Determination of Length Change of Concrete Due To Alkali-Silica Reaction
Determination of Length Change of Concrete Due To Alkali-Silica Reaction
Determination of Length Change of Concrete Due To Alkali-Silica Reaction
C 1293 – 06
to Demonstrate the Effectiveness of Supplementary Ce- aggregate with the tested amount of pozzolan or slag is
menting Materials and Lithium-Based Admixtures to Pre- potentially alkali-reactive. Supplemental information should be
vent Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete developed to confirm that the expansion is actually due to
alkali-silica reaction. Petrographic examination of the concrete
3. Terminology prisms should be conducted after the test using Practice C 856
3.1 Terminology used in this standard is as given in Termi- to confirm that known reactive constituents are present and to
nology C 125 or Descriptive Nomenclature C 294. identify the products of alkali-silica reactivity. Confirmation of
alkali-silica reaction is also derived from the results of the test
4. Significance and Use methods this procedure supplements (see Appendix X1).
4.1 Alkali-silica reaction is a chemical interaction between 4.8 If the supplemental tests show that a given aggregate is
some siliceous constituents of concrete aggregates and hy- potentially deleteriously reactive, additional studies may be
droxyl ions (1).5 The concentration of hydroxyl ion within the appropriate to evaluate preventive measures in order to allow
concrete is predominantly controlled by the concentration of safe use of the aggregate. Preventive measures are mentioned
sodium and potassium (2). in the Appendix to Specification C 33.
4.2 This test method is intended to evaluate the potential of 4.9 This test method does not address the general suitability
an aggregate or combination of an aggregate with pozzolan or of pozzolans or slag for use in concrete. These materials should
slag to expand deleteriously due to any form of alkali-silica comply with Specification C 618, Specification C 989, or
reactivity (3,4). Specification C 1240.
4.3 When testing an aggregate with pozzolan or slag, the
results are used to establish minimum amounts of the specific 5. Apparatus
pozzolan or slag needed to prevent deleterious expansion. 5.1 The molds, the associated items for molding test speci-
Pozzolan or slag from a specific source can be tested individu- mens, and the length comparator for measuring length change
ally or in combination with pozzolan or slag from other shall conform to the applicable requirements of Test Method
sources. C 157/C 157M and Practice C 490, and shall have square cross
4.4 When selecting a sample or deciding on the number of sections of 75.0 6 0.7 mm (3.00 6 0.03 in.).
samples for test, it is important to recognize the variability in 5.2 The storage container options required to maintain the
lithology of material from a given source, whether a deposit of prisms at a high relative humidity are described in 5.2.1.
sand, gravel, or a rock formation of any origin. For specific 5.2.1 Recommended Container—The recommended con-
advice, see Guide C 295. tainers are 19 to 22-L (5 to 5.8-gal) polyethylene pails with
4.5 This test method is intended for evaluating the behavior airtight lids and approximate dimensions of 250- to 270-mm
of aggregates in portland cement concrete with an alkali (alkali (9.8- to 10.6-in.) diameter at bottom, 290 to 310 mm (11.4 to
metal oxide) content of 5.25 kg/m3 (8.85 lb/yd3) or in concrete 12.2 in.) at top, by 355 to 480 mm (14.0 to 18.9 in.) high.
containing pozzolan or slag with an alkali content proportion- Prevent significant loss of enclosed moisture due to evapora-
ally reduced from 5.25 kg/m3 (8.85 lb/yd3) Na2O equivalent by tion with airtight lid seal. Place a perforated rack in the bottom
the amount of pozzolan or slag replacing portland cement. This of the storage container so that the prisms are 30 to 40 mm
test method assesses the potential for deleterious expansion of (1.2-1.6 in.) above the bottom. Fill the container with water to
concrete caused by alkali-silica reaction, of either coarse or a depth of 20 6 5 mm (0.8 6 0.2 in.) above the bottom. A
fine aggregates, from tests performed under prescribed labora- significant moisture loss is defined as a loss greater than 3 % of
tory curing conditions that will probably differ from field the original amount of water placed at the bottom of the pail.
conditions. Thus, actual field performance will not be dupli- Place a wick of absorbent material around the inside wall of the
cated due to differences in concrete alkali content, wetting and container from the top so that the bottom of the wick extends
drying, temperature, other factors, or combinations of these (5). into the water (See Note 1).
4.6 Results of tests conducted on an aggregate as described 5.2.2 Alternative Containers—Alternative storage contain-
herein should form a part of the basis for a decision as to ers may be used. Confirm the efficiency of the alternative
whether precautions should be taken against excessive expan- storage container with an alkali-reactive aggregate of known
sion due to alkali-silica reaction. Results of tests conducted on expansion characteristics.6 The expansion efficiency is con-
combinations of an aggregate with pozzolans or slag should firmed when expansions at one year obtained using the
form a part of the basis for a decision as to whether the specific alternative container are within 10 % of those obtained using
pozzolan or slag, when used in the amount tested, was effective the recommended container. Alternative storage containers
in preventing excessive expansion. These decisions should be must contain the required depth of water. When reporting
made before a particular aggregate is used in concrete con-
struction. Criteria to determine the potential deleteriousness of
expansions measured in this test are given in Appendix X1.
