CMTS Features 6.4 Guide 10 28 2013

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Release 6.4 Features Guide

To release version 6.4.2


Document Revision 06.04.02_A
October 28, 2013
© 2013 Casa Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved. Licensed software products are owned by Casa Systems or its suppliers and are
protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.

The information regarding the product in this manual is subject to change without notice. All
statements, information, and recommendations in this manual are believed to be accurate but are
presented without warranty of any kind, express of implied. Users must take full responsibility for
their application of the product.

In no event shall Casa or its suppliers be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental
damages, including, without limitation, lost profits or loss or damage to data arising out of the use or
inability to use this manual, even if Casa or its suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such


Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide

About this document ......................................................................................... 1-1 .

Contacting Casa ............................................................................................... 1-6


Corporate facility ......................................................................................... 1-6


Technical support ........................................................................................ 1-6 .

Technical documentation ............................................................................ 1-6 .

Revision history ........................................................................................... 1-7


New CMTS hardware supporting Release 6.4 .................................................. 1-8 .

Casa C100G Converged Cable Access Platform ....................................... 1-8 .

High density 8X10G SMM ........................................................................... 1-9 .

High-density QAM 8x96 ............................................................................ 1-10 .

QAM 8x96 slot selection on the C10G .................................................. 1-10 .

Replacing an existing QAM 8x8 with the QAM 8x96 ..............................1-11 .

Upgrading C10G Release 6.1.2 systems with the QAM 8x96 ............... 1-12 .

Configuring the QAM narrowcast channels ........................................... 1-12 .

Moving selected QAM channels to other frequencies ........................... 1-16 .

Casa upstream 16x8 module .................................................................... 1-17 .

New features in Release 6.4.2 ........................................................................ 1-18 .

Multicast DSID forwarding ........................................................................ 1-18 .

Classifiers per chassis .............................................................................. 1-18 .

Cable modem initialization statistics ......................................................... 1-18 .

C10G and C100G module replacement .................................................... 1-18 .

Graceful OSPF Restart support (OSPF 3623) .......................................... 1-19 .

Patch maintenance ................................................................................... 1-20 .

Tag Protocol Identifiers ............................................................................. 1-20 .

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

iv Release 6.4 Features Guide

VLAN QinQ IEEE 802.1ad support ........................................................... 1-21 .

Modem .bin file: ....................................................................................1-23

RADIUS server timeout configuration ....................................................... 1-24 .

Overlapping frequency checks .................................................................. 1-24 .

clear cable modem command enhancement ............................................ 1-24 .

Telnet access to CMTS ............................................................................. 1-25 .

QAM port replication ................................................................................. 1-25 .

Source Address Verification and VRF interoperability .............................. 1-25 .

show tech-support command enhancement ............................................. 1-25 .

Downstream modem count MIB ................................................................ 1-26 .

Displaying noise statistics over upstream channels .................................. 1-26 .

Partial service cable modems ................................................................... 1-27 .

SFP monitoring ......................................................................................... 1-27


Casa Spectrum Management rules ........................................................... 1-28 .

IP bundle addressing for TFTP ................................................................. 1-28 .

BGP multipath support .............................................................................. 1-28 .

Multiple grants per interval (MGPI) support .............................................. 1-28 .

Source flow identifiers ............................................................................... 1-28.

Mapping cable modem MAC addresses to VLANs ................................... 1-28 .

show upstream cnr command ................................................................... 1-29 .

Upstream spectrum noise MIBs ................................................................ 1-29 .

Modulation profiles .................................................................................... 1-30


DOCSIS channel statistics MIBs ............................................................... 1-30 .

SMM synchronization ................................................................................ 1-30 .

IPv6 policy-based routing .......................................................................... 1-30 .

ASCII clear text authentication .................................................................. 1-31 .

System identifier command ....................................................................... 1-31 .

clear bgp commands ................................................................................. 1-31 .

Pending upstream byte statistics .............................................................. 1-32 .

MTU Discovery feature ............................................................................. 1-32 .

Route table size enhancement ................................................................. 1-32 .

SNMP packet sizes ................................................................................... 1-32 .

Casa module status .................................................................................. 1-33 .

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Release 6.4 Features Guide v

AAA status enhancement ..........................................................................1-33 .

Video homeless streams ...........................................................................1-34 .

Static route descriptions ............................................................................1-34 .

page off command enhancement ..............................................................1-35 .

PIM access lists .........................................................................................1-35


HTTP process stop and restart ..................................................................1-35 .

Reboot string to log file enhancement .......................................................1-35 .

bpi-plus-enforce command enhancement .................................................1-36 .

DHCPv6 option 37 .....................................................................................1-36 .

Load balance threshold load .....................................................................1-36 .

Service flows per cable modem .................................................................1-36 .

IPv6 prefix advertisements ........................................................................1-36 .

Duplicate Address Detection protocol (RFC 4429) ....................................1-37 .

System console privilege level enforcement .............................................1-37 .

QAM channels across tunnel groups .........................................................1-37 .

AAA mixed privilege settings .....................................................................1-37 .

Upstream bonding groups .........................................................................1-38 .

Concurrent multicast sessions ...................................................................1-38 .

Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1 ..........................................................1-39 .

Casa CCAP Video Web Interface ..............................................................1-39 .

Routing mode support on QAM 8x96 video interfaces ..............................1-40 .

Flexible channel licensing ..........................................................................1-41 .

Admission control and bandwidth management ........................................1-41 .

Enabling and configuring admission control ..........................................1-42 .

Downstream priority classes ......................................................................1-45 .

Multiple upstream logical channels, dynamic channel width switching,

and independent power levels ...................................................................1-45 .

Upstream burst noise detection and monitoring ........................................1-46 .

Network side interface (NSI) protocol additions in Release 6.4.1 .............1-48 .

Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) ......................................................1-48 .

Configuring VRF ....................................................................................1-49 .

Multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) and Label Distribution

Protocol (LDP) ...........................................................................................1-50

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

vi Release 6.4 Features Guide

MPLS commands .................................................................................. 1-50 .

Multiprotocol BGP (MP-BGP) ................................................................... 1-51 .

Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP TE, RFC 3209) ........................... 1-52 .

RSVP commands .................................................................................. 1-52 .

Excessive request detection ..................................................................... 1-53 .

Idle upstream service flows ....................................................................... 1-53 .

DBC enhancement .................................................................................... 1-53 .

channel-block downstream command ...................................................... 1-54 .

Routing Information Protocol summary addressing .................................. 1-54 .

Routing Information Protocol MIBS ........................................................... 1-55 .

OSPFv2 MIBS ........................................................................................... 1-55


Console timeout configuration .................................................................. 1-56 .

Emergency CMTS reboot from console .................................................... 1-56 .

IP-bundle description setting ..................................................................... 1-56 .

DHCP authorization .................................................................................. 1-57 .

Cable modem deny list ............................................................................. 1-57 .

copy tftp command file paths .................................................................... 1-57 .

DSID Resequencing Warning Threshold .................................................. 1-57 .

Multicast Distributed Forwarding disable .................................................. 1-58 .

Secure Copy Protocol support .................................................................. 1-58 .

Internet Protocol Data Record enhancements .......................................... 1-58 .

AAA authentication login ........................................................................... 1-59 .

Multicast group encryption ........................................................................ 1-59 .

Border Gateway Protocol MIBs ................................................................. 1-60 .

BGP enhancements .................................................................................. 1-60 .

Upstream channel bonding initial technique ............................................. 1-61 .

Upstream and downstream peak traffic rate limiting ................................. 1-61 .

Upstream grant service statistics .............................................................. 1-62 .

Downstream channel descriptor messaging ............................................. 1-63 .

Route Distinquisher TLV ........................................................................... 1-63 .

TLV code 43 precedence .......................................................................... 1-63 .

TLV 22.10 MAC address classifiers .......................................................... 1-63 .

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Release 6.4 Features Guide vii

CMTS backup log file storage ...................................................................1-64 .

Spectrum measurement ............................................................................1-64 .

Troubleshooting from a source CMTS interface ........................................1-64 .

OSPF protocol network filters ....................................................................1-65 .

Cablem modem online/offline trap .............................................................1-65 .

Control-Z configuration context exit ...........................................................1-65 .

User privilege levels ..................................................................................1-65 .

Lawful Intercept .........................................................................................1-66 .

IPv6 changes .............................................................................................1-67 .

COPS servers ............................................................................................1-67 .

IS-IS protocol authentication key chain .....................................................1-67 .

Receive Channel Configuration (RCC) description ...................................1-67 .

SNMP enhancements ................................................................................1-68 .

show command additions and enhancements ..........................................1-69 .

show system ..........................................................................................1-69 .

show interface ........................................................................................1-69 .

show cable modem ................................................................................1-70 .

show video .............................................................................................1-70 .

show ip ...................................................................................................1-71

Miscellaneous show commands ............................................................1-72 .

SNMP ifIndex range changes in Release 6.4 ..................................................1-73 .

C10G and C100G CMTS ..................................................................... 1-73

SNMP MIB objects OIDs in Release 6.4 .........................................................1-74 .

SNMP management using the Casa MIBs ......................................................1-76 .

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

viii Release 6.4 Features Guide

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2


Release 6.4 Features Guide

About this document

This guide provides information on the new features and CMTS product
enhancements in Release 6.4 software versions for the Casa C10G and C100G CMTS.
For additional information on Release 6.4, see the Casa Systems – CMTS Release
Notes containing the upgrade instructions for the specific software build you are
installing, operational information, product fixes, and any known issues.

Topic Page

Contacting Casa 1-6

Corporate facility 1-6
Technical support 1-6
Technical documentation 1-6
Revision history 1-7
New CMTS hardware supporting Release 6.4 1-6
Casa C100G Converged Cable Access Platform 1-8
High density 8X10G SMM 1-9
High-density QAM 8x96 1-10
QAM 8x96 slot selection on the C10G 1-10
Replacing an existing QAM 8x8 with the QAM 8x96 1-11
Upgrading C10G Release 6.1.2 systems with the QAM 8x96 1-12
Configuring the QAM narrowcast channels 1-12
Moving selected QAM channels to other frequencies 1-16

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-2 Release 6.4 Features Guide
About this document

Topic Page

Casa upstream 16x8 module 1-17

New features in Release 6.4.2 1-18
Multicast DSID forwarding 1-18
Classifiers per chassis 1-18
Cable modem initialization statistics 1-18
C10G and C100G module replacement 1-18
Graceful OSPF Restart support (OSPF 3623) 1-19
Patch maintenance 1-20
Tag Protocol Identifiers 1-20
VLAN QinQ IEEE 802.1ad support 1-21
RADIUS server timeout configuration 1-24
Overlapping frequency checks 1-24
clear cable modem command enhancement 1-24
Telnet access to CMTS 1-25
QAM port replication 1-25
Source Address Verification and VRF interoperability 1-25
show tech-support command enhancement 1-25
Downstream modem count MIB 1-26
Displaying noise statistics over upstream channels 1-26
Partial service cable modems 1-27
SFP monitoring 1-27
Casa Spectrum Management rules 1-28
IP bundle addressing for TFTP 1-28
BGP multipath support 1-28
Multiple grants per interval (MGPI) support 1-28
Source flow identifiers 1-28
Mapping cable modem MAC addresses to VLANs 1-28
show upstream cnr command 1-29
Upstream spectrum noise MIBs 1-29
Modulation profiles 1-30

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-3
About this document

Topic Page

DOCSIS channel statistics MIBs 1-30

SMM synchronization 1-30
IPv6 policy-based routing 1-30
ASCII clear text authentication 1-31
System identifier command 1-31
clear bgp commands 1-31
Pending upstream byte statistics 1-32
MTU Discovery feature 1-32
Route table size enhancement 1-32
SNMP packet sizes 1-32
Casa module status 1-33
AAA status enhancement 1-33
Video homeless streams 1-34
Static route descriptions 1-34
page off command enhancement 1-35
PIM access lists 1-35
HTTP process stop and restart 1-35
Reboot string to log file enhancement 1-35
bpi-plus-enforce command enhancement 1-36
DHCPv6 option 37 1-36
Load balance threshold load 1-36
Service flows per cable modem 1-36
IPv6 prefix advertisements 1-36
Duplicate Address Detection protocol (RFC 4429) 1-37
System console privilege level enforcement 1-37
QAM channels across tunnel groups 1-37
AAA mixed privilege settings 1-37
Upstream bonding groups 1-38
Concurrent multicast sessions 1-38

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-4 Release 6.4 Features Guide
About this document

Topic Page

Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1 1-39

Casa CCAP Video Web Interface 1-39
Routing mode support on QAM 8x96 video interfaces 1-40
Flexible channel licensing 1-41
Admission control and bandwidth management 1-41
Downstream priority classes 1-45
Multiple upstream logical channels, dynamic channel width switching, and 1-45
independent power levels
Upstream burst noise detection and monitoring 1-46
Network side interface (NSI) protocol additions in Release 6.4.1 1-48
Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) 1-48
OSPF Version 3 1-50
Multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) and Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) 1-52
Multiprotocol BGP (MP-BGP) 1-53
Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP TE, RFC 3209) 1-53
Excessive request detection 1-54
Idle upstream service flows 1-55
DBC enhancement 1-55
Routing Information Protocol summary addressing 1-56
Routing Information Protocol MIBS 1-56
OSPFv2 MIBS 1-57
Console timeout configuration 1-57
Emergency CMTS reboot from console 1-57
IP-bundle description setting 1-58
DHCP authorization 1-58
Cable modem deny list 1-58
copy tftp command file paths 1-58
DSID Resequencing Warning Threshold 1-59
Multicast Distributed Forwarding disable 1-59
Secure Copy Protocol support 1-59
Internet Protocol Data Record enhancements 1-60

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-5
About this document

Topic Page

AAA authentication login 1-60

Multicast group encryption 1-61
Border Gateway Protocol MIBs 1-61
BGP enhancements 1-62
Upstream channel bonding initial technique 1-62
Upstream and downstream peak traffic rate limiting 1-62
Upstream grant service statistics 1-63
Downstream channel descriptor messaging 1-64
Route Distinquisher TLV 1-62
TLV code 43 precedence 1-65
TLV 22.10 MAC address classifiers 1-65
CMTS backup log file storage 1-65
Spectrum measurement 1-65
Troubleshooting from a source CMTS interface 1-65
OSPF protocol network filters 1-66
Cablem modem online/offline trap 1-66
Control-Z configuration context exit 1-67
User privilege levels 1-67
Lawful Intercept 1-67
IPv6 changes 1-68
COPS servers 1-68
IS-IS protocol authentication key chain 1-68
Receive Channel Configuration (RCC) description 1-69
SNMP enhancements 1-69
show command additions and enhancements 1-70
SNMP ifIndex range changes in Release 6.4 1-74
SNMP MIB objects OIDs in Release 6.4 1-75
SNMP management using the Casa MIBs 1-77

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-6 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Contacting Casa

Contacting Casa
Corporate facility
Casa Systems, Inc.
100 Old River Road, Suite 100
Andover, MA 01810
Tel.: 978-688-6706
World Wide Web:

Technical support
In the United States: Tel: 978-699-3045

Email: [email protected]

Technical documentation
Casa Systems provides the following documentation set in PDF format, viewable
using Adobe Reader 5.0 or later. These PDF files are avail able from the Casa FTP site

• Casa Systems – C1G CMTS Hardware Installation Guide

• Casa Systems – C1G CMTS Quick Installation
• Casa Systems – C2200 CMTS Hardware Installation Guide
• Casa Systems – C2200 CMTS Quick Installation
• Casa Systems – C3200 CMTS Quick Installation
• Casa Systems – C3200 CMTS Hardware Installation Guide
• Casa Systems – C10G/C10200 CMTS Quick Installation
• Casa Systems – C10G CMTS Hardware Installation Guide
• Casa Systems – C10200 CMTS Hardware Installation Guide
• Casa Systems – C100G CMTS Quick Installation
• Casa Systems – C100G CMTS Hardware Installation Guide
• Casa Systems – CMTS Software Configuration Guide

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-7
Contacting Casa

• Casa Systems – CMTS Network Solutions Guide

• Casa Systems – SNMP MIBs and Traps Reference
• Casa Systems – CMTS Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
• Casa Systems – CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide
• Casa Systems – C1G/C1N CMTS Release Notes
• Casa Systems – CMTS Release Notes

Note: Casa Systems provides updates to the manuals on a regular basis. Log
on to the Casa Systems Web site at for the latest files
in PDF format. Select customer login and enter your username and
password. If you do not have a Casa-assigned username and password, send
e-mail to [email protected].

