RoofTruss Instalation 2017 NZ

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MiTek GUIDE for

ROOF TRUSS Installation
The Timber Roof Trusses you are about to install have been
manufactured to engineering standards. To ensure that the trusses perform,
it is essential that they be handled, erected and braced correctly.

2017 - ISSUE 1

Fixing & Bracing Guidelines For Timber Roof Trusses




Job Storage...............................................................................................................................................................................3

Roof Layout..............................................................................................................................................................................4

Erection and Fixing....................................................................................................................................................................4

Girder and Dutch Hip Girder Trusses........................................................................................................................................7

Saddle Truss Fixing.................................................................................................................................................................11

Roofing Battens......................................................................................................................................................................12

Permanent Bracing.................................................................................................................................................................12

Web Ties and Stiffeners..........................................................................................................................................................17

Girder Brackets.......................................................................................................................................................................20

Guard Rail Systems................................................................................................................................................................26

MiTek 20/20 User Guide..........................................................................................................................................................28

Truss Installation Checklist.....................................................................................................................................................32

Product Certification...............................................................................................................................................................32

The roof trusses you are about to install have been manufactured to Trusses should be inspected on arrival at site. Any damaged trusses
engineering standards. To ensure that the trusses perform as designed should be reported immediately and not site repaired without approval of
it is essential that they be handled, erected and braced correctly. the truss fabricator.
The installation of prefabricated timber trusses is covered by the Australian Where it is anticipated that trusses will be stored on site for an extended
Standard AS 4440 “Installation of NailPlated Timber Trusses”. The following period of time before use, adequate provision should be made to protect
information is an abbreviated set of instructions designed to assist trusses against the effects of weather.
with on site work and is not intended to replace the need to reference Once trusses are installed they should not be left exposed to weather for long
AS 4440. The following recommendations apply to roof trusses on standard periods. Repeated wetting and drying has a detrimental effect on the strength
domestic buildings where truss design details are obtained from MiTek of both timber and connection.
engineering programs. Details for commercial, industrial and non standard Protective covering, where used, should allow free air circulation around trusses.
domestic buildings, are to be provided by an Engineer responsible for the
overall building design. Trusses when stored on the job site should be on timber fillets clear off the
ground and in a flat position to avoid distortion.
DESIGN When lifting, care must be taken to avoid damaging of joints and timber.
1. Trusses are designed for normal roof, ceiling and wind loads to suit specific Spreader bars with attachment to the panel points should be used where
jobs and conditions. Additional loading such as Solar Units, Hot Water span exceeds 9000 mm. Never lift by the apex joint only.
Tanks, Air Conditioning, etc. require special consideration. Advice should The trusses may also be placed on the top plates by pulling them up on skids,
be sought from the truss fabricator prior to commencing construction. spread at 3000 mm, taking the same precaution as described above.
2. Wall frames and beams supporting trusses must be designed for the correct Ensure that the trusses are not distorted or allowed to sag between supports.
roof loads. Refer AS 1684 “Residential Timber-Framed Construction” The recommended method of lifting trusses will depend on a number of factors,
for details. including truss length and shape.
3. Wind load is an important factor in the design and performance of roof In general, sling truss from top chord panel points as shown below.
trusses. Ensure that you have correctly advised the truss fabricator with Slings should be located at equal distance from truss centreline and be
regard to wind load requirements and that adequate provision has been approximately 1/3 to 1/2 truss length apart.
made to fix trusses to the support structure to withstand wind uplift forces. The angle between sling legs should be 60° or less and where truss spans
4. Trusses are generally designed to be supported on the outer wall with inner are greater than 9000 mm a spreader bar or StrongBack should be used.
walls being non load bearing. Where it is necessary to use internal walls Some typical examples are shown below.
for load bearing, these will be clearly shown on layouts. Note that the
supporting structure is stable in its own right.
5. Before ordering trusses, ensure that your particular requirements have
been provided for and that all relevant information has been supplied to 60° or less
the truss manufacturer. If non standard trusses are being used, ensure
that erection and bracing details are known before erection commences.
6. For environments where the atmosphere may be conducive to corrosion,
such as some types of industrial and agricultural buildings, or buildings
near the ocean and subject to salt spray, consideration should be given to
the use of G8S stainless steel connector plates.
Approx 1/2 to 1/3
Important Note of truss length
1. It is the Builder’s responsibility to ensure that all relevant information
required for design is provided to the fabricator at time of ordering
trusses, including spans, pitches, profiles, quantities and loadings.
Final confirmation of details by the fabricator with the builder is
recommended prior to manufacture.
2. Trusses are designed to be part of a structural system, which includes
battens/purlins, bracing, binders, fascias and the connection of these
components. The full strength of trusses is not achieved until all
components are installed correctly. All trusses must braced (temporary
and permanently) and stabilised throughout installation of the roof truss
system. No truss should be loaded until all permanent bracing is fixed
and battens/purlins are installed. Installers should not stand on any truss
until all temporary bracing is fixed in place and the truss is stabilised in
accordance with the following instructions.
3. A risk assessment shall be undertaken for each site taking into account Spreader bar
all relevant workplace safety practices, including working height. It is the
builders responsibility to consider the site conditions when determining
procedures for handling, lifting, fixing and bracing of roof components.
The procedures shall be discussed with all employees and sub contractors
working on site and the agreed methods documented. A useful template
for this purpose is the “Safe Working Method Statement No. 10” which
is published by the Housing Industry Association (HIA) and available on Approx 1/2 to 1/3
their website. “The National Code of Practice for the Prevention of Falls in of truss length
Housing Construction” produced by Safe Work Australia contains specific
Spreader bar
information and guidance on risk management for working at height
in the residential construction sector. All safety gear appropriate to the
site and work being carried out shall be worn, including eye protection,
foot protection and gloves when handling sharp edges.
4. Ensure all bracing is permanently fixed and all brackets are fully installed
prior to working on or loading the roof.
Strongback tied to each
5. Trusses are designed for specific loading, geometry and support conditions. intersecting web
Under no circumstances should any component of the truss be drilled, cut, of chord
removed or modified in any way without prior approval from the truss
6. Trusses should not be used or stored where they are subjected to repeated
wetting and drying as this has a detrimental effect on the strength of both
timber and connections. Approx 1/2 to 1/3
7. If trusses have been designed for timber fascias, do not replace with steel of truss length
fascia without asking your truss supplier to check the overhang design. Strongback tied to
TRANSPORT top chord at approx.
300mm intervals
Trusses must be fully supported when being transported in either a horizontal
or vertical plane. Care must be taken when tying down, not to put strain on
chords or webs.
Timber or metal right angle protectors are a satisfactory method of avoiding
damage. Unloading and handling is described opposite. Approx 1/2 to 1/3
of truss length

ROOF LAYOUT NOTE: For 900mm spaced trusses, plasterers prefer to use 50mm battens.

A layout for trusses must be determined before erection. If in doubt consult

your truss fabricator.
Points circled on these layouts may be critical. Refer to the Wall Frame
Construction notes.
Hip End Truncated girder Hip truss/rafter

Ridge Wall Frame Construction

The load bearing frames should be checked for:
1. Lintel sizes suitable for truss loading. Consult AS 1684 or your truss
Fix at crossing with minimum Standard truss Jack truss/rafter
of1 TRIP-L-GRIP (typical) 2. If trusses are not located directly over studs the top plate size must be in
Dutch Hip accordance with AS 1684.
Dutch hip girder Hip truss/rafter
3. Girder trusses may require the strengthening of studs at the points of
support. Check the loading with your truss fabricator and refer to AS 1684.
Points circled on the layout notes are critical.
The supporting structure construction must be adequate to resist wind
up-lift forces.


Standard truss Jack truss/rafter

Top plate
Gable Raking truss


Ridge Trusses

Top plate

Verge trimming Standard truss

NOTE: End gable truss to be located over end wall unless otherwise advised Lintel at opening
by supplier.
Top plate strengthening may be required where trusses do not coincide
with studs.
T Shaped Place 75 x 25mm intermediate ties on top
Standard chord between saddle trusses where spacing
Raking truss truss exceeds top chord design restraint centres.

Top plate

Ridge Studs

Frame Bracing
The frame must be fully braced, plumb, and nailed home before the erection
Verge trimming of trusses is commenced.

Girder truss

Saddle truss
Raking truss
It is convenient to mark the truss position on the wall plates before lifting
L Shaped Verge trimming trusses. Use the layout drawing as your guide and note that the truss design
Truncated girder Standard truss Hip truss/rafter spacing must not be exceeded.
Ensure first truss is installed carefully and within erection tolerances.
WARNING – Do not use web as ladder to climb up or down the roof during
Jack truss/rafter installation. This can cause damage to the web and lead to serious injury.
Ridge Girder truss
GABLE ROOFS – start with a gable truss at each end, fixing it to the top plate
Saddle truss
at the position marked. These trusses must be temporarily braced back to the
Girder truss ground or frame at the panel points.
HIP OR DUTCH GABLE – start with the Dutch girder truss or the truncated

girder, placing it on the top plate at the position marked and temporarily
Intermediate ties bracing it back to the frame. Locate hip and jack trusses and adjust girder
as above Raking truss truss position before fixing.

Verge trimming
LINE – Using a stringline along the Apex, place each intermediate truss
and fix it to the top plate at the position marked, spacing it with gauging
Gable Ends rods and ties.
Where a gable end is required, consult your truss fabricator for details of
construction and erection.

Supporting Structure (Frame or Brick) String line

A structure that is not level and is out of square will result in an ugly and
unsatisfactory roof line. Time is well spent in ensuring:
1. The load bearing top plates are level.
2. The structure is of the correct dimension.
3. The top plates as well as being level, are straight in their length .
4. The internal walls are set below the outer wall level by: Spacing Trusses
Unbattened ceiling – 10mm. Battened ceiling – 10mm plus
batten thickness.
Trusses are built with a camber in the bottom chord. The camber is designed
to suit the span and load. A girder truss will have more camber than other The purpose of temporary bracing is to hold trusses straight and plumb prior
trusses. The camber is progressively taken up as the load from the roof to fixing permanent bracing. All permanent bracing, ties, hold down, etc.
covering and ceiling is applied. Under no circumstances should trusses be must be fixed prior to loading roof.
supported along the span (unless designed for) by blocking or propping. CODE REQUIREMENTS - Australian Standard for the installation of nailplated
If a truss has been designed to be supported internally a “SUPPORT HERE” trusses AS 4440 requires that temporary ties are to be used on top chords
label is affixed to the appropriate point. at spacings no greater than 3000mm and on bottom chords at spacings no
greater then 4000mm. However, it is good practice to place top chord ties at
each top chord panel point.
The TrussSpacer is designed to replace the temporary chord ties as required
Camber by AS 4440. To conform with AS 4440 requirements use TrussSpacers
as below.
Standard layout

Erection Bracing 3000mm

3000mm 3000mm
1. Collapse during erection.
2. Erection tolerance will be exceeded, causing overloading, buckling and
possible permanent damage.
The exact details of erection bracing will, for practical purposes, differ from
job to job. The following recommendations are for guidance only as the
4000mm 4000mm 4000mm
details employed are the erectors responsibility. (max) (max) (max)
The first truss should be erected straight and plumb to erection tolerances
given previously and temporarily braced to a rigid element, e.g. wall or Alternative layout
ground as shown on diagram following.
3000mm 3000mm
(max) (max)
Temporary post fixed to wall frame.
One per top chord panel point.

