Workshop Week 4 IT & Innovation-1
Workshop Week 4 IT & Innovation-1
Workshop Week 4 IT & Innovation-1
• Teams
– Self-Managing Work Teams (SMWTs)
– Implications for Organizations, Team Design
and Management
– Diagnosing Appropriateness of Teams
• IT and Technology changes
– Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
– Extended TAM
• Adoption of innovations
Changes Involving Team-Based Work
New Types of Teams
• Cross-functional Teams
• Virtual Teams
• Self-Managed Work Teams (SMT’s /
Cross Functional Teams
Groups of varying levels of skill and experience, working toward a
common goal
e.g. a group with members from finance, HR and IT, as you might
find for making suggestions for a payroll system upgrade.
We see this with teams for strategic change and new product
Virtual Teams
Geographically spread out, and work together mostly by phone
and email.
For example, a sales team with each representative living in the
country served.
Self-Managed Work Teams (SMT’s / SMWT’s)
New Types of Teams
Team Level
Individual Level
• Organisational Level
1. Is the organization fully committed to aligning
all the organization's systems including
leader behaviors, rewards, and access to
2. Does the organization have sufficient
resources to invest in training & development
for both managers and employees?
3. Does the organization have a plan to
manage the transition including timetables for
transfer of managerial responsibilities?
Diagnosing if teams are appropriate
• Team Level
1. Are the teams designed to be long-term and
2. Will the teams have access to the resources
they need for high performance?
3. Will teams carry out interdependent tasks?
4. Are tasks complex and non-routine in
5. Can systems be designed to facilitate a high
degree of intra-team coordination?
Diagnosing if teams are appropriate
• Individual Level
1. Do employees have the necessary skills
and attributes to take on leadership
2. If not, will training result in appropriate
ability levels?
3. Will employees be open to examining
their own behavior in the team context?
Distributed Leadership
(Barry 1991)
Distributed Leadership
(Barry 1991)
Distributed Leadership: 4 Types
Envisioning Organizing
Spanning Social
(Barry 1991)
‘Distributed Leadership’ (Barry 1991)
Compare and contrast traditional and
team-based organisations plus
leadership behaviours
Real-world examples
Teams Change Everything!
Required Reading
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Apply it to any organisation/team you
know – a real-world example
Implementation Challenges
Original Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
IT Changes
of IT
Intention to
Perceived Ease of
Use of IT
(Davis, 1989)
State of the Art Technology: 1989
Source Wikipedia
Source Wikipedia
A real-world example of TAM
Theoretical Foundations of TAM
• Cost-Benefit Paradigm
(Davis, 1989)
Extensions of the Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM)
of IT
Shared Beliefs Usage
to Use
Ease of
Use of IT
• Traditional IT theories
– Assume people don’t want to do it
– Assume resistance to change
• Innovation Theories
– Focus on who adopts innovations?
• Social movement theories
– People influence one another
– (We’ll do more with this in future weeks)
The Myths of Innovation (Berkun)
(Berkun 2007)
The Spread of Innovations
(Rogers 1962/2003)
Video - The Spread of Innovations
Adopter category Definition
The first people to adopt an innovation. They are willing to take risks, have higher social class, greater financial
liquidity, are very social and have closest contact to scientific sources and interaction with other innovators.
Risk tolerance has them adopting technologies which may ultimately fail. Financial resources help absorb
these failures (Rogers 1962/2003, p. 282)
This is the second fastest category of individuals who adopt an innovation. These individuals have the highest
degree of opinion leadership compared to other adopter categories. Tend to have a higher social status, more
Early Adopters financial liquidity, advanced education, and are more socially forward than late adopters. More discrete in
adoption choices than innovators. Realize judicious choice of adoption will help them maintain central
communication position (Rogers 1962/2003, p. 283).
