Microbiology Imp.

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Microbiology (apurba s sastry, 3rd edition)

General microbiology
 Koch’s postulates
 Bacterial cell wall
 Bacterial spores
 Bacterial growth curve and factors affecting growth of bacteria
 Culture media – types
 Gene transfer in bacteria - transduction
 Role of normal flora

 Diff between innate and acquired immunity
 C -reactive protein
 Primary and secondary immune response – graph
 Adjuvant
 Superantigen
 igM
 Classical complement pathway, regulation
 Major histocompatibility complex
 Cytokines
 Hypersensitivity reactions – all types
 Graft vs host reaction
 National immunization schedule
 Vaccine vial monitor

Hospital infection control

 Hand hygiene

 PPE kit
 Blood spill management
 Autoclave
 Biomedical waste management, table 24.1
 Post exposure management of needle stick injury, table 25.1

Systemic microbiology
Bloodstream and cardiovascular system infections
 Acute rheumatic fever
 Fever of unknown origin (FUO)
 Enteric fever
 Dengue
 Malaria – plasmodium falciparum
 Visceral leishmaniasis
 Lymphatic filariasis
 Systemic candidiasis

Gastrointestinal infections
 Food poisoning , staph. Aureus , botulism
 Diarrheagenic E.coli
 Cholera
 Clostridium difficile
 Rotavirus
 Intestinal amoebiasis
 Giardiasis
 Intestinal taeniasis
 Ascariasis
 Hookworm infections
 Bile stained and non bile stained eggs

Hepatobiliary system infections
 Hepatitis B
 Amoebic liver abscess
 Hydatid disease (human echinococcosis)
 Visceral larva migrans

Skin, Soft tissue and Musculoskeletal system infections

 Staphylococcus aureus infection, table 51.1
 Gas gangrene
 Leprosy
 Anthrax
 HSV-1
 Superficial mycoses, dermatophytoses
 Mycetoma

Respiratory tract infections

 Diphtheria
 Tuberculosis
 Influenza
 COVID-19
 Aspergillosis

Central nervous system infections

 All type of meningitis
 Tetanus
 Rabies, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
 Toxoplasma

Urogenital tract infections

 Syphilis
 Urethritis , gonococcal
 Life cycle of Chlamydia

Miscellaneous infective syndromes
 Conjunctivitis
 Otitis media
 Plague
 AETCOM in microbiology

Topic distribution of theory assessment for

university examination -

Theory Topic Marks

Paper - 1 1. General microbiology 100
2. Immunology
3. Gastrointestinal and
hepatobiliary system
4. CVS and Blood
Paper - 2 1. CNS infections 100
2. Respiratory tract infection
3. Musculoskeletal sys. Skin and
soft tissue infection
4. Genitourinary and sexullay
transmitted infections
5. Zoonotic dis and miscellaneous


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