Gable TrussSpacers to the top
of truss top chords at 4000mm 4000mm
panel points. (max) (max)
See TrussSpacer Installation Instructions for further information.
Truss being
Previously braced truss
TrussSpacers to
the Bottom Chord.

Solid props fixed to ground

at panel points.


TrussSpacer: GTS600 for 600mm centres, GTS900 for 900mm centres.

TrussSpacer TrussSpacers
These recommendations are a guide only for the erection of standard gable
trusses up to 13000mm span, and spaced at centres not exceeding 1200mm.
For trusses beyond these conditions, consult your truss fabricator.
Erection Tolerances
Tolerance is critical for both a good roof line and effective bracing. A stringline,
a plumb line or level should be used.
1. Trusses to be erected with minimal bow, in the truss and in any chord, with
a tolerance not exceeding the lesser of L/200 and 50mm, where L is as
defined as shown in diagrams.
2. Trusses to be erected so that no part of the truss is out of plumb with a
Tie tolerance exceeding the lesser of height/50 and 50 mm.
Brace Top
Generally if a bow or tilt is evident to the eye, the truss has been erected
Tie outside the tolerances.
Plate Brace
Bow Plumb
Truss Bow Truss

Each successive truss should be spaced using TrussSpacers. TrussSpacers

are recommended in lieu of gauging rod or timber ties, as these can be fixed L
Height of
to the trusses prior to lifting trusses on to top plates. any
Truss Bow
If timber ties are used, they must be continuous and be no less than 70 x 35 section
F5. Fix to each truss with a minimum of one 65mm nail and splice the ends
by lapping over two adjacent trusses. Short timber noggings between trusses L Out of
are not acceptable. plumb

Support Tolerances Trusses parallel to non-bracing wall
When truss heel or end of cut-off truss extends over support with no reduced
bearing, the maximum tolerance is 50mm.

3 nails

4 nails

Trusses at right angle InternalWall Bracket nailed

to middle of slot.
to non-bracing wall
Leave gap between nail head
50mm max. 50mm max. and bracket to allow for
vertical movement of truss
When truss heel or end of cut-off truss is shorter than wall support, the maximum on loading.
tolerance is half the wall thickness, up to 50mm. Check bearing strength where
bearing area is reduced.


(b) Bracing Wall
When internal non-load bearing walls are designed as bracing walls, trusses
should be fixed to top plate using BraceWall Brackets according to Table 1
and as follows.
Trusses at right angles to bracing wall
Wall top plate

D D Truss at right
Not greater than, 2 Not greater than, 2 Fix one nail to top of angle to wall
up to 50mm max. up to 50mm max. each slot and leave gap
D D between nail head
and bracket Gap between
Internal Support wall top plate
and trimmer
The maximum allowable tolerance at internal support is 100mm.
Fix 8 nails
to top plate
Trusses parallel to bracing wall

Truss parallel to wall

Trimmer Wall top plate
(refer table below)

100mm max.

Overhang Supported Fix one nail to top of

each slot and leave gap
For overhang supported truss, the maximum tolerance is half the wall thickness, between nail head Fix trimmer to
up to 50mm. Check bearing strength where bearing area is reduced. and bracket truss bottom
chord with
2 MSA1465
Fix 8 nails MiTek screws
to top plate
Gap between wall top
plate and trimmer
BraceWall Bracket: BWB35

Trimmer Size Maximum Truss

Minimum Grade
(mm x mm) Spacing (mm)
90 x 35 MGP12 600, 900
120 x 35 MGP12 1200
Not greater than, 2
up to 50mm max. Table 1 - Fixing requirements for top of bracing walls
D Bracing Number of BraceWall Brackets (BWB35)
Length For bracing walls rated at (kN/m) capacity
Fixing to Top Plate (m) 1.5 2.0 3.0 3.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.5 9.0


0.9 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3
(a) Non-Bracing Wall
1.2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3
If internal or non-load bearing walls are not designed as bracing walls,
fix the truss with the InternalWall Bracket with nails to middle of slots to 1.5 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4
allow for truss settlement as it is loaded. Brackets are fixed at 1.8m centres 1.8 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
along unsupported sections of the wall. Where trusses are parallel to walls, 2.1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 6
trim between the bottom chords and fix brackets to the trimmer. Where non- 2.4 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6
load-bearing walls are stable in their own right, no InternalWall Brackets
are required. 2.7 2 2 3 3 5 5 5 6 7

(c) Non-Load Bearing External Wall NAILING DETAILS (all truss types)
For non-loadbearing external walls, such as verandah walls where trusses are NAILS - Use 3.05mm diameter glue coated or ring shank nails, minimum
pitched off verandah beams or other beams, the top plate of the wall should 65mm long for truss thickness up to 38mm or 75mm long for truss thickness
be stabilized at maximum 3000mm centres as shown. up to 50mm
Block pieces Wall top plate BOLTS - Use M12 bolts with 50 x 50 x 3.0mm square washers or 55 dia. x 3.0mm
round washers.
SCREWS - Use No. 14 gauge x 65mm long up to 38mm timber or 75mm long
Fixing of block
up to 50mm timber.
pieces to wall
top plate in For further information refer to MIRS-0020.
accordance *Ensure all fasteners are fixed before loading roof.
with AS1684
recommendations GABLE END FIXING
There are a number of different ways in which gable ends and verge overhangs
can be constructed. These include:
Truss bottom
chord • Cantilevered Battens
External non-
load bearing wall Gap between top • Underpurlines
plate and truss
• Outriggers over Raking Truss
• Verge Sprockets
The selection of a particular method will depend on a number of factors
including verge overhang distance, roof and ceiling material, truss spacing,
Each end of the truss should be fixed to the top plate in accordance with
end wall construction, wind load and preferred local building practice and
recommendations on page 17.
cost. The following are typical details for each fixing method. For connection
FIXING TO GIRDER TRUSSES details refer to MIRS-0016
Special Girder Brackets are available for supporting standard trusses on CANTILEVERED BATTENS
the bottom chords of Girder Trusses. These brackets should be fully fixed Batten overhang (or verge overhang)
in accordance with details supplied by the truss fabricator prior to loading Cantilevered roof batten
roof. (Refer page 20).
Verge rafter
Connection of valley (saddle) trusses to be in accordance with details
supplied by the truss fabricator or those in AS 4440. Blocking to suit
Standard truss
@ 1200mm max centres
Multiple ply trusses are required to be joined in accordance with the following Gable overhang
recommendations to comply with design assumptions.
Double Truss (nail one side only)
Join all chords and webs with nails or screws staggered one side only. Gable end stud
Ceiling batten
*Nails or screws to be at 300mm centres for top chords and 450mm centres
for bottom chord and webs.

Underpurlin overhang (or verge overhang)
CycloneTie: CT600 (typical)
Fly rafter
300mm (T/c)
450mm (B/c, web) Verge rafter
or barge board

TRIPLE TRUSS Standard truss

(nail both sides with bolts or screws at panel points) Underpurlin

Join outer trusses to centre truss using the double truss details. In addition,
join trusses at each panel point with one M12 bolt or alternatively with two Gable overhang
sufficiently long No. 14 screws from each side (i.e. 4 screws at each panel
Gable end stud
@ 600mm max. centres Ceiling batten


Verge overhang (or outrigger overhang)
Trip-L-Grip: TGL/R
M12 bolt at Fly rafter
panel points
Verge rafter
or barge board


Nail or screw as for standard trusses except maximum nail or screw centres Outrigger truss
to be 300mm to all chords and webs. Raking
Waling plate to be fixed to each Dutch Hip girder chord and web crossing with Gable overhang
nails, screws or bolts in accordance with M2RS-0008.
If screws are used in FastFit MkIII and MKIV Girder Bracket, use 65mm screws
in double 35mm girder. With triple 35mm ply girder, use 65mm screws
Gable end stud
in bracket and fix additional 65mm screws in back of girder truss behind
@ 600mm max. centres 15mm
bracket. Use 3 screws for FastFit MKIII and 8 screws for FastFit MKIV Girder Ceiling batten
Bracket. Alternatively, use 100mm No. 14 Type 17 hex head screws in bracket.
With multiple 50mm ply girder, use bolts or longer screws.

Verge sprocket TG BC
length Standard truss centres Three effective flat
Fly rafter head 65mm nails

Barge board Hip BC Hip BC

Verge sprocket CycloneTie Detail B1 - Jack Truss to Truncated Girder Truss

Jack TC
Standard truss
Verge overhang One TGL bent to suit with
Gable end stud 4/ø2.8mm x 30mm TG HTC
@ 600mm max. centres reinforced head nails into
the side of each top chord
for truncated girder.

Note: For wind classification N2

Ceiling batten and tile roofs, truncated girder
with spans up to 8000mm and
station up to 2400mm, detail
Hip End Fixing C1 may be used. TG BC
The fixing details in this section are suitable for trusses with maximum
spacing up to 900mm (or 1200mm for sheet roof up to N3), snow
load up to 0.2kPa and 3600mm maximum truncated girder station.
Three effective flat head
For other applications exceeding these limits, refer to connections detailed in 65mm nails
Jack BC
the MiTek 20/20 design output.
1. These connections are adequate, based on general domestic construction
practices which include at least two 2.5mm skew nails, with a penetration Detail C1 - Extended Jack or Hip Truss to top chord
of 10 times of nail diameter to supporting member, connecting each of Truncated Standard Trusses
member. Jack TC
2. Nails details may be substituted by screws with equivalent capacity.
3. These details are also applicable for use in conjunction with conventional TS HTC
hip ends.
For Wind Classification N1, N2, N3 or C1
Connection of trusses at hip end for wind classification N1, N2, N3 or C1 are
in accordance with the details shown and described in Figure 1 and Detail
A1 to E1.
Figure 1. Typical trussed hip end connection for Wind Classification N1, Two 65mm skew nails into the
side of each top chord
N2, N3 or C1
Detail D1 - Jack Truss to Hip Truss (maximum jack station 1800 mm)
Detail A1 or B1
Detail A1 or E1
Detail D1 or E1
Three effective flat head Hip TC
Detail C1
65mm nails though jack
Detail B1 truss top chord into
hip truss top chord.
Jack TC

Three effective flat head

65mm nails though jack
truss bottom chord into
hip truss bottom chord. Hip BC

Jack BC
1. For effective skew nailing, the nail shall be driven into one member not Detail E1 - Jack Truss to Hip Truss (maximum jack station 3000 mm)
closer than 25mm to no more than 38mm from the arris in contact with
the adjacent member. The nail shall be driven at an angle between 30°
and 45° to the face into which the nail is driven. Hip TC
Fix as per Detail D1 plus
2. Where nails are smaller than the nominated size or other than plain shank one CreeperConnector
nails, or machine driven, or both, their performance shall not be inferior to (CC200L/R) with
the nail size given. 6/ø2.8mm x 30mm
Jack TC
reinforced head nails
3. Roof battens or purlins and ceiling battens shall be fixed to trusses in
to each top chord
accordance with approved specifications.
Detail A1 - Hip Truss to Truncated Girder Truss

Trip-L-Grip: TGL/R Three effective flat head

Hip TC TG HTC 65mm nails though jack
TG HTC truss bottom chord into
hip truss bottom chord. Hip BC

Jack BC
Hip TC

For Wind Classification N4, C2 or C3

Connection of trusses at hip end for wind classification N4, C2 or C3 are
in accordance with the details shown and described in Figure 1 and Detail
A2 to E2.

