Dental Aesteric Index Related
Dental Aesteric Index Related
Dental Aesteric Index Related
The Relationship of Dental Aesthetic Index with Dental Appearance, Smile and Desire for Orthodontic Correction
The dental aesthetic index (DAI)2 and the index of and confidentiality was stressed. Each subject was
orthodontic treatment need (IOTN)7,8 are both used for interviewed privately before being examined.
assessment of malocclusion and determination of treatment 1. Do you have a pleasant smile? Yes/No
need. The DAI, however, is a cross-cultural index.6 2. How much do you like the appearance of your smile?
In order to assess whether DAI provides reliable i. Very much
information regarding the subjects’ psychosocial desire for ii. Quite a bit
treatment, an interview schedule was used. Ten items were iii. Not much
included in the interview that asked for self-evaluation of iv. Not at all
dental appearance, satisfaction with smile and desire for 3. Do you like the way your teeth look? Yes/No
orthodontic care.2 4. How much do you like the way your teeth look?
With this background, the present study was conducted i. Very much
with the following aims and objectives: ii. Quite a bit
1. To assess the relationship between DAI and self- iii. Not much
satisfaction with smile. iv. Not at all
2. To assess the relationship between DAI and self- 5. Are your front teeth straight? Yes/No
satisfaction with dental appearance. 6. How would you consider your teeth as compared to
3. To assess the relationship between DAI and self- your entire face?
assessment of the relative appearance of teeth by the i. One of the nicest features of your face
subjects as compared to their face. ii. Better than average feature of your face
4. To assess the relationship between DAI and self- iii. Below average feature of your face
assessment of dental appearance compared to classmates iv. One of the poorest features of your face
and friends. 7. Are your teeth good looking? Yes/No
5. To assess the relationship between DAI and desire to 8. Compared to your classmates and friends how do you
undergo orthodontic treatment. think your teeth look?
i. Among the nicest
SUBJECTS AND METHODS ii. Better than average
iii. Below average
103 subjects (51 boys and 52 girls) who satisfied the
iv. Among the worst
following criteria were selected for the study.
9. Do your teeth need straightening? Yes/No
Inclusion criteria: 10. If it were possible would you want to wear braces to
1. Children between 13 to 16 years of age. straighten your teeth?
i. Definitely No
Exclusion criteria:
ii. Probably No
1. Children with mental or physical impairment.
iii. Probably Yes
2. Previous history of or currently undergoing orthodontic
iv. Definitely Yes
The subject was then assessed by the DAI. All the 10
3. Subjects who had decided about orthodontic treatment
components were measured.
at the time of study.
Components of the DAI regression equation and their
Informed consent from relevant school authorities and
actual and rounded regression coefficients (weights):
verbal consent from participants were obtained. A single
examiner examined all the subjects. The examination was Number DAI components Actual Rounded
carried out in the subjects’ school, during daytime under weights weights
natural light with the help of Boley gauge, a sharp pencil, 1 Number of missing visible teeth 5.76 6
tongue blade and a millimeter ruler. The accepted methods (Incisors, canines and premolars)
in the maxillary and mandibular arches.
of infection control were maintained. The examiner asked
the following questions to each subject. The need for privacy Contd...
TABLE 2: The relationship between DAI and Q2 (How much do you like the appearance of your smile?)
Smile scores
1 2 3 4 Total
DAI scores 1: No treatment need 29.1% 22.3% 7.8% .0% 59.2%
2: Elective treatment 9.7% 6.8% 1.9% 1.9% 20.4%
3: Treatment desirable 2.9% 5.8% 3.9% .0% 12.6%
4: Treatment mandatory 2.9% 3.9% .0% 1.0% 7.8%
Total 44.7% 38.8% 13.6% 2.9% 100%
The Relationship of Dental Aesthetic Index with Dental Appearance, Smile and Desire for Orthodontic Correction
Value Approx.sig
TABLE 3: The relationship between DAI and Q4 (How much do you like the way your teeth look?)
1 2 3 4 Total
TABLE 4: The relationship between DAI and Q6 (How would you consider your teeth as
compared to your entire face?)
1 2 3 4 Total
DAI scores 1: No treatment need 20.4% 25.2% 11.7% 1.9% 59.2%
2: Elective treatment 1.9% 14.6% 2.9% 1.0% 20.4%
3: Treatment desirable 2.9% 2.9% 3.9% 2.9% 12.6%
4: Treatment mandatory .0% 2.9% 3.9% 1.0% 7.8%
Total 25.2% 45.6% 22.3% 6.8% 100%
Value Approx.sig
TABLE 5: The relationship between DAI and Q8 (Compared to your classmates and
friends how do you think your teeth look?)
1 2 3 4 Total
Value Approx.sig
TABLE 6: The relationship between DAI and Q 10 (If it were possible would you want to
wear braces to straighten your teeth?)