4.7 When the expansions in this test method are greater than 6
The sole source of supply of non-reactive aggregates and alkali-silica reactive
the limit shown in X1.2, the aggregate or combination of aggregates of known expansion characteristics (6) known to the committee at this
time is The Petrographer, Engineering Materials Office, Ministry of Transportation,
1201 Wilson Ave., Downsview, Ontario, Canada, M3M1J8.. If you are aware of
alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM International
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
this test method. responsible technical committee 1, which you may attend.
C 1293 – 06
results, note the use of an alternative container, if one is used, from the cement manufacturer. Add NaOH to the concrete
together with documentation proving compliance with the mixing water so as to increase the alkali content of the mixture,
above. expressed as Na2O equivalent, to 1.25 % by mass of cement
NOTE 1—Polypropylene geotextile fabric or blotting paper are suitable
(see Note 3).
materials for use as the wick. NOTE 3—The value of 1.25 % Na2O equivalent by mass of cement has
5.3 The storage environment necessary to maintain the 38.0 been chosen to accelerate the process of expansion rather than to
reproduce field conditions. At the 420 kg/m3 (708 lb/yd3) cement content,
°C (100.4 °F) reaction accelerating storage temperature con-
this corresponds to an alkali level of 5.25 kg/m3 (8.85 lb/yd3).
sistently and homogeneously is described in 5.3.1.
5.3.1 Recommended Environment—The recommended stor- 7.2 Aggregates:
age environment is a sealed space insulated so as to minimize 7.2.1 To evaluate the reactivity of a coarse aggregate, use a
heat loss. Provide a fan for air circulation so the maximum nonreactive fine aggregate. A nonreactive fine aggregate is
variation in temperature measured within 250 mm (9.8 in.) of defined as an aggregate that develops an expansion in the
the top and bottom of the space does not exceed 2.0 °C (3.6 accelerated mortar bar, (see Test Method C 1260) of less than
°F). Provide an insulated entry door with adequate seals so as 0.10 % at 14 days (see X1.6 for interpretation of expansion
to minimize heat loss. Racks for storing containers within the data). Use a fine aggregate meeting Specification C 33 with a
space are not to be closer than 30 mm (1.2 in.) to the sides of fineness modulus of 2.7 6 0.2.
the enclosure and are to be perforated so as to provide air flow. 7.2.2 To evaluate the reactivity of a fine aggregate, use a
Provide an automatically controlled heat source to maintain the nonreactive coarse aggregate. Prepare the nonreactive coarse
temperature at 38.0 6 2.0 °C (100.4 6 3.6 °F) (see Note 2). aggregate according to A nonreactive coarse aggregate
Record the ambient temperature and its variation within the is defined as an aggregate that develops an expansion in the
space to ensure compliance. accelerated mortar bar (see Test Method C 1260) of less than
0.10 % at 14 days (see X1.6 for interpretation of expansion
NOTE 2—It has been found to be good practice to monitor the efficiency data). Use a coarse aggregate meeting Specification C 33. Test
of the storage environment by placing thermocouples inside dummy
the fine aggregate using the grading as delivered to the
concrete specimens inside a dummy container within the storage area. The
storage room described in Test Method C 227 generally will be satisfac- laboratory.
tory. 7.2.3 Sieve all coarse aggregates to which this test method
is applied and grade in accordance with the requirements in
5.3.2 Alternative Storage Environment—Use of an alterna-
Table 1. Coarse aggregate fractions larger than 19.0-mm
tive storage environment is permitted. Confirm the efficiency
(3⁄4-in.) sieve are not to be tested as such. When petrographic
of the alternative storage container with an alkali-reactive
examination using Guide C 295 reveals that the material
aggregate of known expansion characteristics.6 The expansion
making up the size fraction larger than the 19.0-mm (3⁄4-in.)
efficiency is confirmed when expansions at one year obtained
sieve is of such a composition and lithology that no difference
using the alternative storage environment are within 10 % of
should be expected compared with the smaller size material,
those obtained using the recommended environment. When
then no further attention need be paid to the larger sizes. If
reporting the results, note the use of an alternative storage
petrographic examination suggests the larger size material to
environment, if one is utilized, together with documentation
be more reactive, the material should be studied for its effect in
proving compliance with the above.
concrete according to one or the other alternative procedures
6. Reagents described herein: Proportional Testing—Crush material larger than
6.1 Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)—USP or technical grade
the 19.0-mm (3⁄4-in.) sieve to pass the 19.0-mm (3⁄4-in.) sieve.
