1 n!1 10n 1 n!1
2. Prove that lim D 0.
n!1 n2
3. Prove that lim D 0.
n!1 n.n 1/
4. Prove that lim 2 D 1.
n!1 n C 1
First, we must ensure that we feel comfortable with the facts that all these limits (except the
last one) are zeros. We do not have to make tables and graphs as we did before (as we can do
that in our heads now). The first sequence is 1; 1=2; 1=3; : : : ; 1=1 000 000; : : : and obviously the
sequence converges to 0. For engineers and scientists that is enough, but for mathematicians,
they need a proof, which is given here to introduce the style of limit proofs.
The proof is based on the definition of a limit, Eq. (2.20.3), of course. So, what is ✏, and N ?
We can pick any value for the former, say ✏ D 0:0001. To choose N we use jan j < 0:0001 or
1=n < 0:0001. This occurs for n > 10 000. So we have
Done! Not really, as ✏ D 0:0001 is just one particular case, mathematicians are not satisfied
with this proof; they want a proof that covers all the cases. If we choose ✏ D 0:00012, then
1=✏ D 8 333;333, not an integer. In our case, we just need N D 8 334. That is when the ceiling
function comes in handy: dxe is the least integer greater than or equal to x. If there is a ceiling,
then there should be a floor; the floor function is bxc which gives the greatest integer smaller
than or equal to x.
Here is the complete proof. Let ✏ be anyéé small positive number and select N as the least
integer greater than or equal to 1=✏ or N D d1=✏e using the new ceiling function. Then, for
8n > N , we have 1=n < 1=N < ✏.
And we can prove the second limit in the same way. But, we will find it hard to do the same
for the third and fourth limits. In this case, we need to find the rules or the behavior of general
limits (using the definition) first, then we apply them to particular cases. Often it works this way.
And it makes sense: if we know more about something we can have better ways to understand
it. In calculus, we do the same thing: we do not find the derivative of y D tan x directly but via
the derivative of sin x and cos x and the quotient rule.
Proof. Let ✏ be any small positive number. As .an / converges to a, there exists N1 such that
8n > N1 , jan aj < ✏=2 (why 0:5✏?). Similarly, as .bn / converges to b, there exists N2 such
that 8n > N2 , jbn bj < ✏=2. Now, let’s choose N D max.N1 ; N2 / (so that after N terms, both
This is what mathematicians want.
This is exactly Diego Maradona did. He kicks soccer balls. What he did when he saw a tennis ball? He kicks
it! Watch this youtube video.
We are now confident to state the other rules of limits below. The proofs are similar in nature
as the proof for the summation rule, but some tricks are required. We refer to textbooks for them.
Now equipped with more tools, we can solve other complex limit problems. For example,
n2 1
lim D lim (algebra)
n!1 n C 1
2 n!1 1 C 1=n2
limn!1 1
D (quotient rule)
limn!1 .1 C 1=n2 /
limn!1 1
D (summation rule for the denominator)
limn!1 1 C limn!1 1=n2
D D1
We just needed to compute one limit: limn!1 1=n2 . The key step is the first algebraic manipu-
lation step.
2.21 Inequalities
In mathematics, an inequality is a relation which makes a non-equal comparison between two
numbers or mathematical expressions. It is used most often to compare two numbers on the
number line by their size. There are several different notations used to represent different kinds
of inequalities:
I skip the proof of these simple properties herein. But if you find one which is not obvious you
should convince yourself by proving it.
Section 2.21.1 presents some simple inequality problems. Section 2.21.2 is about inequalities
involving the arithmetic and geometric means. The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality is introduced
in Section 2.21.3. Next, inequalities concerning absolute values are treated in Section 2.21.4.
Solving inequalities e.g. finding x such that jx 5j 3 is presented in Section 2.21.5. And
finally, how inequality can be used to solve equations is given in Section 2.21.6.
2. 1998
‹ 1999
101999 C1 101998 C1
3. 102000 C1
‹ 101999 C1
4. 19991999 ‹ 20001998
One simple technique is to transform the given inequalities to easier ones. For the first problem,
we square two sides:
p p
19 C 99 C 2 19 99 ‹ 20 C 98 C 2 20 98
p p
19 99 ‹ 20 98
19 99 ‹ 20 98 D .19 C 1/ 98
19 99 ‹ 19 98 C 98
19 ‹ 98
p p p p
Now we know ‹ should be <, thus 19 C 99 < 20 C 98.
For the second problem, let’s first replace fractions:
1998 1999
1999 2000
1998 2000 ‹ 19992
Now come the trick; we replace 1999 by 0:5.1998C2000/, and the solution follows immediately:
✓ ◆
1998 C 2000 2
1998 2000 ‹
4 1998 2000 < .1998 C 2000/2
xCy p
xy (2.21.2)
aCbCc p
3 aCbCcCd p
abc; abcd
3 4
for a; b; c; d 0?
Let’s first check for the case of 4 numbers as it is easier. Indeed, using the AM-GM for the
case of two numbers, we can write
aCb p >
ab = aCbCcCd p p
2 H) ab C cd
cCd p >
cd ; 2
p p
Using again the AM-GM for two numbers ab and cd , we get what we wanted to verify§ :
aCbCcCd p p aCbCcCd p4
2 ab cd ; or abcd
2 4
Now, we show that using the AM-GM for 4 numbers, we can get the AM-GM for 3 num-
bers. The idea is of course to remove d so that only three numbers a; b; c are left. Using
d D .a C b C c/=3éé , and the AM-GM inequality for 4 numbers, we have
aCbCc s ✓ ◆
aCbCcC aCbCc
3 4
abc (2.21.3)
4 3
which is equivalent to
s ✓ ◆
aCbCc 4 aCbCc
3 3
pp p
If it is not clear to you that S D xy D 4 xy, here is the details: S D ..xy/1=2 /1=2 D .xy/1=4 . See
Section 2.18 if still not clear.
This is the term we need to appear.
a1 C a2 C C an p
a1 a2 : : : an (2.21.4)
I present a proof of this inequality carried out by the French mathematician, civil engineer, and
physicist Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789 – 1857) presented in his Cours d’analyse. This book is
frequently noted as being the first place that inequalities, and ı ✏ arguments were introduced
into Calculus. Judith Grabiner wrote Cauchy was "the man who taught rigorous analysis to
all of Europe. The AM-GM inequality is a special case of the Jensen inequality discussed in
Section 4.5.2.
Cauchy used a forward-backward-induction. In the forward step, he proved the AM-GM
inequality for n D 2k for any counting number k. This is a generalization of what we did for the
n D 4 case. In the backward step, assuming that the inequality holds for n D k, he proved that
it holds for n D k 1 too.
Proof. Cauchy’s forward-backward-induction of the AM-GM inequality. Forward step. Assume
the inequality holds for n D k, we prove that it holds for n D 2k. As the inequality is true for k
numbers, we can write
a1 C a2 C C ak pk
a1 a2 : : : ak
akC1 C akC2 C C a2k pk
akC1 akC2 : : : a2k
Adding the above inequalities, we get
a1 C a2 C C a2k p p
a1 a2 : : : ak C k akC1 akC2 : : : a2k
And apply the AM-GM for the two numbers in the RHS of the above equation, we obtain
a1 C a2 C C a2k p p p
2 k a1 a2 : : : ak k akC1 akC2 : : : a2k D 2 2k a1 a2 : : : a2k
Proof. Cauchy’s forward-backward-induction of the AM-GM inequality. Backward step. As-
sume the inequality holds for n D k, we prove that it holds for n D k 1. As the inequality is
true for k numbers, we can write
a1 C a2 C C ak pk
a1 a2 : : : ak
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 2. Algebra 123
To get rid of ak , we replace it by a1 Ca2 C Cak =k 1, and the above inequality becomes
a1 C a2 C C ak 1 r
a1 C a2 C C ak 1 C a1 C a2 C C ak
k 1 k
a1 a2 : : : ak
k k 1
A bit rearrangement of the LHS gives us
a1 C a2 C C ak 1 k a1 C a2 C C ak 1
a1 a2 : : : ak 1
k 1 k 1
Raising two sides of the above inequality to kth power:
✓ ◆
a1 C a2 C C ak 1 k a1 C a2 C C ak 1
a1 a2 : : : ak 1
k 1 k 1
And we get what we needed:
a1 C a2 C C ak 1 p
k 1
a1 a2 : : : ak 1
k 1
Isoperimetric problems. If x C y D P where P is a given positive number, then Eq. (2.21.2)
gives us xy P 2 =4. And the maximum of xy is attained when x D y. In other words, among
all rectangles (of sides x and y) with a given perimeter (P ), a square has the maximum area.
Actually we can also discover this fact using only arithmetic, see Table 2.15. This is a special
case of the so-called isoperimetric problems. An isoperimetric problem is to determine a plane
figure of the largest possible area whose boundary has a specified length.
The Roman poet Publius Vergilius Maro (70–19 B.C.) tells in his epic Aeneid the story of
queen Dido, the daughter of the Phoenician king of the 9th century B.C. After the assassination
of her husband by her brother she fled to a haven near Tunis. There she asked the local leader,
Yarb, for as much land as could be enclosed by the hide of a bull. Since the deal seemed very
modest, he agreed. Dido cut the hide into narrow strips, tied them together and encircled a
large tract of land which became the city of Carthage (Fig. 2.30). Dido knew the isoperimetric
Another isoperimetric problem is ‘Among all planar shapes with the same perimeter the
circle has the largest area.’ How can we prove this? We present a simple ‘proof’:
1. Among triangles of the same perimeter, an equilateral triangle has the maximum area;
2. Among quadrilaterals of the same perimeter, a square has the maximum area;
3. Among pentagon of the same perimeter, a regular pentagon has the maximum area;
4. Given the same perimeter, a square has a larger area than an equilateral triangle;
5. Given the same perimeter, a regular pentagon has a larger area than a square
We can verify these results. And we can see where this reasoning leads us to: given a perimeter,
a regular polygon with infinite sides has the largest area, and that special polygon is nothing but
our circle!
Table 2.15: Given two whole numbers such that n C m D 10 what is the maximum of nm.
n m nm
1 9 9
2 8 16
3 7 21
4 6 24
5 5 25
Now, let’s solve the following problem: assume that a; b; c; d are positive integers with
a C b C c C d D 63, find the maximum of ab C bc C cd . This is clearly an isoperimetric
problem. This term A D abCbc Ccd is not nice to a and d in the sense that a and d appear only
once. So, let’s bring justice to them (or make the term symmetrical): A D abCbcCcd Cda da.
A bit of algebra leads to A D .a C c/.b C d / da.
Now we visualize A as in Fig. 2.31. Now the problem becomes maximize the area of the
big rectangle and minimize the small area ad . The small area is 1 when a D d D 1. Now the
problem becomes easy.
Figure 2.31
The proof of these inequalities is straightforward. Just expand all the terms, and we will end up
with: .ay bx/2 0 for the first inequality and .ay bx/2 C .az cx/2 C .bz cy/2 0
for the second inequality, which are certainly true. Can we have a geometric interpretation of
.ax C by/2 .a2 C b 2 /.x 2 C y 2 /? Yes, see Fig. 2.32; the area of the parallelogram EF GH is
the area of the big rectangle ABCD minus the areas of all triangles:
c a
H b A = xy sin ↵
h y
p a2 +
b F
p d ↵
c +
A E B x
a c
Now you might have guessed correctly what we are going to do. We generalize Eq. (2.21.5)
(1859). The modern proof of the integral version was given by Hermann Schwarz (1888). The
Cauchy–Schwarz inequality is a useful inequality in many mathematical fields, such as vector
algebra, linear algebra, analysis, probability theory etc. It is considered to be one of the most
important inequalities in all of mathematics.
We need to prove Eq. (2.21.6), but let’s first use Eq. (2.21.5) to prove some interesting
inequalities given below.
1. Example 1. For a; b; c > 0, prove that .a2 b C b c C c 2 a/.ab 2 C bc 2 C ca2 / 9a2 b 2 c 2
p p p p
2. Example 2. For a; b; c 0, prove that 3.a C b C c/ aC bC c
3. Example 3. For a; b; c; d > 0, prove that 1=a C 1=b C 4=c C 16=d 64=.a C b C c C d /.
4. Example 4. Let a; b; c > 0 and abc D 1, prove that:
1 1 1 3
C 3 C 3
a3 .bC c/ b .c C a/ c .a C b/ 2
This is one question from IMO 1995. The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is
a mathematical Olympiad for pre-university students, and is the oldest of the International
Science Olympiads.
Example 1: using Eq. (2.21.5) for .a2 b C b c C c 2 a/.ab 2 C bc 2 C ca2 / to have .a2 b C b c C
c 2 a/.ab 2 C bc 2 C ca2 / : : :, and use the 3 variable AM-GM inequality for the p : :2: Example
p 2:
p application of Eq. (2.21.5) after writing 3.a C b C c/ as .12
C 1 2
C 1 2
/.. a/ C . b/ 2
. c/2 /.
About Example 4, even though we know we have to use the AM-GM inequality and the
Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, it’s very hard to find out the way to apply these inequalities. Then, I
thought why I don’t reverse engineer this problem i.e., generate it from a fundamental fact. Let’s
do it and see what happens.
Let x; y; z > 0 and xyz D 1, using the AM-GM inequality we then immediately have
x C y C z 3 3 xyz D 3
I call this the fundamental inequality (for x; y; z > 0 and xyz D 1). And what we want to do
is to do some algebraic manipulations to this fundamental inequality and hope that the IMO
inequality will show up. That’s the plan. Looking at the IMO problem, it is of the form S 3
where S is something that we seek out to find out. To get that, we can start from
S.x C y C z/ .x C y C z/2 .H) S xCyCz 3/
Re-writing the above as, we see the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality appears:
.1x C 1y C 1z/2 S.x C y C z/ (2.21.7)
This is because the LHS is in the form .axCby Ccz/2 . Of course we rewrite the 1s by something
p p
else, e.g. 1 D z C y= z C y, then the LHS of the above becomes (I label it by A)
✓ ◆2
p x p y p z
A WD y C zp C z C xp C x C yp
yCz zCx xCy
Proof. Now is the time to prove Eq. (2.21.6). Let’s start with the simplest case:
As f .x/ D 0 does not have roots or at most has one root, we have 0. And that concludes
the proof. For the general case Eq. (2.21.6), just consider this function f .x/ D .a1 x C b1 /2 C
.a2 x C b2 /2 C C .an x C bn /2 . ⌅
What happened to IMO winners? One important point is that the IMO, like almost all other
mathematical olympiad contests, is a timed exam concerning carefully-designed problems with
solutions. Real mathematical research is almost never dependent on whether you can find the
right idea within the next three hours. In real maths research it might not even be known which
questions are the right ones to ask, let alone how to answer them. Producing original mathematics
requires creativity, imagination and perseverance, not the mere regurgitation of knowledge and
techniques learned by rote memorization.
We should be aware of the phenomenon of ’burn-out’, which causes a lot of promising
young mathematicians–those who might be privately tutored and entered for the IMO by pushy,
ambitious parents–to become disenchanted in mathematics and drop it as an interest before they
even reach university. It is best to let the kids follow their interests.
If you enjoy participating in IMO contests, it is absolutely fine. Just be aware of the above
comments and you can listen to Terence Tao–who won the IMO when he was only 13 years
old–to see how he grew up happily.
jxj < 3
How mathematicians knew to consider this particular function? No one knows.
which means finding all values of x so that the distance of x from zero is less than 3. With a
simple picture (Fig. 2.33a), we can see that the solutions are:
3<x<3 or x 2 . 3; 3/
I have also presented the solutions using set notation x 2 . 3; 3/. The notation .a; b/ indicates
all number x such that a < x < b. It is called an open bracket as the two ends (i.e., 3 and 3)
are not included. Then the symbol 2 means belong to. We will have more to say about sets in
Section 2.31.
6 2x C 3 6 ” 6 3 2x 6 3” 9=2 x 3=2
x 2 Œ 9=2; 3=2ç
x 3 or x 3
x 2 . 1; 3ç [ Œ3; 1ç
where the symbol [ in A [ B means a union of both sets A and B. Noting that it is not
necessary to write solutions of inequality problems using set notations. It is clear that we do
not gain anything by writing x 2 Œ 9=2; 3=2ç instead of 9=2 x 3=2. Since set theory is
the foundation of [modern] mathematics, thus some people though that an early exposure to it
might be useful. That’s why/how set theory entered in high school curriculum.
Triangle inequality. Now comes probably the most important inequality involving absolute
This inequality is used extensively in proving results regarding limits, see Section 4.10. (We
actually used already in Section 2.20) Why triangles involved here? It comes from the fact that
for a triangle the length of one side is smaller than the sum of the lengths of the other sides.
Using the language of vectors, see Section 11.1, this is expressed as
Note the similarity of Eq. (2.21.11) compared with the above inequality. That explains its name.
The first approach is to square both sides to get rid of the square root. Doing so results in a
fourth order polynomial equation, which is something we should avoid. Let’s see if there is an
easier way. Note that the RHS is always smaller or equal 2. How about the LHS? It is equal
to .x C 1/2 C 2 which is always bigger or equal than 2. So, we have an equation in which the
LHS 2 and RHS 2. The only case where they are equal is when both of them are equal to
two: p
.x C 1/2 C 2 D 2; 4 x 2 D 2 ” x D 1; x D 0
There is no real solutions! If you prefer a visual solution: the LHS is a parabola facing up with
a vertex at . 1; 2/ while the RHS is a semi-circle centered at .0; 0/ with radius of 2 above the
x-axis. These two curves do not intersect! Of course this ‘faster’ method would not work if
number 3 in the LHS is replaced by another number so that the two curves intersecté .
inverse of addition. Later on, when you learn linear spaces, you will see that only addition is
defined for linear spaces. This is because 5 3 is simply 5 C . 3/. Actually we do inverse
operations daily; for example when we put shoes on and take them off.
2.23 Logarithm
The question which number which is powered to 2 gives 4 (i.e., x 2 D 4) gave us the square root.
And a similar question, to which index 2 is raised to get 4? (that is find x such that 2x D 4),
gave us logarithm. We summarize these two questions and the associated operations now
x 2 D 4 H) x D 4
2x D 4 H) x D log2 4
Looking at this, we can see that logarithm is not a big deal; it is just the inverse of 2x in the same
manner as square root is the inverse of x 2 . For the notation log2 4 we read logarithm base 2 of 4.
You can understand these two equations by usingpa calculator. Starting with the number 2,
pressing the x 2 button gives you 4, and pressing the x button (on 4) gives you back 2–that’s
why it is an inverse. Similarly, starting with 2, pressing the button 2x yields 4 and pressing
the button log2 x returns 2. Historically, logarithm was discovered in an attempt to replace
multiplication by summation as the latter is much easier than the former, see Section 2.23.1.
It was invented by the Scottish mathematician, physicist, and astronomer John Napier (1550 –
1617) in early 17th centuryéé .
After this new loga b was discovered, we need to find the rules for them. If you play with
them for a while, you will discover the rules for logarithms. For example, considering a geometric
progression (GP): 2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; 128 (with r D 2), the corresponding logarithms (base 2)
are an arithmetic progression (AP): 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7, see Table 2.16.
x 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
log2 x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
From this table, we see that log2 32 D log2 .4 ⇥ 8/ D log2 4 C log2 8 and log2 64=2 D
log2 64 log2 2. By playing with them long enough, people (and you can too if you’re given a
chance) discovered the following rules for logarithm:
The story is very interesting, see [24] for details. In 1590, James VI of Scotland sailed to Denmark to meet
Anne of Denmark–his prospective wife and was accompanied by his physician, Dr John Craig. Bad weather had
forced the party to land on Hven, near Tycho Brahe’s observatory. Quite naturally, Brahe demonstrated to the party
the process of using trigonometry identities to replace multiplication by summation. And Dr Craig happened to
have a particular friend whose name is John Napier. With that Napier set out the task of his life: developing a
method to ease multiplication. Twenty years later he had succeeded. And we have logarithm.
loga ab D b
(b) Product rule
loga bc D loga b C loga c
(c) Quotient rule
loga bc D loga b loga c (2.23.2)
We are going to prove these rules. The first one loga ab D b is coming from the definition
of logarithm ax D b H) x D loga b. To prove the product rule, we first show a proof for a
particular case log2 .4 ⇥ 8/, to get confident that the rule is correct and use this particular proof
for a general proof.
It is obvious that log2 .4 ⇥ 8/ D 5 because 25 D 32. We can also proceed as follow
And thus we have proved the product rule for a concrete case of a D 2, b D 4 and c D 8. The
key step in this proof was to rewrite 4 D 22 and 8 D 23 i.e., expressing 4 and 8 in terms of
powers of 2. That is used in the following proof of the product rule:
Proof of the power rule 1. The proof of the power rule 1 uses the product rule (first consider the
case p is a positive integer):
loga b p D loga .b
„ ⇥ b ƒ‚
⇥ ⇥…
b / D loga b C loga b C C loga b D p loga b
p times
Interestingly, this rule also works when p is a negave integer i.e., p D q and q is a counting
number. To see that we need to observe that loga 1=b D loga b. Why? See Table 2.17. In this
table, we have extrapolated what is true to the cases that we’re not sure. We did this because
we believe (again) in patterns. Indeed, log2 1=4 D log2 4 D 2. Another way to prove
loga 1=b D loga b is that 0 D loga 1 D loga .b/.1=b/ D loga b C loga .1=b/.
The proof of the quotient rule uses the product rule and the power rule 1: loga bc D loga bc 1 .
x 1
1 2 4 8 16
log2 x -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Proof. Proof of the power rule 2 (with rational index). Setting u D b m=n , then un D b m . Thus,
loga un D n loga u
loga b m D n loga b m=n (use un D b m , u D b m=n )
m loga b D n loga b m=n
It is often the case that we need to change the base of logarithm. Let’s find the formula for
that. The idea, as always, is to play with the numbers and find a pattern. So, we compute the
logarithm with two bases (2 and 3) for some positive integers and put the results in Table 2.18.
But hey we do not know how to compute, let say, log3 5! I was cheating here, I used a calculator.
We shall come back to this question shortly.
Table 2.18: Logarithms bases 2 and 3 of 3,5,6,7 and their ratios (last row).
From this table, we can see that log2 x=log3 x D ˛, where ˛ is a constant. We aim to look for
this constant. Let’s denote log2 x D y, thus x D 2y , then we can compute log3 x in terms of y
We are a bit cheating here as we have used the power rule for logarithm loga b p D p loga b even
when p is not a whole number (y is real here). Lucky for us, this rule is valid for the case p is
real; but to show that we need calculus (see Chapter 4, Section 4.4.14). There is nothing special
about a and b here, so we can generalize the above result to arbitrary bases a and b
loga x
loga x D loga b ⇥ logb x; or loga b D
logb x
log8 2 D x ) 2 D 8x D .23 /x D 23x ) 3x D 1 or x D
log3 D log3 35 D 5
p x 2 4
9 D x ) 3 2 D 33 ) x D
When the English mathematician Henry Briggs learned in 1616 of the invention
of logarithms by John Napier, he determined to travel the four hundred miles north
to Edinburgh to meet the discoverer and talk to him in person.
A common argument for the use of technology is that it frees students from doing boring,
tedious calculations, and they can focus attention on more interesting and stimulating conceptual
matters. This is wrong. Mastering “tedious” calculations frequently goes hand-in-hand with a
deep connection with important mathematical ideas. And that is what mathematics is all about,
is it not?
To show the usefulness of logarithm assume we have to compute this product 18793:26 ⇥
54778:18 (without a calculator of course). Using logarithm turns this multiplication problem
Assume that we know the logs of 18793.26 and 54778.18 (we will come to how to compute them
in a minute, Briggs provided tables for such values, nowadays we no longer need them), then
sum them to get A. Finally, the product we are looking for is then simply 10A (there were/are
tables for this and thus we obtain the product just by summing two numbers).
1 n
log x D log.1 C ✏/ ⇡ ˛✏ H) log x ⇡ 2n ˛.x 1=2 1/ (2.23.4)
In summary, Brigg’s algorithm for logarithm of x is to calculate successive square roots of x,
minus 1, multiplied by ˛ and 2n . What should be the value for n? It should be large enough
so that the approximation log.1 C ✏/ ⇡ ˛✏ holds, but it must be small to reduce the numerical
error in the calculation of .x 1=2 1/.
Herman Heine Goldstine (1913 – 2004) was a mathematician and computer scientist, who worked as the
director of the IAS machine at Princeton University’s Institute for Advanced Study, and helped to develop ENIAC,
the first of the modern electronic digital computers. He subsequently worked for many years at IBM as an IBM
Fellow, the company’s most prestigious technical position.
Table 2.19: Successive roots of 10: 10s or 10.
10s 1
n s D 1=2n 10s D 1 C ✏ ✏ s=✏ s
0 10
1 3.16227766
2 1.77827941
3 1.33352143
4 1.15478198
5 1.15478198
6 1.07460783 2.38745051
7 1.03663293 2.34450742
8 1.01815172 2.32342038
9 1.00903504 2.31297148
10 0.00097656 1.00225115 0.00225115 0.43380638 2.30777050
11 0.00048828 1.00112494 0.00112494 0.43405039 2.30517585
12 0.00024414 1.00056231 0.00056231 0.43417242 2.30387999
13 0.00012207 1.00028112 0.00028112 0.43423345 2.30323242
20 9.53674316e-7 1.00000219 0.00000219 0.434294005 2.30258762
With this algorithm, Briggs computed the logarithms of all prime numbers smaller than 100.
From this, the logarithms of composite numbers are simply the sum of the logarithms of their
prime factors. For example, log 21 D log.3 ⇥ 7/ D log 3 C log 7.
10x ⇡ 1 C kx (2.23.5)
which can be seen from the sixth column of Table 2.19. And we have k D 1=˛. With calculus,
we will know that k D ln 10 (ln x is the logarithm of base e).
4x 3 2x C 2 D 0
Looking at the red numbers, you see that they are related: 5=10/2. If we pick a D 10, we can
get nice numbers:
✓ ◆
x 1 10
4 log10 2 C x log10 D2
✓ x ◆ 2
x 1
” 4 log10 2 C x.1 log10 2/ D 2
” .1 log10 2/x 2 C .4 log10 2 2/x 4 log10 2 D 0
Finally, we get a quadratic equation in terms of x, even though the coefficients are a bit scary.
Don’t worry, this is an exercise, the answers are usually of a compact form. So, using the
quadratic formula, we have:
2 4 log10 2 ˙ 2 <2
xD D 4 log10 2 log10 4
2.1 log10 2/ : D
2 log10 2 2 log10 5
That’s it! We used the fundamental property of logarithm to get a quadratic equation. If the
numbers 16,5,100 are replaced by others, then still we have a quadratic equation.
Can we have another solution, easier? Yes, if we divide the original equation by 100, factor
100 D 4 52éé , after that we take logarithm base 10:
x 1 x 1
16 x 5x 16 x 5x
D1” D1
100 4 52
2 x
” 4✓ x ◆5x 2 D 1
x 2
” log10 4 C .x 2/ log10 5 D 0
” .x 2/.log10 4 C x log10 5/ D 0
Well, this is non-standard, and using the AM-GM inequality is the key as the LHS is always
greater or equal 4! If the RHS is 5 instead of 4, then we have to use the graphic method (plot
the function of the LHS and see where it intersects with the horizontal line y D 5) or Newton’s
That’s the key point as 4 and 5 appear in 16x 1=x
5x . Don’t forget that 16 D 42 .
Solution of the first two equations is x D 2. In the first equation, pay attention to the
exponents, they’re related! In the second one, it is easy to see x D 2 is one solution.
You need to prove it’s the only solution. For the fourth equation, pay attention to the red
numbers: on the LHS we have 4 D 22 , 9 D 32 and 25 D 52 . And on the RHS we have
6 D 2 3, 10 D 2 5 and 15 D 3 5. Thus, all we have are numbers 2; 3; 5: squares of
them and products of them. This leads to a2 C b 2 C c 2 D ab C bc C ca. The answer is
x D 0.
Figure 2.34: Complex plane: the horizontal axis represents the real (Re) part and the vertical axis repre-
sents the imaginary (Im) part.
Definition 2.24.1
A complex
p number z is the one given by z D a C bi where a and b are real numbers and
i D 1–the imaginary unit; a is called the real part, and b is called the imaginary part.
Geometrically, a complex number is a point in a complex plane, shown in Fig. 2.34.
The adjective complex in complex numbers indicate that a complex numbers have more than
one part, rather than complicated.
As a new number, we need to define arithmetic rules for complex numbers. We first list the
rules for addition/subtraction and multiplication as follows
How these rules were defined? It depends. In the first way, we can assume that the rule of
arithmetic for ordinary numbers also apply for complex numbers, then there is no mystery
behind Eq. (2.24.1): we treat i as an ordinary number and whenever we see i 2 we replace that by
1 (hence i 3 D i 2 ⇥i D i ). In the second way, one first defines the addition and multiplication
Jean-Robert Argand (1768 – 1822) was an amateur mathematician. In 1806, while managing a bookstore in
Paris, he published the idea of geometrical interpretation of complex numbers known as the Argand diagram and is
known for the first rigorous proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra.
Gauss was a star thus people would be more willing to accept his theory than that proposed by Wessel and
Argand who were relatively unknown.
of two vectors. The rule for addition follows the rule of vector addition (known since antiquity
from physics), see Fig. 2.35a. It was Wessel’s genius to discover/define the multiplication of two
vectors: the resulting vector has a length being the product of the lengths of the two vectors and
a direction being the sum of the direction of the two vectors (with respect to a horizontal line),
see Fig. 2.35b. How he got this multiplication rule? As I am not good at geometry I do not want
to study his solution. But do not worry, with a new way to represent points on a plane, his rule
reveals its mystery to us!
a + b = 10 + 9i
3 7 10 Re
For a point on a plane, there are many ways to define its lo- Im
The polar form of a complex number pz D a C bi is given Figure 2.36: Polar form of
by z D r.cos ✓ C i sin ✓ / where r D a2 C b 2 is called the a complex number: z D
modulus of z and tan ✓ D a=b, ✓ is the argument of the complex r.cos ✓ C i sin ✓/.
number, see Fig. 2.36. More compactly, people also write z D r†✓.
Using the polar form, the multiplication of two complex numbers z1 D r1 .cos ˛ C i sin ˛/
and z2 D r2 .cos ✓ C i sin ✓ / is written as
From which the geometry meaning of multiplication of two complex numbers is obtained, ef-
fortlessly and without any geometric genius insight! With Euler’s identity e i✓ D cos ✓ C i sin ✓
(see Section 2.24.6)éé , it is even easier to see the geometric meaning of complex number multi-
plication: )
z1 D r1 .cos ˛ C i sin ˛/ D r1 e i ˛
H) z1 z2 D r1 r2 e i.˛Cˇ /
z2 D r2 .cos ˇ C i sin ˇ/ D r2 e iˇ
Now we can understand why p complex numbers live in the
p complex plane given in Fig. 2.34. The
question is always where 1 lives? Let’s represent 1 as r†✓ with unknown length and
unknown angle. What Wessel knew? He defined multiplication of two vectors, so he used it:
p p
. 1/. 1/ D r 2 †2✓ ” 1 D r 2 †2✓
But we know where 1 stays; left to the origin at a distance of one. In other words, 1 D
1†180ı , thus: (
rD 1
1†180ı D r 2 †2✓ H)
✓ D 90ı
And thus 1 is p
on an axis perpendicular to the horizontal axis and at a unit distance from the
origin, here stays 1 which is now designated by the iconic symbol i (standing for imaginary):
i WD 1 D 1†90ı
But that is just one i , if we go one around (or a any number of rounds) starting from i we get
back to it. So, ⇣⇡ ⌘
i D i sin C k2⇡ ; k 2 N (2.24.3)
A nice problem about complex numbers. For j D e i 3 , let’s j, j 4
compute the following product:
P D .1 C j /.1 C j 2 /.1 C j 3 / .1 C j 2023 /
j 3, j 6
The first thing to do is to notice that j is a point on the complex O
plane; it is on the unit circle, with an argument of 120ı . Then,
.j; j 4 ; : : :/, .j 2 ; j 5 ; : : :/ and .j 3 ; j 6 ; : : :/ are three verices of an
isolescent triangle (see figure). Thus, we have
1 + j2
4 i⇡ 2 5 i⇡ j 2, j 5
1Cj D 1Cj D De 3 ; 1Cj D 1Cj D De 3
1 C j3 D 1 C j6 D D 2 ” 1 C j 3k D 2; k D 1; 2; : : :
So, 1 C j and 1 C j 2 are complex conjugated, thus its product is a real number; actually it is
much nicer: .1 C j /.1 C j 2 / D 1, and there are 674 terms 1 C j 3 ; 1 C j 6 ; 1 C j 9 ; : : : all being
2, thus P D 2674 . Here are the detail:
P D .1 C j /.1 C j 2 / .1 C j 3 / .1 C j 4 /.1 C j 5 / .1 C j 6 / .1 C j 2023 /
„ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ …
1 2 1 2
We have anticipated that there must be a link between i and sine/cosine, but we could not expect that e is
involved. To reveal this secrete we need the genius of Euler. Refer to Section 2.27 for what e is.
Question 3. If i rotates a vector in the complex plane, then what will rotate a vector in a 3D
space? This was the question that led the Irish mathematician William Hamilton (1805 – 1865)
to the development of quartenion, to be discussed in Section 11.1.6.
from z to the origin (i.e.,
p the point of coordinates .0; 0/).
Obviously jzj D r D a2 C b 2 (Fig. 2.36). Usually we’re b
1 z1
interested in the distance between two complex numbers a2 a1
product of a complex number and its conjugate is a real number .x C yi/.x yi/ D x 2 C y 2 .
In other words, jz zj
N D jzj2 .
Below is a summary of some of the properties of the conjugates. Proofs just follow the
definition of conjugate.
(c) The complex conjugate of the product is the product of the conjugates: zw D zw
z 2 D zz D r 2 Œcos.2˛/ C i sin.2˛/ç
z 3 D z 2 z D r 3 Œcos.3˛/ C i sin.3˛/ç
which can be generalized to z n D r n Œcos.n˛/ C i sin.n˛/ç where n is any positive integer. When
r D 1 this formula is simplified to:
which is a useful formula, which is known as de Moivre’s formula (also known as de Moivre’s
theorem and de Moivre’s identity), named after the French mathematician Abraham de Moivre
(1667 – 1754). Refer to Section 2.24.6 to see how it leads to the famous Euler’s identity: e i ⇡ C
1 D 0.
It is obvious that the next thing to do is to consider negative powers e.g. z 2 . To do so,
let’s start simple with z 1 which can be computed straightforwardly. We have z D a C bi D
r.cos ✓ C i sin ✓ /. We can compute z 1 using algebra asé :
1 1 1 a bi 1
z D D D 2 D .cos ✓ i sin ✓/
z a C bi a Cb 2 r
Thus, we get
1 1
Œr.cos ✓ C i sin ✓/ç
D .cos ✓ i sin ✓/
which shows that de Moivre’s formula still works for n D 1.
Alright, we’re ready to compute any negative power of a complex number. For example, z 2
is given by
1 1
z 2
D .z 1 2
/ D .cos ✓ i sin ✓/2 D .cos 2✓ i sin 2✓/ (2.24.6)
r2 r2
Now, we’re confident that de Moivre’s formula holds for any integer. If you want to prove it you
can use proof by induction.
If not clear about the last step, see Fig. 2.36, and noting that a2 C b 2 D r 2 , and so on.
which immediately gives us the formula to compute the m-th root of any complex number
p ✓ ◆
p ˛ ˛
r.cos.˛/ C i sin.˛// D r cos C i sin
m m
Proof. First, we write the number under the cube root in polar form of a complex number, then
we use Eq. (2.24.8) to get the answeréé :
z D2C 121 D 2 C 11i D 11:18034.cos 1:39094283 C i sin 1:39094283/
z 1=3 D 11:18034.cos 0:46364761 C i sin.0:46364761/ D 2 C i
As another application of Eq. (2.24.8), we are going to compute the fifth root of one. We
also do that using algebra, and demonstrate that the two approaches yield identical results. First,
we write 1 D cos 2⇡k, k D 0; 1; 2; : : :. Then,
5 2⇡k 2⇡k
1D cos 2⇡k D cos C i sin
5 5
Thus, the 4 fifth roots of 1 are (note that k D 0 gives the obvious answer of 1)
2⇡ 2⇡
k D 1 W cos C i sin D 0:309017 C 0:9510565i
5 5
4⇡ 4⇡
k D 2 W cos C i sin D 0:809017 C 0:5877853i
5 5 (2.24.9)
6⇡ 6⇡
k D 3 W cos C i sin D 0:809017 0:5877853i
5 5
8⇡ 8⇡
k D 4 W cos C i sin D 0:309017 0:9510565i
5 5
As can be seen, these five roots are vertices of a pentagon inscribed in the unit circle, see Fig. 2.37.
What else can we say about them? Among these four complex roots, two are in the upper half
O k=0
Figure 2.37: The fifth roots of one–solutions of z 5 D 1–are vertices of a pentagon inscribed in the unit
circle. The four complex roots, come in pairs: z1 and z2 are complex conjugated and similarl for z2 ; z3 .
of the circle, and the other twos are in the bottom half: they are the conjugates of the ones in the
upper half. In Section 2.29.2 a proof is provided.
We can also find these roots using algebra. To do so, we solve the following equation
z5 1 D 0 , .z 1/.z 4 C z 3 C z 2 C z C 1/ D 0 ) .z 4 C z 3 C z 2 C z C 1/ D 0
For the above quintic equation, we use Lagrange’s clever trick by dividing this equation by z 2
to get ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
2 1 1 2 1 1
z CzC1C C 2 D0” z C 2 C zC C1D0
z z z z
Due to symmetry, we do a change of variable with u D z C 1=z , thus we obtain
u2 C u 1 D 0 H) u D 0:618034 uD 1:618034
Having obtained u, we can solve for z (a quadratic equation again). Finally, the four solutions
u u2
zD C 1 D 0:309017 C 0:9510565i; z D 0:809017 C 0:5877853i
2 r 4
u u2
zD 1 D 0:309017 0:9510565i; z D 0:809017 0:5877853i
2 4
which are identical to the solutions given in Eq. (2.24.9).
We can use de Moivre’s formula to compute this root as follows. First, we adopt Eq. (2.24.3)
to express i in the polar form i D i sin ⇡.1C4k/=2 D cos ⇡.1C4k/=2 C i sin ⇡.1C4k/=2, noting that
cos ⇡.1C4k/=2 D 0, then we use Eq. (2.24.8):
p ⇡.1 C 4k/ ⇡.1 C 4k/ ⇡.1 C 4k/ ⇡.1 C 4k/
i D cos C i sin D cos C i sin
2 2 4 4
So, there exits two square roots of i :
p p
⇡ ⇡ 2 2
k D 0 W cos C i sin D C i
4 4 2 p 2 p (2.24.10)
5⇡ 5⇡ 2 2
k D 1 W cos C i sin D i
4 4 2 2
We can also use ordinary algebra to get this result. Let’s assume that the square root of i is a
complex number:
i D a C bi H) i D 0 C i1 D a2 b 2 C i2ab
Thus, we have a and b satisfying the following system of equations by comparing the real parts
and imaginary parts of the two complex numberséé
a2 b 2 D 0; 2ab D 1
of which solutions are a D b D ˙ 2=2. And we get the same result. We have used the method
of undetermined coefficients.
The last two equations can be modified a little bit to get this
Can you do the same thing for cos.5˛/ in terms of cos.˛/? A knowledge of the binomial theorem
(Section 2.26) might be useful.
In the same manner, Eq. (2.24.8) allows us to write
p ✓ ◆
˛ ˛
cos.˛/ C i sin.˛/ D cos C i sin
m m
which, for m D 2 gives
p ✓ ◆
˛ ˛
cos.˛/ C i sin.˛/ D cos C i sin
2 2
or, after squaring both sides
˛ ˛ ˛ ˛
cos.˛/ C i sin.˛/ D cos2 sin2 C 2i cos sin
2 2 2 2
which results in the familiar trigonometry identities
˛ ˛ ˛ ˛
cos.˛/ D cos2 sin2 ; sin.˛/ D 2 cos sin (2.24.14)
2 2 2 2
which yields (from the first of Eq. (2.24.14)) the equivalent half-angle identities
r r
˛ 1 C cos.˛/ ˛ 1 cos.˛/
cos D ; sin D
2 2 2 2
And if, we denote f .˛/ D cos ˛ C i sin ˛, then we observe that (thanks to the above equation)
With that, it is reasonable to appreciate the following equation (see below for a popular proof)
which, when evaluated at ˛ D ⇡ yields one of the most celebrated mathematical formula, the
Euler’s theorem:
ei ⇡ C 1 D 0 (2.24.16)
which connects the five mathematical constants: 0; 1; ⇡; e; i. You have met numbers 0,1 and i .
We will meet the number e in Section 2.27. And of course, ⇡ the ratio of a circle’s circumference
to its diameter. This identity is influential in complex analysis. Complex analysis is the branch
of mathematical analysis that investigates functions of complex numbers. It is useful in many
branches of mathematics, including algebraic geometry, number theory, analytic combinatorics,
applied mathematics; as well as in physics, including the branches of hydrodynamics, thermo-
dynamics, and particularly quantum mechanics. Refer to Section 7.12 for an introduction to this
fascinating field.
So, it is officially voted by mathematicians that e i ⇡ C 1 D 0 is the most beautiful equation||
in mathematics! As one limerick (a literary form particularly beloved by mathematicians) puts it
i˛ ei ˛ C e i˛
e D cos ˛ C i sin ˛ H) cos ˛ D (2.24.17)
i˛ ei ˛ e i˛
e D cos ˛ i sin ˛ H) sin ˛ D (2.24.18)
Proof. Here is one proof of e i✓ D cos ✓ C i sin ✓ if we know the series of e x , sin x and cos x.
We refer to Sections 4.14.5 and 4.14.6 for a discussion on the series of these functions.
Start with the series of e x where x is a real number:
x x2 x3 x4 x5
ex D 1 C C C C C C
1ä 2ä 3ä 4ä 5ä
|| i⇡
e C 1 D 0 is actually not an equation. An equation (in a single variable) is a mathematical expression of
the form f .x/ D 0, for example, x 2 C x 5 D 0, which is true only for certain values of the variable, that is, for
the solutions of the equation. There is no x, however, to solve for in e i ⇡ C 1 D 0 . So, it isn’t an equation. It isn’t
an identity, either, like Euler’s identity e i˛ D cos ˛ C i sin ˛, where ˛ is any angle, not just ⇡ radians. That’s what
an identity (in a single variable) is, of course, a statement that is identically true for any value of the variable. There
isn’t any variable at all, anywhere, in e i⇡ C 1 D 0: just five constants.
Replacing x by i✓ , which is a complex number (why can we do this?, see Section 7.12):
With Euler’s identity, it is possible to derive the trigonometry identity for angle summation
without resorting to geometry; refer to Section 3.7 for such geometry-based derivations. Let’s
denote two complex numbers on a unit circle as z1 D cos ˛ C i sin ˛ D e i ˛ , z2 D cos ˇ C
i sin ˇ D e iˇ , we then can write the product z1 z2 in two ways
Equating the real and imaginary parts of z1 z2 given by both expressions, we can deduce the
summation sine/cosine identities, simultaneously!
Now we can answer the question asked in the beginning of this section: what is z D 23C2i ?
z D 23C2i D 23 ⇥ 22i D 8 ⇥ 4i
D 8 ⇥ e ln 4 D 8 ⇥ .cos.ln 4/ C i sin.ln 4//
And finally, it is possible to compute a logarithm of a negative number. For example, start with
e i ⇡ D 1, take the logarithm of both sides:
ei ⇡ D 1 H) ln. 1/ D i⇡
Thus, the logarithm of a negative number is an imaginary number. That’s why when we first
learned calculus, logarithm of negative numbers was forbidden. This should not be the case since
we accept the square root of negative numbers! To know more about complex logarithm, check
out Section 7.12.
In the story of complex numbers, we have not only Wessel but also Jean-Robert Argand
(1768 – 1822), another amateur mathematician. In 1806, while managing a bookstore in Paris,
he published the idea of geometrical interpretation of complex numbers known as the Argand
diagram and is known for the first rigorous proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. We
recommend the interesting book An imaginary
p tale: The story of square root of -1 by Paul Nahin
[39] on more interesting accounts on i D 1.
Assume that f .z/ D zC1=z 1, compute f 1991 .2 C i/, where f 3 .z/ D f .f .f .z///. Don’t
be scared by 1991! Note that this is an exercise to be solved within a certain amount
of time after all. Let’s compute f 1 .2 C i /, f 2 .2 C i /, and a pattern would appear for a
generalization to whatever year that the test is on:
f .2 C i/ D D2 i
f 2 .2 C i/ D f .f .2 C i// D f .2 i/ D 2 C i
f 3 .2 C i/ D f .f .f .2 C i/// D f .2 C i/ D 2 i
1. Find the imaginary part of z 6 with z D cos 12ı C i sin 12ı C cos 48ı C i sin 48ı .
3. Evaluate
cos.n✓ /
where cos ✓ D 1=5.
The answers are 0, cos n✓ and 6=7, respectively. If it is not clear about the third
problem, see below for a similar problem.
We are now going to solve a problem in which we see the interplay between real numbers and
imaginary numbers. That’s simply amazing. The problem is: Given the complex number 2 C i,
and let’s denote an and bn the real and imaginary parts of .2 C i /n , where n is a non-negative
integer. The problem is to compute the following sum
an bn
Let’s find an and bn first. That seems a reasonable thing to do. Power of an imaginary number?
We can use de Moirve’s formula. To this end, we need to convert our number 2 C i to the polar
p 2 1
2 C i D 5.cos ✓ C i sin ✓/; cos ✓ D p ; sin ✓ D p
5 5
Then, its power can be determined and from that an , bn will appear to us:
p p p
.2 C i/n D . 5/n .cos n✓ C i sin n✓/ H) an D . 5/n cos n✓; bn D . 5/n sin n✓
X1 p n p 1 ✓ ◆
. 5/ cos n✓. 5/n sin n✓ 1X 5 n
SD n
D sin 2n✓
7 2 nD0
We did some massage to S to simplify it. Now comes the good part: we leave the real world and
move to the imaginary one, by replacing sin 2n✓ by the imaginary part of e i 2n✓ :
1 ✓ ◆
1X 5 n
SD Im e i 2n✓ (2.24.19)
2 nD0 7
As the sum of the imaginary parts is equal to the imaginary of the suméé , we write S as:
1 ✓ ◆
1 X 5 n i 2✓ n
S D Im .e /
2 nD0 7
What is the red term? It is a geometric series!, of the form 1; a; a2 ; : : : with a D .5=7/e i 2✓ , and
we know its sum 1=.1 a/⇤⇤ :
1 1
S D Im
2 1 57 e i 2✓
If not clear, one example is of great help: .a1 C b1 i / C .a2 C b2 i / D .a1 C a2 / C i.b1 C b2 /. Thus sum of
imaginary parts (b1 C b2 ) equals the imaginary of the sum.
Herein we accept that the results on geometric series also apply to complex numbers. Note that a has a
modulus of 5/7 which is smaller than 1.
We know e i✓ , thus we know its square e i 2✓ , thus the above expression is simply 7=16. Details
are as follow. First, we find the imaginary part of 1 51ei2✓ by:
1 7
5 i 2✓
D .e i ˛ D cos ˛ C i sin ˛/
1 7
e 7 5.cos 2✓ C i sin 2✓/
7Œ7 5 cos 2✓ C i5 sin 2✓/ç
D (remove i in the denominator)
.7 5 cos 2✓/2 C .5 sin 2✓/2
1 35 sin 2✓
Im 5 i 2✓
1 7
e 74 70 cos 2✓
Thus, S is simplified to
1 35 sin 2✓ 7
SD D ::: D
2 74 70 cos 2✓ 16
We have skipped some simple calculations in : : :
Is there a shorter solution? Yes, note that S involves an bn as a product, so we do not really
need to know an and bn , separately. From the fact that .2 C i/n D an C ibn , what we do to get
an bn ? Yes, we square the equation: .2 C i /2n D an2 bn2 C 2ian bn . Thus, an bn is half of the
imaginary part of .2 C i/2n . Plugging this into S and we fly off to the result in no time.
So, i i is a real number! Actually i i has many values, we have just found one of theméé :
h ii
i. ⇡
2 C2n⇡ / i i. ⇡
2 C2n⇡ /
i De H) i D e De 2
Long before Euler wrote e i✓ D cos ✓ C i sin ✓, the Swiss mathematician Johann Bernoulli
(1667 – 1748)–one of the many prominent mathematicians in the Bernoulli family and Euler‘s
teacher–already computed i i using a clever technique. It is presented here so that we can enjoy
it all (assume you know a bit of calculus here). He considered the area of 1/4 of a unit circle:
Z 1 p
D 1 x 2 dx
4 0
Check Section 7.12 for detail.
Now comes the clever idea, he used the following ’imaginary’ substitution using i (note that if
we proceed with the standard substitution x D sin ✓, we will get ⇡=4 D ⇡=4, which is useless;
that’s why Bernoulli had to turn to i to have something new coming up):
xD iu H) dx D idu; 1 x 2 D 1 C u2
And the red integral can be computed (check Section 4.7 if you’re not clear):
⇡ i ⇤
D Œsec ✓ tan ✓ C ln.sec ✓ C tan ✓/ç✓0
4 2
And from that the result i i D e ⇡=2 follows. As we have seen, once accepted i, mathematicians
of the 17th century played with them with joy and obtained interesting results. And of course
other mathematicians did similar things; for example, the Italian Giulio Carlo dei Toschi Fagano
(1682-1766) played with a circle but with its circumference, and got the same result as Bernoulli
[39]. It is similar to we–ordinary human–soon introduce many new tricks with a new FIFA play
station game.
Now comes a surprise. What is 1⇡ ? We have learned that 1x D 1, so you might be guessing
1 D 1. But then you get only one correct answer. To see why just see 1 as a complex number
1⇡ D .e i.2n⇡/ /⇡ D e i.2n⇡ D cos 2n⇡ 2 C i sin 2n⇡ 2
where in the last equality we have used Euler’s identity e i✓ D cos ✓ C i sin ✓. From this we see
that only with n D 0 we get 1⇡ D 1, which is real. Other than that we have complex numbers!
This is because sin 2n⇡ 2 is always different from zero for all integers not 0. Why that? Because
⇡ is irrational, a result by the Swiss polymath Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728–1777). To see
why, let’s solve sin 2n⇡ 2 D 0, of which solutions are
sin 2n⇡ 2 D 0 ” 2n⇡ 2 D m⇡ ” 2⇡ D
Note that we have introduced different symbols to represent different collections of numbers.
Instead of writing ‘a is a non-negative integer number’, mathematicians write a 2 N. When
they do so, they mean that a is a member of the set (collection) of non-negative integers; this
set is symbolically denoted by N. The notation Z comes from the German word Zahlen, which
means numbers. The notation Q is for quotients.
In mathematics, the notion of a number has been extended
over the centuries to include 0, negative numbers, rational num-
bers such as one third (1=3), real numbers such as the square root
of 5 and ⇡, and complex numbers which extend the real numbers
with a square root of 1. Calculations with numbers are done with
arithmetical operations, the most familiar being addition, subtrac-
tion, multiplication, division, and exponentiation. Besides their
practical uses, numbers have cultural significance throughout the
world. For example, in Western society, the number 13 is often regarded as unlucky.
The German mathematician Leopold Kronecker (1823 – 1891) once said, "Die ganzen Zahlen
hat der liebe Gott gemacht, alles andere ist Menschenwerk" ("God made the integers, all else is
the work of man").
But is that all? Not at all. Complex numbers are cool but after all they are just points on a bor-
ing flat plane. Mathematicians wanted to have points in space! And they created other numbers,
one of them is quartenions of the form a C bi C cj C d k briefly discussed in Section 11.1.6.
✏ At one party each man shook hands with everyone except his spouse, and no handshakes
took place between women. If 13 married couples attended, how many handshakes were
there among these 26 people?
✏ How many ordered, nonnegative integer triples .x; y; z/ satisfy the equation x C y C z D
✏ A circular table has exactly 60 chairs around it. There are N people seated around this
table in such a way that the next person to be seated must sit next to someone. What is
smallest possible value of N ?
What would you do? While solving them you will see that it involves counting, but it is tedious
sometimes to keep track of all the possibilities. There is a need to develop some smart ways of
counting. This section presents such counting methods. Later in Section 5.2, you will see that to
correctly compute probabilities we need to know how to count correctly and efficiently.
2.25.2 Factorial
Assume that we have to arrange three books on a shelve. The titles of the three books are A, B
and C . The question is there are how many ways to do the arrangement? If we put A on the left
most there are two possibilities for B and C : ABC and ACB. If we put B on the left most, then
there are also two possibilities: BAC and BCA. Finally, if C is put in the left most, then we
have CAB and CBA. In summary, we have six ways of arrangement of three books:
How about arranging four books A; B; C; D? Again, let’s put A on the left most position, there
are then six ways of arranging the remaining three books (we have just solved that problem!).
Similarly, if B is put on the left most position, there are six ways of arranging the other three
books. Going along this reasoning, we can see that there are
What if we have to arrange five books? We can see that the number of arrangements is five times
the number of arrangements for 4 books. Thus, there are 5 ⇥ 24 D 120 ways.
There is a pattern here. To see it clearly, let’s denote by An the number of arrangements for
n books (n 2 N). We then have A5 D 5A4 || , but A4 D 4A3 , we continue this way until A1 –the
number of arrangements of only one book, which is one:
A5 D 5A4
D 5 ⇥ .4A3 /
D 5 ⇥ 4 ⇥ 3A2
D 5 ⇥ 4 ⇥ 3 ⇥ 2 ⇥ A1 D 5 ⇥ 4 ⇥ 3 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 1
with A1 being one as there is only one way to arrange one book. We are now able to give the
definition of factorial.
Definition 2.25.1
For a positive integer n 1, the factorial of n, denoted by nä, is defined as
nä D n ⇥ .n 1/ ⇥ .n 2/ ⇥ ⇥3⇥2⇥1D i
i D1
From this definition, it follows that nä D n.n 1/ä. Using this for n D 1, we get 1ä D 1 ⇥ 0ä,
so 0ä D 1. This is similar to a negative multiplied a negative is a positive. The notation nä was
introduced by the French
Q mathematician Christian Kramp (1760 – 1826) in 1808. We recall the
shorthand notation i (called the pi product notation) that was introduced in Eq. (2.19.21).
To understand the notation nä, let’s compute some factorials: 5ä D 120, 6ä D 720, not so
large, but 10ä D 3 628 800! How about 50ä? It’s a number with 65 digits:
50ä D 30 414 093 201 713 378 043 612 608 166 064 768 844 377 641 568 960 512 000 000 000 000
No surprise that Kramp used the exclamation mark for the factorial. Note that I have used Julia
to compute these large factorials. I could not find out the explanation of the name factorial,
Factorions. A factorion is a number which is equal to the sum of the factorials of its digits. For
example, 145 is a factorion, because
145 D 1ä C 4ä C 5ä
Can you write a program to find other factorions? The answer is 40 585 and see Listing B.4 for
the program.
Just the translation of "the number of arrangements for 5 books is five times the number of arrangements for 4
One problem involving factorial. Let’s consider a problem involving factorial: which one of
these numbers 5099 and 99ä is larger? The first attempt is to naturally consider the ratio of these
numbers and write out them explicitly (and see if the ratio is smaller than one or not):
5099 50 ⇥ 50 ⇥ ⇥ 50
99ä 99 ⇥ 98 ⇥ 97 ⇥ ⇥ 2 ⇥ 1
Now, instead of working directly with 99 terms in the numerator and 99 terms in the denominator,
we divide the 99 terms in the numerator into two groups and we’re left with one number 50.
Similarly, we divide the product in the denominator into two groups and left with 50:
49 terms 49 terms
‚ …„ ƒ ‚ …„ ƒ
50 99
.50 ⇥ 50 ⇥ ⇥ 50/ ⇥⇢⇢ ⇥ .50 ⇥ 50 ⇥
50 ⇥ 50/
99ä .99 ⇥ 98 ⇥ ⇥ 51/ ⇥ ⇢⇢ ⇥ .49 ⇥ 48 ⇥
50 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 1/
We can cancel the single 50s, and then combine one term in one group with another term
in the other group in the way that 99 is paired with 1, 98 with 2 (why doing that? because
99 C 1 D 100 D 50 ⇥ 2|| ), and so on:
✓ ◆✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
5099 502 502 502
99ä 99 ⇥ 1 98 ⇥ 2 51 ⇥ 49
Now, it is becoming clearer that we just need to compare each term with 1, and it is quite easy
to see that all terms are larger than 1 e.g. 502=99⇥1 > 1. This is so because we haveéé
✓ ◆
2 2 aCb 2
.a b/ > 0 H) .a C b/ > 4ab H) > ab
nä D n3 n
Without any clue, we proceed by massage this equation a bit as we see some common thing in
the two sides:
because n and n 1 cannot be zero (as n D f0; 1g do not satisfy the equation). At least, now we
have another equation, which seems to be less scary (e.g. n3 gone). What’s next then? The next
step is to replace .n 2/ä by .n 2/.n 3/ä:
nC1 n 2C3 3
.n 2/.n 3/ä D n C 1 H) .n 3/ä D D D1C
n 2 n 2 n 2
Doing so gives us a direction to go forward: a factorial of a counting number is always a counting
number, thus 1 C 3=n 2 must be a counting number, and that leads to
n 2 D f1; 3g H) n D f3; 5g
Z 1
nä D n e n.ln y y/ dy
R 1 isx 2the blue p integral? If I tell you it is related to the well known Gaussian integral
1 e dx D ⇡, do you believe me? If not, plot e n.ln y y/
for n D 5 and y 2 Œ0; 5ç you will
see that the plot resembles the bell curve. Thus, we need to convert ln y y to y 2 . And what
allows us to do that? Taylor comes to the rescue. Now, we look at the function ln y y and plot
it, we see that it has a maximum of 1 at y D 1 (plot it and you’ll see that), thus using Taylor’s
series we can write ln y y ⇡ 1 .y 1/2 =2, thus
Z 1
n nC1 2
nä D e n e n.y 1/ =2 dy
p p
Thus, another change of variable t D nx= 2, and the red integral becomes
Z 1
p Z 1 p
n.y 2
1/ =2 2 2 2⇡
e dy D p e t dx D p
0 n 0 n
R1 2 p
Why the lower integration bound is zero not 1 and we still can use 1 e x dx D ⇡? This
is because the function e n.ln y y/ quickly decays to zero (plot and you see it), thus we can extend
the integration from Œ0; 1ç to . 1; 1/. Actually the method just described to compute the blue
integral is called the Laplace method. ⌅
What is the lesson from Stirling’s approximation for nä? We have a single object which is
nä. We have a definition of it: nä D .1/.2/ .n/. But this definition is useless when n is large.
By having another representation of nä via the Gamma function, we are able to have a way to
compute nä for large n’s.
ˆn.n 2/.n 4/ .2/.1/ D if n is even
:̂ .2k/;
It is obvious that nää ¤ .nä/ä; e.g. 4ää D .4/.2/ D 8 but .4ä/ä D .24/ä.
Double factorials can also be defined recursively. Just as we can define the ordinary factorial
by nä D n.n 1/ä for n 1 with 0ä D 1, we can define the double factorial by
2.25.3 Permutations
Now we know that there are nä ways to arrange n distinct books. Generally there are nä per-
mutations of the elements of a set having n elements. A permutation of a set of n objects is
any rearrangement of the n objects. For example, considering this set f1; 2; 3g, we have these
arrangements (permutations): f1; 2; 3g; f1; 3; 2g; f2; 1; 3g; f2; 3; 1g; f3; 1; 2g and f3; 2; 1g.
We have used the simplest way to count the number of permutations of a set with n elements:
we listed all the possibilities. But we can do another way. Imagine that we have n distinct books
to be placed into n boxes. For the first box, there are n choices, then for each of these n choices
there are n 1 choices for the second box, for the third box there are n 2 choices and so on. In
total there will be n.n 1/.n 2/ .3/.2/.1/ ways. When we multiply all the choices we are
actually using the so-called basic rule of counting. This principle states that if there are p ways
to do one thing, and q ways to do another thing, then there are p ⇥ q ways to do both things.
Note that we did not add up the choices.
There are 5ä ways to arrange 5 persons in 5 seats. But, there are how many ways to place
five people into two seats? There are only 5 ⇥ 4 D 20 ways because for the first seat we have
5 choices and for the second seat we have 4 choices. Assuming that the five people are named
A; B; C; D; E, then the 20 ways are:
Now, what we need to do is to find how the result of 20 is related to 5 people and 2 seats. For 5
people and 5 seats, the answer is 5ä. So, we expect that 20 should be related to the factorials of 5
and 2–the only information of the problem. Indeed, it can be seen that we can write 20 D 5 ⇥ 4
in terms of factorials of 5 and 2:
5⇥4⇥3⇥2⇥1 5ä 5ä
5⇥4D D D
3⇥2⇥1 3ä .5 2/ä
We now generalize this. Assume we have a n-set (i.e., a set having n distinct elements) and we
need to choose r elements from it (r n). There are how many ways to do so if order matters?
In other words, how many r-permutations? For example considering this set fA; B; C g and we
choose 2 elements. We have six ways: fA; Bg, fB; Ag, fA; C g, fC; Ag, fB; C g, fC; Bg.
The number of r-permutations of an n-element set is denoted by P .n; r/ or sometimes by
Pn , which is defined as:
P .n; r/ D Pnr D (2.25.5)
.n r/ä
And we can write P .n; r/ explicitly as:
n.n 1/.n 2/ .n r C 1/.n r/ä
P .n; r/ D D n.n 1/.n 2/ .n r C 1/
.n r/ä
This expression is exactly telling us what we have observed. We need to choose r elements;
there are n options for the first element, n 1 options for the second element, ... and n r C 1
options for the last element.
2.25.4 Combinations
In permutations, the order matters: AB is different from BA. Now, we move to combinations in
which the order does not matter. Let’s use the old example of placing five people into two seats.
These are 20 arrangements of five people A; B; C; D; E into two seats (there are 5 options for
the 1st seat and 4 options for the second seat):
And if AB is equal to BA i.e., what matter is who seats next to who not the order, there are only
10 ways. When order does not matter, we are speaking of a combination. My fruit salad is a
combination of apples, grapes and bananas. We do not care the order the fruits are in.
We can observe that:
20 5ä
10 D D
2 .5 2/ä2ä
which leads to the following r-combinations equation:
n r nä Pnr
D Cn D D (2.25.6)
r .n r/ärä rä
The last equality shows the relation between permutation and combination; there are less com-
binations than permutations due to repetitions. And there are rä repetitions. The notation nr is
read n choose r.
is also called the binomial coefficient. This is because the coefficients in the binomial
theorem are given by nr (Section 2.26).
Question 4. The factorial was defined for positive integers. Is it too restrict? If you’re feeling
this way, that’s very good. What p is the value of .1=2/ä? The result is surprising; it is not an
integer, it is a real number: 0:5 ⇡.
aaabb; aabab; abaab; baaab; aabba; ababa; baaba; abbaa; babaa; bbaaa (2.25.7)
That is ten words. The question now is how to derive a formula, as listing works only when
there are few combinations. First, let’s denote by N the number of 5-letter words that can be
made from 3 a’s and 2 b’s. Second, we convert this problem to the problem we’re familiar with:
permutations without repetition by using a1 ; a2 ; a3 for 3 a’s and b1 ; b2 for 2 b’s. Obviously there
are 5ä 5-letter words from a1 ; a2 ; a3 ; b1 ; b2 . We can get these words by starting with Eq. (2.25.7).
For each of them, we add subscripts 1,2,3 to the a’s (there are 3ä ways of doing that), and then
we add subscripts 1,2 to the b’s (there are 2ä ways). Thus, in total there are N 3ä2ä 5-letter words.
And of course we have N 3ä2ä D 5ä, thus
Now we generalize the result to the case of n objects which are divided into k groups in
which the first group has n1 identical objects, the second group has n2 identical objects, ..., the
kth group has nk identical objects. Certainly, we have n1 C n2 C C nk D n. The number of
permutations of these n such objects are
n1 än2 ä nk ä
For the special case that k D 2, we have one group with r identical elements and one group with
n r elements:
„ ƒ‚ …a bb
„ ƒ‚ …b
r n r
There are
rä.n r/ä
permutations of such set. Coincidentally, it is equal to r
nä n
D (2.25.9)
rä.n r/ä r
To remove this confusion between permutations and combinations, we can change how we
look at the problem. For example, the problem of making 5-letter words with 3 a’s and 2 b’s can
be seen like this. There are 5 boxes in which we will place 3 a’s into 3 boxes. The remaining
boxes will be reserved for 2 b’s. How many way to select 3 boxes out of 5 boxes? It is 53 .
Instead of placing the a’s first we can place the b’s first. There 52 ways of doing so. There-
fore, 52 D 53 . Thus, we have the following identity
! !
n n
D (2.25.10)
k n k
We can check this identity easily using algebra. But the way we showed it here is interesting in
the sense that we do not need any algebra. This is proof by combinatorial interpretation. The
basic idea is that we count the same thing twice, each time using a different method and then
conclude that the resulting formulas must be equal.
Proof the generalized pigeonhole principle. Here is the proof of the extended pigeonhole princi-
ple. We use proof by contradiction: first we assume that no hole contains at least dp= he pigeons
and based on this assumption, we’re then led to something absurd. If no hole contains at least
dp= he, then every hole contains a maximum of dp= he 1 pigeons. Thus, p holes contains a
maximum of
.dp= he 1/ h
pigeons. We’re now showing that this number of pigeons is smaller than p:
1. Every point on the plane is colored either red or blue. Prove that no matter how the
coloring is done, there must exist two points, exactly a mile apart, that are the same
.a C b/0 D 1
.a C b/1 D aCb
.a C b/2 D a2 C 2ab C b 2 (2.26.1)
.a C b/3 D a3 C 3a2 b C 3ab 2 C b 3
.a C b/4 D a C 4a3 b C 6a2 b 2 C 4ab 3 C b 4
We find the first trace of the Binomial Theorem in Euclid II, 4, "If a straight line be cut at random,
the square on the whole is equal to the squares on the segments and twice the rectangle of the
segments". This is .a C b/2 D a2 C b 2 C 2ab if the segments are a and b. The coefficients in
these binomial expansions make a triangle, which is usually referred to as Pascal’s triangle. As
shown in Fig. 2.38, this binomial expansion was known by Chinese mathematician Yang Hui
(ca. 1238–1298) long before Pascal.
To build the triangle, start with "1" at the top, then continue placing numbers below it in a
triangular pattern. Each number is the numbers directly above it added together. Can you write
a small program to build the Pascal triangle? This is a good coding exercise.
(a) (b)
Is there a faster way to know the coefficient of a certain term in .a C b/n without going
through the Pascal triangle? To answer that question, let’s consider .a C b/3 . We expand it as
Every term in the last expression has three components containing only a and b (e.g. aba). We
also know some of these terms are going to group together; e.g. aba D baa D baa, as they are
all equal a2 b. Now, there are 32 ways to write a sequence of length three, with only a and b,
that has precisely two a’s in it. Thus, the coefficient of a2 b is 32 D 3. Refer to Section 2.25 for
a discussion on the notation nc .
Generalization allows us to write the following binomial theorem:
! !
n n k k n nä n.n 1/ .n k C 1/
.a C b/ D a b ; D D (2.26.2)
k k .n k/äkä kä
Question 5. What if the exponent n is not a positive integer? How about .a C b/1=2 or
.a C b/ 3=2 ? To these cases, we have to wait for Newton’s discovery of the so-called gener-
alized binomial theorem, see Section 4.14.1.
Question 6. If we have the binomial theorem for .a C b/n , how about .a C b C c/n ? The third
power of the trinomial a C b C c is given by .a C b C c/3 D a3 C b 3 C c 3 C 3a2 b C 3a2 c C
3b 2 a C 3b 2 c C 3c 2 a C 3c 2 b C 6abc. Is it possible to have a formula for the coefficients of the
terms in .a C b C c/3 ? And how about .x1 C x2 C C xm /n ‹
Sum of powers of integers, binomial theorem and Bernoulli numbers. Now we present a
surprising result involving the binomial coefficients. Recall in Section 2.5 that we have computed
the sums of powers of integers. We considered the sums of powers of one, two and three only.
But back in the old days, the German mathematician Johann Faulhaber (1580- 1635) did that
for powers up to 23. Using that result, Jakob Bernoulli in 1713, and the Japanese mathematician
Seki Takakazu (1642-1708), in 1712 independently found a pattern and discovered a general
formula for the sum. With n; m 2 N and m 1, let
n 1
Sm .n/ WD km
Then, we haveé !
1 X
k mC1
Sm .n/ D . 1/ Bk nmC1 k
mC1 k
where Bk are now called the Bernoulli numbers. Why not Takakazu numbers, or better Bernoulli-
Takakazu numbers? Because history is not what happened, but merely what has been recorded,
and most of what has been recorded in English has a distinctly Western bent. This is particularly
true in the field of mathematical history. The Bernoulli numbers Bk are
1 1 1
B0 D 1; B1 D ; B2 D ; B3 D 0; B4 D ; B5 D 0; : : :
2 6 30
What are the significance of these mysterious numbers? It turns out that, as is often the case
in mathematics, the Bernoulli-Takakazu numbers appear in various fields in mathematics, see
Section 4.16 for more detail.
Binomial theorem: a proof. The Pascal triangle are now written using the k
notation éé :
1 1
0 1
2 2 2
0 1 2
3 3 3 3
0 1 2 3
4 4 4 4 4
0 1 2 3 4
This identity–known as Pascal’s rule or Pascal’s identity–can be proved algebraically. But that is
just an exercise about manipulating factorials. We need a combinatorial proof so that we better
understand the meaning of the identity.
The left hand side (the red term) in Pascal’s identity is the number of .k C 1/-element subsets
taken from a set of n C 1 elements. Now what we want to prove is that the left hand side is
also the number of such subsets. Fig. 2.39 shows the proof for the case of n D 3 and k D 1.
I provided only a proof for a special case whereas all textbooks present a general proof. This
results in an impression that mathematicians only do hard things. Not at all. In their unpublished
notes, they usually had proofs for simple cases!
|S1 | = 2
|S2 | =
S : |S| = 2
|S| = |S1 | + |S2 |
Figure 2.39: Proof of Pascal’s identity for the case of n D 3 and k D 1. The red term in Eq. (2.26.4)
is 42 , which is the cardinality of S – a set that contains all subsets of two elements taken from the set
fA; B; C; X g. We can divide S into two subsets: S1 is the one without X and S2 is the one with X.
Obviously jS1 j D 32 .
With this identity, Eq. (2.26.4), we can finally prove the binomial theorem; that is the theorem
is correct for any n 2 N. The technique we use (actually Pascal did it first) is proof by induction.
Observe that the theorem is correct for n D 1. Now, we assume that it is correct for n D k, that
! ! !
X k
k k k
.a C b/k D ak j b j D ak C ak 1 b C C ab k 1 C b k (2.26.5)
j D0
j 1 k 1
And our aim is to prove that it is also valid for n D k C 1, that is:
! ! !
k C 1 kC1 k C 1 kC1
.a C b/kC1 D a j j
b D akC1 C ak b C C ab k C b kC1
j D0
j 1 k
.a C b/kC1 D .a C b/k .a C b/
" ! ! #
k k
D ak C ak 1 b C C ab k 1 C b k .a C b/
1 k 1
! ! !
k k k
D akC1 C ak b C ak b C ak 1 b 2 C C ab k C ab k C b kC1
1 1 k 1
✓ ◆
1 1
1st month: 1000 C ⇥ 1000 D 1 C ⇥ 1000
12 12
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1 1
2nd month: 1C ⇥ 1C ⇥ 1000
12 12
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1 1 1 1 12
1C ⇥ 1C ⇥ ⇥ 1C ⇥1000 D 1 C ⇥ 1000 D 2613:03529
12 12 12 12
„ ƒ‚ …
12 times
which is $2 613 and better than the annual compounding. Let’s be more greedy and try with daily,
hourly and minutely compounding. It is a good habit to ask questions ‘what if’ and work hard
investigating these questions. It led to new maths in the past! The corresponding calculations
are given in Table 2.20.
Table 2.20: Amounts of money received with yearly, monthly, daily, hourly and minutely compounding.
Formula Result
From this table we can see that the amount of money increases from $2 000 and settles
at $2 718,279 242 6. What I have presented was done by Jacob Bernoulli in 1683. But he did
not introduce a notation for this number and did not recognize the connection of the number
2:718279 with logarithm. It was Euler in 1731 who introduced the symbol e éé to represent the
rate of continuous compounding:
✓ ◆n
e WD lim 1C (2.27.1)
n!1 n
The fascinating thing about e is that the more often the interest is compounded, the less your
money grows during each period (compare 1 C 1 versus .1 C 1=12/ for example). Yet it still
amounts to something significant after a year, for it is multiplied over so many periods.
In mathematics, there are three most famous irrational numbers and e is one of them. They
are ⇡, and e. We have met two of them. We will introduce ⇡ in Chapter 4.
How we compute e? Looking at its definition, we can think of using the binomial theorem
Was Euler selfish in selecting e for this number? Probably not. Note that it was Euler who adopted ⇡ in 1737
and i 2 D 1.
How many terms needed to get e? Yes, we have a formula, Eq. (2.27.3), to compute e. One
question remains: how many terms should we use? Let’s assume that we use only four terms, so
1 1 1
e ⇡1C C C D 2:6666666666666665
1ä 2ä 3ä
The error of this approximation is of course the terms we have ignored:
1 1 1
error D C C C
4ä 5ä 6ä
The task now is to understand this error, because if the error is small then our approximation is
good. Surprisingly a bit of massage to it is useful:
✓ ◆
1 1 1 1
error D C C C
3ä 4 5 ⇥ 4 6 ⇥ 5 ⇥ 4
✓ ◆
1 1 1 1
< C C C
3ä 2 2 ⇥ 2 2 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 2
✓ ◆
1 1 1 1 1
< C C C D
3ä 2 4 8 3ä
Thus, if we use n C 1 terms to compute e, the error is smaller than 1=nä. As n ! 1, the error
is approaching zero, and we get a very good approximation for e. With this, you can figure out
how many terms needed to get one million digits of e.
Irrationality of e. Similar to Euclid’s proof of the irrationality of 2, we use a proof of contrac-
tion here. We assume that e is a rational number and this will lead us to a nonsense conclusion.
The plan seems easy, but carrying it out is different. We start with Eq. (2.27.3):
1 1 1 a
1C C C C D
1ä 2ä 3ä b
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 2. Algebra 173
where a; b 2 N.
The trick is to make b appear in the LHS of this equation:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1 1 1 1 1 a
1C C C C C C C D (2.27.4)
1ä 2ä bä .b C 1/ä .b C 2/ä b
We can simplify the two red and blue terms. For the red term, using the fact that bä D b.b
1/.b 2/ 2ä, we can show that the red term is of this form c=bä where c 2 N.
For the second term, we need to massage it a bit:
1 1 1 1
.b C 1/ä .b C 2/ä .b C 1/ä .b C 2/.b C 1/ä
1 1
.b C 1/bä .b C 2/.b C 1/bä
✓ ◆
1 1 1
bä .b C 1/ .b C 2/.b C 1/
Denote by x the blue term, we are going to show that 0 < x < 1=b. In other words, x is a real
number. Indeed,
✓ ◆
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
x< C C D 1C C C D
b C 1 .b C 1/ 2 .b C 1/ 3 bC1 b C 1 .b C 1/ 2 b
where we used the formula for the geometric series in the bracket.
Now Eq. (2.27.4) becomes as simple as:
a c 1
D C x
b bä bä
Multiplying this equation with bä to get rid of it, we have:
a.b 1/ä D c C x
And this is equivalent to saying an integer is equal to the sum of another integer and a real
number, which is nonsense!
Question 7. If
✓ ◆n
e D lim 1C
n!1 n
Then, what is ✓ ◆n
lim 1 D‹
n!1 n
Try to guess the result, and check it using a computer.
For a given n if we compute the product of all the binomial coefficients in that row, denoted by
sn , something interesting will emerge. We define sn asé :
Y n
sn D (2.28.1)
The first few sn are shown in Fig. 2.40. The sequence .sn / grows bigger and bigger. How about
the ratio sn =sn 1 ?
1 1
1 1 1
1 2 1 2
1 3 3 1 9
1 4 6 4 1 96
1 5 10 10 5 1 2500
1 6 15 20 15 6 1 162000
1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1 26471025
Qn n
Figure 2.40: Pascal triangle and the product of all the terms in a row sn D kD0 k for n D 0; 1; : : : ; 7.
Note that when n is very big, n and n 1 are pretty the same. That is why in the above equation,
we have different expressionsl they are equivalent.
If, instead of a product we consider the sum of all the coefficients in the nth row we shall get 2n . Check
Fig. 2.40, row 3: 1 C 3 C 3 C 1 D 8 D 23 .
Qn n
Table 2.21: sn D kD0 k , see Listing B.5 for the code.
n sn rn D sn =sn 1 rn =rn 1
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 9 4.5 2.25
4 96 10.67 2.37
5 2500 26.042 2.44
6 162000 64.8 2.49
:: :: :: ::
: : : :
89 2.46e+1711
90 1.77e+1673 5.13e+37
91 2.46e+1711 1.39e+38 2.70
:: :: :: ::
: : : :
899 2.22e+174201
900 2.17e+174590 9.74e+388
901 5.74e+174979 2.65e+389 2.71677
To see the last equality, one can work out directly for a particular case. For n D 3, we have
nä 3ä 3ä 3ä 3ä Y 1 3
s3 D D ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ D .3ä/4
.n k/äkä 3ä0ä 2ä1ä 1ä2ä 0ä3ä .kä/2
kD0 kD0
2.29 Polynomials
A polynomial is an expression consisting of variables (also called indeterminates) and coeffi-
cients, that involves only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative
integer exponentiation of variables. An example of a polynomial of a single variable x is
x 2 x C2. An example in three variables is x 2 C2xy 3 z 2 yz C4. The expression 1=x Cx 2 C3
is not a polynomial due to the term 1=x D x 1 (exponent is 1, contrary to the definition).
Polynomials appear in many areas of mathematics and science. For example, they are used
to form polynomial equations, they are used in calculus and numerical analysis to approximate
other functions. For example, we have Taylor series and Lagrange polynomials to be discussed
in Chapters 4 and 12.
A polynomial in a single indeterminate x can always be written in the form
n n 1 2
Pn .x/ WD an x C an 1 x C C a2 x C a1 x C a0 D ak x k (2.29.1)
The summation notation enables a compact notation (noting x 0 D 1). Assume that an ¤ 0, then
n is called the degree of the polynomial (which is the largest degree of any term with nonzero
coefficient). Polynomials of small degree have been given specific names. A polynomial of
degree zero is a constant polynomial (or simply a constant). Polynomials of degree one, two
or three are linear polynomials, quadratic polynomials and cubic polynomials, respectively. For
higher degrees, the specific names are not commonly used, although quartic polynomial (for
degree four) and quintic polynomial (for degree five) are sometimes used.
which comes from the usual arithmetic rules. What is interesting is that for two polynomials p
and q, the degree of the product pq is the sum of the degree of p and q:
The division of one polynomial by another is not typically a polynomial. Instead, such ratios
are a more general family of objects, called rational fractions, rational expressions, or rational
functions, depending on context. This is analogous to the fact that the ratio of two integers is a
rational number. For example, the fraction 2=.1 C x 3 / is not a polynomial; it cannot be written
as a finite sum of powers of the variable x.
Let’s divide x 2 3x 10 by x C 2 and 2x 2 5x 1 by x 3 using long division:
x 5; 2x C 1
2 2
xC2 x 3x 10 x 3 2x 5x 1
x2 2x 2
2x C 6x
5x 10 x 1
5x C 10 xC3
0 2
Thus, x C 2 evenly divides x 2 3x 10 (similarly to 2 divides 6), but x 3 does not evenly
divide 2x 2 5x 1 for the remainder is non-zero. So, we can write
2x 2 5x 1 2
D 2x C 1 C ” 2x 2 5x 1 D .x 3/.2x C 1/ C 2
x 3 x 3
The blue term is called the dividend, the cyan term is called the divisor, and the purple term is
called the quotient. The red term is called the remainder term. And we want to understand it.
If we do all these little exercises (the answers are 1; 4 and 9), we find out that the remainders of
dividing x 2 by x a is a2 ! Let’s do a few more exercises:
The answers are a2 C a C 1 and a2 C 2a C 3, respectively. What are they? They are exactly the
values obtained by evaluating the function at x D a. In other words, the remainder of dividing
f .x/ D x 2 C x C 1 by x a is simply f .a/. Now, no one can stop us from stating the following
’theorem’: if P .x/ is a polynomial, then the remainder of dividing P .x/ by x a is P .a/. Of
course mathematicians demand a proof, but we leave it as a small exercise. After a proof has
been provided, this statement became the remainder theorem.
x 1D0
x3 6x 2 C 11x 6 D 0 ” .x 1/.x 2 5x C 6/ D 0 ” 2
x 5x C 6 D 0
p.x/ D a0 C a1 x C C an x n ; ai 2 R
is a polynomial of real coefficients. Let ˛ be a complex root (or zero) of p i.e., p.˛/ D 0. We
need to prove that the complex conjugate of ˛ i.e., ˛ is also a root. That is, p.˛/ D 0. The
starting point is, of course, p.˛/ D 0. So we write p.˛/
p.˛/ D a0 C a1 ˛ C C an ˛ n
which involves 6 multiplications and 3 additions. How about the general Pn .x0 /? To count
the multiplication/addition, we need to write down the algorithm, Algorithm 1 is such one.
Roughly, an algorithm is a set of steps what we follow to complete a task. There are more to say
about algorithm in Section 2.34. Having this algorithm in hand, it is easy to covert it to a program.
b 3 D a3 b3 D 2
b2 D x0 b3 C a2 b2 D 2x0 6
b 1 D x 0 b 2 C a1 b1 D x0 .2x0 6/ C 2
b 0 D x 0 b 1 C a0 b0 D x0 .x0 .2x0 6/ C 2/ C 1
where the left column is for a general cubic polynomial whereas the right column is for the
specific f .x/ D 2x 3 6x 2 C 2x C 1. Then, f .x0 / D b0 . As to finding the consecutive b-values,
we start with determining bn , which is simply equal to an . We then work our way down to the
other b’s, using the recursive formula: bn 1 D an 1 C bn x0 , until we arrive at b0 .
A by-product of Horner’s method is that we can also find the division of f .x/ by x x0 :
One application is to find all solutions of Pn .x/ D 0. We use Horner’s method together with
Newton’s method. A good exercise to practice coding is to code a small program to solve
Pn .x/ D 0. The input is Pn .x/ and press a button we shall get all the solutions, nearly instantly!
That is remarkable given that the expression for the roots is quite messy: their sum and product
are, however, very simple functions of the coefficients of the quadratic equation. And this is
known as Vieta’s formula discovered by Viète. Not many of high school students (including
the author) after knowing the well known quadratic formula asked this question to discover for
themselves this formula.
Remark 3. Did you notice something special about Eq. (2.29.3)? Note that x1 C x2 and x1 x2
will not change if we switch the roots; i.e., x2 C x1 is exactly x1 C x2 . Is this a coincidence? Of
course not. The quadratic equation does not care how we label its roots.
After this, another question should be asked: Do we have the same formula for cubic equa-
tions, or for any polynomial equations? Before answering that question, we need to find a better
way to come up with Vieta’s formula. Because the formula of the roots of a cubic equation is
very messy. And we really do not want to even add them not alone multiply them. As x1 and
x2 are the roots of the quadratic equation, we can write that equation in this form (thanks to the
discussion in Section 2.29.2)
.x x1 /.x x2 / D 0 ” x 2 .x1 C x2 /x C x1 x2 D 0
And this must be equivalent to x 2 C .b=a/x C c=a D 0, thus we have x1 C x2 D b=a
and x1 x2 D c=a–the same result as in Eq. (2.29.3). This method is nice because we do not
need to know the expressions of the roots. With this success, we can attack the cubic equation
x 3 C .b=a/x 2 C .c=a/x C d=a D 0. Let’s denote by x1 ; x2 ; x3 its roots, then we write that cubic
equation in the following form
.x x1 /.x x2 /.x x3 / D 0 ” x 3 .x1 Cx2 Cx3 /x 2 C.x1 x2 Cx2 x3 Cx3 x1 /x x1 x2 x3 D 0
And thus comesVieta’s formula for the cubic equation:
b c d
x1 C x2 C x3 D ; x1 x2 C x2 x3 C x3 x1 D ; x1 x2 x3 D
a a a
Summarizing these results for quadratic and cubic equations, we write (to see the pattern)
a1 a0
a2 x 2 C a1 x C a0 D 0 W x1 C x2 D ; x1 x2 DC
a2 a2
a2 a0
a3 x 3 C a2 x 2 C a1 x C a0 D 0 W x1 C x2 C x3 D ; x1 x2 x3 D
a3 a3
In the above equation, we see something new: .x1 Cx2 ; x1 Cx2 Cx3 /, .x1 x2 ; x1 x2 Cx2 x3 Cx3 x1 /
and .x1 x2 ; x1 x2 x3 /. If we consider a fourth order polynomial we would see x1 C x2 C x3 C x4 ,
x1 x2 C x2 x3 C x3 x4 C x2 x3 C x2 x4 C x3 x4 , x1 x2 x3 C x1 x2 x4 C x1 x3 x4 C x2 x3 x4 and
x1 x2 x3 x4 . As can be seen, these terms are all sums. Moreover, they are symmetric sums (e.g.
the sum x1 C x2 C x3 is equal to x2 C x1 C x3 ). Now, mathematicians want to define these sums–
which they call elementary symmetric sums–precisely. And this is their definition of elementary
symmetric sums of a set of n numbers.
Definition 2.29.1
The k-th elementary symmetric sum of a set of n numbers is the sum of all products of k of
those numbers (1 k n). For example, if n D 4, and our set of numbers is fa; b; c; d g,
1st symmetric sum D S1 DaCbCcCd
2nd symmetric sum D S2 D ab C ac C ad C bc C bd C cd
3rd symmetric sum D S3 D abc C abd C acd C bcd
4th symmetric sum D S4 D abcd
With this new definition, we can write the general Vieta’s formula. For a nth order polynomial
an x n C an 1 x n 1 C C a2 x 2 C a1 x C a0 D 0
we have
an j
Sj D . 1/j ; 1j n
where Sj is the j -th elementary symmetric sum of a set of n roots. With a proper tool, we
can have a compact Vieta’s formula that encapsulates all symmetric sums of the roots of any
polynomial equation!
If we do not know Vieta’s formula, then finding the complex roots of the following system
of equations:
xCyCz D2
xy C yz C zx D 4
xyz D 8
would be hard. But it is nothing than this problem: ‘solving this cubic equation t 3 2t 2 C4t 8 D
For the first problem the idea is to use Vieta’s formula that reads x1 C x2 D 3 and
x1 x2 D 1. To use x1 C x2 and x1 x2 we have to massage S so that these terms show up.
For example, for the term x1=x2 C1, we do (noting that x22 C 3x2 C 1 D 0, thus x22 C x2 D
1 2x2 )
x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 1
D 2 D D
x2 C 1 x2 C x2 1 2x2 1 2x2
Do we need to do the same for the second term? No, we have it immediately once we had
the above:
x2 1
x1 C 1 1 2x1
Now, the problem is easier:
1 1 .1 C 2x1 /2 C .1 C 2x2 /2
SD C D D D 18
.1 C 2x1 /2 .1 C 2x2 /2 Œ.1 C 2x1 /.1 C 2x2 /ç2
(a) (b)
Figure 2.41: Telling the time using a clock. Imagine that the afternoon times are laid on top of their
respective morning times: 16 is next to 4, so 16 and 4 are the same or congruent (on the clock).
So in this clock world, we only care where we are in relation to the numbers 1 to 12. In this
world, 1; 13; 25; 37; : : : are all thought of as the same thing, as are 2; 14; 26; 38; : : : and so on.
What we are saying is "13 D 1Csome multiple of 12", and "26 D 2Csome multiple of 12",
or, alternatively, "the remainder when we divide 13 by 12 is 1" and "the remainder when we
divide 26 by 12 is 2”. The way mathematicians express this is:
This is read as "13 is congruent to 1 mod (or modulo) 12" and "26 is congruent to 2 mod 12".
But we don’t have to work only in mod 12. For example, we can work with mod 7, or mod
10 instead. Now we can better understand the cardioid introduced in Chapter 1, re-given below
in Fig. 2.42. Herein, we draw a line from number n to n .mod N / because on the circle we
only have N points. For example, 7 ⇥ 2 D 14 which is congruent to 4 modulo 10. That’s why
we drew a line from 7 to 4.
Should we stop with the times table of 2? No, of course. We play with times table of three,
four and so on. Fig. 2.43a shows the result for the case of eight. How about times table for a
non-integer number like 2:5? Why not? See Fig. 2.43b.
So, modular arithmetic is a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers "wrap around"
when reaching a certain value, called the modulus. The modern approach to modular arithmetic
was developed by Gauss in his book Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, published in 1801.
Now that we have a new kind of arithmetic, the next thing is to find the rules it obey. Actually,
Figure 2.42: A cardioid emerges from the times table of 2. Processing source: check folder time_table
in my github account mentioned in the preface.
Figure 2.43: Interesting things emerge from the times table of 8 and 2:5.
(a) addition
a˙c ⌘b˙d .mod m/
(b) multiplication
ac ⌘ bd .mod m/ (2.30.1)
(c) exponentiation
ap ⌘ b p .mod m/; p 2 N
The proof of these rules is skipped here; noting that the exponentiation rule simply follows the
multiplication rule.
Let’s solve some problems using this new mathematics. The first problem is: what is the last
digit (also called the units digit) of the sum
Of course, we can solve this by computing the sum, which is 8 221, and from that the answer is
1. But, modular arithmetic provides a more elegant solution in which we do not have to add all
these numbers.
Note that,
2403 ⌘ 3 .mod 10/
791 ⌘ 1 .mod 10/
688 ⌘ 8 .mod 10/
4339 ⌘ 9 .mod 10/
Then, the addition rule in Eq. (2.30.1) leads to
2403 C 791 C 688 C 4339 ⌘ 3 C 1 C 8 C 9 .mod 10/ ⌘ 1
And the units digit of the sum is one. In this method, we had to only add 3; 1; 8 and 9.
The second problem is: Andy has 44 boxes of soda in his truck. The cans of soda in each
box are packed oddly so that there are 113 cans of soda in each box. Andy plans to pack the
sodas into cases of 12 cans to sell. After making as many complete cases as possible, how many
sodas will he have leftover?
This word problem is mathematically translated as: finding the remainder of the product
44 ⇥ 113–which is the number of soda cans Andy has–when divided by 12. We have
44 ⌘ 8 .mod 12/; 113 ⌘ 5 .mod 12/
44 ⇥ 113 ⌘ 8 ⇥ 5 .mod 12/ ⌘ 40 .mod 12/ ⌘ 4
So, the number of sodas left over is four.
In the third problem we shall move from addition to exponentiation. The problem is what
are the tens and units digits of 71942 ? Of course, we find the answers without actually computing
71942 .
Let’s consider a much easier problem: what are the two last digits of 1235 using modular
arithmetic. We know that 1235 D 12 ⇥ 100 C 35, thus 1235 ⌘ 35 .mod 100/. So, we can work
with modulo 100 to find the answer. Now, coming back to the original problem with 71942 , of
which the strategy is to do simple things first: computing the powers of 7é and looking for the
71 D 7 W 71 ⌘ 07 .mod 100/
72 D 49 W 72 ⌘ 49 .mod 100/
7 D 343 W 73 ⌘ 43 .mod 100/
74 D 2401 W 74 ⌘ 01 .mod 100/
75 D 16807 W 75 ⌘ 07 .mod 100/ (2.30.2)
76 D 117649 W 76 ⌘ 49 .mod 100/
77 D : : : 43 W 77 ⌘ 43 .mod 100/
78 D : : : W 78 ⌘ 01 .mod 100/
7 D ::: W 79 ⌘ 07 .mod 100/
Do not forget the original problem is about 71942 .
We’re definitely seeing a pattern here, the last two digits of a power of 7 can only be either of
07; 49; 43; 01. Now, as 1942 is an even number, we just focus on even powers that can be divided
into two groups: 2; 6; 10; : : : and 4; 8; 12; : : :éé The first group can be generally expressed by
2 C 4k for k D 0; 1; 2; : : : Now, solving 2 C 4k D 1942 gives us k D 485. Therefore, the last
two digits of 71942 are 49. (Note that if you try with the second group, a similar equation does
not have solution, i.e., 1942 belongs to the first group).
Although the answer is correct, there is something fishy in our solution. Note that we only
computed powers of 7 up to 79 . There is nothing to guarantee that the pattern repeats forever
or at least up to exponent of 1942. Of course we can prove that this pattern is true using the
multiplication rule. We can avoid going that way, by computing 71942 directly by noting that
1942 D 5 ⇥ 388 C 2. Why this decomposition of 1942? Because 75 ⌘ 7 .mod 100/. With this,
we can write
71942 D .75 /388 .72 / ⌘ .7388 /.49/ .mod 100/
And certainly we play the same game for 7388 ; as 388 D 5 ⇥ 77 C 3, we have
7388 ⌘ .777 /.73 / ⌘ .715 /.72 /.73 / ⌘ .73 /.72 /.73 / .mod 100/
And eventually (using Eq. (2.30.2) to have 72 ⌘ 49 .mod 100/ and 73 ⌘ 43 .mod 100/),
As can be seen the idea is simple: trying to replace the large number (1942) by smaller ones!⇤
Let’s solve another problem, which is harder than previous problems. Consider a function f
that takes a counting number a and returns a counting number obeying this rule
The question is to compute f .2007/ .22006 / i.e., f is composed of itself 2007 times. Why 2006?
Because this problem is one question from a math contest in Hong Kong happening in the year
of 2006.
Before we can proceed, we need to know more about the function f first. Concrete examples
are perfect for this. If a D 321, then
f .321/ D .3 C 2 C 1/2 D 36
If we go blindly, this is what we would do: compute 22006 (assuming that we’re able to get
it), know its digits and sum them and square the sum. Then, applying the same steps for this new
number. And do this 2007 times. No, we simply cannot do all of this w/o a calculator. There
must be another way.
Because I did not know where to start, I wrote a Julia program, shown in Listing 2.1 to
solve it. The answer is then 169.
Why these groups? If not clear, look at Eq. (2.30.2): the period of 49 is 4.
Now, consider this problem: finding the tens and units digits of 49971 ? But wait, isn’t it the same problem
before? Yes, but you will find that working with powers of 49, instead of 7, is easier.
But without a computer, how can we solve this problem? If we cannot solve this problem, let’s
solve a similar problem but easier, at least we get some points instead of zero! This technique
is known as specialization, and it is a very powerful strategy. How about computing f .5/ .24 /?
That can be done as 24 D 16:
The calculation was simple because 24 is a small number. What’s important is that we see a
pattern. With this pattern it is easy to compute f .n/ .24 / for whatever value of n, n 2 N.
So far so good. We made progress because we were able to compute 24 , which is 16, then
we can use the definition of the function f to proceed. For 22006 , it is impossible to go this way.
Now, we should ask this question: why the function f is defined this way i.e., it depends on the
sum of the digits of the input? Why not the product of the digits? Let’s investigate the sum of
the digits of a counting number. For example,
123 H) 1 C 2 C 3 D 6; 4231 H) 4 C 2 C 3 C 1 D 10
If we check the relation between 6 and 123 and 10 and 4231, we find this:
That is: the sum of the digits of a counting number is congruent to the number modulo 9. And
then, according to the exponentiation rule of modular arithmetic, the square of sum of the digits
of a counting number is congruent to the number squared modulo 9. For example, 36 ⌘ 1232
.mod 9/.
With this useful ‘discovery’, we can easily do the calculations w/o having to know the digits
of 24 (in other words w/o calculating this number; note that our actual target is 22006 ):
Now, if we want to compute f .4/ .24 /, we can start with the fact that it is congruent with 7
.mod 9/. But wait, there are infinite numbers that are congruent with 7 modulo 9; they are
f7; 16; 25; : : : ; 169; 178; : : : ; g. We need to do one more thing; if we can find a smallest upper
bound of f .4/ .24 /, let say f .4/ .24 / < M , we then can remove many options and be able to find
f .4/ .24 /.
Now, we can try the original problem. Note that 22006 ⌘ 4 .mod 9/éé , then by similar
reasoning as in Eq. (2.30.3), we get
4 .mod 9/; if n is even
f .n/ .22006 / ⌘ (2.30.4)
7 .mod 9/; if n is odd
And we combine this with the following result (to be proved shortly):
Now, we substitute n D 2005 in Eq. (2.30.4), we get f .2005/ .22006 / ⌘ 7 .mod 9/. And because
the sum of the digits of a number is congruent to the number modulo 9, we now also have
which leads to
sum of digits of f .2005/ .22006 / < 23 (2.30.7)
Combining the two results on the sum of the digits of f .2005/ .22006 / given in Eqs. (2.30.6)
and (2.30.7), we can see that it can only take one of the following two values:
Proof. Now is the proof of Eq. (2.30.5). We start with the fact that 22006 < 22007 D 8669 <
10669 . In words, 22006 is smaller than a number with 670 digits. By the definition of f , we then
699 terms
This is because 99 : : : 9 with 699 digits is the largest number that is smaller than 10699 and has
a maximum sum of the digits. Next, we do something similar for f .2/ .22006 / starting now with
108 :
f .2/ .22006 / < f .99 9/ D .9 ⇥ 8/2 < 104
„ ƒ‚ …
8 terms
philology as a career. Gauss was so pleased with this result that he requested that a regular
heptadecagona be inscribed on his tombstone. The stonemason declined, stating that the
difficult construction would essentially look like a circle.
He further advanced modular arithmetic in his textbook The Disquisitiones Arithmeticae
written when Gauss was 21. This book is notable for having an impact on number theory
as it not only made the field truly rigorous and systematic but also paved the path for
modern number theory. On 23 February 1855, Gauss died of a heart attack in Göttingen.
A heptadecagon or 17-gon is a seventeen-sided polygon.
A boy is very excited about the number 100. He told me it is an even number and
101 is an odd number, and 1 million is an even number. Then the boy asked this
question: “Is infinity even or odd’?’
This is a very interesting question as infinity is something unusual as we have seen in Sec-
tion 2.19. Let’s assume that infinity is an odd number, then two times infinity, which is also
infinity, is even! So, infinity is neither even nor odd!
This section tells the story of the discovery made by a mathematician named Cantor that
there are infinities of different sizes. I recommend the book To Infinity and Beyond: A Cultural
History of the Infinite by Eli Maor [36] for an interesting account on infinity.
2.31.1 Sets
Each of you is familiar with the word collection. In fact, some of you may have collections–such
as a collection of stamps, a collection of PS4 games. A set is a collection of things. For example,
f1; 2; 5g is a set that contains the numbers 1,2 and 5. These numbers are called the elements
of the set. Because the order of the elements in a set is irrelevant, f2; 1; 5g is the same set as
f1; 2; 5g. Think of your own collection of marbles; you do not care the location of each invidual
marble. And also think of fg as a polythene bag which holds its elements inside in such a way
that we can see through the bag to see the elements. Furthermore, an element cannot appear
more than once in a set; so f1; 1; 2; 5g is equivalent to f1; 2; 5g.
To say that 2 is a member of the set f1; 2; 5g, mathematicians write 2 2 f1; 2; 5g and to say
that 6 is not a member of this set, they write 6 … f1; 2; 5g.
Of course the next thing mathematicians do with sets is to compare them. Considering two
sets: f1; 2; 3g and f3; 4; 5; 6g, it is clear that the second set has more elements than the first. We
use the notation jAj, called the cardinality, to indicate the number of elements of the set A. The
cardinality of a set is the size of this set or the number of elements in the set.
N D f0; 1; 2; 3; : : :g
Things become interesting when we compare infinite sets. For example, Galileo wrote in his
Two New Sciences about what is now known as Galileo’s paradox:
1. Some counting numbers are squares such as 1; 4; 9 and 16, and some are not squares such
as 2; 5; 7 and so on.
2. The totality of all counting numbers must be greater than the total of squares, because the
totality of all counting numbers includes squares as well as non-squares.
3. Yet for every counting number, we can have a one-to-one correspondence between num-
bers and squares, for example (a doubled headed arrow $ is used for this one-to-one
1 2 3 4 5 6
l l l l l l
1 4 9 16 25 36
4. So, there are, in fact, as many squares as there are counting numbers. This is a contradiction,
as we have said in point 2 that there are more numbers than squares.
The German mathematician Georg Cantor (1845 – 1918) solved this problem by introducing
a new symbol @0 (pronounced aleph-null), using the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet with
the subscript 0. He said that @0 was the cardinality of the set of natural numbers N. Every set
whose members can be put in a one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers also has
the cardinality @0 .
With this new technique, we can show that the sets N and Z have the same cardinality. Their
one-to-one correspondence is:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
l l l l l l l
0 1 1 2 2 3 3
The next question is how about the set of rational numbers Q? Is this larger or equal the set
of natural numbers? Between 1 and 2, there are only two natural numbers, but there are infinitely
many rational numbers. Thus, it is tempting for us to conclude that jQj > jNj. Again, Cantor
proved that we were wrong; Q D @0 !
For simplicity, we consider only positive rational numbers. A positive rational number is a
number of this form p=q where p; q 2 N and q ¤ 0. First, Cantor arranged all positive rational
where the first row contains all rational numbers with denominator of one, the second row
with denominator of two and so on. Note that this array has duplicated members; for instance
1=1; 2=2; 3=3; : : : or 1=2; 3=6; 4=8.
Next, he devised a zigzag way to traverse all the numbers in the above infinite array, once
for each number:
1 2 3 4
1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4
2 2 2 2
1 2 3 4
3 3 3 3
1 2 3 4
4 4 4 4
If we follow this zigzag path all along: one step to the right, then diagonally down, then one step
down, then diagonally up, then again one step to the right, and so on ad infinitum, we will cover
all positive fractions, one by one⇤⇤ . In this way we have arranged all positive fractions in a row,
one by one. In other words, we can find a one-to-one correspondence for every positive rational
with the natural numbers. This discovery that the rational numbers are countable-in defiance of
our intuition- left such a deep impression on Cantor that he wrote to Dedekind: "Je le vois, mais
je ne le crois pas!" ("I see it, but I don’t believe it!").
Thus the natural numbers are countable, the integers are countable and the rationals are
countable. It seems as if everything is countable, and therefore all the infinite sets of numbers
you can care to mention - even ones our intuition tells contain more objects than there are natural
numbers - are the same size.
This is not the case.
Along our path we will encounter fractions that have already been met before under a different name such as
2/2, 3/3, 4/4, and so on; these fractions we simply cross out and then continue our path as before
✏ There are exactly the same number of points in any interval Œa; bç as in the number line R.
✏ Using the above result, he proved that for the unit interval Œ0; 1ç, there is no one-to-one
correspondence between it and the set of natural numbers.
We focus on the second iteméé . You’re might be guessing correctly that Cantor used a proof of
contradiction. And the proof must go like this. First, he assumed that all the decimals in Œ0; 1ç is
countable. Second he would artificially create a number that is not in those decimals.
The following proof is taken from Bellos’ Alex adventure in numberland. It is based on
Hilbert’ hotel–a hypothetical hotel named after the German mathematician David Hilbert that
has an infinite number of rooms. One day there are infinite number of guests arriving at the
hotel. Each of these guests wears a T-shirt with a never-ending decimal between 0 and 1 (e.g.
0:415783113 : : :). The manager of this hotel is a genius and thus he was able to put all the guests
in the rooms:
room 1: 0:4157831134213468 : : :
room 2: 0:1893952093807820 : : :
room 3: 0:7581723828801250 : : :
room 4: 0:7861108557469021 : : :
room 5: 0:638351688264940 : : :
room 6: 0:780627518029137 : : :
:: ::
: :
Now what Cantor did was to build one real number that was not in the above list. Cantor used
a diagonal method as follows. First, he constructed the number that has the first decimal place
of the number in Room 1, the second decimal place of the number in Room 2, the third decimal
place of the number in Room 3 and so on. In other words, he was choosing the diagonal digits
You can prove the first item using ...geometry.
That number is 0:488157 : : : Second, he altered all the decimals of this number; he added one to
all the decimals. The final number is 0:599268 : : :. Now comes the best thing: This number is
not in room 1, because its first digit is different from the first digit of the number in room 1. The
number is not in room 2 because its second digit is different from the second digit of the number
in room 2, and we can continue this to see that the number cannot be in any room n. Although
Hilbert Hotel is infinitely large it is not enough for the set of real numbers.
So, now matter how big Hilber’s hotel is it cannot accommodate all the real numbers. The
set of real numbers is said to be uncountable. Now, we have countably infinite sets (such as
N; Z; Q) and uncountably infinite sets (such as R). With the right mathematics, Cantor proved
that there are infinities of different sizes.
There are more to say about set theory in Section 5.5.
There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and
those who don’t.
If you got this joke you can skip this section and if you don’t, this section is for you.
Computers only use two digits: 0 and 1; which are
called the binary digits from which we have the word
"bit". In that binary world, how we write number 2? It
is 10. Now, you have understood the above joke. But
why 10 D 2? To answer that question we need to go
back to the decimal system. For unknown reason we–
human beings–are settled with this system. In this sys-
tem there are only ten digits: 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9.
How we write ten books then? There is no such digit in our system! Note that we’re allowed to
use only 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9. The solution is write ten as two digits: 10. To understand this
more, we continue with eleven (11), twelve (12), until nineteen (19). How about twenty? We do
the same thing: 20. Thus, any positive integer is a combination of powers of 10. Because of this
10 is called the base of the decimal system.
For the binary system we do the same thing, but with powers of 2 of course.
For example, 210 D 102 ; the subscripts to signify the number system; thus
102 is to denote the number ten in the binary system. Refer to the next figure
to see the binary numbers for 1 to 6 in the decimal system. With this, it is
straightforward to convert from binaries to decimals. For example 1112 D 1 ⇥
22 C1⇥21 C1⇥20 D 710 . How about the conversion from decimals to binaries?
We use the fact that any binary is a combination of powers of two. For example,
7510 D 64C8C2C1 D 26 C0⇥25 C0⇥24 C23 C0⇥22 C21 C20 D 10010112 .
One disadvantage of the binary system is the long binary strings of 1’s and 0’s needed
to represent large numbers. To solve this, the “Hexadecimal” or simply “Hex” number system
adopting the base of 16 was developed. Being a base-16 system, the hexadecimal number system
therefore uses 16 different digits with a combination of numbers from 0 through to 15. However,
there is a potential problem with using this method of digit notation caused by the fact that the
decimal numerals of 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 are normally written using two adjacent symbols.
For example, if we write 10 in hexadecimal, do we mean the decimal number ten, or the binary
number of two (1 + 0). To get around this tricky problem hexadecimal numbers that identify
the values of ten, eleven, . . . , fifteen are replaced with capital letters of A, B, C, D, E and F
So, let’s convert the hex number E7 to the decimal number. The old rule applies: a hex
number is a combination of powers of 16. Thus E7 D 7 ⇥ 160 C 14 ⇥ 161 D 231.
Thus you see, most noble Sir, how this type of solution bears little relationship to
mathematics, and I do not understand why you expect a mathematician to produce it,
rather than anyone else, for the solution is based on reason alone, and its discovery
does not depend on any mathematical principle. Because of this, I do not know why
even questions which bear so little relationship to mathematics are solved more
quickly by mathematicians than by others.
Even though Euler found the problem trivial, he was still intrigued by it. In a letter written
the same year to the Italian mathematician and engineer Giovanni Marinoni, Euler said,
And as it is often the case, when Euler paid attention to a problem he solved it. Since neither
geometry nor algebra (in other words current maths was not sufficient to solve this problem), in
the process he developed a new maths, which we now call graph theory.
The firs thing Euler did was to get rid of things that are irrelevant to the problem. Things
such as color of the bridges, of the water, how big the landmasses are are all irrelevant. Thus, he
drew a schematic of the problem shown in the left of Fig. 2.44. He labeled the landmasses as
A; B; C; D and the bridges a; b; c; d; e; f; g. The problem is just the connection between these
entities. Nowadays, we can go further: it is obvious that we do not have to draw the landmasses,
we can represent them as dots, and the bridges as lines (or curves). In the right figure of Fig. 2.44,
we did that and this is called a graph (denoted by G).
Figure 2.44: The schematic of the Seven Bridges of Königsberg and its graph.
What information can we read from a graph? The first things are: number of vertices and
number of edges. Is that all? If so, how can we differentiate one vertex from another? Thus, we
have to look at the number of edges that can be drawn from a vertex. To save words, of course
mathematicians defined a word for that: it is called the degree of a vertex. For example, vertex
C has a degree of five whereas vertices A; B; D both have a degree of three.
Now, we are going to solve easier graphs and see the pattern. Then we come back to the
Seven Bridges of Königsberg. We consider five graphs as shown in Fig. 2.45. Now, try to solve
Figure 2.45: Easy graphs to solve. The number on top each graph is to number them.
Table 2.22: Results of graphs in Fig. 2.45. An odd vertex is a vertex having an odd degree.
1 0 4 Yes
2 2 2 Yes
3 4 0 No
4 4 1 No
5 2 3 Yes
Figure 2.46: Solution to easy graphs in Fig. 2.45. A single arrow indicates the starting vertex and a double
arrow for the finishing vertex.
these graphs and fill in a table similar to Table 2.22 and try to see the pattern for yourself before
continuing. Based on the solution given in Fig. 2.46, we can fill in the table.
What do we see from Table 2.22? We can only find a solution whenever the number of
odd vertices is either 0 or 2. The case of 0 is special: we can start at any vertex and we end up
eventually at exactly the same vertex (Fig. 2.46). For the case of two: we start at an odd vertex,
and end up at another odd vertex.
Figure 2.47: Coloring a map is equivalent to coloring the vertices of its graph.
In general, given any graph G, a coloring of the vertices is called (not surprisingly) a vertex
coloring. If the vertex coloring has the property that adjacent vertices are colored differently,
then the coloring is called proper. Every graph has a proper vertex coloring; for example, you
can color every vertex with a different color. But that’s boring! Don;t you agree? To make life
more interesting, we have to limit the number of colors used to a minimum. And we need a term
for that number. The smallest number of colors needed to get a proper vertex coloring is called
the chromatic number of the graph, written .G/.
We do not try to prove the four color theorem here. No one
could do it without using computers! It was the first major theo-
rem to be proved using a computer (proved in 1976 by Kenneth
Appel and Wolfgang Haken). Instead, we present one mundane
application of graph coloring: exam scheduling. Suppose algebra,
physics, chemistry and history are four courses in a college. And
suppose that following pairs have common students: algebra and
chemistry, algebra and history, chemistry and physics. If algebra and chemistry exam is held on
same day then students taking both courses have to miss at least one exam. They cannot take
both at the same time. How do we schedule exams in minimum number of days so that courses
having common students are not held on the same day? You can look at the graphs and see the
Francis Guthrie (1831-1899) was a South African mathematician and botanist who first posed the Four Color
Problem in 1852.
That’s all about graph for now. The idea is to inspire young students, especially those who
want to major in computer science in the future. If you’re browsing the internet, you are using
a graph. The story goes like this. In 1998, two Stanford computer science PhD students, Larry
Page and Sergey Brin, forever changed the World Wide Web as we know it. They created one of
the greatest universal website used daily. is one of the most successful companies
in the world. What was the basis for its success? It was the Google Search Engine that made
Larry Page and Sergey Brin millionaires.
The Google Search Engine is based one simple algorithm called PageRank. PageRank is an
optimization algorithm based on a simple graph. The PageRank graph is generated by having
all of the World Wide Web pages as vertices and any hyperlinks on the pages as edges. To un-
derstand how it works we need not only graphs, but also linear algebra (Chapter 11), probability
(Chapter 5) and optimization theory. Yes, there is no easy road to prosperity and fame.
2.34 Algorithm
2.34.1 Euclidean algorithm: greatest common divisor
To end this chapter I discuss a bit about algorithms for they are ubiquitous in our world. Let’s
play a game: finding the greatest common divisor/factor (gcd) of two positive integers. The gcd
of two integers is the largest number that divides them both. The manual solution is: (1) to list
all the prime factors of these two numbers and (2) get the product of common factors and (3)
that is the gcd, illustrated for 210 and 84:
210 D 2 ⇥ 3 ⇥ 5 ⇥ 7 D 42 ⇥ 5
84 D 2 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 3 ⇥ 7 D 42 ⇥ 2
Thus, the gcd of 210 and 84 is 42: gcd.210; 84/ D 42. Obviously if we need to find the gcd of
two big integers, this solution is terrible. Is there any better way?
If d is a common divisor to both a and b (assuming that a > b 0/, then we can write
a D d m and b D d n where m; n 2 N. Therefore, a b D d.m n/. What does this mean?
It means that d j.a b/ or d is also a divisor of a b éé . Conversely, if d is a common divisor
to both a b and b, it can be shown that it is a common divisor to both a and b. Therefore, the
set of common divisors of a and b is exactly the set of common divisors of a b and b. Thus,
gcd.a; b/ D gcd.a b; b/. This is a big deal because we have replaced a problem with an easier
(or smaller) one for a b is smaller than a. So, this is how we proceed: to find gcd.210; 84/ we
find gcd.126; 84/ and to find gcd.126; 84/ we find gcd.42; 84/, which is equal to gcd.84; 42/:
gcd.210; 84/
gcd.126; 84/
gcd.42; 84/ D gcd.84; 42/
gcd.42; 42/ D 42
One example: 5j10 and 5j25, and 5j.25 10/ or 5 is a divisor of 15.
We did not have to do this forever as gcd.a; a/ D a for any integer. This algorithm is better than
the manual solution but it is slow: imagine we have to find the gcd of 1000 and 3, too many
subtractions. But if we look at the algorithm we can see many repeated subtractions: for example
210 84 D 126 and 126 84 D 210 84 84 D 42. We can replace these two subtractions
by a single division: 42 D 210 mod 84 or 210 D 2 ⇥ 84 C 42. So, this is how we proceed:
It’s time for generalization. The problem is to find gcd.a; b/ for a > b > 0. The steps are a
repeated division: first a divide b to get the remainder r1 , then b divide r1 to get the remainder
r2 and so onéé :
gcd.a; b/ .a D qb C r1 /; 0 r1 < b
gcd.b; r1 / .b D q1 r1 C r2 /; 0 r2 < r1
gcd.r1 ; r2 / .r1 D q2 r2 C r3 /; 0 r3 < r2
::: ::: :::
We have obtained a sequence of numbers:
Since the remainders decrease with every step but can never be negative, eventually we must
meet a zero remainder, at which point the procedure stops. The final nonzero remainder is the
greatest common divisor of a and b.
What we have just seen is the Euclidean algorithm, named after the ancient Greek mathemati-
cian Euclid, who first described it in his Elements (c. 300 BC). It is an example of an algorithm,
a step-by-step procedure for performing a calculation according to well-defined rules, and is one
of the oldest algorithms in common use. About it, Donald Knuth wrote in his classic The Art of
Computer Programming: "The Euclidean algorithm is the granddaddy of all algorithms, because
it is the oldest nontrivial algorithm that has survived to the present day."
It is interesting to know that solution to this problem lies in the Euclidean algorithm. Take
for example the problem of finding gcd.34; 19/, using the Euclidean algorithm we do:
34 D 19.1/ C 15 ; gcd.19; 15/
19 D 15.1/ C 4 ; gcd.15; 4/
15 D 4.3/ C 3 ; gcd.4; 3/ (2.34.1)
4 D 3.1/ C 1 ; gcd.3; 1/
3 D 3.1/ C 0 ; gcd.1; 0/
Thus, gcd.34; 19/=1. Now we go backwards, starting from the second last equation with the
non-zero remainder of 1 which is the gcd of 34 and 19, we express 1 in terms of 3–the remainder
of the previous step, then we do the same thing for 3. The steps are
1 D 4 .1/3
D 4 .1/.15 4.3// D .4/4 .1/15 .replaced 3 by 3rd eq in Eq. (2.34.1)/
D .4/Œ19 .15/1ç .1/15 D 4.19/ .5/15 .replaced 4 by 2nd eq in Eq. (2.34.1)/
D 4.19/ .5/Œ34 19.1/ç D 5.34/ C 5.19/ .replaced 15 by 1st eq in Eq. (2.34.1)/
What did we achieve after all of this boring arithmetic? We have expressed gcd.34; 19/, which
is 1, as 5.34/ C 5.19/. This is known as Bézout’s identity: gcd.a; b/ D ax C by, where
a; b; x; y 2 Z. In English, the gcd of two integers a; b can be written as an integral linear
combination of a and b. (A linear combination of a and b is just a nice name for a sum of
multiples of a and multiples of b.)
How does this identity help us to solve McClane’s problem? Let a D 5 (5 gallon jug) and
b D 3, then gcd.5; 3/ D 1. The Bézout identity tells us that we can always write 1 D 5x C 3y,
which gives us 4 D 5x 0 C 3y 0 (we need 4 as the problem asked for 4 gallons of water, and
if you’re wondering what is x 0 , it is 4x). It is easy to see that the solutions to the equation
4 D 5x 0 C 3y 0 are x 0 D 2 and y 0 D 2: 4 D 5.2/ C .3/. 2/. This indicates that we need to
fill the 5-gallon jug twice and drain out (subtraction!) the 3-gallon jug twice. That’s the rule to
solving the puzzleéé .
Now is time for this problem “With only a 2 gallon jug and a 4 gallon jug, how to get one
gallon of water”. Here a D 4 and b D 2, we then have gcd.4; 2/ D 2. Bézout’s identity tells us
that 2 D 4x C 2y (one solution is .1; 1/). But the problem asked for one gallon of water, so we
need to find x 0 and y 0 so that 1 D 4x 0 C 2y 0 . After having spent quite some time without success
to find those guys x 0 and y 0 , we came to a conjecture that 1 cannot be written as 4x 0 C 2y 0 . And
this is true, because the smallest positive integer that can be so written is the gcd.4; 2/, which
is 2é .
2.35 Review
We have done lots of things in this chapter. It’s time to sit back and think deeply about what we
have done. We shall use a technique from Richard Feynman to review a topic. In his famous
Details can be seen in the movie or youtube.
Note that d D gcd.a; b/ divides ax C by. If c D ax 0 C by 0 then d jc, or c D d n d . Thus d is the smallest
positive integer which can be written as ax C by.
If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only
one sentence passed on to the next generations of creatures, what statement would
contain the most information in the fewest words? I believe it is the atomic hypoth-
esis (or the atomic fact, or whatever you wish to call it) that all things are made
of atoms—little particles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each
other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling upon being squeezed into
one another. In that one sentence, you will see, there is an enormous amount of
information about the world, if just a little imagination and thinking are applied.
I emphasize that using Feynman’s review technique is a very efficient way to review any
topic for a good understanding of it (and thus useful for exam review). Only few key information
are needed to be learned by heart, others should follow naturally as consequences. This avoids
rote memorization, which is time consuming and not effective.
I have planned to do a review of algebra starting with just one piece of knowledge, but I soon
realized that it is not easy. So I gave up. Instead I provide some observations (or reflection) on
what we have done in this chapter (precisely on what mathematicians have done on the topics
covered here):
✏ By observing objects in our physical world and deduce their patterns, mathematicians
develop mathematical objects (e.g. numbers, shapes, functions etc.) which are abstract (we
cannot touch them).
✏ Even though mathematical objects are defined by humans, their properties are beyond us.
We cannot impose any property on them, what we can do is just discover them.
✏ Quite often, mathematical objects live with many forms. For example, let’s consider 1,
it can be 12 , 13 or sin2 x C cos2 x etc. Using the correct form usually offers the way to
something. And note that we also have many faces too.
✏ Things usually go in pairs: boys/girls, men/women, right/wrong etc. They are opposite of
each other. In mathematics, we have the same: even/odd numbers, addition/subtraction,
multiplication/division, exponential/logarithm, and you will see differentiation/integration
in calculus.
✏ Mathematicians love doing generalization. They first have arithmetic for numbers, then
they have arithmetic for functions, for vectors, for matrices. They have two dimensional
and three dimensional vectors (e.g. a force), and then soon they develop n-dimensional vec-
tors where n can be any positive integer! Physicists only consider a 20-dimensional space.
But the boldest generalization we have seen in this chapter was when mathematicians
extended the square root of positive numbers to that of negative numbers.
✏ From a practical point of view all real numbers are rational ones. The distinction between
rational and irrational numbers are only of value to mathematics itself. Our measurements
always yield a terminating decimal e.g. 3.1456789 which is a rational number.
Is this algebra the only one kind of algebra? No, no, no. Later on we shall meet vectors, and
we have vector algebra and its generalization–linear algebra. We also meet matrices, and we
have matrix algebra. We have tensors, and we have tensor algebra. Still the list goes on; we have
abstract algebra and geometric algebra.
3.1 Euclidean geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
3.2 Trigonometric functions: right triangles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
3.3 Trigonometric functions: unit circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
3.4 Degree versus radian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
3.5 Some first properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
3.6 Sine table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
3.7 Trigonometry identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
3.8 Inverse trigonometric functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
3.9 Inverse trigonometric identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
3.10 Trigonometry inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
3.11 Trigonometry equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
3.12 Generalized Pythagoras theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
3.13 Graph of trigonometry functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
3.14 Hyperbolic functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
3.15 Applications of trigonometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
3.16 Infinite series for sine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
3.17 Unusual trigonometric identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
3.18 Spherical trigonometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
3.19 Computer algebra systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
3.20 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Chapter 3. Trigonometry 205
Trigonometry (from Greek trigōnon, "triangle" and metron, "measure") is a branch of mathe-
matics that studies relationships between side lengths and angles of triangles. The field emerged
during the 3rd century BC, from applications of geometry to astronomical studies. This is now
known as spherical trigonometry as it deals with the study of curved triangles, those triangles
drawn on the surface of a sphere. Later, another kind of trigonometry was developed to solve
problems in various fields such as surveying, physics, engineering, and architecture. This field is
called plane trigonometry or simply trigonometry. And it is this trigonometry that is the subject
of this chapter.
In learning trigonometry in high schools a student often gets confused of the following
facts. First, trigonometric functions are defined using a right triangle (e.g. sine is the ratio of
the opposite and the hypotenuse). Second, trigonometric functions are later on defined using a
unit circle. Third, the measure of angles is suddenly switched from degree to radian without a
clear explanation. Fourth, there are two many trigonometry identities. And fifth, why we have
to spend time studying these triangles? In this chapter we try to make these issues clear.
Our presentation of trigonometry does not follow its historical development. However, we
nevertheless provide some historical perspective to the subject.
We start with the Eucledian geometry in Section 3.1. Then, Section 3.2 introduces the
trigonometry functions defined using a right triangle (e.g. sin x). Then, trigonometry func-
tions defined on a unit circle are discussed in Section 3.3. A presentation of degree versus
radian is given in Section 3.4. We discuss how to compute the sine for angles between 0 and
360 degrees in Section 3.6, without using a calculator of course. Trigonometry identities (e.g.
sin2 x C cos2 x D 1 for all x) are then presented in Section 3.7, and Section 3.8 outlines in-
verse trigonometric functions e.g. arcsin x. Next, inverse trigonometry identities are treated in
Section 3.9. We devote Section 3.10 to trigonometry inequalities, a very interesting topic. Then
in Section 3.11 we present trigonometry equations and how to solve them. The generalized
Pythagorean theorem is treated in Section 3.12. Graph of trigonometry functions are discussed
in Section 3.13. Hyperbolic functions are treated in Section 3.14. Some applications of trigonom-
etry is given in Section 3.15. A power series for the sine function, as discovered by ancient Indian
mathematicians, is presented in Section 3.16. With it it is possible to compute the sine for any
angle. An interesting trigonometric identity of the form sin ˛ C sin 2˛ C C sin n˛ is treated
in Section 3.17. In Section 3.18 we briefly introduce spherical trigonometry as this topic has
been removed from the high school curriculum. Finally, a brief introduction to CAS (computer
algebra system) is given in Section 3.19, so that students can get acquaintance early to this
powerful tool.
But this book would be incomplete without mentioning Euclidean geometry, especially Eu-
clid’s The Elements. Why? Because Euclid’s Elements has been referred to as the most success-
ful and influential textbook ever written. It has been estimated to be second only to the Bible
in the number of editions published since the first printing in 1482. Moreover, without a proper
introduction of Euclid’s geometry it would be awkward to talk about trigonometry–a branch of
mathematics which is based on geometry.
Geometry (means "earth measurement") is one of the oldest branches of mathematics. It
is concerned with properties of space that are related with distance, shape, size, and relative
position of figures. A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer.
Euclid’s geometry, or Euclidean geometry, is a mathematical system attributed to Alexan-
drian Greek mathematician Euclid, which he described in his textbook The Elements. Written
about 300 B.C., it contains the results produced by fine mathematicians such as Thales, Hippias,
the Pythagoreans, Hippocrates, Eudoxus. The Elements begins with plane geometry: lines, cir-
cles, triangles and so on. These shapes are abstracts of the real geometries we observe in nature
(Fig. 3.1). It goes on to the solid geometry of three dimensions. Much of the Elements states
results of what are now called algebra and number theory, explained in geometrical language.
Figure 3.1: Geometry in nature: circle, rectangle and hexagon (from left to right).
Euclid’s geometry operates with basic objects such as points, lines, triangles (and polygons),
and circles (Fig. 3.2). And it then studies the properties of these objects such as the length of a
segment (i.e., a part of a line), the area of a triangle/circle.
Similar to numbers–an abstract concept, points, lines etc. in geometry are also abstract. For
example, a point does not have size. A line does not have thickness and a line in geometry is
perfectly straight! And certainly mathematicians don’t care if a line is made of steel or wood.
There are no such things in the physical world.
The structure of Euclids’ Elements is as follows:
1. Some definitions of the basic concepts: point, line, triangle, circle etc.
2. Ten axioms on which all subsequent reasoning is based. For example, Axiom 1 states that
“Two points determine a unique straight line”. Axiom 6 is “Things equal to the same thing
are equal to each other” (which we now write if a D b, c D b then a D c).
3. Using the above definitions and axioms, Euclid proceeded to prove many theorems.
To illustrate one theorem and the characteristics of a geometry proof, let’s consider the following
theorem. An exterior angle of a triangle is greater than either remote interior angle of the triangle.
To be precise, in Fig. 3.3 the theorem asserts that angle D is greater than angles A and B. Before
Figure 3.3: An exterior angle of a triangle is greater than either remote interior angle of the triangle.
attempting to prove a theorem, we should check if it is correct, in Fig. 3.4, we try for the case
D 90ı and the theorem is correct. The idea of the proof is to draw the line going through C
and parallel to AB.
Figure 3.4: An exterior angle of a triangle is greater than either remote interior angle of the triangle.
Influence of The Elements. The Elements is still considered a masterpiece in the application
of logic to mathematics. It has proven enormously influential in many areas of science. Many
scientists, the likes of Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Albert Einstein
and Isaac Newton were all influenced by the Elements. When Newton wrote his masterpiece
There are basically two kinds of mathematical thinking, algebraic and geometric.
A good mathematician needs to be a master of both. But still he will have a prefer-
ence for one rather or the other. I prefer the geometric method. Not mentioned in
published work because it is not easy to print diagrams. With the algebraic method
one deals with equations between algebraic quantities. Even tho I see the consis-
tency and logical connections of the equations, they do not mean very much to me.
I prefer the relationships which I can visualize in geometric terms. Of course with
complicated equations one may not be able to visualize the relationships e.g. it may
need too many dimensions. But with the simpler relationships one can often get help
in understanding them by geometric pictures.
One remarkable thing happened in Dirac’s life is that he learned projective geometry early in
his life (in secondary school at Bristol). He wrote "This had a strange beauty and power which
fascinated me". Projective geometry provided Dirac new insight into Euclidean space and into
special relativity.
Of course Dirac could not know that his early exposure to projective geometry would be vital
to his future career in physics. We simply can’t connect the dots looking forward, as Steven Jobs
(February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011)–the Apple co-founder –once said in his famous 2005
commencement speech at Stanford University:
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking
backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.
You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This
approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
Now comes the key point. If we can manage to compute the ratio AC=AB for a given angle ˛,
then we can use it to solve any triangle with the angle at B equal ˛. Thus, we have our very first
trigonometric function–the tangent:
tan ˛ WD
Thus a trigonometric function relates an angle of a right-angled triangle to ratios of two side
lengths. And if we have a table of the tangent i.e., for each angle ˛, we can look up its tan ˛, we
then can solve every right triangle problems; in Fig. 3.6a we can determine A1 C1 D A1 B tan ˛.
The first trigonometric table was apparently compiled by Hipparchus of Nicaea (180 – 125 BCE),
who is now consequently known as "the father of trigonometry."
Why just the ratio AC =AB? All three sides of a triangle should be treated equally and their
ratios are constants for all right triangles with the same angle ˛. If so, from 3 sides, we can have
six ratios! And voilà, we have six trigonometric functions. Quite often, they are also referred to
as six trigonometric ratios. They include: sine, cosine and tangent and their reciprocals, and are
defined as (Fig. 3.6b):
adjacent AB BC 1
cos ˛ D D ; sec ˛ D D
hypotenuse BC AB cos ˛
opposite AC BC 1
sin ˛ D D ; csc ˛ D D
hypotenuse BC AC sin ˛
opposite AC AB 1
tan ˛ D D ; cot ˛ D D
adjacent AB AC tan ˛
The secant of ˛ is 1 divided by the cosine of ˛, the cosecant of ˛ is defined to be 1 divided by
the sine of ˛, and the cotangent (cot) of ˛ is 1 divided by the tangent of ˛. These three functions
(secant, cosecant and cotangent) are the reciprocals of the cosine, sine and tangent.
Where these names come from is to be explained in the next section.
from Baghdad through Spain, into western Europe in the Latin language, and then to modern
languages such as English and the rest of the world.
Right triangles have a serious limitation. They are excellent for angles up to 90ı . How about
angles larger than that? And how about negative angles? We change now to a circle which solves
all these limitations.
y y
90 (0, 1)
A A(cos ↵, sin ↵)
sin ↵
180 ↵ 0 ( 1, 0) ↵ (1, 0)
x cos ↵ x
270 (0, 1)
We consider a unit circle (i.e., a circle with a unit radius) centered at the origin of the
Cartesian coordinate system (refer to Section 4.1.1 for details). Angles are measured from the
positive x axis counter clockwise; thus 90ı is straight up, 180ı is to the left (Fig. 3.8). The circle
is divided into four quadrants: the first quadrant is for angles ˛ 2 Œ0ı ; 90ı ç, the second quadrant
is for angles ˛ 2 Œ90ı ; 180ı ç etc. An angle ˛ is corresponding to a point A on the circle. And
the x-coordinate of this point is cos ˛ whereas the y-coordinate is sin ✓.
Mnemonics in trigonometry. The sine, cosine, and tangent ratios in a right triangle can be
Sine D Opposite=Hypotenuse
Cosine D Adjacent=Hypotenuse
Tangent D Opposite=Adjacent
For example, the Persian astronomer and mathematician al-Kashi (c. 1380 – 1429) used so-called
diameter parts as units, where one diameter part was 1/60 radian.
The term radian first appeared in print on 5 June 1873, in examination questions set by
the British engineer and physicist James Thomson (1822 – 1892) at Queen’s College, Belfast⇤ .
He had used the term as early as 1871, while in 1869, the Scottish mathematician Thomas
Muir (1844 – 1934) was vacillated between the terms rad, radial, and radian. In 1874, after a
consultation with James Thomson, Muir adopted radian. The name radian was not universally
adopted for some time after this. Longmans’ School Trigonometry still called the radian circular
measure when published in 1890.
sin2 ˛ C cos2 ˛ D 1
1 C tan2 ˛ D D sec2 ˛ (3.5.1)
cos2 ˛
1 C cot2 ˛ D D csc2 ˛
sin2 ˛
where the second and third identities are obtained from the first by dividing both side by cos2 ˛
and sin2 ˛, respectively.
Without actually doing any calculations, just starting from these definitions, and some obser-
vations (Fig. 3.10), we can see that 1 sin ˛ 1; 1 cos ˛ 1, and
( ( (
sin. ˛/ D sin ˛ sin.⇡ ˛/ D sin ˛ sin.⇡=2 ˛/ D cos ˛
; ; ; (3.5.2)
cos. ˛/ D cos ˛ cos.⇡ ˛/ D cos ˛ cos.⇡=2 ˛/ D sin ˛
The first means that the function y D sin x is odd, and the second tells us that y D cos x is even
(see Section 4.2.1 for more details). Why bother? Not only because
R⇡ we do like classification but
also odd and even functions possess special properties (e.g. ⇡ sin xdx D 0, a nice result, isn’t
it?). The second in Eq. (3.5.2) allows us to just compute the sine for angles 0 ✓ ⇡=2 (these
angles are called first quadrant angles), the sine of ⇡ ✓ is then simply sin ✓. From the third
equation we see that the value of the cosine cos.x/ is equal to the values of sin.⇡=2 x/ for its
complementary angle. And that explains the name ‘cosine’: complementary of sine.
