Something and Nothing

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Chapter4 Something and Nothing

Tlre proloenphs in rhis chrpter show how non_humrn thing3.

ofr.n qu teord nrr/, cv.rydry obiecls. can b€ md€ exftordinr/

by be ng photogrrphed A5 tlie r de suggesis. th. nufiofdr ly lilc
,or" ,',.3"b." '" o e go'l D'
Butbccxus€we miy ord nar l/ px$ drescoblec6 b/, or kccP them
rt nre per ipher/ otour v slor. wc mr/ noi rutomlti.ill/ 8Ne
tlren cred€fc. rs visua slbrecs w th n art! l€x coi Thcs€
pho!o!rphs retrin !h. rhinS-n€s ofwhat !hey n€rrib€, bu! ther.
subl€.is a, e tr[.rcd cofcept!all/ bcca!5c orthe w./ the/ hNe
L r.e.'-en"d lr o Snp',d.og Dh/q'o',d'..., -\8'cr
r v5ui charlcand mxSlnativc pos bilit/b€yond its.vcrydiy
fun.ron.Luscou5iidsennn trcatmcnt,shiftsrrscnleo t/p.xl
eN ronmeis, sinrpie iuiRpor tlons and reh!iof shPs bctween
shlPos orforms a Lf..mploye,l hcr e. Thc l.onographyforihis
n rnd of phologrrplry n.lln€sobjc.ts brhnced and nxcli.d. the
en8€i or corn.6 ofthln€s, abindoned sPrces. r!bb sh !nd decay
nndlugtrve or ephem.ri forms. su.h ns trow, condensrt on 1nd
ght This lnvento y mly seern I (e i st ofslight and trrnsiant
rh n8s. obi€cls lhatwolld bx, ely con*irute ProPer.ubjeds ror
photogrxplrs musr be clLtious about th rk nSofthis tyPc
olphorog rphyasprmtrrilycon.€rnedwiihnll.ingvlthlenon-
s!bl.cB, or rhlnSsrn dr. world !hi! are without vulal symbo sm
hr ! utlr, there is io such th ngi! rn unphoto€raPlrcd or
unphotosriphabhnLbi€d.k sforustodet€rmrncrs!biecfs
sign n.rfce, kfownrg lhrt it mun hNe o.c. lor the aftist has
phoioRraph€n irand.herebydct€n1rcdiirsvsfilicant Wihrhis
t {i,ri s! !ta,.ifii'irl
typeof wo.l. thepra.ririon.rfoee6 o!rvn[l curiosity bysubdv
aid n[gifanv€ly eoco! ]8 n8 us to conternPhte the nuffottlre
",.': wor d arcund !s nr our daily lrvei ih nowwtrys.
Sncethem'd l960s.tirephlrlconceptur smotstlllfe
photoErlFhy hxs hadin nnporuntpanLle prict.cin Pos_
I'linimalistsculp!rr. ln s rnple renns, thls soann olphotograPhy
has b€€n drivetr by rchtcd tcrnPGto mrk€ arttromih. mrtter

