● Anorectal Conditions
INTERNAL MEDICINE 3. Rheumatoid Arthritis & Septic
● Upper & Lower Gastrointestinal ● Cardiovascular
● Nephrology
1. Acute Coronary Syndrome
1. Acute Kidney Injury
● Wound and Wound Healing
2. Heart Failure
2. Chronic Kidney Injury
● Surgical Site Infections
3. Hypertension
3. Nephrotic Syndrome
● Introduction to Acute Abdomen
4. Deep Vein Thrombosis and
Pulmonary Embolism 4. Nephritic Syndrome
● Thyroid Conditions
1. Antibiotics 2. Tuberculosis
5. Antiretrovirals ● Nephrology
2. Nephritic Syndrome
● Oncology
1. Burkitt’s Lymphoma
2. Leukemia
3. Nephroblastoma
4. Retinoblastoma
5. Neuroblastoma
1. Ectopic Pregnancy
1. Physiology of Pregnancy ● Epidemiology
2. Uterine Leiomyoma
2. Bleeding in Early Pregnancy 1. Introduction to Epidemiology
3. Abortion
3. Antepartum Hemorrhage 2. Surveillance
4. Ovarian Cyst
4. Postpartum Hemorrhage 3. Epidemiological methods
5. Endometriosis & Adenomyosis
5. Multiple Pregnancy 4. Disease Outbreak Investigations
6. GynecologicalMalignancy
6. Malpresentation 5. Communicable and Non
7. Molar Pregnancy (GTDs) Communicable Diseases
7. Normal & Abnormal Labor
8. Vaginal Discharge and Associated 6. Screening
Conditions 8. Urinary Tract Infections in
Pregnancy ● Biostatistics
9. Infertility
9. Malaria in Pregnancy 1. Introduction to Biostatistics
10. Amenorrhea and Menopause
10. Diabetes in Pregnancy 2. Data Collection
11. Abnormal, Dysfunctional and
Postmenopausal 11. HIV in Pregnancy 3. Data Summarization
● Dermography