Effective September 1, 2013, technical documentation CD-ROMs are no

longer shipped with Casa CMTS hardware.

Revision history
• 6.4.2 — First issue; October 2013

Note: If you are upgrading to Version from release 6.1.3 or earlier, and
if you would like to review of all product changes that have been implemented
since you last upgraded your CMTS software, contact Casa Technical Support
for specific versions of the Casa Systems – CMTS Release Notes.

Release 6.4.2 software is not supported on Casa C10200, C3200, and C2200

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-8 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New CMTS hardware supporting Release 6.4

New CMTS hardware supporting Release 6.4

This section covers the new Casa hardware offerings that require Release 6.4 and

Casa C100G Converged Cable Access Platform

The Casa C100G (Figure 1) is a next-generation CMTS that offers up to 40Gbps data
rates in a high-density architecture in a 14-slot rack-mountable platform. The C100G
supports DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS capabilities with integrated video QAM technology to
create the first Converged Cable Access Platform (CCAP) platform for combining
data and digital video in a single platform. The C100G chassis will accommodate the
next generation 100Gb SMM.

By combining CMTS and video QAM technology into a single platform, cable service
providers can now maximize both power and the physical space requirements for
equipment positioned at the cable headend. The system supports the new QAM 8x96
module for narrowcast traffic delivery with full redundancy and failover capabilities.

Figure 1. Casa C100G CMTS/CCAP platform views



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


US 16X4 DS 8x96 DS 8x96
US 16X4 US 16X4 US 16X4 US 16X4 US 16X4 DS 8x96
8X8 8X8 DS
DS 8x96
8X8 DS
DS 8x96
8X8 DS
DS 8x96


0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1
G0 G0

0 0 0 0 0
2 2 2 2 2
G1 G1

G2 G2
3 3 3 3 3
1 1 1 1 1
G3 G3

4 4 4 4 4

G4 G4
2 2 2 2 2
5 5 5 5 5
G5 G5

6 6 6 6 6
G6 G6
3 3 3 3 3

G7 G7
7 7 7 7 7

ACTIVE 8 8 8 8 8

9 9 9 9 9
5 5 5 5 5
10 10 10 10 10


6 6 6 6 6 11 11 11 11
ALARM ALARM 12 12 12 12 12
7 7 7 7 7
13 13 13 13 13

14 14 14 14 14

15 15 15 15 15


Branch 4 Branch 1 Branch 4 Branch 1

Branch 3 Branch 2 Branch 3 Branch 2



Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-9
New CMTS hardware supporting Release 6.4

High density 8X10G SMM

A new high-density SMM has been introduced and supported with Release 6.4.1, as
shown in Figure 2. The module is supported on the C100G platform and provides
eight 10GigE and two GigE ports, a 10/100 Fast Ethernet port for Telnet and SSH
remote network management access, and an RS-232 local console serial port.

Figure 2. High-density SMM (Eight 10GigE, Two GigE)


Ethernet 10/100BASE-T management port





Eight 10GigE Ethernet ports

(Copper 1000BASE-T or fiber 1000BASE-X)

Small form-factor pluggable (SFP and SFP+)

SFP-PLUS-LR (Casa P/N MOD-009-00, Opnext TRS5021EN-S001)



Two GigE Ethernet ports
Small form-factor plus pluggable (SFP)
(Copper 10GBASE-T or fiber 10GBASE-X)

RS-232 local console port


Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-10 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New CMTS hardware supporting Release 6.4

High-density QAM 8x96

The QAM 8x96 module has been introduced for the Casa C10G and C100G to support
the next generation CCAP platform. The QAM 8x96 module provides up to 32
narrowcast downstream channels using the interface qam configuration.

Note: Casa software releases prior to 6.4.1 that currently run on the Casa
C10G CMTS are not supported on the QAM 8x96. Support for configuring the
64 broadcast channels will be implemented in a later release.

QAM 8x96 slot selection on the C10G

On the C10G platform, system slots are placed into four groups. Each group shares a
common fuse that limits the power draw for that group. The C10G groups are defined
as follows:

• Group 1 — Slots 0, 2, 4
• Group 2 — Slots 1, 3, 5, 6 (6 = dedicated for SMM only)
• Group 3 — Slots 7, 8, 10, 12 (7 = dedicated for SMM only)
• Group 4 — Slots 9, 11, 13
If the Lineage power supply (AC-to-DC rectifier option) is used to power the C10G at
the guaranteed 47V, the following rules apply when installing the QAM 8x96 module
into C10G slots:

1. Group 1 may be populated with all QAMs.

2. Groups 2 and 3 support a maximum of two QAM8x96 modules per group. Note
that slots 6 and 7 are for the active and standby SMMs only.
3. Group 4 supports up to three QAMs if the Lineage power supply is used to
guarantee the 47V minimum.
4. Group 4 is limited to two QAM modules if the C10G is powered with a DC power
supply which could possibly droop below 47V. (40V is the minimum power

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-11
New CMTS hardware supporting Release 6.4

Therefore, a total of nine or ten QAM 8x96 modules is supported on the C10G
depending on the power supply in use.

Note: When running one or more QAM8X96 modules in the C10G chassis, higher
QAM module operating temperatures will be seen with the show envm
temperature command at the current default alert (85° C) and shutdown (95° C)
threshold settings. Due to the slightly higher operating temperatures associated with
the QAM8X96, the maximum ambient temperature at the installation site should be
no greater than 40° C. The C100G chassis should be used if 50°C operation is

Replacing an existing QAM 8x8 with the QAM 8x96

Existing QAM 8x8 modules may be removed and replaced with the new QAM 8x96
module using the same module slot.

Note: On C10G and C100G CMTS systems running Release 6.4.1 with one
or more unused line card slots, simply install the QAM 8x96 into an available
slot. The CMTS will automatically boot the QAM 8x96 using the default
channel configuration.

Follow the procedure below to successfully replace an existing QAM 8x8 with the
QAM 8x96.

1. At a normally operating C10G or C100G CMTS running Release 6.4.1, unlatch

and carefully remove the QAM 8x8 module.
2. Install the QAM 8x96 into the same system slot.
3. Perform a system reboot. The QAM 8x96 will then boot up using the existing
QAM 8x8 channel configuration for that slot.
4. Edit the existing 8-channel configuration and proceed to configure additional
QAM 8x96 channels, as covered in the next section. Presently, the QAM 8x96
supports up to 32 narrowcast channels.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-12 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New CMTS hardware supporting Release 6.4

Upgrading C10G Release 6.1.2 systems with the QAM 8x96

C10G CMTS systems running Release 6.1.2 must be upgraded to Release 6.4.1 prior
to installing and configuring the QAM 8x96 module. If you are replacing a QAM 8x8
with the QAM 8x96 in a C10G system being upgraded, perform the following steps:

1. At the C10G system, unlatch and carefully remove the QAM 8x8 module.
2. Upgrade the C10G with Release 6.4.1. See the Casa Systems – CMTS Release
Notes for information.
3. Install the QAM 8x96 into the same system slot previously occupied by the
QAM 8x8.
4. Perform a system reboot. The QAM 8x96 will then boot up using the existing
QAM 8x8 channel configuration for that slot.
5. Edit the existing 8-channel configuration and proceed to configure additional
QAM 8x96 channels, as covered in the next section. Presently, the QAM 8x96
supports up to 32 narrowcast channels.

Configuring the QAM narrowcast channels

Each port on the 8x96 QAM supports up to 32 narrowcast channels. With Annex B
(6 MHz channel offset), each port is comprised of four 192 MHz blocks totaling 768

Figure 3 shows the four 192 MHz blocks and the default starting frequencies over the
channel time line.

Figure 3. QAM downstream channel time line frequency blocks

Dynamic system-assigned default frequencies

99000000 291000000 483000000 675000000

192 MHz 192 MHz 192 MHz 192 MHz

block 0 block 1 block 2 block3

47 MHz 768 MHz 1 GHz

QAM 8x96 (Annex B)

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-13
New CMTS hardware supporting Release 6.4

The following commands configure 32 QAM narrowcast channels starting with

channel 0 at frequency 405000000 with 6 MHz Annex B channel separation.

C10G(config) interface qam 0/7
C10G(config-if-qam 0/7)# channel 0 frequency 405000000 32
C10G(config-if-qam 0/7)# end

C10G-209(config)#show interface qam 0/7

interface qam 0/7

no spectral inversion on
annex B
modulation 256qam
interleave 128x1
power 510
channel 0 frequency 405000000
no channel 0 shutdown
channel 1 frequency 411000000
no channel 1 shutdown
channel 2 frequency 417000000
no channel 2 shutdown
channel 3 frequency 423000000
no channel 3 shutdown
channel 4 frequency 429000000
no channel 4 shutdown
channel 5 frequency 435000000
no channel 5 shutdown
channel 6 frequency 441000000
no channel 6 shutdown
channel 7 frequency 447000000
no channel 7 shutdown
channel 8 frequency 453000000
no channel 8 shutdown
channel 9 frequency 459000000
no channel 9 shutdown
channel 10 frequency 465000000
no channel 10 shutdown
channel 11 frequency 471000000
no channel 11 shutdown
channel 12 frequency 477000000
no channel 12 shutdown
channel 13 frequency 483000000
no channel 13 shutdown
channel 14 frequency 489000000
no channel 14 shutdown
channel 15 frequency 495000000
no channel 15 shutdown
channel 16 frequency 501000000
no channel 16 shutdown

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-14 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New CMTS hardware supporting Release 6.4

channel 17 frequency 507000000

no channel 17 shutdown
channel 18 frequency 513000000
no channel 18 shutdown
channel 19 frequency 519000000
no channel 19 shutdown
channel 20 frequency 525000000
no channel 20 shutdown
channel 21 frequency 531000000
no channel 21 shutdown
channel 22 frequency 537000000
no channel 22 shutdown
channel 23 frequency 543000000
no channel 23 shutdown
channel 24 frequency 549000000
no channel 24 shutdown
channel 25 frequency 555000000
no channel 25 shutdown
channel 26 frequency 561000000
no channel 26 shutdown
channel 27 frequency 567000000
no channel 27 shutdown
channel 28 frequency 573000000
no channel 28 shutdown
channel 29 frequency 579000000
no channel 29 shutdown
channel 30 frequency 585000000
no channel 30 shutdown
channel 31 frequency 591000000
no channel 31 shutdown
no shutdown
In the example below, the show interface qam <slot/port> block command displays
how the channels are distributed across the four 192MHz blocks, numbered 0 to 3.
The system assigns channels 0 to 12 to block 1, and channels 13 through 31 to block 2.

Blocks 0 and 3 have no channels assigned and are available if channels are to be
moved to higher or lower frequencies. Each block indicates the suggested starting
frequency; this frequency is dynamically assigned by the CCAP.

The offset value in the display indicates the frequency width from the starting
(default) frequency for a given block. For example, an offset of 30 indicates the
starting frequency is 30 x 6MHz, or 180MHz from the system-assigned start. In the
CLI output, the channel 0 frequency is offset by 180MHz
(where 405000000-225000000=180000000).

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-15
New CMTS hardware supporting Release 6.4

C10G-209(config)#show interface qam 0/7 block

interface qam 0/7 block 0

block frequency 99000000 block map 00000000

interface qam 0/7 block 1

block frequency 291000000 block map fff80000
channel 0 freq 405000000 block 1 offset 19 status up
channel 1 freq 411000000 block 1 offset 20 status up
channel 2 freq 417000000 block 1 offset 21 status up
channel 3 freq 423000000 block 1 offset 22 status up
channel 4 freq 429000000 block 1 offset 23 status up
channel 5 freq 435000000 block 1 offset 24 status up
channel 6 freq 441000000 block 1 offset 25 status up
channel 7 freq 447000000 block 1 offset 26 status up
channel 8 freq 453000000 block 1 offset 27 status up
channel 9 freq 459000000 block 1 offset 28 status up
channel 10 freq 465000000 block 1 offset 29 status up
channel 11 freq 471000000 block 1 offset 30 status up
channel 12 freq 477000000 block 1 offset 31 status up

interface qam 0/7 block 2

block frequency 483000000 block map 0007ffff
channel 13 freq 483000000 block 2 offset 0 status up
channel 14 freq 489000000 block 2 offset 1 status up
channel 15 freq 495000000 block 2 offset 2 status up
channel 16 freq 501000000 block 2 offset 3 status up
channel 17 freq 507000000 block 2 offset 4 status up
channel 18 freq 513000000 block 2 offset 5 status up
channel 19 freq 519000000 block 2 offset 6 status up
channel 20 freq 525000000 block 2 offset 7 status up
channel 21 freq 531000000 block 2 offset 8 status up
channel 22 freq 537000000 block 2 offset 9 status up
channel 23 freq 543000000 block 2 offset 10 status up
channel 24 freq 549000000 block 2 offset 11 status up
channel 25 freq 555000000 block 2 offset 12 status up
channel 26 freq 561000000 block 2 offset 13 status up
channel 27 freq 567000000 block 2 offset 14 status up
channel 28 freq 573000000 block 2 offset 15 status up
channel 29 freq 579000000 block 2 offset 16 status up
channel 30 freq 585000000 block 2 offset 17 status up
channel 31 freq 591000000 block 2 offset 18 status up

interface qam 0/7 block 3

block frequency 675000000 block map 00000000

block_map: 00000000 0007ffff fff80000 00000000

port status: up

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-16 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New CMTS hardware supporting Release 6.4

shutdown channels:

Moving selected QAM channels to other frequencies

In the CLI session below, channels 16 through 23 have been interactively moved to
new frequencies in block 2. Similarly, channels 24 through 31 have also been
interactively moved to new frequencies in block 3. Note that the channel command in
each instance specifies the total number of channels to move. In each case, eight
channels have moved.