t , :, (; t i1c ji"t
(r, i'1t.i.t
ofdxily ilc, b/ brerking down the boundxries betweei thc xrt ni
*udio. drc Srlleryrnd the wor ld Concohihnr ro this hrs beef x
shrd inv€niSaion mo rhe.reilon otworl< nom which overt
s 8ns ol thc rtisr! skill n'! absent The !'ewowitt
iher€fo c hive a d fercn!responsc from rh cnsendered by
trditionr vftuoso ma*erpieces narthutory R.lher rhrr rsking
how ind by whose hind the work otJrtwrs n1ide. lhe qucnjon
becomes How did th s obiec! comc @ be herci And wtu icr n olevenB brought tr into foclsi Borh contempo, i, /
sculpture mpi'cd b/. anronS odrer things, rlE 4.dplc ofMirccL
Duchrmp: readymtrdcs in the etrrl/ /errs olrIc lweitic.h ccntury
Gee pi8c 22) lnd pholordphy ciniclivitc rhc sameco.ceptua
dynrm cithey botf crcrc puzzlcs rfd coniourd our expcctarions
oi sry. rhc w.,thr or sctrle oIobjccB. orthe
r worl Urr'./tre/d.rrb .er-enononori.obtc4 \J
dAC c(pli,u. lorn $ rhoJL -or \cuonstoraoen\ronn-rjr n
or$rn.'n,mi.cdco.n 3r,onb r'een11,,eaed'Jn .
h6 ift!trlhtions i.d exhibitions dispiry workthat, with a
O-eolrl^emo{cndu nS/ llhrenr'Jlphoto8'ip-.cp otc('\
rcnmrktrbre econom/ otdcrns. offeB cxotinsind plilul
toplinlt quei on oirexpectalions ofthe nature ora wor(
corcep rl iou neys. Hc bcSrn akins photoSnphs (both Po arcid
oriaw 'erlzed by rr'cSwssirtns %r$ Fisdn (b t952)
rnd 35mm) $ rccords orroundsculprurcs hed scovcred ly ng
d DNid we6s (b. 1946) n rer QuierAFen,oo, s€nes t tl
amonSrh. dclltusoithe sreetand thcn reinstaLlcd rn gallcnes.
Thc photo8mphs show hblerop i$€mblagcs ofmundi . tcms
thrts.€nr to have becn iohd c osc ar hand ii dre xrtiss,stud o.
dr plrotogriphs nc!n8 r5 d'igrrn. of the spatirlrchlionships
rnd c eneis he ws reconsr tuing ll atfiBt Orozco!
F schlr rnd Wclss.rcitcd s.ulprurilrorms by fixinB ind brtrn.rng
photogriphy sccmcd to bcr iunctionrlrccord ol his worklnt
these obtc(s togerhcr ind then photogrnph ft rh.m l8inrt du l
pro.c$. it wni cxteided turtherand mor€ cenrall/ into hr
bicL(Sroundswnh rxk n8 shidows. lcnding i com c drnnN ro rhetr
ocur c to bccofre onc oflhe toremost edofh6cxhibied
conscio!ny unsophisucated renporriyscuiplures.ThesccminEly
rnd published rrpracti.e. Orozco con$rntly quc*rons rh€ v.ry
ad ho. ind onglrnrorous nyle olphorosraphy rsed in o!rcr
ntur of r ls r vehicle for ideas. and wtrh phooSnphy w4 nre
Afrmodrs!8ge*s I if n tywrhinother nrind of arlnrnkirrg
L c o D./,lo,e -I€ uoa to rle nrtJre oio5o@gnpl-r rrrtcs
thi.e'nc gcd in drc 960s.The $eitlon of documenrrr/
pho@griph5 (whcic dropholo8,rph 6
drd re pe, pcMl hoveriig betwecn bcinSlhc mcd um aidthc
nori,rc.ded rs rhcnnn
y'btc-t &ed'r' or P, o'i _o rr'vrtc
'no l
l2le/cmpl'fier ins
wor k olar) ofl,,iDimrhtt sculprurc ind landir wis monvrrd 'n,enr
pnr cu rr nans olthouShr in the viewcr on onc l.vel, the
byrh€ dcs re tocrexrei long tcrm record olihcwo s,yuch
prorogrrph cii b€ secn ardle doc!nrcnt.tion of thc h ghly
or' \' a orRobe, S.,,llon (lcl8 7r J' a cobp' f1or'.
fuSn'v€ rc! oi brerdring onto rhe s€rmlcs y shiry su -l]ce
(b l9ll). for€xrmp c, s cxpericnced and lnder*ood onty
oirhcpirno@p Phoro8rrphy,byitsabilitytocapturea
thro(€hphoiogmphy Usingaphotogriphinthtrwry!o
d ssc'nhite an ephenrcrilrrtist c aci or tcDrpor rry wor< ofrrt
nr scconn ottinre mikes ur rhin[ abolt wh his(pe.haps
ju*) hippe icd in n ont or d1c came6 But this somcwhrt
contaiNif nhercnt ir onyrnd imb guny drit has been.on$.nny
forc.5ic rcad nsotBreodr on Pdno beli6 anodrer cqurll/
explotcd rnd rcinvcnrcd rn con!chporary u phologr rphy
imporbnt tr.ct ofthe won(.Ior it mrkcs us see (he imae. dt
Oic ofthe ma n prchgonisrs ofcontemporrry $itt tite
nrg., slorms of a sur, which is i fundimcnhlcondirion
phoiogriph/ isthe l-ct can r' tGr cibrtcl Orczco (b t962)
of r pholog[ph]c pi't. Bccause dre bluned $ace oflhe brcrrh
Orozco! rr is full ot imposible. wtrtyand NEin ve8.uc\
whedr.r rn rhe form olphotoSriphs, cottxsc5 or scu p!u, cj.
mcd um olphorosraphy be.ome somcrhinrwirhi. irr.
Fc x conzrlezTotreis (1957-96) lsc orphotosnphy
cncou xged sensor y iid P lylul F a c Priion lrom the vrewei
inke€p.swiththeetrectof hismasrcn m:ed ncdirinnxihoons
rh.! uscd obJecalron domestc or soc allifc rnd dren
rc.oft€xtunlized thenr ni gllle /cnv onm€nt. His!ntirled
b bo ds ll3l. inhallycxhibned in NewYon< n 99 .idthen
rhrougholr Europe ind, showan unniide bed. recouPc
rbsc.i w th on y ihe n rces olthei' bodies imPrifted on the
t - 'noP,'on. li€p d pr'or'o 'i J l 'e
sccne sgven nsinha b/ be ngPlaccd intothe Publiccont€xs
oI!rbxnsrccerndhi8hwrysloi drescrltinyof pr$ers by.

