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Kinetic RebatesPromotionsRoyaltiesUserGuide

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Kinetic Rebates

Promotions Royalties
User Guide

Version 2023.2
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Kinetic Rebates Promotions Royalties User Guide

Table of Contents

Rebates-Promotions-Royalties 4
Running the Generate Rebate Transaction Process 4
Adjusting Rebate Transactions 5
Adjusting Rebate Transactions 5
Importing Rebate Transactions 6
Creating Rebate Contracts 6
Adding a new rebate contract 7
Adding a New Rebate Contract Line 8
Establishing a schedule for a rebate contract 10
Adding a Customer or Customer Group to a Rebate Contract 10
Tracking Rebate Contracts 11

3 December, 2023
Kinetic Rebates Promotions Royalties User Guide

Running the Generate Rebate Transaction Process
Run the Generate Rebate Transaction Process to generate all rebate transactions that occur in a
selected date range. The process selects any Accounts Receivable (AR) invoice with a date in the
selected range and with customers, parts, and product groups in an active contract. The rebate amount
is generated based on the rebate breaks defined on the active contract.

The Generate Rebate Transaction Process pulls in all schedules for approved contracts within a
particular date range. If a rebate contract has two or more unprocessed schedules, this process
generates the earliest schedule first. When the process is complete, each schedule is marked as

You can pull the transactions generated through the Generate Rebate Transaction Process in (AR) or
Accounts Payable (AP) Invoice Entry to create AR credit memos or AP invoices. To do this, run the Get
Rebates command from the Overflow menu in Invoice Entry.

You can change the generated rebate amounts before you post the transactions to AR
or AP Invoice Entry. You can also delete a specific rebate transaction or remove all
the transactions the process generates.

The Selection parameters include:

l Start Date - Specifies the first date to be used to calculate rebate transactions.
l End Date - Indicates the last date to be used to calculate rebate transactions.
l Schedule - Indicates when you want to run the process. If you select something other than Now,
the Recurring check box is available.
l Dynamic - Specifies whether you want to run the process by a dynamic option or by a specific
date. When selected, the date fields display a list of dynamic options instead of the calendar.
l Recurring - Select this check box if you want the process to run on a repeating basis. This check
box is only available if you select the schedule other than Now.
To run this process:

1. From the main menu, go to Financial Management > Rebates, Promotions and Royalties >
General Operations > Generate Rebate Transactions.
2. Select the required dates in the Start Date and End Date fields.

4 December, 2023
Kinetic Rebates Promotions Royalties User Guide

3. In the Schedule field, define a scheduling parameter, or select the Recurring check box, if you
want the process to run on a repeating basis.
4. To run the process using a dynamic option, select the Dynamic check box.
5. Use the Save Process Set icon if you want to add these items as tasks to a process set.

6. Select Process.

You can run this process at any time. You can also add this process to an Kinetic
application schedule to run it automatically on a recurring basis.

Adjusting Rebate Transactions

Rebates are realized at some point after the sale or purchase of a product. Customers or vendors
receive a credit, debit or a cash payment when a rebate contract is fulfilled.

If rebate transactions have not been pulled or posted in AR Invoice Entry or AP Invoice Entry, you can
use Rebate Transaction Adjustment to change the rebate amount on each transaction. You can cancel
or void each transaction. When you finish making the necessary adjustments, you can turn these
transactions into invoices or credit memos.

In this article, we will cover:

l Adjusting rebate transactions

l Importing rebate transactions

Adjusting Rebate Transactions

1. From the main menu, navigate to Financial Management > Rebates, Promotions and Royalties >
General Operations > Rebate Transaction Adjustment.

2. From the landing page, select the rebate transaction you want to adjust.

3. In the Detail card, in the Adjustment field, enter the amount by which you want to change the
transaction. If you wish to cancel this transaction, select the Void check box.

4. Select Save.

5 December, 2023
Kinetic Rebates Promotions Royalties User Guide

Importing Rebate Transactions

From the Overflow menu , select the Import Rebate Transactions option to import rebate
transactions that were created in another application. You will use this feature when you are just
starting to use the rebate functionality.

Before you can use this functionality, you need to enter customer records for each
customer that will receive a rebate. For more information on entering customer records,
refer to the Creating Customers article.

Creating Rebate Contracts

In Rebate Contract Entry, you enter rebate information for a customer, or a customer group. You first
specify the product groups or specific parts to include during the rebate offer. Then you enter the
rebate breaks the customer or customer group receives.

After you define the time period or which the rebate contract is active, set up the rebate schedule the
rebate contract follows. This schedule indicates the date from which to generate the rebate payments.

There are four rebate contract types you can create. Each rebate contract type is defined by the Accrual
Type and Rebate Form parameters.

Accrual types specify if customers need to pay their invoices before they qualify for rebates

l Invoice - Customers qualify for discounts before they pay the invoice.
l Payment - Customers must pay their invoices first, then the app generates the rebates in this
Rebate forms specify the record through which the customers will receive the rebate amounts
generated through this contract.

l Payment - The customer will receive this rebate through an AP invoice. You will pull in the
rebate transactions through Get Rebates within AP Invoice Entry.
l Credit Memo - The customer will receive this rebate through a credit memo on an AR invoice.
You will pull in the rebate transactions through Get Rebates within AR Invoice Entry.
The accrual type/rebate form combinations determine when customers can receive a rebate payment
and in what form they receive it.

