Osamura 1985
Osamura 1985
Osamura 1985
60Wah D.C. Wallace, "Specific Heat of Thorium at High Tem- at Ambient Temperature," Calculation of Phase Diagrams and
peratures," Phys. Rev. Lett., 120, 84-88 (1960). (Thermo; Experi- Thermochemistry of Alloy Phases, Y.A. Chang and J. F. Smith,
mental) Ed., TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 229-241 (1979). (Thermo;
61Kom: S. Komjathy, "The Constitution of Some Vanadium-Base Experimental)
Binary and Ternary Systems and the Aging Characteristics of 81Smi: J.F. Smith, "The Vanadium System," Bull. Alloy Phase
Selected Ternary Alloys," J. Less-Common Met., 3, 468-488 Diagrams, 2(1), 40-41; 2(2), 172 (1981). (Equi Diagram, Thermo;
(1961). (Equi Diagram; Review, Experimental) Review)
*62Pal: P.E. Palmer, O.D. McMasters, and W.L. Larsen, 82Kin: H.W. King, "Atomic Size Parameters for the Elements,"
"Thorium-Vanadium Phase Diagram," Trans. ASM, 55, Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 2(4), 528 (1982). (Crys Structure;
301-306 (1962). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #) Compilation)
66Lev: L.S. Levinson, "The Heat Content of Crystal Bar 83Cha: M.W. Chase, "Heats of Transition of the Elements," Bull.
Thorium," J. Nucl. Mater., 19, 50-52 (1966). (Thermo; Alloy Phase Diagrams, 4(1), 124 (1983). (Equi Diagram, Ther-
Experimental) mo; Compilation)
70Kau: L~ Kaufman and H. Bernstein, Computer Calculation of 84Oet: F.L. Oetting, private communication, Rocky Flats Plant,
Phase Diagrams, Academic Press, New York, 184 (1970). (Equi Energy Systems Group, P.O. Box 464, Golden, CO 80401 (1984).
Diagram, Thermo; Theory) (Thermo; Experimental)
75Smi: J. F. Smith, O. N. Carlson, D. T. Peterson, and T. E. Scott, 84Wes: E.F. Westrum, Jr., private communication, Dept. of
Thorium: Preparation and Properties, Iowa State Univ. Press, Chem., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (1984).
Ames, IA (1975). (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Compilation) (Thermo; Experimental)
79Tak: Y. Takahashi and J. Nakamura, "Laser-Flash Cal- *Indicates key paper.
orimetry and the Evaluation of Heat-Capacity Data on Metals # Indicates presence of a phase diagram.
Th-V evaluation contributed by J.F. Smith and K.J. Lee, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, and D. E.
Peterson, Materials Science and TechnologyDivision, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA. The portion of this work that was
done at the Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, was supported by Department of Energy funds through the Joint Program on Critical Compilation of
Physical and Chemical Data coordinated through the Officeof Standard Reference Data, National Bureau of Standards. The portion of this work that was
done at Los Alamos National Laboratory was supported by the National Bureau of Standards. Literature searched through 1983. Professor Smith is the
ASM/NBS Data Program Category Editor for binary vanadium alloys, and Dr. Peterson is Category Editor for binary actinide alloys.
. . . . . . . . . ~u 9 9
By K. Osamura
Kyoto University, Japan
Pb-Sb-Sn alloys t r a d i t i o n a l l y h a v e been used in the print- and microscopical i n v e s t i g a t i o n s and found t h a t the ter-
ing i n d u s t r y and are u s u a l l y d e s i g n a t e d as "type metals", n a r y peritectic p o i n t described by e a r l i e r i n v e s t i g a t o r s is a
c o n t a i n i n g 10 to 24 wt.% Sb a n d 2 to 12 wt.% Sn. These true t e r n a r y eutectic. [35Weal confirmed the existence of
alloys a r e also used as b e a r i n g m e t a l s known as Pb-base a t e r n a r y eutectic a n d a p s e u d o b i n a r y eutectic. The ter-
"white m e t a l s " , c o n t a i n i n g 10 to 20 wt.% Sb a n d 5 to n a r y d i a g r a m c u r r e n t l y accepted is t h a t of [63Kog].