Figure 2. Typical trussed hip end connection for
Wind Classification N4, C2 or C3
Jack TC
Detail A2 Station up to 2400mm. One
Detail C2
Trip-L-Grip (TGL/R) bent to
Detail E2 or F2 suit with 4/ø2.8mm x 30mm TG HTC
Detail D2
reinforcedhead nails into the
side of each top chord for
Detail B2 truncated girder.

Detail C2 - Intersection of Jack and Hip Truss to Truncated Standard Truss

One CreeperConnector Hip TC

NOTES: (CC200L/R) with 6/ø2.8mm
x 30mm reinforced head nails
1. For effective skew nailing, the nail shall be driven into one member not into each face.
closer than 25 mm to no more than 38 mm from the arris in contact with
the adjacent member. The nail shall be driven at an angle between 30° One Trip-L-Grip (TGL/R) with
and 45° to the face into which the nail is driven. 4/ø2.8mm x 30mm reinforced
2. Where nails are smaller than the nominated size or other than plain shank head nails into the side of each
nails, or machine driven, or both, their performance shall not be inferior to top chord. TS HTC Jack TC
the nail size given.
3. Roof battens or purlins and ceiling battens shall be fixed to trusses in Detail D2 - Extended Jack or Hip Truss to top chord of Truncated Standard
accordance with approved specifications. Trusses
4. Jack trusses are assumed to be supported in the horizontal top chord of
the truncated girder. Jack TC
Detail A2 - Hip Truss to Truncated Girder Truss
One Trip-L-Grip (TGL/R)
with 4/ø2.8mm x 30mm
reinforced head nails into
the side of each
One 30 x 0.8mm top chord.
Structural TieDown
Strap (TD2230) with
4/ø2.8mm x 30mm
reinforced head nails
into each leg. Detail E2 - Jack Truss to Hip Truss (maximum jack station 2400mm)

Jack TC

Hip TC
Hip BC
Use one CreeperConnector
(CC200) with 6/ø2.8mm
x 30mm reinforced head nails
into each face.
Jack BC Jack TC
(see detail B2)
Detail B2 - Jack Truss to Truncated Girder Truss One Creeper Connector
(CC200L/R) with 6/
ø2.8mm x 30mm
Station 2450mm to 3600mm. Jack TC reinforced head nails into
One 30 x 0.8mm each face.
Structural TieDown Strap
(TD2230) bent under Hip BC
the horizontal top chord, TG HTC
fixed with 4/ø2.8mm CreeperConnector CC200
x 30mm reinforced
head nails to each leg. Jack BC

Detail F2 - Jack Truss to Hip Truss (maximum jack station 3000mm)

One Trip-L-Grip (TGL/R) or
Universal Trip-L-Grip (TGU)
Type E bent to suit with 4/ Hip TC Hip TC
ø2.8mm x 30mm reinforced
head nails into the side
of each bottom chord.

TG BC Creeper
Top Chord.
One 30 x 0.8mm
Structural TieDown Strap (TD2230)
with 4/ø2.8mm x 30mm reinforced
head nails to each leg and one
CreeperConnector (CC200L/R) with 6/ø2.8mm
Jack BC x 30mm reinforced head nails into face of
each top chord.

Load direction E Bottom Chord. See detail E2

CreeperConnectors Installation:
CreeperConnectors have been designed to connect jack trusses to hip trusses. SINGLE FOLD FIXING METHOD
They may be used wherever a mitre plate is specified in AS 4440.
Suits single or double mitred jack/cut-off truss with skew angle from 30°to 80°.
1. Locate jack/cut-off truss into position and fix 3/75mm nails through each
55 for Ø = 65°
70 for Ø = 90°
top and bottom chord to the hip/boomerang girder truss.

Jack/cut-off truss
top chord
Hip/boomerang girder
truss top chord

Hip/boomerang girder truss
bottom chord (min 140mm)

CC200 CreeperConnector (ø = 90°)

Suitable for low pitch roofs or for bottom chord connection.
That is, pitches 0° to 12.5° pitched chords.
CC200R and CC200L CreeperConnectors (ø = 65°)
Suitable for pitches from 13° to 25° and that suffix L and R defines that the Jack/cut-off truss
product is designed for left hand or right hand connection. bottom chord (min 90mm) 30° to 80°
Fixing Detail for Double Mitred Truss 2. With the short leg against the girder, align the Boomerang Connector with
Single mitre and square cut ends are not suitable for this method. the incoming truss with a 6mm offset above bottom edge of the bottom
chord. If necessary, bend the Boomerang Connector to the skew angle
before aligning.
Fix 6 nails to each chord Hip/boomerang
girder truss
Fix 3 nails bottom chord
to mitred face

Include 3/65mm nails through

chords in all cases

Jack/cut-off truss
bottom chord
SQUARE CUT Hip/Boomerang 3. Ensure the connector is flush with the chord surface and fix 15 nails into
girder truss the hip/boomerang girder bottom chord and 15 nails into vertical web and
bottom chord of the jack/cut-off truss.
girder truss
bottom chord
Creeper/Boomerang Connectors

Do not use CreeperConnector Fix 15 nails into

with square mitre cut jack/cut-off truss chords each truss
Jack/cut-off truss
bottom chord


The Boomerang Connector has been developed to provide a strong and Suits double mitred jack/cut-off truss with skew angle from 17°to 30°.
economical connection between cut-off trusses and boomerang girders, Single mitre and square cut ends are not suitable for this method.
or between large jack trusses and hip trusses. 1. Locate jack/cut-off truss into position and fix 3/75mm nails through each
Table 2 gives the maximum span recommendations of jack/cut-off truss top and bottom chord to the hip/boomerang girder truss.
connected to the hip/boomerang girder truss with a Boomerang Connector.

Table 2. Maximum Jack/Cut-off Truss Span (m)

Wind Classification Jack/cut-off truss

Joint top chord Hip/boomerang girder
Group N2 N3 N4 N5 C1 C2 C3 truss top chord
Sheet roof, 20° roof pitch & plaster ceiling @900mm crs
JD3 16.0 16.0 10.3 6.3 9.3 5.8 3.9
JD4 16.0 16.0 10.3 6.3 9.3 5.8 3.9 Hip/boomerang girder truss
bottom chord (min 140mm)
JD5 15.5 15.5 10.3 6.3 9.3 5.8 3.9
Concrete tile, 20° roof pitch & plaster ceiling @600mm crs
JD3 16.0 16.0 16.0 11.8 16.0 10.2 6.3
JD4 15.8 15.8 15.8 11.8 15.8 10.2 6.3
Jack/cut-off truss
JD5 12.2 12.2 12.2 11.8 12.2 10.2 6.3 bottom chord (min 90mm) 17° to 30°

2. With the short leg against the girder, position the bend line along the tip of Roof Pitch >15°
the double mitre. Offset 6mm above the bottom of the bottom chords.
Hip/boomerang Where truss spacing is One effective
girder truss bottom chord greater than top chord 65mm skew nail
Saddle design restraint centres, driven through saddle
truss intermediate top chord truss bottom chord
ties are required to overlap into supporting truss
existing battens top chord at each
of the truss
Jack/cut-off truss
bottom chord

3. Fix 15 nails into the hip/boomerang girder bottom chord.

Supporting truss
Hip/boomerang top chord
girder truss bottom chord

Alternatively, one Trip-L-Grip (TGL/R) 35mm x 45mm timber

fixed with 4/ø2.8 nails to each face, ledge or block fixed to
without timber ledge top chord

Fix 15 nails into Jack/cut-off truss

girder truss bottom chord
Supporting >450mm
4. Wrap the Boomerang Connector around the mitre cut face and fix 3 nails truss top chord
into the mitre fold.
Hip/boomerang Saddle truss
girder truss bottom chord

65mm nails

Fix 3 nails Jack/cut-off truss

into mitre Tap bottom chord
65mm nails

5. Further wrap the connector flush with the jack/cut-off truss. Then fix another Block infill (minimum 75 x 35) to where the saddle truss
15 nails into the vertical web and bottom chord of the jack/cut­off truss. is cantilevered more than 450mm or where the saddle truss is not
Hip/boomerang supported by two truss top chords, fixed to the saddle truss bottom
girder truss bottom chord chord with 2/65mm nails, and to each end to supporting
truss top chord with 2/65mm nails


Supported Trusses Without a Ceiling
Fix another Jack/cut-off truss
15 nails into jack/ bottom chord Where truss spacing is
cut-off truss greater than top chord
Saddle design restraint centres, Saddle
truss intermediate top chord truss
SADDLE TRUSS FIXING ties are required to overlap
The fixing details in this section are suitable for trusses with maximum existing battens
spacing up to 900mm (or 1200mm for sheet roof up to N3). For trusses
supporting sheet roof up to 1200mm truss spacing and up to N4 or C3
wind classification, substitute the fixing details between saddle truss and
supporting truss with details in Table 3. For other applications exceeding
these limits, specific design is required.
Supporting truss
Table 3 - Saddle Fixing Sheet Roof, top chord
1200mm Truss Spacing, up to N4, C3
Wind Two Trip-L-Grips (TGL/R) fixed with
Fixing Details 4/ø2.8 nails to each face
N1, N2, N3 & C1 1 x Universal Trip-L-Grip
Supporting >450mm
2 x Universal Trip-L-Grips, or 1 x CycloneTie
N4, C2 & C3 truss top chord
CT400 plus 1 x 65mm skew nail
Roof Pitch ≤15° truss
Where truss spacing is One effective
greater than top chord 65mm skew nail
design restraint centres, driven through saddle
truss 65mm nails
intermediate top chord truss bottom chord
ties are required to overlap into supporting truss
existing battens top chord at each
of the truss 65mm nails

Block infill (minimum 75 x 35) to where the One Trip-L-Grip

saddle truss is cantilevered more than 450mm with 4/ø2.8 nails
Supporting truss or where the saddle truss is not supported by to each face
top chord two truss top chords, fixed to the saddle truss bottom
chord with 2/65mm nails, and to each
end to supporting truss top chord with 2/65mm nails

Supported Trusses With A Ceiling OPTION 1
Where truss spacing is Roof Battens at max 1200 crs. fixed to each block
greater than top chord Y
using 14g type 17 screw with minimum 45mm
Saddle design restraint centres, Valley Splice
penetration into truss top chord or equivalent
truss intermediate top chord truss 40 min.
ties are required to overlap
existing battens
45 min.

Truss 90 x 45 MGP 10 blocks (300 long) fixed to each side of

Top Chord Top Chord using 4/3.15 dia. x 75 deformed shank nails
or 4/3.15 dia. x 75 glue coated gun nails.
Supporting truss Y (NOTE: 2/14g x 75 type 17 screws can be used instead
top chord of 4 nails)

One Trip-L-Grip (TGL/R) fixed with OPTION 2

4/ø2.8 nails to each face
Tylok TL4T7 (64 X 120) Plate
The stability of any roof system is reliant on the tile or sheeting battens. 45 min.
The contract with the roofer should include the following provisions:
Roofing battens should be fixed securely to all truss top chords in accordance
with AS 1684 unless otherwise specified by local building regulations. Truss Roof Battens at 14g type 17 screw fixed through
For multiple ply trusses, battens should be fixed securely to each ply of truss Top Chord max. 1200 crs. Tylok Plate with minimum
top chord with at least one nail or other mechanical fixing. Battens wider than 45mm penetration into truss top chord
50mm should be secured with two fixings to each ply. Z
Battens to be arranged so that on any truss top chord, not more than 1 in 3
battens are spliced and no two splices are adjacent. OPTION 3
In the areas of roof not bounded on both sides by diagonal bracing, battens
Roof Battens at max 1200 crs. fixed to
should be continuous, if not use “Batten Strapnails” to splice. Truss Top Chord with standard fixings
Truss Splice
Roof should not be loaded until all roofing battens are securely fixed. Top Chord
WARNING: Some types of steel tile battens do not provide adequate
lateral restraint to truss top chords. Before using steel tile battens obtain
certification from your steel batten supplier confirming that their product 40 min. 40 min.
will provide at least the same lateral restraint as timber battens.