This v e sight and thc scnsiriviiy

f!sior of pub c sit€ xnd pr oI
' p'oo!' p o^ le,'e^e ob'ng'.' or''P'r'F
ro rhe workiid t The cont nctol
mpr m dr. r m..n nSon
thitth. own€rnre responsiblelo dGpil/ins
owneEhip shrcs
rhepccctriunrberofb bo d s tes sinlloncorny, nxtlern


s x, blr rdexlly twentyjou, o.xtons Ort ni Lvd sPlxved2r

r|c heiglt ofA1DSnwi cn€s in lhe W€st ihe wod(! sense ol

los nrd ibr€nce tookon xddcd roc ilatrd PoLiticxlsi8nin'afce
Fo-nror€ tlr!tr th fty yeaE, & ifth artls. Richard Wenrwofth
(b. 1947) rsFhotos,xphcdthesisnsrnddebnsof urbnnnree6' h s photosrnphs sct uP i virurlPun;lhe obrec$ are
realndidr nom their or Sina function ofren relscd or
oJS Pl'o 08' !l'. eY8 'n'^ om'ih
cofricchirrcterizitions ln keep rewiih thePhenomenoogicrL
hn8lage oIh s scllPtur€s. WenRo th\ Photogrrphs dmw on
orr ira
ilinquistLveness to tmdetsond a ienDtve vrlues or
mcrnrngs olrhifgs ihrough touch, t€xture and w'"i8ht lnthe imxS€
shown h. € IL14l. !h. o, Panckare wedged inloadooturv
Pre''tr.Jo.,.' rn- o eIo et f" r'.!^ ofpr'F r I
icccs to thc prcP€r ty.ltor€ frnon cal nitratiYes .i e suSSested

bytlns ii-guln8s8h! such is. P€r hiPs. the dr .ilc, desP$at€

fr€r:lres txkentosolv€ cn.prrl(n8 Problems i'r Ibusvcirv or
rhc rcasons lor bar r icidi'rg a door Wentworth! xrtistv e5 n
hisnrdinSx.dfoclslnton slch cu ious fornx in urbr de$irus
(b. 968) bircl( ind whneserics Ners(ent
lnJason Evrnss
lll5l. d,. photosnphe n.ds i stnr8e scllplu.r ro ninrhe
r tcd sard bu !up ovcr r drx nagegri! xiter r .oanal r aiNto t
$(,sir/o, phi.ert)^tie Thr photograph shows how r fnSile, fleet ng phenomcnon can
be nlde to rcsonaie thr ou8lr phoio8mph/:the fr.tthat w.adrer
conddons.o! d lrive ffealed thn temPorary Physicalefie.t,
and dren beobserved bythe photosraPhci hrs a nraSical
ls dcpicrion in mdroneSreyi rxrherthan coo!r,
sc enn pty.
nnotony.gcstur€toth€twe.icth cent!ryqadiiionottre€r
photogr.pliy but nko ar e$en! rLgrrPhic wiy in which !'.h
x sghtcan becon€ pholognphically most rcsonant ln the New
s.errjcries,€xs ymiss.d, se ennipito!sdcur sare chnrged
w rh visurLins 8uc by bein8 fi xiied rnd phorosriPhod such