Individuals in this category adopt an innovation after a varying degree of time. This time of adoption is
significantly longer than the innovators and early adopters. Early Majority tend to be slower in the adoption
Early Majority
process, have above average social status, contact with early adopters, and seldom hold positions of opinion
leadership in a system (Rogers 1962/2003, p. 283)
Individuals in this category will adopt an innovation after the average member of the society. These individuals
approach an innovation with a high degree of skepticism and after the majority of society has adopted the
Late Majority
innovation. Late Majority are typically skeptical about an innovation, have below average social status, very
little financial liquidity, in contact with others in late majority and early majority, very little opinion leadership.
Individuals in this category are the last to adopt an innovation. Unlike some of the previous categories,
individuals in this category show little to no opinion leadership. These individuals typically have an aversion to
change-agents. Laggards typically tend to be focused on "traditions", likely to have lowest social status, lowest
financial liquidity, be oldest of all other adopters, in contact with only family and close friends.
Required Reading
How might this
apply to change?
Thought Experiment
Readings Expire
“Renew All”
Doesn’t Work
(for me)
with Chrome
Technology Shift from Pit Trading to
Discussion Questions
• Is everyone interested in the change?
– Who is/isn’t and why?
• What are the potential
advantages/disadvantages of the change?
Technology Shift from Pit Trading to
• IT
– Often fails
– TAM model and expanded TAM as “classics”
• Teams
– Can deliver performance gains.
– The introduction of teams has significant
implications for organizations
• Innovation Approaches to Change
– Innovation adoption and social movements as new
frameworks → make people want to adopt the
Preparation for Next Week
• Case Study
Cited Literature
• The full citations for most of the sources can be found in the bibliographies of the required
• Ghitulescu, Brenda E. 2013. "Making Change Happen: The Impact of Work Context on
Adaptive and Proactive Behaviors." The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 49:206-245.
• Harley, Bill, Christopher Wright, Richard Hall, and Kristine Dery. 2006. "Management
Reactions to Technological Change." The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 42:58-75.
(Online on LMS)
• Rogers, Everett M. [1962] 2003. Diffusion of Innovations (5th Ed.). New York, NY: Free
Cited Literature
• The full citations for most of the sources can be found in the bibliographies of the required
• Barry, David. 1991. "Managing the Bossless Team: Lessons in Distributed Leadership."
Organizational Dynamics 20:31-47.
• Katzenbach, Jon R., and Douglas K. Smith. 1993. The wisdom of teams : creating the high-
performance organization / Jon R. Katzenbach, Douglas K. Smith. Boston, MA: Harvard
Business School Press.
– Library Copy: MBS 658.3128 KATZ; Updated version: Collins Business Essentials,
– Article Version: Katzenbach, Jon R., and Douglas K. Smith. 2005 [1993]. "The
Discipline of Teams." Harvard Business Review 83(7/8):162-71.
• Jehn, Karen A. Northcraft Gregory B. Neale Margaret A. 1999. "Why Differences Make a
Difference: A Field Study of Diversity, Conflict, and Performance in Workgroups."
Administrative Science Quarterly 44:741-763.
Cited Literature
• Larson, Carl, and Frank Lafasto. 1989. Teamwork: What Must Go Right, What Can Go
Wrong. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage.
• Manz, Charles C., and Henry P. Sims Jr. 1987. "Leading Workers to Lead Themselves: The
External Leadership of Self-Managing Work Teams." Administrative Science Quarterly
Cited Literature
• The full citations for most of the sources can be found in the
bibliographies of the required readings.
Additional Citations: Culture
• Anderson, Donald L. 2012. Organization Development: The Process of
Leading Organizational Change (2nd Ed.). Los Angeles: Sage.
• Manz, Charles C., and Henry P. Sims Jr. 1987. "Leading Workers to
Lead Themselves: The External Leadership of Self-Managing Work
Teams." Administrative Science Quarterly 32:106-129.
• Niederle, Muriel, Carmit Segal, and Lise Vesterlund. 2009. "How Costly
is Diversity? Affirmative Action in Light of Gender Differences in
Competitiveness ". Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh (Working paper).
(This was the paper on affirmative action quotas and self selection. I
posted it on the LMS.)
• Sathe, Vijay. 1983. "Implications of Corporate Culture: A Manager's
Guide to Action." Organizational Dynamics 12(2):4-23.
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