Dietetics 02 00021
Dietetics 02 00021
Dietetics 02 00021
Abstract: Strenuous exercise can be associated with “Exercise Induced Gastrointestinal Syndrome”
(Ex-GIS), a clinical condition characterized by a series of gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances that may
impact the physical and psychological performance of athletes. The pathophysiology comprises
multi-factorial interactions between the GI tract and the circulatory, immune, enteric, and central
nervous systems. There is considerable evidence for increases in the indices of intestinal damage,
permeability, and endotoxemia associated with impaired gastric emptying, slowing of small intestinal
transit, and malabsorption of nutrients. Heat stress and racing mode seem to exacerbate these GI
disturbances. GI symptomatology that derives from strenuous exercise is similar to that of IBS
and other GI functional disorders defined in the Rome IV Criteria. To manage Ex-GIS, the exercise
modality, state of dehydration, environmental temperature, concomitant therapies, and self-managed
Citation: Ribichini, E.; Scalese, G.; diet should be evaluated, and if risk elements are present, an attempt should be made to modify
Cesarini, A.; Mocci, C.; Pallotta, N.; them. Multiple strategies can be successively adopted to manage Ex-GIS. Nutritional and behavioral
Severi, C.; Corazziari, E.S. interventions appear to be the principal ones to avoid symptoms during the exercise. The aim of this
Exercise-Induced Gastrointestinal
review will be to explore the pathophysiology, clinical aspect, and current literature on behavioral
Symptoms in Endurance Sports: A
and nutritional strategies to manage Ex-GIS, regarding a gluten-free diet and low-fermentable oligo-,
Review of Pathophysiology,
di-, and mono-saccharides and polyols (FODMAP) diet.
Symptoms, and Nutritional
Management. Dietetics 2023, 2,
Keywords: gastrointestinal symptoms; endurance sport; diet; IBS
biking, and climbing are some of those considered endurance sports simply because they
require an expenditure of energy for a long time [4]. Ex-GIS might result from responses to
exercise that compromise gastrointestinal integrity and function and may even be the reason
why some stop sports participation [3]. The mechanisms leading to GI discomfort during
exercise are not yet fully understood [5]. Exercise responses may involve two different path-
ways: a circulatory–gastrointestinal pathway [6] and a neuroendocrine–gastrointestinal
pathway [7]. The combination of splanchnic hypoperfusion and altered enteric nervous
system activity may result in a compromised GI system. The loss of epithelial integrity
observed during strenuous physical exercise leads to increased intestinal permeability with
bacterial translocation and inflammation. This alteration may negatively impact exercise
performance and post-exercise recovery due to abdominal distress and impairment in the
uptake of fluid, electrolytes, and nutrients. Exercise may also have a substantial impact on
gut microbiota (GM) composition and structure, but the role of the microbiota in exercise
adaptation remains unknown [8]. Notable differences have been described between com-
peting athletes and inactive people. Zhao et al. [9] examined the GM and fecal metabolites
of amateur runners before and after a half marathon, and they showed shifts in the relative
abundance of the GM at several different taxonomic levels [9]. Therefore, there is a need
to integrate the evidence more comprehensively for all elements of exercise-associated GI
disturbances. In this light, the purpose of this article is firstly, to review the physiological
and pathophysiological changes of the GI tract during endurance exercise, exploring the
pathophysiology of Ex-GIS; secondly, to describe the clinical aspects of the syndrome
and its effect on athletes’ performances; and thirdly, to review the current literature on
behavioral and nutritional strategies to manage the condition, with particular regard to
dietetic regimens adopted by athletes to reduce symptoms.
2. Methods
Three databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, Cochrane, Canada) were searched for relevant
publications. The search was performed up to March 2023. The search strings utilized for
the chapter’s introduction and pathophysiology of Ex-GIS, proposed mechanisms for GI
distress, and gastrointestinal symptoms during exercise were “endurance”, “endurance
sports”, “endurance activity”, “gastrointestinal symptoms”, and “exercise-induced gas-
trointestinal symptoms”. We identified studies published from 1965 to 2023. The search
performed in PubMed returned 290 results, in MEDLINE 216 results, and in the Cochrane
library 97 trials. The search strings utilized for the chapters nutritional and behavior strate-
gies to reduce Ex-GIS and efficacy of specific diets applied by endurance athletes to avoid
Ex-GIS were “endurance”, “endurance sports”, “endurance activity”, “diet”, and “nutri-
tion”. We identified studies published from 1972 to 2023. The search performed in PubMed
returned 2663 results, in MEDLINE 2197 results, and in the Cochrane library 1038 trials.