Ns.lShxfrns(b 964)sewDgkiilorprdni.roblc)Ai'tdPla.eIl16]
xn imrg'.ir/ Lnvenigxrion, thc posFon ofthe
irltrted by
sewing box of dre slde tible. which creates i
rot€rn ofdone*.iry. sli.f-trn s photoBraphy olten uses for ms
io!nd in driLy l€ wrshins.up onn dnininSboxrd,.onn'uctol
s.rfioldnB.8ri$ crturgs. with in utrde rtted Plro.o8riPhic
$yle. usc olinblct liSrtand, ahnvel/ long.xpos!res, h.
qtrnsfornsthese!ccn.s ntopoericobscNiiionsaboutthe
wrys we conducrour ves through our unconscious acts of
o derie m.ifsnrddspiiy'n8obl€cs.Thcreissom€dring
hi8lrly rtu nve in Shxn trni wtry ofwo1(ing He resisrsthe ul€e
to con*ruc!l sccre to be photoSnphedirithcr his si pilces3
ofniy r8 iltunen to the po$ib liesof€v€rydrysubleclsrii
means ofcxP or nB our characreB and wi/s of fe.
lcnnirdBolande\ (b l9s7)Crobc lllTls nlar y conremP ates

dicnno.€ftye!nreinlnefu plxcnsof obiects n unexPected

pos tions Frcm reet level. Bo rnde phorogrxPhen g obcs nor.d
on nrc wifdow Led8ei ofhom€s. By means ofthis ver y simP c
easrur€,ourp€..Pionardlnderslindingof th€wornnE
b ougr nto consider xiion.l4on obviously. thcsc phoro8raphs
dr trw our r(e]non ro the wry we rcceNe <now edge aboutlhe
worn nomi dwi cd, s mPlifien rnodc They denonst xte how
pltlx ou' p.sPcciive s,fiamedis itis bythewindows outol
wr ch. ina i'to whLch. we lool Human understandrng fro'n
to mrcroconnic ProPortionsi3 rcPeated y exPlor€d
iTouShBohidcrwo (xsenseolconnrrinedhumin
unde 5!1fd 18isysurlized!h ou8h s nP€ and subtle
obsclioons.610be is.lso. inrpotunrly, par.ola ser l€s ol iniScs
spicc:ndxsrscresoltwo'd rrensioni PcurcpLtrnestit
lrnge on thc vrntn3€ point olthc pholo8rrphcr, rnd the,tlorc
oirh€viewcr Thc sub,e.tol(hc photogrnph ( th€ ei rcPc(re
ind'rshye cdconrpiexty.driwnoutotthcprocc$oIwtrlkng
rnd s€ek n8 pictur€s i'r dre f ow of daiLy ife.
AmeIcrn a(isr d dir ector Wim Wendc' i {b. 1945)
photogriphs hivci r€hted scnse ofthepctures wnh n our
€ vnonmenB bc nSrecogniz.d ind forml zcd WenneE s bciter
kroM for h s lcrur e f ms, but he uses sillphotogriphy wh.i n r res ns owd 3ro-y x rd docs noi r equ chm!oconsrlct
onecincnMilly ln Wol, D Pon5,Iexos l9l, the cn.ks in ttrcro)d
ind r. pLx(cr on the rdc otihe building drit his fr len rwxy ro
r 3 jean-H!rc 8u*rnErte

ritho ilrx. r rirBlc phoiogmph Thc cpetiiron ofBornde!