To see why tangent is such called, see Fig. 3.15. And then, it is easy to understand the name
cotangent as tan.⇡=2 ˛/ D cot ˛. Note that we did not list identities for tangent and cotangent
here for brevity; as tan ✓ and cot ✓ are functions of the sine and cosine.
If we start at a certain point on a circle (this point has an angle of ✓) and we go a full round
then we’re just back to where we started. That means sin.✓ C 2⇡/ is simply sin ✓. But if we go
James Thomson’s reputation is substantial though it is overshadowed by that of his younger brother William
Thomson or Lord Kelvin whose name is used for absolute temperatures.
y y y
90 90
A A0 A A0
⇡/2 ↵
⇡ ↵
sin ↵
180 ↵ 0 180 ↵ 0 180 ↵ 0
x x x
sin( ↵)
270 270 270
sin( ↵) = sin ↵ sin(⇡ ↵) = sin ↵ sin(⇡/2 ↵) = cos ↵
cos( ↵) = cos ↵ cos(⇡ ↵) = cos ↵ cos(⇡/2 ↵) = sin ↵
another round we also get back to the starting point. Thus, for n being any whole number, we
sin.˛ C 2n⇡/ D sin ˛
cos.˛ C 2n⇡/ D cos ˛
That’s why when we solve trigonometric equations like cos x D 2=2, the solution is x D
˙⇡=4 C 2n⇡ with n 2 N not simply x D ˙⇡=4.
Table 3.1: Sines and cosines of some angles from 0 degrees to 360 degrees.
0 0 0 1
30 ⇡=6 1=2 3=2
p p
45 ⇡=4 2=2 2=2
60 ⇡=3 3=2 1=2
90 ⇡=2 1 0
180 ⇡ 0 -1
270 3⇡=2 -1 0
360 2⇡ 0 1
Figure 3.11: Calculation of sine and cosine for ✓ D ⇡=4, ✓ D ⇡=6 and ✓ D ⇡=3.
If we know sin 1ı , then we will know sin 2ı , sin 6ı , sin 5ıé etc. and we’re done. But Ptolemy
could not find sin 1ı directly, he found an approximate method for it (see Section 3.10). The
Persian astronomer al-Kashi (c. 1380 – 1429) in his book The Treatise on the Chord and Sine,
computed sin 1ı to any accuracy. In the process, he discovered the triple angle identity often
attributed to François Viète in the sixteenth century.
Note that we already have sin 3ı .
Using the triple identity sin.3˛/ D 3 sin ˛ 4 sin3 ˛ (to be discussed in the next sectionéé ),
he related sin 1ı with sin 3ı (which he knew) via the following cubic equation:
But the cubic would not be solved for another 125 years by Cardano. Clearly, al-Kashi could not
wait that long. What did he do? With x D sin 1ı , he wrote
sin 3ı C 4x 3
sin 3ı D 3x 4x 3 H) x D
What is this? This is fixed point iterations method discussed in Section 2.10. With only 4
iterations we get sin 1ı with accuracy of 12 decimal places: sin 1ı D sin 0:017453292520 D
0:017452406437. al-Kashi gave us sin 1ı . Is there anything else? Look at the red numbers, what
did you see? It seems that we have sin x ⇡ x at least for x D 1ı . This is even more important
than what sin 1ı is. Why? Because if it is the case, we can replace sin x–which is a complex
functionéé –by a very simple x.
Actually we derived this identity in Section 2.24.5 using complex numbers.
In the sense computing the sine of an angle is hard.
The French-American mathematician Serge Lang (1927 – 2005) in his interesting book Math: Encounters
with high school students [33] advised high school students to memorize formula and understand the proof. He
wrote that he himself did that. I think Lang’s advice is helpful for tests and exams where time matters. Lang was a
prolific writer of mathematical texts, often completing one on his summer vacation. Lang’s Algebra, a graduate-level
introduction to abstract algebra, was a highly influential text.
cos(↵ + ) = OH = OA HA
cos OA = cos ↵ cos
HA = CD = sin ↵ sin
From the addition angle formula for sine, it follows that sin.2˛/ D sin.˛ C ˛/ D
2 sin ˛ cos ˛. Similarly, one can get the double-angle for cosine. If you do not like this geometric
based derivation, don’t forget we have another proof using complex numbers (Section 2.24).
Thus, we have the following double angle identities
sin.2˛/ D 2 sin ˛ cos ˛
cos.2˛/ D cos2 ˛ sin2 ˛ D 2 cos2 ˛ 1D1 2 sin2 ˛ (3.7.3)
2 tan ˛
tan.2˛/ D
1 tan2 ˛
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 3. Trigonometry 218
y y
P (cos ↵, sin ↵) P (cos(↵ )
, sin(↵ ))
d Q(cos , sin )
↵ ↵
x x
Q(1, 0)
Figure 3.13: Proof of cos.˛ ˇ/: expressing the distance d (between points P and Q) two ways (one
from the left figure and one from the right figure). Recall d 2 D .x1 x2 /2 C .y1 y2 /2 is the squared
distance between two points .x1 ; y1 / and .x2 ; y2 /. That exercise gives us cos.˛ ˇ/. From this result, we
can get cos.˛ C ˇ/, and sin.˛ ˇ/ by writing sin.˛ ˇ/ D cos.⇡=2 .˛ ˇ// D cosŒ.⇡=2 ˛/ C ˇç.
Then using the addition angle formula for cosine.
The triple-angle formula for sine can be obtained from the addition angle formula as follows
sin.3˛/ D sin.2˛ C ˛/
D sin.2˛/ cos ˛ C sin ˛ cos.2˛/
D 2 sin ˛ cos2 ˛ C sin ˛.cos2 ˛ sin2 ˛/
D 2 sin ˛.1 sin2 ˛/ C sin ˛.1 sin2 ˛ sin2 ˛/
And the derivation of the triple-angle for tangent is straightforward from the definition of tangent:
sin.3˛/ D 3 sin ˛ 4 sin3 ˛
cos.3˛/ D 4 cos3 ˛ 3 cos ˛ (3.7.4)
3 tan ˛ tan3 ˛
tan.3˛/ D
1 3 tan2 ˛
From the double-angle for cosine: cos.2˛/ D cos2 ˛ sin2 ˛ D 2 cos2 ˛ 1 we can derive
the identity for half angle. A geometry proof for this is shown in Fig. 3.14. The proof is simple
but it requires some knowledge of Euclidean geometry. In particular, we need the central angle
theorem of which a proof is given later in Fig. 3.31. It is this theorem that gives us the angle at
O is 2✓ in Fig. 3.14.
1 1
OH = cos 2✓
2 2
AH = AC cos ✓ = sin cos ✓ = cos2 ✓
2✓ cos2 ✓ = OA + OH
1 1
A O H B = + cos 2✓
2 2
Figure 3.14: Proof of the half-angle cosine formula using geometry. Consider a circle of radius of 1=2 and
a righ triangle ACB with AB being the diameter of the circle. Note that sin ˇ D cos ˛ as ˛ C ˇ D ⇡=2.
1 C cos.2˛/
cos ˛ D (3.7.5)
r 2
1 cos.2˛/
sin ˛ D
Next come the so-called product identities:
(Product identities)
sin.˛ C ˇ/ C sin.˛ ˇ/
sin ˛ cos ˇ D
cos.˛ C ˇ/ C cos.˛ ˇ/ (3.7.6)
cos ˛ cos ˇ D
cos.˛ ˇ/ cos.˛ C ˇ/
sin ˛ sin ˇ D
The product identities sin ˛ sin ˇ are obtained from the addition/subtraction identities:
sin.˛ C ˇ/ D sin ˛ cos ˇ C sin ˇ cos ˛
H) sin.˛ C ˇ/ C sin.˛ ˇ/ D 2 sin ˛ cos ˇ
sin.˛ ˇ/ D sin ˛ cos ˇ sin ˇ cos ˛
Another form of the product identities are the sum-product identities given by,
(Sum-product identities)
˛Cˇ ˛ ˇ
sin ˛ C sin ˇ D 2 sin cos
2 2
˛Cˇ ˛ ˇ (3.7.7)
cos ˛ C cos ˇ D 2 cos cos
2 2
˛Cˇ ˛ ˇ
cos ˛ cos ˇ D 2 sin sin
2 2
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Chapter 3. Trigonometry 220
And finally are two identities relating sine/cosine with tangent of half angleéé :
So, what we have just done? We proved the angle addition (or subtraction) identity, and all
the rest were derived (using simple algebra) from it.
Historically, the product identities, Eq. (3.7.6), were used before logarithms were invented to
perform multiplication. Here’s how you could use the second one. If you want to multiply x ⇥ y,
use a table to look up the angle ˛ whose cosine is x and the angle ˇ whose cosine is y. Look
up the cosines of the sum ˛ C ˇ and the difference ˛ ˇ. Average those two cosines. You get
the product xy! Three table look-ups, and computing a sum, a difference, and an average rather
than one multiplication. Tycho Brahe (1546–1601), among others, used this algorithm known as
If we know vector algebra (Section 11.1), we can derive this identity easily. Consider two
unit vectors a and b. The first vector makes with the horizontal axis an angle ˛ and the
second vector an angle ˇ. So, we can express these two vectors as
Then, the dot product of these two vectors can be computed by two ways:
2✓ D ⇡ 3✓
sin.2✓ / D sin.⇡ 3✓ / D sin.3✓/
2 sin ✓ cos ✓ D 3 sin ✓ 4 sin3 ✓
2 1C 5
4 cos ✓ 2 cos ✓ 1 D 0 H) cos ✓ D
The proof goes like this: sin x D 2 sin x=2 cos x=2 D 2 tan x=2 cos2 x=2:
Pascal triangle again. If we compute tan n˛ in terms of tan ˛ for n 2 N, we get the following
(only up to n D 4):
tan ˛ D t
tan 2˛ D
1 t2
3t t 3 (3.7.9)
tan 3˛ D
1 3t 2
4t 4t 3
tan 4˛ D
1 6t 2 C 1t 4
And see what? Binomial coefficients multiplying the powers tanm ˛ show up. The binomial
coefficients, corresponding to the numbers of the row of Pascal’s triangle, occur in the expression
in a zigzag pattern (i.e., coefficients at positions 1; 3; 5; : : : are in the denominator, coefficients
at the positions 2; 4; 6; : : : are in the numerator, or vice versa), following the binomials in row
of Pascal’s triangle in the same order.
Bernoulli’s imaginary trick. The way we obtained tan n✓ in terms of tan ✓ works nicely for
small n. Is it possible to have a method that works for any n? Yes, Bernoulli presented such
a method, but it adopted imaginary number i 2 D 1 and the new infinitesimal calculus that
Leibniz just inventedé . Here is what he did:
x D tan ✓;
H) tan 1 y D n tan 1 x
y D tan n✓
We refer to Section 3.9 for a discussion on inverse trigonometric functions (e.g. tan 1 x) Briefly,
given an angle ✓, press the tangent button gives us tan ✓, and pressing the tan 1 button gives us
back the angle. Now, he differentiated tan 1 y D n tan 1 x to get
dy dx
1Cy 2 1 C x2
Then he indefinitely integrated the above equation to get:
dy dx
D n (3.7.10)
1Cy 2 1 C x2
Now comes the trick of using i :
✓ ◆
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 C x2 x2 i 2 .x i/.x C i / 2i x i xCi
So what he did is called factoring into imaginary components, R and in the final step, a partial
fraction expansion. With that, it’s easy to compute the integral dx=1Cx 2 :
Z ✓Z Z ◆ ˇ ˇ
dx 1 dx dx 1 1 ˇˇ x i ˇˇ
D D .ln jx i j ln jx C ij/ D
2i ˇ x C i ˇ
1 C x2 2i x i xCi 2i
If you do not know calculus yet, skip this. Calculus is discussed in Chapter 4.
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆n ✓ ◆n
y i x i n 1 x i
ln D ln C lnŒ. 1/ ç D ln . 1/n 1
yCi xCi xCi
And solving for y (the above equations are just linear equations for y), Bernoulli have obtained
a nice formula for y or tan n✓ with x D tan ✓
.x C i/n C .x i /n
tan n✓ D i n D 1; 3; 5; : : :
.x C i /n .x i /n
.x C i /n .x i /n
tan n✓ D i n D 2; 4; 6; : : :
.x C i/n C .x i /n
Now, we check this result, by applying it to n D 2, and the above equation (the second one of
course as n D 2) indeed leads to the correct formula of tan 2✓ D 2 tan ✓=.1 tan2 ✓/.
Trigonometry identities for angles of plane triangles. Let’s consider a plane triangle with
three angles denoted by x; y and z (in many books we will see the notations A, B and C ). We
thus have the constraint x C y C z D ⇡. We have then many identities. For example,
x y z x y z
cot C cot C cot D cot cot cot
2 2 2 2 2 2
From x C y C z D ⇡, we can relate tangent of .x C y/=2 to tangent of z=2, and use the addition
angle formula for tangent, we will arrive at the formula:
✓ ◆
x y z 1
tan C D cot D
2 2 2 tan z2
x y
tan C tan
2 2 D 1
x y z
1 tan tan tan
2 2 2
Proof follows the same reasoning: using x C y C z D ⇡ to replace z and use corresponding
identities, Section 3.7.
x y z
Proof. This is a proof for cos x C cos y C cos z D 4 sinsin sin C 1: From x C y C z D ⇡,
2 2 2
we can relate cosine of z=2 to cosine of x C y, and use the summation formula for cosine to
the term cos x C cos y, we will make appear half angles. Also using the double angle formula
cos 2u D 2 cos2 u 1:
✓ ◆ ⇣x y ⌘
cos x C cos y C cos z D 2 cos cos cos.x C y/
2 2
✓ ◆ ⇣x y ⌘ ✓ ◆
xCy 2 x Cy
D 2 cos cos 2 cos C1
2 2 2
⇣z ⌘ ⇣x y ⌘ ✓
D 2 sin cos cos C1
2 2 2
sin n˛ for any n. In Section 2.24.5 we have used de Moivre’s formula to derive the formula
for sin 2˛, sin 3˛ in terms of powers of sin ˛. In principle, we can follow that way to derive the
formula of sin n˛ for any n, but the process is tedious (try with sin 5˛ and you’ll understand
what I meant). There should be an easier way.
The trick is in Eq. (2.24.18), which we re-write here:
ei ˛ e i˛
sin ˛ D (3.7.16)
Using it for n˛ we have:
e i n˛e i n˛ .e i ˛ /n .e i ˛ /n
sin n˛ D D
2i 2i
.cos ˛ C i sin ˛/n .cos ˛ i sin ˛/n
D .use e i ˛ D cos ˛ C i sin ˛/
Pn 2i Pn
n n k n
kD0 k cos ˛.i sin ˛/k kD0 k cos
n k
˛. i sin ˛/k
D (3.7.17)
! 2i
n i k
. i /k
D cosn k ˛ sink ˛
k 2i
n n.n 1/.n 2/
D cosn 1 ˛ sin ˛ cosn 3 ˛ sin3 ˛ C
1ä 3ä
where in the third equality, we have used the binomial theorem to expand . /n , and the red
term is equal to zero for k D 0; 2; 4; : : : and equal to one for k D 1; 3; 5; : : :
cos n˛ for any n. If we have something for sine, cosine is jealous. So, we do the same analysis
for cosine, and get:
e i n˛ C e i n˛ X
n k k
n n k k i C . i/
cos n˛ D D cos ˛ sin ˛
2 k 2
n.n 1/ n.n 1/.n 2/.n 3/
D cosn ˛ cosn 2
˛ sin2 ˛ C cosn 4
˛ sin4 ˛ C
2ä 4ä
where in the third equality, we have used the binomial theorem to expand . /n , and the red
term is equal to zero for k D 1; 3; 5; : : : and equal to one for k D 0; 4; 8; : : :, and equal to minus
one for k D 2; 6; 10; : : :.
With Eq. (3.7.18), we can write the formula for cos.n˛/ for the first few values of n:
cos.0˛/ D 1
cos.1˛/ D cos ˛
cos.2˛/ D 2 cos2 ˛ 1
cos.3˛/ D 4 cos3 ˛ 3 cos ˛
cos.4˛/ D 8 cos4 ˛ 8 cos2 ˛ C 1
cos.5˛/ D 16 cos5 ˛ 20 cos3 ˛ C 5 cos ˛
What is the purpose of doing this? The next step is to try to find a pattern in these formula. One
question is, is it possible to compute cos.6˛/ w/o resorting to Eq. (3.7.18)? Let’ see how we
can get cos.2˛/ D 2 cos2 ˛ 1 from cos 1˛ D cos ˛: we can multiply cos 1˛ with 2 cos ˛ and
minus 1, and 1 is cos 0˛:
Thus, we can compute cos.k˛/ from cos.k 1/˛ and cos.k 2/˛! The formula is⇤⇤
One application of this formula is to derive the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kindéé
described in Section 12.3.2. Why this has to do with polynomials? Note that from the above
equation, cos.n˛/ is a polynomial in terms of cos ˛, e.g. cos 3˛ D 4.cos ˛/3 3 cos.˛/. That’s
why. If you forget what is a polynomial, check Section 2.29.
Introducing x D a1 =b1 , y D a2 =b2 , we get the same identity in a slightly different form (I have
included two versions: one for angle addition and one for angle difference):
a1 a2 a1 b2 ˙ a2 b1
arctan ˙ arctan D arctan (3.9.1)
b1 b2 b 1 b 2 ⌥ a1 a2
Machin’s formula. John Machin (1686 – 1751) was a professor of astronomy at Gresham
College, London. He is best known for developing a quickly converging series for ⇡ in 1706
and using it to compute ⇡ to 100 decimal places. He derived the following formula, now known
as Machin’s formula, using Eq. (3.9.1) (details given later)
⇡ 1 1
D 4 arctan arctan (3.9.2)
4 5 239
Then he combined his formula with the Taylor series expansion for the inverse tangent (see
Eq. (4.14.12) in Chapter 4) to compute ⇡ to 100 decimal places (w/o a calculator of course; he
did not have that luxury). In passing we note that Brook Taylor was Machin’s contemporary in
Cambridge University. Machin’s formula remained the primary tool of Pi-hunters for centuries
(well into the computer era). For completeness, details are given as follow.
The power series for arctan x is:
x3 x5 x7
arctan x D x C C
3 5 7
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Chapter 3. Trigonometry 227
With only five terms in the arctangent series, this formula gave us eight correct decimals.
Proof. Derivation of Machin’s formula Eq. (3.9.2) using Eq. (3.9.1). We start with arctan 15 C
arctan 15 to get 2 arctan 15 :
1 1 1
2 arctan D arctan C arctan
5 5 5 (3.9.4)
1 5C1 5 5
D arctan D arctan
5 5 1 1 12
1 1 1
4 arctan D 2 arctan C 2 arctan
5 5 5
5 5
D arctan C arctan (Eq. (3.9.4))
12 12
5 12 C 5 12 120
D arctan D arctan .Eq. (3.9.1) /
12 12 5 5 119
1 ⇡ 1 1 120 1 1
4 arctan D 4 arctan arctan D arctan arctan D arctan
5 4 5 1 119 1 239
Compute ⇡ from thin air. Machin’s formula for ⇡ is great, but there is an unbelievable way to
get ⇡, from thin air. To be precise from i 2 D 1. Recall that we have (Section 2.24.7):
⇡ i
D ln.i /
4 2
A bit of algebra to convert i to a fraction form:
✓ ◆
⇡ i i 1Ci i
D ln.i / D ln D .ln.1 C i/ ln.1 i // (3.9.5)
4 2 2 1 i 2
Now, we use the power series of logarithm, written for a complex number z:
z2 z3 z4
ln.1 C z/ D z C C
2 3 4
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Thus, we have
i2 i3 i4
ln.1 C i / D i C C
2 3 4 (3.9.6)
. i /2 . i/3 . i/4
ln.1 i / D i C C
2 3 4
Finally, substituting Eq. (3.9.6) into Eq. (3.9.5), we get ⇡:
⇡ 1 1 1 X
D1 C C D . 1/nC1
4 3 5 7 nD1
2n 1
Great. We got ⇡ from 1; a real number from an imaginary one! It seems impossible, so we
should check this result. That’s why we have provided the last (red) expression, which can be
coded in a computer. The outcome of that exercise is that the more terms we use the more close
to ⇡=4 D 0:7853981633 : : : we get. However this series is too slow in the sense that we need
too many terms to get an accurate value of ⇡. That’s why Machin and other mathematicians
developed other formula.
But still this is not Eq. (3.9.3). Don’t worry. The Germain mathematician Karl Heinrich
Schellbach (1809-1890) did in 1832. He used:
2 .5 C i /4 . 239 C i /
⇡ D ln
i .5 i /4 . 239 i /
It is certain that Schellbach was aware of Machin’s formula, and that was how he could think of
the crazy expression in the bracket for i.
Derivation of Eq. (3.9.1) using complex numbers. If we consider two complex numbers
b1 C a1 i with the angle ✓1 D arctan a1 =b1 and b2 C a2 i with the angle ✓2 D arctan a2 =b2 ,
then its product is b1 b2 a1 a2 C.a1 b2 a2 b1 /i with the angle ✓ D arctan.a1 b2 a2 b1 /=.b1 b2
a1 a2 /. Then Eq. (3.9.1) is nothing but ✓ D ✓1 C✓2 , a property of complex number multiplication.
And this is expected as we started from the trigonometry identity for angle difference/addition.
y y
tan x
1 x 1
sin x
x x x/2
A0 B x O B
where the first inequality was obtained by comparing the length of the line AA0 –which is sin x–
versus the length of the arc AB (which is x) in the left figure. The second inequality was obtained
by comparing the areas (one of the right triangle OHB, which is 1=2tanx and one is the shaded
region which is x=2) in the right figure.
There is nothing special about sin 3ı < 3 sin 1ı , if we have this, we should have this:
sin ˛ ˛
< ; for all ˛ > ˇ 2 Œ0; ⇡=2ç (3.10.2)
sin ˇ ˇ
And of course we need a proof as for now it is just our guess. Before presenting a proof, let’s
see how Eq. (3.10.2) was used by Ptolemy to compute sin 1ı :
˛ D .3=2/ı ; ˇ D 1ı W sin 1ı > sin.3=2/ı
˛ D 1ı ; ˇ D .3=4/ı W sin 1ı < sin.3=4/ı
From sin 3ı , we can compute sin.3=2/ı and sin.3=4/ı . Thus, we get 0:017451298871915433 <
sin 1ı < 0:01745279409512592. So, we obtain sin 1ı D 0:01745. The accuracy is only 5
decimal places. Can you improve this technique?
Proof. We’re going to prove Eq. (3.10.2) using algebra and Eq. (3.10.1). There exists a geometric
proof of Aristarchus of Samos–an ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician who presented
the first known heliocentric model that placed the Sun at the center of the known universe with
the Earth revolving around it. Thus, this inequality is known as Aristarchus’s inequality. I refer
to Wikipedia for the geometry proof.
sin x ⇡ x. When we were building our sine table, we have discovered that sin x ⇡ x, at least
when x D 1ı D ⇡=180. It turns out that for small x, this is always true. And it stems from
Eq. (3.10.1), which we rewrite as
sin x
sin x < x < tan x ” cos x < <1
Now, let x approaches zero, then cos x approaches 1, and thus 1 < sinx x < 1. This leads to:
sin x
lim D1 (3.10.3)
x!0 x
Figure 3.16: Calculus based proof of Aristarchus’s inequality sin ˛=sin ˇ < ˛=ˇ .
Some inequalities for angles of a triangle. Below are some well known inequalities involving
angles of a triangle. We label the three angles by A, B, C this time. For all inequalities, equality
occurs when A D B D C or when the triangle is equilateral.
3 3
(a) sin A C sin B C sin C
(b) cos A C cos B C cos C
p 2
(c) cot A cot B cot C (3.10.4)
9 p
(d) cot A C cot B C cot C 3
(e) sin2 A C sin2 B C sin2 C
(f) cot2 A C cot2 B C cot2 C 1
Proof. We prove (a) using the Jensen inequality (check Section 4.5.2 if it’s new to you) which
states that for a convex function f .x/, f ..x C y C z/=3/ .1=3/.f .x/ C f .y/ C f .z//. As
the function y D sin x for 0 x ⇡ is a concave function, we have:
✓ ◆
ACB CC sin A C sin B C sin C
3 3
Thus, p
⇣⇡ ⌘ 3
sin A C sin B C sin C 3 sin D3
3 2
Proof. You might be thinking the proof of (b) is similar to (a). Unfortunately, the cosine function
is harder: its graph consists of two parts, see Fig. 3.18. Only for acute-angled triangles, we can
use the Jensen inequality as in (a). Hmm. We need another proof for all triangles. First, we
convert the term cos A C cos B C cos C to:
cos ACcos BCcos C D 2 cos cos C1 2 sin2 D 2 sin cos C1 2 sin2
2 2 2 2 2 2
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Chapter 3. Trigonometry 232
Proof. We prove (e) using some algebra and the inequality (b). First, we transform sin2 A C
sin2 B C sin2 C to cos 2A; : : ::
3 1
sin2 A C sin2 B C sin2 C D .cos 2A C cos 2B C cos 2C /
2 2
Then, using Eq. (3.7.15), we get:
If one angle (assuming that angle is A without loss of generality) is not acute, then cos A < 0
and cos B; cos C > 0, thus cos A cos B cos C < 0. Therefore, sin2 A C sin2 B C sin2 C < 2. If,
all angles are acute, cos A; cos B; cos C > 0, we can use the AM-GM inequality:
3 1
cos A cos B cos C .cos A C cos B C cos C /
And using the inequality (b), we get:
1 1 27 1
cos A cos B cos C .cos A C cos B C cos C /3 D
27 27 4 4
And the result follows immediately:
1 9
sin2 A C sin2 B C sin2 C 2 C D
2 4
Proof. We can prove (f) using the Cauchy-Swatch inequality and the inequality (d). ⌅
Cauchy’s proof of Basel problem. In Section 2.19.4 I have introduced the Basel problem and
one calculus-based proof. Herein, I present Cauchy’s proof using only elementary mathematics.
The plan of his proof goes as:
cot2 ✓ < < 1 C cot2 ✓ (3.10.5)
✏ Now, he introduced two new positive integer variables n and N such that
✓D ; 1nN (3.10.6)
2N C 1
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Chapter 3. Trigonometry 234
This definition of ✓ comes from the requirement that ✓ < ⇡=2. Now, Eq. (3.10.5) becomes
✓ ◆2
2 n⇡ 2N C 1 n⇡
cot < < 1 C cot2 (3.10.7)
2N C 1 n⇡ 2N C 1
⇡2 2 n⇡ 1 ⇡2 ⇡2 n⇡
cot < < C cot2 (3.10.8)
.2N C 1/ 2 2N C 1 n 2 .2N C 1/ 2 .2N C 1/ 2 2N C 1
✏ The next step is, of course, to introduce n
1=n2 :
⇡2 n⇡ X
1 XN
⇡2 X
⇡2 n⇡
cot < < C cot2
.2N C 1/ 2 2N C 1 nD1 n 2
.2N C 1/ nD1 .2N C 1/
2 2 2N C 1
⇡2 XN
n⇡ ⇡2 XN
2 2
lim cot < S < lim cot
N !1 .2N C 1/2 2N C 1 N !1 .2N C 1/2 2N C 1
nD1 nD1
What Cauchy needed now is to be able to evaluate the red sum.
cos nx C i sin nx
D .cot x C i/n (3.10.12)
sinn x
Now, we use the binomial theorem, Eq. (2.26.2), to expand .cot x C i/n :
! ! ! !
n n n n
.cot x C i/n D cotn x C cotn 1 xi C C cot xi n 1
C in
0 1 n 1 n
Using Eq. (3.10.12) and equating the imaginary parts of the sides, we get:
! ! !
sin nx n n n
D cotn 1
x cotn 3
xC cotn 5
xC (3.10.13)
sinn x 1 3 5
This is by itself a trigonometry identity that holds for any n 2 N and x 2 R. Now we
take this identity, fix a positive integer N and set n D 2N C 1 and xk D k⇡=2N C1, for
k D 1; 2; : : : ; N . Why that? Because the LHS of the identity is zero with this choice:
sin nxk D sin.2N C 1/k⇡=2N C1 D sin k⇡ D 0. Therefore Eq. (3.10.13) becomes
! ! !
2N C 1 2N C 1 2N C 1
0D cot2N xk cot2N 2
xk C C . 1/N (3.10.14)
1 3 2N C 1
for k D 1; 2; : : : ; N . The numbers xk are distinct numbers in the interval 0 < xk < ⇡=2.
The numbers tk D cot2 xk are also distinct numbers in this interval. What Eq. (3.10.14)
means is that, the numbers tk are the roots of the following N th degree polynomial:
! ! !
2N C 1 N 2N C 1 N 1 2N C 1
p.t/ D t t C C . 1/N (3.10.15)
1 3 2N C 1
Now, Vieta’s formula (Section 2.29.5) links everything together: the sum of all the roots
is the negative of the ratio of the second coefficient and the first one:
N 2N C1
.2N /.2N 1/
tk D 2N C1
D (3.10.16)
Replacing tk by its definition and noting that xk D k⇡=2N C1, we get what is needed in
Eq. (3.10.10):
k⇡ .2N /.2N 1/
cot2 D (3.10.17)
2N C 1 6
⇡2 ⇡2
<S <
6 6
Thus, S is sandwitched between ⇡ 2 =6 and ⇡ 2 =6, it must be ⇡ 2 =6. And we come to the
end of the amazing proof due to the great Cauhy.
sin2 x
C 2 cos2 2x 1 D 0
cos2 x
1 cos 2x
C 2 cos2 2x 1 D 0
1 C cos 2x
1 u
C 2u2 1 D 0 .u D cos 2x/
u.u2 C u 1/ D 0
When the sum of two non-negative terms is zero, it is only possible when the two terms are both
which requires that sin x D 0; cos x D ˙1 or cos x D 0; sin x D ˙1. And now you can solve
the scary-looking equation sin2020 x C cos2020 x D 1.
Solving that equation
p yields u D f0; . 1 ˙ 5/=2g. As u D cos 2x is always larger than 1, we do not
accept u D .1 C 5/=2.
We think we should pay less attention on solving trigonometry equations because up to this
point we still do not know how to compute sin x for any given x. All we know is just Table 3.1.
When we use a calculator and press sin 0:1 to get 0.09983341664, how does the calculator
compute that? See Section 3.16 for solution, sort of.
1. Compute the sum sin2 10ı C sin2 20ı C sin2 30ı C sin2 40ı C C sin2 90ı .
5. Prove cos ⇡=7 cos 2⇡=7 C cos 3⇡=7 D 1=2 (IMO 1963).
Answers are 5, 7:5ı and 0.5, respectively. Hints: for the first problem, follow Gauss (see
Section 2.5.1 in case you have missed it) by grouping two terms together so that something
special appear. For the third problem, do not first find cos 36ı and then cos 36ı cos 72ı .
With little massage, you can compute cos 36ı cos 72ı directly. For the final problem,
remember how we computed sin ⇡=5?
a2 D b 2 C c 2 2bc cos A
2 2 2
b Dc Ca 2ca cos B (3.12.1)
2 2 2
c Da Cb 2ab cos C
In Fig. 3.17a, the proof for b 2 D c 2 C a2 2ca cos B is obtained by applying the Pythagoras
theorem for the right triangle ADC é . Now, we do some checking for the newly derived formula.
First, when B is a right angle, its cosine is zero, and we get the familiar b 2 D a2 C c 2 again.
Second, the term 2ca cos B has dimension of length squared, which is correct (if that term
as 2a2 b cos B, the formula would be wrong because we cannot add a square of length with a
cubic of length. We cannot add area with volume). There is no need to prove the other second
formula. As a; b; c are symmetrical, from b 2 D c 2 C a2 C 2ca cos B we can get the other two
by permuting the variables: a ! b; b ! c; c ! a.
For this case we get b 2 D c 2 C a2 C 2ca cos B, but note that cos B < 0.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.17: Proof of the generalized Pythagoras theorem (a) and of the sine law (b).
The generalized Pythagoras theorem is also known as the law of cosines and it relates the
lengths of the sides of a triangle to the cosine of one of its angles. If there are law of cosines,
then it should exist law of sines. This law is written as (Fig. 3.17b)
a b c
D D (3.12.2)
sin A sin B sin C
y cos.x/ sin.x/
⇡ ⇡ 0 ⇡ ⇡
0 3⇡ 2⇡ 5⇡ 3⇡
2 2 2 2
Figure 3.18: Graphs of sine and cosine functions. Made with tikz.
OK. We have used technology to do the plotting for us (as it does a better job than human
beings), but we should be able to ‘read’ information from the graph. No computer is able to do
that. First, the two graphs are confined in the interval Œ 1; 1ç (because both sine and cosine are
smaller/equal to 1 and larger/equal to 1). Second, where the sine is maximum or minimum the
cosine is zero and vice versa. Third, by focusing on the interval Œ0; 4⇡ç, one can see that the sine
starts with zero, increases to 1 (at ⇡=2), then decreases to zero (at ⇡), continues decreasing until
it gets to 1, then increases back to zero (at 2⇡). After that the graph repeats. Thus, sine is a
periodic function. And its period T is 2⇡. The cosine function has the same period. The period
of a periodic function f .x/ is the smallest number T such thaté
f .x C T / D f .x/; 8x (3.13.1)
Why smallest? This is because if T is the period, then 2T; 3T; : : : are also periods. So, we just
need to use the smallest.
The graph of the tangent function is given in Fig. 3.19. It can be seen that the tangent function
is periodic with a period of ⇡ i.e., tan.x C ⇡/ D tan x, which can be proved using trigonometry
identity tan.a C b/ D tan aCtan b=1 tan a tan b . As tan x D sin x=cos x , the function is not defined for
angles xN such that cos xN D 0. Solving this equation yields xN D ⇡=2 C k⇡, k D 0; ˙1; ˙2; : : :
The vertical lines at xN are the vertical asymptotes of the tangent curve.
Figure 3.19: Graphs of the tangent function. The vertical lines at xN are the vertical asymptotes of the
tangent curve. An asymptote is a line that the graph of a function approaches as either x or y go to positive
or negative infinity. There are three types of asymptotes: vertical, horizontal and oblique.
I refer to Section 4.4.8 if something was not clear. If this is not enough to get your attention,
note that the function sin x=x is very popular in signal processing. So if you are to enroll in an
electrical engineering course, you will definitely see it.
In Fig. 3.20 I plot sin x, 1=x and sin x=x . What can we observe from the graph of f .x/ D
sin x=x ? First, it is symmetrical with respect to the y-axis (this is because f . x/ D f .x/, or as
mathematicians call it, it is an even function). Second, similar to sin x, sin x=x is also oscillatory.
However not between 1 and 1. The amplitude of this oscillation is decreasing when jxj gets
larger. Can we find how this amplitude depends on x precisely?
(a) (b)
Figure 3.20: Graph of sin x, 1=x (a) and graph of sin x=x (b).
Yes, we can: ✓ ◆
1 1 1
1 sin x 1 H) .sin x/
x x x
This comes from the fact that if a b, and c > 0 then ac bc. So, the above inequality for
sin x=x works only for x > 0. But due to symmetry of this function, the inequality holds for
x < 0 as well. Now we see that sin x=x can never exceed 1=x and 1=x; these two functions
are therefore called the envelops of sin x=x, see Fig. 3.21a.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.21: Envelops of sin x=x are 1=x and 1=x (a) and solving tan x D x graphically (b).
Is it everything about sin x=x? No, no. There is at least one more thing: where are the
stationary points of this function? To that, we need to use calculus as algebra or geometry is not
powerful enough for this task. From calculus we know that at a stationary point the derivative of
the function vanishes:
x cos x sin x
f 0 .x/ D 2
H) f 0 .x/ D 0 W tan x D x
How we’re going to solve this equation of tan x D x or g.x/ WD tan x x D 0? Well, we do
not know. So we fall back to a simple solution: the solutions of tan x D x are the intersection
points of the curve y D tan x and the line y D x. From Fig. 3.21b we see that there is one
solution x D 0, and infinitely more solutions close to 3⇡=2; 5⇡=2; : : :
But the graphical method cannot give accurate solutions. To get them we have to use approxi-
mate methods and one popular method is the Newton-Raphson method described in Section 4.5.4,
see Eq. (4.5.8). In this method one begins with a starting point x0 , and gets better approximations
g.xn / tan xn xn
xnC1 D xn D x n ; n D 0; 1; 2; : : : (3.13.2)
g 0 .xn / 1= cos2 xn 1
If you program this and use it you will see that the method sometimes blows up i.e., the solution
is a very big number. This is due to the tangent function which is very large for x such that
cos x D 0. So, we better off use this equivalent but numerically better g.x/ WD x cos x sin x:
xn cos xn sin xn
xnC1 D xn (3.13.3)
xn sin xn
With this and starting points close to 0, 3⇡=2, 5⇡=2, and 7⇡=2 we get the first four solutions given
in Table 3.2. The third column gives the solutions in terms of multiples of ⇡=2 to demonstrate
the fact that the solutions get closer to the asymptotes of the graph of the tangent function. Here
Table 3.2: The first four solutions of tan x D x obtained with the Newton-Raphson method.
n x x
1 0.00000000 0
2 4.49340946 2:86⇡=2
3 7.72525184 4:92⇡=2
4 10.9041216 6:94⇡=2
are two lessions learned from studying the graph of the nice function sin x=x :
✏ Not all equations can be solved exactly. However, one can always use numerical methods
to solve any equation approximately. Mathematicians do that and particularly scientists
and engineers do that all the time;
Period of sin 2x C cos 3x. The problem that we’re now interested in is what is the period of a
sum of trigonometric functions? Specifically, sin 2x C cos 3x. There is one easy way: plotting
the function. Fig. 3.22 reveals that the period of this function is 2⇡.
Figure 3.22: Plot of sin 2x (red), cos 3x (black) and sin 2x C cos 3x (blue).
Of course, there is another way without plotting the function. We know that the period of
sin x is 2⇡, and thus the period of sin 2x is 2⇡=2 D ⇡ éé . Similarly, the period of cos 3x is 2⇡=3.
Therefore, we have
y D sin x by a factor of 2 (Fig. 4.9). And thus it has a period as half as that of sin x.
1 x
sinh x D .e e x/
2 (3.14.3)
cosh x D .e x C e x /
They are called the hyperbolic sine and cosine functions, which explain their symbols. I explain
the origin of these names shortly. First, the graphs of these two functions together with y D 0:5e x
and y D 0:5e x are shown in Fig. 3.23a. The first thing we observe is that for large x, the
hyperbolic cosine function is similar to y D 0:5e x , this is because 0:5e x ! 0 when x is large.
Second, the hyperbolic cosine curve is always above that of y D 0:5e x . Third, cosh x 1. This
can be explained using the Taylor series of e x and e x (refer to Section 4.14.8 if you’re not
familiar with Taylor series):
ˆ x2 x3 x4
< ex ⇡ 1 C x C C C C ex C e x x2 x4
2ä 3ä 4ä H) ⇡ 1 C C C 1
ˆ x x2 x3 x4 2 2ä 4ä
:̂e ⇡ 1 x C C C
2ä 3ä 4ä
From Eq. (3.14.3), it can be seen that cosh2 x sinh2 x D 1. And we have more identities
bearing similarity with trigonometry identities that we’re familiar with. For example, we have
Why called hyperbolic trigonometry? Remember the parametric equation of a unit circle
centered at the originé ? It is given by x D sin t; y D cos t . Similarly, from the identity
cosh2 t sinh2 t D 1, the hyperbola x 2 y 2 D 1 is parameterized as x D cosh t and
(a) (b)
Figure 3.23: Plot of the hyperbolic sine and cosine functions along with their exponential components.
1 t 1 ( 1, 0) (1, 0)
x x
area = t/2 area = t/2
x2 + y 2 x2 y2 = 1
Figure 3.24: Trigonometric functions sin x, cos x are related to a unit circle; they are circular trigonometry
functions. On the other hand, sinh x and cosh x are related to the right hyperbola x 2 y 2 D 1; they
are hyperbolic trigonometry functions. The meaning of the parameter t is that it is twice the area of the
shaded region. For the circle, that is easy to see. For the hyperbola, we need calculus. Check this youtube
channel out if you’re interested in the detail.
y D sinh t. That explains the name ‘hyperbolic functions’ (Fig. 3.24). Not sure what is a
hyperbola? Check out Section 4.1.
Another derivation of hyperbolic functions. Start with Euler’s identity e i✓ D cos ✓ C i sin ✓
but written for ✓ D x and ✓ D x:
e ix D cos x C i sin x
e D cos x i sin x
e ix C e ix
cos x D (3.14.5)
Now we consider a complex variable z D x C iy, and use z in the above equation:
e i.xCiy/ C e i.xCiy/
cos.x C iy/ D
ix y
e C e ixCy e ix e y C e ix e y
2 2
.cos x C i sin x/e y C .cos x i sin x/e y
✓ y ◆ 2 ✓ y ◆
e Ce y e e y
D cos x i sin x
2 2
And you see the hyperbolic sine/cosine show up! With our definition of them in Eq. (3.14.3), we
get this cos.x C iy/ D cos x cosh y i sin x sinh y. And a similar equation is awaiting for sine:
And they are quite similar to the real trigonometry identities of sin.a C b/ and cos.a C b/! Now
putting x D 0 in the above, we get
which means that the cosine of an imaginary angle is real but the sine of an imaginary angle is
Can sine/cosine be larger than one? We all know that for real angles x, j sin xj 1. But for
complex angles z, might we have cos z > 1? Let’s find z such that cos z D 2. We start with
From the second equation we get sin x D 0; noting that we’re not interested in sinh y D 0
or y D 0 as we’re looking for complex angles not real ones. With sin x D 0, we then have
cos x D ˙1. But we remove the possibility of cos x D 1, as from the first equation we know
that cos x > 0 as cosh y > 0 for all y. So, we have cos x D 1 (or x D 2n⇡), and with that we
have cosh y D 2:
ey C e y
cosh y D 2 ” D2
p ⌘
of which solutions are y D ln 2 ˙ 3 . Finally, the angle we’re looking for is:
⇣ p ⌘
z D 2n⇡ C i ln 2 ˙ 3
These hyperbolic functions are the creation of the humand minds, but again they model
satisfactorily natural phenomena. For example in Section 10.2 we shall demonstrate that the
hyperbolic sine is exactly the shape of a hanging chain‘ .
A hanging chain or cable is a parabola-like shape that a cable assumes under its own weight when supported
only at its end.
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
half of such circles is called a line of longitude or meridian. Among many such meridians, we
define the prime meridian which is the meridian at which longitude is defined to be 0ı . The
prime meridian divides the sphere into two equal parts: the eastern and western parts.
All points on a meridian have the same longitude, which leads to the introduction of another
coordinate. To this end, parallel circles perpendicular to the meridians are drawn on the sphere.
One special parallel is the equator which divides the earth sphere in to two equal parts: the
northern and southern part.
Now we can define precisely what longitude and latitude mean. Referring to Fig. 3.26, we
first define a special point A which is the intersection of the equator and the prime meridian.
Now, the longitude is the angle AOB in degrees measured from the prime meridian. Thus a
longitude is an angle ranging from 0°E to 180°E or 0°W to 180°W. Similarly, the latitude is the
angle BOC measured from the equator up (N) or down (S), ranging from 0°N to 90°N or 0°S
to 90°S.
Figure 3.27
Considering two cities located at P and Q having the same longitude, P is on the equator
(Fig. 3.27). Now assume that the city located at Q has a latitude of '. The question we’re
interested in is: how far is Q from P (how far from the equator)? The answer is the arc PQ,
which is part of the great circle of radius R where R being the radius of the earth. Thus:
Now considering two cities located at Q and M having the same latitude. What is the
distance between them traveling along this latitude? This is the arc QM of the small circle
centered at O 0 . If we can determine the radius of this small circle, then we’re done. This radius
is O 0 Q D R cos '. Then the distance QM is given by
QM D ⇡O 0 Q
where ✓ is the difference (assuming that these two points are either on the eastern or western
part) of the longitudes of Q and M . But is this distance the shortest path between Q and M ? No!
The shortest path is the great-circle distance. The great-circle distance or spherical distance is
the shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere, measured along the surface
of the sphere.
Fig. 3.28 illustrates how to find such a great-circle distance. The first step is to find r D O 0 Q
as done before. Then in the triangle O 0 QM using the cosine law we can compute the straight-line
distance between QM , denoted by d :
d 2 D r2 C r2 2r 2 cos ✓
Then using the cosine law again but now for the triangle OQM to determine the angle ˛:
✓ 2 ◆
2 2 2 2 2R d2
d DR CR 2R cos ˛ H) ˛ D arccos
Knowing the angle of the arc QM in the great circle, it’s easy to compute its length:
Figure 3.28
How about the great-circle distance between any two points on the surface of the earth? We
do not know (yet) as it requires spherical trigonometry.
1 D 1
✓/2 ✓/4
✓/2 H ✓/4
a) b)
Figure 3.29: Computing the approximate area of the sector OBAC using the colored triangles. D is the
point such that its angle with OA is ✓=4.
The exact area of the sector OBAC is ✓=2 (see Fig. 3.29). This area is approximated as a
sum of the area of triangles OBC , ABC and ABD . We first compute the area of these triangles
now. The area of the triangle OBC is easy (recall that the circle has an unit radius):
✓ ◆✓ ◆
1 ✓ ✓ 1
OBC D 2 sin cos D sin ✓
2 2 2 2
Let’s sum the areas of all these triangles (ABD counted twice), and we get:
1 ✓3 ✓3
A⇡ sin ✓ C C
2 16 64
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 3. Trigonometry 251
We can see a pattern here, and thus the final formula for the area of the sector is:
1 ✓3 ✓3 ✓3
A⇡ sin ✓ C C C C
2 16 64 256
The added terms account for the areas not considered in our approximation of the sector area.
The red term looks familiar: it’s a geometric series, so we can compute the red term, and get a
more compact formula for A as:
1 ✓3 ✓3 ✓3
A⇡ sin ✓ C C C C
2 16 ✓ 64 256 ◆
1 1 1 1
D sin ✓ C ✓ 3 C C C
2 16 64 256
1 ✓3
D sin ✓ C (geometric series)
2 12
Now we have two expressions for the same area, so we get the following equation, which leads
to an approximation for sin ✓:
✓ 1 ✓3 ✓3
⇡ sin ✓ C H) sin ✓ ⇡ ✓
2 2 12 6
Want to have an even better approximation? Let’s apply sin x ⇡ x x 3 =6 into Eq. (3.16.1) to
get ABC ⇡ ✓ 3=128 ✓ 5=8192 (the algebra is indeed a bit messy, thus I have used a CAS to help
me doing this tedious algebraic manipulation, see Section 3.19). And we repeat what we have
just done to get:
✓3 ✓5
sin ✓ ⇡ ✓ C
6 120
And of course we want to do better. What should be the next term after ✓ 5=120? It is ✓ 7=x with
x D 5040:
✓3 ✓5 ✓7
sin ✓ ⇡ ✓ C
6 120 5040
Are you asking if there is any relation between those numbers in the denominators and those
exponents in the nominators? There is! If you just played with factorial (Section 2.25.2) enough
you would recognize that 6 D 3ä, 120 D 5ä and of course 5040 must be 7ä (pattern again!), thus
✓1 ✓3 ✓5 ✓7 X 1 2iC1
i sin ✓
sin ✓ ⇡ C C D . 1/ (3.16.2)
1ä 3ä 5ä 7ä i D0
.2i C 1/ä
Can we develop a similar formula for cosine? Of course. But for that we need to wait until the
17th century to meet Euler and Taylor who gave us a systematic way to derive infinite series for
trigonometry functions. Refer to Sections 4.14.6 and 4.14.8 if you cannot wait.
Why Eq. (3.16.2) was a significant development in mathematics? Remember that we have
built a sine table in Section 3.6? It is useful but it is only for integral angles e.g. 30ı or 45ı . If the
angle is not in the table, we have to use interpolation, which is of low accuracy. To have higher
accuracy (and thus better solutions to navigation problems in the old days), ancient mathemati-
cians had to find a formula that can give them the value of the sine for any angle. And Eq. (3.16.2)
is one such formula; it involves only simple addition/subtraction/multiplication/division.
2S D .sin ˛ Csin n˛/C.sin 2˛ Csin.n 1/˛/C C.sin.n 1/˛ Csin 2˛/C.sin n˛ Csin ˛/
And now, of course we use the sum-to-product trigonometry identity sin a C sin b D
2 sin.a C b/=2 cos.a b/=2 for each sum (because it helps for the factorization):
.n C 1/˛ .1 n/˛ .n C 1/˛ .3 n/˛
2S D 2sin cos C 2sin cos C C
2 2 2 2
.n C 1/˛ .n 3/˛ .n C 1/˛ .n 1/˛
C 2sin cos C 2sin cos
2 2 2 2
A common factor appears, so we factor the above as:
.n C 1/˛ .1 n/˛ .3 n/˛ .n 3/˛ .n 1/˛
2S D 2 sin cos C cos C C cos C cos
2 2 2 2 2
So far so good. The next move is the key and we find it thanks to Eq. (3.17.2). So, this is definitely
not the way the author of this identity came up with it (because he did not know of this identity
before discovering it). In Eq. (3.17.2) we see the term sin ˛=2, so we multiply Eq. (3.17.3) with
˛ .n C 1/˛ ˛ .1 n/˛ ˛ .3 n/˛
2S sin D sin 2 sin cos C 2 sin cos C
2 2 2 2 2 2
˛ .n 3/˛ ˛ .n 1/˛
C 2 sin cos C 2 sin cos
2 2 2 2
Now we want to simplify the term in the bracket. To this end, we use the product-to-sum
trigonometric identity 2 sin ˛ cos ˇ D sin.˛ C ˇ/ C sin.˛ ˇ/:
˛ .n C 1/˛ n˛ .2 n/˛ .n 2/˛ .4 n/˛
2S sin D sin sin C sin C sin C sin C
2 2 2 2 2 2
.n 2/˛ .4 n/˛ .2 n/˛ n˛
C C sin C sin C sin C sin
2 2 2 2
And lucky for us that all terms in the bracket cancel out except the red terms. It’s a bit hard to
see how other terms are canceled out, one way is to do this for n D 3 and n D 4 to see that it is
indeed the case. Now, the above equation becomes
˛ .n C 1/˛ n˛
2S sin D 2 sin sin
2 2 2
And from that we can get our identity. ⌅
If we have one identity for the sine, we should have one for the cosine and from that one for
the tangent:
.sin n˛=2/.sin.n C 1/˛=2/
sin ˛ C sin 2˛ C sin 3˛ C C sin n˛ D
sin ˛=2
.sin n˛=2/.cos.n C 1/˛=2/
cos ˛ C cos 2˛ C cos 3˛ C C cos n˛ D (3.17.4)
sin ˛=2
sin ˛ C sin 2˛ C sin 3˛ C C sin n˛ .n C 1/˛
D tan
cos ˛ C cos 2˛ C cos 3˛ C C cos n˛ 2
So, it is quite impressive that we were able to prove Eq. (3.17.2). But how someone could
discover this crazy identity? Here might be the way that these identities were discovered. Let’s
compute the following sum:
A D e i ˛ C e i 2˛ C C e i n˛ (3.17.5)
Why this sum is related to Eq. (3.17.4)? This is because Euler’s identity tells us that e i ˛ D
cos ˛ C i sin ˛:
A D .cos ˛ C i sin ˛/ C .cos 2˛ C i sin 2˛/ C C .cos n˛ C i sin n˛/
D .cos ˛ C cos 2˛ C C cos n˛/ C i.sin ˛ C sin 2˛ C C sin n˛/
The terms in our identities show up both for the sine and cosine! That’s the power of complex
numbers. Now is the plan: we will compute A in another way, from that we get the real and
imaginary parts of it. Then, we compare that result with Eq. (3.17.6): equating the imaginary
parts gives us the sine formula, and equating the real parts gives us the cosine formula.
It can be seen that A is a geometric series, so it’s not hard to compute it:
e i ˛ .1 e i n˛ /
A D e i ˛ C e i 2˛ C C e i n˛ D e i ˛ .1 C e i ˛ C e i 2˛ C C e i.n 1/˛
/D (3.17.7)
1 ei ˛
Of course, now we bring back sine and cosine (because that’s what we need), and A becomes:
e i ˛ .1 e i n˛ / 1 cos n˛ i sin n˛
AD D .cos ˛ C i sin ˛/
1 ei ˛ 1 cos ˛ i sin ˛
.1 cos n˛ i sin n˛/.1 cos ˛ C i sin ˛/
D .cos ˛ C i sin ˛/ (3.17.8)
.1 cos ˛ i sin ˛/.1 cos ˛ C i sin ˛/
.1 cos n˛ i sin n˛/.1 cos ˛ C i sin ˛/
D .cos ˛ C i sin ˛/
2.1 cos ˛/
What we have just done in the second equality is the standard way to remove i in the denominator,
now we can get the real and imaginary parts of A. Let’s focus on the imaginary part:
.sin ˛ C sin n˛/ .sin ˛ cos n˛ C sin n˛ cos ˛/ .sin n˛=2/.sin.n C 1/˛=2/
2.1 cos ˛/ sin ˛=2
Now comparing Eq. (3.17.6) with Eq. (3.17.9), we can get the sine identity.
Hey, but wait. Euclid would ask where is geometry? We can construct the sum sin ˛ C
sin 2˛ C : : : and cos ˛ C cos 2˛ C : : : as in Fig. 3.30. To ease the presentation we considered
only the case n D 3. It can be seen that sin ˛ C sin 2˛ C : : : equals the y-coordinate of P3 . Now
if we can compute d and ˇ, then we’re done.
Indeed, O; P1 ; P2 ; ::: are vertices of a polygon inscribed in a circle of radius r. Thus,
d D 2r sin
And in the triangle OCP1 , we have something similar: 1 D 2r sin ˛2 . Therefore, d D
sin n˛=2=sin ˛=2. Now the angle ˇ subtends the chord P P , and is therefore equal to half the
1 3
central angle that subtends the same chord (Fig. 3.31):
1 .n C 1/˛
ˇ D .n˛ ˛/ H) ˛ C ˇ D
2 2
Now, we can determine the sum of sines straightforwardly:
P3H = d sin(↵ + )
P3 P2
sin 3↵
d P2
sin 2↵ r
P1 ↵
1 sin ↵
O ↵
H C ↵
cos ↵ cos 2↵ cos 3↵ O
Figure 3.30: Starting at the origin (which we have labeled as O), we draw a line segment OP1 of unit
length forming an angle ˛ with the positive x-axis. At P1 we draw a second line segment of unit length
forming an angle ˛ with the first segment and thus an angle 2˛ with the positive x-axis. Continuing in
this manner n times, we arrive at the point Pn (which is P3 in the illustration),
P whose coordinates we
shall denote by X and Y . Obviously, Y is what we’re looking for i.e., Y D nkD1 sin k˛.
2↵ B B
Figure 3.31: Central angle theorem (left figure): The Central Angle Theorem states that the central angle
from two chosen points A and B on the circle is always twice the inscribed angle from those two points.
The inscribed angle can be defined by any point along the outer arc AB and the two points A and B. Proof
can be done with the introduction of the red line OC (middle figure). And when AB is the diameter of
the circle i.e., 2˛ D 180ı , we have a 90 degrees at C .
I emphasize that there is no real life applications of Eq. (3.17.4). If you’re asking why we
bothered with these formula, the answer is simple: we had fun playing with them. Is there any-
thing more important than that in life, especially when we’re young. Moreover once again we see
the connection between geometry, algebra and complex numbers. And we saw the telescoping
sum again.
Example 3.1
This example is taken from the 2021 Oxford MAT admission test: compute the following sum
S D sin2 .1ı / C sin2 .2ı / C sin2 .3ı / C C sin2 .89ı / C sin2 .90ı / (3.17.10)
3.20 Review
This chapter has presented trigonometry as usually taught in high schools but with less focusing
on rote memorization of many trigonometric identities. Briefly, trigonometry was developed as
a tool to solve astronomical problems. It was then modified and further developed to solve plane
triangle problems–those arising in navigation, and surveying. And eventually it became a branch
of mathematics i.e., it is studied for its own sake.
Now that we know a bit of algebra and a bit of trigonometry, it is time to meet calculus.
About calculus, the Hungarian-American mathematician, physicist, John von Neumann said
The calculus was the first achievement of modern mathematics and it is difficult to
overestimate its importance. I think it defines more unequivocally than anything
else the inception of modern mathematics; and the system of mathematical analysis,
which is its logical development, still constitutes the greatest technical advance in
exact thinking.
4.1 Conic sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
4.2 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
4.3 Integral calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
4.4 Differential calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
4.5 Applications of derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
4.6 The fundamental theorem of calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
4.7 Integration techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
4.8 Improper integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
4.9 Applications of integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
4.10 Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
4.11 Some theorems on differentiable functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
4.12 Polar coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
4.13 Bézier curves: fascinating parametric curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
4.14 Infinite series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
4.15 Applications of Taylor’ series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
4.16 Bernoulli numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
4.17 Euler-Maclaurin summation formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
4.18 Fourier series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
4.19 Special functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
4.20 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
Chapter 4. Calculus 259
the next point (infinitesimally nearby). The slope of a line? We know it.
This chapter is devoted to calculus of functions of single variable. I use primarily the follow-
ing books for the material presented herein:
✏ Infinite Powers by Steven Strogatz§ [58]. I recommend anyone to read this book before
taking any calculus class;
Our plan in this chapter is as follows. First, in Section 4.1, we briefly discuss the analytic
geometry with the introduction of the Cartesian coordinate system, the association of any curve
with an equation. Second, the concept of function is introduced (Section 4.2). Then, integral
calculus of which the most important concept is an integral is treated in Section 4.3. That is
followed by a presentation of the differential calculus of which the most vital concept is a
derivative (Section 4.4). We then present some applications of the derivative in Section 4.5. The
connection between integral and derivative is treated in Section 4.6, followed by methods to
compute integrals in Section 4.7.
Section 4.9 gives some applications of integration. A proper definition of the limit of a
function is then stated in Section 4.10. Some theorems in calculus are presented in Section 4.11.
Polar coordinates are discussed in Section 4.12. Bézier curves–a topic not provided in high school
and even college program–is shown in Section 4.13. Infinite series and in particular Taylor series
are the topics of Section 4.14. Applications of Taylor series are given in Section 4.15. Fourier
series are given in Section 4.18. Section 4.19
Steven Henry Strogatz (born 1959) is an American mathematician and the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of
Applied Mathematics at Cornell University. He is known for his work on nonlinear systems, including contributions
to the study of synchronization in dynamical systems, for his research in a variety of areas of applied mathematics,
including mathematical biology and complex network theory. Strogatz is probably famous for his writings for the
general public, one can cite Sync, The joy of x, Infinite Powers.
William Gilbert Strang (born 1934) is an American mathematician, with contributions to finite element theory,
the calculus of variations, wavelet analysis and linear algebra. He has made many contributions to mathematics
education, including publishing seven mathematics textbooks and one monograph.
Herbert Ellis Robbins (1915 – 2001) was an American mathematician and statistician. He did research in
topology, measure theory, statistics, and a variety of other fields. The Robbins lemma, used in empirical Bayes
methods, is named after him. Robbins algebras are named after him because of a conjecture that he posed concerning
Boolean algebras.
Morris Kline (1908 – 1992) was a professor of Mathematics, a writer on the history, philosophy, and teaching
of mathematics, and also a popularizer of mathematical subjects.
Two well-known conics are the circle and the ellipse. They arise when the intersection of the
cone and plane is a closed curve (Fig. 4.2a). The circle is a special case of the ellipse in which
the plane is perpendicular to the axis of the cone. If the plane is parallel to a generator line of
the cone, the conic is called a parabola. Finally, if the intersection is an open curve and the plane
is not parallel to generator lines of the cone, the figure is a hyperbola.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.2
Conic sections are observed in the paths taken by celestial bodies (e.g. planets). When two
massive objects interact according to Newton’s law of universal gravitation, their orbits are conic
sections if their common center of mass is considered to be at rest. If they are bound together,
they will both trace out ellipses; if they are moving apart, they will both follow parabolas or
hyperbolas (Fig. 4.2b).
Straight lines use 1; x; y. The next curves use x 2 ; xy; y 2 , which are conics. It is important to
see both the curves and their equations. This section presents the analytic geometry of René
Descartes and Pierre de Fermat in which the geometry of the curve is connected to the analysis of
the associated equation. Numbers are assigned to points, we speak about the point .1; 2/. Euclid
and Archimedes might not have understood as Strang put it.
History note 4.1: René Descartes (31 March 1596 – 11 February 1650)
René Descartes (Latinized: Renatus Cartesius) was a French philoso-
pher, mathematician, and scientist who spent a large portion of his
working life in the Dutch Republic, initially serving the Dutch States
Army of Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange and the Stadtholder of
the United Provinces. One of the most notable intellectual figures of
the Dutch Golden Age, Descartes is also widely regarded as one of the
4.1.2 Circles
Definition 4.1.1
A circle is a set of points whose distance to a special point–the center–is constant.
From this definition, we can develop the equation of a circle. Let denote the center by .xc ; yc /
and the radius is r, then we have
.x xc /2 C .y yc /2 D r H) .x xc /2 C .y yc /2 D r 2
Upon expansion, we get the following form
x2 C y2 2xc x 2yc y C xc2 C yc2 r2 D 0 (4.1.1)
When xc D yc D 0 i.e., the center of the circle is at the origin, the equation of the circle is much
x2 C y2 D r 2 (4.1.2)
4.1.3 Ellipses
An ellipse is a plane curve surrounding two focal points, such that for all points on the curve,
the sum of the two distances to the focal points is a constant. It generalizes a circle, which is the
special type of ellipse in which the two focal points are the same.
Definition 4.1.2
The ellipse is the set of all points .x; y/ such that the sum of the distances from .x; y/ to the
foci is constant.
We are going to use the definition of an ellipse to derive its equation. Assume that the ellipse
is centered at the origin, and its foci are located at F1 . c; 0/ and F2 .c; 0/; see Fig. 4.3. The two
vertices on the horizontal axis are A1 .a; 0/ and A2 . a; 0/.
P (x, y) B1 (0, b)
d1 d2
A2 F1 F2 A1
( a, 0) ( c, 0) (c, 0) (a, 0)
B2 (0, b)
Figure 4.3: An ellipse centered at the origin. The major axis of an ellipse is its longest diameter: a line
segment that runs through the center and both foci, with ends at the widest points of the perimeter. The
semi-major axis is one half of the major axis. The semi-minor axis is a line segment that is perpendicular
with the semi-major axis and has one end at the center.
It is clear that the distances from A1 (or A2 ) to the two foci are 2a, and that is the constant
mentioned in the definition. So, pick any point P .x; y/, and compute its distances to the foci
d1 C d2 , set it to 2a and do some algebraic manipulations, we have
d1 C d2 D 2a (definition of ellipse)
p p
.x C c/2 C y 2 C .x c/2 C y 2 D 2a (definition of distance)
p p
.x C c/2 C y 2 D 2a .x c/2 C y 2
.x C c/2 C y 2 D 4a2 C .x c/2 C y 2 4a .x c/2 C y 2
a .x c/2 C y 2 D a2 xc
.a2 c 2 /x 2 C a2 y 2 D a2 .a2 c2/
x2 y2
C 2 D1
a2 a c2
All steps from the third equality are just algebraic, to remove the square root. Now, the final step
is to bring b into play by considering that distances from B1 to the foci are also 2a (from the
very definition of an ellipse). This gives us b 2 C c 2 D a2 . So, we have
x2 y2
C 2
D 1; b 2 C c 2 D a2 (4.1.3)
a b
From which an ellipse is reduced to a circle when a D b.
Ellipses are common in physics, astronomy and engineering. For example, the orbit of each
planet in the solar system is approximately an ellipse with the Sun at one focus point. The same
is true for moons orbiting planets and all other systems of two astronomical bodies. The shapes
of planets and stars are often well described by ellipsoids.
Area of ellipse. If we know the area of a circle is ⇡ r 2 , then what is the area of an ellipse? We
can get the formula without actually computing it. This area must be in the form ⇡f .a; b/, and
f .a; b/ D f .b; a/ and f .a; a/ D a2 . The only form is f .a; b/ D ab. So, the area of an ellipse
is ⇡ab.
Reflecting property of ellipses. The ellipse reflection property says that rays of light emanating
from one focus, and then reflected off the ellipse, will pass through the other focus. Now, apart
from being mathematically interesting, what makes this property so fascinating? Well, there
are several reasons. Most notable of which is its significance to physics, primarily optics and
acoustics. Both light and sound are affected in this way. In fact there are many famous buildings
designed to exploit this property. Such buildings are referred to as whisper galleries or whisper
chambers. St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, England was designed by architect and mathematician
Sir Christopher Wren (1632–1723) and contains one such whisper gallery. The effect that such
a room creates is that if one person is standing at one of the foci, a person standing at the other
focus can hear even the slightest whisper spoken by the other. We refer to Section 4.4.2 for a
4.1.4 Parabolas
When you kick a soccer ball (or shoot an arrow, fire a missile or throw a stone) it arcs up into
the air and comes down again ... following the path of a parabola. A parabola is a curve where
any point is at an equal distance from: a fixed point (called the focus), and a fixed straight line
(called the directrix).
Figure 4.4: A parabola is a curve where any point is at an equal distance from: a fixed point (the focus),
and a fixed straight line (the directrix). The vertex V is the lowest point on the parabola.
In Fig. 4.4a, we label the focus as F with coordinates .a; b/, and a horizontal directrix y D k
(of course we can have parabolas with a vertical directrix). Then, the definition of a parabola
gives us:
p p
.y k/2 D .x a/2 C .y b/2
y2 2yk C k 2 D x 2 2ax C a2 C y 2 2yb C b 2
.x a/2 bCk
yD C
2.b k/ 2
One can see that bCk=2 is the ordinate of the vertex of the parabola. To simplify the equation, we
can put the origin at V , as done in Fig. 4.4b, then we have a D 0 and k D b, thus
yD or x 2 D 4by
Reflecting property of parabola. The parabola reflection prop-
erty says that rays of light emanating from one focus, and then
reflected off the parabola in a path parallel to the y axis (or vice
versa). To prove this property, see the next figure. We consider a
parabola with the vertex at the origin. We then consider a point
P .x1 ; y1 / on the parabola. Through P we draw a tangent line
that intersects the y axis at T . We can write the equation for this
tangent line (see Section 4.4.6), and thus determine the ordinate
of T . From optic (Section 4.4.2) we know that the light follows
the path such that ˛ D ˇ. So all we need to prove is that PF
is making an angle (with the tangent) exactly equal to ˛ (i.e., consistent with physics of light).
This is indeed the case as the triangle TFP is an isosceles triangle (proved by checking that
TF D FP , all coordinates known).
What are some applications of this nice property of the parabola? A solar collector and a TV
dish are parabolic; they concentrate sun rays and TV signals onto a point–a heat cell or a receiver
collects them at the focus. Car headlights turn the idea around: the light starts from the focus
and emits outward. Is this reflection property related to that of an ellipse? Yes, for the parabola
one focus is at infinity.
4.1.5 Hyperbolas
Definition 4.1.3
A hyperbola is the set of all points .x; y/ in a plane such that the difference of the distances
between .x; y/ and the two foci is a positive constant.
Notice that the definition of a hyperbola is very similar to that of an ellipse. The distinction
is that the hyperbola is defined in terms of the difference of two distances, whereas the ellipse is
defined in terms of the sum of two distances. So, the equation of a hyperbola is very similar to
the equation of an ellipse (instead of a plus sign we have a minus sign):
x2 y2
D1 (4.1.5)
a2 b2
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 4. Calculus 267
What is the graph of a hyperbola looks like? First, we need to re-write the equation in the usual
form y D f .x/:
bp 2
yD˙ x a2 ; jxj a
Thus, there are two branches, one for x a and one for x a. When x ! 1, y ! 1.
But we can do better than that: we have x 2 a2 ⇡ x 2 when x ! 1. Thus, for x ! 1, y
approaches ˙.b=a/x. These two lines are therefore called the asymptotes of the hyperbola. We
can see all of this in Fig. 4.5a for a particular case with a D 5 and b D 3. When a D b, the
asymptotes are perpendicular, and we get a rectangular or right hyperbola (Fig. 4.5b).
y y
3 3
y= x y= x
5 5
y= x y=x
3p 2
y= x 25
5 5 x 5 5 x
3p 2
y= x 25
(a) a D 5, b D 3 (b) a D b D 5
Ax 2 C Bxy C Cy 2 C Dx C Ey C F D 0 (4.1.7)
The proof is based on the fact that we can transform Eq. (4.1.7) to Eq. (4.1.6) by a spe-
cific rotation of axes to be described in what follows. First we consider axes Ox and Oy.
We then rotate these axes an angle ✓ counterclockwise to have OX and OY . Considering a
point P which has coordinates .x; y/ in the xy system and .X; Y / in the rotated system. The
aim is now to relate these two sets of coordinates. From the figure, we have these results:
( (
X D r cos ' x D r cos.' C ✓/
Y D r sin ' y D r sin.' C ✓/
Using the trigonometry identities for sin.a C b/ and cos.a C b/,
we can write x; y in terms of X; Y as
x D X cos ✓ Y sin ✓
y D X sin ✓ C Y cos ✓
A.X cos ✓ Y sin ✓ /2 C B.X cos ✓ Y sin ✓/.X sin ✓ C Y cos ✓/C
C.X sin ✓ C Y cos ✓ / C D.X cos ✓ Y sin ✓/ C E.X sin ✓ C Y cos ✓/ C F D 0 (4.1.9)
A0 X 2 C B 0 XY C C 0 Y 2 C D 0 X C E 0 Y C F D 0
B cos 2✓ C .C A/ sin 2✓ D 0 H) cot 2✓ D
Example 4.1
Now we show that the equation xy D 1 is a hyperbola. This is of the form in Eq. (4.1.7)
with A D C D 0 and B D 1. Thus, cot 2✓ D 0, hence ✓ D ⇡=4. With this rotation angle,
using Eq. (4.1.8) we can write x; y in terms of X; Y as
p p p p
2 2 2 2
xDX Y ; yDX CY
2 2 2 2
And therefore xy D 1 becomes
X2 Y 2
2 2
which is obviously a hyperbola.
equation and the type of the curve comes out immediately. But, this question is not about the
final result but about finding a way (using only paper/pencil) to classify conic sections. Another
way (not so good) is to rotate the axes, so that B 0 D 0, then using the complete the square
technique. It works, but not so elegantly.
Now you have seen that we can rotate a conic section Ax 2 CBxyCCy 2 CDxCEyCF D 0
to get the same conic but written in this simpler form A0 X 2 C C 0 Y 2 C D 0 X C E 0 Y C F D 0.
And we have shown that B 2 4AC D 4A0 C 0 . It can be shown that using this A0 X 2 C C 0 Y 2 C
D 0 X C E 0 Y C F D 0, one can deduce the type of the conic based on the sign of 4A0 C 0 , thus
for the general form of conic Ax 2 C Bxy C Cy 2 C Dx C Ey C F D 0, we have this theorem:
4AC > 0 W hyperbola
B 2
4AC < 0 W ellipse (4.1.10)
:̂ 2
B 4AC D 0 W parabola
4.2 Functions
Consider now Galileo’s experiments on balls rolling down a ramp. He measured how far a
ball went in a certain amount of time. If we denote time by t and distance by s, then we have a
relation between s and t. As s and t are varying quantities, they are called variables. The relation
between these two variables is a function. Loosely stated for the moment, a function is a relation
between variables.
The most effective mathematical representation of a function is what we call a formula. For
example, the distance the ball traveled is written as s D t 2 . The formula immediately gives us
the distance at any time; for example by plugging t D 2 into the formula the distance traveled is
4éé . As s depends on t , t is an independent variable and s a dependent variable. And we speak
of s D t 2 as s is a function of t.
As we see more and more functions it is convenient to have a notation specifically invented
for functions. Euler used the notation s D f .t/, reads f of t , to describe all functions of single
variable t. When the independent variable is not time, mathematicians use y D f .x/. And this
short notation represents all functions that take one number x and return another number y! It
can be y D x, y D sin x etc.
In the function y D f .x/ for each value of x we have a corresponding value for y (D f .x/).
But what are the possible values of x? That varies from functions to functions. pFor y D x, x can
be any real number (mathematicians like to write x 2 R for this). For y D x, x must be any
real number that is equal or larger than zero (we do not discuss complex numbers in calculus in
this chapter). That’s why when we talk about a function we need to be clear about the range of
the input (called the domain of a function) and also the range of the output. The notation for that
is f W R ! R for any function that takes a real number and returns a real number.
Now we consider three common functions: a linear function y D f .x/ D x, a power
function y D x 2 and an exponential function y D 2x . For various values of the input x,
Table 4.1 presents the corresponding outputs. It is obvious that it is hard to get something out
Units are not important here and thus skipped.
of this table, algebra is not sufficient. We need to bring in geometry to get insights. A picture is
worth 1000 words. That’s why we plot the points .x; f .x// in a Cartesian plane and connect the
points by lines and we get the so-called graphs of functions. See Fig. 4.6 for the graphs of the
three functions under consideration.
Table 4.1: Tabulated values of three functions: y D x; y D x 2 and y D 2x .
x yDx y D x2 y D 2x
0 0 0 1
1 1 1 (1) 2 (1)
2 2 4 (3) 4 (2)
3 3 9 (5) 8 (4)
4 4 16 (7) 16 (8)
5 5 25 (9) 32 (16)
6 6 36 (11) 64 (32)
With a graph you can actually see how the graph is changing, where its zeroes and inflection
points are, how it behaves at each point, what are its minima etc. Compare looking at a graph
to looking at a picture of someone and looking at an equation to reading a description of that
axis is a reflection of the part on the other side, see Fig. 4.7. This means that f . x/ D f .x/.
On the other hand, the graph of an odd function has rotational symmetry with respect to the
origin, meaning that its graph remains unchanged after rotation of 180 degrees about the origin.
So, even functions and odd functions are functions which satisfy particular symmetry relations.
Mathematicians define even and odd functions as:
Definition 4.2.1
(a) A function f .x/ W R ! R is an even function if for any x 2 R: f . x/ D f .x/.
f (x) = sin x
f (x) = x4 8x2 + 16
f (x⇤ )
x⇤ x
⇡ x⇤ ⇡
x⇤ x⇤ f ( x⇤ ) = f (x⇤ )
(a) even function (b) odd function
Figure 4.7: Graphs of some even and odd functions. Typical even functions are y D x 2n , y D cos x and
typical odd functions are y D x 2nC1 , y D sin x.
Decomposition of a function. Any function f .x/ can be decomposed into a sum of an even
function and an odd function, as
Why such a decomposition is worthy of studying? One example: As integral is defined as area,
from Fig. 4.7, we can deduce the following results:
Z a Z a Z a
e e
f .x/dx D 2 f .x/dx; f o .x/dx D 0 (4.2.3)
a 0 a
of course to their mathematical objects which are functions in this discussion. Fig. 4.8 shows
vertical/horizontal translation of y D x 2 . And this seemingly useless stuff will prove to be useful
when we study waves in Section 9.10. To mathematicians, a traveling wave is just a function
moving in space, just like what we’re doing now to y D x 2 .
Figure 4.8: Translation of a function y D f .x/: vertical translation f .x/ C c displaces the function a
distance c upward (c > 0), and downward if c < 0. Horizontal translation to the right with f .x c/ and
to the left with f .x C c/ for c > 0. Note: the original function is y D x 2 plotted as the blue curve.
And as we stretch (or squeeze/shrink) a solid object mathematicians stretch and squeeze
functions. They can do a horizontal stretching by the transformation f .cx/ (c < 1) and a
vertical stretching with cf .x/ (c > 1). Fig. 4.9 illustrates these scaling transformations for
y D sin x.
For example, consider two functions: g.x/ D sin x and f .x/ D x 2 , we obtain the composite
function sin x 2 . If we do the inverse i.e., .f ı g/.x/ we get sin2 x. So, .g ı f /.x/ ¤ .f ı g/.x/.
Is it interesting to know that, later on in linear algebra course, we will see that this fact is why
matrix-matrix multiplication is not commutative (Section 11.6).
How about chaining three functions h.x/; g.x/ and f .x/? It is built on top of composing
two functions:
Œh ı .g ı f /ç.x/ D h.Œg ı f ç.x// D h.gŒf .x/ç/ (4.2.5)
where we have used Eq. (4.2.4) in the first equality. It can be seen that (verify it for yourself)
That is function composition is not commutative but is associative (similar to .ab/c D a.bc/
for reals a; b; c).
and y D x is R i.e., all real numbers. However, we know that y D x can only output non-
negative reals. Ok. Mathematicians invented another concept: the range of a function, which is a
sub-set of its co-domain which contains the actual outputs. For example, if f .x/ D x 2 , then its
co-domain is all real numbers but its range is only non-negative reals. Using Venn diagramséé
we can visualize these concepts (Fig. 4.10).
Example 4.2
One example is sufficient to demonstrate how to find the domain of a function:
2x 1
f .x/ D p
1 x 5
As we forbid division by zero and only real numbers are considered, the function only makes
We confine our discussion in this chapter mostly to functions of real numbers. Functions of complex numbers
is left to Chapter 7.
Check Section 5.5 if you’re not sure of Venn diagrams.
x f (x)
Domain Co-domain
Figure 4.10: Venn diagram for domain, co-domain and range of a function.
sense when: ( p
1 x 5¤0
H) x ¤ 6 and x 5
x 5 0
To say x is a number that is larger or equal 5 and different from 5, we can write x ¤ 6 and
x 5. Mathematicians seems to write it this way: x 2 Œ5; 6/ [ .6; 1/. This is because
they’re thinking this way: considering the number line starting from 5, and you make a cut
at 6 (we do not want it). Thus the line is broken into two peaces Œ5; 6/ and .6; 1/. And the
symbol [ in A [ B means a union of both sets A and B. The brackets mean that the interval
is closed – it includes the endpoints. An open interval .a; b/, on the other hand, would not
include endpoints a and b, and would be defined as a < x < b.
xD2 x2 4 xD2 3x 9
y log3 y
(a) (b)
Figure 4.11: Illustration of some inverse functions: x 2 = y and 3x = log3 y.
Let’s assume that we know the integral of y D x 2 between 0 and 1, it is written as 0 x 2 dx
p 4.3.7 will discuss this weird symbol). What is then 0 udv? As the two functions x 2
and u are inverses of each other, it follows that the sum of these integrals equal 1 (??). So,
y y
20 20
10 10
x x
20 10 10 20 20 10 10
10 10
20 20
each other as the lengths of these slopes." In 1714, Leibniz already used the word "function" to
mean quantities that depend on a variable. The notation we use today, f .x/, was introduced by
Euler in 1734 [29].
What we just did is starting from f0 .x/ D x=xC1, using fnC1 .x/ D .f0 ı fn /.x/ we compute
f1 .x/ (recall that .f0 ı fn /.x/ is a composite function), then using f1 .x/ to compute f2 .x/ and
so on. Lucky for us that we see a patternéé . Observe the red numbers on each equation and we
can write
fn .x/ D
.n C 1/x C 1
Now we prove this formula using ... proof by induction (what else?). The formula works for
n D 0. Now we assume it works for n D k:
fk .x/ D
.k C 1/x C 1
And we’re going to prove that it’s also correct for n D k C 1 i.e.,
fkC1 .x/ D
.k C 2/x C 1
Figure 4.13: Area of 2D shapes: area unit is the mount of space taken up by a unit square.
It has to have a pattern. Why? Because this is a test! It must be answered within a short amount of time.
Some areas are relatively easy to measure. And obviously the easiest area is that of a rectangle
as it can fit with the unit square. For example, suppose we have a 5 by 3 rectangle, we can chop
it into 15 unit squares. Thus, its area is 15 (Fig. 4.13). So, if the sides of a rectangle are nice
whole numbers, the area is then the product of the length of the two sides. But what if the sides
are not whole numbers? Then use a smaller unit square. The area is still the product of the length
of the two sides.
Next comes the triangles. Suppose we have a triangle with base a and height h (see
Fig. 4.14a). What is its area? The way to get the triangle’s area is to use the area of a rect-
angle. That is, Using the known to determine the unknown. We put the triangle inside a rectangle
with sides b and h. Then, by dropping a line CH perpendicular to AB, we see that the triangle’s
area is half of that of the rectangle. Therefore, we get the formula of 1=2bh.
(a + b)h
h h
1 1
ah bh
2 2
b a b
(a) (b)
Figure 4.14: The area of a triangle is related to the area of the bounding rectangle.
Nice. But how about a slanting triangle as the orange triangle in Fig. 4.14b? In this case
point C lies outside the bounding rectangle, so the above formula might not work? Again, we
use a rectangle of which the area is .a C b/h. This area is equal to the sum of areas of the two
right triangles and the orange triangle. From that, we can see that the area of the triangle is still
Next comes polygons. The area of a polygon is the sum of all the sub-triangles making up
the polygon. We can see from this that ancient mathematicians computed the area of new more
complex geometries based on the known area of old simpler geometries.
Heron’s formula. What is the area of a triangle in terms of its sides a; b; c? The formula
is credited to Heron (or Hero) of Alexandria, and a proof can be found in his book, Met-
rica, written c. CE 60. It has been suggested that Archimedes knew the formula over two
centuries earlier. I now present a derivation of this formula using the Pythagorean theorem.
First, the area is computed using the familiar formula "half of the base
multiplied with the height": A D 1=2ah. Second, the height is expressed
in terms of a; b; c. Refer to the figure, there are 3 equations to determine
x; y; h:
xCy Da > = a b2 c2 a b2 c2
x 2 C h2 D c 2 H) x D ; yD C ; h2 D c 2 x2
; 2 2a 2 2a
y 2 C h2 D b 2
As we have h2 , let’s compute the square of the area:
4A2 D a2 .c 2 x2/
✓ ◆✓ ◆
2 2 2 a b2 c2 a b2 c2
4A D a .c x/.c C x/ D a c C cC
2 2a 2 2a
✓ 2 2 2
◆✓ 2 2 2
2ac a C b c 2ac C a b Cc
4A2 D a2
2a 2a
2 2 2 2 2
16A D Œb .a c/ çŒ.a C c/ b ç D .b C a c/.b a C c/.a C c C b/.a C c b/
If we introduce s D 0:5.a C b C c/ – the semi-perimeter of the triangle– the Heron’s formula is
given by
A D s.s a/.s b/.s c/ (4.3.1)
The final expression of A is symmetrical with respect to a; b; c and it has a correct dimension
p root of length power 4 is lengthpsquared–an area). Thus, it seems correct (if it was
A D s.s 2a/.s b/.s c/ or A D s.s a/2 .s b/.s c/, then it is definitely wrong).
How we know that it’s correct? Check it for a triangle of which area we know for sure. Note that
using the generalized Pythagorean theorem gives a shorter/easier proof.
What can we do with Heron’s formula? We can use it to compute the area of a triangle
given the sides a; b; c, of course. The power of symbolic algebra is that we can deduce new
information from Eq. (4.3.1). We can pose this question: among all triangles of the same
perimeter, which triangle has the maximum area? Using the AM-GM inequality (Section 2.21),
it’s straightforward to show that an equilateral triangle (i.e., triangle with three sides equal
a D b D c) has the maximum area.
This equation is fair (or symmetrical) to all quantities involved i.e., a; b; c; d . This beautiful for-
mula then must have a meaning, Brahmagupta argued. And indeed, it is the area of a quadrilateral
of sides a; b; c; d inscribed in a circle (such quadrilateral is called a cyclic quadrilateral).
The following joke describes well the principle of using the known to determine the unknown:
A physicist and a mathematician are sitting in a faculty lounge. Suddenly, the coffee
machine catches on fire. The physicist grabs a bucket and leap towards the sink,
filled the bucket with water and puts out the fire. Second day, the same two sit in the
same lounge. Again, the coffee machine catches on fire. This time, the mathematician
stands up, got a bucket, hands the bucket to the physicist, thus reducing the problem
to a previously solved one.
Figure 4.15: Lune of Hippocrates. The shaded area AEBF is a moon-like crescent shape, and it is called
a lune, deriving from the Latin word luna for moon. Geometrically a lune is the area between two circular
Hippocrates wanted to solve the classic problem of squaring the circle, i.e. constructing a
square by means of straightedge and compass, having the same area as a given circle. He proved
that the lune bounded by the arcs labeled E and F in the figure has the same area as triangle
ABO. This afforded some hope of solving the circle-squaring problem, since the lune is bounded
only by arcs of circles. Heathéé concludes that, in proving his result, Hippocrates was also the
first to prove that the area of a circle is proportional to the square of its diameter.
Sir Thomas Little Heath (1861 – 1940) was a British civil servant, mathematician, classical scholar, and
historian of ancient Greek mathematics. Heath translated works of Euclid of Alexandria, Apollonius of Perga,
Aristarchus of Samos, and Archimedes of Syracuse into English.
3 2
O x O x
1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0
Figure 4.16: Area of a parabola segment. The coordinates of Q are .0:5; 1=4/ and of R are .0:5; 0:5/
noting that OB is the line y D x. Thus QR D 1=4. We have 1 D 1, and 2 is equal to the area of the
two triangles OQR and QBR combined.
First, the areas of triangles OQR and QBR are identical and equal 1=16. Thus 2 D 1=8, and
therefore 2 C 3 D 1=4. And note that 1 D 1, so 2 C 3 D 1=4 1 . So, we can write that
A⇡ 1 C
If we continue the process with the unaccounted region, we get A ⇡ 1 C 1=4 C 1=16. Seeing
now the pattern, we write
✓ ◆
1 1 1 1 4
AD 1C C C D 1 1C C C D 1
4 16 4 16 3
where use was made of the geometric series (Section 2.19.2). It is remarkable that the area of
that curved shape is a factor of the area of the largest triangle. From this result, it is simple to
deduce that the area below the parabola is 2 4=3 D 2=3.
A student in a calculus course would just use integration and immediately obtain the result,
as Z 1 ✓ ◆ 1
2 x3 4
AD2 .1 x /dx D 2 x D (4.3.2)
0 3 0 3
This technique has a name because it was widely used by Greek mathematicians: it’s called
the method of exhaustion; as we add more and more triangles they exhaust the area of the
parabola segment. There are a lots to learn about Archimedes’ solution to this problem. First, he
also used the area of simpler geometry (a triangle). Second, and the most important idea, is that
he used infinitely many triangles! Only when the number of triangles is approaching infinity the
sum of all the triangle areas approach the area of the parabola segment. This sounds similar to
integral calculus we know of today! But wait, while Eq. (4.3.2) is straightforward, Archimedes’
solution requires his genius. For example, how would we know to use triangles that he adopted?
Even though Archimedes’ solution is less powerful than the integral calculus developed
much later in the 17th century, he and Greek mathematicians were right in going to infinity. The
main idea of computing something finite, e.g. the area of a certain (curved) shape, is to chop it
into many smaller pieces, handle these pieces, and when the number of pieces goes to infinity
adding them up will gives the answer. This is what Strogatz called the Principle of Infinity in his
book The Power of Infinite. It is remarkable that we see Archimedes’ legacy in modern world,
see for instance Fig. 4.17. In computer graphics and in many engineering and science fields, any
shape is approximated by a collection of triangles (sometimes quadrilaterals are also used). What
is difference is that we do not go to infinity with this process, as we’re seeking an approximation.
Note that Archimedes was trying to get an exact answer.
(a) Archimedes
Figure 4.17: Archimedes’ legacy in the modern world: use of triangles and tetrahedra to approximate any
2D and 3D objects.
✏ the area of a circle is proportional to the square of its radius, so A D ⇡2 r 2 assuming that
the proportionality is ⇡2 ;
✏ the circumference C and the area is related by A D 1=2C r
radius of the circle and the sum of their bases equal the
circle’s circumference.
If the above reasoning was not convincing enough, Figure 4.18
here is a better one. Let’s consider a regular polygon of n sides inscribed in a circle. Its area is
denoted by An and its circumference by Cn , from Fig. 4.18, we can get
⇡ ⇡ ⇡
An D nr 2 sin cos ; Cn D n2r sin
n n n
Then, we consider the ratio An =Cn when n is very large:
An 1 ⇡ An 1
D r cos H) lim D r
Cn 2 n n!1 Cn 2
See Table 4.2 for supporting data.
Table 4.2: Proof of A D 0:5C r with r D 1: using regular polygons of 4 to 512 sides.
n An Cn An=Cn
How ancient mathematicians came up with the formula A D ⇡ r 2 ? The idea of calculating
the area of the circle is the same: breaking the circle into simpler shapes of which the area is
known. This is what ancient mathematicians did, see Fig. 4.19: they chopped a circle into eight
wedge-shaped pieces (like a pizza), and rearrange the wedges. The obtained shape does not look
similar to any shape known of. So, they chopped the circle into two wedges: this time 16 pieces.
This time, something familiar appears! The wedges together looks like a rectangle. Being more
confident now, they decided to go extreme: divide the circle into infinite number of wedges.
What they got is a rectangle of sides ⇡ r (half of the circle perimeter) and r. Thus, the area of a
circle is ⇡ r 2 . What an amazing idea it was.
⇡r ⇡r
(a) n D 8 (b) n D 16
⇡r ⇡r
Figure 4.19: Quadrating a circle of radius r: dividing the circle into a number of wedges (n). When n is
very large what we get is a rectangle of sides r and ⇡ r, of which the area is ⇡ r 2 . And that is also the area
of the circle.
4.3.5 Calculation of ⇡
Archimedes was the first to give a method of calculating ⇡ to any desired accuracy around 250
BC. It is based on the fact that the perimeter of a regular polygon of n sides inscribed in a
circle, denoted by ni , is smaller than the circumference of the circle, whereas the perimeter of
an n-polygon circumscribed about the circle, denoted by nc, is greater than its circumference
(Fig. 4.20). In other words, the circle circumference 2⇡ r is squeezed in between ni and nc,
and we can alsway determine ni and nc. By making n sufficiently large, we can determine ⇡
accurately, to any degree of approximation we want. That’s the essence of Archimedes’ method.
Now, we carry out his method. We just need to consider a unit circle (i.e., a circle of unit
radius). On this circle, we draw one regular n-polygon inscribed in the circle and another n-
polygon circumscribed about the circle. In Fig. 4.20, I illustrate the discussion with n D 6. If
✓ D ⇡=n is half the angle subtended by one side of a regular polygon at the center of the circle ,
then the length of the inscribed side (AB) is i D 2 sin ✓ and the length of a circumscribed side
1 H0
O A0
a) b)
Figure 4.20: Archimedes’s method to determine ⇡. The red hexagon is incribed in the unit circle (OB D 1)
whereas the blue hexagon is circumscribed about it. To compute the circumference of these polygons, we
need to know the sides AB and A0 B 0 . Using the two shaded right triangles, we can see that AB D 2 sin ✓
and A0 B 0 D 2 tan ✓ (a). When we increase n these two polygons go towards the circle (in b, I used
n D 12).
(A0 B 0 ) is c D 2 tan ✓. Thus, for the circumference C of the unit circle we have
Starting with a hexagon (n D 6), Arichmedes got 3 < ⇡ < 2 3 D 3:4641; not so good. He
then considered n D 12 then n D 24 and eventually stoped at n D 96. With polygons of 96
sides, Archimedes got
10 1
3 <⇡ <3
71 7
Notice that Archimedes did not have neither a calculator nor decimal numbers, so he had to
compute sin ✓ and tan ✓ using radicals and approximated these square roots. His calculations
are not presented herein. To check the accurary of his result, I use n D 96 and ✓ D ⇡=96, to
get 3:14103 < ⇡ < 3:14271, whereas Archimedes’ result is 3:14084 < ⇡ < 3:14286. He got
only two correct decimals. But it was a magnificent achievement! This polygonal algorithm
dominated for over 1 000 years until infinite series were discovered. I presented one such infinite
series for ⇡ in Eq. (2.19.17). And there is Machin’s formula in Eq. (3.9.3). And we shall see
more in this chapter.
Pi is a special number, various books are written about it. There is even a day called Pi day
(March 14), which is coincidentally also the birthday of Albert Einstein (14 March 1879). People
keep calculating
p more and more digits of this number. Note that no one cares about the decimal
digits of 2. I recommend the book A History of Pi by Petr Beckmann.
Liu Hui’s algorithm. Liu Hui (3rd century CE) was a Chinese mathematician and writer who
lived in the Three Kingdoms period (220–280) of China. In 263, he edited and published a book
with solutions to mathematical problems presented in the famous Chinese book of mathematics
known as The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art, in which he was possibly the first mathe-
matician to discover, understand and use negative numbers. Along with Zu Chongzhi (429–500),
Liu Hui was known as one of the greatest mathematicians of ancient China. In this section I
present his method to determine ⇡.
Liu Hui first derived an inequality for ⇡ based on the area of inscribed polygons with N and
2N sides. In the diagram of Fig. 4.21a, ABCD is an N polygon whereas AEBF C GDH is a
2N polygon, both inscribed in the circle. Regarding the areas of these polygons where AN is the
area of the N -polygon, A2N the area of the 2N polygon and the circle (of area Ac ), we have
the following relations:
where the last inequality holds when considering a circle of unit radius.
Liu Hui then computed the area of inscribed polygons with N and 2N sides. To that end, he
needed a formula relating the side of a 2N -gon, denoted by m with that of a N -gon, denoted
by M . Using the Pythagorean theorem for triangle BH C and for triangle OAH , he derived the
O r
AB = M
AC = m
OA = r
(a) (b)
Figure 4.21: Liu Hui’s method for determining ⇡ based on the area of inscribed polygons with N and
2N sides.
following equation (see figure, illustrated with N D 6, AB is the side of the N -gon and BC is
the side of the 2N -gon both inscribed in the circle of radius r), noting that H C D r OH and
OH 2 C .M=2/2 D r 2 :
q 0 s 12
✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆2
mD C @r r2 A
2 2
Now, he calculated the area of a N gon approximately as the sum of the areas of all triangles
making the polygon: ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1 1
AN ⇡ N ⇥ Mr ⇡ N ⇥ M (4.3.6)
2 2
Now come the complete algorithm: we start with N D 6 (hexagon), thus M D 1 (as r D 1).
Then, we do:
✏ next iteration: M D m, N D 2N
If we repeat this algorithm four times i.e., using 46-gon and 98-gon, we get this approximation
for ⇡: 3:14103195 < ⇡ < 3:14271370. And the Chinese astronomer and mathematician Zu
Chongzhi (429–500 AD) got 3:141592619365 < ⇡ < 3:141592722039 with 12288-gon, a
record which would not be surpassed for 1200 years. Even by 1600 in Europe, the Dutch mathe-
matician Adriaan Anthonisz and his son obtained ⇡ value of 3:1415929, accurate only to 7 digits.
Ramanujan’s pi formula. Srinivasa Ramanujan (22 December 1887 – 26 April 1920) was an
Indian mathematician who lived during the British Rule in India.
Albeit without any formal training in pure mathematics, he has made
substantial contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infi-
nite series, and continued fractions, including solutions to mathematical
problems then considered unsolvable. Ramanujan initially developed his
own mathematical research in isolation: according to Hans Eysenck, a
German-born British psychologist : "He tried to interest the leading pro-
fessional mathematicians in his work, but failed for the most part. What
he had to show them was too novel, too unfamiliar, and additionally
presented in unusual ways; they could not be bothered". Seeking math-
ematicians who could better understand his work, in 1913 he began a
postal correspondence with the English mathematician Godfrey Hardy at
the University of Cambridge. Recognizing Ramanujan’s work as extraor-
dinary, Hardy arranged for him to travel to Cambridge.
Ramanujan gave us, among many other amazing formula, the following formula for 1=⇡
p 1
1 2 2 X .4k/ä .1103 C 26390k/
D (4.3.7)
⇡ 9801 .kä/4 3964k
With only one term, we get ⇡ D 3:1415926535897936! I do not know the derivation of it. But
it is certain that it did not come from the method of ancient mathematicians which relied on
geometry. Ramanujan had in his hands the power of 20th century mathematics. To know more
about Ramanujan, I recommend the 2015 British biographical drama film ’The Man Who Knew
Infinity’. The movie is based on the 1991 book of the same name by Robert Kanigel.
fractional to conform to the law which holds when n is a positive integer, similarly the
whole of my investigations proceed on giving a meaning to Eulerian Second Integral
for all values of n . MyRfriends who have gone through the regular course of University
education tell me that 0 x n 1 e x dx D .n/ is true only when n is positive. They
say that this integral relation is not true when is negative. Supposing this is true only for
positive values of n and also supposing the definition n .n/ D .nC1/ to be universally
true, I have given meanings to these integrals and under the conditions I state the integral
is true for all values of n negative and fractional. My whole investigations are based upon
this and I have been developing this to a remarkable extent so much so that the local
mathematicians are not able to understand me in my higher flights.
Very recently I came across a tract published by you styled Orders of Infinity in page
36 of which I find a statement that no definite expression has been as yet found for
the number of prime numbers less than any given number. I have found an expression
which very nearly approximates to the real result, the error being negligible. I would
request you to go through the enclosed papers. Being poor, if you are convinced that
there is anything of value I would like to have my theorems published. I have not given
the actual investigations nor the expressions that I get but I have indicated the lines on
which I proceed. Being inexperienced I would very highly value any advice you give me.
Requesting to be excused for the trouble I give you.
I remain, Dear Sir, Yours truly, S. Ramanujan
Figure 4.22
The method of working out the volume of a cylinder of height h and radius r is the same:
chopping it by vertical thin slices. Each slice is a thin cuboid of height h and base area Ai . The
volume of the cylinder is the total volume of all Pthe cuboids. As the number of slices gets larger,
the area of the bases of these rectangles (e.g. i Ai ) approaches the area of the base of the
cylinder, which is ⇡ r 2 . Thus, the volume of the cylinder is ⇡ r 2 h: base area multiplied with the
height (Fig. 4.23).
Figure 4.24
So far so good. The next problem of ancient mathematicians was to determine the volume
of pyramid, cone and sphere (Fig. 4.24). Their arguments to find these volumes are fascinating.
Volume of a pyramid. The pyramid can be seens as a triangle, so to get its volume we can
go back to how the area of a triangle was computed. We put a triangle in a rectangular case
(Fig. 4.14), and asked how much space of the case the triangle takes up? It turns out that it takes
up one half the area of the rectangle. Now, we do the same thing: we put a pyramid inside a
case which is a cuboid and we guess the pyramid’s volume is a constant times the volume of the
cuboid. And we know the volume of the cuboid. What should be the constant? Is it 1=2? No, it
is 3D, the constant is 1=3. Thus, the volume of a pyramid of base A and height h is 1=3Ah. But
it is not a proof!
= 0.5a(a/2)
a h
a/2 a/2 h
a a a a
(a) (b)
Let’s get back to 2D and we start with a square of sides a. Its area is a2 . Drawing two
diagonals and we get four equal triangles, each has an area of a2 =4 (Fig. 4.25). Thus, if the
triangle has a base a and a height a=2, its area is 1=2.a=2/.a/. What if the height is not a=2?
Does the formula still work? Yes, we did that in Fig. 4.14. Thus, if the height is a then the area
is 0:5a2 , that is twice the old area. What we’re seeing is that: if we dilate the triangle in the
vertical direction by a factor ˛, the new area would be ˛ times the old one. Finally, we want a
general triangle (as shown in the right most figure): the area is still 0:5bh. What does it tell us?
It indicates that shearing a shape does not change its area (Fig. 4.26).
Figure 4.26: Shearing a shape does not change its area: easy to see for rectangles/squares. For a general
shape, think of it as made of many many tiny squares. When we shear it each square does not change
area, thus the area of the shape, which is the total area of all the squares, does not change. What a nice
argument! This can be also proved using linear algebra, particularly linear transformation and determinant.
See Chapter 11.
Volume of a cone. A cone looks similar to a pyramid, so is it volumes also 1=3Ah? It is. How to
prove it? Use the volume of a pyramid. A cone is made of many many pyramids whose the bases
making up the base of the cone. All these pyramids have the same height,P h. Thus each
P pyramid
has a volume of =3Ai h. And the total volume of these pyramids is =3h Ai , but Ai D A,
1 1
the base of the cone. This is exactly the strategy used to get the volume of a cylinder (Fig. 4.23).
results in a better estimation of the area. And when the number of slices goes to infinity (or
approaches) the total area of all the slices is exactly the area under the curve.
Figure 4.28: Approximating the area under the curve y D f .x/ by many thin rectangles.
To make the above statement more precise, let’s call n the number of slices, and An the
total area of n slices. We start with 1 slice, then 2 slices, 3 slices, etc. up to infinity. Thus, we
get a sequence .An / D fA1 ; A2 ; : : : ; An g. If A is the area under the curve, then this sequence
approaches A when n approaches infinity. So, we define A to be the limit of the area sequence
.An /:
A WD lim An (4.3.8)
What we need to do now is to compute An . Luckily that’ simple and it should be because it is
our choice to make this chop! For simplicity, assume that these rectangles have the same base
x D .b a/=n (Fig. 4.29). That is we place n C 1 equally spaced points x0 ; x1 ; : : : over the
interval Œa; bç, we have then n sub-intervals Œxi ; xi C1 ç. Actually we have two ways to build the
slices: one way is to use the left point xi é of Œxi ; xi C1 ç (similar to an inscribed polygon in a
circle); the second way is to use the right point xi C1 (similar to circumscribed polygon). The
area A is now written as:
Z Z !
n 1 X
n b b
A WD lim xf .xi / WD lim xf .xi / D f .x/dx D dA (4.3.9)
n!1 n!1 a a
i D0 i D1
The notation was introduced by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to represent the long S (for sum)||
The function f .x/ under the integral sign is called the integrand. The points a and b are called
the limits of integration and Œa; bç is called the interval of integration. The modern notation for
the definite integral, with limits above and below the integral sign (a and b), was first used by
Joseph Fourier in Mémoires of the French Academy around 1819–20. The red sum is called the
Riemann sum named after nineteenth century German mathematician Bernhard Riemann.
y y
f (x) f (x)
x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x
Figure 4.29: The area of the region bounded by the curve y D f .x/ and y D 0 and x D a and x D b:
computed by chopping that region into an infinite number of thin slices. The interval Œa; bç is divided into
n sub-intervals Œxi ; xi C1 ç where xi D a C i.b a/=n, i D 0; 1; : : : ; n. We can either use the left point
(left figure) or the right point of the sub-intervals to define the height of one slice. And of course, we can
also pick any point inside a sub-interval to define the slice height.
x D b=n, xi D ib=n):
Z b X n ✓ ◆
2 ib 2 b
x dx D lim (definition)
0 n!1
i D1
n n
1 X 2
D b lim 3 i (algebra)
n!1 n
i D1
n.n C 1/.2n C 1/ P
D b 3 lim 3
( niD1 i 2 in Eq. (2.5.13))
n!1 6n
✓ ◆
1 1 1 b3
D b lim C C 2 D
n!1 3 2n 6n 3
The red terms vanish when n approaches infinity; they are infinitely small. The result before
going to limit is quite messy (many terms), but in the limit, a simple result of b 3 =3 was obtained.
This is similar to how ancient mathematicians found the area of the circle (Fig. 4.19). By the
way, the red terms account for those small triangles above the curve (the right figure in Fig. 4.29).
If b D 1, the area is 1=3 which agrees with Archimedes’ finding.
Let’s do another integral for y D x 3 , and hope that we can see a pattern for y D x p with p
being a positive integer (because we do not want to repeat this ‘boring’ procedure for y D x 4 ,
y D x 5 etc.; mathematics would be less interesting then):
Z b X n ✓ ◆
b4 X 3
3 ib 3 b b 4 n4 C 2n3 C n2 b4
x dx D lim D lim 4 i D lim 4
D (4.3.10)
0 n!1
i D1
n n n!1 n
i D1
n!1 4 n 4
Pn 3
and we have used Eq. (2.5.12) to compute i D1 i . We are seeing a pattern here, and thus for
any positive integer p, we have the following results
Z b Z a Z b
p b 1Cp p a1Cp b 1Cp a1Cp
x dx D H) x dx D H) x p dx D (4.3.11)
0 1Cp 0 1Cp a 1Cp 1Cp
which is based on Eq. (2.5.14).
Next step is to do integration for y D x 1=m . As we know the integral of y D x m –the
inverse of y D x 1=m , and the sum of these two areas is known, see ??, it is possible to compute
R b 1=m Rb
0 x dx. That sum is b ⇥ b m D b 1Cm , and one area is 0 x m dx D b1Cm=1Cm, and the other
R bm
area is 0 v 1=m dv. So, we have
Z b Z bm Z bm
1Cm m 1=m m
b D x dx C v dv H) v 1=m dv D b 1Cm
0 0 0 1 C m
R b 1=m
So, we’re able to compute 0 x dx:
Z b
x 1=m dx D b 1=mC1 ; .m ¤ 1/ (4.3.12)
0 1 C m
One way to be sure is to use m D 2, b D 1 and ?? to check the new result. Obviously the integral
of the hyperbola y D 1=x (m D 1) cannot be computed using Eq. (4.3.12) as it involves the
non-sense 1=0.
Z b Z c Z b
f .x/dx D
f .x/dx C f .x/dx
Z a
a a
Z c c
Z a
f .x/dx D 0 H) f .x/dx D f .x/dx
Z b Z b Z b
a a c
Œ˛f .x/ C ˇg.x/çdx D ˛ f .x/dx C ˇ g.x/dx
Z b
a a a
The first rule means that we can split the integration interval into sub-intervals and do the
integration over the sub-intervals and sum them up. The second rule indicates that if we reverse
the integration limits, the sign of the integral change. The third rule is actually a combination of
Rb Rb Rb Rb Rb
two rules: a ˛f .x/dx D ˛ a f .x/dx and a Œf .x/ C g.x/çdx D a f .x/dx C a g.x/dx.
The fourth means that if the integrand is positive within an interval, then over this interval the
integral is positive.
y y
f (x) > 0
Z c Z b Z b
f (x)dx f (x)dx f (x)dx > 0
a c a
x x
a c b a b
Z b Z b Z b
if h.x/ f .x/ g.x/ .a x b/ H) h.x/dx f .x/dx g.x/dx
a a a
One application of Eq. (4.3.14) is to prove sin x x:
Z x Z x
cos t 1 H) cos dt dt H) sin x x (4.3.15)
0 0
I have used two notations f .u/du and f .t/dt to illustrate that u or t can be thought of dummy
variables; any variable (not x) can be used.
That’s all we can do with integral calculus, for now. We are even not able to compute the
area of a circle using the integral! We need the other part of calculus–differential calculus, which
is the topic of the next section.
Before presenting Fermat’s solution, let’s solve it the easy way: M.x/ is a concave parabola
with an inverted bowl shape thus it has a highest point. We can rewrite M in the following form
✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆2 ⇣ a ⌘2
a a
M D x H) M (4.4.2)
4 4 4
thus M is maximum when the red term vanishes or when x D a=4 . Thus y D a=4, and a square
has the largest area among all rectangles with a given perimeter. One thing to notice herein is
that this algebraic way is working only for this particular problem. We need something more
powerful which can be, hopefully, applicable to all optimization problems, not just Eq. (4.4.1).
Fermat’s reasoning was that: if x is the one that renders M maximum, then adding a small
number ✏ to x would not change M éé . This gives us the equation M.x C ✏/ D M.x/, and with
Eq. (4.4.1), we get:
a.x C ✏/ ax
.x C ✏/2 D x2 (4.4.3)
2 2
which leads to another equation, by dividing the above equation by ✏ (this can be done because
✏ ¤ 0):
2x C ✏ D 0 (4.4.4)
Then, he used ✏ D 0, to get x
a a
2x D 0 H) x D (4.4.5)
2 4
To someone who knows calculus, it is easy to recognize that Eq. (4.4.5) is exactly M 0 .x/ D 0 in
our modern notation, where M 0 .x/ is the first derivative of M.x/. Thus Fermat was very close
to the discovery of the derivative concept.
It is important to clearly understand what Fermat did in the above process. First, he
introduced a quantity ✏ which is initially non-zero. Second, he manipulated this ✏ as if it is an
ordinary number. Finally, he set it to zero. So, this ✏ is something and nothing simultaneously!
Newton and Leibniz’s derivative, also based on similar procedures, thus lacks a rigorous founda-
tion for 150 years until Cauchy and Weierstrass introduced the concept of limit (Section 4.10).
But Fermat’s solution is correct!
this general isoperimetric problem as we do not know the function f .x/. Solving this requires
a new kind of mathematics known as variational calculus developed in the 17th century by
the likes of Euler, Bernoulli brothers, and Lagrange. See Chapter 10 for details on variational
As we’re at optimization problems, let me introduce another optimization problem in the
next section. This is to demonstrate that optimization problems are everywhere. We shall see
that not only we try to optimize things (maximize income, minimize cost and so on) but so does
Before presenting Heron’s smart solution, assume that we know calculus, then this problem
is simply an exercise of differential calculus. We express the distance jAC j C jCBj as a function
of x–the position of point C that we’re after, then calculate f 0 .x/ and set it to zero. That’s it.
The derivative of the distance function is (Fig. 4.31)
x c x
f 0 .x/ D p p
a2 C x 2 b 2 C .c x/2
Thus, setting the derivative to zero gives
a b
f 0 .x/ D 0 W H) xb D .c x/a H) D (4.4.6)
x c x
What is this result saying? It is exactly the law of light reflection if we see the problem as light
is moving from A, reflected on a surface at C and goes to B: angle of incidence (i.e., a=x ) equals
angle of reflection, which was discovered by Euclid some 300 years earlier.
So what is exactly what Heron achieved? He basically demonstrated that reflected light
takes the shortest path—or the shortest time, assuming light has a finite speed. Why is this a
significant achievement? Because this was the first evidence showing that our universe is lazy.
When it does something it always selects its way so that a certain quantity (e.g. time, distance,
energy, action) is minimum. Think about it for a while then you would be fascinated by this
idea. As a human being, we do something in many ways and from these trials we select the
best (optimal) way. Does nature do the same thing? It seems not. Then, why it knows to select
the best way? To know more about this topic, I recommend the book The lazy universe by
Coopersmith [10]é .
Heron’s proof of the shortest distance problem. Referring to Fig. 4.32, Heron created a new
point B 0 which is the reflection of point B through the horizontal line. Then, the solution is the
intersection of the line AB 0 and the horizontal line. An elegant solution, no question. But it lacks
generality. On the other hand, the calculus-based solution is universally applicable to almost
any optimization problem and it does not require the user to be a genius. With calculus, things
become routine.
But wait, how did Heron know to create point B’? Inspiration, experience, trial and error,
dumb luck. That’s the art of mathematics, creating these beautiful little poems of thought, the
sonnets of pure reason.
Algebra vs geometry. This problem illustrates the differences between algebra and geometry.
Geometry is intuitive and visual. It appeals to the right side of the brain. With geometry,
beginning an argument requires strokes of genius (like drawing the point B’). On the other
hand, algebra is mechanical and systematic. Algebra is left-brained.
Proof of reflection property of ellipse. The reflective property of an ellipse is simply this: A ray
of light starting at one focus will bounce off the ellipse and go through the other focus. Referring
to Fig. 4.33, we need to prove that a light starts from F1 coming to P , bounces off the ellipse
and gets reflected to F2 . For the proof, we draw a tangent to the ellipse at P . On this tangent
we consider an arbitrary point Q, different from P . Now we show that the distance from Q to
the foci are larger than 2a (to be done shortly). Thus, P is the point that minimizes the distance
from a point on the tangent to the two foci. From the result of Heron’s shortest distance property,
P is the point such that the two shaded angles are equal. Therefore a ray leaves F1 and meets
P , it will reflect off the ellipse and pass through F2 .
You can also watch this youtube video.
Proof of the fact that the distance from Q to the foci are larger than 2a.
F1 Q C F2 Q D .F1 M C MQ/ C F2 Q
D F1 M C .MQ C F2 Q/
> F1 M C F2 M (for a triangle sum of two sides is > the remaining side)
planets moved non-uniformly around their ellipses with the Sun as focus, sometimes hesitating
far from the Sun, sometimes accelerating near the Sun. Likewise, Galileo’s projectiles moved at
ever-changing speeds on their parabolic arcs. They slowed down as they climbed, paused at the
top, then sped up as they fell back to earth. The same was true for pendulums. And a car which
travels 30 miles in an hour does not travel at a speed of 30 miles an hour. If its owner lives in a
big town, the car travels slowly while it is getting out of the town, and makes up for it by doing
50 on the arterial road in the country.
How could one quantify motions in which speed changed from moment to moment? It was
the task that Newton set out for himself. And to answer that question he invented calculus. We
are trying here to reproduce his work. We use Galileo’s experiment of ball rolling down an
inclined plane (Table 4.3 from s D t 2 ) and seek out to find the ball speed at any time instant, the
notation for that is v.t/, where v is for velocity.
time [second] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
distance [feet] 0 1 4 9 16 25 36
Let us first try to find out how fast the ball is going after one second. First of all, it is easy to
see that the ball continually goes faster and faster. In the first second it goes only 1 foot ; in the
next second 3 feet; in the third second 5 feet, and so on. As the average speed during the first
second is 1 foot per second, the speed of the ball at 1 second must be larger than that. Similarly,
the average speed during the second second is 3 feet per second, thus the speed of the ball at 1
second must be smaller than that. So, we know 1 < v.1/ < 3.
Can we do better? Yes, if we have a table similar to Table 4.3 but with many many more data
points not at whole seconds. For example, if we consider 0.9 s, 1 s and 1.1 s (Table 4.4), we can
get 1:9 < v.1/ < 2:1. And if we consider 0.99 s, 1 s and 1.01 s, we get 1:99 < v.1/ < 2:01.
And if we take thousandth of a second, we find the speed lies between 1.999 and 2.001. And if
we keep refining the time interval, we find that the only speed satisfying this is 2 feet per second.
Doing the same thing, we find the speed at whole seconds in Table 4.5. If s D t 2 , then v D 2t.
Table 4.4: Galileo experiment of ball rolling down an inclined plane with time increments of 0.1 s.
So the speed at any moment will not differ very much from the average speed during the
previous tenth of a second. It will differ even less from the average speed for the previous
thousandth of a second. In other words, if we take the average speed for smaller and smaller
lengths of time, we shall get nearer and nearer — as near as we like — to the true speed.
Therefore, the instantaneous speed i.e., the speed at a time instant is defined as the value that the
sequence of average speeds approaches when the time interval approaches zero. We show this
Table 4.5: Galileo experiment of ball rolling down an inclined plane: instantaneous speed.
time [second] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
speed [feet/s] 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
sequence of average speeds in Table 4.6 at the time instant t0 D 2s. Note that this table presents
not only the average speeds from the time instances t0 C h and t0 , but also from t0 h and t0 .
And both sequences converge to the same speed of 4, which is physically reasonable. Later on,
we know that these correspond to the right and left limits.
Table 4.6: Limit of average speeds when the time interval h is shrunk to zero.
10 1
4.100000000000 3.900000000000
10 2
4.010000000000 3.990000000000
10 3
4.001000000000 3.998999999999
10 4
4.000100000008 3.999900000000
10 5
4.000010000027 3.999990000025
10 6
4.000001000648 3.999998999582
But saying ‘the value that the sequence of average speeds approaches when the time interval
approaches zero’ is verbose, we have a symbol for that, discussed in Section 2.20. Yes, that
value (i.e., the instantaneous speed) is the limit of the average speeds when the time interval
approaches zero. Thus, the instantaneous speed is defined succinctly as
instantaneous speed s 0 .t/ or sP ⌘ lim (4.4.8)
t!0 t
where, we recall, the notation s is used to indicate a change in s; herein it indicates the distance
traveled during t. And we use the symbol s 0 .t/ to denote this instantaneous speed and call it the
derivative of s.t/. Newton’s notation for this derivative is sP , and it is still being used especially
in physics. This instantaneous speed is the number that the speedometer of your car measures.
f .x0 C x/ f .x0 / f
f 0 .x0 / D lim D lim (4.4.9)
x!0 x x!0 x
In words, the derivative f 0 .x0 / is the limit of the ratio of change of f (denoted by f ) and
change of x (denoted by x) when x approaches zero. The term f = x is called a difference
Instead of focusing on a specific value x0 , we can determine the derivative of f .x/ at an
arbitrary point x, which is denoted by f 0 .x/. For an x we have a corresponding number f 0 .x/,
thus f 0 .x/ is a function in itself. Often we use h in place of x because it is shorter. Thus, the
derivative is also written as
f .x C h/ f .x/
f 0 .x/ D lim
h!0 h
Notations for the derivative. There are many notations for the derivative: (1) Newton’s notation
fP, (2) Leibniz’s notation for the derivative dy=dx, and (3) Lagrange’s notation f 0 .x/. Let’s
discuss Lagrange’s notation first as it is easy. Note that given a function y D f .x/, its derivative
is also a function, which Lagrange called a derived function of f .x/. That’s the origin of the
name ‘derivative’ we use today. Lagrange’s notation is short, and thus very convenient.
How about Leibniz’s notation? I emphasize that when Leibniz developed the concept of
derivative, the concept of limit was not availableéé . Leibniz was clear that the derivative was
obtained when f and x were very small, thus he used df and dx, which he called the
infinitesimals (infinitely small quantities) or differentials. An infinitesimal is a hazy thing. It
is supposed to be the tiniest number we can possibly imagine that isn’t actually zero. In other
words, an infinitesimal is smaller than everything but greater than nothing (0). On the other
hand, the notation dy=dx has these advantages: (i) it reminds us that the derivative is the rate of
change y= x when x ! 0 (the d s remind us of the limit process), (ii) it reveals the unit of
the derivative immediately as it is written as a ratio while f 0 .x/ is not. But, the major advantage
is that we can use the differentials dy and dx separately and perform algebraic operations on
them just like ordinary numbers.
Now we can see why the change consists of three parts of different sizes. The small but dominant
part is 12 x D 12.:001/ D :012. The remaining parts 6. x/2 and . x/3 account for the super-
small .000006 and the super-super-small .000000001. The more factors of x there are in a part,
the smaller it is. That’s why the parts are graded in size. Every additional multiplication by the
tiny factor x makes a small part even smaller.
Now come the power of Leibniz’s notation dx and dy. In Eq. (4.4.10), if we replace x by
dx and call dy the change due to dx, and of course we neglect the super and super-super small
parts (i.e., .dx/2 and .dx/3 ), then we have a nice formula:
Differential operator. Yet another notation for the derivative of y D f .x/ at x0 is:
d ˇ f .x0 C h/ f .x0 /
f .x/ˇˇ D lim
dx xDx0 h!0 h
better aesthetically (not objective) for functions of which expression is lengthy. Compare the
following two notations and decide for yourself:
✓ 2 ◆0 ✓ 2 ◆
x C 3x C 5 d x C 3x C 5
p ; p
x 3 3x C 1 dx x 3 3x C 1
Later on, we shall see that mathematicians consider this operator as a legitimate mathematical
object and study its behavior. That is, they remove the functions out of the picture and think of
the differentiation process (differentiation is the process of finding the derivative).
Nonstandard analysis. The history of calculus is fraught with philosophical debates about the
meaning and logical validity of fluxions and infinitesimals. The standard way to resolve these
debates is to define the operations of calculus using the limit concept rather than infinitesimals.
And that resulted in the so-called real analysis. On the other hand, in 1960, Abraham Robinsonéé
developed nonstandard analysis that reformulates the calculus using a logically rigorous notion
of infinitesimal numbers. This is beyond the scope of the book and my capacity as I cannot
afford to learn another kind of number–known as the hyperreals (too many already!).
Figure 4.34: The derivative of a function y D f .x/ is the slope of the tangent to the curve at x.
We now understand the concept of the derivative of a function, algebraically and geometri-
cally. Now, it is the time to actually compute the derivative of functions that we know: polyno-
mials, trigonometric, exponential etc.
The algebra was simple but there are some points worthy of further discussion. First, if we used
h D 0 in the difference quotient 2x0 hCh2=h we would get this form 0=0–which is mathematically
meaningless. This is so because to get the derivative which is a rate of change at least we should
allow h to be different from zero (so that some change is happening). That’s why the derivative
was not defined as the difference quotient when h D 0. Instead, it is defined as the limit of this
quotient when h approaches zero. Think of the instantaneous speed (Table 4.6), and thing is
As always, it is good to try to have a geometric interpretation. What we are looking for is
what is the change of x 2 if there is a tiny change in x. We think of x 2 immediately as the area of
a square of side x (Fig. 4.35). Then, a tiny change dx leads to a change in area of 2xdx, because
the change .dx/2 is so so small that it can be neglected.
So, it’s up to you to like the limit approach or the infinitesimal one. If you prefer rigor then
using limit is the way to go. But if you just do not care what is the meaning of infinitesimals
(whether they exist for example), then use dx and dy freely like Leibniz, Euler, and many
seventeenth century mathematicians did. And the results are the same!
dx xdx (dx)
x x2
x x2 xdx
x dx x dx
Figure 4.35: Geometric derivation of the derivative of x 2 . The change .dx/2 is super small compared
with 2xdx and thus it will approach zero when dx is approaching zero.
.x n /0 D nx n 1
How about the derivative when n is negative? Let’s start with f .x/ D x 1
D 1=x. Using
the definition, we can compute its derivative as
1 1
✓ ◆0
1 1 1
D lim x C h x D lim D
x h!0 h h!0 x.x C h/ x2
Let’s see if we can have a geometry based derivation. We plot
the function 1=x and pick two points close to each other: one
point is .x; 1=x/ and the other point is .x C dx; 1=.x C dx//. As
the areas of the two rectangles are equal (equal 1), the areas of
the two rectangle strips (those are hatched) must be equal. So we
can write
✓ ◆
1 dy 1
. dy/.x/ D .dx/ H) x 2 dy D dx H) D
x C dx dx x2
In the algebra, we removed the term x.dy/.dx/ as super super
small quantity in the same manner discussed in Section 4.4.5é . Note that there is a minus sign
before dy because dy is negative. What we just got means that the formula in Eq. (4.4.14) (i.e.,
.x n /0 D nx n 1 ) still holds for negative powers at least for n D 1.
If you need a proof so that you can have a good sleep at night, then follow Eq. (4.4.13) and use the binomial
This is to demonstrate that we can use dx and dy as ordinary numbers. But keep in mind that all of this works
because of properties of limit.
Now, we compute the derivative of the square root function i.e., x. We assume that (once
again believe in mathematical patterns) Eq. (4.4.14) still applies for fractional exponents, so we
write ✓ ◆0
p 0 1=2 1 1
. x/ D x D x 1=2 D p (4.4.15)
2 2 x
Let’s try if we can get the same resultpby geometry. As x is the inverse of x 2 , we use area
p We consider a square of side x, its area is thus x. We consider a change in the side
d. x/, and see how the square area changes, see Fig. 4.36.
p p p
d( x) xd( x)
p p p
x x xd( x)
p p
x d( x)
Figure 4.36: Geometric derivation of the derivative of x.
We need the following limits (proof of the first will be given shortly, for the second limit, check
Eq. (3.10.3)) ✓ ◆
cos h 1 sin h
lim D 0; lim D1 (4.4.17)
h!0 h h!0 h
which leads to
.sin x/0 D cos x (4.4.18)
We can do the same thing to get the derivative of cosine. But we can also use trigonometric
identities and the chain rule (to be discussed next) to obtain the cosine derivative:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
0d ⇡ ⇡
.cos x/ D sin x D cos x D sin x (4.4.19)
dx 2 2
A geometric derivation of the derivative of sin x, shown in Fig. 4.37, is easier and without
requiring the two limits in Eq. (4.4.17).
tangent to circle at A
sin x C A
x C B
x x
O cos x
Figure 4.37: Geometric derivation of the derivative of the sine/cosine functions by considering a unit
circle and point A with coordinates .cos x; sin x/. For a small variation in angle dx, we have AC D dx
and AC ? OA because AC is tangential to the circle. Then, d.sin x/ D AB D dx cos x from the right
triangle ABC . Note that angles are in radians. If it is not the case, AC D .⇡dx=180/, and the derivative
of sin x would be .⇡=180/ cos x.
Proof. Herein, we prove that the limit of cos h 1=h equals zero. The proof is based on the limit of
sin h=h and a bit of algebra:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
cos h 1 sin2 h sin h sin h 0
lim D lim D lim lim D1⇥
h!0 h h!0 h.1 C cos h/ h!0 h h!0 .1 C cos h/ 2
rithm functions (to be discussed). What about the derivative of x 2 sin x, x 2 3=cos x ? For them, we
need to use the rules of differentiation. With these rules, only derivatives of elementary functions
are needed, derivative of other functions (inverse functions, composite functions) are calculated
using these rules. They are first summarized in what follows for easy reference (a; b 2 R)
Among these rules the chain rule is the hardest (and left to the next section), other rules are quite
easy. The function y D a is called a constant function for y D a for all x. Obviously we cannot
have change with this boring function, thus its derivative is zero.
If we follow Eq. (4.4.13) we can see that the derivative of 3x 2 is 3.2x/. A bit of thinking will
convince us that the derivative of af .x/ is af 0 .x/, which can be verified using the definition of
derivative, Eq. (4.4.9). Again, following the steps in Eq. (4.4.13), the derivative of x 3 C x 4 is
3x 2 C 4x 3 , and this leads to the derivative of f .x/ C g.x/ is f 0 .x/ C g 0 .x/: the derivative of
the sum of two functions is the sum of the derivatives. This can be verified using the definition of
derivative, Eq. (4.4.9). Now, af .x/ is a function and bg.x/ is a function, thus the derivative of
af .x/ C bg.x/ is .af .x//0 C .bg.x//0 , which is af 0 .x/ C bg 0 .x/. And this is our first ruleéé .
The sum rule says that the derivative of the sum of two func- f dg df dg ⇡ 0
tions is the sum of the derivatives. Thus Leibniz believed that the dg
derivative of the product of two functions is the product of the
derivatives. It took him no time (with an easy example, let say
x 3 .2x C3/) to figure out that his guess was wrong, and eventually g fg gdf
he came up with the correct rule. The proof of the product rule
is given in the beside figure. The idea is to consider a rectangle
of sides f and g with an area of fg. (Thus implicitly this proof
f df
applies to positive functions only). Now assume that we have an
infinitesimal change dx, which results in a change in f , denoted by df D f 0 .x/dx and a
Note that this rule covers many special cases. For example, taking a D 1, b D 1, we have Œf .x/
g.x/ç0 D f 0 .x/ g 0 .x/. Again, subtraction is secondary for we can deal with it via addition. Furthermore, even
though our rule is stated for two functions only, it can be extended to any number of functions. For instance,
Œf .x/ C g.x/ C h.x/ç0 D f 0 .x/ C g 0 .x/ C h0 .x/, this is so because we can see f .x/ C g.x/ as a new function
w.x/, and we can use the sum rule for the two functions w.x/ and h.x/.
change in g, denoted by dg D g 0 .x/dx. We need to compute the change in the area of this
rectangle. It is gdf C f dg C df dg, which is gdf C f dg as .df /.dg/ is minuscule. Thus
the change in the area which is the change in fg is Œgf 0 .x/ C fg 0 .x/çdx. That concludes our
geometric proof.
The proof of the reciprocal rule starts with this function f .x/ ⇥ 1=f .x/ D 1. Applying the
product rule for this constant function, we get
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
0 1 d 1 d 1 f 0 .x/
0 D f .x/ C f .x/ H) D
f .x/ dx f .x/ dx f .x/ f 2 .x/
The quotient rule is obtained from the product rule and the reciprocal rule as shown in
Eq. (4.4.21)
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
d f d 1
D f
dx g dx g
✓ ◆
df 1 d 1
D Cf (4.4.21)
dx g dx g
✓ ◆
df 1 dg=dx f 0 g fg 0
D f D
dx g g2 g2
1 df 1 df
xDf .f .x// H) 1 D
dy dx
dx 1
D (4.4.23)
dy dy=dx
Let’s check this rule with y D x 2 and x D y. We compute dx=dy using Eq. (4.4.23):
dx=dy D 1=.dy=dx/ D 1=.2x/ D 1=.2 y/. And this result is identical to the derivative of
x D y.
sin x arcsin x p 1
1 x2
cos x arccos x p 1
1 x2
tan x arctan x 1Cx 2
cot x arccot x 1Cx 2
We present the proof of the derivative of arcsin x. Write y D sin x, then we have dy=dx D
cos x. The inverse function is x D arcsin y. Using the rule of the derivative of inverse function:
dx 1 1 1
D D Dp (4.4.24)
dy dy=dx cos x 1 y2
where in the final step we have converted from x to y aspdx=dy is a function of y. Now consid-
ering the function y D arcsin x, we have dy=dx D 1= 1 x 2 . Proofs of other trigonometric
inverses follow.
1 2 2
2 4 4
3 8 8
4 16 16
0.1 0.7177346253629313
0.01 0.6955550056718884
0.001 0.6933874625807412
0.00001 0.6931495828199629
0.000001 0.6931474207938493
So, the derivative of 2t is 2t multiplied by a constant. We can generalize this result as there
is nothing special about number 2. For the exponent function y D at , its derivative is given by /
D kat (4.4.25)
where k is a constant. To find its value, we compute k for a few cases of a D 2; 3; 4; 6; 8 to
find a pattern. The results are given in Table 4.10. If this k can be expressed as a function of a,
f .a/, then we have f .4/ D f .22 / D 2f .2/, and f .8/ D f .23 / D 3f .2/. What function has
this property? A logarithm! But logarithm of which base, we do not know yet.
Instead of finding k, we can turn the problem around and ask if there exists an exponential
function such that its derivative is itself. In other words, k D 1. From Table 4.10, we guess that
there exists a number c within Œ2; 3ç that the derivative of c x is c x . It turns out that this function
adt 1
Table 4.10: .at /0 D kat , to find k: dt
with dt D 10 7.
is f .t / D e t , where e is the Euler number (its value is approximately 2.78) that we have found
in the context of continuously compounding interest (Section 2.27). Indeed,
d.e t / t e dt 1
D e lim D et (4.4.26)
dt dt !0 dt
Because e is defined as a number that satisfies the following limit
e dt 1
lim D1 (4.4.27)
dt !0 dt
You can see where this definition of e comes from by looking at Eq. (2.23.5) (in the context that
Briggs calculated his famous logarithm tables). It can be shown that this definition is equivalent
to the definition of e as the rate of continuously compound interest:
✓ ◆1=dt ✓ ◆
1 n
e D lim 1 C dt D lim 1 C (4.4.28)
dt !0 n!1 n
which is exactly Eq. (2.27.1).
Now, we can find the constant k in Eq. (4.4.25), k D ln a where ln x is the natural logarithm
function of base e, which is the inverse function of e x (we will discuss about ln x in the next
section) /
D ln aat (4.4.29)
Proof. The proof of the derivative of at is simple. Since we know the derivative of e x , we write
ax in terms of e x . So, we write a D e ln a , thus
dat d.e .ln a/t /
at D e .ln a/t H) D D ln ae .ln a/t D ln aat
dt dt
where we have used the chain rule of differentiation. ⌅
Are there other functions of which derivatives are the functions themselves? No, the only
function that has this property is y D ce x . The function y D e x is the only function of which
the derivative and integral are itself. To it, there is a joke that goes like this.
An insane mathematician gets on a bus and starts threatening everybody: "I’ll
integrate you! I’ll differentiate you!!!" Everybody gets scared and runs away. Only
one lady stays. The guy comes up to her and says: "Aren’t you scared, I’ll integrate
you, I’ll differentiate you!!!" The lady calmly answers: "No, I am not scared, I am
e x ."
Anything special from this table? Ah yes. In the first row we have a geometric progression
2; 4; 8; 16, and in the second row we have an arithmetic progression (indicated by a constant
f .x/ in the last row). Which function has this property? A logarithm!é If not clear, you might
need to check Table 2.16 again. You can check from the values in the table that
Z 2 Z 4 Z 8
f .8/ D f .4 ⇥ 2/ D f .4/ C f .2/; du=u D du=u D du=u
1 2 4
How we are going to prove this? Well, it depends on what tools you want to use. If you assume
that you know already the chain rule, then a simple substitution would prove that the two integrals
in Eq. (4.4.31) are equal. If you assume you were in the 16th century, then the proof would be a
R ˛b
bit harder. You can use the definition of the integral, Eq. (4.3.9), for ˛a du=u and see that ˛ will
be canceled out, and thus that integral equals a du=u.
f (x) = 1/x
equal areas
a b ↵a ↵b
The boxed formula looks familiar: it is exactly Eq. (2.27.1) that defines e. So, y is nothing but e.
Thus, mathematicians define the natural logarithm function y D ln x as:
Z x
ln x WD du=u (4.4.32)
In 1668 Nicolaus Mercator published Logarithmotechnia where he used the term "natural loga-
rithm" for the first time for logarithms to base e. Before that this logarithm was called hyperbolic
logarithm as it comes from the area of a hyperbola. The geometric meaning of e is given in
Fig. 4.39, with a comparison with that of ⇡.