The selection process began with the evaluation of the title and the abstract of the works.
All the works in which the keywords and the purposes of the review were not present were
excluded. In terms of inclusion criteria, only studies in the English language were selected.
Studies that did not address the impact of diet on endurance performance or health-related
parameters were excluded. Finally, the authors discussed the research findings and selected
the studies that were clinically and practically relevant for the purposes of this review.
Based on our inclusion and exclusion criteria, we identified 142 research articles.
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Proposed
mechanismsfor forEx-GIS
Ex-GISpathophysiology. Abbreviations:
pathophysiology. Ex-GIS:
Abbreviations: exercise-
Ex-GIS: exercise-
induced gastrointestinal symptoms; VO2max: maximal oxygen consumption; SNS: sympathetic
induced gastrointestinal symptoms; VO2max: maximal oxygen consumption; SNS: sympathetic
nervous system;ENS:
3.1. Neuroendocrine–Gastrointestinal
The alteration
alteration of of the
the enteric
enteric nervous
nervous system
system (ENS)
(ENS) activity,
activity, through
through aa cascade
cascade of of
events, results
complicationsand andGIGI symptoms
symptoms known
known as Ex-GIS.
as Ex-GIS. Physical ac-
tivity induces
activity induces sympathetic
sympathetic activation,
activation,which is considered
which is consideredthe main causecause
the main of altered ENS
of altered
activity [12,13]. The digestive system is controlled by the bidirectional activity
ENS activity [12,13]. The digestive system is controlled by the bidirectional activity of the of the central
nervous system system
central nervous (CNS) and (CNS) theand
ENS,ofbothwhich participate
of which in theinregulation
participate the regulation of the
various functions
the various of theof
functions intestines. ENS can
the intestines. independently
ENS regulateregulate
can independently GI functions without
GI functions
central Indeed,
input. the ENS the
Indeed, is considered a quasi-autonomous
ENS is considered part of the
a quasi-autonomous nervous
part of the
system including several neural circuits that control motor functions,
nervous system including several neural circuits that control motor functions, local blood local blood flow, and
mucosal transport and secretions and modulate immune
flow, and mucosal transport and secretions and modulate immune and endocrine and endocrine functions [14].
Enteroendocrine cells (EECs), which
functions [14]. Enteroendocrine cellsare basal-granulated
(EECs), cells dispersed in cells
which are basal-granulated the gut epithe-
lium, represent the endocrine elements of the intestine and release
in the gut epithelium, represent the endocrine elements of the intestine and release gut gut peptides, such as
cholecystokinin (CCK), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and peptide
peptides, such as cholecystokinin (CCK), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and peptide YY (PYY), all having
(PYY), all effect. Ghrelin,
having on the other
an anorectic effect. hand, is an on
Ghrelin, orexigenic
the other peptide
hand,produced by the
is an orexigenic
enteroendocrine cells in the oxyntic glands of the stomach and
peptide produced by the enteroendocrine cells in the oxyntic glands of the stomach andupper intestine; thus, its
plasma levels are high before meals and are suppressed in response
upper intestine; thus, its plasma levels are high before meals and are suppressed in to food intake [15].
These neuropeptides
response to food intake act[15].
