Grade 11 June Paper 1 MG

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Mathematical Literacy 1 FS/September 2016

Grade 12 Prep. Exam.




MAY – JUNE 2022

Symbol/Simbool Explanation/Verduideliking
M Method/Metode
M/A Method with accuracy/Metode van akkuraatheid
CA Consistent accuracy/Volgehoue akkuraatheid
A Accuracy/Akkuraatheid
C Conversion/Herleiding
S Simplification/Vereenvoudiging
RT Reading from a table/graph/diagram/Lees vanaf tabel/grafiek/diagram
SF Correct substitution in a formula/Korrekte vervanging in formule
O Opinion/Example/Definition/Explanation/Opinie/Voorbeeld/Definisie/Verduideliking
P Penalty, e.g., for no units, incorrect rounding off, etc./Penalisasie, bv. vir geen
eenhede/verkeerde afronding ens.
R Rounding off/afronding
NPR No penalty for cprrect rounding/Geen penalisering vir korrekte afronding nie.
NPU No penalty for the units/Geen penalisering vir eenhede nie
AO Answer only, if correct, full marks/Slegs antwoord, indien korrek, volpunte
MCA Method with consistent accuracy/Metode met volgehoue akkuraatheid

This marking guideline consists of 06 pages

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Mathematical Literacy 2 FS/June P1 2022
Grade 12 Mid-year Exam.

Question 1 [14 marks]

1.1 A F
The general increase in price of goods over a period. L1
A OR 2A increase & time
General decrease in the purchasing power of money over a time. (2)

Inflasie is die styging in die algemene prysvlakke van goedere en

dienste in die ekonomie oor ʼn gegewe tydperk.
1.2 A 2A correct word F
(a) Loss. / Verlies (2) L1
1.2 A 2A correct word F
(b) Break-even point. / Gelykbreukpunt (2) L1
1.2 A 2A correct word F
(c) Profit. / Wins (2) L1

1.3.1 2A correct word D

Electricity. / Elektrisiteit (2) L1
1.3.2 2A correct word D
Welkom . (2) L1
1.3.3 A A A 2A correct word D
Coal / Charcoal OR Cow dung (Sisu/Disu) OR Maize holder (2) L1
(Seqo/ Diqo) OR plank (timber) OR

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Mathematical Literacy P1 3 FS/June 2022
Grade 11 Mid-year Exam.


Item Solution Explanation T/L
2.1.1  A 2A teller machine F
Automated teller machine(s) / Outomatiese (2) L1
2.1.2  A 2A zero cents F
0C or Zero cents (2) L1
2.1.3  RT MA  RT 1MA correct values of 5 and 95 F
Total fees = R10 + R2,10(5) + R50 + R2,10(95) (÷100 L3
 CA on R500 and R9 500)
= R20,50 + R249,50 1RT correct tariff for R500 amount
 CA 1RT correct tariff for R9 500 amount
= R270,00 1CA simplification (work-out × &+)
1CA total amount
2.1.4  A F
2O reason
- to recover costs of operation. L4
 A OR
- to maintain bank account.
 A OR
- modify customer’s behaviour.
 A OR
- to pay salaries of its workers.
 A OR
- to pay banks expenses.
2.2  MCA F
1st year = R5 500 + [10% of R5 500] 1MA working out % L4

= R5 500 + R550  MCA 1MCA adding and simplification

1CA answer
= R6 050  CA

2nd year = R6 050 + [10% of R6 050]

1MCA simplification and adding
= R6 050 + R605  MCA
 CA 1CA answer
= R6 655
 MCA MCA subtracting R5 000
Investment – Loan amount = R6 655 – R5 500
1CA difference / enough
= R1 655. (7)
It will be enough.  O / CA
2.3.1 M 1M multiply and add P
Value of A: 5 × R5,75 + R30,50 = R59,25CA 1CA simplify L1

M 1M add
A = R42 + R5,75 + R5,75 + R5,75 = R59,25 1CA simplify

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Mathematical Literacy P1 4 FS/June 2022
Grade 11 Mid-year Exam.

2.3.2 P
Value of B: R88,00 – R30,50 = R57,50 1M subtract and divide L1
R57,50 1CA simplify
= 10 km CA

2.3.3 A A P
Cost = R30,50 + number of km × R5,75 1A R30,50 Plus L1/2
1A number of km × R5,75

Cost = R30,50 + n × R5,75 1A R30,50 plus

1A n × R5,75 where n is number of
Where n is the number of kms kms.