1 2 3 4 Total
Value Approx.sig
There relationship between DAI and the self-assessment that point indicate malocclusion for which treatment is
of dental appearance as compared to classmates and friends mandatory. The recommended treatment cut off point for
was highly statistically significant P < 0.005 (Tables 5 Dental Aesthetic Index is 31.13 In the present study, a
and 5A). majority of the patients were below the cut off point,
There was also a statistically significant relationship delineating the group of children who were definitely in
present between the index and the willingness of the subject need of orthodontic treatment.
to accept orthodontic treatment P < 0.05 (Tables 6 and 6A). The DAI has been compared with other treatment need
indices in various studies.1,9-11,13-15 It has been used in an
DISCUSSION epidemiological assessment of malocclusion in Japan12 and
The DAI was developed by Cons, Jenny and Kohout in in evaluation of outcomes of orthodontic treatment.16 In
1987.2 It is a relatively simple index; it can be obtained addition, it has also been used along with structured
intraorally, without the use of radiographs in about two questionnaires regarding appearance, biting/chewing,
minutes. The reliability and validity of DAI has been well speech and orthodontic treatment need.11,6
documented in various studies.1,9,10 It has been accepted by However, the patient’s opinions regarding orthodontic
the WHO as a cross-cultural index.6 It was integrated into treatment need cannot be underestimated, as it is the patient
the items of International collaboration study of oral health who receives treatment and needs to gain satisfaction from
outcomes by the WHO in 1989.11,12 Although DAI is easy improved aesthetics and function or both.11 Also it is known
to use, there is lack of assessment traits such as buccal cross that the parent or the patients’ concerns of orthodontic
bite, open bite, centerline discrepancy and deep bite.11 treatment need, do not always agree with professional
Though these may not be important from a dental aesthetic evaluations of the same. 6,17 In addition, orthodontic
point of view, they could affect the need for orthodontic treatment is primarily influenced by demand and not always
treatment.9 by need.17 Hence, in the present study, the relationship of
The cut off point of any treatment need index is the value Dental Aesthetic Index with selected questions, which reflect
below which the severity of malocclusion is so minor that the psychosocial need for orthodontic treatment, was
there is no definite need for treatment and all values above assessed.
The Relationship of Dental Aesthetic Index with Dental Appearance, Smile and Desire for Orthodontic Correction
Adolescence is the age when increase in awareness and assessed by DAI was 20.4% where as the demand was
facial aesthetics takes priority and adolescent children have 35%. Elham (2004)22 found 49% demand for orthodontic
a tendency to compare themselves with peers, models, etc. treatment among school children in North Jordan. The
The age group of subjects in the present study was 13 to 16 relatively high number of persons expressing desire for
years. Hence, the questionnaire used in our study was aimed treatment may reflect a professional trust or a basic general
at children in this adolescent age group to assess their faith in service.18,19,23,24 Such an attitude to the dental service
awareness of dental appearance and to evaluate their makes it possible that the child and the parent will follow
relationship with an objective measure of aesthetics (DAI). advice from dentist.18
The present study revealed that the association between In the present study, significant correlations were
DAI and self-satisfaction with smile was not significant. observed between subjective assessments of dental
This, however, is in contrast to the results of Cons et al.2 appearance and objective assessment of dental aesthetics
Thus, in the present population, dissatisfaction with smile using DAI. However, future investigations in this regard
cannot be taken as an indicator of need for orthodontic are warranted, taking into consideration other variables that
treatment. may influence the orthodontic treatment demand such as
There was a weak but significant correlation between rural/urban variation, proximity of dentist/orthodontist/
DAI and self-satisfaction with dental appearance, which is dental college, socioeconomic status and parental education.
in agreement with the study by Onyeaso et al,6 but is in
contrast to the study by Yeh et al,11 which showed no CONCLUSION
significant relationship. The following conclusions were drawn from the present
The strongest correlations in this study were found study:
between DAI and the subjects’ self-assessment of relative 1. The correlation between dental aesthetic index and
appearance of teeth as compared to their face and the self- satisfaction with smile was not statistically significant.
assessment of dental appearance compared to their 2. A significant but weak association was present between
classmates and friends, corroborates with the correlation dental aesthetic index and satisfaction with dental
found previously.2 appearance.
The analysis also revealed a weak but statistically 3. A strong statistically significant association was present
significant relationship between DAI and desire for between dental aesthetic index and self-assessment of
orthodontic care. relative appearance of teeth by the subjects as compared
Hamdan AM (2004)17 reported that twice as many to their face.
females presented for orthodontic consultation than males. 4. A strong statistically significant association was present
Holmes (1992) suggested that greater number of females between dental aesthetic index and self-assessment of
perceived themselves as having less attractive dentitions than dental appearance relative to classmates and friends.
males despite any objective evidence to support this view. 5. A weak statistically significant association was present
Also 75% of subjects who seek orthodontic treatment do so between dental aesthetic index and desire for orthodontic
for aesthetic reasons and girls are more likely to recognize care.
dental irregularities and place more importance on this than
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