either in aneuropeptides
These paracrine fashion on both
act either in aintestinal
paracrineand neural
fashion oncells
in proximity or enter the bloodstream and can have peripheral effects, such as change in
intestinal and neural cells in proximity or enter the bloodstream and can have peripheral
gastric emptying and gut motility [16]. Briefly, CCK is synthesized and released from I
effects, such as change in gastric emptying and gut motility [16]. Briefly, CCK is
cells of the upper intestine in response to food intake. It slows down gastric emptying and
synthesized and released from I cells of the upper intestine in response to food intake. It
stimulates pancreatic and gallbladder secretions. CCK exerts its satiety action primarily
slows down gastric emptying and stimulates pancreatic and gallbladder secretions. CCK
through the activation of vagal afferent fibers innervating both the stomach and the upper
exerts its satiety action primarily through the activation of vagal afferent fibers innervating
intestine [17,18]. CCK levels rapidly increase after food ingestion, present a peak a few
minutes after meal initiation, and decline to baseline levels with meal termination [19]. In
contrast, the other gut peptides have patterns of release and actions that are consistent
with effects beyond the meal. Indeed, plasma levels of both PYY and GLP-1, which are
synthesized and released from L cells located primarily in the distal intestine, occur more
slowly, not peaking until after meal termination and remaining high for several hours after
Dietetics 2023, 2 292
a meal [20,21]. Both PYY and GLP-1 inhibit food intake. Few data are currently available
regarding the modification of gut peptide levels in response to physical activity. Various
animal and cell models have demonstrated that the activation of adenosine receptors in-
duces the release of GLP-1 and PYY from EECs [22,23], and concentrations of both are
increased during moderate- and high-intensity exercise. Moreover, exercise induces the
vago-vagal reflex from the brain back to the gut [24], which plays a role in the ability of CCK
to regulate gastric emptying and intestinal motility [25]. Some studies have evaluated the
modifications of gut peptide levels in response to different kinds of exercise. Halliday TM
and colleagues demonstrated that circulating concentrations of the anorexic gut peptides,
namely PYY and GLP-1, are increased following aerobic exercise as compared to resistance
exercise and that circulating concentrations of the orexigenic gut peptide, namely ghrelin,
are also higher following aerobic exercise and sedentary control vs. resistance exercise [26].
Other similar results were reported by Broom et al. [27] and Balaguera-Cortes et al. [28];
they both found blunted ghrelin responses to resistance exercise as compared to aero-
bic exercise. Furthermore, enteric neurons contain receptors for GABA, serotonin, and
dopamine, neuropeptides that have been found to be influenced by exercise [29]. In detail,
high-intensity exercise causes an increase in GABA concentrations in the sensorimotor
cortex, while acute exercise increases plasma dopamine levels [30]. Although exercise
induces changes in neuropeptides and may affect enteric neuron activation and function, it
is not fully known whether exercise directly affects local levels of enteric neuropeptides. It
is plausible that alterations in gastric emptying and gut motility during exercise are due, at
least in part, to increased gut peptide secretion and action. Among the neurotransmitters,
catecholamines and serotonin have recently been a topic of interest because of their roles in
gut physiology and their potential roles in GI and CNS pathophysiology. There are three
main catecholamines: norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and epinephrine (adrenaline), which
are peripheral catecholamines, and dopamine, which is a central-acting catecholamine. As
mentioned above, endurance exercise increases sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity,
increasing the circulating concentrations of norepinephrine and epinephrine [31]. The main
function of norepinephrine is in vascular smooth muscle; indeed, it mainly acts on the
alpha receptors at all concentration ranges, and causes vasoconstriction, increased vascular
resistance, and decreased overall blood flow to the intestine. Epinephrine instead acts in a
dual way; at low doses, it stimulates the beta receptors, leading to vasodilation, meanwhile
at high doses, it acts similarly to norepinephrine and causes vasoconstriction. Finally,
dopamine receptor affinity is also concentration-dependent and, indeed, low dopamine
levels cause vasodilation and increased splanchnic blood flow through interaction with
D1 receptors, meanwhile at high doses, it acts like the other catecholamines and can be
classified as a vasoconstrictor, decreasing splanchnic blood flow [29]. Serotonin exerts a
wide range of actions on the GI tract by binding to seven classes of specific receptors (5-HT1
to 5-HT7), each of which produces its own response. For instance, 5-HT4 agonists relieve
visceral pain and increase intestinal motility [32], while the activation of 5-HT3 receptors
following the ingestion of irritants causes a rise in serotonin release by EECs, which in turn