Figure 4.39: Geometric meaning of ⇡ and e: the former is related to the area of a circle and the latter to
the area of a hyperbola. Both shapes are conic sections.
And all properties of logarithm (such as ln ab D ln a C ln b), that Napier and Briggs discov-
ered (Section 2.23) in a completely different way, should follow naturally from this definition.
With Fig. 4.40, we can prove ln ab D ln a C ln b as follows:
Z ab Z b Z ab
du du du
ln ab D D C D ln b C ln a (4.4.33)
1 u 1 u b u
R ab Ra
where use was made of Eq. (4.4.31) to convert b
du=u to 1
du=u D ln a.
I defer the discussion on the derivative of logarithm functions to Section 4.4.18. Fig. 4.41
presents the graph of the exponential and logarithm functions. Both are monotonically increasing
functions. This is so because their derivatives are always positive.
Do you believe him? Yes. Because the sine hyperbolic function is defined in terms of the
exponential e x , it is reasonable that its inverse is related to ln x–the inverse of e x . The proof is
ey e y p
x D sinh y D H) .e y /2 .2x/e y 1 D 0 H) e y D x C 1 C x2
Using the identity cosh2 x sinh2 x D 1,
Consider y D 2x, the first derivative is y 0 D 2, and the second derivative is y 00 D 0. Thus, a line
has a zero second derivative. For a parabola y D x 2 , we have y 0 D 2x and y 00 D 2. A parabola
has a constant non-zero second derivative. A line has a constant slope, it does not bend and thus
its second derivative is zero. On the other hand, a parabola has a varying slope, it bends and
therefore the second derivative is non-zero.
The most popular second derivative is probably the acceleration, which is the second deriva-
tive of the position function of a moving object, x.t/: a D xR following Newton’s notation or
a D d 2 x=dt 2 following Leibniz. Equivalently, the acceleration is the derivative of the velocity.
Historically, acceleration was the first second derivative ever. Newton’s laws of motions are
presented in Section 7.10.
Have ever you wondered why mathematicians used the notation d 2 f =dx 2 but not df 2=dx 2 ? In
other words, why the number 2 are treated differently in the numerator and denominator? I do
not have a rigorous answer. But using the notion of acceleration helps. The acceleration is given
d 2x
aD 2
H) correct unit: m/s2
If a was written as a D dx 2=dt 2 , its unit would be (m/s)2 , which is wrong.
Going along this direction, we will have the third derivative e.g. the third derivative of x 3 is
6. And the fourth derivative and so on, usually we denote an n-order derivative of a function
f .x/ by f .n/ .x/. But, wait how about derivatives of non-integer order like d 1=2 f .x/=dx 1=2 ?
That question led to the development of the so-called fractional calculus.
Fractional derivative. Regarding the n-order derivative of a function f .n/ .x/, in a 1695 letter,
l’Hopital asked Leibniz about the possibility that n could be something other than an integer,
such as n D 1=2. Leibniz responded that “It will lead to a paradox, from which one day useful
consequences will be drawn.” Leibniz was correct, but it would not be centuries until it became
clear just how correct he was.
There are two ways to think of f .n/ .x/. The first is the one we all learn in basic calculus:
it’s the function that we obtain when we repeatedly differentiate f n times. The second is more
subtle: we interpret it as an operator whose action on the function f .x/ is determined by the
parameter n. What l’Hopital is asking is what the behavior is of this operator when n is not
an integer. The most natural way to answer this question is to interpret differentiation (and
integration) as transformations that take f and turn it into a new function.
This makes f 0 .x/ the first derivative of f .x/.
That’s all I know about fractional derivative and fractional calculus. I have presented them
here to illustrate the fact that if we break the rules (the order of differentiation is usually a
positive integer) we could make new mathematics.
this particular case, to write y D ˙ 25 x 2 and proceed as usual, it is easy to see that for
other implicit functions e.g. y 5 C xy D 3 it is impossible to solve y in terms of x. Thus, we
need another way known as implicit differentiation that requires no explicit expression of y.x/.
The best way to introduce implicit differentiation is probably to solve the so-called related
rates problems. One such problem is given in Fig. 4.42.
Figure 4.42: One problem on related rates: the balloon is flying up with a constant speed of 3 m/s. While
it is doing so the distance from it to an observer at A, denoted by z, is changing. The question is find
dz=dt when y D 50 m.
We need to relate z.t/ to y.t/, and then differentiate it with respect to time:
dz dy dz y
Œz.t/ç2 D 1002 C Œy.t/ç2 H) 2z D 2y H) D3
dt dt dt z
When the p balloon ispabove the ground 50 m, z D 50 50 m, so at that time, dz=dt D
3.50/=.50 50/ D 3 5=5 m/s. The problem is easy using the chain rule and it is so because
time is present in the problem.
Now we come back to this problem: given x 2 C y 2 D 25, what is dy=dx? We can imagine
a point with coordinate .x.t/; y.t// moving along the circle of radius 5 centered at the origin.
Then, we just do the differentiation w.r.t time:
dx dy dy x
Œx.t /ç2 C Œy.t/ç2 D 25 H) 2x C 2y D 0 H) 2xdx C 2ydy D 0 H) D
dt dt dx y
Is this result correct? If we write y D 25 x 2 (for the upper part of the circle), then dy=dx D
x=y , the same result obtained using implicit differentiation. You can see that dt disappears. We
y D loga x H) x D ay
x4 311x 2
f .x/ D 2x C 6x
4 2
And we compute the first and second derivative of this functionéé :
The graphs of the function f .x/, the first derivative f 0 .x/ and the second derivative f 00 .x/ are
shown in Fig. 4.43. We can see that:
✏ The function is decreasing within the interval in which f 0 .x/ < 0. This makes sense
noting that f 0 .x/ is the rate of change of f .x/–when it is negative the function must be
✏ At point x0 where f 0 .x0 / D 0, the function is not increasing nor decreasing; it is stationary–
the tangent is horizontal. There (x0 D 1; 2; 3), the function is either a local minimum
As the 1st derivative represents the slope of the tangent of the curve, at the minimum or maximum point x0
the slope is horizontal. In other words, at these points, the 1st derivative vanish. Thus, it is natural to consider the
1st derivative of f .x/ to study its maxima and minima. The second derivative is needed when it comes to decide at
x0 the function attains a maximum or a minimum. Think of a bowl (similar to y D x 2 with second derivative of 2),
it has a minimum point (the bottom of the bowl). Now, turn the bowl upside down (y D x 2 , with a negative y 00 ),
this bowl now has a maximum point. It is as simple as that.
Figure 4.43: Graph of a fourth-order polynomial with its first and second derivatives. Drawn with Desmos
or a local maximum. It is only a local minimum or maximum for there are locations
where the functions can get a larger/smaller value. The derivative at a point contains local
information about a function around the point (which makes sense from the very definition
of the derivative);
✏ A stationary point x0 is a local minimum when f 00 .x0 / > 0; the tangent is below the
function, or the curve is concave up. Around that point the curve has the shape of a cup [;
✏ A stationary point x0 is a local maximum when f 00 .x0 / < 0; the tangent is above the
function, or the curve is concave down. Around that point the curve has the shape of a cap
Snell’s law of refraction. We now use the derivative to derive the Snell’s law of refractioné .
This law is a formula used to describe the relationship between the angles of incidence and
refraction, when referring to light (or other waves) passing through a boundary between two
different isotropic media such as water/air. Fermat derived this law in 1673 based on his principle
Named after the Dutch astronomer and mathematician Willebrord Snellius (1580-1626).
of least time. Referring to Fig. 4.44, we compute the time required for the light to go from A to
B: p p
a2 C x 2 b 2 C .d x/2
t D tAO C tOB D C
v1 v2
Calculating the first derivative of t and set it to zero gives us (i.e., the light follows a path that
minimizes the travel time–light is lazy)
x d x sin ˛1 sin ˛2
p Dp ; H) D (4.5.1)
a2 C x2v 1 b 2 C .d x/2 v2 v1 v2
sin ˛1 sin ˛2
D or n1 sin ˛1 D n2 sin ˛2 (4.5.2)
v1 v2
Figure 4.44: Snell’s law of refraction: v1 and v2 are the velocities of light in the medium 1 and 2. As the
velocity is lower in the second medium, the angle of refraction ˛2 is smaller than the angle of incidence
˛1 .
y y
(1 t)f (a) + tf (b)
a b
f [(1 t)a + tb]
a b
(1 t)a + tb
(a) convex function (b) non-convex function
Figure 4.45: Convex function (left) and non-convex function (right). The function f .x/ is said to be
convex if its graph in the interval Œa; bç is below the secant line joining the two end points .a; f .a// and
.b; f .b//;
we write that x 2 Œa; bç). The function f .x/ is said to be convex if its graph in the interval Œa; bç
is below the secant line joining the two points .a; f .a// and .b; f .b//; they are labeled as A
and B in Fig. 4.45a.
To quantify this we consider an arbitrary point x in Œa; bç; it is given by x D .1 t/a C tb,
t 2 Œ0; 1ç. We now label the point P .x; f .x// on the curve y D f .x/. Corresponding to this x
we have point Q on the secant AB; the y-coordinate of Q is .1 t/f .a/ C tf .b/. And the fact
that P is below Q is written as:
And we ask the question: does this nice inequality hold for 3 points? We need to check this:
We use Eq. (4.5.4) to prove the above inequality. First, we need to split 3 terms into 2 terms (to
And nothing can stop us to generalize this inequality to the case of n points:
n X
n X
f ti xi ti f .xi / ; ti D 1 (4.5.5)
i D1 i D1 i D1
And this is known as the Jensen inequality, named after the Danish mathematician Johan Jensen
(1859 – 1925). Jensen was a successful engineer for the Copenhagen Telephone Company and
became head of the technical department in 1890. All his mathematics research was carried out
in his spare time. Of course if the
P function is concave, the inequality is reversed.
To avoid explicitly stating ti D 1, another form of the Jensen inequality is:
✓ Pn ◆ Pn
i D1 ai xi D1 ai f .xi /
f Pn iP n (4.5.6)
i D1 ai iD1 ai
where ti D ai = ai , and ai > 0 are weights.
Note that in the equation for yCM the limits of summation were skipped for the sake of brevity.
The nice thing is that the center of mass is always inside the polygon with vertices being the
point masses–the shaded region in Fig. 4.46 (I refer Section 7.8.7 for a proof of this). This leads
f (xCM )
x1 x2 xCM x3 x4
Figure 4.46: Geometric interpretation of the Jensen inequality for the case of more than 2 points.
AM-GM inequality. We discussed the AM-GM inequality in Section 2.21.2 together with
Cauchy’s forward-backward-induction based proof. Now, we show that the AM-GM inequality
is simply a special case of the Jensen inequality. The function y D log x for x > 0 is concave
(using the fact that f 00 .x/ < 0 or looking at its graph), thus applying Eq. (4.5.6) with ai D 1:
✓ ◆
x1 C x2 C C xn log.x1 / C log.x2 / C C log.xn /
n n
Using the property of logarithm that log ab D log a C log b for the RHS of the above, we are
led to the AM-GM inequality:
✓ ◆ 1 1
x1 C x2 C C xn x1 C x2 C C xn
log log.x1 x2 xn / n H) .x1 x2 xn / n
n n
where use was made of the fact that log x is an increasing function (Fig. 4.41) i.e., if
log a log b then a b.
Why convex functions important. Convex functions are important because they have nice
properties. Given a convex function within an interval, if a local minimum (maximum) is found,
it is also the global minimum (maximum). And it leads to convex optimization. Convex opti-
mization is the problem of minimizing a convex function over convex constraints. It is a class
of optimization problems for which there are fast and robust optimization algorithms, both in
theory and in practice.
Now, you have the tool, let’s solve this problem: Given three positive real numbers a; b; c,
prove that
aa b b c c .abc/ 3
The art of using the Jensen inequality is to use what function. If you know what f .x/ to be used,
then it becomes easy.
At x0 we have Y.x0 / D f .x0 /, but the approximation get worse for x far way from x0 . This
is obvious. We need to know the error of this approximation. Let’s try withp a function and play
with the error. We can spot the pattern from this activity. We use y D x and x0 D 100 (no
thing special about this point except its square root is 10). We compute
p the square root of 100Ch
for h D f1:0; 0:1; 0:01; 0:001g using Eq. (4.5.7), which yields 100 pC h ⇡ 10 C h=20, and the
error associated with the approximation is e.h/ WD Y.100 C h/ 100 C h.
The results are given in Table 4.12. Looking at this table we can see that e.h/ ⇠ h2 . That
is when h is decreasingp by 1=10 the error is decreasing by 1=100. We can also get this error
measure by squaring 100 C h ⇡ 10 C h=20
p h h2
100 C h ⇡ 10 C H) 100 C h ⇡ 100 C h C
20 400
Some common linear approximations near x D 0 are e x ⇡ 1 C x and sin x ⇡ x, and the
approximation for the sine function is used in solving the oscillation of a pendulum.
Table 4.12: Linear approximations of x at x0 D 100 for various h.
h Y D 10 C h=20 e.h/
At point .xn ; f .xn //, we draw a line tangent to the curve and find xnC1 as the intersection
of this line and the x-axis. Thus, xnC1 is determined using xn , f .xn / and f 0 .xn /:
f .xn /
xnC1 D xn (4.5.8)
f 0 .xn /
Table 4.13: Solving x D 2 with x0 D 1.
n xn e.h/
1 1.0 4.14e-01
2 1.5 -8.58e-02
3 1.416666666 -2.45e-03
4 1.414215686 -2.12e-06
5 1.414213562 -1.59e-12
Coding Newton’s method. Let’s solve this equation f .x/ D cos x x D 0 using a computer.
That is we do not compute f 0 .x/ explicitly and use Eq. (4.5.8) to get:
cos xn xn
xnC1 D xn C
1 C sin xn
That is too restrictive. We want to write a function that requires a function f .x/ and a tolerance.
That’s it. It will give us the solution for any input function. The idea is to use an approximation
for the derivative, see Section 12.2.1. The code is given in Listing B.6. In any field (pure or
applied maths, science or engineering), coding has become an essential skill. So, it is better to
learn coding when you’re young. That’s why I have inserted many codes throughout the note.
Is Newton’s method applicable only to f .x/ D 0? No! It is used to solve systems of
equations of billion unknowns, see Section 7.4. Actually it is used everyday by scientists
and engineers. One big application is nonlinear finite element analyses to design machines,
buildings, airplanes, you name it.
Exploring Newton’s method. With a program implementing the Newton method p we can
play with it, just to see what happens. For example, in the problem
p of finding 2 by solving
x 2
2 D 0, if we start with x0 D 1, then the method gives us 2. Not that we want! But it
is also a root of x 2 2 D 0. Thus, the method depends on the initial guess (Fig. 4.49). To find a
good x0 for f .x/ D 0 we can use a graphic method: we plot y D f .x/ and locate the points it
intersects with the x-axis roughly, and use that for x0 .
Newton’s method on the complex plane. We discussed complex numbers in Section 2.24,
but we seldom use them. Let’s see if we can use Newton’s method to solve f .z/ D 0 such as
z 4 1 D 0 where z is a complex number. Just assume that we can treat functions of a complex
variable just as functions of a real variable, then
f .zn /
znC1 D zn (4.5.10)
f 0 .zn /
Let’s solve the simplest complex equation z 2 C 1 D 0, this equation has two solutions z D ˙i .
With the initial guess z0 D 1 C 0:5i Newton’s method converges to z D i (Table 4.14). So, the
(a) x0 D 3 (b) x0 D C3
method works for complex numbers too. Surprise? But happy. If z0 D 1 i , the method gives us
the other solution z D i (not shown here). If we pose this question we can discover something
Table 4.14: Solving z 2 C 1 D 0 with z0 D 1 C 0:5i . See Listing B.7 for the code.
n zn
1 0:1 C 0:45i
2 0:185294 C 1:28382i
3 0:0375831 C 1:02343i
4 0:000874587 C 0:99961i
5 3:40826e 7 C 1:0i
6 1:04591e 13 C 1:0i
interesting. The question is if f .z/ D 0 has multiple roots then which initials z0 converge to
which roots? And a computer can help us to visualize this. Assume that we know the exact roots
and they are stored in a vector zexact D ŒzN 1 ; zN2 ; : : :ç. Corresponding these exact roots are some
colors, one color for each root. Then, the steps are
2. For each of these points with coordinates .x; y/, form a complex number z0 D x C iy.
Use Eq. (4.5.10) with z0 to find one root z. Then find the position of z in zexact , thus find
the associated color. That point .x; y/ is now assigned with that color.
3. Now we have a matrix of which each element is a color, we can plot this matrix as an
Color Color
(a) (b)
Arthur Cayley (1821 – 1895) was a prolific British mathematician who worked mostly on
algebra. He helped found the modern British school of pure mathematics. In 1879 he published
a theorem for the basin of attraction for quadratic complex polynomials. Cayley also considered
complex cubics, but was unable to find an obvious division for the basins of attraction. It was
only later in the early 20th century that French mathematicians Pierre Joseph Louis Fatou (1878 –
1929) and Gaston Maurice Julia (1893 – 1978) began to understand the nature of complex cubic
polynomials. With computers, from 1980s mathematicians were able to finally create pictures
of the basins of attraction of complex cubic functions.
total distance is simply the sum of all these ds, or symbolically 0 ds. But ds D vdt , so the
distance is 0 vdt . So, the distance is the area under the speed curve v.t/. This is not unexpected
(Fig. 4.51).
y y
y = f (x)
y = f (x)
Z x f (x)
Z x
f (t)dt f (x)dx
f (t)dt 0 dx
x x
x x
(a) (b)
Figure 4.52: Geometric proof of Eq. (4.6.3). The key point is to think of the area problem dynamically.
Imagine sliding x to the right at a constant speed. You could even think of x as time; Newton often did.
Then the area of the crossed region changes continuously as x moves. Because that area depends on x,
it should be regarded as a function of x. Now considering a tiny change of x, denoted by dx. The area
is increased by a tall, thin rectangle of height f .x/ and infinitesimal width dx; this tiny rectangle has an
infinitesimal area f .x/dx. (Actually there is a tiny triangle, but it is nothing compared with the rectangle).
Thus, the rate at which the area accumulates is f .x/. And this leads to Eq. (4.6.3).
Assume that the speed is v.t/ D 8t t 2 , what is the distance 0 v.t/dt ? We do not know
how to evaluate this integral (not using the definition of integral of course) but we know that
it is a function s.T / such that ds=d T D v.T / D 8T T 2 , from Eq. (4.6.2). A function like
s.T / is called an anti-derivative. We have just met something new here. Before, we are given
a function, let say, y D x 3 , and we’re asked (or required) to find its derivative: .x 3 /0 D 3x 2 .
Now, we’re facing the inverse problem: .‹/0 D 3x 2 , that is finding the function of which the
derivative is 3x 2 . We know that function, it is x 3 . Thus, x 3 is one anti-derivative of 3x 2 . I used
the word one anti-derivative for we have other anti-derivatives. In fact, there are infinitely many
anti-derivatives of 3x 2 , they are x 3 C C , where C is called a constant of integration. It is here
because the derivative of a constant is zero. Graphically, x 3 C C is just a vertical translation of
the curve y D x 3 , the tangent to x 3 C C at every point has the same slope as those of x 3 .
Coming back now to s.T /, we can thus write:
Z 9
> Z
.8t 2
t /dt D s.T / = T
0 H) s.T / D .8t t 2 /dt D 4T 2 CC (4.6.4)
ds >
D 8T T ; 0
t2 (we’re really trying to compute the general definite integral a f .x/dx here):
Z t2
.8t t 2 /dt D s.t2 / s.t1 /
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
t23 t13
D 4t2 2
CC 4t1 2
CC (4.6.5)
3 3
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
2 t23 2 t13
D 4t2 4t1
3 3
There is nothing special about distance and speed, we have, for any function f .x/, the
following result
Z b
f .x/dx D F .b/ F .a/ with D f .x/ (4.6.6)
a dx
which is known as the fundamental theorem of calculus, often abbreviated as FTC. So, to find a
definite integral we just need to find one anti-derivative of the integrand, evaluate it at two end
points and subtract them. It is this theorem that makes the problem of finding the area of a curve
a trivial exercise for modern high school students. Notice that the same problem once required
the genius of the likes of Archimedes.
While it is easy to understand Eq. (4.6.5) as the distance traveled between t1 and t2 must be
s.t2 / s.t1 /, it is hard to believe that a definite integral which is the sum of all tiny rectangles
eventually equals F .b/ F .a/; only the end points matter. But this can be seen if we use
Leibniz’s differential notation:
Z b Z b Z b
f .x/dx D dx D dF
a a dx a
D .⇢F⇢2 F1 / C .⇢F⇢3 F⇢
⇢ 2 / C .F4 F⇢
⇢3/ C C .Fn Fn 1 /
D Fn F1 D F .b/ F .a/
History note 4.4: Sir Isaac Newton (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726/27)
Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer,
and theologian (described in his own day as a "natural philosopher")
who is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of
all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution. His book
Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Princi-
And you can verify the above equation by differentiating the RHS and you get the integrands
in the LHS. If you look at these two integrals carefully, you will recognize that they are of this
Z b Z ˇ
f .g.x//g .x/dx D f .u/du; u D g.x/ (4.7.2)
a ˛
So, we do a change of variable u D g.x/, which leads to du D g 0 .x/dx, then the LHS of
Rb Rˇ
Eq. (4.7.2) becomes the RHS i.e., a f .g.x//g 0 .x/dx D ˛ f .u/du. Of course, ˛ D g.a/ and
ˇ D g.b/. Eq. (4.7.2) is called integration by substitution and it is based on the chain rule of
differentiation. Nothing new here, one fact of differentiation leads to another corresponding fact
of integration, because they are related.
Now we can understand Eq. (4.7.1). Let’s consider the first integral, we do the substitution
u D x 2 , hence du D 2xdx, then:
cos x 2xdx D cos.u/du D sin u C C D sin x 2 C C
Proof. Proof of integration by substitution given in Eq. (4.7.2). We start with a composite
function F .g.x// as we want to use the chain rule. We compute the derivative of this function:
F .g.x// D F 0 .g.x//g 0 .x/ (4.7.3)
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 4. Calculus 339
(if we have two identical functions, the areas under the two curves described by these two
functions are the same, that’s what the above equation means). Now, the FTC tells us that
Z b
F .g.x//dx D F .g.b// F .g.a// (4.7.4)
a dx
Introducing two new numbers ˛ D g.a/ and ˇ D g.b/, then as a result of the FTC, where
u D g.x/, we have:
Z ˇ
F .ˇ/ F .˛/ D F 0 .u/du (4.7.5)
From Eqs. (4.7.4) and (4.7.5) we obtain,
Z ˇ Z b Z b
0 d
F .u/du D F .g.x//dx D F 0 .g.x//g 0 .x/dx
˛ a dx a
To make f .x/ appear, just introducing f .x/ D F 0 .x/, then the above equation becomes
Z b Z ˇ
f .g.x//g .x/dx D f .u/du
a ˛
So, the substitution rule guides us to replace a hard integral by a simpler
R p one. The main
challenge is to find an appropriate substitution. For certain integrals e.g. 1 x 2 dx, the new
variable is clear: x D sin ✓ to just get rid of the square root. I present in Section 4.7.7 such
trigonometry substitutions. For most of the cases, finding a good substitution is a matter in which
practice and ingenuity, in contrast to systematic methods, come into their own.
Example 4.3
Let’s compute the following integral
Z ⇡
2x 3 3⇡x 2
I D dx
0 .1 C sin x/2
Our substitution would not work! That’s why it was just a trick; even though a favorite one
of examiners. How we integrate these integrals then? We fall back to the very definition of
integral as the sum of many many thin rectangles, but we use the computer to do the boring
sum. This is called numerical integration (see Section 12.4 if you’re interested in, that’s how
scientists and engineers do integrals).
Sixth Term Examination Papers in Mathematics, often referred to as STEP, are university admissions tests
for undergraduate Mathematics courses developed by the University of Cambridge. STEP papers are typically
taken post-interview, as part of a conditional offer of an undergraduate place. There are also a number of
candidates who sit STEP papers as a challenge. The papers are designed to test ability to answer questions
similar in style to undergraduate Mathematics.
So, instead of calculating the integral u0 .x/v.x/dx, we compute v 0 .x/u.x/dx which should
be simpler. Basically we transfer the derivative from u to v. The hard thing is to recognize
which should be u.x/ and v.x/. Some examples are provided to see how to use this technique.
Example 4.4
We want to determine ln xdx. Start with x ln x and differentiate that (then ln x will show
up), and we’re done:
.x ln x/ D ln x C 1 H) ln xdx D x ln x xCC
x cos xdx. Start with x sin x (for .sin x/0 D cos x),
Next, considering this integral
.x sin x/ D sin x C x cos x H) x cos xdx D x sin x sin xdx D x sin x C cos x C C
Example 4.5
Let’s consider x 2 e x dx. This one is interesting as we will need to do integration by parts
two times. First, recognize that the derivative of e x is itself, so we consider the function x 2 e x ,
its derivative will make appear x 2 e x (the integrand), and another term with a lower power of
x (which is good). So,
2 x 0 x 2 x 2 x 2 x
.x e / D 2xe C x e H) x e dx D x e 2 xe x dx
Now, we have an easier problem to solve: the integral of xe x . Repeat the same step, we write
x 0 x x x x
.xe / D e C xe H) xe dx D xe e x dx D xe x e x
We restrict the discussion in this section to nonnegative p and q. The next section is devoted to
negative exponents, and you can see it is about integration of tangents and secants. The integrals
in the last three rows are very important; they aren’t exercises on integrals. They are the basics
of Fourier series (Section 4.18).
Before computing these integrals, we Rwould like to calculate the last one without actually
calculating it. We know immediately that 0 sin2 8xdx D ⇡. Why? This is because:
Z 2⇡ Z 2⇡ Z 2⇡
2 2
sin 8xdx C cos 8xdx D dx D 2⇡ (4.7.8)
0 0 0
R 2⇡ R 2⇡
And 0 sin2 8xdx D 0 cos2 8xdx because of symmetry.
Example 4.6
Let’s compute sin2 x cos3 xdx. As sin2 x C cos2 x D 1, we can always replace an even
power of cosine (cos2 x) in terms of sin2 x. We are left with cos xdx which is fortunately
d.sin x/. So,
Example 4.7
How about sin5 xdx? The same idea: sin5 x D sin4 x sin x, and sin xdx D d.cos x/.
Details are:
sin5 xdx D sin4 xd.cos x/
D .1 cos2 x/2 d.cos x/ D . 1 C 2 cos2 x cos4 x/d.cos x/
Example 4.8
Consider this integral cos4 xdx. We can do integration by parts or use trigonometric identi-
ties to lower the exponent. Here is the second approach:
✓ ◆2
4 1 C cos 2x 1 C 2 cos 2x C cos2 2x 1 cos 2x 1 C cos 4x
cos x D D D C C
2 4 4 2 8
Thus, the integral is given by
Z Z ✓ ◆
4 1 cos 2x 1 C cos 4x 3x sin 2x sin 4x
cos xdx D C C dx D C C CC
4 2 8 8 4 32
Example 4.9
Let’s compute the integral sin2 x cos2 xdx. Again, we use trigonometric identities to lower
the powers, this time for both sine and cosine:
Example 4.10
R 2⇡
Consider the integral 0 sin 8x cos 6xdx. The best way is to use the product-to-sum identity,
see Eq. (3.7.6), to replace a product of sines with a sum of two sines:
✓ ◆
sin 8x cos 6x D sin 14x C sin 2x
Z 2⇡ Z
1 2⇡
H) sin 8x cos 6xdx D .sin 14x C sin 2x/dx D 0
0 2 0
The result is zero because ofR the nature of the sine function, y sin(2x)
see the figure. We always have 0 sin nxdx D 0 for any posi- sin(x)
Z 2⇡ Z
1 2⇡
sin 8x sin 6xdx D .cos 2x cos 14x/dx D 0
0 2 0
Z ⇡=2 Z ⇡=2
n 1
sin xdx D sinn 2
xdx (4.7.13)
0 n 0
Now, consider two cases: n is even and n is odd. For the former case (n D 2m), repeated
As 0 x ⇡=2, we have
Thus, integrating these functions from 0 to ⇡=2 we get (see Eq. (4.3.14) if not clear)
Z ⇡=2 Z ⇡=2 Z ⇡=2
2mC1 2m
sin xdx sin xdx sin2m 1
0 0 0
Now, let’s denote the ratio on the RHS of the above equation by A and we want to compute it.
First, Eq. (4.7.12) is used to get
Z ⇡=2 Z ⇡=2
2mC1 2m
sin xdx D sin2m 1 xdx
0 2m C 1 0
Thus, A is given by
R ⇡=2 R ⇡=2
sin2m 1
2m C 1 0 sin2m
xdx 1
xdx 1
R ⇡=2 R ⇡=2 2m
sin2mC1 xdx 2m sin 1
xdx 2m
0 0
We can see the structure in the RHS: x 2 ! 2x ! 2; that is the result of the repeated differ-
entiation of x 2 . The alternating signs C= =C are due to the minus sign appearing in each
integration by parts.
With this understanding, without actually doing the integration, we know that
x 4 e x dx D x 4 e x 4x 3 e x C 12x 2 e x 24xe x C 24e x
Focus now on the second integral, but now with special integration limits of 0 and infinity, we
Z 1
⇥ ⇤1
x 4 e x dx D x 4 e x 4x 3 e x 12x 2 e x 24xe x 0 4äe x j1
0 (4.7.18)
All the terms in the brackets are zeroes and e x j10 D 1, thus we obtain a very interesting
result: Z 1
x 4 e x dx D 4ä (4.7.19)
This is a stunning result. Can you see why? We will come back to it later in Section 4.19.2.
relate this integral to tan xdx, which we know, and something that is easy:
3 2 2
tan xdx D .sec x 1/ tan xdx D sec x tan xdx tan xdx
D tan xd.tan x/ ln j cos xj (4.7.22)
tan2 x
D ln j cos xj (substitution u D tan x)
Now, we see the way and can do the general integral tanm xdx:
m 2 m 2
tan xdx D tan x tan xdx D .sec2 x 1/ tanm 2 xdx
2 m 2 tanm 1 x
D sec x tan xdx tanm 2 dx D dx tanm 2
m 1
R is, we have a formula for tanm xdx that requires tanm 2 xdx, which in turn R involves
m 4
xdx and so on. Depending on m being odd or even, this leads us to either tan xdx
or tan2 xdx, which we know how to integrate.
R Ok. Let’s move to the secant function. How we’re going to compute the following integral
sec xdx? Replacing sec x D 1=cos x would not help. Think of its friend tan x, we do this:
sec x sec x
sec xdx D dx D dx
1 sec x tan2 x
We succeeded in bring in the two friends. Now the next is just algebra:
sec x 1 1 1
sec xdx D dx D C dx
.sec x tan x/.sec x C tan x/ 2 sec x tan x sec x C tan x
Now, we switch to sin x and cos x, as we see something familiar when doing so:
1 cos x cos x
sec xdx D C dx
2 1 sin x 1 C sin x
1 d.1 sin x/ d.1 C sin x/
2 1 sin x 1 C sin x
1 1 1 C sin x
D .ln.1 C sin x/ ln.1 sin x// D ln
2 2 1 sin x
We can stop here. However, we can further simplify the result, noting that
For the integral tan2 x sec xdx, we use integration by parts with u D sec x and v D tan x.
sec3 xdx D 0:5.sec x tan x C ln j sec x C tan xj/ C C (4.7.24)
Why bother with this integral? But this integral is the answer to the problem of calculating the
length of a segment of a parabola (Section 4.9.1).
Example 4.11
For example, consider the following definite integral
Z 4
0 16 x 2
With this substitution x D 4 sin ✓, we have
< dx
D 4pcos ✓d✓
x D 4 sin ✓ H) 16 x 2 D 16.1 sin2 ✓/ D 4 cos ✓
: ⇡
0✓ 2
Example 4.12
Simple. But, how about the following?
Z 8
x 2 16 4
p p
The substitution x D 4 sin ✓ would not work: x 2 16 D 16.sin2 ✓ 1/ which is mean-
ingless, as the radical is negative. So, we use another trigonometric function: the secant func-
tion. The details are
< dx
p D 4ptan ✓ sec ✓d✓
x D 4 sec ✓ H) x 2 16 D 16.sec2 ✓ 1/ D 4 tan ✓ (4.7.25)
: ⇡
0✓ 3
Example 4.13
Now comes another trigonometric substitution using the tangent function. The following
integral Z 1
0 16 C x 2
with 8
< dx D 4 sec2 ✓d✓
x D 4 tan ✓ H) 16 C x 2 D 16.1 C tan2 ✓/ D 16 sec2 ✓ (4.7.27)
: ⇡
0✓ 2
is simplified to
Z 1 Z ⇡=2 ⇡=2
dx 4 sec2 ✓ 1 ⇡
D d✓ D ✓ D
0 16 C x 2 0
16 sec ✓ 4 0 8
Sometimes we see an integral which is a disguised form of 0 dx
16Cx 2
, for example:
5x 2 10x C 25
In this case, we just need to complete the square i.e., 5x 2 10x C 25 D ⇤2 C c, c is a constant.
Then, the substitution of x D c tan ✓ is used. So, the steps are:
dx 1 dx 1 d.x 1/
5x 2 10x C 25 5 x 2 2x C 5 5 .x 1/2 C 4
Z ✓ ◆
1 du 1 1 x 1
D D tan CC
5 u2 C 4 10 2
The second step is completing the square, the third step is to rewrite it in the familiar form of
Eq. (4.7.26).
Example 4.14
Now we consider the integrand of the form x 2 C a2 . The following integral
Z p
I D x 2 C a2 dx; a > 0 (4.7.28)
with ⇢
p D a sec2 ✓d✓
x D a tan ✓ H)
x 2 C a2 D a sec ✓
So, I becomes a2 sec3 ✓d✓, using the result in Eq. (4.7.24), we then have
Z p Z
x C a dx D a
2 2 sec3 ✓d✓ D 0:5a2 .sec ✓ tan ✓ C ln j sec ✓ C tan ✓j/
Now, we need to call x back noting that tan ✓ D x=a and sec ✓ D x 2 Ca2=a:
Z p
1 p a2 p
x 2 C a2 dx D x x 2 C a2 C ln jx C x 2 C a2 j C C (4.7.29)
2 2
Is x D a tan ✓ the only substitution for this problem? Euler did not think so. This is what he
p 2 2 Z ✓ 2 2
a t a t
x 2 C a2 D x C t H) x D H) dx D ⇤dt H) I D C t ⇤dt
2t 2t
Now, the original integral in terms of x turns into an integral in terms of t. And this integral
can be computed with ease; the result is some g.t/. What is interesting is to prove that g.t/ is
identical to Eq. (4.7.29). That’s a nice exercise on algebra. And it also demonstrates the beauty
of mathematics: something as messy as g.t.x// is nothing but a nice function in Eq. (4.7.29).
Example 4.15
I present the final trigonometric substitution so that we can evaluate integrals of any rational
function of sin x and cos x. For example,
dx dx
3 5 sin x 1 C sin x cos x
The substitution is (discovered by the Germain mathematician Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897))
x 2du
u D tan ; dx D
2 1 C u2
This is because, as given in Eq. (3.7.8), we can express sin x and cos x in terms of u:
2u 1 u2
sin x D ; cos x D
1 C u2 1 C u2
Then, dx
3 5 sin x
dx du
D2 (4.7.30)
3 5 sin x 3u2 10u C 3
This integral is of the form P .u/=Q.u/ and we discuss how to integrate it in the next section.
It is always a good idea to stop doing what we’re doing, and summarize the achievement. I
provide such a summary in Table 4.15.
We start off with this observation: it is not hard to evaluate the following indefinite integral
1 3 4
C dx D ln jx 2j C 3 ln jx C 2j 4 ln jxj C C
x 2 xC2 x
However, it is not obvious how to do the following integral x4xC16 3 4x dx. The basic idea is that,
we can always transform 4xC16=x 4x into a sum of simpler fractions (called partial fractions):
4x C 16 4x C 16 A B C
x 3 4x x.x 2/.x C 2/ x x 2 xC2
where each partial fraction is of the form p.x/=q.x/ where the degree of the nominator is one
less than that of the denominator. This is called the method of Partial Fraction Decompositioné .
To find the constants A; B; C , we just convert the RHS into the form of the LHS:
A B C .A C B C C /x 2 C 2.B C /x 4A
x x 2 xC2 x 3 4x
As this fraction is equal to 4xC16=x 3 4x , the two nominators must be the same, thus we have
.A C B C C /x 2 C 2.B C /x 4A ⌘ 4x C 16, which leads to
A C B C C D 0; 2.B C / D 4; 4A D 16 H) A D 4; B D 1; C D 3
Now x4xC16
3 4x dx can be computed with ease:
4x C 16 1 3 4
dx D C dx (4.7.31)
x 3 4x x 2 xC2 x
With this new tool we can finish the integral dx
3 5 sin x
, see Eq. (4.7.30):
dx du 1 du du
D2 D
3 5 sin x 3u2 10u C 3 4 u 3 u 1=3
1 1
D .ln ju 3j ln ju 1=3j/ D .ln j tan x=2 3j ln j tan x=2 1=3j/
4 4
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Chapter 4. Calculus 353
Figure 4.53: Symbolic evaluation of integrals using the library SymPy in Julia. SymPy is actually a
Python library, so we can use it directly not necessarily via Julia.
2x 2 5x 1 2
D 2x C 1 C
x 3 x 3
You should have also noticed that in the considered rationals, Q.x/ has distinct roots i.e., it can
be factored as Q.x/ D .a1 x C b1 /.a2 x C b2 / .an x C bn / where n is the degree of Q.x/. In
this case, the partial fraction decomposition is:
P .x/ P .x/
Q.x/ .a1 x C b1 /.a2 x C b2 / .an x C bn /
A1 A2 An
a1 x C b1 a2 x C b 2 an x C b n
And it’s always possible to find Ai when P .x/ is a polynomial of degree less than n, which is
the case for proper rationals. Why is it possible? Note that P .x/ is a polynomial of degree at
most n 1, so it can be written as
P .x/ D an 1 x n 1
C C a2 x 2 C a1 x C a0
Therefore, there are n unknowns Ai and n known coefficients ai . So, it is possible to find
A1 ; A2 ; : : :
The case whereQ.x/ has repeated roots. Now we consider the case where Q.x/ has repeated
roots, for example the following integral
x 2 C 15
.x C 3/2 .x 2 C 3/
The concept was discovered independently in 1702 by both Johann Bernoulli and Gottfried Leibniz
If you do like polynomials, think of 5=3 D .3 C 2/=3 D 1 C 2=3.
x 2 C 15 Ax C B C D
D 2 C C (4.7.33)
.x C 3/ .x C 3/
2 2 x C3 .x C 3/ 1 .x C 3/2
where the red terms follow this rule: for the term .ax C b/k (in the denominator) we need a
partial fraction for each exponent from 1 up to k. As I am lazy, I have used SymPy to do this
decomposition for me:
x 2 C 15 1 x 1 2
D C C (4.7.34)
.x C 3/ .x C 3/
2 2 2.x C 3/ 2.x C 3/ .x C 3/2
To understand the decomposition when Q.x/ has repeated roots, consider the rational
1=.xC3/2 . Our first attempt to decompose it is:
1 A Bx C C
.x C 3/ 2 x C 3 .x C 3/2
Obviously, this would not work as we have three unknowns A; B; C but there are only
two equations! Surprisingly, if we use a new variable u D x C 3, it works:
✓ ◆
1 A Bu C C A B C A1 A2
D C 2
D C C 2 D C 2
u u u u u u u u
Now, there are only two unknowns A1 ; A2 .
Example 4.16
To wrap up this section, let’s compute the following integral
1 C x4
We need first to factor 1 C x 4 as 1 C x 4 C 2x 2 2x 2 D .1 C x 2 /2 . 2x/2 , then we have
1 1 1
D p D p p
1Cx 4
.1 C x 2 /2 . 2x/2 .x 2 C 2x C 1/.x 2 2x C 1/
The next step is to do a partial fraction decomposition for this, and we’re done. See Fig. 4.53
for the result, done by a CAS.
4.7.9 Tricks
This section presents a few tricks to compute some interesting integrals. If you’re fascinated by
difficult integrals, you can consult YouTube channels by searching for ‘MIT integration bee’ and
the likesè . Or you can read the book Inside Interesting Integrals of Paul Nahin [42].
The first example is the following integral
Z 1
cos x
1 1Ce
You should ask why the integration limits are 1 and 1, not 1 and 2? Note that a f .x/dx D 0
if f .x/ is an odd function. So, we decompose the integrand function into an even and an odd
part (see Eq. (4.2.1) if not clear):
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
cos x 1 cos x cos x 1 cos x cos x
1 C e 1=x 2 1 C e 1=x 1 C e 1=x 2 1 C e 1=x 1 C e 1=x
✓ ◆
1 1 cos x cos x
D cos x C
2 2 1 C e 1=x 1 C e 1=x
And we do not care about the odd part, because its integral is zero, anyway. So,
Z 1 Z 1
cos x
dx D cos xdx D sin.1/
1 1Ce
Feymann’s trick. This trick is based on the Leibniz rule that basically says:
Z b Z b
d I.t/ @f .x; t/
I.t/ D f .x; t/dx H) D dx (4.7.35)
a dt a @t
We refer to Section 7.8.7 for a discussion leading to this rule. The symbol @f @t .x;t /
is a partial
derivative of f .x; t/ with respect to t while holding x constant.
As the first application of this rule, we can generate new integrals from old ones. For example,
we know the following integral (integrals with one limit goes to infinity are called improper
integrals and they are discussed in Section 4.8)
Z 1 ⇣ ⌘ ⇡=2
dx 1 1 x ⇡
I D D tan D (4.7.36)
0 x 2 C a2 a a 0 2a
Rq p p
One example from the MIT integration bee: x x x : : :dx.
And by considering a as a variable playing the role of t in Eq. (4.7.35), we can write:
Z 1 Z 1
dx dI 2a
I.a/ D H) D dx (4.7.37)
0 x Ca
2 2 da 0 .x C a2 /2
And from Eq. (4.7.36)–which says I D ⇡=2a–we can easily get dI =da D ⇡=2a2 , and thus we
get the following new integral:
Z 1 Z 1
2a ⇡ dx ⇡
dx D H) D
0 .x 2 C a2 /2 2a 0 .x 2 C a2 /2 4a3
Of course, we can go further by computing d 2 I =da2 and get new integrals. But we stop here to
do something else.
Suppose we need to evaluate this integral (of which antiderivative cannot be found in ele-
mentary functions) Z 1 2
x 1
dx (4.7.38)
0 ln x
So, we introduce a parameter b, to get
Z 1 b Z 1 ✓ ◆ Z 1
x 1 dI d xb 1 1
I.b/ D dx H) D dx D x b dx D (4.7.39)
0 ln x db 0 db ln x 0 1Cb
So, we were able to compute dI =db as the integral became simpler! Another integration will
give us I.b/:
dI 1
D H) I.b/ D ln j1 C bj C C (4.7.40)
db 1Cb
To find C , we just look for a special value of b such that I.b/ can be easily evaluated. It can be
seen that I.0/ D 0 D ln 1 C C , so C D 0. And now we come back to the original integral in
Eq. (4.7.38)–which is nothing but I.2/, but I.2/ D ln 3. This trick is very cool. I did not know
this in high school, and only became R 1aware of it by reading Nahin’s book [42].
Let’s consider another integral: 0 e cos.5x/dx. We consider the following integral, and
do the now familiar procedure
8̂ Z 1
ˆ D xe x sin.bx/dx
Z 1 ˆ
ˆ db
< 0
x 2 b 1 x2
I.b/ D e cos.bx/dx H) D e cos.bx/dx (4.7.41)
ˆ 2
ˆ b
:̂ D I.b/
in which we have used integration by parts to arrive at the final equality. Now, we get an equation
to determine I.b/, this is in fact an ordinary differential equation
dI b
D I.b/ (4.7.42)
db 2
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Chapter 4. Calculus 357
Following a variable separation (that is, isolate the two variables I and b on two sides of the
equation) we can get I.b/ by integration:
dI b b2 b 2 =4
D db H) ln jI j D C D H) I D C e .C D e D / (4.7.43)
I 2 4
R1 2 p
Again, we need to find C and with b D 0, we have I.0/ D C D 0 e x dx D ⇡=2é . So, we
get a nice result for our original integral and many more corresponding with different values of
Z 1 p
x2 ⇡ 25=4
I.5/ D e cos.5x/dx D e
Z 1
p (4.7.44)
2 ⇡
I.2/ D e x cos.2x/dx D
0 2e
Dirichlet integral. Another interesting integral is 0 sin x=x dx. Let us introduce the parameter
b in such a way that differentiating the integrand will give us a simpler integral:
Z 1 Z 1
sin bx dI sin bx 1
I.b/ D dx H) D cos.bx/dx D
0 x db 0 b 0
Unfortunately, we got an improper integral. So, we need to find another way. We need a function
of which the derivative has x. That can be e bx . But due to the limit of infinity, we have to use
e bx with b 0. Thus, we consider the following integral
Z 1
sin x bx
I.b/ D e dx
0 x
From which 0 sin x=x dx D I.0/. Let’s differentiate this integral w.r.t b:
Z 1
D sin xe bx dx D A
db 0
Z 1
sin x ⇡
dx D (4.7.45)
0 x 2
Another amazing result about ⇡. The graph of sin x=x is given in Fig. 4.54a. And the area of the
shaded region is nothing else but exactly half of ⇡.
Mathematicians defined the following functionéé :
Z x
sin t
Si.x/ WD dt (4.7.46)
0 t
And our task is to derive an expression for Si.x/. We have just showed that we cannot compute
the integral directly, the Feynman technique only works for definite integrals in which the limits
are numbers not variables. But we have another way, from Newton: we can replace sin t by its
Taylor series, then we can integrate sin t=t easily:
1 3 1 sin t t2 t4
sin.t/ D t t C t5 H) D1 C
3ä 5ä t 6 5ä
With this result we can visualize the function, see Fig. 4.54 where the graph of sin x=x is also
shown. Given the graph, we now can understand Eq. (4.7.45), when x ! 1, the function
approaches 1:57079, which is ⇡=2.
Why they did so? There is no elementary function whose derivative is sin x=x . However, antiderivatives of this
function come up moderately frequently
Rx in applications, for example in signal processing. So it has been convenient
to give one of its antiderivatives, 0 sint t dt , a name.
(a) (b)
R x sin t
Figure 4.54: Graph of sin x=x (a) and graph of S i.x/ D 0 t dt (b).
To see how we compute improper integrals, let’s consider one simple integral:
Z 1
1 x2
We do not know how to evaluate this integral, but we know how to compute I.b/ D 1 dx=x 2 . It
is I.b/ D 1 1=b . And by considering different values for b (larger than 1 of course), we have a
sequence of integrals, see Fig. 4.55. Let’s denote this by .I1 ; I2 ; : : : ; In /. It’s obvious that this
sequence converges to 1 when n approaches infinity. In other words, the area under the curve
y D 1=x 2 from 1 to infinity is one. Therefore, we define
Z 1 Z b
dx dx
I D WD lim D1
1 x2 b!1 1 x2
In the same manner, if the lower integration limit is minus infinity, we have this definition:
Z b Z b
I D f .x/dx WD lim f .x/dx
1 a! 1 a
The next improper integral to be discussed is certainly the one with both integration limits being
infinite, like the following Z 1
1 1Cx
The strategy is to split this into two improper integrals of the form we already know how to
compute: Z a Z 1
dx dx
1 1Cx 1 C x2
To ease the computation we will select a D 0, just because 0 is an easy number to work with.
The above split does not, however, depend on a (as I will show shortly). With the substitution
x D tan ✓, see Table 4.15, we can compute the two integrals and thus I as
⇡ ⇡
I D Œ✓ç0 ⇡=2 C Œ✓ç⇡=2
0 D C D⇡
2 2
Now to show that any value for a is fine, we just use a, and compute I as:
⇣ ⇡ ⌘ ⇣⇡ ⌘
a ⇡=2
I D Œ✓çarctan
⇡=2 C Œ✓çarctan a D arctan a C C arctan a D⇡
2 2
And what we have done for this particular integral applies for 1 f .x/dx.
Perimeter of a circle. We only have separate functions of each of the four quarters ofpa circle,
so we compute the length of the first quarter. We write the circle’s equation as y D 1 x 2 ,
then a direct application of Eq. (4.9.1) gives
Z 1r Z 1 Z ⇡=2
x2 dx ⇡
1C 2
dx D p D d✓ D .x D sin ✓/
0 1 x 0 1 x2 0 2
Unfortunately, we cannot compute this integral unless we use numerical integration (Sec-
tion 12.4). Be careful that the integrand is infinity at x D 1 and thus not all numerical integration
method can be used. There is no simple exact closed formula for the perimeter of an ellipse! We
will come back to this problem of the determination of the ellipse perimeter shortly.
You know how to computep this integral (Section 4.7.7). Herein we’re interested in finding C 0 ,
which is given by y D 1 C 4x or y D 1 C 4x 2 . And this is a hyperbola. So the length of a
2 2
Arc-length of parametric curves. For parametric curves given by .x.t/; y.t//, its length is
given by
Z t2 p
.dx=dt/2 C .dy=dt/2 dt (4.9.2)
Of course we cannot find an anti-derivative for this integral. Compared to Section 4.9.1, this
one is better as the integrand does not blow up at the integration limits. Using any numerical
quadrature method, we can evaluate this integral easily. This is how an applied mathematician
or engineer or scientist would approach the problem. If they cannot find the answer exactly,
they adopt numerical methods. But pure mathematicians do not do that. They will invent new
mathematics to deal with integrals that cannot be solved using existing (elementary) functions.
Recall that they invented negative integers so that we can solve for 5 C x D 2, and i 2 D 1,
and so on.
Elliptic integrals. Consider an ellipse given by x 2 =a2 C y 2 =b 2 D 1, with a > b, its length is
given by
Z ⇡=2 p
C D4 a2 cos2 t C b 2 sin2 tdt
With k D a2 b 2 =a, we can re-write the above integral as
Z ⇡=2 p
C D 4aE.k/; E.k/ D 1 k 2 sin2 tdt
The integral E.k/ is known as an elliptic integral. The name comes from the integration of
the arc length of an ellipse. As there are other kinds of elliptic integral, the precise name is the
elliptic integral of second kind. What is then the elliptic integral of first kind? It is defined as
Z ⇡=2
E.k/ D p
0 1 k 2 sin2 t
It is super interesting to realize that this integral appears again and again in physics. And we will
see it in the calculation of the period of a simple pendulum (Section 9.8.6).
And voilà, the circle area is ⇡ r 2 , a result once required the genius of Archimedes and the likes.
This corresponds to the traditional way of slicing a region by thin rectangular strips. For circles
which possess rotational symmetry, a better way is to divide the circle into many wedges, see
Fig. 4.57:
Z 2⇡ 2
d✓ D ⇡ r 2
0 2
And it gives directly the area of the full circle.
Next, we compute the volume of a cone with radius r and height h. We approximate the
cone as a series of thin slices of thickness dy parallel to the base, see Fig. 4.58. The volume of
each slide is ⇡R2 dy, and thus the volume of the cone is:
Z h Z h ✓ ◆2
2 2 y ⇡ r 2h 1
⇡R dy D ⇡r 1 dy D D Ah
0 0 h 3 3
Therefore, the volume of a cone is one third of the volume of a cylinder of the same height and
radius, in agreement with the finding of Greek mathematicians.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.59: Solid of revolution: revolving the red curve y D f .x/ around an axis (the red axis) one full
round (360ı ) and we get a solid of revolution. Generated using the geogeba software.
Area of the surface of a solid of revolution. Using the idea of calculus, to find the area of a
surface of revolution, we need to divide this surface into many tiny pieces, the area of each piece
can be computed. Then, we sum these areas up. When the number of pieces is approaching
infinity we get the surface area. We divide the surface into many thin bands shown in Fig. 4.60.
As the band is thin, it is actually a truncated cone.
Figure 4.60: A surface of revolution obtained by revolving a curve y D f .x/ around the x-axis 360ı . To
find the surface area, we divide the surface into many tiny bands (orange). The band was intentionally
magnified for visualization purposes.
To find the area of a truncated cone, we start from a cone of radius r and slant s. We find its
surface area, then we cut the cone by a plane and we get: a truncated cone and a smaller cone. We
know the surface area of the original cone and that of the smaller cone, thus we’re done. That’s
the plane. To find the surface area of a cone, we flatten the cone out and get a fraction of a circle,
see Fig. 4.61. The area of this flattened cone is ⇡ rs. The area of a truncated cone is therefore
⇡ r1 s1 ⇡ r2 s2 where r1 is the radius of the original cone and r2 is the radius of the circle at the
cutting plane. It can be seen that this area also equals 2⇡ r s where r D 0:5.r1 C r2 / and s is
the thickness of the band shown in Fig. 4.60.
Of course now we let s approach zero, then s ⇡ ds and r D y D f .x/. The surface
area of the solid of revolution is then the integral of those little areas 2⇡f .x/ds:
Z b Z b p
area of surf. of revolution (x-axis) D 2⇡yds D 2⇡ f .x/ 1 C Œf 0 .x/ç2 dx (4.9.4)
a a
where we have used the formula for the arclength ds (Section 4.9.1).
Figure 4.61: Surface area of a truncated cone is 2⇡ r s where r is the average radius and s is the width.
After many unsuccessful attempts we realized that it is not easy to compute this integral directly.
How about an indirect way? That is, we compare this integral with another easier integral. The
easier integral is:
Z 1
1 x
which is infinity. Now, we need to find a relation between the two integrals, or these two functions
1 1 1
f .x/ WD 1C ; g.x/ WD
x x4 x
R1 R1
And since 2⇡ 1 dx x
D 1, we also have 2⇡ 1 f .x/dx D 1. In other words, the area of
the surface of Gabriel’s Horn is infinite. Ok, enough with the maths (which is actually nothing
particularly interesting).
Associated with Gabriel’s Horn is a painter’s paradox. Here it is. One needs an infinite
amount of paint to cover the interior (or exterior) of the horn, but only a finite amount of paint is
needed to fill up the interior space of the horn. So, either the math is wrong or this paradox is
wrong. Of course this paradox is wrong! Can you see why?
(a) (b)
Figure 4.62: Ellipsoid: revolving an ellipse around an axis (red axis). Generated using the geogeba
We just need to consider one quarter of the ellipse in the first quadrant and we revolve it
around the x axis 360ı . We parameterize it by
) )
x D a cos ✓ dx D a sin ✓ p p
H) H) ds D dx C dy D a2 sin2 ✓ C b 2 cos2 ✓d✓
2 2
y D b sin ✓ dy D b cos ✓
Now, we assume that a > b (we have to assume this or a < b to use the appropriate trigonometry
substitution), and thus we use the following substitution:
uD p sin ˛
a2 b2
which leads to
Z p " p #
arcsin a2 b 2 =a
4⇡ba2 1 C cos 2˛ a 2
b a 2 b 2
AD p d˛ D 2⇡ b 2 C p arcsin
a2 b 2 0 2 a2 b 2 a
Ok, if we now apply this result to concrete cases a D : : : and b D : : :, then it’s fine. But we will
miss interesting things. Let’s consider the case a < b to see what happens.
Now, consider the case a < b, then we write A in a slightly different form (Eq. (4.9.5)):
Z 1 p p Z 1p
AD2 2⇡b a C .b
2 2 a /u du D 4⇡b b
2 2 2 a 2 u2 C c 2 du; c 2 D 2
0 0 b a2
The red integral is exactly the one we met in Eq. (4.7.29), so we get
" p ! #
2 b C b 2 a2 a2 b
A D 2⇡ b C ln p
a b 2 a2
Now comes a nice observation. The area of an ellipsoid does not care about the magnitude of a
and b. But, then why we have two different expressions for the same thing? This is because we
do not allow square root of negative numbers. But hey, we know imaginary numbers. Why don’t
use them to have a unified expression? Let’s do it.
First, define the following:
a2 b 2 b
sin D ; cos D
a a
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 4. Calculus 368
ln .cos C i sin / D i
And this is obviously related to Euler’s identity e i D cos C i sin . This logarithmic version
of Euler’s identity was discovered by the English mathematician Roger Cotes (1682 – 1716),
who was known for working closely with Isaac Newton by proofreading the second edition
of the Principia. He was the first Plumian Professor at Cambridge University from 1707 until
his early death. About Cotes’ death, Newton once said “If he had lived, we might have known
something”. The above analysis was inspired by [39].
Gravitational pull of a thin rod 1. Consider a thin rod of length L, its mass M is uniformly
distributed along the length. Ahead one end of the rod along its axis is placed a small mass m at
a distance a (see Fig. 4.63). Calculate the gravitational pull of the rod on m.
Figure 4.63
Let’s consider a small segment dx, its mass is d m D .M=L/dx. So, this small mass d m will
pull the m with a force dF given by Newton’s gravitational theory. The pull of the entire rod is
then simply the pull of all these small dF :
GM m dx GM m L dx GM m
dF D H) F D D (4.9.8)
L .L C a x/2 L 0 .L C a x/2 a.L C a/
Gravitational pull of a thin rod 2. Consider a thin rod of length 2L, its mass M is uniformly
distributed along the length. Above the center of the rod at a distance h is placed a small mass
m (see Fig. 4.65). Calculate the gravitational pull of the rod on m.
Figure 4.64
Due to symmetry the horizontal component of the gravitational pull is zero. Thus, only the
vertical component counts. This component for a small segment dx can be computed, and thus
the total force is just a sum of all these tiny forces, which is of course an integral:
GM m dx GM m dx
dF D cos ✓ H) F D h (4.9.9)
2L h C x
2 2 L 0 .h C x /
2 2 3=2
To evaluate the integral 0 .h2 Cx dx
2 /3=2 , we use the trigonometric substitution:
< dx D h sec2 ✓d✓
x D h tan ✓ H) h2 C x 2 D h2 sec2 ✓ (4.9.10)
: 1
0 ✓ tan .L= h/
Thus, the integral becomes
Z L Z tan 1 .L= h/ Z 1
dx h sec2 ✓d✓ 1 tan .L= h/
D D 2 cos ✓d✓
0 .h C x /
2 2 3=2 h3 sec3 ✓ h 0
✓ ◆
1 tan 1 .L= h/ 1 1 L L
D 2 Œsin ✓ç0 D 2 sin tan D p
h h h h2 h2 C L2
And finally, the gravitational force is
GM m
F D p
h h2 C L2
Gravitational pull of a thin disk. Consider a thin disk of radius a, its mass M is uniformly
distributed. Above the center of the disk at a distance h is placed a small mass m (see Fig. 4.65).
Calculate the gravitational pull of this disk on m.
Figure 4.65
We consider a ring located at distance r from the center, this ring has a thickness dr. We
first compute the gravitational pull of this ring on m. Then, we integrate this to get the total pull
of the whole disk on m. Again, due to symmetry, only a downward pull exists. Consider a small
d m on this ring, we have
d mGm Gm cos ✓
dF D 2
cos ✓ H) Fring D dF D mring (4.9.11)
R R2
This is because R and cos ✓ are constant along the ring. The mass of the ring is mring D
tM ⇡Œ.r C dr/2 r 2 ç D 2⇡ rtMdr. So, the pull of the ring on m is
Gm cos ✓ rdr
Fring D 2
2⇡ rtMdr D GM mt2⇡h p (4.9.12)
R h2 C r 2
And thus, the total pull of the disk on m is
Z Z a ✓ ◆
rdr h
Fdisk D Fring D GM mt2⇡h p D 2⇡GM mt 1 p (4.9.13)
0 h2 C r 2 h2 C a2
When the interval is Œ0; 1ç and the intervals are equal (i.e., xi D 1=n), the above becomes
✓ ◆ Z 1
lim f D f .x/dx (4.9.14)
n!1 n n 0
i D1
Now that we know all the techniques to compute definite integrals, we can use integral to
compute limits of sum. For example, compute the following limit:
i D1
n2 C i2
The plan is to rewrite the above sum in the form of a Riemann sum, then Eq. (4.9.14) allows
us to equate it to an integral. Compute that integral and we’re done. So, we write n=n2 Ci 2 D
.1=n/1=1C.i=n/2 . Thus,
X Z 1
n n
n 1 1 ⇡
lim D lim D dx D D
i D1
n2 C i 2 n!1 n
i D1
1 C .i=n/2 0 1Cx
2 4
Example 4.17
Evaluate the following limit:
x!0C 1 C k2x2
4.10 Limits
The calculus was invented in the 17th century and it is based on limit–a concept developed in the
18th century. That’s why I have intentionally presented the calculus without precisely defining
what a limit is. This is mainly to show how mathematics was actually evolved. But we cannot
avoid working with limits, that’s why we finally discuss this concept in this section.
Let’s consider the quadratic function y D f .x/ D x 2 , and we want to define the derivative
of this function at x0 . We consider a change h in x with a corresponding change in the function
f D .x0 C h/2 x02 . We now know that Newton, Leibniz and their fellows defined the
derivative as the value that the ratio f =h tends to when h approaches zero. Here what they did
.x0 C h/2 x02 2x0 h C h2
f 0 .x0 / D D D 2x0 C h D 2x0
h h
The key point is in the third equation where h is not zero and in the final equation where h is zero.
Due to its loose foundation h were referred to as “The ghosts of departed quantities” by Bishop
George Berkeley of the Church of England (1685-1753) in his attack on the logical foundations
of Newton’s calculus in a pamphlet entitled The Analyst (1734).
Leibniz realized this and solved the problem by saying that h is a differential–a quantity that
is non-zero but smaller than any positive number. Because it’s non-zero, the third equation in
the above is fine, and because it is a super super small number, it’s nothing compared with 2x0 ,
thus we can ignore it.
Was Leibniz correct? Yes, Table 4.16 confirms that. This table is purely numerics, we com-
puted f = h for many values of h getting smaller and smaller (and we considered x0 D 2 as we
have to give x0 a value).
Now we’re ready for the presentation of the limit of a function. The key point here is to
see f =h as a function of h; thus the derivative of y D f .x/ at x0 is the limit of the function
g.h/ WD f =h when h approaches zero:
.x0 C h/2 x02
f 0 .x0 / D lim D lim .2x0 C h/
h!0 h h!0
h f =h
10 1
10 2
10 3
10 4
10 5
10 6
And what is this limit? As can be seen from Fig. 4.66, as h tends to zero 2x0 C h is getting closer
and closer to 2x0 . And that’s what we call the limit of 2x0 C h.
In the preceding discussion we have used the symbol h to denote the change in x when
defining the derivative of y D f .x/. This led to the limit of another function g.h/ with h being
the independent variable. It’s possible to restate the problem so that the independent variable is
always x. We choose a fixed point x0 . And we consider another point x, then we have
x2 x02
f 0 .x0 / D lim D lim x C x0 D 2x0
x!x0 x x0 x!x0
Definition 4.10.1
We denote the limit of f .x/ when x approaches a by lim f .x/, and this limit is L i.e.,
lim f .x/ D L
This definition was given by the German mathematician Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass
(1815 –1897) who was often cited as the "father of modern analysis".
The key point here is that ✏ is the input that indicates the level of accuracy we need for f .x/
to approach L and ı is the output (thus depends on ✏). Fig. 4.67 illustrates this; for a smaller ✏,
we have to make x closer to a and thus a smaller ı.
What is analysis by the way? Analysis is the branch of mathematics dealing with limits
and related theories, such as differentiation, integration, measure, infinite series, and analytic
functions. These theories are usually studied in the context of real and complex numbers
and functions. Analysis evolved from calculus, which involves the elementary concepts and
techniques of analysis.
One-sided limits. If we want to find the limit of this function x 1 when x approaches 1,
we’ll see that we need to consider only x 1, and this leads to the notion of one-sided limit:
p p
lim x 1 D lim x 1
x!1C x#1
which is a right hand limit when we approach 1 from above, as indicated by the notation # 1,
even though this
pis not popular. And of course, if we have right hand limit, we have left hand
limit e.g. lim 1 x.
If the limit of f .x/ when x approaches a exists, it means that the left hand and right hand
Infinite limits. If we consider the function y D 1=x 2 we realize that y is very large for x near
0. Thus, we say that:
lim 2 D 1
x!0 x
And this is called an infinite limit which is about limit of a function which is very large near
x D 0. We can generalize this to have
Fig. 4.68 illustrates some of infinite limits and we can see that the lines x D a are the vertical
asymptotes of the graphs. This figure suggests the following definition of infinite limits.
x 1
1 x2
0 x
0 x
(a) (b)
Definition 4.10.2
The limit of y D f .x/ when x approaches a is infinity, written as,
lim f .x/ D 1
when, for any large number M , there exists a ı > 0 such that
Limits when x approaches infinity. Again considering the function y D 1=x 2 but now focus
on what happens when x approaches infinity i.e., x is getting bigger and bigger or when it
gets smaller and smaller. It’s clear that 1=x 2 is then getting smaller and smaller. We write
lim 1=x 2 D lim 1=x 2 D 0.
x!C1 x! 1
Definition 4.10.3
The limit of y D f .x/ when x approaches 1 is finite, written as,
lim f .x/ D a
when, for any ✏ > 0, there exists a number M > 0 such that
We can use this definition to prove that lim 1=x 2 D 0; select M D 1=✏ then 1=x will be
near to ✏.
We soon realize that the definition of the limit of a function is not as powerful as it seems to
be. For example, with the definition of limit, we’re still not able to compute the following limit
t2 C 9 3
t !0 t2
The situation is similar to differentiation. We should now try to find out the rules that limits obey,
then using them will enable us to evaluate limits of complex functions.
The sum rule basically states that the limit of the sum of two functions is the sum of the limits.
And this is plausible: near x D a the first function is close to L1 and the second function to L2 ,
thus f .x/ C g.x/ is close to L1 C L2 . And of course when we have this rule for two functions,
we also have it for any number of functions! Need a proof? Here it is:
And this is equivalent to proving the following (using the definition of limit)
Now we use our assumption about the limits of f and g to have (ı1 ; ı2 ; ✏ are positive real
jx aj < ı1 then jf .x/ L1 j <
2 (4.10.2)
jx aj < ı2 then jg.x/ L2 j <
Then, define ı D min.ı1 ; ı2 /, we thus have the two above inequalities:
✏ ✏
jx aj < ı H) jf .x/ L1 j < ; jg.x/ L2 j <
2 2
Now using the triangle inequality ja C bj < jaj C jbj:
✏ ✏
jf .x/ C g.x/ L1 L2 j < jf .x/ L1 j C jg.x/ L2 j < C D✏
2 2
Now you know why we have used ✏=2 as the accuracy in Eq. (4.10.2). To summary, the whole
proof uses (1) the triangle inequality ja C bj < jaj C jbj and (2) a correct accuracy (e.g. ✏=2
here). Do we need another proof for the difference rule? No! This is because a b is simply
a C . b/. If you’re still not convinced, we can do this:
It’s possible to prove the product rule in the same way as the sum rule, but it’s hard. We follow
an easier path. First we massage a bit fg éé :
fg D .f L/.g M/ LM C Mf C Lg
Now if we can prove that limx!a .f L/.g M / D 0 then we’re done. Indeed, we have
p )
0 < jx aj < ı1 H) jf Lj < ✏
0 < jx aj < ı2 H) jg M j < ✏
Proof of the quotient rule. First, we prove a simpler version:
1 1
lim D (4.10.3)
x!a g.x/ lim g.x/
lim f .x/
D (Eq. (4.10.3))
lim g.x/
To prove Eq. (4.10.3), let’s denote M D lim g.x/. Then, what we have to prove is that
This is the crux of the whole proof. This transform the original problem to this problem: prove limx!a .f
L/.g M / D 0, which is much more easier.
ˇ ˇ
ˇ 1 1 ˇˇ
ˇ when 0 < jx
ˇ g.x/ Mˇ
<✏ aj < ı
Or this
1 1
jg.x/ Mj < ✏ when jx aj < ı (4.10.4)
jM j jg.x/j
Now we need to find 1
<‹ and jg.x/ M j <‹. Because lim g.x/ D M , when 0 < jx aj <
ı1 we have
jg M j < jM j=2
We can always select ı1 so that the above inequality holds. You can draw a picture, similar to
Fig. 4.67 to convince yourself about this. Thus,
jM j D jM g.x/ C g.x/j
jM g.x/j C jg.x/j .triangle inequality/
jM j 1 2
jg.x/ M j C jg.x/j C jg.x/j H) <
2 g.x/ jM j
Now based on Eq. (4.10.4), we need jg.x/ M j < .M 2=2/✏. And of course we have it at our
disposal because the limit of g is M . This holds true when 0 < jx aj < ı2 . Now, with
ı D min.ı1 ; ı2 /, we have
1 2 M2 1 1 1 2 M2
< ; jg.x/ Mj < ✏ H) jg.x/ Mj < ✏D✏
g.x/ jM j 2 jM j jg.x/j jM j jM j 2
Sadly that in many textbooks, the proof is written in a reversal way, which makes students
believe that they look stupid. We emphasize again that finding a proof is hard and involves
many setbacks. When a proof has been found, the author presents it not in a way the proof was
found. ⌅
lim x D a (4.10.5)
lim x n D an (4.10.6)
If we look at again these two results, we see that the function y D x n has this nice property:
lim f .x/ D f .a/, that is the limit when x approaches a equals the function value at a. We’re
now turning our discussion to the functions that have this special property.
Definition 4.10.4
A function y D f .x/ is continuous at point x D a when the limit of f .x/ as x approaches a
equals the function value at a:
lim f .x/ D f .a/ (4.10.7)
With that definition of the continuity of a function at a single point, we have another definition.
A function is continuous over an interval if it is continuous everywhere in that interval.
It is not hard to discover these rules for continuity of functions:
(a: sum/diff rule) if f .x/ and g.x/ are continuous then f ˙ g is continuous
(b: linearity rule) if f .x/ is continuous then cf is continuous
(c: product rule) if f .x/ and g.x/ are continuous then fg is continuous
(d: quotient rule) if f .x/ and g.x/ are continuous then f =g is continuous
We skip the proof: it’s a combination of the definition of continuity and the limit rules in
Eq. (4.10.1). Now we’re in a position to establish the continuity of many functions we know of.
We start with polynomials, those of the form
n n 1 2
P .x/ D an x C an 1 x C C a2 x C a1 x C a0 D ai x i (4.10.9)
i D0
They are continuous everywhere. This is because each term ai x i is continuous (this in turn is
due to y D x n is continuous and cx n is also continuous).
Next is rational functions y D P .x/=Q.x/; they are continuous due to the quotient rule in
Eq. (4.10.8). Of course they’re only continuous where Q.x/ ¤ 0. Then, trigonometry functions,
logarithm functions, exponential functions are all continuous.
How about composite functions e.g. sin x 2 or e x ? Our intuition tells us that they are
continuous. We can confirm that by drawing them and see that their graphs are continuous
(Fig. 4.69). Therefore, we have
lim sin x 2 D sin.1/; lim e De 1
x!1 x!1
We’re now finally in a position ready to compute some interesting limits. For example,
t2 C 9 3 t2 1
lim 2
D lim p D lim p (algebra)
t !0 t t !0 t 2 . t 2 C 9 C 3/ t !0 t2 C 9 C 3
D p (quotient rule with f .x/ D 1)
lim . t 2 C 9 C 3/
t !0
D p (sum rule)
lim . t 2 C 9/ C 3
t !0
1 1
Dq Dp D 1=6 (Eq. (4.10.10))
lim .t 2 C 9/ C 3 9C3
t !0
where the first step is to convert the form 0=0 to something better.
lim f .a C h/ f .a/
0 f .a C h/ f .a/ h!0
f .a/ D lim D
h!0 h lim h
because it is of the form 0=0 which is not defined. Limit of the form 0=0 is called an indeterminate
form and we list other indeterminate forms in Table 4.17. How to compute indeterminate forms
1 1
4x 2 C x 4C lim 4 C
lim D lim x D
x!1 x D 4 D2
x!1 2x 2 C x x!1 1 1 2
2C lim 2 C
x x!1 x
Why we divided both the nominator and denominator by x 2 ? This is because we know that for
a very large x, x is nothing (or negligible) compared with 4x 2 and 2x 2 , so we can write (not
mathematically precise but correct):
4x 2 C x 4x 2
lim D lim D2
x!1 2x 2 C x x!1 2x 2
So to say x is nothing is equivalent to convert it to the form 1=x, and that’s why we did the
division of x 2 . And there is no value in doing more limits of this form, as we can guess (note that
generalization is a good thing to do) the following result for the ratio of any two polynomials:
<0 if n < m
Pn .x/
lim D 1 if n > m
x!1 Qm .x/
:̂ an
if n D m
which is nothing but the fact that this limit depends on whether the nominator or denominator
overtakes the other. If the denominator overtakes the nominator, the limit is zero.
L’Hopital’s rule. The method of using algebra does not apply for this limit: limx!0 sin x=x . To
deal with this one we had to use geometry, but isn’t it against the spirit of calculus? We need to
find a mechanical way so that everyone is able to compute this limit and similar limits without
resorting to geometry (which is always requiring some genius idea).
What do you think if you see someone doing this?
f .x/ f 0 .a/
lim D 0 (4.10.12)
x!a g.x/ g .a/
Actually it is not hard to guess this rule. Recall that for x near a, we have the following approxi-
mations for f .x/ and g.x/:
f .x/ f 0 .a/.x a/ f 0 .a/
lim D lim 0 D 0
x!a g.x/ x!a g .a/.x a/ g .a/
What is the limit of x n=nä when n ! 1? Why bother with this? Because it is involved in the
Taylor theorem (Section 4.14.10), which is a big thing. Let’s start simple and concrete with
x D 2:
lim D‹
n!1 nä
A bit of algebraic manipulation goes a long way (of course we assume n > 2 as we’re interested
in the case n goes to infinity):
2n 2⇥2⇥2⇥ ⇥2 2 2 2 2 2
D D ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ ⇥
nä 1⇥2⇥3⇥ ⇥n 1 2 3 4 n
As the red terms are all smaller than one, we’re multiplying a constant (the blue term) repeatedly
with factors smaller than one, we guess that as n approaches infinity, the limit is zero. But, to be
precise, we polish our expression a bit more:
2n 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
D ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ ⇥
nä 1 2 ƒ‚ 3 …
„ 4 „
5 6 ƒ‚ n
4 terms n 4 terms
What is nice with this new form is that all terms in red are smaller than 1=2, thus we immediately
have ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆n 4
2n 2 2 2 2 1 1
< ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ D 24 k n
nä 1 2 3 4 2 2
„ ƒ‚ …
Definition 4.10.5
A function y D f .x/ defined on an interval I is differentiable at point x D a 2 I if the
f .a C h/ f .a/
f 0 .a/ D lim
h!0 h
exists. If x is an end point of I then the limit in this definition is replaced by an appropriate
one-sided limit. The function f .x/ is differentiable on I if it is differentiable at each point of
Fig. 4.70 gives the plots of two cases: (i) a D 0:2; b D 0:1; n D 3 and (ii) a D 0:2; b D 7; n D 3
1.0 1.0
0.5 1.0
2 1 0 1 2 2 1 0 1 2
Definition 4.10.6
A function f W .a; b/ ! R is continuously differentiable on .a; b/, written f 2 C 1 .a; b/, if
it is differentiable on .a; b/ and f 0 W .a; b/ ! R is continuous.
Definition 4.10.7
A function f W .a; b/ ! R is said to be k-times continuously differentiable on .a; b/, written
f 2 C k .a; b/, if its derivatives of order j , where 0 j k, exist and are continuous
y y
f (d)
f (b)
f (c) f (a)
a d c x a c x
b b
a) b)
y f 0 (c) = 0 y
f (b)
f (a) = f (b)
f (a)
a c x a c x
a) b b) b
function y D f .x/ at c and a < c < b. Note that the theorem does not tell us what c is. It just
tells that there is such a point only.
Applications. As an application of the intermediate value theorem, let’s consider this problem:
‘prove that the equation x 3 C x 1 D 0 has solutions.’ Let’s denote by f .x/ D x 3 C x 1, we
then have f .0/ D 1 and f .1/ D 1. According to the intermediate value theorem, there exists
a point c 2 .0; 1/ such that f .c/ D 0 because 0 is an intermediate value between f .0/ D 1
and f .1/ D 1.
methods of differential calculus, which at that point in his life he considered to be fallacious.
The theorem was first proved by Cauchy in 1823 as a corollary of a proof of the mean value
theorem. The name "Rolle’s theorem" was first used by Moritz Wilhelm Drobisch of Germany
in 1834 and by Giusto Bellavitis of Italy in 1846.
Analysis of fixed point iterations. In Section 2.10 we have seen the fixed point iteration method
as a means to solve equations written in the form x D f .x/. In the method, we generate a
sequence starting from x0 : .xn / D fx1 ; x2 ; : : : ; xn g using the formula xnC1 D f .xn /. We have
demonstrated that these numbers converge to x ⇤ which is the solution of the equation. Now,
we’re going to prove this using the mean value theorem. The whole point of the proof is that
if the method works, then the distance from the points x1 ; x2 ; : : : to x ⇤ must decrease. So, we
compute one such distance xn x ⇤ :
Now there are two cases. First, if jf 0 .⇠/j 1, then jxn x ⇤ j jxn 1 x ⇤ j, that is, the distance
between xn and x ⇤ is smaller than xn 1 and x ⇤ . And that tells us that xn converges to x ⇤ . Thus,
if we start close to x ⇤ i.e., x0 2 I D Œx ⇤ ˛; x ⇤ C ˛ç, and the absolute of the derivative of the
function is smaller than 1 in that interval I , the method works. Section 12.5.1 discusses more
on this topic.
numbers living in that interval! Don’t worry, integral calculus is capable of handling just that.
Finding an answer to that question led to the concept of the average of a function.
The idea is to use integration. Assume we want to find the average of a function f .x/ for
a x b. We divide the interval Œa; bç into n equal sub-intervals of spacing x D .b a/=n.
For each interval we locate a point xi , so we have
In the final step, we get an integral when n goes to infinity. So, the average of a continuous
function is its area divided by b a, which is the average height of the function.
Example. Let’s compute the average of these functions: y D x in Œ0; 1ç, y D x 2 in Œ 1; 1ç and
y D sin2 x in Œ0; ⇡ç. They are given by
Z 1 Z Z
1 1 1 2 1 1 ⇡ 2 1
faverage D xdx D ; faverage D x dx D ; faverage D sin xdx D
0 2 2 1 3 ⇡ 0 2
Figure 4.73: Averages of functions: y D x in Œ0; 1ç, y D x 2 in Œ 1; 1ç and y D sin2 x in Œ0; ⇡ç.
Looking at Fig. 4.73, it is obvious to see that there always exists a point c in Œa; bç such that
f .c/ is the average height of the function (the horizontal line y D faverage always intersects the
curve y D f .x/). And this is the mean value theorem of an integral:
Z b
9c 2 .a; b/ s.t f .c/ D f .x/dx (4.11.3)
b a a
But some examples do not make a proof. Think about whether we have f .a/ f .c/ f .b/
or not. And what is f .b/.b a/? How it is compared with a f .x/dx. That’s the proof.
For y D x 2 we have c D ˙1= 3. They are Gauss points in the Gauss quadrature method
to numerically evaluate integrals, see Section 12.4 for details.
Cavalieri (1598 – 1647) independently introduced the concepts at about the same time. In Acta
eruditorum (1691), Jacob Bernoulli used a system with a point on a line, called the pole and polar
axis, respectively. Coordinates were specified by the distance from the pole and the angle from
the polar axis. The actual term polar coordinates has been attributed to the Italian mathematician
Gregorio Fontana (1735 – 1803). The term appeared in English in George Peacock’s 1816
translation§ of Lacroix’s Differential and Integral Calculus‘ .
In the Cartesian coordinate system we lay a grid consisting of horizontal and vertical lines
that are at right angles. Two lines are special as their intersection marks the origin from which
other points are located. In a polar coordinate system, we also have two axes with a origin.
Concentric circles centered at the origin are used to mark constant distances r from the origin.
Also, lines starting from the origin are drawn; every points on such a line has a constant angle ✓.
So, a point is marked by .r; ✓/ (Fig. 4.74).
Curves are described by equations of the form y D f .x/ in the Cartesian coordinate system.
Similarly, polar curves are written as r D f .✓/. Let’s start with the unit circle. Using Cartesian
coordinates, it is written as x 2 Cy 2 D 1. Using polar coordinates, it is simply as r D 1! Fig. 4.75
presents a nice polar curve–a polar rose with as many petals as we want, and a more realistic
What do you think of Fig. 4.76? It is a spiral, from prime numbers! It was created by plotting
points .r; ✓/ D .p; p/, where p is prime numbers beneath 20 000. That is the radius and angle
(in radians) are both prime numbers.
George Peacock (1791 – 1858) was an English mathematician and Anglican cleric. He founded what has been
called the British algebra of logic.
Sylvestre François Lacroix (1765 – 1843) was a French mathematician. Lacroix was the writer of important
textbooks in mathematics and through these he made a major contribution to the teaching of mathematics throughout
France and also in other countries. He published a two volume text Traité de calcul differéntiel et du calcul intégral
(1797-1798) which is perhaps his most famous work.
Figure 4.75: Polar rose r.✓ / D a cos k✓ with a D 1. It is a k-petaled rose if k is odd, or a 2k-petaled
rose if k is even. The variable a represents the length of the petals of the rose. In (c) is a more real rose
with r D ✓ C 2 sin.2⇡✓ /.
Figure 4.76: Prime numbers from 1 to 20 000 plotted on a polar plane. Generated using Julia package
Primes: the function primes(n) returns all primes from 1 to n. Then for every number p in that list, I com-
puted the coordinates .p cos p; p sin p/. Finally, I plot all these points. Source code: prime-spiral.jl.
r D e.d r cos ✓/ H) r D (4.12.1)
1 C e cos ✓
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 4. Calculus 391
d directrix
P (x, y)
A2 center ✓ A1
a c a c
Figure 4.77: A conic section is defined as PF =PE D e. Illustrated with an ellipse in mind.
You might be not convinced that this equation is a conic section. We can check that by either
using a software to draw this equation and see what we get or we can transform this back to a
Cartesian form (which we already know the result). We do the latter now. Why bother doing all
of this? This is because, for certain problems, polar coordinates are more convenient to work
with than the Cartesian coordinates. Later on we shall use the result in this section to prove
Kepler’s 1st law that the orbit of a planet around the Sun is an ellipse (Section 7.10.9).
From Eq. (4.12.1), we have r D e.d r cos ✓/ D e.d x/ for x D r cos ✓, now we square
this equation and use r 2 D x 2 C y 2 , we get
2e 2 d y2 e2d 2
x2 C x C D
1 e2 1 e2 1 e2
Knowing already the Cartesian form of an ellipse (.x=a/2 C .y=b/2 D 1), we now complete the
square for x éé :
✓ ◆2
e2d y2 e2d 2 e4d 2
xC C D C (complete the square)
1 e2 1 e2 1 e2 .1 e 2 /2
✓ ◆ 2
e2d y2 e2d 2
xC C D (algebra)
1 e2 1 e2 .1 e 2 /2
The next step is, of course, to introduce a and b, and h (now we need e < 1)
With these new symbols, our equation becomes, which is the familiar ellipse:
.x C h/2 y2
C D1
a2 b2
But what is h? You might be guessing correctly that it should be related to c. Indeed, we know
that, from Section 4.1, the distance from the center of an ellipse to one focus is c and it is defined
by c 2 C b 2 D a2 , thus
e2d 2 e2d 2 e4d 2
c 2 D a2 b2 D D D h2 [use Eq. (4.12.2)]
.1 e 2 /2 1 e 2 .1 e 2 /2
The fact that c D h should not be a surprise as we just move the origin from the center of the
ellipse to its focus, these two points are separate of a distance c.
Theorem 4.12.1
A polar equation of the form
ed ed
rD or rD
1 ˙ e cos ✓ 1 ˙ e sin ✓
represents conic section with eccentricity e. The conic is an ellipse if e < 1, a parabola if
e D 1 and a hyperbola if e > 1.
As we now work with polar coordinates, we need to convert .x; y/ to .r; ✓/:
x D r cos ✓; y D r sin ✓; r D f .✓/ (4.12.4)
And that allows us to compute dx; dy:
dx D cos ✓dr r sin ✓d✓ D .cos ✓f 0 f .✓/ sin ✓/d✓
dy D sin ✓dr C r cos ✓d✓ D .sin ✓f 0 C f .✓/ cos ✓/d✓
And with that, we now determine ds and the arclength:
p Z ✓2 p
ds D .f / C f d✓ H) L D
2 2 Œf .✓/ç2 C Œf 0 .✓/ç2 d✓ (4.12.6)
That derivation is purely algebraic. Many people prefer geometry. Fig. 4.78 shows that ds 2 D
.rd✓ /2 C .dr/2 , which is exactly what we have obtained using algebra.
Figure 4.78
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Starting with two points P 1 and P 2 , the segment P 1 P 2 is written as (this is a vector equation,
the bold symbols are used for the points)
This is neither interesting nor new. Do not worry it is just the beginning. If we now have three
points P 1 , P 2 and P 3 , we get a quadratic curve. de Casteljau developed a recursive algorithm
emeritus at Stanford University. He is the 1974 recipient of the ACM Turing Award, informally considered the
Nobel Prize of computer science. He has been called the "father of the analysis of algorithms". He contributed
to the development of the rigorous analysis of the computational complexity of algorithms. In addition to funda-
mental contributions in several branches of theoretical computer science, Knuth is the creator of the TEX computer
typesetting system by which this book was typeset.
to get that curveéé . For a given t fixed, using Eq. (4.13.2) to determine two new points P 12
and P 23 , then using Eq. (4.13.2) again with the two new points to get Q (Fig. 4.79a). When t
varies from 0 to 1, this point Q traces a quadratic curve passing P 1 and P 2 (Fig. 4.79d). The
points P k ; k D 1; 2; 3 are called the control points. They are so called because the control points
control the shape of the curve.
Indeed, the maths gives us:
Q D .1 t/P 12 C tP 23
D .1 t/Œ.1 t/P 1 C t P 2 ç C tŒ.1 t/P 2 C tP 3 ç (Eq. (4.13.2)) (4.13.3)
2 2
D .1 t/ P 1 C 2t.1 t /P 2 C t P 3
What we see here is that the last equation is a linear combination of some polynomials (the red
terms) and some constant coefficients being the control points.
Moving on to a cubic curve with four control points (Fig. 4.80). The procedure is the same,
and the result is
Animation of the construction of Bézier curves helps the understanding. A coding exercise for
people who likes coding is to write a small program to create Fig. 4.80. If you do not like coding,
check out geogbra where you can drag and move the control points to see how the curve changes.
And this allows free form geometric modeling.
To see the pattern (for the generalization to curves of higher orders), let’s put the quadratic
and cubic Bézier curves together:
And what are we seeing here? Pascal’s triangle! And with that we can guess (correctly) that
the expression for an n degree Bézier curve determined by n C 1 control points P k (k D
0; 1; 2; : : : ; n) is !
n X n
n k k
B.t/ D .1 t/ t P k D Bk;n P k (4.13.5)
kD0 kD0
Bk;n .t/ D .1 t/n k t k ; 0t 1 (4.13.6)
Paul de Casteljau (born 19 November 1930) is a French physicist and mathematician. In 1959, while working
at Citroën, he developed an algorithm for evaluating calculations on a certain family of curves, which would later
be formalized and popularized by engineer Pierre Bézier, leading to the curves widely known as Bézier curves.
Sergei Natanovich Bernstein (5 March 1880 – 26 October 1968) was a Soviet and Russian mathematician of
Jewish origin known for contributions to partial differential equations, differential geometry, probability theory, and
approximation theory.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.80: A cubic Bézier curve determined by four control points. Created using the file bezier.jl.
The Bernstein
Pn basis polynomial possess some nice properties: they are non-negative, their sum
is one i.e., kD1 Bk;n .t/ D 1 , see Fig. 4.81a. Because of these two properties, the point B.t/,
which is a weighted average of the control points, hence lies inside the convex hull of those
points (Fig. 4.81b).
(a) (b)
Figure 4.81: Bernstein cubic polynomials and convex hull property of Bézier curves.
You might be asking: where are calculus stuff? Ok, let’s differentiate the cubic curve B.t/
to see what we get:
B 0 .0/ D 3.P 1 P 0 /; B 0 .1/ D 3.P 3 P 2/
What is this equation telling us? It indicates that the tangent to the curve at P 1 (or t D 0) is
proportional to the line P 1 P 0 . And the tangent to the curve at P 2 is proportional to the line
Why? The binomial theorem is the answer.
P 3 P 2 . This should be not a surprise as we have actually seen this in Fig. 4.80b. Because of
this, and the fact that the curve goes through the starting and ending points i.e., B.0/ D P 0 and
B.1/ D P 3 , we say that a cubic Bézier curve is completely determined by four numbers: the
values of the curve at the two end points and the slopes of the curve at these points. And this is
where Bézier curves look similar to Hermite interpolation (??).
The vectors extending from P 0 to P 1 and from P 3 to P 2 are called handles and can be
manipulated in graphics programs like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to change the shape of
the curve. That explains the term free form modeling.
Bézier curves, CAD, and cars. The mathematical origin of Bézier curves comes from a 1912
mathematical discovery: Bernstein discovered (or invented) the now so-called Bernstein basis
polynomial, and used it to define the Bernstein polynomial. What was his purpose? Only to prove
Weierstrass’s approximation theorem (Section 12.3.1). We can say that Bernstein polynomials
had no practical applications until ... 50 years later. In 1960s, through the work of Bézieréé and
de Castelijau, Bernstein basis polynomials come to life under the form of Bézier curves.
de Casteljau’s idea of using mathematics to design car bod-
ies met with resistance from Citroën. The reaction was: Was it
some kind of joke? It was considered nonsense to represent a car
body mathematically. It was enough to please the eye, the word
accuracy had no meaning .... Eventually de Casteljau’s insane
persistence led to an increased adoption of computer-aided de-
sign methods in Citroën from 1963 onward. About his time at
Citroën in his autobiography de Casteljau wrote
Thanks to people like de Casteljau that now we have a field called computer aided design (CAD)
in which mathematics and computers are used to help the design of all things that you can
imagine of: cars, buildings, airplanes, phones and so on.
This is how computers compute trigonometric functions, exponential functions, logarithms etc.
It is amazing that to compute something finite we have to use infinity. Moreover, the expressions
have a nice pattern. That’s why maths is beautiful. Another theme here is function approximation:
a complex function (e.g. sin x) is replaced by a simpler function, e.g. a polynomial x 1=3äx 3 C
1=5äx 5 , which is easier to work with (easier to differentiate and integrate).
Regarding the organization, first, ingenious ways to obtain such infinite series are presented
and second, a systematic method, called Taylor’s series, is given.
When n is even fn .x/ can be found explicitly since he knows from Wallisé that
Z x
x pC1
up du D
0 pC1
Z x ✓ ◆
f0 .x/ D du D 1
x ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
2 x x3
f2 .x/ D .1 u /du D 1 C1
1 3
x ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ 5◆ (4.14.2)
2 2 x x3 x
f4 .x/ D .1 u / du D 1 C2 C1
1 3 5
x ✓ ◆ ✓ 3
◆ ✓ 5◆ ✓ ◆
2 3 x x x x7
f6 .x/ D .1 u / du D 1 C3 C3 C1
0 1 3 5 7
You can see that the red numbers follow the Pascal’s triangle (Section 2.26). These results for
even n can be generalized to have the following
x 2mC1
fn .x/ D amn . 1/m (4.14.3)
2m C 1
John Wallis (1616 – 1703) was an English clergyman and mathematician who is given partial credit for the
development of infinitesimal calculus.
where amn denotes the red coefficients in Eq. (4.14.2), they are called Integral binomial coef-
ficientséé and . 1/m is either +1 or -1 and is used to indicate the alternating plus/minus signs
appearing in Eq. (4.14.2). And Newton believed that this formula also works for odd integers
n D 1; 3; 5; : : : So he collected the red coefficients in Eq. (4.14.2) in a table (Table 4.18). And
his goal was to find the coefficients for n D 1; 3; 5; : : : i.e., the boxes in this table. With those
coefficients, we know the integrals in Eq. (4.14.1) and by term-wise differentiation we would
get the series for .1 x 2 /n for n D 1=2; 3=2 etc.
m 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1/2 1 3/2 2 5/2 3
2 0 ⇤ 0 ⇤ 1 3 3
3 0 ⇤ 0 ⇤ 0 1 1
4 0 ⇤ 0 ⇤ 0 0 0
5 0 ⇤ 0 ⇤ 0 0 0
Table 4.18: Integral binomial coefficients. The row of m D 0 is all 1, follow Eq. (4.14.2) (coefficient
of x term is always 1). The rule of this table is (because amn follows the Pascal’s triangle): am;nC2 D
am;n C am 1;n for m 1 (see the three circled numbers for one example). Note that a1n D n=2 for even
ns, and Newton believed it is also the case for odd ns. That’s why he put 1=2, 3=2 and 5=2 in the row of
m D 1 for odd ns.
m 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 a a a a a a
1 b aCb 2a C b 3a C b 4a C b 5a C b
2 c bCc a C 2b C c 3a C 3b C c 6a C 4b C c 10a C 5b C c
3 d cCd b C 2c C d a C 3b C 3c C d 4a C 6b C 4c C d 10a C 10b C 5c C d
A complete table for integral binomial coefficients is given in Table 4.19. And we determine
a; b; c; d; : : : by equating the m-th row in Table 4.19 with the corresponding row in Table 4.18,
but only for columns of even n.
For example, considering the third row (the red numbers in Table 4.19), we have the following
For example, if n D 0 and m D 0, then amn D 1 by looking at the first in Eq. (4.14.2).
9 ˆ
ˆ a21 D b C c D
c D 0= ˆ
ˆ 8
1 1 <
a C 2b C c D 0 H) c D 0; a D ; b D H) a23 D 3a C 3b C c D
; 4 8 ˆ
ˆ 8
6a C 4b C c D 1 ˆ
:̂a D 10a C 5b C c D 15
Similarly, considering now the fourth row, we have
9 8̂ 1
d D 0> a D 1= ˆ
ˆ a31 D c C d D
> ˆ
ˆ 16
b C 2c C d D 0= < b D 1=8 <
H) H) a33 D a C 3b C 3c C d D
4a C 6b C 4c C d D 0>
> ˆ
ˆ c D 1=16 ˆ
ˆ 16
; :̂ ˆ
20a C 15b C 6c C d D1 d D0 :̂a D 10a C 10b C 5c C d D 5
So, we can write f1 .x/ and f2 .x/ as
Z x ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1 x3 1 x5 1 x7
f1 .x/ D .1 u2 /1=2 du D x C C C
2 3 8 5 16 7
Z x
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
3 x3 3 x5 1 x7
f3 .x/ D .1 u2 /3=2 du D x C C
0 2 3 8 5 16 7
Now, we differentiate the two sides of the above equations; for the LHS the fundamental theorem
of calculus is used to obtain directly the result, and for the RHS, a term-wise differentiation is
1 2 1 4 1 6
.1 x 2 /1=2 D 1 x x x C
2 8 16 (4.14.4)
2 3=2 3 2 3 4 1
.1 x / D1 x C x C x6 C
2 8 16
Verification. To test his result, Newton squared the series for .1 x 2 /1=2 and observed that it
became 1 x 2 plus some remaining terms which will vanish. Precisely, Newton squared the
quantity 1 1=2x 2 1=8x 4 1=16x 6 5=128x 8 C R.x/ and obtained 1 x 2 C Q.x/ where
Q.x/ contains the lowest order of 10 i.e., very small. Today, we can do this verification easily
using Sympy.
Now comes P the surprising part. We all know the binomial theorem which says, for n 2 N,
.1 C x/n D nkD0 kn x k . The LHS of Eq. (4.14.4) are of the same form only with rational
exponents. The question is: can Eq. (4.14.4) still be written in the same form of the binomial
theorem? That is
.1 x 2 /m D . 1/k x 2k (4.14.5)
The answer is yes. The only difference compared with integral exponent case is that the binomial
expansion is now an infinite series when m is a rational number.
Newton computed ⇡. He considered the first quarter of a unit circle and calculated its area
(even though he knew that it is ⇡=4; thus he wanted to compete with Archimedes on who would
get more digits of ⇡. Actually he was testing
p his generalized binomial theorem). The function
of the first quarter of a unit circle is y D 1 x 2 , and thus its area is
Z 1p
AD 1 x 2 dx
Now comes the power of Eq. (4.14.4): Newton replaced 1 x 2 by its power series, and with
A D ⇡=4, he obtained:
Z 1✓ ◆
⇡ 1 2 1 4 1 6 5 8
D 1 x x x x dx
4 0 2 8 16 128
⇡ 1 x3 1 x5 1 x7 5 x9
D x
4 2 3 8 5 16 7 128 9
✓ ◆ 0
11 11 1 1 5 1
⇡ D4 1
2 3 8 5 16 7 128 9
However, he realized that this series converged quite slowlyéé .
Why this series converge slowly? Because in the terms x n =n, we
substituted x D 1. If 1 was replaced by a number smaller than 1,
then x n =n would be much smaller, and the series would converge
faster. And that exactly what Newton did: he only integrated to
0.5, and obtained this series (see next figure)
⇡ 3 1 11 1 1 1 1 5 1
12 8 2 6 8 40 32 112 128 1152 512
with which he managed to compute at least 15 digits. He admitted as much in 1666 (at the age of
23) when he wrote, "I am ashamed to tell you to how many figures I carried these computations,
having no other business at the time."
As you can see, having the right tool, the calculation of ⇡ became much easier than the
polygonal method of Archimedes.
n n
m -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 m -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 ⇤ 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 C1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 ⇤ 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
2 ⇤ 0 0 1 3 6 10 2 C1 0 0 1 3 6 10
3 ⇤ 0 0 0 1 4 10 3 1 0 0 0 1 4 10
4 ⇤ 0 0 0 0 1 5 4 C1 0 0 0 0 1 5
5 ⇤ 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Table 4.20: Integral binomial coefficients. The row of m D 0 is all 1, follow Eq. (4.14.7) (coefficient of x
term is always 1). The rule of this table is: am;nC1 D am;n C am 1;n .
Therefore, we can get the integral, and term-wise differentiation gives the series:
Z x
du x2 x3 x4 1
Dx C C H) D 1 x C x2 x3 C x4
0 1 C u 2 3 4 1 C x
And we obtain the geometric series! And that confirms Newton was correct.
1 x2 x3 x4
1 x C x2 x3 C D H) ln.1 C x/ D x C C (4.14.10)
1Cx 2 3 4
With this, it is the first time that we are able to compute ln 2 directly using only simple arithmetic
operations: ln 2 D ln.1 C 1/ D 1 1=2 C 1=3 1=4 C . Using a calculator we know that
ln 2 D 0:6931471805599453. Let’s see how the series in Eq. (4.14.10) performs. The calculation
in Table 4.21 (of course done by a Julia code) indicates that this series is practically not useful
as it converges too slow. See column 2 of the table, with 1000 terms and still the value is not yet
close to ln 2.
1 1.0 0.666667
2 0.5 0.666667
:: :: ::
: : :
11 0.736544 0.693147
:: :: ::
: : :
1000 0.692647 0.693147
How can we get a series with a better convergence? The issue might be in the alternating
C= sign in the series. By combining the series for ln.1 C x/ and ln.1 x/, we can get rid
of the terms with negative sign:
ˆ x2 x3 x4 ✓ ◆
< ln.1 C x/ D x C C 1Cx x3 x5
2 3 4 H) ln D2 xC C C :::
ˆ x2 x3 x4 1 x 3 5
:̂ ln.1 x/ D x C C C C
2 3 4
Using x D 1=3, we have ln 2 D 2.1=3 C .1=3/3 =3 C : : :/ The data in column 3 in Table 4.21
confirms that this series converge much better: only 11 terms give us 0.693147. What is more
is that while Eq. (4.14.10) cannot be used to compute ln e (because of the requirement jxj < 1),
Eq. (4.14.11) can. For any positive number y, x D y 1=yC1 satisfies jxj < 1.
The last equality is due to the fact that N D N 1 D N 2 as N is very large. Now, we
evaluate Eq. (4.14.15) at x D 1 to get an equation between a and k:
k 1 1
a D1C C k2 C k3 C
1ä 2ä 3ä
Euler defined e as the number for which k D 1:
1 1 1
e D1C C C C (4.14.16)
1ä 2ä 3ä
The series on the RHS indeed converges because nä gets bigger and bigger and 1=nä becomes
close to zero. A small code computing this series gives us e D 2:718281828459045. With
k D 1, Eq. (4.14.15) allows us to write e x as
✓ ◆N
x 1 1 1
e D 1C D1C x C x2 C x3 C (4.14.17)
N 1ä 2ä 3ä
to get
cos.n˛/ D Œ.cos ˛ C i sin ˛/n C .cos ˛ i sin ˛/n ç
i sin.n˛/ D Œ.cos ˛ C i sin ˛/n .cos ˛ i sin ˛/n ç
Using the binomial theorem: .a C b/n D nkD0 kn an k b k , we can expand the terms .cos ˛ C
i sin ˛/n as
n.n 1/
.cos ˛ C i sin ˛/n D cosn ˛ C i n cosn 1
˛ sin ˛ cosn 2 ˛ sin2 ˛
n.n 1/.n 2/ n.n 1/.n 2/.n 3/
i cosn 3 ˛ sin3 ˛ C cosn 4
˛ sin4 ˛
3ä 4ä
n.n 1/.n 2/.n 3/.n 4/
Ci cosn 5 sin5 ˛ C
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 4. Calculus 406
n.n 1/
.cos ˛ i sin ˛/n D cosn ˛ i n cosn 1
˛ sin ˛ cosn 2 sin2 ˛
n.n 1/.n 2/ n.n 1/.n 2/.n 3/
Ci cosn 3 ˛ sin3 ˛ C cosn 4
˛ sin4 ˛
3ä 4ä
n.n 1/.n 2/.n 3/.n 4/
i cosn 5 ˛ sin5 ˛ C
Now comes the magic of Euler. In Eq. (4.14.18), he used N for n where N is a very large
positive integer. He introduced a new variable x such that ˛N D x (or ˛ D x=N ). Obviously ˛
is very small, hence we have cos ˛ ⇡ 1, and sin ˛ ⇡ ˛. Hence, cos.n˛/ becomes
1 3 1 1 7 X
sin.x/ D x x C x5 x C D . 1/i 1
x 2i 1
3ä 5ä 7ä i D1
.2i 1/ä
1 2 1 1 6 X 1
1 2i
cos.x/ D 1 x C x4 x C D . 1/i x
2ä 4ä 6ä i D0
I have included the formula using the sigma notation. It is not for beauty, that formula is trans-
lated directly to our Julia code, see Listing B.3. Even though this was done by the great
mathematician Euler, we have to verify them for ourselves. p Let’s compute sin ⇡=4 using the
series. With only 5 terms, we got 0.707106781 (same as 2=2 computed using trigonometry
from high school maths)! Why so fast convergence?
With Eq. (4.14.19) we can see that the derivative of sine is cosine: just differentiating the first
series and you will obtain the second. Can we also obtain the identity sin2 x C cos2 x D 1 from
these series? Of course, otherwise it was not called sine/cosine series. Some people is skillful
enough to use Eq. (4.14.19) to prove this identity. It is quite messy. We can go the other way:
g.x/ D sin2 x C cos2 x H) g 0 .x/ D 2 sin x cos x 2 cos x sin x D 0 H) g.x/ D constant
But, we know g.0/ D sin2 0 C cos2 0 D 1 (using Eq. (4.14.19) of course). So g D 1. What a
nice proof. We still have to relate the sine/cosine series to the traditional definition of sine/cosine
based on a right triangle. And finally, the identity sin.x C y/ D sin x cos y C sin y cos x and so
on (all of this can be done, but that’s enough to demonstrate the idea).
You might ask why bothering with all of this? This is because if we can do so, then you can
see that trigonometric functions can be defined completely without geometry! Why that useful?
Because it means that trigonometric functions are more powerful than we once thought. Indeed
later on we shall see how these functions play an important role in many physical problems that
have nothing to do with triangles!
Euler’s proof was based on the power series of sin x (see the previous section), and the
fact that if f .x/ D 0 has solutions x1 D a, x2 D b, etc. then we can factor it as f .x/ D
.a x/.b x/.c x/ D .1 x=a/.1 x=b/.1 x=c/ if all of the solutions are different
from zero.
Euler considered the function f .x/ D sin x=x . From the power series of sin.x/ in
Eq. (4.14.19), we can write f .x/ as
sin x x2 x4
f .x/ D D1 C C (4.14.20)
x 3ä 5ä
As the non-zero solutions of f .x/ D 0 are ˙⇡, ˙2⇡, ˙3⇡, etc, we can also write it as
✓ ◆✓ ◆✓ ◆✓ ◆
x x x x
f .x/ D 1 1C 1 1C
⇡ ⇡ 2⇡ 2⇡
✓ ◆ (4.14.21)
1 1 1 2
D1 C C C x C
⇡2 4⇡ 2 9⇡ 2
By equating the coefficient for x 2 in Eqs. (4.14.20) and (4.14.21), we obtain
1 1 1 1 1 1 ⇡2
C 2
C C D H) 1 C C C D (4.14.22)
⇡ 4⇡ 9⇡ 2 3ä 4 9 6
It is easy to verify this result by writing a small code to calculate the sum of niD1 1=i 2 , for
example with n D 1000 and see that the sum is indeed equal to ⇡ 2 =6. And with this new toy,
Euler continued and calculated the following sums (note that all involve even powers)
1 1 ⇡2
1C C C D .power 2/
4 9 6
1 1 ⇡4
1C C C D .power 4/
16 81 90
But Euler and no mathematicians after him is able to crack down the sum with odd powers. For
example, what is 1 C 213 C 313 C 413 ? Can it be ⇡ 3=n? No one knows.
Wallis’ infinite product Euler’s method simultaneously leads us to Wallis’ infinite product
regarding ⇡. The derivation is as follows
✓ ◆✓ ◆✓ ◆✓ ◆ ✓ ◆✓ ◆✓ ◆
sin x x x x x x2 x2 x2
D 1 1C 1 1C D 1 1 1
x ⇡ ⇡ 2⇡ 2⇡ ⇡2 4⇡ 2 9⇡ 2
Evaluating the above at x D ⇡=2 results in Wallis’ infinite product
✓ ◆✓ ◆✓ ◆ ✓ ◆✓ ◆✓ ◆
2 1 1 1 3 15 35
D 1 1 1 D
⇡ 4 16 36 4 16 36
✓ ◆✓ ◆✓ ◆ ✓ ◆✓ ◆✓ ◆
1⇥3 3⇥5 5⇥7 ⇡ 2 2 4 4 6 6
D H) D
2⇥2 4⇥4 6⇥6 2 1 3 3 5 5 7
Harmonic series and Euler’s constant. Up to now we have met the three famous numbers in
mathematics: ⇡, e and i. Now is the time to meet the fourth number: D 0:577215 : : : While
Euler did not discover ⇡, e and i he gave the names to two of them (⇡ and e). Now that he
discovered but he did not name it.
Recall that S.n/–the n-th harmonic number–is the sum of the reciprocals of the first n natural
1 1 1 X n
S.n/ WD 1 C C C C D (4.14.23)
2 3 n i D1
Now, define the following quantity
Using a computer, with n D 107 , I got D 0:577215, correct to six decimals. In 1734, Euler
computed to five decimals. Few years later he computed up to 16 digits.
But hey! How did Euler think of Eq. (4.14.24)? If someone told you to consider this sequence,
you could write a code to compute A.n/ and see it for yourself that it converges to a value of
0.577215. And you would discover . Now you see the problems with how mathematics is
currently taught and written. For detail on the discovery of , I recommend the book Gamma:
exploring Euler’s constant by Julian Haviléé [24] for an interesting story about . There are many
books about the great incomparable Euler e.g. Euler: The master of us all by Dunham William⇤⇤
[13] or Paul Nahin’s Dr. Euler’s Fabulous Formula: Cures Many Mathematical Ills [40].
Julian Havil (born 1952) is an educator and author working at Winchester College, Winchester, England. The
famous English-American theoretical physicist and mathematician Freeman Dyson was one student of Havil.
William Wade Dunham (born 1947) is an American writer who was originally trained in topology but became
interested in the history of mathematics and specializes in Leonhard Euler. He has received several awards for
writing and teaching on this subject.
f .x/ D a0 C a1 x C a2 x 2 C a3 x 3 C D an x n (4.14.26)
f .0/ D a0
f 0 .0/ D a1
f 00 .0/ D 2äa2
f 000 .0/ D 3äa3 (4.14.27)
f .n/ .0/ D näan
And putting these coefficients into Eq. (4.14.26), we obtain the Taylor’s series of any function
f .x/|| :
where the notation f .n/ .x/ denotes the n-order derivative of f .x/; for n D 0 we have f .0/ .x/ D
f .x/ (i.e., the 0th derivative is the function itself). See Fig. 4.82 for a demonstration of the
Taylor series of cos x. The more terms we include a better approximation of cos x we get. What
is interesting is that we use information of f .x/ only at x D 0, yet the Taylor series (with
enough terms) match the original function for many more points. Taylor series expanded around
0 is sometimes known as the Maclaurin series, named after the Scottish mathematician Colin
Maclaurin (1698 – 1746).
There is nothing special about x D 0. And we can expand the function at the point x D a:
f .n/ .a/
f .x/ D .x a/n (4.14.29)
Actually not all functions but smooth functions that have derivatives
cos x
1 x2 /2
1 x2 /2 + x4 /4!
1 x2 /2 + x4 /4! x6 /6!
Figure 4.82: The graph of cos x and some of its Taylor expansions: 1 x 2 =2, 1 x 2 =2 C x 4 =4ä and
1 x 2 =2 C x 4 =4ä x 6 =6ä.
Equipped with Eq. (4.14.28) it is now an easy job to develop power series for trigonometric
functions, exponential functions, logarithm functions etc. We put commonly used Taylor series
1 1 1 X
ex D1C x C x2 C x3 C D x2R
1ä 2ä 3ä nD0
1 3 1 1 7 X1
x 2nC1
sin x Dx x C x5 x C D . 1/n x2R
3ä 5ä 7ä nD0
.2n C 1/ä
1 2 1 1 6 X1
x 2n
cos x D1 x C x4 x C D . 1/n x2R
2ä 4ä 6ä nD0
x3 x5 x7 X1
x 2nC1
arctan x Dx C C D . 1/n x 2 Œ 1; 1ç
3 5 7 nD0
.2n C 1/
x2 x3 x4 X1
ln.1 C x/ D x C C D . 1/nC1 x 2 . 1; 1/
2 3 4 nD1
1 X1
D 1 C x C x2 C x3 C D xn x 2 . 1; 1/
1 x nD0
If we look at the Taylor series of cos x we do not see odd powers. Why? This is because
cos. x/ D cos.x/ or cosine is an even function. Similarly, in the series of the sine, we do not
see even powers. In the above equation, for each series a condition e.g. x 2 Œ 1; 1ç was included.
This is to show for which values of x that we can use the Taylor series to represent the origin
functions. For example, we cannot use x x 3=3 C x 5=5 x 7=7 C to replace arctan x for jxj > 1.
In Fig. 4.83 we plot e and ln.1 C x/ and their Taylor series of different number of terms
n. We see that the more terms used the more accurate the Taylor series are. But how accurate
exactly? You might guess the next thing mathematicians will do is to find the error associated
with a truncated Taylor series (we cannot afford to use large n so we can only use a small
number of terms, and thus we introduce error and we have to be able to quantify this error).
Section 4.14.10 is devoted to this topic.
Taylor’s series of other functions. For functions made of elementary functions, using the
definition of Taylor’s series is difficult. We can find Taylor’s series for these functions indirectly.
For example, to find the Taylor’s series of the following function
⇣ ⇡ ⇡⌘
f .x/ D ln.cos x/; x 2 ;
2 2
we first re-write f .x/ in the form ln.1 C t / so that Taylor’s series is available:
f .x/ D ln.1 C .cos x 1//
.cos x 1/2 .cos x 1/3 .cos x 1/4 (4.14.30)
D .cos x 1/ C C
2 3 4
Now we use Taylor’s series for cos x:
1 2 1 1 6
cos x 1D x C x4 x C (4.14.31)
2ä 4ä 6ä
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 4. Calculus 413
Assume that we ignore terms of order 8 and above, we can compute f .x/ as:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆3
1 2 1 1 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 2
ln.cos x/ D x C x4 x C x C x4 C x
2ä 4ä 6ä 2 2ä 4ä 3 2ä
x2 x4 x6
D C O.x 8 /
2 12 45
Big O notation. In the above equation I have introduced the big O notation (O.x 8 /). In that
equation, because we neglected terms of order of magnitude equal and greater than eight, the
notation O.x 8 / is used. Let’s see one example: the sum of the first n positive integers is
n.n C 1/ n2 n
1C2C3C CnD D C
2 2 2
When n is large, the second term is much smaller relatively than the first term; so the order of
magnitude of 1 C 2 C C n is n2 ; the factor 1=2 is not important. So we write
1C2C3C C n D O.n2 /
To get familiar with this notation, we write, in below, the full Taylor’s series for e x , and two
truncated series
1 1 2 1 3 1
ex D 1 C xC x C x C D1C x C O.x 2 /
1ä 2ä 3ä 1ä
1 1 2 1 3 1 1
ex D1C xC x C x C D 1 C x C x 2 C O.x 3 /
1ä 2ä 3ä 1ä 2ä
The notation O.x 2 / allows us to express the fact that the error in e x D 1 C x is smaller in
absolute value than some constant times x 2 if x is close enough to 0éé . The big O notation
is also called Landau’s symbol named after the German number theoretician Edmund Landau
(1877–1938) who invented the notation. The letter O is for order.
f .n/ .a/ X
f .i / .a/ X1
f .i / .a/
n i
f .x/ D .x a/ D .x a/ C .x a/i (4.14.32)
nä i D0
iä i DnC1
„ ƒ‚ … „
ƒ‚ …
Tn .x/ Rn .x/
The first sum (has a finite term) is a polynomial of degree n and thus called a Taylor polynomial,
denoted by Tn .x/. The remaining term is called, understandably, the remainder, Rn .x/.
It is often that scientists/engineers do this approximation: f .x/ ⇡ Tn .x/. This is because it’s
easy to work with a polynomial (e.g. differentiation/integration, root finding of a polynomial is
straightforward). In this case Rn .x/ becomes the error of this approximation. If only two terms
in the Taylor series are used, we get:
Theorem 4.14.1
f .nC1/ .c/
Rn .x/ D .x a/nC1 (4.14.33)
.n C 1/ä
Example 4.18
The Taylor series for y D e x at a D 0 with the remainder is given by
x x2 xn ec
ex D 1 C C C C C Rn .x/; Rn .x/ D x nC1
1ä 2ä nä .n C 1/ä
where 0 < c < x. The nice thing with e x is that Rn .x/ approaches zero as n goes large. Note
that we have jcj < jxj and e x is an increasing function, thus
e jxj jx nC1 j
jRn .x/j jx nC1 j H) lim jRn .x/j < e jxj lim D0
.n C 1/ä n!1 n!1 .n C 1/ä
See Section 4.10.4 if you’re not clear why the final limit is zero.
1 1 1
ex D 1 C x C x2 C x3 C
1ä 2ä 3ä
x2 1 1 1
e D 1 C . x 2 / C . x 2 /2 C . x 2 /3 C
1ä 2ä 3ä
Then, term-wise integration gives us
Z Z 1
x2 1 1 1
e dx D 1 C . x 2 / C . x 2 /2 C . x 2 /3 C dx
0 1ä 2ä 3ä
1 3 1 5 1 7 X1
1 x 2nC1
Dx x C x x C D . 1/n
1ä3 2ä5 3ä7 nD0
nä 2n C 1
First, write a small Julia code to verify this formula (using n D 100 and compute the RHS
to see if it matches ⇡ D 3:1415 : : :). How on earth mathematicians discovered this kind of
equation? They started with a definite integral of which the integral involves ⇡:
Z 1=2
dx ⇡
D p
0 x2 x C 1 3 3
If you cannot evaluate this integral: using a completing a square for x 2 x C 1, then using a
trigonometry substitution (tan ✓). That’s not interesting. Here is the great stuff:
1 C x 3 D .1 C x/.x 2 x C 1/
Z 1=2 Z 1=2 Z 1=2 Z 1=2
dx xC1 xdx dx
I D D dx D C
0 x2 xC1 0 1 C x3 0 1 C x3 0 1 C x3
Of course, now we replace the integrands by corresponding power series. Starting with the
geometric series:
D 1 C x C x2 C x3 C
1 x
We then have:
D1 x3 C x6 x9 C
1 C x3
Dx x4 C x7 x 10 C .obtained from the above times x/
1 C x3
Now, the integral I can be evaluated using these series:
Z 1=2 Z 1=2
4 7 10
I D .x x C x x C /dx C .1 x3 C x6 x9 C C/dx
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
D 0
C 2
C 1 0 C
4 2 8 5 8 8 8 2 8 4 8 7 82
Now we can understand Eq. (4.15.1).
Mysterious function x x . What would be the graph of the mysterious function y D x x ? Can it
be defined for negative x? Is it an increasing/decreasing function? We leave that for you, instead
we focus on the integration of this function. That is we consider the following integral:
Z 1
I WD x x dx
x x D .e ln x /x D e x ln x
1 1 1 X
.x ln x/n
x ln x
e D 1 C x ln x C .x ln x/2 C .x ln x/3 C D
1ä 2ä 3ä nD0
Z 1 Z 1
n 1 n
.x ln x/ dx D Œx nC1 .ln x/n ç10 x n .ln x/n 1 dx
nC1 nC1
Z 1
0 0
D x n .ln x/n 1 dx
nC1 0
This is because limx!0 x nC1 .ln x/n D 0. Now if we repeatedly apply integration by parts to
lower the power in .ln x/n 1 , we obtain:
Z 1 ✓ ◆Z 1
n n
.x ln x/ dx D x n .ln x/n 1 dx
nC1 0
✓ ◆✓ ◆Z 1
n n 1
D x n .ln x/n 2 dx
nC1 nC1 0
✓ ◆✓ ◆✓ ◆Z 1
n n 1 n 2
D x n .ln x/n 3 dx
nC1 nC1 nC1 0
. 1/n 1 1 1
I D D1 C 3 C
.n C 1/nC1 22 3 44
x!0 cos x 1
And again, the idea is to replace e x and cos x by its Taylor’s series, and we will find that the
limit will come easily:
1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 5
x 2 .1 C 1ä
x C 2ä x C 3ä x C / x2 C 1ä
x C 2ä x C 3ä x C
AD 1 2 1 4
D 1 2 1 4
H) lim A D 2
x C 4ä x 2ä
x C 4ä x x!0
1 1 1
1 C C D‹
1ä 2ä 3ä
We can recognize that the above series is e x
evaluated at x D 1, so the series converges to 1=e.
1 1 1 1 1
ex 1D x C x 2 C x 3 C x 4 C x 5 C O.x 6 /
1ä 2ä 3ä 4ä 5ä
Then, we can write 1=.e x 1/ as
1 1
ex 1 1 1 1 1 1
x C x 2 C x 3 C x 4 C x 5 C O.x 6 /
1ä 2ä 3ä 4ä 5ä
0 1 1
1B C
B1 C 1 x C 1 x 2 C 1 x 3 C 1 x 4 CO.x 5 /C
x@ 2
„ 6 24
ƒ‚ 120 … A
Now, using the Taylor series for 1=.1 C y/ D 1 y C y 2 y 3 C y 4 (we stop at y 4 as we skip
terms of powers higher than 4), and also using SymPy, we get
x x x2 x4 x0 1 x1 1 x2 1 x4 X
D1 C C D1 C C D Bn
ex 1 2 12 720 0ä 2 1ä 6 2ä 30 4ä nD0
The second equality is to introduce nä into the formula as we want to follow the pattern of the
Taylor series. With that, we obtain a nice series for x=ex 1 in which the Bernoulli numbers show
up again! They are
1 1 1 1
B0 D 1; B1 D ; B2 D ; B3 D 0; B4 D ; B5 D 0; B6 D ; B7 D 0; : : :
2 6 30 42
Recurrence relation between Bernoulli numbers. Recall that we have met Fibonacci numbers,
and they are related to each other. Then, we now ask whether there exists a relation between the
Bernoulli numbers. The answer is yes, that’s why mathematics is super interesting. The way to
P1 this relation is also beautiful. From Eq. (4.16.1), we can compute x in terms of e x 1
and nD0 Bn xnä :
✓ ◆ X !
x n
x x 2 1
x n
x D .e x 1/ Bn D C C Bn
nä 1ä 2ä nä
! !
xm X1
xn X1
x mC1 X1
D Bn D Bn
mä nD0
nä mD0
.m C 1/ä nD0
The last equality was to convert the lower limit of summation of 1mD1
x m=mä from 1 to zero, to
apply the Cauchy product. Now, we use the Cauchy product for two seriesé to get
! !
X1 X n
x n kC1 xk X1 Xn
nC1 x nC1
xD Bk D Bk
.n k C 1/ä kä nD0
k .n C 1/ä
kD0 kD0
Refer to Eq. (7.12.2) for derivation.
This is similar to x D b0 x C .b1 C b2 /x 2 for all x, then we must have b0 D 1 and b1 C b2 D 0.
Explicitly, we have
1 D B0
0 D B0 C 2B1
0 D B0 C 3B1 C 3B2
0 D B0 C 4B1 C 6B2 C 4B3
0 D B0 C 5B1 C 10B2 C 10B3 C 5B4
Cotangent and Bernoulii numbers. If we consider the function g.x/ D x=ex 1 B1 x, we get;
check Section 5.17 for detail,
x x e x=2 C e x=2 X1
B2n 2n
g.x/ WD B1 x D D x
ex 1 2 e x=2 e x=2
If we know hyperbolic trigonometric functions, see Section 3.14, then it is not hard to see that
the red term is coth .x=2/; and thus we’re led to
x ⇣x ⌘ X 1
B2n 2n
coth D x
2 2 nD0
And to get from coth to cot, just replace x by ix, and we get the series for the cotangent function:
cot x D . 1/n .2x/2n 1
Now, to simplify the notation, we simply use Sm for Sm .n/. And for later use, we list the first
few sumséé :
S0 D 10 C 20 C 30 C C n0 D B0 n
S1 D 11 C 21 C 31 C C n1 D B0 n2 2B1 n
S2 D 12 C 22 C 32 C C n2 D B0 n3 3B1 n2 C 3B2 n (4.17.1)
S3 D 13 C 23 C 33 C C n3 D B0 n4 4B1 n3 C 6B2 n2 C 4B3 n
S4 D 14 C 24 C 34 C C n4 D B0 n5 5B1 n4 C 10B2 n3 C 10B3 n2 C 5B4 n
The Euler-Maclaurin summation formula involves the sum of a function y D f .x/ evaluated
at integer values of x from 1 to n. For example, considering y D x 2 , and this sum
which is nothing but the S2 we’re familiar with. Considering another function y D x 2 C 3x C 2,
and the sum S WD f .1/Cf .2/C Cf .n/, which is nothing but S2 C3S1 C2S0 . To conclude, for
polynomials, S can be written in terms of S0 ; S1 ; : : : And we know how to compute S0 ; S1 ; : : :
using Eq. (4.17.1).
Moving on now to non-polynomial functions such as sin x or e x . Thanks to Taylor, we can
express these functions as a power series, and we return back to the business of dealing with
polynomials. For an arbitrary function f .x/–which is assumed to be able to have a Taylor’s
expansion, we can then write
f .x/ D c0 C c1 x C c2 x 2 C
Thus, we can compute S D niD1 f .i/ in the same manner as we did for polynomials, only this
time we have an infinite sum:
S WD f .i/ D c0 S0 C c1 S1 C c2 S2 C c3 S3 C
i D1
Now, we need to massage S a bit so that it tells us the hidden truth; we group terms with
B0 ; B1 ; : : ::
✓ ◆
1 2 1 3 1 4
S D B0 c0 n C c1 n C c2 n C c3 n C C
2 3 4
B1 .c1 n C c2 n2 C c3 n3 C c4 n4 C /C
C B2 .c2 n C c3 n2 C 2c4 n3 C / C B3 . / C
Now come the magic, the red term is the integral of f .x/|| , the blue term is the first derivative of
f .x/ at x D n minus f 0 .0/, and the third term is f 00 .n/ f 00 .0/ and so on, so we have
Z n
B2 B3
SD f .x/dx B1 .f .n/ f .0// C f 0 .n/ f 0 .0/ C f 00 .n/ f 00 .0/ C
0 2ä 3ä
Noting that B2nC1 are all zeros except B1 and B1 D 1=2, we can rewrite the above equation
Z n
X f .n/ f .0/ X B2k ⇣ .2k 1/ ⌘
n 1
f .i/ D f .x/dx C C f .n/ f .2k 1/ .0/
i D1 0 2 .2k/ä
Why can this formula be useful when we replace a finite sum by a definite integral (which can
be done) and an infinite sum? You will see that this is a powerful formula to compute sums,
P1 infinite sums and finite sums. That was the powerful weapon that Euler used to compute
kD1 1=k 2
in the Basel problem. But first, we need to polish our formula, because there is an
asymmetry in the formula: on the LHS we start from 1, but on the RHS, we start from 0. If we
add f .0/ to both sides, we get a nicer formula:
Z n
X f .n/ C f .0/ X B2k ⇣ .2k 1/ ⌘
n 1
.2k 1/
f .i/ D f .x/dx C C f .n/ f .0/
i D0 0 2 .2k/ä
Now if we ask why start from 0? What if f .0/ is undefined (e.g. for f .x/ D 1=x 2 /? We can
start from any value smaller than n. Let’s consider m < n, and we compute two sums:
Z n
X f .n/ C f .0/ X B2k ⇣ .2k 1/ ⌘
n 1
f .i / D f .x/dx C C f .n/ f .2k 1/ .0/
i D0 0 2 .2k/ä
Z m
X f .m/ C f .0/ X B2k ⇣ .2k 1/ ⌘
m 1
f .i / D f .x/dx C C f .m/ f .2k 1/ .0/
i D0 0 2 .2k/ä
Now, we subtract the first formula from the second one, we then have a formula which starts
from m nearly (note that on the LHS, we start from m C 1 because f .m/ was removed):
Z n
X f .n/ f .m/ X B2k ⇣ .2k 1/ ⌘
n 1
f .i/ D f .x/dx C C f .n/ f .2k 1/ .m/
i DmC1 m 2 .2k/ä
|| n
0 .c0 C c1 x C c2 x 2 C /dx D .c0 x C c1 x 2 =2 C c2 x 3 =3 C /jn0 .
Using the same trick of adding f .m/ to both sides, we finally arrive at
X f .n/ C f .m/ X B2k ⇣ .2k ⌘
n n 1
f .i/ D f .x/dx C C f .n/ f .2k 1/
i Dm m 2 .2k/ä
And this is the Euler-Maclaurin summation formula, usually abbreviated as EMSF, about which
D. Pengelley⇤⇤ wrote the formula that dances between continuous and discrete. This is the form
without the remainder term. This is because in the formula we do not know when to truncate the
infinite serieséé .
Basel sum. Now we use the EMSF to compute the Basel sum, tracing the footsteps of the great
Euler. We write the sum of the second powers of the reciprocals of the positive integers as
1 X1 1
D 2
C (4.17.3)
k k k2
kD1 kD1 kDN
Now, the first sum with a few terms, we compute it explicitly (i.e., add term by term) and for
the second term, we use the EMSF in Eq. (4.17.2). We can compute the red term as, with
f .x/ D 1=x 2
1 1 1 1 1 1
k2 N 2N 2 6N 3 30N 5 42N 7
For example with N D 10, we have (with only four terms in the above series)
1 X
1 1 1 1 1
D 2
C C 2
k k N 2N 6N 3 30N 5
kD1 kD1
An infinite sum was computed using only a sum of 13 terms! How about the accuracy? The exact
value is ⇡ 2 =6 D 1:6449340668482264, and the one based on the EMSF is 1:644934064499874;
an accuracy of eight decimals. If we do not know the EMSF,
P9 we would have had to compute 1 bil-
lion terms to get an accuracy of 8 decimals! Note that kD1 1=k is only 1:539767731166540.
of which proof is not discussed here. We once had a thought that, in a boring calculus class, why
we spent a significant amount of our youth to compute these seemingly useless integrals like the
above? It is interesting to realize that these integrals play an important role in mathematics and
then in our lives.
Now, Fourier believed that it is possible to expand any periodic function f .x/ with period
2⇡ as a trigonometric infinite series (as mentioned, refer to Sections 9.9 and 9.11 to see why
Fourier came up with this idea; once the idea is there, the remaining steps are usually not hard,
as I can understand them):
We do not have b0 because sin 0x D 0. This trigonometric infinite series is called a Fourier
series and the coefficients an , bn are called the Fourier coefficients. Our goal now is to determine
these coefficients.
For a0 , we just integrate two sides of Eq. (4.18.2) from ⇡ to ⇡ éé , we get:
Z ⇡ Z ⇡ 1
X Z ⇡ Z ⇡
f .x/dx D a0 dx C an cos nxdx C bn sin nxdx (4.18.3)
⇡ ⇡ nD1 ⇡ ⇡
Now the "seemingly useless" integrals in Eq. (4.18.1) come into play: the red integrals are all
zeroes, so
Z ⇡ Z ⇡
f .x/dx D 2⇡a0 H) a0 D f .x/dx (4.18.4)
⇡ 2⇡ ⇡
The results do not change if we integrate from 0 to 2⇡. In fact, if a function y D f .x/ is T -periodic, then
f .x/dx D f .x/dx
a b
Drawing a picture of this periodic function, and note that integral is area, and you will see why this equation holds.
For an with n 1, we multiply Eq. (4.18.2) with cos mx and integrate two sides of the
resulting equation. Doing so gives us:
Z ⇡ Z ⇡
f .x/ cos mxdx D a0 cos mxdxC
⇡ ⇡
X Z ⇡ Z ⇡
C an cos mx cos nxdx C bn cos mx sin nxdx
nD1 ⇡ ⇡
Again, the integrals in Eq. (4.18.1) help us a lots here: the red integrals vanish. We’re left with
this term
X1 Z ⇡
an cos mx cos nxdx
nD1 ⇡
As the blue integral is zero when n ¤ m and it is equal to ⇡ when n D m, the above term should
be equal am ⇡. Thus,
Z ⇡ Z
1 ⇡
f .x/ cos mxdx D am ⇡ H) am D f .x/ cos mxdx (4.18.5)
⇡ ⇡ ⇡
Similarly, for bn we multiply Section 11.8.2 with sin mx and integrate two sides of the
resulting equation. Doing so gives us:
1 ⇡
bm D f .x/ sin mxdx (4.18.6)
⇡ ⇡
Example 1. As the first application of Fourier series, let’s try the square wave function given by
0 if ⇡ x < 0
f .x/ D ; f .x C 2⇡/ D f .x/ (4.18.7)
1 if 0 x < ⇡
Square waves are often encountered in electronics and signal processing, particularly digital
electronics and digital signal processing. Mathematicians call the function in Eq. (4.18.7) a
piecewise continuous function. This is because the function is consisted of many pieces, each
piece is defined on a sub-interval. Within a sub-interval the function is continuous, but at some
points between two neighboring sub-intervals there is a jump.
The determination of the Fourier coefficients for this function is quite straightforward:
Z ⇡ Z ⇡
1 1 1
a0 D f .x/dx D dx D
2⇡ ⇡ 2⇡ 0 2
Z ⇡ Z ⇡
1 1
an D f .x/ cos nxdx D cos nxdx D 0
⇡ ⇡ ⇡ 0
1 ⇡ 1 ⇡ 1
bn D f .x/ sin nxdx D sin nxdx D .cos n⇡ 1/
⇡ ⇡ ⇡ 0 n⇡
Noting that bn is non-zero only for odd n. In that case, cos n⇡ D 1. Thus, the Fourier series of
this square wave is:
1 X
1 2 2 2
f .x/ D C sin x C sin 3x C D C sin.2n 1/x (4.18.8)
2 ⇡ 3⇡ 2 nD1 .2n 1/⇡
Fig. 4.84 plots the square wave along with some of its Fourier series with 1,3,5,7 and 15 terms.
With more than 7 terms, a good approximation is obtained. Note that Taylor series cannot do
1 2
Figure 4.84: Representing a square wave function by a finite Fourier series Sn D 2 C ⇡ sin x C C
n⇡ sin nx for n D 2k 1. Source: fourier-square-wave.jl.