Use the show interface qam <slot/port> block command to verify the moved

C10G(config-if-qam 0/7)#channel 16 frequency 609000000 8
C10G(config-if-qam 0/7)#channel 24 frequency 801000000 8

C10G(config)#show interface qam 0/7 block

interface qam 0/7 block 0

block 0 frequency 225000000
channel 0 frequency 405000000 block 0 offset 30
channel 1 frequency 411000000 block 0 offset 31

interface qam 0/7 block 1

block 1 frequency 417000000
channel 2 frequency 417000000 block 1 offset 0
channel 3 frequency 423000000 block 1 offset 1
channel 4 frequency 429000000 block 1 offset 2
channel 5 frequency 435000000 block 1 offset 3
channel 6 frequency 441000000 block 1 offset 4
channel 7 frequency 447000000 block 1 offset 5
channel 8 frequency 465000000 block 1 offset 8
channel 9 frequency 471000000 block 1 offset 9
channel 10 frequency 477000000 block 1 offset 10
channel 11 frequency 483000000 block 1 offset 11
channel 12 frequency 489000000 block 1 offset 12
channel 13 frequency 495000000 block 1 offset 13
channel 14 frequency 501000000 block 1 offset 14
channel 15 frequency 507000000 block 1 offset 15

interface qam 0/7 block 2

block 2 frequency 609000000
channel 16 frequency 609000000 block 2 offset 0
channel 17 frequency 615000000 block 2 offset 1
channel 18 frequency 621000000 block 2 offset 2

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-17
New CMTS hardware supporting Release 6.4

channel 19 frequency 627000000 block 2 offset 3

channel 20 frequency 633000000 block 2 offset 4
channel 21 frequency 639000000 block 2 offset 5
channel 22 frequency 645000000 block 2 offset 6
channel 23 frequency 651000000 block 2 offset 7

interface qam 0/7 block 3

block 3 frequency 801000000
channel 24 frequency 801000000 block 3 offset 0
channel 25 frequency 807000000 block 3 offset 1
channel 26 frequency 813000000 block 3 offset 2
channel 27 frequency 819000000 block 3 offset 3
channel 28 frequency 825000000 block 3 offset 4
channel 29 frequency 831000000 block 3 offset 5
channel 30 frequency 837000000 block 3 offset 6
channel 31 frequency 843000000 block 3 offset 7


Casa upstream 16x8 module

Release 6.4.2 adds support for the UPS 16x8 module, compatible with the C10G and
C100G platforms. Configuration for the UPS 16x8 uses the same set of commands
presently used with the UPS 16x4 and the UPS 16x2.

C10G-RC220(config)# interface upstream 12/7.0
C10G-RC220(config-if-ups 12/7.0)# ?
channel-width upstream channel width
description description of the interface
frequency frequency band
ingress-cancellation ingress-cancellation configuration
interface interface command
logical-channel config logical upstream channel
map-advance upstream channel map advance
power-adjustment upstream channel power adjust
power-level upstream channel power-level
rate-limit perform rate-limit on the upstream
shutdown shutdown the interface
spectrum-rule spectrum rule assignment
voice-bw-reserve max bandwidth reserved for total call

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-18 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New features in Release 6.4.2

New features in Release 6.4.2

This section covers the product enhancements, new and revised CLI commands, and
other functionality changes since Release 6.4.1.

Multicast DSID forwarding

The multicast-dsid-forward [wb-cm-only] command has been added to the
interface docsis-mac configuration to enable MDF support in the REG-RSP. Use the
wb-cm-only option to enable MDF for IPv6 D3.0 wide band modems only; MDF
support is disabled for IPv6 D2.0 modems. The default setting is no multicast DSID

C10G-209(config)# interface docsis-mac 12
C10G-209(conf-if-mac 12)# multicast-dsid-forward wb-cm-only

Classifiers per chassis

On C10G and C100G systems, the number of classifiers per chassis has been
increased from 128K to 512K.

Cable modem initialization statistics

The show cable modem init command has been enhanced to include more complete
initialization statistics in the displayed output.

C10G and C100G module replacement

The ha replace command has been implemented to allow users to remove and replace
a C10G or C100G existing module with a different module without having to perform
a system reboot. The command format is:

ha replace linecard <slot #> with <QAM8x8 | QAM8x96 | UPS16x4 |

When replacing a QAM or UPS module with the higher capacity module of the same
type, the running configuration is transferred to the new module. The remaining and
available unconfigured channels assume the default configuration.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-19
New features in Release 6.4.2

When replacing a QAM or UPS module with a different module, the CMTS boots the
module to the default configuration since there is no existing configuration for that

C10G-209# ha replace linecard 1 with QAM8x96

Graceful OSPF Restart support (OSPF 3623)

Release 6.4.2 includes support for RFC 3623, Graceful OSPF Restart and non-stop
forwarding (NFS) of data packets over known routes.

The following CLI commands have been implemented in the router ospf
configuration context:

[no] nsf — Enables/disables non-stop forwarding for the current OSPF router.

[no] capability opaque — Enables the opague local link-state advertisement

capability flag for this OSPF router.

[no] nsf [restart-interval <num=1:1800>] — The graceful restart interval in

seconds. The range is from 1 to 1800 seconds with a default of 120 seconds.

[no] nsf helper disable — Disables the non-stop forwarding helper mode. The NFS
helper mode is enabled by default at the OSPF router.

[no] nsf helper strict-lsa-checking — Indicates whether or not an OSPF restart

helper should terminate graceful restart when there is a change to an LSA that would
be flooded to the restarting router or when there is a changed LSA on the restarting
router's retransmission list when graceful restart is initiated. The default is enabled.

[no] debug ip ospf nsf [(helper | restart)] [vrf <string>] [slot <slot_num>] —
Returns OSPF debugging statistics based on the specified options.

The show ip ospf has been revised to display OSPF graceful restart statistics.

C10G-209(config-router-ospf)# nsf
C10G-209(config-router-ospf)# capability opaque
C10G-209(config-router-ospf)# nsf restart-interval 100

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-20 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New features in Release 6.4.2

C10G-209(config-router-ospf)# nsf helper

C10G-209(config-router-ospf)# nsf helper strict-lsa-checking

C10G-209(config-router-ospf)# show ip ospf

OSPF Routing Process 1, Router ID:
Supports only single TOS (TOS0) routes
This implementation conforms to RFC2328
RFC1583Compatibility flag is disabled
OpaqueCapability flag is enabled
SPF schedule delay 1 secs, Hold time between two SPFs 5 secs
Refresh timer 10 secs
Number of external LSA 22. Checksum Sum 0x000b0892
Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x00000000
Number of areas attached to this router: 1
IETF NSF helper support enabled
IETF Non-Stop Forwarding enabled
restart-interval limit: 100 sec
IETF NSF helper strict-lsa-checking enable

Patch maintenance
A patch maintenance mechanism has been introduced to improve the handling of
QAM and UPS daemon patch releases that have been copied to the CMTS via TFTP.
The CLI format is as follows:

copy tftp <ip-address> daemon_name.rel_ver_patch_version patch

The following CLI session copies patch release to the NVRAM patch area.

C10G-RC220# copy tftp ups_daemon.rel6.1.3B21P01 patch

C10G-RC220# copy tftp qam_daemon.rel6.1.3B21P01 patch
C10G-RC220# copy tftp ddm_rpc_server.rel6.1.3B21P02

Tag Protocol Identifiers

A Tag Protocol Identifier (TPID) can now be configured on VLAN interfaces to add a
second tag of top of cable modem user traffic when that traffic is already

The default is 0x8100 IEEE 801.Q-tagged frame. Options are 0x8100, 0x88a8 (outer
tag), and 0x9100.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-21
New features in Release 6.4.2

C10G-RC220(conf-if-vlan 7/10)# tpid 0x8100

VLAN QinQ IEEE 802.1ad support

VLAN QinQ IEEE 802.1ad support has been implemented for the Business Service
over DOCSIS (BSoD) specification (CM-SP-L2VPN-I09-100611, Section
QinQ allows multiple stackable VLANs to be created under a single VLAN tag so that
traffic from other VLANs remains segregated and independent.

To configure QinQ, the CMTS requires an outer VLAN and a QinQ tag. The modem
.bin file will have QinQ defined for both the inner and outer vlan. The network side
router must also have QinQ configured.

Example: QinQ with 2000/4001 (inner vlan/outer vlan) topology

Switch1(vlan2000)->Router(0x88a8)->CMTS(4001& 0x88a8)->RF->CM(2000/4001)->Switch2

CASA-CMTS# show interface vlan 6/4001

interface vlan 6/4001
xgige 6/1
no ip igmp
no ip pim sparse-mode
tpid 0x88a8
ipv6 dad enable
no shutdown

CASA-CMTS# show interface vlan 7/4001 (SMM redundancy)

interface vlan 7/4001
xgige 7/0
no ip igmp
no ip pim sparse-mode
tpid 0x88a8
ipv6 dad enable
no shutdown

CASA-CMTS(config)# interface vlan 6/4001
CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 6/4001)#tpid ?
0x8100 default tpid (802.1q
0x88a8 tpid for (QinQ tag)
0x9100 another tpid permitted

CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 6/4001)#tpid 0x88a8

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-22 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New features in Release 6.4.2

CASA-CMTS# show l2vpn vlan

l2vpn vlan table: vlan_id=0
vid in=2000 out=4001 cm= 70 lc= 1 602a.d0d9.b086 US 10/5.0/0* DS 1/
vid in=2000 out=4001 cm= 75 lc= 1 602a.d0d9.a795 US 10/5.0/0* DS 1/
vid in=2000 out=4001 cm= 82 lc= 1 602a.d0d9.88f3 US 10/5.0/0* DS 1/
Target197#show l2vpn qam 1
lc: logical=1 phy=1
L2VPN US: ttl=183 drop=0 DS: ttl=639503 drop=0 NotDefined pkt=0 id=0
local: mac_addr_movable 0 traffic_fwd 1
vlan tbl: i/o vid=2000/4001
:00:00:00:00:00:00:91:00:00:00:00 nrCm=3 pkt: br=175 175 uni=8 9
timeout=3 to_bcm_pkt=183 send_back_pkt=175 mx_mc_rate=(9999999 0)
TEK addr=0x15d2901e0 nx=0x15d290230 cm=2000 mac=-95 said=9216
active_time=0 pkt=515 alg=1
s1= 1 ffad0ab07015b30bde1cd7de071604de desc=0x55ff728020
i/o vid: 2000/4001 cm=0 us_pkt=107 ds_pkt=107 t=0 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 2000/4001 cm=0 us_pkt=66 ds_pkt=66 t=0 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 2000/4001 cm=131071 us_pkt=8 ds_pkt=9 t=0 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 2000/4001 cm=82 us_pkt=23 ds_pkt=0 t=0 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 2000/4001 cm=75 us_pkt=23 ds_pkt=0 t=0 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 2000/4001 cm=70 us_pkt=137 ds_pkt=9 t=0 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 4001/0 cm=131071 us_pkt=0 ds_pkt=629944 t=2 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 2000/4001 cm=0 us_pkt=2 ds_pkt=2 t=2 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 1973/0 cm=0 us_pkt=0 ds_pkt=1206 t=2 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 1973/0 cm=0 us_pkt=0 ds_pkt=1295 t=2 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 1973/0 cm=0 us_pkt=0 ds_pkt=1385 t=2 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 1973/0 cm=0 us_pkt=0 ds_pkt=567 t=2 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 1973/0 cm=0 us_pkt=0 ds_pkt=896 t=2 lo_drop=0 mac

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-23
New features in Release 6.4.2

i/o vid: 1973/0 cm=0 us_pkt=0 ds_pkt=789 t=2 lo_drop=0 mac

i/o vid: 1973/0 cm=0 us_pkt=0 ds_pkt=999 t=2 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 1973/0 cm=0 us_pkt=0 ds_pkt=462 t=2 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 1973/0 cm=0 us_pkt=0 ds_pkt=1101 t=2 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 1973/0 cm=0 us_pkt=0 ds_pkt=675 t=2 lo_drop=0 mac
i/o vid: 1973/0 cm=131071 us_pkt=0 ds_pkt=9375 t=2 lo_drop=0 mac

Modem .bin file:

[root@Daytona tftpboot]# docsis -d 2k_4k.bin
NetworkAccess 1;
MaxClassifiers 5;
UsServiceFlowRef 1;
QosParamSetType 7;
DsServiceFlowRef 2;
QosParamSetType 7;
MaxCPE 4;
GlobalPrivacyEnable 1;
VendorIdentifier 0xffffff;
GenericTLV TlvCode 5 TlvLength 12 TlvValue
/* CmMic 87f428a05e706008a6bf59690ec6ab5c; */
/* CmtsMic 9627d18c48e31022b22f28a3b1d9f9d0; */
/* Pad */

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-24 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New features in Release 6.4.2

RADIUS server timeout configuration

The radius-server timeout command allows users to configure a 1 to 60 second
timeout period should the RADIUS server become unavailable or is inaccessible to
the CMTS. The default setting is 5 seconds. If not set, the default setting does not
display with the show startup-config command.

C10G-209(config)# radius-server timeout 30

Overlapping frequency checks

When configuring a channel in a service-group, the CLI now checks for overlapping
frequencies in that same service-group. If an overlapping condition exists, the CLI
blocks the channel from the service-group and generates an error message for
corrective action.

clear cable modem command enhancement

The clear cable modem command has been enhanced with additional CLI options to
provide more refined cable modem filtering. The new options are: docsis-mac,
counters, upstream, and downstream.

