BOX 1 : cardiovascular Risk factors BOX 2 : Key Elements of Office Blood Pressure Assessment
• Age (men >55 years; women >65 years), smoking, obesity, Avoid caffeine, exercise, smoking at least 30 minutes before the visit
dyslipidemia, diabetes, prediabetes, family history of premature Relax, feet on floor with back supported for at least five minutes
CVD(men aged <55 years; women aged <65 years) Empty bladder
Refrain from talking during the rest period and measurement
• Target Organ damage: LVH, Atherosclerosis, CKD, (CKD stage1- Remove all clothing covering the area where the cuff will be placed
3,ÄCR 30-300mg/g.),, Use the correct cuff size and Support the patient’s arm Box2
Position the middle of the cuff at the level of the heart
• Associated clinical conditions: CVA, IHD,HF, (CKD4-5 or Repeated measurements by one to two minutes
ACR>300mg/g), PVD, Advanced hypertensive retinopathy. Average of at least two measurements
BOX3 : cuff sizes
when to refer to secondary care
Arm Circumference Usual Cuff Size
22–26 cm Small adult
Resistant HTN
27–34 cm Adult Suspicion of secondary HTN
35–44 cm Large adult Sudden onset of HTN References and further details, refer to
HTN diagnosed at young age (30 years old) SHMS Clinical practice Guidelines https://bit.ly/SHMScpg18.
45–52 cm Adult thigh Worsening of HTN
Malignant HTN
“Home Blood Pressure measurement, using validated device is
highly Recommended”
Box 5 : common blood pressure medications pharmacological intervention