Let’s have some fun with this new toy and we will rediscover an old series. For 0 x < ⇡,
f .x/ D 1, so we can write 1 D 1=2 C 2=⇡ sin x C 2=3⇡ sin 3x C . Then, a bit of algebra, and
finally choosing x D ⇡=2, we see again the well know series for ⇡=4:
1 2 2
D sin x C sin 3x C
2 ⇡ 3⇡
⇡ 1 1
D sin x C sin 3x C sin 5x C
4 3 5
⇡ 1 1 1
D1 C C (evaluating the above equation at x D ⇡=2)
4 3 5 7
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 4. Calculus 427
The determination of the Fourier coefficients for this function is also straightforward:
Z 1 Z ⇡
1 1 1
a0 D jxjdx D dx D
2 2⇡ 2
1 0
1 1
an D jxj cos nxdx D 2 x cos nxdx D .cos n⇡ 1/
n2 ⇡ 2
1 0
bn D jxj sin nxdx D 0 (jxj sin nx is an odd function )
Of course, we have used integration by parts to compute an . Noting that an is non-zero only for
odd n. In that case, cos n⇡ D 1. Thus, the Fourier series of this triangular wave is:
1 X
1 4 4 4
f .x/ D 2
cos ⇡x cos 3⇡xC D cos.2n 1/⇡x (4.18.11)
2 ⇡ 9⇡ 2 2 nD1 .2n 1/2 ⇡ 2
A plot of some Fourier series of this function is given in Fig. 4.85. Only four terms and we
obtain a very good approximation.
1 4
Figure 4.85: Representing a triangular wave function by a finite Fourier series Sn D 2 ⇡2
cos ⇡x
n2 ⇡ 2
cos n⇡x for n D 2k 1.
Similarly to example 1, we can also get a nice series related to ⇡ by considering f .x/ and
its Fourier series at x D 0:
1 4 4 4
f .x/ D 2
cos ⇡x 2
cos 3⇡x cos 5⇡x
2 ⇡ 9⇡ 25⇡ 2
1 4 4 4 ⇡2 1 1 1
D 2C C C H) D C C C
2 ⇡ 9⇡ 2 25⇡ 2 8 1 9 25
Now, what is important to consider is the difference between the Fourier series for the square
wave and the triangular wave. I put these two series side by side now
1 X
square wave: f .x/ D C sin.2n 1/
2 nD1 .2n 1/⇡
1 X
triangular wave: f .x/ D cos.2n 1/⇡x
2 nD1
.2n 1/2 ⇡ 2
Now we can see why we need less terms in the Fourier series to represent the triangular wave
than the square wave. The difference lies in the red number. The terms in the triangular series
approach zero faster than the terms in the square series. And by looking at the shape of these
waves, it is obvious that smoother waves (the square wave has discontinuities) are easier for
Fourier series to converge.
1 Z L
i n⇡x=L 1 i n⇡x=L
f .x/ D cn e ; cn D f .x/e dx (4.18.14)
nD 1
2L L
Having another way to look at Fourier series is itself something significant. Still, we can see the
benefits of the complex form: instead of having a0 , an and bn and the sines and cosines, now we
just have cn and the complex exponential.
We have more, lot more, to say about Fourier series e.g. Fourier transforms, discrete Fourier
transform, fast Fourier transforms etc. (Section 9.12) We still do not know the meanings of
the a’s and b’s (or cn ). We do not know which functions can have a Fourier series. To an-
swer these questions, we need more maths such as linear algebra. I have introduced Fourier
series as early as here for these reasons. First, we learned about Taylor series (which allows us
to represent a function with a power series). Now, we have something similar: Fourier series
R⇡ a function is represented as a trigonometric series. Second, something like the identity
⇡ sin nx cos mxdx D 0 looks useless, but it is not.
About Fourier’s idea of expressing a function as a trigonometry series, the German mathe-
matician Bernhard Riemann once said:
Nearly fifty years has passed without any progress on the question of analytic repre-
sentation of an arbitrary function, when an assertion of Fourier threw new light on
the subject. Thus a new era began for the development of this part of Mathematics
and this was heralded in a stunning way by major developments in mathematical
(c) Exponentials: e x
(g) Composite functions of the previous six functions: log.sin x/x; cos2 x, etc.
(h) All functions obtained by adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing any of the above seven
types a finite number of times. Examples are:
x 2 C sin x 3 log x
Ä.x/ D .x 1/ä (4.19.2)
And with this integral definition of factorial, we are no longer limited to factorials of natural
numbers. Indeed, we can compute .0:5/ä aséé
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ Z 1 p
1 3 ⇡
äDÄ D t 1=2 e t dt D (4.19.3)
2 2 0 2
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ Z 1
1 1 1=2
äDÄ D t e t dt D ⇡ (4.19.4)
2 2 0
R u2
For the final integral, change of variable u D t 1=2 and we get a new integral 2 u2 e du.
1 1 1 X1
S D1C C C C D D1
2 3 4 k1
X1 (4.19.5)
1 1 1 1 ⇡2
4 9 16 k2 6
Obviously, these sums are special cases of the following
S.p/ D ; p2N
which can be seen as the sum of the integral powers of the reciprocals of the natural numbers.
⇣.z/ WD ; z2C
4.20 Review
It was a long chapter. This is no surprise for we have covered the mathematics developed during
a time span of about 200 years. But as it is always the case: try to do not lose the forest for the
trees. The core of calculus is simple, and I’ am trying to summarize that core now. Understand
that and others will follow quite naturally (except the rigorous foundation–that’s super hard).
✏ The calculus is the mathematics of change: it provides us notions and symbols and methods
to talk about changes precisely;
✏ What is better than motion as an example of change? For motion, we need three notions:
(1) position x.t/–to quantify the position (that answers the question where an object is
at a particular time), (2) velocity v.t/–to quantify the speed (that answers the question
how fast our object is moving), and (3) acceleration a.t/–to quantify how fast the object
changes its speed.
✏ Going from (1) to (2) to (3) is called “taking the derivative”: the derivative gives us the
way to quantify a time rate of change. For the velocity, it is the rate of change of the
position per unit time. That’s why we have the symbols dx, dt and dx=dt ;
Z t
✏ Going from (3) to (2) to (1) is called “taking the integral”: x.t/ D vdt . Knowing
the speed v.t/ and consider a very small time interval dt during which the distance the
object has traveled is v.t/dt , finally adding up all those tiny distances and we get the total
distance x.t/;
✏ So, the calculus is the study of derivative and integral. But they are not two independent
things, they are the inverse of each other like negative/positive numbers, men/women,
war/peace and so on;
✏ When we studied counting numbers we have discovered many rules (e.g. odd + odd =
even). The same pattern is observed here: the new toys of mathematicians–the derivative
and the integral–have their own rules. For example, the derivative of a sum is the sum of
the derivatives. Thanks to this rule, we know how to determine the derivative of x 10 C
x 5 C 23x 3 , for example for we know to differentiate each term.
✏ Calculus does to algebra what algebra does to arithmetic. Arithmetic is about manipulating
numbers (addition, multiplication, etc.). Algebra finds patterns between numbers e.g. a2
b 2 D .a b/.a C b/. Calculus finds patterns between varying quantities;
✏ Historically Fermat used derivative in his calculations without knowing it. Later, Newton
and Leibniz discovered it. Any other mathematicians such as Brook, Euler, Lagrange
developed and characterized it. And only at the end of this long period of development,
that spans about two hundred years, did Cauchy and Weierstrass define it.
✏ Confine to the real numbers, the foundation of the calculus is the concept of limit. This is so
because with limits, mathematicians can prove all the theorems in calculus rigorously. That
branch of mathematics is called analysis. This branch focuses not on the computational
aspects of the calculus (e.g. how to evaluate an integral or how to differentiate a function),
instead it focuses on why calculus works.
In the beginning of this chapter, I quoted Richard Feynman saying that “Calculus is the
language God talks”, and Steven Strogatz writing ‘Without calculus, we wouldn’t have cell
phones, computers, or microwave ovens. We wouldn’t have radio. Or television. Or ultrasound
for expectant mothers, or GPS for lost travelers. We wouldn’t have split the atom, unraveled
the human genome, or put astronauts on the moon.’ But for that we need to learn multivariable
calculus and vector calculus (Chapter 7)–the generalizations of the calculus discussed in this
chapter and differential equations (Chapter 9). This is obvious: our world is three dimensions
and the things we want to understand depend on many other things. Thus, f .x/ is not sufficient.
But the idea of multivariable calculus and vector calculus is still the mathematics of changes: a
small change in one thing leads to a small change in another thing.
Consider a particle of mass m moving under the influence of a force F , then Newton gave
us the following equation md 2 x=dt 2 D F , which, in conjunction with the data about the position
of the particle at t D 0, can pinpoint exactly the position of the particle at any time t. This is
probably the first differential equation–those equations that involve the derivatives–ever. This is
the equation that put men on the Moon. R
Leaving behind the little bits dx, dy and the sum , our next destination in the mathematical
world is a place called probability. Let’s go there to see dice, roulette, lotteries–game of chances–
to see how mathematicians develop mathematics to describe random events, how they can see
through the randomness to reveal its secrets.
5.1 A brief history of probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
5.2 Classical probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
5.3 Empirical probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
5.4 Buffon’s needle problem and Monte Carlo simulations . . . . . . . . . . 440
5.5 A review of set theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
5.6 Random experiments, sample space and event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
5.7 Probability and its axioms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
5.8 Conditional probabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
5.9 The secretary problem or dating mathematically . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
5.10 Discrete probability models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
5.11 Continuous probability models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
5.12 Joint discrete distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
5.13 Joint continuous variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
5.14 Transforming density functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
5.15 Inequalities in the theory of probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
5.16 Limit theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
5.17 Generating functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
5.18 Multivariate normal distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
5.19 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
Games of chance are common in our world–including lotteries, roulette, slot machines and
card games. Thus, it is important to know a bit about the mathematics behind them which is
known as probability theory.
Chapter 5. Probability 435
Gambling led Cardano–our Italian friend whom we met in the discussion on cubic equations–
to the study of probability, and he was the first writer to recognize that random events are
governed by mathematical laws. Published posthumously in 1663, Cardano’s Liber de ludo
aleae (Book on Games of Chance) is often considered the major starting point of the study of
mathematical probability.
Since then the theory of probability has become a useful tool in many problems. For ex-
ample, meteorologists use weather patterns to predict the probability of rain. In epidemiology,
probability theory is used to understand the relationship between exposures and the risk of health
effects. Another application of probability is with car insurance. Companies base your insurance
premiums on your probability of having a car accident. To do this, they use information on the
frequency of having a car accident by gender, age, type of car and number of kilometres driven
each year to estimate an individual person’s probability (or risk) of a motor vehicle accident.
Indeed probability is so useful that the famous French mathematician and astronomer (known
as the “Newton of France”) Pierre-Simon Marquis de Laplace once wrote:
We see that the theory of probability is at bottom only common sense reduced to
calculation; it makes us appreciate with exactitude what reasonable minds feel
by a sort of instinct, often without being able to account for it....It is remarkable
that this science, which originated in the consideration of games of chance, should
have become the most important object of human knowledge... The most important
questions of life are, for the most part, really only problems of probability.
This chapter is an introduction to probability and statistics. It was written based on the
following excellent books:
✏ The Unfinished game: Pascal, Fermat and the letters by Keith Devlin‘ [12]
✏ The history of statistics: the measurement of uncertainty before 1900 by Stefen Stigleréé
Keith J. Devlin (born 16 March 1947) is a British mathematician and popular science writer. His current
research is mainly focused on the use of different media to teach mathematics to different audiences.
The book is freely available at
Sheldon Ross (April 30, 1943) is the Daniel J. Epstein Chair and Professor at the USC Viterbi School of
Engineering. He is the author of several books in the field of probability. In 1978, he formulated what became
known as Ross’s conjecture in queuing theory, which was solved three years later by Tomasz Rolski at Poland’s
Wroclaw University.
Stephen Mack Stigler (born August 10, 1941) is Ernest DeWitt Burton Distinguished Service Professor at the
Department of Statistics of the University of Chicago. He has authored several books on the history of statistics.
Stigler is also known for Stigler’s law of eponymy which states that no scientific discovery is named after its original
discoverer (whose first formulation he credits to sociologist Robert K. Merton).
✏ A History of Probability and Statistics and Their Applications before 1750, by Anders
Haldè [21]
I did not like gambling and did not pay attention to probability. I performed badly in high
school and university when it came to classes on probability; I actually failed the unit. But I do
have companies. In 2012, 97 Members of Parliament in London were asked: ‘If you spin a coin
twice, what is the probability of getting two heads?’ The majority, 60 out of 97, could not give
the correct answer.
I did not plan to re-learn probability but the Covid pandemic came. People is talking about the
probability of getting the Covid etc. And I wanted to understand what they mean. Furthermore,
probability is used in machine learning, data science and many science and engineering fields.
Therefore, I decided to study the theory of probabality again. I do not have to be scared as this
time I will not have to take any exam about probability! I just have fun.
of games of chance, probability theory soon became popular, and the subject developed rapidly
during the 18th century. The major contributors during this period were Jakob Bernoulli with
Ars Conjectandi in 1713, and Abraham de Moivre with his classic The Doctrine of Chances in
In 1812 Pierre de Laplace (1749-1827) introduced a host of new ideas and mathematical
techniques in his book, Théorie Analytique des Probabilités or Analytical Theory of Probabil-
ity. Before Laplace, probability theory was solely concerned with developing a mathematical
analysis of games of chance. Laplace applied probabilistic ideas to many scientific and practical
problems. The theory of errors, actuarial mathematics, and statistical mechanics are examples
of some of the important applications of probability theory developed in the l9th century.
Like so many other branches of mathematics, the development of probability theory has been
stimulated by the variety of its applications. Conversely, each advance in the theory has enlarged
the scope of its influence. Mathematical statistics is one important branch of applied probability;
other applications occur in such widely different fields as genetics, psychology, economics, and
engineering. Many workers have contributed to the theory since Laplace’s time; among the most
important are Chebyshev, Markov, von Mises, and Kolmogorov.
One of the difficulties in developing a mathematical theory of probability has been to arrive
at a definition of probability that is precise enough for use in mathematics, yet comprehensive
enough to be applicable to a wide range of phenomena. The search for a widely acceptable
definition took nearly three centuries and was marked by much controversy. The matter was
finally resolved in the 20th century by treating probability theory on an axiomatic basis. In 1933
the Russian mathematician A. Kolmogorov outlined an axiomatic approach that forms the basis
for the modern theoryéé . Since then the ideas have been refined somewhat and probability theory
is now part of a more general discipline known as measure theory.
1 out of 4 or 1=4, the chance of getting tails twice is also 1=4, whereas the chance of one head
and one tail is 2 out of 4 or 2=4 D 1=2.
Similar to other mathematical objects, there exist rules that probability obeys. It is interesting,
isn’t it? There are regularities behind random events! Here are some. Tossing a fair coin and
the probability of getting a head is 0.5, for brevity we write P .H / D 0:5; where P stands for
probability and the notation P .H / borrows the concept of functions f .x/ that we’re familiar
with from calculus. And we also have P .T / D 0:5. Obviously, P .H / C P .T / D 1. What
does that mean? It indicates that it is 100% sure that either we get a head or a tail. Thus, unity
in the theory of probability means a certainty. For the experiment of tossing two coins, again
1=4 C 1=2 C 1=4 D 1, meaning that we are certain to get one of the 3 possible combinations
(two Hs, two Ts, one H/one T).
Let’s do a more interesting experiment of tossing a coin three times. The possible outcomes
and the probability of some scenarios (called events in the theory of probability) are shown in
Table 5.1.
1st toss H H H H T T T T
2nd toss H H T T H H T T
3rd toss H T H T H T H T
the probability of getting it is the sum of probabilities of getting individual items on our list. For
example, when flip a coin twice, the outcomes are f.H; H /; .H; T /; .T; H /; .T; T /g. Thus, the
chance to get at least one head is 3=4, which is equal to 1=4 C 1=4 C 1=4. Note that to get at
least one head, we either needs .H; H / or .H; T / or .T; H /, each has a probability of 1/4.
What we have discussed is known as classical probability or theoretical probability. It started
with the work of Cardano. The classical theory of probability has the advantage that it is con-
ceptually simple for many situations. However, it is limited, since many situations do not have
finitely many equally likely outcomes. Tossing a weighted die is an example where we have
finitely many outcomes, but they are not equally likely. Studying people’s incomes over time
would be a situation where we need to consider infinitely many possible outcomes, since there
is no way to say what a maximum possible income would be, especially if we are interested in
the future.
n n.H / P
10 6 0.6
100 48 0.48
1 000 492 0.492
2 000 984 0.492
10 000 5041 0.5041
Limitations of the empirical probability. The limit of this theory of probability lies in
Eq. (5.3.1). How do we know that n.E /=n will converge to some constant limiting value that
will be the same for each possible sequence of repetitions of the experiment? Table 5.2 obvi-
ously indicates that the term n.E /=n is actually oscillating.
There is a need of another theory of probability. Axiomatic probability is such a theory, it uni-
fies different probability theories. Similar to Euclidean geometry, the axiomatic probability starts
with three axioms called Kolmogorov’s Three Axioms, named after the Soviet mathematician
Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov (1903 – 1987).
Now, we plot the function d D 2l sin ✓ on the ✓ d plane. The cut condition is then the area
of the shaded region in Fig. 5.1. The probability that the needle will intersect one of these lines
Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707 – 1788) was a French naturalist, mathematician, cosmologist,
and encyclopédiste.
This is the most important step; without it we cannot proceed further. Why 2? Because 1 line is not enough
and there are infinitely many lines in the problem, then 2 is sufficient.
is then: Z ⇡=2
l=2 sin ✓d✓
0 2l
P D t⇡ D
It is expected that P is proportional to l (the longer the needle the more chance it hits the lines)
and inversely proportional to t–the distance between the lines. However, it is un-expected that
⇡ shows up in this problem. No circles involved! We discuss this shortly.
In 1886, the French scholar and polymath Marquis Pierre–Simon de Laplace (1749 – 1827)
showed that the number ⇡ can be approximated by repeatedly throwing a needle onto a lined
sheet of paper N times and counting the number of intersected lines (n):
2l n 2l N
D H) ⇡ D
⇡t N t n
In 1901, the Italian mathematician Mario Lazzarini performed Buffon’s needle experiment.
Tossing a needle 3 408 times with t D 3 cm, l D 2:5 cm , he got 1 808 intersections. Thus, he
obtained the well-known approximation 355=113 for ⇡, accurate to six significant digits. How-
ever, Lazzarini’s "experiment" is an example of confirmation bias, as it was set up to replicate
the already well-known approximation of ⇡, that is 355=113. Here’s the details:
2l N 2 25 3408 5 71 3 16 355
⇡D D D D ⇡ 3:14159292
t n 30 1808 3 113 16 113
Guessing Buffon’s formula. Herein, we’re trying to guess the solution without actually solving
it. This is a very important skill. (However, I admit that we’re doing it only after we have known
the result.) As the problem has only two parameters: the needle length l and the distance t
between two lines, the result must be of this form P D c .l=t / where c is a dimensionless
number (refer to Section 9.7.1 for detail on dimensions and units). To find out c, we reason that
the result should not depend on the shape of the needle. If so, we can consider a needle of the
form of a circle of radius r. The length of this circular needle is 2⇡ r and it must be equal to l,
thus its diameter is d D l=⇡ . The probability is therefore 2l=⇡ t noting that a circular needle cuts
a line twice.
This was probably the simplest introduction to Monte Carlo methods. But if you look at line
5 in the code, you see that we have used ⇡ D 3:14159 : : : in a program that is about to determine
⇡. Thus, this program is circular.
Another Monte Carlo way for calculating ⇡ is presented here. The area of 1/4 of a unit circle
is ⇡=4. We can compute this area by generating N points .x; y/ such that 0 x 1 and
0 y 1è . A point is within the area if x 2 C y 2 1 (see Fig. 5.2, blue points). We denote the
total number of hits by n, then the area is approximately n=N , and thus
⇡ D4
A Julia code (Listing B.13) was written and the results are given in Table 5.3 for various N .
These Monte Carlo methods for approximating ⇡ are very slow compared to other methods (e.g.
those presented in Section 4.3.5), and do not provide any information on the exact number of
digits that are obtained. Thus they are never used to approximate ⇡ when speed or accuracy is
And this MC method can be used to compute numerically any integrals.
⇡ ⇡ 4 Nn
100 3.40000000
200 3.14000000 0.6
A set is a collection of things (called elements)é . We can either explicitly write out the
elements of a set as in the set of natural numbers
N D f1; 2; 3; : : :g
or, we can also define a set by stating the properties satisfied by its elements. For example, we
may write
A D fx 2 Njx 4g; or A D fx 2 N W x 4g
The symbols j and W are read "such that". Thus, the above set contains all counting numbers
equal to or greater than four. Because the order of the elements in a set is irrelevant, f2; 1; 5g
is the same set as f1; 2; 5g. Furthermore, an element cannot appear more than once in a set; so
f1; 1; 2; 5g is equivalent to f1; 2; 5g.
Ordered sets. Let A be a set. An order on A is a relation denoted by < with the following two
x < y; x D y; x>y
✏ If x; y; z 2 A, then
x < y; y < z H) x < z
An ordered set is a set on which an order is defined. For instance, the set of natural numbers is
an ordered set.
number of things. In maths, a set can be empty or holds one element only.
A set with no elements is called an empty set. How many empty sets there are? To answer
that question we need to define when two sets are equal. Two sets are equal if they have the
same elements. For example, f1; 2; 3g and f3; 2; 1g are equal. Now, assume there are two empty
sets. If they are not equal, then one set must contain a member that the other does not (otherwise
they would be equal). But both sets contain nothing. Thus, they must be equal. There is only one
empty set: the empty (or null) set is designated by ;. This null set is similar to number zero in
number theory.
A universal set is the collection of all objects in a particular context. We use the notation S
to label the universal set. Its role is similar to the number line in number theory. When we refer
to a number we visualize it as a point on the number line. In the same manner, we can visualize
a set on the background of the universal set.
The Cartesian product of two sets A and B, denoted by A ⇥ B, is defined as the set consisting
of all ordered pairs .a; b/ for which a 2 A and b 2 B. For example, if A D x; y and B D
f3; 6; 9g, then A ⇥ B D f.x; 3/; .x; 6/; .x; 9/; .y; 3/; .y; 6/; .y; 9/g. Note that because the pairs
are ordered so A ⇥ B ¤ B ⇥ A. An important example of sets obtained using a Cartesian product
is Rn , where n 2 N. For n D 2, we have
R2 D R ⇥ R D f.x; y/jx 2 R; y 2 Rg
Thus, R2 is the set consisting of all points in the two-dimensional plane. Similarly, R3 is the set
of all points in the three dimensional space that we’re living in.
Lower bound and upper bound. Given a set X 2 R (e.g. X D Œ0; 5ç), then
Sups and Infs. Suppose that X is bounded above, there exists infinite upper boundsé . One can
define the smallest among the upper bounds. The supremum of X , denoted by sup X , is the
smallest upper bound for X ; that is
✏ 8✏ > 0, 9x such that x > sup X ✏ (sup X is the smallest upper bound))
Suppose that X is bounded below, there exists infinite lower bounds. One can define the largest
among the lower bounds. The infimum of X , denoted by inf X , is the largest lower bound for
X ; that is
For example, if X D Œ0; 5ç, then 6; 7; : : : are all upper bounds of X.
✏ 8✏ > 0, 9x such that x < inf X C ✏ (inf X is the largest lower bound))
Maximum vs supremum. Is maximum and supremum of an ordered set the same? Examples
can show the answer. Example 1: consider the set A D fx 2 Rjx < 2g. Then, the maximum
of A is not 2, as 2 is not a member of the set; in fact, the maximum is not well defined. The
supremum, though is well defined: 2 is clearly the smallest upper bound for the set. Example 2:
B D f1; 2; 3; 4g. The maximum is 4, as that is the largest element. The supremum is also 4, as
four is the smallest upper bound.
Venn diagrams. Venn diagrams are useful in visualizing relation between sets. Venn diagrams
were popularized by the English mathematician, logician and philosopher John Venn (1834 –
1923) in the 1880s. See Fig. 5.3 for one example of Venn diagrams. In a Venn diagram a big
rectangle is used to label the universal set, whereas a circle is used to denote a set.
Finally we have another operation on set, but this operation applies to one single set. The
complement of a set A, denoted by Ac , is the set of all elements that are in the universal set S
but are not in A. The Venn diagrams for the presented set operations are shown in Fig. 5.4.
Cardinality. The cardinality of a set is basically the size of the set, it is denoted by jAj. For
finite sets (e.g. the set f1; 3; 5g), its cardinality is simply the number of elements in A. Again,
once a new object was introduced (or discovered) in the mathematical world, there are rules
according to which it (herein is the cardinality of a set) obeys. For instance, we can ask given
two sets A; B with cardinalities jAj and jBj, what is the cardinality of their union i.e., jA [ Bj?
For two sets A and B, we have this rule called the inclusion-exclusion principle or PIE:
When A and B are disjoint, the cardinality of its union is simply the sum of the cardinalities of
A and B. When they are not disjoint, when we add jAj and jBj, we’re counting the elements in
A \ B twice (a Venn diagram would help here), thus we need to subtract it to get the correct
cardinality. The name (of the principle) comes from the idea that the principle is based on
over-generous inclusion (red term), followed by compensating exclusion (blue term).
Then, mathematicians certainly generalize this result to the union of n sets. For simplicity,
we just extend this principle to the case of three sets:
Example 5.1
How many integers from 1 to 100 are multiples of 2 or 3? Let A be the set of integers from
1 to 100 that are multiples of 2, then jAj D 50 (why?). Let B be the set of integers from 1 to
100 that are multiples of 3, then jBj D 33a . Our question is amount to computing jA [ Bj.
Certainly, we use the PIE:
jA [ Bj D jAj C jBj jA \ Bj
We need then A \ B which is the set of integers from 1 to 100 that are multiples of both 2 and
3 or multiples of 6, we have jA \ Bj D 16. Thus, jA [ Bj D 50 C 33 16 D 67.
A number that is a multiple of 3 if it can be written as 3m, then 1 3m 100, thus m D b100=3c D 33.
Generalized principle of inclusion-exclusion. Now we extend the PIE to the case of n sets for
whatever n. First, we put the two identities for n D 2 and n D 3 together to see the pattern:
jA [ Bj D jAj C jBj jA \ Bj
jA [ B [ C j D jAj C jBj C jC j jA \ Bj jB \ C j jC \ AjCjA \ B \ C j
To see the pattern, let x belong to all three sets A; B; C . It is then counted in every term in the
RHS of the second equation: 4 times added (the red terms) and 3 times subtracted, adding up to 1.
As a preparation for the move to n sets, we no longer use A; B; C , instead we adopt A1 ; A2 ; : : :é
Now we write the second equation with the new symbols
ˇ 3 ˇ ˇ 3 ˇ
ˇ[ ˇ X
3 X ˇ\ ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ Ai ˇ D jA1 [ A2 [ A3 j D jAi j jAi \ Aj j C ˇ Ai ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
i D1 i D1 1i <j 3 i D1
jA \ Bj jB \ C j jC \ Aj
which has 32 summands. Did mathematicians stop with Eq. (5.5.3)? No that equation is not
in a best form yet. Note that the RHS of that equation involves n terms and each term in turns
Obviously wePwill run out of alphabets and moreover subscripts allow for compact notation: we can write
A1 C A2 C D i Ai . With A; B; ::: we simply cannot.
involves a sum of terms. Mathematicians want to write it as ni . j j/. The key to this step
is to discard the subscripts i; j; k and replace them by subscripts with subscripts: i1 ; i2 ; : : :
ˇ n ˇ 0 1
ˇ[ ˇ X n X
ˇ ˇ
ˇ Ai ˇ D . 1/kC1 @ jAi1 \ Ai2 \ Aik jA (5.5.4)
ˇ ˇ
i D1 kD1 1i1 < <ik n
The second sum runs over all subsets I of the indices 1; 2; : : : ; néé which contain exactly k
elements (i.e., jI j D k). At this moment, mathematicians stop because that form is compact.
If you play with the Venn diagrams you will definitely discover many more identities on sets
similar to Eq. (5.5.2). For example, A D .A \ B c / [ .A \ B/. As is always in mathematics, this
seemingly pointless identity will be useful in other contexts.
Definition 5.5.1
Set A is called countable if one of the following is true
(b) it can be put in a one-to-one correspondence with natural numbers. In this case the set
is said to be countably infinite.
A set is called uncountable if it is not countable. One example is the set of real numbers R.
You can check again Section 2.31 on Georg Cantor and infinity if anything mentioned in
this definition is not clear.
de Morgan’s laws state that the complement of the union of two sets is equal to the intersec-
tion of their complements and the complement of the intersection of two sets is equal to the
union of their complements. The laws are named after Augustus De Morgan (1806 – 1871)–a
British mathematician and logician. He formulated De Morgan’s laws and introduced the term
mathematical induction, making its idea rigorous. For any two finite sets A and B, the laws are
.A[B/c D Ac \B c ; .A \ B/c D Ac [ B c
We can draw some Venn diagrams to see that the laws are valid, but that’s not enough as we
know that the laws might hold true for n > 2 sets, in that case no one can use Venn diagram for
One example clarifies everything, assume n D 3, k D 2, then I D f1; 2g, I D f1; 3g, I D f2; 3g.
Proof of de Morgan’s 1st law for two sets. The plan is to pick an element x in .A [ B/c and
prove it is also an element of Ac \B c and vice versa. Let P D .A[B/c and Q D Ac \B c . Now,
consider x 2 P , we’re going to prove that x 2 Q, which means that P ⇢ Q. As x 2 .A [ B/c ,
it is not in A [ B:
H) x … .A [ B/
H) .x … A/ and .x … B/
H) .x 2 Ac / and .x 2 B c /
H) x 2 .Ac \ B c / W x 2 Q H) P ⇢ Q
Doing something similar with y 2 Q and then showing y 2 P , we get Q ⇢ P . Now we have
P ⇢ Q and Q ⇢ P . What does it mean? It means P D Q. You can use proof by induction to
prove the generalized version. ⌅
✏ Random experiment: toss a coin; sample space is S D fH; T g (H for head and T for tail),
and one event is E D fH g or E D fT g;
✏ Random experiment: roll a six-sided die; sample space is S D f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6g, and one
event can be E D f2; 4; 6g if we’re interested in the chance of getting an even number;
✏ Random experiment: toss a coin two times and observe the sequence of heads/tails; the
sample space is
S D f.H; H /; .H; T /; .T; H /; .T; T /g
One event can be E1 D f.H; H /; .T; T /g.
✏ Axiom 3: If two events are disjoint, the probability that either of the two events
happens is the sum of the probabilities that each happens:
Union and intersection of events. As events are sets, we can apply set operations on events.
When working with events, intersection means "and", and union means "or". The probability of
the intersection of A and B, P .A \ B/ is sometimes written as P .AB/ or P .A; B/.
✏ Probability of intersection:
P .A \ B/ D P .AB/ D P .A and B/
✏ Probability of union:
P .A [ B/ D P .A or B/
Example 5.2
We roll a fair six-sided die, what is the probability of getting 1 or 5? So, the event is E D f1; 5g
and the sample space is S D f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6g. We use the three axioms to compute P .E/. First,
as the die is fair, the chance of getting any number from 1 to 6 is equal:
where P .1/ is short for P .f1g/. Note that probability is defined only for sets not for numbers.
Now, we use axioms 2 and 3 together to writed )
(2) (3)
1 D P .S/ D P .1/ C P .2/ C C P .6/
which results in the probability of getting any number from 1 to 6 is 1=6. Then, using the
axiom 3 again for E, we have
1 1 1
P .f1; 5g/ D P .1/ C P .5/ D C D
6 6 3
Note that, 1=3 D 2=6, we can deduce an important formula:
1 2 jf1; 5gj
P .f1; 5g/ D D D
3 6 jS j
Therefore, for a finite sample space S with equally likely outcomes, the probability of an event
A is the ratio of the cardinality of A over that of S :
P .A/ D
jS j
The symbol (2) above the equal sign to indicate that axiom 2 is being used.
Example 5.3
Using the axioms of probability, prove the following:
(d) P .A B/ D P .A/ P .A \ B/
Proof of P .Ac / D 1 P .A/. Referring back to Fig. 5.4, we know that A [ Ac D S and A
and Ac are disjoint, thus
P .S/ D P .A [ Ac /
1 D P .A/ C P .Ac / H) P .A/ D 1 P .Ac /
where use was made of axiom 2 (P .S/ D 1) and axiom 3 (P .A [ Ac / D P .A/ C P .Ac /).
We also get P .A/ 1 from P .A/ D 1 P .Ac / for P .Ac / 0 due to axiom 1. ⌅
Proof of P .A B/ D P .A/ P .A \ B/. See figure below for the proof. It is based on set
properties and axiom 3.
Proof of P .A [ B/ D P .A/ C P .B/ P .A \ B/. The proof uses the result that P .A
B/ D P .A/ P .A \ B/. Recall the inclusion-exclusion principle that jA [ Bj D
jAj C jBj jA \ Bj, P .A [ B/ D P .A/ C P .B/ P .A \ B/ is the version of that
principle for probability.
The rule (a) can be referred to as the rule of complementary probability. It is very simple and
yet powerful for problems in which finding P .A/ is hard and finding P .Ac / is much easier. We
will use this rule quite often.
Corresponding to the principle of inclusion-exclusion in Eq. (5.5.3), we have the probability
! !
n X
n X X \
P Ai D P .Ai / P .Ai \Aj /C P .Ai \Aj \Ak / C. 1/n 1 P Ai
i D1 iD1 i <j i <j <k i D1
Example 5.4
Now we consider a classic example that uses the inclusion-exclusion principle. Assume that
a secretary has an equal number of pre-labelled envelopes and business cards (denoted by n).
Suppose that she is in such a rush to go home that she puts each business card in an envelope
at random without checking if it matches the envelope. What is the probability that each of
the business cards will go to a wrong envelope?
Always start simple, so we now assume that n D 3, and we define the following events:
P .E/ D 1 P .E c / D 1 P .A1 [ A2 [ A3 /
The next step is to use the PIE to get the red term, and thus P .E/ is given by
0 1
X3 X
P .E/ D 1 @ P .Ai / P .Ai \ Aj / C P .A1 \ A2 \ A3 /A
i i <j
To check this theoretical result, we can perform an experiment using the Monte Carlo method.
To practice Monte Carlo methods, you’re encouraged to implement it for this problem. If
need help, check the code monte-carlo-pi.jl, function MC_secretary_prob, on my github
account. You’ll see that the theoretical result matches the MC result.
Example 5.5
Consider a family that has two children. We are interested in the children’s genders. Our
sample space is S D f.G; G/; .G; B/; .B; G/; .B; B/g. Also assume that all four possible
outcomes are equally likely; that is P .G; G/ D P .G; B/ D D 1=4.
✏ What is the probability that both children are girls?
✏ What is the probability that both children are girls given that the first child is a girl?
✏ What is the probability that both children are girls given that we know at least one of
them is a girl?
Of course the probability that both children are girls is 1=4. The two remaining probabilities
are more interesting and new; and most of us would say the answer is 1=2 for both. Let’s
denote by A the event that both children are girls and by B the event that the first child is a
girl. That is B D f.G; G/; .G; B/g. Now, the chance to have two girls is therefore 1=2. Let’s
denote by C the event that one of the children is a girl. That is C D f.G; G/; .G; B/; .B; G/g.
Now, the chance to have two girls is 1=3.
The probability that both children are girls (event A) given that the first child is a girl (event
B) is called a conditional probability. And it is written as P .AjB/; the vertical line | is read
“given that”. This example clearly demonstrates that when we incorporate existing facts into the
calculations, it can change the probability of an outcome. The sample space is changed!
The next thing we need to do is to find a formula for P .AjB/.
Because B has occurred it becomes the sample space, and the only way that A can happen
is when the outcome belongs to the set A \ B, we thus have P .AjB/ as
jA \ Bj
P .AjB/ D
Now we can divide the denominator and the numerator by jS j, the cardinality of the original
sample space, to have
jA \ Bj=jS j P .A \ B/
P .AjB/ D D (5.8.1)
jBj=jS j P .B/
Of course as B has occurred, P .B/ > 0, so there is no danger in dividing something by it. Note
that Eq. (5.8.1) was derived for sample spaces with equally likely outcomes only. For other cases,
take it as a definition for conditional probability.
✏ Axiom 3: If two events are disjoint, the conditional probability that either of the two events
happens is the sum of the conditional probabilities that each happens; P .A [ BjF / D
P .AjF / C P .BjF / if A \ B D ;.
P .SF / P .F /
P .SjF / D D D1 .SF D S \ F D F /
P .F / P .F /
The proof of axiom 3 goes like this, I go from the LHS to the RHS, it’s just a personal taste:
So, the proof used the given information that A and B are disjoint, thus AF and BF are also
disjoint (why?). ⌅
You should prove it. The proof is exactly the same as the one I presented for two events A1 and
A2 !
If we define Q.E/ D P .EjF /, then Q.E/ may be regarded as a probability function on the
events of S because it satisfies the three axioms. Hence, all of the propositions previously proved
for probabilities apply to Q.E/. For example, all results from Example 5.3 hold for conditional
P .A \ B \ C / D P ..A \ B/ \ C / D P .A \ BjC /P .C /
P .A \ B \ C / D P .C /P .BjC /P .AjB; C /
Nothing can stop mathematicians to extend this rule to n events. How should they name the
events now? No longer A; B; C; : : : as there are less than 30 symbols! They now use subscripts
for that: E1 ; E2 ; : : : ; En . The generalized multiplication rule is:
P .E1 E2 E3 : : : En / D P .E1 /P .E2 jE1 /P .E3 jE1 E2 / P .En jE1 E2 : : : En 1 / (5.8.4)
You wanna a proof? It is simple: application of the definition of conditional probability to all
terms, except the first one P .E1 / in the RHS of Eq. (5.8.4):
⇠ P( (( (
⇠⇠ P⇠
⇠ .E⇠1 E2 / ( .E(1 E2 E3 / E 1 E 2 E 3 : : : En
P ⇠
⇠ 1
.E / (((
P⇠ .E⇠⇠ P⇠ .E⇠ ⇠⇠ ( (: (
⇠ 1/ ⇠ 1 E2 / E
(1(E(2 E 3 : : En 1
where all the terms cancel each other except the final numerator, which is the LHS of Eq. (5.8.4)
which simply states that the probability of event E is the sum of the conditional probabilities of
event E given that event F has (red term) or has not occurred. This formula is extremely useful
when it is difficult to compute the probability of an event (E) directly, but it is straightforward
to compute it once we know whether or not some second event (F ) has occurred. The following
example demonstrates how to use this formula.
Example 5.6
An insurance company believes that people can be divided into two classes: those who are
accident prone and those who are not. The company’s statistics show that an accident-prone
person will have an accident at some time within a fixed 1-year period with probability
0.4, whereas this probability decreases to 0.2 for a person who is not accident prone. If we
assume that 30 percent of the population is accident prone, what is the probability that a new
policyholder will have an accident within a year of purchasing a policy?
Solution. Let’s denote by E the event a new policyholder will have an accident within a year
of purchasing a policy. We need to find P .E/. This person is either accident-prone or not.
Let’s call F the event that a new policyholder is accident-prone, then F c is the event that this
person is not accident-prone. Then, we have P .F / D 0:3 and P .F c / D 0:7, P .EjF / D 0:4
and P .EjF c / D 0:2, then Eq. (5.8.5) gives:
Now we generalize Eq. (5.8.5). How? Note that in that formula, we have two events F and
F , which are two disjoint events that together fill completely the sample space. Just generalizing
this to n events. First, assume that we can partition the sample space S into three disjoint sets
B1 , B2 and B3 . Then, we have, see Fig. 5.5
A D .A \ B1 / [ .A \ B2 / [ .A \ B3 /
which is referred to as the law of total probability. This formula states that P .A/ is equal to
a weighted average of P .AjBi /, each term being weighted by the probability of the event on
which it is conditioned.
We’re now deriving the Bayes’s formula or Bayes’s rule that relates P .AjB/ to P .BjA/. We
start with the conditional probability:
learning. For sure, it is one of the most useful results in conditional probability. The rule is
named after 18th-century British mathematician Thomas Bayes. The term P .BjA/ is referred
to as the posterior probability and P .B/ is referred to as the prior probability.
We can use Eq. (5.8.6) to compute P .A/, and thus obtained the extended form of Bayes’s
P .AjBj /P .Bj /
P .Bj jA/ D Pn (5.8.8)
i D1 P .AjBi /P .Bi /
Example 5.7
A certain disease affects about 1 out of 10 000 people. There is a test to check whether the
person has the disease. The test is quite accurate. In particular, we know that the probability
that the test result is positive (i.e., the person has the disease), given that the person does not
have the disease, is only 2 percent; the probability that the test result is negative (i.e., the
person does not have the disease), given that the person has the disease, is only 1 percent.
A random person gets tested for the disease and the result comes back positive. What is the
probability that the person has the disease?
Solution. A person either gets the disease or not. So the sample space is partitioned into two
sets: D for having the disease and D c for not. We have P .D/ D 0:0001 and P .D c / D 1
0:0001. Let’s denote by A the event that the test result is positive. The problem is asking us to
compute P .DjA/. From the problem description, we have P .AjD c / D 0:02 and P .Ac jD/ D
0:01 which also yields P .AjD/ D 1 0:01 (complementary probability). Now, it is just an
application of Bayes’ formula, i.e., Eq. (5.8.8)b
Example 5.8
The Monty Hall problem is a probability puzzle, loosely based on the American television
game show Let’s Make a Deal and named after its original host, Monty Hall. The problem
was originally posed and solved in a letter by Steve Selvin to the American Statistician in
1975. In the problem, you are on a game show, being asked to choose between three doors.
A car is behind one door and two goats behind the other doors. You choose a door. The host,
Monty Hall, picks one of the other doors, which he knows has a goat behind it, and opens it,
showing you the goat. (You know, by the rules of the game, that Monty will always reveal
a goat.) Monty then asks whether you would like to switch your choice of door to the other
remaining door. Assuming you prefer having a car more than having a goat, do you choose to
switch or not to switch?
Vos Savant’s response was that the contestant should switch to the other door. Many
readers of vos Savant’s column refused to believe switching is beneficial and rejected her
explanation. After the problem appeared in Parade, approximately 10 000 readers, including
nearly 1 000 with PhDs, wrote to the magazine, most of them calling vos Savant wrong. Even
when given explanations, simulations, and formal mathematical proofs, many people still did
not accept that switching is the best strategy. Paul Erdősa remained unconvinced until he was
shown a computer simulation demonstrating vos Savant’s predicted result.
Paul Erdős (1913 – 1996) was a renowned Hungarian mathematician. He was one of the most prolific
mathematicians and producers of mathematical conjectures of the 20th century. He devoted his waking hours to
mathematics, even into his later years—indeed, his death came only hours after he solved a geometry problem
at a conference in Warsaw. Erdős published around 1 500 mathematical papers during his lifetime, a figure that
remains unsurpassed. He firmly believed mathematics to be a social activity, living an itinerant lifestyle with the
sole purpose of writing mathematical papers with other mathematicians.
First, we solve this problem using a computer simulation. The code of a computer simulation
of this problem is given in Listing 5.2. The result shows that the probability of not switching is
1=3, which is making sense, and the probability of switching is 2=3, that is twice higher. The
code assumes that the car is behind door 1 without loss of generality. Note that the host will
choose a door that the player did not select and that does not contain a car and reveal this to us.
Another way to see the solution is to explicitly list out all the possible outcomes, and count
how often we get the car if we stay versus switch. Without loss of generality, suppose our
selection was door 1. Then the possible outcomes can be seen in Table 5.4. In two out of three
cases, we win the car by changing our selection after one of the doors is revealed.
Table 5.4: The Monty Hall problem: listing all possible outcomes. We chose door 1.
Listing 5.2: Monte Carlo simulation of the Monty Hall problem. Source: monty_hall.jl
1 using Random
2 function monty_hall_one_trial(changed)
3 # assume that door 1 has the car, changed=1: switching; changed=0: no switching
4 # the contestant select one door, can be any of (1,2,3,...)
5 number_of_doors = 3
6 chosen_num = rand(1:number_of_doors)
7 # if the contestant decided to change
8 if changed == 1
9 if chosen_num == 1 revealed_num = rand(2,3) end
10 if chosen_num == 2 revealed_num = 3 end # revealed_num: by the host
11 if chosen_num == 3 revealed_num = 2 end
12 # switch to the remaining door
13 avai_doors = setdiff(1:number_of_doors, (chosen_num,revealed_num))
14 chosen_num = rand(avai_doors)
15 end
16 return chosen_num == 1
17 end
18 N = 10000 # Monte Carlo trials
19 prob_changed = sum([monty_hall_one_trial(1) for _ in 1:N])/N # => ~2/3
20 prob no changed = sum([monty_hall_one_trial(0) for _ in 1:N])/N # => ~1/3
_ _
P .A/ P .A/
O.A/ WD c
D (5.8.9)
P .A / 1 P .A/
That is, the odds of an event A tell how much more likely it is that A occurs than it is that it does
not occur. For instance, if P .A/ D 2=3, then P .A/ D 2P .Ac /, so the odds are 2. If the odds are
equal to ˛, then it is common to say that the odds are ˛ to 1, or ˛ W 1 in favor of the hypothesis.
Having defined the odds of an event, we now write the Bayes’ formula in the odds form.
To this end, consider now a hypothesis H that is true with probability P .H /, and suppose that
new evidence E is introduced (or equivalently, new data is introduced). Then the conditional
probabilities, given the evidence E, that H is true and that H is not true are respectively given
by (from Eq. (5.8.7))
P .EjH /P .H / P .EjH c /P .H c /
P .H jE/ D ; P .H c jE/ D (5.8.10)
P .E/ P .E/
Therefore, the new odds after the evidence E has been introduced are, obtained by taking the
ratio of P .H jE/ and P .H c jE/
P .H jE/ P .H / P .EjH /
D (5.8.11)
P .H jE/
c P .H c / P .EjH c /
That is, the new value of the odds of H is the old value, multiplied by the ratio of the conditional
probability of the new evidence given that H is true to the conditional probability given that H
is not true.
Example 5.9
Suppose there are two bowls of cookies. Bowl 1 contains 30 vanilla cookies and 10 chocolate
cookies. Bowl 2 contains 20 of each. Now suppose you choose one of the bowls at random
and, without looking, select a cookie at random. The cookie is vanilla. What is the probability
that it came from Bowl 1?
Solution. Let’s denote by H the event that the cookie comes from Bowl 1, and E the event
that the cookie is a vanilla. We have P .H / D P .H c / D 1=2 (without the information that
the chosen cookie was a vanilla, the probability for it to come from either of the two bowls is
50%). We also have P .EjH /, the probability that the cookie is a vanilla given that it comes
from Bowl 1, which is 30=40 D 3=4. Similarly we have P .EjH c / D 20=40 D 1=2. Then,
using the odds form of Bayes’s rule, we have
✓ ◆✓ ◆
P .H jE/ P .H / P .EjH / 1=2 3=4 3
P .H jE/
c c
P .H / P .EjH / c 1=2 1=2 2
Therefore, P .H jE/ is 3=5. Of course, we can also find this probability w/o using the odds
form of Bayes’ rule: Eq. (5.8.8) gives us
P .EjH /P .H / 3
P .H jE/ D D D
P .EjH /P .H / C P .EjH c /P .H c / 5
And this is not unexpected as the two formula are equivalent. The odds form is still useful, as
demonstrated in the next example, for cases that we do not know how to compute the prior
Now, we introduce a new term–Bayes factor–to express Eq. (5.8.11) in a simpler form, easier
to memorize. For a hypothesis H and evidence (or data) E, the Bayes factor is the ratio of the
P .EjH /
Bayes factor WD (5.8.12)
P .EjH c /
With this definition, Eq. (5.8.11) can be succinctly written as
From this formula, we see that the Bayes’ factor (BF) tells us whether the evidence/data provides
evidence for or against the hypothesis:
✏ If BF > 1 then the posterior odds are greater than the prior odds. So the data provides
evidence for the hypothesis.
✏ If BF < 1 then the posterior odds are less than the prior odds. So the data provides
evidence against the hypothesis.
✏ If BF D 1 then the prior and posterior odds are equal. So the data provides no evidence
either way.
The two forms are summarized in Box 5.2.
P .AB/
P .AjB/ D
P .B/
P .A/ D P .AjBi /P .Bi /
i D1
P .AjB/P .B/
P .BjA/ D
P .A/
Example 5.10
Here is another problem from MacKay’s Information Theory, Inference, and Learning
Algorithms: Two people have left traces of their own blood at the scene of a crime. A suspect,
Oliver, is tested and found to have type ‘O’ blood. The blood groups of the two traces are
found to be of type ‘O’ (a common type in the local population, having frequency 60%) and
of type ‘AB’ (a rare type, with frequency 1%). Do these data [bloods of type ‘O’ and ‘AB’
found at the scene] give evidence in favor of the proposition that Oliver was one of the people
Solution. Let’s call H the hypothesis (or proposition) that Oliver was one of the people who
left blood at the scene. And let E be the evidence that there are bloods of type ‘O’ and ‘AB’
found at the scene. The only formula we have is the odds form of Bayes’ rule:
P .H jE/ P .H / P .EjH /
P .H jE/
c P .H c / P .EjH c /
It is obvious that we cannot compute P .H /=P .H c /. In fact, we do not need it, because the
question is not about the actual probability that Oliver was one of the people who left blood
at the scene! If we can compute the Bayes factor and based on whether it is larger than or
smaller than one, we can have a conclusion. What is P .EjH /? When H happens, Oliver
left his blood of type ‘O’ at the scene, the other people has to have type ‘AB’ blood with
probability of 0.01. Thus, P .EjH / D 0:01. For P .EjH c /, we have then two random people
at the scene, and we want the probability that they have type ‘O’ and ‘AB’ blood. Thus,
P .EjH c / D 0:6 ⇥ 0:01 ⇥ 2b .
So, the Bayes factor is:
P .EjH / 0:01
D D 0:83333333
P .EjH / 0:6 ⇥ 0:01 ⇥ 2
Since the Bayes factor is smaller than 1, the evidence does not support the proposition that
Oliver was one of the people who left blood at the scene.
Another suspect, Alberto, is found to have type ‘AB’ blood. Do the same data give evidence
of the proposition that Alberto was one of the two people at the scene?
P .EjH / 0:6
D D 50
P .EjH / 0:6 ⇥ 0:01 ⇥ 2
Since the Bayes factor is a lot larger than 1, the data provides strong evidence in favor of
Alberto being at the crime scene.
Note that we have assumed that the blood types of two people are independent (so that we can just multiply
the probabilities). And why 2?
Example 5.11
Suppose that we toss 2 fair six-sided dice. Let E1 denote the event that the sum of the dice
is 6, E2 be the event that the sum of the dice equals 7, and F denote the event that the
first die equals 4. The questions are: are E1 and F independent and are E2 and F independent?
Solution. We just need to check whether the definition of independence of two events i.e.,
P .AB/ D P .A/P .B/ holds. We have
5 6 5
P .E1 /P .F / D ⇥ D
36 36 216
P .E1 F / D P .f.4; 2/g/ D
Thus, P .E1 F / ¤ P .E1 /P .F /: the two events E1 and F are not independent; we call them
dependent events.
In the same manner, we compute
6 6 1
P .E2 /P .F / D ⇥ D
36 36 36
P .E2 F / D P .f.4; 3/g/ D
Thus, P .E2 F / D P .E2 /P .F /: the two events E2 and F are independent. Shall we move
on to other problems? No, we had to compute many probabilities to get the answers. Can we
just use intuitive guessing? Let’s try. To get a sum of six (event E1 ), the first die must be one
of any of f1; 2; 3; 4; 5g; the first die cannot be six. Thus, E1 depends on the outcome of the
first die. On the other hand, to get a sum of seven (event E2 ), the first die can be anything
of f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6g; all the possible outcomes of a die. Therefore, E2 does not depend on the
outcome of the first die.
Independent events vs disjoint events. Are disjoint events independent or not? If A and
B are two disjoint events, then AB D ;, thus P .AB/ D 0, whereas P .A/P .B/ ¤ 0. So,
P .AB/ ¤ P .A/P .B/. Two disjoint events are dependent.
Some rules of independent events. Given that A and B are two independent events, what can
we say about their complements or unions? Regarding the complementary events, we have this
result: If A and B are independent then
✏ A and B c are independent;
✏ Ac and B are independent;
✏ Ac and B c are independent;
Thus, if A and B are independent events, then the probability of A’s occurrence is unchanged
by information as to whether or not B has happened.
Now we are going to generalize the definition of independence of two events to more than
two events. Let’s start simple with three events, and with one concrete example. It motivates our
definition of the independence of three events.
Example 5.12
Two fair 6-sided dice are rolled, one red and one blue. Let A be the event that the red die’s
result is 3. Let B be the event that the blue die’s result is 4. Let C be the event that the sum of
the rolls is 7. Are A; B; C mutually independent?
Solution. It’s clear that A and B are independent. From Example 5.11, we also know that A; C
are independent and B; C are also independent. We’re now checking whether P .ABC / D
P .A/P .B/P .C /; this is our guess based on generalization of the case of two independent
events. First,
1 1 6 1
P .A/P .B/P .C / D ⇥ ⇥ D
6 6 36 216
Second, using Eq. (5.8.4) we can compute P .ABC /:
1 1 1
P .ABC / D P .A/P .BjA/P .C jAB/ D ⇥ ⇥1D
6 6 36
Three events A, B, and C are independent if all of the following conditions hold
P .AB/ D P .A/P .B/
P .BC / D P .B/P .C /
P .CA/ D P .C /P .A/
P .ABC / D P .A/P .B/P .C /
What we do next? We sum up all the above equations, because we see a telescoping sum
.P2 P1 / C .P3 P2 / C ; for the first three rows, only P4 and P1 are left without being
canceled out, for k D 1; 2; 3; : : : ; N éé :
✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆3 ✓ ◆k 1 !
q q q q
Pk D P1 1 C C C C C
p p p p
And what is the infinite sum on the RHS? It is a geometric series, recall from Eq. (2.19.5) that
a C ar C ar 2 C ar 3 C C ar n 1
D .1 r n/
1 r
Thus, we have a geometric series with a D 1, r D q=p, thus for i D 1; 2; 3; : : : ; N (I switched
back to i instead of k) 8
<iP1 ; if q=p D 1
Pi D 1 .q=p/i
:P1 ; if q=p ¤ 1
1 q=p
All is good, but still we do not know P1 . Now, we use another boundary condition PN D 1,
and then we’re able to determine P1 and then Pi . Plug i D N into the above equation, we can
determine P1 ⇤⇤ : 8̂
< ; if p D 1=2
P1 D N1 q=p
:̂ ; if p ¤ 1=2
1 .q=p/N
And with that, Pi is given by
8̂ i
< ; if p D 1=2
Pi D N 1 .q=p/ i (5.8.18)
:̂ ; if p ¤ 1=2
1 .q=p/N
What are the outcomes of this gambler’s ruin game? First outcome is player A wins, the
second is player B wins. Is that all? Is it possible that the game is never ending? To check that we
need to compute the probability that player B wins when A starts with i coins, this probability
is designated by Qi . And if Pi C Qi D 1, then the game will definitely end with either A wins
or B wins.
By symmetry, we can get the formula for Qi from Pi by replacing i with N i, which is
the amount of coins that player B starts, and p with q:
8̂ N i
< ; if p D 1=2
Qi D 1 N .p=q/N i
:̂ ; if p ¤ 1=2
1 .p=q/N
I have moved P1 to the RHS.
Note that q=p D 1 is equivalent to p D 1=2.
1 .q=p/i 1 .p=q/N i
P i C Qi D C D D1
1 .q=p/N 1 .p=q/N
Some details were skipped for sake of brevity. Thus, the game will end with either A wins or
B wins. Let’s pause a bit and see what we have seen: we have seen a telescoping sum, and a
geometric series in a game of coin tossing! Isn’t mathematics cool?
Solution using difference equations. Eq. (5.8.17) is a (linear) difference equation (or a recur-
rence equation) which involves the differences between successive values of a function of a
discrete variable. In that equation we have the difference between Pi , Pi C1 and Pi 1 , all are
values of a function of i –a discrete variable. (A discrete variable is a variable of which values
can only be integers.) Note that a difference equation is the discrete analog of a differential
equation discussed in Chapter 9.
To solve Eq. (5.8.17), we re-write it as follows
Pi D Ar i H) Pi C1 D Ar i C1 ; Pi 1 D Ar i 1
Ar i 1
.pr 2 r C q/ D 0 H) pr 2 r Cq D0 (5.8.20)
This is a quadratic equation, thus, for the case p ¤ 1=2 it has two roots (note that q D 1 p):
r1 D 1; r2 D
Thus, A1 r1i C A2 r2i is the general solution to Eq. (5.8.19), so we can write
✓ ◆i
Pi D A1 C A2 (5.8.21)
Now, we determine A1 and A2 using the two boundary conditions: P0 D 0 and PN D 1:
✓ ◆N
A1 C A2 D 0; A1 C A2 D1
Why this form? If we start with this simpler equation Pi D qPi 1, then, we have
Pi D q 2 Pi 2 D q 3 Pi 3 D D q i P0
Let’s see what are the odds playing in a casino. Assume that N = 10 000 Units. Using
Eq. (5.8.18), the odds are calculated for different initial wealth. The results shown in Table 5.5
are all bad news. As we cannot have more money than the casino, we look at the top half of the
table, and the odds are all zero (do not look at the column with p D 0:5; that’s just for reference).
One way to improve our odds is to be bold: instead of betting 1 dollar, betting 10 dollars, for
If N D 100 dollars, and player A starts with 10 dollars, what is his chance if he bets 10
dollars per game? Think of 1 coin is 10 dollars, then we can just use Eq. (5.8.18) with i D 1 and
N D 10: P1 D 1 .q=p/1=1 .q=p/10 .
Table 5.5: Probabilities of player A breaking the bank with total initial wealth N = 10000 Units.
You are the HR manager of a company and need to hire the best secretary out of
a given number N of candidates. You can interview them one by one, in random
The first thing we need to do is to translate the problem into mathematics. Let’s assign a
counting number to each candidate. Thus, four candidates John, Sydney, Peter and Laura would
be translated to a list of integers: .1; 7; 3; 9/, an integer can be thought of as the score of a
candidate. In general we denote by .a1 ; a2 ; : : : ; aN / this list. The problem now is to find the
maximum of this list, denoted by amax .
If you’re thinking, this is easy, I pick Laura as the best applicant for 9 is the maximum of
.1; 7; 3; 9/. No, you cannot do this for one simple reason: you cannot look ahead. Think of your
dating, you cannot know in advance who will you date in the future! Thus, at the time the HR
manage is interviewing Peter (3) she does not know that there is a better candidate waiting for
her. Note that she has to make a decision (rejecting or accepting) immediately after the interview.
That is the rule of this problem. It might not be real, but mathematicians do not care.
Ok. I pick the last applicant! But the probability of getting the best is only 1=N , if N is large
then that probability is slim. So, we cannot rely on luck, we need some strategy here. Again
think of dating, what is the strategy there? The strategy most adults adopt — insofar as they
consciously adopt a strategy — is to date around for a while, gain some experience, figure out
one’s options, and then choose the next best thing that comes around.
We adopt that strategy here. Thus, we scan the first r candidates, record the maximum score,
denoted by a⇤ , (i.e., a⇤ D max ai ; 1 i r), and then select the first candidate whose score
is larger than a⇤ (Fig. 5.6). Now, we’re going to compute what is the probability if we do this.
Obviously, that probability depends on r; if we have that probability, labeled by P .r/, then we
can find r that maximizes P .r/; such an r is called the optimal r. Assume that that optimal r is
five, then the optimal strategy (for dating) is: date 5 persons, discard all of them and marry the
next person who is better than the best among your five old lovers.
Figure 5.6: Secretary problem: scan the first r candidates, record the maximum score (i.e., a⇤ D
max ai ; 1 i r, and select the first candidate whose score is larger than a⇤ .
Let n be the nth candidate (after r rejected or scanned candidates) of which the score is
maximum. Of course we need to have n r C 1 (if not, we would lose the best among the
rejected r candidates). The first candidate with a score higher than a⇤ is the best candidate (i.e.,
an D amax ) only happens when the second best is in r candidates. Therefore, P .r/ is
P ⇤
P .r/ D N nDrC1 P .1st > a and amax /
D N nDrC1 P .nth is the best and the second best is in r candidates/
D nDrC1 P .nth is the best/ ⇥ P .the second best is in r candidates out of n 1/
P PN PN 1 1
D N 1 r
nDrC1 N n 1 D N
r 1
nDrC1 n 1 D N
nDr n (5.9.1)
The question now is what should be the value of r so that P .r/ 0.4
P (r)
N D 10 and for r D 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10 we compute ten 0.2
P .r/ using Eq. (5.9.1), plot them and we obtain a plot shown in 0.1
the figure. This plot tells us that there is indeed a value of r such
that P .r/ is maximum, and there is only one such r. Because of 0.0
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
that, the next r C 1 has a lower probability. So, we just need to find r such that P .r C 1/ P .r/:
r C1 X 1 r X1 X1 1
N 1 N 1 N
P .r C 1/ P .r/ ” ” 1
N nDrC1 n N nDr n nDrC1
Recognizing the red sum is related to the n harmonic numberé , we rewrite the above sum as
1 X
1 N 1
⇡ ln.N 1/ ln r D ln
n nD1
n r
where the first sum in the left most term is the .N 1/th harmonic number HN 1 , the second term
is the rth harmonic number, and noting that we can approximate Hn ⇡ ln n C C O.n/ where
is the Euler-Mascheroni constant defined in Eq. (4.14.25). When N is very large, N 1 D N ,
and thus we need to find r such that
ln ⇡1” ⇡ e H) r ⇡ ⇡ 0:37N; .e D 2:718281 : : :/
r r e
What this formula tells us is that we should discard 37% of the total number of candidates, then
select the next person that comes along who is better than all of those discarded.
Kepler and the marriage problem. In 1611, after losing his first wife, Barbara, to cholera, the
great astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler wanted to re-marry. His first marriage was
an arranged one and not so happy so he decided to find a suitable second wife with care. Now
we know how Kepler went about the selection process because he documented it in great detail
to Baron Strahlendorf on October 23, 1613. In his process, Kepler had considered 11 different
matches over two years. The fourth woman was nice to look at — of "tall stature and athletic
If needed, check Section 4.14.7 for refresh on harmonic numbers.
build", but Kepler wanted to check out the next one, who, he’d been told, was "modest, thrifty,
diligent and [said] to love her stepchildren," so he hesitated. He hesitated so long, that both No.
4 and No. 5 got impatient and took themselves out of the running, leaving him with No. 6, who
scared him. He eventually returned to the fifth match, 24-year-old Susanna Reuttinger, who, he
wrote, "won me over with love, humble loyalty, economy of household, diligence, and the love
she gave the stepchildren. On 30 October 1613, Kepler married Reuttinger who was a wonderful
wife and both she and Kepler were very happy.
Thus in a countable sample space, to find the probability of an event, all we need to do is to sum
the probability of individual elements in that set. How can we find the probability of individual
elements then? We answer this question next.
Finite sample spaces with equally likely outcomes. An important special case of discrete
probability models is when we have a finite sample space S, where each outcome is equally
likely to occur i.e.,
S D fs1 ; s2 ; s3 ; : : : ; sN g; where P .si / D P .sj / for all i; j 2 f1; 2; : : : ; N g (5.10.2)
Examples are tossing a fair coin or rolling a fair die.
From the second axiom we have P .S/ D 1, and by denoting P D P .s1 / D P .s2 / D D
P .sN /, we have
1 D P .S/ D P .si / D NP
for all i D f1; 2; :::; N g
P .si / D
Next, we’re going to calculate P .A/ for event A with jAj D M , we write
0 1
[ X M jAj
P .A/ D P @ sj A D P .sj / D D (5.10.3)
sj 2A sj 2A
N jS j
Thus, finding the probability of A reduces to a counting problem in which we need to count
how many elements are in A and S . We get the results that Cardano had discoveredéé . And do
we know how to count things...efficiently? Yes, we do (Section 2.25). If your understanding of
factorial, permutations and combinations is not solid (yet), you have to study them again before
continuing with probability.
The birthday problem deals with the probability that in a set of n randomly selected people,
at least two people share the same birthday. This problem is often referred to as the birthday
paradox because the probability is counter-intuitively high: with only 23 people, the probability
is 50% that at least two people share the same birthday, and with 50 people that chance is about
90%. The first publication of a version of the birthday problem was by Richard von Mises|| in
Equipped with probability theory, we’re going to solve this problem. But, we need a few
assumptions. First, we disregard leap year, which simplifies the math, and it doesn’t change the
results by much. We also assume that all birthdays have an equal probability of occurring⇤⇤ .
Because leap years are not considered, there are only 365 birthdays. And we use this formula
P .Ac / D 1 P .A/. That is, instead of working directly, we approach the problem indirectly by
asking what is the probability that none people share the same birthday. This is because doing
so is much easier (note that in the direct problem, handling “at least” two people is not easy as
there are two many possibilities).
The sample space is f1; 2; : : : ; 365gn , which has a cardinality of 365n . For the first person of
n people, there are 365 choices, for the second person, there are only 364 choices (to not have
the same birthday with the 1st person), third person 363 choices (to not share the birthday with
the first two persons). And for the nth person, there are 365 n C 1 choices. Thus the probability
that none people share the same birthday is
.365/.364/ .365 n C 1/
.365/.364/ .365 n C 1/
P .n/ D 1 (5.10.4)
Note that Cardano could not prove this formula, and we could, starting from Kolmogorov’s three axioms.
Richard Edler von Mises (1883 – 1953) was an Austrian scientist and mathematician who worked on solid
mechanics, fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, aeronautics, statistics and probability theory. In solid mechanics, von
Mises made an important contribution to the theory of plasticity by formulating what has become known as the von
Mises yield criterion. If you want to become a civil/mechanical/aeorspace engineer, you will encounter his name.
The second assumption is not true. But for the first attack to this problem, do not bother too much.
P (n)
ical solutions match well with the analytical solutions. And 0.4
about 90%.
The main reason that this problem is called a paradox is that if you are in a group of 23 and
you compare your birthday with the others, you think you’re making only 22 comparisons. This
means that there are only 22 chances of sharing the birthday with someone. However, we don’t
make only 22 comparisons. That number is much larger and it is the reason that we perceive
this problem as a paradox. Indeed, the comparisons of birthdays will be made between every
possible pair of individuals. With 23 individuals, there are 232
D .23 ⇥ 22/=2 D 253 pairs to
consider, which is well over half the number of days in a year (182.5 or 183).
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, 19th century mathematician, using the phrase to describe how he
thought many problems in math could be solved by looking at the inverse.
Now, we consider the inverse problem of the birthday problem: how many people (i.e., n D‹)
so that at least two people will share a birthday with a probability of 0.5? It seems easy, we just
need to solve the following equation for n
.365/.364/ .365 n C 1/
1 D 0:5
Hmm. How to solve this equation? It is interesting to realize that a bit massage to P .n/ will be
helpful. We rewrite P .n/ as follows by 365n D 365 ⇥ 365 ⇥ ⇥ 365, and pair each 365 with
one number in the nominator:
✓ ◆✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
365 364 365 n C 1
P .n/ D 1
365 365 365
✓ ◆✓ ◆✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ (5.10.5)
365 1 2 n 1
D1 1 1 1
365 365 365 365
Now comes the art of approximation, recall that for small x close to zero, we haveéé
e x ⇡ 1 C x H) e x
⇡1 x
If this is not clear check Taylor series in Section 4.14.8. It is hard to live without calculus!
(Note that Eq. (5.10.5) has terms of the form 1 x). Thus, Eq. (5.10.5) becomesè
⇣ 1 ⌘⇣ 2 ⌘ ⇣ n 1⌘
P .n/ ⇡ 1 e 365 e 365 e 365
✓ ◆
1C2C Cn 1
⇡ 1 exp (5.10.6)
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
n.n 1/ n2
⇡ 1 exp ⇡ 1 exp
2 ⇥ 365 2 ⇥ 365
where use was made of the sum of the first counting numbers formula (Section 2.5.1).
With this approximation, it is easy to find the n such that P .n/ D 0:5:
✓ ◆ p
n2 n2
1 exp D 0:5 H) D ln 2 H) n D ln 2 ⇥ 730 D 22:494
2 ⇥ 365 2 ⇥ 365
And from that we get n D 23.
Figure 5.8: A random variable is a real-valued function from the sample space S to R.
is so called because we cannot list it as we do for discrete random variable. Still remember
Hilbert’s hotel with infinite rooms and Georg Cantor? This section is confined to a discussion of
discrete random variables only.
RX D fx1 ; x2 ; x3 ; : : :g
where x1 ; x2 ; : : : are possible values of the random variable X. If we know the probability that
X gets a value xk for all xk in RX we will know its probability distribution. The probability of
the event fX D xk g is called the probability mass function (PMF) of X. Following Pishro-Nik,
the notation for it is PX .xk /; the subscript X is needed as we shall deal with more than one
random variables, each has its own PMF.
Check Section 4.2.4 if you need a refresh on what is a range of a function.
Example 5.13
Tossing a coin twice and let X be the number of heads observed. Find the probability mass
function PX . The sample space is S D f.H; H /; .H; T /; .T; H /; .T; T /g. So, the number of
heads X is:
X D f0; 1; 2g
Now, we compute P .X D xk / for k D 1; 2; 3:
So, the probability mass function of a random variable X is the function that takes a num-
ber x 2 R as input and returns the number P .X D x/ as output. (Note that we included
continuous random variables in this discussion).
To better visualize the PMF, we can plot it. Fig. 5.9 shows the PMF of the above random
variable X ; the plot on the right is known as a bar plot. As we see, the random variable can take
three possible values 0; 1 and 2. The figure also clearly indicates that the event X D 1 is twice
as likely as the other two possible values.
PX (x)
0.50 0.50
PX (x)
0.00 0 1 2
0 1 2 x x
(a) (b)
Figure 5.9: Visualization of the probability distribution of a discrete random variable. Source code:
✏ Rolling two dice. You either get a double six (with probability of 1=36) or not a double
six (with a chance of 35=36).
Definition 5.10.1
A random variable X is said to be a Bernoulli random variable with parameter p, denoted by
X Ï Bernoul li.p/, if its PMF is given by
<p; if x D 1
PX .x/ D 1 p; if x D 0 (5.10.8)
0; otherwise
Geometric distribution. Assume that we have an unfair coin for which P .H / D p, where
0 < p < 1 and p ¤ 0:5. We toss the coin repeatedly until we observe a head for the first time.
Let X be the total number of coin tosses. Find the distribution of X .
First, we see that X D f1; 2; 3; : : : ; k; : : :g. To find the distribution of X is to find PX .k/ D
P .X D k/ for k D 1; 2; 3; and so on. These probabilities are (as all tosses are independent, the
probability of, let say, TH is just the product of the probabilities of getting T and H )
PX .1/ W P .H / Dp
PX .2/ W P .TH / D .1 p/p
PX .3/ W P .T TH / D .1 p/.1 p/p D .1 p/2 p
:: :: ::
: : :
PX .k/ W P .T T : : : H / D .1 p/k 1 p
If we list these probabilities we obtain this sequence 0.30P (x) X
Binomial distribution. Suppose that we have a coin for which P .H / D p and thus
P .T / D 1 p. We toss it five times. What is the probability that we observe exactly k heads
and 5 k tails?|| To solve this problem, we start with a concrete case: Let A be the event that we
observe exactly three heads and two tails. What is P .A/?
Because A is the event that we observe exactly three heads and two tails, we can write
It can be shown that the probability of each member of A is p 3 .1 p/2 . As there are jAj such
members, the probability of A is
Definition 5.10.2
A random variable X is said to be a binomial random variable with parameters n and p, shown
as X Ï Bi nomial.n; p/, if its PMF is given byd
n k
PX .k/ D p .1 p/n k for k D 0; 1; 2; ;n (5.10.9)
How to make sure that this is indeed a PMF? Eq. (5.10.7) is the answer.
Example 5.14
What is the probability that among five families, each with six children, at least three of the
families have four or more girls? Of course, we assume that the probability to have a boy is
To solve this problem, first note that the five families are the five trials. And each trial is a
success if that family has at least four girls. And if we denote by p0 the probability of a family
to have at least four girls, the probability that at least three of the families have four or more
girls is: ! ! !
5 3 5 5
p0 .1 p0 /2 C p04 .1 p0 / C p05 (5.10.10)
3 4 5
Of course k D 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5.
To find p0 , we realize that to get six children, each family has to perform six Bernoulli trials
with p D 0:5 to get a boy or a girl, thus:
! ! !
6 6 6 11
p0 D .0:5/6 C .0:5/6 C .0:5/6 D
4 5 6 32
Plugging this p0 into Eq. (5.10.10) we get the answer to this problem. But that number is not
important than the solution process.
We can generalize what we have found in the above example, to have a formula for calculat-
ing the probability of a X b:
n k
P .a X b/ D p .1 p/n k
PX (x) PX (x)
0.00 0.00
0 20 40 60 80 100
x 0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 5.11: Visualization of two binomial distributions. Observe that the curves peak at around np.
To have a better understanding of the binomial distribution, we plot some of them in Fig. 5.11.
The curve has an ascending branch starting from k D 0 to kmax , and a descending branch with
k kmax . It is possible to determine the value for kmax . First, let’s denote bn .k/ D PX .k/, and
we need to compute the ratio of two successive terms:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
bn .k/ nä k n k nä k 1 n kC1
D p .1 p/ = p .1 p/
bn .k 1/ .n k/äkä .n k C 1/ä.k 1/ä
.n k C 1/p
To find the peak of the binomial distribution curve, we find k such that the ratio bn .k/=bn .k 1/ is
larger than or equal to one:
bn .k/
1 ” .n C 1/p k H) kmax ⇡ np (5.10.13)
bn .k 1/
Now we can understand why each plot in Fig. 5.11 has a peak near np. And why np is at the
peak? Because it is the expected value of X i.e., it is the average value of X . And it should be
the average value that has the highest probability.
Having the ratio between successive terms, it is possible to compute bn .k/ recursively. That
is, we compute the first term i.e., bn .0/, then use it to compute the second term bn .1/ and so on:
John Arbuthnot and Willem Jacob ’s Gravesande. In 1710 John Arbuthnot (1667–1735)
presented a paper titled An Argument for Divine Providence to the London Royal Society, which
is a very early example of statistical hypothesis testing in social science. The paper presents
a table containing the number of baptised children in London for the previous 82 years. One
seemingly spectacular feature of this data was that in each of these 82 years the number of boys
was higher than that of the girls. Willem Jacob ’s Gravesande (1688 – 1742)éé set out a task to
find out why.
’s Gravesande first found a representative year by taking the average number of births over
the 82 years in question, which was 11 429. For each year, he then scaled the numbers of births
per sex to that average number. In this scaled data, Gravesande found that the number of boys
had always been between 5 745 and 6 128.
Now, seeing a birth as a Bernoulli trial with p D 0:5, he used Eq. (5.10.11) to compute the
probability of the number of male births falling within this range in a given year as
!✓ ◆
11429 1 11429
P D (5.10.15)
k 2
How did ’sGravesande compute this P in 1710⇤⇤ ? First, he re-wrote it as follows (using the fact
that the sum of the coefficients of the nth row in Pascal’s triangle is 2n , check Section 2.28, he
Willem Jacob ’s Gravesande was a Dutch mathematician and natural philosopher, chiefly remembered for
developing experimental demonstrations of the laws of classical mechanics and the first experimental measurement
of kinetic energy. As professor of mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy at Leiden University, he helped to
propagate Isaac Newton’s ideas in Continental Europe.
Today we would write a few lines of code and get the result of 0.2873. But doing so would not improve our
math ability.
P11429 11429
wrote 211429 as kD0 k
P6128 11429 P6128 11429
P D kD5745 k
D PkD5745 k
11429 11429
211429 kD0 k
The problem now boils down to how to handling the coefficients (and sum of them) in a row
of Pascal’s triangle when n is large. To show how Gravesande did that, just consider the case
n D 5 (noting that 11 429 is an odd number):
5 5 5 5 5 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
; or 1 5 10 10 5 1 (5.10.17)
Since we have the following identity between adjacent binomial coefficients in any row (of the
Pascal triangle), ! !
n n n k
D (5.10.18)
kC1 k kC1
we now assign the middle term (i.e., 53 ) to any value; say 53 D a, and we then compute the
next term 54 in terms of a, then the next term 55 in terms of a. Adding all these three terms
and multiplying the result by twoé , we get the sum of all the coefficients in terms of a. In this
way, Gravesande constructed a tableéé containing half of the coefficients in .a C b/11429 starting
from the middle term 5 715 to 5 973. Note that the coefficients are decreasing from the middle
term, and from 5 973 on, the coefficients are negligible.
Although ’s Gravesande was able to solve this computationally challenging binomial related
problem, he stopped there. Thus, ’s Gravesande was not a systematic mathematician but rather a
good problem solver and a number cruncher.
fair coin. That is, according to Eq. (5.10.9) with n D 2m; k D m; p D 1=2, he computed the
quantity 2mm
=22m . Note that this is similar to computing the middle term of .1 C 1/2m and
divide it by the sum of all the coefficients. Let’s denote A D 2m
. We can write A as⇤⇤
! ✓ ◆✓ ◆ ✓ ◆✓ ◆
2m .2m/ä mC1 mC2 mCm 1 mCm
AD D D (5.10.19)
m mämä m 1 m 2 m .m 1/ m 0
The next step is to take the natural logarithm of Eq. (5.10.19) to have a sum instead of a product:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
mC1 mC2 mCm 1
ln A D ln C ln C C ln C ln 2
m 1 m 2 m .m 1/
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1 C 1=m 1 C 2=m 1 C .m 1/=m
D ln C ln C C ln C ln 2 (5.10.20)
1 1=m 1 2=m 1 .m 1/=m
X1 ✓ 1 C i=m ◆
D ln C ln 2
i D1
1 i=m
Now, for the red term, we use the following series for ln 1Cx=1 x , check Section 4.14.3 for details,
✓ ◆ X
1Cx x3 x5 x 2k 1
ln D2 xC C C ::: D 2 (5.10.21)
1 x 3 5 2k 1
to have
X1 X
m 1 ✓ ◆2k 1 X
1 X1
1 i 1
ln A ln 2 D 2 D2 i 2k 1
i D1 kD1
2k 1 m .2k 1/m2k 1
i D1
What the red term is? It is the sum of powers of integers that Bernouilli computed some years
ago! Using Eq. (2.26.3), we thus can compute it:
.m 1/2k 1 1
i 2k 1
D .m 1/2k 1
C .2k 1/B2 .m 1/2k 2
C (5.10.23)
i D1
2k 2 2
Setting t D m 1=m, and substituting Eq. (5.10.23) into Eq. (5.10.22), we get ln A ln 2 as
t 2k 1 X
t 2k 1 B2 X 2k
2.m 1/ C t C (5.10.24)
.2k 1/2k 2k 1 m
kD1 kD1 kD1
To see why A has this form, consider one example with m D 4:
Now, we have to compute the three sums in the above expression. The second one is easy; it is
just Eq. (5.10.21):
X 1
t 2k 1 1 1Ct 1
D ln D ln.2m 1/ (5.10.25)
2k 1 2 1 t 2
The first one is very similar to Eq. (5.10.21). In fact if we integrate both sides of that equation
we will meet the first sum:
Z X1 Z X1
1Cx x 2k 1 x 2k
ln dx D 2 dx D 2 (5.10.26)
1 x 2k 1 .2k 1/.2k/
kD1 kD1
For the integral ln 1Cx
1 x
dx I have used the Python package SymPy and with that integral com-
puted, the above equation becomes:
✓ ◆ X
1Cx 2 x 2k
x ln C ln 1 x D 2 (5.10.27)
1 x .2k 1/.2k/
Dividing this with x, we get (also replaced x by t , and then t by m using t D m 1=m)
X1 ✓ ◆
t 2k 1 1Ct
2 D ln C t 1 ln 1 t 2
.2k 1/.2k/ 1 t
✓ ◆ (5.10.28)
m 2m 1
D ln.2m 1/ C ln
m 1 m2
The third sum involves a geometric series, and can be shown to converge to 1=12 when m
approaches infinity. Similarly, the next sum in Eq. (5.10.22) is 1=360 and so on. With all these
results we can write ln A as
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1 1 1 1 1
ln A ⇡ 2m ln.2m 1/ 2m ln.m/ C ln 2 C C C
2 12 360 1260 1680
Then, we can compute the logarithm of A=2n with n D 2m and ln B D ln 2 C 1=12 : : ::
✓ ◆ ⇣ ⌘ ✓ ◆n
A n
p A 1 B
ln n ⇡ ln.n 1/ ln n n
n 1 C ln B H) n ⇡ 1 p (5.10.30)
2 2 n n 1
with the constant B being computed from the following series
B 1 1 1 1
ln D C C (5.10.31)
2 12 360 1260 1680
Because de Moivre was able to compute B from this series, he did not bother what B is really.
But James Stirling worked out that mysterious series
p 1 1 1 1
ln 2⇡ D 1 C C (5.10.32)
12 360 1260 1680
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 5. Probability 486
Thus, B D 2e= 2⇡ , where e D 2:718281828459045 is the number we have met earlier in
compounding interest, Section 2.27. With .1 1=n/n ⇡ 1=e, and n 1 ⇡ n, from the boxed
equation in Eq. (5.10.30) we then get
A 2e 1 1 2
Ïp p Dp (5.10.33)
2 2⇡ e n 2⇡ n
The next step de Moivre did was to compute the probability bn .kmax Cl/ in terms of bn .kmax /§ .
First, we need to use Eq. (5.10.12) to determine the ratio (note that kmax ⇡ np):
.n kmax i C 1/p
bn .kmax C i/=bn .kmax C i 1/ D
.kmax C i/q
.nq i/p 1 i=.nq/
⇡ D
.np C i/q 1 C
The logarithm of the last ratio equals (with this approximation ln.1 C x/ ⇡ x for x near 0)⇤⇤
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
i i i i i
ln 1 ln 1 C ⇡ D (5.10.35)
nq np nq np npq
For l 1 and kmax C l n, we can compute the term which is distant from the middle by the
distance l i.e., ln bn .kmax Cl/=bn .kmax / using Eq. (5.10.35), as follows
✓ ◆
bn .kmax C l/ bn .kmax C 1/ bn .kmax C 2/ b.kmax C l/
ln D ln ⇥ ⇥ ⇥
bn .kmax / bn .kmax / bn .kmax C 1/ bn .kmax C l 1/
bn .kmax C 1/ bn .kmax C 2/ bn .kmax C l/
D ln C ln C C
bn .kmax / bn .kmax C 1/ bn .kmax C l 1/
1C2C Cl 1 l
⇡ ⇡ .sum of first l integers=l.l C 1/=2/
npq 2 npq
Thus, bn .kmax C l/ is exponentially proportional to bn .kmax /:
✓ ◆
bn .kmax C l/ ⇡ bn .kmax / exp (5.10.37)
where exp.x/ D e x is the exponential functionéé . Using Eq. (5.10.33), which is bn .kmax / for the
case p D q D 1=2 and n is even, we get de Moivre’s approximation to the symmetric binomial
✓ ◆
2 2l 2
bn .n=2 C l/ ⇡ p exp (5.10.38)
2⇡ n n
Remarkably two famous numbers in mathematics ⇡ D 3:1415 : : : and e appear in this formula!
This is similar to ’s Gravesande’s approach.
Thus theoretically this works only for small i .
We use e x when the term in the exponent is short and exp.: : :/ when that term is long or complex.
Even though de Moivre did not draw his approximation, he men- 0.06
PX (x)
(when he was 71 years old). He even computed the two inflection
points of the curve. And this is probably the first time the normal curve
appears. Later on, Gauss and Laplace defined the normal distribution 0.00
0 20 40
60 80 100
d ✓ ◆ Z d ◆ ✓
2 2l 2 2 2x 2
P .n=2 X n=2 C d / ⇡ p exp ⇡p exp dx
2⇡ n lD0 n 2⇡ n 0 n
Noting that he approximated the sum in his approximate binomial distribution by an integral.
Thus, de Moirve did not think of a probability distribution
pfunction. And from that, it is easy to
have with a factor of two and a change of variable (x D ny):
Z p
d= n
P .jX n=2j d / ⇡ p exp 2y 2 dy (5.10.40)
2⇡ 0
To evaluate the integral, de Moivre replaced the exponential function by its series and did a term
by term integration. This is what Newton and mathematicians in the 18th p century did. We also
discussed it in Section 4.15. He obtained a result of 0:682688 for d= n D 1=2. As we’re not
in a calculus class, we can use a library to do this integral for us, see Listing 5.3. The result is
0:682689. Note that what de Moirve computed shows that 68% of the data is within p one standard
deviation of the mean. We shall know shortly that the standard deviation is 0:5 n.
Listing 5.3: Example of using the QuadGK pacakge for numerical integration.
1 using QuadGK
2 integral, err = quadgk(x -> (4/sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-2*x^2), 0, 0.5, rtol=1e-8)
p p
Continuing with d= n D 1 and d= n D 3=2, he
obtained what is now referred to as the 68 95 99
rule. See Fig. 5.12 and check Listing B.18 for the code.
This is the well know bell-shaped normal curve. It is
symmetric about zero: the part of the curve to the right
of zero is a mirror image of the part to the left. Despite
de Moivre’s scientific eminence his main income was
as a private tutor of mathematics and he died in poverty.
Desperate to get a chair in Cambridge he begged Johann
Bernoulli to persuade Leibniz to write a supporting let-
ter for him. Bernoulli did so in 1710 explaining to Leib-
Figure 5.12: Bell-shaped normal curve.
niz that de Moivre was living a miserable life of poverty.
Negative Binomial Distribution. Suppose that we have a coin with P .H / D p. We toss the
coin until we observe m heads, where m 2 N. We define X as the total number of coin tosses in
this experiment. Then X is said to have Pascal distribution with parameter m and p. We write
X Ï P ascal.m; p/. Note that P ascal.1; p/ D Geomet ric.p/. Note that by our definition
the range of X is given by RX D fm; m C 1; m C 2; : : :g. This is because we need to toss at
least m times to get m heads.
Our goal is to find PX .k/ for k 2 RX . It’s easier to start with a concrete case, say m D 3.
What is PX .4/? In other words, what is the probability that we have to toss the coin 4 times to
get 3 heads? The fact that we had to toss the coin 4 times indicating that in the first three tosses
we only got 2 heads. This observation is the key to the solution of this problem. And in the final
toss (the fourth one) we got a head. Thus,
And with that, it is just one small step to get the general result:
k 1 m
PX .k/ D p .1 p/k m ; k D m; m C 1; : : : (5.10.41)
m 1
Binomial distribution versus Pascal distribution. A binomial random variable counts the
number of successes in a fixed number of independent trials. On the other hands, a negative
binomial random variable counts the number of independent trials needed to achieve a fixed
number of successes.
Poisson’s distribution. Herein, we’re going to present an approximation to the binomial distri-
bution when n is large, p is small and np is finite. Let’s introduce a new symbol such that
np D . We start with bn .0/, and taking advantage of the fact that n is large, we will use some
approximations: ✓ ◆ n
bn .0/ D .1 p/ D 1 (5.10.42)
Now, taking the natural logarithm of both sides of the above equation, and we get
✓ ◆
ln bn .0/ D n ln 1 (5.10.43)
Now, we use an approximation for ln.1 x/, check Taylor’s series in Section 4.14.8 if this was
not clear:
x2 x3 x4
ln.1 x/ D x C
2 3 4
With that approximation, we now can write ln bn .0/ as (with x D =n)
2 3
ln bn .0/ D (5.10.44)
2n 3n2
For very large n’s, we get a good approximation of bn .0/ by omitting terms with n in the
ln bn .0/ ⇡ H) bn .0/ ⇡ e (5.10.45)
And of course, we use the recursive formula, Eq. (5.10.14), to get the next term bn .1/ and so
on. But first, we also need an approximation (when n is large) for the ratio bn .k/=bn .k 1/; using
Eq. (5.10.13) with p D =n, q D 1 p:
bn .k/ .n k C 1/p
D ⇡
bn .k 1/ kq k
Now, starting with bn .0/, we obtain bn .1/, bn .2/ and so on:
bn .0/ ⇡ e
bn .1/ ⇡ e
bn .2/ ⇡ e
bn .3/ ⇡ e
Thus, we have a formula for any k:
bn .k/ ⇡
And this is now known as Poisson distribution, named after the French mathematician Siméon
Denis Poisson (1781 – 1840). A random variable X is said to be a Poisson random variable with
parameter , shown as X Ï P oisson. / , if its range is RX D f0; 1; 2; 3; :::g, and its PMF is
given by
PX .k/ D for k 2 RX (5.10.46)
What should we do next after we have discovered the Poisson approximation to the binomial
distribution? We should at least do two thingséé :
P1 P1 ke
Actually we need to check whether kD0 PX .k/ D 1, or kD0 kä
D 1.
Example. A fair coin is flipped twice. Let X be the number of observed heads. Find the CDF of
X . The result is:
Now that we have seen a CDF, it’s time to talk about its properties. By looking at the graph
of this CDF, we can tell that
ˆ 0; if x < 0
<1; if 0 x < 1
FX .x/ D 43
ˆ4; if 1 x < 2
1; if x 2
The first property is just a consequence of the second and third properties. The second property
is just another way of saying that the probability of X smaller than 1 is zero. Similarly, the
third property is the fact that the probability of something in the sample space occurs is one, as
any X must be smaller than infinity! About the last property, as we’re adding up probabilities,
the CDF must be non-decreasing. But we can prove it rigorously using the following result: for
a; b 2 R such that a < b:
of which a proof is given in Fig. 5.13. As probability is always non-negative, the above results
in FX .b/ FX .a/ 0 or FX .b/ FX .a/.
will win in .9=19/.100/ games and lose in .10=19/.100/ games, thus the amount of money we
gain or lose in 100 games is:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
9 10
.100/.$100/ C .100/. $100/ D .$5:26/.100/
19 19
Thus, per game, we will lose $5.26. What does this number mean? Obviously for each game, we
either win $100 or lose $100. But in a long run when we have played many games, on average
we would have lost $5.26 per game.
We can see that this average amount can be computed by adding the product of the probability
of winning $100 and $100 to the product of the probability of losing $100 and -$100:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
9 10
.$100/ C . $100/ D $5:26
19 19
Let’s consider another example of rolling a die N times. Assume that among these N times,
we observe 1 n1 times, we observe 2 n2 times , we observe 3 n3 times, and so on. Now we
compute the average of all the numbers observed:
.1 C 1 C C 1/ C .2 C 2 C C 2/ C C .6 C 6 C C 6/
„ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ …
n1 n2 n6
.1/.n1 / C .2/.n2 / C C .6/.n6 /
Now, assume that N is large, then ni =N D 1=6, which is the probability that we observe i for
i D 1; 2; : : : Thus,
⇣n ⌘ ⇣n ⌘ ⇣n ⌘ 1
1 2 6
x D .1/ C .2/ C C .6/ D .1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6/ ⇥ (ni =N D 1=6)
N N N 6
21 7
D D D 3:5
6 2
Thus the averaged value of rolling a die is 7=2. In ??, we shall know that there is a law called
the law of large numbers that.
Notice that in both examples the averaged number is the sum of the products of the random
variable times its probability. This leads to the following definition for the expected value.
Definition 5.10.3
If X is a discrete random variable with values of fx1 ; x2 ; : : : ; xn g and its PFM is PX .xk /, then
the expected value of X , denoted by EŒXç, is defined as:
EŒXç D x1 PX .x1 / C x2 PX .x2 / C D xk PX .xk / (5.10.48)
Blaise Pascal was the third of Étienne Pascal’s children. Pascal’s mother
died when he was only three years old. Pascal’s father had unorthodox
educational views and decided to teach his son himself. Étienne Pascal
decided that Blaise was not to study mathematics before the age of 15
and all mathematics texts were removed from their house. Curiosity
raised by this, Pascal started to work on geometry himself at the age
of 12. He discovered that the sum of the angles of a triangle are two
right angles and, when his father found out, he relented and allowed
Blaise a copy of Euclid. About 1647 Pascal began a series of experiments on atmospheric
pressure. By 1647 he had proved to his satisfaction that a vacuum existed. Rene Descartes
visited Pascal on 23 September. His visit only lasted two days and the two argued about
the vacuum which Descartes did not believe in. Descartes wrote, rather cruelly, in a letter
to Huygens after this visit that Pascal ...has too much vacuum in his head.
Now, we’re deriving another formula for the expected value of X, but in terms of the proba-
bility of the members of the sample space:
EŒXç D X.s/p.s/ (5.10.49)
We shall prove the important and useful result that the expected value of a sum of random
variables is equal to the sum of their expectations (i.e., EŒX C Y ç D EŒXç C EŒY ç for two RVs
X and Y ) using Eq. (5.10.49).
Proof of Eq. (5.10.49). Let’s denote by Si the event that X.Si / D xi for i D 1; 2; : : : That is,
Si D fs W X.s/ D xi g
For example, in tossing two dice, and let X be the total number of faces, we have x1 D 2 and
x2 D 3, with S2 D f.1; 2/; .2; 1/g are the outcomes that led to x2 . Moreover, let p.s/ D P .s/
be the probability that s is the outcome of the experiment. The proof then starts with the usual
definition of EŒXç and replaces X D xi by Si , Fig. 5.8 can be helpful to see the connection
between s, S and X :
EŒXç D xi PX .xi / D xi PX .X D xi / D xi P .Si /
i i i
We continue with replacing P .Si / by s2Si p.s/ (that is using the third axiom),
EŒXç D xi p.s/ D xi p.s/ D X.s/p.s/
i s2Si i s2Si i s2Si
And finally, because S1 ; S2 ; : : : are disjoint or mutually exclusive, i Si is just s2S , thus
EŒXç D X.s/p.s/
P concludes
P the proof.
P P Below, I will elaborate some steps which involves . For example,
i xi s2Si p.s/ D i s2Si xi p.s/, just use one concrete case:
xi p.s/ D xi .p.s1 / C p.s2 // D .xi p.s1 / C xi p.s2 // D xi p.s/
i s2Si i i i s2Si
Figure 5.14: Pictorial presentation of sample space S, RV X, and function of a RV Y D g.X / and its
Example 5.15
Let X be a RV that takes on any values 1; 0; 1 with respective probabilities
P .X D 1/ D 0:2; P .X D 0/ D 0:5; P .X D 1/ D 0:3
Compute EŒX 2 ç; so g.X/ D X 2 in this example.
First, we compute the PMF of Y D X 2 whose range is f0; 1g:
P .Y D 0/ D P .X D 0/ D 0:5
P .Y D 1/ D P .X D 1/ C P .X D 1/ D 0:5
But there is a faster way of doing this. The expected value of g.X/, EŒg.X/ç, is simply given
EŒg.X/ç D g.xi /PX .xi / (5.10.51)
And this result is known as the law of the unconscious statistician, or LOTUS. This a theorem
used to calculate the expected value of a function g.X/ of a random variable X when one knows
the probability distribution of X but one does not know the distribution of g.X/. Th name comes
from the fact that some statisticians present Eq. (5.10.51) as the definition of the expected value
rather than a theorem.
Before proving this result, let’s check that it is in accord with the results obtained directly
using the definition of EŒX 2 ç for the above example. Applying Eq. (5.10.51), we get
which is the same as the direct result. To see why the same result was obtained, we can do some
massage to the above expression:
The last expression is exactly identical to Eq. (5.10.50). The proof of Eq. (5.10.51) proceeds
Proof of Eq. (5.10.51). We
P start with i g.xi /PX .xi /, then group terms with the same g.xi /,
and then transform it to j yj PY .yj / which is EŒg.X/ç with yj are all the (different) values of
g.xi /PX .xi / D g.xi /PX .xi / (grouping step)
i j iWg.xi /Dyj
D yj PX .xi / (replacing g.xi / D yj )
j i Wg.xi /Dyj
D yj PX .xi / D yj PY .yj /
j i Wg.xi /Dyj j
The notation i Wg.xi /Dyj g.xi /PX .xi / means that the sum is over i but only for i such that
g.xi / D yj , and that is achieved by the subscript i W g.xi / D yj under the sum notation.
Expected value of sum of two random variables. Let’s roll two dice and denote by S the sum
of faces. If we denote by X the face of the first die and by Y the face of the second die, then
S D X C Y . Obviously S is a discrete RV, and we can compute its PFM. Thus, we can compute
its expected value. First, we list all possible elements of S :
S D 2 W .1; 1/
S D 3 W .1; 2/; .2; 1/
S D 4 W .1; 3/; .3; 1/; .2; 2/
S D 5 W .1; 4/; .4; 1/; .2; 3/; .3; 2/
S D 6 W .1; 5/; .5; 1/; .2; 4/; .4; 2/; .3; 3/
S D 7 W .1; 6/; .6; 1/; .2; 5/; .5; 2/; .3; 4/; .4; 3/
S D 8 W .2; 6/; .6; 2/; .3; 5/; .5; 3/; .4; 4/
S D 9 W .3; 6/; .6; 3/; .4; 5/; .5; 4/
S D 10 W .4; 6/; .6; 4/; .5; 5/
S D 11 W .5; 6/; .6; 5/
S D 12 W .6; 6/
Now, we can compute P .S D xj / for xj D f2; 3; : : : ; 12g, and then using Eq. (5.10.48) to
compute the expected value:
1 2 3 4 5
EŒS ç D 2 ⇥ C3⇥ C4⇥ C5⇥ C6⇥
36 36 36 36 36
6 5 4 3 2 1 252
C7⇥ C8⇥ C9⇥ C 10 ⇥ C 11 ⇥ C 12 ⇥ D D7
36 36 36 36 36 36 36
You might be asking what is special about this problem? Is it just another application of the
concept of expected value? Hold on. Look at the result of 7 again. Rolling one die and the
expected value is 7=2éé , now rolling two dice and the expected value is 7. We should suspect
EŒX C Y ç D EŒXç C EŒY ç (5.10.52)
which implies that the expected value of the sum of two random variables is equal to the sum
of their individual expected values, regardless of whether they are independent. In calculus, we
have the derivative of the sum of two functions is the sum of the derivatives. Here in the theory
of probability, we see the same rule.
Proof of Eq. (5.10.52). Let X and Y be two random variables and Z D X C Y . We’re now
Check the paragraph before definition 5.10.3 if this was not clear.
This proof also reveals that the property holds not only for two RVs but for any number of
RVs. Thus, for n 2 N, we can write
1.0 dist1
0.8 dist3
PX (x)
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 5.15: Three distributions of the same expected value but difference variances.
Now, consider a RV X with EŒXç now being denoted by . The variance of a RV X , desig-
nated by Var.X/, is defined as the average value of the squares of the difference from X to the
mean value i.e., .X /2 . Thus, it is given by
Var.X/ WD EŒ.X /2 ç (5.10.54)
Why square? Squaring always gives a positive value, so the variance will not be zeroéé . A
natural question is: the absolute difference also has this property, why we can’t define the
variance as EŒjX jç? Yes, you can! The thing is that the definition in Eq. (5.10.54) prevails
because it is mathematically easier to work with x 2 than to work with jxj. Again, just think
about differentiating these two functions and you will see what we mean by that statement.
Note that Var.X/ has a different unit than X . For example, if X is measured in meters
then Var.X / is in meters squared. To solve this issue, another measure, called the standard
deviation, is defined. The standard deviation, usually denoted by X , is simply the square root
of the variance.
Instead of using the definition of the variance
P directly to compute it, we can use LOTUS to
have a nicer formula for it (recall that D x xPX .x/):
Var.X/ D EŒ.X /2 ç D .x /2 PX .x/
D .x 2 2 xC 2
/PX .x/
2 2
D x PX .x/ 2 xPX .x/ C PX .x/
x x x
D EŒX 2 ç 2
D EŒX 2 ç .EŒXç/2
This formula is useful as we know EŒX ç (and thus its squared) and we know how to compute
EŒX 2 ç using the LOTUS. If you want to translate this formula to English, it is: the variance is
You’re encouraged to think of an example to see this.
the mean of the square minus the square of the mean. Eventually, nothing new is needed, it is
just a combination of all the things we know of!
Let’s now compute Var.aX C b/. Why? To see if the variance is a linear operator or not.
Denoting Y D aX Cb, then Y D a Cb, which is the expected value of Y (from Eq. (5.10.53)).
Now, we can write
Var.Y / D EŒ.Y 2
Y/ ç D EŒ.aX C b a b/2 ç
D EŒa2 .X / ç D a2 EŒ.X
/2 ç D a2 Var.X/
Thus, we have
Var.aX C b/ D a2 Var.X/ ¤ aVar.X/ C b (5.10.57)
What else does the above equation tell us? Let’s consider a D 1, that is Y D X C b, then
Var.Y / D Var.X/. Does this make sense? Yes, noting that Y D X C b is a translation of X
(Section 4.2.2), and a translation does not distort the object (or the function), thus the spread of
X is preserved.
Sample variance. Herein we shall meet some terminologies in statistics. For example, if we
want to find out how much the average Australian earns, we do not want to survey everyone
in the population (too many people), so we would choose a small number of people in the
population. For example, you might select 10 000 people. And that is called a sample. Why
10 000, you’re asking? It is not easy to answer that question. That’s why a whole field called
design of experiments was developed, just to have unbiased samples. This is not discussed here.
Ok. Suppose now that we have already a sample with n observations (or measurements)
x1 ; x2 ; : : : ; xn . The question now is: what is the variance for this sample? You might be surprised
to see the following§
1 X
2 1X
S D .xi N ;
x/ xN D xi
n 1 i D1
n i D1
Why n 1 but not n? In statistics, this is called Bessel’s correction, named after Friedrich Bessel.
The idea is that we need S 2 to match the population variance 2 , to have an unbiased estimator
of 2 . As shown below, with n in the denominator, we cannot achieve this. And what’s why
n 1 was used‘ .
P First, we have the following identity (some intermediate steps were skipped, noting that
i xi D nx)
Xn Xn X
.xi x/ N 2D .xi2 2xi xN C xN 2 / D xi2 nxN 2 (5.10.58)
i D1 i D1 i D1
When work with the samples, we do not know the probabilities pi , and thus we cannot use the definition of
mean and expected value directly. Instead we just include each output x as often as it comes. We get the empirical
mean instead of the expected mean. Similarly we get the empirical variance.
Another explanation that I found is: one degree of freedom was accounted for in the sample mean. But I do
not understand this.
n X
Œ.xi / .xN /ç D .xi /2 n.xN /2
i D1 i D1
Now, we compute the expected value of the LHS of the above equation:
" n # " n #
2 2 2
E Œ.xi / .xN /ç D E .xi / n.xN /
i D1 i D1
⇥ ⇤
D E .xi /2 nEŒ.xN /2 ç .EŒX C Y ç D EŒXç C EŒY ç/
i D1
X n
D Var.xi / N
i D1
1 X
D Var.xi / nVar.x/ N (used Eq. (5.10.59))
n 1 i
Thus the sample variance coincides with the population variance, which justifies the Bessel
correction. ⌅
Bernoul li.p/ p p
Bi nomial.n; p/ n coin toss, X is # of heads observed np npq npq
Geomet ric.p/ X is # of coin toss until a H is observed 1
P ascal.m; p/ X is # of coin toss until m heads observed m
P oi sson. /
binomial distribution). To summarize the results, Table 5.6 lists these quantities for the Bernoulli,
binomial, geometric, Pascal and Poisson distributions.
How they were computed? Of course using the definition of the expected value and variance,
massage the algebraic expression until the simplest form is achieved. I am going to give one
Example 5.16
Determine the expected value for the geometric distribution with the PMF given by q k 1 p for
k D 1; 2; : : : Using Eq. (5.10.48), we can straightforwardly write EŒXç as
1 X
k 1
EŒXç D xk PX .xk / D kq pDp kq k 1
Now, the trouble is the red sum. To attack it, we need to use the geometric series,
1 d X 1 X1
k k
x D H) x D kx k 1 D
1 x dx .1 x/2
kD0 kD0 kD0
1 1
EŒXç D p kq k 1
Dp D
.1 q/2 p
whose value is obtained by measuring. For examples, the height of students in class, the weight
of students in class, the time it takes to get to school.
1 65.00 59.80
2 63.30 63.20
3 65.00 63.30
:: :: ::
: : :
1077 70.70 69.30
1078 70.00 67.00
One good way to analyze a continuous data sample (such as the one in Table 5.7) is to use a
histogram. A histogram is built as follows. First, denote the range of the data e.g. fathers’ heights
by Œl; mç, where l and m represent the minimal and maximal value of the data. Second, we
"bin" (or "bucket") the range of values—that is, divide the entire range of values into a series of
intervals. Mathematically, the interval Œl; mç is partitioned into a finite set of bins B1 ; B2 ; : : : ; BL .
Third, the relative frequency in each bin is recorded. To this end, let’s denote by n the number
of data observations (in the case of Pearson’s data, it is 1078), and for bin j , its frequency fj
is defined (as it should be) the ratio of how many data is in this bin to n. Using symbols, fj is
written as
fj D 1fxi 2 Bj g; for j D 1; 2; : : : ; L (5.11.1)
n i D1
0.04 0.4
0.02 0.2
0.00 0.0
60 65 70 75 60 65 70 75
Father’s height Father’s height
(a) (b)
Figure 5.16: Fathers’ height: probability histogram and cumulative distribution function.
It is useful to assume that the CDF of a continuous random variable is a continuous function,
see Fig. 5.16b to see why. Then, recall from Eq. (5.10.47) that
P .a < x b/ D FX .b/ FX .a/
And from the fundamental theorem of calculus (Chapter 4), we know that
Z b
dFX .x/
FX .b/ FX .a/ D fX .x/dx; where fX .x/ D (5.11.2)
a dx
Thus, we can find the probability that x falls within an interval Œa; bç in terms of the new function
fX .x/:
Z b Z b
P .a < x b/ D fX .x/dx; or P .a x b/ D fX .x/dx (5.11.3)
a a
The function fX .x/ is called the probability density function or PDF. Why that name? This is
because fX .x/ D dFX .x/=dx , which is probability per unit length. Note that for a continuous RV
writing P .a < x b/ or P .a x b/ is the same because P .x D a/ D 0. Actually we have
seen something similar (i.e., probability is related to an integral) in Eq. (5.10.40).
The probability density function satisfies the following two properties (which is nothing but
the continuous version of Eq. (5.10.7))
1. Probabilities are non-negative:
fX .x/ 0 for 8x 2 R
And from that we have the continuous counterparts, where sum is replaced by integral and the
PDF replacing the PMF
Z 1 Z 1
EŒXç D xfX .x/dx; Var.X/ D .x /2 fX .x/dx (5.11.5)
1 1
Standard normal distribution. de Moivre had derived an approximation to the binomial distri-
bution and it involves the exponential function of the form e x . Thus, there is a need to evaluate
the following integral (see Eq. (5.10.39)):
Z 1
I D e x dx
R it is impossible to find an antiderivative of e x . Note that if the integral was
x2 2
2xe dx, then life would be easier. The key point is the factor x in front of e x . If we go to
2D, then, we can make this factor appear. Let’s compute I 2 insteadé :
✓Z 1 ◆ ✓Z 1 ◆ “ 1
x2 y2
e .x Cy / dxdy
2 2 2
I D e dx e dy D
1 1 1
The next step is to switch to polar coordinates in which dxdy will become rdrd✓ (see Sec-
tion 7.8.2), and voilà:
Z 2⇡ Z 1 Z 1
2 r2 2 p
I D e rdr d✓ D ⇡ H) I D e x dx D ⇡
0 0 1
Yes, sometimes making a problem harder and we can find the solution to the simpler problem.
With that, we can define what is called a standard normal variable as follows. A continuous
random variable Z is said to be a standard normal (or standard Gaussian) random variable,
denoted by Z Ï N.0; 1/, if its PDF is given byé
✓ ◆
1 z2
Z Ï N.0; 1/ W fZ .z/ D p exp (5.11.7)
2⇡ 2
p 2
Why this form? Why not this form .1= ⇡ /e z ? This one is also a legitimate PDF, actually it is
the form that Gauss used. However, the one in Eq. (5.11.7) prevails simply because with it, the
variance is one (this is to be shown shortly)–which is a nice number.
The CDF of a standard normal distribution is
Z z ✓ 2◆
1 u
FZ .z/ D P .Z z/ D p exp du WD ˆ.z/ (5.11.8)
2⇡ 1 2
The integral in Eq. (5.11.8) does not have a closed form solutionè . Nevertheless, because of
the importance of the normal distribution, the values of this integral have been tabulated; see
Table 5.8 for such a tableéé . Nowadays, it is available in calculators and in many programming
languages. Moreover, mathematicians introduced the short notation ˆ to replace the lengthy
integral expression. Fig. 5.17 plots both fZ .z/ and ˆ.z/.
To explain the shape of the bell curve, we use calculus. Let’s compute the first and second
derivatives of fZ .z/:
✓ 2◆
1 z
fZ .z/ D p exp H) fZ0 .z/ D zfZ .z/; fZ00 .z/ D .z 2 1/fZ .z/
2⇡ 2
Thus, fZ .z/ has a maximum at z D 0, and fZ00 .z/ < 0 for jzj < 1: the curve is concave here.
And fZ00 .z/ > 0 for jzj > 1: the curve is convex here. That’s why the curve is of a bell shape.
Now, using Eq. (5.11.5) we’re going to find the expected value and the variance of N.0; 1/.
It can be shown that if Z Ï N.0; 1/ then§
Z 1 Z 1
1 1 2
EŒZç D z fZ .z/dz D p z 1 e z =2 dz D 0
2⇡ 1
Z 11
Z 1
1 2
Var.Z/ D 2
z fZ .z/dz D p z 2 e z =2 dz D 1
1 2⇡ 1
The factor 1= 2⇡ before the exponential function is required because of Eq. (5.11.4).
This means that there is no antiderivative written in elementary functions. The situation is similar to there is
no formula for the roots of a polynomial of high degree, e.g. five. This was proved by the French mathematician
Joseph Liouville (1809 – 1882).
Why we need this table? It is useful for inverse problems where we need to find z ⇤ such that ˆ.z ⇤ / D a where
a is a given value. This table was generated automatically (even the LATEX code to typeset it) using a Julia script.
For me it was simply a coding exercise for fun.
The first integral is zero because the integrand is an even function. For the second integral, using integration
by parts.
Z 1
1 u2
(z) = p e 2 du (z1 )
2⇡ 1 (z)
1 u2 2
p e 2
(z2 )
z u z2 0 z1 u
(a) (b)
Figure 5.17: Plot of the standard normal curve (a) and plot of the CDF which is the area underneath the
normal curve from 1 to z. As the total area under the normal curve is one, half of the area is 0.5, thus
ˆ.0/ D 1=2. Another property: ˆ. z/ D 1 ˆ.z/. This property is useful as we only need to make
table of ˆ.z/ for z 0. Why we have this property? Plot the normal curve, mark two points z and z on
the horizontal axis. Then, 1 ˆ.z/ is the area under the curve from z to 1 while ˆ. z/ is the area from
1 to z. The normal curve is symmetric, thus the two areas must be equal.
0.0 0.5000 0.5040 0.5080 0.5120 0.5160 0.5199 0.5239 0.5279 0.5319
0.1 0.5398 0.5438 0.5478 0.5517 0.5557 0.5596 0.5636 0.5675 0.5714
0.2 0.5793 0.5832 0.5871 0.5910 0.5948 0.5987 0.6026 0.6064 0.6103
:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
: : : : : : : : : :
2.1 0.9821 0.9826 0.9830 0.9834 0.9838 0.9842 0.9846 0.9850 0.9854
✓ ◆
1 .x /2
X Ï N. ; 2
/ W fX .x/ D p exp 2
2⇡ 2
How did mathematicians come up with the above form of the PDF for the normal dis-
tribution? Here is one way. The standard normal distribution has a mean of zero and a
variance of one and the graph is centered around z D 0. Now, to have a distribution of the
same shape (exponential curve) but with mean and variance ( 2 ) different from one,
we need to translate and scale the standard normal curve (Section 4.2.2). This is achieved
with X D Z C where Z Ï N.0; 1/. We can see that
So far so good, now to get Eq. (5.11.9), we start with the CDF of X :
⇣ x ⌘ ⇣x ⌘
FX .x/ D P .X x/ D P . Z C x/ D P Z Dˆ
N (0, 1)
N (2, 2)
4 2 0 2 4 6
Figure 5.18: Transformation of the standard normal curve to get a normal curve with ¤ 0 and ¤ 1.
Figure 5.18 shows this translating– with (x )–and scaling–with (x = ). Now we can
write the CDF: ⇣x ⌘
FX .x/ D P .X x/ D ˆ (5.11.10)
And thus we can compute P .a X b/ as
✓ ◆ ⇣a ⌘
P .a X b/ D ˆ ˆ (5.11.11)
Uniform distribution
Uniform distribution
Similarly, we computed P .X D 130/, and P .X D 131/. And we put them in the margins of
the original joint PFM table (Table 5.10). Because of this, the probability mass functions for X
and Y are often referred to as the Marginal Distributions for X and Y .
With that example, we now give the definition of the marginal distribution for X (the one for
Y is similar): X
PX .x/ WD PX Y .x; yj / for any x 2 RX (5.12.2)
yj 2RY
A joint probability mass function is a probability, thus it has to satisfy the two properties in
Eq. (5.10.7):
Xn X m
0 PX Y .xi ; yj / 1; PX Y .xi ; yj / D 1 (5.12.3)
i D1 j D1
If not clear, see Y D 15 as B1 and Y D 16 as B2 .
Table 5.9: Example of a joint PFM. Table 5.10: Marginal PFM from joint PFM.
From this, we can, in a similar manner, define the joint cumulative distribution function for X
and Y :
FX Y .x; y/ WD P .X x; Y y/; for all x; y 2 R (5.12.4)
And of course, from the joint CDF FX Y .x; y/ we can determine the marginal CDFs for X and
FX .x/ WD P .X x; Y 1/ D lim FX Y .x; y/
FY .y/ WD P .X 1; Y y/ D lim FX Y .x; y/
P .X D xi and A/
PX jA .xi / D P .X D xi jA/ D (5.12.6)
P .A/
where Eq. (5.8.1) was used in the last equality. Now, instead of event A, we consider the case it
is the event that Y D yj , then we have a conditional PMF of X given Y :
P .X D xi and Y D yj / PX Y .xi ; yj /
PX jY .xi jyj / D D (5.12.7)
P .Y D yj / PY .yj /
5.12.3 Independence
Roll two dice. Let X be the number on the first die and let Y be the number on the second die.
Then both X and Y take values 1 to 6 and the joint pmf is PX Y .i; j / D 1=36 for all i and j
between 1 and 6. The joint probability table is shown in Table 5.11. It is obvious that the two
events X and Y are independent. Now, look at the mentioned table, we can observe that
(1=36 D .1=6/.1=6/). So, we suspect that for two random variables X and Y to be independent,
we should haveé
PX Y .x D xi ; y D yj / D PX .xi /PY .yj / 8.xi ; yj /
To check this definition of independence of two discrete RVs, we are going to use it to prove that
the conditional PMF is equal to the marginal PMF. In other words, knowing the value of Y does
not provide any information about X . That is we need to prove PXjY .xi jyj / D PX .xi /. Indeed,
PX Y .xi ; yj / PY⇠.y
PX .xi /⇠ ⇠j⇠
PXjY .xi jyj / D D ⇠
⇠j /
D PX .xi /
PY .yj / ⇠PY⇠.y
Example 5.17
Considering the table below. Let Z D EŒXjY ç.
✏ find the conditional PMF of X given Y D 0 and Y D 1 i.e., PX jY .xj0/ and PX jY .xj1/
1 2=5 0 2=5
PX Y .0; 0/ 1=5 1
PX jY .0j0/ D D D
PY .0/ 3=5 3
And from that PX jY .1j0/ D 1 1=3 D 2=3. In the same manner, we have
PX Y .0; 1/ 2=5
PX jY .0j1/ D D D 1; PX jY .1j1/ D 0
PY .1/ 2=5
✏ Using Eq. (5.12.10) and noting that Y D f0; 1g, we can obtain
<2=3; with probability 3=5
:0; with probability 2=5
And compute EŒZç D .2=3/.3=5/ C 0.2=5/ D 2=5. Noting that EŒXç is also 2=5.
Thus, EŒEŒXjY çç D EŒXç, at least for this example.
What we have seen in this example that EŒXç D EŒEŒX jY çç is known as the law of iterated
The law of iterated expectation W EŒXç D EŒEŒXjY çç (5.12.11)
Proof. We go from EŒEŒXjY çç to EŒXç using the definition of the conditional expectation and
conditional probability:
EŒEŒXjY çç D EŒXjY D yçPY .Y D y/ (def.)
D xPX jY .xjy/PY .y/ (def of red term).
y x
X X PX Y .x; y/
D x PY .y/ (Eq. (5.12.7))
P Y .y/
D xPX Y .x; y/ D xPX Y .x; y/ (switch sum index)
y x !x y
D x PX Y .x; y/ D xPX .x/ (Eq. (5.12.2))
x y x
If the step in which I switched the sums was not clear, just P consider
P aP
P case in which
P D fx1 ; x2 g and Y D fy1 ; y2 g, then you will see that y x ⇤ D x y ⇤. Noting that
x xPX .x/ D EŒXç. That’s the end of our proof. ⌅
And from Eq. (5.12.11) we get a new way to compute EŒXç. Suprisingly it is similar to the
law of total probability, see Eq. (5.8.6):
The law of total probability W EŒXç D EŒXjY D yçPY .Y D y/ (5.12.12)
Expectation for independent random variables. The law of unconsscious statistician for two
discrete random variables is:
EŒg.X; Y /ç D g.xi ; yj /PX Y .xi ; yj / D g.xi ; yj /PX Y .xi ; yj / (5.12.13)
.xi ;yj /2RX Y i j
Now, we use the LOTUS to derive this result: if X; Y are two independent RVs, then
Proof. The proof adopts Eq. (5.12.13) for the function g D X Y , then uses PX Y .xi ; yj / D
PX .xi /PY .yj / for the two independent RVs X and Y :
EŒXY ç D i j xi yj PX Y .xi ; yj /
D i j xi yj PX .xi /PY .yj / (5.12.14)
D i xi PX .xi / j yj PY .yj / D EŒXçEŒY ç
Definition 5.12.1
Random variables X1 ; X2 ; : : : ; Xn are said to be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d)
if they are independent and they have the same (marginal) distributions:
5.12.5 Covariance
For two jointly distributed real-valued random variables X and Y , we know that EŒX C Y ç D
EŒX ç C EŒY ç. The question is how about the variance of the sum i.e., Var.X C Y /? Let’s see
what we get. We start with the definition and use the linearity of the expectationé :
The variance of a sum is the sum of variances plus something new–the red term. Let’s massage
it and see what we get (recalling that EŒaXç D aEŒXç from Eq. (5.10.53)):
If X D Y , then the above becomes the variance of Y (or of X , if not clear, check Eq. (5.10.55)).
And we know that, see Eq. (5.12.14), if X; Y are independent, then EŒXY ç D EŒXçEŒY ç, and
the red term vanishes. So, what we call the red term? We call it the covariance of X and Y ,
denoted by Cov.X; Y / or X Y :
Thus, the variance is a measure of the spread of one single variable w.r.t its mean. And the
covariance is a measure of two variables. The covariance is in units obtained by multiplying the
units of the two variables. What are we going to do now? Compute some covariance? That’s
important but not interesting: the software Microsoft Excel can do that. As usual in maths, we
will deduce properties of the covariance before actually computing it!
Properties of the covariance. The covariance can be seen as an operator with two inputs and it
looks similar to the dot product of two vectors. If we look at the properties of the dot product in
The step from the 2nd equality to the third is: .X C Y EŒX ç EŒY ç/2 D Œ.X EŒX ç/ C .Y EŒY ç/ç2 D
using .a C b/2 D a2 C b 2 C 2ab; finally the linearity of expected value EŒX C Y ç D EŒX ç C EŒY ç is used again.
Box 11.2 we guess the following are true (the last one not coming from dot product though):
Example 5.18
We consider the data given in Table 5.9 and use Eq. (5.12.15) to compute X Y . First, we need
the sample means: XN D .129 C 130 C 131/=3 D 130 and YN D .15 C 16/=2 D 15:5. Then,
X Y can be computed as, using the LOTUS Eq. (5.12.13):
3 X
XY D .Xi N j
X/.Y YN /Pij
i D1 j D1
where in the second equality, we used the distributive property in Eq. (5.12.16). Then, this
property is used again in the third equality. Doing the same thing for Cov.X2 ; X1 C X2 C X3 /
and Cov.X3 ; X1 C X2 C X3 / we then obtain the P final expression for Var.Y /. Now, we can go
to the general case (just Eq. (5.12.17) but with notation):
n X
n X
n X
Var.Y / D Cov.Y; Y / D Cov Xi ; Xj D Cov.Xi ; Xj /
i D1 j D1 i D1 j D1
n X
D Var.Xi / C 2 Cov.Xi ; Xj /; with Y D X1 C C Xn
i D1 i <j
If Xi are uncorrelated all the Cov.Xi ; Xj / terms vanish, and thus we get the nice identityéé
Xn Xn
Var Xi D Var.Xi / (5.12.19)
i D1 i D1
This statement is called the Bienaymé⇤⇤ formula and was discovered in 1853. From that we can
deduce that Var.X/N D 2 =n.
For any constants a1 ; : : : ; an and b1 ; : : : ; bm , we have
0 1
X n X
m Xn Xm
Cov @ ai X i ; bj Yj D A ai bj Cov.Xi ; Yj /
i D1 j D1 i D1 j D1
Then, we compute the covariance of U; V i.e., Cov.U; V / and give it a name and a symbol:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
X EŒXç Y EŒY ç (a) X Y (b) Cov.X; Y /
⇢X Y WD Cov.U; V / D Cov ; D Cov ; D
where, for (a) I used property (e) in Eq. (5.12.16). And for (b), I used the definition of the
covariance in Eq. (5.12.15) and the property of EŒ˛Xç D ˛EŒXç. The symbol ⇢X Y denotes
the correlation coefficient of X and Y . It is a coefficient as it is dimensionless. So, ⇢X Y is the
covariance between the standardized versions of X and Y .
In English this rule is familiar: the var of sum is the sum of var. We have similar rules for the derivative, the
limit etc.
Irénée-Jules Bienaymé (1796 – 1878) was a French statistician. He built on the legacy of Laplace generalizing
his least squares method. He contributed to the fields of probability and statistics, and to their application to finance,
demography and social sciences.
Now, we are going to show that 1 ⇢X Y 1. The proof uses Eq. (5.12.18) to compute
the variance of X= X ˙ Y= Y :
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
Var ˙ D Var C Var ˙ 2Cov ;
(a) 1 1 2 (5.12.20)
D 2
Var .X / C 2
Var .Y / ˙ Cov .X; Y /
D 2 ˙ 2⇢X Y (def. of ⇢X Y )
0 2 ˙ 2⇢X Y H) 1 ⇢X Y 1
Note that the diagonal terms are the variances of the variables. Obviously this matrix C is a
symmetric matrix. Is that all we know about it? It turns out that there is also another property
hidden there. Let’s investigate it. A 2 ⇥ 2 covariance matrix is sufficient to reveal the secret.
Without loss of generality, we consider only discrete random variables X; Y with means XN and
YN , respectively. Thus, we have
8̂ X
" # ˆ Cov.X; X/ D Pi .Xi XN /2
Cov.X; X/ Cov.X; Y /
CD ;
Cov.X; Y / Cov.Y; Y / ˆ Cov.X; Y / D N j YN /
:̂ Pij .Xi X/.Y
i j
There is a non-symmetry in the formula of Cov.X; X/ and Cov.X; Y /: there is no PijPin the
former! Let’s make it appear and something wonderful will show up (this is due to Pi D j Pij ,
check the marginal probability if this was not clear):
Cov.X; X/ D Pi .Xi XN /2 D Pij .Xi XN /2
i i j
With that, we can have a beautiful formula for C, in which C is a sum of a bunch of matrices,
each matrix is multiplied by a positive number (i.e., Pij ):
" #
XX .Xi XN /2 N j YN /
.Xi X/.Y
CD Pij
N j YN /
.Xi X/.Y .Yi YN /2
i j
What is special about the red matrix? It is equal to UU> , where U D .Xi XN ; Yi YN /.
So what? Every matrix UU> is positive semidefiniteéé . Thus, C combines all these positive
semidefinite matrices with weights Pij 0: it is positive semidefinite. This turns out to be a
useful property and exploited in principal component analysis–which is an important tool in
statistics. Check Section 6.7 for a discussion on this topic.
Sample covariance. If we have n samples and each sample has two measurements X and Y ,
hence we have X D .x1 ; : : : ; xn / and Y D .y1 ; : : : ; yn /, then the sample covariance between
X and Y is defined as (noting the Bessel’s correction n 1 in the denominator)
1 X
Cov.X; Y / D .xi N i
x/.y N
y/ (5.12.21)
n 1 i D1
What does that actually mean? Assume that X denotes the number of hours studied for
a subject and Y is the marks obtained in that object. We can use real data to compute the
covariance, and assume that the value is 90.34. What does this value mean? A positive value
of covariance indicates that both variables increase or decrease together e.g. as the number of
hours studied increase, the grades also increase. A negative value, on the other hand, means that
while one variable increases the other decreases or vice versa. And if the covariance is zero, the
two variables are uncorrelated.
Now, we derive the formula for the covariance matrix for the whole data. We start with the
sample mean:
X W x1 x2 xn W xN D 1=n. i xi /
Y W y1 y2 yn W yN D 1=n. i yi /
Then, we subtract the data from the mean, to center the data
" # " #
x x xn x xN x2 xN xn xN
AD 1 2 H) A D 1
y1 y2 yn y1 yN y2 yN yn yN
n 1
Check Section 11.10.6 for quadratic forms and positive definiteness of matrices. The proof goes:
Figure 5.19: From a probability density function fX .x/ to a joint probability density function fX Y .x; y/.
I present now the second way that uses the fact that P .a X b/ D a fX .x/dx. Again
suppose that y D h.x/ is such a function that for x 2 Œa; bç, then y 2 Œh.a/; h.b/ç. We have
Z b
P .h.a/ Y h.b// D P .a X b/ D fX .x/dx (5.14.4)
Now, comes the change of variable x D g.y/, and substitute it into the above integral we obtain
Z h.b/
P .h.a/ Y h.b// D fX .g.y//g 0 .y/dy (5.14.5)
a fX .x/dx aP .X a/
Markov’s inequality: X is any non-negative RV W P .X a/
Markov’s inequality says that for a non-negative random variable X and any positive real number
a, the probability that X is greater than or equal to a is less than or equal to the expected value
of X divided by a. This is a tail bound because it imposes an upper limit on how big the right
tail at a can be.
Example 5.19
Suppose that an individual is randomly extracted from a population of individuals having
an average yearly income of $60 000. What is the probability that the extracted individual’s
income is greater than $200 000? In the absence of more information about the distribution of
income, we can still use Markov’s inequality to calculate an upper bound to this probability:
60 000
P .X 200 000/ D 0:3
200 000
Therefore, the probability of extracting an individual having an income greater than $200 000
is less than 30%.
results approaches 3.5. The law of large numbers (LLN) is a the- 3
orem that describes the result of performing the same experiment
a large number of times. According to the law, the average of the
results obtained from a large number of trials should be close to 1
0 200 400 600 800 1000
the expected value and tends to become closer to the expected numbre of trials
XN n D Xi
n iD1
Then, we have a sequence of sample means: XN 1 ; XN 2 ; : : : If the mean of each random variables is
, then the law of large number claims that the sequence fXN n g1 nD1 converges to
There are two different versions of the law of large numbers that are described below. They
are called the strong law of large numbers and the weak law of large numbers.
A special form of the LLN (for a binary random variable) was first proved by Jacob Bernoulli. It took him over
20 years to develop a sufficiently rigorous mathematical proof which was published in his Ars Conjectandi (The
Art of Conjecturing) in 1713. He named this his "Golden Theorem" but it became generally known as "Bernoulli’s
lim P .jXN j ✏/ D 0
Proof. It is obvious that we shalle use Chebyshev’s inequality and assume that the variance is
finite i.e., Var.X/ D 2 < 1. Then, we have
Var.XN / 2
P .jXN j ✏/ D 2
✏2 n✏
Therefore, we have
0 lim P .jXN j ✏/ lim D0
n!1 n!1 n✏ 2
Theorem 5.16.2: Strong law of large numbers
Let X1 ; X2 ; : : : ; Xn be iid random variables with expected value < 1. Then, for any ✏ > 0
lim P .jXN j ✏/ D 0
8 8 8
7 7 7
6 6 6
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Figure 5.20: The mean of n uniformly distributed RVs Xi Ï U nif orm.1; 2/. Note that each Xi has an
expected value of 1:5 and a SD of 1=12.
It is quite simple to verify the observations on the expected value and SD of Y . Indeed, we
can compute EŒY ç and Var.Y / using the linearity of the expected value and the property of the
variance. Let’s denote by and 2 the expected value and variance of Xi (all of them have the
same). Then,
✓ ◆
EŒY ç D EŒX1 =nç C EŒX2 =nç C C EŒXn =nç D n D (5.16.2)
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ 2
X1 C X2 C C Xn Xi
Var.Y / D Var D nVar D (5.16.3)
n n n
where in the second equality, the Bienaymé formula i.e., Eq. (5.12.19) was used to replace the
variance of a sum with the sum of variances.
About the bell-shaped curve of Y when n is large, it is guaranteed by the central limit theorem
(CLT). According to this theorem (of which proof is given in Section 5.17.2), Y Ï N. ; 2=n/.
Therefore, we have, for large ns (Eq. (5.11.11)):
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
b a
P .a Y b/ D ˆ p ˆ p (5.16.4)
= n = n
When n is sufficiently large? Another question that comes to mind is how large n should
be so that we can use the CLT. The answer generally depends on the distribution of the Xi s.
Nevertheless, as a rule of thumb it is often stated that if n is larger than or equal to 30, then the
normal approximation is very good.
Example 5.20
Test scores of all high school students in a state have mean 60 and variance 64. A random
sample of 100 (n D 100) students from one high school had a mean score of 58. Is there
evidence to suggest that this high school is inferior than others?
Let XN denote the mean of n D 100 scores from a population
p with D 64 and 2 D 64.
We know from the central limit theorem that .XN /=. = n/ is a standard normal distribution.
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
N 58 58 60
P .X 58/ D ˆ p Dˆ p D ˆ. 2:5/ D 1 ˆ.2:5/ D 0:0062
= n 8= 100
x X
D Bn (5.17.1)
ex 1 nD0 nä
we have discovered the recurrence relation between Bn , Eq. (4.16.2). The function x=ex 1 is
called a generating function. It encodes the entire Bernoulli numbers sequence. Roughly speak-
ing, generating functions transform problems about sequences into problems about functions.
And by fooling around with this function we can explore the properties of the sequence it en-
codes. This is because we’ve got piles of mathematical machinery for manipulating functions
(e.g. differentiation and integration).
Now, we give another example showing the power of generating functions. If, we observe
carefully we will see that, except B1 D 1=2, all the odd numbers B2nC1 for n > 1 are zeros.
Why? Let’s fool with the functionéé :
x x x x ex C 1 x e x C 1 e x=2 x e x=2 C e x=2
g.x/ WD B1 x D C D D D
ex 1 ex 1 2 2 ex 1 2 e x 1 e x=2 2 e x=2 e x=2
We added the red term so that we can have a symmetric form (e C 1 is not symmetric but
e x=2 C e x=2 is). It’s easy to see that g. x/ D g.x/, thus it is an even function. Therefore, with
Eq. (5.17.1)
B2 2 B3 3
g.x/ D 1 C x C x C is an even function H) B2nC1 D 0
2ä 3ä
George Pólya wrote in his book Mathematics and plausible reasoning in 1954 about gener-
ating functions:
A generating function is a device somewhat similar to a bag. Instead of carrying
many little objects detachedly, which could be embarrassing, we put them all in a
bag, and then we have only one object to carry, the bag.
Why this function?
I wrote this part based on the lecture notes of the MIT course Mathematics for Computer Science.
The pattern here is simple: the nth term in the sequence (indexing from 0) is the coefficient of
x n in the generating function. There are a few other kinds of generating functions in common
use (e.g. x=ex 1, which is called an exponential generating function), but ordinary generating
functions are enough to illustrate the power of the idea, so we will stick to them and from now
on, generating function will mean the ordinary kind.
Remark 4. A generating function is a “formal” power series in the sense that we usually
regard x as a placeholder rather than a number. Only in rare cases will we actually evaluate a
generating function by letting x take a real number value, so we generally ignore the issue of
Just looking at the definition in Eq. (5.17.2), there is no reason to believe that we’ve made any
progress in studying anything. We want to understand a sequence .a0 ; a1 ; a2 ; : : :/; how could
it possibly help to make an infinite series out of these! The reason is that frequently there’s a
simple, closed form expression for I x/. The magic of generating functions is that we can
carry out all sorts of manipulations on sequences by performing mathematical operations on
their associated generating functions. Let’s experiment with various operations and characterize
their effects in terms of sequences.
