Amines, Biomolecules & POC TG - @StudyMaterial Neet Jee

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Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456



1. Consider the following molecules

A. Picric acid B. Salicylic acid
(3) (4)
C. Carbolic acid D. Formic acid
Which of the following compounds cannot
4. Which of the following is not correctly matched
produce CO2(g) on reaction with NaHCO3 ?
(1) Only A and C (2) Only B and D
with test?

j e e
(1) CH3 – CH2 – CHO Fehling solution test

(3) Only C (4) Only D
An organic compound A (C6H12O3) give yellow
test e e t_
(2) (CH3)2 CH – OH Blue colour in Victor Meyer

ppt on reaction with I2/NaOH but compound A

l _ n
(3) CH3 – NH – Et Carbylamine test
does not reduce Tollen's reagent. The possible
structure of A is
e r ia
(4) Iodoform test
5. Consider following sequence of reaction
y M
(2) Stu (Q is N-containing compound)

-@ The Q and D are respectively

(1) (C2H5)3 N and C2H4



3. An aromatic compound P(C6H6O) on reaction (4) C2H5 NH2 + (C2H5)3 CH

with Na metal and NaOH produce H2 and water 6. Consider the following structures.
respectively. P on reaction with NaOH followed
by CO2 and H3O+ at high pressure produce
(A) (B)
compound Q as major product. Correct structure
of Q is

(1) (2) (C) (D)

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [1]
Organic Chemistry Practice Sheet-5

Which of the above represent -glucose?

(1) Only (A) (2) Only (A) and (D)
(3) Only (B) (4) Only (A) and (C)
7. Consider the reaction
The reagent for conversion of Q to T are
(1) Reduction with Zn(Hg)/HCl followed by
heating conc. H3PO4
(2) Reduction with Zn(Hg)/HCl followed by
reaction with SOCl2
(3) Reaction with SOCl2 followed by reduction
with Zn(Hg)HCl
P is
(4) Reduction with H2/Pt followed by heating
with conc. H2SO4
10. Consider the three isomeric amine with formula
(1) (2)
j e e
e e t_ 350.8 K
329.3 K
(3) (4)
l _ n 310.5 K

8. Aniline react with NaNO2/HCl and form

r ia
A is prepared by Hofmann Bromamide reaction.

diazonium salt which show different reaction as

at eC does not react with Hinsberg reagent

while B react with HNO2 to give yellow oily


Select the correct statement.
(1) A, B and C are chain isomer
S (2) In benzene, basic strength of C is highest

- @
The major organic product Q and R respectively
among A, B and C

T g (3) Solubility of C, is highest among A, B, C in
(4) A is strongest base among A, B and C in
(1) water
11. Diazonium salts are treated with set of reagent
(2) separately to give product.
(i) CuCl/HCl (iv) HBF4/
(3) (ii) CuCN/KCN (v) Phosphinic acid
(iii) CuBr/HBr (vi) Ethanol
(4) Which reaction of diazonium salt is not grouped
under Sandmeyer; reaction?
9. n-Hexane react with Cr2O3 at 773 K temperature
(1) With (ii), (iv), (v) and (vi)
and high pressure to form compound P which on
(2) With (i), (ii)
heating with succinic anhydride in presence of
(3) With (iv), (v) and (vi)
AlCl3 form product Q which is separated. In
(4) With (v) only
another separate reaction Q form T

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [2]
Organic Chemistry Practice Sheet-5

12. Correct relative rate of alkaline hydrolysis 14. Consider the following statements.
S1 : Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar.
S2 : Glucose on oxidation with HNO3 form
gluconic acid.
S3 : Valine, leucine and arginine are essential
(1) A > B and D > C
-amino acid.
(2) A < B and D > C
S4 : Aspartic acid is acidic -amino acid.
(3) A < B and D < C
The incorrect statement is
(4) A > B and D < C
(1) S1 (2) S2
13. Which one of the following compounds reacts
(3) S3 (4) S4
with nitrous acid to give the product P?
15. Consider the molecule P


j e e
‘X’ moles of CH4 is formed when excess

(2) e t_
CH3MgBr is made to react with P. Then, the
l _ n
value of X2 is
16. The number of chiral carbon in –D–ribose and

e r ia
 –D–2– deoxyribose are x and y, then product

at xy is

y M
Stu 
-@ 
 Tg 

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [3]

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