Steel Wool Spring Article
Steel Wool Spring Article
Steel Wool Spring Article
Precision Engineering
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Article history: Entangled structures, such as steel wool, can be used as inexpensive, high cycle, low stiffness, thin profile
Received 2 February 2015 compressive springs where uniform pressure on a surface is required particularly in elevated temperature
Accepted 20 April 2015 and/or harsh environments. Mechanical compression tests were performed on a variety of steel wool sam-
Available online 27 May 2015
ples to determine the stress–strain curve behavior over high cycles. After initial conditioning cycles, good
repeatability can be obtained with hysteresis dependent on strain. The results show a nonlinear behavior
over large strains (>10%) and reasonable linear behavior for strains less than 10%. The properties of an
Entangled structures
entangled structure spring can be selected to achieve the desired stiffness for a particular application.
Fibrous metals © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0141-6359/© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
F.E. Rojas, A.H. Slocum / Precision Engineering 42 (2015) 346–351 347
Fig. 1. System used to measure the cyclic stress–strain relation of the samples.
Fig. 2. Coarse versus fine characterization. Height of fine sample is 13.7 mm and coarse sample 14.0 mm. The data shown is for a complete cycle of load/unload. The stroke
refers to the compression of the sample.
Fig. 3. Typical loading and unloading data from the tester and engineering stress–strain representation for the course sample.
only the loading portion of the graph is shown. The curves shown 4. Discussion
in Fig. 5 are the final sample of the compression test.
The nonlinear section in the initial one percent strain region 4.1. Models
is attributed to overcoming static friction between the fibers. It is
hypothesized that as the strands begin to move pass each other, and There are four predominant models used to predict the mechan-
friction transitions from static to dynamic, they achieve a steady ical behavior of entangled or porous structures: (1) Gibson–Ashby
state stiffness as observed. Fig. 6 illustrates how the preloaded sam- model, (2) Nielson model, (3) Baudequin relation, and (4) van Wyk
ples stack and the effective stiffness is obtained as a function of the model. Other prior work includes using finite element models to
strain at each sample thickness. directly simulate the deformation of “dry” fiber networks, where
F.E. Rojas, A.H. Slocum / Precision Engineering 42 (2015) 346–351 349
!pl ! "∗ "n1
= C1 · (1)
!ys "s
Epl ! "∗ "n2
= C2 · (2)
Fig. 4. Coarse steel wool sample loading behavior with initial thickness 8.5 mm Eys "s
and cyclically compressed to thickness 6.5 mm, and loaded at 2 mm/sec at a cycle
frequency of 0.5 Hz. For clarity the data shown is for the loading portion of the test.
The average is calculated taking the first sample of every thousand data set. The where !pl ∗ /! is the ratio of the plastic collapse stress of the porous
cross bars on the average line represent a standard deviation. material to the solid material yield stress, "*/"s is the ratio of the
sample density to the solid density, and Epl ∗ /E is the elastic Young’s
strands are assumed to be bonded together with elastic springs and modulus ratio of the porous structure to that of a solid. The values
no subsequent sliding takes place [19]. As shown by Rubshtein et C1 , C2 , n1 , and n2 are constants related to the porous structure. C1 is
al, the predicted Young’s modulus can differ for the varying models typically about equal to 0.3 and n1 is approximately 1.5 for a variety
[12]. Thus, the models are compared below for varying parameters, of foams [21]. Note that the constants are empirically determined.
Fig. 5. Densification structure stress–strain curve of the loading section at each height.
Fig. 6. (L) Stacked cycling response for densification sample. (R) Stiffness measured for the array of strain densification tests.
350 F.E. Rojas, A.H. Slocum / Precision Engineering 42 (2015) 346–351
Fig. 7. Analytical model comparison between experimental data and analytical model.
The Nielsen model has also been used to calculate the expected is used to correlate the “resistance to compression” (i.e. Stiffness)
Young’s modulus for a porous elastic material as a function of poros- to physical values:
ity [22].
˛ · Y · m3
(1 − #) A= (7)
E = Es · (3) "3
1 + (1/ϕ − 1)ϕ
where # is the porosity, and % is a geometric factor as a function of where ˛ is a constant (to be found experimentally), m is the mass,
area and perimeter and " is the density of the wool.
A comparison of the models to the experimental data shows that
4 · & · Area the Gibson–Ashby model best matches the data collected. While the
ϕ= (4)
P2 trend of the Nielson model shows that with increasing porosity the
stiffness decreases, the model over estimates the expected Young’s
The Baudequin power law relation for glass wool, where the
modulus by at least by two orders of magnitude; the effect of the
stress is proportional to the strain to the −3/2 power, has been
geometric area is not significant enough to compensate for the
supported by experimental data [23]. Since the material properties
discrepancy. The Nielson model has a trend to the second power,
of glass wool are different than those of steel wool, the relation may
which does not match the data accurately. Baudequin et al.’s rela-
not be applicable but only experimental data will tell.
tion, derived for glass wool, between compressive stress and how it
! ∝ (ε∗ − ε)−3/2 (5) is related to the strain to a −3/2 power did not match the measured
our data [23]. The observed behavior has the strain to a positive 3/2
The van Wyk model consists of relating the global behavior of power, which matched the data. The trend predicted by the van
the sample to beam bending dynamics at the micro scale [17]. The Wyk model does not match the data.
derivation is similar to the work done by van Wyk and Pawlak et al. As shown in Fig. 7 the Gibson–Ashby model, with n2 = 1.5 and
[17,24]. Eq. (6) is the basic equation used for the Wyk derivation. c2 = 4e−4, reasonably predicts the stiffness observed from the den-
sification samples. The Nielsen model yields a higher Young’s
k · Y · Ic
dF = · dy (6) modulus of the materials without capturing the nonlinear behav-
S3 ior. The Baudequin model has an inverse stiffness–strain relation
where k is an unknown factor due to the variability in the geometry to that observed in the data, and as the strain increases the models
of contact and that the points of contact are not regularly spaced, S predict a drop in the stiffness. As shown in Fig. 8, the percentage
is the mean distance between the fibers. The resulting equation (7) error of the models ranges between about ±15%.
5. Conclusion