Bridging Batten same size and grade as the batten fixed to

Truss Top Chord using 1/14g type 17 screw with minimum
45mm penetration into top truss chord or equivalent

Roof truss Fix batten to stiffener with Roof Battens at max 1200 crs. fixed to each truss
minimum 2/3.15 dia. x 75 using 1/14g type 17 screw with minimum 45mm
nails at each side of splice penetration into truss top chord or equivalent
Roof batten
Splice 70 min.

45 min.
210 min.

Truss 70 x 35 F5 minimum stiffener fixed

Top Chord at each end to Truss Top Chord
using 2/3.15 dia. x 75 nails
Note: Batten splices. OPTION 5
Not more than 1 in 3 battens are
spliced on any truss top chord, Metal Batten
and no splices in battens over 40 min. overlap
girder trusses.
Note: Batten splices.
No two splices are to be
adjacent on any truss top chord.
Refer to manufacturers
Truss specifications for
Top Chord fixing lap splice


Before loading, roof trusses must be permanently braced back to the rigid
The splice details have been designed to resist axial loads on battens building element, such as support walls, to prevent rotation or buckling of
transmitted by truss top chord under the following criteria: trusses under the weight of roof and ceiling material or under wind uplift.
1. Standard trusses supporting sheet roof at 1200mm crs and 16000mm These recommendations provide for:
span maximum.
a) Wind Classifications for areas up to C3.
2. Maximum batten spacing = 1200mm
b) Walls being stable and braced in their own right.
3. Batten size and grade to be in accordance with AS 1684 span tables.
c) Roof spans up to 16000 mm.
Batten splices should be typically located away from girder trusses.
d) Maximum truss centres:
Use detail with stiffener as shown in Option 4.
(i) 900 mm in Wind Classification areas up to C3.
Tie Downs -Batten to truss fixing should be checked for adequacy against
tie-down requirement. (ii) 1200 mm for sheet roofs in Wind Classification areas up toN3.
NOTE: Either bugle or hexagon head screw types can be used for all of the e) Maximum roof pitch of 45°.
fixing options. For conditions beyond these, consult your truss manufacturer.
SpeedBrace is a bracing system for the bracing of trussed roofs in both low The forces in a roof of less than 8000 mm span are relatively low and may be
wind speed and cyclone areas. restrained by the use of a single SpeedBrace in a “V” configuration. The angle
SpeedBrace is manufactured in accordance to AS 4440 steelbrace specification. of SpeedBrace to wall frame should be between 30° and 45°, and each truss
should be crossed with a least two braces.
SpeedBrace is a tension bracing system that uses a pre-punched shallow ‘V’
shaped member that is easily handled and erected. SpeedBrace is applied in For roof lengths less than half span (h) use detail for Very Short Roofs below.
an ‘X’ or ‘V’ pattern to the top of the chord and braces the trusses back to 1. Very Short Roof – where the roof length “L” is 1 to 11/2 times the half span
the frame. “h” of the roof truss.
SpeedBrace offers many advantages over other bracing systems.
• Applied to top of top chord – speed and simplicity. BR BR
• Pre-tension – no turnbuckles or similar device is required to tension the
• Maximum load is governed by end fixing and splicing which are to be Ridge
made strictly in accordance with details shown in this publication.
BR h
• Pre-punched – nailing made quick and easy with special MiTek 30 x 2.8 BR
galvanized reinforced head nails.
• Uniform strength – assured performance.
• Side by side splicing for easy layout and fixing. L
• Positive end fixing – wrap around at apex, splice and frame. 2. Short Roof – where the roof length “L” is 11/2 to 31/2 times the half span “h”
(Clouts should not be used in fixing SpeedBrace.) of the roof truss.



Bottom Chord Bracing L

When plasterboard ceilings are fixed direct to the bottom chords of trusses
3. Long Roof – where the roof length “L” is 31/2 to 4 times the half span “h” of
or via battens in accordance with AS 1684, the horizontal wind load on the
the roof truss.
roof and walls of a house is normally transferred to the bracing walls through
the diaphragm action of the plasterboard ceiling. This structural ceiling
diaphragm also provides lateral restraint to the truss bottom chords of the
trusses. BR
If there is no ceiling attached to the bottom chord, or if the ceiling is
suspended or fixed using furring channels that are clipped to the bottom Ridge
chord, then an alternative bottom chord bracing system is required to provide BR
truss stability and building stability. BR h
Where plasterboard is not fixed direct or via battens then:
1. Truss stability is achieved by using bottom chord binders and diagonal
bracing on the bottom chord similar to roof bracing. The bottom chord
binders should be spaced in accordance with the truss design. The ends
of both bottom chord binders and diagonal bracing are to be anchored to 4. Very Long Roof – where the roof length “L” is more than 4 times the half
a rigid building element. span “h” of the roof truss.
2. A structural engineer should be consulted for specific design of a bottom
chord bracing system which is suitable for the particular requirements of
the building. BR

Top Chord Bracing Ridge Ridge

The bracing layout is related to the span and shape of the roof. BR



Roof battens must be

continuous in this area
Roof Spans 8000 mm to 13000 mm
The increase in span increases the forces to be restrained requiring the use
of SpeedBrace in an “X” configuration. The angle of the SpeedBrace to the
BR frame should be between 30° and 45°. Use a single or double SpeedBrace
with maximum overall truss length not exceeding values in Table 4.

Roof battens must be Table 4 - Maximum truss span (m) for single
continuous in this area or double SpeedBrace of roof spans 8m to 13m
Bracing at 30 ° to 45° to wall Wind Classification
top plate when viewed on plan Roof Pitch
N3, C1 N4, C2 C3
Single Brace
LEGEND: < 15° 13.0 13.0 12.0
15° to 20° 13.0 13.0 11.0
21° to 30° 12.5 10.5 8.5
31° to 35° 11.5 9.5 Not Suitable

BRACING 36° to 45° 9.5 8.0 Not Suitable

Double Brace
RIDGE up to 45° 13.0 13.0 13.0

Each truss should be crossed with at least four braces and bracing bays
should extend from the end trusses of the building unless noted otherwise.
Roof Spans 13000 mm to 16000 mm
a) For standard trusses, refer to Table 5 to determine whether single or
1. Very Short Roofs. Where the double SpeedBrace can be used in an ‘X’ configuration over the whole roof
roof length “L” is very short with an additional braced bay at each end as shown.
compared to the half span “h”
of the roof trusses and would BR Table 5 - Maximum truss span (m) for single and double
result in a brace angle greater SpeedBrace of roof spans 13 m to 16 m
than 45°, a diagonal bracing
arrangement is required each Wind Classification
Ridge Roof Pitch
side of the ridge line as given N3, C1 N4, C2 C3
below. Bracing bays should BR
be spaced across roof such h Single Brace
that the brace angle is always BR
< 15° 16.0 15.5 Not Suitable
between 30° and 45°.
15° to 20° 16.0 13.0 Not Suitable

L Double Brace
2. Short Roofs. Where the < 15° 16.0 16.0 16.0
roof length “L” is of
15° to 20° 16.0 16.0 15.5
length to give a brace BR
angle between 30° and BR 21° to 30° 16.0 14.5 Not Suitable
45° then only one bay of
bracing is required each 31° to 35° 16.0 13.5 Not Suitable
side of the ridge line as Ridge 36° to 45° 13.5 Not Suitable Not Suitable
h Timber Approx. span/6 Single or double SpeedBrace
BR Noggings (seeTable 5)

3. Long Roofs. Where the roof length “L” is long compared to the half span
“h” of the roof trusses and would result in a brace angle less than 30°,
two or more crossed bracing bays are required each side of the ridge to
ensure the brace angle is between 30° and 45° as shown.
Span Ridge


BR Braced bay at each
h end of roof Maximum 13000mm spacing
b) For jack trusses or rafters, use single SpeedBrace in an ‘X’ configuration
and the angle of SpeedBrace to end wall should be between 30° and 45°.

1. Where the horizontal top chord length (HTL) is less than the truncated
4. Very Long Roofs. As for long roofs, except continue bracing for length of girder station (TGS).
building such that each truss is crossed with at least four braces.



Where the roof requires double SpeedBrace, fix as shown above.
2. Where the horizontal top chord length (HTL) is 1 to 1.5 times the truncated
girder station (TGS).

Double Speedbrace





3. Where the horizontal top chord length (HTL) is longer than 1.5 times the BELL ROOF
truncated girder station (TGS).
Bell trusses should be braced as shown. The SpeedBrace should be spliced
at bell breaks.
Bell Truncated Girder Bell Truncated
Hip Truss/Rafter Breaking pitch

BR Truss/Rafter
Bracing BR
HTL for Jack
Trusses as
Typical Bracing Layouts required
(not shown
GABLE ROOF for clarity)
Select a roof layout such that the angle between the ridge line and the brace is Refer to typical splice detail Standard Bell Truss
between 30° and 45°. There are eight basic bracing arrangements to consider for splice detail at break
depending on truss span and building length as given above. Bracing bays
should extend from end trusses on the building. SKILLION
HIP ROOF Where the roof consists of half trusses, the span of the half truss should be
For roofs on buildings of rectangular plan with trussed hip ends or dutch taken as the half span “h” when using the above recommendations, and the
hip ends, bracing is required between apex of hip ends only. In such apex braced to supporting structure. See section on Treatment of Internal
cases the roof length “L” is taken as being the distance between the two Supports etc.
intersections of hip and ridgeline at each end of the building. One of the NOTE:
recommended bracing layouts for gable roof then can be applied as The previous are typical layouts for bracing. However, for special
shown in (a) for roof length “L” ≥ half span “h” of the roof truss, except circumstances, e.g. small spans and complex roof shapes, bracing layout
where roof length “L” of standard truss is less than the half span “h” of will be supplied.
the roof truss, in which case bracing should be arranged as shown in (b).
SpeedBrace Fixing Details
BR 1. Always use MiTek 30mm x 2.8mm dia. Galvanized Reinforced Head Nails
when fixing SpeedBrace.
BR BR 2. At each truss, fix SpeedBrace to the top of the top chord with two nails.
Select nail holes most central to the timber edge. Flatten bracing while
nailing to avoid interference with battens.
3. At end truss fix off the SpeedBrace as shown. A pair of tinsnips will cut
the brace. After fixing to top of top chord use your hammer to form a tight
bend and fix to face of top chord with three nails.
L Two nails into
Two nails to top of end top chord
(a) Roof length “L” ≥ half span “h” of the roof truss truss top chord



Bend brace over end truss top chord and End truss
fix with three nails to the face of the top chord (of braced bay)