10 wt.% Sn, w i t h less t h a n 0.5 wt.% Cu.
The t e r n a r y s y s t e m can be considered as divided into two
E a r l y i n v e s t i g a t i o n s of t h i s t e r n a r y s y s t e m were con- by the Pb-SbSn section. A l t h o u g h this section contains a
ducted by [ l l L o e l ] , [llLoe2], [ l l C a m ] , and [12Cam], who eutectic saddle point, L ~ ( P b ) + SbSn(LT), it is not a
d e t e r m i n e d the liquidus and solidus surfaces by t h e r m a l p s e u d o b i n a r y s e c t i o n o v e r t h e e n t i r e r a n g e of com-
analysis. The crystals s e p a r a t i n g were a s s u m e d to be t h e positions. The peritectic formation of SbSn(LT) at 325 ~
same as in t h e b i n a r y alloys. A t t h a t time, however, t h e f r o m S b S n ( H T ) a n d t h e e u t e c t o i d d e c o m p o s i t i o n of
compound SbSn was not d i s t i n g u i s h a b l e microscopically SbSn(HT) to (Sb) a n d SbSn(LT) at 320 ~ in the b i n a r y
from the Sb p r i m a r y solid solution. The d i a g r a m due to S b - S n s y s t e m i n d i c a t e t h e p r e s e n c e of a n i n v a r i a n t
Loebe was accepted for more t h a n 20 years. reaction U1, L + S b S n ( H T ) ~ ( S b ) + SbSn(LT). This is
followed by t h e t e r n a r y eutectic reaction, LE ~ (Pb) +
In t h e e a r l y 1930's, t h e u n d e r s t a n d i n g of this t e r n a r y (Sb) + SbSn(LT), a t 240 ~ in the Pb-Sb-SbSn p a r t i a l ter-
phase diagram progressed remarkably. [31Iwa] re- n a r y system. In t h e Pb-Sn-SbSn p a r t i a l t e r n a r y system,
e x a m i n e d the entire t e r n a r y d i a g r a m by m e a n s of t h e r m a l an i n v a r i a n t reaction, U2, L + SbSn(LT) ~ (Pb) + (Sn),
Pb - Sb Pb- Sn Pb - Sb - Sn Sb - Sn
t P' I 425
{ P2 I 325
1+ SbSn(HT)= SbSn(LT)
. . . . . . . .
t_ ,i ]"4
L+SbSn(LT)+(Sb) SbSn(HT)+(Sb)
+SbSn(LT) e I 320 l
L--- I SbSn(HT)~SbSn(LT)+(Sb)
e~ I 251.2 l e2 Lm(Pb)+SbSn(LT)245 I
I I P~ [ 246
I U2 L+SbSn(LT)=(Pb)+(Sn) 190
o3 1183 t
K. Osamura, 1985.
occurs at 190 ~ No experimental evidence exists for the but no ternary compound exists. In work on the ternary
invariant reaction at Ut, and further work is required on system, the polymorphism of SbSn has not been taken into
this aspect of the ternary equilibria. account. Sn is known to have two allotropes. The transi-
tion temperature is 13 ~ but the transition occurs very
Binary System slowly in practice. Only the high-temperature phase, flSn,
is considered in this evaluation.
