2023ECO152 Chapter+7
2023ECO152 Chapter+7
2023ECO152 Chapter+7
• Imports (Z)
– act as leakage from circular flow
– reduce the level of aggregate spending on domestic production
– reduce the multiplier
– reduce the equilibrium level of income
Factors that influence the multiplier
• Marginal propensity to consume – the larger the MPC (c) the bigger
the multiplier
• Tax rate - the larger the tax rate (t) the smaller the multiplier
• Marginal propensity to import - the larger the marginal propensity to
import (m) the smaller the multiplier
Important: questions about change in
• Always remember to read the question carefully!
• Does it tell you by how much the autonomous spending changes or does it
tell you the new level of autonomous spending?
• Does it ask you to calculate by how much equilibrium income changes or
what the new level of income will be after the change?
• In addition to the exercises covered in these slides, remember to work
through the additional exercises uploaded on Ikamva. These exercises
provide clear examples of what you are expected to calculate and analyse
based on Chapter 7
• Additional worked examples: Page 82 – 88 of the ECO152 exercise book