4. To splice SpeedBrace, overlap or wrap around over one truss and fix with
(b) Roof length “L” < half span “h” of the roof truss
three nails. Splice to be located at least 2500mm from heel end fixing,
DUAL PITCHED measured along brace.
On dual pitched roofs and cut-off roofs where the ridge line is not central TYPICAL SPLICE DETAIL TYPICAL SPLICE DETAIL
on the building it may be necessary to determine bracing layout from a
combination of 1, 2, 3 and 4 above. In such cases each side of the ridge shall
be considered as a separate case. Two nails to each
top chord through
each brace
Lap brace over
rafter or top
BR BR chord and fix
Ridge with three
30 x 2.8mm
BR BR galvanized Bend both brace ends over top
reinforced chord and fix with three nails to
h each face of top chord
head nails
5. At the heel, SpeedBrace should be fixed in one of the following ways:­
The simplest method, where roof geometry permits is to fix directly to the
wall top plate as shown below. The brace must be kept straight between
the last braced truss and wall top plate. Also the angle between the brace
L and the wall top plate must not exceed 45°, i.e. 1:1 slope.
Heel End Fixing Details
Two nails to each top chord
Treatment at Cut-off or Half trusses
In addition to top chord bracing, cut-off and half trusses require bracing from
45° or less top chord to top plate at end nearest apex. Apply one bay of diagonal bracing
at each end of the run of trusses and intermediate bays at 10m centres for
long runs of trusses.
End Bracing for Cut-off and Half Trusses
2 nails to each web Timber block of similar size to truss top chord.
intersection Fix to truss at each end with 2 nails
and 1 Trip-L-Grip

Wrap brace over

timber block and fix
Bend SpeedBrace to side of top plate and
with 5 nails
under plate. Fix with two nails to side and
three nails to under top plate. Nails must
be no closer than 10mm to the edge of
the timber.
The SpeedBrace must be positively fixed to the top plate otherwise the
bracing will be ineffective.
An alternative method can be used where it is desired to extend the brace to
the last truss or where the angles do not permit ready fixing to the top plate. Bend SpeedBrace to side of top
The last two trusses should be fixed to the wall top plate with a minimum of plate and under plate (if necessary).
two Trip-L-Grips to each truss, and timber block between trusses as shown. Fix with 5 nails to side and/or under top plate.
Alternative Heel End Fixing Detail Nails must be no closer than 10mm to edge of
timber (TYPICAL).
Bend brace over and fix with Angle of brace to
three nails to the face of the wall to be between 30° and 45°
top chord Two nails to
SpeedBrace fixed Trip-L-Grip
each top chord
with two nails each side

Minimum 35mm Fix with five nails to

thick wall plate side of wall plate and
(Refer to AS 1684 for timber block
fixing of wall plate to
Cut-off or
Trip-L-Grip, one to Minimum 45mm thick half trusses
each side of truss timber block fitted tightly
between trusses and nailed
Timber block of similar size to top truss chord down to wall plate Brickwork
Trip-L-Grip, one to fitted tightly between trusses using two nails to
each side of truss truss and three nails to top plate
Where the standard trusses are supported by a girder truss or a beam rather
than a wall top plate, fix SpeedBrace at truss heel as shown following.
Heel End Fixing at Girder or Beam
Treatment at Boomerang / Valley Girder

Girder Truss
or Beam


Standard Truss

Two nails to the top of the truss and three to the side
Hip side

Treatment at Cantilevers Boomerang or Valley

girder truss directly
The force in the top chord bracing must be carried through to the wall plate by under the valley
Valley side
diagonal bracing from the top chord to wall plate, as shown below.
Timber block of similar size to truss
Refer to top chord fitted tightly between trusses. 90 x 35 F5 minimum
End Fixing Details Nogging spacing noggings at spacing equal
Use two nails to fix each truss and three
to designed top chord
nails to fix to top plate.
restraint centres between
SpeedBrace continuous incoming trusses
to truss heel (see section A A- for details)
Two nails to
top chord
Cut-off Noggings fixed at both sides of girder truss Cut-off
truss top chord with 2/75mm nails through each truss
end of nogging
back to point
over wall plate

90 x 35 F5 minimum timber block

fixed in line with bottom of bottom
chord fitted tightly between trusses Refer to
using framing anchors as shown. End Fixing Details Boomerang or Valley girder truss top chord

Some truss designs require longitudinal ties, stiffeners or other supplementary Cyclonic & Non-Cyclonic
members to be applied to webs. Where longitudinal ties are used, they should
be 70 x 35 (F5) or as specified by the truss fabricator. Where longitudinal The following details should be used as a guide only as hold down
ties are used, they should be continuous and fixed to web of each truss at requirements will vary depending on the type of supporting structure.
mid-height with 2 x 3.75 dia. nails and braced back to truss with one bay of The method of hold down is the responsibility of the builder.
crossed SpeedBrace at each end and intermediate bay at 10m centres fixed For a more accurate assessment of hold down requirements on specific jobs,
as shown below. Ties may be spliced by lapping over 2 adjacent trusses. refer to truss design outputs.
Web stiffeners may be specified in lieu of web ties where it is difficult to fit When tie-downs are attached to frames incorporating single sided stud
web ties because of the small number of trusses or the varying position of the straps such as StudStrap and WallStrap, the tie-down bracket should connect
webs. eg. Truncated trusses and Hip trusses. to the same side of the frame as the strap.
Web stiffeners may be timber sections fitted on-site or steel Eliminator Details for fixing wall plates to foundations are to be provided by others.
stiffeners fixed during manufacture. Where timber stiffeners are used these The supporting structure must also be designed by others to resist all vertical
should be the size and grade specified by the truss designer and should be and horizontal loadings.
continuous for the full length of the web. Timber stiffeners are to be fixed
as below. TrussGrip (TRG)
Bend brace over chord and fix
with 5 nails to face of chord.
Typical both ends of brace.

2 nails to web of each

intersection and truss
Braces to cross web
at mid-height to Web ties as specified.
match tie Fix to each truss web Roof truss
at mid-height with
2 x 3.75mm nails.

Angle of brace to
web tie to be between
30° and 45°

3.15mm dia. nails

3.15mm dia. nails at 225mm max.
centres staggered
at 225mm max.
centres to each member Universal Trip-L-Grip (TGU)
Top Plate Fixing

TrussSpacer for Web Tie

Load Direction A

4 nails

Angle of brace
to be between 2 nails
30º and 45º

Cross bracing with

SpeedBrace, wrap brace 4 nails
over chord and fix with
5/30 x 2.8 dia. RH nails
typical at both ends of
braces. Trip-L-Grip (TGL/R)

Load Direction A

The TrussSpacer can also be used as permanent lateral bracing for webs in
standard roof trusses for domestic constructions. The TrussSpacer can be
used as a web tie where truss designs require bracing to be applied to webs
for the following conditions.

Roof materials: Sheet or tile roof

Roof truss
Ceiling material: 13mm plasterboard, battened
4 nails
Spacing: 600 and 900mm

Pitch: 45°max.
2 nails
Span: 16m
4 nails
Wind Classification: Up to C2

CycloneTie CT180 CycloneTie CT600/CT900 (Wrap Under)

4 nails into
supported member 1 nail to Top Chord

CT180 Top
3 nails to
underside of
Top Plate on
1 nail to side of Top Plate on each leg each leg

1 nail to Top Chord

4 nails into support

CycloneTie CT400 (Face Fixed Only)

1 nail to Top Chord
Top plate

1 nail to top plate 3 nails to

CT400 on each leg each leg

1 nail to Top Chord

4 nails to each leg

CycloneTie CT600/CT900 (Face Fixed) Top plate CT900

3 nails to
each leg
1 nail to Top Chord

1 nail to top plate on each leg

2 CycloneTies CT600/CT900 (Wrap Under)

1 nail to Top Chord

3 nails to
underside of
2 nails to ribbon 2 nails to top plate 2/75mm long nails for Top plate top plate on
plate on each leg on each leg plates up to 38mm deep each leg
2/90mm long nails for
plates up to 50mm deep

1 nail to side of top plate on each leg

1 nail to Top Chord

Table 6
CT600 Maximum
Top Plate size
Maximum Pitch
CT900 Top Chord size (degree)
140 x 35 90 x 35 26.0
140 x 45 90 x 35 22.5
140 x 35 90 x 45 19.0
140 x 45 90 x 45 16.0
90 x 35 2 / 90 x 35 37.5
4 or 6 nails to timber lintel 90 x 45 2 / 90 x 35 33.5
lintel on each leg 90 x 35 2 / 90 x 45 22.5
90 x 45 2 / 90 x 45 19.0

CycloneTie CT1200 (Face Fixed) 4 MiTek
screws into

See Table 7

1 nail to
Top Chord
Top plate

4,6 or 8 Nails required Timber lintel

to timber lintel or each leg
Table 7
25° approx.
Minimum support width (mm) Number of screws into support
90 4
CycloneTie CT1200 (Wrap Under) 70 3
45 2

1 nail to 1 nail to top of
Top Chord truss in each leg

lintel Top plate 4 nails in each leg
into the target rings
on near side

1 nail to top plate

on each leg
3 nails to
each leg
25° approx.

1 nail to Top Chord


Top plate

4 nails in each leg

1 nail to 3 nails to into the target
top plate each leg rings on far side
on each leg
25° approx.

CycloneTie CT1200 (Rafter/Truss To Stud)

1 nail to Top Chord

CycloneTie NOTES:
Top plate (CT1200) 1. Nails are to be FAP 32 V5 hardened electro-galvanized pneumatically driven.
2. Safety gear must be worn when nailing.
3. See product data sheet for other fixing variations.

BearingPlate (BP80)
The BearingPlate has been developed to improve the crushing resistance of
wall plates under heavily loaded trusses. The positioning of a ConnectorPlate
onto the bottom chord of the truss above the BearingPlate as shown in these
specifications, will also improve the crushing resistance of the bottom chord
4,6 or 8 Nails to match the wall plate.
Stud to stud on each leg
Fixing Instructions For BearingPlate:
Position the BearingPlate centrally along the top of the wall plate and
such that it projects at least 20mm on either side of the supported truss.
Fix with four 30 x 2.8mm MiTek Reinforced Head Nails. The bottom chord
Concealed Purlin Cleat (CPC80) of the truss is to be reinforced with a ConnectorPlate located not more
than 6mm above the BearingPlate, and projects at least 10mm beyond the
Fix MiTek MSA1430 screws onto the base of the cleat into the support.
BearingPlate, as illustrated.
(Use longer MiTek MSA1465 screws if fixing down to double top plates or
In addition to the BearingPlate, a tie down connection is required to resist
supporting beams for higher uplift capacity). The required number of screws uplift. This connection should not be less than two Trip-L-Grips.
depends on the width of the support as shown in the Table 7.
HEEL SUPPORT FastFit MKIII Girder Bracket - Screws (GB340, GB350)
FastFit MKIII Girder Bracket can be installed with MiTek self tapping screws for
speedy installation.

Typical Gang-Nail
MiTek ConnectorPlate

6mm maximum gap

10mm between BearingPlate
minimum (BP80) and
ConnectorPlate ConnectorPlate
Wall width


Typical Gang-Nail

FastFit MKIII Girder Bracket - Bolts (GB340, GB350)

6mm maximum gap between
BearingPlate (BP80) FastFit MKIII Girder Bracket can also be installed with M12 bolts for speedy
and ConnectorPlate installation.

10mm minimum MiTek BearingPlate (BP80)

projection on both sides Wall width


Truss width

20mm mimimum
MiTek BearingPlate (BP80) BearingPlate (BP80)
projection on both sides

Secure BearingPlate (BP80) to Wall plate

wall top plate with 4/30x2.8
MiTek Reinforced Head Nails Prop stud width

FastFit MKIII Cyclonic Girder Bracket

GIRDER BRACKETS (GB340, GB350 Cyclonic)
Girder Brackets have been developed to support standard trusses on the FastFit MKIII Girder Bracket can be used in cyclonic wind areas to restrain
bottom chord of girder trusses or beams, and may also be used to connect large uplift if additional washers and screws are used as specified.
beams to beams. The brackets have been designed and tested to ensure
that the load of the standard truss is transferred to the girder truss or beam
without inducing rotation in the supporting member.
Determination of Bracket Type
A range of Girder Brackets are available. The type of bracket required for your
project will depend on the loads which it is required to carry. The selection
of bracket type should be done in conjunction with your MiTek fabricator or
a Structural Engineer.