obsc'vitof olhudrn b€havroo nikesrtrvisui conrmensryod
.uhu' e idro rlrin r depict or ofr solitnr /, c Senurc.
'rrie 'phorosrrpl's 'd'or/n.rm
Soaierhd! t16rig by Ffcnd, !i5rlcii
'n ^
M,8,. ,.r (b c5)^,,\4!,, n rd,r(..,,, ,

r ocitionsarenotrcvci€d ntl,e r tcs lnneid.

iltho!Blr the
'Lctr d^.r." .rrc$o'ledo rl'o',,'he!'.. 18,..rdv. ,E

xnd cir nrmber phicsnDrrppc sorn.ofrhc mrt.r WhI

B!*rmant€ s Urdo3 in drese s rcs s notJa.nrxlnrfoinrton
ibor! r spcc nc ScoE'iphio oc
blt5inrp c fo ns lhrt
rcsof c picrotrrl/ p'.r! cswrlr i land(rpcs
Th6 scirc| 18fo'
of rhc edge oic lcs rndorh€rn[n ]xde ln3 beenoneol
(hc thcmes o{h s photoSr rphy lor oycr tw€.ty'llvc yer6 ndrc
Dngc n'own hcrc tlL8l. ns!rcs of n loolbi p!cl)r'€enn!.d
bor r n ihe lorcSround by rrc w c fcn.c ard rhc i r'lDg wecd,
ird n the brck8rolnd byrSrrvc/ird of urbtrn holsing | *igcs
ol n€slect Tlrcsc..nrcns cR6t.r bothn:i c.-dimensionil
rey.ilthe brickwo.kbene h c,! ea.allesoryof the
deter oradotr ind fr€ lit/ or the phce, €mphasDed b/ the
Tr-thr dh8onrl ne. olrhp po*cr ' rDles d'$e!ring rle rniSe
Architecru.e. in thc conter( olthis chapten lcnds to be
phoroS6phed :(he point at which buildinSs have d€teriomei
or oor|ved rhcir orifnilpurpore.abandoned by $cr inhrbiunB
ro l.rv. only krces olp.evious human rctivity. Anthony
Hernandezi (b. 1947)phobsriphy throush the l980said 1990s
concenrmed on such rrchnecluil spaces His Ldnde<dpes for dre
HoDele$, cr.nted rn rhe 1980s, nre phorotraphs of lhe remporary
shellers mrdcon rcadvdes and wrsteltnds byhomeless pcople.
Thc hovemcdts a.d.hiracteG of the mrke6 ordrese shclle6
arcvsua y ctiievcd n wh!!lhcyhave eftbchind, of
prvNe povefr/ and 5orv'$1. Hcrnandeui more rcccnrwork.
|; t:i, Afio I A ( 1998) rid 4/60 vilasc (2000), c.nres on rbod
to bc demolished or in tlre process ofgraduald.erio adon He
photosdphs wh.r is overlookcd (socially and pohicall/ is rell
15 v 5!ally) ir tlrese dcQyinsields ol ehotionx chptne$ n the

imrtc shown herc t.m the Ariso v/ose scrEs 1201. Hernrndez
obscr ves a snrllbu! hiuntiDs ind pmloundpieccofevrdcncelelr
b/ prcvols nhlbihtrt5 of the low-in.omc housint c$aie ln Los
AnBc 6 whcrc he himscll was born .nd raised.



i,e l; r:i;,.ii:
in the Mdrenris ser ies by Brnsh photogrpher Pelcr Frrser
(b. 951) Th€ c ose up swi, l oIs/nthetic dun'n rhe mage shown
hercl22l.o.riruresas avot€x. a P€, rect nro o-univere .f

