1400 Sneak

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1400 1400S NEAK

This is a single-page
‘demo’ version of 1400
SNEAK. The full game has
two more pages of gear,
LO-FI HEIST-FANTASY options, and tables to help


Play: Players describe what their characters do. The GM ► Choose a role for your character.
advises when their action is impossible, requires extra
steps, demands a cost, or presents a risk. Players only ASSASSIN: Increase (d8) Hide and Melee Weapons.
roll to avoid risks. Take a bladed weapon, a poison, and two smokebombs.
Rolling: Roll a d6 skill die—higher with a relevant skill, ENFORCER: Increase (d8) Intimidate and either Fisti-
or d4 if hindered by injury or circumstances. If helped by cuffs or Melee Weapons. Take armour and a blunt or
circumstances, roll an extra d6; if helped by an ally, they bladed weapon, then enchant each once.
roll their skill die and share the risk. Take the highest
die. FACE: Increase (d8) Deceive and Sweet Talk. Twice per
job, when talking to someone, you can turn a disaster
1-2 Disaster. Suffer the full risk. GM decides if into a setback. Take a costume.
you succeed at all. If risking death, you die.
HAWK: Increase (d8) Lookout, Tracker, and Disarm
3-4 Setback. A lesser consequence or partial Traps. You can make 1 extra flashback per job.
success. If risking death, you’re maimed.
SHARPSHOOTER: Increase (d8) Shoot and Tracker. Take
5+ Success. The higher the roll, the better. a ranged weapon and enchant it. Then take two tools.

If success can’t get you what you want, you’ll at least TINKERER: Increase (d8) Jury Rig and Vehicles. Take
get useful info or set up an advantage. 2 gadgets and a tool. You can reuse a gadget once per
Load: Carry as much as makes sense, but more than
one heavy item may hinder you at times. TRICKSTER: Increase (d8) Spellcasting and Disguise.
Learn 2 spells.
Advancement: After a job, increase a skill
(noned8d10d12) and gain d6 gold pieces (GP). ► Increase (d8) Sneak, then choose or invent 2 more skills
If you caused a ruckus gain +1 heat. If you're stopped to increase.
by the watch, roll d20 ≤ your heat to see if you’re
recognised. Climb, Deceive, Disarm Traps, Disguise, Fisticuffs, Hide,
Intimidate, Jury Rig, Lookout, Melee Weapons, Read Peo-
Defence: Say how one of your items breaks to turn a ple, Run and Jump, Shoot, Sleight of Hand, Spellcasting,
hit into a brief hindrance. Broken gear is useless until Sweet Talk, Tracker, Vehicles.
► Roll (2d20), choose, or invent an alias. "The..."
Harm: You can take a beating, and even a couple of
1. Alabaster 11. Onyx 1. Blade 11. Night
serious wounds can be tended to after the job; although
until they are they might hinder you until then. Your 2. Blood 12. Phantom 2. Cipher 12. Reaper
biggest worry is getting caught, or, if you're lucky, killed 3. Crimson 13. Shrouded 3. Claw 13. Scar
outright. 4. Heartless 14. Silent 4. Darkness 14. Shade
5. Hollow 15. Silver 5. Death 15. Star
UNKNOWN Flashbacks: Once per job you can flashback to a re-con 6. Jade 16. Spectral 6. Demon 16. Strike

or prep scene. A flashback can’t change the past, but 7. Lightning 17. Steel 7. Eye 17. Viper

could set up future help, give you useful knowledge, or 8. Lucky 18. Swift 8. Flame 18. Void
reveal a non-heavy tool you secretly brought (providing 9. Masked 19. Unknown 9. Key 19. Whisper
you can pay for it).
10. Night 20. Unseen 10. Lotus 20. Wraith
Concept and design by James Lennox-Gordon / 2020 Version 1.0 / UnknownDungeon.Itch.io
Based on the 24XX SRD with rules text by Jason Tocci (CC BY 4.0) / Cover art CC BY BEEPLE U

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