R44 NDTS Inspectiion Procedure

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23-40 Non-Destructive Testing

Review appropriate Safety Data Sheet (SDS) when working in
proximity to hazardous materials. Specific recommendations
for use of personal protective equipment are located in the SDS.

23-41 Magnetic Particle Inspection

Ferromagnetic steel parts are inspected for structural defects using magnetic particle
inspection. Steel parts covered by this specification are inspected per ASTM E1444 wet
continuous process with ultra-violet light. Applicable requirements and limitations of the
above standard apply.
Procedures and equipment used to perform the inspection shall conform to requirements
of ASTM E1444. A magneto test penetrameter or a 30–60 gauss meter is used to verify
the direction and effectiveness of all magnetic fields produced. Whenever possible, parts
shall be inspected with both circular and longitudinal magnetization, but at least in two
directions at right angles to each other. Minimum duration of application is ½ second.
Pre- and post-solvent clean parts using PCBTF or similar solvent. Demagnetizing is
accomplished using AC±3 oersteds maximum. Verify part is demagnetized using a magnetic
field strength indicator which does not exceed an absolute value above three gauss.
Area of part to be examined, position of part, directions of magnetization to be used and
method of establishing the magnetization are presented within the inspection section of
individual parts. Record the size and location of all rejectable indications.
A. Inspection Criteria
Parts (except gears) which are inspected by magnetic particle inspection shall be
accepted or rejected according to the following criteria:
Acceptable indications:
y Indications smaller than 0.015 inch are not considered rateable.
y Indications caused by sharp changes in cross‑section or part geometry.
Rejectable indications:
y Indications interpreted as cracks, seams, laps, shuts, or any flaws which are
open to the surface.
y Indications oriented at an angle of more than 15 degrees from the longitudinal
axis with length exceeding 0.125 inch.
y Circumferential indications on any shoulder or fillet (changes in diameter).
y Any indications which break over an edge, shoulder, fillet radius, keyway,
spline, or an adjacent area of part more than 0.015 inch.
y Indications caused by undercuts at the toe of a weld.
y Indications caused by cracks in the weld or parent metal.
y Indications caused by inclusions in weld material exceeding 0.1 inch in length.

Page 23.28 Chapter 23 Standard Practices DEC 2021

23-42 Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection
This specification provides for surface inspection of parts fabricated from nonmagnetic
materials to detect discontinuities open to the surface, such as cracks, cold shuts, laps,
porosity and other surface defects.
Applicable requirements and limitations of ASTM E1417 shall apply. After inspection is
complete, solvent clean parts.
The step‑by‑step procedure and equipment used to perform the inspection shall be
accomplished per ASTM E1417. The following types, methods, and sensitivity levels are
Type: 1–Fluorescent dye
Method: A–Water washable
Sensitivity: Level 2–Medium
Form: A–Dry powder
A. Inspection Criteria
Parts inspected by fluorescent penetrant method shall be accepted or rejected
on basis of acceptance limits specified. If acceptance limits are not specified,
rejectable surface defects and any of the following:
y Cracks
y Seams
y Cold shuts or laps
y Surface inclusions
y In castings, aligned discontinuous surface indications other than cracks, cold
shuts and inclusions are rejectable if more than 3/8 inch in length.
23-50 Corrosion Control
23-51 Conversion Coat – Aluminum
Use the following procedures to prepare and apply conversion coat to aluminum alloys.
Conversion coat improves corrosion resistance and adherence of paint and adhesives.

Do not allow Bonderite C-IC 33 Aero or M-CR 1201/1132 Aero
to contact bonded joints.

A. Procedure
1. Unless otherwise specified, lightly scuff clean surface with 320-grit aluminum-
oxide abrasive paper to remove corrosion or other contaminants.
2. Apply Bonderite C-IC 33 Aero to surface for 2–5 minutes. DO NOT allow
Bonderite C-IC 33 Aero to dry; re-apply as required.
3. Rinse thoroughly with clean, potable water.

SEP 2023 Chapter 23 Standard Practices Page 23.29

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