wr*€ mic.rand in image ofthe hugc cosnos of dust.round u3

oro! -. (o raF" o' o''h"dF' rn ' 1
!ublcci.onve!as.att€ri'rgof wastelhardo€s no!have xlxed
shtc, €r xloic .uLtui al shrls lnto i Pclo.irlforni fowchnEed
wnh Nxg raLconnoht 6ns ola *ar/
.on {€ilxrion
Planrrcd W llmlnr's (b. 952) Dds Ldnd series draws out
the rnur s,idiosynftrsies xnd P3$ln8ofrhe seasor w thrn l
conrmuniiy n rr,c Ste€,lind rcron olGennrny [123] ln nxty
phororriphs mrde over i twelve-/err Pc-od star lng n\ 1981.
Wllmionfornd rn *'!!l'fes, trndscaPesafd Por.rns rsPecls
of l rlnl[fe$/]c i Pungent s€rsc ol h s €xPc lenccs
thrt conve/
o{ drc p Ddr Ld"d could be const led rs a diar/ olthe life
ofihe coinrunq. ButW llDxnn! w:y ofPhorograPh ng does no!
hold the sr'ne n€lree ol nrblediv. nrlative o_ iN nncv thiiwe

^I plrr -,4,: " ol ed^Fnr5r por

n rhen nplicc,andwhr!n conveyed n !h€ nnnlseLecton, is ih€
pi.iorr c rxrgc tDt can b. found n, i
Phce, per hiPs.n/ pix.e. rf
.f.l.oc lr tlre nrblLc dr lmr ofth. cxDosed wood ofrlr€ tr€e
whe.brafcheshivcbroke.olf unn€rthew.ighiof thcsnow,


A nrc plrorornphs n drn chaptei in lubde wa/s, ntt€hp!

!o nriir our per cept o r oi our diily v.s There ssomedring
rfni nmphrnt nnd op.n.ndcd. yci sillrcsoilnt. i. rhis for m
ofpho@griph/ 1'' rccy Banr's (1975 2008)hirhysenui
p'o'oj.,p D 4Ll2ll.oi) €chcoBl' i "e atrl ',.''
xnd p aced or r window 5 81i!h ngonio rihrcuSlfontc.
s x. xss. n lile Th. scnsc of prysi.a]n/ ii d)is uf cono iY€d

.onb rxtlof of p lorns tr delicit.y mrpped The imiSc

rnes rnd
u r.lrnr on orr conp' rh]twc rre looLi rg iti
cotr,posilron wtrhLn rlre oxd rlon oisrll' f. pcilrernxk ne,fo! d
wnrnn.lyllfc ThisnfnrngotxknownpcfutrelorrnEnl5on!ph/
WIL J lrd\moF l, , ,l."n",encot ('
lxndscape. This el€g xc t rce of x pnst €vent u prmlle ro the
'epresenri!ion oiabindoned ind det€r ior aring archtr€cture
shown cxrlcr n this chrprcr
Amercxn photog aph€ RoeEdnidge (b. 1974) shifrs bctween
photoSraph c n/lcs, dcp.ndins on lhe nature ofthe n,biec he G
photoSrxph n8. H s reperore in. ldes poarrits $igcd in whn.
bnc(drop stud os, shor in n cont€mpomr y quas $sh or ny e,
dcidpan rrch rcclura! photogFphs and bhsh ycoLou,ed snrps of
lound$i!lliles1241.Th€rciadennne fdcrtionrhrtEthrdget
confdent and d ver s€ photogr aph c pr actice is aboutfind ng tw $s
'o''b"- :ndro15 8c !n o t rlir -ode-of epe-" t g
rh€nr rna giving them visurl sub$rnce.
-l s 1 !.o( drrloS e a LL p otoS'rpl/: p. o,
subjecrs hxs been brilliant y cxp ored by German d tistWoLtgaig
T maE(b. 1968). Sinc€ th€ hte l980s,T mrnshasedned
rogelherfound a.d *ock ma8es, photocopesand h6own
photoAraphs, dhpayin!ihcm insevgi pr n@d formst on
poncrrdsto inkjetpr nts He has wor ked acro$ vrr ols conrexB,
f o'n to artga erieJ and books, producinS ands.apes,
portriits, frshion shools, stiL fes and, more recendy.ab*Rd
photogrphy t ggered bydxrkroom m$akes Flis pholo8nphs
oflrui. ipening on windowsilk and the cortents olsparse ktchen
f. is
cLpboards haveasLnrpl. poiSnancy. Anolher recuft ng mot
shownhereii5!'tll25l.ucothing elttodryorabandonedb/iis
and subied n tct The LLln sour.e s€nes isa Primeexample
ofthe hirne$in8 ol Photography\ documemrv ro € w rhin i
l. .e^orl o p€..uon'nJ p' ' raedo b€o dbe_8
sequ.nce oi nlcresting obscrvrtons and towirds I concePtual
tc r tor/ whc e the subjcct is notqulckLy deciPhercd butS xduxl/