C10G-209(config)# clear cable modem ?
<ipAddress> A.B.C.D
<ipv6_addr> xxxx:xxxx:...:xxxx
<mac_addr> xxxx.xxxx.xxxx,CM mac address
counters cable modem traffic count
docsis-mac mac-domain
downstream downstream module
offline offline cable modems
reset reset cable modems
upstream upstream module

C10G-209(config)# clear cable modem docsis-mac 20

C10G-209(config)# clear cable modem downstream 4/0/1
C10G-209(config)# clear cable modem upstream 9/0.1
C10G-209(config)# clear cable modem counters downstream
C10G-209(config)# clear cable modem counters upstream

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-25
New features in Release 6.4.2

Telnet access to CMTS

The [no] system telnet-service enable command has been implemented to allow
users to disable Telnet access to the CMTS. The default setting is enabled.

C10G-209(config)# system telnet-service enable

QAM port replication

Under the interface qam slot/port configuration, the [no] channel <id>
replicate-port <port_number> allows users to replicate the specified channel
configuration to other ports (0 to 7) on the current QAM slot.

Example: Replicate channel 0 configuration to ports 5,6 7

C10G-209(config)# interface qam 0/0
C10G-209(config-if-qam 0/0)# channel 0 replicate-port 5-7
Refer to the Casa Systems – CMTS Release Notes for limitations on this feature.

Source Address Verification and VRF interoperability

Source Address Verification now operates with virtual routing and forwarding (VRF).
The cable sec sav-cfg-list and the [no] cable host authorization commands have
been revised to accept the optional VRF name at the end of the command syntax.

C10G-209(config)# cable sec sav-cfg-list list1 1 vrf

C10G-209(config)# cable host authorization 2345.2345.2345 vrf


show tech-support command enhancement

The show tech-support command has been enhanced to display routing protocol
traffic information.

C10G-209# show tech-support
Fri Oct 11 15:14:16 UTC 2013

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-26 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New features in Release 6.4.2

router ospf 1 slot 7
capability opaque
nsf restart-interval 100
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
router ospf 2 slot 7
network area 0
network area 0
router bgp 40 slot 7
no synchronization

Downstream modem count MIB

The casaCmtsDSTotalModemCount object (OID
has been added to the casaCmtsCmCpeMib file. The new object returns the total count
of all online modems over all downstream channels.

1: casaCmtsTotalDSModemCount.0 (gauge) 12

Displaying noise statistics over upstream channels

The show service group <number> upstream signal-quality and the show
upstream signal-quality commands have been implemented to display signal noise
statistics over upstream channels, frequency, and channel-width statistcis.

C10G-209(config)# show service group 1 upstream signal-quality
upstream channel frequency channel-width signal noise
13/0.0/0 20000000 3200000 0.0
13/0.0/1 20000000 3200000 0.0

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-27
New features in Release 6.4.2

13/0.1/0 25000000 3200000 0.0

13/0.1/1 25000000 3200000 0.0
13/0.2/0 20000000 3200000 0.0
13/0.2/1 20000000 3200000 0.0
13/0.3/0 20000000 3200000 0.0
13/0.3/1 20000000 3200000 0.0
13/1.0/0 20000000 800000 29.2
13/1.0/1 20000000 3200000 0.0
13/1.1/0 25000000 800000 30.7
13/1.1/1 25000000 3200000 0.0
13/1.2/0 20000000 3200000 0.0
13/1.2/1 20000000 3200000 0.0
13/1.3/0 20000000 3200000 0.0
13/1.3/1 20000000 3200000 0.0

Partial service cable modems

A new command has been implemented to display information about cable modems
that have gone into partial service.

show cable modem [<super-mac>] partial-service [service-group

<string>] [upstream | downstream | both]
By default, the command displays both upstream and downstream partial service

C10G-209(config)# show cable modem partial-service

SFP monitoring
The show interface [gige <number> | xgige number] transceiver command has
been implemented for real-time monitoring of Ethernet SFP transmit and receive
power, optical current, voltage, and temperature.

C10G-209(config)# show interface xgige 7/7 transceiver
Optical Optical Optical
Temperature Voltage Current Tx Power Rx Power
Interface (Celsius) (Volts) (mA) (dBm) (dBm)
--------- ----------- ------- ------- -------- --------
xgige 7/7 31.0 3.32 7.7 0.6 0.4

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-28 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New features in Release 6.4.2

Casa Spectrum Management rules

The number of supported Casa Spectrum Management (CSM) rules has been
increased to 64.

IP bundle addressing for TFTP

The ip-bundle address may now be configured as the source IP address for TFTP in
Release 6.4.2.

BGP multipath support

BGP multipath support has been implemented to allow traffic load balancing between
two GigE interfaces having equal cost paths after a best route has been selected to a
neighbor router. Traffic will now be load-balanced across the two interfaces.

Multiple grants per interval (MGPI) support

Multiple grants per interval (MGPI) enable support has been added to PacketCable
MultiMedia. MGPI allows mapping of multiple PCMM voice flows into a single
DOCSIS service flow. The show packetcable mgpi command has been implemented
with this feature.

Cable admission control is supported with MGPI. See the section “Admission control
and bandwidth management” for information.

C10G-209(config)# show packetcable mgpi

Source flow identifiers

After performing a modem reboot, the CMTS will assign a new SFID to the modem
instead of reusing the previous SFID.

Mapping cable modem MAC addresses to VLANs

The cable modem <mac-address> l2vpn-map <num=2:4094> [(vpnid <string>)]
has been implemented for users who want to map certain modem MAC addresses to
VLANs for L2VPN. Use the show cable modem l2vpn-map to display all configured

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-29
New features in Release 6.4.2

CASA-C10G(config)# cable modem 0111.affd.addf l2vpn-map 4034
CASA-C10G(config)# show cable modem l2vpn-map cable modem
0111.affd.addf l2vpn-map 4034

show upstream cnr command

The CLI show upstream cnr command and its variants have been introduced to
display Carrier-to-Noise Ratio (CNR) statistics on a global or per-specified channel

CASA_158(config)# show upstream cnr
upstream channel cnr
11/0.0/0 39.1
11/0.0/1 0.0
11/0.1/0 40.4
11/0.1/1 0.0
11/0.2/0 37.4
11/0.2/1 0.0
11/0.3/0 38.2
11/0.3/1 0.0
11/1.0/0 0.0
11/1.0/1 0.0

Upstream spectrum noise MIBs

MIBs to display the spectrum noise level for all possible upstream frequencies at a
pre-defined channel-width are now supported. This feature allows continuous
monitoring of the upstream spectrum noise level over time to identify possible return
path RF issues.

Affected MIBs: casa-spectrum-mib

CasaSpectrumDataEntry — 20858.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-30 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New features in Release 6.4.2

Modulation profiles
The number of supported modulation profiles now operates in the range 1 to 1024,
independently of the actual number of profiles created.

DOCSIS channel statistics MIBs

SNMP MIBs to get DOCSIS upstream and downstream channel statistics have been
introduced in casa-docs-ext-mib, as follows:

casaCmtsIfXTable — OID 20858.

casaCmtsifXD30HCOutOctets (64bit)
casaCmtsifXD30HCOutUcastPkts (64bit)
casaCmtsifXD30HCInOctets (64bit)
casaCmtsifXD30HCInUcastPkts (64bit)

SMM synchronization
The show smm sync-status command has been added to the CLI to allow users to
confirm file synchronization between the active and standby SMM.

C10G-209# show smm sync-status
This command is available at the CMTS supported with SMM redundancy,
and the standby SMM must be in ready status!

C10G-RC220> show smm sync-status

Data base sync status: synchronized
Boot image sync status: synchronized

IPv6 policy-based routing

IPv6 Policy-Based Routing support has been in implemented in Release 6.4.2 for up
to three next-hop addresses using a route-map. Under the route-map configuration
context, issue the set ipv6 next-hop <ipv6-address> command to configure the
destination IPv6 addresses.

C10G-209# route-map localnet

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-31
New features in Release 6.4.2

C10G-209(conf-route-map localnet)# set ipv6 next-hop


ASCII clear text authentication

The aaa authentication command has been revised to support ASCII (clear text)
authentication. The default setting is PAP if ASCII is not specified. Use the no form
of the command to revert back from ASCII to PAP authentication. The show
running-config displays the setting under the AAA accounting context.

C10G-209(config)# aaa authentication ascii

System identifier command

Comcast Digital Voice configuration support for up to the first 17 bits of the 32-bit
Gate ID for use as a CMTS ID has been implemented. The ID is configured at the
CMTS using the new system id <0-131071> command in configuration mode.

C10G-209(config)# system id 50

clear bgp commands

The following clear bgp commands have been introduced in 6.4.2. These commands
at the top level of the CLI.

clear bgp ipv4 * in prefix-filter

clear bgp ipv4 <AS-number> in prefix-filter

clear bgp ipv4 external in prefix-filter

clear bgp ipv4 <ip-address> in prefix-filter

clear bgp ipv4 peer-group NAME in prefix-filter

clear bgp ipv6 * in prefix-filter

clear bgp ipv6 <AS-number> in prefix-filter

clear bgp ipv6 external in prefix-filter

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-32 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New features in Release 6.4.2

clear bgp ipv6 <ipv6-address> in prefix-filter

clear bgp ipv6 peer-group <name> in prefix-filter

clear bgp ipv6 [ipv6-address] out

Pending upstream byte statistics

The show cable modem qos verbose command has been enhanced to include
pending upstream byte statistics (best-effort, guarantee, total). Use this option when
there is high upstream utilization, but with low throughput. This may indicate a
modem that is receiving upstream transmission grants, but is not sending upstream

CASA-C10G# show cable modem upstream 13/0.2/0 qos verbose | inc Pending
Pending bytes(Best-Effort/Guarantee/Total): 0/0/0
Pending bytes(Best-Effort/Guarantee/Total):

MTU Discovery feature

IPv4 and IPv6 Path MTU Discovery support over network side interfaces has been
implemented in Release 6.4.2. This feature checks for packet sizes that exceed 1500

Route table size enhancement

Release 6.4.2 software now supports up to 64000 routes in the route table.

SNMP packet sizes

The snmp packetsize command has been implemented in the software to configure
the maximum packet size permitted when the SNMP agent is receiving a request or
generating a reply. The valid range is 484 to 8192 bytes.

C10G-209(config)# snmp packetsize 1500

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-33
New features in Release 6.4.2

Casa module status

The SNMP casaModuleStatus MIB now indicates STDBY status.

1: casaModuleId.2 (gauge) 2
2: casaModuleId.3 (gauge) 3
3: casaModuleId.6 (gauge) 6
4: casaModuleId.7 (gauge) 7
5: casaModuleType.2 (integer) qam(1)
6: casaModuleType.3 (integer) qam(1)
7: casaModuleType.6 (integer) smm(3)
8: casaModuleType.7 (integer) smm(3)
9: casaModuleMajorRev.2 (integer) 5
10: casaModuleMajorRev.3 (integer) 5
11: casaModuleMajorRev.6 (integer) 0
12: casaModuleMajorRev.7 (integer) 0
13: casaModuleMinorRev.2 (integer) 2
14: casaModuleMinorRev.3 (integer) 2
15: casaModuleMinorRev.6 (integer) 0
16: casaModuleMinorRev.7 (integer) 0
17: casaModuleSerialNo.2 (octet string) QB10CC250003
18: casaModuleSerialNo.3 (octet string) (zero-length)
19: casaModuleSerialNo.6 (octet string) (zero-length)
20: casaModuleSerialNo.7 (octet string) SB15BB8S0111
21: casaModuleStatus.2 (integer) primary(1)
22: casaModuleStatus.3 (integer) notready(3)
23: casaModuleStatus.6 (integer) standby(2)
24: casaModuleStatus.7 (integer) primary(1)
25: casaModuleReboot.2 (integer) false(2)
26: casaModuleReboot.3 (integer) false(2)
27: casaModuleReboot.6 (integer) false(2)
28: casaModuleReboot.7 (integer) false(2)

AAA status enhancement

The show aaa command has been revised to display RADIUS and TACACS server
up, down, or unknown status.

C10G-209(config)# show aaa

----------------------- AAA Configurations --------------------

TACACS timeout : 0

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-34 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New features in Release 6.4.2

TACACS Server Encryption Key :

AAA Authentication : LOGIN, OFF
AAA Authentication method : LOCAL
AAA Authentication Console : NOT ENABLED

AAA CMD Authorization : OFF




RADIUS Server Encryption Key : NONE

RADIUS Server Timeout : 5 seconds
RADIUS Server Retry-max : 0

Video homeless streams

The show video homeless-streams {all | slot <number>} has been implemented in
the Casa CLI.

C10G-209(config)# show video homeless-streams all
QAM Src Dest Dest Total
Module IpAddress IpAddress Port Pkts
------ --------------- --------------- ----- ----------


Static route descriptions

A description option is now available for the multiple commands that create static
routes, including route host, route net, and ip route. Up to 64 characters may be
specified in each description. Quotation marks (“ “) must enclose text strings having
bank spaces.

C10G-209(config)# route host gw description "This is a
sample route description"

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-35
New features in Release 6.4.2

page off command enhancement

The [no] page off command has been revised to operate without the typed dash (-)
character between the words “page” and “off”. The previous version of the command
using the dash (-) did not operate with some TACACS authentication servers.

C10G-209(config)# no page ?
off paging off at output of show command
C10G-209(config)# no page off

PIM access lists

Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) access control lists are now made persistent
throughout the CMTS configuration.

HTTP process stop and restart

The http-server command has been added to the CLI diagnostic mode to stop and
restart the HTTP process. If stopped, TFTP and the video Web interface will not be
available. HTTP is enabled by default.

CASA-C10G(diag)# http-server <stop|restart>
CASA-C10G(diag)# show http-server status
httpd running (or stopped)

Reboot string to log file enhancement

The configured system reboot reason <string> will now be written to the system log
file. The show log command will display the text entry.

CASA-C10G(config)# system reboot reason “Upgrading to new release.”

CASA-C10G(config)# show log

[Wed Oct 16 10:21:24 2013]-AL-SYS-1: smm7: Reboot reason: Upgrading to

new release.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-36 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New features in Release 6.4.2

bpi-plus-enforce command enhancement

The cable privacy bpi-plus-enforce and cable privacy bpi-enforce commands now
have a mandatory option that will prevent all non-BPI modems from registering with
the CMTS. If the mandatory option is not specified, then non-BPI modems will
register and come online with CMTS.