FastFit MKIV Girder Bracket - Screws (GB440, GB475) Nominal Multiple Ply Truss Fixing:
FastFit MKIV Girder Bracket provides more economical connection than Over and above the additional fixing for different Girder Brackets in multiple
heavy steel brackets with similar design capacities.
ply girders, the following nominal fixing must also be installed.

Double Truss
Fasten all chords and webs together with 3.05 x 75mm glue coated or ring
shank nails (at angle), or No. 14 x 65mm screws (35mm timber) or 75mm
screws (50mm timber) at 300 centres, staggered on one side only.

Triple Truss
Fasten each outer ply to middle ply using details for double truss. In addition,
join trusses at each panel joint with one M12 bolt.

Apply to all Girder Bracket types:
1. Holes to be drilled to suit M12 bolts. Do not drill oversized holes. Use
2. Use 50 x 50 x 3 mm square or 56 mm diameter x 3 mm round washer for
FastFit MKIV Girder Bracket - Bolts (GB440, GB475) M12 bolts.
FastFit MKIV Girder Bracket can also be installed with M12 bolts.
3. Nails, where specified, to be MiTek 30 x 2.8mm diameter hot dipped
galvanised reinforced head nails.
4. Minimum Girder Truss bottom chords apply to each type of Girder Bracket.
Refer Installation Instruction drawings.
5. Where ceiling is to be fixed directly to bottom chord, notching of the
heel of supported trusses is recommended to obtain a better ceiling line,
when using MkII and FastFit short tab Girder Brackets
6. Screws, where specified, to be MiTek MSA1430 or MSA1465 anti-split
self-drilling HD galvaized screws. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN SCREWS.
Use suitable power screw driver (not power drill) with torque clutch
properly adjusted, or depth limiting driver.
7. When driving screws into denser hardwood, screws should be driven in a
single action. Do not partly drive screws and attempt to re-start. Remove
partly driven screws and start process again.

FastFit MKIII - Bolt Fitting

Hip Girder Bracket (HGB35)

A Hip Girder Bracket HGB35 can be installed on one or both sides of FastFit Supported Truss
Girder Brackets GB340, GB440 and GB475 using screw holes which are
aligned with the screw holes in the FastFit Girder Bracket.
M12 bolts

FastFit MkIII
Girder Bracket

1 locating
nail to each
General Fixing Instructions: wing to hold
bracket while
1. Locate bracket on girder truss bottom chord and hold in position by drilling holes
nailing through locating holes. If bracket has anti-rotation tab, fix nails to
underside of girder. Optional locator tabs.
2. If bolts are used to fix bracket, drill through 12mm pre-punched holes For anti-rotation tab
fix with 2 nails
into girder. Fix bracket with bolts and washers. No additional fasteners are min.
required for multiple ply girders beyond nominal fixing. Girder Truss Bottom Chord
3. If screws are used in FastFit MkIII and MkIV Girder Bracket, drive screws
through 7mm pre-punched holes into girder. Use 30mm screws in single M12 bolts Washer M12 bolts
ply and 65mm screws in double 35mm ply girder. With triple 35mm ply
girder, use 65mm screws in bracket and fix 3 additional 65mm screws in
back of girder truss behind bracket. Alternatively, use 100mm No. 14 Type
17 hex head screws in bracket. With multiple 50mm ply girder, use bolts
or longer screws.
4. Install supported truss on bracket and position it hard against girder.
5. Fix supported truss to bracket according to diagram for type of Girder Bracket.
6. All Fasteners (bolts, screws and nails) must be tightly secured before
trusses are loaded.
FastFit MKIII - Screw Fitting FastFit MKIV - Screw Fixing
For 120mm Girder Truss Bottom Chord
Fix FastFit MkIV Girder Bracket with 12 screws to the girder truss bottom
chord and 16 screws in round holes to the supported truss.

Supported Girder Truss Bottom Chord




6 screws to 8 screws to min.
4 screws to each
each wing each flange Supported Truss
wing and
each flange

1 locating nail Optional locator tabs.

to each wing to For anti-rotation tab 90 Fix FastFit MkIV Girder Bracket with 16 screws to the girder truss bottom
hold bracket fix with 2 nails min. chord and 16 screws in round holes to the supported truss.
while driving screws
Girder Truss Bottom Chord

MiTek screws MiTek screws

Girder Truss Bottom Chord


Use 3 MiTek screws to each wing in addition to M12 bolts. Washers are also 140
required on both sides of flanges. If length of heel plate is less than 175mm min.
then the supported truss should be either manufactured with GQ4075 Anti
Split plates, or alternatively have 3T10 Tylok Plates installed on site. 90
(See diagram). 8 screws to each wing min.
and each flange Supported Truss
FastFit MKIII Cyclonic
Supported Truss
GQ4075 or 3T10
Tylok AntiSplit plates
(both sides) FastFit MKIV - Bolt Fixing
10mm from end of Fix FastFit MkIV Girder Bracket with 4 M12 bolts to the girder truss bottom
MkIII Girder Bracket chord and 4 M12 bolts to the supported truss. Use washers on both sides of
(If heel plate less than girder truss bottom chord.
175mm long).

55mm x 3.0mm
thick washers both sides Girder Truss Bottom Chord

3 screws and 140

1 M12 bolt to min.
each wing for
cyclonic wind
conditions 2 bolts to each wing
with washers on
Heel Plate Optional both timber and 4 bolts to Supported
1 locating nail 120 flange Truss
to each wing to locator tab girder bracket face
hold bracket Girder Truss
120mm Bottom Chord depth HIP GIRDER BRACKET
1. Locate FastFit Girder Bracket on girder truss bottom chord and hold in
3 MiTek Screws Washer M12 Bolts
position by nailing through small locating holes.
M12 Bolts 2. Position and align the screw holes of the Hip Girder Bracket HGB35 with
the screws holes in the FastFit Girder Bracket.
3. Drive four screws in HGB35 through common holes in FastFit Girder
Bracket wing. Drive all remaining screws into wings of FastFit Girder
Bracket. Use MSA1430 screws in single ply and MSA1465 screws in
double ply 35mm girder. Refer to FastFit Girder Bracket instructions on
page 21 for triple 35mm ply girders and multiple ply 50mm girders.

Universal Girder Brackets
MidLoad (GBM) and HiLoad (GBH) Girder Brackets
These Girder Brackets are manufactured with a long cleat to prevent twisting
1 locating nail of the bottom chord of the girder truss. The cleat also has a cut away section
into each wing which avoids the possibility of interference with ceiling linings. The supported
truss can also be located on either side of the cleat making the location of the
bracket much simpler.
The HiLoad Girder Bracket is suitable for girder truss bottom chords of
Girder Truss 130mm and deeper. Whereas, the MidLoad Girder Bracket incorporates M12
Bottom Chord
bolts, therefore reducing cost and allowing the use of 90mm bottom chords.

Girder Bracket


Fix MSA1430 or MSA1465 screws

through both Girder Brackets
into Girder Truss

Girder Truss
Bottom Chord


Fix MSA1430 screws through

both Girder Brackets into
Supported Truss



Install Supported Truss

Specifications for Boomerang Girder Bracket are the same as Universal
4. Install supported truss on FastFit Girder Bracket and position it hard HiLoad Girder Bracket except for cleat angle.
against the girder truss to ensure all trusses are plumb.
When ordering specify left hand (LH) or right hand (RH) and the angle
5. Drive 2 MiTek screws through common holes in HGB35 and FastFit Girder required. Boomerang Girder Brackets are available with 22.5° or 45° cleats
Bracket flange and fix the remaining screws into the supported truss. only. For other angles use a wedge as specified in installation instructions.

6. Position hip truss/rafter on HGB35 and optionally secure with 2 nails under.
7. Drive MSA1465 screws through both inclined sides of HGB35 into hip

Fix 2 nails under Fix MSA1465 screws on

(optional) both sides

Hip Truss/Rafter

GBBL22 GBBR22 HiLoad

Supported Truss

22.5° or 45° 22.5° or 45°

M16 Bolts

Fixing Instructions for

Hiload and Midload Girder Brackets:
1. Install the Girder Truss straight and plumb. Apply temporary and/or
permanent bracing as required by design.
2. Locate bracket on Girder Truss bottom chord and fix into position by
nailing through locating holes.
3. Drill through pre-punched bolt holes into Girder Truss bottom chord.
Fix bracket to Girder Truss bottom chord with bolts ensuring correct
washers are used to provide bearing against the timber.
4. Position Standard Truss in the bracket so that it is hard against both the
cleat and the vertical leg of angle. Nail to secure bracket
while drilling
5. Fix truss being carried to Girder Bracket by drilling through pre-punched
holes in Girder Bracket cleat.
Universal HiLoad Girder Bracket
6. Ensure washers are fitted and all bolts are tightened before loading roof.
NOTES: 130
Girder Truss Bottom Chord min.
1. Holes to be drilled to suit M16 bolts for Girder Bracket HiLoad and M12 bolts
for Girder Bracket MidLoad. Do not drill oversized holes and use hexagonal
2. Girder Truss bottom chords to be a minimum of 130mm (nominal) for
Girder Bracket HiLoad and 90mm for Girder Bracket MidLoad. Fixing Instructions for
3. Where ceiling is to be fixed directly to bottom chord, notching of the heel Boomerang Girder Brackets:
of supported trusses is recommended to obtain a better ceiling line.
1 Follow steps 1 to 6 as for HiLoad and MidLoad Girder Brackets on
4. Supported Truss bottom chords to be a minimum of 90mm (nominal) for previous page.
Girder Bracket HiLoad.
2. For trusses with intersecting angles that do not correspond to cleat angle,
Midload cut suitable dry timber wedges to match angle.
3. Install standard truss and clamp wedges on both sides as shown at right.
4. Drill through pre-punched holes and fit 2/M16 bolts.
Supported Truss NOTES:
1. Holes to be drilled to suit M16 all thread bolts for Girder Bracket Boomerang.
Do not drill oversized holes and use hexagonal head nuts. DO NOT USE
2. Where ceiling is to be fixed directly to bottom chord, notching of the heel
of supported trusses is recommended to obtain a better ceiling line.
3. Supported Truss bottom chords to be a minimum of 90 mm (nominal) for
Girder Bracket Boomerang.

M16 All Thread Bolts

Supported Truss

Nail to secure bracket

while drilling M12 Bolts

Universal MidLoad Girder Bracket

Girder Truss Bottom Chord min.

M12 Bolts Washer

Nail to secure bracket

while drilling

Universal Girder Bracket

Girder Truss Bottom Chord min.

