CH Off Standing Orders

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M/V Rabaul Chief

Chief Officer’s Standing Orders


These Standing Orders are to be used in conjunction with the “Master’s Standing Orders” located on
the bridge.
The Duty Officer (DO) must sign the night orders and any additional orders issued, indicating that
you fully understood them.
The deck is not to be left unattended while cargo operations are in progress unless duties such as
checking gangway, moorings or ballasting warrant your absence.
The DO is expected to be leader and to act in a responsible manner by discouraging unsafe practices
as well as irresponsible behaviour.
All radio communications are to be in English at all times. SMS 1.1 – Working Language.
Procedures and guidelines regarding Security and Watch Keeping in Port may also be found in the
following publications, feel free to use it:
◦ ISPS Code
◦ Watch Keeping and Cargo Management in port
All DOs must read and understand the “Standing Orders for Port Watches (SMS 7.1.35)” contained
in SMS & Other relative references related to Cargo Operation duties such as:
◦ All chapters under SMS 7.4 – Cargo Operations, All Ships
◦ All chapters under SMS 7.5 – Cargo Operations, MPP & Container
Ensure that the deck watch is maintained strictly in accordance with company instructions and


 Company Safety procedures to be strictly followed at all times.

 If any person (crew or stevedore) get injured on board during cargo operations, Master and/or Chief
Officer to be called at once.
 The injured person is not to be moved or carried except to prevent further risk of injury.
 The port supervisor / shift manager is to be notified immediately, so that professional medical
assistance can be arranged.
 The relevant information regarding the incident will be required for further reporting. Record them in
port log book. These must include, but not be limited to:
 - time of incident;
 - location of incident;
 - name of casualty;


 - description of injury;
 - name of supervisor and all witnesses;
 - description of protective clothing being worn;
 - photos as evidence;

Cargo Operations

 Cargo operations will be carried out according to the provided load/disch plans.
 Restow containers (if any) will be marked on the load/disch plans accordingly. The DO is to
positively verify that all restow containers are loaded back as per the restow list, provided by Chief
 The DO should be aware who the shore side supervisor is, so that any problems or special
requirements can be discussed; liaise with foreman/stevedores during cargo operations so that large
list and trim caused by uneven loading or discharging is avoided.
 When loading containers, the DO is to ensure that the doors are securely shut and facing aft.
 Prior to loading on the hatch covers, check the condition of manual twistlocks and smart midlocks. If
any damaged ones are found, remove and put them in the deck workshop for repair.
 During loading operation always check that the smartlocks are properly attached to container and
that containers sitting properly; any irregularity to be brought to the foreman’s / stevedore’s
immediate attention.
 Throwing down of lashing bars and turnbuckles is to be discouraged.
 The DO must be aware of any twistlocks located ashore (e.g. in shore side crane cages); make sure
that they are returned to the ship before departure.
 A visual check of empty cargo hold is to be made by DO prior to commencement of loading, to
confirm that the tank top is clear of loose objects (e.g. any dunnage, lashing bars, twistlocks) that
may cause puncture damage on tank top.
 Entry into cargo holds during cargo operations is to be keep to a minimum for safety reasons and to
prevent cargo pilferage, as well as to lessen the risk of stowaways; under DO authority.
 Try to keep a list of less than 1.5 degrees during cargo operations. Call me in case of facing any

Special Cargo (Rf, DG, OOG)

 The stowage plan & DG Load list will indicate all required info for DG containers to be loaded. The
stowage of the container will be in accordance with IMDG segregation rules.
 DO should pay particular attention when Over dimension containers (OOG – out of gauge) are
handled. The DO is to verify that OOG units will fit where planned and there is no risk of damage of
any kind. If OOG unit will not fit where planned or you are in any doubt about planned position,
inform me immediately.
 Reefer containers will be specifically marked on the load / disch plan. In case of any changes in Rf
containers stowage, call me at once.
 Reefers are to be plugged in as soon as it is safe and practical to do so upon loading.
 No reefer container to be stowed/loaded on the outboard rows.


