Dedication To Gender Advocacy - A Personal Commitment

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Naw Win Wuthmon Thein

Introduction to gender studies class ( 23 - 24 ), Sec 6, LAP 2, MIT

Dedication to Gender Advocacy: A Personal Commitment

According to the World Health Organization, the definition of sex refers to biological

and physiological characteristics differences in males and females. Gender means the

characteristics of males and females shaped by society. While sex is unchangeable, gender

can vary in diverse ways. As far as I am concerned, how society cultivates social changes is

the primary cause of gender concerns. Social changes can have positive outcomes at times,

but they can also result in negative impacts on occasion. In addition, being considered normal

in society is generally positive, but if someone is deemed abnormal according to societal

standards, the impact can be significantly worse. So, what does society regard as normal

gender roles? Gender is commonly regarded in alignment with sex, characterized by only two

attributes. Males are expected to embody male gender characteristics, while females are

expected to embody female characteristics. But, today, some individuals are eager to live

freely, going against societal norms.

As a result, they are labeled as undesirable and often face social exclusion. From my

perspective, the reason why some individuals may encounter these issues is that societies that

resist gender freedom perceive it as it does against the natural order. And there are also

numerous embedded factors. In nature, typically, all male living creatures are expected to

exhibit masculinity, while females are expected to express femininity. However, in society,

masculinity and femininity include more than just physical roles; they also encompass gender

roles. The gender roles imposed by society can harm individuals who seek freedom in their

way of living.
Consequently, the entire society is affected. There can be numerous impacts.

However, in this paper, I will describe the three primary impacts: gender stereotypes, gender

equality, and gender-based violence. In addition, as a gender equality and human rights

advocate, I will express my commitment.

Personal Commitment to Challenging Gender Stereotypes

The definition of gender stereotype is the standards for gender roles that must be

obeyed which means males and females should exactly behave as these standards. Examples

of gender stereotypes are girls have to act gentle and soft and boys have to be strong and

brave. However, there are issues concerning these standards. These standards are limited in

negative ways and against human rights. My philosophy of life is freedom of living. That

freedom does not harm others and is full of accountability. An individual has the right to live

what they want to be if it is not harmful to others. I believe there is no significant harm if an

individual breaks or does not conform to these gender standards. But, an individual can

receive negative comments as I mentioned above.

To commit to achieving freedom from limited gender stereotypes in our society, my

answer is simple: we must recognize that everyone has the right to be who they want to be in

their life. We must refrain from interfering with even a single thought. The first step is that

we refrain from labeling individuals. I don’t identify an individual as he or she in gender

roles. I look at them as a single human full of human rights. Some may argue that gender

standards align with the laws of nature. We, living beings, humans have the most advanced

brain system in nature, unlike lions, which primarily focus on eating and sleeping. This is

why we can and have to live with the identities we wish.

As humans, we may differ from one another. That is what is referred to as diversity.

Embracing diversity and showing respect are fundamental aspects of humanity. My other
philosophy for life is humanity with empathy. We should respect diversity values. So that, we

can build a beautiful future that is free from negative norms.

Personal Commitment to Promoting Gender Equality

Gender inequality is one of the consequences of gender stereotypes. From my

perspective, a society not only establishes gender standards but also shapes perceptions of

which gender is considered superior and which is not. Indeed, this is the beginning of gender

inequality. The society establishes norms where the male gender role is considered superior

while the female gender role is inferior. As a result, the society normalizes and prefers

patriarchy. For example, women are often expected to stay at home, taking on caregiving

responsibilities, while men are given opportunities to earn money, and society views them as

breadwinners. So, what are the bad impacts on women? The answer is that women become

dependent on everything, even mentally. Women do not have opportunities to live their lives

as they wish.

Born as a female, I consider myself fortunate to have the chance to live freely. My

family does not restrict my freedom, unlike what I observe in others within my society. It's

disheartening for me to see girls feeling pressured about their identities. Females also have

the right to shape their future, present, and past. This is a basic human right. There are

numerous ways to promote gender equality, and it's positive to see that awareness about

gender equality is increasing nowadays. For me, I refuse to accept anything or anyone that

blocks my potential based on gender roles. After that, I questioned why and how much

breaking norms would impact me. As a result, I've observed that I've gained many benefits as

confidence in my capability. I also encourage my community to believe that there are no

limitations to what they can achieve based on their identity.

I believe that cultivating a confident and brave mindset is crucial. Promoting gender

education and awareness is equally essential. We must work on persuading the older


to understand that gender inequality is not acceptable or normal. We also need to examine

and reconsider laws at the country and state levels that endorse gender inequality and violate

gender and human rights, to make necessary reforms.

Commitments regarding gender-based violence

My understanding of gender-based violence is violence that occurs based on societal

perceptions of gender identities. For example; female genital mutilation (FGM) is an

extremely brutal and inhumane practice for females. Numerous factors contribute to

gender-based violence. Gender stereotypes and gender inequality are the leading reasons for

Gender-based violence. In addition, socioeconomic, war, conflict, and extreme cultural norms

create gender-based violence indirectly and directly. All forms of violence are violations of

both laws and human rights. Gender-based violence can happen in both males and females.

One common misconception is normalizing gender-based violence. We should not ignore

gender-based violence if it occurs in our society. I have mentioned above that we should

respect people's privacy but it is necessary to take action when it comes to violence. This not

only helps to stop gender-based violence but also protects ourselves.

In our society, victims, especially in gender-related situations, are often portrayed

negatively. We need to speak out against normalizing wrongdoing. In some cases, males may

perpetrate gender-based violence due to societal norms that prioritize their pride. Mothers

should teach their children to respect the human rights of others, regardless of who they are.

Gender-based violence is generally based on power-level inequality between males and

females. Regrettably, females often lack opportunities to empower themselves. We, as

communities, need to empower them as much as we can. First of all, as a girl, I need to

empower myself. This way, I can contribute to promoting gender justice.

I strongly advocate for education as a means to empower females and other

minorities. Education is the only dynamic weapon for the social justice revolution. It is the

right of every individual, regardless of their socioeconomic status or minority status, to

receive proper education. Everyone should contribute to making sure everyone gets the

education they deserve. Unfortunately, conflict and war are ongoing in Burma, my country.

The number of gender-based violence cases is increasing, and addressing it is proving to be

very challenging. However, I believe that many communities, including men, are actively

working to prevent gender-based violence. The consequences of gender-based violence must

be held accountable. I believe policymakers should incorporate these efforts into their


There is one thing I am committed to when it comes to gender justice, and that is to

never give up hope. Our society is not only affected by this issue, but it also impacts the

future generations of our society. I don't want my child to live a restricted life based on their

identity. My only wish for now and the next generation is for them to live freely and pursue

happiness without the burden of any social pressures.


1. OHCHR. (n.d.). Gender stereotyping.

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