Example 5.21
The generating function for the sequence 1; 1; 1; : : : is 1=1 x . This is because (if you still
remember the geometric series)
D 1 C x C x2 C x3 C where the coefs. of all x n is 1
1 x
We can create different generating functions from this one. For example, if we replace x by
3x, we have
D 1 C 3x C 9x 2 C 27x 3 C which generates 1; 3; 9; 27; : : :
1 3x
Multiplying this with x, we get
D 0 C x C 3x 2 C 9x 3 C 27x 4 C which generates 0; 1; 3; 9; 27; : : :
1 3x
which right-shift the original sequence (i.e., 1; 3; 9; 27; : : :) by one. We can multiply the GF
by x k to right-shift the sequence k times.
Solving difference equations. Assume that we have this sequence 1; 3; 7; 15; 31; : : : which can
be defined as
a0 D 1; a1 D 3; an D 3an 1 2an 2 .n 2/
The question is: what is the generating function for this sequence? Let’s denote by f .x/ that
function, thus we have (by definition of a generating function)
f .x/ D 1 C 3x C 7x 2 C 15x 3 C 31x 4 C (5.17.3)
Now, the recurrent relation (an D 3an 1 2an 2 ) can be re-written as an 3an 1 C 2an 2 D 0,
and we will multiply f .x/ by 3x and also multiply f .x/ by 2x 2 and add all up including
f .x/:
f .x/Œ1 3x C 2x 2 ç D 1 H) f .x/ D
1 3x C 2x 2
where all the columns add up to zero except the first one, because of the recurrence relation
an 3an 1 C 2an 2 D 0.
But, why having the generating function is useful? Because it allows us to find a formula for
an ; thus we no longer need to use the recurrence relation to get an starting from a0 ; a1 ; : : : all
the way up to an 2 é . The trick is to re-write f .x/ in terms of simpler functions (using the partial
fraction decomposition discussed in Section 4.7.8) and then replace these simpler functions by
their corresponding power series. Now, we can decompose f .x/ easily with the ‘apart’ function
in SymPy§
1 1 2
f .x/ D D C
1 3x C 2x 2 1 x 1 2x
Next, we write the series of these two fractional functionséé :
D 1 x x2 x3 H) bn D 1
1 x
D 2 C 4x C 8x 2 C 16x 3 C H) cn D 2nC1
1 2x
Thus, we can determine an :
an D 2nC1 1
To conclude, generating functions provide a systematic method to solving recurrence/difference
equations. At this step, I recommend you to apply this method to the Fibonacci sequence,
discussed in Section 2.9, to re-discover the Binet’s formula and many other properties of this
famous sequence.
Evaluating sums. Suppose we need to evaluate this sum sn D nkD0 ak , which is the sum
of n elements of a sequence .a0 ; a1 ; : : :/. Herein, I present a technique to compute such sums
using generating functions. To this end, we need to use the Cauchy product formula for two
power series. Recall the Cauchy product formula for two power series, see Eq. (7.12.2) and the
So, we want a Ferrari instead of a Honda CRV.
Check Section 3.19 if you’re not sure about SymPy.
Note that we also know the series of 1=.1 3x C 2x 2 /, but that series is simply the RHS of Eq. (5.17.3).
Now, we consider the product of two sequences. For two sequences and their associated gener-
ating functions,
.a0 ; a1 ; : : :/ ! A.x/; .b0 ; b1 ; : : :/ ! B.x/
we will obtain a new sequence by multiplying the two given sequences:
.c0 ; c1 ; : : :/ ! A.x/B.x/; cn D ak b n k
This is called the summation rule as it allows us to compute the sum in the box: that sum is
simply the coefficient of the term x n of the function A.x/=1 x . We have turned the problem of
sum evaluation to a problem of finding the coefficient of a function! Math is super cool, isn’t it?
I provide one example below to demonstrate the idea.
Example 5.22
Suppose we want to compute the sum of the first n squares
sn D i2
i D0
All we need to do is (1) to determine A.x/, which is the generating functions for the sequence
.0; 1; 4; 9; : : :/, and (2) multiply A.x/ with 1=1 x , (3) find the coefficients of that function.
First, we have
x.1 C x/
A.x/ D
.1 x/3
x.1 C x/
.s0 ; s1 ; : : :/ !
.1 x/4
Pn 2
Which means that i D0 i is nothing but the coefficient of x n in F .x/ D x.1Cx/=.1 x/4 . This
is a complicated function, let’s break it into simpler ones:
x.1 C x/ x x2
F .x/ D D C
.1 x/4 .1 x/4 .1 x/4
Now, we observe that the coefficient of x n in F .x/ is the sum of the coefficient x n 1 in 1=.1 x/4 ,
and the coefficient x n 2 in 1=.1 x/4 . The problem boils down to finding the coefficient of x k
in G.x/ D 1=.1 x/4 . How to do that? Taylor series is the answer. Recall that
Moments, central moments. To motivate the introduction of moments in probability, let’s look
at how the expected value and the variance were defined:
of a random variable X as EŒX ç . Thus, the variance is simply the second central moment.
Moment generating functions. The moment generating function (MGF) of a random variable
(discrete or continuous) X is simply the expected value of e tX :
Next, we are going to consider some examples to see how powerful the MGFs are.
Example 5.23
We consider the geometric series, compute its moment generating function, and see what we
can get from it. First, m.t/ is given bya
pX t k
p et q pe t
tk k 1
m.t/ D e q pD .e q/ D D
q q 1 qe t 1 qe t
kD1 kD1
Example 5.24
We now determine the MGF of a standard normal variable Z. We use the definition,
Eq. (5.17.6), to compute it:
Z 1 Z 1
tz 1 z 2 =2 t 2 =2 1 2 2
mZ .t/ D e p e dz D e p e 1=2.z 2t zCt / dz
1 2⇡ 2⇡
Z 1 1
2 1 2 2
D e t =2 p e 1=2.z t / dz D e t =2
1 2⇡
Noting the red integral is simply one: it is the probability density function of N.t; 1/.
This result gives us a powerful tool for determining the distribution of the sum of independent
random variables.
Now, we derive another property of the MGF. Consider now a transformation Y D aX C b,
and see what is the MGF of Y , especially how it is related to the MGF of X :
mY .t / D EŒe t Y ç D EŒe t .aXCb/ ç D EŒe t aX e bt ç D e bt EŒe .at /X / ç D e bt mX .at/ (5.17.9)
We will use all these results in the next section when we prove the central limit theorem. I am
not sure if they were developed for this or not. But note that, for mathematicians considering the
sum of X1 ; X2 or aX C b are something very natural to do.
From Example 5.24 and Eq. (5.17.9) we can determine the MGF for Y Ï N. ; 2 /. The
idea is to use
X Ï N.0; 1/ W mX .t/ D e t =2
2 2
Y D aX C b W mY .t/ D e bt mX .at/ D e bt e a t =2
And we know from Section 5.11.4 that we have to use this transformation Y D X C to have
Y Ï N. ; 2 /. Therefore, we obtain
✓ 2 2
Y Ï N. ; / W mY .t/ D exp
tC (5.17.10)
With this result and Eq. (5.17.8), we have the following theorem
Theorem 5.17.1
Let X1 ; X2 ; : : : ; Xn be independent normal variables with expected values 1 ; : : : ; n and
variances 12 ; : : : ; n2 . Then, the random variable Y which is a linear combination of Xi i.e.,
Y D ci Xi
i D1
This theorem indicates that the sum of independent normal random variables is itself a
normal random variable.
Proof. Certainly we have to use Eqs. (5.17.8) and (5.17.10). To ease the presentation let’s
assume n D 2, then
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
c12 12 t 2 c22 22 t 2
mY .t/ D exp c1 1 t C exp c2 2 t C
2 2
✓ 2 2 2◆ ✓ 2 2 2◆
c1 1 t c t
D exp .c1 1 t / exp exp .c2 2 t/ exp 2 2
2 2
✓ 2
D exp..c1 1 C c2 2 /t / exp .c12 12 C c22 22 /
Sn n
Sn⇤ D p ; Sn D X1 C X2 C C Xn
converges in distribution to the standard normal random variable as n goes to infinity.
The plan of the proof: (i) compute the MGF of Sn⇤ , (ii) show that when n is large this MGF
is approximately the MGF of N.0; 1/ i.e., e t =2 (according to Example 5.24) and (iii) if two
variables have the same MGFs, then they have the same probability distribution (we need to
prove this, but it is reasonable so I accept it). Quite a simple plan, for a big theorem in probability.
The first thing is to write Sn⇤ as the sum of something:
Why this particular form? Because we have the convolution rule that works for a sum. Using
Eq. (5.17.7), the MGF of Sn⇤ is simply:
mSn⇤ .t/ D mX ⇤ =pn .t/ (Eq. (5.17.7))
p n p (5.17.11)
D mX ⇤ .t= n/ (Eq. (5.17.9) with a D 1= n, b D 0)
Now, we use Taylor’s series to approximate mX ⇤ .t= n/ when n is large:
p t t2 t2
mX ⇤ .t= n/ ⇡ mX ⇤ .0/ C mX0 ⇤ .0/ p C mX00 ⇤ .0/ D1C
n 2n 2n
So, we have proved that when n is large the MGF of Sn⇤ is approximately the MGF of N.0; 1/.
Thus, Sn⇤ has a standard normal distribution. Q.E.D.
Saturdays when Euler was young. Johann had also a most famous private pupil Guillaume
François Antoine, Marquis de l’Hospital wrote the first ever calculus textbook, which was
actually the notes that he had made from his lesson with Bernoulli.
John Bernoulli had three sons. Two of them, Nicolas II and Daniel were mathematicians
who befriended Euler. Both went to St. Petersburg in 1725 and Daniel secured a position
for Euler at the Russian Academy.
The Bernoulli family had a habit of re-using first names through the generations and this
leads to a great deal of confusion amongst people trying to understand the history of 18th
century mathematics and physics (me included).
identity matrix by I.
All the properties of the expected value work for random vectors. For example, we know that
EŒaX C bç D aEŒXç C b, which is Eq. (5.10.53). We
If you need a proof, then consider the i th element of the vector AX C b, compute its expected
value, using EŒaX C bç D aEŒXç C b. Details: E.Aij Xj C bi / D Aij EŒXj ç C bi .
If we have random vectors, then we have random matrices. Not a big deal. Actually we
have met one random matrix: the covariance matrix. Now, we provide a formal definition of this
matrix. Consider again the random vector X D .X1 ; X2 ; : : : ; Xn /> , we then have
2 3 2 3 2 3
X1 EX1 X1 EX1
6 7 6 7 6 7
6X2 7 6EX2 7 6 X2 EX2 7
X D6 7 6 7
6 :: 7 ; EX D 6 :: 7 ; X EX D 6
4 : 5 4 : 5 4 : 5
Xn EXn Xn EXn
Next, we build the matrix A D .X EX /.X EX /> , which is an n ⇥ n matrix:
2 3
.X1 EX1 /2 .X1 EX1 /.X2 EX2 / .X1 EX1 /.Xn EXn /
6 7
6 .X2 EX2 /.X1 EX1 / .X2 EX2 / 2
.X2 EX2 /.Xn EXn /7
AD6 6 :: :: ::
4 : : : 5
.Xn EXn /.X1 EX1 / .Xn EXn /.X2 EX2 / .Xn EXn /2
Finally, the covariance matrix of X , denoted by CX is simply EŒAç:
2 3
Var.X1 / Cov.X1 ; X2 / Cov.X1 ; Xn /
6 7
6Cov.X2 ; X1 / Var.X / Cov.X ; X /7
CX D EŒ.X EX /.X EX / ç D 6 7
> 2 2 n
6 :
: :
: :: :
: 7
4 : : : : 5
Cov.Xn ; X1 / Cov.Xn ; X2 / Var.Xn /
Let X be an n-dimensional random vector and the random vector Y 2 Rm be defined as
Y D AX C b, where A is a fixed m ⇥ n matrix and b is a fixed m-dimensional vector. And we
want to compute CY –an m ⇥ m matrix–in terms of CX . The result is
CY D ACX A> D A> CX A (5.18.3)
Proof. First we compute EY D AEX C b, then using the definition
CY D EŒ.Y EY /.Y EY /> ç
D EŒ.AX C b AEX b/.AX C b AEX b/> ç
D EŒ.A.X EX //.A.X EX //> ç
D EŒA.X EX /.X EX /> A> ç ..AB/> D B> A> /
D AEŒ.X EX /.X EX /> çA> .linearity of E/
If the last equality was not clear, the proof is similar to how we have proved Eq. (5.18.1): it is
always based on the fact that EŒaX C bç D aEŒXç C b. ⌅
We have proved in Section 5.12.8 that the covariance matrix is semi-positive definite for
discrete random variables. Herein, we prove this for any random variables.
Theorem 5.18.1
Let X be a random vector of n elements, then its covariance matrix is always symmetric and
semi-positive definite (PSD).
Proof. A matrix A is PSD if x > Ax 0 for all x. We use this and the fact that EŒY 2 ç 0 for
all Y to prove the theorem. So, let’s define Y D b> .X EX / with b being any fixed vector,
To answer that question we use the method described in Section 5.14 and the Jacobian in
Section 7.8.6. The basic idea is the same:
P .Y 2 A / D P .X 2 A/ D fX .x/dA D fX .H.y//jJ jdA (5.18.4)
A A0
6 @H12 @H2 7
@y @y2 @yn
6 @y @H2
J D det 6
6 ::
1 @y2
:: ::
@yn 7
:: 7
4 : : : : 5
@Hn @Hn @Hn
@y1 @y2 @yn
fY .y/ D fX .H.y//jJ j; J D det A; Aij D (5.18.5)
Example 5.25
Let X be an n-dimensional random vector with fX .x/ and the random vector Y 2 Rm be
defined as Y D AX C b, where A is a fixed m ⇥ n matrix and b is a fixed m-dimensional
vector. And we want to compute fY .y/.
First, we have X D A 1 .Y b/ D H.Y /. Eq. (5.18.5)
fY .y/ D j det A 1 jfX .A 1 .y b// D fX .A 1 .y b//
j det Aj
The plan of developing the multivariate normal distribution is to repeat what we have done
for univariate normal distribution. Let me recall what we have done:
X Ï N.0; 1/ W mX .t/ D e t =2
2 2
Y D aX C b W mY .t/ D e bt mX .at/ D e bt e a t =2
MX .t/ D e t MZ .A> t/ (Eq. (5.17.9))
t> 1=2.A> t/> .A> t/
De e (Eq. (5.18.6)) (5.18.7)
✓ ◆
D exp t > C t > ˙ t ; ˙ D AA>
Based on Eq. (5.18.7), it is not a surprise to see the following definition of a multivariate
normal distribution.
Definition 5.18.1
Let 2 Rn and let ˙ be an n ⇥ n semi-positive definite matrix. A random vector X D
.X1 ; X2 ; : : : ; Xn /> is said to have a multivariate normal distribution with parameters and
˙ if its multivariate moment generating function is
✓ ◆
> 1 >
MX .t/ D exp t C t ˙t (5.18.8)
This definition is reduced to a single variate normal distribution in Eq. (5.17.10) when n D 1.
That is, is simply a number and the matrix ˙ is simply the variance 2 .
It is clear that, for Z D .Z1 ; Z2 ; : : : ; Zn /> with n independent standard normal variables
Z1 ; Z2 ; : : : ; Zn , Z Ï N.0; I/. Just compare Eq. (5.18.6) with Eq. (5.18.8). And with X D
AZ C , we have X Ï N. ; ˙ /. Just the same old story but now for random vectors.
So, CZ D I.
Second, we consider X Ï N. ; ˙ /. Of course, X D AZ C . Hence,
EŒX ç D EŒAZ C ç D AEŒZ ç C D (5.18.11)
And for the covariance, we use Eq. (5.18.3):
Cov.X / D Cov.AZ C / D ACov.Z /A> D AA> D ˙ (5.18.12)
Now, we consider the transformation X D AZ C , and the result from Example 5.25 gives
fX .x/ D j det A 1 jfZ .A 1 .x //
✓ ◆
1 1 > 1 >
D j det A 1 j n=2
exp .x / A
A .x 1
/ (Eq. (5.18.13))
.2⇡/ 2
✓ ◆ ⇣ ⌘
1 1 1 > 1 1 > 1 1
D j det A j n=2
exp .x / ˙ .x / A A D˙
.2⇡/ 2
✓ ◆
1 1 > 1
D p exp .x / ˙ .x /
.2⇡/n=2 det ˙ 2
where ⇢ is the correlation coefficient introduced in Section 5.12.7. Thus, the bivariate normal
distribution is determined by five scalar parameters: 1 ; 2 ; 1 ; 1 and ⇢.
Now, we compute all quantities involved in the final expression in Eq. (5.18.14):
" #
1 2
⇢ 1 2
det ˙ D .1 ⇢2 / 12 22 ; ˙ 1 D 2
det ˙ ⇢ 1 2 1
✓ 2 2
> 1 1 .x1 1/ .x2 2/ 2⇢.x1 1 /.x2 2/
.x / ˙ .x /D 2
C 2
1 ⇢2 1 2 1 2
This term obviously measures the distance (not Euclidean) from x to , and it is called the
squared Mahalanobis distanceé .
Finally, the pdf of a bivariate normal distribution is given by
f .x1 ; x2 / D p ⇥
2⇡ 1 2 1 ⇢2
✓ 2 2
1 .x1 1/ .x2 2/ 2⇢.x1 1 /.x2 2/
exp 2
C 2
2.1 ⇢2 / 1 2 1 2
Now, for 1 D 2 D 0 and 1 D 2 D 1, from Eq. (5.18.16) we get the following PDF (note
that I used .x; y/ instead of .x1 ; x2 /)
1 1 2
f .x; y/ D exp .x C y 2 /
2⇡ 2
which is a circular Gaussian surface (see Fig. 5.21a): it is the 3D version of the well known bell
curve. Using Eq. (5.18.15) with 1 D 2 D 0, 1 D 2 D 1 but ⇢ D 0:8, we get Fig. 5.21b.
The distributions plotted in Fig. 5.21 have the following covariance matrices:
" # " #
1 0 1 0:8
˙1 D ; ˙2 D (5.18.17)
0 1 0:8 1
Named after Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis (1893–1972), an Indian scientist and statistician.
Figure 5.21: Visualization of the PDF of the bivariate normal distributions: generated using Asymptote.
Asymptote is a descriptive vector graphics (programming) language that provides a natural coordinate-
based framework for technical drawing. Labels and equations are typeset with LATEX, the de-facto standard
for typesetting mathematics.
There are two methods of plotting the bivariate normal distribution. One method is to plot
a 3D graph (Fig. 5.21) and the other method is to plot a contour graph (Fig. 5.22). A contour
graph is a way of displaying three dimensions on a 2D plot. A 3D plot is sometimes difficult to
visualize properly. The contour plot shows only two dimensions i.e., x1 ; x2 . The third dimension
is defined by the colour. If two points have the same colour in the contour plot, then they have
equal values for their third dimension. A contour plot is usually accompanied by a legend relating
the colours to values.
And why the contour of the bivariate normal distribution is an ellipse? The answer is in
the square Mahalanobis distance: it is of the form y > Ay, which is a quadratic form. And in
Section 11.10.6, we know that y > Ay D c is an ellipse.
4 +0.2 4 +0.3
3 +0.2 3 +0.3
+0.2 +0.2
2 2
+0.1 +0.2
1 +0.1 1 +0.2
f (x, y)
f (x, y)
y 0 +0.1 y 0 +0.2
1 +0.1 1 +0.1
+0.1 +0.1
2 2
0.0 +0.1
3 0.0 3 0.0
4 0.0 4 0.0
2.5 0 2.5 2.5 0 2.5
x x
(a) ⇢ D 0 (b) ⇢ D 0:8
Figure 5.22: Contour plot of the PDF of the bivariate normal distributions: generated using Asymptote.
5.19 Review
I had a bad experience with probability in university. It is quite unbelievable that I have now man-
aged to learn it at the age of 42 to a certain level of understanding. Here are some observations
that I made
✏ Probability had a humbling starting point in games of chances. But mathematicians turned
it into a rigorous branch of mathematics with some beautiful theorems (e.g. the central
limit theorem) with applications in many diverse fields far from gambling activities;
✏ To learn probability for discrete random variables, we need to have first a solid understand-
ing of counting methods (e.g. factorial, permutations and so on).
✏ Probability is very counter intuitive so rote memorization does not help. Facing a proba-
bility we should sit back and solve it slowly.
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
✏ Statistics with Julia: Fundamentals for Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial
Intelligence, by Yoni Nazarathy⇤⇤ and Hayden Klokéé [44];
✏ d;
✏ d
Chapter 6. Statistics and machine learning 544
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 What is statistics
6.1.2 Why study statistics
6.1.3 A brief history of statistics
In statistical inference problems, the problem is completely different. In real life, we do not
know the distribution of the population (i.e., X). Most often, we use the central limit theorem to
assume that X has a normal distribution, yet we still do not know the values for and 2 .
This brings us to the problem of estimation. We use sample data to estimate for example the
mean of the population. If we just use a single number for the mean, we’re doing a point estima-
tion, whereas if we can provide an interval for the mean, we’re doing an interval estimation.
By Roger Cotes, Legendre and Gauss. In 1809 Carl Friedrich Gauss published his method (of least squares)
of calculating the orbits of celestial bodies.
Even though this problem can be solved by calculus (i.e., setting the derivative of S w.r.t a and b
to zero), I prefer to use linear algebra to solve it. Why? To understand more about linear algebra!
To this end, we introduce the error vector e D .e1 ; e2 ; : : : ; en / where ei D yi f .xi /. Let’s
start with the simplest case where f .x/ D ˛x C ˇ, then we can write the error function as
2 3 2 3 2 3
e1 y1 x1 1 " #
6 7 6 7 6 7
6e2 7 6y2 7 6x2 17 ˛
eD6 7 6 7 6
6 :: 7 D 6 :: 7 6 :: :: 7 ˇ
7 (6.5.1)
4 : 5 4 : 5 4 : :5
en yn xn 1 x
„ƒ‚… „ ƒ‚ …
b A
In statistics, the matrix A is called design matrix. Usually we have lots of data thus this matrix
is skinny meaning that it has more rows than columns. Now the problem is to find x D .˛; ˇ/ to
minimize S which is equivalent to minimize kek (where jjvjj is the Euclidean norm), which is
equivalent to minimize kb Axk. We have converted the problem to a linear algebra problem
of solving Ax D b, but with a rectangular matrix. This overdetermined system is unsolvable in
the traditional sense that no x ⇤ would make Ax ⇤ equals b. Thus, we ask for a vector x ⇤ that
minimize kb Axk, such a vector is called the least square solution to Ax D b. So, we have
the following definition:
The solution given in the box holds only when rank.A/ D n i.e., all the cols of A are linear
independentéé . In that case, due to theorem 11.5.5 which states that rank.A> A/ D rank.A/ D n.
An n ⇥ n matrix has a rank of n, it is invertible. That’s why the normal equation has the unique
solution expressed in terms of the inverse of A> A.
1 1
minimize W S D kek2 D e > e
2 2
and with e D b Ax, S becomes
1 1 1
SD .b Ax/> .b Ax/ D x > A> Ax b> Ax C b> b
2 2 2
Now, we use dS=d x D 0 (check Section 12.9.2 to know how to do differentiation with matri-
D A> Ax A> b H) A> Ax A> b D 0 H) x D .A> A/ 1 A> b
And we have obtained the same result.
Pseudoinverse. For the square matrix A the solution to Ax D b is written in terms of its inverse
matrix: x D A 1 b. We should do the same thing for rectangular matrices! And that leads to the
pseudoinverse matrix of which definition comes from x ⇤ D .A> A/ 1 A> b.
Definition 6.5.2
If A is a matrix with linearly independent columns, then the pseudoinverse of A is the matrix
AC defined by
AC D .A> A/ 1 A>
Fitting a cloud of points with a parabola. The least squares method just works when f .x/ D
˛x 2 C ˇx C . Everything is the same, except that we have a bigger design matrix and we have
three unknowns to solve for:
2 3 2 3
x12 x1 1 2 3 y1
6 2 7 ˛ 6 7
6x2 x2 17 6y2 7
AD6 7; x D 6 4
5 D 6 7
6: : :
: :
: 7 ˇ ; b 6 :: 7
4 : : : 5 4:5
xn2 xn 1 yn
Fitting a cloud of 3D points with a plane. So far we just dealt with y D f .x/. How about
z D f .x; y/? No problem, the exact same method works too. Assume that we want to find the
When that happens? Take Eq. (6.5.1) as an example, for this design matrix to have a rank of 2, at least there
best plane z D ˛x C ˇy C :
2 3 2 3
x1 y1 1 2 3 z1
6 7 ˛ 6 7
6x2 y2 17 6 7 6z2 7
6 :: ::
:: 7 ; x D 4ˇ 5 ; bD6 7
6 :: 7
4: : :5 4:5
xn yn 1 zn
Example 6.1
Consider the sequence .xn / defined by the initial conditions x1 D 1; x2 D 5 and the recur-
rence relation xn D 5xn 1 6xn 2 for n 2. Our problem is to derive a direct formula for
xn ( n 2 ) using matrices. To this end, we introduce the vector x n D .xn ; xn 1 /. With this
vector, we can write the given recurrent equation using matrix notation:
" # " #" # " #
xn 5 6 xn 1 5 6
xn D D D xn 1
xn 1 1 0 xn 2 1 0
x 3 D Ax 2 ; x 4 D Ax 3 D A2 x 2 : : : H) x n D An 2 x 2 ; x 2 D .5; 1/ (6.6.1)
Now our task is simply to compute Ak . With the eigenvalues of 3; 2 and eigenvectors .3; 1/
and .2; 1/, it is easy to do so:
" #" #" # 1 " #
3 2 3k 0 3 2 3kC1 2kC1 2.3kC1 / C 3.2kC1 /
Ak D
1 1 0 2k 1 1 3k 2k 2.3k / C 3.2k /
With that and the boxed equation, we can get xn D 3n 2n .
those using brand A in any month, 70% continue using it in the following month, while 30%
switch to brand B; of those using brand B, those numbers are 80% and 20%.
The question is: how many people will use each brand after 1 month later? 2 months later?
10 months? To answer the first equation is very simple:
Nothing can be simpler but admittedly the maths is boring. Now comes the interesting part. We
rewrite the above using matrix notation, this is what we get
" #" # " #
0:7 0:2 120 100
D ; or Px 0 D x 1
0:3 0:8 80 100
„ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ …
P x0 x1
Let’s stop here and introduce some terminologies. What we are dealing with is called a Markov
chain with two states A and B. There are then four possibilities: a person in state A can stay in
that state or he/she can hop to state B and the person in state B can stay in it or move to A. The
probabilities of these four situations are the four numbers put in the matrix P.
And from that we can see that the Markov chain satisfies the recurrise formula x kC1 D Px k ,
for k D 0; 1; 2; : : :. Alternatively, we can write
x 1 D Px 0 ; x 2 D Px 1 D P2 x 0 ; : : : H) x k D Pk x 0 ; k D 1; 2; : : :
where the vectors x k are called state vectors and P is called the transition matrix. Instead of
working directly with the actual numbers of toothpaste users, we can use relative numbers:
" # " #
120=200 0:6
x0 D D W probability vector
80=200 0:4
Why relative numbers? Because they add up to one! That’s why vectors such as x 0 are called
probability vectors.
We’re now ready to answer the question: how many people will use each brand after, let say,
10 months? Using x k D Pk x 0 , we can compute x 1 ; x 2 ; : : : and get the following result
Two observations can be made based on this result. First, all state vectors are probability vectors
(i.e., the components of each vector add up to one). Second, the state vectors convergence to
a special vector .0:4; 0:6/. It is interesting that once this state is reached, the state will never
" #" # " #
0:7 0:2 0:4 0:4
0:3 0:8 0:6 0:6
This special vector is called a steady state vector. Thus, a steady state vector x is one such that
Px D x. What does this equation say? It says that x is an eigenvector of P with corresponding
eigenvalue of one.
All these results are of course consequences of the following two properties of the Markov
<1. Every entry is positive: P > 0
Markov matrix: P
:2. Every column adds to 1:
i Pij D 1
Proof. [State vectors are probability vectors] Start with a state vector u, we need to prove that
x D Pu is a probability vector, where P is a Markov matrix. We know that the components of
u sum up to one. We need to translate that to mathematics, which is u1 C u2 C C un D 1
or better Œ1 1 : : : 1çu D 1. So, to prove x adds up to one, we just need to show that
Œ1 1 : : : 1ç.Pu/ D 1. This is true because Œ1 1 : : : 1ç.Pu/ D .Œ1 1 : : : 1çP/u D Œ1 1 : : : 1çu,
which is one. (Œ1 1 : : : 1çP D Œ1 1 : : : 1ç because each column of P adds up to one). ⌅
6.6.2 dd
And this happens when u D u1 where u1 is the eigenvector corresponding to 1 . We hence try
to understand the geometric meaning of u> 1 Su1 . To this end, we confine to the 2D plane i.e.,
m D 2, and we can write then (see Eq. (5.12.21) for S)
"P P # " #
1 x 2
x y 1 X x 2
x y
> > >
u1 Su1 D u Pi i Pi 2 u1 D
i i
u1 i i i
n 1 1 x y
i i i y
i i
n 1 i
x y
i i yi2
1 X > 1 X > 2
D u1 x i x >
i u1 D .x i u1 / ; x i D .xi ; yi /
n 1 i n 1 i
Figure 6.3
If we wish we can find the second axis given by, what else, the second eigenvector u2
(corresponding with the second largest eigenvalue 2 ). Along this axis the variance is also
maximum. And we can continue with other eigenvectors, thus we can project our data points to
a k-dimensional space spanned by u1 ; : : : ; uk . We put these eigenvectors in matrix Qk –a m ⇥ k
matrix, then Y D Q> k A is the transformed data points living in a k-dimensional space where
k ⌧ m.
7.1 Multivariable functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
7.2 Derivatives of multivariable functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
7.3 Tangent planes, linear approximation and total differential . . . . . . . . 560
7.4 Newton’s method for solving two equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
7.5 Gradient and directional derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
7.6 Chain rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
7.7 Minima and maxima of functions of two variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
7.8 Integration of multivariable functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
7.9 Parametrized surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
7.10 Newtonian mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
7.11 Vector calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
7.12 Complex analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634
In Chapter 4 we have studied the calculus of functions of one variable e.g. functions ex-
pressed by y D f .x/. Basically, we studied curves in a 2D plane, the tangent to a curve at any
point on the curve (1st derivative) and the area under the curve (integral). Now is the time to the
real world: functions of multiple variables. We will discuss functions of the form z D f .x; y/
known as scalar-valued functions of two variables. A plot of z D f .x; y/ gives a surface
in a 3D space. Of course, we are going to differentiate z D f .x; y/ and thus partial deriva-
tives @f , @f naturally emerge. We also compute integrals of z D f .x; y/, the double integrals
’ @x @y
f .x;” y/dxdy which can be visualized as the volume under the surface f .x; y/. And triple in-
tegrals f .x; y; z/dxdydz appear when we deal with functions of three variables f .x; y; z/.
All of this are merely an extension of the calculus we know from Chapter 4. If there are some
difficulties, they are just technical not mentally as when we learned about the spontaneous speed
of a moving car.
Chapter 7. Multivariable calculus 554
Then comes vector-valued functions used to describe vector fields. For example, if we want
to study the motion of a moving fluid, we need to know the velocity of all the fluid particles. The
velocity of a fluid particle is a vector field and is mathematically expressed as a vector-valued
function of the form v.x; y/ D .g.x; y/; h.x; y// in two dimensions. The particle position is
determined by its coordinates .x; y/ and its velocity by two functions: g.x; y/ for the horizontal
component of the velocity and h.x; y/ for the vertical component.
And with vector fields, we shall have vector calculus that consists of differential calculus of
vector fields and integral calculus of vector fields. In differential calculus of vector fields, we
shall meet the gradient vector of a scalar field rf , the divergence of a vector field
R r C and the
curl of a vector
R field r ⇥ C . In the integral calculus, we have the line integral F d s, surface
integrals S C ndA and volume integrals. And these integrals are linked together via Green’s
theorem, Stokes’ theorem and Gauss’ theorem. They are generalizations of the fundamental
theorem of calculus (Table 7.1).
Table 7.1: Integral calculus of vector fields: a summary.
Theorem Formula
Z b
FTC dx D f .b/ f .a/
a dx
FTC of line integrals r ds D .2/ .1/
along C
Z ✓ ◆ I
@Cy @Cx
Green’s theorem dA D .Cx dx C Cy dy/
S @x @y
Stokes’ theorem .r ⇥ C / ndA D C ds
Gauss’s theorem C ndA D r C dV
This chapter starts with a presentation of multivariable functions in Section 7.1. The deriva-
tives of these functions are discussed in Section 7.2. Section 7.3 presents tangent planes and
linear approximations. Then, Newton’s method for solving a system of nonlinear equations is
treated in Section 7.4. The gradient of a scalar function and the directional derivative are given
in Section 7.5. The chain rules are introduced in Section 7.6. The problem of finding the ex-
trema of functions of multiple variables is given in Section 7.7. Two and three dimensional
integrals are given in Section 7.8. Section 7.9. Newtonian mechanics is briefly discussed in
Section 7.10. Then comes a big chapter on vector calculus (Section 7.11). A short introduction
to the wonderful field–complex analysis–is provided in Section 7.12.
Some knowledge on vector algebra and matrix algebra are required to read this chapter.
Section 11.1 in Chapter 11 provides an introduction to vectors and matrices.
I have used primarily the following books for the material presented herein:
(a) (b)
Figure 7.1: Graph of the surface z.x; y/ D x 2 C y 2 and the intersection of it with the plane y D 1, which
is a curve z D x 2 C 1 (Drawn with geogebra).
Figure 7.2: Graph of the surface z.x; y/ D sin x 2 C y 2 = x 2 C y 2 C 0:000001 and its contour plot
which contains all the level curves. When we jump from the inner most level curve (0.2) to the next one,
we ‘climb’ to a higher point in the surface z.x; y/. And we do not go up/down by following a level curve.
That’s why it is such called. Note that closely spaced level curves indicate a steep graph.
.x; y; f .x; y//. We need to use software for this task. For example, Fig. 7.1 shows a plot
of the function z D x 2 C y 2 . In Fig. 7.2 we plot another function z D f .x; y/ in which
the surface is colored according to the value of z. In this way it is easy to see where is the
highest/lowest points of the surface. Furthermore, it is the only way to visualize T D f .x; y; z/.
This is because the graph of a function f .x; y; z/ of three variables would be the set of points
.x; y; z; f .x; y; z// in four dimensions, and it is difficult to imagine what such a graph would
look like.
Level curves, level surfaces and level sets. Another way of visualizing a function is through
level sets, i.e., the set of points in the domain of a function where the function is constant. The
nice part of level sets is that they live in the same dimensions as the domain of the function.
A level set of a function of two variables f .x; y/ is a curve in the two-dimensional xy-plane,
called a level curve (Fig. 7.1). A level set of a function of three variables f .x; y; z/ is a
surface in three-dimensional space, called a level surface. For a constant value c in the range of
f .x; y; z/, the level surface of f is the implicit surface given by the graph of c D f .x; y; z/.
Domain, co-domain and range of a function. For the function z D f .x; y/ W R2 ! R, we say
that the domain of this function is the entire 2D plane i.e., R2 . Thus, the domain of a function
is the set of all inputs. We also say that the co-domain is R: the co-domain is the set of outputs.
And finally the range of a function is a sub-set of its co-domain which contains the actual outputs.
For example, if f .x; y/ D x 2 C y 2 , then its co-domain is all real numbers but its range is only
non-negative reals.
If we keep one variable, say y constant, then from z D f .x; y/ we obtain a function of a
single variable x, see Fig. 7.1b. We can then apply the calculus we know from Chapter 4 to
this function. That leads to partial derivatives. Using these two partial derivatives, we will have
directional derivative Du that gives the change in f .x; y/ along the direction u. Other natural
extensions of Chapter 4‘s calculus are summarized in Table 7.2. We will discuss them, but as
you have seen, they are merely extensions of calculus of functions of single variable.
f .x/ f .x; y/
@f @f
1st derivative df =dx partial derivatives ;
@x @y
@2 f 2 2 2
2nd derivative d 2 f =dx 2 second par. der. @x 2
; @@yf2 ; @y@x
@ f @ f
; @y@x
f D .x C x/2 C y 2 .x 2 C y 2 / D 2x x C . x/2
And thus f = x D 2x C x. The derivative with respect to x, denoted by @x
, is therefore 2x.
So, we are ready to give the formal definition of the partial derivatives of functions of two
@f f .x C x; y/ f .x; y/
D lim
@x x!0 x
@f f .x; y C y/ f .x; y/
D lim
@y y!0 y
In words, the partial derivative w.r.t x is the ordinary derivative while holding other variables
(y) constant. Sometimes, people write fx for @f =@x .
And of course, nothing can stop us from moving to second derivatives. From @f =@x we have
– derivative w.r.t x of @f =@x and @2 f =@x@y – derivative w.r.t y of @f =@x . And from @f =@y we
@2 f =@x 2
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
@f @ @f @2 f @ @f @2 f
! WD .orf xx /; WD .orfxy /
@x @x @x @x 2 @y @x @x@y
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ (7.2.2)
@f @ @f @2 f @ @f @2 f
! WD .orfyx /; WD .orfyy /
@y @x @y @y@x @y @y @y 2
fxy and fyx are called cross derivatives or mixed derivatives. The origin of partial derivatives
was partial differential equation such as the wave equation (Section 9.5.1). Briefly, eighteenth
century mathematicians and physicists such as Euler, d’Alembert and Daniel Bernoulli were
investigating the vibration of strings (to understand music), and there was a need to consider
partial derivatives.
Example 1. Let’s consider the function f .x; y/ D x 2 y 2 C xy C y, its first and second (partial)
derivatives are
fx D 2xy 2 C y fxx D 2y 2 fxy D 4xy C 1
fy D 2x 2 y C x C 1 fyy D 2x 2 fyx D 4xy C 1
The calculations were nothing special, but one thing special is @2 f =@y@x D @2 f =@y@x . Is it luck?
Let’s see another example.
Example 2. Let’s consider this function f .x; y/ D e xy , its first and second derivatives are
2 2 2 2
fx D y 2 e xy fxx D y 4 e xy fxy D 2ye xy C 2xy 3 e xy
2 2 2 2 2
fy D 2xye xy fyy D 2xe xy C 4x 2 y 2 e xy fyx D 2ye xy C 2xy 3 e xy
Again, we get @2 f =@y@x D @2 f =@y@x . Actually, there is a theorem called Schwarz’s Theorem or
Clairaut’s Theoreméé which states that mixed derivatives are equal if they are continuous.
Our task is now to determine the coefficients A and B in terms of fx and fy (we believe in the
extension of elementary calculus to multi-dimensions). To determine A, we consider the plane
y D y0 . The intersection of this plane and the surface z D f .x; y/ is a curve in the x z plane,
see Fig. 7.4 for one example. The tangent to this curve at .x0 ; y0 / is z D z0 C fx .x0 ; y0 /.x x0 /
and thus A D fx .x0 ; y0 /. Similarly, consider the plane x D x0 , and we get B D fy .x0 ; y0 /.
The tangent plane is now written as
Linear approximation. Around the point .x0 ; y0 /, we can approximate the (complicated) func-
tion f .x; y/ by a simpler function–the equation of the tangent plane:
Seeing the pattern from functions of single variable to functions of two variables, we can
now generalize the linear approximation of functions of n variables (n 2 N and n 2):
f .x 0 / C .x x 0 /> rf .x 0 / (7.3.4)
We will discuss the notation rf shortly. Note that vector notation is being used:
x D .x1 ; x2 ; : : : ; xn / is a point in an n-dimensional space, refer to Section 11.1 in Chapter 11
for a discussion on vectors.
Total differential. On the curve y D f .x/, a finite change in x is x, and if we climb on the
curve, we move an amount y. But if we move an infinitesimal along x that is dx, and we
follow the tangent to the curve, then we move an amount dy D f 0 .x/dx. Now we do the same
thing, but we’re now climbing on a surface. Using Eq. (7.3.2), we write
@f @f
dz D dx C dy (7.3.5)
@x @y
which is a system of linear equations for two unknowns x and y. Formally, we can express
the solutions as
" # " # 1" #
x fx .x0 ; y0 / fy .x0 ; y0 / f .x0 ; y0 /
D (7.4.3)
y gx .x0 ; y0 / gy .x0 ; y0 / g.x0 ; y0 /
With that we update the solution as x0 C x and y0 C y. And the iterative process is repeated
until convergence. This Newton method has been applied to solve practical problems that involve
millions of unknowns. In the above A 1 means the inverse of matrix A. We refer to Chapter 11
for details.
What is this result? It is fx .x0 ; y0 /u1 C fy .x0 ; y0 /u2 . This result makes sense as it is reduced
to the old rules of partial derivatives. Indeed, when u are is unit vector e.g. u D .1; 0/, we get
the familiar result of fx .x0 ; y0 /. And with u D .0; 1/, we get the familiar result of fy .x0 ; y0 /.
So, we guess it is correct for general cases. But, we need a proof.
Proof. [Proof of Du .x0 ; y0 /f D fx .x0 ; y0 /u1 C fy .x0 ; y0 /u2 .] Of course, we start of with the
definition of the directional derivative evaluated at a particular point .x0 ; y0 / as
f .x0 C hu1 ; y0 C hu2 / f .x0 ; y0 /
Du f .x0 ; y0 / D lim (7.5.1)
h!0 h
Then, we’re stuck as there is no concrete expression for f .x; y/ for us to manipulate. Here we
need a change of view. Note that in the above equation x0 ; y0 and u1 ; u2 are all fixed numbers,
only h is a variable. Thus, we can define a new function of a single variable g.z/ as
What we are going to do with this new function? We differentiate it, using the chain rule (Sec-
tion 7.6):
dx dy
g 0 .z/ D fx C fy D fx u1 C fy u2
dz dz
We’re on good track as we have obtained fx u1 C fy u2 –the suspect that we’re looking for. From
this, we have
g 0 .0/ D fx .x0 ; y0 /u1 C fy .x0 ; y0 /u2
Now, we just need to prove that g 0 .0/ is nothing but the RHS of Eq. (7.5.1). That is,
A team of engineers were required to measure the height of a flag pole. They only
had a measuring tape, and were getting quite frustrated trying to keep the tape
along the pole. It kept falling down, etc. A mathematician comes along, finds out
their problem, and proceeds to remove the pole from the ground and measure it
easily. When he leaves, one engineer says to the other: "Just like a mathematician!
We need to know the height, and he gives us the length!"
We now have a rule to compute the directional derivative for any functions. But there is one
more thing in its formula: @f =@x u1 C @f =@y u2 is actually the dot productéé between the vector u
and a vector, which we do not know, with components fx ; fy .
We now give the rule for a directional derivative for a function f .x; y; z/ and define the
gradient vector, denoted by rf (read nabla f or del f):
@f @f @f
Du f D rf u; rf D iC jC k (7.5.2)
@x @y @z
In words, the gradient of a function f .x; y; z/ at a any point is a 3D vector with components
.fx ; fy ; fz /. The gradient vector of a scalar function is significant as it gives us the direction
of steepest ascent. That is because the directional derivative indicates the change of f in a
Refer to Section 11.1.2 if you need a refresh on the concept of the dot product of two vectors.
direction given by u. Among many directions, due to the property of the dot product, this change
is maximum when u is parallel to rf (note that jjujj D 1):
where ✓ is the angle between u and rf ; the notation jjrf jj means the Euclidean length of rf .
Let’s see how the gradient vector looks like geometrically. For the
function f .x; y/ D x 2 C y 2 , we plot its gradient field 2xi C 2yj
superimposed with the level curves of f .x; y/ on the next figure. We
can see that the gradient vectors are perpendicular to the level curves.
This is because going along a level curve does not change f : Du f D
rf u D 0 when u is perpendicular to rf .
So far we have considered functions of two variables only. How
about functions of three variables w D f .x; y; z/? We believe that
at any point P D .x0 ; y0 ; z0 / on the level surface f .x; y; z/ D c the
gradient rf is perpendicular to the surface. By this we mean it is perpendicular to the tangent
to any curve that lies on the surface and goes through P. (See figure.)
It is not true that every three numbers make a vector. For example, we cannot make a
vector from this .fxx ; fy ; fz /. How to prove that .fx ; fy ; fz / is indeed a vector? We use
the fact that the dot product of two vectors is a scalar. To this end, we consider two nearby
points P1 .x; y; z/ and P2 .x C x; y C y; z C z/. Assume that the temperature at P1 is
T1 and the temperature at P2 is T2 . Obviously T1 and T2 are scalars: they are independent
of the coordinate system we use. The difference of temperature T is also a scalar, it is
given by
@T @T @T
T D xC yC z
@x @y @z
Since T is a scalar, and . x; y; z/ is a vector (joining P1 to P2 ), we can deduce
that .Tx ; Ty ; Tz / is a vector.
Case 1: f .z/ with z D g.x; y/. For example, with f .z/ D e z and z D x 2 C y 2 we get
f .x; y/ D e x Cy . Thus, fx D 2xe x Cy and fy D 2ye x Cy . The rule is:
2 2 2 2 2 2
@f @f @z @f @f @z
D ; D (7.6.1)
@x @z @x @y @z @y
Case 2: f .x; y/ with x D x.t/, y D y.t/. This is simple: df =dt D fx dx=dt Cfy dy=dt . When
t changes t, both x and y change by x ⇡ .dx=dt/ t and y ⇡ .dy=dt/ t, respectively.
These changes lead to a change in f :
@f dx @f dy
f ⇡ fx x C fy y D tC t
@x dt @y dt
Dividing by t and let it go to zero, we get the formula: df =dt D fx dx=dt C fy dy=dt .
Case 3: f .x; y/ with x D x.u; v/, y D y.u; v/. By holding v constant and using the chain rule
in case 2, we can write @f
D @f @x
@x @u
C @f @y
@y @u
. Doing the same thing for @f
, and putting these two
together, we have:
@f @f @x @f @y
@u @x @u @y @u
@f @f @x @f @y
@v @x @v @y @v
This rule can be re-written in a matrix form as:
2 3 2 32 3
@f @x @y @f
6 @u 7 6 @u @u 7 6 7
6 7D6 7 6 @x 7 (7.6.3)
4 @f 5 4 @x @y 4 @f 5
@v @v @v @y
We can generalize this to the case of a function of n variables, f .x1 ; x2 ; : : : ; xn / and the variables
depend on m other variables, xi D xi .u1 ; u2 ; : : : ; um / for i D 1; 2; : : : ; n, then we have
@f @f @x1 @f @x2 @f @xn
D C C C .1 j m/
@uj @x1 @uj @x2 @uj @xn @uj
X n
@f @xi @f @xi
D D (Einstein’s summation rule on dummy index i )
i D1
@xi @uj @xi @uj
local minimum, local maximum, absolute minimum etc.) the tangent planes are horizontal. So,
at a stationary point .x0 ; y0 / the two first partial derivatives are zero (check Eq. (7.3.2) for the
equation of a plane if this is not clear):
fx .x0 ; y0 / D fy .x0 ; y0 / D 0 (7.7.1)
Figure 7.5: Graph of a function of two variables z D f .x; y/ with a colorbar representing the height
z. Using a colorbar is common in visualizing functions, especially functions of three variables. We can
quickly spot the highest/lowest points based on the color.
Saddle point. If we consider the function z D y 2 x 2 , the stationary point is .0; 0/ using
Eq. (7.7.1). But this point cannot be a minimum or a maximum point, see Fig. 7.6. We can see
that f .0; 0/ D 0 is a maximum along the x-direction but a minimum along the y-direction.
Near the origin the graph has the shape of a saddle and so .0; 0/ is called a saddle point of f .
Minimum or maximum or saddle point. For y D f .x/, we need to use the second derivative
at the stationary point x0 , f 00 .x0 /, to decide if x0 is a minimum or maximum or inflection point.
How did the second derivative help? It decides whether the curve y D f .x/ is below the tangent
at x0 (i.e., if y 00 .x0 / < 0 then x0 is a maximum point as we’re going downhill) or it is above the
tangent (i.e., if y 00 .x0 / > 0 then x0 is a minimum point). We believe this reasoning also applies
for f .x; y/. The difficulty is that we now have three second derivatives fxx ; fyy ; fxy not one!
The idea is to replace the general function f .x; y/ by a quadratic function of the form
ax 2 C bxy C cy 2 to which finding its extreme is straightforward (using only algebra). The
means to do this is Taylor’s series expansion of f .x; y/, see Section 7.7.2, around the stationary
point .x0 ; y0 / up to the second order (as the bending of a surface depends on second order terms
f .x; y/ D ax 2 C 2bxy C cy 2 ; a D fxx .0; 0/; b D fxy .0; 0/; c D fyy .0; 0/ (7.7.2)
This is called a second derivatives test. Fig. 7.7 confirms this test. It is helpful to examine
the contour plot of the surfaces in Fig. 7.7 to understand geometrically when a function has a
min/max/saddle point. Fig. 7.8 tells us that around a max/min point the level curves are oval,
because going any direction will decrease/increase the function. On the other hand, around a
saddle point the level curves are hyperbolas (xy D c).
This matrix is special as it stores all the second derivatives of f .x; y/. It must have a special
name. It is called a Hessian matrix, named after the German mathematician Ludwig Otto Hesse
(22 April 1811 – 4 August 1874).
The second order Taylor’s polynomial has this general form T .x; y/ D a C bx C cy C
dxy C ex 2 C f y 2 . We find the coefficients a; b; c : : : by matching the function at .0; 0/ and all
derivatives up to second order at .0; 0/. The same old idea we have met in univariate calculus:
f n .x0 /
f .x/ D .x x0 /n
Refer to Section 11.1.2 if you need a refresh on the concept of the dot product of two vectors.
The question now is: can we have the same formula as above for y D f .x1 ; x2 ; : : : ; xn /? The
answer is yes and to that end mathematicians have developed the so-called multi-index, which
generalizes the concept of an integer index to an ordered tuple of indices.
A multi-index ˛ D .˛1 ; ˛2 ; : : : ; ˛n / is an n-tuple of non-negative integers. For example,
˛ D .1; 2; 3/, or ˛ D .2; 3; 6/. The norm of a multi-index ˛ is defined to be
j˛j D ˛1 C ˛2 C C ˛n
x D ˛
i D1
˛ä D ˛i ä
i D1
With this multi-index notation, the Taylor series for a function y D f .x1 ; : : : ; xn / is given by
D ˛ f .x 0 /
f .x/ D .x x 0 /˛
To understand this, let’s consider y D f .x1 ; x2 /. The first term in the sum j˛jD0 is when
j˛j D 0, which is ˛ D .0; 0/. Then, ˛ä D 0ä0ä D 1, and D ˛ f D f according to Eq. (7.7.7).
The second term is when j˛j D 1, which can be ˛ D .1; 0/ or ˛ D .0; 1/. For the former, we
@f @f
then have D ˛ f D @x 1
, and for the latter D ˛ f D @x 2
. The third term, j˛j D 2: ˛ D .2; 0/,
˛ D .1; 1/ and ˛ D .0; 2/. We then have, using Eq. (7.7.7)
2 X
Q.x1 ; x2 / D a11 x12 C a12 x1 x2 C a21 x2 x1 C a22 x22 D aij xi xj
i D1 j D1
So we have just demonstrated that any quadratic form can be expressed in this form x > Ax.
Let’s do that for this particular quadratic form Q.x1 ; x2 / D x12 C 5x1 x2 C 3x22 :
" #" # " #" #
h i 1 1 x h i 1 5=2 x
1 1
Q.x1 ; x2 / D x1 x2 D x1 x2
4 3 x2 5=2 3 x2
It is certain that we prefer the red matrix–which is symmetric i.e., a12 D a21 D 5=2–than the
non-symmetric matrix (the blue one). So, any quadratic form can be expressed in this form
x > Ax where A is a symmetric matrix. We need a proof because we used the strong word any
quadratic form, while we just had one example.
Proof. Suppose x > Bx is a quadratic form where B is not symmetric. Since it is a scalar, we get
the same thing when we transpose it:
Why quadratic forms? Because, for unknown reasons, they show up again and again in
mathematics, physics, engineering and economics. The simplest example is 1=2kx 2 , which is the
energy of a spring of stiffness k. There are more to say about quadratic forms in Section 11.10.6,
such as positive definiteness of a quadratic form.
At the touching point of two curves, the tangents are the same. In other words, the normal
vectors are parallel:
<f D g
x x
rf .x; y/ D rg.x; y/; or (7.7.9)
:f D g
y y
where is a real number. These are the two equations to solve for x; y; . But do not forget the
constraint x 2 C y 2 D 1. Three equations for three unknowns. Perfect.
Without constraints, the necessary condition for a function f .x; y/ to be stationary at .x0 ; y0 /
is rf .x0 ; y0 / D 0. With the constraint g.x; y/ D 0, we have instead Eq. (7.7.9). With a bit of
algebra, we can see the old criterion of zero gradient. Let’s introduce a new function L.x; y; /
as 8
<L D f gx
x x
L.x; y; / WD f .x; y/ g.x; y/; ) (7.7.10)
:L D f g
y y y
The condition rL D 0 resembles Eq. (7.7.9) and g.x; y/ D 0. So, by adding one more un-
known to the problem, and building a new function L.x; y; /, Lagrange turned a constrained
minimization problem into an unconstrained minimization problem! is called a Lagrange
multiplier and this method is known as the Lagrange multiplier method. Once Eq. (7.7.10) has
been solved, we get possibly a few solutions .xN i ; yNi /; the maximum of f .xN i ; yNi / is the maximum
we’re looking for, and minimum of f .xN i ; yNi / is the minimum we sought for.
As an example, we consider the problem given in Fig. 7.9. Eq. (7.7.9) and the constraint
gives us the following system of equations to solve for x; y; :
2x D 2 x; 4y D 2 y; x2 C y2 D 1
From the first equation we either get x D 0 (which leads to y D ˙1 from the constraint) or
D 1. From the second equation we obtain either y D 0 (which leads to x D ˙1 from the
constraint) or D 2. So, we have 4 points .0; 1; 2/, .0; 1; 2/, . 1; 0; 1/, .1; 0; 1/. These points
are exactly the ones we found graphically shown in Fig. 7.9b. Evaluating f at these four points:
f .0; 1/ D 2; f .0; 1/ D 2; f . 1; 0/ D 1; f .1; 0/ D 1
So the maximum of f is 2 at .0; ˙1/ and the minimum of f is 1 at .˙1; 0/.
Two constraints. After one constraint is of course two constraints, and then multiple constraints.
For two constraints, we have to move to functions of three variables. Otherwise two constraints
g.x; y/ D c1 and h.x; y/ D c2 already decide what is the critical point. Nothing left for
Lagrange to do!
We start with a concrete example. Consider the function f .x; y; z/ D x 2 C y 2 C z 2 and
two constraints g.x; y; z/ D x C y C z D 9 and h.x; y; z/ D x C 2y C 3z D 20. Find the
maximum/minimum of f . The two constraints are two planes and they meet at a line C . Now
we consider different level surfaces of f .x; y; z/ D x 2 C y 2 C z 2 D c; they are spheres of
radius c. When we increase c from 0 we have expanding spheres, and one of them will touch
the line C at a point P . At that point P , we have:
Therefore, all three vectors rf; rg; rh are in the same plane perpendicular to C . In other
rf D 1 rg C 2 rh
<2x D 1 C 2
ˆ2y D 1 C2 2
2z D 1 C3 2
Inequality constraints.
Proof of the AM-GM inequality. Still remember the AM-GM inequality that states
x1 C x2 C C xn p
x1 x2 : : : xn
which was proved by Cauchy with his genius backward-forward induction method? Well, with
Lagrange and calculus, the proof is super easy. We demonstrate the proof for n D 3.
We consider the following function, with the constraint:
f .x/ D 3
x1 x2 x3 s.t x1 C x2 C x3 D c
And then, we can compute the derivatives of L with respect to x1 ; x2 ; x3 , then rL D 0 gives us
1 2=3
Lx1 D .x1 x2 x3 / x2 x3 D0
1 2=3
Lx2 D .x1 x2 x3 / x1 x3 D0
1 2=3
Lx3 D .x1 x2 x3 / x1 x2 D0
Solving this system of equations (easy) gives us x1 D x2 D x3 , then from the constraint
x1 C x2 C x3 D c, we get:
x1 D x2 D x3 D
Therefore, the maximum of f .x/ is 3 .c=3/3 which is c=3 or 1=3.x1 C x2 C x3 /. In other words,
p x1 C x2 C x3
x1 x2 x3
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 7. Multivariable calculus 575
For 1D integrals we divide the interval Œa; bç into many sub-intervals and compute the area
as a sum of the area of all the rectangles (Fig. 7.10). We do the same thing here: the region R
is divided into many rectangles xi yi . For a point .xi ; yi / inside this rectangle, we compute
the base f .xi ; yi / of a box (the 3D counterpart of a rectangle in 2D). Then, the volume is
approximated as the sum of all the volumes of these boxes; that is sum of f .xi ; yi / xi yi .
When there are infinitely many such boxes, we get the true volume and define it as a doubleé
Xn “
volume D lim f .xi ; yi / xi yi D f .x; y/dxdy (7.8.1)
i D1 R
To compute a double integral we proceed as shown in Fig. 7.11. First, we consider the plane
perpendicular to the x axis and we fix this plane, this plane intersects with the 3D region of
which the volume we’re trying Rto determine. The area of the intersection plane (crossed area in
the referred figure) is A.x/ D f .x; y/dy. Multiply this area with the thickness dx we get a
volume A.x/dx, and integrate this we get the sought-for volume:
“ Z "Z a
b Z Z b a
f .x; y/dxdy D f .x; y/dy dx D f .x; y/dx dy (7.8.2)
R 0 0 0 0
And of course, we can do the other way around. That is why I also wrote the second formula.
Noting that the process has been simplified by considering a rectangle for R. In a general case,
And that is how mathematicians use the notation with two integral signs.
the integration limits a and b are functions of y and x. The next example is going to show how
to handle this situation.
Example 7.1
Compute the volume under f .x; y/ D x 2y and the base triangle (see Fig. 7.11b). Using
Eq. (7.8.2), we can write:
“ Z 1 Z 1 x Z 1
⇥ ⇤1 x
.x 2y/dxdy D .x 2y/dy dx D xy y 2 0 dx
R 0 0 0
And finally, “ Z 1
.x 2y/dxdy D . 2x 2 C 3x 1/dx D 1=6
R 0
Not hard but still a bit of work. Using polar coordinates (which suitable for circles) is so much
more easier. Using polar coordinates, double integrals are given by
“ “
f .x; y/dxdy D f .r cos ✓; r sin ✓/rdrd✓ (7.8.3)
which was computed using polar coordinates, see Section 5.11.4 for details.
z z
D dr
r d✓
z z Q
O y y
✓ ✓
x x
(a) (b)
Figure 7.12: Cylindrical coordinates .r; ✓; z/: simply a 3D version of the polar coordinates. The differen-
tial volume is rdrd✓dz, which is of dimension of length cubed (r, dr, dz).
That’s how to convert between Cartesian and spherical coordinates. How we know the above is
correct? Check x 2 C y 2 C z 2 D ⇢2 is the way.
The differential volume dxdydz becomes ⇢2 sin d⇢d✓d , see Fig. 7.14. This differential
volume is of dimension of length cubed (⇢2 , d⇢).
✓ d✓ y
⇢ sin
Figure 7.14: Spherical coordinates. The differential volume dxdydz becomes ⇢2 sin d⇢d✓d .
sphere using spherical coordinates and a triple integral for the function f .x; y; z/ D 1:
• Z R Z ⇡ Z 2⇡
2 2 R3 4⇡R3
V D ⇢ sin d⇢d✓d D ⇢ d⇢ sin d d✓ D .2/.2⇡/ D
0 0 0 3 3
What’s next is one of the most important triple integrals in the history of physics: Newton’s
gravitational attraction.
.0; 0; D/, the gravitational potential energy is given by (refer to Section 7.11.4 for a discussion
on the concept of gravitational potential energy)
• • 2
Gm⇢dVN ⇢ sin d⇢d✓d
Usphere D D Gm⇢N (7.8.4)
q q
where in the second equality, we used spherical coordinates. Using the law of cosines or the
generalized Pythagorean theorem, we can compute q in terms of D, ⇢ and :
u = x + 2y
v = x 2y
x+ R0
y =2 2y
x +2
x 2 2 u
x 2
2y y=
=2 2
x u+v
area=4 2 area=16
u v
v 2
y = 1/x
u=1 u=4
y = x/4
u x
Figure 7.16: Straight edges in the uv plane can be transformed to curved edges in the xy plane.
we can transform R0 to R in the uv plane shown in Fig. 7.16. You can consult this geogebra link
to play with 2D transformation.
Actually we have seen change of variables before: integration by substituion in Section 4.7.7
and double integrals using polar coordinates in Section 7.8.2. We again believe in patterns
and search for a formula for double and triple integrals based on single integrals and the polar
coordinates Eq. (7.8.3). So, we put them together in the below equation:
Z xDg.b/ Z b
F .x/dx D F .g.u//g 0 .u/du; x D g.u/
“ “
xDg.a/ a
And our task is to find the unknown red box which plays the role of g 0 .u/ when we replace
dx by du. For double integrals, this quantity is denoted by Juv and called the Jacobian of
the transformation from the uv plane to the xy plane. What should Juv be? From the first
equation in the above for a f .x/dx, we guess Juv should be a function of fu ; fv ; gu ; gv i.e.,
all the first derivatives of f and g. If you know linear algebra, precisely linear transformations
(Section 11.6), you’ll see that Juv is the determinant of a matrix containing all these 1st
derivatives. In what follows we explain where this matrix comes from. We note in passing that
for completeness we have included triple integrals, but we do not have to consider double and
triple integrals separately. What works for double integrals will work for triple integrals.
Local linearity of transformations and the Jacobian matrix. Let’s come back to the transfor-
mation in Fig. 7.15. That is a linear transformation from a square in the uv plane to a rhombus
in the xy plane (check Section 11.6 if that term i.e., linear transformation is new to you), and
the equation of the transformation is
" # " #" #
1 1
x C u
D 21 1
2 (7.8.8)
y 4 4
Thus, from linear algebra, the area of the rhombus is the area of the square (which is 16) scaled
with the absolute of the determinant of the red transformation matrix (which is j 1=4j): that
area is then 16 ⇥ 1=4 D 4, which is correct (computed by the standard way of plane geometry,
see Fig. 7.15-left).
But most of usual transformations are nonlinear (Fig. 7.16 is one of them: lines are trans-
formed to curves). In that case, how can we use linear transformations to find the area? The
answer is: linear approximations turn a curve to a line (tangent), a square to a parallelogram,
then the theory of linear transformations can be used.
Let’s consider the following transformation:
" # " # " #
2 2
x f .u; v/ u v
y g.u; v/ 2uv
Now we consider small (i.e., infinitesimal) changes in u and v namely u and v, and see how
x and y change:
" # " # " # " #" #
2 2 2 2
.u C u/ .v C v/ u v 2u u 2v v 2u 2v u
⇡ D
2.u C u/.v C v/ 2uv 2u v C 2v u 2v 2u v
As can be seen, since for infinitesimal changes . u/2 and . v/2 are negligible, we have obtained
an approximation to a change in f and g in terms of a matrix containing the four partial
derivatives: fu D 2u; fv D 2v; gu D 2v; gv D 2u. This matrix is special and it has a name:
the Jacobian matrix, named after the German mathematician Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi (1804 –
1851). Generally, we then have:
" # " #" #
dx f f du
D u v (7.8.9)
dy gu gv dv
where the matrix is the Jacobian matrix. Globally the transformation is nonlinear but locally
(when we zoom in) the transformation is linear.
To find Juv , considering a point .u0 ; v0 / and a rectangle of sides du and dv with one vertex
at .u0 ; v0 /, see Fig. 7.17. The vector .du; 0/ becomes .fu du; gu du/ according to Eq. (7.8.9)
whereas the vector .0; dv/ becomes .fv dv; gv dv/. The rectangle in the uv-plane has an area
of dudv whereas the transformed rectangle, which is a parallelogram, has an area of .fu gv
fv gu /dudv. Thus,
ˇ " #ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ fu fv ˇ ˇˇ @f @g @g @f ˇˇ
D ˇdet ˇD (7.8.10)
gu gv ˇ ˇ @u @v @u @v ˇ
As the determinant can be positive, zero and negative, we needed to use its absolute value.
x = f (u, v)
y = g(u, v) fv dv
(u0, v0 + dv)
gv dv
gu du
Ok. How are we sure that our Juv is correct? The answer is easy: just apply it to a case that
we’re familiar with: polar coordinates. In polar coordinates we use r; ✓ which are u; v:
) ˇ " #ˇ
ˇ ˇ
x D r cos ✓ ˇ cos ✓ r sin ✓ ˇ
H) Juv D ˇdet ˇDr
y D r sin ✓ ˇ sin ✓ r cos ✓ ˇ
Thus dxdy D rdrd✓.
We come back to the problem in Fig. 7.15. The determinant of the transformation is given
by " #
1=2 1=2 1
det D
1=4 1=4 4
Therefore, Juv D 1=4 and,
“ “ Z 2 Z 2
2 2 9
.3x C 6y/ dxdy D 9u jJuv jdudv D u2 dudv D 48
R R0 4 2 2
For 2D integrals Juv is related to the determinant of a 2 ⇥ 2 matrix, and thus for 3D integrals,
it is related to the determinant of a 3 ⇥ 3 matrix containing all the nine first partial derivatives:
ˇ 2 3ˇ
ˇ fu fv fw ˇˇ
ˇ 6 7ˇ
Juv D ˇdet 4gu gv gw 5ˇ (7.8.11)
ˇ ˇ
ˇ hu hv hw ˇ
which should not be a surprise. And of course we check the correctness of this 3D Juv by
applying it to triple integrals using spherical coordinates. We don’t provide details, one just needs
to know how to compute the determinant of a 3 ⇥ 3 matrix. That determinant in Eq. (7.8.11) for
spherical coordinates i.e.,
we then can write the system momenta as if all the mass is concentrated on this center of mass:
p D m1 rP 1 C m2 rP 2 C C mn rP n
P CM ;
D MR M D mi (7.8.16)
mass M (the mass of the whole system), subject to the net external force on the system. This is
why we can treat extended objects such as planets as if they were point particles.
Even though the math is simple, how we know beforehand the introduction of the center of
mass will be useful? We might not know. The idea is to reduce a complicated problem (involving
many particles for example) to the simple problem of a single particle that we’re familiar with.
In a Cartesian coordinate system, the (position) of the center of mass is given by
8̂ mi xi
ˆ xCM D
P ˆ
< M
i mi r i mi yi
R CM D H) yCM D (7.8.17)
M ˆ
ˆ M
:̂ zCM D mi zi
We can appreciate the usefulness of vector notation; an equation using this notation is really
three equations, one for each of the three directions. WeP note by passing that we have used
the Einstein summation in writing mi yi=M without the symbol, see Section 11.2 for detail.
Mathematicians call R CM a convex combination (less jargon is a weighted average of r i ).
Let’s play with Eq. (7.8.17) and surely something fun will come to us. We now shall consider
only the x direction, because if we can understand that one, we can understand the other twos.
Now, assume that the object is divided into little pieces (N such pieces), all of which has the
same mass m. Then, P P P
i mi xi m i xi xi
xCM D D D i
M mN N
In words, xCM is the average of all the x’s, if the masses are equal. Now, suppose we have only
two masses, and one mass is 2m and the other is m. Then we have xCM D .2x1 C1x2 /=3. In other
words, every mass being counted a number of times proportional to the mass. From that it can
be seen that xCM is somewhere larger than the smallest x and smaller than the largest x. That
holds for yCM and zCM . Thus, the CM lies within the envelope of the masses (Fig. 7.18).
m1 mi xi
x1 < xCM = Pi < x4
CM i mi
m3 mi yi
y1 < yCM = Pi < y4
i mi
x1 x2 xCM x3 x4
Figure 7.18: The center of mass of n masses lie within the envelope of the masses.
Center of mass of solids. What is the center of mass of a continuous object; e.g. a steel disk?
Of course, integral calculus is the answer. The sums in Eq. (7.8.17) become integrals
• •
x CM D x .⇢dxdydz/; M D .⇢dxdydz/ (7.8.18)
M „ ƒ‚ …
where ⇢ is the density. Thus for objects with density that does not vary from point to point, the
geometric centroid and the center of mass coincide.
Recall that for a particle of mass m, its moment of inertia with respect to an axis
Pis I D 2mr ,
see Section 11.1.5. Extending this to a system of N particles, we will have I D ˛ m˛ r˛ and
to a continuum we have dI D r 2 d m, and thus:
Z •
2 2
Iz D ⇢.x C y /dV D ⇢.x 2 C y 2 /dxdydz (7.8.19)
And this is the moment of inertia of a solid B when it is rotating wrt the z-axis. Similarly, wrt
these other two axes, we have:
Ix D ⇢.y 2 C z 2 /dV
ZB (7.8.20)
2 2
Iy D ⇢.x C z /dV
Now, if we consider plane figures i.e., objects of which the thickness is negligible compared
with other dimensions, we can see that z D 0 in Eq. (7.8.20), and thus
Iz D ⇢.x C y /dA D ⇢x dA C ⇢y 2 dA D Iy C Ix
2 2 2
which are known as the second moments of inertia. The second moment of area is a measure of
the ’efficiency’ of a shape to resist bending caused by loading perpendicular to the beam axis
(Fig. 7.19). It appeared the first time in Euler–Bernoulli theory of slender beams.
Example 7.2
Determine the center of gravity and moment of inertia of a semi-circular disk of radius a made
of a material with a constant density ⇢.
First we compute the mass. It is given by (Eq. (7.8.18) and use polar coordinates)
“ Z a Z ⇡
M D ⇢rd✓dr D ⇢ rdr d✓ D ⇢
0 0 2
Figure 7.19: The second moment of area is a measure of the ’efficiency’ of a shape to resist bending
caused by loading perperdicular the beam axis.
Then we determine the center of gravity (due to symmetry, only the y-component is non-zero)
“ “ Z a Z ⇡
1 1 2 ⇢ 2 4a
yCM D ⇢yrd✓dr D ⇢r sin ✓d✓dr D r dr sin ✓d✓ D
M M M 0 0 3⇡
Fig. 7.20 presents a summary of how to determine the center of mass for discontinuous and
continuous objects. Particularly interesting is the way how the center of mass of a compound
object is determined. In Fig. 7.20(d), we have an object consisting of two rectangles. As we can
treat each rectangle as a point mass with its center of mass already known, Fig. 7.20(c), the CM
of the compound object can be computed using Eq. (7.8.17). As the thickness (t ) is constant, we
can convert from mass to area (A), and obtain the following equation
x i Ai
x CM D Pi (7.8.23)
i Ai
for the CM of any 2D compound solid. The shape in Fig. 7.20(d) is the cross section of a T-beam
(or tee beam), used in civil engineering. Thus, civil engineers use Eq. (7.8.23) frequently.
In many cases, we remove material from a shape to make a new one, see Fig. 7.21. In that
case, the CM of the object is given by
x 1 A1 x 2 A2
x CM D (7.8.24)
A1 A2
Example 2. Determine the moment of inertia of a rod of length L with ⇢ D 1 with respect to
various point: the left extreme A and the center O (Fig. 7.22). Could you guess which case has
a lower moment of inertia?
Figure 7.20: Center of mass: from particles (a) to continuous objects (b) and compound objects (d).
As the rod is very thin, we only have 1D integrals. So, the moments of inertia w.r.t A and O
are, see Fig. 7.22a:
Z L Z L=2
2 L3 L3
IA D x dx D ; IO D x 2 dx D (7.8.25)
0 3 L=2 12
And the fact that IA > I0 indicates it is easier to turn the rod around O –its center of gravity.
This is consistent with our daily experiences.
Now, if we ask the following question various interesting things would show up. About
which point along the rod, the moment of inertia is minimum? Let’s denote I.t/ the moment of
inertia w.r.t a point located at a distance t from A. We can compute I.t/ as, Fig. 7.22b:
2 2 2 L3
I.t / D .x t/ dx D x dx C t dx 2 xtdx D C t 2 L tL2
0 0 0 0 3
And differential calculus helps us to find t such that I.t/ is minimum:
d I.t/ L
D 2tL L2 D 0 H) t D (7.8.26)
dt 2
The first thing to notice is that instead of integrating and then differentiating, we can do the
reverse. That is we differentiate the function in the integral and then do the integration:
d I.t/ d .x t/2
D dx
dt dt
D 2 .x t/dx D L2 C 2tL
And we have got the same result. So, there must be a theorem about this. It is called Leibnitz
rule for differentiating under the integral sign:
Z b Z b
d I.t/ d f .x; t/
I.t/ D f .x; t/dx H) D dx (7.8.27)
a dt a dt
Parallel axis theorem. In the problem of the calculation of the moment of inertia of a rod
of length L, we have IA D L3=3 and IO D L3=12. If we ask this question: what is the relation
between these two quantities, we will get something interesting. Let’s first compute the difference
between them:
L3 L3 L3
3 12 4
And this difference must depend on the distance between A and O which is L=2, thus we write
✓ ◆2
L3 L
4 2
Now, we anticipate the following result: if O 0 is at a distance d from the CM O, the moment of
inertia wrt to O 0 is given by:
IO 0 D IO C d 2 ⇥ L
Next, we extend this result to 3D objects and obtain the so-called parallel axis theorem, which
facilitates the calculation of the moment of inertia of a solid about an arbitrary axis: we just need
to compute the moment of inertia wrt the CM and use this theorem if we need the moment of
inertia wrt any axis.
We consider an object B with density ⇢ (Fig. 7.23). A set of coordinate axes is used where
O is at the origin. In this coordinate system, the center of mass of the object is located at
.xCM ; yCM ; zCM /. Let ICM be the moment of inertia of B with respect to an axis passing through
Figure 7.23: Parallel axis theorem: two parallel axes, one passing through the CM and the other is a
2 2
distance d away: d 2 D xCM C yCM .
CM. Now we’re determining the moment of inertia Iz w.r.t. an axis passing through O by
considering an infitesimal d m D ⇢d V locating at .x; y/:
Iz D ⇢.x 2 C y 2 /dV
⇥ ⇤
D ⇢ .xCM C x 0 /2 C .yCM C y 0 /2 d V
D ⇢.xCM C yCM /dV C ⇢.x C y /dV C 2⇢xCM x d V C 2⇢yCM y 0 d V
2 2 02 02 0
D M d 2 C ICM C 0 C 0
Iz D ICM C Md 2 (7.8.29)
You can find ICM for many common solids in textbooks, and from that, the parallel axis theorem
allows us to compute the moment of inertia about an arbitrary axis.
But wait why the blue integrals in Eq. (7.8.28) are zero? This is due to one property of the
⇢xd V Z Z
H) ⇢.x xCM /dV D 0 H) ⇢x 0 d V D 0
⇢d V
Actually we know this result without realizing it, see Table 7.3.
Table 7.3: i .xi N D 0 where xN is the arithmetic average of xi s.
xi xN xi xN
mB and mC placed at the three vertices of the triangle ABC with coordinates xA ; xB ; x C . We
know that its center of mass is point P :
mA mB mC
xP D xA C xB C xC
with M D mA C mB C mC .
Conversely, given a triangle ABC , what masses/weights must be put at the vertices to balance
at some point Q? The solution to this problem defines a new coordinate system relative to the
given positions A; B and C : it is possible to locate a point P on a triangle with three numbers
.⇠1 ; ⇠2 ; ⇠3 /. These three numbers are called the barycentric coordinates of P . The barycentric
coordinates of a point relative to a triangle are the masses that we would have to place at the
vertices of the triangle for its center of mass to be at that point.
We, then have:
1 D ⇠1 C ⇠2 C ⇠3
x D ⇠1 xA C ⇠2 xB C ⇠3 xC (7.8.30)
y D ⇠1 yA C ⇠2 yB C ⇠3 yC
The second and third equations convert the barycentric coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.
They are just Eq. (7.8.17).
Now, we need to determine the barycentric coordinates of the three vertices. It is straightfor-
ward to see that the barycentric coords of A is .1; 0; 0/: using Eq. (7.8.30) with .1; 0; 0/ results
in .xA ; yA /. Another way to see this is: the only way so that the center of mass is at A is when
mA is very large compared with mB and mC ; thus ⇠1 D mA=M D mA=mA D 1. Similarly, the
coords of B are .0; 1; 0/ and of C are .0; 0; 1/.
From that we can see that every point on the edge BC has ⇠1 D 0 (this makese sense as the
only case where the center of mass is on BC is that the mass at A is zero). The point is within
the triangle if 0 ⇠1 ; ⇠2 ; ⇠3 1. If any one of the coordinates is less than zero or greater than
one, the point is outside the triangle. If any of them is zero, P is on one of the lines joining the
vertices of the triangle. See Fig. 7.24.
C(0, 0, 1) C
⇠2 = 0 ⇠1 = 0
Next, we’re showing that the line ⇠1 D a (e.g. ⇠1 D 1=3) is parallel to the edge BC or the
line ⇠ D 0. Using Eq. (7.8.30) with ⇠1 D 1=3 (hence ⇠2 C ⇠3 D 2=3), we can obtain .x; y/ as
1 1 2
x D xA C ⇠2 xB C ⇠3 xC D xA C xC C ⇠2 .xB xC /
3 3 3 (7.8.31)
1 1 2
y D yA C ⇠2 yB C ⇠3 yC D yA C yC C ⇠2 .yB yC /
3 3 3
We have learnt in Section 11.1.3 that the above line has the direction vector xB x C , which is
edge BC . Therefore, the line ⇠1 D 1=3 is parallel to BC .
Now, we carry out some algebraic manipulations to xP to show that there is nothing entirely
new about barycentric coordinates. To this end, we replace ⇠1 by 1 ⇠2 ⇠3 , and we compute
xP xA which is the relative position of P wrt A:
! ! !
AP D ⇠2 AB C ⇠3 AC (7.8.32)
So, if we use the vertex A as the origin and two edges AB and AC as the two basic vectors,
we have an oblique coordinate system, and in this system, any point P is specified with two
coordinates .⇠2 ; ⇠3 / is simply a linear combination of these two basic vectors with the coefficients
being ⇠1 and ⇠2 .
One question arises: why don’t we just use Eq. (7.8.32)? If we look at this equation carefully,
one thing comes to us: it is not symmetric! Why A is the origin? How about B and C ? On the
other hand, with the barycentric coordinates .⇠1 ; ⇠2 ; ⇠3 /, everything is symmetric. There is no
Geometrical meaning. The point P divides the triangle ABC into three sub-triangles PBC ,
PAB and PAC . It can be shown that the barycentric coordinates .⇠1 ; ⇠2 ; ⇠3 / are actually the
ratio of the areas of these sub-traingles with that of the big triangle:
One way to prove this is to use Eq. (11.1.20) to compute the areas of PBC and ABC noting
that the Cartesian coords of P is ⇠1 xA C ⇠2 xB C ⇠3 xC . Because of this property that .⇠1 ; ⇠2 ; ⇠3 /
are also called the areal coordinates.
And that is how exactly computers generate the plot of parametric surfaces. In Fig. 7.27 we
present two parametric surfaces. The first one is a torus:
where instead of .u; v/ ✓ and ' are used and ✓; ' 2 Œ0; 2⇡/. The second one is
r.u; v/ D ..2 C sin v/ cos u; .2 C sin v/ sin u; u C cos v/; u 2 Œ0; 4⇡ç; v 2 Œ0; 2⇡ç
(a) (b)
@x @y @z
rv D .u0 ; v0 /i C .u0 ; v0 /j C .u0 ; v0 /k (7.9.1)
@v @v @v
Second, we fix v, and get a curve C2 lying on S , the tangent to this curve at P is:
@x @y @z
ru D .u0 ; v0 /i C .u0 ; v0 /j C .u0 ; v0 /k (7.9.2)
@u @u @u
N D ru ⇥ rv
area of surface D kT u ⇥ T v k u v
area of surface D kT u ⇥ T v kdudv (7.9.3)
Galileo set out his ideas about falling bodies, and about projectiles in gen-
eral, in a book called “Two New Sciences”. The two were the science of
motion, which became the foundation-stone of physics, and the science of
materials and construction, an important contribution to engineering.
A biography by Galileo’s pupil Vincenzo Viviani stated that Galileo had
dropped balls of the same material, but different masses, from the Leaning
Tower of Pisa to demonstrate that their time of descent was independent
of their mass. It is an amazing feeling to see this ourselves, and you can go to this YouTube
webpage, see also the next figure.
✏ Law 1: Each planet orbits in an ellipse with one focus at the sun;
✏ Law 2: The vector from the sun to a planet sweeps out an area at a steady state: dA=dt D
of a body. It states that the time rate of change of the momentum of a body is equal in both
magnitude and direction to the force imposed on it. The momentum of a body is equal to
the product of its mass and its velocity. In symbols, this law is written as F D ma.
✏ Law 3: states that when two bodies interact, they apply forces to one another that are equal
in magnitude and opposite in direction. The third law is also known as the law of action
and reaction.
The first law is known as the law of inertia and was first formulated by Galileo Galilei. This law
is very counter-intuitive: if we go shopping with a cart and we stop pushing it it goes for a short
distance and stop. The law of inertia is wrong! As explained in the wonderful book Evolution
of Physics by Einstein and Infeld, only with the imagination that Galilei resolved the problem:
there is actually friction acting on the cart. If we can remove it (by having a very smooth road
for example) the cart would go indeed further. And with a ideally perfectly smooth road, it goes
We focus now on the 2nd law, which is written fully as
d 2x dvx
Fx D max D m D m
dt 2 dt
d 2y dvy
Fy D may D m 2 D m (7.10.1)
dt dt
d z dvz
Fz D maz D m 2 D m
dt dt
How are we going to use it? First we need to know the force, we then resolve it into three
components Fx ; Fy and Fz , and finally we solve Eq. (7.10.1). How to do that is the subject of
the next section.
Eq. (7.10.1) are what mathematicians refer to as ordinary differential equations with the well
known abbreviation ODEs. Precisely they are second order ODEs as they contain the second
time derivative d 2 x=dt 2 . Scientists like to call them dynamical equations because they describe
the evolution in time (i.e., dynamics) of the system. Chapter 9 discusses differential equations
in detail.
Newton gave us the 2nd law which requires force so he had to give us some forces. And he
did. In Section 7.10.8 I present his force of gravitation. For other forces, he gave us the third law
which in many cases helps us to remove interaction forces (usually unknown) between bodies.
G D 6:673 ⇥ 10 11
Nm2 =kg2 ; M D 5:972 ⇥ 1024 kg; R D 6:37 ⇥ 106 m
y(t) v0y mg
v0x = v0 cos ↵ x
With the gravitational force known, let’s solve the first real problem using calculus. The
problem is: we are shooting a basket ball or firing a gun; describe its motion. These projectile
motions occur in a plane. Let’s use the xy plane with x being horizontal and y vertical. For
simplicity the initial position of the object (with mass m) is at the origin. The initial velocity of
the object is .v0 cos ˛; v0 sin ˛/ (Fig. 7.31). Our task now is to solve the following dynamical
d 2x d 2y
0Dm 2; mg D m 2
dt dt
Solving the first equation for x.t/, we get
which agrees with the law of inertia: no force on the x direction, the velocity (in the horizontal
direction) is then constant. Now, solving the second equation for y.t/, we get
d 2y 1 2
D g H) vy .t/ D gt C v0 sin ˛ H) y.t/ D .v0 sin ˛/t gt (7.10.3)
dt 2 2
Putting together x.t/ and y.t/ we get the complete trajectory of the projectile:
1 2
x.t/ D .v0 cos ˛/t; y.t/ D .v0 sin ˛/t gt (7.10.4)
What this equation provides us is that: start with the initial position (which is .0; 0/ in this
particular example) and initial velocity, this equations predicts the position of the projectile at
any time instant t. One question here is: what is the shape of the trajectory? Eliminating t will
reveal that. From Eq. (7.10.2), we have t D x=v0 cos ˛, and substitute that into Eq. (7.10.3) we get
1 g
y D .tan ˛/x 2
x2 (7.10.5)
2 v0 cos2 ˛
A parabola! We can do a few more things with this: determining when the object hits the ground,
and how far. The power of Newton’s laws of motions is in the prediction of the motion of planets,
see Section 7.10.9 for detail.
The position vector gives the position of the object in motion at any time instance (Fig. 7.32). If
the motion is in a plane, we just omit the third term in the above equation. Such a position vector
is mathematically called a vector-valued function as we assign to all number t a vector R.
Figure 7.32: Position vector R.t / and a change in position vector R.t /.
Knowing the function, the first step is to do the differentiation; which gives us the velocity
vector v.t /. To this end, we consider two time instants: at t the position vector is R.t/ and at
t C t the position vector is R.t C t/. Then, the velocity is computed as (one note about the
notation is in order: vectors are typeset by italic boldface minuscule characters like a)é
v.t / D lim
t!0 t
Œx.t C t/ x.t/çi C Œy.t C t/ y.t/çj C Œz.t C t/ z.t/çk
D lim (7.10.7)
t!0 t
dx dy dz
D iC jC k
dt dt dt
Implicitly we used the rule of limit: limit of sum is sum of limits.
What does this equation tell us? It tells us that differentiating a vector valued function is amount
to differentiating the three component functions (they are ordinary functions of a single variable).
The formula is simple because the unit vectors (i.e., i ,j ,k) are fixed. As we shall see later, this
is not the case with polar coordinates, and the velocity vector has more terms.
The speed (of the object) is then given by kv.t/k, the length of the velocity vector. The
direction of motion is given by the tangent vector T .t/ given by v=kvk. The tangent is a unit
vector, as we’re only interested in the direction.
The acceleration is just the derivative of the velocity:
dv d 2R d 2x d 2y d 2z
a.t/ D D D i C j C k (7.10.8)
dt dt 2 dt 2 dt 2 dt 2
Now, we generalize the rules of differentiation of ordinary functions to vector functions.
Let’s consider two vector valued functions u.t/ and v.t/ and a scalar function f .t/, we have the
following rules:
(a) Œu C vç D u0 C v0
(b) Œf .t/uç D f 0 .t/u C f .t/u0
dt (7.10.9)
d 0 0
(c) Œu vç D u v C u v
(d) Œu ⇥ vç D u0 ⇥ v C u ⇥ v0
These rules can be verified quite straightforwardly. These rules are just some maths exercises,
but amazingly we shall use the rule (d) to prove that the orbit of the earth around the sun is a
plane curve.
And with all of this, we can study a variety of motions such as projectile motion. In what
follows, we present uniform circular motion as an example of application of the maths.
Uniform motion along a circle. Uniform circular motion can be described as the motion of an
object in a circle at a constant speed. This might be a guest on a carousel at an amusement park,
a child on a merry-go-round at a playground, a car with a lost driver navigating a round-about
or "rotary", a yo-yo on the end of a string, a satellite in a circular orbit around the Earth, or the
Earth in a (nearly) circular orbit around our Sun.
At all instances, the object is moving tangentially to the circle. Since the direction of the
velocity vector is the same as the direction of the object’s motion, the velocity vector is directed
tangent to the circle as well. As an object moves in a circle, it is constantly changing its direction.
Therefore, it is accelerating (even though the speed is constant).
Let’s denote by ! the angular velocity of the object (the SI unit of angular velocity is radians
per second). Then, we can write its position vector, and differentiating this vector gives us the
velocity vector, which is then differentiated to give us the acceleration vector (assuming that the
radius of the circular path is r):
" # " # " #
r cos !t r! sin !t r! 2 cos !t
R.t / D H) v.t/ D H) a.t/ D (7.10.10)
r sin !t Cr! cos !t r! 2 sin !t
r sin !t
Latin words centrum (meaning center) and petere (meaning to !t
seek). Thus, centripetal takes the meaning ‘center seeking’. With- O x
out this acceleration, the object would move in a straight line, r cos !t
a= !2R
according to Newton’s laws of motion. About the magnitude, we
have a D v2=r (for a D jjajj D r! 2 and v D r!). We plot the po-
sition vector, velocity vector and acceleration vector in Fig. 7.33.
Figure 7.33
7.10.7 Motion along a curve (Polar coordinates)
We have described motion along a curved in which space is mathematically represented by a
Cartesian coordinate system. Herein, we do the same thing but with polar coordinates. A point in
this system is written as .r; ✓/, and similar to i and j –the unit vectors in a Cartesian system, we
also have r, O the unit vector in the angular direction
O the unit vector in the radial direction and ✓,
(Fig. 7.34).
Figure 7.34: Unit vectors in polar coordinate system. The most important observation is that while rO and
✓O are constant in length (because they are both unit vectors), they are not constant in direction.
p In other
words, they are vector-valued functions that change from point to point. Note that jjrjj D x C y 2 .
Knowing rO allows us to determine the unit vector in the tangential direction ✓O as the two vectors
are perpendicular to each other. Collectively, they are written as
rO D C cos ✓i C sin ✓j
✓O D sin ✓i C cos ✓j
As both of them are functions of ✓ only, their derivatives with respect to r are zeros. We need
their derivatives w.r.t ✓:
d rO
D sin ✓i C cos ✓j D ✓O
d ✓O
D cos ✓i sin ✓j D rO
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 7. Multivariable calculus 604
We’re now ready to compute the derivative of these unit vectors w.r.t time (following Newton,
use the notation fP to denote the time derivative of f .t/):
d rO d rO d✓
D D ✓P ✓O
dt d✓ dt
d ✓O d ✓O d✓
D D ✓P rO
dt d✓ dt
Now, we proceed to determine the velocity and acceleration. First, the velocity is
dr d rO
r D r rO H) D rP rO C r D rP rO C r ✓P ✓O (7.10.15)
dt dt
And therefore, the acceleration is
d 2r d ⇣ P O
D rP rO C r ✓ ✓
dt 2 dt
d rO d ✓O (7.10.16)
D rR rO C rP C rP ✓P ✓O C r ✓R ✓O C r ✓P
dt dt
P 2
D .rR r ✓ /rO C .2rP ✓ C r ✓/✓ P R O
Fr D m.rR r ✓P 2 /
F✓ D m.2rP ✓P C r ✓/ R
rO D e i✓ ; ✓O D i e i✓ (7.10.18)
O Now, we
As multiplying with i is a 90ı rotation, it is clear that rO is perpendicular to ✓.
can differentiate r D re w.r.t time:
r D re i✓ H) P i✓ C ire i✓ ✓P D rP rO C r ✓P ✓O
D re
which is exactly what we obtained in Eq. (7.10.15). For the acceleration, doing something
similar as
dr i✓ P d 2r
D re
P i✓
C ire ✓ H) 2
D re P i✓ ✓P C i re
R i✓ C rie P i✓ ✓P C i r ✓i
P e i✓ ✓P C i re i✓ ✓R
dt dt
and we got Eq. (7.10.16).
Assume that a planet of mass m orbits the sun in a circle of radius r with uniform speed
v. This is not correct that a planet is orbiting with a uniform the speed. But note that we
are just trying to guess what the form of a law looks like. Note also that Newton never
knew G in his own equation Eq. (7.10.19)! The period T of the planet, which is the time
for it to complete one travel around the sun, is given by T D 2⇡ r=v (nothing but time =
distance/speed), and we need T 2 :
2⇡ r 4⇡ 2 r 2
T D H) T 2 D
v v2
We then determine v in terms of the force F using Newton’s 2nd law and a D v 2 =r
(check Eq. (7.10.10) and the discussion below it):
v2 Fr
F D ma; aD H) v 2 D ar D
r m
Thus, the squared period T 2 becomes
4⇡ 2 r 2 4⇡ 2 mr
T2 D D (7.10.20)
v2 F
And Kepler’s third law says T / r , so
2 3
4⇡ 2 mr m
/ r 3 H) F / 2 (7.10.21)
F r
But the planet also pulls the sun of mass M with the same force (Newton’s third law), thus
F should be proportional to M too. Thus, F / Mr 2m . Eventually, F D constant ⇥ Mr 2m ,
and that constant is G–for gravity. Mathematics cannot give you G; for that we need
Henry Cavendish (1731 – 1810) was an English natural philosopher, scientist, and an important experimental
and theoretical chemist and physicist.
The acceleration of the moon can also be computed using another way (Eq. (7.10.20)):
v2 4⇡ 2 r 2 4⇡ 2 rM .4⇡ 2 /3:84 ⇥ 108 m
am D D 2 M D D D 2:72 ⇥ 10 3
m/s2 (7.10.23)
rM T rM T2 .2:36 ⇥ 106 s/2
where T ⇡ 27 days is the period of the moon. The amazing agreement of the two values of the
moon acceleration proved the universality of Newton’s law of gravity.
From this, we can determine the length of the angular momentum as l D mr 2 !, where ! D ✓; P
O D 1 for two perpendicular unit vectors. From Fig. 7.35 and following the steps
because jjrO ⇥ ✓jj
in Eq. (7.10.24) but without the mass m, we get
1 P rO ⇥ ✓/
O D 0:5r 2 ! D l=2m
dA=dt D 0:5kr ⇥ vk D kr ⇥ pk D 0:5r 2 ✓.
Since the angular momentum l is conserved, we arrive at the conclusion that dA=dt is constant.
This proof shows us that as the planet is orbiting the sun, when it is close to the sun (r is small),
it speeds up (! is bigger as l D mr 2 ! is constant).
Proof of 2nd law. We use Newton’s 2nd law in polar coordinates i.e., Eq. (7.10.17) together with
Newton’s universal gravity to deduce Kepler’s 1st law. The only force is the Sun’s gravitational
pull written as
GM m
F D rO (7.10.25)
Introducing this force into Eq. (7.10.17), we get the following system of two equations:
rR r ✓P 2 D
r2 (7.10.26)
2rP ✓P C r ✓R D 0
Solution of this system of equations is the orbit of the planet and it should be an equation for an
ellipse (but we need to prove this). From the second equation in Eq. (7.10.26) , we have
d=dt.r 2 ✓P / D 0 ” r 2 ✓P D h D constant
1 qP 1 dq d✓ dq
rD H) rP D D D h
q q2 q 2 d✓ dt d✓
Don’t ask me why this new variable. I have no idea.
d 2q 1 d 2q
h2 q 2 C .hq 2 2
/ D GM q 2
H) Cq DC ; .C D GM=h2 / (7.10.28)
d✓ 2 q d✓ 2
The boxed equation is a so-called differential equation (DE). We have more to say about dif-
ferential equations in Chapter 9, but briefly a DE is an equation that contains derivatives of
some function that we’re trying to find e.g. f .x/ C f 0 .x/ D 2. How are we going to solve the
above boxed equation? Solving DEs is not easy, but in this case it turns out that the solution is
something we know. What is the boxed equation saying to us? It tells us to find a function (i.e.,
q) such that its second derivative equals minus itself (the constant C is not important). We know
that cos ✓ is such a function. So, the solution to this equation is q D C D cos ✓. Now, forget
q–it’s just a means to an end–we need r which is
C D cos ✓
But this is the equation of a conic section (Section 4.12.2). We need astronomical data to
determine C and D and from that to deduce that this is indeed the equation of an ellipse.
At this moment, you might be thinking ‘but the orbit of planets around the Sun was known
to be an ellipse thanks to Kepler’. It is indeed easier to work on a problem of which solution
we known beforehand. But, Newton’s universal gravity theory is more powerful than that. It can
predict things that we never know of.
Remark 5. Although Newton’s theory of gravity was a great achievement Newton himself could
not explain the mechanism of his own theory. As the sun and the earth are separated by a large
distance and there is nothing in between, how the force of gravity communicates is the big issue.
And this is only resolved hundreds years later when Albert Einstein came up with his theory of
general relativity. We shall touch upon on this in Chapter 8 when we talk about tensors.
In the beginning of the year 1665 I found the method of approximating series and
the rule for reducing any dignity [power] of any binomial into such a series. The
same year in May I found the method of tangents of Gregory and Slusius, and in
November had the direct method of fluxions and the next year [1666] in January had
the theory of colours and in May following I had entrance into the inverse method
of fluxions. And the same year I began to think of gravity extending to the orb of the
moon ... All this was in the two plague years of 1665 and 1666, for in those days I
was in the prime of my age for invention and minded Mathematics and Philosophy
more than at any time since.
where r is the gradient vector operator, r E is the divergence of the electric field E , r ⇥ E is
the curl of E ; B is the magnetic field.
When the electric and magnetic field do not depend on the time i.e., the charges are per-
manently fixed in space or if they do more, they move as a steady flow, all of the terms in
Eq. (7.11.1) which are time derivatives of the fields are zero. And we get two sets of equations.
One for electrostatics:
r ED (7.11.2a)
r ⇥E D0 (7.11.2b)
Looking at these two sets of equations, we can see that electrostatics is a neat example of a
vector field with zero curl and a given divergence. And magnetostatics is a neat example of a
vector field with zero divergence and a given curl.
To summarize, the central object of vector calculus is vector fields C . And to this object, we
will of course do differentiation and integration, which leads to differential calculus of vector
fields and integral calculus of vector fields, and connections between them:
✏ the fundamental theorem of calculus that links line integrals to surface integrals and
volume integrals: we have Green’s theorem, Stokes’ theorem and Gauss’ theorem. They
are all generalizations of a df =dx dx D f .b/ f .a/.
magnitude and direction, each attached to a point in the plane. Vector fields are often used to
model, for example, the speed and direction of a moving fluid throughout space, or the strength
and direction of some force, such as the magnetic or gravitational force, as it changes from one
point to another point.
Generally a 3D vector field F can be described as:
So, a 3D vector field is similar to three ordinary functions. If the field does not depend on time
t; we have a static field, then in the above equation t is omitted. And for a plane vector field we
have F D M.x; y; t/i C N.x; y; t/j . Fig. 7.36 gives some plane vector fields which you can
think of the velocity field of a fluid.
Gravitational force: F D G rO
1 qq0
Electric force: F D rO
4⇡✏0 r 2
Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (1736 – 1806) was a French officer, engineer, and physicist. He is best known
as the eponymous discoverer of what is now called Coulomb’s law, the description of the electrostatic force of
attraction and repulsion. He also did important work on friction.The SI unit of electric charge, the coulomb, was
named in his honor in 1880.
Remarkably these two very different forces have the same mathematical format: they are in-
versely proportional to the distance r between two masses M , m or two charges q and q0 , and
they are proportional to the product of two masses or charges. They are known as inverse square
laws. As these forces are along the line connecting the two masses (or charges), they are called
central forces.
Figure 7.37: Gravitational force between two masses M and m and electric force between two charges
q0 and q.
1 q
ED uO (7.11.5)
4⇡✏0 r 2
Figure 7.38
Fig. 7.39
And we want to verify whether this principle is correct. We use Newton’s second law
F D ma D mdv=dt, but focus on energy aspects. Let’s calculate the change of the kinetic
energy T : ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
dT d 1 2 dv dv
D mv D mv D m v D Fv (7.11.7)
dt dt 2 dt dt
Since F D mg and v D dh=dt , we get (assuming the mass is constant)
dT dh d
D Fv D mg D .mgh/
dt dt dt
Hence, the change in the kinetic energy turns into potential energy, and thus Eq. (7.11.6) is
indeed correct.
So, from Newton’s law we have discovered an interesting fact about energy conservation.
But it was only for the simple problem of free fall. Will this energy principle work for other
cases? Let’s check! In 3D, the kinetic energy T for a particle of mass m traveling along a 3D
curve is given by
T D mvx2 C mvy2 C mvz2
Thus, its rate of change is
dT dvx dvy dvz
D mvx C mvy C mvz DF v (7.11.8)
dt dt dt dt
The term F v is called the power. Replacing v as d s=dt , where d s D .dx; dy; dz/> , we then
dT ds
DF vDF (7.11.9)
dt dt
Even though the trajectory is a 3D curve, the only non-zero force component is Fz D mg, thus
we have
dT dz d
D . mg/ D .mgz/
dt dt dt
And again, energy conservation works.
We have a tiny change of T w.r.t a tiny change in time, Eq. (7.11.9). Integral calculus gives
us the total change when the particle traverses the entire path, denoted by C . From Eq. (7.11.9)
we obtain d T D F ds, and integrating this gives us the total change of the kinetic energy
T D F ds (7.11.10)
This integral (a significant integral) is named a line integral of a vector field. In mechanics, this
integral is called the work done by a force. And Eq. (7.11.10) is known as the work-kinetic
energy theorem: the change in a particle’s KE as it moves from point 1 to point 2 (the end points
of C ) is the work done by the force.
Let’s say a few words about the unit of work. As work is defined as force multiplied with
distance, its SI unit is Newton meter, which is one Jouleé
Don’t let the name line integral fool you, the integral path C is actually a curve. As F d s
is a number the line integral is simply an extension of a f .x/dx. Instead of moving on the
horizontal x line from .a; 0/ to .b; 0/, now we traverse a spatial curve C . Obviously when this
curve happens to be the horizontal line, the line integral is reduced to the ordinary integral. So,
actually nothing is too new here.
For the evaluation of a line integral it is convenient to use a parametric representation for the
curve C . That is, C W .x.t/; y.t// for a t b. Then, Eq. (7.11.10) becomes, for a 2D vector
field F D M.x; y/i C N.x; y/j :
Z Z " # " #
M.x.t/; y.t// x 0 .t/
F ds D dt (7.11.11)
C a N.x.t/; y.t// y 0 .t/
The final integral is simply an integral of the form a f .t/dt, which can be evaluated using
standard techniques of calculus. In what follows, we present a few examples.
Example 7.3
Let’s consider this vector field F D yi C xj (see Fig. 7.36c), and the path is the full unit
circle centered at .2; 0/, and it is traversed counter-clockwise. First, we parametrize C , then
just apply Eq. (7.11.11):
) (
x D 2 C cos t dx D sin tdt
H) ; F d s D . sin t/. sin t/dt C.2Ccos t/.cos t/dt
y D sin t dy D C cos tdt
So, (the symbol to designate that the curve is closed)
I Z 2⇡
F ds D .1 C 2 cos t/dt D 2⇡
The result is positive which is expected because the force and the path are both counter-
One joule is equal to the amount of work done when a force of 1 newton displaces a mass through a distance of 1
metre in the direction of the force applied. It is named after the English physicist James Prescott Joule (1818–1889).
Example 7.4
Let’s consider this vector field F D 2xi C 2yj (see Fig. 7.36a), and the path is the full
unit circle centered at .2; 0/. Note that the vector field F is the gradient of this scalar field
D x2 C y 2.
We have
) (
x D 2 C cos t dx D sin tdt
H) ; F d s D .4C2 cos t/. sin t/dt C.2 sin t/.cos t/dt
y D sin t dy D C cos t dt
Thus, I Z 2⇡
F ds D 4 sin tdt D 4 cos t ç2⇡
0 D 0 (7.11.12)
So, the line integral of a gradient field along a closed curve is zero! Let’s see would we also
get zero if the path is not a closed curve. Assume the path is just the first quarter of the circle,
and the line integral is
Z Z ⇡=2
F ds D 4 sin tdt D 4
which is not zero.
Figure 7.40
Now, we suspect that there is something special about the line integral of a gradient vector.
But a line integral is a generalization of a f .x/dx, which satisfies the fundamental theorem of
calculus: Z b
dx D F .b/ F .a/
a dx
So, the equivalent counterpart for line integrals should look like this:
r ds D .2/ .1/
along C
And it turns out that our guess is correct. Suppose that we have a scalar field .x; y/ and two
points 1 and 2. We denote .1/ is the field at point 1 and similarly .2/ is the field at point 2.
A curve C joints these two points (Fig. 7.40). We have the following theorem:
Theorem 7.11.1: Fundamental Theorem For Line Integrals
r ds D .2/ .1/ (7.11.13)
along C
which states that the line integral along the curve C of the dot product of a gradient r –
a vector field–with d s–another vector which is the infinitesimal line segment– equals the
difference of evaluated at the two end points of the curve C .
It is because of this theorem that the integral in Eq. (7.11.12) is zero, as the two end points
are the same. Also because of this theorem that the line integral of a gradient vector is path-
independent. That is, no matter how we go from point 1 to point 2, the integral is the same.
Proof. [Proof of theorem 7.11.1]. We use the definition of an integral as a Riemann sum to prove
the above theorem. To this end, we divide the curve C into many segments (Fig. 7.40). Then,
we can write the integral as
Z 2 X n
r d s D lim .r s/i
1 n!1
i D1
Figure 7.41: Work of the gravitational force in moving a mass m from point 1 to point 2 along a curved
path C . Note that d s D .dx; dy; dz/> .
And this work is also independent of the path! And if C is a close path, W would be zero.
We know that the work done is equal to the change in the kinetic energy (that is W D T ).
And Eq. (7.11.14) shows that work done is also a change of something: the RHS of that equation
is the difference of two terms which indicates a change of something that we label as U . Our
aim is now to find the expression for U . We have, W D T and W D U , so
H) .T C U / D 0 (energy is conserved) (7.11.15)
From Eqs. (7.11.14) and (7.11.15) we can determine the expression for U :
✓ ◆
1 1 GM m
GM m D U H) U.r/ D (7.11.16)
r2 r1 r
.T1 T2 /A
QDk .W=J/s/ (7.11.17)
where k is the thermal conductivity of the material (SI unit is W/(mK)). This equation was
obtained based on experimental observations that the rate of heat conduction through a slab is
proportional to the temperature difference across the slab (T1 T2 ) and the heat transfer area
(A), but it is inversely proportional to the thickness of the slab d .
Now if we shrink the slab thickness d to zero so that we have the derivative of the temperature,
and divide the above equation by A (and thus get rid of that), we get the following differential
form of the one dimensional Fourier law for heat conduction:
qD k .W/m2 / (7.11.18)
where q is the heat flux density. The word flux comes from Latin: fluxus means "flow", and
fluere is "to flow".
Now we move to heat conduction in a three dimensional body of complicated geometry. The
generalization of Eq. (7.11.18) is
qD krT (7.11.19)
Figure 7.42: An open or close surface with an infinitesimal surface area dA with n being its unit normal
vector pointing outward.
Named after James Watt (1736–1819), a Scottish inventor, mechanical engineer, and chemist.
flux D C ndA (7.11.20)
Noting that n2 D n1 , when we sum these two fluxes, the red terms cancel out, and we obtain
this interesting fact about flux: the flux through the complete outer surface S can be considered
as the sum of the fluxes out of the two pieces into which the volume was broken. And nothing
can stop us from dividing V1 into two little pieces and regardless of how we divide the original
volume we always get that the flux through the original outer surface S is equal to the sum of
the fluxes out of all the little interior pieces.
Figure 7.43: The flux through the complete outer surface S can be considered as the sum of the fluxes out
of the two pieces into which the volume was broken.
We continue that division process until we get an infinitesimal little piece. And that is a
very small cube. Now, we’re going to compute the flux of a vector field C through the faces
of an infinitesimal cube. And of course we choose a special cube, one that is aligned with the
coordinate axes (Fig. 7.44).
Figure 7.44: Flux of a vector field C through the faces of an infinitesimal cube.
The flux through faces 1 and 2, defined by C ndA, are given by (note that the normals of
these faces are parallel to the x direction so other components of C are irrelevant)
And as the cube is tiny, the field is constant over these faces. So, for face 1, the field is Cx .1/
where 1 is any point on this face.
Along the x direction, the field is changing, so we have
Cx .2/ D Cx .1/ C x (7.11.21)
Phu Nguyen, Monash University © Draft version
Chapter 7. Multivariable calculus 621
which is correct as x is small. Thus, we can compute the flux through faces 1/2, and similarly
for faces 3/4 and 5/6. They are given by
flux through faces 1/2 D x y z
flux through faces 3/4 D x y z
flux through faces 5/6 D x y z
which gives us the total flux through all the six faces of the small cube with surface S :
Z ✓ ◆
@Cx @Cy @Cz
C ndA D C C V (7.11.22)
S @x @y @z
where V D x y z is the volume of the cube. The red term is given a special name–the
divergence of C . Thus, the divergence of a 3D vector is defined as
What does Eq. (7.11.22) mean? It tells us that, for an infinitesimal cube, the outward flux of the
cube is equal to the divergence of the vector multiplied with the volume of the cube. To better
understand the meaning of this new divergence concept, we consider three vector fields and
compute the corresponding divergences (Fig. 7.45). Think of these vector fields as the velocities
of some moving fluid. Now put a sphere at the origin and the fluid can go in and out of this
sphere. In Fig. 7.45a, r C > 0 indicates that, due to Eq. (7.11.22), the fluid is moving out of the
sphere. On the contrary, in Fig. 7.45b, the fluid is entering the sphere, thus r C < 0. Finally, the
fluid in Fig. 7.45c is just swirling around: there is no fluid moving out of the sphere–r C D 0.
If the divergence cannot describe a rotating fluid, then we need another concept. And indeed, the
curl of the fluid velocity field does just that (Section 7.11.7).
And if we sum up all these tiny cubes, the right hand side of Eq. (7.11.24) is the volume integral
of the divergence of C . How about the left hand side? It is the flux of C through the solid surface
Figure 7.45: Some 2D vector fields and their divergences: (a) r C D 2 > 0, (b) r C D 2 < 0 and
(c) r C D 0. You’re recommended to watch this amazing animation for a better understanding of the
meaning of the divergence and curl.
S ; see the discussion related to Fig. 7.43. And that is, Gauss’s theorem or Gauss’s divergence
theoremè :
Gauss’s divergence theorem: C ndA D r C dV (7.11.25)
In Section 9.5.2 I provide one application of Gauss’ divergence theorem to derive the three
dimensional heat conduction equation.
y (3)
Cy (2)
(4) (2) y C · ds =?
C · ds = ( ⇥ C)z a
Cx (1)
Figure 7.46: Circulation of C around a rectangle of sides x ⇥ y. The area of this small rectangle is
where Cx .1/ is the value of Cx evaluated at some point on the side 1. It does not matter the
precise location of this point. Doing similarly for other sides, the integral is given by
C d s D Cx .1/ x C Cy .2/ y Cx .3/ x Cy .4/ y (7.11.26)
Similarly to what we have done to get the divergence, we group the red terms and blue terms:
circulation along sides 1/3 D ŒCx .1/ Cx .3/ç x D x y
circulation along sides 2/4 D ŒCy .2/ Cy .4/ç x D C x y
Substitution of this into Eq. (7.11.26) we obtain:
I ✓ ◆
@Cy @Cx
C ds D x y (7.11.27)
@x @y
Now is the time to check if what we have obtained is really capturing the tendency of rotation.
Just use the examples shown in Fig. 7.45. For the left and middle figures, the red term Cy;x
Cx;y D 0 and obviously these two fluids are not rotating. For the right figure, Cy;x Cx;y D 2
and the fluid in that figure is counter-clockwise curling.
If you’re still not yet convinced, consider now the uniform circular motion discussed in
Section 7.10.6. A disk is rotating around the z axis with an angular velocity !. A point P .x; y; z/
on the ring of the disk (with radius r) has a velocity vector
vD !yi C !xj ; or v.x; y; z/ D . !y; !x/
If we plot this velocity field it looks exactly similar to the one given in Fig. 7.45c. Then, the red
term in Eq. (7.11.27) but applied to v (instead of C , noting they’re both vectors) is given by
@vy @vx
D 2!
@x @y
Indeed that red term is an indication of a rotation.
Instead of considering a rectangle in the xy plane, we can consider rectangles in the yz and
zx plane. Altogether, the circulations are given by
I ✓ ◆
@Cy @Cx
rectangle in xy plane: D C d s D x y
@x @y
I ✓ ◆
@Cz @Cy
rectangle in yz plane: D C d s D y z
@y @z
I ✓ ◆
@Cx @Cz
rectangle in zx plane: D C d s D z x
@z @x
The three terms in the brackets are the three Cartesian components of a vector called the curl of
C , written as r ⇥ C (read del cross C) where ⇤ ⇥ ⇤ is the cross product (see Section 11.1.5
for a discussion on the cross product between two vectors). One way to memorize the formula
for the curl of a vector field is to use the determinant of the following 3 ⇥ 3 matrix:
ˇ ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇi j kˇ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
ˇ@ @ ˇˇ
ˇ @ @Cz @Cy @Cx @Cz @Cy @Cx
ˇ ˇD iC jC k (7.11.28)
ˇ @x @y @z ˇ @y @z @z @x @x @y
ˇ ˇ
ˇ Cx Cy Cz ˇ
Now we return to Eq. (7.11.27) and observe that the term in the brackets is just the
z component of r ⇥ C . And x y is the area of our little square a. Thus,
C d s D .r ⇥ C / n a (7.11.29)
Figure 7.47
which is the Stokes theorem or the Kelvin–Stokes theorem. It is named after Lord Kelvin and
George Stokes.
Stokes’ theorem: .r ⇥ C / ndA D C ds (7.11.30)
Z ✓ ◆ I
@Cy @Cx
Green’s theorem: dA D .Cx dx C Cy dy/ (7.11.31)
S @x @y
That’s how physicists present a theorem. Mathematicians are completely different. Here is how
a mathematician presents Green’s theorem.
Theorem 7.11.2: Green’s theorem
Let C be a positively oriented, piecewise smooth, simple closed curve in the plane and let
D be the region bounded by C . If P .x; y/ and Q.x; y/ are two continuously differentiable
functions on D, then
Z ✓ ◆ Z
@Q @P
dA D .P dx C Qdy/
D @x @y C
The main content is of course the same but with rigor. To use the theorem properly we
need to pay attention to the conditions mentioned in the theorem, especially about the curve C
(Fig. 7.48). For example, if the curve is open, forget Green’s theorem.
Figure 7.48: Illustration of positively oriented, piecewise smooth, simple closed curves.
History note 7.3: George Green (14 July 1793 – 31 May 1841)
George Green (14 July 1793 – 31 May 1841) was a British mathemati-
cal physicist who wrote An Essay on the Application of Mathematical
Analysis to the Theories of Electricity and Magnetism in 1828. The
essay introduced several important concepts, among them a theorem
similar to the modern Green’s theorem, the idea of potential functions
as currently used in physics, and the concept of what are now called
Green’s functions. Green was the first person to create a mathematical
theory of electricity and magnetism and his theory formed the foun-
dation for the work of other scientists such as James Clerk Maxwell, William Thomson,
and others. His work on potential theory ran parallel to that of Carl Friedrich Gauss.
The son of a prosperous miller and a miller by trade himself, Green was almost completely
self-taught in mathematical physics; he published his most important work five years
before he went to the University of Cambridge at the age of 40. He graduated with a BA
in 1838 as a 4th Wrangler (the 4th highest scoring student in his graduating class, coming
after James Joseph Sylvester who scored 2nd).
While working on a scalar function of multivariable e.g. T .x; y; z/ we discovered the gradient
vector, denoted by rf or gradf . This gradient vector allows us to answer the question how
much the function will change along any direction. It has a meaning that it provides the direction
of maximum change.
On the other hand, while working with vector fields, we have discovered two new things: the
divergence of a vector field C , denoted by r C or div C and the curl of a vector field r ⇥ C
or curl C .
Now we do something remarkable, we remove f from the above, and define a gradient operator
as: ✓ ◆
@ @ @
rD ; ;
@x @y @z
And this operator is a vector. But it is not a vector on its own. We have to attach it to something
else so that it has a meaning. What can we do with this vector? Recall that we can multiply
a vector with a scalar, we can do a dot product for two vectors and finally we can do a cross
product for two vectors. Now, we define all these operations for our new vector r with a scalar
f and a vector field C :
✓ ◆
@f @f @f
scalar multiplication: rf D ; ;
✓ @x @y @z◆
@ @ @ @Cx @Cy @Cz
dot product: r C D ; ; .Cx ; Cy ; Cz / D C C
✓ @x @y @z ◆ @x @y @z
@ @ @
cross product: r ⇥C D ; ; ⇥ .Cx ; Cy ; Cz /
@x @y @z
What we have achieved? Except for rf (which is where we started), we have obtained the
divergence and curl of a vector field, which matches the definition discovered previously when
we were doing physics!
Having now the new stuff, we’re going to find the rules for them. And of course we base our
thinking on the rules that we know for the differentiation of functions of a single variable. For
two functions f .x/ and g.x/, we know the sum and product rule:
d df dg
sum rule: .f C g/ D C
dx dx dx
d df dg
product rule: .fg/ D gC f
dx dx dx
From this sum rule, now considering f .x; y; z/, g.x; y; z/ and two vector fields a and b, we
have the sum rules
sum rule 1: r.f C g/ D rf C rg
sum rule 2: r .a C b/ Dr aCr b (7.11.33)
sum rule 3: r ⇥ .a C b/ D r ⇥ a C r ⇥ b
We have not one sum rule but three because we have three combinations of r, f and a as shown
in Eq. (7.11.32). The proof is straightforward, so we just present the proof of the second sum
rule: C bx / @.ay C by / C bz /
r .a C b/ D C C
@x @y @z
@ax @bx @ay @by @az @bz
@x @x @y @y @z @z
D r a C r b (collecting red terms to get div of a)
In some books, you can see the following proof, which is similar, but adopts index notation; the
vector a D .a1 ; a2 ; a3 / and the coordinates are x1 ; x2 ; x3 :
X 3 ✓ ◆ X C bi / X @ai @ai X @bi
3 3 3
r .a C b/ D D C D C
i D1
@x i
i D1
@xi @x i
i D1
i D1
The pros of this notation is space saving, and it works for vectors in Rn for any n not just three.
Now comes the product rules. First, from rf we have r.fg/ and r.a b/. Second, from
r a we have r .f a/ and r .a ⇥ b/. Third, from r ⇥ a we have r ⇥ .f a/ and r ⇥ .a ⇥ b/.
Totally, we have six product rules, they are given by
Proof of rules 1 and 3 is simple (and rules 1/3 have the same form). The product rule 5 can be
guessed from rule 3 and can be proved straightforwardly. The proof follows the same idea as
that of the proof of the sum rules. The form of rule 4 can be guessed: r .a ⇥ b/ is a scalar, and
if the pattern of the derivative of fg still applies r .a ⇥ b/ should consist of two scalar terms:
one involves the dot product of the curl of a and the other vector and the other term containing
the dot product of the curl of b and the other vector. What is weird is the minus sign not plus.
Second derivatives The grad, div and curl operators involve only first derivative. How about
second derivatives?
✏ Start with a scalar f .x; y; z/; we have rf , which is a vector. And for a vector we can do
a div and a curl, so we will have r .rf / and r ⇥ .rf /;
✏ Start with a vector field C ; we have r C which is a scalar, and for a scalar we can do a
grad on it: r.r C /;
✏ Start with a vector field C ; we have r ⇥ C which is a vector, and for a vector we can do
a div on it: r .r ⇥ C /, or we can do a curl on it: r ⇥ .r ⇥ C /.
We now compute all these possibilities and see what we will get. Let’s start with r .rf /:
@2 f @2 f @2 f
r .rf / D C C D r 2f D f
@x 2 @y 2 @z 2
So, r .rf / is a scalar and called the Laplacian of f , denoted by r 2 f . This operator appears
again and again in physics (and engineering). We can define the Laplacian of a vector field C as
a vector field with the components being the Laplacian of the components of the vector:
r 2 C D .r 2 Cx ; r 2 Cy ; r 2 Cz /
Moving on to r ⇥ .rf /, which is the curl of the grad of f . It is a zero vector, due to this
@2 f @2 f
property of partial derivative @x@y D @y@x . It is interesting that r .r ⇥ C /, which is the div of
a curl, is also zero.
We now summarize all the results:
@2 f @2 f @2 f
Laplacian: r .rf / D r 2 f D f D @x 2
C @y 2
C @z 2
You can check the last formula by computing the components of r ⇥ C , and then computing
the curl of that vector, and you will see the RHS appear. The formula is not important, what is
important is that the curl of a curl does not give us anything new.
which comes from the product rule and the fundamental theorem of calculus (ordinary calculus).
And of course, we’re going to develop a 3D version of integration by parts. And the machinery
is similar: product rule and the fundamental theorem of vector calculus.
Starting with this product rule (check Eq. (7.11.34)),
r .f a/ D f .r a/ C rf a
Integrating both sides of it over a volume B with boundary surface @B, we get
r .f a/dV D f .r a/dV C rf ad V
And using Gauss’ divergence theorem for the LHS to convert it to a surface integral on the
boundary, we obtain
.f a/ ndS D f .r a/dV C rf ad V
@B B B
From this result, we can obtain the gradient theorem. Let’s consider a constant vector a and
a smooth function u in place of f . From Eq. (7.11.36) we get (r a D 0)
ru ad V D .ua/ ndS
B @B
And since this holds for any constant vector a, we get the gradient theorem:
rudV D undA (7.11.37)
First identity. Assume two scalar functions u.x; y/ and v.x; y/ (extension to u.x; y; z/ is
straightforward), we then have
.vux /x D vx ux C vuxx
.vuy /y D vy uy C vuyy
where the notation ux means the first derivative of u with respect to x. Adding up these identities
r .vru/ D rv ru C v u (7.11.38)
Integrating both sides of it over a volume B with boundary surface @B, we get
r .vru/dV D rv rudV C v udV
Now, using again the Gauss divergence theorem for the LHS, we have
.vru/ ndS D rv rudV C v udV
@B B B
Second identity. Writing the first Green’s identity for two pairs, .u; v/ and .v; u/ we get
v udV D rv rudV C v dS
u vdV D ru rvd V C u dS
B B @B @n
What we do next? We subtract the second from the first, as the red terms cancel each other:
Z Z ✓ ◆
@v @u
.u v v u/ d V D u v dS
B @B @n @n
and this is the second Green’s identity.
a D a1 e 1 C a2 e 2 C a3 e 2 D ai e i (7.11.39)
where we have used Einstein summation rule in the last equality. We can write the dot product
of two vectors a and b as
a b D .ai e i / .bj ej / D ai bj e i ej
We move away from i , j and k and use e i as we are now using indicial notation. It is important to remember
that these objects are vectors even though they also have an index.
Now, we know that the three basis vectors are orthonormal, we can easily compute the dot
product of any two of them, it is given by
1 if i D j
e i ej D (7.11.40)
0 otherwise
e1 ⇥ e1 D 0 e1 ⇥ e2 D e3 e1 ⇥ e3 D e2
e2 ⇥ e1 D e3 e2 ⇥ e2 D 0 e2 ⇥ e3 D e1 (7.11.43)
e3 ⇥ e1 D e2 e3 ⇥ e2 D e1 e3 ⇥ e3 D 0
This allows us to write
ej ⇥ e k D ✏ij k e i (7.11.44)
where ✏ij k is the permutation symbol or the Levi-Civita symbol, which is defined by
< C1 if .i; j; k/ is .1; 2; 3/, .2; 3; 1/, or .3; 1; 2/
✏ij k D 1 if .i; j; k/ is .3; 2; 1/, .1; 3; 2/, or .2; 1; 3/ (7.11.45)
0 i D j , j D k, or k D i
Fig. 7.49
The cross product is now written as
a ⇥ b D aj bk ej ⇥ e k D aj bk ✏ij k e i (7.11.46)
Denote c as the cross product of a ⇥ b, then we have c D aj bk ✏ij k e i , i.e., the components of c
are ci D aj bk ✏ij k , written explicitly
c1 D aj bk ✏1j k D a2 b3 a3 b 2
c2 D aj bk ✏2j k D a3 b1 a1 b3
c3 D aj bk ✏3j k D a1 b2 a2 b1
Obviously named after Leopold Kronecker a German mathematician.
Figure 7.49: For the indices .i; j; k/ in ✏ij k , the values 1; 2; 3 occurring in the cyclic order .1; 2; 3/
correspond to ✏ D C1, while occurring in the reverse cyclic order correspond to ✏ D 1. Tullio Levi-
Civita (1873 –1941) was an Italian mathematician, most famous for his work on absolute differential
calculus (tensor calculus) and its applications to the theory of relativity, but who also made significant
contributions in other areas. He was a pupil of Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro, the inventor of tensor calculus.
We’re now ready to prove the product rule 4 in Eq. (7.11.34) in a much elegant manner. First
it is necessary to express the curl of a vector using the Levi-Civita symbol:
a ⇥ b D aj bk ✏ij k e i H) r ⇥ a D bk ✏ij k e i D bk;j ✏ij k e i (7.11.47)
r .a ⇥ b/ D .aj bk ✏ij k / D .aj bk ✏ij k /;i
D ✏ij k aj;i bk C ✏ij k aj bk;i
D .✏kij aj;i /bk aj ✏j i k bk;i
„ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ …
.r⇥a/ b a .r⇥b/
where the minus comes from the fact that ✏ij k D ✏j i k , a property can be directly seen from its
The Levi-Civita symbol comes back again and again whenever you have tensors, so it is a
very important thing to understand. Let me just emphasize that no matter how complicated the
Levi-Civita Symbol is, life would be close to unbearable if it wasn’t there! In fact, it wasn’t until
Levi-Civita published his work on tensor analysis that Albert Einstein was able to complete his
work on General Relativity. That permutation symbol is that useful!
sin z D sin.x C iy/ D sin x cos.iy/ C sin.iy/ cos x D sin x cosh y Ci sinh y cos x
„ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ …
u.x;y/ v.x;y/
(where the identities cos.iy/ D cosh y and sin.iy/ D i sinh y; check Eq. (3.14.6)).
z z2 z3
e z WD 1 C C C C (7.12.1)
1ä 2ä 3ä
which is reasonable given the fact that this definition is consistent with the definition of y D e x .
Now, we want to check whether e z1 e z2 D e z1 Cz2 using Eq. (7.12.1). Why that? Because that
the rule that the ordinary exponential function obeys. The new exponential function should obey
that too! We have,
z1 z2 z3
e z1 D 1 C C 1 C 1 C
1ä 2ä 3ä
z2 z2 z23
e z2 D1C C C C
1ä 2ä 3ä
And therefore, the product e z1 e z2 :
✓ ◆✓ ◆
z1 z2 z2 z2
z1 z2
e e D 1C C 1 C 1C C 2 C
1ä 2ä 1ä 2ä
What we’re currently dealing with is a product of two power series. It’s better
P1to develop a
P1 for that and we get back to e e later. Considering two power series nD0 an x , and
z1 z2 n
To get the formula, let’s try the first few terms, and hope for a pattern:
If we look at the term .a0 b1 Ca1 b0 /x 1 we can see that the sum of the indices equals the exponent
of x 1 (a0 b1 has the indices sum to 1 for example). With this, we have discovered the Cauchy
product formula for two power series
! 1 ! !
1 X X1 Xn
an x n bm x m D ak bn k x n (7.12.2)
nD0 mD0 nD0 kD0
With this tool, we go back to tackle the quantity e z1 e z2 , writing e z1 as a power series, and using
the Cauchy product formula, and the binomial theorem:
⇣P ⌘ ⇣P ⌘
z1 z2 1 z1n 1 z2m
e e D nD0 nä mD0 mä
P1 Pn
D nD0 kD0 kä.n1 k/ä z1k z2n k (Cauchy product)
P1 1 Pn nä
D nD0 nä kD0 kä.n k/ä z1k z2n k (add nä)
P1 .z1 Cz2 /n
D nD0 nä (binomial theorem)
D e z1 Cz2 (def. of exponential of z)
Logarithm. The task now is to define ln z. We define the logarithm of a complex variable as the
inverse of the exponential of a complex variable. Start with w D u C iv 2 C, compute z D e w
as defined in Eq. (7.12.1). Now, the logarithm of z is defined as
ln z D w
z D e w D e uCiv D e u e iv
Now, we have the same complex variable written in two forms: z D re i✓ and z D e u e iv , we can
deduce that
r D e u .H) u D ln r/; v D ✓ C 2n⇡
Finally, the logarithm of a complex number is given by
Powers. We know how to compute .3 C 2i/n , using de Moivre’s formula. But we do not know
what is .3 C 2i/2C3i . Given a complex variable z and a complex constant a, we define z a in the
same manner as for real numbers:
z a WD e a ln z
Note that the RHS of this equation is completely meaningful: we know ln z, thus a ln z and its
exponential. Now, using Eq. (7.12.3) for ln z, we obtain the expression for z a
As the formula involves n, z a can be multi-valued or not, depending on a. Let’s compute the nth
roots of z, that is Eq. (7.12.4) with a D 1=n:
✓ ◆
p 1 1 1
z D z D exp
ln r C i✓ C i 2m⇡
n n n
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1 1 1
D exp ln r ⇥ exp i✓ ⇥ exp i 2m⇡
n n n
p i.✓=nC2m⇡=n/
D re
With the special case of z D 1 (with r D 1; ✓ D 0), the nth root of one is thus given by
1 D e i.2⇡=n/m
which are the vertices of a regular n polygon inscribed in the unit circle.
u.1; y/ D 2 y 2; v.1; y/ D 2y
Figure 7.51: Domain coloring based visualization of complex functions using ComplexPortraits.jl.
which can be combined to get u D 2 v 2 =4, which is a parabola. Similarly, consider the grid
line y D 1, it is mapped to
u.x; 1/ D x 2 ; v.x; 1/ D 2x
which is also a parabola. It can be shown that these two parabolas are orthogonal. We can repeat
this process for other grid lines, and the result is shown in Fig. 7.52 where the grid lines x D a
are red colored and the lines y D b are blue. The plane in Fig. 7.52a is mapped or transformed
to the one in Fig. 7.52b.
(a) (b)
Figure 7.52: Visualization of complex functions as a mapping from the xy plane to uv plane (using
desmos). Note that the mapping preserves the angle between the grid lines: the grid lines in the uv plane
are still perpendicular to each other. Such a mapping is called a conformal mapping.
when this limit exists. We mimick this for complex functions: the complex function f .z/ D
u.x; y/ C iv.x; y/ with z D x C iy has a derivative at z0 D x0 C iy0 defined as
f .z0 C z/ f .z0 /
f 0 .z0 / D lim
z!0 z
when this limit exists. The thing is that while for real functions there are only two ways for h
to approach zero: either from the left or from the right of x0 ; the only street is the number line.
Now as complex numbers live on the complex plane, z can approach 0 from infinite number
of ways. The above limit only exists (i.e., has a finite value) when this limit gets the same value
no matter what direction z might approach 0. There are, however, two special directions:
Case 1: z D x.
@v @u
f 0 .z0 / D .x0 ; y0 / i .x0 ; y0 / (7.12.6)
@y @y
In order to have f 0 .z0 /, at least the two values given in Eqs. (7.12.5) and (7.12.6) must
be equal because if they are not equal we definitely do not have f 0 .z0 /. And this leads to the
following equations
@u @v @v @u
D ; D (7.12.7)
@x @y @x @y
which are now known as the Cauchy-Riemann equation.
History note 7.4: Georg Bernhard Riemann (17 September 1826 – 20 July 1866)
Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann was a German mathematician
who made significant contributions to analysis, number theory, and
differential geometry. In the field of real analysis, he is mostly known
for the first rigorous formulation of the integral, the Riemann integral,
and his work on Fourier series. His contributions to complex analysis
include most notably the introduction of Riemann surfaces, breaking
new ground in a natural, geometric treatment of complex analysis. His
1859 paper on the prime-counting function, containing the original statement of the Rie-
mann hypothesis, is regarded as a foundational paper of analytic number theory. Through
his pioneering contributions to differential geometry, Riemann laid the foundations of
the mathematics of general relativity. He is considered by many to be one of the greatest
mathematicians of all time.
8.1 Index notation and Einstein summation convention . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
8.2 Why tensors are facts of the universe? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
8.3 What is a tensor: some examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
8.4 What is a tensor: more examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646
8.5 What is a tensor: definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646
Vector analysis is about the calculus of vector fields. Similarly, tensor analysis is about the
calculus of tensor fields. That’s it. The problem is, whereas we all can get the idea of what a
vector is, it is much harder to grasp what a tensor is. So, what are tensor fields and why we need
to study them?
We study tensor fields–tensors that vary in space–
because they are The Facts Of The Universe as Lillian
Lieberéé once said. Of course Lieber was referring to Ein-
stein’s theory of general relativity. Presented to the Prussian
Academy of Sciences in Berlin in a series of lectures in
November 1915, the general theory of relativity is at its heart
a theory of gravity. It states that gravity is a result of spacetime being curved by mass and en-
ergy. Gravity is no longer a force as Newton told us. So, the sun keeps the earth in orbit not by
exerting a physical force on it, but because its mass distorts the surrounding space and forces the
earth to move that way. In the words of American theoretical physicist John Archibald Wheeler
(1911-2008), “space tells matter how to move and matter tells space how to curve”. What a
Of Einstein’s mind blowing theory, Carlo Rovellié wrote the following lines:
Lillian Rosanoff Lieber (1886-1986) was a Russian-American mathematician and popular author. Her highly
accessible writings were praised by no less than Albert Einstein, Cassius Jackson Keyser, and Eric Temple Bell.
Rovelli (born May 3, 1956) is an Italian theoretical physicist and writer. His popular science book, Seven Brief
Chapter 8. Tensor analysis 642
I admire the elegance of your method of computation; it must be nice to ride through
these fields upon the horse of true mathematics while the like of us have to make
our way laboriously on foot.