increases peristalsis and causes diarrhea. Regarding exercise-induced motility changes,
data available to date are not unique, and many variables need to be considered. The
duration and intensity of exercise, for example, may have different effects on the ENS,
and while a short duration (i.e., <60 min) appears to promote GI motility, more prolonged
(i.e., up to 90 min) exercise may cause inhibition [5]. Likewise, low-intensity exercise
has little effect on GI motility, meanwhile in more vigorous exercise, ESN and relative
GI functions become progressively inhibited [5]. Therefore, it can be assumed that most
changes occurring in the intestinal tract are intensity- and duration-dependent and that
exercise stress of ≥2 h at 60% VO2max may represent the threshold at which significant
GI perturbations manifest [5]. Specifically, motility alterations have been observed in
different levels of the GI tract, including the esophagus, the stomach, and the intestines,
and generally are summarized as a slow gastric emptying and a delay of orocecal transit
time (OCTT). In more detail, esophageal modifications are represented by a decrease in
Dietetics 2023, 2 293
esophageal peristaltic activity, a decrease in lower esophageal sphincter tone, and increased
transient lower sphincter relaxation, which together could be linked to gastro-esophageal
reflux symptoms (GERD) experienced during exercise [33]. Effects on gastric emptying
are less clear, and especially in this case, the intensity of physical activity appears to be
the key regulator of the gastric emptying rate. Indeed, a very early work [34] reported
no effect of moderate exercise on gastric emptying, while later studies demonstrated a
reduction following very-high-intensity exercise or during intermittent activity [35]. En-
durance sports, through stress and the potent sympathetic activation, cause the inhibition
of gastric motility [36]. These data were also confirmed in an animal model, in which by
decreasing the sympathetic activity through the electrical stimulation of the spinal cord,
there was an increase in gastric emptying and intestinal transit [37]. Information about
small intestine and colonic motility is scarce, and the impact of exercise on OCTT is unclear.
For instance, Rao KA and colleagues measured OCTT using a telemetric pH sensor and
demonstrated that symptomatic and asymptomatic runners presented similar small bowel
and colonic transit times during rest and exercise sessions. Interestingly, the diarrhea seen
in the study did not result from an accelerated colonic transit and hence the researchers
concluded that other mechanisms must be sought [38]. In contrast, the OCTT measured
with lactulose breath tests decreased in both running [39] and cycling [40,41]. Considering
the heterogeneity of results and the complex interaction of hormonal and neurological
factors in the control of motility, other studies are needed to better elucidate the effect of
different kinds of exercise (duration, intensity, and mode) on OCTT [5].
In conclusion, the first mechanism of Ex-GIS onset depends on the alteration of the
circulatory-GI pathways caused by endurance activity. This damage is directly dependent
on the unavoidable gut hypoperfusion, which causes ischemic damage of the intestinal
barrier. In addition to intestinal ischemia, the resulting bacterial translocation with endo-
toxemia and inflammatory response then trigger intestinal symptoms. However, these are
not the only changes dependent on endurance exercise; indeed, endurance also causes an
alteration in the neuroendocrine-GI pathway.
complaints during the first 24 h after the run [72]. In another study, Pfeiffer et al. reported
severe GI distress ranging from 4% in marathon running and cycling up to 32% in Ironman
races [73]. Currently, several observational studies have exhaustively assessed GI symp-
toms during endurance sport; they can be divided into upper- (e.g., regurgitation, upper
abdominal bloating, belching, epigastric pain, and heartburn) and lower- (e.g., flatulence,
urge to defecate, lower abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, abnormal defecation including
loose water stools, diarrhea, and fecal blood loss) GI tract symptoms. Upper-GI symptoms
are reported in up to 40% of runners but may rise to 70% in cyclists [3]. The prevalence of
reflux/heartburn is usually the most frequent of the upper-GI symptoms and is estimated
between 15% and 20% in runners [74]. As described above, exercise induces an increase
in intra-gastric pressure and perturbation of LES function, leading to GI symptoms like
heartburn, chest pain, belching, and dyspepsia [40]. Moreover, the intragastric pressure
may rise due to ingestion of hyperosmolar carbohydrate sport drinks delaying the gastric
emptying time in athletes [75,76]. On the other hand, athletes emptied their stomachs
significantly faster than controls both at rest and during exercise, suggesting an effect of
training [77]. Effectively, athletes not trained for fluid/food ingestion had a twofold risk
of developing GI symptoms compared with athletes habituated to fluid/food ingestion
during exercise [72]. Effectively, the adaptation observed in athletes may protect against the
development of GI symptoms associated with delayed gastric emptying, such as nausea,
vomiting, and side stitch.