 Reefer cables are to be arranged in a such way to prevent any damage when handling hatch covers,
lashing bars and turnbuckles.
 Upon loading and plugging, check the temperature against the given set point and that there are no
active alarms; also check actual ventilation setting and compare with one from the manifest.
 Once plugged in, Rfs will shortly reach it set range. If it is not the case, call ETO immediately to
check, so that the agent can be contacted in case shore assistance is required.
 On completion of cargo operation, DO is to confirm that all reefers are running as they may have
been mistakenly unplugged by the stevedores. Also, stevedores and lashing gangs are known to turn
off the reefers in cross decks where they are working due to the noise and air from the fan.
 Make sure that reefers do not stay unplugged for long time. Close monitoring of discharge sequences
and cooperation with foreman/stevedores are vital to ensure unplugging in due time.
 See SMS Manual Section 7.5.2 - Reefer Container Stowage and Monitoring for detailed information.

Cargo Securing Arrangement

 Please read Cargo Securing Manual and get fully familiar with cargo/container securing
 All lashing arrangement to be followed as per the ship’s CSM (Cargo Securing Manual).
 Be aware of different types of twistlocks in use (e.g. manual twistlocks, smartlocks, midlocks).
 Handling of container securing fittings can be read in Cargo Securing Manual (CSM) including
operation of Cargo Hold stacker splitter/stopper. Ensure to double check that are fitted correctly by
 Damaged twistlocks are not be used and should be stowed out of reach from stevedores if ever
possible (special bins are provided in gearboxes – red bins).
 All lashing materials to be stowed in designate locations/racks after completion of discharging,
unless the loading is planned for same bay.

Ballast, Anti-Heeling and Bilge System

 All Officers are to fully understand the ballast system operations/BWTS including the eductor set-up
for the cargo hold bilges.
 No ballasting is to be performed, unless I left specific instructions in the night orders.
 When do ballasting/de-ballasting operations, the following must be considered:
 Close monitoring of ballast operations is to be maintained / do not leave unattended
 All ballasting or de-ballasting must be via BWTS (follow the instructions provided)
 Tanks are not to be overflowed
 The DO is to fully explain the status of all ballast operations at the time of hand over
 The DO is to pay particular attention when starting the ballast pump / confirm power
availability with duty engineer
 Always double checked valves to be opened before starting any ballast operations
 When hold bilge alarms are activated, holds are to be visually checked before pumping out
 Bilges are not to be pumped out in port without the C/O permission
 When Anti-heeling system is in manual mode, do not leave the pump running unattended. In case of
low level of water in one of the heeling tanks, keep the ship upright liaising with foreman to adjust


the cargo operation sequence or call me in advance to do some internal transfer in order to maintain
vessel upright.


 Ensure the ACS (Access Control Station) is effectively manned at all times. If for any reason
gangway watchman is required to leave ACS, ensure that he/she is properly relieved.
 The identity and authority of any visitors is to be established. They are not to be left unescorted.
 If visitor identified as PSC Officers handle him/her politely with great respect, inform master or me
and escort him/her to the Master’s Office.
 Duty Officer is to ensure that all RA’s are properly locked and no unauthorised shore side personnel
are allowed to board the vessel.
 No shore personnel are allowed to take photographs of anything on board without the Master’s or my

Safety and Security Patrols in Port

 The Duty Officer and duty AB is to make regular rounds, checking on safety and security. They are
to ensure the decks and holds are safe for working and that both shore and ship staff wear correct
PPE and observe good working practices.
 The mooring ropes and gangways must be attended as necessary, rat guards must be kept in place all
the time.
 Strictly enforce the Company’s Smoking Policy.
 All restricted areas and accesses are to be checked at regular intervals to ensure they remain locked if
not in use.
 Ensure lighting is adequate within and around the vessel; any found no working shall be brought up
to ETO attentions or me to rectify immediately.
 On completion of cargo operation in holds and once the stevedores are out, they are to be searched
prior to booby hatches being shut and locked.


 The gangway must be frequently checked by the DO to ensure that it is safely rigged and adequately
illuminated. While the duty AB may assist in tending the gangway, it is responsibility of the duty
officer to ensure that the gangway is in a safe condition.
 The DO is to ensure that the gangway does not become caught on obstructions on the wharf such as
bollards or any other fixtures. If there is risk of gangway being damaged, then the gangway must be
floated clear of the wharf.
 The gangway is to be inspected before taking over watch to ensure that is in safe condition and has
not been damaged on the previous watch.



 The ship is to be kept firmly alongside at all times.

 The DO is to be aware of the state of the tide at all times and tide tables printed out at gangway as
the Duty AB and gangway watchman can easily assess and monitor the tidal hourly rates.
 Inspect mooring lines at frequent intervals to check for correct tension.
 Lines are not to be over-stressed, particularly if on a short lead or in ports with strong undercurrents
and swell.
 Protection sleeves are to be used to prevent the chaffing of mooring lines.
 Rat guards are to be in place on mooring lines at all times whilst in port.


