International Marketing
International Marketing
International Marketing
They go back to the 17C through the work of Jacques Savary, “The perfect trader”. Mrk & IM: Background on the basic concept: IM is the perf of business acts
And in 1748, he published a universal dictionary of trade. The mrk thinking translates designed to plan, price, promote, & direct the flow of a comp’s goods & services to
into a cst obs of sociological devs in the world & adapted to the diff needs of int custs. consumers/users in more than one nation for a profit.
The dev factors of IM: The period of thirty glorious (1945-1975): During the The usefulness of IM: The emergence of a new int competition forces comps to
postwar period, the U.S. that funded the reconstruction through the Marshall Plan: rethink their stra. They need to adapt to mrk skills, both on the domestic market and
took adv of the European demand for large csmp. They have many subsidiaries outside their borders.
located in Western Europe, particularly in UK & Germany. Awareness of US products The interdependence of mrk with other business fcts: Business fcts induced
was confirmed and impregnated as "The American way of life". system perf at diff levels:
💡 The USA has discovered the concept of mrk abroad: ● The control of the supply
● Export surplus prod./the product has reached the end of its life cycle at home. ● Cost optimization of purchases permitted by the mrk
● To fill the needs of some markets when there is missing merchandise. ● R&D department
The period of oil shocks (1979-1980 & 1983-1984) Definitions & Concepts: "IM is a process that aims to optimize resources and focus
They have played a role in accelerating the imp of IM for three main reasons: the goals of an org through the opp of a global market". Since the 90s, the mrk stra is
● The harshness of the resulting int competition. oriented around the following alts:
● Looking for a better ROS in target markets. 1.How appr is it to adopt the opposite att to the local market & adjust each case(export
● Need to predict the future in a more uncertain world that entitles a less erroneous market) to diff products & mrk policies?
assessment of opp. 2.Can we sell products that were engineered to be stdized across the world?
The 90s: Including the EC in 1993 and getting from a market economy to Central and 3.Can we finally stop and search for a midline stdization of manufacturing but by
Eastern Europe. adopting locally?
The beginning of the 21st century: 9-11 and its repercussions on the world ec. ⇒ These alts emerge three basic concepts:
The new conds & consts on market access: The competitiveness of nations, ● The export mrk: The comp engaged in it is committed to each foreign market &
among the key factors in measuring it: A labor-abundant and cheap, The abundance their own mrk policy. The shares are diffiated for all elements of the mrk mix.
of natural resources, Exchange rates and interest rates, The budget deficit of a Adaptation is consistent in each export market.
country, Export promotion by the government, The Subsidy, Protectionist measures ● IM manag: The comp applies a stdized global stra.
The competitiveness of nations can now be assessed through new basic factors: ● The appr stdization(think global- act local): It’s a middle position between the sys
● The criteria for the classical ec theory that gather around basic factors. adaptation & adaptation to stdization. It can meet the demands of local consumers
● Demand conditions that are related to each country. while establishing commercial and fin profitability.
● The combination of perf among diff actors in the sector within a country. Chars of IM: IM differs from domestic mrk by the fact that it interprets more numerous
● The business stra, their org, and the intensity of local competition. & complex vars. These vars are mainly constituted by the sociocultural chars of the
💡 The combination of all these factors results in the establishment of "Diamond perf" country.
that connects the interdependence of factors of competitiveness of a country. IM will lead the comp to:
Constraints ● Be managed by people with a mind more eclectic
● Increased global competition at the firm: The commoditization of tech allows ● Choose tools & techs appr to the specific int markets
newly industrialized countries to become int competitors: directly related to the The particular Mindset: Tolerance and acceptance of socio-cultural diffs, Ability to
transfer of manufacturing licenses, sales of plants, or hand installed in the NIC, which understand the sociological changes, Curiosity about foreign market, Innovation, Use
in turn exported manufactures to rich countries. tools for obs and analysis of foreign markets
● The diff of maintaining the advantageous positions: The Use of diffiated Tools: IM tools must take into account: Local economic culture,
○ Search for new competitive advs (The Challenge) The moral and religious values, The level of economic dev, The sociological diffs in
○ Develop technological innovation the country
○ Ensure a good position in its local market Objs of IM
○ Implement an int stra ● Allow the comp to maintain its position in foreign markets it occupies, taking into
○ Relying on the "made in" and its symbols & enjoy the int reputation of a nation account the slope of the annual market:determined in terms of market share.
● Allow progress in the markets where it operates.
● Identify new markets, microsegs on current markets, or new foreign markets. his own intuition & personal int in each market as well as the networks of relationships
● Identify & validate new concepts likely to find broad opp in the global market. that have dev in each market.
Functions of IM Pre-Selecting: Studies of Screening: Unlike large comps, SMEs don’t have
● Identify pot markets with facilities appr & penet costs related to size & the expertise sufficient fin resources to carry out a market study on all countries in order to select
(export diagnosis). their target markets. During a pre-study, SMEs identify & select a priori more attractive
● Understand the psych related to the purchase & csmp. and accessible markets. The company can eliminate some uninteresting markets for
● Analyze the competitive position of competitors. which it does not have the resources and skills. This pre-selection study must be
● Identify pot niches compared to specificities of business. rapid, inexpensive and based on the analysis of general & summary info, also easily
● Stop a policy of penetration. accessible in a documentary search
● Determine the product policy and the policy range. Geographic indicators: The geo location, distance, geology & natural resources…
● Setting bus. goals qnty value by market, seg, & line. Economic data: Tade data, agreements, tech cooperation/fin protocols, the local
● Implement measures to support business networks. tissue bank (efficiency of the banking system…) and credit conds, cons spending…
● Prog tactical actions with direct competitors. Demographic indicators: Tot pop, density & the level of concentration, growth rate, °
Applications: Purchases: Finding the best conditions (quality, logistics, price…) of urbanization, age dist, purchasing power and dist by income class, ethnic groups,
imposes a competition, a sys selection of int suppliers. This is called the IM purchases literacy level…
(also mrk upstream relative to the market-oriented sales & mrk downstream). Political environment: Political regime and its stability, ec policy, trade barriers, non-
Mega Mrk: Some large global comps try to imp actions intended to restore their image tariff barriers, tax policy, oreign invst regime, ° of bureaucracy, att to corruption…
to public opinion. These actions come under “mega mrk”. They aim to com the Global Studies: Allows the comp to dev a knowledge of the market addressed by
humanity of these companies both at the indv and collective levels. analyzing its structure, operation, consts… In doing so, the comp can confirm the ° of
attractiveness of the markets in the S-MT.