Concerning other GI symptoms, side ache, stitch, and subcostal pain, commonly
referred to as exercise-induced transient abdominal pain (ETAP), are common during
exercise. ETAP was reported in 18% of the competitors in a recreational run, whereas 4%
reported severe abdominal pain, but the incidence of ETAP is influenced by the type of
sport [78]. In a study conducted on 965 sporting participants, ETAP was most prevalent in
activities that involved repetitive torso movements, bouncing, or longitudinal rotation [78].
Furthermore, the incidence of ETAP was higher in young patients and after recent ingestion
of fluid and food [76,79].
Finally, the lower-GI-tract symptoms, such as abdominal pain, flatulence, cramping,
the urge to defecate, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding, are more severe compared to upper-GI
disturbances, having the potential to impair performance [80]. The incidence of severe
lower GI symptoms during a recreational run is up to 30%, but the percentage may increase
up to 50% in cyclists and to 70% in competitive long-distance runners [81]. Recreational
athletes are least likely to report symptoms. Usually, they are competing at lower intensities
and thus have fewer symptoms, as GI symptoms are reported to increase with distance
and exercise intensity [82].
In addition to performance level, other variables can influence symptom severity [83].
Jill A. Parnell et al. [83] showed a higher prevalence of GI symptoms in younger female
athletes, who experienced urge to defecate, diarrhea, and the highest rates of gas, nausea,
fullness, and stomach pain/cramps. Other studies support a higher prevalence of GI
symptoms in female athletes [84,85], suggesting further research to determine the potential
relationship to sex hormones and female gut physiology. Age is another variable that can
impact GI symptoms’ prevalence [84–86]. Increased age may protect against GI symptoms
due to reduced splanchnic vasoconstriction through impaired catecholamine response and
consequently increased oxygen supply [86].
Finally, exercise is beneficial for mental status, resulting in an improved mood and a
better quality of life. In turn, a good state of mind is needed to achieve better sports perfor-
mance [87]. In this context, observational studies linked chronic stress to the development
of GI disorders such as IBS [88]. We specified that even in the healthy general population,
stressful events can trigger GI symptoms, and it is plausible that the link between stress,
anxiety, and GI symptoms observed under resting conditions also occurs during exercise.
In this direction, psychological factors may influence the development of GI distress during
exercise [89]. Patrick B. Wilson conducted a study to evaluate if stress and anxiety may
contribute to running-related GI distress [90]. Runners (74 men, 76 women) prospectively
Dietetics 2023, 2 297
recorded running duration and intensity and GI symptoms for 30 days. After 30 days,
participants completed a questionnaire on GI symptoms and filled in the Perceived Stress
Scale (PSS) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). The analysis of the data showed PSS scores
and BAI scores were positively correlated with GI distress occurrence [90]. To date, most
research on EX-GIS has focused on nutritional, pharmacologic, and mechanical origins, but
this study provides rationale for further research into psychological sources of GI distress
with exercise.
endurance cycling, which means several days and 2 weeks of a high-carbohydrate daily
diet [101].
Another strategy to manage Ex-GIS was proposed by van Wijck et al. [10]. Since the
perfusion of the gut is implicated in EX-GIS pathogenesis, upregulating intestinal nitric
oxide (NO) production could be a way to reduce symptoms. Manipulation of intestinal NO
can be obtained through nitric-oxide-synthase-dependent (glutamine–arginine–citrulline)
and nitric-oxide-synthase-independent (nitrate–nitrite) supplementations or by increasing
the dietary nitrate intake [10]. However, currently recognized vegetable sources of dietary
nitrate, such as chard, celery, rapeseed, spinach, radish, and lettuce, are also sometimes
associated with GI symptoms. Therefore, a way to supplement dietary nitrate would be to
take these foods as vegetable extract juice.
We propose an overview of the principal nutritional and behavioral strategies to
reduce Ex-GIS in accordance with the current evidence (Table 1).
Table 1. Possible nutritional and behavioral strategies to manage Ex-GIS in endurance sports.