 All Deck Officers are to be aware of the location of SOPEP equipment, so that it can be deployed
quickly in the event of an emergency (poop dk).
 Ensure to check all scuppers and save-all plugs remain plugged whilst at port.
 Any oil spillage on deck is to be contained immediately and appropriate action taken to prevent any
potential spillage overboard.
 In case of spillage, particularly involving dangerous cargo, immediately inform Master and/or me
and made following record:
 - tome and location of incident
 - name of the cargo, class and descriptions
 - quantity or volume spilled overboard and on deck/hold
 - provide photos as evidence

Hatch Covers

 Prior to opening of hatch covers, check that all hatch cover cleats are opened/clear.
 The duty officer is to be present for both opening and closing of all hatch covers.
 Before closing hatch covers, ensure that hatch coamings are clear from any obstructions that can
create damage (e.g. twistlocks, smartcones, lashing bars…).
 If hatch covers are stack on top of each other, make sure they are seated properly on stacking pad to
prevent deformation of hatch covers.
 Ensure that hatch covers are properly dogged down after each hatch cover is closed.
 Ensure hatch coaming drains, gutters and channels are free from any debris, and if required to be
swept do it when safe and practical.
 All movements with hatch covers are to be recorded in port deck logbook for compliance.


 All Deck Officers are to know the position and operation of crane emergency stops.


 All Deck Officers must know how to operate the crane so that can provide instructions for stevedores
when required.
 No crane limits are to be overridden without the strict permission of the C/O and C/E, refer to
procedure in SMS O512204G - Deck Cranes Preparation for Operations.
 Parking keys are not to be used to for any purpose other than parking the jib or moving the crane
clear of the cargo operations.
 The C/E and ETO are to be notified immediately in case of any crane problem or any unusual sounds
coming from the cranes.
 Cranes must never be allowed to work so closely together that there is a risk of collision. If this
situation develops the emergency stops are to be activated and C/O called.
 If any cranes contact anything, cargo operations are to be stopped immediately and C/O called.
 The DO must liaise with the Duty Engineer to ensure that the correct numbers of generators are
operating for numbers of cranes working. The Duty Engineer is to be informed when cranes are not
in use for extended periods or if the number of cranes in use is to be increased or decreased.
 Do not forget to open the Cargo Crane Ventilation before using the Crane, close it when not in use.

Parking and Unparking of ship’s cranes

 The crane driver is to be assisted by one other person at all times during parking / unparking cranes.
 The crane driver must be in radio contact with the person assisting the parking / unparking operation.
 The DO must wait until shore cranes are clear before giving the order to park crane and ensure
stevedores are notified beforehand. For the safe operation of ship’s crane, vessel must inform
foreman and get permission before move any crane.
 Always have custody of override keys; never to be used for cargo operation.
 The person assisting the parking must ensure that area the crane is operating in is clear and clear line
of sight is ensured before operation.
 All cranes not in use are to be swung out to the seaside and jibbed down clear of shore cranes unless
advised otherwise. After swinging out cranes:
 all cab windows to be securely dogged shut
 all jib floodlights off

Port Log Book

 Port log book is to be filled in after completion of each watch.

 Times of all delays, start/stop work and breaks should be recorded. When a delay occurred, the
reason must also be recorded.
 Start / stop times of taking on bunkers and fresh water should be recorded.
 Opening/closing of hatch covers, as well as timing of securing hatch covers upon closing to be
 Port log must cover all the times during port stay, commence of cargo operation to complete cargo

Damage Reports
 All damages to cargo or ships fittings are to be recorded by DO. Record all relevant info (e.g.
date/time, container ID, ship’s fittings or structure, extent of damage, description of incident…)
 All damages are quickly brought to attention of the supervisor or stevedore foreman so they can
personally inspect the damage.
 If any container or cargo is damaged or brought in damaged condition to the extent that it can’t be
stowed correctly, C/O is to be informed immediately.
 Should any collision occur involving ship’s cranes, either by shore side gantry or by a container,
cargo operations are to be ceased immediately on that crane or in vicinity of the crane and C/O called

Don’t hesitate to call me at any time for assistance or if in any doubt.

Please write your name and sign below including the date, to indicate that you have read and understood
these standing orders. If you wish further explanation on any of these instructions you might not
understand, please let me know.

At port of Huangpu, on 28/08/2023




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