Something and Nothing
Something and Nothing
Something and Nothing
t , :, (; t i1c ji"t
(r, i'1t.i.t
ofdxily ilc, b/ brerking down the boundxries betweei thc xrt ni
*udio. drc Srlleryrnd the wor ld Concohihnr ro this hrs beef x
shrd inv€niSaion mo rhe.reilon otworl< nom which overt
s 8ns ol thc rtisr! skill n'! absent The !'ewowitt
iher€fo c hive a d fercn!responsc from rh cnsendered by
trditionr vftuoso ma*erpieces narthutory R.lher rhrr rsking
how ind by whose hind the work otJrtwrs n1ide. lhe qucnjon
becomes How did th s obiec! comc @ be herci And wtu icr n olevenB brought tr into foclsi Borh contempo, i, /
sculpture mpi'cd b/. anronS odrer things, rlE 4.dplc ofMirccL
Duchrmp: readymtrdcs in the etrrl/ /errs olrIc lweitic.h ccntury
Gee pi8c 22) lnd pholordphy ciniclivitc rhc sameco.ceptua
dynrm cithey botf crcrc puzzlcs rfd coniourd our expcctarions
oi sry. rhc w.,thr or sctrle oIobjccB. orthe
r worl Urr'./tre/d.rrb .er-enononori.obtc4 \J
dAC c(pli,u. lorn $ rhoJL -or \cuonstoraoen\ronn-rjr n
or$rn.'n,mi.cdco.n 3r,onb r'een11,,eaed'Jn .
h6 ift!trlhtions i.d exhibitions dispiry workthat, with a
O-eolrl^emo{cndu nS/ llhrenr'Jlphoto8'ip-.cp otc('\
rcnmrktrbre econom/ otdcrns. offeB cxotinsind plilul
toplinlt quei on oirexpectalions ofthe nature ora wor(
corcep rl iou neys. Hc bcSrn akins photoSnphs (both Po arcid
oriaw 'erlzed by rr'cSwssirtns %r$ Fisdn (b t952)
rnd 35mm) $ rccords orroundsculprurcs hed scovcred ly ng
d DNid we6s (b. 1946) n rer QuierAFen,oo, s€nes t tl
amonSrh. dclltusoithe sreetand thcn reinstaLlcd rn gallcnes.
Thc photo8mphs show hblerop i$€mblagcs ofmundi . tcms
thrts.€nr to have becn iohd c osc ar hand ii dre xrtiss,stud o.
dr plrotogriphs nc!n8 r5 d'igrrn. of the spatirlrchlionships
rnd c eneis he ws reconsr tuing ll atfiBt Orozco!
F schlr rnd Wclss.rcitcd s.ulprurilrorms by fixinB ind brtrn.rng
photogriphy sccmcd to bcr iunctionrlrccord ol his worklnt
these obtc(s togerhcr ind then photogrnph ft rh.m l8inrt du l
pro.c$. it wni cxteided turtherand mor€ cenrall/ into hr
bicL(Sroundswnh rxk n8 shidows. lcnding i com c drnnN ro rhetr
ocur c to bccofre onc oflhe toremost edofh6cxhibied
conscio!ny unsophisucated renporriyscuiplures.ThesccminEly
rnd published rrpracti.e. Orozco con$rntly quc*rons rh€ v.ry
ad ho. ind onglrnrorous nyle olphorosraphy rsed in o!rcr
ntur of r ls r vehicle for ideas. and wtrh phooSnphy w4 nre
Afrmodrs!8ge*s I if n tywrhinother nrind of arlnrnkirrg
L c o D./,lo,e -I€ uoa to rle nrtJre oio5o@gnpl-r rrrtcs
thi.e'nc gcd in drc 960s.The $eitlon of documenrrr/
pho@griph5 (whcic dropholo8,rph 6
drd re pe, pcMl hoveriig betwecn bcinSlhc mcd um aidthc
nori,rc.ded rs rhcnnn
y'btc-t &ed'r' or P, o'i _o rr'vrtc
'no l
l2le/cmpl'fier ins
wor k olar) ofl,,iDimrhtt sculprurc ind landir wis monvrrd 'n,enr
pnr cu rr nans olthouShr in the viewcr on onc l.vel, the
byrh€ dcs re tocrexrei long tcrm record olihcwo s,yuch
prorogrrph cii b€ secn ardle doc!nrcnt.tion of thc h ghly
or' \' a orRobe, S.,,llon (lcl8 7r J' a cobp' f1or'.