• Reflux and regurgitation Avoid high-calorie and fatty meals three hours prior to exercise [50,53]
• Nausea Avoid hypertonic fluids during exercise [50,53]
• Vomiting
Lower-GI symptoms Defecate prior to exercise to prevent the urge to defecate during exercise [71]
Drink small amounts of hypotonic carbohydrate fluids to prevent the risk of osmotic diarrhea [72]
• Urgency Avoid hypertonic solutions, including fatty, high-calorie meals, or high-glycemic-index foods
• Diarrhea three hours before exercising and during exercise [73]
• Bloating Train the gut to ingest a high amount of carbohydrates and fluids before competition [70]
• Abdominal cramps Avoidance of food and fluid intake at least two hours prior to exercise [3]
Wait 2–3 h before exercising after a meal or drink [74]
Side stitch or ETAP
Take small amounts of drink during exercise and abstain from hypertonic fluids [3]
Abbreviations: Ex-GIS: exercise-induced gastrointestinal symptoms, GI: gastro-intestinal, ETAP: exercise-induced
transient abdominal pain.
of muscle’s ability to use glycogen for oxidative fates [107]. Moreover, potential risks
regarding an HFD are GI symptoms, including nausea, reflux, dizziness, euphoria, and
upper-abdominal discomfort [111,112], which in turn may potentially reduce athletes’
performances. Finally, to alleviate exercise-associated GI symptoms, numerous nutritional
interventions have been investigated. Gluten-free and low-fermentable oligosaccharides,
disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAP) diets appear to be the most
effective for this purpose [113–116].
In the last decade, one of the most common dietary strategies used to manage GI
symptoms has been the exclusion of gluten from the diet. In recent years, the GFD has
become a trendy diet among the general population, followed in about 5–10% of cases, and
it is even more widespread among non-celiac athletes (NCAs), in whom the percentage
rises to over 40% [114] since many athletes believe that gluten removal might reduce GI
symptoms [73]. The elimination of gluten from the diet is particularly prominent within
endurance athletes, likely due to their higher frequency of EX-GIS (15–30%) compared
to other types of athletes [73]. Despite the paucity of supportive evidence, NCAs choose
to adhere to a GFD for various reasons including clinically or self-diagnosed NCGS and
the belief that a GFD is healthier because it reduces inflammation and gastrointestinal
discomfort, or it may improve exercise performance through the reduction in fatigue [114].
The main clinical beneficial effect of a GFD reported by athletes is the resolution of ab-
dominal bloating, gas, diarrhea, and fatigue [114]. One of the first surveys conducted on
endurance cyclists, by Fritscher K. and colleagues [117], reported that GFD was the most
popular “special diet” among this group of athletes since it improved GI symptoms in
approximately 80% of survey respondents. A successive and broader survey conducted
on 910 athletes spanning various sports and levels, including world and/or Olympic
medalists, concluded that 41.2% of NCAs followed a GFD for 50–100% of the time and
that most of them were endurance sport athletes (70%) [114]. Interestingly, a successive
controlled, randomized, double-blind, crossover study conducted by the same group on
thirteen competitive endurance cyclists with no positive clinical screening for CD or history
of IBS concluded that a short-term GFD had no overall effect on performance, symptoma-
tology, and inflammation. In this study, athletes, allocated to a 7-day gluten-containing
diet (GCD) or GFD, were tested for performance, GI symptoms, well-being, and select
indicators of intestinal injury and inflammation, and at the end of the study, clinical and
biochemical index results were similar in both groups [118]. Furthermore, it is plausible
that a placebo effect could contribute to the symptomatic improvement experienced by
athletes. A review by Halson and Martin confirmed that the “belief effect” can contribute to
a performance improvement of between 1% and 3%, whether it has ergogenic mechanisms
or not [119]. Moreover, following a GFD may increase awareness of food choices and
encourage a healthier diet containing more fruit, vegetables, and gluten-free whole-grain,
and in turn, these positive dietary changes may influence perceptions of improved health,
psychology, or exercise performance [114]. Gluten should not be considered the only culprit
of symptoms; amylase-trypsin inhibitors (ATIs) and fructans (rich in FODMAPs), which
are all components of wheat and other gluten-containing and non-gluten foodstuffs, may
also be responsible for GI disturbances [120,121]. Although gluten and fructans co-exist in
cereals, historically, gluten alone has been incorrectly blamed for related GI disturbances
and thus is often promptly eliminated from the diet [122–124]. In truth, it is more likely that
the other proteins and carbohydrate nutrients are the actual culprits of athletes’ symptoma-
tology. In fact, it was widely demonstrated in a series of clinical studies that fructan and not
gluten elimination reduced GI symptoms in IBS patients with self-reported NCGS [125,126].