Both the Pb-Sb and Pb-Sn systems are simple eutectic
diagrams. A eutectic temperature of 251.2 ~ at 11.2 wt.% Pseudobinary System
Sb is accepted for the Pb-Sb system [Elliott]. The Pb-Sn
system has a eutectic temperature of 183 ~ and a eutectic Concerning the eutectic in the pseudobinary system,
composition of 61.9 wt.% Sn [Hansen]. The Sb-Sn system (Pb)-SbSn, earlier investigators [llLoel, llLoe2, llCam]
evaluated by [Hansen] is accepted; it has three peritectic took it to be a peritectic point and reported its composition
reactions, as shown in Fig. 1. The polymorphism of SbSn as 80 wt.% Pb, 10 wt.% Sb, and 10 wt.% Sn. [31Iwa] no-
was suggested to be an order-disorder transformation by ticed the maximum in the monovariant curve relating to
[35Hag]. The high-temperature phase decomposes eu- the two solid phases of (Pb) and SbSn(LT) at this com-
tectoidally, SbSn(HT)m SbSn(LT) + (Sb), at 320 ~ position, and [35Weal pointed out the significance of this
maximum and constructed a diagram of the pseudobinary
Solid Phases system from the thermal data, as shown in Fig. 2. This
section is pseudobinary toward the Pb-rich end, but it can-
The phases listed in Table 1 appear in the Sb-Sn, Sn-Pb, not be a true pseudobinary at the SbSn end because
and Pb-Sb systems and in the Pb-Sb-Sn ternary system, SbSn(HT) is formed by a peritectic reaction at 425 ~ and
J L+SbSn(HT)JrSnSn(LT) ,'~
300 i1-\\ ~ J SbSn(HT)+SbSn(LT) 1 I_
Q \\ ~ . J L-FSbSn(LT) I}SbSn
~3 _ \\L+(Pb) }1(LT)r
I-- ) ...... J, fl
100 I I r I I I I I I
Pb 20 40 60 80 SbSn
Weight Percent SbSn
K. Osamura, 1985.
10 X- ~ 90
20 80
60 40
70 3O
80 ~2o
90' "260
Pb 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Sn
38: ~
9 j lZ
Pb 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Weight PercentTin
K. Osamura, 1985.
undergoes atransformation to SbSn(LT) at 325 ~ A hypo- by the above-mentioned pseudobinary system. The partial
thetical extension of the experimentally determined Pb- ternary system (Sb)-SbSn-(Pb) is known to contain a ter-
SbSn section is given at the SbSn end, where it is assumed nary eutectic E [31Iwa, 63Kog]. The eutectic temperature
t h a t the SbSn(LT) c o r n e r of t h e L + S b S n ( H T ) + and composition accepted are 240 ~ and 12 wt.% Sb and
SbSn(LT) triangle is shifted toward the Sb side. Earlier 4.0 wt.% Sn, as in Fig. 3 and 4. In view of the presence of
investigators may have overlooked the pseudobinary eu- two forms of SbSn in the Sb-Sn binary system that are
tectic e2 because of inadequate etching methods. [35Weal formed by peritectic reaction and due to the eutectoidal
used an electrolytic 10% HC1 etchant, which clearly dis- decomposition of SbSn(HT) to SbSn(LT) + (Sb), it is neces-
tinguished the (Sb) and SbSn phases. The pseudobinary sary to insert an additional invariant reaction into this
eutectic reaction is expressed as L ~ SbSn(LT) + (Pb). partial ternary system.