CASA-C10G(config)# cable privacy bpi-enforce [mandatory]
CASA-C10G(config)# cable privacy bpi-plus-enforce [mandatory]
Specifying the cable privacy bpi-plus-enforce without the mandatory option will
continue to prevent BPI modems from registering; only BPI-plus modems will

DHCPv6 option 37
Support has been implemented for DHCPv6 agent Remote-ID option 37 in packets
forwarded to DHCP servers.

Load balance threshold load

Under the load-balance execution rule configuration, the threshold load minimum
value range is now 2 to 500. The prior minimum value range was 2 to 100.

C10G-209(load-bal-exe-rule 6)# threshold load 5 enforce 6 minimum 500

Service flows per cable modem

The CMTS software now supports up to 32 service flows per cable modem in each
direction (upstream and downstream).

IPv6 prefix advertisements

Under the interface ip-bundle configuration, IPv6 address prefixes associated with
the CMTS interfaces, cable modems, and CPEs can now be configured with a
preferred-lifetime and a valid-lifetime settings to control the length of time IPv6
prefixes are advertised.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-37
New features in Release 6.4.2

Both settings are specified on the same command line for both primary and secondary
IPv6 addresses. If not set, all IPv6 prefixes have an infinite lifetime. The valid range is
1 to 4294967295 seconds. No connections can be made over IP addresses that has

CASA-C10G(ip-bundle 1)# ipv6 address 2000:190:1::1/64 autoconfig
preferred-lifetime 4294967295 valid-lifetime 4294967295

CASA-C10G(ip-bundle 1)# ipv6 address 2000:190:11::1/64 secondary

preferred-lifetime 20000 valid-lifetime 30000

Duplicate Address Detection protocol (RFC 4429)

Support has been implemented for the Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) protocol
on a per-interface basis with the [no] ipv6 dad enable command. The DAD protocol
is enabled by default in the startup configuration.

C10G-209(config-if-xgige 6/0)# ipv6 dad enable

System console privilege level enforcement

Configured user privilege levels are now enforced anytime users login in over a
system console.

QAM channels across tunnel groups

The number of supported QAM channels for all tunnel groups has been increased
from 128 to 1280.

AAA mixed privilege settings

Mixed privilege settings for AAA are now supported where the privilege setting
configured through TACACS+ is in effect while authentication is through RADIUS.

To support AAA mixed mode configuration:

1. Configure RADIUS and TACACS+.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-38 Release 6.4 Features Guide
New features in Release 6.4.2

2. Execute the aaa authorization exec default group tacacsplus command.

Upstream bonding groups

Up to 480 upstream bonding groups are now supported with the bonding-group
upstream mac-domain 1 group-id <number> command. Note that although the
group-id may be specified in the range 1 to 65535, the maximum number of bonding
groups is 480.

C10G-209(config)# bonding-group upstream mac-domain 30 group-id 100

Concurrent multicast sessions

The software has been revised so that the maximum number of concurrent multicast
sessions is no longer restricted to 2048.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-39
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

This section provides information on the new features included with the initial and
prior release, Release

Casa CCAP Video Web Interface

The Casa Video Web Interface is a menu-based interface which allows you to
configure and monitor the Edge QAM component of the CCAP, specifically the VOD
and SDV functionality supported on the QAM 8X96.

System — Provides the current CCAP system status and module states.

Configure — Provides editing access to the CCAP video configuration. The

configuration functions are:

• Service — Configures NTP, trap target, and system logging.

• QAM Port — Configures QAM module details by system slot.
• QAM Channel — Configures QAM channels and frequencies by system slot and
• Video General — Configures general video parameters, including dejitter, PAT,
and PMT intervals, table mode, unicast and multicast session loss timeout
settings, and PID remapping mode.
• EDIS — Configures the SRM-specific parameters, including IP address and type,
edis-announce, edis-indication, and reset interval. The Export function captures
the video configuration in the Third Party QAM (TPQ) file format for the target
SRM server.
• Video Interface — Configures the video interfaces by IP address and mask,
control source and mode, and the specific Ethernet interface by SMM slot and
• QAM Domain — Configures the video domain with the video interfaces and the
specific SRM to be applied to this domain.
• QAM Group — Configures one or more contiguous QAM channels from the
same port on the same line card. When created, a QAM group can only be present
in a single QAM domain.
• Save Config — Save the current running configuration.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-40 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

• User Admin — Adds users and user access privilege levels to the CCAP and the
video configuration.
Monitoring — Provides statistics monitoring capabilities for the following

• Alarms and logs

• Edge announce
• EDIS, channel, port, and service-group
• NIC and diagnostic ports
Basic functions include Save, Edit, and Delete keys that are available as you build
and modify the video configuration. A Sync key is available for synchronizing the
CCAP with a target Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.

Internet Explore V9.0 is the supported Web browser. Open a Web session to the GigE
Ethernet port default IP address to launch the video user interface. For
example, in the HTTP task bar, enter the following:

AAA local, RADIUS, and TACACS+ authentication are supported on the video web
user interface.

For complete information on the Casa Video Web interface and information on the
equivalent CLI commands for configuring video, see the Casa Systems – CMTS
Network Solutions Guide.

Routing mode support on QAM 8x96 video interfaces

Video interfaces operate either in host mode or routing mode. In host mode, the video
interface operates as a Layer 2 transport for MPEG-2 transport streams. In routing
mode, the video interface operates as a Layer 3 transport where configured routing
protocols on the physical interfaces and the upstream router handle the video traffic.

Note: When there is NO Ethernet port configured on the video interface, then
that video interface is operating in "Routing mode." When an Ethernet port IS
present on the video interface, then that video interface is operating in "Host

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-41
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

For complete information on configuring video services, refer to the Casa Systems –
CMTS Network Solutions Guide.

Flexible channel licensing

Flexible channel licensing allows you to configure up (and not to exceed) to the
maximum number of channels supported by the module across all ports. The number
of channels per port remains limited to the maximum number supported on that

With Release 6.1.x and earlier, modules are set to use the channels-per-port number.
If your company purchases and licenses 4 channels per port on QAM 8x8 card, you
cannot use the 5th channel on each of the ports.

With R6.4.1 and later, each upstream or downstream module is limited by the total
number of channels per module.

On the QAM 8x8 with 4 licensed channels per port, you will able to configure a total
of 4 (channels) * 8 (ports) to equal the total 32 channels across the 8 ports. You can
also choose to configure 8 channels on the first 4 ports, or randomly pick channels
across the eight ports to form a total of 32.

Flexible channel licensing applies to all upstream and downstream modules, including
the UPS 16x8 and the QAM 8x96.

Admission control and bandwidth management

The CMTS now supports traffic admission control over exclusive and non-exclusive
downstream and upstream bandwidths. The admission control feature uses one or
more configured application classes, where each application class defines the required
bandwidth percentage and rules for a matching service flow. The CMTS then
calculates and ensures the bandwidth before admitting the service flow for
transmission over the upstream or downstream channel.

Each application class is a service that defines the rules for matching service flows to
that application class for bandwidth calculation prior to admission. This includes
schedule types for:

• Upstream (Best Effort, Non-Real-Time Polling Service, Real-Time Polling

Service, UGS, UGS-AD)

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-42 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

• PCMM with application identifier or gate-priority

• PacketCable with emergency call or normal call, and
• Cable service-class name
Up to 16 unique application classes are supported in the CMTS configuration for
classifying different flows.

The admission control feature manages cable modem registration, as well as dynamic
service flows such as DOCSIS Channel Change (DCC). Because admission control
calculates bandwidth before a flow is admitted, a default action of either accept or
reject may be defined for cable modem registration when the bandwidth percentage
calculation shows insufficient bandwidth. Similarly for dynamic services, a default
action of reject or DCC may be defined for whenever the available bandwidth
percentage calculation is insufficient.

Each application class can be assigned a unique bandwidth percentage on upstream

and downstream channels. This bandwidth percentage can be either exclusive or
non-exclusive. With exclusive bandwidth percentage, one application class will use all
of the allocated bandwidth percentage. The non-exclusive bandwidth percentage
provides additional bandwidth resources whenever the exclusive bandwidth is
insufficient to handle the service flows belonging to that one application class.

Under conditions where the exclusive bandwidth is not fully utilized for any given
application class, the surplus bandwidth is available to other service flows belonging
to other application classes. However, this surplus bandwidth will be preempted if the
service flows belonging to the original application class require more bandwidth.

For service flows not belonging to any of the configured application classes, the
CMTS will be admit flows as long as there is enough bandwidth remaining after all
application class service flows have been calculated for upstream or downstream

Enabling and configuring admission control

Perform the following steps enable and configure admission control:

1. In CMTS configuration mode, execute the cable admission-control command to

enable admission control and to set the global parameters: cm-registration,
dynamic-service, preempt.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-43
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

C10G-209(config)# cable admission-control ?
cm-registration cm registration service flow
dynamic-service cm dynamic dsx service flow
preempt preempt
C10G-209(config)# cable admission-control cm-registration
C10G-209(config)# cable admission-control dynamic-service [exceed
C10G-209(config)# cable admission-control preempt priority-voice

• cm-registration — Specify cm-registration to apply admission control to
cable modem registration upstream service flows to the CMTS.
• dynamic-service — Specify dynamic-service to apply admission control to
DCC service flows. Use the optional exceed parameter to force DCC service
flow admission if the calculated bandwidth is insufficient, select reject to
disallow the service-flow.
• preempt priority-voice — Specify preempt to give bandwidth priority to
certain voice flows over all other traffic.
2. Create one or more service-flow application classes to define rules and the
bandwidth to be calculated for matching upstream or downstream traffic. Up to 16
classes are supported in the range 1 to 16.

C10G-209(config)# application class 4
C10G-209(conf-app-class 4)#
downstream-bandwidth downstream-bandwidth
include bind rule to application class
name name configure
upstream-bandwidth upstream-bandwidth

C10G-209(conf-app-class 4)# downstream-bandwidth exclusive

<1-100> non-exclusive <1-100>
C10G-209(conf-app-class 4)# upstream-bandwidth exclusive <1-100>
non-exclusive <1-100>

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-44 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

• downstream-bandwidth — Specify both the exclusive and non-exclusive
downstream bandwidth percentages in the range 1 to 100 percent, as
described at the beginning of this section.
• upstream-bandwidth — Specify both the exclusive and non-exclusive
upstream bandwidth percentages in the range 1 to 100 percent, as described at
the beginning of this section
• name — Optional; specify a text description or name for the application class.
3. Use the include command to add rules and schedule types to the application class

C10G-209(conf-app-class 4)# include ?
BE best effort service flow with non-zero
Committed Information Rate
packetcable packetcable call class
pcmm packetcable multimedia
sched-type qos service class schedule type
service-class cable service class
C10G-209(conf-app-class 4)# include BE
C10G-209(conf-app-class 4)# include packetcable [emergency|normal]
C10G-209(conf-app-class 4)# include pcmm {app-id <number>|
gate-priority <number>}
C10G-209(conf-app-class 4)# include sched-type {BE | nrtps| rtps |
ugs | ugs-ad}
C10G-209(conf-app-class 4)# include service-class <name>

• BE— Best effort service flow with non-zero Committed Information Rate.
• packetcable — PacketCable call class service flows.
• pcmm — PacketCable Multimedia service flows.
• sched-type — Service flow schedule type: BE, Non-Real-Time Polling
(nrtps), Real-Time Polling Service (rtps), Unsolicited Grant Service (ugs),
Unsolicited Grant Service with Activity Detection (ugs-ad).
• service-class — Cable service-class name as previously configured with the
cable service-class object.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-45
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

Downstream priority classes

The CMTS software has been revised to support eight downstream traffic priority
classes from cable modems that have registered with the CMTS. Higher priority
traffic is given precedence at the CMTS during high traffic periods when network
congestion is possible.

There are no configuration requirements at the CMTS as the downstream priority

class comes directly from the cable modem configuration file.

Multiple upstream logical channels, dynamic channel width switching,

and independent power levels
Release 6.4 supports dynamic channel width switching between logical upstream
channels (0 and 1) using the same center frequency. This feature allows legacy D1.x
modems to transmit upstream at 3.2 MHz over one logical channel, while the second
logical channel is available for D2.0 (and later) modems to transmit upstream at 6.4

Time-division multiplexing provides the switching between the logical channels, with
modem upstream transmission taking place over one logical channel at a time.
Supported upstream channel widths per upstream logical channel are configurable at
.2, .4, .8, 1.6, 3.2, and 6.4 MHz. Depending on the configured upstream channel width,
a logical channel provides an SNR increase for higher QAM modulation, a reduction
of integrated noise, and an increase in total bandwidth for improved efficiency within
the same spectrum. For example, by dividing one 6.4 MHz logical channel in half,
SNR increases by 3dB.

The follow CLI session shows an example upstream interface configuration with the
logical channels (in bold text) set at frequencies for modems operating on this
interface. Logical channel 0 is set 6.4 MHz, and logical channel 1 is set at 3.2 MHz.
The CMTS dynamically performs TDM switching between the logical channels when
the CMST sends upstream transmission grants to the modems. Channel selection is
based on the requirements of the requesting modem.

C10G(config-if-ups 13/0.0)# show interface upstream 13/0

interface upstream 13/0.0

spectrum-rule 35
frequency 5000000

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-46 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

channel-width 3200000
power-level 0
power-adjustment continue 2
power-adjustment threshold 1
voice-bw-reserve 75 emergency 0
ingress-cancellation 100
logical-channel 0 prov-attr-mask 0x0
logical-channel 0 channel-width 6400000
logical-channel 0 profile 4
logical-channel 0 minislot 2
logical-channel 0 data-backoff automatic
logical-channel 0 ranging-backoff 0 4
logical-channel 0 pre-equalization
logical-channel 0 power-offset 0
logical-channel 0 ranging-priority 0x0
logical-channel 0 class-id 0x0
no logical-channel 0 shutdown
logical-channel 1 prov-attr-mask 0x0
logical-channel 1 channel-width 3200000
logical-channel 1 profile 4
logical-channel 1 minislot 8
logical-channel 1 data-backoff automatic
logical-channel 1 ranging-backoff 0 4
logical-channel 1 pre-equalization
logical-channel 1 power-offset 0
logical-channel 1 ranging-priority 0x0
logical-channel 1 class-id 0x0
no logical-channel 1 shutdown
no shutdown

In addition to the dynamic channel width switching between the logical channels, an
upstream power-offset level setting (relative to the physical channel power) may be
configured independently on each logical channel in the range -10 dBto 10 dB.