Girder Truss Bottom Chord OVERHANG STRUTTING
Where rafters or truss overhangs require additional support, the overhang
is strutted in accordance with AS 4440 as shown in the following diagrams.
Refer to AS 4440 for full details
(a) Truss pitch >18°

Supported Truss
Stiffener, if required
Suitable dry timber wedges
Eve Trimmer

Hip Hold-Down with CycloneTie 1200

CycloneTie 1200 can be used for Hip hold down in conjunction with Propping effect
Mid/HiLoad girder brackets. on stud wall
requires checking
1. Secure the incoming girder and locate the hip truss into position. Ledger plate
Bend a CycloneTie 1200 over the top chord of the hip truss and move
about 200mm along top chord and fix with one nail.
(b) Truss pitch <18°


MidLoad (GBM), HiLoad (GBH) or ExtraHeavy Equal

HiLoad (GBXH) Girder Bracket

200mm approx.
Supported Propping effect
Truss on stud wall
requires checking

Ledger plate

Eave trimmer lifted to prop

45° CycloneTie overhang midway
Hip Truss
Fix 1 nail Strut
(Eaves Trimmer)
Girder Truss as required
bottom chord by AS 4440

2. Bend one leg under the bottom chord of the incoming girder and the
other under the supporting girder. Tap slightly to make a tight bend then
wrap them under the chords and fix with 4 nails as shown in diagram

Girder Truss Bottom Chord

1 nail to Top Chord

Fix 4 nails
Ledger plate

Fix 4 nails 100 x 25 F8 min.

150mm packing blocks to
Fascia to support
be fixed @600mm centres
creeper rafter on
with 2/3.75mm dia nails
hip overhang
Strut (Eaves Trimmer)
to be placed either side of
hip as required by AS 4440
Supported NOTES:
MidLoad, HiLoad or Truss
ExtraHeavy HiLoad The hip corner detail is not suitable for the following situations:
Girder Bracket Hip Truss 1. Where the hip corners have a cantilevered section of roof on either side of
the overhang. Special engineering is required in the case of cantilevered roof.
2. The standard roof overhang exceeds 900mm.
3. The truss spacing exceeds 900mm.

a) Standard truss
Where guardrails are attached to overhangs, additional overhang stiffeners
may be required. The Tables 8 and 9 provide maximum unstiffened overhang
distances for top chords supporting guardrail posts. Where stiffeners are
required to support guardrail, the maximum overhang distance is the same Guardrail post 200
as the unstiffened top chord which only supports the design roof loading.
These recommendations only apply where: Stiffener

1. Trusses have been designed and manufactured by authorised MiTek

2. Guardrail loads are as specified in AS 1657-1992 ‘Fixed platforms,
walkways, stairways and ladders-Design, construction and installation’.
3. Only one guardrail post is to be fitted to a truss overhang. Overhang - Refer Tables 8 and 9
4. Maximum spacing of guardrail posts in 2400mm.
b) Truncated truss
5. A guardrail post is not to be fixed to a jack rafter whose total length is less
than twice its overhang.
6. Guardrail posts are not fixed to the gable end or raking trusses. All guardrail
systems used on gable ends are to restrain guardrail system loads Guardrail post
independently of raking truss.
7. Guardrails should be fixed continuously around the corners, such as hip
ends of roofs with minimum of two guardrail posts in both directions
before the rail is spliced.
1. These recommendations are not suitable for supporting fall-arrest systems
and devices. Overhang - Refer Tables 8 and 9
2. Truss modifications in this sheet have been checked for top chord/jack
rafter fixed guardrail systems only. c) Jack rafter
3. No truss members are to be cut or drilled, to enable the fixing of guardrail posts.
Stiffener on
Truss Modifications Guardrail post
jack rafter

A stiffener member is to be fixed to the side of a jack rafter or truss top Hip truss
chord overhang at each point where a guardrail post is located and where the
overhang exceeds the value in Table 8 and 9.
The stiffener is to be continuous and extend from the end of the overhang to
the first panel point of the truss top chord plus 200mm or to the entire length
of a jack rafter. Refer to detail A.
Ceiling joist
Stiffener is to be the same grade as the overhang and fixed with minimum
65mm long by 2.8mm diameter nails, staggered to one side only as shown Overhang - Refer Tables 8 and 9
in Figure 3. In addition, fix two nails at the truss heel (or support point) and
at ends of the stiffener. Where screws are used in lieu of nails, use minimum
No. 10 gauge screws at the same spacing and pattern, provided that they Table 8 - Stiffener Fixing Requirements - Unseasoned timbers
penetrate a minimum of 75% into the thickness of the final receiving member.
F8 F11 F14 F17
Figure 3. Nail lamination of stiffener Maximum overhang with no stiffener required
to support guardrail post
Jack rafters/trusses with sheet roof @ 900 mm max. spacing.
Wind Class. N4 & C2
2D max. D
75 x 38 N N N 800
75 x 50 N 800 850 950
100 x 38 650 900 1000 1100
100 x 50 900 1050 1150 1250
Jack rafters/trusses with sheet roof @ 1200 mm max. spacing.
Wind Class. N4 & C2
75 x 38 N N N 700
75 x 50 N 650 700 800
Additional nails at 100 x 38 600 750 850 950
end of member 100 x 50 750 850 1000 1100
and support point
Jack rafters/trusses with terracotta tile roof @ 600 mm max.
spacing. Wind Class. N4 & C2
75 x 38 N N N 650
75 x 50 N 550 700 700
100 x 38 450 800 850 900
100 x 50 850 900 900 950
1. N denotes Not Suitable 3. Maximum roof pitch = 35°
2. NA denotes size is Not Available 4. Maximum undersized 3mm

Table 9 - Stiffener Fixing Requirements - Seasoned timbers

Size F5 F8 F11 MGP10 MGP12 MGP15 Hychord F17
Maximum overhang with no stiffener required to support guardrail post
Jack rafters/trusses with sheet roof @ 900 mm maximum spacing. Wind Classification N4 & C2
70 x 35 N N N N N 400 750 700
70 x 45 N N 650 N N 750 NA 800
90 x 35 N N 800 N 700 900 950 900
90 x 45 N 750 900 N 800 1000 NA 1050
Jack rafters/trusses with sheet roof @ 1200 mm maximum spacing. Wind Classification N4 & C2
70 x 35 N N N N N 350 650 600
70 x 45 N N 550 N N 650 NA 700
90 x 35 N N 700 N 600 750 800 800
90 x 45 N 650 750 N 700 850 NA 900
Jack rafters/trusses with terracotta tile roof @ 600 mm maximum spacing. Wind Classification N4 & C2
70 x 35 N N N N N 250 700 550
70 x 45 N N 400 N N 800 NA 800
90 x 35 N N 850 N 650 1000 900 950
90 x 45 N 850 950 N 1000 1050 NA 1000
1. N denotes Not Suitable
2. NA denotes size is Not Available
3. Maximum roof pitch = 35°

Truss Installation Detail C. Fixing of Jack Rafter to Hip Truss

Trusses and jack rafters that support guardrail loads are to be installed
in accordance with AS 4440 and with additional fixing as specified in
Figure 4.
Hip TC
Guardrails are to be
continuous around corner





Detail B Jack


JR Detail C MiTek Structural Tie Down Strap (TD2230)

with 4 No. 30 x 2.8 diameter reinforced head
J1 nails to each end of strap

Figure 4. Truss fixings

Detail B. Fixing of Hip Truss to Truncated Girder Truss

Hip truss

Jack rafters/trusses
fixed to hip trussas
per AS 4440


Stiffeners fixed to hip truss using MiTek

CreeperConnector with 4 No. 30 x 2.8 diameter
reinforced head nails to each leg

The following index provides a description of the various hold down and hanger fixing labels that appear in MiTek 20/20 output.
NOTE: Refer to the particular product specification data sheet for its complete fixing instructions.

Index to MiTek 20/20 Fixing Labels

Label Product Brief Description Reference

AS 1684 &
Framing nails, to size
3.15DIA -2 Fix 2/3.15 dia. framing nails. AS 4440
& number shown

BC200 Boomerang
Boomerang Connector, Fix Boomerang Connector with 2.8 dia. MiTek nails using Single Fold or Double Fold
Single Fold Connector
to fold method shown method around mitre cut. (Refer data sheet for folding instructions)
(Double Fold) data sheet

Fix BlockFast to concrete masonry with FAP32V5 GKN coated nails in method shown:
Heel – Fix at truss heel
BF BlockFast Wrap – Wrap and fix over web joints
data sheet
Vert – Fixed vertically to side of web
Install a pair if “Dbl” as indicated.

BP80 BearingPlate Fix BearingPlate with 2.8 dia. MiTek nails to top plate directly under girder.
data sheet

CreeperConnector, in
Join members together with 3/75mm framing nails before fixing CreeperConnector CreeperConnector
CC200 straight, (L)eft or (R)ight
with 2.8 dia. MiTek nails. (Refer data sheet for folding instructions) data sheet
hand version as shown

CC200R CreeperConnector
Refer to individual product descriptions for their fixing requirements. & CycloneTie
& CT600 Under + CycloneTie combination
data sheet

CPC80 4x1430 Fix CPC80 with 4 MiTek screws into support (Sup) and 4 MiTek screws into truss (Tr).
Concealed Purlin Cleat Purlin Cleat
Sup/4x1430 Tr Install a pair if “Dbl” is indicated.
data sheet

CT180L 8 Face CycloneTie (L)eft or

(R)ight 180mm long with Fix CycloneTie with 4 nails to support and 4 nails to supported member.
CT180R 8 Face data sheet
number of nails shown

CycloneTie, in 400mm,
CT400 Fix CycloneTie to support “Face” with 8/2.8 dia. MiTek nails, i.e. 4 nails in each leg.
600mm or 900mm length CycloneTie
(CT600, CT900) Wrap and fix legs under support if “Fixed Under” is indicated.
with number of data sheet
8 Face Install a pair of CycloneTies if “Dbl” is indicated.
nails shown

Fix CycloneTie with MiTek nails in method shown:

CycloneTie, in 1200mm CycloneTie 1200
CT1200 Type A Type A - Fix legs to support face,
length to method shown data sheet
Type B – Wrap and fix legs under support.

CycloneTie, in stainless Stainless Steel

Fix stainless steel CycloneTie to support face with 8 stainless steel MiTek nails,
CT600SS 8 Face steel with number of CycloneTie
i.e. 4 nails in each leg. Install a pair if “Dbl” is indicated.
nails shown data sheet

CeilingTie, in stainless Stainless Steel

Fix stainless steel CeilingTie with 3 stainless steel MiTek nails in each leg.
CT160LSS Dbl steel (L)eft or (R)ight CeilingTie
Install a pair if “Dbl” is indicated.
hand version shown data sheet

GB340 Bolt FastFit MkIII Girder Fix MkIII Girder Bracket with M12 bolts (or MiTek screws). Girder Brackets
(or Screw) Bracket, to size shown Girder is “Dbl” or “Trpl” ply where indicated. data sheet

GB340 FastFit MkIII Girder Fix MkIII Girder Bracket with M12 bolts in wings and MiTek screws in shoe. Girder Brackets
Bolt & Screw Bracket, to size shown Girder is “Dbl” or “Trpl” ply where indicated. data sheet

GB340 FastFit MkIII Girder Fix MkIII Girder Bracket with MiTek screws in wings and M12 bolts in shoe. Girder Brackets
Screw & Bolt Bracket, to size shown Girder is “Dbl” or “Trpl” ply where indicated. data sheet

FastFit MkIII Cyclonic

Fix MkIII Cyclonic Girder Bracket with MiTek screws and M12 bolts. Girder Brackets
GB340 Cyc Girder Bracket,
Girder is “Dbl” or “Trpl” ply where indicated. data sheet
to size shown

FastFit MkIII Cyclonic

Fix MkIII Cyclonic Girder Bracket together Hip Girder Bracket with MiTek screws. Girder Brackets
GB340 + HGB35 Girder Bracket
Girder is “Dbl” or “Trpl” ply where indicated. data sheet
+ Hip Girder Bracket

