A Blessed Church Fire Emergency Contingency Plan 2024
A Blessed Church Fire Emergency Contingency Plan 2024
A Blessed Church Fire Emergency Contingency Plan 2024
The following fire emergency contingency plan has been prepared by Hye Sung Ind.
(Phils.) Inc. to protect the safety and welfare of the employees and community in the event of
fire and also with respect to preparedness and prevention for emergency events.
The contingency plan is intended as a guide of emergency procedures in the event of fire.
This document is also intended as a reference source to familiarize local emergency response
agencies, fire and police departments and area hospitals on operations relating to fire incident
and the emergency response at Hye Sung Ind.(Phils.) Inc.
Mr. Soon Suk Hong Business: 437-1501/1502
(Exec. Director)
Cell Number: 0977-855-2046
Mr. Deok Jin Bae Business: 437-1501-1502
(General Manager)
Cell Number: 0917-594-0033
Production Area – Mr. April Lito Paragas (Deputy Fire Brigade Chief)
Molding / Press Area – Mr. Gary Dimaala and Mr. Manuel Ortilano Jr.
The following actions will be taken if in case of a machine, container, hazardous containment
area and other company’s site is affected by fire or explosion:
1. The facility emergency fire alarm is sounded from pull boxes located in strategic
locations. By any employee who is close to the incident of fire.
2. Notify the Fire Brigade Team Leader(s) of the section where the incident of fire
happened. He /She will assess the situation.
a. Employees may use nearby fire fighting equipment (fire extinguisher) to provide
early containment of the fire to significantly reduce the total damage.
Block 6 Lot 2A Phase II, CEPZ, Rosario, Cavite
Tel. Nos. (046) 437-1501/02, Fax. No. (046) 437-1503
b. If the employees cannot safely and effectively perform corrective action in the
event of a fire and/or explosion, the Fire Brigade Team Leader must:
i. Assess possible hazards to human health and the environment that may
result from the fire and/or explosion. This includes:
ii. The Fire Brigade Team Leader will signal all the other Fire Brigade
Team leaders to command the evacuation towards the Evacuation Site.
3. Contact the local fire department and other emergency response organizations.
4. Operating equipment and main panel board will be shut down as necessary and
5. All injured persons will be removed and medical treatment will be administered by
trained personnel.
6. During fire, the team leaders must take all reasonable measures necessary to ensure that
fires, explosions and releases do not occur, recur, or spread to other hazardous
material/waste at the facility. These measures must include, where applicable, stopping
processes and operations, collecting and containing released waste, and removing and
isolating applicable containers.
Mr. Roldan Umandal Mr. Deok Jin Bae Mr. Soon Suk Hong
Safety Officer General Manager Executive Director