Amines, Biomolecules & POC TG - @StudyMaterial Neet Jee
Amines, Biomolecules & POC TG - @StudyMaterial Neet Jee
Amines, Biomolecules & POC TG - @StudyMaterial Neet Jee
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(1) CH3 – CH2 – CHO Fehling solution test
(3) Only C (4) Only D
An organic compound A (C6H12O3) give yellow
test e e t_
(2) (CH3)2 CH – OH Blue colour in Victor Meyer
(1) (C2H5)3 N and C2H4
Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [1]
Organic Chemistry Practice Sheet-5
Select the correct statement.
(1) A, B and C are chain isomer
S (2) In benzene, basic strength of C is highest
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The major organic product Q and R respectively
among A, B and C
T g (3) Solubility of C, is highest among A, B, C in
(4) A is strongest base among A, B and C in
(1) water
11. Diazonium salts are treated with set of reagent
(2) separately to give product.
(i) CuCl/HCl (iv) HBF4/
(3) (ii) CuCN/KCN (v) Phosphinic acid
(iii) CuBr/HBr (vi) Ethanol
(4) Which reaction of diazonium salt is not grouped
under Sandmeyer; reaction?
9. n-Hexane react with Cr2O3 at 773 K temperature
(1) With (ii), (iv), (v) and (vi)
and high pressure to form compound P which on
(2) With (i), (ii)
heating with succinic anhydride in presence of
(3) With (iv), (v) and (vi)
AlCl3 form product Q which is separated. In
(4) With (v) only
another separate reaction Q form T
Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [2]
Organic Chemistry Practice Sheet-5
12. Correct relative rate of alkaline hydrolysis 14. Consider the following statements.
S1 : Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar.
S2 : Glucose on oxidation with HNO3 form
gluconic acid.
S3 : Valine, leucine and arginine are essential
(1) A > B and D > C
-amino acid.
(2) A < B and D > C
S4 : Aspartic acid is acidic -amino acid.
(3) A < B and D < C
The incorrect statement is
(4) A > B and D < C
(1) S1 (2) S2
13. Which one of the following compounds reacts
(3) S3 (4) S4
with nitrous acid to give the product P?
15. Consider the molecule P
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‘X’ moles of CH4 is formed when excess
(2) e t_
CH3MgBr is made to react with P. Then, the
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value of X2 is
16. The number of chiral carbon in –D–ribose and
e r ia
–D–2– deoxyribose are x and y, then product
at xy is
y M
Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [3]