GB440 (GB475) FastFit MkIV Girder Fix MkIV Girder Bracket with M12 bolts (or MiTek screws). Girder Brackets
Bolt (or Screw) Bracket, to size shown Girder is “Dbl” or “Trpl” ply where indicated. data sheet

FastFit MkIV Fix MkIV Girder Bracket with MiTek screws for 120mm girder truss bottom chord. Girder Brackets
GB440 120BC
Girder Bracket Girder is “Dbl” or “Trpl” ply where indicated. data sheet

FastFit MkIV Cyclonic

Fix MkIV Cyclonic Girder Bracket together Hip Girder Bracket with MiTek screws. Girder Brackets
GB440 + HGB35 Girder Bracket
Girder is “Dbl” or “Trpl” ply where indicated. data sheet
+ Hip Girder Bracket

GBH Bolt Dbl Fix HiLoad Girder Bracket with M16 bolts into double (Dbl) girder to (Sup)port
HiLoad Girder Bracket Girder Brackets
Sup Trpl triple (Trpl) truss. Install additional CT1200 if “Strap” is indicated.
data sheet

GBH Bolt HiLoad Girder Bracket Fix HiLoad Girder Bracket with M16 bolts and strap diagonal hip truss down
Girder Brackets
CT1200 and CT1200 CycloneTie with CT1200 CycloneTie.
data sheet

Girder Brackets
HiLoad Girder Bracket Fix HiLoad Girder Bracket with M16 bolts and heavy duty over-strap to supported truss
GBH Bolt Strap data sheet
and over-strap when “Strap” is shown. Refer to MiTek User Guide MIUG-0041 for details of over-strap.
& MIUG-0041
user guide

Fix MidLoad Girder Bracket with M12 bolts. Girder is “Dbl” or “Trpl” ply where indicated.
GBM Bolt MidLoad Girder Bracket Girder Brackets
Strap down diagonal hip truss with CycloneTie if “CT1200” is shown.
data sheet

Boomerang Girder
Fix Boomerang Girder Bracket with M16 bolts and heavy duty over-strap to supported Girder Brackets
GBBL22 Bracket, in (L)eft or (R)
truss when “Strap” is shown. Refer to MiTek User Guide MIUG-0041 for details data sheet
Bolt Strap ight hand version of angle
of over-strap. & MIUG-0041
shown and over-strap
user guide

FaceFix I-BeamHanger,
IBHF20050 Fix 50x200 FaceFix I-BeamHanger into supporting beam with 4 MiTek screws in each I-BeamHangers
in size shown
4 Screws flange and into supported joist with 3.75 dia. nails through dimples. data sheet
and fixing indicated

IBHT24090 Fix 90x240 TopFix I-BeamHanger into top of supporting beam with 6 nails I-BeamHangers
TopFix I-BeamHanger
6 Nails Top and into supported joist with 3.75 dia. nails through dimples. data sheet

JoistHanger, in size Fix 35x90 JoistHanger with MiTek nails. JoistHanger

shown (Refer to instructions for number of nails required) data sheet

JoistHanger in size shown Fix nogging/back-blocking behind truss in addition to JoistHanger. JoistHanger
JH4090 Nog
+ nogging/back-blocking (Refer to instructions for method) data sheet

JH40120 JoistHanger, to size JoistHanger

Fix components together with 4/3.15 dia. framing nails in addition to JoistHanger.
+4x3.15 nails shown + framing nails data sheet

Stainless Steel
JoistHanger, in stainless Fix 47x90 stainless steel JoistHanger with stainless steel MiTek nails.
JH4790SS Nog JoistHanger
steel to size shown Fix nogging/back-blocking behind truss if “Nog” is indicated.
data sheet

Fix 45 Degree JoistHanger with MiTek nails according to one of the following methods:
45 Degree JoistHanger, Typ 1: Both legs wrapped over truss 45 Degree
to (L)eft or (R)ight Typ 2: Both legs up side of web JoistHanger
(or JHAR) Typ 1
hand version shown Typ 3: One leg over truss, one leg up side of web data sheet
(Refer product specifications for nailing pattern)

JST 3 Nails JoistStrap Fix JoistStrap to each member with number of MiTek nails indicated.
data sheet

Truss hold down

Refer to MiTek User Guide MIUG-0025 for details of truss hold down in blockwork MIUG-0025
MIUG25 1A in blockwork,
using method type 1A. user guide
to method indicated

Truss hold down

Refer to MiTek User Guide MIUG-0026 for details of truss hold down to timber framing MIUG-0026
MIUG26 3B to timber framing,
using method type 3B. user guide
to method indicated

Special hold down bracket, Refer to supplier for details of 25kN capacity truss hold down bracket fixed M2UG-0030
MIUG30 25kN
to uplift capacity shown to side of truss. user guide

Special hold down bracket, Refer to supplier for details of 40kN capacity truss hold down bracket fixed with M2UG-0030
MIUG30U 40kN
to uplift capacity shown strap over joint. user guide

Special hold down bracket, Refer to supplier for details of 50kN capacity truss hold down bracket fixed to vertical M2UG-0030
MIUG30V 50kN
to uplift capacity shown web of truss. user guide

Anchor rod hold down, Refer to supplier for details of truss hold down with cleat over truss held down by MIUG-0043
to method indicated anchor rods on both sides using method type 1A. user guide

SPH140 SplitHangers, SplitHanger

Fix a pair of 140mm deep SplitHangers with 6 MiTek Screws in each flange.
6 Scrw/6 Scrw to size and fixing shown data sheet

Special hanger
TBS (TBS+) Refer to supplier for details of special hanger or hold down fixing. Supplier to provide
(or special hold down)

TGL (or TGR) A (L)eft or (R)ight Fix Trip-L-Grip in orientation A (Refer product sheet). Install a pair if “Dbl” is indicated.
data sheet
hand version

TGM E MultiGrip Fix MultiGrip in orientation E (Refer product sheet). Install a pair if “Dbl” is indicated.
data sheet

Fix Universal Trip-L-Grip in orientation A (Refer product sheet). Universal Trip-L-Grip

TGU A Universal Trip-L-Grip
Install a pair if “Dbl” is indicated. data sheet

Universal Trip-L-Grip, Stainless Steel

Fix stainless steel Universal Trip-L-Grip in orientation A (Refer product sheet).
TGUSS A in stainless steel Universal Trip-L-Grip
Install a pair if “Dbl” is indicated.
to orientation shown data sheet

TRG TrussGrip Fix TrussGrip to side of truss and support. Install a pair if Dbl is indicated.
data sheet

Fix UniLedger to supporting beam with MiTek screws, and with 10g screw to supported UniLedger
UL7550 Floor UniLedger
member. Also fix top of members together with framing nails. data sheet

UL7550 UniLedger + CycloneTie, Fix UniLedger to girder truss with MiTek screws, and strap down each supported truss UniLedger
+ 2xCT1200 to number shown to girder truss with CT1200 CycloneTie. data sheet

When installing your roof trusses use the following checklist to ensure Permanent Bracing
a quality job and to avoid overlooking any important aspects. TOP CHORD BRACING

Supporting Structure ❏❏ Is the SpeedBrace configuration correct according to “Fixing & Bracing
❏❏ Check that all top plates that support trusses are level and straight. ❏❏ Is the SpeedBrace apex fixing correct according to “Fixing & Bracing
(Any misalignment of supporting structure will be reflected in the Guidelines”?
straightness of the roof.) ❏❏ Is the SpeedBrace fixing to each truss top chord correct according to
“Fixing & Bracing Guidelines”?
❏❏ Check that the distance between supporting walls match the spans of the
❏❏ Is the SpeedBrace to top plate fixing correct according to “Fixing &
trusses. Bracing Guidelines”?
❏❏ Are the tops of internal non-load bearing walls set down below that of ❏❏ Is the SpeedBrace splice detail correct according to “Fixing & Bracing
external load bearing walls? Guidelines”?
❏❏ Has all cantilever and web bracing been installed as per design?
❏❏ Are lintels in load bearing walls suitable for truss loading?
❏❏ Have all web ties been installed and braced back to a rigid part of the
❏❏ Is supporting structure fully braced, plumb and stable? building with cross braces?
❏❏ Are roof battens of correct size and grade?
Roof Trusses
❏❏ Are roof battens fixed to each truss including to each ply of double & triple
❏❏ Have trusses been stored and lifted in accordance with these instructions? girders using the correct size nails?
❏❏ Are trusses free of any modifications, cut members or broken members? ❏❏ Are roof battens spliced correctly:

❏❏ Does the truss design criteria on the documentation conform to the job ❏❏ (a) no more than 1 in 3 on any truss?

specification for roof cladding and special loads, eg roof mounted hot ❏❏ (b) no 2 splices adjacent on any truss and none in unbraced zones of
gable roof ends?
water tanks, air conditioners, etc?
❏❏ Are intermediate top chord ties fixed between saddle trusses (if applicable)?
❏❏ Are trusses correctly positioned according to truss layout plan? BOTTOM CHORD BRACING
❏❏ Are trusses accurately spaced? ❏❏ For suspended ceilings or where furring channels are “clipped” to bottom
chords: have bottom chord ties and diagonal bracing been installed
❏❏ Have cantilever or internally supported trusses been orientated correctly in accordance with AS 4440?
i.e. are “Support Here” labels located above bearing walls?
Truss Connection Details
❏❏ Are trusses installed within installation tolerances: ❏❏ Have trusses been fixed to top plates correctly at:
❏❏ (a) Plumb - All sections of truss less than 50mm or height/50 ❏❏ (a) load bearing wall i.e. Trip-L-Grip?
out of vertical? ❏❏ (b) internal non-brace wall i.e. InternalWall Bracket?
❏❏ (c) internal braced wall i.e. blocking pieces fixed in accordance with
❏❏ (b) Bow - All chord bows less than 50mm or chord length/200?
AS 4440?
❏❏ Are all multiple ply trusses nailed/screwed/bolted together? ❏❏ Have hip end components been fixed correctly at:
❏❏ Are all waling plates fixed to truss as per design? ❏❏ (a) jack truss to hip truss - small stations i.e. nailed?

❏❏ Is gable end framing as per design? ❏❏ (b) jack truss to hip truss - large station i.e. Creeper Connector?
❏❏ (c) hip truss & jack trusses to truncated girder and to truncated
❏❏ Do all trusses in corrosive environments have stainless steel plates standard truss as per AS 4440?
and/or other suitable protection? ❏❏ (d) structural fascia and/or strutted overhangs?
Temporary Bracing ❏❏ Are saddle trusses fixed in accordance with AS 4440?
❏❏ Are standard truss to girder truss fixing type according to approved plans
❏❏ Are top chord temporary ties no greater than 3000mm spacing?
and are all nails/bolts installed and tight?
❏❏ Are bottom chord temporary ties no greater the 4000mm spacing? ❏❏ Has all strengthening been completed for guard rail systems­(if applicable)?

All MiTek products specified in this guideline are engineered building products that have been designed,
developed and tested in the corporate engineering laboratory of MiTek Australia to comply with the requirements
of the Building Code of Australia. The design values, applications and specifications of these products are certified
by qualified chartered engineers and they are published in individual product brochures freely available on the
MiTek website. Further information, support and guidance on any of these products may be obtained by contacting
one of our offices listed below.

For more information about MiTek’s Engineered Building Products or any other MiTek products or your nearest
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licensed MiTek fabricator, please call your local state office or visit:


VIC (03) 8795 8888 NSW (02) 8525 8000 QLD (07) 3861 2100 SA (08) 8234 1326 WA (08) 9412 3534 New Zealand (09) 274 7109

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