It is no exaggeration to say that our understanding of the universe was changed forever when
Albert Einstein succeeded in expressing his theory of gravity in terms of tensors. His theory
gives us black holes, gravitational waves, the expansion of the universe. It is all what physics is
about: finding the secrets of nature. If you look for a daily application of Einstein’s theory, you
might be disappointed as I can list only GPS. As a by product, it was the success of Einstein’s
general theory of relativity that gave rise to the current widespread interest of mathematicians
and physicists in tensors and their applications. Apart from the vital role in Einstein’s theory,
some applications of tensors, the list is by no means exhaustive:
✏ Continuum mechanics: stress tensor, strain tensor, gradient deformation tensor etc. Civil
engineers, mechanical engineers, aerospace engineers are among those who use these
tensors frequently.
✏ Quantum mechanics and quantum computing utilize tensor products for combination of
quantum states.
With this introduction let’s study these facts of the universe. Even though the ultimate goal is
to somehow understand Einstein’s beautiful field equations, this chapter is not about the theory
of general relativity. Instead, it is my attempt to present tensors to students of engineering and
science. The plan is to start simple. So, we first start with the conventional 3D space with
the familiar Cartesian coordinate system in which the three axes are orthogonal. Within that
framework, I shall present some examples of the so-called rank 2 tensors in Section 8.3..
To read this chapter you need to know linear algebra. For those who need a refresh on this
topic, check out Chapter 11. The most important thing to note from linear algebra is that a
vector is a not a list of numbers. A vector is a geometrical object, and we associate with it a
list of numbers (called its coordinates/components) only for computational purposes when we
artificially choose a coordinate system. When we use another coordinate system, the coordinates
of the vector change, but the vector is still itselfé .
I have consulted the following sources for the material put in this chapter:
✏ A student’s guide to vectors and tensors by Daniel A Fleisch, [17]
✏ dd
✏ dd
One example makes things clear. My car velocity is a vector in the geometric sense: it has a magnitude and
a direction. But whether its magnitude is measured as 60 miles per hour, 96 kilometers per hour, 27 meters per
second depends on my choice of units.
x D ˛1 v1 C ˛2 v2 C C ˛n vn D ˛i v i
But Einstein wanted to save him some time by simply writing the above as
x D ˛1 v 1 C ˛2 v 2 C C ˛n vn D ˛i vi (8.1.1)
And that is the Einstein Summation Conventioné . This convention can be summarized in the
following rules:
✏ If an index is repeated (twice) on the same side of an equation this index is summed over
i.e., the index i in Eq. (8.1.1);
✏ Indices that are summed over (called dummy indices) can be changed to another index
symbol. For instance, in the expression ˛i vi , i can be changed to l (or whatever), giving
us ˛l vl , which is an entirely equivalent expression. This often needs to be done to prevent
using the same symbol for multiple repeated indices.
✏ The free indices (the ones that are not summed over) have to match in each term of a
tensor equation. So, to write Ax D b as
xi D Aij bj ; or xi D Ail bl
✏ For general relativity, the convention is to use Latin indices i; j; k; l; : : : to denote purely
spatial indices. These take the values 1; 2; 3, denoting the three spatial dimensions. And
use Greek indices ; ⌫; ; : : : to denote spacetime indices. These take the values 0; 1; 2; 3,
where 0 denotes the time-like dimension and 1; 2; 3 the spatial dimensions.
Of this, he said "I have made a great discovery in mathematics; I have suppressed the summation sign every
time that the summation must be made over an index which occurs twice".
Example 8.1
Some examples of usage of the summation convention in 3D:
(a) aij bj k stands for ai1 b1k C ai 2 b2k C ai 3 b3k (sum over j )
@fi @f1 @f2 @f3
(b) stands for C C (sum over i)
@xi @x1 @x2 @x3 (8.1.2)
2 2 2
@ @ @ @2
(c) stands for C 2C 2
@xi @xi @x12 @x2 @x3
(d) Aij xi xj stands for x Ax (sum over i and j )
Figure 8.1
This is how the stress at a point inside a solid is defined. Suppose that at that point a force F
is applied. First, we consider a surface that is perpendicular to the x-axis and of area y ⇥ z
(Fig. 8.1). The force F is resolved into three components: Fx along the x-axis, Fy along the
y-axis, and Fz along the z-axis. Then, learning from the concept of pressure (which is force
divided by area), we define the following quantities:
Fx Fy Fz
Sxx D ; Syx D ; Szx D (8.3.2)
y z y z y z
The first index refers to the direction of the force component and the second index x is normal
to the area. So, Syx is the stress. Next, we consider a surface perpendicular to the y-axis. Doing
the above steps, we define the following quantities
Fx Fy Fz
Sxy D ; Syy D ; Szy D (8.3.3)
x z x z x z
Finally, we consider a surface which is perpendicular to the z-axis, and we also obtain three
quantities. So we have nine numbers
2 3
Sxx Sxy Sxz
6 7
D 4Syx Syy Syz 5 (8.3.4)
Szx Szy Szz
9.1 Mathematical models and differential equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 648
9.2 Models of population growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
9.3 Ordinary differential equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
9.4 Partial differential equations: a classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
9.5 Derivation of common PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
9.6 Linear partial differential equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
9.7 Dimensionless problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668
9.8 Harmonic oscillation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677
9.9 Solving the diffusion equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696
9.10 Solving the wave equation: d’Alembert’s solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 698
9.11 Solving the wave equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
9.12 Fourier series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
9.13 Classification of second order linear PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
9.14 Fluid mechanics: Navier Stokes equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
In this chapter we discuss what probably is the most important application of calculus: dif-
ferential equations. These equations are those that describe many laws of nature. In classical
physics, we have to mention Newton’s second law F D mxR that describes motions, Fourier’s
heat equation ✓P D 2 @2 ✓=@x 2 that describes how heat is transferred in a medium, Maxwell’s
equations describing electromagnetism and the Navier-Stokes equation that calculates how flu-
ids move. In quantum mechanics, we have the Schrödinger equation. In biology, we can cite
the Lotka–Volterra equations, also known as the predator–prey equations–a pair of first-order
nonlinear differential equations– used to describe the dynamics of biological systems in which
two species interact, one as a predator and the other as prey. In finance there is the Black–Scholes
Chapter 9. Differential equations 648
...partial differential equations are the basis of all physical theorems. In the theory
of sound in gaes, liquid and solids, in the investigations of elasticity, in optics, ev-
erywhere partial differential equations formulate basic laws of nature which can be
checked against experiments
The chapter introduces the mathematics used to model the real world. The attention is on
how to derive these equations more than on how to solve them. Yet, some exact solutions
are presented. Numerical solutions to differential equations are treated in Chapter 12. Topics
which are too mathematical such as uniqueness are omitted. Also discussed is the problem of
mechanical vibrations: simple harmonics and waves.
The following excellent books were consulted for the materials presented in this chapter:
✏ Partial differential equations for scientists and engineers by Stanley Farlowéé [15];
The plan of this chapter is as follows. We start with a toy problem in Section 9.1 to get the
feeling of what mathematical modeling looks like. Then, we become a bit more serious with
a real differential equation describing the population growth (Section 9.2). In Section 9.3, we
discuss ordinary differential equations. Next, we move to partial differential equations (such
as the wave equation u t t D c 2 uxx ). We start with Section 9.4 in which we get familiar with
partial differential equations, discuss some terminologies. The derivation of common partial dif-
ferential equations (e.g. the heat equation, the wave equation and so on) is treated in Section 9.5.
Section 9.7
Harmonic oscillation is given in Section 9.8. How to solve the heat (diffusion) equation is
presented in Section 9.9. Solutions of the wave equation are given in Sections 9.10 and 9.11. It
is when solving these two equations the idea of Fourier series were born.
simplified model of the reality. The first assumption is the ball is always a sphere. The second
assumption is the density of snow does not change in time. These assumptions might not be
enough to have a very good model, but we have to start with something anyway. In summary,
we have the following set of facts to build our model:
✏ The rate of change of the mass of the ball is proportional to the surface area of the ball;
All we have to do is to translate the above facts (written in English) to the language of mathemat-
ics. The assumption is that all variables are continuous. Thus, we can use differential calculus
to differentiate them as we want, even though for some problems such as population growth the
population is not continuous! Remember that we’re building a model. As the mass is density
times volume, we can determine the mass with r.t/ representing the radius of the snow ball at
time t éé . And we also compute its derivative w.r.t t (because the derivative captures changes):
4 dM dr
M D ⇢ ⇡ r 3 H) D 4⇡⇢r 2 (9.1.1)
3 dt dt
Using the experiment data on the rate of change of M , we can write
dM dr dr k
D k.4⇡ r 2 / H) 4⇡⇢r 2 D k.4⇡ r 2 / H) D (9.1.2)
dt dt dt ⇢
where k is constant that can only be experimentally determined. The minus sign reflects the fact
that the mass is decreasing. Quantities such as ⇢ and k whose values do not change in time are
called parameters.
The equation in the box is a differential equation–an equation that contains derivatives.
In fact, it is an ordinary differential equation as there exits partial differential equations that
involve partial derivatives. In this example, t is the only independent variable and r.t/ is the
dependent variable. An ordinary differential equation expresses a relation between a dependent
variable (a function), its derivatives (first, second derivatives etc.) and the independent variable:
F .r.t /; r 0 ; r 00 ; : : : ; r .n/ ; t/ D 0. If there are more than one independent variable, we have a
partial differential equation as the derivatives are partial derivatives.
Now we have an equation. Next step is to solve it to find the solutioné . For what purpose?
For the prediction of the radius of the snow ball at any time instance. It is the prediction of
future events that is the ultimate goal of mathematical modeling of either natural phenomena or
engineering systems.
The notation r.t / is read “r at time t”, and the parentheses tell us that our variable is a function of time.
A solution to a differential equation is a function that when substituted (together with all involved derivatives)
into the equation results in an identity. For example, y D sin x is a solution to the differential equation: y 0 D cos x.
For this particular problem, it is easy to find the solution: by integrating both sides of the
boxed equation in Eq. (9.1.2):
dr k
D c; c WD H) r.t/ D ct C A (9.1.3)
dt ⇢
where A is a real number. But, why we get not one but many solutions? That is because the radius
at time t depends of course on the initial radius of the ball. So, we must know this initial radius
(denoted by R), then by substituting t D 0 in Eq. (9.1.3), we get A D R. Thus, r.t/ D R ct.
Now, we can predict when the ball is completely melt, it is when / D 0: tm D R=c. And
we need to check this against observations. If the prediction and the observation are in good
agreement, we have discovered a law. If not, our assumptions are too strict and we need to refine
them and refine our model.
✏ population growth: how the size of the population is changing over time.
If population growth is just one of many population characteristics, what makes studying it so
important? First, studying how and why populations grow (or shrink!) helps scientists make
better predictions about future changes in population sizes and growth rates. This is essential for
answering questions in areas such as biodiversity conservation (e.g., the polar bear population
is declining, but how quickly, and when will it be so small that the population is at risk for
extinction?) and human population growth (e.g., how fast will the human population grow, and
what does that mean for climate change, resource use, and biodiversity?).
In what follows a simple population growth model is presented. It is based on the ideas put
forward by Thomas Robert Malthuséé in his 1798 book An Essay on the Principle of Population.
The basic assumption of the model is that the birth rate and dead rate are proportional to the
population size. Now, again, we just have to translate that assumption into mathematics. Let
N.t / be the population size at time t . Then, within a short time interval t, the births and deaths
births D ˛N.t/ t; deaths D ˇN.t/ t
where ˛ and ˇ are real positive constants; they are similar to k in the toy model in Section 9.1.
Thomas Robert Malthus (13/14 February 1766 – 23 December 1834) was an English cleric, scholar and
influential economist in the fields of political economy and demography.
With that we can determine the increase (or decrease) of the population within t, labeled
by N :
births deaths D N D N.t/ t; WD ˛ ˇ
You guess what we shall we do next? Dividing the above equation by t (so that a rate of
population appears) and let t ! 0
N N dN
D ıN.t/ H) lim D N.t/ H) NP D D N (9.2.1)
t t !0 t dt
Here the overdot denotes differentiation with respect to time following Newton. Now, we have
to solve the boxed ordinary differential equation. Lucky for us, we can solve this equation. The
solution i.e., N.t/ should involve the exponential function e ct (why?). Here is how:
Z t Z t
dN dN dN t
D N H) D dt H) D dt H) N.t/ D N0 e (9.2.2)
dt N 0 N 0
where we’ve assumed that the starting time is t D 0. Looking at the solution we can understand
why this model is called an exponential growth model.
How good is this model? To answer that (pure mathematicians do not care), scientists use
real data. For example, Table 9.1 is the USA population statistics taken from [8]. Of course the
data is much more, but we need to use just a small portion of the data to calibrate the model.
Calibrating a model is to find values for the parameters (or constants) in the model. In the context
here, we need to find N0 and using the data in Table 9.1.
1790 3.9
1800 5.3
1810 7.2
We have data starting from the year of 1790, thus t D 0 is that year and then N0 D 3:9
millions. For , use the data for 1800, noting that t in the model is in terms of 10 years, thus
1800 corresponds with t D 1:
✓ ◆
5:3 D N.1/ D N0 e H) D ln D 0:307
Now is time for prediction. The calibrated model is used to predict the population up to 1870.
The results given in Table 9.2 indicates that the model is in good agreement until 1870, at that
year the error is nearly 20%. It’s time for an improved model.
For students who would like to become scientists trying to understand our world, no one says
it best when it comes to how we–human beings–unravel the mysteries of the world, as Richard
Feynman in his interesting book The Pleasure of Finding Things Outéé :
. . . a fun analogy in trying to get some idea of what we’re doing in trying to under-
stand nature, is to imagine that the gods are playing some great game like chess. . .
and you don’t know the rules of the game, but you’re allowed to look at the board, at
least from time to time. . . and from these observations you try to figure out what the
rules of the game are, what the rules of the pieces moving are. You might discover
after a bit, for example, that when there’s only one bishop around on the board that
the bishop maintains its color. Later on you might discover the law for the bishop as
it moves on the diagonal, which would explain the law that you understood before
– that it maintained its color – and that would be analogous to discovering one
law and then later finding a deeper understanding of it. Then things can happen,
everything’s going good, and then all of a sudden some strange phenomenon oc-
curs in some corner, so you begin to investigate that – it’s castling, something you
didn’t expect. We’re always, by the way, in fundamental physics, always trying to
investigate those things in which we don’t understand the conclusions. After we’ve
checked them enough, we’re okay.
xP D f .x; t/ (9.3.1)
In the problem of population growth, x.t/ is N.t/–the population size. As the highest derivative
in the equation is one, it is called a first order ODE. Now, we show that we can always convert
a high order ODE to a system of first order ODEs. For example, the equation for a damped
harmonic oscillator is (Section 9.8)
You can watch the great man here.
b k
mxR C b xP C kx D 0 ” xR D xP x (9.3.2)
m m
Now, to remove the second derivative, we introduce a variable x2 D x;
P this leads to xR D xP 2 , and
voilà we have removed the second derivative. And of course instead of x we use x1 D x. Then,
xP 1 D xP D x2 , and we can write xP 2 D xR D .b=m/x2 .k=m/x1 from Eq. (9.3.2). Now, using
matrix notation, we write
) " # " #" #
x1 D x xP 1 0 1 x1
H) D (9.3.3)
x2 D xP xP 2 k=m b=m x2
This is a system of two first order linear ODEs with a constant coefficient (the matrix does
not vary with time) matrix. How about a problem with a time dependent term like the forced
oscillator of which the equation is mxR C b xP C kx D F sin t? The idea is the same, introduce
another variable to get rid of t:
9 8̂
xP 1 D x2
x1 D x >= ˆ
k b
x2 D xP H) xP 2 D x1 x2 C F=m sin.x3 / (9.3.4)
; ˆ m m
x3 D t :̂
xP 3 D 1
So, we can now just focus on the following system of equations, which provides a general
framework to study ODEs:
xP 1 D f1 .x1 ; : : : ; xn /
:: (9.3.5)
xP n D fn .x1 ; : : : ; xn /
This general equation covers both linear systems such as the one in Eq. (9.3.3) and nonlinear
ones e.g. Eq. (9.3.4). However it is hard to solve nonlinear systems, so in the next section we
just focus on systems of linear ODEs.
Before solving them, let’s make one observation: it is easier to solve the first system than
the second one; because the two equations in the former are uncoupled. This is reflected in
the diagonal matrix A1 with two zeros (red terms). The solution to the first system is simply
x D .C1 e 2t ; C2 e 5t /. But we can also write this as⇤⇤
" # " #
1 0
x D C1 e 2t C C2 e 5t
0 1
Noting that 2; 5 are the eigenvalues of the matrix A1 , and the two unit vectors are the eigenvectors
of A1 . Thus, the solution to a system of linear first order differential equations can be expressed
in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the coefficient matrix, at least when that matrix
is diagonal and two eigenvalues are different.
For the second system xP D A2 x, the matrix is not diagonal. But there is a way to diago-
nalize a matrix (check Section 11.11.4 for matrix diagonalization) using its eigenvalues and
eigenvectors v. So, we put these info below
Again, we can write the solution in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the coefficient
matrix. To determine C1;2 we need the initial condition x 0 D x.0/; substituting t D 0 into the
boxed equation in Eq. (9.3.6) we can determine C1;2 in terms of x 0 :
" # " # " #" # " # " # 1
2 1 2 1 C1 C1 2 1
x 0 D C1 C C2 D H) D x0
3 C1 3 C1 C2 C2 3 C1
With a given x 0 , this equation gives us C1;2 and put them in the boxed equation in Eq. (9.3.6),
and we’re finished. Usually as a scientist or engineer we stop here, but mathematicians go further.
They see that
" # " # " #" #" # 1
2 1 2 1 e 0 2 1
x D C1 e 4t C C2 e t D x0 (9.3.7)
3 C1 3 C1 0 e t 3 C1
Only if we know linear algebra we can appreciate why this form is better. So refresh your linear algebra before
Is something useful with this new way of looking at the solution? Yes, the red matrix! It is a
matrix of exponentials. What would you do next when you have seen this?
For ease of presentation, we discussed systems of only two equations, but as can be seen, the
method and thus the result extends to systems of n equations (n can be 1000):
2 3 2 32 3
xP 1 A11 A12 A1n x1
6 7 6 76 7
6xP 2 7 6A21 A22 A2n 7 6x2 7
7 6 X n
6 7D6 7 H) x D it
6 :: 7 6 :: :: ::: :: 7 6 :: 7 Ci e xi
4:5 4 : : : 54 : 5 i D1
xP n An1 An2 Ann xn
where the eigenvalues of A are i and eigenvectors are x i . Note that this solution is only possible
when A is diagonalizable i.e., when the eigenvectors are linear independent.
It is remarkable to look back the long journey from the simple equation xP D x with the
solution x.t/ DPC0 e t to a system of as many equations as you want, and the solution is still of
the same form niD1 Ci e i t x i . It is simply remarkable!
But wait. How about non-diagonalizable matrices? The next section is answering that ques-
x2 x3 A2 A3
ex D 1 C x C C C H) e A D I C A C C C (9.3.8)
2ä 3ä 2ä 3ä
On the RHS (of the boxed eqn) we have a sum of a bunch of matrices, thus e A is a matrix. If
we can compute the powers of a matrix (e.g. A2 ; A3 ; : : :) we can compute the exponential of a
matrix! Let’s use the matrix A2 and compute e At . For simplicity, I drop the subscript 2. The key
step is to diagonalize Aé :
" # " #
2 1 4 C0
A D PDP 1 ; P D ; DD
3 C1 0 1
Hey, isn’t this section only for non-diagonalizable matrices? We’re now testing the idea of e A for the case we
know the solution first. If it does not work for this case then forget the idea.
Then, using the definition for e A , we can compute e At as follow (with Ak D PDk P, k D
1; 2; : : :)
A2 2 A3 3
e At D I C At C t C t C
2ä 3ä
1 1
D PIP 1 C PDP 1 t C PD2 P 1 t 2 C PD3 P 1 t 3 C
✓ 2ä ◆3ä
1 2 2 1 3 3
D P I C Dt C D t C D t C P 1
2ä 3ä
D Pe Dt P 1 (the red term is e Dt due to Eq. (9.3.8))
Can we compute e Dt ? Because if we can then we’re done. Using Eq. (9.3.8), it can be shown
that " #
e 0
e Dt D
0 e t
Did we see this matrix? Yes, it is exactly the red matrix in Eq. (9.3.7)! Now we have e At as
" #" #" # 1
At 2 1 e 4t 0 2 1
e D
3 C1 0 e t 3 C1
Multiplying with x 0 and we get e At x 0 D x–the solution we’re looking for (compare with
Eq. (9.3.7)). Now, we have reasons to believe that the exponential of a matrix, as we have
defined it, is working.
Is there an easier way to see that x D e At x 0 is the solution of xP D Ax? Yes, differentiate
x! But only if we’re willing to compute the derivative of e At . It turns out not hard at allé :
✓ ◆
d e At d .At/2 .At/3 1
D I C At C C C D 0 C A C A2 t C A3 t 2 C
dt dt 2ä 3ä 2
✓ ◆
D A I C At C A2 t 2 C D Ae At
d .e At x 0 / d e At
xP D D x 0 D A.e At x 0 / D Ax
dt dt
So the differentiation rule: d=dt .e ˛t / D ˛e ˛t still holds if ˛ is a matrix.
We assume that x.t / is one solution and there was another solution y.t /, then we build z D x y. Now,
letting v.t / D e At z.t /, it can be shown that vP D 0: so v.t / must be constant. But v.0/ D 0, thus v.t / D z.t / D 0.
Therefore, y D x: the solution is unique.
The matrix A is non-diagonalizable because it has repeated eigenvalues and thus linear dependent
eigenvectors: " # " #
1 1
1 D 2 D 1; x 1 D ; x2 D ˛
1 1
We have to rely on the infinite series in Eq. (9.3.8) to compute e At . First, massaging A a bit|| :
e It D Ie t ; e .A I/t
D I C .A I/t
e At D Ie t ŒI C .A I/tç D e t ŒI C .A I/tç
Is this solution correct? We can check! It is easy to see that y D e t and y D te t are two solutions
to y 00 2y 0 C y D 0. Thus, the solution is a linear combination of them. Hence, the solution
obtained using the exponential of a matrix is correct.
This method was based on this trick A D I C A I and the fact that .A I/2 D 0. How
can we know all of this⇤⇤ ? It’s better to have a method that less depends on tricks.
Schur factorization. Assume a 2 ⇥ 2 matrix A with one eigenvalue and the associated eigen-
vector v i.e., Av D v. Now we select a vector w such that v; w are linear independent, thus we
can write Aw D cv C d w for c; d 2 R. Now, we have
( " # " #
Av D v h i h i c h i c h i 1
H) A v w D v w H) A D v w v w
Aw D cv C d w 0 d 0 d
We accepted that e At e Bt D e .ACB/t if AB D BA, of which proof is skipped.
Actually there is a theorem called the Caley-Hamilton theorem that reveals this. The characteristic equation
of A is . 1/2 D 0. That theorem–stating that the matrix also satisfies the characteristic equation–then gives us:
.A I/ D 0.
So, we have proved that for any 2 ⇥ 2 matrix, it is always possible to diagonalize A into the form
PTP 1 where T is an upper triangle matrix. Now, we’re interested in the case A is defective i.e.,
it has a double eigenvalue 1 D 2 D , thus we haveéé
" # " #k
h i c h i 1 h i c h i 1
AD v w v w H) Ak D v w v w
0 0
It turns out that it is easy to compute the blue term: a triangular matrix is also nice to work with.
Indeed, we can decompose the blue matrix, now denoted by ⇤, into the sum of a diagonal matrix
and a nilpotent matrix. A nilpotent matrix is a square matrix N such that Np D 0 for some
positive integer p; the smallest such p is called the index of N. Using the binomial theorem and
the nice property of nilpotent matrices (in below the red matrix is N with p D 2), we get
" # " #!k " #k " #k 1 " # " #
k k 1
0 0 c 0 0 0 c kc
⇤k D C D Ck D k
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The final step is to find w and we’re done. Recall that Aw D cv C d w, but d D , thus (redefine
w as .1=c/w), we obtain
Aw D cv C w ” Aw D v C w ” .A I/w D v H) .A I/2 w D 0
We call v the eigenvector of A, how about w? Let put the equations of these two vectors together:
.A I/1 v D 0
.A I/2 w D 0
With this, it is no surprise that mathematicians call w the generalized eigenvectors (of order 2)
of A. generalized eigenvectors play a similar role for defective matrices that eigenvectors play
for diagonalizable matrices. The eigenvectors of a diagonalizable matrix span the whole vector
space. The eigenvectors of a defective matrix do not, but the generalized eigenvectors of that
matrix do.
We must have d D as A and the red matrix are similar, they have same eigenvalues.
@u @u @2 u @2 u
ux D ; ut D ; uxx D ; ut t D (9.4.1)
@x @t @x 2 @t 2
Then, a partial differential equation (PDE) in terms of u.x; t/ is the following equation:
Note that partial derivatives of order higher than 2 are not discussed. This is because in physics
and engineering, we rarely see them present in differential equations.
To classify different PDEs, the concepts of order, dimension and linearity of a PDE are
Order The order of a PDE is the highest partial derivative; u t D uxx is a second-order PDE;
Dimension The dimension of a PDE is the number of independent variables; u t t D uxx C uyy
is a 3D PDE as it involves x; y and t ;
Linearity A PDE is said to be linear if the function u and all its partial derivatives appear in a
linear fashion ;i.e., they are not multiplied together, they are not squared etc.
Table 9.3: Some PDEs with associated order, dimension and linearity.
u t D uxx 2 X 2
u t t D uxx C uyy 2 X 3
xux C yuy D u2 1 ⇥ 2
determining the behavior of the solutions; for example mathematicians are interested in questions
such as whether the solutions are unique or when the solutions exist.
We start with the wave equation in Section 9.5.1, derived centuries ago by d’Alembert in
1746. We live in a world of waves. Whenever we throw a pebble into the pond, we see the circular
ripples formed on its surface which disappear gradually. The water moves up and down, and the
effect, ripple, which is visible to us looks like an outwardly moving wave. When you pluck the
string of a guitar, the strings move up and down, exhibiting transverse wave; The particles in
the string move perpendicular to the direction of the wave propagation. The bump or rattle that
we feel during an earthquake is due to seismic-S wave. It moves rock particles up and down,
perpendicular to the direction of the wave propagation.
We continue in Section 9.5.2 with the heat equation (or diffusion equation) derived by Fourier
in 1807.
So, we consider a string fixed at two ends. At time t D 0, the string is horizontal and un-
stretched (Fig. 9.1). As the string undergoes only transverse motion i.e., motion perpendicular
to the original string, we use u.x; t/ to designate the transverse displacement of point x at time
t . Our task is to find the equation relating u.x; t/ to the physics of the string.
The key idea is to use Newton’s 2nd law (what else?) for a small segment of the string.
Such a segment of length x is shown in Fig. 9.1. What are the forces in the system? First,
we have f .x; t/ in the vertical direction which can be gravity or any external force. This is
a distributed force that is force per unit length (i.e., the total force acting on the segment is
f x). Second, we have the tension force T .x; t/ inside the string. We use Newton’s 2nd law
F D ma p in the vertical direction to write, with a D =@t , mass is density times length, that is
@2 u 2
m D ⇢ . x/ C . u/
2 2
p @2 u
⇢ . x/2 C . u/2 2 D T .x C x; t/ sin ✓.x C T .x; t/ sin ✓.x; t/ C f .x; t/ x
x; t/
Dividing this equation by x and considering x ! 0, we get
✓ ◆2 2
@u @ u d
⇢ 1C 2
D .T .x; t/ sin ✓.x; t// C f .x; t/
@x @t dx (9.5.2)
@T @✓
D sin ✓.x; t/ C T .x; t/ cos ✓.x; t/ C f .x; t/
@x @x
We know that the derivative of u.x; t/ is tan ✓.x; t/, so we can write
✓ ◆
@u @u
tan ✓.x; t/ D .x; t/; ✓.x; t/ D arctan (9.5.3)
@x @x
where we also need an expression for ✓.x; t/. From tan ✓.x; t/, we can compute sin ✓.x; t/,
cos ✓.x; t / and from the expression for ✓, we can compute the derivative of ✓:
p s @ u 2
. @u /2 1 @✓
sin ✓.x; t/ D @x
; cos ✓.x; t/ D ; D @x 2 (9.5.4)
1 C . @u
/2 1 C . @u
/2 @x 1 C . @u
Now comes the art of approximation (otherwise the problem would be too complex). We consider
only small vibration, that is when j @u
j ⌧ 1éé , and with this simplified condition the above
equation becomes
@u @✓ @2 u
sin ✓.x; t/ D ; cos ✓.x; t/ D 1; D 2 (9.5.5)
@x @x @x
With all this, Eq. (9.5.2) is simplified to
@2 u @T @u @2 u
⇢ D C T .x; t/ C f .x; t/ (9.5.6)
@t 2 @x @x @x 2
The equation looks much simpler. But it is still unsolvable. Why? Because we have one equation
but two unknowns u.x; t/ and T .x; t/. But wait, we have another Newton’s 2nd law in the
horizontal direction:
@2 u 2
2@ u
D c (9.5.9)
@t 2 @x 2
What does this equation mean? On the LHS we have the acceleration term and on the RHS we
have the second spatial derivative of u.x; t/. The second spatial derivative of u measures the
concavity of the curve u.x; t/. Thus, when the curve is concave downward, this term is negative,
and thus the wave equation tells us that the acceleration is also negative and thus the string is
moving downwards (Fig. 9.2).
Figure 9.2
We do not discuss the solution to the wave equation here. But even without it, we still can
say something about its solutions. The first thing is that this equation is linear due to the linearity
of the differentiation operator. What does this entail? Let u.x; t/ and v.x; t/ be two solutionséé
to the wave equation, that is
@2 u 2
2@ u @2 v 2
2@ v
D c ; D c
@t 2 @x 2 @t 2 @x 2
then any linear combination of these two i.e., ˛u C ˇv, where ˛ and ˇ are two constants, is also
a solution:
@2 .˛u C ˇv/ 2
2 @ .˛u C ˇv/
D c
@t 2 @x 2
Why the wave equation can have more than one solution? Actually any PDE has infinitely many solutions.
Think of it this way. The violin string can be bent into any shape you like before it is released and the wave equation
takes over. In other words, each initial condition leads to a distinct solution.
3D wave equation. Having derived the 1D wave equation, the question is what is the 3D version?
let’s try to guess what it would be. It should be of the same form as the 1D equation but has
components relating to the other dimensions (red terms below):
✓ 2 ◆
@2 u 2 @ u @2 u @2 u
Dc C 2C 2 (9.5.10)
@t 2 @x 2 @y @z
It is remarkable that a model born in attempts to understand how a string vibrates now has a
wide spectrum of applications. Here are some applications of the wave equation:
The idea is to consider a segment of the bar e.g. the part of the bar between x D a and x D b,
and applying the principle of conservation of energy to this segment. The conservation of energy
is simple: the rate of change of heat inside the bar is equal to the heat flux entering the left end
minus the heat flux going out the right end. The rate of change of heat is given by
@ b
rate of change of heat D cA⇢✓.x; t/dx (9.5.11)
@t a
while the heat fluxes are
heat fluxes D AJ.a; t/ AJ.b; t/ (9.5.12)
where J is the heat flux density. Now, we can write the equation of conservation of heat as
@ b
cA⇢✓.x; t/dx D AJ.a; t/ AJ.b; t/ (9.5.13)
@t a
Using Leibniz’s rule and the fundamental theorem of calculus, we can elaborate this equation as
Z b Z b
d✓.x; t/ dJ
cA⇢ dx D A dx (9.5.14)
dt a dx
Z b✓ ◆
@✓.x; t/ @J
H) c⇢ C dx D 0 (9.5.15)
a @t @x
@✓.x; t/ @J
H)c⇢ C D0 (9.5.16)
@t @x
In the third equation, we moved from an integral equation to a partial differential equation. This
is because the segment Œa; bç is arbitrary, so the integrand must be identically zero.
You might guess that we still miss a connection between J and ✓.x; t/ (one equation and
two unknown variables is unsolvable). Indeed, and Fourier carried out experiments to give us
just that relation (known as a constitutive equation)
J D k (9.5.17)
where k is known as the coefficient of thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity provides
an indication of the rate at which heat energy is transferred through a medium by the diffusion
With Eq. (9.5.17), our equation Eq. (9.5.16) becomes (note that k is constant):
✓ ◆
@✓.x; t/ @ @✓
c⇢ C k D0
@t @x @x
@✓ @2 ✓ k
H) D 2 2 ; 2 D
@t @x c⇢
which is a linear second order (in space) partial differential equation. As it involves the second
derivative of ✓ we need two boundary conditions on ✓: ✓.0; t/ D ✓1 and ✓.L; t/ D ✓2 where
✓1;2 are real numbers. Furthermore, we need one initial condition (as we have 1st derivative of
✓ w.r.t time): ✓.x; 0/ D .x/ for some function .x/ which represents the initial temperature
in the bar at t D 0. Altogether, the PDE, the boundary conditions and the initial condition make
an initial-boundary value problem:
@✓ @2 ✓
D 2 2 0<x<L (9.5.19)
@t @x
✓.x; 0/ D g.x/ 0xL (9.5.20)
✓.0; t/ D ✓1 ; ✓.L; t/ D ✓2 t >0 (9.5.21)
Intermediate value theorem of integral calculus (Eq. (4.11.3)) applied to the integral on
the LHS,
cA⇢✓.x1 ; t/ x D AJ.x0 ; t/ AJ.x0 C x; t/ (9.5.23)
where x1 2 Œx0 ; x0 C xç. Dividing both sides by x, we obtain
✓ ◆
@ J.x0 C x; t/ J.x0 ; t/
cA⇢✓.x1 ; t/ D A (9.5.24)
@t x
The final step is to let x to go to zero, and then x1 is x0 and on the RHS we have the
derivative of J evaluated at x0 .
@✓.x0 ; t/
c⇢ D Jx .x0 ; t/ (9.5.25)
This equation holds for any x0 , we can replace x0 by x. And we get the 1D heat diffusion
3D diffusion equation. Having derived the 1D heat equation, it is not hard to derive the 3D
equation. Before doing so, let’s try to guess what it would be. It should be of the same form as
the 1D equation but has components relating to the other dimensions (red terms below):
✓ 2 ◆
@✓ 2 @ ✓ @2 ✓ @2 ✓
D C 2C 2 (9.5.26)
@t @x 2 @y @z
We use the Gauss’s theorem, see Section 7.11.6, for the derivationéé . We consider an arbitrary
domain V with the surface S. The temperature is now given by ✓.x; t/ where x D .x1 ; x2 ; x3 /
is the position vector. The conservation of energy equation is
c⇢✓dV D J ndA
@t V
c⇢✓dV D r J d V (Gauss’s theorem) (9.5.27)
@t V
Z ✓ ◆ V
c⇢ C r . kr✓ / dV D 0 .J D kr✓/
V @t
As the volume domain V is arbitrary, we get the well known 3D heat equation (assuming k is
@✓.x; t/ X 3
@2 ✓
D ✓.x; t/; ✓ WD r .r✓/ D (9.5.28)
@t i D1
@xi 2
where is the Laplacian operator, named after the French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace
(1749-1827). We see this term f again and again in physics. Some people say that it is the
most important operator in mathematical physics.
In the above derivation, we have used the 3D version of Eq. (9.5.17):
2 3 2 32 3
Jx k 0 0 ✓;x
6 7 6 76 7
J D kr✓ or 4Jy 5 D 4 0 k 0 5 4✓;y 5 (9.5.29)
Jz 0 0 k ✓;z
The matrix form is convenient when k is not constant. In that case we say the heat conduction is
not isotropic but anisotropic, and we use three different values for the diagonal terms.
Eq. (9.5.26) can also be used to model other diffusion processes (that’s why it is referred to
as the diffusion equation rather than the restricted heat equation term). For example, if a drop of
red dye is placed in a body of water, the dye will gradually spread out and permeate the entire
body. If convection effects are negligible, Eq. (9.5.26) will describe the diffusion of the dye
through the water; ✓.x; t/ is now the concentration of dye at x and time t !
Of course it is possible to consider an infinitesimal cube and follow the same steps done for the long bar. But
the divergence theorem provides a shorter way.
But this is not enough for mathematicians, why just two functions u; v? Then, they go for n
functions u1 ; u2 ; : : : ; un , and write L.a1 u1 C C an un / D a1 L.u1 / C C an L.un /.
Noting that this choice is arbitrary, it is fine to use force as a fundamental dimension instead of mass for
dynamic temperature, K), mole (amount of substance, mol), and candela (luminous intensity,
From the seven base (or fundamental) units, we can derive many more derived units. For
example, what is the unit of force in SI? Using Newton’s 2nd law, we write
ŒF ç D kg (9.7.1)
And to honour Newton, we invented a new unit called N, and thus 1 N=1kgm/s2 . Similarly, we
have 1 Pa=1N/m2 as the SI unit of pressure and stress, in honor of Blaise Pascal.
Some common consistent SI units are given in Table 9.4.
length - m ŒLç
time - s ŒT ç
mass - kg ŒM ç
force mass ⇥ acceleration N=1kgm/s 2
pressure/stress force = area Pa=1N/m 2
ŒML T 1 2
Table 9.4: Some physical quantities with corresponding dimensions and SI units.
It is not the end of the story about units. Why we have meters and still need kilometers? The
reason is simple: we’re unable to handle too large or too small numbers. If we only had meter as
the only unit for length, then for lengths smaller than 1 meter we have to use decimals e.g. 0.05 m.
To avoid that, sub-units are developed. Instead of 0.05 m we say 5 cm. Similarly for 20 000 m, we
write 20 km, which is much easier to comprehend. In conclusion, larger and smaller quantities
are expressed by using appropriate prefixes with the base unit. Table 9.5 presents all prefixes in
SI. One example is: the mass of the Earth is 5 972 Yg (yottagrams), which is 5:972 ⇥ 1024 kg.
Table 9.5: Prefixes in SI. Prefix names have been mostly chosen from Greek words (positive powers of
10) or Latin words (negative powers of 10), although recent extensions of the range of powers of 10 has
resulted in the use of words from other languages. ‘Kilo’ comes from the Greek word for 1000 (103 ), and
‘milli’ comes from the Latin word for one thousandth (10 3 ).
f .x1 / f .x1 / df
f .˛x1 / D f .˛x2 / H) f1 .˛x1 /x1 D f1 .˛x2 /x2 ; f1 WD
f .x2 / f .x2 / dx
The above equation holds for any value of x1 ; x2 and ˛. Now, setting ˛ D 1,
f .x/ D C x k
That is good but why power functions but not other functions that we have spent a lot of time to
study in calculus? The reason is simple. We can never have more complicated functions. One
simple way to see this is use Taylor series. For example, the exponential function has the Taylor
ex D 1 C x C C
If x was a cetain length, then e x would require the addition of length to area to volume, which
is nonsense. So, if we see, in an equation, e x or sin x or whatever function (except x k ), then x
must be a dimensionless number otherwise the equation is physically wrong.
The next step is to consider physical quantities that depend on more than one quantities. For
simplicity, I just consider a quantity z that depends on two other quantities x; y: z D f .x; y/.
Now, doing the samething, we will have
Example 9.1
The spring-mass system has only two quantities: the spring stiffness k with dimension ŒFL 1 ç
and the mass m with dimension ŒM ç. We know that the dimension of force is ŒF ç D ŒMLT 2 ç.
Thus, k has a dimension of ŒM T 2 ç. We also know that the dimension of !0 is ŒT 1 ç. As this
quantity is a function of m and k, we have (from the power law above)
!0 D C ma k b
where a; b are so determined that the dimension of both sides be the same:
Œ!0 ç D C ŒM a çŒM b T 2b
ç H) ŒT 1
ç D ŒM aCb T 2b
And this gives us the following system of two linear equations to solve for a and b
aCb D0
H) a D 1=2; b D 1=2
2b D 1
Thus, we obtain the formula for the angular frequency without actually solving the equation,
!0 D C k=m
But dimensional analysis cannot give us the value of C . For that we can either solve the
problem (which is usually hard) or do an experiment. It is interesting to rewrite the above
equation as
C D !0 m=k
The number !0 m=k is called a dimensionless group. Furthermore, as it is a dimensionless
number, its value is invariant under change of units. Thus, it is called a universal constant.
In summary, this example has three independent dimensional quantities and they need
two fundamental dimensions (ŒM ç and ŒT ç). The solution shows that there exists one dimen-
sionless group.
Example 9.2
For example, suppose we want to work out how the flow Q of an ideal fluid through a hole
of diameter D depends on the pressure difference p. It seems plausible that Q might also
depend on the density of the fluid ⇢, so we look for a relationship of the form:
Q D kD a . p/b ⇢c
Now, we write the dimensions of all quantities involved
In summary, this example has four independent dimensional quantities and they need three
fundamental dimensions (ŒM ç; ŒLç and ŒT ç). The solution shows that there exists one dimen-
sionless group.
Example 9.3
In the previous example, we considered only an ideal fluid i.e., a fluid with zero viscosity.
Now, suppose that we’re dealing with a viscous fluid if the viscosity of dimension ŒL2 T 1 ç.
Now, Q is given by:
Q D kD a . p/b ⇢c d
ŒL3 T 1
ç D ŒLa M b L b T 2b
M cL 3c
L2d T d
which results in the following system of linear equations (three equations for four unknowns)
2 3
8̂ 2 3 a 2 3
<a b 3c C 2d D 3 1 1 3 2 6 7 3
6 7 6b 7 6 7
b C c D 0 ” 40 1 1 05 6 7 D 4 0 5
:̂ 4c 5
2b d D 1 0 2 0 1 1
Using linear algebra from Chapter 11, the rank of the matrix associated to the above system is
three, and the system has one free variable. Let’s choose b as the free variable, we can solve
for a; c; d in terms of b:
cD b; d D 1 2b; a D 1 C 2b
Thus, Q is written as
Q D kD 1C2b . p/b ⇢ b 1 2b
If the pattern we observe from the previous two examples still works, we should have two
dimensionless groups. This is so because there are five independent dimensional quantities
and they need three fundamental dimensions (ŒM ç; ŒLç and ŒT ç). Indeed, we have two dimen-
sionless groups (highlighted red):
✓ 2 ◆b
Q D p
Dk (9.7.3)
D ⇢ 2
From the presented three examples there exists a relationship between the number of quan-
tities, the number of fundamental dimensions and the number of dimensionless groups. Now,
we need to prove it. Instead of a general proof, we consider Example 9.3 and prove that there
must be one dimensionless number in this example. First, we write the dimensions of all quanti-
ties involved, but we have to explicitly write the powers of ŒM ç; ŒLç and ŒT ç. For example, for
Œ⇢ç D ŒM 1 L 3 T 0 ç; ŒDç D ŒM 0 L1 T 0 ç; Œ pç D ŒM 1 L 1 T 2
ŒQç D ŒM 0 L3 T 1
ç; Œ ç D ŒM 0 L2 T 1
Now, suppose we can build a dimensionless number C of the form (power law)
C D ⇢x1 D x2 p x3 Qx4 x5
F .⇡1 ; ⇡2 ; :::; ⇡m r / D 0
expressed only in terms of the dimensionless quantities.
Note that if the chosen fundamental dimensions are independent, then r is simply the number
of these fundamental dimensions.
The dimensionless combinations that we can make in a given problem are not unique: if ⇡1 and ⇡2 are both
dimensionless, then so are ⇡1 ⇡2 and ⇡1 C ⇡2 and, indeed, any function that we want to make out of these two
x D xc x;
Q t D tc tQ (9.7.11)
Differential operator. As a preparation for a discussion of 2nd order ODE in which we need
to compute x,
R we introduce the differential operator dt
, which we need to supply a function to
compute its time derivative:
d d d tQ 1 d
D D (9.7.16)
dt d tQ dt tc d tQ
The usefulness of this operator comes in when we compute the second derivative operator:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
d2 d d d 1 d
D D .use Eq. (9.7.16)/
dt 2 dt dt dt tc d tQ
✓ ◆ (9.7.17)
1 d 1 d 1 d2
D D 2 2
tc d tQ tc d tQ tc d tQ
axc d 2 xQ bxc d xQ
C C cxc xQ D Af .tc tQ/
tc d tQ
2 2 tc d tQ
Dividing it by the coefficient of the 2nd derivative, we get this equation:
d 2 xQ b d xQ
C p C xQ D F .tQ/
d tQ2 ac d tQ
periodic motion or oscillation, is the subject of this section. Understanding periodic motion will
be essential for the study of waves, sound and light.
Observing a ball rolling back and forth in a round bowl or a pendulum that swings back and
forth past its straight-down position (Fig. 9.4), we can see that a body that undergoes periodic
motion always has a stable equilibrium position. When it is moved away from this position and
released, a force or torque comes into play to pull it back toward equilibrium (such a force is
called a restoring force). But by the time it gets there, it has picked up some kinetic energy, so
it overshoots, stopping somewhere on the other side, and is again pulled back (by the restoring
force) toward equilibrium.
When the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement from equilibrium the
oscillation is called simple harmonic motion, abbreviated SHM or simple harmonic oscillation
(SHO). This section is confined to such oscillations.
We start with the simple harmonic oscillation in Section 9.8.1 where we discuss the equation
of motion of a spring-mass system, its solutions and its natural frequency and period. Damped
oscillations i.e., oscillations that die out due to resistive forces are discussed in Section 9.8.2.
Then, we present forced oscillations (those oscillations that require driving forces to maintain
their motions) in Section 9.8.3. The discussion is confined to sinusoidal driving forces only.
The phenomenon of resonance appears naturally in this context (Section 9.8.4). Force oscilla-
tions with any periodic driving forces are given in Section 9.8.5 where Fourier series are used.
Section 9.8.6 discusses the oscillation of pendulum.
Figure 9.4: Simple systems that undergo harmonic motion: spring-mass (a) and pendulum (b).
The minus sign is here to express the effect of pulling back: the force is always opposite the
displacement vector. Thus, when the mass is at the left side of O the force is pointing to the
right and thus the spring pushes the mass back to O. In this way we get harmonic oscillation.
Using Newton’s 2nd law we can write
mxR D kx H) xR C !02 x D 0; !02 D (9.8.1)
where xR D d 2 x=dt 2 . The notation !02 was introduced instead of !0 so that the maths (to be
discussed) will be in a simple form. At this stage we do not know its meaning, its role is for
notational convenience.
Assume that x.t/ is a solution of Eq. (9.8.1), then it is easy to see that Ax.t/ is also a
solution with any A > 0 that is a constant. Now assume that we have two solutions to this
equation, namely x1 .t/ and x2 .t/, which are independent of each otheréé , then Ax1 .t/ C Bx2 .t/
is also a solution⇤⇤ . Actually as it contains two constants A; B it is the general solution to
Eq. (9.8.1). Now we need to find two particular solutions and we are done. They are cos.!0 t /
and sin.!0 t / which are the only functions that have the second derivatives equal minus the
functions. Therefore, the general solution is||
with two constants A1 and A2 being real numbers. They are determined using the so-called
initial conditions. The initial conditions specify the conditions of the system when we start the
system. They include the initial position of the mass x0 (which is x.t/ evaluated at t D 0 i.e.,
x.0/) and the initial velocity v.0/:
While the solution in Eq. (9.8.2) is perfectly fine, it does not immediately reveal the amplitude
of the oscillation. Using the trigonometry identity cos.a b/ D cos a cos b C sin a sin b, we
can re-write that equation in the following form
q !
x D A21 C A22 p cos.!0 t / C p
1 2
sin.!0 t/
A1 C A2 2
A1 C A22
2 (9.8.4)
D A cos.!0 t /
where A is the amplitude of the oscillation, i.e., the maximum displacement of the mass from
equilibrium, either
p in the positive or negative direction. If needed, we can relate A and to A1
and A2 : A D A21 C A22 and cos D A1 =A. is called phase-shifted angle, see Fig. 9.5.
Simple harmonic motion is repetitive. The period T is the time it takes the mass to complete
one oscillation and return to the starting position. Everyone should be familiar with the period
For example x1 .t / D sin t and x2 .t / D 5 sin t are not independent. Refer to Chapter 11 for detail.
You should verify this claim.
We should ask why there can’t be other solutions? To answer this question we need to use
of orbit for the Earth around the Sun, which is approximately 365 days; it takes 365 days for the
Earth to complete a cycle. We can find the formula for T based on this definition: the position
of the mass at time t is exactly the position at time t C T ; that is A cos.!0 .t C T / / D
A cos.!0 t /. So,
2⇡ m
!0 .t C T / D !0 t C 2⇡ H) T D D 2⇡ (9.8.5)
!0 k
The unit of T is second in the SI system.
Next, we mention a related quantity named frequency, usually denoted by f . Frequency
helps to answer how often something happens (e.g. how many visits per day). In the case of
SHO, it measures how many cycles per unit time is. There is a relation between the period T
and the frequency f . To derive this relation, one example suffices. If it takes 0:1 s for one cycle
(i.e., T D 0:1 s), there will be then 10 cycles per second. Thus,
f D 1=T D !0=2⇡ (9.8.6)
In the SI system, the unit of f is cycles per second or Hertz in honor of the first experimenteréé
with radio waves (which are electric vibrations). While f is referred to as frequency, !0 is
called angular frequency. It is such called because !0 D 2⇡f with the unit of radians per
second. There is no circle but why angular frequency? There is a circle hidden here. Whenever
we deal with sine and cosine we are dealing with the complex exponential, which in turn
involves the unit circle. See Fig. 9.6 for detail. Later on, we will call !0 the natural frequency of
the system when the mass is driven by a cyclic force with yet another frequency !.
Solution using a complex exponential. As it is more convenient to work with the exponential
function than with the sine/cosine functions, we use a complex exponential to solve the SHO
problem. But as x.t/ is real not imaginary, we use complex numbers to simplify the mathematics,
and we will take x.t/ as the real part of the complex solution. Using complex exponential, we
write x.t / asé
x.t/ D C1 e i !0 t C C2 e i !0 t ; C1 ; C2 2 C (9.8.7)
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (22 February 1857 – 1 January 1894) was a German physicist who first conclusively
proved the existence of the electromagnetic waves predicted by James Clerk Maxwell’s equations of electromag-
This is so because e i!0 t and e i!0 t are two solutions of Eq. (9.8.1), thus any linear combinations of them is
also a solution.
Using e i✓ D cos ✓ C i sin ✓ in Eq. (9.8.7) and compare with Eq. (9.8.2), we can relate C1 ; C2
with A1;2 :
C1 C C2 D A1
i.C1 C2 / D A2
which indicates that C2 is simply the complex conjugate of C1 : C2 D CN 1 . Now, we can proceed
with Eq. (9.8.7) where C2 is replaced by CN 1 é :
x.t/ D C1 e i !0 t C CN 1 e i !0 t
D 2 ReŒC1 e i !0 t ç .CN 1 e i !0 t
is the conjugate of C1 e i !0 t /
D ReŒ2C1 e i !0 t ç (with 2C1 D A1 iA2 D Ae i
, Fig. 9.6)
D ReŒAe e i !0 t ç D A cos.!0 t /
Figure 9.6: Solving SHO using a complex exponential: the complex number Ae i.!0 t / moves counter-
clockwise with angular velocity !0 around a circle of radius A. Its real part, x.t /, is the projection of the
complex number onto the real axis. While the complex number goes around the circle, this projection
oscillates back and forth on the x axis.
Geometric meaning of Euler’s identity. Recall that we have derived Euler’s identity
e i ⇡ C 1 D 0 in Eq. (2.24.16). Now, we can give a geometric meaning to it. Referring to Fig. 9.6
but with A D 1 (unit circle) and D 0. The complex number e i !0 t is circulating the unit circle.
When !0 t D ⇡, it has traveled half of the circle and arrive at the point . 1; 0/ or 1. And thus
If not clear, check Section 2.24 on complex conjugate rules, particularly uN wN D uw.
ei ⇡ D 1.
Plots of displacement, velocity and acceleration. To verify whether our solutions agree with
our intuitive understanding of a SHO, we analyze the displacement x.t/, the velocity xP and the
acceleration xR for A1 D 1:0 and A2 D 0:0. That is we displace the mass (from the equilibrium)
to the right a distance of A1 and release it. The plots of x; xP and xR are shown in Fig. 9.7.
The mass goes to the left with an increasing velocity (and acceleration). When it reaches the
equilibrium point, the velocity is maximum (and so is the kinetic energy). It continues moving
to the left until it reaches A at t D 0:5, at that point the velocity is zero (and the potential
energy is maximum).
Figure 9.7: SHO with x D A cos !t : plots of displacement, velocity and acceleration. The frequency is
!0 D 2⇡ so that T D 1. The amplitude is A D 1.
Energy conservation. Let’s now compute the kinetic and potential energy of the SHO and see
about energy conservation. From Eq. (9.8.4), we have x and thus xP as
x D A cos.!0 t / H) xP D A!0 sin.!0 t /
Using them, we can determine the kinetic energy T and potential energy U as
1 1
T D mxP 2 D kA2 sin2 .!0 t /
2 2 (9.8.11)
1 1
U D kx 2 D kA2 cos2 .!0 t /
2 2
From that energy conservation is easily seen: T C U D 1=2kA2 . It’s useful to plot the evolution
of the energies in time (Fig. 9.8a) to see the exchange between kinetic and potential energies. In
that plot, I used A D 0:5, D 0, m D k D 1 (thus !0 D 1 and T D 2⇡).
1 2 1 2 1 xP 2 x2
mxP C kx D kA2 H) C D1
2 2 2 .!0 A/2 A2
What is the boxed equation? It is an ellipse! So, on the x xP plane–which is called the phase
plane–the trajectory of the mass is an ellipse (Fig. 9.8b). Think about it: we are dealing with a
mass moving on a line, but we have a circle if we use complex numbers to study this problem,
and we also met an ellipse if we use the phase plane. That’s remarkable.
zR C 2ˇ zP C !02 z D 0; z D e i !t (9.8.13)
Don’t forget that !02 D k=m.
Now comes the reason why we used complex numbers: the derivatives of an exponential function
is the product of the function and a constant! Indeed,
z D e i !t
zP D i!e i !t D i!z (9.8.14)
zR D ! 2 e i !t D ! 2z
Substituting z; zP and zR into Eq. (9.8.13), we get the following equation
z. ! 2 C 2ˇi! C !02 / D 0 (9.8.15)
which is valid for all t . Thus,
! 2 C 2ˇi! C !02 D 0 (9.8.16)
which is a quadratic equation for !. Solving this equation, we get:
! D iˇ ˙ !02 ˇ 2 (9.8.17)
Now, we get different solutions depending on the sign of the term under the square root. In what
follows, we discuss these solutions.
Weakly damped is the case when !0 > ˇ. By setting !0d D !02 ˇ 2 , we have ! D iˇ ˙ !0d .
So, z D e i !t is written as
z D e i !t D e i.iˇ ˙!0 /t D e . ˇ ˙i !0d /t ˇ t ˙i !0d t
De e (9.8.18)
i !0d t i !0d t
These are two particular solutions of Eq. (9.8.13): z1 D e ˇt
e and z2 D e ˇt
e . Thus,
the general complex solution is
ˇ t i !0d t ˇt i !0d t ˇt d
i !0d t
z D C1 e e C C2 e e De .C1 e i !0 t C C2 e / (9.8.19)
„ ƒ‚ …
where C1 and C2 are two complex numbers. Now, we have to express z in the form x C iy, so
that we can get the real part of it, which is the solution we are seeking of. We write z0 as
h ⇣ ⌘ ⇣ ⌘i
z0 D ŒRe.C1 / C i Im.C1 ç cos !0d t C i sin !0d t
h ⇣ ⌘ ⇣ ⌘i
C ŒRe.C2 / C i Im.C2 /ç cos !0d t i sin !0d t
⇣ ⌘ ⇣ ⌘ (9.8.20)
d d
D .Re.C1 / C Re.C2 // cos !0 t C .Im.C2 / Im.C1 // sin !0 t
„ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ …
C i.: : :/
The solution x.t/ is the real part of z, thus it is given by
h ⇣ ⌘ ⇣ ⌘i
x.t/ D Re z.t/ D e ˇ t A cos !0d t C B sin !0d t
⇣ ⌘ (9.8.21)
ˇt d
D e C cos !0 t C ✓
Example. Let’s consider one example with !0 D 1, ˇ D 0:05, x0 D 1:0, v0 D 3:0. We need to
compute C and ✓ using the initial conditions. Using Eq. (9.8.21), we have
) x0
< C D
x0 D x.t D 0/ D C cos ✓ cos ✓ ✓ ◆
H) v0 C ˇx0
v0 D x.t
P D 0/ D Cˇ cos.✓/ C !0 sin.✓/ d ˆ ✓ D arctan
!0d x0
Now, we can plot x.t/ using Eq. (9.8.21) (Fig. 9.9). The code is given in Listing B.11.
Figure 9.9: Weakly damped oscillation can be seen as simple harmonic oscillations with an exponentially
decaying amplitude C e ˇ t . The dashed curves are the maximum amplitudes envelop ˙C e ˇ t .
Overpdamped is the case when !0 < ˇ. In this case, ! D iˇ ˙ i ˇ 2 !02 D i.ˇ ˙ !/, N
!N D ˇ 2 !0 .
z1 D e i !1 t D e . ˇ !/t N
i !2 t . ˇ C!/t
H) z.t/ D C1 e . ˇ !/t C C2 e . ˇ C!/t
z2 D e De
There are two main reasons for the importance of sinusoidal driving forces. First, there are many
important systems in which the driving force is sinusoidal. The second reason is subtler. It turns
out that any periodic force can be built up from sinusoidal forces using Fourier series.
Eq. (9.8.23) can be rewritten as follows
k b F0
xR C 2ˇ xP C !02 x D f0 cos.!t/; !02 D ; 2ˇ D ; f0 D (9.8.24)
m m m
We are going to solve this equation using a complex function z.t/ D x.t/ C iy.t/ satisfying
Eq. (9.8.24):
zR C 2ˇ zP C !02 z D f0 e i !t (9.8.25)
It can be seen that the real part of z.t/ i.e., x.t/ is actually the solution of Eq. (9.8.24). With
z D C e i !t , we compute zP , zR
z D C e i !t
zP D i!C e i !t (9.8.26)
2 i !t
zR D ! Ce
And substituting them into Eq. (9.8.25) to get
! 2 C C 2ˇi!C C !02 C D f0 (9.8.27)
which give us C as follows
f0 f0 .!02 ! 2 2i!ˇ/
!02 ! 2 C 2i!ˇ .!02 ! 2 /2 C 4! 2 ˇ 2
D f0⇤ .!02 ! 2 2i!ˇ/; f0⇤ D 2
.!0 ! 2 /2 C 4! 2 ˇ 2
Now, we write z D C e i !t explicitly into the form x.t/ C iy.t/ to find its real part:
z D C e i !t D C.cos !t C i sin !t/
D f0⇤ .!02 ! 2 2i!ˇ/.cos !t C i sin !t/ (9.8.29)
⇥ ⇤ ⇥ ⇤
D f0⇤ .!02 ! 2 / cos !t C 2!ˇ sin !t C if0⇤ .!02 ! 2 / sin !t 2!ˇ cos !t
Thus, the solution to Eq. (9.8.24), which is the real part of z.t/ is given by
f0 .!02 ! 2 / 2f0 !ˇ
x.t / D Re.z/ D 2 cos !t C 2 sin !t (9.8.30)
.!0 ! 2 /2 C 4! 2 ˇ 2 .!0 ! 2 /2 C 4! 2 ˇ 2
Now, we use the trigonometry identity cos.a b/ D cos a cos b C sin a sin b to rewrite x.t/.
First, we re-arrange x.t/ in the form of cos cos C sin sin, then we will have a compact form for
x.t /:
" #
f0 .!02 ! 2 / cos !t 2!ˇ sin !t
x.t / D p p Cp
.!02 ! 2 /2 C 4! 2 ˇ 2 .!02 ! 2 /2 C 4! 2 ˇ 2 .!02 ! 2 /2 C 4! 2 ˇ 2
f0 2!ˇ
D A cos.!t ı/; A D p ; tan ı D 2
.!02 ! 2 /2 C 4! 2 ˇ 2 !0 ! 2
We have just computed the response of the system to the driving force: a sinusoidal driving force
results in a sinusoidal oscillation with an amplitude proportional to the amplitude of the force.
All looks reasonable. Do not forget the natural oscillation response. We’re interested in the case
of weakly damped only. The total solution is thus given by
⇣ ⌘
x.t/ D A cos.!t ı/ C Be cos !0d t C ✓ (9.8.32)
Example. A mass is released from rest at t D 0 and x D 0. The driven force is f D f0 cos !t
with f0 D 1000 and ! D 2⇡. Assume that the natural frequency is !0 D 5! D 10⇡, and the
damping is ˇ D !0=20 D ⇡=2 i.e., a weakly damped oscillation.
We determine B and ✓ from the given initial conditions. Noting that A and ı are known:
A D 1:06 and ı D 0:0208.
) (
x0 D A cos ı C B cos ✓ B cos ✓ D x0 A cos ı
v0 D !A sin ı C B. ˇ cos ✓ !0d sin ✓/ ˇB cos ✓ C B!0d sin ✓ D !A sin ı v0
which yields B D 1:056 and ✓ D 0:054. Using all these numbers in Eq. (9.8.32) we can
plot the solution as shown in Fig. 9.10. We provide the plot of the driving force, the transient
solution and the total solution x.t/. Codes to produce these plots are given in Appendix B.4.
Figure 9.10: Driven oscillation of a weakly damped spring-mass: the frequency of the force is 2⇡, and
the natural frequency is 10⇡. After about 3 cycles, the motion is indistinguishable from a pure cosine,
oscillating at exactly the drive frequency. The free oscillation has died out and only the long term motion
remains. In the beginning t 3, the effects of the transients are clearly visible: as they oscillate at a faster
frequency they show up as a rapid succession of bumps and dips. In fact, you can see that there are five
such bumps within the first cycle, indicating that !0 D 5!.
9.8.4 Resonance
By looking at the formula of the oscillation amplitude A, we can explain the phenomenon of
resonance. Recall that A is given by
AD p (9.8.33)
.!02 ! 2 /2 C 4! 2 ˇ 2
which will have a maximum value when the denominator is minimum. Note that we are not
interested with using a big force to have a large amplitude. With only a relatively small force but
at a correct frequency we can get a large oscillation anyway. Moreover, we are only interested
in the case ˇ is small i.e., weakly damped. It can be seen that A is maximum when ! ⇡ !0 , see
Fig. 9.11a and the maximum value is
Amax ⇡ (9.8.34)
2!0 ˇ
(a) (b)
is now given by
mxR C b xP C kx D f .t/ (9.8.36)
And we replace f .t/ by its Fourier series (Section 4.18)
f .t/ D Œan cos.n!t / C bn sin.n!t/ç (9.8.37)
What is this new form different from the original problem, Eq. (9.8.36)? Now, we have a damped
SHO with infinitely many driving forces f0 .t/; f1 .t/; : : : But for each of this force, we are able
to solve for the solution xn .t/, with n D 0; 1; : : :, (we have assumed that the Fourier series
contain only the cosine terms for simplicity):
an 2n!ˇ
xn .t / D An cos.n!t ın /; An D p ; tan ın D
.!02 n2 ! 2 /2 C 4n2 ! 2 ˇ 2 !02 n2 ! 2
And what is the final solution? It is simply the sum of all xn .t/. Why that? Because our equation
is linear! To see this, let’s assume there are only two forces: with f1 .t/ we have the solution
x1 .t / and similarly for f2 .t/, so we can write:
which indicates that x.t/ D x1 .t/ C x2 .t/ is indeed the solution. This is known as the principle
of superposition, which we discussed in Section 9.6. There, the discussion was abstract.
In summary, we had a hard problem (due to f .t/), and we replaced this f .t/ by many
many easier sinusoidal forces. For each force, we solved an easier problem and we added these
solutions altogether to get the final solution. It is indeed the spirit of calculus!
g d 2✓ g
✓R C sin ✓ D 0; or 2
C sin ✓ D 0 (9.8.44)
l dt l
For small vibrations, we have sin ✓ ⇡ ✓ (remember the Taylor series for sine?). Thus, our
equation is further simplified to
r s
g l
✓R C ! 2 ✓ D 0; ! D H) T D 2⇡ (9.8.45)
l g
And voilà, we see again the simple harmonic oscillation equation! And the natural frequency
(and the period) of a pendulum does not depend on the mass of the blob. And of course it does
not depend on how far it swings i.e., the initial conditions have no say on this. This fact was first
observed by Galileo Galilei when he was a student of medicine watching a swinging chandelier.
A historical note: it was the Dutch mathematician Christian Huygens (1629-1695) who first
derived the formula for the period
p of a pendulum. Note that we can also use a dimensional
analysis to come up with ! ⇠ g= l.
Pendulum and elliptic integral of first kind. Herein I demonstrate how an elliptic integral of
the first kind shows up in the formula of the period of a pendulum when its amplitude is large.
The idea is to start with Eq. (9.8.44) and massage it so that we can have dt as a function of ✓.
Then, integrating dt to get the period T .
We re-write Eq. (9.8.44) using !:
d 2✓
C ! 2 sin ✓ D 0 (9.8.46)
dt 2
P we get
Multiplying both sides of this equation with ✓,
d 2 ✓ d✓ d✓
C ! 2 sin ✓ D0 (9.8.47)
dt dt dt
Now, integrating this equation w.r.t t, we obtain
✓ ◆2
1 d✓
! 2 cos ✓ D k (9.8.48)
2 dt
Check Eq. (7.10.17) if this was not clear.
LqR C RqP C qD0 (9.8.52)
This has exactly the form of Eq. (9.8.12) for the damped oscillator.
And anything that we know about the damped oscillator will be immediately applicable to the
RLC circuit. In other words, the RLC circuit is an electrical analog of a spring-mass system with
Mathematicians do not care about physics or applications, what matters to them is the fol-
lowing nice equation with a; b; c 2 R
ayR C b yP C cy D 0 (9.8.53)
which they call a second order ordinary differential equation. But now you understand why
univesity students have to study them and similar equations. Because they describe our world
quite nicely.
Figure 9.12: A simple two coupled oscillators. In the absence of the spring 2, the two carts would oscillate
independently of each other. It is the spring 2 that couples the two carts.
where M is the mass matrix and K is the spring-constant matrix or stiffness matrix. Note that
these two matrices are symmetric. Also note that using matrix notation the equation of motion
of coupled oscillators, MxR D Kx, is a very natural generalization of that of a single oscillator:
with just one degree of freedom, all three matrices x, K and M are just ordinary numbers and
we had mxR D kx.
We use complex exponentials to solve Eq. (9.8.55):
" # " #
z A1 i !t
zD 1 D e D ae i !t ; H) zR D ! 2 ae i !t (9.8.56)
z2 A2
.! 2 M K/a D 0 (9.8.57)
det K ! 2M D 0 (9.8.58)
This is a quadratic equation for ! 2 and has two solutions for ! 2 (in general). This implies that
there are two frequencies !1;2 at which the carts oscillate in pure sinusoidal motion. These
frequencies are called normal frequencies. The two sinusoidal motions associated with these
normal frequencies are known as normal modes. The normal modes are determined by solving
Eq. (9.8.57). If you know linear algebra, what we are doing here is essentially a generalized
eigenvalue problem in which ! 2 play the role of eigenvalues and a play the role of eigenvectors;
refer to Section 11.10 for more detail on eigenvalue problems.
Example 1. Let’s consider the case of equal stiffness springs and equal masses: k1 D k2 D
k3 D k and m1 D m2 D m. Using Eq. (9.8.58) we can determine the normal frequencies:
r r
k 3k
!1 D ; !2 D (9.8.59)
m m
Check Chapter 11 for a discussion on matrices.
Did u notice anything special about !1 ? And we use Eq. (9.8.57) to compute a:
" # " #! " # " #
2k k ! 2m 0 A1 0
D (9.8.60)
k 2k 0 ! m A2 0
With !1 , we solve Eq. (9.8.60) to have A1 D A2 D Ae i 1 . So, we have z1 .t/ and z2 .t/ and
from them the real parts of the actual solutions for mode 1:
) (
z1 D Ae i 1 e i !1 t x1 .t/ D A cos.!1 t 1/
H) (9.8.61)
z2 D Ae i 1 i !1 t
e x2 .t/ D A cos.!1 t 1/
As x1 .t / D x2 .t/ the two carts oscillate in a way that spring 2 is always in its unstretched
configuration. In other words, spring 2 is irrelevantpand thus the system oscillates with a natural
frequency similar to a single oscillator (i.e., ! D k=m).
With !2 , we solve Eq. (9.8.60) to have A1 D A2 D Be i 2 . The mode 2 solutions are
x1 .t/ D CB cos.!2 t 2/
x2 .t/ D B cos.!2 t 2/ D B cos.!2 t 2 ⇡/
These solutions tell us that when cart 1 moves to the left a distance, cart 2 moves to the right the
same distance. We say that the two carts oscillate with the same amplitude but are out of phase.
Together, the general solutions are:
" # " #
1 1
x.t/ D A cos.!1 t 1/ C B cos.!1 t 2/ (9.8.63)
1 1
with the four constants of integration A; B; 1; 2 to be determined from four initial conditions.
Example 2. This case involves equal masses, but the second spring is much less stiff: k1 D
k3 D k, k2 ⌧ k, m1 D m2 D m. The two normal frequencies are
r r
k k C 2k2
!1 D ; !2 D (9.8.64)
m m
As we have discussed, spring 2 is irrelevant in mode 1, so we got the same mode 1 frequency as
in Example 1. As k2 ⌧ k, !1 ⇡ !2 , we can write them in terms of their average !0 and half
difference ✏ (you will see why we did this via Eq. (9.8.67); the basic idea is that we can write
the solutions in two separate terms, one involves !0 and one involves ✏):
!1 D !0 ✏; !1 C !2 !2 !1
; !0 D ;✏ D (9.8.65)
!2 D !0 C ✏; 2 2
Therefore, the normal modes are
( (
z1 D C1 e i.!0 ✏/t D C1 e i !0 t e i ✏t z1 D CC2 e i.!0 C✏/t D CC2 e i !0 t e i ✏t
(mode 1); (mode 2)
z2 D C1 e i.!0 ✏/t
D C1 e i !0 t e i ✏t
z2 D C2 e i.!0 C✏/t D C2 e i !0 t e i ✏t
where in the last step, we have used the formula that relating sine/cosine to complex exponentials,
see Section 2.24.5 if you do not recall this. And the real solutions are thus given by
" #
A cos.✏t/ cos.!0 t /
x.t/ D (9.8.67)
A sin.✏t/ sin.!0 t/
and ✏ D 1 and consider a time duration of 2⇡. First, we
try to understand what A sin.✏t/ sin.!0 t/ means. As 0.5
lope for the latter. In Fig. 9.13 both x1 .t/ and x2 .t/ are t
shown. There we can see that the motion sloshes back and forth between the two masses. At the
start only the first mass is moving. But after a time of ✏t D ⇡=2 (or t D ⇡=2✏), the 1st mass is
not moving and the second mass has all the motion. Then after another time of ⇡=2✏ it switches
back, and this continues forever.
x1 (t)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 t
x2 (t)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Later in Section 9.10 we shall know that this is nothing but the beat phenomenon when two
sound waves of similar frequencies meet.
This is so because at t D 0, x1 D A while xP 1 D x2 D xP 2 D 0.
So, with the technique of separation of variables, we have converted a single second order PDE
into a system of two first order ODEs. That’s the key lesson! What is interesting is that it is
straightforward to solve these two ODEs:
g.t/ D A1 e ; h.x/ D A2 cos x C A3 sin x (9.9.8)
with A1 ; A2 ; A3 are arbitrary constants. With these functions substituted into Eq. (9.9.4), the
temperature field is given by
✓.x; t/ D e .A cos x C B sin x/ (9.9.9)
with A D A1 A2 and B D A1 A3 . We have to find A; B and so that ✓.x; t/ satisfies the BCs
and IC. For the BCs, we have
✓.0; t/ D 0 W e A D 0 H) A D 0
✓.1; t/ D 0 W e B sin D 0 H) sin D 0 H) D n⇡; n D 1; 2; : : :
So, we have an infinite number of solutions written as§
.n⇡/2 t
✓n .x; t/ D Bn e sin.n⇡x/; n D 1; 2; 3; : : : (9.9.11)
All satisfy the boundary conditions (and of course the PDE). It is now to work with the initial
condition. First, since the PDE is a linear equation, the sum of all the fundamental solutions is
also a solution; this is known as the principle of superposition. So, we have
1 X
.n⇡/2 t
✓.x; t/ D ✓n .x; t/ D Bn e sin.n⇡x/ (9.9.12)
nD1 nD1
Evaluating this solution at t D 0 gives us (noting that the initial condition Eq. (9.9.2) says that
at t D 0 the temperature is .x/):
✓.x; 0/ D Bn sin.n⇡x/ D .x/ (9.9.13)
1 Z 1
.n⇡/2 t
✓.x; t/ D Bn e sin.n⇡x/; Bn D 2 .x/ sin.n⇡x/dx (9.9.14)
nD1 0
Should we be worry about the infinity involved in this solution? No, we do not have to thanks to
the term e .n⇡/ t which is actually a decaying term i.e., for large n and/or for large t , this term
is small. See Fig. 9.14 for an illustration.
B D 0 also satisfies the BCs, but it would result in a boring solution ✓.x; t / D 0.
Figure 9.14: Solution of the heat equation: high order terms vanish first and thus the wiggles are gone
History note 9.1: Joseph Fourier (21 March 1768 – 16 May 1830)
Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier was a French mathematician and physi-
cist who is best known for initiating the investigation of Fourier se-
ries, which eventually developed into Fourier analysis and harmonic
analysis, and their applications to problems of heat transfer and vi-
brations. The Fourier transform and Fourier’s law of conduction are
also named in his honor. Fourier is also generally credited with the
discovery of the greenhouse effect.
In 1822, Fourier published his work on heat flow in The Analytical
Theory of Heat. There were three important contributions in this work, one purely math-
ematical, two essentially physical. In mathematics, Fourier claimed that any function of
a variable, whether continuous or discontinuous, can be expanded in a series of sines of
multiples of the variable. Though this result is not correct without additional conditions,
Fourier’s observation that some discontinuous functions are the sum of infinite series
was a breakthrough. One important physical contribution in the book was the concept of
dimensional homogeneity in equations; i.e. an equation can be formally correct only if
the dimensions match on either side of the equality; Fourier made important contributions
to dimensional analysis. The other physical contribution was Fourier’s proposal of his
partial differential equation for conductive diffusion of heat. This equation is now taught
to every student of mathematical physics.
we hold its left end and move our hand up and down, a wave is created and travels to the right.
And that’s a traveling wave. Now, we need to describe it mathematically. And it turns out not so
Assume that at time t D 0, we have a wave of which the shape can be described by a
function y D f .x/. Furthermore, assume that the wave travels with a constant velocity c to the
right and its shape does not change in time. Then, at time t ⇤ , the wave is given by f .x ct ⇤ /.
To introduce some terminologies, let’s consider the simplest traveling wave; a sine wave.
Sinusoidal waves. Now, consider a sine wave (people prefer to call it a sinusoidal wave) traveling
to the right (along the x direction) with a velocity c. As a sine wave is characterized by its height
y which depends on two independent variables x (the position of a point on the wave) and time
t, its equation is determined by a function y.x; t/, which is:
✓ ◆
y.x; t/ D A sin .x ct / (9.10.1)
The amplitude of the wave is A, the wavelength is . That is, the function y.x; t/ repeats itself
each time x increases by the distance . Thus, the wavelength is the spatial period of a periodic
waveéé . It is the distance between consecutive corresponding points of the same phase on the
wave, such as two adjacent crests, troughs, or zero crossings (Fig. 9.15).
So far we have focused on the shape of the entire wave at one particular time instant. Now
we focus on one particular location on the wave, say x ⇤ and let time vary. As time goes on, the
wave passes by the point and makes it moves up and down. (Think of a leaf on a pond that bobs
up and down with the motion of the water ripples) The motion of the point is simple harmonic.
Indeed, we can show this mathematically as follows. Replacing x by x ⇤ in Eq. (9.10.1), we have
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
⇤ 2⇡ ⇤ 2⇡c 2⇡x ⇤
y.x ; t/ D A sin .x ct / D A sin t (9.10.2)
Note that in Section 9.8 we met another period, which is a temporal period. Waves are more complicated than
harmonic oscillations because we have two independent variables x and t.
This is indeed the equation of a SHO (Section 9.8.1) with angular frequency ! and phase
2⇡c 2⇡x ⇤
!D D 2⇡f; D (9.10.3)
where f is the frequency. Now, we can understand why the wavelength is defined as the
distance between consecutive corresponding points of the same phase on the wave. The phase
is identical for points x ⇤ and x ⇤ C . As each point in the string (e.g. x ⇤ ) oscillates back and
forth in the transverse direction (not along the direction of the string), this is called a transverse
Now, I present another form of the sinusoidal wave which
introduces the concept of wavenumber, designated by k. Ob-
viously we can write Eq. (9.10.1) in the following form
y.x; t / D A sin.kx !t /, with k WD 2⇡= . Referring to
the figure next to the text, it is obvious that the wavenumber
k tells us how many waves are there in a spatial domain of
length L. More precise k=2⇡ is the number of waves fit inside
L. We can now study what will happen if two waves of the
same frequencies meet. For example if we are listening two
sounds of similar frequencies, what would we hear? Writing the two sounds as
If we plot the waves as in Fig. 9.16 (!1 =!2 D 8 W 10), we see that where the crests coincide we
get a strong wave and where a trough and crest coincide we get practically zero, and then when
the crests coincide again we get a strong wave again.
d’Alembert’s solution. Now, we turn to d’Alembert’s solutions to the wave equation. We have
shown that a traveling wave (to the right) can be written as f .x ct /. Thus, f .x ct /, as a
wave, must satisfy the wave equation. That is obvious (chain rule is what we need to verify this):
@ @
.f .x ct// D c 2 .f .x ct//
@t 2 @x 2
And there is nothing special about a wave traveling to the right, we have another wave traveling
to the left. It is given by g.x C ct/, and it is also a solution to the wave equation. As the wave
equation is linear, f .x ct/ C g.x C ct / is also a solution to the wave equation. But, we need
a proof.
Note the similarity with Eq. (9.8.67).
Figure 9.16
The equation that we want to solve is for an infinitely long string (so that we do not have to
worry about what happens at the boundary):
where f .x/ is the initial shape of the string, and g.x/ is the initial velocity.
We introduce two new variables ⇠ and ⌘ as
⇠ D x C ct; ⌘ D x ct
which transform the PDE from u t t D c 2 uxx to u⇠⌘ D 0, which can be solved easily:
Now we have to deal with the initial conditions i.e., Eq. (9.10.5).
mother left the newly born child on the steps of the church of St
Jean Le Rond. The child was quickly found and taken to a home for
homeless children. He was baptised Jean Le Rond, named after the church on whose steps
he had been found. When his father returned to Paris he made contact with his young
son and arranged for him to be cared for by the wife of a glazier, Mme Rousseau. She
would always be d’Alembert’s mother in his own eyes, particularly since his real mother
never recognized him as her son, and he lived in Mme Rousseau’s house until he was
middle-aged. Jean Le Rond d’Alembert was one of the eighteenth century’s preeminent
mathematicians. He was elected to the French Academy of Sciences at the age of only
twenty-three. His important contributions include the d’Alembert formula, describing
how strings vibrate, and the d’Alembert principle, a generalization of one of Newton’s
classical laws of motion.
where the n term un .x; t/ is called the n-th mode of vibration or the n-th harmonic. This solution
satisfies the PDE and the BCs. If we plot these modes of vibration (Fig. 9.17), what we observe
is that the wave doesn’t propagate. It just sits there vibrating up and down in place. Such a wave
is called a standing wave. Points that do not move at any time (zero amplitude of oscillation)
are called nodes. Points where the amplitude is maximum are called antinodes. The simplest
mode of vibration with n D 1 is called the fundamental, and the frequency at which it vibrates
is called the fundamental frequency.
But waves should be traveling, why we have standing waves here? To see why, we need
to use trigonometry, particularly the product identities in Eq. (3.7.6) (e.g. sin ˛ cos ˇ D
sin.˛Cˇ /Csin.˛ ˇ /=2). Using these identities, we can rewrite u .x; t/ as
An ⇣ n⇡ n⇡ ⌘
un .x; t/ D sin .x C ct / C sin .x ct /
2 L L (9.11.8)
Bn ⇣ n⇡ n⇡ ⌘
C cos .x ct / cos .x C ct /
2 L L
Let’s now focus on the terms with An , we can write
An n⇡ An n⇡
un .x; t/ D sin .x ct/ C sin .x C ct /
2 ✓L ◆2 L ✓ ◆ (9.11.9)
An 2⇡x 2⇡ct An 2⇡x 2⇡ct 2L
D sin C sin C ; n D
2 n n 2 n n n
which is obviously the superposition of two traveling waves: the first term is a wave traveling to
the right and the second travels to the left. Both waves have the same amplitude.
All points on the string oscillate at the same frequency but with different amplitudes.
Now we need to consider the initial conditions. By evaluating u.x; t/ and its first time
derivative at t D 0, and using the ICs, we obtain
1 ⇣ n⇡x ⌘
An sin D f .x/
⇣ n⇡x ⌘ (9.11.10)
Bn sin D g.x/
Example 9.4
Now, assume that the initial velocity of the string is zero, thus Bn D 0, then the solution is
1 ⇣ n⇡c ⌘ ⇣ n⇡x ⌘ Z ⇣ n⇡x ⌘
2 L
u.x; t / D An cos t sin ; An D f .x/ sin dx (9.11.11)
L L L 0 L
Figure 9.17: Standing waves un .x; t / for n D 1; 2; 3. Different colors are used to denote un .x; t / for
different times.
What does this mean? If we break the initial shape of the string into many small components:
1 ⇣ n⇡x ⌘
f .x/ D An sin
Then we suddenly release the string and study its motion. As the initial velocity is zero, we
just have An , which are computed as (Eq. (9.11.11))
✓ ◆
2h L2 d n⇡
An D 2 2 sin
n ⇡ d.L d / L
Now, we extend this definition to a continuous function f .x/. Following the same procedure in
Section 4.11.3 when we computed the average of a function, we get
Z !1=2
fN.x/ D Œf .x/ç2 dx (9.12.2)
Recall also that the Fourier series of a periodic function f .x/ in Œ L; Lç is given by
1 ⇣
X n⇡x n⇡x ⌘
f .x/ D a0 C an cos C bn sin (9.12.3)
Now, we introduce fN .x/ which is a finite Fourier series of f .x/. That is fN .x/ consists of
a finite number N 2 N of the cosine and sine terms:
N ⇣
X n⇡x n⇡x ⌘
fN .x/ D a0 C an cos C bn sin (9.12.5)
With that we compute the RMS of the difference between f .x/ and fN .x/éé :
1 L
ED .f .x/ fN .x//2 dx
L L (9.12.6)
D ..f; f / 2.f; fN / C .fN ; fN //
Although not necessary, I used the short notation .f; g/ to denote the inner product L f .x/g.x/dx.
The plan is like this: if we can compute .f; fN / and .fN ; fN /, then with the fact that E 0, we
shall get an inequality, and that inequality is the Bessel inequality. Let’s start with .fN ; fN /⇤ :
Z " N ⇣
L X n⇡x n⇡x ⌘
.fN ; fN / D a0 C an cos C bn sin dx
L nD1
2 2 2 n⇡x 2 n⇡x
D a0 dx C an cos dx C bn sin2 dx
L nD1 L L nD1 L L
D L 2a02 C an2 C bn2
nD1 nD1
Z " N ⇣
L X n⇡x n⇡x ⌘
.f; SN / D f .x/ a0 C an cos C bn sin dx
L nD1
n⇡x n⇡x
D a0 f .x/dx C an f .x/ cos dx C bn f .x/ sin dx
L nD1 L L nD1 L L
D L 2a02 C an2 C bn2
nD1 nD1
To arrive at the final result, we just use Eq. (9.12.4) to replace the red integrals by the Fourier
coefficients. Substituting all these into the second of Eq. (9.12.6), we obtain
1 X
E D .f; f / 2a02 C an2 C bn2 (9.12.7)
L nD1 nD1
2a02 C an2 C bn2 f 2 .x/dx
nD1 nD1
1 Z L
Bessel’s inequality W 2a02 C an2 C bn2 f 2 .x/dx (9.12.8)
10.1 Introduction and some history comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710
10.2 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710
10.3 Variational problems and Euler-Lagrange equation . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
10.4 Solution of some elementary variational problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
10.5 The variational ı operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721
10.6 Multi-dimensional variational problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
10.7 Boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
10.8 Lagrangian mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728
10.9 Ritz’ direct method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
10.10 What if there is no functional to start with? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
10.11 Galerkin methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
10.12 The finite element method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
This chapter is devoted to the calculus of variations which is a branch of mathematics that
allows us to find a function y D f .x/ that minimizes a functional–a function of function, for
example I D a G.y; y 0 ; y 00 ; x/dx is a functional. The calculus of variations provides answers
to questions like ‘what is the plane curve with maximum area with a given perimeter’. You might
have correctly guessed the answer: in the absence of any restriction on the shape, the curve is a
circle. But calculus of variation provides a proof and more.
This chapter serves only as a brief introduction to this interesting theory of mathematics.
It also provides a historical account of the development of the finite element method, often
regarded as one of the greatest achievements in the twentieth century.
I have use primarily the following books for the material presented herein:
Chapter 10. Calculus of variations 709
✏ When Least Is Best: How Mathematicians Discovered Many Clever Ways to Make Things
as Small (or as Large) as Possible by Paul Nahinè [41];
✏ A History of the Calculus of Variations from the 17th through the 19th Century by Herman
Goldstine‘ [2];
✏ The lazy universe. An introduction to the principle of least action by Jennifer Coopersmith||
We start with an introduction in Section 10.1. Next, some elementary variational problems
are given in Section 10.2 to illustrate the problems that this branch of mathematics has to deal
with. Section 10.3 presents Lagrange’s derivation of the Euler-Lagrange equation. Using this
equation, Section 10.4 provides solutions to some elementary variational problems given in Sec-
tion 10.2. The variational operator ıy is introduced in Section 10.5; it is for change in a function
y.x/ similar to dx, which is change in a number x. Two dimensional variational problems are
treated in Section 10.6. Boundary conditions are presented in Section 10.7. Section 10.8 is a
brief introduction to Lagrangian mechanics–a new formulation of Newtonian mechanics using
calculus of variations.
Section 10.9 discusses the Ritz’s direct method to solve variational problems numerically.
The Ritz method begins with a functional, however, in many cases we only have a partial differen-
tial equation, not the corresponding functional. To handle those situations, Section 10.10 presents
the Dirichlet principle, which states that for a certain PDE we can find the associated variational
principle. Then Section 10.11 treats what is now called the Galerkin method–a method that can
solve numerically any PDE without knowing the variational principle.
The Ritz-Galerkin method is, however, limited to problems of simple geometries. Sec-
tion 10.12 is devoted to a discussion on the finite element method, which can be considered
as a generalization of the Ritz-Galerkin method. The finite element method can solve PDE
defined on any geometry.
Paul Joel Nahin (born November 26, 1940) is an American electrical engineer and author who has written 20
books on topics in physics and mathematics, including biographies of Oliver Heaviside, George Boole, and Claude
Shannon, books on mathematical concepts such as Euler’s formula and the imaginary unit, and a number of books
on the physics and philosophical puzzles of time travel. Nahin received, in 1979, the first Harry Rowe Mimno
writing award from the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, and the 2017 Chandler Davis Prize for
Excellence in Expository Writing in Mathematics.
Herman Heine Goldstine (1913 – 2004) was a mathematician and computer scientist, who worked as the
director of the IAS machine at Princeton University’s Institute for Advanced Study, and helped to develop ENIAC,
the first of the modern electronic digital computers. He subsequently worked for many years at IBM as an IBM
Fellow, the company’s most prestigious technical position.
Cornelius Lanczos (1893–1974) was a Hungarian-American and later Hungarian-Irish mathematician and
physicist. In 1924 he discovered an exact solution of the Einstein field equation representing a cylindrically sym-
metric rigidly rotating configuration of dust particles. Lanczos served as assistant to Albert Einstein during the
period of 1928–29.
Jennifer Coopersmith (born in 1955 in Cape Town, South Africa). She obtained a BSc and a PhD in physics
from King’s College, University of London.
is a functional. Briefly, if we input a function and its derivatives into a functional we get a number
(i.e., I ).
Going back in history, variational calculus started in 1696 with the famous brachystochrone
problem stated by Johann Bernoulli⇤ . In 1744, Euler gave a general solution to variational
problems in the form of a differential equation–the well known Euler-Lagrange equation. That
is, the solution to a variational problem is the solution to a partial differential equation associated
with the variational problem. Of course we still need to solve for this partial differential equation
to get the solution to the original problem; but it was a big result. Eleven years later, 19 year old
Lagrange provided an elegant derivation for this equation.
There is a deep reason why variational calculus has become an important branch of mathe-
matics. It is the fact that nature follows laws which can be expressed as variational principles.
For example, Newtonian mechanics is equivalent to the least action variational principle that
states that among various paths that a particle can follow, the actual path minimizes a functional.
This functional is the integral of the difference between the kinetic energy and potential energy:
Z 2
LŒx.t/ç D P
ŒKE.x.t// PE.x.t///çdt
Yes, among infinitely many paths that a particle can choose, it chooses the one that minimizes
the functional LŒx.t/ç. It is simply super remarkable.
Even though Euler has developed many techniques to solve the Euler-Lagrange partial differ-
ential equations, it was the physicist Walter Ritz who, in 1902, proposed a direct method to solve
approximately variational problems in a systematic manner. The modifier ’direct’ means that
one can work directly with the functional instead of first finding the associated Euler-Lagrange
equation and then solving this equation; the way Euler and many other mathematicians did.
10.2 Examples
We have seen ordinary functions such as f .x/ D x 2 or f .x; y/ D x 2 C y 2 , but we have not
seen a functional before. This section presents some examples so that we get familiar with
Johann Bernoulli (1667 – 1748) was a Swiss mathematician and was one of the many prominent mathemati-
cians in the Bernoulli family. He is known for his contributions to infinitesimal calculus and educating Leonhard
Euler in the pupil’s youth.
functionals and variational problems. Note that we do not try to solve those problems in this
Eucledian geodesic problem is to find the shortest path joining two points .x1 ; y1 / and .x2 ; y2 /.
To this end, we are finding a curve mathematically expressed by the function f .x/ such that the
following integral (or functional)
Z .x2 ;y2 / Z x2 p
lŒf .x/ç D ds D 1 C .f 0 .x//2 dx (10.2.1)
.x1 ;y1 / x1
is minimum. We use the notation lŒf .x/ç to denote a functional l that depends on f .x/ (and
possibly its derivatives f 0 .x/; f 00 .x/; : : :). In this particular example, our functional depends
only on the first derivative of the sought for function.
Figure 10.1: A brachistochrone curve is a curve of shortest time or curve of fastest descent.
To solve this problem we first need to compute the traveling time, then find y.x/ that mini-
mizes that time. We use differential calculus to compute dt-the infinitesimal time required for
the particle to travel a distance ds. We need to know the velocity of the particle for this purpose.
For simplicity, we select a coordinate system as shown in Fig. 10.1 where the starting point A is
at the origin and the vertical axis is pointing downward. Using the principle of conservation of
energy (at time t D 0 and any time instance t) leads to (at t D 0 the total energy of the particle
is zero)
1 2
mv mgy D 0
Thus, the particle velocity, v D ds=dt , is given by v D 2gy. It is now possible to compute dt,
and hence the total time
p Z ap
ds 1 C Œy 0 .x/ç2 dx 1 C Œy 0 .x/ç2
dt D D p H) t D p dx (10.2.2)
v 2gy 0 2gy.x/
The shortest curve is then the one with y.x/ that minimizes the above integral.
Minimal surface of revolution. Suppose the curve y D f .x/ p 0 is rotated about the
x-axis. The area of the surface of the resulting solid is 2⇡ a f .x/ 1 C Œf 0 .x/ç2 dx, check
Section 4.9.3 for detail. Find the curve which makes this area minimal.
Galileo’s hanging chain. Galileo Galilei in his Discorsi1 (1638) described a method of drawing
a parabola as “Drive two nails into a wall at a convenient height and at the same level; ...
Over these two nails hang a light chain ... This chain will assume the form of a parabola, ...”.
Unfortunately, the hanging chain does not assume the form of a parabola and Galileo’s assertion
became a discussion point for followers of his work. Prominent mathematicians of the time,
Leibniz, Huygens and Johann Bernoulli, studied the hanging chain problem, which can be stated
as: Find the curve assumed by a loose flexible string hung freely from two fixed points. Every
person viewing power lines hanging between supporting poles is seeing Galileo’s hanging chain,
which is called a catenary, a name that is derived from the Latin word catena, meaning chain.
How is this problem related to the above variational problems? y B(x2 , y2 )
In other words, what quantity is to be minimized? The answer is the M, L, g, ⇢
potential energy of the chain! Let’s consider a flexible chain hung A(x1 , y1)
by two points A and B. The chain has a total mass M , a total length ds
L, and thus a uniform mass per length density ⇢ D M=L. The chain
is described mathematically as y.x/. Let’s consider a (very) small y(x)
The problem is then: find the curve y.x/ passing through A.x1 ; y1 / and B.x2 ; y2 / such that
P.E is minimum. Not really. We forgot that not every curve is admissible; only curves of the
same length L are. So, the problem must be stated like this: find the curve y.x/ passing through
A.x1 ; y1 / and B.x2 ; y2 / such that
Z x2 p
I Œy; y I xç D ⇢gy 1 C .y 0 /2 dx
is minimum while satisfying this constraint (check arclength in Section 4.9.1 if this is not clear):
Z x2 p
1 C .y 0 /2 dx D L
This is certainly a variational problem, but with constraints. As we have learned from calculus,
we need Lagrange to handle the constraints.
Calculus based solution of the hanging chain problem. Herein we present the calculus based
solution of the hanging chain problem. It was done by Leibniz and Johann Bernoulli before
variational calculus was developed. We provide this solution to illustrate two points: (i) how cal-
culus can be used to solve problems and (ii) how the same problem (in this context a mechanics
one) can be solved by more than one way.
Figure 10.2: Hanging chain problem: forces acting on a segment x of the chain.
Considering a segment of the chain locating between x and x C x as shown in Fig. 10.2,
there are three forces acting on this segment: the tension at the left end T .x/, the tension at the
right end T .x C x/ and the gravity ⇢g s. As this segment is stationary i.e., not moving, the
sum of total forces acting on it must be zero:
Fx D 0 W T .x/ cos ˛.x/ D T .x C x/ cos ˛.x C x/
Fy D 0 W T .x C x/ sin ˛.x C x/ T .x/ sin ˛.x/ ⇢g s D 0
From the first equation, we deduce that the horizontal component of the tension in the chain is
T .x/ cos ˛.x/ D T0 D constant H) T .x/ D
cos ˛.x/
And from the second equation, we get:
d p
.T0 tan ˛.x// D ⇢g 1 C .y 0 /2
And finally, we obtain the differential equation for the hanging chain (noting that T0 is constant
and tan ˛.x/ D y 0 .x/):
T0 y 00 D ⇢g 1 C .y 0 /2
To solve this differential equation, we followed Vincenzo Riccatié with a new variable z such
that y 0 D z:
p dz T0
y 0 D z H) T0 z 0 D ⇢g 1 C z 2 ” k p D dx; k WD
1 C z2 ⇢g
is minimized. In the above A and B are two real constants and y 0 D dy=dx is the first derivative
of y. As can be seen, all the examples given in Section 10.2 belong to this general problem.
This functional has one independent variable x and one single dependent variable y.x/. Thus,
it is the easiest variational problem. While other mathematicians solved specific problems like
those presented in Section 10.2, once got interested, the great Euler solved Eq. (10.3.1) once
and for all. And by doing just that he pioneered a new branch of mathematics. His solution was,
however, geometrical and not elegant as Lagrange’s one. We refer to [32] for Euler’s derivation.
In what follows, we present the modern solution, which is essentially due to Lagrange when he
was 19 years old.
Before studying Lagrange’s solution, let’s recap how we find the minimum of f .x/. We
denote the minimum point by x0 and vary it a bit and saying that the corresponding change
Vincenzo Riccati (1707 – 1775) was a Venetian mathematician and physicist.
where ⌘.x/ is a fixed function satisfying the conditions ⌘.a/ D ⌘.b/ D 0 so that y.a/
N D A and
y.b/ D B; and ✏ is a small number. See Fig. 10.3 for an illustration of y.x/, ⌘.x/ and y.x/. For
each value of ✏, we have a specific variation, and thus a concrete value of the functional, and
among all these values the one obtained from ✏ D 0 is the minimum, because we have assumed
y.x/ is the solution.
Figure 10.3: Solution function y.x/, ⌘.x/ with ⌘.a/ D ⌘.b/ D 0 and one variation y.x/ C ✏1 ⌘.x/.
With the variation of the solution we proceed to the calculation of the corresponding change
in the functional, denoted by dI :
Z b Z b
0 0
dI D F .y.x/ C ✏⌘.x/; y .x/ C ✏⌘ .x/I x/ dx F .y.x/; y 0 .x/I x/ dx
a a
⇥ b ⇤
D F .y C ✏⌘; y 0 C ✏⌘0 I x/ F .y; y 0 I x/ dx (10.3.3)
Z b
@F @F
D ⌘ C 0 ⌘0 ✏ dx
a @y @y
where in the last equality we have used the Taylor’s series expansion for F .y C ✏⌘; y 0 C ✏⌘0 I x/
around ✏ D 0.
Now, as u.x/ is the minimal solution, one has to have dI=✏ D 0 (this is similar to df =dx D 0
in ordinary differential calculus). Thus, we obtain
Z b
@F @F
⌘ C 0 ⌘0 dx D 0 (10.3.4)
a @y @y
In the next step we want to get rid of ⌘0 (so that we can use a useful lemma called the fundamental
lemma of variational calculus which exploits the arbitrariness of ⌘ to obtain a nice result in terms
of y, no more ✏ and ⌘), and of course the trick is integration by parts:
Z b ✓ ◆ b
@F d @F @F
⌘ dx C ⌘ D0 (10.3.5)
a @y dx @y 0 @y 0 a
As ⌘.a/ D ⌘.b/ D 0, the boundary term (the last term in the above equation) vanishes and we
get the following
Z b ✓ ◆
@F d @F
⌘ dx D 0 (10.3.6)
a @y dx @y 0
Using the fundamental lemma of variational calculus (which states that if a f .x/g.x/dx D 0
for all g.x/ then h.x/ D 0 for x 2 Œa; bç), one obtains the so-called Euler-Lagrange equation
✓ ◆
@F d @F
Euler-Lagrange equation W D0 (10.3.7)
@y dx @y 0
Euler derived this equation before Lagrange but his derivation was not as elegant as the one
presented herein which is due to Lagrange. To use Eq. (10.3.7), it should be noted that we treat
y; y 0 ; x as independent variables when calculating @F
and @y
Now to solve Eq. (10.3.1), Euler solved Eq. (10.3.7). This is known referred to as the
indirect way to solving variational problems. There is a direct method to attack the varia-
tional problem Eq. (10.3.1) directly; check Section 10.9. However, for now we are going to
use the indirect method to solve some elementary variational problems discussed in Section 10.2.
Stationary curves. Starting with the functional 10.3.1, we have assumed that y.x/ is a function
that minimizes this functional, and found that it satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equation 10.3.7.
Is the reverse true? That is if y.x/ satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equation will it minimize the
functional? The answer is, by learning from ordinary calculus, not necessarilyé . Therefore,
functions that satisfy the Euler-Lagrange equation are called stationary functions or stationary
For function y D f .x/, stationary points are those x ⇤ such that f 0 .x ⇤ / D 0. These points can be a maximum
or a minimum or an inflection point.
History note 10.1: Joseph-Louis Lagrange (25 January 1736 – 10 April 1813)
Joseph-Louis Lagrange was an Italian mathematician and astronomer,
later naturalized French. He made significant contributions to the fields
of analysis, number theory, and both classical and celestial mechanics.
As his father was a doctor in Law at the University of Torino, a career as
a lawyer was planned out for him by his father, and certainly Lagrange
seems to have accepted this willingly. He studied at the University of
Turin and his favorite subject was classical Latin. At first he had no
great enthusiasm for mathematics, finding Greek geometry rather dull.
Lagrange’s interest in mathematics began when he read a copy of Halley’s 1693 work
on the use of algebra in optics. In contrast to geometry, something about Halley’s al-
gebra captivated him. He devoted himself to mathematics, but largely was self taught.
Byy age 19 he was appointed to a professorship at the Royal Artillery School in Turin.
The following year, Lagrange sent Euler a better solution he had discovered for deriving
the Euler-Lagrange equation in the calculus of variations. Lagrange gave us the familiar
notation f 0 .x/ to represent a function’s derivative, f 00 .x/ a second derivative, etc., and
indeed it was he who gave us the word derivative. Mécanique analytique (1788–89) is a
two volume French treatise on analytical mechanics, written by Lagrange, and published
101 years following Newton’s Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica. It consol-
idated into one unified and harmonious system, the scattered developments of various
contributors in the historical transition from geometrical methods, as presented in New-
ton’s Principia, to the methods of mathematical analysis. The treatise expounds a great
labor-saving and thought-saving general analytical method by which every mechanical
question may be stated in a single differential equation.
Upon substitution into the Euler-Lagrange equation in Eq. (10.3.7) one gets
✓ ◆
d @F
D 0 H) y 00 D 0 H) y D ax C b
dx @y
The solution is a straight line as expected. The two coefficients a and b are determined using the
boundary conditions:
y1 D ax1 C b; y2 D ax2 C b (10.4.1)
which leads to
F y0 D C; C is a constant (10.4.3)
@y 0
This result is known as Beltrami’s identity which is the simpler version of the Euler-Lagrange
equation when F does not explicitly depend on x. The identity is named after Eugenio Beltrami
(1835 – 1900) who was an Italian mathematician notable for his work concerning differential
geometry and mathematical physics.
p Now wep come back to the Brachistochrone problem. Using Eq. (10.4.3) for F D
1CŒy 0 .x/ç2= y.x/, we obtain
1 C y 02 .y 0 /2
p p DC
y.x/ y.1 C y 02 /
And from that, we get a simpler equation (squaring both sides and some terms cancel out),
y.1 C y 02 / D ⌘A (10.4.4)
With y 0 D dy=dx , one can solve for dx in terms of dy and y, and from that we obtain x D 0 dx:
Z b r
xD dy
0 A y
Now, we’re back to the old business of integral calculus: using this substitution
xD .✓ sin ✓/
One determines A by the boundary condition that the curve passes through B.a; b/. The Brachis-
tochrone curve is the one defined parametrically as
xD .✓ sin ✓/; yD .1 cos ✓/ (10.4.5)
2 2
And this curve is the cycloid in geometry. A cycloid is the curve traced by a point on a circle, of
radius A=2, as it rolls along a straight line without slipping (Fig. 10.4). A cycloid is a specific
form of trochoid and is an example of a roulette, a curve generated by a curve rolling on another
Figure 10.4: A cycloid is the curve traced by a point on a circle (P ) as it rolls along a straight line without
slipping: illustrated using geogebra with A D 2 and ✓ 2 Œ0; 2⇡ç. Source: Brian Sterr– Stuyvesant High
School in New York.
We refer to the interesting book When Least Is Best: How Mathematicians Discovered Many
Clever Ways to Make Things as Small (or as Large) as Possible by Paul Nahin [41] for more
detail on the cycloid and its various interesting properties.
I, Johann Bernoulli, address the most brilliant mathematicians in the world. Noth-
ing is more attractive to intelligent people than an honest, challenging problem,
whose possible solution will bestow fame and remain as a lasting monument. Fol-
lowing the example set by Pascal, Fermat, etc., I hope to gain the gratitude of the
whole scientific community by placing before the finest mathematicians of our time a
problem which will test their methods and the strength of their intellect. If someone
communicates to me the solution of the proposed problem, I shall publicly declare
him worthy of praise.
Bernoulli allowed six months for the solutions but none were received during this period.
At the request of Leibniz, the time was publicly extended for a year and a half. At 4 p.m. on
29 January 1697 when he arrived home from the Royal Mint, Newton found the challenge in
a letter from Johann Bernoulli. Newton stayed up all night to solve it and mailed the solution
anonymously by the next post. Bernoulli, writing to Henri Basnage in March 1697, indicated
that even though its author, "by an excess of modesty", had not revealed his name, yet even
from the scant details supplied it could be recognized as Newton’s work, "as the lion by its
claw" (in Latin, tanquam ex ungue leonem). This story gives some idea of Newton’s power,
since Johann Bernoulli needed two weeks to solve it. Newton also wrote, "I do not love to
be dunned [pestered] and teased by foreigners about mathematical things...", and Newton had
already solved Newton’s minimal resistance problem, which is considered the first of the kind
in calculus of variations.
In the end, five mathematicians had provided solutions: Newton, Jakob Bernoulli, Gottfried
Leibniz, Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus and Guillaume de l’Hôpital.
0 0 0
D ŒF .y C ıy; y C ıy I x/ F .y; y I x/çdx D ıF dx
a a
From Eq. (10.3.3) we can compute ıF as easily as (recall that F D F .y; y 0 I x/)
@F @F @F @F
ıF D ⌘ C 0 ⌘0 ✏ D ıy C 0 ıy 0 (10.5.2)
@y @y @y @y
Observing the similarity to the total differential df of a function of two variables f .x; y/:
df D fx dx C fy dy when its variables change by dx and dy. We put these two side-by-side:
@f @f
df D dx C dy
@x @y
@F @F
ıF D ıy C 0 ıy 0
@y @y
Finally, we can see that ıy is similar to the differential operator df in differential calcu-
lus; Eq. (10.5.3) is one example. That is why Lagrange selected the symbol ı. We know that
d.f C g/ D df C dg and d.x 2 / D 2xdx. We have counterparts for ı: for u; v are some func-
Now we can use ı in the same manner we do with d . The proof is easy. For example, consider
F .u/ D u2 , when we vary the function u by ıu, we get a new functional FN D .u C ıu/2 . Thus,
the variation in the functional is ıF D .u C ıu/2 u2 D 2uıu.
One dimensional variational problem with second derivatives. Find the function y.x/ that
makes the following functional
Z b
J Œyç WD F .y; y 0 ; y 00 ; x/ dx (10.5.5)
stationary and subjects to boundary conditions that y.a/; y.b/; y 0 .a/; y 0 .b/ fixed.
We compute the first variation ıJ due to the variation in y.x/, ıy (recall that ıy 0 D
d=dx.ıy/ and ıy 00 D d 2 =dx 2 .ıy/):
Z b Z b
@F @F @F
ıJ D ıF dx D ıy C 0 ıy 0 C 00 ıy 00 dx
a a @y @y @y
Now comes the usual integration by parts. For the term with ıy 0 :
Z b Z b
d @F d @F @F 0 @F 0 d @F
ıy D ıy C ıy ) ıy dx D ıydx
dx @y 0 dx @y 0 @y 0 a @y
a dx @y 0
Now for the term with ıy 00 :
Z b Z b
d @F 0 d @F 0 @F 00 @F 00 d @F
ıy D 00
ıy C 00 ıy ) 00
ıy dx D ıy 0 dx
dx @y dx @y @y a @y a dx @y 00
And still having ıy 0 , we have to do integration by parts again:
Z b ✓ ◆ Z b 2 ✓ ◆
d @F 0 d @F
ıy dx D ıydx
a dx @y 00 a dx
2 @y 00
Finally, the first variation ıJ is given by
Z b ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
@F d @F d2 @F
ıJ D C ıydx
a @y dx @y 0 dx 2 @y 00
which yields the following Euler-Lagrange equation:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
@F d @F d2 @F
C D0
@y dx @y 0 dx 2 @y 00
And we want to find functions u.x; y/ and v.x; y/ defined on a domain B such that J is mini-
mum. On the boundary @B the functions are prescribed i.e., u D g and v D h, where g; h are
known functions of .x; y/.
The first variation of J , ıJ , is given by:
@F @F @F @F @F @F
ıJ D ıu C ıux C ıuy C ıv C ıvx C ıvy dxdy
B @u @ux @uy @v @vx @vy
The next step is certainly to integrate by parts the second, third, fifth and sixth terms. We demon-
strate the steps only for the second term, starting with:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
@ @F @ @F @F
ıu D ıu C ıux
@x @ux @x @ux @ux
And thus, Z Z ✓ ◆ Z ✓ ◆
@F @ @F @ @F
ıux dV D ıu d V ıudV
B @ux B @x @ux B @x @ux
Using the gradient theorem, Eq. (7.11.37), for the second term–the red term in the above equation,
we obtain Z Z Z ✓ ◆
@F @F @ @F
ıux dV D nx ıuds ıudV
B @ux @B @ux B @x @ux
Repeating the same calculations for the third, fifth and sixth terms, the variation of J is eventually
written as
Z ⇢ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ⇢ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
@F @ @F @ @F @F @ @F @ @F
ıJ D ıu C ıv dxdy
@u @x @ux @y @uy @v @x @vx @y @vy
Z ✓ ◆ Z ✓ ◆
@F @F @F @F
C nx C ny ıu ds C nx C ny ıv ds
@B @ux @uy @B @vx @vy
As u; v are specified on the boundary @B, ıu D ıv D 0 there. Using the fundamental lemma of
variational calculus, we obtain the following Euler-Lagrange equations:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
@F @ @F @ @F
@u @x @ux @y @uy
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ (10.6.2)
@F @ @F @ @F
@v @x @vx @y @vy
Example 10.1
For example, if J is:
J Œu.x; y/ç WD .u2x C uy2 / dV D 2
jruj d V D ru ru d V (10.6.3)
then Eq. (10.6.2) yields (we need to use the first equation only as there is no v function in our
uxx C uyy D 0 or u D 0 in B (10.6.4)
Example 10.2
In the field of fracture mechanics, we have the following functional concerning a scalar field
.x; y/, where Gc ; b; c0 are real numbers and ˛ is a function depending on :
Z ✓ ◆
Gc 1
J Œ .x; y/ç D ˛. / C br r dV (10.6.5)
B c0 b
then Eq. (10.6.2) yields (we need to use the first equation only as there is no v function in our
Gc 1 0 2Gc b
˛. / D0 in B (10.6.6)
c0 b c0
✏ Case 1: we impose the boundary conditions of this form: y.a/ D A and y.b/ D B. In
other words, we fix the two ends of the curve y.x/, and the corresponding variational
problems are called fixed ends variational problems. As fixed quantities do not vary, we
have ıy.a/ D ıy.b/ D 0, and the boundary terms–red terms in Eq. (10.7.1)–vanish. This
type of boundary condition is called imposed boundary conditions, or essential boundary
✏ Case 2: we fix one end (for example, y.a/ D A, and thus ıy.a/ D 0), and allows the
other end to be free. As y.b/ can be anything, we have ıy.b/ ¤ 0, so to have ıI D
0, we need @y@F
0 .b/ D 0. And this is the second BC that the Euler-Lagrange equation
has to satisfy. Since this BC is provided by the variational problem, it is called natural
boundary condition. In case of the brachistochrone, this BC is translated to y 0 .b/ D 0
which indicates that the tangent to the curve at x D b is horizontal.
Example 10.3
Consider an elastic bar of length L, modulus of elasticity E and cross sectional area A. We
denote by x the independent variable which runs from 0 to L, characterizing the position
of a point of the bar. Assume that the bar is fixed at the left end (x D 0) and subjected to
a distributed axial load f .x/ (per unit length) and a point load P at its right end (x D L).
The axial displacement of the bar u.x/ is the function that minimizes the following potential
energy " #
Z L ✓ ◆2
EA du
˘ Œu.x/ç D f u dx P u.L/ (10.7.2)
0 2 dx
where the first term is the strain energy stored in the bar and the second and third terms denote
the work done on the bar by the force f and P , respectively.
To find the Euler-Lagrange equation for this problem, we compute the first variation of
the energy functional and set it to zero. The variation is given by
du d.ıu/
ı˘ D EA f ıu dx P ıu.L/ (10.7.3)
0 dx dx
We need to remove ıu0 D d=dx.ıu/; for this we use integration by parts. Noting that
✓ ◆
d du d 2u du d.ıu/
ıu D ıu C
dx dx dx 2 dx dx
Thus, we have
du d.ıu/ du d 2u
dx D ıu ıudx
0 dx dx dx 0 0 dx 2
Eq. (10.7.3) becomes
d 2u du
ı˘ D EA 2 C f ıudx C EA ıu P ıu.L/
0 dx dx
Z L ✓ ◆ (10.7.4)
d 2u du
D EA 2 C f ıudx C EA P ıu.L/
0 dx dx xDL
d 2u
EA C f D 0; 0<x<L
dx 2
which requires 2 BCs: one is u.0/ D 0–the BC that we impose upon the bar, and the other is
✓ ◆
dx xDL
Example 10.4
Consider an elastic beam of length L, modulus of elasticity E, and second moment of area
I . The vertical displacement of the beam y.x/ is the function that minimizes the following
potential energy
k 00 2
˘ Œu.x/ç D .y / ⇢y dx; k WD EI (10.7.5)
0 2
where the first term is the strain energy stored in the bar and the second term denote the work
done on the beam by the force per unit length ⇢.x/.
We use the results developed for the functional given in Eq. (10.5.5),
Z ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
@F d @F d2 @F @F d @F @F 0 L
ı˘ D C ıydx C ıy C 00 ıy
a @y dx @y 0 dx 2 @y 00 @y 0 dx @y 00 @y 0
With F D k=2.y 00 /2 ⇢y, we get the Euler-Lagrange equation from the first term in ı˘ D 0,
which is a fourth order different equation; it requires four boundary conditions. We are demon-
strating that the variational character yields all these required BCs. We note that solving this
equation yields the so-called elastic curve, which is the deflected shape of a bending beam.
With Eq. (10.7.6) and F D k=2.y 00 /2 ⇢y, the boundary term of the first variation of the
functional are given by:
⇥ ⇤
ı˘ D k y 000 .L/ıy.L/ C y 000 .0/ıy.0/ C y 00 .L/ıy 0 .L/ y 00 .0/ıy 0 .0/ (10.7.8)
And ı˘ D 0 provides all BCs that the Euler-Lagrange equation of the beam requires.
There are the following cases:
y.0/ D 0; y.L/ D 0
y 0 .0/ D 0; y 0 .L/ D 0
That is we fix the displacement and the rotation at both ends of the beam. As the
variations of fixed quantities are zero, all the terms in Eq. (10.7.8) vanish. No natural
BCs have to be added.
That is we fix only the displacement of the two ends. Eq. (10.7.8) provides two more
natural BCs:
y 00 .0/ D 0; y 00 .L/ D 0
which indicate that the bending moments are zero at both ends.
That is we fix both the displacement/rotation of the left end, but leave the right end free.
Eq. (10.7.8) yields the remaining two BCs:
which means that the bending moment at the right end is zero and so is the shear force there.
Now, we have another set of generalized coordinates q1 ; q2 ; : : : ; qN . We assume that it’s always
possible to go back and forth between the two coordinate systems. That is,
xi D xi .q1 ; q2 ; : : : ; qN ; t/
qi D qi .x1 ; x2 ; : : : ; xN ; t/
What we need to prove is: the EL equations hold for qi :
@L d @L
D ; i D 1; 2; : : : ; N (10.8.9)
@qi dt @qP i
Proof. We start from the RHS of Eq. (10.8.9) with
@L X @L @xP i
D ; m D 1; 2; : : : ; N (10.8.10)
@qP m iD1
@ P
x P
i @q m
@xi @qk @xi @xP i @xi
xP i D C H) D (10.8.11)
@qk @t @t @qP m @qm
@L X @L @xi
D (10.8.12)
@qP m i D1
@xP i @qm
d X @L @xi
d @L
dt @qP m dt i D1 @xP i @qm
d @L @xi XN
@L d @xi
dt @xP i @qm i D1 @xP i dt @qm
iD1 (10.8.13)
@L @xi XN
@L @xP i
i D1
@xi @qm i D1 @xP i @qm
where in the third equality, Eq. (10.8.7) was used for the red term and for the blue term, the order
of d=dt and d=dx was switchedéé . ⌅
If it was not clear, here are the details:
N ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ XN ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
d @xi @ @xi @ @xi @ @xi @ @xi
D qP k C D qP k C
dt @qm @qk @qm @t @qm @qm @qk @qm @t
kD1 kD1
10.8.3 Examples
A bead is free to slide along a friction-less hoop of radius R. The hoop rotates with constant
angular speed ! around a vertical diameter (Fig. 10.6a). Find the equation of motion for the
angle ✓ shown.
! !
x ⇢ t
a) b) c)
Figure 10.6: A bead is free to slide along a friction-less hoop of radius R. The hoop rotates with constant
angular speed !. The bead position is specified by ✓ 2 Œ0; ⇡ç. The bead has two velocities: one is when
the hoop is not spinning, this velocity is of magnitude of s= t which is R✓P (b), and the other is due to
the rotation of the hoop (c): ⇢! D R sin ✓!.
From Fig. 10.6 we can determine the speed in the hoop direction and the direction perpen-
dicular to the hoop. From that, the kinetic and potential energies are written as
1 ⇣ 2 P2 2 2 2
T D m R ✓ C R sin ✓! ; U D mgR.1 cos ✓/ (10.8.14)
Now, we compute the terms in the EL equation:
D mR2 ! 2 sin ✓ cos ✓ mgR sin ✓
@✓ (10.8.15)
@L d @L
D mR2 ✓P H) D mR2 ✓R
@✓ dt @✓P
d @L @L ⇣ g⌘
H) ✓ D ! 2 cos ✓ sin ✓ (10.8.16)
dt @✓ @✓ R
It is hard to solve this equation exactly. Still, we can get something out of Eq. (10.8.16). One thing
it can tells us is equilibrium points. If we place the bead at rest (i.e., ✓P D 0) at an equilibrium
Thus, " #
N ✓
X ◆
d @xi @ @xi @xi @xP i
D qP k C D
dt @qm @qm @qk @t @qm
point ✓0 , it remains there. Since the bead remains at ✓0 , its velocity must be constant, and thus
its acceleration must be zero. So, to find equilibrium points, solve ✓R D 0, which is:
⇣ g⌘
! cos ✓ sin ✓ D 0
A trigonometric equation! But this one is easy, it has totally four solutions:
⇣ g ⌘
1 2 3;4
✓0 D 0; ✓0 D ⇡; ✓0 D ˙ arccos 2
.if ! 2 g=R/
So, there are four equilibrium points if the hoop spins fast i.e., ! 2 g=R. Otherwise, there are
two equilibrium points ✓01;2 ; they are the bottom and top of the hoop as you can predict. But
equilibrium points can be stable or unstable. An equilibrium point is said to be stable if when the
bead is at that position ✓0 and it is given a small disturb, it moves back to ✓0 . So, our question
now is among these four equilibrium points, which ones are stable.
✏ First case: ! 2 < g=R. There are only two equilibrium points: ✓01 D 0 and ✓02 D ⇡.
Consider first ✓01 D 0 (that is the bottom of the hoop). Close to 0, we have sin ✓ ⇡ ✓ and
cos ✓ ⇡ 1, thus Eq. (10.8.16) becomes
⇣ g⌘ g
✓D ! 2
✓ D k✓; k WD !2
Now if the hoop spins at a small speed that ! 2 < g=R, then k > 0. The above equation
is identical to the one describing simple harmonic oscillations (discussed in Section 9.8).
From the study of these oscillations, we know that the bead will oscillate around the
bottom of the hoop. Therefore, the bottom of the hoop is a stable equilibrium point when
! 2 < g=R. However, if ! 2 g=R, then that position is unstable.
Now we consider ✓02 D ⇡ (that is the top of the hoop). Intuitively, this must be an unstable
equilibrium. We adopt a change of variable ✓ D ⇡ C ✏ where ✏ is tiny. Eq. (10.8.16) then
becomes ⇣ g⌘
✏R D ! 2 C ✏
So, this point is an unstable equilibrium point.
✏ Second case: ! 2 g=R. In this case, both ✓01 D 0 and ✓02 D ⇡ are unstable (see the above
analysis). The only two stable equilibrium points are ✓03;4 D ˙ arccos .g=R! 2 /. Why they
are stable? We just need to consider ✓03 due to symmetry. Noting that ✓03 2 Œ0; ⇡=2ç and
in this interval the sine function is positive and the cosine is decreasing. Starting with ✓03
and move the bead a little bit up, we have ✓R < 0 because:
⇣ g⌘
R 2
✓ D ! cos ✓ sin ✓
„ ƒ‚ R … >0
Thus, the bead is accelerating back to ✓03 . Doing the same analysis by moving the bead a
little bit down from ✓03 and we have ✓R > 0: the bead accelerates to ✓03 .
So, we have an interesting phenomenon. When the hoop is rotating slowly (i.e., ! 2 < g=R),
there is just one stable equilibrium at ✓ D 0. If we speed up the rotation, as ! passes the
critical value of ! 2 D g=R, this original equilibrium becomes unstable. However, two new stable
equilibrium points appear. This phenomenon-the disappearance of one stable equilibrium and
appearance of other stable equilibrium points is called a bifurcation.
Ritz did not follow Euler, he thus did not derive the Euler-Lagrange equation associated with
Eq. (10.9.1). Instead he attacks the functional directly, but he looks only for an approximate
solution of the following form:
y.x/ D ˛ C ˇx C x 2 (10.9.2)
We should be aware that even if we can derive the Euler-Lagrange equation, it is quite often that
we cannot solve it. Or it does not have solutions expressible in terms of elementary functions.
Still physicists (or engineers) need a solution even not in a nice analytical expression, but in the
form of a list of numbers.
If you ask why the form in Eq. (10.9.2)? Note that it is easy to work with polynomials (easy
to differentiate, to integrate for example). And the first curve we normally think of is a parabola.
So, it is natural to start with this polynomial form.
Because of the boundary conditions y.0/ D y.1/ D 1, y.x/ N has to be of the following form:
y.x/ D 1 C ˇx ˇx 2 (10.9.3)
(Use Eq. (10.9.2) for x D 0 and x D 1 with the given boundary conditions led to two equations
for ˛, ˇ and ). We can proceed with this form of y.x/.
N But we pause here a bit to study the
form of Eq. (10.9.3) carefully:
y.x/ D 1 C ˇx ˇx 2 D 1 C ˇx.1 x/ (10.9.4)
It can be seen that the red function x.1 x/ is vanished at both x D 0 and x D 1; the boundary
points! And the constant 1 is exactly the value of y.x/ at the boundary. Based on this analysis,
we can, in general, seek for y.x/
N in the following general form
y.x/ D ˛0 .x/ C ci ˛i .x/ (10.9.5)
where ˛i .x/ must be zero at the boundary points, and ˛0 .x/ chosen to satisfy the non-zero
boundary conditions. Note that the ˛i ’s were called Ritz parameters.
And from y.x/
N in Eq. (10.9.4), we can determine its first derivative:
Introducing y.x/
N and yN 0 .x/ into Eq. (10.9.7), we get (obtained using a CAS as I was lazy, in the
next example I will show the code):
11 2 1
I.ˇ/ D ˇ C ˇC1 (10.9.7)
30 3
which is simply an ordinary function of ˇ, and we want to minimize I , right? That’s easy now:
dI 11 1 5
D0W ˇ C D 0 H) ˇ D (10.9.8)
dˇ 15 3 11
Now that ˇ has been determined, we have found the approximate solution:
5 5
y.x/ D1 x C x2
11 11
How accurate is this solution? We can compare it with the exact solution, which is given by
sinh.x/ C sinh.1 x/
y e .x/ D
One way to check the accuracy of an approximate solution is to plot both solutions together
as in Fig. 10.7a. The Ritz solution is quite good; however to have a better appreciation of the
accuracy, we can plot the error function defined as the relative difference of the Ritz solution
with respect to the exact one:
y e .x/ y.x/N
error.x/ WD
y e .x/
Fig. 10.7b shows the plot of this error.
Let’s solve another problem with the Ritz method. Consider a simply supported beam of
length L. Find the deflection of the beam under uniformly distributed transverse load q0 . Recall
from Eq. (10.7.5) that the deflection y.x/ minimizes the following energy functional
k 00 2
˘ Œu.x/ç D .y / q0 y dx; k WD EI (10.9.9)
0 2
What are the boundary conditions? Because the beam is simply supported, its two ends cannot
move down, thus y.0/ D y.L/ D 0.
Before using the Ritz method, note that the exact solution is a fourth order polynomial:
✓ ◆
e q0 L4 x x3 x4
y .x/ D 2 3C 4 (10.9.10)
24EI L L L
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a) (b)
Figure 10.7: Ritz solution vs exact solution to the variational problem I Œy.x/ç D 0 Œy 2 C
.y 0 /2 çdxI y.0/ D y.1/ D 1.
Thus, as a first approximate solution, we seek for the following solution (what if we do not have
the exact solution at hand? Then, we have to rely on the functional (10.9.9))
y.x/ D c1 x.x L/ C c2 x 2 .x L/ (10.9.11)
This form is chosen due to the fact that ˛1 .x/ D x.x L/ and ˛2 .x/ D x 2 .x L/ vanish
at x D 0 and x D L. With this y.x/,N I used SymPy to do everything for me, as shown in
Listing 10.1.
Listing 10.1: Ritz’s solution for the simply supported beam with Eq. (10.9.11).
1 using SymPy
2 @vars x k L q0 c1 c2
3 y = c1*x*(x-L) + c2*x*x*(x-L) # approximate solution yh
4 ypp = diff(y,x,2) # its 2nd derivative
5 F = 0.5*k*ypp^2-q0*y # the integrand in the functional
6 J = integrate(F, (x, 0, L)) # the functional J
7 J1 = diff(J,c1) # derivative of J wrt c1
8 J2 = diff(J,c2) # derivative of J wrt c2
9 solve([J1, J2], [c1,c2]) # solve for c1 and c2
q0 L2
c1 D ; c2 D 0
Thus, the two-parameter Ritz solution is given by
✓ ◆
q0 L2 q0 L4 x x2
y.x/ D x.x L/ D
24EI 24EI L L2
We now can check the accuracy. It can show that the Ritz maximum deflection, at the middle of
the beam x D L=2, is off 20% of the exact deflection.
Even though programming gave us quickly the solution (Listing 10.1), it did not tell us
everything. So, it is always a good idea to develop everything manually. Upon introduction of
Eq. (10.9.11) into Eq. (10.9.9), we obtained a functional ˘ which is a function of c1 and c2 .
To minimize it, we set d˘=dc1 D 0 and d˘=dc2 D 0. Here is what we get from these two
" #" # " #
A11 A12 c1 b
D 1 (10.9.12)
A21 A22 c2 b2
Aij D k˛i00 .x/˛j00 .x/dx; bj D q0 ˛j .x/dx (10.9.13)
0 0
Thus, Ritz converted a problem of solving a PDE (or minimizing a functional) to a linear algebra
problem of finding the solutions to Ac D b. And the matrix is of size n ⇥ n, where n is the
number of terms in the Ritz approximation; furthermore the matrix is symmetric. What is nice
about Eq. (10.9.12) is that it has a pattern: the row i th can be written in this form
Aij cj D bi
which works for any value of n. Thus, we have a recipe to build up our system e.g. A and b to
solve for ci ’s.
To improve the Ritz solution, what should we do? We use a better approximation! A better
approximation can be obtained if we add more terms to u.x/;
N we add a new term c3 x 3 .x L/
to the two-parameter approximate y.x/:
y.x/ D c1 x.x L/ C c2 x 2 .x L/ C c3 x 3 .x L/
Repeat the same procedure by modifying the code in Listing 10.1, we getéé
q0 L2 q0 L q0
c1 D ; c2 D ; c3 D
24EI 24EI 24EI
Z b @F d @F
I Œy.x/ç WD F .y; y 0 I x/ dx ! min D0
a @y dx @y 0
Z b Z b
0 @F d @F
ıI D ıF .y; y I x/ dx D 0 ıy dx D 0
a a @y dx @y 0
Z Integration by parts
@F @F Z
ıy C 0 ıy 0
dx D 0 @F @F
a @y @y ıy C 0 ıy 0 dx D 0
a @y @y
Integration by parts Z
Z b b
@F d @F ıI D ıF dx D 0;
ıy dx D 0
a @y dx @y 0 a
EL equation Z b
@F d @F
D0 I Œy.x/ç WD F .y; y 0 I x/ dx ! min
@y dx @y 0 a
Figure 10.8: The Euler-Lagrange highway of variational calculus: forward direction from a functional to
the Euler-Lagrange PDE and the backward direction from a PDE to a functional.
second-order partial differential equation named after Pierre-Simon Laplace, who first studied
its properties. One example is: we have a thin plate and its edge is heated up to a certain degree,
then we ask this question: what is the temperature inside the plate? That temperature is the
solution to the Laplace’s equation, if u.x; y/ denotes the temperature in the plate:
@2 u @2 u
u D 0 in B; uD C 2 (10.10.1)
@x 2 @y
where is the Laplacian operator, see Eq. (7.11.35). Eq. (10.10.1) means that u.x; y/ is a
function such that u D 0 for all points in the plate or .x; y/ 2 B.
Now, we start with a partial differential equation, and some mathematicians asked the ques-
tion: whether there exists a functional associated with this equation? And the answer to this
question in the case of Laplace’s equation is yes; a result which is now known as Dirichlet’s
principle. Dirichlet’s principle states thaté , if the function u is the solution to the Laplace’s
equation, Eq. (10.10.1), with boundary condition u D g on the boundary @B, then u can be
obtained as the minimizer of the Dirichlet energy functional
EŒvç D krvk2 d V (10.10.2)
B 2
The name "Dirichlet’s principle" is due to Riemann, who applied it in the study of complex
analytic functions.
What is the significance of Dirichlet’s principle? It tells us that we can go the Euler-Lagrange
highway the inverse way, see the right branch of Fig. 10.8. Facing the task of solving a PDE,
we do not solve it directly, but we multiply it with ıy, integrate the result and do integration by
parts, eventually arrive at a functional. Now, we find the minimizer of this functional.
And this was exactly what Walther Heinrich Wilhelm Ritz (1878 – 1909)–a Swiss theoretical
physicist–did when he solved the problem of an elastic plate. Thus, in 1915 Ritz developed the
method which was coined the Ritz method, presented in Section 10.9. This name was due to
Galerkin. The main motivation for Ritz was the announcement of the Prix Vaillant for 1907
by the Academy of Science in Paris. This announcement was sent to him by his friend Paul
Ehrenfest on a postcard. The deformation of an elastic plate under an external force f .x; y/
was a very difficult problem at that time; it was first considered by Sophie Germaine in several
articles. The breakthrough was achieved by Kirchhoff in the form of the differential equation
@4 w @4 w @4 w
C 2 C D f .x; y/ (10.10.3)
@x 4 @x 2 y 2 @y 4
where w.x; y/ is the deflection of the plate. Of course we skip the required boundary conditions.
A compact way to write the bending plate equation is to use the Laplacian operator :
w D f .x; y/ (10.10.4)
A proof will be presented shortly.
Ritz went the Euler-Lagrange highway backwards, and came up with the following functional:
J Œw.x; y/ç D . w/2 f w d V ! min (10.10.5)
B 2
Then, he introduced his approximation for the solution function w.x; y/, assuming that the
boundary condition is zero deflection on the plate edges:
w.x; y/ D c1 1 .x; y/ C c2 2 .x; y/ C C cn n .x; y/ (10.10.6)
Substitution of this into Eq. (10.10.5), we have J.c1 ; c2 ; : : :/, and minimizing it gives us a system
of linear equations to solve for the Ritz parameters ci ’s. The effort was high as Ritz did not have
computer to help him, but of course he managed to get good results.
Because we need the functions i .x; y/ to be zero on the plate boundary, Ritz selected the
easiest plate problem: a square plate of size 2 ⇥ 2. Thus, 1 .x; y/ D .1 x 2 /2 .1 y 2 /2 , with
the origin of the coordinate system at the plate center, and so on.éé
Proof of Dirichlet’s principle. Assume that u is the solution to the Laplace’s equation, thus
u D 0 in B. Furthermore, we have u D g on @B. We have to show that
What if we have to deal with a L-shape plate? Or even worse an arbitrary three dimensional shape? To that we
need an extended version of the Ritz method known as the finite element method.
With the boxed equation, they introduced the usual Ritz approximations for y and ıy to obtain a
system of linear equations. To demonstrate their method, we solve the bending beam problem
again, starting with the PDE:
We first put the PDE in the form ky 0000 q0 D 0, multiply that with ıy and integrate over the
problem domain:
.ky 0000 q0 /ıydx D 0 (10.11.4)
Then, integrating by parts twice to get
.ky 00 ıy 00 q0 ıy/dx D 0 (10.11.5)
Of course, this equation is nothing but the variation of a functional being set to zero. But we do
not need to know the form of that functional, if our aim is primarily to find the solution y.x/.