mxde pilpabLe rhr ough ts r anSe of PossibLc $rtes

l€f wa Comp6irioi no 3[127]mvatfilnseem
s DioSondr

ro b. rn ! nEua woll< for him becalsc ofthe abscfce olr crsi

or, s or imp ess ve n,ise.€n5cdie Gee chaPter iwo) lt seem5
i o/ o or u.d aet'
The z Szag ofihe sLliitLng bofd. cuPbo d, moP. buckct and dity
D(pi ra'T, r),oI2000 linolcd n f oor G. however, not nrer eLy r s ghtgla.ccd rtand thcn
'c.orded. WrlLi crr elulcofr ucton olaBrouPing ofPeriPherrl
thin8s promps questons aboLtour own .ehrionsh P whh
p ooB P ^n, r ,e oo 8J l'3ra' ^lr po
hisrory rnd our own lrves did r.oi ner ofx fLoo. rcpr escnled
n a photognph become iconic, worthy ofour a!.entionr To whr
deSreedo.s trne€d tobeabnn.ied bydre scem r8lv innocenr
lrime i.o, der for us to, ecognre this grouPins ofnon subjec to

w$ cr o r floor s. doors ind shtr brn *€6 ThelrnPscoLPlur

for ns rcird nSoldrc clodres
drtrti'eriwlttirrgy nrne byth€ d
s!gge*€yoncecontaiIed, €a
s redded in nrx sl( n, rnd tr€ xc. oI!inr.sing .r eat n8 a s€nse

h'neswellins! (b 195 )pm-trc hN oft€n m€d tat€don

rhewr/s!hi!plrotog giv€rhedighrc*of suble.BJorn
rfd inrc cctlrl nbnir.e. We i!\getplo-cs th€ rnfinit€ rxng€ oI
po$ibL nes byrcp€rt€d / pt,otograPhingx subjectlron difi€ eit
vrnhgepoirs ln ih. 1980s, hecreated a serlesthit pl!/.d
I ." 'or'r. r'-' o/d-P.!. 8d 'PAd 'd' 8 b'r
rtrit colld eith€r be.o rtrued as !h. brc(d oP to absent obieds
orxs n ble.B r dreir ow. -ghr Th ough subde shtts in cimcrr
posnion rnd fi lot thiontorh€ sam€ physi.lldctl L,W. ng
qlen'ons drc be €Idrx o s€e soncdringf om a single vrntage
Dornt s to k row tr. As drc t r e suRqens, n hiLrlrllsour.eJ
ser ies hc phoroSnphed dilf€r ent lrght sourccs, nom the nrn to

.. r .D. LB sLl2bl 'o ,, - d" .Jbo o-,eoro
brr ih€y hivc p €cir ouere$ olv cwing Posnror(s) This qurlitn

wiihrn rhc nxr it ves ofdome3tic si l!ife. s!8!€*s { rughr

cmo! onx!nrtes, cndinS xnd txLlrng aPi' i
One olth. nros drrnrxtic !sei olP€rP€ctivc ln th€ contcxt
otillhfe o..u s wher. photognPher hrve ph.ed th'emPhasis
speciclll on thewxyr inwhidi we see (o-do no! scc) dr€ thln85
arou.d !s i r Prr!. tris our Pcr'.ept on olouenvrcnmenis rither
rlDr rhethrngsconhncdwtrhif tthrtareb€nr8s. utlnzed
Ge,niint*UnBvilr's(b 1956) r€ries Nowhqe Nedr [ 129]
p es down B nrbi.dmdter !othc sPices bciween thrngs'
Fle' e slrctocuses oi x window n rne rnd dre Y €w b'yond
whosc bluriedlo.nn m kth. bolnd / ofwhxtn
ous de th€
phoio8r ap i5 v ni \8. Thlsw€fc nxde h/per senJitiv. ro
\ whrt do not looi i!. rni so do.ot defi.c a5 r
w€ e,l r ort o
s!bied or x.ofceP! ihrt.xn be s.ef. Brfth! Proto€rrPhs,
vnr.n rn €d i grLleres, r€sonat€ PhenomerololL.all/ The
5Fx.c bctween rhev€we r.d ihe PhoiogrxPhs bc.omcs Par
ot$e t.rplxybe!wc.n spxce ind nrbl€ct, sccingind notseerng
liLr r l i n E sx 5i8 r.eLli(b 968) os.s bxc. LthtiiS to o ert€
i tc n. ol dlli vu in wh clr t sfotth.obJe.crhcnrevesrhxtf€el