fuSn'v€ rc! oi brerdring onto rhe s€rmlcs y shiry su -l]ce
(b l9ll). for€xrmp c, s cxpericnced and lnder*ood onty
oirhcpirno@p Phoro8rrphy,byitsabilitytocapturea
thro(€hphoiogmphy Usingaphotogriphinthtrwry!o
d ssc'nhite an ephenrcrilrrtist c aci or tcDrpor rry wor< ofrrt
nr scconn ottinre mikes ur rhin[ abolt wh his(pe.haps
ju*) hippe icd in n ont or d1c came6 But this somcwhrt
contaiNif nhercnt ir onyrnd imb guny drit has been.on$.nny
forc.5ic rcad nsotBreodr on Pdno beli6 anodrer cqurll/
explotcd rnd rcinvcnrcd rn con!chporary u phologr rphy
imporbnt tr.ct ofthe won(.Ior it mrkcs us see (he imae. dt
Oic ofthe ma n prchgonisrs ofcontemporrry $itt tite
nrg., slorms of a sur, which is i fundimcnhlcondirion
phoiogriph/ isthe l-ct can r' tGr cibrtcl Orczco (b t962)
of r pholog[ph]c pi't. Bccause dre bluned $ace oflhe brcrrh
Orozco! rr is full ot imposible. wtrtyand NEin ve8.uc\
whedr.r rn rhe form olphotoSriphs, cottxsc5 or scu p!u, cj.
mcd um olphorosraphy be.ome somcrhinrwirhi. irr.
Fc x conzrlezTotreis (1957-96) lsc orphotosnphy
cncou xged sensor y iid P lylul F a c Priion lrom the vrewei
inke€p.swiththeetrectof hismasrcn m:ed ncdirinnxihoons
rh.! uscd obJecalron domestc or soc allifc rnd dren
rc.oft€xtunlized thenr ni gllle /cnv onm€nt. His!ntirled
b bo ds ll3l. inhallycxhibned in NewYon< n 99 .idthen
rhrougholr Europe ind, showan unniide bed. recouPc
rbsc.i w th on y ihe n rces olthei' bodies imPrifted on the
t - 'noP,'on. li€p d pr'or'o 'i J l 'e
sccne sgven nsinha b/ be ngPlaccd intothe Publiccont€xs
oI!rbxnsrccerndhi8hwrysloi drescrltinyof pr$ers by.
Ns.lShxfrns(b 964)sewDgkiilorprdni.roblc)Ai'tdPla.eIl16]
xn imrg'.ir/ Lnvenigxrion, thc posFon ofthe
irltrted by
sewing box of dre slde tible. which creates i
rot€rn ofdone*.iry. sli.f-trn s photoBraphy olten uses for ms
io!nd in driLy l€ wrshins.up onn dnininSboxrd,.onn'uctol
s.rfioldnB.8ri$ crturgs. with in utrde rtted Plro.o8riPhic
$yle. usc olinblct liSrtand, ahnvel/ long.xpos!res, h.
qtrnsfornsthese!ccn.s ntopoericobscNiiionsaboutthe
wrys we conducrour ves through our unconscious acts of
o derie m.ifsnrddspiiy'n8obl€cs.Thcreissom€dring
hi8lrly rtu nve in Shxn trni wtry ofwo1(ing He resisrsthe ul€e
to con*ruc!l sccre to be photoSnphedirithcr his si pilces3
ofniy r8 iltunen to the po$ib liesof€v€rydrysubleclsrii
means ofcxP or nB our characreB and wi/s of fe.
lcnnirdBolande\ (b l9s7)Crobc lllTls nlar y conremP ates
imrtc shown herc t.m the Ariso v/ose scrEs 1201. Hernrndez
obscr ves a snrllbu! hiuntiDs ind pmloundpieccofevrdcncelelr
b/ prcvols nhlbihtrt5 of the low-in.omc housint c$aie ln Los
AnBc 6 whcrc he himscll was born .nd raised.
i,e l; r:i;,.ii:
in the Mdrenris ser ies by Brnsh photogrpher Pelcr Frrser
(b. 951) Th€ c ose up swi, l oIs/nthetic dun'n rhe mage shown
hercl22l.o.riruresas avot€x. a P€, rect nro o-univere .f
.. r .D. LB sLl2bl 'o ,, - d" .Jbo o-,eoro
brr ih€y hivc p €cir ouere$ olv cwing Posnror(s) This qurlitn
n the bac( olthe ieht box and the odrer represented in the
represent detalls n interiors that are v rlaliy rcsonant bur non-
specific: we contemplate lhe lee otlhespaceli sheiSheied
r€pr esentalion .ather dDn uy to mtr8ine dre spec fc us. or the
chficter of ts inhabrtans. She ercoun8es us rc re.a from ou-
own mcmories !hose Placesofwhich we hnv€ hnd heiShtened
perceprion. Srbine Hoff B's (b 964) use of photo8hphy has xlso
concentrated on the spaces betw€en the imaga and dD obie( is
l. Wndowwirh Doorll0l Conllated into the imrsearelwo ends
ofa room photographed through a window fr om outs de. The
bu dinsrnd trees beh ndrhe cimeraaho appe : reflected i the
wifdowpines. Hornighasrsed a morc ireral sculpural manrc'
n hcr ins!allar on5, where she b!ilds he. photogmphs iftofree-
srinding blocks ifd shapes threvoke corneB dnd edges of
Mininralistxrchitect!re.takngthc mageaw!/lromtheS.ller/
wal and into ithree-n mensionalsp2ce. Aswith allthcwo lc in
th s chaptef, he. pholographs $ke our familinr ty w th everyday
Bl . ldrnv eu o'h bo ' .* / dd-!e!"e !e
olr e.vironmens. olfeing a r ch and imaginative gLmpse olthc