The pseudobinary eutectic reaction was reported by It is suggested t h a t the reaction Lu~ + SbSn(HT)
[31Iwa] and [35Weal as 245.0 ~ and 246.5 ~ re- SbSn(LT) + (Sb) occurs at a temperature between 325 and
spectively. A value of 245 ~ is accepted. The eutectic com- 320 ~ The 325 ~ upper limit for U1 is defined by the
position e2 is consistently given as 80 wt.% Pb, 10 wt.% Sb, binary peritectic reaction p2 (L + S b S n ( H T ) ~ SbSn(LT))
and 10 wt.% Sn. and the 320 ~ lower limit by the binary eutectoid reac-
tion, S b S n ( H T ) ~ S b S n ( L T ) + (Sb). It should be noted
Invariant Equilibria that the monovariant curve p2U1 must closely approach
the 320 ~ isotherm (Fig. 3), and therefore, the com-
Two experimentally reported invariant equilibria are position of U1 can be estimated as being slightly richer in
given in Table 2. The reaction sequence is shown in Fig. 1, Sb than the point at which the 320 ~ isotherm intersects
with an additional invariant reaction included, as dis- the monovariant curve piE. It is suggested that U~ lies at
cussed below. The ternary system is divided into two parts a composition of 31 wt.% Sb and 22 wt.% Sn. From U1, the
liquid separates into (Sb) + SbSn(LT), until solidification initially by [31Iwa] was corrected by [35Weal and [63Kog],
ends at the ternary eutectic point E. as shown in Fig. 4. Considering the internal boundaries of
these areas, monovariant curves elE and e2E represent the
In the partial ternary system, (Pb)-SbSn-(Sn), one invari-
eutectic separations of (Pb) and (Sb) and of (Pb) and
ant reaction, Us, occurs at a temperature reported as 1 to
SbSn(LT), respectively. Along plU~, the peritectic reaction,
8 ~ higher than the binary Pb-Sn eutectic temperature
(Sb) + L ~ SbSn(HT), occurs; along p2U1, the peritectic
(Table 2). A reaction temperature of 190 ~ is accepted
reaction, L + SbSn(HT) ~ SbSn(LT), occurs; along U~E,
with a composition of 2.5 wt.% Sb and 57.5 wt.% Sn for U2.
the eutectic separation of (Sb) and SbSn(LT) occurs; along
After completion of the r e a c t i o n Lu2 + SbSn(LT)
(Pb) + (Sn), the remaining liquid follows the monovariant p3U2, the peritectic reaction, SbSn(LT) + L ~ (Sn), oc-
curs. Eutectic separations of (Pb) and SbSn(LT) and of (Pb)
curve U2ea, ending at e3.
and (Sn) occur, respectively, along the monovariant curves
Liquidus Surface e2U2 and U~e3.
10X- /\-X 90
20 X- / \ -X 8O
+Sb ~:~
/ ~/~ 4 0 / / (Sb)+SbSn(LT)
+lPb) 6~ ~ Isotherm
QO ~ (Sb)+(Pb)
oo~ / / 40
L+SbSn(LT) '~',~
SbSn(LT)4-(Sn)4-L - ~ "
\ ,,4 20
90 8 ~ ', \\/~ol
\\ \ ~ ( 1 0
V V V V \
Pb 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Sn
K. Osamura, 1985.
10/0 / t - X g o
20/s \ ~ 80
/// \ !Sb~\
/// \ +s-bs,~
3~///" t {LTJ%7_~ 0 ~-
~ // (SL,J+SbSr,,LTj+(Pbj~ "~ Isotherm
/~--- 0 % 189oc
q~ ./ / // o.
/ ~ fSb)+lPb) //
60 /// 40 &
~// // / SbSn(L.TH-(Sni-
70 ////(Pb)+SbSnlLT)~ X~30
/i (Pb)+SbSn(LT)+[Snj
80 20
// (Pb)-L(Srl)
90/~/ / / / ' / / (PbJ+(Sn)+L -~ I 10
Pb 10 20 30 40 I 50 60 70 80 90 Sn
Weight Percent Tin
K. Osamura, 1985.
35 0 I I I I I I I I I
90 wt.% Pb
_X iPb/+, ____k+
F- (p n(LT) (Sb)-FSbSn(LT) I
200 - / I I (Sb)+(Pb) -
/ ! +(Pb) I
/ /Pb)+SbSn(LT) I I
{ '
150 1 [ I i I I i [ I
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pb Sb
Weight Percent Antimony
K. Osamura, 1985.
the two-phase and t h r e e - p h a s e fields at t h e s e tem- appears. A small triangular region of liquid extends from
peratures. Their determinations, shown in the isothermal the transition reaction point U2 to points on the binary
sections at 240 ~ and 189 ~ in Fig. 5 and 6, respectively, Pb-Sn on either side of the eutectic point e3. Horizontally
were for alloys annealed 10 days or more and do not apply across the diagram, the region is bordered by the two-
to alloys in the as-cast condition. Figure 6 shows the dia- phase regions, (Sn) + L and (Pb) + L, which extend on
gram at a temperature just below the transition reaction, either side of the liquid region to the single-phase regions
at the point where the two-phase field, (Pb) + (Sn), clearly at the Pb- and Sn-rich corners.