b. x n'll fe? The b€ilty of wxlli photorrrpry 5 dlt. w r c t

rr6csrh.s..omp.xqu.niois, tn'llstrtisfiesu5i5wor.of xn
Lrum Let ns(yi (b. 1962) phorogriphs lmuluncoln/
.ontempit€ tlre nill Ie n5 rcP .scnnn! dre rxtu €ofhlnrn
e rrionslr ps dnorglr drc v€n 8es ordomen c I'L iid rnik.
u5 rh ,( iboLt n s r.r of pj.tor i r€presem$oi {1281 Hc'
phoros rphs oltrbles nnednt€ly alterrfl n.r t mc!
hrvcobv ous conrpost onil'tfe c.c.s io s.vcnte€ndl.efi! y
Dur.h nl lle pi nrin! ALrholrh L.tiffty s notxrm rqto
clii8li8eoltr 6,toodsand
I owe wnh n th s lr no ci Seirc of pai'tin!,she s nrawrng oui

ritef rior ro th€ mehpl,o .xl xnd f x rr ve poieni il ordonesr.

oo- t ' 1p' - "dp o.lL -eo'L..o',
.io 08'
'P b-'
ihrrdrfrirdesrlren,onoc!xrvrnhgcpoirr!idtofxllyasc bed
ro protoSriplry lincrd. Lcr n5(y rsesrh€ nriiinBmu r Pl.
p€rip.crvcsifdplctur.prnesofn - le FriN ie. whc . oblc.a
. popp .. 8l 'n " ",,r/t' n o'l' - "
nI !,.r. E fxfrr v. por.iix r rhciornaliali!ornr pi
oll Srroq!. s..tbilrrynon
b.iwccn thenr Lctfsl(y! ununii lse
NoidrernE! operrplnrn8c..tcspnoiognpnols eitbexlty.
lamlla. but the ambientiense ofrhe place in which they e set.
he rll' r' l red Jr"J- olrr!' nr8. \1mple li8tr(o_ 8
throuShrwindow,o theref eclionsonashinysudace).drere
!s a temponltensiof from havin8 two sources oflght. one fixed

n the bac( olthe ieht box and the odrer represented in the
represent detalls n interiors that are v rlaliy rcsonant bur non-
specific: we contemplate lhe lee otlhespaceli sheiSheied
r€pr esentalion .ather dDn uy to mtr8ine dre spec fc us. or the
chficter of ts inhabrtans. She ercoun8es us rc re.a from ou-
own mcmories !hose Placesofwhich we hnv€ hnd heiShtened
perceprion. Srbine Hoff B's (b 964) use of photo8hphy has xlso
concentrated on the spaces betw€en the imaga and dD obie( is
l. Wndowwirh Doorll0l Conllated into the imrsearelwo ends
ofa room photographed through a window fr om outs de. The
bu dinsrnd trees beh ndrhe cimeraaho appe : reflected i the
wifdowpines. Hornighasrsed a morc ireral sculpural manrc'
n hcr ins!allar on5, where she b!ilds he. photogmphs iftofree-
srinding blocks ifd shapes threvoke corneB dnd edges of
Mininralistxrchitect!re.takngthc mageaw!/lromtheS.ller/
wal and into ithree-n mensionalsp2ce. Aswith allthcwo lc in
th s chaptef, he. pholographs $ke our familinr ty w th everyday
Bl . ldrnv eu o'h bo ' .* / dd-!e!"e !e
olr e.vironmens. olfeing a r ch and imaginative gLmpse olthc

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