Why integration by parts? In theory, we can stop at Eq. (10.11.4), and introduce the Ritz
approximation into it to get a system of equations to solve for the Ritz parameters. However, it
involves y 0000 , thus the Ritz approximation for y must use at least a third order polynomial. Fur-
thermore, we have asymmetry in the formulation: there is y 0000 and only ıy. A simple integration
by parts solves these two issues! Just one simple integration by parts, and we get Eq. (10.11.5) in
which the derivative of y.x/ has been lowered from four to two, and that is passed to ıy 00 . Thus,
we have a symmetric formulation. Thanks to this, the resulting matrix A will be symmetric i.e.,
Aij D Aj i .
Now, Galerkin used the Ritz approximation for y.x/. For illustration, only two terms are
y D c1 1 .x/ C c2 2 .x/ H) y 00 D c1 100 .x/ C c2 200 .x/ (10.11.6)
What about the variation ıy? What should be its approximation? As a variation is a small
perturbation to the actual solution y.x/, if y.x/ is of the form ci i .x/, then its variation is of
the same forméé :
ıy D d1 1 .x/ C d2 2 .x/ H) ıy 00 D d1 00
1 .x/ C d2 00
2 .x/ (10.11.7)
What are the di ’s? They are real numbers which can be of any value, because a variation is
anything that is zero at the boundary.
With these approximations of y and ıy introduced into Eq. (10.11.5), we get
Œk.c1 100 C c2 200 /.d1 100 C d2 200 / q0 .d1 1 C d2 2 çdx D 0
Now, because d1 and d2 are arbitrary, we conclude that the two bracket terms must be zeroes:
Z L ! Z L ! Z L
00 00 00 00
k 1 1 dx c1 C k 1 2 dx c2 D q0 1 dx
0 0 0
Z ! Z ! Z
00 00 00 00
k 1 2 dx c1 C k 2 2 dx c2 D q0 2 dx
0 0 0
In theory, the only requirement is that ıy.0/ D ıy.L/ D 0. Thus, it is possible to use another approximation
for it, for example ıy D di i .x/. But that would be some years later after Galerkin’s work. Advancements are
made in small steps.
Look at what we have obtained? A system of equations to determine the Ritz coefficients, and
the system is identical to the one got from the Ritz method, see Eqs. (10.9.12) and (10.9.13).
That’s probably why Galerkin called his method the Ritz method, and nowadays we call what
Galerkin did the Galerkin method!
Let’s summarize the steps of the method, which I refer to as the Bubnov-Galerkin method– a
common term nowadays–in Box 10.1, even though a better term should have been Ritz-Bubnov-
Galerkin method. What more this method gives us compared with its predecessor that Ritz
developed? It has a wider range of applications as there are many partial differential equations
that are not Euler-Lagrange equations of any variational problem.
✏ Derive the weak form (multiply the PDE with ıy, integrate over the domain, inte-
grating by parts)
.ky 00 ıy 00 q0 ıy/dx D 0
yD 0 .x/ C ci i .x/
i D1
ıy D di i .x/
i D1
Aij cj D bj
first appearance of what we now call the finite element method. Unfortunately, the relevance of
this article was not recognized at the time and the idea was forgotten. In the early 1950’s the
method was rediscovered by aerospace engineers at Boeing (MJ Turner) and structural engineers
(J. H. Argyris). The term ’finite elements’ was coined by Ray Cloughé in his classic paper “The
Finite Element Method in Plane Stress Analysis” in 1960. The mathematical analysis of finite
element approximations began much later, in the 1960’s, the first important results being due to
Milos Zlamal2 in 1968. Since then finite element methods have been developed into one of the
most general and powerful class of techniques for the numerical solution of partial differential
equations and are widely used in engineering design and analysis.
The finite element method is a Ritz-Galerkin method but with one vital difference (Fig. 10.9)
regarding the construction of the approximate solution:
✏ The domain is divided (or partitioned) into a number of sub-domains called elements.
These elements are of simple shapes: in 2D the elements are triangles and quadrilaterals,
in 3D they are tetrahedrals and hexahedrals. The vertices of the elements are called the
nodes. The elements, the nodes and the relation between elements/nodes altogether make
a mesh. Let n be the total number of nodes in the mesh.
✏ The theory of interpolation is used to build the approximate solution. Assuming that u.x/
is the function we’re trying to find, and let’s denote by uI the value of u.x/ at node I ,
then the approximate solution is written as
u.x/ D NI .x/uI (10.12.1)
where NI .x/ are called the shape functions. The shape functions are constructed such that
they satisfy the Kronecker delta property:
<1 if I D J
NI .xJ / D ıIJ ; ıIJ D (10.12.2)
:0 otherwise
Therefore, u.xJ / D I NI .xJ /uI D uJ . The Ritz parameters uI now have a meaning: it
is the value of the function evaluated at the nodes. Furthermore, the shape functions have
local support i.e., NI .x/ is non-zero only over few elements connecting node I ; see the
right figure (bottom) of Fig. 10.9.
The finite element method is extremely flexible about geometry. It can solve PDEs on arbi-
trary 3D domains (Fig. 10.10). Furthermore, because the approximation is local, the construction
of NI .x/ are easier (than to build shape functions over the entire domain).
Ray William Clough, (1920–2016), was Byron L. and Elvira E. Nishkian Professor of structural engineering
in the department of civil engineering at the University of California, Berkeley and one of the founders of the finite
element method.
Figure 10.9: Basic ideas of the finite element method: (1) domain division into triangular elements
connected via the notes and (2) FE approximation using local shape functions.
(a) 2D (b) 3D
Figure 10.10: The finite element method enjoys a geometry flexibility: it can handle any geometry.
@2 u @2 u
⇢ 2 D E 2 C ⇢b (10.12.3)
@t @x
where u.x; t / is the displacement field, E is the Young modulus of the material, ⇢ is the density
and b is the body force. The spatial domain is 0 x L, L is the length of the bar and the time
domain is 0 t T .
For the case of zero body force (i.e. b D 0) the above equation becomes the well known one
dimensional wave equation written as:
@2 u 2 @ 2
u E
D c ; c D (10.12.4)
@t 2 @x 2 ⇢
In order for a PDE to have unique solutions, initial and boundary conditions have to be
provided. For example, the so-called Dirichlet boundary conditions read
where a; b are some constants. As Eq. (10.12.4) involves second derivative with respect to t, two
initial conditions are required which are given by
u.x; 0/ D f .x/; P
u.x; 0/ D g.x/ (10.12.6)
where uP WD du=dt and f; g are some known functions (i.e., data of the problem).
Putting all the above together we come up with the following initial-boundary value problem
@2 u 2
2@ u
D c (wave equation)
@t 2 @x 2
u.0; t/ D a; u.L; t/ D b; t >0 (boundary conditions) (10.12.7)
u.x; 0/ D f .x/; P
u.x; 0/ D g.x/ (initial conditions)
Eq. (10.12.7) is called a strong form of the wave equation. The finite element methods (or
generally Galerkin based methods) adopt a weak formulation where the partial differential
equations are restated in an integral form called the weak form. A weak form of the differential
equations is equivalent to the strong form. In many disciplines, the weak form has a physical
meaning; for example, the weak form of the momentum equation is called the principle of virtual
work in solid/structural mechanics.
To obtain the weak form, one multiplies the PDE i.e., the wave equation in this particular
context, with an arbitrary function w.x/, called the weight function, and integrate the resulting
equation over the entire domain. That is
@2 u @2 u
c2 w.x/dx D 0; 8w.x/ with w.0/ D w.L/ D 0 (10.12.8)
0 @t 2 @x 2
The arbitrariness of the weight function is crucial, as otherwise a weak form is not equivalent to
the strong form. In this way, the weight function can be thought of as an enforcer: whatever it
multiplies is enforced to be zero by its arbitrariness.
Using the integration by parts for the second term, the above equation becomes
@2 u @u @w
w.x/dx C c 2 dx D 0 (10.12.9)
0 @t 0 @x @x
where the spatial derivative of the unknown field, u.x; t/, was lowered from two to one.
The weak form of the wave equation is thus given by: find the smooth function u.x; t/ such
Z L 2 Z L
@ u 2 @u @w
w.x/dx C c dx D 0
0 @t 0 @x @x
u.0; t/ D a; u.L; t/ D b
u.x; 0/ D f .x/; u.x; 0/ D g.x/
Our weak form has both spatial and temporal variables. One simple method to deal with them
is the method of lines. The method of lines proceeds by first discretizing the spatial derivatives
only and leaving the time variable continuous. Therefore, the approximation of the unknown
field u.x; t / is written as
u.x; t/ ⇡ u .x; t/ D NI .x/uI .t/ (10.12.11)
where NI .x/ are the shape functions and uI .t/ denotes the value of u at point I at time instant t
and constitutes the unknowns to be solved. The weak form (10.12.10) requires the acceleration
and the first spatial derivative of u.x; t/, they are given by
@2 u X @u X dNI .x/
n n
D NI .x/uR I .t/; D uI .t/
@t 2 I
@x I
Even though there are many choices for the weight functions w, in the Bubnov-Galerkin
method, which is the most commonly used method at least for solid mechanics applications, the
weight function is approximated using the same shape functions as u. That is
w.x; t/ D NI .x/wI (10.12.12)
where wI are the nodal values of the weight function; they are not functions of time. It is
straightforward to compute w 0 required in Eq. (10.12.10).
With these approximations, the weak form of the wave equation, i.e., Eq. (10.12.10), becomes:
find uJ such that
Z L Z L ✓ ◆✓ ◆
2 d NI d NJ
.NI .x/uR I / .NJ .x/wJ / dx C c uI wJ dx D 0 (10.12.13)
0 0 dx dx
for all wJ . Note that the Einstein summation rule was adopted: indices which are repeated twice
in a term are summed.
where u and uR are the vectors of displacements and accelerations of the whole problem, re-
spectively; they are one dimensional arrays of length n. M and K are the mass and stiffness
matrix–matrices of dimension n ⇥ n. Furthermore these matrices are symmetric.
Equation (10.12.15) is referred to as the semi-discrete equation as the time has not been yet
discretized. Any time integration methods for ODEs can be used to discretize Eq. (10.12.15)
in time. Refer to Section 12.6 for detail. After having obtained uI .t/, Eq. (10.12.11) is used to
compute the function at any other points.
Up to this point, how the shape functions NI are constructed is not yet discussed. In the next
section, we discuss this construction of shape functions.
✏ First, a mathematical model that best describes the problem is selected or developed. This
step of model development is done manually by people with sufficient mathematical skills.
A majority of mathematical model is developed using calculus and thus they are continuous
models not suitable for digital computers.
✏ Third, this discrete model is implemented in a programming language (Fortran in the past
and C++ and Python nowadays) to have a computational code or platform.
Computer simulations are not only useful to solve problems too complex to be resolved
analytically, but are also increasingly replacing costly and time consuming experiments. Further-
more, they can provide tremendous information at scales of space and time where experimental
visualization is difficult or impossible. And finally, simulations also have a value in their ability
to predict the behavior of materials and structures that are yet to be created; experiments are
limited to materials and structures that have already been created.
11.1 Vector in R3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751
11.2 Vectors in Rn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769
11.3 System of linear equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771
11.4 Matrix algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781
11.5 Subspaces, basis, dimension and rank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793
11.6 Introduction to linear transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 799
11.7 Linear algebra with Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805
11.8 Orthogonality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805
11.9 Determinant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
11.10 Eigenvectors and eigenvalues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822
11.11 Vector spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
11.12 Singular value decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857
This chapter is about linear algebra. Linear algebra is central to almost all areas of mathemat-
ics. Linear algebra is also used in most sciences and fields of engineering. Thus, it occupies a
vital part in the university curriculum. Linear algebra is all about matrices, vector spaces, systems
of linear equations, eigenvectors, you name it. It is common that a student of linear algebra can
do the computations (e.g. compute the determinant of a matrix, or the eigenvector), but he/she
usually does not know the why and the what–the theoretical essence of the subject. This chapter
hopefully provides some answers to these questions.
There is one more strong motivation to learn linear algebra: it plays a vital part in machine
learning, which is basically ubiquitous in our modern lives.
The following books were consulted for the materials presented in this chapter:
Chapter 11. Linear algebra 750
✏ Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra: Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares by Stephen
Boydè and Lieven Vandenberghe‘ ;
✏ Introduction to Linear Algebra by the famous maths teacher Gilbert Strangéé [18]
I follow David Poole’s organization for the subject to a great extent. Sometimes I felt lost
reading Strang’s [18]. With Poole, I could read from the beginning to the end of his book. Even
though I understand that my linear algebra is still shaky (it is a big field and I rarely did exercises),
thus reading Strang’s [57] was useful. That book gave a concise review of linear algebra required
to be used in applications. If I could understand Strang this time, I can say that I understand
linear algebra.
The chapter starts with the familiar physical vectors in the 2D plane and in the 3D space
we are living in (Section 11.1). Nothing is abstract and it is straightforward to introduce vector-
vector addition and scalar-vector multiplication–the two most important vector operations in
linear algebra. For use in vector calculus (and applications in physics), the cross product of two
3D vectors is also presented. But keep in mind that this product (with a weird definition and we
can define a cross product of two 3D vectors only) is not used in linear algebra. The description
using vectors of lines and planes is discussed, which plays an important role later.
Section 11.2 then presents a generalization of 2D and 3D vectors to vectors in Rn –the n
dimensional space, whatever it is geometrically. The section introduces the important concept
of linear combinations of a set of vectors, which plays a vital role in the treatment of systems of
linear equations.
Systems of linear equations, those of the form Ax D b, are the subject of Section 11.3. More
than 2000 years ago Chinese mathematicians already knew how to solve these systems. Due to
its linearity solving a system of linear equations is not hard. But we introduce the new concept of
matrix to the subject, and of course the Gaussian elimination method to take a matrix associated
to Ax D b to a row (reduced) echelon form.
And with that we study the algebraic rules of matrices; how we can add two matrices, multi-
plying a matrix with a vector and so on. The subject is known as matrix algebra (Section 11.4).
Also discussed are transpose of a matrix, the inverse of a matrix, the LU factorization of a matrix.
Subspaces, basis and dimension are discussed in Section 11.5. A brief introduction to linear
Stephen Boyd is the Samsung Professor of Engineering, and Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Informa-
tion Systems Laboratory at Stanford University. His current research focus is on convex optimization applications
in control, signal processing, machine learning, and finance.
Lieven Vandenberghe is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles.
His lectures are available at
David Poole is a professor of mathematics at Trent University. He has been recognized with a number of
awards for his inspirational teaching. His research interests are algebra, discrete mathematics, ring theory and
mathematics education.
11.1 Vector in R3
To begin our journey about vector algebra let’s do some observation about various concepts we
use daily. For example, consider a cube of side 2 cm; its volume is 8 cm3 . Now if we rotate
this cube, whatever the rotation angle is, its volume is always 8 cm3 . We say that volume is
a direction-independent quantity. Mass, volume, density, temperature are such quantities. The
formal term for them is scalar quantities. To specify a scalar quantity, we need only to provide
its magnitude (8 cm3 , for example). And we know how to do mathematics with these scalars: we
can add, subtract, multiply, take roots etc. Furthermore, we know the rules of these operations,
see e.g. Eq. (2.1.2).
On the other hand, there are quantities that are direction-dependent. It is not hard to see
that velocity is such a quantity. We need to specify the magnitude (or speed) and a direction
when speaking of a velocity. After all, your car is running at 50 km/h north-west is completely
different from 50 km/h south-east. Quantities such as velocity, force, acceleration, (linear and
angular) momentum are called vectorial quantities; they need a magnitude and a direction.
Geometrically, we use arrows to represent vectors (Fig. 11.1). Symbolically, we can write
AB or a bold-face a–a notation introduced by Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839 – 1903), an American
scientist. We employ Gibbs’ notation in this book. So, in what follows a (and similar symbols
such as b) are vectors. However, in some figures, the old AB still exist as it’s easier to draw an
Now, we need to define some operations for vectors similar to what we have done for numbers.
It turns out there are only a few: addition of vectors (two or more), multiplication of a vector
Figure 11.1: Vectors are geometrically represented by arrows. A is the head of the vector and B is its tail.
with a scalar, dot product of two vectors (yielding a scalar) and cross product of two vectors
giving a vector (remember the torque in physics?).
! b
! b+aa+b
! a a
(a) Addition of 2 vectors (b) Addition of more than 2 vecs
Figure 11.2: Addition of vectors: (a) addition of two vectors: the parallelogram rule and (b) addition of
more than two vectors.
Having defined the addition operation, we need to find the properties that vector addition
obeys. From Fig. 11.2a, we can see immediately that a C b D b C a. Furthermore, it can be
seen that .a C b/ C c D a C .b C c/. That is, addition of vectors follow the commutative and
y y
1 0
3 a=3 +6
a= 0 1
= 3i + 6j
3 x x
Figure 11.3: With the introduction of a coordinate system, any vector is represented by an ordered pair
of numbers .x; y/ in 2D, written as a column vector, or an"ordered
# triplet of numbers .x; y; z/ in 3D. To
save space, in text we write a D .a1 ; a2 /> instead of a D 1 . There is more to say about the transpose
operator ⇤> . Noting that a vector is a geometrical object, not a list of numbers. That list .x; y; z/ is just
a representation of a vector in a chosen coordinate system.
On this plane we see a remarkable thing: any vector, say a D .a1 ; a2 /> , is obtained by going
to the right (from the origin) a distance a1 and then going vertically a distance a2 , see the right
figure in Fig. 11.3. We can write this down as
" # " #
1 0
a D a1 C a2 (11.1.1)
0 1
The word ordered is used because .x; y/ is totally different from .y; x/.
or, with the introduction of two new vectors i and j called the unit coordinate vectorsé :
" # " #
1 0
a D a1 i C a2 j ; i WD ; j WD (11.1.2)
0 1
Of course for 3D, we have three such vectors i D .1; 0; 0/> , j D .0; 1; 0/> and k D .0; 0; 1/> .
Why writing such trivial equation such as Eq. (11.1.2)? Because it says that any vector can be
written as a linear combination of the unit coordinate vectors. In other words, we say that the
two unit coordinate vectors span the 2D space. This is how mathematicians express the idea that
‘the two directions–east and north–are sufficient to get us anywhere on a plane’. Note that this
geometric view does not, however, exist if we talk about high-dimensional spaces.
Vector addition is simple with components: to add vectors, add the components. The proof
is straightforward as follows, where a D .a1 ; a2 ; a3 />
a C b D .a1 i C a2 j C a3 k/ C .b1 i C b2 j C b3 k/
D .a1 C b1 /i C .a2 C b2 /j C .a3 C b3 /k
Similarly, to scale a vector, scale its components: for a vector in 2D, ˛a D .˛a1 ; ˛a2 /. Do we
have to define vector subtraction? No! This is because a b D a C . 1/b. Scaling a vector
with a negative number changes its length and flips its direction.
Being able to be added, and scaled by a number, it is natural to compute a vector given by
˛1 a1 C ˛2 a2 C C ˛n an –a linear combination of n vectors ai . We have seen such combination
in Eq. (11.1.2).
With components, it is easy to prove ˛.a C b/ D ˛a C ˛b. Indeed, ˛.ai C bi / D ˛ai C ˛bi .
Similar trivial proofs show up frequently in linear algebra.
Box 11.1 summarizes the laws of vector addition and scalar multiplication. Note that 0 is the
zero vector i.e., 0 D .0; 0; 0/> for 3D vectors.
Now imagine that we scale these unit vectors to 2i and 2j and use the scaled vectors as the new basis vectors.
What will happen to the components of our vector a? Apparently, its components will be 0:5a1 ; 0:5a2 . As the basis
vectors get bigger the components of the vector get smaller. That’s why the better name for them is: contravariant
components. This is important when we study tensors.
Definition 11.1.1
The dot product of two 3D vectors a D .a1 ; a2 ; a3 /> and b D .b1 ; b2 ; b3 /> is a number
defined as
a b D a1 b1 C a2 b2 C a3 b3 (11.1.3)
Why this definition? One way to understand is to consider the special case that the two
vectors are the same. When b D a, we have a a D a12 C a22 C a32 , which is the square of
the length
p of a, see Fig. 11.4. So, the dot product gives us the length of a vector, defined by
kak WD a a. We recall that the notation jxj gives the distance from x to 0. Note the similarity
in the notations.
p p
y kak = a21 + a22 kak = a21 + a22 + a23
x O y
a1 p
a21 + a22
x a2
Figure 11.4: Length of a 2D and 3D vector: kak D a12 C a22 C a32 from the Pythagorean theorem.
The dot product has many applications. For example, the kinetic energy of a 1D point mass
R 2with speed v is 0:5mv and its extension to 3D is 0:5mv v. The work done by a force F is
1 F ds. And the list goes on.
There is a geometric meaning of this dot product: a b D kakkbk cos.a; b/. The notation
.a; b/ means the angle between the two vectors a and b. The proof is based on the generalized
Pythagorean theorem c 2 D a2 C b 2 2ab cos C (Section 3.12). We need a triangle here: two
edges are vectors a and b, and the remaining edge is c D b a. To this triangle, we can write
(using the generalized Pythagorean theorem)
kb ak2 D kak2 C kbk2 2kakkbk cos ✓ (11.1.4)
On the other hand, the squared length of vector b a can also be written as using the dot product
and its property a .b ˙ c/ D a b ˙ a c (known as the distributive law, see Box 11.2):
kb ak2 D .b a/ .b a/
Db bCa a 2a b D kak2 C kbk2 2a b
From Eqs. (11.1.4) and (11.1.5) we get:
And this formula reveals one nice geometric property. As cos ✓ D 0 when ✓ D ⇡=2, two vectors
are perpendicular/orthogonal to each other if their dot product is zero. We can now see that the
unit vectors i ; j ; k are mutually perpendicular: i j D 0, i k D 0, j k D 0. Why call them
unit vectors? Because their lengths are 1. We can always make a non-unit vector a unit vector
simply by dividing it by its length, a process known as normalizing a vector:
normalizing a vector: vO D (11.1.7)
When we need just the direction of a vector, kvk
is the answer.
Again, we observe some properties or laws governing the behavior of the dot product. We
summarize them in Box 11.2. The proofs are quite straightforward and thus skipped. From (a)
and (b) we are going to derive another rule with a D e C f
a .b C c/ D a b C a c ” .e C f / .b C c/ D .e C f / b C .e C f / c
.e C f / .b C c/ D e b C e c C f b C Cf c
And what is this? This is the FOIL (First-Outer-Inner-Last) rule of algebra discussed in Sec-
tion 2.1!
The triangle inequality. Consider two vectors a and b, they make two edges of a triangle, the
remaining edge is its sum a C b. From the property of triangle, we then have the following
jja C bjj jjajj C jjbjj (11.1.8)
Proof. We need to use the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality proved in Section 2.21.3. Note that
Eq. (11.1.6) also provides a geometric proof for the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality at least for
2D/3D cases⇤⇤ . Now, we can writeéé :
.a C b/ .a C b/ D a a C 2a b C b b
jjajj2 C 2jjajjjjbjj C jjbjj2 .Cauchy-Schwarz inequality/
.jjajj C jjbjj/
And if we have something for two vectors, we should extend that to n vectors. First, it’s easy
to see that, for 3 vectors we have
jja C b C cjj jjajj C jjbjj C jjcjj
Proof goes as: using Eq. (11.1.8) with two vectors a and d D b C c, then Eq. (11.1.8) gain
for b and c. You see the pattern to go to n vectors. And to practice proof by induction you can
prove the general case.
Solving plane geometry problems using vectors. Vectors can be used to solve easily many
plane geometry problem. (algebraic manipulations of some vectors only) See Fig. 11.5 for some
examples. First, we consider a segment AB with M being its midpoint. Let’s denote by a and b
the vectors from the origin to A and B, and m for point M . And we would like to express m in
terms of a; b.
It is not hard to derive the result shown in the left of Fig. 11.5:
8 !
<AM D m a 1 1
! ! H) m a D .b a/ H) m D .a C b/
:AM D AB D .b a/
1 1 2 2
2 2
And in the same manner, we get the result in the middle picture of the mentioned figure. Now,
we’re ready to prove the theorem about the centroid of a triangle.
We consider the median CM3 , and point G such that GM3 D 1=3CM3 . Using the results of
Fig. 11.5, we have
! 1
<OM3 D .a C b/
2 ✓ ◆
ˆ ! 1 2 1 1
:̂ OG D c C .a C b/ D .a C b C c/
3 3 2 3
As a b D jjajjjjbjj cos ✓ , we have a b jjajjjjbjj.
We can use this to prove the Pythagoras’s theorem: if a is orthogonal to b then a b D 0, thus we have
.a C b/ .a C b/ D a a C b b. which is nothing than jja C bjj2 D jjajj2 C jjbjj2 . And this vector-based proof of
the Pythagoras theorem works for 2D and 3D and actually nD.
a m b a m b
1 1 1 2 M3
m= a+ b m= a+ b
O 2 2 O 3 3 A
Figure 11.5: Solving plane geometry using vectors. A median of a triangle is the line segment from a
vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. So, AM1 is a median of the triangle ABC . We want to prove
this fact: in any triangle, the three medians intersect at a common point (G) which is 2=3 of the way along
each median. In other words, for each median, the distance from a vertex to the G is twice that of the
distance from G to the midpoint of the side opposite that vertex. And that common point is called the
centroid of the triangle.
Of course, we next consider the median AM1 , and a point G 0 such that G 0 M1 D 1=3AM1 . It can
be shown that OG 0 D 1=3.a C b C c/. Thus, G 0 is nothing but G. And finally, considering the
median BM2 and we’re done.
It is obvious that the length of a vector, which is a scalar quantity, is invariant under
translation and rotation. That is, if we rotate a vector, its length does not change. So, we
can define a ‘dot product’ that applies to a single vector only i.e., a a D a12 C a22 C a32 .
We can thus write
a a D kak2 D constant
b b D kbk2 D constant
.a C b/ .a C b/ D ka C bk2 D constant
The length of vector a C b can be evaluated using our dot product definition:
So, we come up with the fact that a1 b1 C a2 b2 C a3 b3 is also constant. That is why people
came up with this dot product between two vectors. It preserves lengths and angle.
Noting that scaling n does not change the equation, so we usually just need to use a unit vector
n. Geometry becomes easy with numbers!
In the second way one uses a vector tangent to the line called a direction vector d. Now,
any point P on the line is just a step from P0 .x0 ; y0 / along d. Thus, the equation of the line
is: r 0 C t d where t 2 R denotes the step size; the resulting equation has a vectorial form, see
Fig. 11.6. Later on for linear algebra, the vector form is helpful, as it shows that a line passing
through the origin (with r 0 D .0; 0/) can be expressed as a scalar of a direction vector.
y y
P (x, y) P
P0 (x0, y0 ) d(a, b)
P0 (x0, y0)
(x x0)a + (y y0 )b = 0 r0 r0 + td
x x
With the dot product we can now write the equation for a plane in 3D. In 2D, a line needs
a point .x0 ; y0 / and a slope. For a plane, we need also a point P0 D .x0 ; y0 ; z0 / and a nor-
mal N D .a; b; c/ (not a slope as there are infinitely many tangents to a plane). For a point
P D .x; y; z/ on the plane, the vector from P0 to P is perpendicular to the normal. And of
course perpendicularity is expressed by the dot product of these two vectors:
.x x0 /a C .y y0 /b C .z z0 /c D 0; or ax C by C cz D d (11.1.9)
When u and t take all the values in R, x D us C t v generates all the vectors (infinitely many of
them) lying on this plane. We can see that this plane in R3 is similar to the plane R2 : if we take
a linear combination of u; v we can never escape the plane. It is a space of itself and later on it
leads to the important concept of subspaces.
Lines in 2D 1 ax C by D c x D p C su
<a x C b y C c z D d
1 1 1 1
Lines in 3D 1 x D p C su
:a x C b y C c z D d
2 2 2 2
Planes in 3D 2 ax C by C cz D d x D p C su C tv
11.1.4 Projections
Considering two vectors u and v that make an angle ✓. In case A
that u is short we can always scale it ˛u and get a line of which
direction is determined by u. Let’s denote by p the projection of v
v on u (or on the line ˛u). We obtain this projection by dropping
a line from A perpendicular to u. Then, p D OH . The idea of ✓
a vector projection, in its simplest form is just the question of O H
how much one vector goes in the direction of another. We have
p D OH u=jjujj. And consider the right triangle OHA, we also have OH D jjvjj cos ✓, now
relating cos ✓ to the dot product of u; v, we can write p as (another common notation for vector
projection projv .u/ is also introduced):
u u v u ⇣u v⌘
p D projv .u/ D jjvjj cos ✓ D jjvjj D u
jjujj jjujjjjvjj jjujj u u
Finding a projection of a vector onto another one has many applications. For example, calculation
of the distance from a point to a line in space is one of them, but not an important one. As can
be seen, while finding the projection of v on u, we also get the vector perpendicular to u (vector
AB). This is very useful later on (Section 11.8.6). But I want to show you what will come next.
The vector p is, among all vectors along the line defined by u, the closest vector to v. This will be
generalized to the best approximation theorem when we extend our 3D space to n dimensional
space (Section 11.11.10).
The length of the projected vector can be computed as:
ˇˇ⇣ u v ⌘ ˇˇ ˇ⇣ u v ⌘ˇ
ˇˇ ˇˇ ˇ ˇ ju vj
jjpjj D ˇˇ uˇˇ D ˇ ˇ jjujj D
u u u u jjujj
Q(x0, y0)
d d = kproj of P Q on nk
|n · P Q|
|(a, b) · (x0 x̄, y0 ȳ)|
= p
P (x̄, ȳ) a2 + b2
|ax0 + bx0 c|
line : ax + by = c = p
a2 + b2
Figure 11.7: Distance from a point Q.x0 ; y0 / to a 2D line ax C by D c. Note that axN C b yN D c as .x;
N y/
is a point on the line.
One application of this formula is to compute the distance from a point B.x0 ; y0 ; z0 / to a
plane P W ax C by C cz D d . To derive the formula for this distance, first we consider a simpler
problem: distance from a point to a 2D line (Fig. 11.7). Then, it is a simple generalization to 3D:
linear acceleration 2x
= t2 Angular acceleration != t
Assume that at a given time instant, the object is located at point P , which is specified
by .x; y/ using the Cartesian coordinates or .r; ✓/ using polar coordinates. A moment later,
under the influence of a force F it moves to point Q by rotating a tiny angle of ✓. We
compute the change in positions x and y in terms of ✓ . Then, we compute the work
W D Fx x C Fy y D .xFy yFx / ✓ . So this term .xFy yFx /–a strange-looking
combination of the force and the distance–should be defined as torque which is a kind of force
that makes objects turn.
y x
✓ PQ = r ✓
P x = r ✓ sin ✓ = y ✓
✓ y = r ✓ cos ✓ = x ✓
O x x
W = Fx x + Fy y
= (xFy yFx ) ✓
Figure 11.8: Work in terms of ✓. Noting that ✓ is tiny, that’s why we have PQ D r✓ and PQ is
perpendicular to OP . There is a minus in x because x is decreasing.
Yes, we have obtained one formula for the torque. But we can also obtain another formula for
it if we recall that work is tangential force multiplied with displacement. As seen from Fig. 11.9,
torque can also be defined as the magnitude of the force times the length of the level arm. And
this formula agrees with our experiences with torques: if the force is radial i.e., ˛ D 0 the torque
is zero, or for zero length of level arm the torque is also zero.
With forces, we have linear momentum p D mv and Newton’s 2nd law saying that the
external force is equal to the time derivative of the linear momentum: F ext D p. P A question
arises, with torques, do we have another kind of momentum in the sense that ext D ⇤. P Let’s
do the analysis. We start with the formula for the torque, D xFy yFx , then we replace Fx
Figure 11.9: Torque is defined as the magnitude of the force times the length of the level arm.
and Fy using Newton’s 2nd law so that derivative with time appears:
dvy dvx d d
D xFy yFx D xm ym D .xmvy y mvx / D .xpy ypx / (11.1.13)
dt dt dt dt
Indeed, the torque is the time rate of change of something. And that something xpy ypx is
what we now call the angular momentum, denoted by L. And by doing the same analysis as
done in Fig. 11.9 for the torque, we can see that the angular momentum is the magnitude of the
linear momentum times the length of the level arm.
We have conservation of linear momentum when the total external forces in a system is zero.
Do we have the same principle for angular momentum? As can be seen from Fig. 11.10 for a
system of 2 particles, the torque due to F 12 cancels the torque due to F 21 . Thus, the the rate of
change of the total momenta depends only on the external torques:
D 1 C 12 >
dL1 ext
= dL
dt H) D 1ext C 2ext (11.1.14)
dL2 ext >
; dt
D 2 C 21
Thus, if the net torque is zero, the angular momentum is conserved. Indeed, we also have an
analog for the principle of conservation of linear momentum. This encourages us to keep moving
on. We have kinetic energy for translational motions, what it will look like for rotational motions?
Kinetic energy is T D 0:5mv 2 : mass time velocity squared. So we anticipate that for
rotations, it should be T D 0:5f .m/! 2 . Let’s do the maths (note that v D r! see Fig. 7.33):
1 1
T D mv 2 D mr 2 ! 2 H) I D mr 2 (11.1.15)
2 2
The quantity I D mr 2 is called moment of inertia by Leonhard Euler. It is a function of mass
(of course) but it depends also on r i.e., how far the mass is away from the rotation axis, see for
an application in Fig. 11.11.
Figure 11.11: Moment of inertia in rotations: it is a function of mass (of course) but it depends also on
r i.e., how far the mass is away from the rotation axis. A spinning figure skater pull in her outstretched
arms to spin faster. This is because the angular momentum l D I! is conserved, when I is decreased, !
is increased i.e., spinning faster.
Now, if we repeat the analysis that we have just done in the xy-plane but now for the yz-plane
and zx plane, we obtain three terms:
And that is the torque which is defined from two vectors r D .x; y; z/ and F ; xFy yFx is just
the z component of this torque. Now we generalize that to any two vectors a and b:
2 3
a2 b 3 a3 b2
6 7
c WD a ⇥ b H) c D 4a3 b1 a1 b3 5 (11.1.17)
a1 b 2 a2 b1
The vector product is not commutative! One consequence is that a ⇥ a D 0. Now, we need to
know the direction of a ⇥ b. Just apply Eq. (11.1.17) to two special vectors .1; 0; 0/ and .0; 1; 0/,
and we get the cross product of them is .0; 0; 1/, which is perpendicular to .1; 0; 0/ and .0; 1; 0/.
The rule is: c is perpendicular to both a; b. This can be proved simply by just calculating the
dot product of a ⇥ b with a, and you will see it is zero. But c points up or down? The right hand
rule tells us which exact direction it follows.
We now know the direction of the cross product, how about its length? Let’s compute it and
see what we shall get:
We get a nice formula for the length of the cross product of two 3D vectors a and b in terms of
the length of the vectors and the angle between them:
Note the striking similarity with Eq. (11.1.6) about the dot product! With the dot product we
have cos ✓, and now with the cross product we have sin ✓. The dot product tells us when two
vectors are perpendicular and the cross product tells us when they are parallel. Perfect duo. A
geometric interpretation of this formula is that the length of the cross product of a and b is the
area of the parallelogram formed by a and b. We also get that the area of a triangle formed by a
and b is 0:5ka ⇥ bk. See Fig. 11.12a.
(a) (b)
Figure 11.12: A geometric interpretation of the cross product of two vectors: the length of the cross
product of a and b is the area of the parallelogram formed by a and b.
As the area of a triangle formed by a and b is 0:5ka ⇥ bk, if the three verices are .x1 ; y1 /,
.x2 ; y2 / and .x3 ; y3 /, the area of the triangle explicitly expressed in terms of the coordinates of
a⇥bD b⇥a
.˛a/ ⇥ b D ˛.a ⇥ b/ D a ⇥ .˛b/
a ⇥ .b C c/ D a ⇥ b C a ⇥ c
.a C b/ ⇥ c D a ⇥ c C b ⇥ c
a ⇥ .b ⇥ c/ D b.a c/ c.a b/
.a ⇥ b/2 D a2 b2 .a b/2
c .a ⇥ b/ D .c ⇥ a/ b
The first three rules are straightforward. How others have been discovered? Herein, we prove
the last rule, known as the scalar triple product of three vectors. As two vectors give us an area
so three vectors could give us a volume. So, let’s build a box with three sides being our three
vectors a; b; c (see Fig. 11.12b); this box is called a parallelepiped. It is seen that the volume
of this box is c .a ⇥ b/: consider the base with two sides a; b, its area is ka ⇥ bk; the volume
is: base area times the height; that is ka ⇥ bkkck cos ✓. As the volume does not change if we
consider a different base, the rule of the scalar triple product of three vectors is proved. Of course,
a proof using pure algebra exists:
The rule a ⇥ .b ⇥ c/ D b.a c/ c.a b/ is known as the triple product. You’re encouraged
to prove it using of course the definition of cross product. You would realize that the process is
tedious and boring (lengthy algebraic expressions). Refer to Section 7.11.14 for a more elegant
proof when we’re equipped with more mathematics tools.
This section is about the story of how Hamilton discovered quartenions in 1843. The story
started with complex numbers (Section 2.24). Let’s consider two complex numbers z1 D a C bi
and z2 D c C d i, where a; b; c; d 2 R and i 2 D 1. Addition/subtraction of complex numbers
are straightforward, but multiplication is much harder. So, we focus on the product of z1 and z2 :
Note that to get this result we only neededp to use high school algebra and i D 1. Thus, the
modulus (or length) of z1 z2 is jz1 z2 j D .ac bd /2 C .ad C bc/2 . Next, we’re trying to find
the relation between jz1 z2 j and jz1 j and jz2 j. To this end, we square jz1 z2 j and obtain:
jz1 z2 j2 D .ac bd /2 C .ad C bc/2 D .a2 C b 2 /.c 2 C d 2 / D jz1 j2 jz2 j2 (11.1.22)
jz1 z2 j D jz1 jjz2 j (11.1.23)
And this result is called the law of the moduli by Hamilton: it states that the modulus of the
product of two complex numbers is equal to the product of the modulus of the two numbers.
Hamilton wanted to extend complex numbers–which he called couples as each complex
number contains two real numbers–to triplets. Thus, he considered a triplet of the following
z D a C bi C cj; with i 2 D j 2 D 1 and ij D j i
Hamilnto considered ij D j i because at that time Hamilton still insisted on the commutativity
of multiplication. Although it is straightforward to add two triplets, multiplication was, however,
not easy to even a mathematician of high caliber such as Hamilton. He wrote to his son Archibald
shortly before his death:
“Every morning in the early part of the above-cited month, on my coming down to
breakfast, your brother William Edwin and yourself used to ask me, ‘Well, Papa, can
you multiply triplets?’ Whereto I was obliged to reply, with a sad shake of the head,
‘No, I can only add and subtract them.’ ”
ij D a1 C a2 i C a3 j
i 2j D a1 i C a2 i 2 C a3 ij (multiplying the above by i )
j D a1 i a2 C a3 ij (i 2 D 1)
j D a1 i a2 C a3 .a1 C a2 i C a3 j / (replacing ij using 1st eq.)
j D a1 a3 a2 C .a1 C a2 a3 /i C a32 j
The last equation holds only when a32 D 1, which is impossible as a3 is a real number. So, ij
cannot be a triplet.
But if this troubling term 2bcij is zero, then it is simple to see that jz 2 j D .a2 C b 2 C c 2 /,
which is jzjjzj. The law of the moduli, Eq. (11.1.23), works! But when 2bcij is zero? It is
absurd to think that ij D 0. So, Hamilton thought that if ij ¤ j i , then it is possible for the red
term to vanish. So, with ij ¤ j i , he computed z 2 :
.a C bi C cj /.a C bi C cj / D .a2 b2 c 2 / C 2abi C 2acj C bc.ij C j i / (11.1.25)
If ij D j i , then the red term in the above expression is zero, and the law of the moduli
holds. At this time, due to the red term, Hamilton decided that he had to consider not triplets but
quadruplets of the form z D a C bi C cj C d k. This k is for ij p D j i D k! He called such
number z a quartenion. He defined the modulus of a quartenion is a2 C b 2 C c 2 C d 2 , which
is reasonable.
What should be the rules of i; j; k? We have i 2 D 1, thus we should have j 2 D k 2 D 1.
After all, there is no reason that i is more special than j and k. And we need ij D j i , and
Hamilton considered ij D j i D k. Thus, his i; j; k must satisfy the followingé :
i2 D j 2 D k2 D 1
ij D ji D k
jk D kj D i
ki D i Dj
Hamilton now needed to verify that his quartenions satisfy the rule of modulus
(Eq. (11.1.23)). He computed z 2 and with Eq. (11.1.26), he got:
Therefore, we have again the old rule about modulus that jzzj D jzjjzj.
Hamilton’s discovery of the quartenions was one of those very
rare incidents in science where a breakthrough was captured in
real time. Hamilton had been working on this problem for over
10 years, and finally had a breakthrough on October 16th, 1843
while on a walk along the Royal Canal in Dublin towards the
Royal Irish Academy with his wife, Lady Hamilton. And when
this exciting idea took hold, he couldn’t resist the urge to etch his
new equation into the stone of Broom Bridge and give life to a
new system of four-dimensional numbers.
Hamilton described the ‘eureka’ moment in a letter to his son some years later:
Although your mother talked with me now and then, yet an undercurrent of thought
was going on in my mind, which gave at last a result, whereof it is not too much
to say that I felt at once an importance. An electric current seemed to close; and
which can also be compactly written as i 2 D j 2 D k 2 D ij k D 1.
a spark flashed forth, the herald (as I foresaw, immediately) of many long years
to come of definitely directed thought and work . . . Nor could I resist the im-
pulse—unphilosophical as it may have been—to cut with a knife on a stone of
Brougham Bridge as we passed it, the fundamental formula ...
Hamilton had created a completely new structure in mathematics. What is interesting is that
the quartenions did not satisfy the commutative rule ab D ba (note that complex numbers still
follow this rule). This did not bother Hamilton because this is what usually happens in nature.
For example, consider an empty swimming pool and the two operations of diving into the pool
head first and turning the water on. The order in which the operations take place is important!
The set of all quartenions is now denoted by H to honour Hamilton.
It was Hamilton who gave us the terms scalar and vector for he considered the quartenion
a C bi C cj C d k as consisted of a scalar part (a) and a vector part bi C cj C d k. Considering
two quartenions with zero scalar parts ˛ D xi Cyj Czk and ˛ 0 D x 0 i Cy 0 j Cz 0 k, he computed
their product using Eq. (11.1.26):
˛˛ 0 D .xi C yj C zk/.x 0 i C y 0 j C z 0 k/
D .xx 0 C yy 0 C zz 0 / C .yz 0 zy 0 /i C .zx 0 xz 0 /j C .xy 0 x 0 y/k
What is the red term? It is nothing but the dot product of two 3D vectors. And the blue term is
nothing but the cross product. Gibbs gave us the dot product and the cross product. But it was
Hamilton who was the first to write down these products.
11.2 Vectors in Rn
So we have seen 2D and 3D vectors. They are easy to grasp as we have counterparts in real
life. But mathematicians do not stop there. Or actually they encounter problems in which they
have to stretch their imaginations. One such problem is solving a system of large simultaneous
equations, like the following one
which they simply write Ax D b where the vector x D .x1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 / is a vector in a four-
dimension space. And if we have a system of 1000 equations for 1000 unknowns, we are talking
about its solution as a vector living in a 1000-dimensional space! Obviously it is impossible to
visualize spaces of dimensions higher than 3, the study of vectors in higher-dimensional spaces
must proceed entirely by analytic means.
In this section, we move to spaces of n dimensions where n is most of the time (much) larger
than three. We use the symbol x 2 Rn to denote such a vector, and we write (with respect to a
where the second notation is to save space. When we say a vector we mean a column vector. For
2D/3D vectors, we called xi the i th coordinate. However for n dimensional vector we call it the
i th component, as x is no longer representing a positional vector. Actually, xi can be anything:
price of a product, deflection of a point in a beam etc. It should be emphasized that a vector
exists independent of a coordinate system. So, when we write (or see) x D .x1 ; x2 ; : : : ; xn /, we
should be aware that a certain choice of a coordinate system was made.
For vectors a and b in a n-dimensional space and a scalar ˛, we have the following definitions
for vector addition, scalar vector multiplication, dot product of two vectors, which are merely
extensions of what we know for 3D vectors:
addition: aCbD .ai C bi /
i D1
scalar multiplication: ˛a D .˛a1 ; ˛a2 ; : : : ; ˛an /
dot product: a b D ai bi D ai bi
i D1
p X
length (norm): jjajj D a aD ai2
where we have used Einstein summation rule in niD1 ai bi D ai bi . According to this rule, when
an index variable (i in this example) appears twice in a single term, it implies summation of that
term over all the values of the index. The index i is thus named summation index Pnor dummy
Pn The dummy word is used because we can replace it by any other symbol: i D1 ai bi D
j D1 aj bj D aj bj .
Remark 6. All the rules about vector addition and scalar vector multiplication in Box 11.1 still
apply for vectors in Rn . And note that we did not define the cross product for vectors living in a
space with dimensions larger than three! Lucky for us that in the world of linear algebra we do
not need the cross product.
Notation Rn . Let’s discuss how mathematicians say about 1D, 2D, 3D and nD spaces. When x
is a number living on the number line, they write x 2 R. When a point x D .x; y/ lives on a
plane, they write x 2 R2 ; this is because x 2 R and y 2 R. Similarly, they write x 2 R3 and
x 2 Rn . This notation follows the Cartesian product of two sets discussed in Section 5.5.
Of course it is not a requirement to use Einstein notation in linear algebra; but it can be very useful elsewhere.
We have special numbers: 0 and 1, and we also have special vectors. The zero vector 0, note
the bold font for 0, has all components being zeros, and the ones vector 1 has all components
equal to one. And the unit vectors (remember i; j; k of the 3D space?):
2 3 2 3 2 3
1 0 0
6 7 6 7 6 7
607 617 607
6 7 6 7 6 7
e1 D 6
6 7
0 7 ; e 2 D 607 ; : : : ; e n D 607
6 7 6 7 (11.2.1)
6 :: 7 6 :: 7 6 :: 7
4:5 4:5 4:5
0 0 1
That is vector e i has all component vanished except the ith component which is one.
All of us know the technique to solve it: elimination method. We keep the first equation, but
replace the second by the sum of the second equation and the first (to remove y):
2x 1y D 1
3x C 0y D 6
Then, we have x D 2 from the second equation, and back substituting x D 2 into the first
equation gives us y D 3. This is pretty easy. What is interesting is the fact that we write the
second equation 3x D 6 as 3x C 0y D 6. Furthermore, we can work on the two equations
without referring to x; y (after all, instead of x; y we can equally use u; v or whatever pleases
us); we just need to focus on the numbers 2; 1; 1; 1; 1; 5. So, we put the numbers appearing in
the LHS in a rectangular array with 2 rows and 2 columns, denoted by a capital boldface symbol
A, the numbers in the RHS in a vector (b), and the unknowns in another vector (x):
" #" # " #
2 1 x 1
D ; or Ax D b (11.3.3)
1 1 y 5
and this 2 row and 2 col array is called the coefficient matrixéé and the vector on the RHS is
called the RHS vector. Note that this is not simply a notation. Eq. (11.3.3) says that the matrix A
acts on the vector x to produce the vector b. Matrices do something as they are associated with
linear transformations. More about this later in Section 11.11.3.
In a matrix there are rows and columns, thus we can view Eq. (11.3.3) from the row picture
or the column picture. In the row picture, each row is an equation, which is geometrically a
line in a 2D plane. There are two lines, Fig. 11.13-left, and they intersect at .2; 3/, which is the
solution of the system. And this solution is unique, as there is no other solutions.
y y
1 +1
+1 2
1 solution 1 2
1 2 3 x x
Figure 11.13: System of linear equations: row view (left) and column view (right).
In the column picture, we do not see two equations with scalar unknowns x and y, but we
see only one vector equation: " # " # " #
2 1 1
x Cy D (11.3.4)
1 1 5
Historically it was the 19th-century English mathematician James Sylvester (1814 – 1897) who first coined the
term matrix, even though Chinese mathematicians knew about matrices from the 10th–2nd century BCE, written in
The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art.
And we are seeking for the right linear combination of the columns of the coefficient matrix to
get the RHS vector. In Fig. 11.13-right, we see that if we go along the first column two times its
length and then follow the second column three times the length, then we reach the RHS .1; 5/.
For this simple example in 2D, the row picture is easier to work with. However, for a system
of more than three unknowns such a geometric view does not exist.
No solution and many solutions. Using the row picture it is easy to see that Ax D b either: (i)
has a unique solution, (ii) has no solution and (iii) has many solutions. The following systems
have no solution and many solutions:
( (
2x y D 1 2x y D 1
; (11.3.5)
2x y D 2 4x 2y D 2
In the first system, the two lines are parallel and thus do not intersect. In the second system, the
second equation is just a multiple of the first; we have then just one equation and all the points
on the line of the first equation are the solutions, see Fig. 11.14.
y y
2x yD 2
2x 1y D 1
2x yD1
4x 2y D 2
x x
0 0
Figure 11.14: Linear systems of equations: no solution versus infinitely many solutions.
The first matrix has more columns than rows–it is short and wide. The second matrix has more
rows than columns–it is thin and tall.
Elementary row operations. It is clear that we can perform some massages to a system of linear
equations without altering the solutions. For example, the system in Eq. (11.3.1) is equivalent to
the following ones:
( ( (
xCy D5 2.x C y/ D 10 xCy D5
” ”
2x y D 1 2x y D 1 3x D 6
in which the first system was obtained by swapping the two original equations; from it, the
second system obtained by multiplying the first equation by two and the third system by adding
the first equation to the second equation. Using the row picture, what we have done is called
elementary row operationséé . This is because the coefficients of the system are stored in the
coefficient matrix, and thus what done to the equations are done to the rows of this matrix. There
are only three types of elementary row operations:
The Gaussian elimination method, discussed in the next section, uses the elementary row opera-
tions to transform the system into a simpler form.
where U, a matrix of which all elements below the main diagonal are zeros, is called an upper
triangular matrix; the non-zero red terms form a triangle. All the pivots of this upper triangular
matrix are on the diagonal. Obviously solving Ux D c is super easy: back substitution. The last
row gives us 4x3 D 8 or x3 D 2, substituting that x3 into the 2nd row: x2 C x3 D 4 we get
x2 D 2. Finally substituting x3 ; x2 into the first row we get x1 D 1.
The elimination process brings A to U which is in a row echelon form (REF). A matrix is
said to be in row echelon form if all entries below the pivots are zero.
Now, I present the elimination process. We start with the elimination of x1 in the second row
(or equivalently the blue number 4); this is obtained by subtracting two times the first row from
the second row (the red number 2 is the first non-zero in the row that does the elimination, it is
called a pivot):
2x1 C 4x2 2x3 D 2 R2$R2 2R1 2x1 C 4x2 2x3 D 2
4x1 C 9x2 3x3 D 8 H) 0x1 C 1x2 C 1x3 D 4
2x1 3x2 C 7x3 D 10 2x1 3x2 C 7x3 D 10
We observe that after this elimination step, only the second equation changes, highlighted by the
red terms. We continue to remove x1 in the third equation, or in other words, remove -2 below
the first zero in the second equation:
2x1 C 4x2 2x3 D 2 R3$R3CR1 2x1 C 4x2 2x3 D 2
0x1 C 1x2 C 1x3 D 4 H) 0x1 C 1 x2 C 1x3 D 4
2x1 3x2 C 7x3 D 10 0x1 C 1x2 C 5x3 D 12
Now, the 1st column has been finished, we move to the second column; and we want to remove
x2 in the third equation i.e., the one below the pivot on row 2:
2x1 C 4x2 2x3 D 2 R3$R3 R2 2x1 C 4x2 2x3 D 2
0x1 C 1x2 C 1x3 D 4 H) 0x1 C 1 x2 C 1x3 D 4
0x1 C 1x2 C 5x3 D 12 0x1 C 0x2 C 4x3 D 8
echelon form; it makes the back substitution super easy. A matrix is said to be in reduced row
echelon form (RREF) if all the entries below and above the pivots are zero. What we have to do
is to remove the red terms–making zeros above the pivots and making the pivots ones:
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
2 4 2 2 2 0 6 14 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 1
6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7
40 1 1 45 H) 40 1 1 4 5 H) 40 1 0 2 5 H) 40 1 0 2 5
0 0 4 8 0 0 4 8 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2
The solution is now simply the right block, which is . 1; 2; 2/. Note that the columns in A
transformed to the three unit vectors .1; 0; 0/; .0; 1; 0/ and .0; 0; 1/ of R3 in the reduced row
echelon form.
Is this solution making sense? We have three unknowns and three equations; each equation
is then a plane in R3 . The intersection of two such planes gives a line, and a line intersects the
remaining plane at a single point (if it is not parallel to the plane). This system is similar to
Fig. 11.13-left; it is hard to plot three planes and show their intersection.
where to save space we have carried out the Gauss-Jordan elimination process in the final
step§ . Looking at the RREF, we have the third row full of zeros: it is meaningless because it is
equivalent to the equation 0 D 0. This indicates that the hyperplane 1x1 C1x2 x3 C0x4 D 3
is just a linear combination of the other hyperplanes. Indeed, the third row of A is equal to three
times the first row minus two times the second one.
Now, we have 4 unknowns but only 2 equations; there are so many freedom here. We say that
there are 4 2 D 2 free variables. And we also have two pivots (indicated by boxes in the above
equation). The columns containing the pivots are called the pivot columns; in this example, they
are the 1st and 3rd columns. They are of course the unit vectors .1; 0; 0/ and .0; 1; 0/ of R3 . The
other columns are called the non-pivot columns; they are the 2nd and 4th columns.
Now comes an important fact: the non-pivot columns can be written as linear combinations
of the pivot columns. Look at the first non-pivot column, it is the second column. Its nonzero
entries must be in the first entry (if not the case, then it would be a pivot column). Obviously, we
can write . 1; 0; 0/ D . 1/ ⇥ .1; 0; 0/. The first non-pivot column is a linear combination of
stability of the algorithm so it could be applied to minimizing the squared error in the sum of a series of surveying
observations. This algebraic technique appeared in the third edition (1888) of his Textbook of Geodesy.Wilhelm
Jordan is not to be confused with the French mathematician Camille Jordan (Jordan curve theorem), nor with the
German physicist Pascual Jordan (Jordan algebras).
As I did not aim to practice the Gauss-Jordan method, I used Julia to do this for me. The aim was to see the
solution of the system.
the first pivot column. The second non-pivot column is .1; 1; 0/: it has the nonzero entries at
the first two slots, thus it is a linear combination of the first two unit vectors (or the 1st two pivot
columns): .1; 1; 0/ D .1/ ⇥ .1; 0; 0/ C . 1/ ⇥ .0; 1; 0/. To illustrate this point, let’s consider a
RREF for a 4 ⇥ 6 matrix with 3 pivots:
2 3
1 b12 0 b14 0 b16
6 7
60 0 1 b24 0 b26 7
RD6 7
40 0 0 0 1 b36 5
0 0 0 0 0 0
Another important fact: in the RREF the 4th col is the 1st col minus the third col, if not clear
check again Eq. (11.2.3). And we also have the same relation in A: check that the 4th col of A is
exactly the 1st col minus the third one. To explain why we need to consider Ax D 0 discussed
in Section 11.3.3éé .
It is a choice we made to select the variables associated with the non-pivot columns as the
free variables, and compute other variables, called the pivot variables, in terms of the free ones.
Thus, x2 ; x4 are the free variables and x1 ; x3 are the pivot variables. For the free variables we
can assign x2 D s and x4 D t, then
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
2Cs t 2 1 1
6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7
x1 x2 C x4 D 2 x1 D 2 C s t 6 s 7 607 617 607
H) H) x D 6 7 D 6 7Cs6 7Ct6 7
x3 x4 D 1 x3 D 1 C t 4 1 C t 5 415 405 415
t 0 0 1
This specific example tells us that the number of free variables equals the number of
unknowns minus the number of nonzero rows in the echelon form of A. Thus, we need to
introduce another number that characterizes the matrix better (for a matrix we have already two
numbers: the number of rows and cols): that is the concept of the rank of the matrix.
Definition 11.3.1
The rank of a matrix is the number of nonzero rows in its row echelon form (or its reduced
REF). It is also the number of pivots.
The short answer is that Ax D 0 is equivalent to Rx D 0.
The answer to the first question is simple: if x ⇤ is a solution we have Ax ⇤ D 0, and thus ⇤ / D 0 with c 2 R; in other words cx ⇤ is also a solution. And that’s why mathematicians
call Ax D 0 a homogeneous equation. If the RHS is not 0, then we get an inhomogeneous
We focus on the third question for now. It is obvious that one possible solution is the zero
vector, which is called understandably the trivial solution. This is similar to the equation 5x D 0.
But for the equation 0x D 0, then there are infinitely many solutions. So, Ax D 0 either has
one unique solution which is the zero vector or has infinitely many solutions. From the previous
section, we know that only when we have free variables we have infinitely many solutions.
Theorem 11.3.2
If ŒAj0ç is a homogeneous system of m linear equations with n unknowns, where m < n, then
the system has infinitely many solutions.
Proof. Note that the system is solvable, then we use the rank theorem to have
which indicates that there is at least one free variable, and hence, infinitely many solutions.
Definition 11.3.2
If S D fv1 ; v2 ; :::; vk g is a set of vectors in Rn , then the set of ALL linear combination of
v1 ; v2 ; :::; vk is called the span of v1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vk , and is denoted by span.v1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vk / or
span.S /. If span.S/ D Rn , then S is called a spanning set for Rn .
Example 11.1
Show that R2 D span.f.2; 1/; .1; 3/g/. What we need to prove is that, for an arbitrary vector
in R2 , namely .a; b/ it is possible to write it as a linear combination of f.2; 1/; .1; 3/g. That
is, the following system
2x C y D a
x C 3y D b
always has solution for all a; b. We can use the Gaussian elimination to solve this system and
see that it always has solution.
Example 11.2
Find the span.f.1; 0/; .0; 1/; .2; 3/g/. We simply use the definition to compute the span:
" # " # " #
1 0 2
span.f.1; 0/; .0; 1/; .2; 3/g/ D c1 C c2 C c3
0 1 3
What is interesting is that the third vector .2; 3/ is nothing new, it is a linear combination of
the first two, so the span can be written in terms of only the first two vectors:
" # " # " # " #! " # " #
1 0 1 0 1 0
span.f.1; 0/; .0; 1/; .2; 3/g/ D c1 C c2 C c3 2 C3 D˛ Cˇ
0 1 0 1 0 1
Linear independence. We have seen that in matrices, it is possible that some columns can be
written in terms of others. For example, we can have
a3 D 2a1 3a1
In this case, we say that the three columns or vectors are linear dependent. Noting that the
above writing is not symmetric, as a3 was received special treatment. Thus, mathematicians will
re-write the above relation as
2a1 3a1 a3 D 0
And with that we have the following definitions about linear independence/dependence of a set
of vectors.
Definition 11.3.3
A collection of k vectors u1 ; : : : ; uk is linear dependent if
˛1 u1 C ˛2 u2 C C ˛k uk D 0
Definition 11.3.4
A collection of k vectors u1 ; : : : ; uk is linear independent if it is not linear dependent. That is
˛1 u1 C ˛2 u2 C C ˛k uk D 0 H) ˛i D 0 .i D 1; 2; : : : ; k/
Example 11.3
Determine whether the vectors f.1; 2; 0/; .1; 1; 1/; .1; 4; 2/g are linear independent. This is
equivalent to see if the following system
2 32 3 2 3
1 1 1 ˛1 0
6 76 7 6 7
42 1 45 4˛2 5 D 405
0 1 2 ˛3 0
has trivial solution (zero vector) or not. Using the Gauss elimination method, we get one zero
row, thus this system has infinitely many solutions, and one solution is not the zero vector.
Thus, the vectors are linear dependent.
It can be seen then that in a 2D plane, 3 (or more) vectors are surely linear dependent. This
can be intuitively explained: on a 2D plane, two directions (two vectors which are not parallel)
are sufficient to get us anywhere, so the third vector can be nothing new: it must be a combination
of the first two directions. Similarly, in a 3D space, any four vectors are linearly dependent. We
can state this fact as the following theorem
Theorem 11.3.3
Any set of m vectors in Rn is linearly dependent if m > n.
Proof. The proof is based on theorem 11.3.2, which tells us that a system of equation Ax D 0,
where A is a n ⇥ m matrix, has a nontrivial solution whenever n < m. Thus, we build A with
its columns are the set of m vectors in Rn . Because x ¤ 0, the columns of A are linearly
dependentéé . ⌅
Figure 11.15: A set of linearly dependent vectors make a closed polygon. That is why following them we
return to where we started: the origin.
Definition 11.4.1
A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers called entries or elements, of the matrix.
The size of a matrix gives the number of rows and columns it has. An m ⇥ n matrixéé has m
rows and n columns:
2 3
A11 A12 A1n
6 7 h i
6 A21 A22 A2n 7
AD6 :6 7 ; or A D A A
:: ::: 7 1 2 A n
4 :: : A1n 5
Am1 Am2 Amn
and we denote by Aij the entry at row i and column j of A. The columns of A are vectors in Rm
(i.e., they have m components) and the rows of A are vectors in Rn . In the above, the columns
of A are A i ; i D 1; 2; : : : ; n. When m D n we have a square matrix. The most special square
matrix is the identity matrix I, or In to explicitly reveal the size, where all the entries on the
Do not forget the column picture of Ax D b that x is the coefficients of the linear combination of A’s columns.
pronounced m by n matrix.
diagonal are 1: Ii i D 1:
2 3
1 0 0
6 7 h i
60 1 07
I D In WD 6
6 ::
7D e e (11.4.1)
: 07
:: : : 1 2 en
4: : 5
0 0 1
This matrix is called the identity matrix because Ix D x for all x, it is the counterpart of number
one. As can be seen, I consists of all unit vectors in Rn .
That is the i th entry of the result vector is the dot product of the i th row of A and x. This
definition comes directly from the system Ax D b. Because the dot product has the distributive
property that a .b C c/ D a b C a c, the matrix-vector multiplication also has the same
2 3 2 3
row 1 of A .a C b/ row 1 of A a C row 1 of A b
6 7 6 7
def 6 row 2 of A .a C b/ 7 6 row 2 of A a C row 1 of A b 7
A.a C b/ D 6 6 ::
7 6 ::
7 D Aa C Ab
4 : 5 4 : 5
row m of A .a C b/ row m of A a C row 1 of A b
Now comes the harder matrix-matrix multiplication. One simple example for the motivation:
considering the following two linear systems:
x1 C 2x2 D y1 y1 y2 D z1
0x1 C 3x2 D y2 2y1 C 0y2 D z2
Thus, the product of the two matrices in this equation must be another 2 ⇥ 2 matrix, and this
matrix must be, because we know the result from Eq. (11.4.5)
" #" # " #
1 1 1 2 1 1
2 0 0 3 2 4
This result can be obtained if we first multiply the left matrix on the LHS with the first column
of the right matrix (red colored), and we get the first column of the RHS matrix. Doing the
same we get the second column. And with that, we now can define the rule for matrix-matrix
multiplication. Assume that A is an m ⇥ n matrix and B is an n ⇥ p matrix, then the product
AB is an m ⇥ p matrix of which the ij entry is:
.AB/ij D Ai k Bkj (11.4.6)
In words: the entry at row i and column j of the product AB is the dot product of row i of A
and column j of Béé . And we understand why for matrix-matrix multiplication the number of
columns in the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows in the second matrix.
It must be emphasized that the above definition of matrix-matrix multiplication is not the only
way to look at this multiplication. In Section 11.4.4 other ways are discussed. This definition is
used for the actual computation of the matrix-matrix product, but it does not tell much what is
going on.
Remark 7. Of course you can define matrix-matrix multiplication in a different way; and in
the process you would create another branch of algebra. However, the presented definition is
compatible with matrix-vector multiplication. Thus, it inherits many nice properties as we shall
discuss shortly.
where the notation x > is to denote the transpose of x. It turns a column vector into a row vector.
As a matrix can be seen as a collection of some column vectors, we can also transpose a matrix.
With two vectors we can multiply them to get a number with the above dot product. A
question should arise: is this possible to get a matrix from the product of two vectors? The
answer is yes:
" # " # " # " #
1 3 1 h i 3 4
aD ; bD H) ab> D 3 4 D
2 4 2 6 8
So, a vector a of length m with a vector b of length n via the outer product ab> yields an m ⇥ n
Definition 11.4.2
The transpose of an m ⇥ n matrix A is the n ⇥ m matrix A> obtained by interchanging the
rows and columns of A. That is the i th column of A> is the i th row of A.
Definition 11.4.3
A square matrix A of size n ⇥ n is symmetric if it is equal to its transpose, or Aij D Aj i.
Obviously transpose is an operator or a function, and thus it obeys certain rules. Here are
some basic rules regarding the transpose operator for matrices:
we get a symmetric matrix, and a skew-symmetric matrix (the second matrix). A skew-symmetric
matrix A is a square matrix with the property A> D A.
Thus, we can split B into three columns B 1 ; B 2 ; B 3 , and AB is equal to the product of A with
each column, and the results put together:
h i h i
AB D A B 1 B 2 B 3 D AB 1 AB 2 AB 3
The form on the right is called the matrix-column representation of the product. What does
this representation tell us? It tells us that the columns of AB are the linear combinations of
the columns of A (e.g. AB 1 is a linear combination of the cols of A from the definition of
matrix-vector multiplication). And that leads to the linear combination of all columns of AB is
just a linear combination of the columns of A. Later on, this results in rank.AB/ rank.A/.
And nothing stops us to partition matrix A, but we have to split it by rows:
2 3 2 3
A1 A1B
6 7 6 7
AB D 4 A 2 5 B D 4 A 2 B 5
A3 A3B
This reminds us of the dot product, but the individual terms are matrices not scalars because
A 1 B 1 is the outer product. For example, A 1 B 1 is a 3 ⇥ 3 matrix as A 1 is a 3 ⇥ 1 matrix and
B 1 is a 1 ⇥ 3 matrix:
2 3 2 3
A11 h i A11 B11 A11 B12 A11 B13
6 7 6 7
A 1 B 1 D 4A21 5 B11 B12 B13 D 4A21 B11 A21 B12 A21 B13 5
A31 A31 B11 A31 B12 A31 B13
Matrices like A 1 B 1 are called rank-1 matrices because their rank is one; this is because the rank
of either A 1 or B 1 is oneéé .
Each of the forgoing partitions is a special case of partitioning a matrix in general. A matrix
is said to be partitioned if horizontal and vertical lines are introduced, subdividing it into sub-
matrices or blocks. Partitioning a matrix allows it to be written as a matrix whose entries are its
blocks (which are matrices of themselves). For example,
2 3 2 3
1 0 0 2 1 4 3 1 2 1
6 7 6 7
60 1 0 1 37 " # 6 1 2 2 1 17 " #
6 7 I A 6 7 B B B
AD6 60 0 1 4 077D 0 A
; BD6 6 1 5 3 3 17 7D I
11 12 13
6 7 22 6 7 0 B23
40 0 0 1 65 4 1 0 0 0 25
0 0 0 7 1 0 1 0 0 3
where A has been partitioned into a 2 ⇥ 2 matrix and B as a 2 ⇥ 3 matrix. (Note that I was used
to denote the identity matrix but the size of I varies; similarly for 0.) With these partitions, the
product AB can be computed blockwise as if the entries are numbers:
" #" # " #
I A12 B11 B12 B13 B11 C A12 B12 B13 C A12 B23
0 A22 I 0 B23 A22 0 A22 B23
Using Julia it is quick to check that the usual way to compute AB gives the same result as the
way using partitioned matrices.
The matrix A 1 is called the left inverse matrix of A. There exists the right inverse matrix of A
as well: it is defined by AA 1 D I. If a matrix is invertible, then its inverse, A 1 , is the matrix
that inverts A:
A 1 A D I and AA 1 D I (11.4.11)
Property 1. If a matrix is invertible, its inverse is unique.
Property 2. The inverse of the product AB is the product of the inverses, but in reverse order:
.AB/ D B 1A 1
This comes from the fact that rank.AB/ min.rank.A/; rank.B//. Another way to see this is: A 1 B 1 is a
linear combination of A 1 , thus it is just a line in the direction of A 1 and a line has rank 1.
Elementary matrices. We are going to use matrix multiplication to describe the Gaussian
elimination method used in solving Ax D b. The key idea is that each elimination step is
corresponding with the multiplication of an elimination matrix E with the augmented matrix.
We reuse the example in Section 11.3.1. We’re seeking for a matrix E that expresses the
process of subtracting two times the first equation from the second equation. To find that matrix,
look at the RHS vector: we start with .2; 8; 10/ and we get .2; 4; 10/ after the elimination step;
this can be nearly achieved with:
2 32 3 2 3
1 0 0 2 2
6 76 7 6 7
40 1 05 4 8 5 ⇡ 4 4 5
0 0 1 10 10
We need to change this matrix slightly as follows, and we get what we have wanted for:
2 32 3 2 3
1 0 0 2 2
6 76 7 6 7
4 2 1 05 4 8 5 D 4 4 5
0 0 1 10 10
Thus, starting from the identity matrix I: Ib D b, the elimination matrix E21 is I with the extra
non-zero entry 2 in the .2; 1/ position. How to get that -2 from I? Replacing the second row
(of I) by subtracting two times the first row from the second row. But that is exactly what we
wanted for b!
Multiplying E21 with A has the same effect:
2 32 3 2 3
1 0 0 2 4 2 2 4 2
6 76 7 6 7
4 2 1 05 4 4 9 35 D 4 0 1 15
0 0 1 2 3 7 2 3 7
This property is sometimes called the socks-and-shoe rule: you put in the socks and then the shoe. Now, you
take of the shoe first, then remove the socks.
Proof: A 1 A D I, thus A> .A 1 /> D I
Proof for n D 2: A2 .A 1 /2 D AAA 1 A 1 D AIA 1 D AA 1 D I.
Definition 11.4.4
An elementary matrix is a matrix that can be obtained from the identity matrix by one single
elementary row operation. Multiplying a matrix A by an elementary matrix E (on the left)
causes A to undergo the elementary row operation represented by E. This can be expressed
by symbols, where R denotes a row operation:
A0 D R.A/ ” A0 D ER A (11.4.12)
Now, as the row operation affects the matrix A and the RHS vector b altogether, we can
put the coefficient matrix A and the RHS vector b side-by-side to get the so-called augmented
matrix, and we apply the elimination operation to this augmented matrix by left multiplying it
with E21 : 2 3
h i h i 2 4 2 2
6 7
E21 A b D E21 A E21 b D 4 0 1 1 45 (11.4.13)
2 3 7 10
To proceed, we want to eliminate -2 using the pivot 2 (red). The row operation is: replacing row
3 by row 3 + row 1, and that can be achieved with matrix E31 as follows (obtained from I by
replacing its row 3 by row 3 + row 1)
2 3
1 0 0
6 7
E31 D 40 1 05
1 0 1
to remove x1 in the third equation. Together, the two elimination steps can be expressed as:
2 3
h i h i 2 4 2 2
6 7
E31 E21 A b D E31 E21 A E31 E21 b D 40 1 1 45
0 1 5 12
Finally, we use E32 as follows (we want to remove the blue 1, or x2 in the row 3, and that is
obtained by replacing row 3 with row 3 minus row 2)
2 3
1 0 0
6 7
E32 D 40 1 05
0 1 1
And we have obtained the same matrix U that we got before. Notice the pivots along the diagonal.
The inverse of an elementary matrix. The inverse of an elementary matrix E is also an elemen-
tary matrix that undoes the row operation that E has done. For example,
2 3 2 3
1 0 0 1 0 0
6 7 6 7
E32 D 40 1 05 H) .E32 /
D 40 1 05
0 1 1 0 1 1
Finding the inverse: Gauss-Jordan elimination method. We have an invertible matrix and
we want to find its inverse. To illustrate the method, let’s consider a 3 ⇥ 3 matrix A. We know
that its inverse A 1 is a 3 ⇥ 3 matrix such that AA 1 D I. Let’s denote by x 1 ; x 2 ; x 3 the three
columns of A 1 . We’re looking for these columns. The equation AA 1 D I is equivalent to
three systems of linear equations, one for each column:
Ax i D e i ; i D 1; 2; 3 (11.4.15)
2 3
2 1 0 1 0 0
6 7
H) 40 3=2 1 1=2 1 05 .1/2 row 1 + row 2/
0 1 2 0 0 1
2 3
2 1 0 1 0 0
6 7
H) 40 3=2 1 1=2 1 05 .2/3 row 2 + row 3/
0 0 4=3 1=3 2=3 1
What we have to do is to remove the red terms–making zeros above the pivots:
2 3
2 1 0 1 0 0
6 7
H) 40 3=2 0 3=4 3=2 3=45 .3/4 row 3 + row 2/
0 1 2 0 0 1
2 3
2 0 0 3=2 1 1=2
6 7
H) 40 3=2 0 3=4 3=2 3=45 .2/3 row 2 + row 1/
0 0 4=3 1=3 2=3 1
2 3
1 0 0 3=4 1=2 1=4
6 7
H) 40 1 0 1=2 1 1=25 .making the pivots of each row equal 1/
0 0 1 1=4 1=2 3=4
And each row operation corresponds with an elementary matrix, so the above can be also written
as h i h i
Ek : : : E2 E1 A I D I A 1
Ek : : : E2 E1 A D I
Ek : : : E2 E1 D A
Taking the inverse of the second equation and using the rule .AB 1
D B 1 A 1 , we can express
A as a product of the inverses of Ei :
A D E1 1 E2 1 Ek 1 (11.4.16)
As the inverse of an elementary matrix is also an elementary matrix, this tells us that every
invertible matrix can be decomposed as the product of elementary matrices.
11.4.6 LU decomposition/factorization
This section shows that the Gaussian elimination process results in a factorization of the matrix
A into two matrices: one lower triangular matrix L and the familiar upper triangular matrix U
This is because the the 1st column after the vertical bar is x 1 , the first column of the inverse of A.
From Property 3 of matrix inverse, we know the inverse matrices E211 ; E311 ; E321 : they are all
lower triangular matrices with 1s on the diagonal. Therefore, we get a lower triangular matrix
as their product. Thus, we have decomposed A into two matrices:
2 32 3
1 0 0 2 4 2
6 76 7
A D 4 2 1 0540 1 15
1 1 1 0 0 4
just similar to how we can decompose a number e.g. 12 D 2 ⇥ 6. And this is always a good
thing: dealing with 2 and 6 is much easier than with 12. L and U contain many zeros.
What is the benefits of this decomposition? It is useful because we replace Ax D b into two
problems with triangular matrices:
Ly D b
Ax D b ” LUx D b ” (11.4.17)
Ux D y
in which we first solve for y, then solve for x. Using the LU decomposition method to solve
Ax D b is faster than the Gaussian elimination method when we have a constant matrix A but
many different RHS vectors b1 ; b2 ; : : : This is because we just need to factor A into LU once.
Another benefit of the LU decomposition is that it allows us to compute the determinant of a
matrix as the product of the pivots of the U matrix:
det.A/ D det.LU/ D det.L/ det.U/ D 1 ⇥ ui (11.4.18)
where ui are the entries on the diagonal of U (pivots). There are more to say about determinants
in Section 11.9.
11.4.7 Graphs
We have used systems of linear equations as a motivation for matrices, but as is often the case
in mathematics, matrices appear in other problems. For example, in Chapter 9 we have seen
matrices when discussing coupled harmonic oscillators. In Section 12.7 we see matrices when
solving partial differential equations. In Section 6.6 we have seen matrices in linear recurrence
equations and in statistics. Even an image is a matrix. In this section, I present another application
of matrices.
Definition 11.5.1
A subspace of Rn is a set of vectors in Rn that satisfies two requirements: if u and v are two
vectors in the subspace and ˛ is a scalar, then
We can combine the two requirements into one: ˛u is in the subspace and ˇv is in the subspace
(from requirement 2), then ˛u C ˇv is also in the subspace (requirement 1). And that means
that the linear combination of u and v is in the subspace:
This gives us the following theorem (check definition 11.3.2 for what a span is)
Theorem 11.5.1: Span is a subspace
Let v1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vk be vectors in Rn . Then span.v1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vk / is a subspace of Rn .
And this theorem leads to the following subspaces of matrices: column space, row space,
Subspaces associated with matrices. We know that solving Ax D b is to find the linear
combination of the columns of A with the coefficients being the components of vector x so that
this combination is exactly b. And this leads naturally to the concept of the column space of
a matrix. And why not row space. And there are more. We put all these subspaces related to a
matrix in the following definition.
Definition 11.5.2
Let A be an m ⇥ n matrix.
(a) The row space of A is the subspace R.A/ of Rn spanned by the rows of A.
(b) The column space of A is the subspace C.A/ of Rm spanned by the columns of A.
(c) The null space of A is the subspace N.A/ of Rn that contains all the solutions to
Ax D 0.
With this definition, we can deduce that Ax D b is solvable if and only if b is in the column
space of A. Therefore, C.A/ describes all the attainable right hand side vectors b.
Basis. A plane through .0; 0; 0/ in R3 is spanned by two linear independent vectors. Fewer than
two independent vectors will not work; more than two is not necessary (e.g. three vectors in
R3 , assuming that the third vector is a combination of the first two, then a linear combination of
these three vectors is essentially a combination of the first two vectors). We just need a smallest
number of independent vectors.
Definition 11.5.3
A basis for a subspace S of Rn is a set of vectors in S that
The first requirement makes sure that a sufficient number of vectors is included in a basis;
and the second requirement ensures that a basis contains a minimum number of vectors that
spans the subspace. We do not need more than that.
It is easy to see that the following sets of vectors are the bases for R2 (because they span R2
and they are linear independent):
" # " #! " # " #!
1 0 1 1
; ; ;
0 1 0 1
Even though R2 has many bases, these bases all have the same number of vectors (2). And this
is true for any subspace by the following theorem.
Definition 11.5.4
Let S be a subspace of Rn , then the number of vectors in a basis for S is called the dimension
of S , denoted by dim.S/. Using the language of set theory, the dimension of S is the cardinality
of one basis of S.
Example 11.4
Find a basis for the row space of
2 3
1 1 3 1 6
6 7
6 2 1 0 1 17
AD6 7
4 3 2 1 2 15
4 1 6 1 3
The way to do is the observation that if we perform a number of row elementary operations
on A to get another matrix B, then R.A/ D R.B/a . So, the same old tool of Gauss-Jordan
elimination gives us:
2 3
1 0 1 0 1
6 7
60 1 2 0 37
RD6 7
40 0 0 1 45
0 0 0 0 0
Now, the final row consists of all zeros is useless; thus the first three non-zero rows form a
basis for R.A/b . And we also get dim.R.A// D 3.
The rows of B are simply linear combinations of the rows of A, thus the linear combination of the rows of
B is a linear combination of all rows of A. This leads to R.B/ ⇢ R.A/. But the row operations can be reversed
to go from B to A, so we also have R.A/ ⇢ R.B/.
Express each vi in terms of u1 ; u2 ; : : :. Then build c1 v1 C D 0, which in turn is in terms of ./u1 C ./u2 C
D 0. As B is a basis all the terms in the brackets must be zero. This is equivalent to a linear system Ac D 0
with A 2 Rs⇥r . This system has a nontrivial solution c due to theorem 11.3.2.
Why? Because the nonzero rows are independent.
Example 11.5
Find a basis for the column space of A given in Example 11.4. We have row operations not
column operations. So, one solution is to transpose the matrix to get A> in which the rows
are the columns of A. With A> , we can proceed as in the previous example. The second way
is better as we just work with A. Noting that basis is about the linear independence of the
columns of A. That is to see Ax D 0 has a zero vector as a solution or not. With this view,
we can study Rx D 0 instead where R is the RREF of A.
There are three pivot columns in R: the 1st, 2nd and 4th columns. These pivot columns
are the standard unit vectors e i , so they are linear independent. The pivot columns also span
the column space of Ra . Now, we know that the pivot columns of R is a basis for the column
space of R. And this means that the pivot columns of A is a basis for the column space of A.
And we also obtain dim.C.A// D 3/b .
This is because the non-pivot columns are linear combinations of the pivot ones, they do not add new thing
to the span.
Be careful that C.A/ ¤ C.R/
From the previous examples, we see that the column and row space of that specific matrix
have the same dimension. And in fact it is true for any matrix. So, we have the following theorem.
Theorem 11.5.3
The row and column spaces of a matrix have the same dimension.
A nice thing with this theorem is that it allows us to have a better definition for the rank
of a matrix. The rank of a matrix is the dimension of its row and column spaces. Compared
with the definition of the rank as the number of nonzero rows, this definition is symmetric with
both rows and columns. And it should be. With this row-column symmetry, it is no surprise that
rank.A/ D rank.A> /.
Suppose that A and B are two matrices such that AB makes sense, from the definition
of matrix-matrix product, we know that the columns of AB are linear combinations of the
columns of A. Thus C.AB/ ✓ C.A/. Therefore, rank.AB/ rank.A/. Similarly, we have
R.AB/ ✓ R.B/. Then, rank.AB/ rank.B/. Finally, rank.AB/ min.rank.A/; rank.B//.
Proof. [Proof of theorem 11.5.3] Consider a matrix A, and we need to prove that dim.R.A// D
dim.C.A//. We start with the row space with the fact that R.A/ D R.R/ where R is the RREF
of A. Thus, dim.R.A// D dim.R.R//. But dim.R.R// is equal to the number of unit pivots,
which equals to the number of pivot columns of A. And we know that the pivot columns of A is
C.A/. ⌅
We have the dimension for the row space and column space. What about the null space?
Definition 11.5.5
The nullity of a matrix A is the dimension of its null space and is denoted by nullity(A).
Example 11.6
Find a basis for the null space of A given in Example 11.4. This is equivalent to solving the
homogeneous system Ax D 0. We get the RREF as
2 3 2 3
1 1 3 1 6 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
6 7 6 7
6 2 1 0 1 1 07 60 1 2 0 3 07
AD6 7 H) 6 7
4 3 2 1 2 1 05 40 0 0 1 4 05
4 1 6 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Looking at the matrix R, we know that there are 2 free variables x3 ; x5 . We then solve for the
pivot variables in terms of the free ones with x3 D s and x5 D t :
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
x1 sCt 1 1
6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7
6x2 7 6 2s 3t 7 6 27 6 37
6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7
6x 7 D 6 7 D s 6 17 C t 6 07
6 37 6 s 7 6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7
4 45 4
x 4t 5 4 5 0 4 45
x5 t 0 1
Therefore, the null space of A has a basis of the two red vectors. And the nullity of A is 2.
rank.A/ C nullity.A/ D n
Theorem 11.5.5
Let A be an m ⇥ n matrix, then
Proof. Using Theorem 11.5.4 for matrices A and A> A (both have the same number of cols n),
we have
rank.A/ C nullity.A/ D n; rank.A> A/ C nullity.A> A/ D n
Thus, we only need to show that nullity.A/ D nullity.A> A/. In other words, we have to show
that if x is a solution to Ax D 0, then it is also a solution to A> Ax D 0 and vice versa. I present
The last step is due to the property of the dot product, see Box 11.2, property (d). ⌅
Proof. The proof is as follows (where we write two linear combinations for b and subtract them
and use the definition of linear independent vectors to show that the two set of coefficients are
b D ˛1 u1 C ˛2 u2 C C ˛k uk
b D ˇ1 u1 C ˇ2 u2 C C ˇk uk
H) 0 D .˛1 ˇ1 /u1 C .˛2 ˇ2 /u2 C C .˛k ˇk /uk
Definition 11.5.6
Let S be a subspace of Rn and let B D fu1 ; : : : ; uk g be a basis for S, and b 2 S is a vector
in S. We can then write b D ci ui . Then, .c1 ; c2 ; : : : ; ck / are called the coordinatesh of b with
respect to B. And the vector making of c’s is called the coordinate vector of b with respect to
Some authors use expansion coefficients instead of coordinates.
That is, in the second basis, coordinates of p is . 1; 3/. How did we find out the coordinates?
We had to solve the following system of equations:
" # " # " #
1 1 2
˛ Cˇ D
0 1 3
which is easy but nevertheless taking time. Imagine that if our space is Rn , then we would need
to solve a system of n linear equations for n unknowns. A time-consuming part! Why things
are easy for e 1 D .1; 0/ and e 2 D .0; 1/? They are orthogonal to each other. We shall discuss
orthogonal vectors in Section 11.8.
which also means that f .˛x1 C ˇx2 / D ˛f .x1 / C ˇf .x2 /. The function y D g.x/ D ax C b,
albeit also a linear function, does not satisfy these two properties: it is not a linear function. But
y D g.x/ D ax C b is an affine function.
Any function possesses the linearity property of f .˛x1 C ˇx2 / D ˛f .x1 / C ˇf .x2 / is
called a linear function. And there exists lots of such functions. But we need to generalize our
concept of function. A function f W D ! R maps an object of D to an object of R. By objects,
we mean anything: a number x, a point in 3D space x D .x; y; z/, a point in a n-dimensional
space, a function, a matrix etc.
Of course linear algebra studies vectors and functions that take a vector and return another
vector. However, a new term is used: instead of functions, mathematicians use transformations.
For a vector u 2 Rn , a transformation T turns it into a new vector v 2 Rm . For example, we can
define T W R2 ! R3 as:
2 3
" #! x1 C x2
x1 6 7
T D 4 x1 x2 5
x1 x2
However among many types of transformation, linear algebra focuses on one special trans-
formation: linear transformation. This is similar to ordinary calculus focus on functions that are
Definition 11.6.1
A linear transformation is the transformation T W Rn ! Rm satisfying the following two
For abstract concepts (concepts for objects do not exist in real life) we need to think about
some examples to understand more about them. So, in what follows we present some linear
Some 2D linear transformations. Fig. 11.16 shows a shear transformation. The equation for a
2D shear transformation is " #! " #
x1 x1 C x2
T D (11.6.1)
x2 x2
If we apply this transformation to the two unit vectors i and j , i is not affected but j is sheared
to the right ( D 1 in the figure). So the unit square made by i and j was transformed to a
parallelogram. y
Figure 11.16: Shear transformation is a linear transformation from plane to plane. Side note: a shear
transformation does not change the area. That’s why a parallelogram has the same area as the rectangle
of same base and height.
In Fig. 11.16 we applied the transformation T to all the grid lines of the 2D space. You can
see that grid lines (which are grey lines in Fig. 11.16a) are transformed to lines (red lines in
Fig. 11.16b), the origin is kept fixed and equally spaced points transformed to equally spaced
points. These are the consequence of the following properties of any linear transformation.
Let T W Rn ! Rm be a linear transformation, then
(a) T .0/ D 0⇤⇤ .
(b) For a set of vectors v1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vk and set of scalars c1 ; c2 ; : : : ; ck , we haveéé
T .c1 v1 C c2 v2 C C ck vk / D c1 T .v1 / C c2 T .v2 / C C ck T .vk /
The second property is the mathematical expression of the fact that linear transformations
preserve linear combinations. For example, if v is a certain linear combination of other vectors
s; t, and u, say v D 3s C 5t 2u, then T .v/ is the same linear combination of the images of
those vectors, that is T .v/ D 3T .s/ C 5T .t/ 2T .u/.
The standard matrix associated with a linear transformation. Consider again the linear
transformation in Eq. (11.6.1). Now, we choose three vectors: the first two are very specials–
they are the unit vectors e 1 D .1; 0/ and e 2 D .0; 1/; the third vector is arbitrary a D .1; 2/.
After the transformation T , we get three new vectors:
T .e 1 / D .1; 0/; T .e 2 / D .1; 1/; T .a/ D .3; 2/
As a D e 1 C 2e 2 and a linear transformation preserves the linear combination, we have
T .a/ D 1T .e 1 / C 2T .e 2 /
Knowing matrix-vector multiplication as a linear combination of some columns, we can write
T .a/ as a matrix-vector multiplication:
" #" #
1 1 1
T .a/ D
0 1 2
Of course carrying out this matrix-vector multiplication will give us the same result as of direct
use of Eq. (11.6.1). It is even slower. Why bother then? Because, a linear transformation T W
Rn ! Rm determines an m ⇥ n matrix A, and conversely, an m ⇥ n matrix A determines a linear
transformation T W Rn ! Rm . This is important as from now on when we see Ax D b, we do
not see a bunch of meaningless numbers, but we see it as a linear transformation that A acts on
x to bring it to b.
We now just need to generalize what we have done. Let’s consider a linear transformation
T W Rn ! Rm . Now, for a vector u D .u1 ; u2 ; : : : ; un / in Rn , we can always write u as a linear
combination of the standard basis vectors e i (we can use a different basis, but that leads to a
different matrix):
u D u1 e 1 C u2 e 2 C C un e n
Proof: T .v/ D T .0 C v/ D T .0/ C T .v/.
Proof for k D 2: T .c1 v1 C c2 v2 / D T .c1 v1 / C T .c2 v2 / D c1 T .v1 / C c2 T .v2 /.
which indicates that the transformed vector T .u/ is a linear combination of the transformed basis
vectors i.e., T .e i /, in which the coefficients are the coordinates of the vector. In other words,
if we know where the basis vectors land after the transformation, we can determine where any
vector u lands in the transformed space.
Now, assume that the n basis vectors in Rn are transformed to n vectors in Rm with coordi-
nates (implicitly assumed that the standard basis for Rm was used)
That is, each column of this matrix is T .e i /, which is a vector of length m. This matrix is called
the standard matrix representing the linear transformation T . Why standard? Because we have
used one standard basis for Rn and another standard bases for Rm .
With this introduction of A, the linear transformation in Section 11.11.3 can be re-written as
a matrix-vector product:
T .u/ WD Au (11.6.4)
A visual way to understand linear transformations is to use a geogebra applet⇤ and play
with it. In Fig. 11.17, we present some transformations of a small image of Mona Lisa. By
changing the transformation matrix M , we can see the effect of the transformation immediately.
Determinants. While playing with the geogebra applet we can see that sometimes a transfor-
mation enlarges the image and sometimes it shrinks the image. Can we quantify this effect of
a linear transformation? Let’s do it, but in a plane only. We consider a general transformation
matrix " #
a b
c d
It can be found easily using google
(a) (b)
Is it still true that its area is scaled up by the same amount? We’re in linear algebra, but do not
forget calculus! The area of any shape is equal to the sum of the area of infinitely many unit
squares, and each small unit square is scaled by ad bc and thus the area of any shape is scaled
by ad bc. Mathematicians call this scaling the determinant of the transformation matrix. They
use either detA or jAj to denote the determinant of matrix A.
It is obvious that the next move is to repeat the same analysis but in 3D. We consider the
following 3 ⇥ 3 matrix 2 3
a b c
6 7
A D 4d e f 5
g h i
which is the matrix of a 3D linear transformation. We compute the volume of the parallelepiped
formed by three vectors a D .a; d; g/, b D .b; e; h/ and c D .c; f; i/. We know how to compute
such a volume using the scalar triple product in Section 11.1.5:
Figure 11.18: Determinant of a matrix can be negative. In that case the linear transformation flips the
space or changes the orientation. Look at the orientation of the unit vectors before the transformation and
formula for the determinant of a 4 ⇥ 4 matrix. How did mathematicians proceed then? We refer
to Section 11.9 for more on the determinant of a square matrix.
h i
BA D BA1 BA2 BAn (11.6.5)
How about ABC? From function composition discussed in Section 4.2.3, we know that it is
associative, so .AB/C D A.BC/. This is a nice proof, much better than the proof that is based
on the definition of matrix-matrix multiplication (you can try it to see my point).
With the geometric meaning of determinant and matrix-matrix product, it is easy to see that
the determinant of the product of two matrices is the product of the determinants of each matrix:
jABj D jAjjBj (11.6.6)
This is because AB is associated with first a linear transformation which area scaling of jBj,
followed by another transformation which area scaling of jAj. Thus, in total the area scaling
should be jAjjBj.
11.8 Orthogonality
We begin with orthogonal vectors in Section 11.8.1. Orthogonality of two n-vectors is a gener-
alization of the notion of perpendicularity of two vectors in R3 . Orthogonal vectors are always
linear independent and thus make a good base for a subspace. When these vectors are normal-
ized i.e., having unit lengths, they make orthonormal basis vectors (Section 11.8.2). Stacking
orthonormal vectors column by column and we obtain an orthogonal matrix (Section 11.8.3).
Definition 11.8.1
A set of vectors a1 ; : : : ; ak in Rn is an orthogonal set if all pairs of distinct vectors in the set
are orthogonal. That is if
The most famous example of an orthogonal set of vectors is the standard basis
fe 1 ; e 2 ; : : : ; e n g of Rn . And we know that these basic vectors are linear independent. There-
fore, we guess that orthogonal vectors are linear independent. And that guess is correct as stated
by the following theorem.
Theorem 11.8.1: Orthogonality-Independence
Given a set of non-zero orthogonal vectors a1 ; : : : ; ak in Rn , then they are linear independent.
Proof. The idea is to assume that there is a zero vector expressed as a linear combination of these
orthogonal vectors. Then take the dot product of two sides with ai and use the orthogonality to
obtain ˛i D 0 for i D 1; 2; : : :éé :
˛1 a1 C ˛2 a2 C C ˛k ak D 0
H) ai .˛1 a1 C ˛2 a2 C C ˛k ak / D 0
H) ˛i .ai ai / D 0
H) ˛i D 0
Example 11.7
Considering these three vectors in R3 : v1 D .2; 1; 1/, v2 D .0; 1; 1/ and v3 D .1; 1; 1/.
We can see that: (i) they form an orthogonal set of vectors, then (ii) from theorem 11.8.1, they
are linear independent, then (iii) 3 independent vectors in R3 form a basis for R3 . If these
If the last step was not clear, just use a specific a1 , and assuming there are only 3 vectors a1 ; a2 ; a3 . Then, the
LHS of the second line in Eq. (11.8.1) is: a1 .˛1 a1 C ˛2 a2 C ˛3 a3 /, which is ˛1 a1 a1 C ˛2 a1 a2 C ˛3 a1 a3 D
˛1 jja1 jj C 0 C 0. And thus, we get ˛1 D 0. Similarly, we get ˛2 D 0 if we started with a2 and so on.
vectors form a basis, then we can find the coordinates of any vector in R3 w.r.t. this basis.
Find the coords of v D .1; 2; 3/.
We simply have to solve the following system to find the coordinates of v D .1; 2; 3/:
2 32 3 2 3 2 3
2 0 1 c1 1 1=6
6 76 7 6 7 6 7
4 1 1 1 5 4c2 5 D 425 H) c D 45=25
1 1 1 c3 3 2=3
Solving a 3 ⇥ 3 system is not hard, but what if the question is for a vector in R100 ? Is there
any better way? The answer is yes, and thus orthogonal bases are very nice to work with. We
need to define first what an orthogonal basis is.
Definition 11.8.2
An orthogonal basis for a subspace S of Rn is a basis of S that is an orthogonal set.
Now, we are going to find out the coordinates of v D .1; 2; 3/ using an easier way. We write
v in terms of the orthogonal basis vectors .v1 ; v2 ; v3 /, and we take the dot product of both sides
with v1 , due to the orthogonality, all terms vanish, and we’re left with c1 :
v D c1 v 1 C c2 v 2 C c3 v 3
H) v v1 D .c1 v1 C c2 v2 C c3 v3 / v1
v v1 v v1
H) v v1 D c1 .v1 v1 / H) c1 D D
v1 v1 kv1 k2
What does this formula tell us? To find c1 , just compute two dot products: one of v with the
first basis vector, and the other is the squared length of this basis vector. The ratio of these two
products is c1 .
Nothing can be simpler. Wait, I wish we did not have to do the division with the squared
length of v1 . It is possible if that vector has a unit length. And we know that we can always make
a non-unit vector a unit vector simply by dividing it by its length, a process known as normalizing
a vector, see Eq. (11.1.7). Thus, we now move from orthogonal bases to orthonormal bases.
Definition 11.8.3
A set of vectors in Rn is an orthonormal set if it is an orthogonal set of unit vectors. An
orthonormal basis for a subspace S of Rn is a basis of S that is an orthonormal set.
where we have introduced the Kronecker delta notation (named after Leopold Kroneckerè ) ıij .
A vector b in a subspace S with an orthonormal basis v1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vk has coordinates w.r.t.
to the basis given by
b D ˛1 v1 C ˛2 v2 C C ˛k vk ; ˛i D b vi (11.8.2)
Did we see this before? Remember Monsieur Fourier? What he did was to write a periodic
function f .x/ as a linear combination of the sine/cosine functions:
1 ⇣
X n⇡x n⇡x ⌘
f .x/ D a0 C an cos C bn sin
What he was doing? To find the coefficients an , he multiplied the function f .x/ with cos n⇡x=L
and integrated. This is similar to b vi and herein the basis vectors are the functions
sin x; cos x; sin 2x; cos 2x; : : :. They are orthonormal to each other. Of course we need to define
what the dot product of two functions is. See Eq. (11.11.9) for the definition of the dot product
of two functions.
We have gone a long way: two vectors in R2 can be orthogonal to each other, then two
n-vectors can also be orthogonal to each other. We even have two functions orthogonal to each
other. Why not two orthogonal matrices?
R3 . They make a 3 ⇥ 3 matrix A. Now, consider the product A> A, and see what matrix we get:
2 32 3 2 3
v1 j j j 1 0 0
6 76 7 6 7
4 v2 5 4v1 v2 v3 5 D 40 1 05
v3 j j j 0 0 1
We got an identity matrix, which is special. This reminds us of the inverse, and indeed we have
some special matrix-a matrix of which the inverse is equal to the transpose:
A> A D I H) A> D A 1
And this leads to the following special matrix whose inverse is simply its transpose. The notation
Q is reserved for such matrices.
Definition 11.8.4
An n ⇥ n matrix Q whose columns form an orthonormal set is called an orthogonal matrix.
We now present an example of an orthogonal matrix. Assume that we want to rotate a point
P to P 0 an angle ˇ as shown in Fig. 11.19. The coordinates of P 0 are given by
" #
cos ˇ sin ˇ
x 0 D Rx; R D
sin ˇ C cos ˇ
It is easy to check that the columns of R are orthonormal vectors. Therefore, R> R D I, which
can be checked directly. We know that any rotation preserves length (that is jjx 0 jj D jjxjj or
jjRxjj D jjxjj); which is known as isometry in geometry. It turns out that every orthogonal
matrix transformation is an isometry. Note also that det R D 1. It is not a coincidence. Indeed,
from the property A> A D I, we can deduce the determinant of A:
A> A D I H) det A> A D 1 H) .det.A//2 D 1 H) det.A/ D ˙1
I used det.AB/ D det.A/ det.B/ and det A> D det.A/. With this special example of an
orthogonal matrix (and its properties), we now have a theorem on orthogonal matrices.
Theorem 11.8.2
Let Q be an n ⇥ n matrix. The following statements are equivalent.
(a) Q is orthogonal.
x0 = r cos(↵ + )
y 0 = r sin(↵ + )
P 0 (x0 , y 0)
x0 = r cos ↵ cos r sin ↵ sin
= x cos y sin
y 0 = r sin ↵ cos + r cos ↵ sin
P (x, y) = x sin + y cos
x = r cos ↵
Figure 11.19: Rotation in a plane is a matrix transformation that preserves length. The matrix of the
rotation is an orthogonal matrix.
Definition 11.8.5
Let W be a subspace of Rn .
(b) The set of all vectors that are orthogonal to W is called the orthogonal complement of
W , denoted by W ? . That is,
W ? D fv 2 Rn W v w D 0 for all w 2 W g
(c) Two subspaces S and W are said to be orthogonal i.e., S ? W if and only if x ? y, or,
x > y D 0 for all x 2 S and for all y 2 W .
For a vector to be orthogonal to a subspace, it just needs to be orthogonal to the span of that subspace.
This definition actually consists of three definitions. The first one extend the idea that we
discussed in the beginning of this section. Why we need W ? ? Because it is a subspace. We
know how to prove whether something is a subspace: Assume that v1 ; v2 2 W ? , and we need
to show that c1 v1 C c2 v2 is also in W ? :
v1 w D 0
H) .c1 v1 C c2 v2 / w D 0
v2 w D 0
And the third definition is about orthogonality of two subspaces. We has gone a long way from
orthogonality of two vectors in R2 to that of two vectors in Rn , then to the orthogonality of one
Theorem 11.8.3
Let A be an m ⇥ n matrix. Then the orthogonal complement of the row space of A is the null
space of A, and the orthogonal complement of the column space of A is the null space of A> :
The proof is straightforward. The null space of A is all vector x such that Ax D 0, and from
matrix-vector multiplication, this is equivalent to saying that x is orthogonal to the rows of A.
Now, replace A by its transpose, then we have the second result in the theorem above.
To conclude, an m⇥n matrix A has four subspaces, namely R.A/, N.A/, C.A/, N.A> /. But
they go in pairs: the first two are orthogonal complements in Rn , and the last two are orthogonal
in Rm .
Is this still an orthogonal projection? We just need to check whether proji ;j .u/ i D 0 and
proji ;j .u/ j D 0. The answer is yes, and due to the fact that i ? j .
Proof: v perpv .u/ D v .u u v=v vv/ Dv u u v D 0.
A u u ˘.i;j / .u/
j ˘j .u/
u O y
u ˘v .u/ ? v
˘i .u/
O ˘v .u/ H x
(a) Projection on a line (b) Projection on a plane
Figure 11.20: Orthogonal projection of a vector onto another vector (or a line) and onto a plane.
Definition 11.8.6
Let W be a subspace of Rn and let fv1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vk g be an orthogonal basis for W . For any
vector v 2 Rn , the orthogonal projection of v onto W is defined as
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
v1 v v2 v vk v
projW .v/ D v1 C v2 C C vk
v1 v1 v2 v2 vk vk
The component of v orthogonal to W is the vector
The Gram-Schmidt algorithm takes a set of linear independent vectors v1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vk and gen-
erates an orthogonal linear independent set of vectors u1 ; u2 ; : : : ; uk . In the process, if needed,
these vectors can be normalized to get an orthonormal set e 1 ; e 2 ; : : : ; e k .
The method is named after the Danish actuary and mathematician Jørgen Pedersen Gram
(1850 – 1916) and the Baltic German mathematician Erhard Schmidt (1876 – 1959), but Pierre-
Simon Laplace had been familiar with it before Gram and Schmidt.
The idea is to start with the first vector v1 , nothing to do here so we take u1 D v1 and
normalize it to get e 1 . Next, move to the second vector v2 , we make it orthogonal to u1 by
u2 D v2 proju1 .v2 /. Then, we normalize u2 . Now, move to the third vector v3 . We make it
orthogonal to the hyperplane spanned by u1 and u2 . And the process keeps going until the last
u1 D v1 ; e1 D
jju1 jj
u2 D v2 proju1 .v2 /; e2 D
jju2 jj
u3 D v3 proju1 .v3 / proju2 .v3 /; e3 D
jju3 jj
k 1
uk D vk projui .vk /; ek D
jjuk jj
11.8.7 QR factorization
The Gauss elimination process of Ax D b results in the LU factorization: A D LU. Now, the
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process applied to the linear independent columns of a matrix
A results in another factorization–known as the QR factorization: A D QR. To demonstrate this
factorization, consider a matrix with three independent columns A D Œa1 ja2 ja3 ç. Applying the
Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization to these three vectors we obtain e 1 ; e 2 ; e 3 . We can write then
a1 D .e 1 ; a1 /e 1
a2 D .e 1 ; a2 /e 1 C .e 2 ; a2 /e 2
a3 D .e 1 ; a3 /e 1 C .e 2 ; a3 /e 2 C .e 3 ; a3 /e 3
The matrix Q consists of orthonormal columns and thus is an orthogonal matrix (that explains
why the notation Q was used). The matrix R is an upper triangular matrix.
11.9 Determinant
To derive the formula for the determinant of a square matrix n ⇥ n when n > 3, we cannot
rely on geometry. To proceed, it is better to deduce the properties of the determinant from the
special cases of 2 ⇥ 2 and 3 ⇥ 3 matrices. From those properties, we can define what should be
a determinant. It is not so hard to observe the following properties of the determinant of a 2 ⇥ 2
matrix (they also apply for 3 ⇥ 3 matrices):
✏ The determinant of the 2 ⇥ 2 unit matrix is one; this is obvious because this matrix does
not change the unit square at all;
✏ If the two columns of a 2 ⇥ 2 matrix are the same, its determinant is zero; this is obvious
either from the formula or from the fact that the two transformed basic vectors collapse
onto each other, a domain transforms to a line with zero area;
✏ If one column is a multiple of the other column, the determinant is also zero; The ex-
planation is similar to the previous property; this one is a generalization of the previous
✏ Additive property:
jŒu v C wçj D jŒu vçj C jŒu wçj
This is a consequence of the fact that we can decompose the area into two areas, see
Fig. 11.21.
det[u z] = u1 z2 = u1 v2 + u1 w2
z z2 = v2 + w2
det[u v] = u1 v2
Figure 11.21: Additive area property: to ease the proof, vector u is aligned to the x-axis.
Property 1. D.I/ D 1.
Property 2. D.a1 ; a2 ; : : : ; an / D 0 if ai D aj for i ¤ j .
Property 3. If n 1 columns of A held fixed, then D.A/ is a linear function of the remaining
column. Stated in terms of the j th column, this property says that:
This comes from the additive area property and the fact that if we scale one column by ˛, the
determinant is scaled by the same factor.
Property 4. D is an alternating function of the columns, i.e., if two columns are interchanged,
the value of D changes by a factor of -1. Let’s focus on columns ith and j th, so we write ; aj / leaving other columns untouched and left behind the scene. What we need to show is
that D.aj ; ai / D ; aj /.
Proof. The proof is based on Property 2 and Property 3. The trick of using Property 2 is to add
zero or subtract zero to a quantity.
⇠ :0
D.aj ; ai / D D.aj ; ai / C ⇠ ⇠⇠
D.a i ; ai / .added 0 due to Property 2/
D C aj ; ai / .due to Property 3/
⇠ ⇠⇠⇠
D C aj ; ai / C
⇠⇠ ⇠
aj ; ai C aj / .minus 0 due to Property 2/
D C aj ; aj / .due to Property 3/
⇠⇠ :0
D ; aj / ⇠⇠
⇠ j ; aj / .due to Property 3/
D ; aj / .due to Property 3 with ˛ D 1/
Property 5. If the columns of A are linear dependent then D D 0. One interesting case is that
if A has at least one row of all zeros, its determinant is zeroéé .
D D D.a1 ; a2 ; : : : ; an /
D D.˛2 a2 C ˛3 a3 C C ˛n an ; a2 ; : : : ; an /
D D.˛2 a2 ; a2 ; : : : ; an / C D.˛3 a3 ; a2 ; : : : ; an / C C D.˛n an ; a2 ; : : : ; an /
D ˛2 D.a2 ; a2 ; : : : ; an / C ˛3 D.a3 ; a2 ; a3 ; : : : ; an / C C ˛n ; a2 ; : : : ; an /
D 0 C 0 C C 0 .Property 2/
where Property 3 was used in the third equality, Property 3 again in the fourth equality (with
˛ D 0).
Property 6. Adding a multiple of one column to another one does not change the determinant.
In case it is not clear. Any set of vectors containing the zero vector is linearly dependent: 10C0a2 C C0ak D
Proof. Suppose we obtain matrix B from A by adding ˛ times column j to column i. Then,
D.B/ D D.a1 ; : : : ; ai 1 ; ai C ˛aj ; : : : ; an /
D D.a1 ; : : : ; ai 1 ; ai ; : : : ; an / C ˛D.a1 ; : : : ; ai 1 ; aj ; : : : ; an / .Property 3/
D D.a1 ; : : : ; ai 1 ; ai ; : : : ; an / .second red term is zero of Property 2/
D D.A/
Property 7. The determinant of a triangular matrix is the product of its diagonal entries. This
property results in another fact that if A is a triangular matrix, its transpose is also a triangular
matrix with the same entries on the diagonal, thus D.A/ D D.A> /. This holds for any square
matrix, not just for triangular matrix.
Property 8. D.A> / D D.A/. The proof goes as: If A is invertible, it can be written as a product
of some elementary matrices:
A D E1 E2 Ek
Thus, with D.EF/ D D.E/D.F/, we can write
where the fact that for an elementary matrix E, D.E> / D D.E/ was used. The importance of
Property 7 is that it allows us to conclude that all the properties of the determinant that we have
stated concerning the columns also work for rows; e.g. if two rows of a matrix are the same its
determinant is zero. This is so because the columns of A> are the rows of A.
Property 9. If A is invertible then we have det.A 1 / D 1=det.A/éé . So, we do not need to know
what A 1 is, still we can compute its determinant.
Next, for the second determinant in the RHS, we exchange row 1 and row 2 (Property 4), we
get a minus. Then, for the third determinant in the RHS, we exchange rows 1/3 and another
exchange between rows 3/2 (Property 4 with two minuses we get a plus):
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇa ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇa ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ 11 a12 a13 ˇ ˇa11 a12 a13 ˇ ˇ 21 a22 a23 ˇ ˇa31 a32 a33 ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇa21 a22 a23 ˇ D ˇ 0 a22 a23 ˇ ˇ 0 a12 a13 ˇ C ˇ 0 a12 a13 ˇ (11.9.1)
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇa31 a32 a33 ˇ ˇ 0 a32 a33 ˇ ˇ 0 a32 a33 ˇ ˇ 0 a22 a23 ˇ
We start with AA 1 D I, which leads to det.A 1 /det.A/ D det.I/ D 1.
There is nothing special about the first column; this is just one way to go.
The nice thing we get is that all the three determinants in the RHS are of this form:
ˇ ˇ 02 31
ˇa ˇ
ˇ 11 d12 d13 ˇ a11 d12 d13
ˇ ˇ B6 7C
ˇ 0 b22 b23 ˇ D det @4 0 5A
ˇ ˇ B
ˇ 0 b32 b33 ˇ 0
which can be re-written as (to get a lower triangular matrix)
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇa ˇ ˇ ˇ ✓ ◆
ˇ 11 d12 d13 ˇ ˇa11 d12 d13 ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ b23 b32
ˇ 0 b22 b23 ˇ D ˇ 0 b22 b23 ˇ D a11 b22 b33
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ b22
ˇ 0 b32 b33 ˇ ˇ 0 0 b33 b23 b32=b22 ˇ
D a11 .b22 b33 b32 b23 /
where in the first equality Property 6 (for row) was used and in the second equality, Property
7 was used. The red term is called a cofactor, and it is exactly the determinant of B. With this
result, Eq. (11.9.1) can be re-written as
ˇ ˇ
ˇa ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ 11 12 13 ˇ
a a ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˇ 22 23 ˇ
a a ˇ 12 13 ˇ
a a ˇ 12 13 ˇ
a a
ˇa21 a22 a23 ˇ D a11 ˇ ˇ a21 ˇ ˇ Ca31 ˇ ˇ (11.9.2)
ˇ ˇ ˇa32 a33 ˇ ˇa32 a33 ˇ ˇa22 a23 ˇ
ˇa31 a32 a33 ˇ
Finally, noting that the matrix B is obtained by deleting a certain row and column of A. So, we
define Aij the matrix obtained by deleting row ith and column j th of A. With this definition,
the determinant of A can be expressed as:
ˇ ˇ
ˇa ˇ
ˇ 11 a12 a13 ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇa21 a22 a23 ˇ D a11 jA11 j a21 jA21 j C a31 jA31 j (11.9.3)
ˇ ˇ
ˇa31 a32 a33 ˇ
There is a pattern in this formula. Also this formula works for 2 ⇥ 2 matrix (you can check it).
So, for a n ⇥ n matrix A, its determinant is given by:
jAj D a11 jA11 j a21 jA21 j C a31 jA31 j C an1 jAn1 j D . 1/i 1
ai1 jAi1 j (11.9.4)
i D1
jAj D . 1/i Cj aij jAij j (11.9.5)
i D1
Why this definition works? Because it allows us to define the determinant of a matrix inductively:
we define the determinant of an n ⇥ n matrix in terms of the determinants of .n 1/ ⇥ .n 1/
x1 jAj D jB1 j
which gives us x1 :
jB1 j
x1 D
which is strikingly similar to x D b=a for the linear equation ax D b. But now, we have to
live with determinants. Similarly, we have x2 D jB2 j=jAj. The geometric meaning of Cramer’s
rule is given in Fig. 11.22 for the case of 2 ⇥ 2 matrices for y D jB2 j=jAj (noting that y is x2 ).
The area of the parallelogram formed by e 1 and x is y (or x2 ). After the transformation by A,
e 1 becomes a1 D .a11 ; a21 / and x becomes b. The transformed parallelogram’s area is thus
det.Œa1 bç/. But we know that this new area is the original area scaled by the determinant of A.
The Cramer rule follows.
y y
area = y
a11 b1
x b area =
y a21 b2
= y det(A)
e1 x x
before transformation after transformation
Figure 11.22: Geometric meaning of Cramer’s rule illustrated for 2 ⇥ 2 matrices. Considering A as a
linear transformation which transforms e 1 into a1 –the first col of A, and x into b.
It is now possible to have Cramer’s rule for a system of n equations for n unknowns, if
jAj ¤ 0
jB1 j jB2 j
x1 D ; x2 D ; : : : ; Bj is matrix A with j th col replaced by b (11.9.6)
jAj jAj
It is named after the Genevan mathematician Gabriel Cramer (1704–1752), who published the
rule for an arbitrary number of unknowns in 1750, although Colin Maclaurin also published
special cases of the rule in 1748 (and possibly knew of it as early as 1729).
Cramer’s rule is of theoretical value than practical as it is not efficient to solve Ax D b
using Cramer’s rule; use Gaussian elimination instead. However, it leads to a formula of the
inverse of a matrix in terms of the determinant of the matrix. We discuss this now.
Cramer’s rule and inverse of a matrix. Suppose that we want to find the inverse of 2 ⇥ 2 matrix
A. Let’s denote " #
1 x1 y1
x2 y2
What next? Many people would go for a general n ⇥ n matrix, but I am slow, so I do the same
for a 3 ⇥ 3 matrix. However, I just need to compute the .3; 2/ entry of the inverse:
02 31
a11 a21 0
7C " #!
det @4a21 a22 15A a11 a21
. 1/det
a31 a32 0 a31 a32 jA23 j
.A 1 /32 D D D
jAj jAj jAj
Notice that the nominator of the .3; 2/ entry of the inverse matrix is the cofactor jA23 j. Now, we
have the formula for the inverse of a n ⇥ n matrix:
2 3
jA11 j jA21 j jAn1 j
6 7
det Aj i 1 6jA12 j jA22 j jAn2 j 7
1 1
adj A; adj A D 6 :6 7
A ij D ; A D
: :: :: :: 7 (11.9.8)
det A det A 4 : : : : 5
jA1n j jA2n j jAnn j
where two formula are presented: the first one is for the ij -entry of the A 1 , and the second one
is for the entire matrix A 1 with the introduction of the so-called adjoint (or adjugate) matrix of
A. This matrix is the transpose of the matrix of cofactors of A.
where p˛ D m˛ ! ⇥ r ˛ ; and r ˛ denotes the position vector of mass ˛ é . With the vector identity
a ⇥ .b ⇥ c/ D b.a c/ c.a b/, we can elaborate the angular momentum l further as
lD m˛ r ˛ ⇥ .! ⇥ r ˛ / D m˛ r˛2 ! m˛ r ˛ .r ˛ !/ (11.10.2)
˛ ˛
Eigenvectors appear in many fields and thus I do not know exactly in what context eigenvalues first appeared.
My decision to use the rotation of rigid bodies as a natural context for eigenvalues is that the maths is not hard.
The length of this position vector is denoted by r˛ .
With a coordinate system, the angular velocity and position vector are written as
2 3 2 3
!x x˛
6 7 6 7
! D 4!y 5 ; r ˛ D 4y˛ 5
!z z˛
Thus, we can work out explicitly the components of the angular momentum in Eq. (11.10.2) as
2 3 2 3
2 2
lx .y C z /! x y ! x z !
6 7 X
x ˛ ˛ y ˛ ˛ z
6 7
˛ ˛
4ly 5 D m˛ 4 y˛ x˛ !x C .x˛2 C z˛2 /!y y˛ z˛ !z 5
lz z˛ x˛ !x z˛ y˛ !y C .x˛2 C y˛2 /!z
which can be re-written in matrix-vector notation as
2 3 2P P P 32 3
lx m˛ .y˛2 C z˛2 / m˛ x˛ y˛ m˛ x˛ z˛ !x
6 7 6 P P P 76 7
4ly 5 D 4 m˛ y˛ x˛ 2 2
m˛ .x˛ C z˛ / m˛ y˛ z˛ 5 4!y 5 (11.10.3)
lz m˛ z˛ x˛ m˛ z˛ y˛ m˛ .x˛2 C y˛2 / !z
„ ƒ‚ …
which in conjunction with this vector identity jja ⇥ bjj D jjajj2 jjbjj2 .a b/2⇤ becomes
X m˛ .r 2 ! 2 .r ˛ !/2 /
KD (11.10.5)
which is a quadratic form; check Section 7.7.4 for a refresh. So, we can re-write it in this familiar
vector-matrix-vector product, and of course the matrix is I:
K D !> I! ! (11.10.7)
To be precise, I! is a second order tensor, and its representation in a coordinate system is a matrix. However,
for the discussion herein, the fact that I! is a tensor is not important.
Check the discussion around Eq. (11.1.19) if this identity is not clear.
Moment of inertia for continuous bodies. For a continuous body B, its matrix of moment of
inertia is given by (sum is replaced by integral and mass is replaced by ⇢dV ):
Ixx D ⇢.y C z /dV; Iyy D ⇢.x C z /dV; Izz D ⇢.x 2 C y 2 /dV
2 2 2 2
Ixy D ⇢xyd V; Ixz D ⇢xzdV; Iyz D ⇢yzdV
Example 11.8
As the first example, compute the matrix of inertia for a cube of side a and mass M (the mass
is uniformly distributed i.e., the density is constant) for two cases: (a) for a rotation w.r.t. to
one corner and (b) w.r.t. to the center of the cube. The coordinate system axes are parallel to
the sides.
For case (a), we have:
Z Z Z a Z a Z a
2 2 2 2Ma2
Ixx D Iyy D Izz D ⇢y dV C ⇢z d V D 2⇢ dx y dy dz D
Z a Z a Z a 0
0 0
Ixy D Ixz D Iyz D ⇢ xdx ydy dz D
0 0 0 4
where M D ⇢a3 . Thus, the inertia matrix is given by (this matrix has a determinant of
242M a2=12) 2 3
8 3 3
Ma2 6 7
I! D 4 3 8 35 (11.10.9)
3 3 8
Now, we will compute the angular momentum if the cube is rotated around the x-axis (due
to symmetry it does not matter which axis is chosen) with an angular velocity ! D .!; 0; 0/.
The angular velocity in this case is
2 32 3 2 3
8 3 3 ! 8!
Ma 62
7 6 7 Ma 6
lD 4 3 8 35 4 0 5 D 4 3! 5
12 12
3 3 8 0 3!
What we learn from this? Two things: first the inertia matrix is full and the angular momentum
is not parallel to the angular velocity. That is I! is in different direction than !. Let’s see
what we get if the angular velocity is along the diagonal of the cube i.e., ! D != 3.1; 1; 1/:
2 32 3 2 3
8 3 3 1 2
Ma2 ! 6 7 6 7 Ma ! 6 7 Ma
2 2
lD p 4 3 8 35 415 D p 425 D !
12 3 12 3 6
3 3 8 1 2
In this case, the angular momentum is parallel to the angular velocity. In other words, I! ! D
!, D M a2 =6.
For case (b), we have (same calculations with different integration limits from a=2 to
a=2 instead)
Z Z Z a=2 Z a=2 Z a=2
2 2 2 Ma2
Ixx D Iyy D Izz D ⇢y dV C ⇢z d V D 2⇢ dx y dy dz D
a=2 a=2 a=2 6
Z a=2 Z a=2 Z a=2
Ixy D Ixz D Iyz D ⇢ xdx ydy dz D 0
a=2 a=2 a=2
Figure 11.23
Actually Ixy is zero because the integrand is an odd function xy. Another explanation is, by
looking at Fig. 11.23, we see that the material on the side above the plane y D 0 cancels the
contribution of the material below this plane (so, Ixy D Iyz D 0). Thus, the inertia matrix is
given by 2 3
2 1 0 0
Ma 6 7
I! D 40 1 05
0 0 1
If we compute now the angular momentum for any angular velocity !, we get l D .M a2=6/!
because I! is a multiple of the identity matrix (the red matrix). So, we see two things: (1)
the inertia matrix is diagonal (entries not in the diagonal are all zeros), and (2) the angular
momentum is parallel to the angular velocity, or I! D !, D Ma2 =6. And this holds for
any ! because of the infinite symmetry of a cube w.r.t. to its center.
Example 11.9
The second example is finding the inertia matrix for a spinning top that is a uniform solid cone
(mass M , height h and base radius R) spinning about its tip O; cf. Fig. 11.23. The z-axis is
chosen along the axis of symmetry of the cone.
All the integrals in the inertia matrix are computed using cylindrical coordinates. Due to
symmetry, all the non-diagonal terms are zero; and Ixx D Iyy . So, we just need to compute
three diagonal terms. Let’s start with Izz , but not Ixx (we will see why this saves us some
Izz D ⇢.x C y /dV D ⇢ r 3 drd✓dz
2 2
Z h "Z zR= h Z 2⇡ #
3M 2
D⇢ r 3 dr d✓ dz D R
0 0 0 10
From this we also get ⇢y 2 dV D Izz =2 D .3M=20/R2 . And this saves us a bit of work
when calculating Ixx :
Ixx D ⇢.y C z /dV D ⇢y d V C ⇢z 2 d V
2 2 2
Z h "Z zR= h Z 2⇡ #
3M 2
D .3M=20/R2 C ⇢ rdr d✓ z 2 dz D .R C 4h2 /
0 0 0 20
We get a diagonal matrix. For an angular velocity .!x ; !y ; !z /, the corresponding angular mo-
mentum is . 1 !x ; 1 !y ; 2 !z /. To get something interesting, consider this angular velocity
! D .!; 0; 0/ (that is rotation about the x-axis), then the angular momentum is . 1 !; 0; 0/ or
1 !.
focus on the second problem, being pragmatic. But wait, why the angular momentum being
parallel to the rotation axis is important? Otherwise, people did not spend time studying this
case. ???
To find the principal axes, we use the fact that for a principal axis through a certain origin O,
if the angular velocity points along this axis, then the angular momentum is parallel to !, that is:
I! ! D ! (11.10.10)
And this is an eigenvalue equation. A vector ! satisfying Eq. (11.10.10) is called an eigenvec-
tor, and the corresponding number , the corresponding eigenvalueéé . To solve the eigenvalue
equation, we re-write it in this form .I! I/! D 0. This equation only has non-zero solution
(i.e., ! ¤ 0) only when the determinant of the coefficient matrix is zero (if the determinant is
not zero, then the only solution is ! D 0, similar to equation 2x D 0). That is,
det.I! I/ D 0 (11.10.11)
This is called the characteristic equation which is a cubic equation in terms of . Solving this for
and substitute into Eq. (11.10.10), we get a system of linear equations for three unknowns
! of which solutions are the eigenvectors (or principal axes).
We consider the cube example again (case a). The characteristic equation is, see Eq. (11.10.9)
ˇ ˇ 8̂
ˇ8 ˇ ˆ
ˇ 3 3 ˇ < 1D2
ˇ ˇ
ˇ 3 3 ˇ D 0 H) .2 /.11 2
/ D 0 H)
ˆ 2 D 11
ˇ ˇ
ˇ 3 3 8 ˇ :̂
3 D 11
with D Ma2 =12. First observation: 1 C 2 C 3 D 24 and is equal to I11 C I22 C I33 .
Second observation 1 2 3 D 242 3 , which is det I! . So, at least for this example, the sum of
the eigenvalues is equal to the trace of the matrix, and the product of the eigenvalues is equal to
the determinant of the matrix.
For the first eigenvalue D 2 , we have this system of equations:
2 32 3 2 3
6 3 3 !1 0
6 76 7 6 7
4 3 6 3 5 4!2 5 D 405
3 3 6 !3 0
of which the solution is !1 D !2 D !3 . So, the first principal axis is e 1 D .1= 3/.1; 1; 1/.
For the second and third eigenvalues D 11 , we have this system of equations:
2 32 3 2 3
3 3 3 !1 0
6 76 7 6 7
4 3 3 3 5 4!2 5 D 405
3 3 3 !3 0
The German adjective eigen means “own” or “characteristic of”. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors are character-
istic of a matrix in the sense that they contain important information about the nature of the matrix.
of which the solution is !1 C !2 C !3 D 0. We are looking for the other two axes, so we think
of vectors perpendicular to the first principal axis i.e., e 1 . So, we write !1 C !2 C !3 D 0 as
! e 1 D 0. This indicates that the other two axes are perpendicular to the first axis. Later on
we shall prove that the eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal if the
matrix is symmetric.
Principal stresses and principal planes. It is a fact that the same thing happens again and
again in many different fields. Herein, we demonstrate this by presenting principal stresses and
principal planes from a field called solid mechanics or mechanics of materials. This field is
studied by civil engineers, mechanical engineers, aerospace engineers and those people who
want to design structures and machines.
Similar to I! , ! and l , in solid mechanics there are the (second order) stress tensor , the
normal vector n and the traction vector t. And we also have a relation between them by Cauchy:
tD n (11.10.12)
Again t is in general not in the same direction as n. So, principal planes are those with normal
vectors n such that n D n, with being called the principal stresses (there are three principal
Definition 11.10.1
Let A be an n ⇥ n matrix. A scalar is called an eigenvalue of A if there is a nonzero vector
x such that Ax D x. Such a vector is called an eigenvector of A corresponding to .
Example 11.10
Find the eigenvalues and the eigenspaces of
2 3
0 C1 0
6 7
A D 40 C0 15
2 5 4
The characteristic polynomial is
det.A I/ D 3
C4 2
5 C2D . 1/. 1/. 2/
4 4
2 2
0 0
2 2
4 4
4 2 0 2 4 4 2 0 2 4
(a) (b)
Figure 11.24: Eigenpicture: x are points on the unit circle (highlighted by blue) and the transformed
vectors Ax, highlighted by red, are plotted head to tail with x. The eigenvector is the one in which the
blue and red vectors are aligned.
.A I/x D 0
Thus, the eigenvector x is in the null space of A I. The set of all eigenvectors and the zero
vector forms a subspace known as an eigenspace and denoted by E . Now for 1 D 2 D 1
we need to find the null space of A I (using Gauss elimination)a :
2 3 2 3 02 31
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
6 7 6 7 B6 7C
A ID4 0 1 1 5 H) 4 0 1 1 0 5 H) E1 D span @415A
2 5 3 0 0 0 0 1
Similarly, to find the eigenvectors for 3 D 2, we look for the null space of A 2I:
2 3 2 3 02 3 1
2 1 0 1 0 1=4 0 1
6 7 6 7 B6 7 C
A 2I D 4 0 2 1 5 H) 4 0 1 1=2 0 5 H) E2 D span @425A
2 5 2 0 0 0 0 4
Note that, dim.E1 / D dim.E2 / D 1. Let us define the geometric multiplicity of an eigenvalue
to be the dimension of its eigenspace. Why we need this geometric multiplicity? Because
of this fact: an n ⇥ n matrix is diagonalizable if and only if the sum of the dimensions of
the eigenspaces is n or the matrix has n linearly independent eigenvectors. (Thus, the matrix
considered in this example is not diagonalizable.)
Why we see a row full of zeros? This is because A I is singular by definition of eigenvectors.
1. If Ax D x, then A2 x D 2
x and An x D n
x, for a positive integer né .
2. If Ax D x, then A 1 x D 1
3. If Ax D x, then An x D n
x, for a any integer néé .
6. Let
Q 1; 2 ; : : : ; n be
Pa complete set of eigenvalues of an n ⇥ n matrix A, then det.A/ D
i i , and tr.A/ D i i.
Proof. [Proof of 5] For simplicity the proof is for a 2 ⇥ 2 matrix only. The two eigenvectors of A
are x 1 ; x 2 . Suppose that c1 x 1 C c2 x 2 D 0. Multiplying it with A yields: c1 1 x 1 C c2 2 x 2 D 0
and multiplying it with 2 gives: c1 2 x 1 C c2 2 x 2 D 0. Subtracting the obtained two equations
. 1 2 /c1 x 1 D 0
Now that 1 ¤ 2 and x 1 ¤ 0 (the premise of the problem), thus we must have c1 D 0. Doing
the same thing we also get c2 D 0. Thus, the eigenvectors are linear independent. ⌅
We write A2 x D AAx D A.Ax/ D A. x/ D .Ax/ D . x/ D 2 x.
This holds because .An / 1 D .A 1 /n for positive integer n.
Since A is only invertible when det A ¤ 0, which is equivalent to det.A 0I/ ¤ 0. Thus 0 is not an
eigenvalue of A when it is invertible.
Proof. Proof of 6
det.A I/ D p. / D . 1/n . 1 /. 2/ . n/
D. 1 /. 2 / . n /
Theorem 11.10.1
If A is a symmetric real matrix, then its eigenvalues are real.
Proof. How we’re going to prove this theorem? Let denote by x and the eigenvector and
eigenvalue of A; might be a complex number of the form a C bi and the components of x
may be complex numbers. Our task is now to prove that is real. One way is to prove that the
complex conjugate of , which is D a bi, is equal to . That is, prove D . To this end,
we need to extend the notion of complex conjugate to vectors and matrices. It turns out to be
easy: just replace the entries of vectors/matrices by the conjugates. That is, if A D Œaij ç, then its
conjugate A D Œaij ç. Properties of complex conjugates as discussed in Section 2.24 still apply
for matrices/vectors; e.g. AB D A N B.
We start with Ax D x, and to make appear, take the conjugate of this equation to get
Ax D Ax D x D x
Now, to use the information that A is real (which means that A D A) and it is symmetric (which
means that A> D A), we transpose the above Ax D x:
x>A D x>
But, x > x ¤ 0 as x is not a zero vector (it is an eigenvector). Thus, we must have D or
a C bi D a bi which leads to b D 0. Hence, the eigenvalues are real. ⌅
We know that for any square matrix, eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues are
linear independent. For symmetric matrices, something stronger is true: such eigenvectors are
orthogonal|| . So, we have the following theorem.
Theorem 11.10.2
If A is a symmetric matrix, then any two eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues
of A are orthogonal.
The proof of this theorem is not hard, but why we know this result? In Section 11.11.4 on
matrix diagonalization, we know that we can decompose A as A D V⇤V 1 . Transposing it
gives us A> D .V 1 /> ⇤V> . As A is symmetric, we then have V⇤V 1 D .V 1 /> ⇤V> . We
then guess that V> D V 1 . Or, V> V D I: V is an orthogonal matrix!
A D Q⇤Q 1
D Q⇤Q> with Q> D Q 1
Next, we derive the so-called spectral decomposition of A. To see the point, assume that A
is a 2 ⇥ 2 matrix, we can then write (from the Spectral theorem)
" #" # " #
h i >
q1 h i > X
0 1 q1
A D Q⇤Q> D q1 q2 1
D q1 q2 D >
i qi qi (11.10.13)
0 2 q>
2 q2 i D1
Definition 11.10.2
A quadratic form in n variables is a function f W Rn ! R of the form
f .x/ D x > Ax
The proof goes as 1x1 x2 D D 2x1 x 2 , thus . 1 2 /x 1 x 2 D 0. But 1 ¤ 2.
If f .x/ is positive definite, then its associated matrix A is said to be a positive definite matrix.
The next problem we have to solve is: when a quadratic form is positive definite? What is
then the properties of A? To answer this question, one observation is that, if there is no cross
term in f .x/, then it is easy to determine its positive definiteness. One example is enough to
convince us: f .x/ D 2x 2 C 4y 2 is positive semi-definite (PSD). Furthermore, without the cross
term, the associated matrix is diagonal:
" #" #
h i 2 0 x
f .x/ D 2x 2 C 4y 2 D x y (11.10.15)
0 4 y
Diagonal matrices? We need the spectral theorem (theorem 11.10.3) that states that an n ⇥ n
real symmetric matrix has the factorization A D Q⇤Q> with real eigenvalues in the diagonal
matrix ⇤ and orthonormal eigenvectors in the columns of Q. Thus, we do a change of variable
x D Qy, and compute the quadratic form with this new variable y, magic will happenéé :
> > > > > 2
f .x/ D x Ax D .Qy/ A.Qy/ D y Q AQ y D y ⇤y D i yi (11.10.16)
„ ƒ‚ …
⇤ i D1
We cannot know this will work, but we have to try and usually pieces of mathematics fit nicely together.
Principal axes theorem and ellipses. Eq. (11.10.16) is the theorem of principal axes. This
theorem tells us that any quadratic form can be written in a form without the cross terms. This
is achieved by using a change of variable x D Qy. Now, we explain the name of the theorem.
Consider the following conic section (Section 4.1.6):
" #
5 4
5x 2 C 8xy C 5y 2 D 1 ” x > Ax D 1; x D .x; y/; A D
4 5
You can reverse the direction of v1 .
If you check Section 4.1.6 again you would see that this change of variable is exactly the rotation mentioned
in that section. Here, we have A D C D 5, thus the rotation angle is ⇡=4.