TAKE note: variable MUST be

explained or typed out in full for full


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Mathematical Literacy P1 5 FS/June 2022
Grade 11 Mid-year Exam.


Q/V Solution/Oplossing Explanation/Verduideliking T&L
✓✓A D
3.1.1 Nine hundred and fifty five million/ Negehondered en L1
fyf en fyftig miljoen 2A in words
3.1.2 ✓✓A D
Pinterest. 2A pinterest. L1
✓MA 1MA multiply with 51% D
51 ✓RT
3.1.3 × R600 000 000 1RT correct value L2
✓CA 1CA aantal persone
= 306 million/miljoen OR/OF R306 000 000 Omit the word million or
the zero's = max 2 marks
3.1.4 % female users / % vroulike gebruikers
= 100% − 61,9%
1A correct percentage
= 38,1% ✓A

Female users / Vroulike gebruikers

 325 000 000 ✓M 1M % calculation
100 1CA simplification
= 123,825 million/miljoen OR/OF R123 825 000 ✓CA

Male users / Manlike gebruikers

 325 000 000
= 201,175 million/miljoen OR/OF 201 175 000 ✓CA 1CA simplification
Difference / Verskil 1M subtraction
= 201 175 000 – 123 825 000 ✓M
= 77 350 000 ✓CA 1CA simplification
1O valid
His statement is valid/Sy bewering is geldig. ✓O
Male users / Manlike gebruikers
61,9 1M % calculation
 325 000 000 ✓M
= 201,175 million/miljoen OR/OF 201 175 000 ✓CA 1CA simplification

325 000 000 – 201 175 000 ✓MA 1MA subtracting female from
= 123 825 000 ✓CA male
Difference / Verskil 1M difference/aftrekking
= 201 175 000 – 123 825 000 1CA simplification
= 77 350 000 ✓CA ✓O 1O valid
His statement is not valid/Sy bewering is mie geldig nie. (7)

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Mathematical Literacy P1 6 FS/June 2022
Grade 11 Mid-year Exam.


Q/V Solution/Oplossing Explanation/Verduideliking T&L

✓✓A D

4.1.1 Twenty one (21)/ Een en twentig. 2A in words L1


4.1.2 D
(a) Range = Highest result – Lowest result L1
✓MA 1MA subtracting correct
= 70 – 39

✓ CA
= 31 1CA value
4.1.2 ✓ RT D
(b) Median (middle value of arranged data) = (60 + 64) ÷ 2 ✓ M 1RT identify 60 and 64 L2
1M dividing by 2
= 62 ✓ CA 1CA median value
4.1.2 D
✓ MA
(c) Mean = (64 + 64 + 69 + 70 + 64 + 63 + 44 + 49 + 50 + 1MA adding all values L2
61 + 50) ÷ 11
1M dividing by 11
= 648 ÷ 11 ✓ M
1CA mean
= 58,9 ✓CA

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Mathematical Literacy 7 FS/June P1 2022
Grade 12 Mid-year Exam.

Q/V Solution/Oplossing Explanation/Verduideliking T&L

4.2.1 Tot. Grocer value 2016: F
✓ MA L1
R76,99 + R20,98 + 131,97 + R28,55 + R108,82 +
R40,00 + R58,33 + R87,14 + R45,33 + R73,32 1MA adding correct values

= R671,43 ✓ CA 1CA total

4.2.1 Total basket’s average increase: F
(b) Aver Inc = (8,66 + 6,83 + 7,83 + 1,00 + 23,61 – 2,50 + L3
16,20 + 12,17 + 8,65 + 6,33) ÷ 10 ✓ MA 1MA numerator and
= 88,78 ÷ 10
✓R ✓R
1S simplification
= 8,878 ≈ R8,90 OR 89 ten cents.
1R average
OR (3)
4.2.1 ✓ MA ✓ CA F
(c) Chicken price declined = R131,97 – R2,50 = R129,47 1MA subtracting correct L1
1CA answer
4.2.2 ✓ RT ✓ MA D
– 2,50 ; 1 ; 6,33 ; 6,83 ; 7,83 ; 8,65 ; 8,66 ; 12,17 ; 16,20 1RT all correct values L2
; 23,61. 1MA correct order
4.2.3 ✓ MA ✓ A F
45,33: 57,50 1A finding 57,50 L3
✓S 1MA correct order
= 1: 1,26847562
1S dividing by 45,33
= 1 : 1,3 ✓ CA 1CA answer

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