Therefore, athletes following a GFD unknowingly reduce high-FODMAP foods, which may
reduce Ex-GIS, and the decrease in FODMAP intake and not gluten itself may be the true
reason for improved GI disturbances obtained in a GFD.
This justifies the new dietary strategy to address the multifactorial nature of gas-
trointestinal disorders in athletes using a “low FODMAP” approach and not a GFD [127].
FODMAPs are a family of fermentable short-chain carbohydrates found in a wide as-
Dietetics 2023, 2 300
Figure2.2. A
Figure A diagnostic–therapeutic
diagnostic–therapeutic algorithm
algorithm with
with suggestions
suggestions forfor managing
managing Ex-GIS.
Ex-GIS. In
In the
the frame-
work of Ex-GIS, an initial check for organic/functional disease and risk factors is recommended.
work of Ex-GIS, an initial check for organic/functional disease and risk factors is recommended.
Exercise modality, state of dehydration, environmental temperature, concomitant therapies, and
Exercise modality, state of dehydration, environmental temperature, concomitant therapies, and
mental status should be evaluated, and if risk elements are present, an attempt should be made to
them. should be evaluated,
If no resolution andobtained,
has been if risk elements are for
screening present, andiet
current attempt should be made
and nutritional to
modify them. If no resolution has been obtained, screening for current diet and nutritional
ing should be advised by a nutritionist. See Table 1 for the possible nutritional strategies to managecounseling
Ex-GIS be in advised
enduranceby asports.
nutritionist. See Table
Abbreviation: 1 for the
Ex-GIS: possible nutritional
exercise-induced strategies to
gastrointestinal manage
GERD: in
Ex-GIS gastro-esophageal
endurance sports. reflux disease; CD: Ex-GIS:
Abbreviation: celiac disease; IBD: inflammatory
exercise-induced bowel disease;
gastrointestinal SIBO:
small intestinal bowel overgrowth; VO2max: maximal oxygen consumption; NSAIDs:
GERD: gastro-esophageal reflux disease; CD: celiac disease; IBD: inflammatory bowel disease; SIBO: non-steroidal
small intestinal bowel drugs; HFOD: VO2max:
overgrowth; high-FODMAP maximal diet; HFD:consumption;
oxygen high-fat diet; NSAIDs:
GFD: gluten-free diet;
LFOD: low-FODMAP diet.
anti-inflammatory drugs; HFOD: high-FODMAP diet; HFD: high-fat diet; GFD: gluten-free diet;
LFOD: low-FODMAP diet.
7. Conclusions
7. Conclusions
Endurance exercise causes physiological and pathological disturbances that alter GI
function exercisewhich
and integrity, causeseventually
physiological and
results inpathological disturbances
Ex-GIS. Endurance that acute
can cause alter GI
symptoms and integrity,
even whichgut
in a healthy eventually
through results
multiplein pathological
Ex-GIS. Endurance
changescan cause acute
associated with
GI symptoms even in a healthy gut through multiple pathological changes associated
with hypoperfusion, ischemia, epithelial injury, impaired barrier function, endotoxemia,
local and systemic inflammation, impaired nutrient absorption, and altered gastric and
intestinal motility. These changes are the result of multifactorial interactions between the
gastrointestinal tract and the circulatory, immune, enteric, and central nervous systems,
Dietetics 2023, 2 302
analogous in some respects to the pathogenesis of IBS, as well as in terms of the symp-
tomatology triggered. Ex-GIS can impact the physical and psychological performance of
athletes during competitions and vice versa; the psychological stress to which they are
subjected may worsen GI disturbances. Numerous nutritional and behavioral interventions
have been investigated to alleviate Ex-GIS; diet is perhaps the principal one and should be
personalized and planned by experts to avoid self-managed diets.
In conclusion, although more research is needed to gain insight into gastrointestinal
physiology during exercise and to better understand the most appropriate individualized
dietary strategies to address the multifactorial nature of GI disorders in athletes, nutritional
intervention appears to be a promising tool to manage them.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.R. and G.S.; writing—review and editing, E.R., G.S.,
A.C. and C.M.; supervision, E.S.C., C.S. and N.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: The research leading to these results has received funding from MUR under PNRR
M4C2I1.4 project Rome Technopole Flagship 4 CUP Sapienza University of Rome.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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