Constrained optimization problems. I present herein now one application about the definite-
ness of a quadratic form. Assume that a quadratic form f .x/ D x > Ax is positive semi-definite,
then since f .0/ D 0, the minimum value of f .x/ is zero, without calculus. It is more often that
we have to find the maximum/minimum of f .x/ with x subjected to the constraint kxk D 1.
Thus, we pose the following constrained optimization problem||
x > Ax
max or max x > Ax
x¤0 x>x jjxjjD1
The solution to this problem actually lies in Eq. (11.10.16): to see that just look at f D 1y12 C
9y22 D 1 with the constraint y12 C y22 D 1, the maximum is f D 9, the maximum eigenvalue of
the matrix associated with the quadratic form. Thus, we sort the eigenvalues of A in this order
1 2 n , then
2 2 2 2
f .x/ D i yi D 1 y1 C 2 y2 C C n yn
i D1
2 2 2
1 y1 C 1 y2 C C 1 yn
Another derivation.
x > Ax 1 c1
C C n cn2
x>x c12 C C cn2
From that it can be seen that the maximum of R.x/ is 1 . What is nice with this form of
R.x/ is the ease to find the maximum of R.x/ when the constraint is x is perpendicular
to v1 . This constraint means that c1 D 0, thus
x > Ax 2 c2
C C n cn2
max D max D 2
x>x c22 C C cn2
To see that the two forms are equivalent, we can do this
Up to this point we have seen many mathematical objects: numbers, vectors, matrices and
functions. Do these different objects share any common thing? Many, actually. First, we can add
two numbers, we can add two vectors, we can add two matrices and of course we can add two
functions. Second, we can multiply a vector by a scalar, a matrix by a scalar and a function by
a scalar. Third, adding two vectors gives us a new vector, adding two matrices returns a matrix,
and adding two functions gives us a function (not anything else).
We believe the following equation showing a vector in R4 , a polynomial of degree less than
or equal 3, and a 2 ⇥ 2 matrix
2 3
a " #
6 7
6 7
b a b
u D 6 7 ; p.x/ D a C bx C cx 2 C dx 3 ; A D
4c 5 c d
is a good illustration that all these objects are related. After all, they are represented by 4 numbers
a; b; c; d éé .
It seems reasonable and logical now for mathematicians to unify all these seemingly different
but similar objects. Here comes vector spaces, which constitute the most abstract part of linear
algebra. The term vector spaces is a bit confusing because not all objects in vector spaces are
vectors; e.g. matrices are not vectors. A better name would probably be linear spaces. About the
power of algebra, Jean le Rond d’Alambert wrote: "Algebra is generous; she often gives more
than is asked of her".
To define a vector space, let V be a set of objects u; v; w; : : : on which two operations, called
addition and scalar multiplication are defined: the sum of u and v is denoted by u C v, and if
˛ is a scalar, the scalar multiple of v is denoted by ˛v. Then, V is defined as a vector space
(sometimes also referred to as linear space) if the following ten axioms are satisfied (˛; ˇ are
We can view p.x/ D a C bx C cx 2 C dx 3 as a space–similar to Rn –with a basis of f1; x; x 2 ; x 3 g. Thus,
.a; b; c; d / are the coordinates of p.x/ with respect to that basis. And .a; b; c; d / can also be seen as the coordinates
of a point in R4 !
So, a vector space is a set of objects called vectors, which may be added together and multiplied
("scaled") by numbers, called scalars and these vectors satisfy the above ten axioms. Sometimes
we see this notation .V; R; C; / to denote a vector space V over R with the two operations of
addition and multiplication.
Example 1. Of course Rn with n 1 is a vector space. All the ten axioms of a vector space can
be verified easily.
Example 2. Let P2 be the set of all polynomials of degree less than or equal 2 with real coeffi-
cients. To see if P2 is a vector space, we first need to define the two basic operations of addition
and scalar multiplication. If p.x/; q.x/ are two objects in P2 , then p.x/ D a0 C a1 x C a2 x 2
and q.x/ D b0 C b1 x C b2 x 2 . Addition and scalar multiplication are defined as
This verifies the last two axioms on closure. The identity element for addition is the
polynomial with all coefficients being zero. The inverse element of addition of p.x/ is
p.x/ D a0 a1 x a2 x 2 . Verification of other axioms is straightforward as they come from
the arithmetic rules of real numbers.
Example 3. Let denote by F the set of all real-valued functions defined on the real line. If f .x/
and g.x/ are such two functions and ˛ is a scalar, then we define .f C g/.x/ and ˛f .x/ as
The zero function is f .x/ D 0 for all x. The negative function . f /.x/ is f .x/. It can
then be seen that F is a vector space, but a vector space of infinite dimension. Usually linear
algebra deals with finite dimensional vector spaces and functional analysis concerns infinite
dimensional vector space. But we do not follow this convention and cover both spaces in this
chapter. Similarly, we have another vector space, FŒa; bç that contains all real-valued functions
defined on the interval Œa; bç.
Example 4. All rectangular matrices of shape m ⇥ n belong to a vector space Rm⇥n . From
Section 11.4.2, we can verify that matrices obey the ten axioms of linear spaces. And the columns
of a m ⇥ n matrix are also vector spaces because a column is a Rm vector.
If matrices are vectors, then we can do a linear combination of matrices, we can talk about
linearly independent matrices. For example, consider the space of all 2 ⇥ 2 matrices M . It is
obvious that we can write any such matrix as:
" # " # " # " # " #
a b 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Da Cb Cc Cd
c d 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
The red matrices are linear independent, and they are the basis vectors of M ; they play the same
roles of the unit vectors e i that we’re familiar with.
If a C c D b C c then a D b for a; b; c being scalars, n vectors or matrices. Thus, we
guess that this holds for any vector in a vector space. The following theorem is a summary of
some properties that vectors in a vector space satisfy. These properties are called the trivial
consequences of the axioms as they look obvious.
Theorem 11.11.1
Let V be a vector space, and a; b; c be vectors in V and c is a scalar. Then, we have
(a) If a C c D b C c then a D b.
(b) If a C b D b then a D 0.
(c) 0 D 0, 0v D 0.
(d) . 1/v D v.
a C b D b D b C 0 H) a D 0 (using (a))
ax:5 .b/
0 D .0 C 0/ D 0 C 0 H) 0 D 0
ax:5 .b/
0v D .0 C 0/v D 0v C 0v H) 0v D 0
Proof of (d) is:
ax:6 .c/
v C . 1/v D 1v C . 1/v D .1 C . 1//v D 0v D 0
But we know that v C . v/ D 0, thus . 1/v D v. Proof of (e) is (we’re interested in the case
c ¤ 0 only, otherwise (e) is simply (c)):
✓ ◆
ax:8 1 ax:7 1 1 .c/
v D 1v D c v D .cv/ D 0 D 0
c c c
c1 .1 C x/ C c2 .x C x 2 / C c3 .1 C x 2 / D 0
This is equivalent to
c1 C c3 D 0 c1 C c2 D 0; c2 C c3 D 0 H) c1 D c2 D c3 D 0
need to show that it spans P2 . In other words, we need to show that we can always find c1 ; c2 ; c3
such that
c1 .1 C x/ C c2 .x C x 2 / C c3 .1 C x 2 / D a C bx C cx 2
holds for all a; b; c. This is equivalent to
c1 C c3 D a c1 C c2 D b; c2 C c3 D c
The coefficient matrix of this system is invertible, thus it has a solution. As f1Cx; xCx 2 ; 1Cx 2 g
is a basis for P2 , we deduce that dim.P2 / D 2. And it is a finite dimensional subspace. The
following definition aims to make this precise.
Definition 11.11.1
A vector space V is called finite-dimensional if it has a basis consisting of finitely many
vectors. The dimension of V , denoted by dimV , is the number of vectors in a basis for V . The
dimension of the zero vector space f0g is defined to be zero. A vector space that has no finite
basis is called infinite-dimensional.
Example 11.11
Consider a vector in P2 : p.x/ D a C bx C cx 2 . If we use the standard basis B D f1; x; x 2 g
for P2 , then it is easy to see that the coordinate vectors of p.x/ w.r.t. B is
h i>
Œp.x/çB D a b c
The proof is straightforward and uses the definition of ŒvçB . If you’re stuck check [48].
which is simply a vector in R3 . Thus, Œp.x/çB connects the possibly unfamiliar space P2 with
the familiar space R3 . Points in P2 can now be identified by their coordinates in R3 , and every
vector-space calculation in P2 is accurately reproduced in R3 (and vice versa). Note that P2
is not R3 but it does look like R3 as a vector space.
What is Œ1çB ? As we can write 1 D .1/.1/ C 0.x/ C 0.x 2 /, therefore Œ1çB D .1; 0; 0/ D e 1 .
Similarly, ŒxçB D .0; 1; 0/ D e 2 . So, if B D fv1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vn g is a basis for a vector space,
then Œvi çB D e i .
The above example demonstrates that there is a connection between a vector space V
and Rn , and the following theorem is one of such connection. We shall use this theorem in
definition 11.11.2 when we discuss the change of basis matrix and use it to show that this matrix
is invertible.
Theorem 11.11.3
Let B D fv1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vn g be a basis for a vector space V and let u1 ; u2 ; : : : ; uk be vectors in
V , then fu1 ; u2 ; : : : ; uk g is linear independent in V if and only if fŒu1 çB ; Œu2 çB ; : : : ; Œuk çB g is
linear independent in Rn .
Our task is now to show that c1 D c2 D D ck D 0. Theorem 11.11.2 allows us to rewrite the
above as
Œc1 u1 C c2 u2 C C ck uk çB D 0
which means that the coordinate vector of c1 u1 C c2 u2 C C ck uk w.r.t. B is the zero vector.
Therefore, we can write
Since fu1 ; u2 ; : : : ; uk g is linear independent the above equation forces ci ’s to be all zero.
Change of basis. Now, we discuss the topic of change of bases. The reason is simple: it is
convenient to work with some bases than others. We study how to do a change of bases herein.
Consider the easy R2 plane with two nonstandard bases: B with u1 D . 1; 2/ and u2 D .2; 1/;
and C with v1 D .1; 0/ and v2 D .1; 1/. Certainly, all these vectors (e.g. u1 ) are written with
respect to the standard basis .1; 0/ and .0; 1/. The question is: given a vector x with ŒxçB D .1; 3/,
what is ŒxçC ?
The first thing we need to do is to write the basis vectors of B in terms of those of C éé :
" # " # " # " #
1 1 1 3
D 3 C2 H) Œu1 çC D
C2 0 1 C2
" # " # " # " #
C2 1 1 C3
D C3 1 H) Œu2 çC D
1 0 1 1
where Theorem 11.11.2 was used in the second step. And with the red matrix, denoted for now
by P, whose columns are the coordinate vectors of the basis vectors in B w.r.t. C, the calculation
of the coordinates of any vector in C is easy: ŒxçC D PŒxçB .
Thus, we have the following definition of this important matrix.
Definition 11.11.2
Let B D fu1 ; u2 ; : : : ; un g and C D fv1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vn g be bases for a vector space V . The n ⇥ n
matrix whose columns are the coordinate vectors Œu1 çC ; : : : ; Œun çC of the vectors in the old
basis B with respect to the new basis C is denoted by PC B and is called the change-of-basis
matrix from B to C.
That matrix allows us to compute the coordinates of a vector in the new base:
ŒxçC D PC B ŒxçB
Change of basis formula relates the coordinates of one and the same vector in two different
bases, whereas a linear transformation relates coordinates of two different vectors in the same
basis. One more thing is that PC B is invertible, thus we can always go forth and back between
the bases:
ŒxçC D PC B ŒxçB H) ŒxçB D PC 1 B ŒxçC
Why the change-of-base matrix is invertible? This is thanks to theorem 11.11.3: the vectors
fu1 ; u2 ; : : : ; un g are linear independent in V , thus the vectors fŒu1 çC ; : : : ; Œun çC g are linear inde-
pendent in Rn : the columns of the change-of-basis matrix are thus linear independent. Hence, it
is invertible.
d .f C g/ df dg d .cf / df
D C ; Dc
dx dx dx dx dx
Example 2. Let FŒa; bç be a vector space of all real-valued functions defined on the interval
Œa; bç. The integration operator, S W FŒa; bç ! R by S.f / D a f .x/dx is a linear transforma-
Linear transformation is a fancy term and thus seems scary. Let’s get back to the friendly
y D f .x/: pop in a number x and it is transformed to a new number f .x/. Thus, a linear
transformation is simply a generalization of the concept of function, instead of taking a single
number now it takes in a vector and gives another vector. The key difference is that linear
transformations are similar to y D ax not y D sin x: the transformation is linear only. In
Section 4.2.4 we have discussed the concept of range of a function. We extend that to linear
transformation and introduce a new concept: kernel of the transformation. For y D f .x/, the
roots of this function is all x ⇤ such that f .x ⇤ / D 0. The kernel of a linear transformation is
exactly this.
Definition 11.11.3
Let T W V ! W be a linear transformation.
(a) The kernel of T , denoted by ker.T /, is the set of all vectors in V that are mapped by T
to 0 in W . That is,
ker.T / D fv 2 V W T .v/ D 0g
(b) The range of T , denoted by range.T /, is the set of all vectors in W that are images of
vectors in V under T . That is,
A function is called onto if its range is equal to its codomain. The function sin W R ! R
is not onto. Indeed, taking b D 2, the equation sin.x/ D 2 has no solution. The range of the
sine function is the closed interval Œ 1; 1ç, which is smaller than the codomain R. The function
y D e x is not onto: the range of y D e x is .0; 1/ which is not R. Functions such as y D x 3 are
onto functions.
A function such as y D x 3 , which is both one-to-one and onto, is special: we can always
perform an inverse: x ! x 3 ! x. Now, we generalize all this to linear transformations.
Definition 11.11.5
Consider a linear transformation T W V ! W .
(a) T is called one-to-one if it maps distinct vectors in V to distinct vectors in W . That is,
for all u and v in V , then u ¤ v implies that T .u/ ¤ T .v/.
(b) T is called onto if range.T / D W . In the words, the range of T is equal to the codomain
of T . Or, every vector in the codomain is the output of some input vector. That is, for
all w 2 W , there is at least one v 2 V such that T .v/ D w.
Again the definition above is not useful to check whether a transformation is one-to-one or
onto. There exists theorems which provides simpler ways to do that. Below is such a theorem:
(a) A linear transformation T W V ! W is one-to-one if ker.T / D f0g.
(b) Let T W V ! W be an one-to-one linear transformation. If S D fv1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vk g is a linear
independent set in V , then T .S/ D fT .v1 /; T .v2 /; : : : ; T .vk /g is a linear independent set
in W .
(c) A linear transformation T W V ! W is invertible if it is one-to-one and onto.
Isomorphism of vector spaces.
Definition 11.11.6
A linear transformation T W V ! W is called an isomorphism if it is one-to-one and onto. If
V and W are two vector spaces such that there is an isomorphism form V to W , then we say
that V is isomorphic to W and write V ä W .
The idea is that an isomorphism T W V ! W means that W is “just like” V in the context of
any question involving addition and scalar multiplication. The word isomorphism and isomor-
phic are derived from the Greek words isos, meaning “equal” and morph, meaning “shape”.
Example 11.12
Show that Pn 1 and Rn are isomorphic. To this end, we need to prove that there exists a linear
transformation T W Pn 1 ! Rn that is one-to-one and onto. Actually, we already knew such
transformation: the one that gives us the coordinates of a vector in Pn 1 with respect to a basis
of Pn 1 .
Let E D f1; x; :::; x n 1 g be a basis for Pn 1 . Then, any vector p.x/ in Pn 1 can be written
Table 11.3: The parallel universes of P2 and R3 : P2 is isomorphic to R3 by the coordinate map
T .p.x// WD Œp.x/çE where E D f1; t; t 2 g is the standard basis in P2 .
P2 R3
" #
p.t / D a C bt C ct 2 b
"c # " # " #
1 2 1
. 1 C 2t C 3t 2 / C .2 C 4t C 3t 2 / D 1 C 6t C 6t 2 2 C 4 D 6
"3 # "3 # 6
2 6
3.2 C t C 3t 2 / D 6 C 3t C 9t 2 3 1 D 3
3 9
Matrix associated with a linear transformation. Let V and W be two finite dimensional
vector spaces with bases B and C, respectively, where B D fv1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vn g. Now consider a
linear transformation T W V ! W . Our task is to find the matrix associated with T . To this end,
consider a vector u 2 V , we can write it as
u D u1 v 1 C u2 v 2 C C un v n
So, the linear transformation T applied to u can be written as
Now T .u/ is a vector in W , and with respect to the basis C, its coordinates are
This equation holds for any ŒxçB , thus we get the following identity ŒT çC PC B D PC B ŒT çB
from which we obtain
ŒT çB D PC 1 B ŒT çC PC B (11.11.6)
This is often used when we are trying to find a good basis with respect to which the matrix of
a linear transformation is particularly simple (e.g. diagonal). For example, we can ask whether
there is a basis B such that the matrix ŒT çB of T W V ! V is a diagonal matrix. The next section
is answering this question.
A diagonal matrix is so nice to work with. For example, the eigenvalues can be read off
immediately–the entries on the diagonal. It turns out that we can always transform a full matrix
to a diagonal one using ... eigenvalues and eigenvectors. This is not so surprising if we already
know principal axes of rotating rigid bodies. Let’s start with an example.
Example 11.13
Let’s consider the following matrix, which is associated to a linear transformation T , with its
eigenvalues and eigenvectors:
" # " # " #
3 1 1 1
AD ; 1 D 3; 2 D 2; v1 D ; v2 D
0 2 0 C1
Now, we consider two bases: the first basis C is the standard basis with .1; 0/ and .0; 1/ as
the basis vectors, and the second basis B with the basis vectors being the eigenvectors v1 ; v2 .
Now, we have " #
h i 1 1
ŒT çC D A; PC B D v1 v2 D
0 1
Now using Eq. (11.11.6) the transformation T –that is associated with A w.r.t. C–is now given
by w.r.t. the eigenbasis B:
" # 1 " #" # " #
1 1 3 1 1 1 3 0
0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2
Look at what we have obtained: a diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues on the diagonal! In
other words, we have diagonalized the matrix A.
h i h i h i
AV WD A v1 v2 vn D Av1 Av2 Avn D 1 v1 2 v2 n vn
h i
Now, the trick is to split the matrix 1 v1 2 v2 n vn into V times a diagonal matrix ⇤
Thus we have obtained AV D V⇤ and since V has linear independent columns, it can be
inverted, so we can diagonalize A:
AV D V⇤ H) A D V⇤V
With this form, it is super easy to compute powers of A. For example,
A3 D .V⇤V 1 /.V⇤V 1 /.V⇤V 1 / D V⇤.V 1 V/⇤.V 1 V/⇤V 1 / D V⇤3 V 1
And nothing can stop us from going to Ak D V⇤k V 1 whatever k might be: 1000 or 10000.
This equation tells us that the eigenvalues of Ak are k1 ; : : : ; kn , and the eigenvectors of Ak are
the same as the eigenvectors of A.
This dot product has these properties: a b D b a, a a 0 and .˛aCˇb/ c D ˛.a c/Cˇ.b c/.
Now, we define an inner product between two vectors a; b in a vector space V , denoted by ha; bi,
which is an operation that assigns these two vectors a real number such that this product has
properties identical to those of the dot product:
symmetry: ha; bi D hb; ai
positivity: ha; ai 0
positivity: ha; ai D 0 if and only if a D 0
linearity: h˛a C ˇb; ci D ˛ha; ci C ˇhb; ci
Other notations for the inner product are .a; b/. From the linearity property, we can show that
the inner product has the bilinearity property that readséé
hax C by; cu C d vi D achx; ui C ad hx; vi C bchy; ui C bd hy; vi
If this is not clear,
i check Section 11.4.4 on the matrix-column representation of the product AB: AB D
AB 1 AB 2 AB 3 . And AB 1 is a linear combination of the cols of A with the coefficients being the compo-
nents of B 1 . Here, A is V and B 1 D . 1 ; 0; : : :/.
With ˇ D 0, the linearity property gives us h˛a; ci D ˛ha; ci. And from that we also have h˛a; ci D
˛ ha; ci.
The word bilinearity is used to indicate that the inner product is linear with respect to both input
Example 11.14
Let u D .u1 ; u2 / and v D .v1 ; v2 / be two vectors in R2 . Then, the following
defines an inner product. It’s not hard to check that this really satisfies all the properties in
Eq. (11.11.8). Now, we generalize it to Rn . Let u D .u1 ; u2 ; : : : ; un / and v D .v1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vn /
be two vectors in Rn and w1 ; w2 ; : : : ; wn are n positive weights, then
2 3
w1 0
> 6 :: : : :: 7
hu; vi D w1 u1 v1 C w2 u2 v2 C C wn un vn D u Wv; W D 4 : : : 5
0 wn
A vector space equipped with an inner product is called an inner product space. Don’t
be scared as the space Rn is an inner product space! It must be as it was the inspiration for
mathematicians to generalize it to inner product spaces. We shall meet other inner product
spaces when we define concrete inner product. But first, with the inner product, similar to how
the dot product defines length, distance, orthogonality, we are now able to define these concepts
for vectors in an inner product space.
Definition 11.11.7
Let u and v be two vectors in an inner product space V .
(a) The length (or norm) of v is jjvjj D hv; vi.
Example 11.15
If we consider two functions f and g in CŒa; bç–the vector space of continuous functions in
Œa; bç, show that
Z b
hf; gi D f .x/g.x/dx (11.11.9)
L0 .x/ D 1
h1; xi 1 1
L1 .x/ D x 1Dx xdx D x
h1; 1i 2 1
h1; x 2 i hx; x 2 i 1 (11.11.10)
L2 .x/ D x 2 1 x D x2
h1; 1i hx; xi 3
3 3
h1; x i hx; x i hx ; x 3 i 2
L3 .x/ D x 3 1 x x D x3 x
h1; 1i hx; xi hx ; x i
2 2 5
Actually, we need to scale these polynomials so that Ln .1/ D 1, then we have the standard
Legendre polynomials as shown in Table 11.4. One surprising fact about Legendre polynomials,
their roots are symmetrical with respect to x D 0, and Ln .x/ has n real roots within Œ 1; 1ç, see
Fig. 11.25. And these roots define the quadrature points in Gauss’ rule–a well known numerical
integration rule (Section 12.4.3).
n Ln .x/
0 1
1 x
2 1
.3x 2
3 1
.5x 3
4 1
.35x 4 30x 2 C 3/
5 1
.63x 5 70x 3 C 15x/
8 Figure 11.25: Plots of some Legendre polynomials.
Table 11.4: The first six Legendre polynomials.
Adrien-Marie Legendre (1752 – 1833) was a French mathematician who made numerous
contributions to mathematics. Well-known and important concepts such as the Legendre polyno-
mials and Legendre transformation are named after him.
Now, we focus on the inner product space of polynomials. Because Legengre polynomials
are orthogonal to each other, they can be the basis for the inner product space of polynomials.
For example, any 2nd degree polynomial can be uniquely written as
p2 .x/ D c0 L0 .x/ C c1 L1 .x/ C c2 L2 .x/
where Li .x/ are the orthogonal Legendre polynomials, see Table 11.4. Next, we compute the
inner product of p2 .x/ with L3 .x/, because the result is beautiful:
Z 1 Z 1
L3 .x/p2 .x/dx D Œc0 L0 .x/ C c1 L1 .x/ C c2 L2 .x/ç L3 .x/dx
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1
1 1
The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. In Section 2.21.3, we have met the Cauchy-Schwarz inequal-
ity. At that time, we did not know of Rn . But now, we can see that this inequality is, for two
vectors u and v in Rn
ju vj jjujjjjvjj
The nice thing of mathematics is that the same inequality holds for two vectors in an inner
product space. We just replace the dot product by the more general inner product.
Proof. The proof is pretty similar to the one given in Section 2.21.3. We construct the following
function, which is always non-negative
f .t/ D hu C t v; u C tvi
which can be re-written as
f .t/ D hu C tv; u C tvi
D hv; vit 2 C 2hu; vit C hu; ui 0 for all t
So, f .t / is a quadratic function in t , we hence compute the discriminant and it has to be less
than or equal to 0:
D 4hu; vi2 4hv; vihu; ui 0
And with this, we also get the triangle inequality for vectors in an inner product space:
jja C bjj jjajj C jjbjj (11.11.11)
A complex vector is a vector whose components are complex numbers. For example, z D
.1 C 2i; 3 4i/ is a complex vector, we use the notation z 2 C 2 for this. A general n-complex
vector is given by
h i>
z D a1 C ib1 a2 C ib2 an C ibn
The first question we have to askpis: how we compute the length of a complex vector? If a is a
real n-vector, then its lengthpis a12 C C an2 . Can we use this for complex vectors? Just try
for z D .1; i /, then jjzjj D 12 C i 2 D 0, which cannot be correct: a non-zero vector cannot
have a zero length!
Definition 11.11.8
If u D .u1 ; u2 ; : : : ; un / and v D .v1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vn / are vectors in C n , then the complex dot
product of them is defined by
u v D uN 1 v1 C uN 2 v2 C C uN n vn
Definition 11.11.9
A norm on a vector space V is a mapping that associated with each vector v a real number
jjvjj, called the norm of v, such that the following properties are satisfied for all vectors u and
v and all scalars c:
In the following example, we consider the vector space Rn and show that there are many
norms rather than the usual Eucledian norm.
Example 11.16
Consider v D .v1 ; v2 ; : : : ; vn /, the following common norms for v:
where jjvjj2 is the usual Eucledian norm. It is not hard to prove that l 1 , l 2 and l 1 are indeed
norms (we just need to verify the three properties stated in the definition of a norm). For
l p , the proof is harder and thus skipped. Note that I wrote jv1 j2 instead of v12 because the
discussion covers complex vectors as well. Thus, the symbol j⇤j indicates the modulus.
Fig. 11.26 presents the geometry of these norms in R2 . Is this just for fun? Maybe, but it
reveals that the different norms are close to each other. Precisely, the norms are all equivalent on
Rn in the sense thatéé p
kvk2 kvk1 nkvk2
v2 v2 v2
v12 + v22 = 1
v1 1 1 v1 v1
p 1
kvk1 = |v1| + |v2| kvk2 = v12 + v22 kvk1 = max{|v1|, |v2 |}
know what properties a matrix norm should have. So, we define a matrix norm based on these
properties. Later on, once we have found the formula for the norm, we check whether it satisfies
all these properties. This is similar to how we defined the determinant of a matrix.
Definition 11.11.10
A norm on a matrix space Mnn is a mapping that associated with each matrix A a real number
jjAjj, called the norm of A, such that the following properties are satisfied for all matrices A
and B and all scalars c:
Now we define a matrix norm which is based on a vector norm. Starting with a vector x with
a norm jjjj defined on it, we consider the norm of the transformed vector, that is kAxk. One way
to measure the magnitude of A is to compute the ratio kAxk=kxk. We can simplify this ratio as
jjAxjj 1 x
D Ax D A D kAx ⇤ k
jjxjj jjxjj jjxjj
where the scaling property of a vector norm (definition 11.11.9) was used in the second equality.
A norm is just one single number, so we are interested only in the maximum of the ratio kAxk=kxk:
max D max kAx ⇤ k
kxk¤0 jjxjj kx ⇤ kD1
Mathematicians then define the operator norm, of a matrix, induced by the vector norm kxk
aséé :
kAk D max kAxk
Of course we have to check the conditions in definition 11.11.10. I skipped that part. Check [48].
We think of kxk1 , kxk2 and kxk1 as the important vector norms. Then, we have three
corresponding matrix norms:
The definition looks scary but it turns out that we can actually compute the norms quite straight-
forwardly at least for the 1-norm and the 1 norm. For jjAjj2 we need the singular value
decomposition, so the discussion of that norm is postponed to Section 11.12.3. I want to start
with jjAjj1 for simple 2 ⇥ 2 matrices:
" # " #
a b ax1 C bx2
AD H) y WD Ax D H) kyk1 D jax1 C bx2 j C jcx1 C dx2 j
c d cx1 C dx2
Now, to find jjAjj1 , we just need to find the maximum of jax1 C bx2 j C jcx1 C dx2 j subjecting
to jx1 j C jx2 j D 1:
kyk1 jx1 jjaj C jx2 jjbj C jx1 jjcj C jx2 jjd j
jx1 j.jaj C jcj/ C jx2 j.jbj C jd j/
.jx1 j C jx2 j/M D M; M D maxfjaj C jcj; jbj C jd jg
Thus, jjAjj1 is simply the largest absolute column sum of the matrix. Not satisfied with this
simple English, mathematicians write
jjAjj1 D max jAij j
j D1;:::;n
i D1
Follow the same steps, it can be shown that jjAjj1 is the largest absolute row sum of the matrix.
The proof for an n ⇥ n matrix for jjAjj1 is not hard but for jjAjj1 it is harder.
conditioning) number of the matrix. To work out this number, we consider a general Ax D band
A0 x 0 D b where A0 is slightly different from A. As A0 is slightly different from A, we can write
it as A0 D A C A. Similarly, we write x 0 D x C x. If we can compute the norm of x we
will know when this change in the solution is large or small.
Starting with A0 x 0 D b we have:
A0 x 0 D b ” .A C A/.x C x/ D b ” xD A 1
Ax 0
k xk D A 1
Ax 0 D kA 1
Ax 0 k kA 1 kk Ax 0 k kA 1 kk Akkx 0 k
k xk k Ak
kA 1 kk Ak D kA 1 kkAk
kx k kAk
And the red term is defined as the condition number of A, denoted by cond.A/. Why we had to
make kAk appear in the above? Because only the relative change in the matrix (e.g. k Ak=kAk)
makes sense. Thus, the conditioning number gives an upper bound on the relative change in the
k xk k Ak
kx k kAk
It is certain that the conditioning number of a matrix depends on the choice of the matrix norm
used. The most commonly used norms are kAk1 and kAk1 . Below is one example.
Example 11.17
Find the conditioning number of the matrix A given in the beginning of this section. We need
to compute A 1 : " # " #
1 1 C2001 2000
AD ; A 1D
1 1:0005 2000 C2000
Then, the norms of A and its inverse, and the condition number are:
If we compute cond2 .A/ it is about 8002. Thus, when the condition number of a matrix is large
for a compatible matrix norm, it will be large for other norms. And that saves us from having
to compute different condition numbers! To appreciate that this matrix A has a large condition
number, consider now the well behaved matrix in Eq. (11.3.1), its condition number is just
three. Matrices such as A with large condition numbers are called ill conditioned matrices.
kv v⇤ k kv wk
Thus, is the squared length of the vector Av. So, for a rectangular matrix, we do not have
eigenvalues but we have singular values, which are the eigenvalues of A> A:
Definition 11.12.1
If A is an m ⇥ n matrix, the singular values of A are the square roots of the eigenvalues of
A> A and are denoted by 1 ; 2 ; : : : ; n . It is conventional to arrange the singular values in a
descending order: 1 2 n.
We can find the rank of A by counting the number of non-zero singular values. From theo-
rem 11.5.5 we have rank.A/ D rank.A> A/. But,
Now, we introduce the matrix V D Œv1 v2 ç, matrix U D Œu1 u2 ç and ˙ is the diagonal matrix
containing 1;2 . The above equation then becomes
AV D U˙ H) A D U˙V>
And the decomposition in the box is the singular value decomposition of A. Why y 1 is orthogo-
nal to y 2 ? To see this, suppose vi is the eigenvector of A> A corresponding to the eigenvalue i .
Then, for i ¤ j , we have
The final equality is due to the fact that the eigenvectors of the symmetric matrix A> A are
Example 11.18
Find a singular value decomposition for the following matrix:
" #
1 1 0
0 0 1
The first step is to consider the matrix A> A and find its eigenvalues/eigenvectors:
2 3 2 p 3 2 3 2 p 3
1 1 0 1= 2 0 1= 2
6 7 6 p 7 6 7 6 p 7
A> A D 41 1 05 H) v1 D 41= 25 ; v2 D 405 ; v3 D 4 1= 2 5
0 0 1 0 1 0
To find U find ui :
1 1
u1 D Av1 D .1; 0/; u2 D Av2 D .0; 1/
1 2
These two vectors are already an orthonormal basis. Now, we have U; V and ˙ , then the SVD
of A is: 2 3
" # " # "p # 1=p2 1=p2 0
1 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 6 7
D 4 0 0 15
0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 p p
„ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ … 1= 2 1= 2 0
A U ˙ „ ƒ‚ …
Using Julia we can easily verify that the above is correct. Thus, we have singular value
decomposed a rectangular matrix!
Hope that this example demonstrates what a SVD is. Now, we give the formal definition of
it and then we need to prove that it is always possible to do a SVD for any matrix.
Definition 11.12.2
Let A be an m ⇥ n matrix with singular values 1 2 n 0. Let r denote
the number of non-zero singular values of A. A singular value decomposition of A is the
following factorization A D U˙V> , where U is an m ⇥ m orthogonal matrix, V is an n ⇥ n
orthogonal matrix and ˙ is an m ⇥ n diagonal matrix whose i th diagonal entry is the i th
singular value i for i D 1; 2; :::; r. All other entries of ˙ are zero.
Proof. We now prove that we can always do a SVD for A. The idea of the proof is to show that
for any vector x 2 Rn , we have Ax D U˙ V> x. If so, then of course A D U˙ V> . To this end,
U˙ V> x D u1 >
1 v1 x C C ur >
r vr x (Ax is a linear combination of the cols of A)
1 > 1 >
D 1 Av1 1 v1 x C C r Avr r vn x (use ui D i
Avi )
D Av1 v>1xC C Avn v> n x (Avi D 0, i > r)
D A .v1 v>
1 C C vn v>
n / x D Ax
„ ƒ‚ …
So, in the third equality we just added a bunch of zero vectors. Note that Avi D 0, i > r
because we have only r non-zero singular values. The final equality comes from the fact that if
fv1 ; : : : ; vn g is an orthonormal set then v1 v>
1 C C vn v>
n D I.
Left and right singular vectors. We have A> A with the eigenvectors vk . How about uk ? Are
they the eigenvectors of some matrix? The answer is yes: it is the eigenvector of AA> . Maths is
really nice, isn’t it. The proof goes as
The key to the proof was the fact that .AA> /A D A.A> A/. Some new terms: the vk are called
the right singular vectors and the uk are called the left singular vectors.
Geometry of the SVD. We have seen in Fig. 11.24 that the linear transformation Ax transform
a circle in R2 into an ellipse in R2 . With the SVD, it can be proved that an m ⇥ n matrix A
maps a unit sphere in Rn into an ellipsoid in Rm . Consider a unit vector x 2 Rn , and its image
y D Ax 2 Rm :
x D x1 v1 C x2 v2 C C xn vn H) y D Ax D x1 1 u1 C C xr r ur
The last inequality comes from the unit vector x. Now, if r D n (i.e., the matrix A is a full
column rank matrix), then in the above inequality we have equal sign, and thus the image Ax
is the surface of the ellipsoid. On the other hand, if r < n, then the image is a solid ellipsoid in
Rm .
We can even have a geometry interpretation of the different matrices in a SVD. For that
we have to restrict to a plane. Start with a unit vector x 2 R2 . Now the transformation Ax
is U˙ V> x. From Section 11.6 on linear transformation we know that we’re dealing with a
composite transformation. And we handle it from right to left. So, we start with V> x, which is
a rotation, thus we get a circle from a circle. But now we see the transformed circle in the plane
in which the axes are v1 and v2 (Fig. 11.27). Then comes ˙ V> x which simply stretches
(sometimes shrinks) our circle (the second circle from the left) to an ellipse. Finally, U is a
rotation and we got an oblique ellipse as the final Ax.
A byproduct of this is that we are now able to compute jjAjj2 , it is simply 1 : jjAjj2 D 1 .
1 0
V> 0 2 U
R2 : kxk = 1
y kV > xk = kxk y y y
0 0
V > v2 = ⌃V > v2 =
1 2 2 u2
x x x x
v1 1
V > v1 =
0 1 1 u1
⌃V > v1 =
y = V > ⌃U x
Now, with the SVD of A, we can compute these norms and thus the 2-condition number.
As shown in Fig. 11.27, the norm of A is simply its largest singular value:
The inverse of A (if it exists) can be determined easily from the SVD A D U˙V> , namely
A 1
D V˙ 1
U> (11.12.1)
where ˙ 1 is a diagonal matrix with 1= i on the diagonal. The reason is simple using the idea
of inverse mapping by undoing each of the three operations shown in Fig. 11.27. First, undo the
last rotation by multiplying with U> , second un-stretch by multiplying by 1= i along each axis,
thirs, un-rotate by multiplying by V. If you need to see an algebra proof, here it is:
A 1 A D V˙ 1
U> U˙ V> D V˙ 1
U> U ˙ V > D V ˙ 1
˙ V> D VV> D I
The 2-norm of A 1
is its maximum singular value which is 1= n :
kA 1 k2 D max kA 1 xk2 D
kxk2 D1 n
Now, the 2-condition number of A is simply the ratio of the maximum singular value and
minimum singular value, or
cond2 .A/ D 1 (11.12.2)
U˙ V> x D >
1 u1 v 1 x C C >
r ur v r x H) A D >
1 u1 v 1 C C >
r ur v r
Similar to what we have done to Taylor series, we truncate the sum on the RHS of A to get Ak –a
rank k matrix:
Ak D 1 u1 v> 1 C C k uk v> k
And we expect there exists a truth between A and Ak . And this truth was discovered by Schmidt
in 1907, which was later proved by Eckart and Young in 1936 and by Mirsky in 1955. The
theorem is now called the Eckart-Young-Mirsky theorem stating that Ak is the closet rank k
matrix to A. Obviously we need to use matrix norms to express this theorem:
Theorem 11.12.1: The Eckart-Young-Mirsky theorem
If B has rank k then
> >
kA Bk kA Ak k; Ak D 1 u1 v1 C C k uk vk
SVD in image compression. Suppose that the original image is a gray image of size .512; 512/,
and we rebuild the image with 50 singular values, then we only need to save 2 ⇥ 512 ⇥ 50 C 50
numbers to rebuild the image, while original image has 512 ⇥ 512 numbers. Hence this gives
us a compression ratio 19.55% if we don’t consider the storage type. Fig. 11.28 presents one
example and the code to produce it is given in Listing B.23.
Figure 11.28: From left to right: original image, 10, 50 and 100 singular values.
12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865
12.2 Numerical differentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 867
12.3 Interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869
12.4 Numerical integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 881
12.5 Solving nonlinear equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 890
12.6 Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations . . . . . . . . . . . 893
12.7 Numerical solution of partial differential equations . . . . . . . . . . . . 903
12.8 Numerical optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 910
12.9 Numerical linear algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 915
Numerical analysis is an area of mathematics that creates, analyzes, and implements al-
gorithms for obtaining numerical solutions to problems involving continuous variables. The
Newton-Raphson method to solve numerically the equation tan x D x is one example. The
Gauss quadrature method to numerically evaluate any definite integral a f .x/dx is also one
example. The finite difference method to solve ordinary and partial differential equations is yet
another example.
Numerical solutions are numbers not closed form expressions. For example, it is possible
to solve the quadraticpequation ax 2 C bx C c D 0 exactly to get the well known closed form
solutions x1;2 D b˙ b 2 4ac=2a. Such solutions do not exist for polynomial equations of fifth
order or higher and for transcendental equations such as tan x D x. However, the Newton-
Raphson method can solve all the equations efficiently; but it only gives us numerical solutions.
For example, applying to tan x D x, it gives us 4:49340946.
The following books were consulted for the majority of the material presented in this chapter:
✏ Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice by Lloyd Trefethenè [60]
Lloyd Nicholas Trefethen (born 30 August 1955) is an American mathematician, professor of numerical
Chapter 12. Numerical analysis 865
✏ Finite Difference Computing with PDEs: A Modern Software Approach by Hans Petter
Langtangené and Svein Linge, [34],
✏ Computational Fluid Dynamics the basic and applications by John Anderson⇤⇤ [1]
I strongly recommend the book of Anderson; it is so well written and a joy to read. Even though
it addresses numerical methods to solve the Navier-Stokes equations (which are of interest only
to people fascinated by the behavior of fluids), he explains things so clearly.
12.1 Introduction
Suppose we have to compute the following sum, for many values of ˛:
f .˛/ D ak cos.k˛/ (12.1.1)
where ak are known constants. The first solution is, of course, to compute term by term and add
them up. What do you think if someone tell you that there is a much much better method to
compute f .˛/? The secret is that cos ˛, cos 2˛ and so on, they are all related. Recall that, we
have derived such a relation in Eq. (3.7.20), re-given here
A name was given to such formula as it occurs quite often in mathematics. This is known as
the three-term recurrence relation because it involves three terms. Even with the hint that this
recurrence is the key to an efficient computation of the mentioned sum, it is really hard to know
where to start. Unless you know where to look for inspiration, and it comes in the name of the
Horner method in polynomial evaluation.
Horner’s method. In Section 2.29.4, the Horner method was presented as an efficient way to
evaluate any polynomial at a point x0 . As a recap, let’s consider a specific cubic polynomial
p.x/ D 2x 3 6x 2 C 2x C 1. In Horner’s method, we massage p.x0 / a bit as:
b 3 D a3 b3 D 2
b 2 D x 0 b 3 C a2 b2 D 2x0 6
b1 D x0 b2 C a1 b1 D x0 .2x0 6/ C 2
b0 D x0 b1 C a0 b0 D x0 .x0 .2x0 6/ C 2/ C 1
where the left column is for a general cubic polynomial whereas the right column is for the
specific p.x/ D 2x 3 6x 2 C 2x C 1. Then, p.x0 / D b0 . As to finding the consecutive b-values,
we start with determining b3 , which is simply equal to a3 . We then work our way down to the
other b’s, using the recursive formula:
bk 1 D ak 1 C bk x0
bk D ak C bkC1 x0 (12.1.3)
But what is the relation between the sum in Eq. (12.1.1) and a polynomial? To see that
relation, we need to write an n-order polynomial using the sum notation:
pn .x0 / D ak x k ; x k D xx k 1
Now, we can see that the sum in Eq. (12.1.1) and a polynomial are of the same form
f .x/ D ak k .x/ (12.1.4)
where k .x/ has either a three term recurrence relation or a two term recurrence relation (in the
case k .x/ D x k ).
Inspired by Eq. (12.1.3), we define the sequence of bk ’s as, where the only difference is the
red term which is related to cos.k 2/˛ in the three term recurrence relation (and of course
2 cos ˛ replaced x):
a3 D b3
a2 D b2 2 cos ˛b3
a1 D b1 C b3 2 cos ˛b2
a0 D b0 C b2 2 cos ˛b1
Substitution of ai ’s into Eq. (12.1.1), and re-arrangement the terms in this form b0 C b1 . /C
b2 . / C b3 . /:
f .˛/ D ak cos.k˛/
D .b0 C b2 2 cos ˛b1 / C .b1 C b3 2 cos ˛b2 / cos ˛ C .b2 2 cos ˛b3 / cos 2˛ C b3 cos 3˛
D b3 .cos 3˛ C cos ˛ 2 cos ˛ cos 2˛/ C b2 .cos 2˛ C 1 2 cos2 ˛/ C b1 . cos ˛/ C b0
Amazingly, all the red terms are zeros because of Eq. (12.1.2), thus the scary sum is just the
following simple formula
ak cos.k˛/ D b0 b1 cos ˛ (12.1.6)
This is Clenshaw’s algorithm, named after the English mathematician Charles William Clenshaw
( 1926–2004) who published this method in 1955.
Table 12.1: Finite difference approximations of f 0 .x/ for f .x/ D sin x C cos x. Errors of one-sided
differences (forward/backward) versus two-sided centered difference.
f .x C h/ 2f .x/ C f .x h/
f 00 .x/ D C O.h2 / (12.2.5)
This approximation was used to develop the famous Verlet’s method which is commonly used
to solve Newton’s equations of motions F D ma.
12.3 Interpolation
Assume that we are back in time to the period of no calculators and no formula for calculating
sine. Luckly, some people made up a table of sine of 1ı ; 5ı ; 10ı ; 15ı ,... But we need sin 2ı .
What are we going to do? We will use a method that has become to what we know today as
interpolation⇤ . In the first attempt, we assume that the two data points .1ı ; sin 1ı /, .5ı ; sin 5ı /
are connected by a line. We can determine the equation, let’s call it f .x/, for this line (because
it is straightforward). Having such a equation, it is a simple task to compute sin 2ı , it is f .2ı /.
Then, we realize that our assumption was too crude. In need of higher accuracy, instead
of a line joining the two points, we assume a parabola joining three data points. Generally,
The word "interpolation" originates from the Latin verb interpolare, a contraction of "inter", meaning "be-
tween", and "polare", meaning "to polish". That is to say, to smooth in between given pieces of information.
where u.x1 / D 1, u.x2 / D 0 and u.x3 / D 0. The following form satisfies the last two conditions
y.x/ D li .x/yi (12.3.5)
i D0
What is this? It is (AGAIN!) a linear combination of some functions li .x/ with coefficients
being yi . In this equation, li .x/ is written as, (after examining the form of u; v; w, see again
Eq. (12.3.3))
Y n
x xj
li .x/ D (12.3.6)
j D0
xi xj
j ¤i
and are the so-called Lagrange basis polynomials. Plots of linear and quadratic Lagrange poly-
nomials are given in Fig. 12.1. Although named after Joseph-Louis Lagrange, who published it
in 1795, the method was first discovered in 1779 by the English mathematician Edward Waring
(1736–1798). We mentioned this not to imply that Lagrange is not great. He is one of the greatest
of all time. Just to mention that sometimes credit was not given to the first discoverer. About
this topic, some more examples are: the Lagrange interpolation formula was discovered by
Waring, the Gibbs phenomenon was discovered by Wilbraham, and the Hermite integral formula
is due to Cauchy. These are just some of the instances of Stigler’s Lawéé in approximation theory.
Example. There are 7 data points given in Table 12.2. And we use Lagrange interpolation to
find the 6th degree polynomial passing through all these points. As I am lazy (already in the
early 40s when doing this), I did not explicitly compute li .x/. Instead I wrote a Julia code
(Listing B.12) and with it got Fig. 12.2: a nice curve joining all the points.
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
l0 l0
l1 0.4 l1
0.4 l2
0.0 0.2
1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Figure 12.1: Plots of linear and quadratic Lagrange basis functions in Œ 1; 1ç. It is clear that li .xj / D ıij .
x f .x/
0 0 0.5
1 0.8415 0.0
2 0.9093
3 0.1411
4 -0.7568 1.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
5 -0.9589
6 -0.2794 Figure 12.2: Lagrange interpolating function.
xi D 1C ; i D f0; 1; 2; : : : ; ng
to construct Lagrange polynomials that can capture this function. Then, we hope that a 5th
degree Lagrange polynomial can fit Runge’s function. But it does not do a good job. Well, after
all just 6 points were used. Then, we used 10 points to have a 9th degree Lagrange polynomial,
and this is even worse: there is oscillation at the edges of the interval, even though far from the
edges, the approximation is quite good (Fig. 12.3). This is known as Runge’s phenomena.
1/(1 + 25x2 )
0.8 5th Lagrange
9th Lagrange
Figure 12.3: Runge’s phenomena. This happens only for high order polynomials and equi-spaced points.
This is named Runge’s phenomenon as it was discovered by the German mathematician Carl David Tolmé
Runge (1856–1927) in 1901 when exploring the behavior of errors when using polynomial interpolation to
approximate certain functions. The discovery was important because it shows that going to higher degrees
does not always improve accuracy. Note that this phenomenon is similar to the Gibbs phenomenon in
Fourier series (Section 4.18).
10 6th derivative
0 0.25
10 0.00
20 0.25
30 0.50
2nd derivative 1.00
1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
(a) (b)
Figure 12.4: Derivatives of the Runge function f .x/ D 1=1C25x 2 . Note that, I used SymPy to automatically
compute f .m/ .x/ and evaluate the resulting expression at sampling points in Œ 1; 1ç to generate these
plots. We should take advantage of CAS to focus on other things.
p.x/ going through these points. Then for any x 2 Œa; bç, we have
f .m/ .⇠/
R.x/ WD f .x/ p.x/ D .x x1 /.x x2 / .x xm / (12.3.8)
for some ⇠ 2 Œa; bç. It follows that
.x/ Y
jf .x/ p.x/j max jf .m/ .y/j; .x/ D .x xi / (12.3.9)
mä y2Œa;bç i D1
And this theorem explains the Runge phenomenon in which the derivatives blow up, Fig. 12.4b.
Note that .x/ is a monic polynomial, which is a single-variable polynomial in which the
leading coefficient (the nonzero coefficient of highest degree) is equal to 1. An n degree monic
is of this form x n C cn 1 x n 1 C C c2 x 2 C c1 x C c0 .
Properties. If f .x/ is a polynomial of degree less than or equal n, and we use n C 1 points
.xi ; f .xi // to construct a Lagrange interpolating function y.x/. Then, y.x/ ⌘ f .x/, or in other
words the Lagrange interpolation is exact. Another property
P is that the polynomial interpolant is
unique . And this uniqueness allows us to state that i li .x/ D 1 for all x–a fact that we have
observed for n D 2 and n D 3éé .
Now, the Lagrange basis functions have two properties, as stated below:
Motivation. If you’re wondering what ensures that there exists a polynomial that can interpolate
a given function, rest assured, it is the Weierstrass approximation theorem.
Theorem 12.3.1: Weierstrass approximation theorem
Let f be a real-valued function defined on an interval Œa; bç of R. Then, for any ✏ > 0, there
exists a polynomial p.x/ such that
This theorem does not tell us what is the expression of p.x/; you have to find it for
yourself! But it motivates mathematicians: if you work hard, you can find a poynomial that can
approximate well any function.
Vandermonde matrix. Let’s attack the interpolation problem directly and the Vandermonde
matrix will show up. We use an n degree polynomial of this form
Pn .x/ D a0 C a1 x C a2 x 2 C C an x n
How to prove this? In maths, to prove something is unique, we can assume that there are two versions of it,
and prove that the two are the same.
Consider the case where fi D 1 for xi ; i D 0; 1; :::; n. Through these points, there is the horizontal
P line
y.x/ D 1, and this line is the only polynomial that interpolates the points. Thus, Eq. (12.3.5) leads to i li .x/ D 1.
where the second row was replaced by 2nd row minus x0 times the 1st row; the third row by
the third row minus x0 times the second row and so on. Now, of course we expand by the first
column and do some factorizations to get, check Section 11.9.3 if something was not clear:
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ x1 x0 x2 x0 x3 x0 ˇ ˇ1 1 1ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
det V> D ˇx12 x1 x0 x22 x2 x0 x32 x3 x0 ˇ D .x1 x0 /.x2 x0 /.x3 x0 /ˇx1 x2 x3 ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ 3 ˇ ˇ 2 2 2ˇ
ˇx1 x1 x0 x2 x2 x0 x3 x3 x0 ˇ
2 3 2 3 2 ˇx1 x2 x3 ˇ
Now the red determinant should not be a problem for us, we can write immediately the answer
ˇ ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ1 1 1ˇ ˇ1 1ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇx1 x2 x3 ˇ D .x2 x1 /.x3 x1 / ˇˇ ˇ D .x2 x1 /.x3 x1 /.x3 x2 /
ˇ ˇ ˇx2 x3 ˇ
ˇ 2 2 2ˇ
ˇx1 x2 x3 ˇ
As xi ’s are distinct, the determinant is different from zero, thus the Vandermonde matrix is
invertible. Thus, Eq. (12.3.11) has a unique solution. In other words, there is only one single
polynomial passing through all data points.
The Chebyshev polynomials are two sequences of polynomials related to the cosine and sine
functions, notated as Tn .x/ and Un .x/. They can be defined in several equivalent ways; in this
section the polynomials are defined by starting with trigonometric functions. The Chebyshev
polynomials of the first kind Tn .x/ are defined in this way. Note that from the above equation,
cos.n˛/ is a polynomial in terms of cos ˛, e.g. cos 3˛ D 4.cos ˛/3 3 cos.˛/. For n being a
fixed counting number, the Chebyshev polynomial is defined to be that polynomial of cosine:
Tn .cos ˛/ D cos.n˛/
These polynomials were named after Pafnuty Chebyshev. The letter T is used, by Berstein,
because of the alternative transliterations of the name Chebyshev as Tchebycheff, Tchebyshev
(French) or Tschebyschow (German). Pafnuty Lvovich Chebyshev (1821 – 1894) was a Russian
mathematician and considered to be the founding father of Russian mathematics.
The recursive definition of Tn .x/ follows from the recursive formula for cos n˛:
<1; if n D 0
Tn .x/ D if n D 1 (12.3.14)
2xTn 1 .x/ Tn 2 .x/; if n 2
The first four Chebyshev polynomials are, obtained using Eq. (12.3.14)
T0 .x/ D 1 D1
T1 .x/ D x D 20 x 1
T2 .x/ D 2x 2 1 D 21 x 2 1 (12.3.15)
T3 .x/ D 4x 3 3x D 22 x 3 3x
T4 .x/ D 8x 4 8x 2 C 1 D 23 x 4 8x 2 C 1
From this, we can see that Tn .x/ is an n-degree polynomial. Furthermore, the leading coefficient
of Tn .x/ is 2n 1 . Plots of the first four Tn .x/ are given in Fig. 12.5. We can see that jTn .x/j 1,
which is expected as Tn .cos ˛/ D cos.n˛/. And Tn .x/ has n real roots which lead to the
following concept.
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Figure 12.5: Plots of the first four Chebyshev polynomials Tn .x/. Check source file
Chebyshev nodes are the roots of the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind of degree n. To
1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Tn .x/ D 2n 1 .x x1 /.x x2 / .x xn /
If we use the Chebyshev nodes in a polynomial approximation, then Eq. (12.3.9) gives us
jf .x/ p.x/j max jf .n/ .y/j (12.3.17)
nä2n 1 y2Œa;bç
And we hope that the denominator with nä and 2n 1 will dominate when n is large (compared
with jf .n/ .y/j), and thus the error jf .x/ p.x/j will decrease to zero. And we have a better
approximation. Of course we verify our guess with the Runge function (that troubled Lagrange
polynomial with equally spaced points), and the result shown in Fig. 12.7 confirms our analysis.
Now we discuss the orthogonality of Chebyshev functions. Recall that
Z ⇡
I D cos n˛ cos m˛d˛ D 0 .m ¤ n/ (12.3.18)
1/(1 + 25x2 )
9th Lagrange
0.8 19th Lagrange
1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Figure 12.7: Approximation of Runge’s function using Chebyshev nodes: 10 nodes (red points) and 20
nodes. No more oscillations near 1 and 1.
For each value of x, to evaluate y.x/ one needs 18 multiplications/divisions and 15 addition-
s/subtractions. The efficiency can be improved just by simple algebraic manipulations of the
First, define the following function (called the node polynomial):
and the following numbers, which are independent of x, and thus can be computed once and for
all x i.e., out of the loop when computing y.x/, (note that i are also independent of fi , so the
same calculation can be used to interpolate different data!)
1 1 1
1 D ; 2 D ; 3 D
.x1 x2 /.x1 x3 / .x2 x1 /.x2 x3 / .x3 x1 /.x3 x2 /
then, Eq. (12.3.20) can be re-written as
✓ ◆
1 2 3
y D l.x/ y1 C y2 C y3
x x1 x x2 x x3
And thus, for the general case, the new form of the Lagrange interpolation is given by (first done
by Jacobi in his PhD thesis)
n Y
y.x/ D l.x/ yi ; l.x/ D .x xi /; i (12.3.21)
i D0
x xi i D0 j ¤i xi xj
It can be seen that, in this form, the Lagrange basis li .x/ is written as
li .x/ D l.x/ (12.3.22)
x xi
To test the efficiency of this new form, one can try to use random data. For example, in
Fig. 12.8, 80 random yi in Œ 1; 1ç are generated corresponding to 80 Chebyshev nodes. Then,
Eq. (12.3.21) was used to compute y.x/ at 2001 drawing points to get the interpolating poly-
nomial (the blue curve in the figure). The new form is about 1.5 times faster than the original
Figure 12.8: A Lagrange interpolating polynomial through 80 random values at 80 Chebyshev nodes. The
solid red dots are the data points.
But that’s not the end of the story. We can massage the formula to get more of it. Using the
PoU property of li .x/, we can find a formula of l.x/ as:
i 1
li .x/ D 1 H) l.x/ D 1 H) l.x/ D Pn (12.3.23)
i i D1
x xi i D1 x xi
i yi
y.x/ D ; i (12.3.24)
i D0
x xi i D1
x xi j ¤i xi xj
What’s special about this form, beside the fact that it is more efficient than the previous formséé ?
Actually, this formula has a form that most of us are familiar with. To show that, let’s introduce
this symbol
wi D (12.3.25)
x xi
Eq. (12.3.24) then becomes:
wi yi
y.x/ D Pi D0
n (12.3.26)
i D1 wi
This has the exactly same form of the center of mass in physics, see Eq. (7.8.17), if we think of
wi as the masses of particles. Barycenter is the term used in astrophysics for the center of mass
of two or more bodies orbiting each other. Therefore, Eq. (12.3.24) is called the barycentric
where we have used the formula of the sum of the first n positive integers, see Eq. (2.5.2). For
various values of n, the corresponding values of I.n/ are given in Table 12.3. We can observe a
few things from this table. First, I.n/ always overestimates I –this should be obvious by looking
at Fig. 12.9. Second, we need 500 000 intervals to get an accuracy of 6 decimals. This is not
You can check this by implementing this form and compare with the others. In Julia you can use the package
BenchmarkTools for measuring the running time of a program.
x0 x1 x2 x3 x
Figure 12.9: Numerical integration of y D x from 0 to 1 using three (n D 3) equal sub-intervals and the
right points. Obviously the area is overestimated by an amount of E1 C E2 C E3 , which is the area of
the crossed triangles above the curve y D x.
Table 12.3: Numerical integration of 0 xdx. Exact value is 0.5.
As for any approximation we need to know the associated error with our numerical integral.
Looking at Fig. 12.9, the error, denoted by E.3/, is obviously:
1 1 1
E.3/ D E1 CE2 CE3 D Œ.y1 y0 /C.y2 y1 /C.y3 y2 / D .y3 y0 / D (12.4.2)
2 2 2
where y3 D f .1/ D 1 and y0 D f .0/ D 0, and this error can be generalized to E.n/ D 0:5 .
The data (last row in Table 12.3) confirms this. Now, we can understand why the sequence .E.n//
converges slowly to 0.5. This is because the error is proportional only to . We desperately need
better methods, those for which the error is proportional to 2 or higher powers of .
approximation, known as the mid-point rule, is obtained by also dividing the interval Œa; bç into
n equal sub-intervals as before; however the height of a slice is computed at the mid-point of a
sub-interval (Fig. 12.10a). The corresponding integral is thus given by
n 1 ✓ ◆
M.n/ D ⇥ f .2i C 1/ (12.4.3)
i D0
We use the symbol M.n/ to remind us itRis a mid-point rule. It can be seen from Fig. 12.10a that
this mid-point rule gives exact value of 0 xdx. We can also get the same value algebraically.
y y
y=x 2
Ai = (yi + yi+1 )
yi yi+1
x0 x1 x2 x3 x x0 x1 x2 x3 x xi xi+1 x
(a) Mid-point rule (b) Trapezoidal rule
Figure 12.10: Second order quadrature rules: mid-point and trapezoidal rule. In a mid-point rule, each
slice is still a rectangle of which the height is evaluated at the mid-point, whereas in the trapezoidal rule
each slice is now a trapezoidal.
Let’s seeR the performance of the mid-point rule for a harder function y D x 2 . That is, we’re
computing 0 x 2 dx D 1=3. The results, given in Table 12.4, indicates that it is a 2nd order
method (look at the last column).
Table 12.4: Performance of the mid-point rule versus the for 0 x 2 dx (exact value is 1/3).
In a similar manner, one can develop a trapezoidal rule where each slice is now a trapezoidal,
because we know how to compute the area of a trapezoidal. Thus, the integral is given by (T in
1 1
a2 D Œf . 1/ C f .1/ç f .0/; a1 D Œf .1/ f . 1/ç ; a0 D 2f .0/ (12.4.5)
2 2
Using the method of undetermined coefficients to get three equations for three unknowns a0 ; a1 ; a2 .
Going from Œ 1; 1ç to Œc; d ç is easy. By using a change of variableé , we thus obtain the well-
known Simpson’s rule:
Z d ✓ ◆
d c cCd
f .x/dx ⇡ f .c/ C 4f C f .d / (12.4.7)
c 6 2
More often we need to break the interval Œa; bç into n equal sub-intervals of length D .b a/=n
and apply the Simpson rule for each interval:
Z b n Z
X aCi
f .x/dx ⇡ f .x/dx
a i D1 aC.i 1/
X n
D f .a C .i 1/ / C 4f .a C i =2/ C f .a C i /
i D1
We test the performance of Simpson’s rule for x 2 ; x 3 and x 4 . The Julia code is given in
Listing B.10 which is based on Eq. (12.4.8). The error for y D x 2 is zero which is expected.
The error is also zero for y D x 3 , which is a surprise. And the error for y D x 4 is proportional
to 4 ; Simpson’s rule is a 4th order method, which explains its popularity in calculators and
n 1 10 100
If you’re not clear of this change of variable, check Section 12.4.3.
Another derivation. By now we can see that all quadrature rules have this common form
Z b X
f .x/dx D wi f .xi / (12.4.9)
a i
that is the sum of f .x/ evaluated at some points xi multiplied with a weight wi . In other words,
the integral is a weighted sum of function values at specially selected locations. So, we can select
a prior xi ’s–the quadrature points–and determine the corresponding
R1 weights wi . The first choice
is to use equally spaced quadrature points. For example, 1 f .x/dx can be computed as with 3
equally spaced points at 1; 0; 1:
Z 1
f .x/dx D w1 f . 1/ C w2 f .0/ C w3 f .1/ (12.4.10)
The problem is now how to determine the weights wi . We use Simpson’s idea of parabolic
approximation to replace f .x/ by ax 2 C bx C c. With this f .x/, Eq. (12.4.10) becomes:
a D w1 .a b C c/ C w2 .c/ C w3 .a C b C c/
D a.w1 C w3 / C b.w3 w1 / C c.w1 C w2 C w3 /
So we have two expressions supposed to be identical for all values of a; b; c. This can happen
only when: 9
w1 C w3 D 2=3> = 1 4
w1 w3 D 0 H) w1 D w3 D ; w2 D
; 3 3
w1 C w2 C w3 D 0
which is the same result we have obtained in Eq. (12.4.6).
Newton-Cotes rule. It can be seen that the mid-point rule can be derived similarly to the
Simpson rule by approximating the function f .x/ with a constant function within each slice.
And the trapezoidal rule is where a linear approximation to the function was used. Actually these
rules are special cases of the so-called Newton-Cotes rules. Note that, in Newton-Cotes rules,
the quadrature points are evenly spaced along the interval and thus known. We just need to find
the quadrature weights wi .
Two-point Gauss rule. In the two-point Gauss rule, two quadrature points are used, thus we
write Z 1
f .x/dx D w1 f .x1 / C w2 f .x2 / (12.4.11)
To determine the 4 unknowns (i.e., .x1 ; x2 ; w1 ; w2 /), we need 4 equations. Gauss’s idea is to
exactly integrate these functions 1; x; x 2 ; x 3 . Using Eq. (12.4.11) for these 4 functions, we have
f .x/ D 1 W 2 D w1 C w2
f .x/ D x W 0 D w1 x1 C w2 x2
f .x/ D x 2 W D w1 x12 C w2 x22
f .x/ D x 3 W 0 D w1 x13 C w2 x23
Four equations and four unknowns should be ok. But the equations are nonlinear. How to solve
them? Lucky for us, the equations are symmetric: changing w1 with w2 does not change the
equations! So we know w1 D w2 and thus from the first equation they are both equal to one.
p p
Symmetry demands that x1 D x2 . Then, it is straightforward to get x1 D 1= 3 and x2 D 1= 3.
The two-point Gauss rule is thus given by
Z 1 ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1 1
f .x/dx ⇡ 1 ⇥ f p C1⇥f p
1 3 3
So, with two quadrature points (now referred to as Gauss points) Gauss quadrature can integrate
exactly cubic polynomials, by its very definition.
Three-point Gauss rule. In the same manner, we can develop the three-point Gauss rule:
Z 1
f .x/dx D w1 f .x1 / C w2 f .x2 / C w3 f .x3 / (12.4.12)
To determine the 6 unknowns, we need 6 equations. So, the idea is to exactly integrate these six
functions 1; x; x 2 ; x 3 ; x 4 ; x 5 . Using Eq. (12.4.12) for these 6 functions, we have
f .x/ D 1 W 2 D w1 C w2 C w3
f .x/ D x W 0 D w1 x1 C w2 x2 C w3 x3
f .x/ D x 2 W D w1 x12 C w2 x22 C w3 x32
f .x/ D x 3 W 0 D w1 x13 C w2 x23 C w3 x33
f .x/ D x 4 W D w1 x14 C w2 x24 C w3 x34
f .x/ D x 5 W 0 D w1 x15 C w2 x25 C w3 x35
x1 D x; w1 D w
x2 D 0; w2 D w2
x3 D x; w3 D w
Z p
5 8 5 p
f .x/dx ⇡ f . 3=5/ C f .0/ C f . 3=5/ (12.4.13)
1 9 9 9
So, with three Gauss points Gauss quadrature can integrate exactly quintic polynomials. We can
generalize this to: using n Gauss points, Gauss’ rule can integrate exactly polynomials of degree
equal or less than 2n 1.
How we are going to develop 4-point Gaussian quadrature and higher order versions? The
way we just used would become tedious. But wait. The quadrature points xi are special. Can
you say what they are? Yes, they are the roots of Legendre polynomials, see Table 11.4. That’s
why Gaussian quadrature is also referred to as Gauss-Legendre (GL) quadrature. While this
is a pleasant surprise, we need to be able to explain why Legendre polynomials appear here.
Then, nice formula will appear and derivation of GL quadrature of any points will be a breeze.
Table 12.7 presents values for some GL rules.
n ⇠i wi
1 0. 2.0000000000
2 ˙0:5773502692 1.0000000000
3 ˙0:7745966692 0:5555555556
0. 0:8888888889
4 ˙0:8611363116 0.3478548451
˙0:3399810436 0.6521451549
Rb R1
Arbitrary interval. We need a f .x/dx not 1 f .⇠/d ⇠. A simple change of variable is needed:
x D 0:5.1 ⇠/a C 0:5.1 C ⇠/b. So, the n points GL quadrature is given by
Z Z " ✓ ◆#
b a 1
b a X aCb b a
f .x/dx D f .x.⇠//d ⇠ ⇡ wi f C ⇠i
a 2 1 2 i
2 2
which can accurately integrate any polynomial of degree less than or equal 2n 1.
2 Z 1
D p5 .xi /wi ; wi WD li .x/dx; xi are roots of L3 .x/ D 0
iD0 1
Now, we understand why GL points are the roots of Legendre polynomials. You should double
check the values in Table 12.7 using this.
xnC1 D g.xn /; n D 0; 1; 2; : : :
And we continue until we arrive at the solution ˛ (i.e., ˛ D g.˛/). Practically it is when the so-
called stopping condition jxn xn 1 j < ✏ is met, where ✏ is a small positive number controlling
the tolerance. Then the iterations stop.
To motivate the discussion, let’s use the fixed point method to solve the following equations:
E1 W x D 1 C 0:5 sin x
E2 W x D 3 C 2:0 sin x
One way is to cast f .x/ D 0 as x D x C f .x/. But note that this form might not work. Herein I skip the
discussion on how to choose g.x/ that guarantee the success of the method.
A simple plotting shows that both equations have one solution. But if we use the fixed point
iterations we see that, while it works for the first equation (the iterates xn converge to the correct
solution), it does not work for the second (Fig. 12.11). The question is why?
2.5 4
0.0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5
(a) g.x/ D 1 C 0:5 sin x (b) g.x/ D 3 C 2:0 sin x (c) g.x/ D 2:8x.1 x/.
Figure 12.11: Fixed point iterations for two functions given in Eq. (12.5.1) and g.x/ D 2:8x.1 x/.
Source code: fixed_point_iter.jl.
Now consider this equation x D g.x/ with one solution denoted by ˛. We consider the
interval Œa; bç that contains ˛. Now, as always, to analyze the method, we study the error enC1 D
˛ xnC1 . The error is certainly a seque]Simply a list of many numbers., and if this sequence
converges to zero when n is getting larger, then the method works. We compute the error now:
The mean value theorem (Section 4.11.2) gives us a way to understand f .˛/ f .xn /:
The boxed equation tells us: the distance to the fixed point ˛ is shrinking every iteration. And
that’s exactly what we see in Fig. 12.11a or Table 12.8. The boxed equation can be used to show
j˛ xn j n j˛ x0 j
If 1, then the red term e.g. n will vanish, thus the error j˛ xn j is vanishing too, and voilà,
the iterates xn converge to the solution.
Is it possible to find ? From Table 12.8, we can see that ⇡ 0:0361. It turns out that
D g 0 .˛/ D g 0 .1:4987011332479/. The reason is as follows. The MVT gives us
Table 12.8: Fixed point iterations for g.x/ D 1 C 0:5 sin x with x0 D 0 and ✏ D 10 6.
0 0.0000000000000 1.4987011335180 - -
j˛ xnC1 j j˛ xnC1 j
D jg 0 .⇠n /j H) lim D lim jg 0 .⇠n /j (12.5.2)
j˛ xn j n!1 j˛ xn j n!1
˛ xnC1
˛ xnC1 ⇡ g 0 .˛/.˛ xn /; or ⇡ g 0 .˛/
˛ xn
This equation says that the ratio ˛ xnC1=˛ xn has the same sign with g 0 .˛/. When g 0 .˛/ is
negative, ˛ xnC1 and ˛ xn are of different sign; the iterates oscillate between ˛. Indeed, for
g.x/ D 2:8x.1 x/, g 0 .x/ D 2:8 5:6x < 0 at the solution.
Now, we can also explain why the method did not work for g.x/ D 3 C 2 sin x. This is
because jg 0 .˛/j > 1. When this is the case, from j˛ xnC1 j ⇡ jg 0 .˛/jj.˛ xn /j, we see that
the errors will increase as we approach the root rather than decrease in size. This is what we see
in Fig. 12.11b. Precisely g 0 .˛/ D 1:99, negative: that’s why we’re seeing a cobweb.
We can think of the above equation as the velocity of an object. Suppose that at a given time t
the object has a certain position x.t/. What is the position at a slightly later time t C ✏? (✏ is
referred to as the time step). If we can answer this question we have solved Eq. (12.6.1), for then
we can start with the initial position x0 and compute how it changes for the first instant ✏, the
next instant 2✏, and so on.
Now, if ✏ is small, we can compute the velocity as the averaged velocityéé
x.t C ✏/ x.t/
xP D (12.6.2)
Refer to Chapter 9 for an introduction to these ODEs.
Katherine Johnson (August 26, 1918 – February 24, 2020) was an American mathematician whose calculations
of orbital mechanics as a NASA employee were critical to the success of the first and subsequent U.S. crewed
spaceflights. During her 33-year career at NASA and its predecessor, she earned a reputation for mastering complex
manual calculations and helped pioneer the use of computers to perform the tasks. The space agency noted her
"historical role as one of the first African-American women to work as a NASA scientist".
Or if you like you can say that we are using the forward difference formula for the first derivative of x.t /.
They are equivalent.
With that xP being substituted into Eq. (12.6.1), we can get x.t C ✏/:
x.t C ✏/ x.t/
D f .x; t/ H) x.t C ✏/ D x.t/ C ✏f .x; t/ (12.6.3)
The boxed equation, which is the Euler method, enables the solution x.t/ to advance or march
in time starting from x.0/. If you use Euler’s method with small ✏ you will find that it works
nicely. (Just try it with some 1st ODE). We rush now to second order ODEs which are more fun.
But how small is small for ✏? Does the numerical solution converge to the exact solution when
✏ goes to zero? What is the accuracy of the method? Those are questions that mathematicians
seek answer for. For now, let’s have fun first and in Section 12.6.7 we shall try to answer those
questions. That’s how scientists and engineers approach a problem.
The Euler method is easy to program. Usually it works nicely but for some problems it per-
forms badly, and simple harmonic oscillation is one of them (Fig. 12.12). Input data used:
k D m D 1, x0 D 1, v0 D 0 and b D 0 (i.e., no damping), the total time is three periods and
time step ✏ D 0:01. The plot of x.t/ shows that the amplitude of the oscillation keeps increasing
(Fig. 12.12a). This means that energies also increase, and thus energy conservation is violated.
Thus, the phase portrait is no longer a nice circleéé (Fig. 12.12b). The orange is the exact phase
To understand what went wrong, we need a better notation. Instead of writing x.n✏/, we
write xn . Thus the subscript n is used to indicate the time when a certain term is evaluated; the
discrete time events are tn D n✏ for n D 0; 1; 2; : : : With the new notation, Eq. (12.6.6) becomes
xnC1 D xn C ✏vn
vnC1 D vn C ✏Fn
Refer to Fig. 9.8 and the related discussion if phase portrait is not clear.
0.25 0.5
0 5 10 15 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
t x
(a) (b)
Figure 12.12: Euler’s method does not conserve : simple harmonic oscillation problem.
As the total energy is wrong, we analyze it. At two iterations or time steps tn and tnC1 , the total
energies are (without loss of generality I used m D k D 1)
1 1
En D vn2 C xn2
2 2 (12.6.8)
1 2 1 2
EnC1 D vnC1 C xnC1
2 2
Now using Eq. (12.6.7), we compute EnC1 :
1 1 ✏2 ✏2
EnC1 D .vn C ✏Fn /2 C .xn C ✏vn /2 D En C ✏Fn vn C Fn2 C ✏xn vn C vn2 (12.6.9)
2 2 2 2
Noting that Fn D xn , thus the change in total energy is
✓ ◆
2 1 2 1 2
En WD EnC1 En D ✏ x C v >0 (12.6.10)
2 n 2 n
And that’s why the numerical total energy is increasing and finally it will blow up the computa-
vnC1 D vn C ✏Fn
xnC1 D xn C ✏vnC1
The only change is in the red term, instead of using vn , now vnC1 is used. If you modify the code
(very slightly) and rerun the SHO problem, you will see that the results are very good. Cromer
in his paper entitled Stable solutions using the Euler approximation (so Cromer did not call his
method Cromer’s method and he gave credit to Aspel even though in a footnote) presented a
mathematical analysis of why the method works.
The change in total energy is now given by
✓ ◆
2 1 2 1 2
En D ✏ v x ✏ 3 vn xn (12.6.12)
2 n 2 n
dvx GM m dvy GM m
m D x; m D y (12.6.13)
dt r3 dt r3
We have two ODEs, not one. But that’s no problem. Don’t forget that r D x 2 C y 2 . Using the
Euler-Aspel-Cromer method, we have (as the mass of the Sun is too big, it is assumed that the
Sun is stationary)
rn D xn2 C yn2
✓ ◆
vx;nC1 D vx;n C ✏ xn
✓ ◆ (12.6.14)
vy;nC1 D vy;n C ✏ yn
xnC1 D xn C ✏vx;nC1
ynC1 D yn C ✏vy;nC1
with the initial conditions .x0 ; y0 / and .vx0 ; yy0 /, to be discussed shortly. Remark: the notation
got a bit ugly now: vx;nC1 means the x component of the velocity at time step n C 1.
Before we can run the code, there is the matter of choice of units. As the radius of Earth’s
orbit around the sun is about 1:5 ⇥ 1011 m, a graph showing this orbit would have labels of
1 ⇥ 1011 m, 2 ⇥ 1011 m etc., which is awkward. It is much more convenient to use astronomical
units, AU, which are defined as follows. One astronomical unit of length (i.e., 1 AU) is the
average distance between the Sun and the Earth, which is about 1:5 ⇥ 1011 m. For time, it is
convenient to measure it in years. What is then the unit of mass?
Recall that the Earth’s orbit is, to a very good approximation, circular. Thus, there must be a
force equal to ME v 2 =r (r D 1 AU), where v is the Earth’s speed which is equal to 2⇡ r=.1 yr/ D
2⇡ AU/yr. Thus, we have
D 2
H) GM D v 2 r D 4⇡ 2 AU3 /yr2
r r
Now, we discuss the initial positions and velocities for
Mercury (as we want to see an ellipse). Using astronomical
data we know that the eccentricity of the elliptical orbit for
Mercury is e D 0:206, and the radius (or semi major axis)
a D 0:39 AU. For the simulation, we assume that the initial
position of Mercury is at the aphelion .x0 ; y0 / D .r1 ; 0/
with r1 D a.1 C e/ (check Section 4.12.2 if something not
clear). The initial velocity is .0; v1 /. How to compute this v1 ?
We need two equations: angular momentum conservation
and energy conservation evaluated at two points; these two
equations involve two unknown velocities v1 and v2 . The
angular momentum is rx py ry px , evaluated at two points
.r1 ; 0/ and .0; r2 /:
Figure 12.13: Mercury elliptical or-
v1 r1 p
v1 r1 D v2 b H) v2 D ; b D a 1 e2 bit.
With m being the mass of Mercury and M the mass of the Sun, conservation of total energy
provides us the second equation:
GM m 1 2 GM m 1 2
C mv1 D C mv2
r1 2 r2 2
d v1 d r1
m1 D F 1; D v1
dt dt
Using the Euler-Aspel-Cromer method, we update the velocity and position for mass m1 :
Then we do the same thing for the other two masses. That’s it. It’s time to generalize to N bodies.
And with thaté we get the beautiful figure-eight in Fig. 12.14a with equal masses (I used m1 D
m2 D m3 D 1 and G D 1). You can go to the mentioned wikipedia page to see the animation.
Now with mass m2 slightly changed to r 2 .0/ D .0:1; 0/ instead, we get Fig. 12.14b. How about
solution time? With a time step ✏ D 0:01 and a total time of about 6 (whatever unit it is), that is
600 iterations or steps, the code runtime is about 42 seconds including generation of animations
on a 16 GB RAM Mac mini with Apple M1 chip.
(a) (b)
method is a popular method to integrate Newton’s equations of motion xR D f .x; t/. We begin
with Taylor expansions:
x.t/ «.t/ 3
x.t C ✏/ D x.t/ C x.t/✏
P C ✏2 C ✏
2 3ä (12.6.16)
x.t/ «.t/ 3
x.t ✏/ D x.t/ x.t/✏P C ✏2 ✏
2 3ä
Adding and subtracting these two equations we obtain
x.t C ✏/ C x.t ✏/ D 2x.t/ C x.t/✏
x.t C ✏/ x.t ✏/ D 2x.t/✏
And from that, we obtain the Verlet methodè
x.t C ✏/ D 2x.t/ x.t ✏/ C x.t/✏ R
x.t C ✏/ x.t ✏/ (12.6.18)
x.t/ D
We can see that the position update requires positions at previous two time steps (i.e., x.t ✏/
and x.t / ). Thus the Verlet method is a two-step method and furthermore it is not self starting. At
t D 0, we need x. ✏/. The velocities are not required in the position update, but often they are
necessary for the calculation of certain physical quantities like the kinetic energy. That where
the second equation comes in. Due to the blue term in the second equation we will have problem
with round of errors. What is more, we have to store the position at three steps x.t ✏/; x.t /
and x.t C ✏/.
A mathematically equivalent algorithm known as Velocity Verlet was developed to solve
these issues. The Velocity Verlet method is‘ :
1 2
x.t C ✏/ D x.t/ C x.t/✏
P C x.t/✏
✓ 2 ◆ (12.6.19)
R C x.t
x.t/ R C ✏/
P C ✏/ D x.t/
x.t P C ✏
The first equation is obtained by eliminating x.t ✏/ in Eq. (12.6.18): substituting that term
obtained from the second into the first. The derivation of the velocity update is as follows:
x.t C 2✏/ x.t/
P C ✏/ D
x.t C 2✏/ D x.t C ✏/ C x.t
P C ✏/✏ C x.t R C ✏/✏ 2
1 2
x.t C ✏/ D x.t/ C x.t/✏
P C x.t/✏
The algorithm was first used in 1791 by Delambre and has been rediscovered many times since then. It was
also used by Cowell and Crommelin in 1909 to compute the orbit of Halley’s Comet, and by Carl Størmer in 1907
to study the trajectories of electrical particles in a magnetic field (hence it is also called Störmer’s method).
Note that as the velocity update requires the acceleration at t C ✏, the Verlet method cannot be used for
problems in which the force depends on the velocity. For example, it cannot be used to solve damped harmonic
oscillation problems.
where the independent variable x lies within a and b. And our goal is to study the accuracy of
Euler’s method. Let’s start with one example that we know the exact solution (from that we can
calculate the error in Euler’s method):
y 0 D xy; y.0/ D 0:1 H) y.x/ D 0:1e 2 (12.6.21)
lutions with the exact solution in one plot. In this way, we can 0.6
h =0.4
h =0.2
understand the behavior of the method. From the results shown in 0.5 h =0.1
the exact one when the step size h is getting smaller. The second 0.2
problem is now to quantify the error and show that it is getting 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0
1.5 2.0
Q C h/ D y.x/
y.x Q C f .x; y/h (12.6.23)
Now that we have an expression for the error, we need to find an upper bound for it, i.e.,
jEn j ⇤. Note that for the error we’re interested in its magnitude only, thus we need jEnC1 j.
And the triangle inequality (Eq. (2.21.11)) enables us to write
jEnC1 j jEn j C jf .xn ; yn / f .xn ; yQn /jh C jy 00 .⇠/jh2 (12.6.26)
To proceed, we need to introduce some assumptions. The first one is
ˇ D max y 00 .x/ for x 2 Œa; bç (12.6.28)
With these conditions, Eq. (12.6.26) is simplified to
What we do with this equation? Start with E0 , which is assumed to be zero, we compute E1 ,
then E2 and so on:
We can see a pattern here, and that pattern gives us jEnC1 j (recall that ˛ D 1 C hL):
˛n 1 2 .1 C hL/n 1
jEnC1 j ˇh D ˇh (12.6.30)
˛ 1 L
This equation gives a bound for jEn j in terms of h, L, ˇ and n. Note that for a fixed h, this error
bound increases with increasing n. This is in agreement with the example of y 0 D xy that we
considered at the beginning of the section.
With this inequality .1 C hL/n e nhL and nh b a, we then have
e nhL 1 e .b a/L 1
jEnC1 j ˇh ˇh WD Kh (12.6.31)
We have just showed that the error at time step n is proportional to h with the proportionality
constant K depending on L; ˇ and the time interval b a. With this result, we’re now able to
talk about the error of Euler’s method: it is defined as the maximum of jEn j over all the time
E WD max jEn j Kh H) E D O.h/ H) lim E D 0 (12.6.32)
n h!0
Figure 12.15: A 2D (uniform) finite difference grid: the space Œ0; Lç is discretized by N points.
To start simple, we use the forward difference for the time partial derivative ✓ t evaluated at
Substituting Eqs. (12.7.1) and (12.7.2) into the heat equation (after removing the high order
terms of course), we get the following equation
This is called a finite difference equation for the heat equation. Note that, there are N 2 such
equations for N unknowns ✓inC1 for i D 0; 1; : : : ; N 1 as the temperature is known at time n.
But do not worry we have two equations coming from the boundary conditions. Another note,
Eq. (12.7.3) is just one specific type of finite difference equation for the heat equation. We can
develop other FD equations e.g. if we use the backward difference for ✓ t instead of the forward
difference in Eq. (12.7.1). But, there is something nice about Eq. (12.7.3). In that equation, for
any i , there is only one unknown ✓inC1 . So, we can solve for it easily:
t ⇥ n ⇤
✓inC1 D ✓in C 2 ✓ 2✓in C ✓in 1 ; i D 1; : : : ; N 2 (12.7.4)
. x/2 i C1
This equation is called a computational molecule or stencil and plotted in Fig. 12.15 (right). And
this finite difference method is known as the Forward Time Centered Space or FTCS method.
What is more, it is an explicit method. It is so called because to determine ✓inC1 , we do not have
to solve any system of equations. Eq. (12.7.4) provides an explicit formula to quickly compute
✓inC1 . There are explicit methods, just because there are implicit ones. And the next section
presents one implicit method.
xn xn 1 xn xn 1
xP D H) D sin xn
t t
Obviously to solve for xn with xn 1 known we have to solve the boxed equation, which is a non-
linear equation. This is an implicit method which involves the solution of a nonlinear equation.
On the contrary, an explicit method does not need to solve any equation; see Eq. (12.7.4) for
example. So, you might be thinking we should not then use implicit methods. But that’s not the
whole story, otherwise the backward Euler’s method would not have been developed.
Getting back to the heat equation, now we write ✓ t as
✓ ◆n
@✓ ✓ n ✓in 1
D i C O. t/ (12.7.5)
@t i t
Substituting Eqs. (12.7.2) and (12.7.5) into the heat equation, we get the following equation
✓in ✓in 1 ✓inC1 2✓in C ✓in 1
D 2 ; i D 1; : : : ; N 2 (12.7.6)
t . x/2
And we have obtained the Backward Time Centered Space (BTCS) difference method for the
heat equation. In the above equation only the red term is known, and thus we cannot solve it
equation by equation. Instead we have to assemble all the equations into Ax D b and solve
this system of linear equations once for all ✓in . To get the matrix A, we just need to rewrite
Eq. (12.7.6) in which we separate the knowns (in the RHS of the equation) and the unknownséé :
2 t
s✓in 1 C .1 C 2s/✓in s✓inC1 D ✓in 1 ; i D 1; : : : ; N 2; s WD (12.7.7)
. x/2
Noting that each equation involves only three unknowns at point i 1, i and i C 1, thus, when
we assemble all the equations from all the nodes, we get a tridiagonal matrix A. For example,
if we have six points (i.e., N D 6), we will have (the first and last row come from the boundary
conditions ✓0=5
D ✓0=5 ):
2 32 3 2 3
1 0 0 0 0 0 ✓0n ✓0⇤
6 76 7 6 7
6 s 1 C 2s s 0 0 0 7 6✓1n 7 6✓1n 1 7
6 7 6 n7 6 n 17
60 1 C 2s 07 6 7 6 7
6 s s 0 7 6✓2 7 D 6✓2 7 (12.7.8)
60 07 6 7 6 7
6 0 s 1 C 2s s 7 6✓3n 7 6✓3n 1 7
6 76 7 6 7
40 0 0 s 1 C 2s s 5 4✓4n 5 4✓4n 1 5
0 0 0 0 0 1 ✓5n ✓5⇤
To see more clearly the pattern of the matrix, we need to have a bigger matrix. For example, with
100 points, we have the matrix shown in Fig. 12.16; the one on the left shows the entire matrix
and the right figure shows only the first ten rows/cols. Eq. (12.7.8) is obviously of the form
Ax D b and without knowing it beforehand we are back to linear algebra! We need techniques
from that field to have a fast method to solve this system. But we do not delve into that topic
here. We just use a linear algebra library to do that so that we can focus on the PDE (and the
physics we’re interested in).
It is obvious that the BTCS finite difference method is an implicit method as we have to solve
a system of (linear) equations to determine the temperate at all the nodes at a given time. What
are then the pros/cons of implicit methods compared with explicit methods? The next section
gives an answer to that question.
This finite difference equation appeared for the first time in 1924 in a paper of Erhard Schmidt.
Figure 12.16: A tridiagonal matrix resulting from the FDM for the heat equation: obtained using the func-
tion imshow in matplotlib. A tridiagonal matrix is a band matrix that has nonzero elements only on the
main diagonal, the subdiagonal/lower diagonal (the first diagonal below this), and the supdiagonal/upper
diagonal (the first diagonal above the main diagonal). Check the source file heat_btcs.jl for detail.
von Neumann stability analysis is a procedure used to check the stability of finite difference
schemes as applied to linear partial differential equations. The analysis is based on the Fourier
decomposition of numerical error and was developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory after
having been briefly described in a 1947 article by British researchers Crank and Nicolson. Later,
the method was given a more rigorous treatment in an article by John von Neumann.
Let’s denote by A the exact solution to the heat equation (i.e., ✓ t D ˛✓xx ), by D the exact
solution to the finite difference equation corresponding to the heat equation. For example, if we
consider the FTBS method, then D is the exact solution to the following equation
exact sol.
|r| 1
0.4 200
0.2 400
0.0 600
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Figure 12.17: Demonstration of numerical stability in solving ODEs using finite difference methods.
This exact solution was obtained if our computer has no round off errors (which is not reality).
That’s why we have another solution, N , which is the actual solution to Eq. (12.7.9) that we
obtain from our computer. Now, we can define some errors:
discretization error D A D
round off error ✏ D N D H) N D ✏ C D
The stability of numerical schemes is closely associated with numerical error. A finite difference
scheme is stable if the errors made at one time step of the calculation do not cause the errors to be
magnified as the computations are continued. Thus the plan is now to study how ✏ behaves. We
are going to show that the error is also a solution of Eq. (12.7.9). The proof is simply algebraic.
Indeed, as N is the solution to Eq. (12.7.9), we have
✏inC1 ✏in DinC1 Din ✏inC1 2✏in C ✏in 1 DinC1 2Din C Din 1
C D˛ C˛
t t . x/2 . x/2
where the red terms cancel each other leading to
Instead of considering the whole series, we focus on just one term. That is ✏.x; t/ D e at e i kn x .
With that and Eq. (12.7.11), we can obtain the following
ea t 1 e i kn x
2Ce i kn x
D (12.7.13)
˛ t . x/2
Check Section 4.18.3 if this is not clear.
and this allows us to determine the ratio of the error at two consecutive time steps ✏i =✏in :
✏inC1 ˛ t i kn x
D ea t
D1C .e 2 C e i kn x
/ (Eq. (12.7.13))
✏in . x/2
˛ t
D1C .2 cos kn x 2/ (12.7.14)
. x/2
4˛ t kn x
D1 2
. x/ 2
The last two steps are purely algebraic. It is interesting that trigonometry identities play a role
in the context of numerical solutions of the heat equation, isn’t it?
ˇ nC1We do
ˇ not want the error to grow, so we’re interested in when the following inequality holds
ˇ✏i =✏in ˇ 1. With Eq. (12.7.14), this condition becomes
ˇ ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ1 4˛ t sin2 kn x ˇ 1 H) 2˛ t sin2 kn x 1 H) ˛ t 1 (12.7.15)
ˇ . x/2 2 ˇ . x/2 2 . x/2 2
The boxed equation gives the stability requirement for the FTCS scheme as applied to one-
dimensional heat equation. It says that for a given x, the allowed value of t must be small
enough to satisfy the boxed equationéé .
whereas a (part of) numerical solution is shown in Table 12.9. An analytical solution allows
us to compute the solution at any point (in the domain). On the other hand, we only have the
numerical solutions at some points (at the nodes). The analytical solution can tell us how the
parameters (e.g. here) affect the solution. The numerical solutions are obtained only for a
specific value of the parameters.
Now is the time for code verification. The results in Fig. 12.18 indicate that the implementa-
tion is correct and it also confirms the von Neumann stability analysis.
One example to see how small the time step must be: ˛ D 1, x D 0:1, then t 0:05.
Table 12.9: Numerical solutions are given in a tabular format: each row corresponds with a time step.
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
4.0 0.0 0.816 0.973 0.996 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.996 0.973 0.816 0.0
7.5 0.0 0.188 0.358 0.492 0.578 0.607 0.578 0.492 0.358 0.188 0.0
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
Figure 12.18: Analytical versus numerical solution of the heat equation. Ten terms are used in
Eq. (12.7.16). For the FTCS scheme, a time step slightly larger than the upper limit in Eq. (12.7.15)
was used. Thus, the solution shows instability. For later time steps, the numerical solution blew up.
time step t:
✏inC1 kn x
D g; g2 2ˇg C 1 D 0 ; ˇ D 1 2r 2 sin2
✏in 2
Solving the boxed equation we obtain g as
g1;2 D ˇ ˙ ˇ2 1
Note that g can be a complex number and we need jgj 1 so that our method is stable. And
this requires that jˇj 1. In this case, we can write g as
g1;2 D ˇ ˙ i 1 ˇ 2 H) jgj D 1
Figure 12.19: Waves propagating on a string with fixed ends. The data are: c D 300 m=s, L D 1 m, x D
0:01 m, t D x=c. The initial string shape is given at the top, which is a Gaussian pluck u.x; 0/ D
exp k.x x0 /2 with x0 D 0:3 m and k D 1000 1=m2 . The wave is split into two wavepackets
(pulses) which travel in opposite directions (second and third figs). This is consistent with d’ Alembert
solution in Eq. (9.10.6). The left pulse reaches the left end and reflected, this reflection inverts the pulse
so that its displacement is now negative (fourth fig). Meanwhile the right pulse keeps going to the right,
reaches the fixed end, reflected and inverted.
x kC1 D x k k rf .x k /; k D 0; 1; 2; : : :
Let’s consider one example to see how the value of affects the performance of the method.
Example 12.1
We’re going to minimize the following quadratic function:
✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆
3 3 2 x1 x2 9 9 1 1
f .x1 ; x2 / D x1 C .x2 2/ C ; rf D x1 C x2 ; 2x2 4 C x1
4 2 4 8 4 4 4
The exact solution is .1:6; 1:8/. The source code is in gradient_descent_example.jl. The
initial x0 is .5; 4/ and various are used.
gamma 0.01 — final grad 5.764086792320361 gamma 0.1 — final grad 1.304983149085438 gamma 0.2 — final grad 0.34239835144927167
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Check Section 7.5 if this is not clear.
gamma 0.3 — final grad 0.09247189723413639 gamma 0.5 — final grad 0.003267333546280508 gamma 0.75 — final grad 0.028443294078113326
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Two observations can be made: (1) each step indeed takes us towards the solution (i.e., de-
creasing the function f ) and (2) we need to find a good value for to have a fast method.
The specific function considered in the above example belongs to a general quadratic function
of the following form
f .x/ D x > Ax b> x C c
where A is symmetric and positive definiteéé . In what follows we consider c D 0 for simplicity
as it does not affect the solution but only the minimum value of f . Note that due to the positive
definiteness of A, the shape of f is like a bowl (think of the simple function 0:5ax 2 bx with
a > 0 or Fig. 7.7). Thus, there is only one minimum. The gradient of f is rf D Ax bé . For
this case, we can find k exactly. The idea is: choose k such that f .x kC1 / is minimized. This
is simply an one dimensional optimization problem. Let’s consider the following function
1 >
g. k / D f .x kC1 / D .x k k rf .x k // A .x k k rf .x k // b> .x k k rf .x k //
a D rf .x k /> Arf .x k /; d D .b> x>
k A/rf .x k / D rf .x k /> rf .x k /
Thus, k is given by
d rf .x k /> rf .x k /
k D D (12.8.1)
2a rf .x k /> Arf .x k /
See Section 11.10.6.
See Section 12.9.2 for a proof of this.
zag. We have the so-called zig-zag theorem. It goes like this: Let
fx k g be the sequence generated by the steepest descent algorithm. 1
D rf .x k k rf .x k // rf .x k / D .rf .x kC1 /; rf .x k //
This derivative is zero leads to the dot product .rf .x kC1 /; rf .x k // being zero which results
in .x kC1 x k ; x kC2 x kC1 / D 0. ⌅
Obviously a zig-zag path is not the shortest path, so the gradient descent is not a very fast
method. This will be proved later using a convergence analysis and if we zoom in to look
more closely at the path we see that we follow some direction that was taken earlier. In other
words, there exist rf .x i / and rf .xj / which are parallel. This observation will lead to a better
method: the conjugate gradient method, to be presented in Section 12.9.2.
Algorithm 2 Gradient descent algorithm (exact line search for quadratic functions).
1: Inputs: A; b; x 0 , and the tolerance ✏
2: Outputs: the solution x
3: x D x 0
4: rf D Ax b F gradient of f
5: while krf k > ✏ do
rf > rf
6: D rf > Arf F step size
7: xDx rf F update x
8: rf D Ax b
9: end while
Convergence analysis. The gradient descent method generates a sequence fx k g that converges
towards x–the solution. We have seen one numerical evidence of that. And we need a proof.
Then, what is the convergence rate (of the method) that tells us how fast we go from x 0 to x.
Certainly, this rate of convergence is evaluated using error function E.x/:
One choice is to define the error e k D x k x, then define E as the following energy norm:
E.x k / D e >
k Ae k
We need the formula for updating e k , it satisfies the same equation as for x k :
x kC1 x D .x k x/ k rf .x k / ” e kC1 D e k k rf .x k /
Now, we can compute E.x kC1 / by considering its square, and relating it to E.x k /:
Now comes the magic of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. As A is a real symmetric matrix, it has
n independent orthonormal eigenvectors vi and n positive real eigenvalues i , and we use them
as a basis of Rn to express the error–which is a vector in Rn –e k as
ek D ⇠i v i (12.8.3)
i D1
With that it is possible to compute different terms in the last expression of Eq. (12.8.2). We start
n X
rf .x k / D Ax k b D Ae k D A ⇠i v i D ⇠i i vi (12.8.4)
i D1 i D1
! 0 1
n X
n X
rf .x k / rf .x k / D ⇠i i vi
@ ⇠j j vj
AD ⇠i2 2
i D1 j D1 i D1
! 0 1 (12.8.5)
n X
n X
rf .x k /> Arf .x k / D ⇠i i vi
@ ⇠j 2 A
j vj D ⇠i2 3
i D1 j D1 i D1
With all the intermediate results, from Eq. (12.8.2) we can finally get
Œ⇠i2 2i ç2
2 2
ŒE.x kC1 /ç D ŒE.x k /ç 1 (12.8.7)
.⇠i2 3i /.⇠i2 i /
sin 3ı C 4x 3
sin 3ı D 3 sin 1ı 4 sin3 1ı H) x D
We are going to do the samething but for Ax D b: we split the matrix into two matrices
A D S T, then the system becomes .S T/x D b or Sx D Tx C b. Then, following al-Kashi,
we solve this system iteratively, starting from x 0 we get x 1 , and from x 1 we obtain x 2 and so
Sx kC1 D Tx k C b; k D 0; 1; 2; : : : (12.9.1)
Thus, instead of solving Ax D b directly using e.g. Gaussian elimination method, we’re adopting
an iterative method.
It is obvious that we need to select S in a way that
(a) Eq. (12.9.1) is solved easily (or fast), and
(b) The difference (or error) x x k should go quickly to zero. To get an expression for this
difference, subtracting Eq. (12.9.1) from Sx D Tx C b:
Se kC1 D Te k H) e kC1 D S 1 Te k
The matrix B D S 1 T controls the convergence rate of the method.
To demonstrate iterative methods for Ax D b, we first consider the following methods:
Example 12.2
Consider the following system, with solution:
" #" # " # " # " #
C2 1 x C4 x 2
D has the solution D
1 C2 y 2 y 0
xk yk xk yk
which is the kth component of .A C A> /x. Doing something similar, we get the derivative of
b> x is bé . Hence, the derivative of f .x/ is Ax b. Setting this derivative to zero, and we get
the linear system Ax D b. ⌅
So, facing a large sparse linear system Ax D b, we do not solve it directly, but we find the
minimum of the function f .x/. Why we do that? Intuitively finding a minimum of a nice func-
tion such as f .x/, which geometrically is a bowl, seems easy. We just need to start somewhere
on the bowl and moving downhill, more often we will hit home: the bottom of the bowl. We
have actually seen such a method: the gradient descent method in Section 12.8.1.
Why can’t we just use the gradient descent method?
Noting that A D A> as A is symmetric.
A.1 Reading
When you’re solving problems, working through textbooks, getting into the nitty-gritty details
of each topic, it’s so easy to lose the forest for the trees and forget why you even became inspired
to study the topic that you’re learning in the first place. If you read only the text-books, you will
find the subject dull. Text-books on mathematics are written for people who already possess a
strong desire to study mathematics: they are not written to crease such a desire. Do not begin
by reading the subject. Instead, begin by reading around the subject. This is where really, really
good (and non-speculative) books on that topic come in handy: they inspire, they encourage, and
they help you understand the big picture. For mathematics and physics, the following are among
the bests (at least to me):
In A Mathematician’s Lament Paul Lockhart describes how maths is incorrectly taught in schools
and he provides better ways to teach maths. He continues in Measurement by showing us how we
should learn maths by ‘re-discovering maths’ for ourselves. Of course what Paul suggested works
only for self study people. What if you are a high school student? There are two possibilities.
Appendix A. How to learn 919
First, if you fortunately have a great teacher, then just stick with her/him. Second, if you do not
have such luck, you can ignore her/him and self study maths with your own pace. Do not forget
that mark is not important for deep understanding. Having said that, marks are vital for getting
scholarships, sadly.
The Joy of x by Steven Strogatz belongs to a family of maths books that aim to popularize
mathematics. In this family you can also find equally interesting books such as Journey through
Genius by William Dunham, or 17 equations that changed the world by Ian Stewart etc. It is
beneficial at a young age to read these books to realize that mathematics is not a dry, boring
topic. On the contrary, it is interesting. Similarly, An Imaginary Tale: The story
pof square root of
-1 by Paul Nahin is a popular maths book which tells the fascinating story of 1. In the book,
I have referred to many other popular math books (see the Reference list).
The Feynman Lectures on Physics⇤ by the Nobel winning physicist Richard Feymann is
probably the best to learn college level mathematics by studying physics. Bill Gates once said
’Feymann is the best teacher I never had’. In these lectures Feymann beautifully introduced
various physics topics and the mathematics required to describe them. He also describes how
physicists think about problems. Another reason to read these lectures is that it is good to
read books at a level higher than your knowledge. Feymann lectures were written for Caltech
(California Institute of Technology) undergraduates.
Evolution of Physics by the greatest physicist Einstein teaches us how to imagine. Through
imaginary thought experiments the book explains the basic concepts of physics. It is definitely a
must read for all students who want to learn physics.
And if you want to become a professional mathematician, read Letters to a young mathemati-
cian by Ian Stewart [51]. Ian Stewart (born 1945) is a British mathematician who is best-known
for engaging the public with mathematics and science through his many bestselling books, news-
paper and magazine articles, and radio and television appearances.
And don’t forget to read the history of mathematics. Here are some books on this topic:
✏ Men of Mathematics: The Lives and Achievements of the Great Mathematicians from
Zeno to Poincaré by E. T. Bell [4];
If you prefer watching the history of maths unfold, the BBC Four The story of Maths is excellent.
You can find it on YouTube.
How should we read a mathematics textbook?. Of course the first thing to notice is that we
cannot read a math book like reading a novel. The second thing is that we should not read it
page-by-page, word-by-word from the beginning to the end in one go. The third thing is that
maths textbooks are usually many times longer than necessary because they have to include a
The lectures are freely available at
lot of exercises (at the end of each section or chapter). Why so? Mostly to please the publishers
who aim for financial targets not educational ones! As discussed in Section 1.3, it is better to
spend time solving problems rather than exercises. It is certain that we first still have to do a few
exercises to understand a concept/method. But that’s it.
Here is one suggestion on how we should read a math book (based on many recommendations
that I have collected from various sources). It is clear that something that works for one person
might not work for others, but it can be a start:
✏ 1st read: skim through a section/chapter first. The idea is to see the forest, not the trees.
Knowing all the trees in the first go would be too much;
✏ 2nd read: read slowly (with paper/pencil) to get know the trees; focus on the motivation,
the definition, the theorem;
✏ 3rd read: read around; read the history of the concept;
✏ 4th read: pay attention to the proofs; study them carefully and reproduce a proof for
It is not a surprise that many of us have studied many topics naturally i.e., without understand-
ing how the brain works. We can compensate for that lack of knowledge by reading Learning
How to Learn by Barbara Oakley and Terry Sejnowski. I do not repeat their advice here, because
they’re the experts and I am not. Instead, I provide my owns that I have learned and developed
over the years (I do not claim they are the best practices, I just feel that I should share what I
think are useful; I wish I had known them when in school):
✏ If you have a bad teacher, simply ignore his/her class. There are excellent math teachers
online. Learn from them instead. You can listen to the story of Steven Strogatz at https:
// to see how a teacher can change your love
to mathematics and then your life;
✏ If you have questions (any) on maths, you can post them to https://math. and get answers;
✏ The best way to learn is to teach. If you do not have such opportunity, you can write about
what you know. Similar to this note. Or you can write a blog on maths. Writing is one of
the best way to consolidate your understanding of what you have learn (not only maths)éé .
You might wonder ’but writing is time consuming’. That is not true if you write just one
page per day and you’re doing that consistently for everyday;
As Dick Guindon once said Writing is nature’s way of letting you know how sloppy your thinking is.
✏ LATEX is the best tool (as for now) for writing mathematics. So it is not a bad idea to learn
it and use it (for Mathematics Stack Exchange you have to use LATEX anyway). This book
was typeset using LATEX; If you do not know where to start with LATEX, check this youtube
video out;
✏ While learning maths, it is a good habit to keep in mind that mathematics is about ideas
not formula or numbers. So, first you should be able to express the idea in your own
speaking language. Then, translate that to the language of maths. For example, the idea
of convergence of a sequence expressed in both English and mathematics:
✏ Just like learning any speaking languages, to speak the language of maths you have to
study its vocabulary. You should get familiar with Greek symbols like ✏; ı, 8 etc.;
✏ And as Euclid told Ptolemy 1st Soter, the first king of Egypt after the death of Alexander
the Great ‘there is no royal road to geometry’, you have to do mathematics. Just as to
enjoy swimming you have to jump into the water, by just watching others swimming you
will never understand the excitement;
✏ Knowing the name of something doesn’t mean you understand itéé There is a way to
test whether you understand something or only know the name/definition. It’s called the
Feynman Technique, and it works like this: “Without using the new word which you have
just learned, try to rephrase what you have just learned in your own language.”;
✏ As there is no single book that can covers everything about any topics, it is better to have
a couple of good books for any topics;
✏ Read mathematics books very slowly; do not lose the forest for the trees. Study the defini-
tions carefully, why we need them. Then, play with the definitions to see what properties
they might possess. Until then, study the theorems. And finally the proofs. If you just want
to be a scientist or engineer, then focus less on the proofs;
✏ Study the history of mathematics. Not only it tells you interesting stories but also it reveals
that great mathematicians are also human, they had to struggle, they failed many times
before succeeded in developing a sound mathematical idea;
✏ If you fall behind in maths, physics, chemistry (I used to in 8th grade), just focus on
improving your maths. Being better at math, you will do fine with physics and chemistry.
Remember that math is the language God talks;
Feymann’s father once told him “See that bird? It’s a brown-throated thrush, but in Germany it’s called a
halzenfugel, and in Chinese they call it a chung ling and even if you know all those names for it, you still know
nothing about the bird.”
✏ Facing a math problem, you should do something: loosen up yourself, draw something,
write down something ... And in your head say that “I can solve it, I can solve it”. This is
called a growth mindset a term presented by Psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck of Stanford
✏ To have a sharp mind and body we do exercies. Similarly your maths will be rusty if
you do not use it. I heard that Zdeněk Bažant– a Professor of Civil Engineering and
Materials Science at Northwestern University–keeps solving a partial differential equation
everyweek! Note that he is not a mathematician; but he needs maths for his work;
✏ If you plan to become an engineer or scientist and you were not born with drawing abilities,
then practice drawing. Many figures in this book were drawn manually and this was
intentional as it is a good way for me to practice drawing;
✏ Finally I have collected some learning tips into a document which can be found here.
Feynman’s Epilogue. At the end of his famous physics course at Caltech, Feynman said the
following words, I quote
Well, I’ve been talking to you for two years and now I’m going to quit. In some ways
I would like to apologize, and other ways not. I hope—in fact, I know—that two or
three dozen of you have been able to follow everything with great excitement, and
have had a good time with it. But I also know that “the powers of instruction are of
very little efficacy except in those happy circumstances in which they are practically
superfluous.” So, for the two or three dozen who have understood everything, may I
say I have done nothing but shown you the things. For the others, if I have made you
hate the subject, I’m sorry. I never taught elementary physics before, and I apologize.
I just hope that I haven’t caused a serious trouble to you, and that you do not leave
this exciting business. I hope that someone else can teach it to you in a way that
doesn’t give you indigestion, and that you will find someday that, after all, it isn’t
as horrible as it looks.
Finally, may I add that the main purpose of my teaching has not been to prepare
you for some examination—it was not even to prepare you to serve industry or the
military. I wanted most to give you some appreciation of the wonderful world and
the physicist’s way of looking at it, which, I believe, is a major part of the true culture
of modern times. (There are probably professors of other subjects who would object,
but I believe that they are completely wrong.)
This is probably the ideal learning environment that cannot be repeated by other teachers.
What is then the solution? Selft studying! With a computer connected to the world wide web,
some good books (those books that I’ve used to write this note are good in my opinion), and
amazing free teachers (e.g. 3Blue1Brown, Mathologer, blackpenredpen, Dr. Trefor Bazett), you
can learn mathematics (or any topic) in a fun and productive way.
To encourage young students to learn coding and also to demonstrate the important role of
coding in mathematics, engineering and sciences, in this book I have used many small programs
to do some tedious (or boring) calculations. In this appendix, I provide some snippets of these
programs so that young people can learn programming while learning maths/physics.
There are so many programming languages and I have selected Julia for two main reasons.
First, it is open source (so we can use it for free and we can see its source code if we find that
needed). Second, it is easy to use. For young students, the fact that a programming language is
free is obviously important. The second reason–being easy to use–is more important as we use
a programming language just as a tool; our main purpose is doing mathematics (or physics). Of
course you can use Python; it is also free and easy to use and popular. The reason I have opted
for Julia was to force me to learn this new language; I forced myself to go outside of my comfort
zone, only then I could find something unexpected. There is actually another reason, although
irrelevant here, is that Julia codes run faster than Python ones. Moreover, it is possible to use
Python and Réé in Julia.
It is worthy noting that our aim is to learn coding to use it to solve mathematical problems.
We do not want to learn coding to write software for general use; that is a compltely story.
And that is why I do not spend time (for time is limited) learning how to make graphical user
interfaces (GUI), and do not learn coding with languages such as Visual Basic, Delphi and so
In the text, if there is certain amount of boring calculations (e.g. a table of partial sums of an
infinite series), certainly I have used a small Julia program to do that job. And I have provided
links to the code given in this appendix. Now, in the code snippets, I provide the link back to the
associated text in the book.
To reduce the thickness of the book, all other codes, which are not given in the text, are put
in githubé at this address.
R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety
of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS.
GitHub is a website and cloud-based service that helps developers store and manage their code, as well as
Appendix B. Codes 925
Listing B.1: Computing the square root of a positive real number S . Julia built in functions are in blue
heavy bold font.
1 function square_root(S,x0,epsilon)
2 x = x0 # x is for x_{n+1} in our formula
3 while (true) # do the iterations, a loop without knowing the # of iterations
4 x = 0.5 * ( x + S/x )
5 if (abs(x*x-S) < epsilon) break end # if x is accurate enough, stop
6 end
7 return x
8 end
Listing B.2 is the code to compute the partial sums of a geometric series niD1 1=2i . The code
is typical for calculating a sum of n terms. We initialize the sum to zero, and using a for loop to
add one term to the sum Peach time. Listing B.3 is a similar code, but for the Taylor series of the
sine function sin x D iD1 . 1/i 1 1=.2i 1/äx 2i 1 ; see Section 4.14.6. The code introduces the
use of the factorial(n) function to compute nä Note that we have to use big numbers as nä is
very large for large n.
Listing B.2: Partial sum of geometric series i D1
1=2i . Also produces directly Table 2.11.
1 using PrettyTables # you have to install this package first
2 function geometric_series(n) # make a function named ‘geometric_series’ with 1 input
3 S = 0.
4 for k=1:n # using ’for’ for loops with known number of iterations
5 S += 1/2^k # S += ... is short for S = S + ...
6 end
7 return S
8 end
9 data = zeros(20,2) # this is an array of 20 rows and 2 columns
10 for i=1:20 # produce 20 rows in Table 2.10
11 S = geometric_series(i)
12 data[i,1] = i # row ‘i’, first col is ‘i’
13 data[i,2] = S # second col is S
14 end
15 pretty_table(data, ["n", "S"]) # print the table to terminal
Listing B.3: Calculating sin x using the sine series sin x D i D1 . 1/i 1 1=.2i 1/äx 2i 1 .
Listing B.4 is the program to check whether a natural number is a factorion. Having such a
function, we just need to sweep over, let say the first 100 000 numbers and check every number
if it is a factorion. We provide two solutions: one using the built in Julia‘s function digits to
get the digits of an integer. This solution is a lazy one. The second solution does not use that
function. Only then, we’re forced to work out how to get the digits of a number. Let’s say the
number is 3 258, we can get the digits starting from the first one (and get 3; 2; 5; 8) or we can
start from the last digit (to get 8; 5; 2; 3). The second option is easier because 8 D 3258%10 (the
last digit is the remainder of the division of the given number with 10). Once we have already
got the last digit, we do not need it, so we just need to remove it; 325 D d iv.3258; 10/; that is
325 is the result of the integer division of 3258 with 10.
Listing B.5 is the code for the calculation of sn D nkD0 kn that is the product of all the
binomial coefficients. The idea is the same as the calculation of a sum but we need to initialize
the result to 1 (instead of 0). We use Julia built in function binomial to compute kn .
Qn n Qn
Listing B.5: sn D kD0 k D kD0
nä=.n k/äkä. See Pascal triangle and number e, Section 2.28.
1 function sn(n)
2 product=1.0
3 for k=0:n
4 product *= binomial(big(n),k)
5 end
6 return product
7 end
Listing B.6: Newton-Raphson method to solve f .x/ D 0 using central difference for derivative.
1 function newton_raphson(f,x0,epsilon)
2 x = x0
3 i = 0
4 while ( true )
5 i += 1
6 derx = (f(x0+1e-5)-f(x0-1e-5)) / (2e-5)
7 x = x0 - f(x0)/derx
8 @printf "%i %s %0.8f\n" i " iteration," x
9 if ( abs(x-x0) < epsilon ) break end
10 x0 = x
11 end
12 end
13 f(x) = cos(x) - x # short functions
14 newton_raphson(f,0.1,1e-6)
Listing B.7 implements three functions used to generate Newton fractals shown in Fig. 1.3.
The first function is the standard Newton-Raphson method, but the input is a function of a single
complex variable. The second function get_root_index is to return the position of a root r in
the list of all roots of the equation f .z/ D 0. This function uses the built in function isapprox
to check the equality of two numbers⇤ . The final function plot_newton_fractal loops over a
grid of n ⇥ n points within the domain Œxmin ; xmax ç2 , for each point .x; y/, a complex variable
z0 D x C iy is made and inserted to the function newton to find a root r. Then, it finds the
position of r in the list roots. And finally it updates the matrix m accordingly. We used the code
with the function f .z/ D z 4 1, but you’re encouraged to play with f .z/ D z 12 1.
B.2 Recursion
In Section 2.9 we have met the Fibonacci numbers:
Fn D Fn 1 C Fn 2 ; n 2; F0 D F1 D 1 (B.2.1)
To compute F .n/, we need to use the recursive relation in Eq. (B.2.1). Listing B.8 is the Julia
implementation of Eq. (B.2.1). What is special about this “fibonacci” function? Inside the def-
inition of that function we call it (with smaller values of n). The process in which a function
calls itself directly or indirectly is called recursion and the corresponding function is called a
recursive function.
We should never check the equality of real/complex numbers by checking a DD b; instead we should check
ja bj < ✏, where ✏ is a small positive number. In other words, 0:99998 D 1:00001 D 1 according to a computer.
The built in function is an optimal implementation of this check.
The case n D 0 or n D 1 is called the base case of a recursive function. This is the case that
we know the answer to, thus it can be solved without any more recursive calls. The base case is
what stops the recursion from continuing on forever (i.e., infinite loop). Every recursive function
must have at least one base case (many functions have more than one).
Sometimes the problem does not appear to be recursive. Thus, to master recursion we must
first find out how to think recursively. For example, consider the problem of computing the sum
of the first n integers. Using recursion, we do this:
S.n/ D 1 C 2 C C n D 1 C 2 C C .n 1/ Cn
„ ƒ‚ …
S.n 1/
We also need the base case, which is obviously S.1/ D 1. Now we can implement this in Julia
as in Listing B.9.
Listing B.10: Simpson’s quadrature for a f .x/dx.
1 using PrettyTables
2 function simpson_quad(f,a,b,n)
3 A = 0.
4 deltan = (b-a)/n
5 deltax6 = deltan/6
6 for i=1:n
7 fa = f(a+(i-1)*deltan)
8 fb = f(a+i*deltan)
9 fm = f(a+i*deltan-deltan/2)
10 A += fa + 4*fm + fb
11 end
12 return A*deltax6
13 end
14 fx4(x) = x^4
15 I = simpson_quad(fx4,0,1,10)
interval, and for each ti , we compute x.ti /. Then we plot the points .ti ; x.ti //, these points are
joined by a line and thus we have a smooth curve. This is achieved using the Plots package.
To generate Fig. 12.2, many points in Œ0; 6ç are generated, and for each point xi compute y.xi /,
then we plot the points .xi ; y.xi //.
B.6 Propability
Monte Carlo for pi. I show in Listing B.13 the code that implements the Monte-Carlo method
for calculating ⇡. This is the code used to generate Table 5.3 and Fig. 5.2 (this part of the code
is not shown for brevity). It also presents how to work with arrays of unknown size (line 4 for
the array points2 as we do not in advance how many points will be inside the circle). In line
13, we add one row to this array. Final note, this function returns multiple values put in a tuple
(line 16).
In Listing B.14, I present another implementation, which is much shorter using list
comprehensionéé . In one line (line 3) all n points in Œ0; 1ç2 is generated. . In line 4, we get all
the points inside the unit circle using the filter function⇤⇤ and an anonymous p predicate (x ->
norm(x) <= 1). The norm function, from the LinearAlgebra package, is for x 2 C y 2 .
Computer experiment of tossing a coint. When we toss a coin we either get a head or a tail.
In our virtual coin tossing experiment, we generate a random integer number within Œ1; 2ç, and
we assign one to head and two to tail. We repeat this for n times and count the number of heads
and tails. Listing B.15 is the resulting code. The code introduces the rand function to generate
random numbers.
Using list comprehension we can have a shorter implementation shown in Listing B.16.
A list comprehension is a syntactic construct for creating a list based on existing lists. It follows the form of
the mathematical set-builder notation (set comprehension). For example, S D f2 x W x 2 N; x 2 > 3g.
Filter is a higher-order function that processes a data structure (usually a list) in some order to produce a new
data structure containing exactly those elements of the original data structure for which a given predicate returns
the boolean value true.
Listing B.16: Virtual experiment of tossing a coin in Julia: list comprehension based implementation.
1 function tossing_a_coin(n)
2 coin=[ rand(1:2) for _ in 1:n]
3 return (sum(coin .== 1), sum(coin .== 2))
4 end
Birthday problem. Now we present an implementation of the birthday problem. The procedure
is: we repeat the following steps N times where N is a large counting number:
✏ collect birthdays of n persons; this can be done with [rand(1:365) for _ in 1:n]
✏ count the number of occurences of the above birthdays array; for example with 3 persons,
we can have f1; 2; 2g, and after the counting we get f1; 2g (there is shared birthday), or
f4; 5; 6g with no duplicated elements, we get f1; 1; 1g thus no shared birthday.
Distributions.jl is a Julia package for probability distributions and associated functions. List-
ing B.18 presents a brief summary of some common functions.
The code in Listing B.19 is used to illustrate graphically the central limit theorem. The code
generates n uniformly distributed variables (i.e., X1 ; X2 ; : : : ; Xn ). Then it computes the mean of
Xi s, that is Y D .X1 C C Xn /=n. And this is done for a large number of times (N D 2 ⇥ 104
for example). Then, a histogram of the vector of these N means is plotted (lines 7–8). What we
get is Fig. 5.20a.
Listing B.21: N body problem solved with Euler-Cromer’s method: part II.
1 for n=1:stepCount-1
2 for i = 1: N # loop over the bodies
3 ri = pos[:,i,n] # position vector of body ’i’ at time n
4 fi = zeros(2) # compute force acting on ’i’
5 for j = 1:N
6 if ( j != i )
7 rj = pos[:,j,n] # position vector of body ’j’ at time n
8 mj = mass[j] # mass of body ’j’
9 fij = force(ri,rj,mj) # call the force function
10 fi += fij # add force of ’j’ on ’i’
11 end
12 end
13 vel[:,i,n+1] = vel[:,i,n]+dt*fi # update velocity of body ’i’
14 pos[:,i,n+1] = pos[:,i,n]+dt*vel[:,i,n+1] # update position of body ’i’
15 end
16 end
Listing B.22: N body problem solved with Euler-Cromer’s method: part III.
1 colors = [:blue,:orange,:red,:yellow]
2 anim = @animate for n in 1:stepCount
3 plot(;size=(400,400), axisratio=:equal, legend=false)
4 xlims!(-1.1,1.1)
5 ylims!(-1.1,1.1)
6 scatter!(pos[1,:,n],pos[2,:,n],axisratio=:equal) # plot three masses
7 # plot the trajectory of three masses upto time n
8 plot!(pos[1,1,1:n],pos[2,1,1:n],axisratio=:equal,color=colors[1])
9 plot!(pos[1,2,1:n],pos[2,2,1:n],axisratio=:equal,color=colors[2])
10 plot!(pos[1,3,1:n],pos[2,3,1:n],axisratio=:equal,color=colors[3])
11 end
12 gif(anim, "three-body.gif", fps=30) # fps = frames per second
Listing B.23 is the code used to do a SVD image compression. The result of the code was
given in Fig. 11.28. In the code I used the map function. In many programming languages, map is
the name of a higher-order function that applies a given function to each element of a collection,
e.g. a list or set, returning the results in a collection of the same type. Listing B.24 demonstrates
the use of map.
are much better than my implementation, provided as ‘packages’ or ‘libraries’. When we learn
something we should reinvent the wheel as it is usually the best way to understand something.
But for real work, use libraries. Go to for a list of packages available
in Julia.
coords of the lower right vertex of the triangle. We need a function to draw a triangle given its
lower left corner and its length, thus we wrote the function "tri" in Listing B.27.
Listing B.27: Draw a triangle with the lower left corner and side.
1 void tri(float x, float y, float l) {
2 triangle(x, y, x + l/2, y - sin(PI/3) * l, x + l, y);
3 }
Now, we study the problem carefully. The process is: start with an equilateral triangle. Sub-
divide it into four smaller congruent equilateral triangles and remove the central triangle. Repeat
step 2 with each of the remaining smaller triangles infinitely. Of course we do not divide the
triangles infinitely, but for a finite number of times denoted by n. Note also that subdividing the
biggest triangle by four smaller triangles and remove the central one is equivalent to draw three
smaller triangles.
Now, if n D 1 we just draw the biggest triangle, which is straightforward. For n D 2 we
need to draw three triangles. This is illustrated in Fig. B.3. We’re now ready to write the main
function called "divide", the code is in Listing B.28. The base case is n D 1 and if n D 2 we
call this function again with l replaced by l=2 (smaller triangles) and n replaced by n 1, which
is one, and thus three l=2 sub-triangles are created. Finally, put the divide function inside the
processing built in function draw as shown Listing B.29.
Figure B.3
For more on processing, you can check out this youtube channel.
Listing B.29: Put the drawing functions inside the draw function.
1 void draw() {
2 background(255); // background color
3 divide(x1, y1, l, 3);
4 }
Appendix C. Data science with Julia 943
8 sns.set_style("ticks")
10 train = DataFrame(CSV.File("Pearson.csv"))
11 size(train) % => (1078,2)
12 names(train) % => 2-element Vector{String}: "Father", "Son"
13 first(train,5) % -> print the first 5 rows
14 train[!,:Father] % => do not copy
15 col = train[,:Father] % => copy column Father to col
16 train[train.Father .> 70,:] % => get sub-table where father’s height > 70
18 fig , ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5,5))
19 ax.hist(train[!,:Father],bins=18,density=true)
20 plt.xlabel("Height")
21 plt.ylabel("Proportion of observations per unit bin")
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circle, 285 definition, 11
Clenshaw’s algorithm, 867 dependent variable, 649
closed bracket, 129 depressed cubic equation, 79
co-domain of a function, 274 derivative, 297, 303
coding, 924 determinant, 814
cofactor, 820 determinant of a matrix, 804
cofactor expansion, 820 difference equation, 469
column space, 794 difference equations, 470
complex analysis, 150 differential equations, 649
complex conjugate, 145 Differential operator, 306
complex number, 140 diffusion equation, 663
complex plane, 140 dimension matrix, 675
compound interests, 135 dimension of a PDE, 659
computer algebra system, 257 dimensional analysis, 671
computing, 16 dimensionless group, 672
condition number of a matrix, 856 directional derivative, 562
conditional probability, 460 Dirichlet boundary conditions, 744
conic sections, 261 Dirichlet integral, 358
conjugate radical, 57 discrete random variable, 477
conservation of energy, 663 divergence, 618
continued fraction, 66 divergence of a vector, 621
convex functions, 329 divergence theorem, 621
convexity, 329 domain of a function, 274
coordinate map, 845 dot product, 755
coordinate vector, 840 double factorial, 161
coordinate vector , 799 double integral, 575
coordinates , 799 double integral in polar coordinates, 577
coupled oscillation, 692 driven damped oscillation, 685
coupled oscillator, 692 driven oscillation, 685
covariance, 517 dummy index, 770
covariance matrix, 517 dynamical equations, 599
Cramer’s rule, 820
cross derivatives, 559 eigenvalue, 826
cross product, 761 eigenvalue equation, 827
cubic equation, 77 eigenvector, 826
cumulative distribution function, 490 Einstein summation convention, 644
curl of a vector field, 624 Einstein summation notation, 770
cycloid, 718 elementary matrices, 790
ellipse, 265
damped oscillation, 685 elliptic integral, 362
de Moivre, 483 elliptic integral of the first kind, 362, 691
de Moivre’s formula, 145 elliptic integral of the second kind, 362
de Morgan’s laws, 449 empty set, 446
Euclid, 151 gradient descent method, 915
Euler, 409 gradient vector, 563
Euler’s identity, 151 Gram-Schmidt algorithm, 812
Euler’s method, 894 graph, 196
Euler-Aspel-Cromer’ method, 896 graph of functions, 271
Euler-Maclaurin summation formula, 420 graph theory, 196
expansion coefficients, 799 gravitation, 605
Exponential of a matrix, 658 Green’s identities, 630
extrema, 323
extreme value theorem, 384 hanging chain, 712
harmonic oscillation, 678
factorial, 157 heat conduction, 664
factorization, 82 Heron’s formula, 280, 281
Feymann’s trick, 357 Hessian matrix, 568
Fibonacci, 66 hexadecimal numbers, 195
Fibonacci sequence, 62 histogram, 503
finite difference equation, 904 horizontal translation, 273
fixed point iterations, 67 Horner’s method, 183
floor function, 117 hyperbola , 267
fluxes, 618 hyperbolic functions, 242
forced oscillation, 685
forward difference, 868 ill conditioned matrix, 856
forward-backward-induction, 124 implicit differentiation, 321
four color theorem, 199 improper integrals, 360
Fourier coefficients, 423 independent variable, 649
Fourier series, 423 index notation, 644
Fourier’s law, 664 inequality, 119
frequency, 680 infimum, 445
function, 271 infinite series, 398
function composition, 273, 274 initial-boundary value problem, 664
function transformation, 273 inner product, 848
function,graph, 271 inner product space, 849
functional equations, 278 integral, 292, 294
functions of a complex variable, 150 Integration by parts, 340
integration by parts, 745
Gauss rule, 886 Integration by substitution, 338
Gauss’s theorem, 621 intermediate value theorem, 384
generalized binomial theorem, 398 interpolation, 870
generalized eigenvector, 658 inverse function, 275
generalized Pythagoras theorem, 238 irrational number, 53
generating functions, 525 isomorphism, 845
geometric mean, 121
geometric series, 402 Jacobian matrix, 583
golden ratio, 59 Jensen inequality, 329
joint probability mass function, 508 maxima, 323
Julia, 16, 924 mean value theorem, 384
Mercator’s series, 401
Kepler’s laws, 597 Mersenne number, 104
kernel of a linear transformation, 843 method of separation of variables, 696
Kronecker delta, 808 mid-point rule, 882
Kronecker delta property, 743 minima, 323
modular arithmetic, 183
L’Hopital’s rule, 382
modulus of complex number, 142
Lagrange basis polynomials, 871
moment of inertia, 586
Lagrange interpolation, 871
moment of inertia matrix, 823
Lagrange multiplier, 572
Monte Carlo method, 441
Lagrange multiplier method, 573
multi-index, 570
Lagrangian mechanics, 728
multiplication rule of probability, 456
Laplacian operator, 666
multivariate normal distribution, 541
law of cosines, 238
law of heat conduction, 664 N-body problem, 896
law of sines, 238 natural frequency, 680
law of total probability, 459 Neptune, 608
Legendre polynomials, 850 Newton-Raphson method, 561
length of plane curves, 360 nilpotent matrix, 658
limit, 115, 372 norm, 853
line integrals, 613 normal frequencies, 693
linear approximation, 561 normal modes, 693
linear combination, 771 normalizing a vector, 756
linear equation, 75 normed vector space, 853
linear function, 799 nullity, 796
linear independence, 779 nullspace, 794
linear recurrence equation, 469 number theory, 35
linear space, 836 numerical differentiation, 867
linear transformation, 843
linear transformations, 799 one-to-one, 844
logarithm, 132 onto, 844
logarithmic differentiation, 322 order of a PDE, 659
LU decomposition, 792 ordinary differential equations, 599, 649
orthogonal matrix, 809
Machin’s formula, 226 Orthonormal basis, 808
marginal distribution, 508
Markov chain, 550 parabolas, 266
Markov’s inequality, 520 Parallel axis theorem, 589
mass matrix, 693 parametric curves, 276
math phobia, 17 partial derivative, 559
mathematical modeling, 649 partial differential equations, 649
matrix-matrix multiplication, 805 partial fraction decomposition, 352
partial fractions, 355 rational numbers, 48
Pascal triangle, 174 rectangular or right hyperbola , 267
pattern, 3 recurrence equation, 469
PDE, 659 reduced row echelon form, 776
PDF, 503 resonance, 688
periodic functions, 424 Rolle’s theorem, 384
permutation, 157 root mean square (RMS), 127
piecewise continuous functions, 425 row echelon form, 775
pigeonhole principle, 165 row space, 794
polar coordinates, 389 Runge’s phenomenon, 874
polar form of complex numbers, 142
polynomial evaluation, 183 saddle point, 566
polynomial remainder theorem, 178 sample, 500
polynomials, 176 sample space, 449
power, 96 sample variance, 500
prime number, 48 scalar, 751
principal axes theorem, 834 scalar quantities, 751
probability density function, 503 scientific notation, 100
probability mass function, 477 second derivative, 320
probability vector, 550 second derivative test, 568
processing, 16 second moment of area, 586
programming, 16, 924 semi-discrete equation, 747
projection, 760 sequence, 115
proof, 11 shear transformation, 800
proof by contradiction, 48 Simpson rule, 885
proof by induction, 39 Snell’s law of refraction, 325
pseudoinverse matrix, 547 square root, 53
Pythagoras, 74 square wave, 425
Pythagoras theorem, 69 standard deviation, 500
Pythagorean triple, 71 state vector , 550
stiffness matrix, 693
quadratic equation, 76 Stokes theorem, 625
quadratic form, 572 strong form, 745
quadratic forms, 832 subset, 446
quartenion, 769 subspace, 793
quotient rule of differentiation, 312 summation index, 770
superset, 446
radical, 55 supremum, 445
radican, 55 symmetry, 13
random variable, 477 system of linear equations, 771
range of a function, 274
range of a linear transformation, 843 tangent plane, 561
rank of a matrix, 777 Taylor’s series, 410, 568
rank theorem, 797 telescoping sum, 58
tensor, 646 Vandermonde matrix, 874
the basis theorem, 794 variance, 500
The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, 851 vector, 751, 769
the fundamental theorem of calculus, 336 vector addition, 752
the method of exhaustion, 282 vector calculus, 609
the rank theorem, 777 vector field, 611
The triangle inequality, 757 vector space, 836
theorem, 11 vectorial quantities, 751
time integration methods, 747 Venn diagram, 446
time rate of change of position, 303 Verlet method, 899
total differential, 561 vertical asymptotes, 239, 374
transcendental equations, 95 vertical translation, 273
transcendental numbers, 95 Vieta’s formula, 183
transformation, 273 Viète, 80
transition matrix , 550 Viète’s formula, 110
transverse wave, 700 von Neumann stability analysis, 906
trapezoidal rule, 882
trigonometric substitution, 351 Wallis’ infinite product, 408
trigonometry, 205 wave equation, 660, 744
trigonometry equations, 236
wavenumber, 700
Trigonometry identities, 148
weak form integrals, 747
trigonometry identities, 216
Weierstrass approximation theorem, 874
trigonometry inequality, 229
weight function, 745
triple integral, 577
Wessel, 151
truncation error, 868
word problem, 75
universal constant, 672
upper triangular matrix, 790 “cryptography”, 35