Lec 11 Biofertilizer and Biopesticide
Lec 11 Biofertilizer and Biopesticide
Lec 11 Biofertilizer and Biopesticide
➢ However, biopesticides are generally less toxic to the user and are
non-target organisms, making them desirable and sustainable tools for
disease management.
Advatages of biopesticides
✓ Designed to affect only one specific pest or, in some cases, a few
target organisms,
• Microbial pesticides
• Plant-incorporated-protectants (PIPs)
• Biochemical pesticides
• Botanical pesticides
• Biotic agents (parasitoids and predators)
Microbial Pesticides
f. Beauveria bassiana
• Controls Colorado potato beetle.
h. Nomuraea riley:
• Controls soybean caterpillars.
• Control lepidopterous and hymenopterous pests. Fig:Beauveria
•Rod shaped, circular double stranded super coiled DNA.
Plant-incorporated-protectants (PIPs)
• Pesticidal substances that plant produce from the genetic material that
has been added to the plant.
• As the pest feed on such plants they will eventually die.
Botanical pesticides:
• These are naturally occurring plant material that may be crude
preparation of the plant parts ground to produce a dust or powder that
can be used in full strength or dilute form in a carrier such as clay, talc
or diatomaceous earth.
• “Azadirachtin” effects the reproductive and digestive procees of pest.
• Several plant based insecticides as nicotinoids, natural pyrethrins,
rotenoids, neem products etc are used.
Important botanical pesticides
• ftf
Fig: Trichogramma
• Biopesticides are typically microbial biological pest control that are
applied in a manner similar to chemical pesticides.
• Available in different formulations
• Also used to control soil borne and seed borne fungal pathogens
• Disadvantages of them are, high specificity, slow speed of action and
their requirement of suitable condition for their survival.
• Eventhough, biopesticides are best for controlling the pests of
agriculture then the chemicals
• Therefore there should be more works on production on biopesticides
and encourage people to use biopesticides to control the pests.
Improving Sustainability
Biofertilizer strengthen the soil profile,
leave water sources untainted and
Edify plant growth without detrimental side-effects.
How does Biofertilizer work?
Fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil and root nodules of legume
crop and make it available to the plants.
P Solubilizing Biofertilizer
1. Bacteria Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas striata
P Mobilizing Biofertilizers
1. Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Glomus sp. , Scutellospora sp..
Improve the soil’s aeration, water holding capacity and add to bio mass when
decomposed after life cycle
Proliferates under both anaerobic and aerobic condition.
PGRs production (IAA), disease resistance and drought tolerance are some of the
additional benefits
A free-floating water fern used as Biofertilizer for wetland rice
Fixes atmospheric nitrogen in association with nitrogen fixing blue green algae
Anabaena azollae
A free living bacteria mostly found in neutral to alkaline soils.
In return, the plant gains the benefits of the mycelium's higher absorptive
capacity for water and mineral
Plant roots alone may be incapable of taking
up phosphate ions that are demineralized in
soils with a basic pH
Stress resistance
8.They act as antagonists and suppress the incidence of soil borne plant pathogens
and thus, help in the bio-control of diseases.
11.They improve physical properties of soil, soil tilth and soil health in general.
13.Blue green algae like Nostoc, Anabaena, and Scytonema are often employed in the
reclamation of alkaline soils.
16.Azolla-Anabaena grows profusely as a floating plant in the flooded rice fields and
can fix 100-150 kg N/ha /year in approximately 40-60 tones of biomass produced,
Plays important role in the recycling of plant nutrients.
Biofertilizer have great role in increasing the crop production
They improve the soil health status and provide different growth promoting
hormones and phytohormones to the plant
Also do not leave the residual effects like that of the chemical fertilizers.
Hence the use of Biofertilizer could be the proper option for sustainable