Upstream burst noise detection and monitoring

Release 6.4 provides a set of commands that allows cable operators to monitor
upstream burst noise statistics over 10-second intervals. Burst noise can be displayed
per logical channel, or displayed over all upstream channels. Statistics include:

• Burst noise event rate in events per second.

• Percentage of correctable and uncorrectable burst events.
• Burst duration in microseconds, percentage of events in the duration, and the
maximum upstream power level.
The new commands are summarized below:

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-47
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

• show upstream burst noise — Displays brief burst noise statistics for all logical
• show upstream [slot/} burst noise — Displays brief burst noise
statistics for both logical channels for the specified physical channel.
• show upstream {slot/} burst noise — Displays
brief burst noise statistics for the specified logical channel.
• cable upstream burst-noise-detect — Enables/disables burst noise detection.
Use the no form of the command to disable upstream burst noise detection.

C10G(config-if-ups 13/0.0)# show upstream burst-noise
upstream channel burst noise rate (events/sec)
10/0.0/0 143.0
10/0.0/1 119.7
10/0.1/0 95.2
10/0.1/1 131.1
10/1.0/0 0.0
10/1.0/1 0.0
10/1.1/0 0.0
10/1.1/1 0.0

C10G-181(config-if-ups 13/0.0)#show upstream 10/0.0/0 burst-noise

Burst Noise Stats for Channel 10/0.0/0:

Burst noise event rate: 143.5 events/second.

Percentage of Correctable Burst Events: 98%
Percentage of Uncorrectable Burst Events: 2%

Burst Duration (microseconds) % of Events Max Power (in dB)

----------------------------- ----------- --------------
0 to 1 0 0
1 to 3 65 0
3 to 10 35 0
10 to 50 0 0
50 to 500 0 0
500 to 2000 0 0
2000 to 10000 0 0
10000 to 50000 0 0
> 50000 0 0

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-48 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

Network side interface (NSI) protocol additions in Release 6.4.1

Release 6.4 introduces MPLS VPN routing using virtual routing and forwarding
(VRF), multiprotocol BGP (MP-BGP), Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), and
the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) as described in the next sections.

Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF)

Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) allows the Casa CMTS systems to participate
as provider edge (PE) or customer edge (CE) devices in virtual private networks
(VPNs) using protocols such as BGP and MPLS. VRF allows multiple independent
instances of a routing table (up to 16) to exist on a single CMTS without the problem
of overlapping IP addresses over a shared wide-area network backbone. Data is
transmitted over the wide-area core backbone between VRF instances at each
customer or provider edge location for forwarding to a destination.

Figure 4 illustrates a sample network with two IP VPNs supporting Casa CMTS
systems as both VRF provider edge and customer edge routers.

Figure 4. Casa CMTS systems as provider and customer edge VPN routers

Provider Edge (PE) and
Customer Edge (CE)

ALM 0 1 2

Data distribution over

provider backbones
to destination PE routers



SYS 3 4 5
ALM 0 1 2
ALM 0 1 2

PE and CE PE and CE

Provider routers


Provider network
(MPLS core network / BGP)

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-49
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

Each VPN is associated with one or more VRF instances, where a VRF defines the
VPN membership of a customer site attached to a PE router. IP interfaces in a VRF
can be physical Ethernet port, or a logical interface such as VLAN switch virtual
interface, IP-bundle, or trunk interface. An IP interface can only be associated with
one VRF at any one time.

Packet forwarding information is stored in the IP routing table and in the forwarding
information base (FIB) table for each VRF. A separate set of routing and FIB tables is
maintained for each VRF. These tables prevent information from being forwarded
outside a VPN. It also prevent packets that are outside of a VPN from being forwarded
to a router within the VPN.

Based on routing information stored in the VRF IP routing table and the forwarding
information base (FIB) table, packets are forwarded to their destination using MPLS.
A PE router binds a label to each customer prefix learned from a CE router and
includes the label in the network reachability information for the prefix that it
advertises to other PE routers. When a PE router forwards a packet received from a
CE router across the provider network, it labels the packet with the label learned from
the destination PE router. When the destination PE router receives the labeled packet,
it pops the label and uses it to direct the packet to the correct CE router. Label
forwarding across the provider backbone is based on either dynamic label switching
or a configured static label-switched path (LSP).

Configuring VRF
Perform the following steps to configure VRF at the CMTS:

1. Specify the VRF instance name using up to 32 characters.

1. Create the VRF routing table to include a route-distinguisher and an external
route-target. For BGP networks, the route-distinguisher and the route-target can
be a BGP autonomous system (AS) number or IP address, each with a unique
2. Assign the IP bundle interface to the named VRF table.
3. Configure static routes in the VPN between the CE and PE routers, or configure
the routing protocols.

C10G# config
C10G(config)# ip vrf localnet

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1-50 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

C10G(config-vrf)# rd
C10G(config-vrf)# route-target import
C10G(config-vrf)# import map routemap1
C10G(config-vrf)# end
C10G(config)# interface gige 1
C10G(config-if-gige 6/1)# ip vrf forwarding localnet
C10G(config-if-gige 6/1)# end
C10G(config)# ip route vrf localnet
gw-vrf remotenet

OSPF Version 3
Release 6.4 supports OSPFv3 on Casa C10G and C100G systems per RFC 5340 on the
network side interface (NSI).

Supported features

• Broadcast and point-to-point link types.

• NSSA and stub area per RFC 5340.
• CMTS as Area Border Router (ABR) and Autonomous System Boundary Router
• Up to three OSPFv3 instances per routing interface.
• Up to eight OSPFv3 instances with each instance having a unique router ID.
• Sharing of same area ID over multiple OSPFv3 instances.
• First generated route installed when an OSPFv3 instance generates the same route
with a different next hop.
• IPv6 route redistribution among connected, static, RIPng, OSPFv3, IS-IS and
• Route redistribution among different routing instances.
• Route summarization.

New OSPF commands

Interface mode:
[no] ipv6 ospf6 cost
[no] ipv6 ospf6 dead-interval
[no] ipv6 ospf6 hello-interval

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Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

[no] ipv6 ospf6 network

[no] ipv6 ospf6 priority
[no] ipv6 ospf6 retransmit-interval
[no] ipv6 ospf6 transmit-delay
[no] ipv6 router ospf6 <process-id>area instance-id

Router mode:
[no] area area-id range
[no] redistribute {connected | static | ripng | is-is | bgp}
[route-map map-tag]
[no] router-id router-id

Router-map mode:
[no] match ipv6 address acl
[no] set metric

Enable mode:
show ipv6 ospf6
show ipv6 ospf6 database
show ipv6 ospf6 interface
show ipv6 ospf6 neighbor
show ipv6 ospf6 route
clear ipv6 ospf6 (WORD) process
show debugging ospf6
show ipv6 ospf6 topology

Global configuration mode:

[no] router ospf6 <string> [slot {6 | 7}]

Debug mode:
[no] debug ipv6 ospf events
[no] debug ipv6 ospf ifsm
[no] debug ipv6 ospf lsa
[no] debug ipv6 ospf nfsm
[no] debug ipv6 ospf nsm
[no] debug ipv6 ospf packet
[no] debug ipv6 ospf route
[no] debug ipv6 ospf (all|events|ifsm|lsa|nfsm|nsm|packet|route)

DOCSIS MIBs: docsl2vpnmib


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1-52 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

Multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) and Label Distribution

Protocol (LDP)
Release 6.4.1 supports the MPLS protocol (per RFC3031) in large CMTS network
deployments to facilitate high speed routing and forwarding of IP, Ethernet, and
traffic originating from various protocols. MPLS assigns labels to encapsulate, look
up, and switch traffic from one router to another rather than using slower network
address lookups from IP routing tables.

The Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) carries MPLS-assigned labels and payloads
between label-switched routers (LSRs) and label edge routers (LERs) when
transmitting packets to a destination. These routers are known as LDP peers, where
each peer maintains a label-switched path (LSP) database for traffic forwarding.

Network packets are prefixed with an MPLS header having one or more labels called
a label stack. When an MPLS router receives a label stack from another MPLS router,
the topmost label is examined first to determine if a swap, push, or pop operation is to
be performed on the label. The labeled traffic is then forwarded over the MPLS tunnel
to the next-hop MPLS peer router or destination endpoint.

MPLS-VPN label edge routers provide ingress and egress routing to the VPN using
the provider edge (PE) routers, while the transit-only routers are the provider routers.
See the section in this notice, “Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF).”

MPLS commands
The following MPLS commands have been implemented in the CLI:

Enable mode:

• show mpls forwarding-table

• show mpls interfaces
• show mpls label range
• show mpls static binding ipv4
• show mpls static binding ipv4 vrf vpn-name
• show mpls ldp
• show mpls running-config

Global configuration mode:

• [no] mpls ip

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Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

• [no] mpls ip default-route

• [no] mpls ip propagate-ttl
• [no] mpls label range minimum-value maximum-value [static
minimum-static-value maximum-static-value]
• [no] mpls static binding ipv4 prefix mask {label | input label | output nexthop
{explicit-null | implicit-null | label}}
• [no] mpls static binding ipv4 vrf vpn-name prefix mask {input label | label}

Iterface configuration mode:

• [no] mpls ip

Route-map configuration mode:

• set mpls-label
• set mpls lsp

Multiprotocol BGP (MP-BGP)

MP-BGP is an extended and enhanced version of BGP that primarily allows unicast
routes for multicast routing to be carried in interconnected networks. MP-BGP allows
protocols other than IPv4 to be carried, such as IPv6 and MPLS VPN.

Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP TE, RFC 3209)

RSVP TE extends the RSVP core protocol by modifying the PATH and RESVobjects
for MPLS LSP establishment. The PATH message was extended to contain a
Label-Request object (LRO) that results in a label being assigned during the RESV.
The RESV message was modified to include a Label object that contains the MPLS
label and a Record-Route object (RRO) to record the path followed by the RESV
message. The Flowspec object was also modified to set up a reservation on LSPs.

CASA RSVP-TE is designed for a typical MSO MPLS LSP consisting of the

CMTS (HeadEnd) -> POP Gateway -> CRS -> CORE -> POI Router (TailEnd).

This unidirectional tunnel with CMTS as the starting point and the POI as termination
point will allow the management of user ISP access. The user traffic can be directed to
the MPLS LSP using a route map rather than MPLS VPN or VRF. This will enable
flexibility and redundancy under control of the MSO.

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1-54 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

RSVP commands

Configuration mode:

• [no] router rsvp [slot]

Interface mode: interface gige, interface trunk, interface vlan

• [no] ip rsvp
• [no] rsvp hello-interval <num=1:65535> // default: 2
• [no] rsvp hello-receipt
• [no] rsvp hello-timeout <num=1:65535> // default: 10
• [no] rsvp keep-multiplier <num=1:255> // default: 3
• [no] rsvp refresh-time <num=1:65535> // default: 30

RSVP show commands:

• show rsvp [interface | neighbor | nexthop-cache | path | running-config |

session | slot | statistics |trunk]

Excessive request detection

The [no] cable modem excessive-request detection grant-assigned <100-65535>
packet-recv <1-32767> command has been implemented to detect interface
utilization and to prevent granting more requested bandwidth than necessary to an
upstream service flow. The default setting is 0 for both settings.

The command sets transmission grant size and packet-receive thresholds to prevent a
service flow from consuming excessive bandwidth. The detection interval is 10
seconds and the CMTS will reset the modem after 60 continuous transmission grant
requests for bandwidth that exceed the configured threshold settings. The packet-recv
setting should be at set at less than half of the grant-assigned setting.

The no cable modem excessive-request detection command disables the feature.

C10G-209(config)# cable modem excessive-request detection
grant-assigned 300 packet-recv 150

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Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

Idle upstream service flows

The cable service-flow active-timeout <seconds> [force-delete] command has been
implemented for managing and removing idle upstream service flows. The default
timeout period is 60 seconds with a configurable range of 0 to 600 seconds. Specify
the force-delete option to delete the service completely and to override the service
flow timeout after the configured number of seconds.

C10G-209(config)# cable service-flow active-timeout 60 force-delete

DBC enhancement
The software has been revised for improved DBC operations. If a manual DBC for a
modem is rejected, that DBC attempt is no longer counted as a failure for that modem.
As a result, the modem is no longer added to the blacklist because of the manual DBC
command rejection. Modems will continue to be added to the blacklist only if the
modems fail to move during load-balance operations.

channel-block downstream command

The channel-block downstream mac-domain <id> block-id <1-65535> command
to create blocks of channels to better facilitate channel assignment to cable modems.
To display the channel-block configuration, use the execute the show channel-block

Example: Apply channel frequency block to QAM slot 1, port 7, channel 4

CASA-C10G(config)# show interface docsis-mac brief
interface docsis-mac 4
downstream 5 interface qam 1/7/4
downstream 6 interface qam 1/7/5
downstream 7 interface qam 1/7/6
downstream 8 interface qam 1/7/7
upstream 5 interface upstream 11/15.0/0
upstream 6 interface upstream 11/15.1/0
upstream 7 interface upstream 11/15.2/0
upstream 8 interface upstream 11/15.3/0

CASA-C10G(config) channel-block downstream mac-domain 1 block-id 1

CASA-C10G(block-ds-mac-4-block-1)# qam 1/7/4

CASA-C10G(config)#show channel-block
channel-block downstream mac-domain 1 block-id 1
qam 1/7/4

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1-56 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

Routing Information Protocol summary addressing

The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) [no] auto-summary command has been
implemented to restore the default behavior of automatic summarization of subnet
routes into network-level routes. To disable this function and to send sub-prefix
routing information across network boundaries, use the no form of the auto-summary

Route summarization reduces the amount of routing information in the routing tables.
RIP Version 1 always uses automatic summarization. For RIP Version 2, automatic
summarization may be turned off by specifying the no auto-summary command.
Disable automatic summarization when routing between disconnected subnets. When
automatic summarization is off, subnets are advertised.

Example: Enable RIP auto-summary

C10G-209(config-router-rip)# auto-summary
The [no] ip summary-address rip <ip-address>/mask> command has been
implemented in the interface configuration mode to configure a summary aggregate
address under an interface for the Routing Information Protocol (RIP). To disable
summarization of the specified address or subnet, use the no form of this command.

Example: Configure summary address

In the following example, the Class A network is The summary-address overrides the auto-summary address of, so that is advertised
out Ethernet interface 1 and is not advertised.

C10G-209(config-if-xgige 7/4)# ip address

C10G-209(config-if-xgige 7/4)# ip summary-address rip

C10G-209(config)# router rip

C10G-209(config)# network

Routing Information Protocol MIBS

The following SNMP MIBs been introduced in Release 6.4 in the RIPv2-MIB.