400 - - I --q-----F-- I - [
_ 4 wt.%Sn , ~ 12 wt.%Sn
360 320 ~- / L-FISh,
:(J 320
280 240 ./j i
E E ~~~,,+s~s,, LT, / /
[Pb)--- / {Sb)+ SbSmLT
240 200 _Ii I +kPb,
(Pb)-- q=,-I ~ L-P~Pb,-FSbSnnT) (Pbl+SbSmLT} I
iI~ / I'
2O0 -- II S:sPnb('L~" (Pb)+SbSn(LT,+(Sb) 160 ii1,~./ Pbl+SbSn LT)+!Sm t
I I ~ . (Pb)+(Sn)
160 120 ', i I t I I
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Sn Sb Sn Sb
Weight Percent Antimony Weight Percent Antimony
Vertical Sections
Fig. 10 Pb-Sb-Sn Isopleth at 15 wt.% Pb
Vertical sections at the Pb-rich corner were reported by
[35Wea] and were corrected by [63Kog]. Vertical sections
in Fig. 7 to 9 include only the ternary eutectic reaction.
600[ 15 wt.% Pb
Both ternary invariant reactions are included in the verti-
cal sections at 15 wt.% Pb, as shown in Fig. 10. The hypo-
thetical invariant reaction between 325 and 320 ~ is also
included in Fig. 10. L
Additional information on the phase diagram is provided 9
in [28Mor], [34Bau], and [31Her]. Thermodynamic proper- 35O
ties were investigated for the molten alloys [80Seb]. The ~_==. . .\. . . . x
+c xx
microstructures obtained with different rates of cooling L+SbSnlHT)+SbSn(LT)\\\ L+(SblJcSbSnlHT)
through the solidification temperatures and the effects of
the addition of a fourth element also were extensively S n ) + L ~ \ 1
investigated for practical use [72Gar, 67Hun, 71Bul, and 25O ~bSn(LT)+ (Pb)+SbSn(LTH-L~ ~\ L+(Sb)+(Pb)-
77Var]. In Pb-Sb-Sn-As alloys containing 2.25 to 3.0 wt.% (Pb) (Sb)+(Pb)-
2OO ( S n l . . . ~ ~
Sn, 5.4 wt.% Sb, and <0.45 wt.% As, solidification began
~ E ~ (Pb)+(snjQ-L / I (Sb)l-SbSn(LT)Q-(Pb)
with the appearance ,of large primary lead dendrites. Al-
loys containing >0.45 wt.% As, displayed duplex den- '_ / , ~ I +~s~ A , I , , ,
drites that resulted from the simultaneous solidification of 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Pb Pb)+(Sn) Sb
the lead and tin arsenide phases [71Ker]. In Pb-Sb-Sn-As Weight Percent Antimony
alloys containing 5.25 wt.% As, the precipitated phase was K. Osamura, 1985.
reported as Sn4Asa(Sb, Pb) [71Kos]. The influence of Cu on
the solidification structure of Pb-Sb-Sn alloys, with or
without As additions, was reported by [76Kos].
l l L o e 2 : R. Loebe, "On the Constitution of the Ternary Pb-Sb-Sn
Alloys," Metallurgie, 8, 33-49 (1911).