Use the landing page of the application to view existing rebate contracts or to enter a new one.

In this article, we will cover:

6 December, 2023
Kinetic Rebates Promotions Royalties User Guide

l Adding a new rebate contract

l Adding a new rebate contract line
l Establishing a schedule for a rebate contract
l Adding a customer or customer group to a rebate contract

Adding a new rebate contract

1. From the main menu, navigate to Financial Management > Rebates, Promotions and Royalties
> General Operations > Rebate Contract Entry.

2. Select New to add a new rebate contract.

3. Enter the Rebate ID and Description.

4. Select the Accrual Type. For details go here.

5. In the Rebate Form field, select if the rebate will be a payment, or a credit memo. For details go

6. Select the start and end dates for this rebate contract.

7. Optionally, specify the Grace Period - number of days added to the end date to process a rebate
8. Select the Pay to Bill To check box to indicate that the rebate amounts will go to the rebate
customer defined as a Bill To customer on the invoice. A bill to customer is the location that
processes all financial transactions for the selected customer or customers.

9. Verify the rebate is Active.

7 December, 2023
Kinetic Rebates Promotions Royalties User Guide

10. Select Save.

Adding a New Rebate Contract Line

1. On the Contract Lines card, select New to add a contract line.

2. Select the Product Group, if you want to include a group of related parts in this rebate program.

3. If you want to include a single part into the rebate program, select the Part. The app will
calculate rebate transactions against this part.

If you select a specific part from a product group selected on a different detail line,
the rebate breaks you enter for this part have precedence over the breaks defined
for the product group. You can also use this feature to exclude specific parts from
the rebate program. You do this by selecting a part from within a product group
selected on the contract. You do not enter rebate breaks for this selected part. The
app will then exclude the part from rebate transactions.

4. In the Break Type field, specify how the app will calculate rebate breaks against the selected
part or product group.

l Quantity - The app will calculate each rebate break on this detail line against the total
number of parts sold to each customer.
If you select a Product Group and a Break Type of Quantity, the rebate contract UOM must
match the UOM on the invoice. Otherwise, the app will not generate the rebate.

8 December, 2023
Kinetic Rebates Promotions Royalties User Guide

l Amount - The app will calculate each rebate break on this detail line against the gross
amount value of the parts sold to each customer.
5. Select the Void check box to exclude the current part or product group from the Generate
Rebate Transaction Process. You normally select this check box after the app completes
generating rebate transactions against this line. This removes the part or product group from the
contract during the rest of the rebate program.

6. In the Rebate Breaks card, select New to add a rebate break.

7. Enter the smallest quantity or amount at which this rebate break will apply in the Break
Minimum field.

8. Enter the Rebate Percent and Rebate Amount, that you want to pay back to the customer for
this rebate break.

You must enter either a Rebate Amount, or a Rebate Percent for each rebate
break. You can't enter both a rebate and a percentage on each break.

9. Select Save.

9 December, 2023
Kinetic Rebates Promotions Royalties User Guide

Establishing a schedule for a rebate contract

1. On the Schedule card, select New to add a schedule to your rebate contract.

2. Enter the Payment Date on which the rebate calculation will occur.

3. Select the Approved check box to specify that the app will use this schedule to calculate rebate

4. Select Save.

Adding a Customer or Customer Group to a Rebate Contract

1. On the Customer card, select New to add a customer that qualifies for the rebate contract.

If the Rebate Form is Payment, and you select a customer that does not have a
rebate supplier set up, an error displays when you attempt to save the rebate
contract. You can set up a customer's Rebate Supplier field in Customer

2. Review the customer Details card.

3. The Discount field displays the default Discount % from the customer record. Change it, if you

4. You can change the Rebate Form. Originally the field defaults with the rebate form selected on
the customer record.

5. Use the Customer Lines card to review the current rebates generated for the customer through a
product group or part.

10 December, 2023
Kinetic Rebates Promotions Royalties User Guide

6. Select Save.

If you want, you can pull in a group of customers to the rebate contract.

Select the Get Customer Group from the Overflow menu .

In the Customer Group panel that displays, select Automotive, and select OK.

Tracking Rebate Contracts

In Rebate Contract Tracker, review current information about a rebate contract with customers or
vendors that result in a credit, debit or a cash payment when the contract is fulfilled. This can be paid
on total purchases over a specific period of time, or on specific items purchased. Rebates are realized at
some point after the sale or purchase of a product. The Rebate Contract Tracker is a display only
version of Rebate Contract Entry.

Use the landing page of the application to view existing rebate contracts.

11 December, 2023
Kinetic Rebates Promotions Royalties User Guide

1. From the main menu, go to Financial Management > Rebates, Promotions and Royalties >
General Operations > Rebate Contract Tracker.

2. From the rebates list, select the rebate you want to look up. Alternately, find and select the
rebate using the search icon in the Rebate field.
3. On the Detail card, view the main aspects of the rebate contract you select.

4. Expand the Contract Lines card to view the product groups and specific parts used on the rebate
contract. You can also use this card to view the part or parts used on the contract.

12 December, 2023
Kinetic Rebates Promotions Royalties User Guide

5. Use the Schedule card to view the dates on which the rebate contract calculates the rebate

6. To view customer rebate information, expand the Customer card.

7. Select Save.

You can find more information about the tracker interface in the Trackers article.

13 December, 2023

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