• rip2Globals
• rip2IfStatTable

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Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

• rip2IfConfTable
• rip2PeerTable
• rip2Conformance

RFC1850 OSPFv2 trap support has been implemented for the following tables:
ospfNbrStateChange, ospfIfConfigError, ospfIfAuthFailure, ospfIfRxBadPacket,
ospfTxRetransmit, ospfOriginateLsa, ospfMaxAgeLsa, ospfIfStateChange,
ospfGeneralGroup, ospfAreaTable, ospfStubAreaTable, ospfLsdbTable,
ospfAreaRangeTable, ospfHostTable, ospfIfTable, ospfVirtIfTable, ospfNbrTable,

Console timeout configuration

A console timeout command has been implemented so that a console session
automatically times out due no session activity over the configured number of
minutes. The operating range for the console timeout command is 1 to 1440 minutes.

Example: Configure console timeout at 5 minutes

C10G-209(config)# console timeout 5

Emergency CMTS reboot from console

A new console command named NoMas has been implemented to perform an
emergency CMTS reboot in event of a CLI or IP network failure.

Example: Reboot CMTS from a direct-attach console

Target197> NoMas
[1381246549] 1:
[1381246549] ***Console Reboot!! ****
[1381246549] 1:Kernel bug detected[#1]:
[1381246549] 1:Cpu 1
[1381246549] 1:$ 0 :1: 000000001: 1000dc001: 0000003e1: 838991a41:
[1381246549] 1:$ 4 :1: 838991a01: 1000dc001: ffffffff1: 000066341:
[1381246549] 1:$ 8 :1: 000066341: 878900001: 000000031: 000035f41:
[1381246549] 1:$12 :1: 000000361: 000000961: 000000aa1: 000000001:
[1381246549] 1:$16 :1: 000000601: 87967c6c1: 838a00001: 000000731:
[1381246549] 1:$20 :1: 000000731: 000000001: 000001001: 000000731:
[1381246549] 1:$24 :1: 000000001: 834400001: 1: 1:
[1381246549] 1:$28 :1: 8f8440001: 8f845e001: 879600001: 83636c601:
[1381246549] 1:Hi : 032160ce

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1-58 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

IP-bundle description setting

A description parameter has been implemented in the interface ip-bundle
configuration to allow users to enter a text string to the describe the ip-bundle or

Example: Configure ip-bundle description

C10G-209(config)# interface ip-bundle 5
C10G-209(ip-bundle 5)# description "This is a sample IP bundle"

If the description comprises more than one word, surround the entire text string with
quotation marks.

DHCP authorization
The [no] dhcp-authorization [default] has been implemented for every IP bundle to
allow configuration of static IPs to CPE devices. Specify the default option to apply
DHCP authorization to the MAC domain to which the IP bundle is applied.

C10G-209(config)# interface ip-bundle 6
C10G-209(ip-bundle 6)# dhcp-authorization default

Cable modem deny list

The cable modem deny list has been increased to support up to 512 cable modems
MAC addresses.

copy tftp command file paths

The software has been revised to handle the forward slash (/) character in the TFTP
file name path when issuing the copy tftp command.

CASA-C10G# copy tftp /cm/C40g.gz.rel6.4.2.1_build1a51
module 7 nvram

getting from to

C10g.gz.rel6.4.2.1_build1a51 [octet]
Received 28928000 bytes in 36.5 seconds [6343602 bit/s]

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putting /tmp/C40g.gz.rel6.4.2.1_build1a51 to
smm1:C40g.gz.rel6.4.2.1_build1a51 [octet]
Sent 28928000 bytes in 16.3 seconds [14225814 bit/s]
move file to fdsk of peer smm

DSID Resequencing Warning Threshold

The reseq warn-threshold parameter under the bonding-group downstream
configuration has been revised to accept a value in the range 0 to 179, or the specific
value 255. Specifying 255 indicates that the DSID Resequencing Warning Threshold
is determined by the CMTS. The value of 0 indicates that threshold warnings are

The reseq warn-threshold attribute provides the DSID Resequencing Warning

Threshold to be used for all DSIDs associated with a downstream bonding group.

C10G-209(bond-ds-mac-12-group-56)# reseq warn-thrshld 50

Multicast Distributed Forwarding disable

The DOCSIS MAC no multicast-dsid-forward dsg has been implemented to
globally disable Multicast Distributed Forwarding (MDF) capability for all DOCSIS
Set-top Gateway (DSG) eCM devices only. The command instructs the CMTS to stop
sending TLV 13 in the MDD message.

Example: Disable MDF for DSG eCM devices

C10G-209(config)# interface docsis-mac 6
C10G-209(conf-if-mac 6)# no multicast-dsid-forward dsg

Secure Copy Protocol support

Secure copy protocol (SCP) is now supported along with FTP and TFTP for
transferring software images to the SMM and target destinations. The new copy
commands operate using the following supported syntax:

copy scp <userid> <ip-address> <filename> [nvram | fdsk2 | smm_module]

copy [nvram | fdsk2] <filename> scp <userid> <ip-address> <remote-dir>

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Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

copy sftp <userid> <ip> <filename> [nvram | fdsk2 | smm_module]

C10G-209# copy scp fred startup-config nvram
C10G-209# copy sftp fred startup-config nvram

Internet Protocol Data Record enhancements

The following IPDR changes have been made in Release 6.4:

• The show running config | include ipdr command has been enhanced with
keepalive, IPDR acksequence, IPDR ackTimeInterval, and IPDR master
configuration settings.

C10G-209(config)# ipdr master
C10G-209(config)# show running-config | inc ipdr
ipdr master

• The ipdr tcp-port command has been implemented to support the port range
1000 to 9999. The default port is 4737.

C10G-209(config)# ipdr tcp-port 4737

• IPDR process recovery support has been implemented in the CMTS software.
• The IPDR session interval timer has been revised so that session intervals are set
at intial connection time, with the subsequent intervals calculated from that initial
time. The default session interval is now 900 seconds.
• IPDR STOP records have been enhanced to include:
— Service-class name fields used by IPDR collectors
— Cable modem IP addresses

AAA authentication login

The aaa authentication login console command has been added to CLI to enable
AAA/Radius authentication access over the CMTS console port. This feature is
disabled by default.

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Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

C10G-209(config)# aaa authentication login console

Multicast group encryption

SNMP may now be used to set the docsMcastCmtsGrpEncrptCtrl or the
docsMcastCmtsGrpEncryptCfgAlg objects. Previously, only the Casa CLI was
available to configure multicast groups using the multicast group encryption
command settings.

1: docsMcastCmtsGrpEncryptCfgAlg.60000 (integer) des56CbcMode(1)
2: docsMcastCmtsGrpEncryptCfgAlg.60001 (integer) des40CbcMode(2)
3: docsMcastCmtsGrpEncryptCfgAlg.60002 (integer) des56CbcMode(1)
4: docsMcastCmtsGrpEncryptCfgAlg.60003 (integer) aes128CbcMode(4)
5: docsMcastCmtsGrpEncryptCfgAlg.60004 (integer) aes128CbcMode(4)


1: docsMcastCmtsGrpEncryptCfgCtrl.60000 (integer) mgmt(2)
2: docsMcastCmtsGrpEncryptCfgCtrl.60001 (integer) cmts(1)
3: docsMcastCmtsGrpEncryptCfgCtrl.60002 (integer) mgmt(2)
4: docsMcastCmtsGrpEncryptCfgCtrl.60003 (integer) mgmt(2)
5: docsMcastCmtsGrpEncryptCfgCtrl.60004 (integer) mgmt(2)

Border Gateway Protocol MIBs

The following SNMP MIBs and traps have been introduced in the BGP4-MIB with
Release 6.4.

• bgpVersion
• bgpLocalAs
• bgpPeerTable
• bgpIdentifier
• bgp4PathAttrTable
• bgpEstablished
• bgpBackwardTransition

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1-62 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

BGP enhancements
The following BGP enhancements have been implemented in Release 6.4.

• Under the BGP address-family ipv4 vrf command, the [no] redistribute
(connected|static|ospf|rip) [metric <num=0:4294967295>] [route-map
<string> | metric <0-4294967295>] command has been implemented.
• The clear ip bgp command has been enhanced to support the vpnv4 option.

C10G-209# clear ip bgp ?
in Soft reconfig inbound update
ipv4 Address family
out Soft reconfig outbound update
rsclient Soft reconfig for rsclient RIB
slot slot
soft Soft reconfig
vpnv4 Address family

Upstream channel bonding initial technique

A new initial-tech command has been added to the DOCSIS MAC domain
configuration to modify the initial technique for bonding D3.0 modems registering on
upstream channels assigned by the CMTS.

The options are broadcast-ranging, direct, periodic-ranging, and unicast-ranging.

The show interface docsis-mac <id> command displays the current initial technique
setting. The default setting is broadcast-ranging, followed by unicast-ranging,
period-ranging, and direct ranging.

C10G-209(config)# interface docsis-mac 50
C10G-209(conf-if-mac 50)# initial-tech unicast-ranging

Upstream and downstream peak traffic rate limiting

Upstream and downstream peak traffic rate limiting is now fully supported to allow
capping of the burst rate (in kbps) using the cable service-class peak-traffic-rate
setting and the cable service attribute withhold-TLVs peak rate to restrict the

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Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

CMTS from sending the TLVs 24.27 and 25.27 for DOCSIS 3.0 peak traffic rate
information to non-DOCSIS 3.0 cable modems.

The show cable modem qos, show cable modem verbose, and other related show
commands have been revised to include peak rate statistics.

C10G-209(config)# cable service-class 1
C10G-209(conf-service-class 1)# peak-traffic-rate ?
<0-4294967295> peak-traffic-rate in kbps
C10G-209(conf-service-class 1)# peak-traffic-rate 3000

C10G-209(config)# cable service attribute withhold-TLVs peak-rate

Upstream grant service statistics

The casaCmtsUsChUGSStatsTable has been added to the CASA-DOCS-EXT MIB
to support the SNMP interface for UGS flows and statistics.

casaCmtsUsChUGSStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Upstream channel UGS statistic table"
::= { casaDocsExtMibObjects 4 }

casaCmtsUsChUGSStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CasaCmtsUsChUGSStatsEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Upstream UGS statistic table entry for ifType 129"
INDEX { ifIndex }
::= { casaCmtsUsChUGSStatsTable 1 }

CasaCmtsUsChUGSStatsEntry ::=

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1-64 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1


Downstream channel descriptor messaging

The [no] dsg dcd-global-enable command has been introduced to control sending of
partially-defined downstream channel descriptor (DCD) messages to DSG channels
during configuration at the CMTS. The command is enabled by default.

If the no form of the command is executed, no DCD messages are sent. Users can still
view the content of currently defined DCD messages with the show dsg downstream
x/y/z decoded-dcd command. When the dsg dcd-global-enable setting is enabled,
the CMTS starts (or resumes) sending DCD messages to all applicable DSG channels.

C10G-209(config)# dsg dcd-global-enable

Route Distinquisher TLV

Support for a modem configuration file route distinguisher (RD) type length value
(TLV) has been implemented. This feature allows the CMTS to determine the RD for
each modem, as well as the IP bundle subnet and cable helper address at the CMTS.
CPE devices behind the modem will use the IP sub-bundle as the source interface in
DHCP DISCOVER messages to the DHCP server.

IP VRF route-distinguisher (RD) functionality has been implemented for MPLS,


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Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-65
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

TLV code 43 precedence

The upstream packet class ordering has been revised so that TLV Code 43 precedes
the LLC packet classifier in the RSG-RSP message back to the cable modem.

TLV 22.10 MAC address classifiers

The native MAC address classifiers (TLV 22.10.1/22.10.2) are now supported to
ensure that billing is counting data packets only (and not management packets, such as
SNMP polling for remote query, etc.).

CMTS backup log file storage

In C10G and C10200 systems with redundant SMMs, the logfile.bak file for the
standby SMM is now created in the /fdsk directory on the C10200, and in the /fdsk2
directory on the C10G prior to synchronizing the log file with the active SMM. The
change provides improved management of log files on systems with redundant

The CMTS software stores the high-availability (HA) log file named ha_log in the
non-volatile /fdsk2 directory. Previously, the log file was stored in the /tmp directory
and was lost whenever the system was rebooted.

Spectrum measurement
The spectrum analysis measurement-interval <5-30> CLI command sets the
number of seconds to allow for spectrum analysis measuring in the range 5 to 30
seconds. The default setting is 15 seconds.

The equivalent SNMP standard MIB entry

docsIf3CmtsSpectrumAnalysisTimeInterval is read-only and can only be configured
from the CLI. The command will not change the time interval for existing (or
pre-created) MIB entries.

Example: Set measurement interval at 10 seconds

C10G-209(config)# spectrum analysis measurement-interval 10

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Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

Troubleshooting from a source CMTS interface

The traceroute source command has been implemented in the CLI to support
troubleshooting from the source CMTS interface, such as the IP source address, eth,
gige ip-bundle, loopback, and xgige. The command operates at all levels of the CLI
using the supported traceroute arguments.

C10G-209(config)# traceroute source ?
<A.B.C.D> ip source address
eth ethernet interface
gige gige interface
ip-bundle ip-subnet bundle for mac domains
loopback loopback interface
xgige xgige interface

OSPF protocol network filters

The OSPF distribute-list command has been revised for improved usability. The
revised command is distribute-list <access-list-name> {in | out}.

The OSPF [no] distribute-list route-map <name> in command has been

implemented to filter networks received in network updates from OSPF neighbor
routers. To cancel the filter, use the no form of this command. The command is
disabled by default.

C10G-209(config)# distribute-list route-map network1 in

Cablem modem online/offline trap

A new cm trap online-offline-only command now generates a notification from the
CMTS anytime a cable modem state changes to online or offline within the cm trap
interval setting (in seconds). Configure this setting under the DOCSIS MAC
interface configuration context.

C10G-209 (config)# interface docsis-mac 5
C10G-209(conf-if-mac 5)# cm trap online-offline-only

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Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-67
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

Control-Z configuration context exit

The CTRL-Z keyboard shortcut has been implemented in the CLI to immediately exit
the current configuration mode context. Hold down the [CTRL key] and hit the [Z]

C10G-209(conf-if-mac 5)# [ctrl-z key pressed]

User privilege levels

The software now allows administrators to assign commands to specific user privilege
levels in the range 0 to 15. Level 0 indicates all show commands and Level 15
indicates all commands in the configuration mode. The prior privilege range was 1 to

Use the privilege exec {all | level} <“command_string”> command to associate a

command with a user level. Users who are configured for privilege Level 4 will be
able to execute the command(s) that are configured at that level. Repeat the command
to specify additional commands within quotation marks.