Cited References 12Cam: W. Campbell, "On the Pb-Sb-Sn Alloys," Metallurgie, 9,
422-425 (1912).
llCam: W. Campbell and F. C. Elder, "Some Notes on the Lead, 28Mor: R.A. Morgen, L. G. Swenson, F. C. Nix, and E. H. Roberts,
Tin, Antimony Alloys," School Mines Quart., Columbia Univ., "Ternary Systems of Lead-Tin and a Third Constituent," Proc.
32, 244 (1911). Inst. Met., Div. AIME, 345 (1928).
llHey: E. Heyn and O. Bauer, "Bearing Metals. I. White Metal," 31Her: E. Hertel and A. Demmer, "Compression Diagrams and
Mitt Materialpriifungsamt, Berlin-Dahlem, 29, 29 (1911). Temperature-Hardness Curves of Some Lead-Tin-Antimony
l l L o e l : R. Loebe, "On the Constitution of the Ternary Pb-Sb-Sn Alloys," Metallwirtschaft., 10, 125 (1931).
Alloys," Metallurgie, 8, 7-15 (1911). 31Iwa: K. Iwase and N. Aoki, "Equilibrium Diagram of the Ter-
nary System of Tin, Lead, and Antimony," Kinzoku-no-Kenkyu, 71Ker: H.W. Kerr, "Constitutions and Solidification Micro-
8, 253 (1931). structures of Some Pure and Impure Pb-Sb-Sn-As Alloys,"
34Bau: O. Bauer and M. Hansen, "Solidification Temperature of J. Inst. Met., 99, 238-242 (1971).
Standard Solder Tin Alloys," Z. Metallkd., 26, 39 (1934). 71Kos: I. Kosovinc, "Study on the Influence of As for the Differ~
35Hag: G. H~igg and A.G. Hybinette, "X-Ray Studies on the ent Crystal Shape of SbSn Phase in the Sn-Pb-Sb System,"
Systems Tin-Antimony and Tin-Arsenic," Philos. Mag., 20, Metall, 25(9), 1014-1016 (1971).
913-929 (1935). 72Gar: G. Garmong, "The Structure of Directionally Solidified
35Wea: F.D. Weaver, "Type Metal Alloys," J. Inst. Met., 56, Pb-Sn Eutectics Containing Sb and Zn Additions," Metall.
209-239 (1935). Trans., 3(3), 741-743 (1972).
63Kog: V.A. Kogan and A. A. Semionov, "Equilibrium Diagram 76Kos: I. Kosovinc, "Influence of Cu on the Metallographical
of the Pb-Rich Section of the Pb-Sb-Sn Alloys," Zh. Fiz. Khim., Structure of Sb-Pb-Sn Alloys with and without As Addition,"
37(4), 802 (1963). J. Metall., 30(2), 126-129 (1976).
67Hun: M.D. Hunt, J.A. Spittle, and R.W. Smith, "Constitu- 77Vat: J.B. Varela, J.I.V. Gonzalez, F.M. Garcia, and J.A.
tional Superheating in Sn-Base Ternary Alloys," J. Inst. Met., Pero-Sanz Elorz, "Solidification Structures in Pb-Sb-Sn Alloys,"
95, 123 (1967). Tech. Metal, 32, 33-40 (1977).
71Bul: J.B. Bullock, C.J. Simpson, J.A. Eady, and W.V. Wine- 80Seb: J. S~bkov~ and M. Ber~nek, "Thermodynamic Properties
gard, "Cell Formation as the Result of Adding Cd or Sb to the of Pb-Sb-Sn Alloys Measured by an EMF Method," Kovove
Pb-Sn Eutectic," J. Inst. Met., 99, 212-214 (1971). Mater., 18, 660-668 (1980).
Pb-Sb-Sncontributedby K. Osamura, Department of Metallurgy, Kyoto University,Sakyo-Ku,Yoshida-Honmachi,Kyoto 606, Japan. The author wishes
to thank Dr. A. PrinceofHirst Research Centrefor his valuablediscussionsand comments.Literature searchedthrough 1980.ProfessorOsamurais ASM/NBS
Data Program Category Editor for ternary tin alloys.