C10G-209(config)# privilege exec level 4 "clear cable modem reset"

Lawful Intercept
The pktcEScTapMediationNewIndex entry has been added to the
file. The standard name is PKTC-ES-TAP-MIB.

Lawful Intercept has been revised to support both cable modem and CPE intercepts
(per MAC address) to at least two stations using the CASA-802-TAP-MIB.

1: pktcEScTapMediationNewIndex.0 (integer) 1
2: pktcEScTapMediationCapabilities.0 (octet string) E0 (hex)
[ipV4SrcInterface(0) | ipV6SrcInterface(1) | udp(2)]

>>>>build mediation 1

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-68 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1


1: pktcEScTapMediationStatus.1 (integer) createAndWait(5)


1: pktcEScTapMediationNewIndex.0 (integer) 2
2: pktcEScTapMediationDestAddressType.1 (integer) ipv4(1)
3: pktcEScTapMediationDestAddress.1 (octet string) (hex)
4: pktcEScTapMediationDestPort.1 (gauge) 0
5: pktcEScTapMediationSrcInterface.1 (integer) 0 [0]
6: pktcEScTapMediationDscp.1 (integer) 34
7: pktcEScTapMediationTimeout.1 (octet string)
[07.F5.0C.1F.17.3B.3B.00.2B.00.00 (hex)]
8: pktcEScTapMediationTransport.1 (integer) udp(1)
9: pktcEScTapMediationNotificationEnable.1 (integer) true(1)
10: pktcEScTapMediationStatus.1 (integer) notInService(2)
11: pktcEScTapMediationCapabilities.0 (octet string) E0 (hex)
[ipV4SrcInterface(0) | ipV6SrcInterface(1) | udp(2)]

IPv6 changes
The following IPv6 changes have been implemented:

• Revised CMTS software to limit prefix-list names to 32 characters in length.

• IPv6 route prefix masks greater than /64 are now supported on the Casa C10G and
C100G platforms.
• Implemented CLI support for the match ipv6 address prefix-list command under
the route-map configuration context.

COPS servers
The number of supported COPS servers has been increased from 10 to 64.

IS-IS protocol authentication key chain

The IS-IS authentication key-chain length configured on an interface has been revised
to a maximum of 80 bytes. Previously, specified key chains that were unlimited and
longer than 80 bytes caused problems in the CMTS shell.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-69
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

Receive Channel Configuration (RCC) description

The no rcc-desc <string> has been implemented to allow a user to delete the
currently configured RCC description text string.

CASA-C10G(config)# rcc mac 1 rcp-id 00:11:11:11:11 2
CASA-C10G(conf-mac 1 rcc 2)# rcc-desc localset
CASA-C10G(conf-mac 1 rcc 2)# show rcc
rcc mac 1 rcp-id 00:11:11:11:11 2
rcc-desc "localset"

CASA-C10G(conf-mac 1 rcc 2)# no rcc-desc

CASA-C10G(conf-mac 1 rcc 2)# show rcc
rcc mac 1 rcp-id 00:11:11:11:11 2

SNMP enhancements
The following general SNMP enhancements have been introduced in Release 6.4.

• The snmp enable traps [bgp | ospf] state-changes limited configuration

command has been introduced to enable routing protocol-specific trap generation
for errors, lsa, retransmit, and state-change events.

C10G-209(config)# snmp enable traps bgp state-changes limited

C10G-209(config)# snmp enable traps ospf

errors Error traps
lsa Lsa related traps
retransmit Packet retransmit traps
state-change State change traps

• The SNMP sysDescr object has been revised to include the specific Casa CMTS
hardware platform, including C2200, C3200, C10200, C10G, C1G, etc. The
syntax is HW=CASA-<platform>.

1: sysDescr.0 (octet string) CASA DCTS smm, HW=CASA-C10G, serial_no
SB14BACS1046, hardware revision 1.0, CFE version 12.1.26,

software release version 6.4.1, Ver 1,build0b31

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-70 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

.20.31.2C. (hex)]

• Support for the inetCidrRouteTable has been implemented for correct handling
of both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in response to SNMP queries.
• The CMTS now sends SNMP traps to the trap host anytime a module is removed
from the standby slots (5 and 8) in a redundant C10G/C100G configuration, or
when a QAM/UPS module is removed in a non-redundant configuration.
• The SNMP maximum string length has been increased from 31 to 32 characters.
This applies to SNMP community, notify, tgt-addr, tgt-param, user, security,
access, and tree-family MIB objects.

show command additions and enhancements

The following show commands have been implemented or revised in Release 6.4. CLI
show commands that output statistics in columns will now display the total usage
counts at the bottom of each column.

show system

• The show system command has been revised to display the following:
— Chassis serial number and chassis type.
— DRD2 DIMM information.
— Four downstream channel banks per port instead of two banks in earlier
software releases.

show interface

• The show interface qam command has been revised to support the 8x96 QAM

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-71
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

• The show interface qam <slot/port> block command is now available in CMTS
configuration mode. The command was previously only available in diagnostic
mode. See the section, “High-density QAM 8x96” for additional information.
• The show interface upstream command has been enhanced to display the
— All channels when only the slot/port is specified.
— Channel information for all logical channels when only a slot and port are
• The show interface qam brief and show interface qam stat commands have
been revised so that the channel frequency information display is consistent.
• The show interface command has been revised to include SFP information,
including vendor and serial number, type, identifier, connector, and raw data
• The show interface video {<identifier> | stat} command implemented to display
L3 mode status, QAM module slot, and the video unicast count.

show cable modem

• The show cable modem qos, show cable modem verbose, and other related
commands have been revised to include peak rate statistics.
• The show cable modem command has been revised to display the same
information for both cable modems and CPE devices specified by IP or MAC
• The show cable modem summary total command has been revised so that
inactive channels are excluded from the displayed results.
• The show cable modem qos and show cable modem <mac-address> qos
verbose commands have been revised to include service-class information in the
displayed output.

show video

The following show video commands have been implemented:

• show video session all brief — Displays video session statistics, including
detected bit rate.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-72 Release 6.4 Features Guide
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

• show video homeless-streams {all | slot <number>} — Reports unknown video

sessions to the SMM.
• show video channel all stat — Displays video output statistics for all channels.
• show video session <session_id> — Displays uptime statistics for the session
associated with the input stream ID.
• show video session — Revised to include VOD table mode0 session statistics.
• show video global config — Displays the video global configuration, including
error-window, error-threshold, and pktloss-window settings.
• show video qam stat — Displays bandwidth and utilization data over the video
QAM channels.
• show video slot — Returns video statistics associated with channels on the
specified system slot number.
• show video channel <slot/port/channel> psi — Displays program-specific
information (PSI). P SI includes the program association table (PAT) of a QAM
channel and the program map tables (PMTs) for all active sessions on the
specified QAM channel.
• show video mirror —Sends the output of either a narrowcast channel specified
by slot/port/channel or a broadcast qam channel specified by slot/channel to a
remote host.
• show video log {edis-message | volatile | non-volatile | announce} [ ascending |
descending] — Displays the video log based on the specified filter(s).
• show video qam-domain — Displays the configured QAM domain
configuration, including service-group, video interfaces, and QAM groups.
• show video edis — Displays the Edge Device Interface Specification
• show video port — Displays all channel statistics associated with the specified
slot/port number.
• show video interface {<identifier> | stat} — Displays statistics associated with
the specified video interface identifier or statistics associated with all video
• show video all — Displays all video channel statistics, including channel
identifier, total packets, data rate, over flow, under flow, and dropped packets.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-73
Initial features in Release 6.4 and 6.4.1

show ip

• The show ip prefix-list, show ipv6 prefix-list, and show community-list

commands have been implemented.
• The show ip bgp vpnv4 all summary command has been implemented in the
software to display VPNv4 NLRI-specific information.
• The show ip bgp vpnv4 all neighbors [<ip-address>] has been added to the CLI
to display neighbor capabilities and route advertisement statistics.
• The show ip ospf and show ip ospf vrf commands have been revised to include
information on route redistribution.
• The show ip mroute command has been implemented to display Protocol
Independent Multicast (PIM) status at the standby SMM.

Miscellaneous show commands

• The show tech-support command has been enhanced to include video

information, including session, log, multicast, QAM, and diagnostic statistics.
• The show this command has been implemented for video and qam-group
configuration contexts. The command has also been revised so that the partial
video configuration is displayed during the current editing session.
• The show docsis channel utilization has been implemented to display both
upstream and downstream utilization in megabits/sec.
• The show cable voice summary command has been enhanced to display peak
and average voice call statistics per channel.
• The show arp command has been revised to display VRF entries associated with
network side interfaces.
• The show packetcable global command has been revised to display the Max Gate
setting at 19660.
• The show cable voice summary command has been enhanced to display peak
and average voice call statistics per channel.
• The show running config | include ipdr command has been enhanced with
keepalive, IPDR acksequence, IPDR ackTimeInterval, and IPDR master
configuration settings.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-74 Release 6.4 Features Guide
SNMP ifIndex range changes in Release 6.4

• The show ntp status command and has been implemented to display the status of
NTP servers.
• The show service group verbose command has been implemented to display the
full list of service group statistics.
• The show envm command has been enhanced to display the fuse reading as “N/
A” (not available) when a power entry module is missing from the system.

SNMP ifIndex range changes in Release 6.4

The following tables list the ifIndex changes from Release 6.0. SNMP users who are
upgrading from Release 6.1 to Release 6.4 should first walk and capture the ifIndex
descriptions from Release 6.1 so that mapping (graphing) to the new ifIndex changes
are possible.

C10G and C100G CMTS

ifType ifName Range in Rel. 6.1 Range in 6.4.1

eth 0 (6/0) ethernetCsmacd(6) 1 1

eth 0 (7/0) ethernetCsmacd(6) 2 2
gige6/0-gige6/7 ethernetCsmacd(6) 1000072 - 1000079 1000072 - 1000079
xgige6/0-xgige6/1 ethernetCsmacd(6) 1000080 - 1000081 1000080 - 1000081
gige7/0-gige7/7 ethernetCsmacd(6) 1000084 - 1000091 1000084 - 1000091
xgige7/0-xgige7/1 ethernetCsmacd(6) 1000092 - 1000093 1000092 - 1000093
macdomain docsCableMaclayer( 2000001 - 2000064 2000001 - 2000064
127) (macdomain 1 - 64) (macdomain 1 - 64)
downstream channel 0/ docsCableDownstre 3000000 - 3000895 3000000 - 3003559
0/0 - 13/7/7 am(128)
downstream channel 0/ docsCableDownstre N/A 3000000 - 3003583
0/0 - 13/7/31 am(128)
upstream physical docsCableUpstream 4000000 - 4000895 4000000 - 4000895
channel 0/0 - 13/15.3 (129)
upstream logical CMTSUPstream_log 5000000 - 50001791 5000000 - 50001791
channel 0/0/0 - 13/15.3/1 ic(205)
loopback softwareLoopback(2 8000000 - 8000015 8000000 - 8000015
4 (loopback 0 - 15) (loopback 0 - 15)

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-75
SNMP MIB objects OIDs in Release 6.4

ifType ifName Range in Rel. 6.1 Range in 6.4.1

L2vlan 2 - 3700 l2vlan(135) 6060002 - 6063700 6060002 - 6063700

L3ipvlan 2 - 3700 l3ipvlan(136) 6060002 - 6063700 6060002 - 6063700

trunk 6/1 - 7/12 virtualTg (202) 9000072 - 9000095 9000072 - 9000095

SNMP MIB objects OIDs in Release 6.4

The following MIB objects included in the Release 6.4 archive file.

MIB archive name Identifier

bgp4-mib OID

bpiplusmib30 OID
bridgemib OID
casa OID
casa3K10KModuleMib OID
casa802TapMIB OID
casaAlertMib OID
casaCmtsCmCpeMib OID
casaCmQueryMib OID
casaFlapListMib OID
casaCopyRunningToStartupMib OID
casaModuleCpuMemMib OID
casaDevSoftwareMib OID
casaDocsExtMib OID
casa-entity-ext-mib OID
casaFanMib OID
casaGigeManagementMib OID
casaHostExtMib OID
casaIdMib OID

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-76 Release 6.4 Features Guide
SNMP MIB objects OIDs in Release 6.4

casaIpTrunkMib OID

casaLogMib OID
casaModuleMib OID
casaNtpMib OID
casaPowerMib OID
casaQamMIB OID
casaSfpMIB OID
casa-spectrum-mib OID
casa-stream-mib OID
casaSysMonMIB OID
clabdefmib OID
clabtopomib OID
diffservmib OID
docs20TestMIB OID
docs-cable-device-trap-mib OID
docsDiagMib OID
docs-drf-mib OID
docsIf3Mib OID
docsIfExt2Mib OID
docsIfMib OID
docsL2vpnMIB OID
docsLoadbal3Mib OID
docsMcastAuthMib OID
docsMcastMib OID
docsQos3Mib OID
docsSecMib OID
docsSubmgt3Mib OID
dsg-if-std-mib OID

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

Casa CMTS Release 6.4 Features Guide 1-77
SNMP management using the Casa MIBs

entityMIB OID

entitySensorMIB OID
etherlikemib OID
etherlikemib30 (EtherLike-MIB) OID
hostResourcesMib OID
ianaiprouteprotocol-mib IANI-RTPROTO-MIB) OID
IfExt2Mib OID
inet-Address-MIB (RFC4001) OID
intercept-mib (PKTC-ES-TAP-MIB) OID
ip-tap-mib (PKTC-ES-IPTAP-MIB) OID
mgmdmib (MGMD-STD-MIB) OID1.
ospf-mib OID
ospf-trap-mib OID
pbridgemib OID
qbridgemib OID
scte-hms-headendident-tc-mib OID
scte-hms-qam-mib OID

SNMP management using the Casa MIBs

Both standard and Casa Enterprise MIBs are available from the Casa FTP server at
ftp://support. in the compressed file named

For complete information on using SNMP to configure and monitor the CMTS, refer
to the Casa Systems – SNMP MIBs and Traps Reference.

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

1-78 Release 6.4 Features Guide
SNMP management using the Casa MIBs

Casa Systems CMTS Release Ver. 6.4.2

100 Old River Road
Suite 100
Andover, MA 01810

Release 6.4 Features Guide

© 2013 Casa Systems, Inc.

All rights reserved.


Document Revision 06.04.02_A

October 28, 2013
Printed in United States of America

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