may be used. (Warning—Before using NaOH, review: (1) the
Grade the material passing the 19.0-mm (3⁄4-in.) sieve as per
safety precautions for using NaOH; (2) first aid for burns; and
the Table 1 grading, and proportionally add back to the original
(3) the emergency response to spills as described in the
minus 19.0-mm (3⁄4-in.) grading so as to include the oversized
manufacturers Material Safety Data Sheet or other reliable
material in a mass proportion equal to its original grading
safety literature. NaOH can cause severe burns and injury to
unprotected skin and eyes. Always use suitable personal Separated Size Testing—Crush material larger than
protective equipment including: full-face shields, rubber
the 19.0-mm (3⁄4-in.) sieve to pass the 19.0-mm (3⁄4-in.) sieve,
aprons, and gloves impervious to NaOH (Check periodically
grade that material as per Table 1 and test in concrete as a
for pinholes.).)
separate aggregate.
6.2 Water:
7.3 Concrete Mixture Proportions—Proportion the concrete
6.2.1 Use potable tap water for mixing and storage.
mixture to the following requirements:
7. Materials
7.1 Cement—Use a cement meeting the requirements for a TABLE 1 Grading Requirement
Type I Portland cement as specified in Specification C 150. The Sieve Size
Mass (%)
cement must have a total alkali content of 0.9 6 0.1 % Na2O Passing Retained
equivalent (Na2O equivalent is calculated as percent Na2O + 19.0-mm (3⁄4-in.) 12.5-mm (1⁄2-in.) 33
12.5-mm (1⁄2-in.) 9.5-mm (3⁄8-in.) 33
0.658 3 percent K2O). Determine the total alkali content of the 9.5-mm (3⁄8-in.) 4.75-mm (No. 4) 33
cement either by analysis or by obtaining a mill run certificate
C 1293 – 06
7.3.1 Cementitious Materials Content—420 6 10 kg/ Example B (20 % of cement is replaced
m3(708 6 17 lb/ yd3). by pozzolan)
C 1293 – 06
°F) storage environment and there shall be an adequate flow of 12.1.8 The w/cm based on saturated, surface dry (SSD)
air around the container. aggregates,
10.2.1 When the specimens are 7 days old, take a compara- 12.1.9 The slump, with mass yield and air content of the
tor reading after removal of the container and contents from the concrete batched,
storage environment according to 10.2.2. Subsequent readings 12.1.10 The average length change in percent at each
are required at the ages of 28 and 56 days, as well as 3, 6, 9, reading of the prisms along with the individual length change
and 12 months when testing an aggregate for susceptibility to in percentage for each prism,
expansive alkali-silica reaction and additionally at 18 and 24 12.1.11 Any significant features revealed by examination of
months when testing combinations of aggregates with poz- the concrete prisms either during the test or at the end of the
zolans or slag. Additional readings beyond those required for test (for example, cracks, gel formation, or peripheral reaction
the specific application are suggested at 6-month intervals. rims on aggregate particles), and
10.2.2 Remove the containers holding the prisms from the 12.1.12 Type of storage container and 38.0 6 2.0 °C (100.4
38.0 6 2.0 °C (100.4 6 3.6 °F) temperature environment and 6 3.6 °F) storage environment used to store the concrete
place in a moist cabinet or moist room that is in compliance prisms if they differ from those specified in 5.2.1 and 5.3.1.
with Specification C 511 for a period 16 6 4 h before reading. 13. Precision and Bias
10.3 Fabricate all specimens placed in a given storage
13.1 Multi-Laboratory Precision:
container at the same time so that all specimens in that
13.1.1 Average Expansion Less Than 0.014 %—The multi-
container are due for comparator reading at the same time.
laboratory standard deviation of a single test result (mean of
10.4 Identify the specimens so as to place the specimens in
measurements of three prisms) for average expansion less than
the comparator with the same end up. After the comparator
0.014 % has been found to be 0.0032 % (CSA A23.2-14A).4
reading of the prism, replace the specimen in the storage
Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests in different
container but invert the upper end as compared with the
laboratories on the same aggregate should not differ by more
previous storage period. In this way the prisms are not stored
than 0.009 %, nineteen times out of twenty.
through two consecutive storage periods with the same ends
13.1.2 Average Expansion Greater Than 0.014 %—The
multi-laboratory coefficient of variation of a single test result
(mean of measurements of three prisms) for average expansion
11. Calculation
greater than 0.014 % has been found to be 23 % (CSA A23.2-
11.1 Calculate the change in length between the initial 14A).4 Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests in
comparator reading of the specimen and the comparator different laboratories on the same aggregate should not differ
reading at each time interval to the nearest 0.001 % of the from each other by more than 65 % of their average, nineteen
effective gage length and record as the length change of the times out of twenty.
prism for that period. Calculate the average length change in 13.2 Within-Laboratory Precision:
percentage for the group of prisms at the age. 13.2.1 Average Expansion Less Than 0.02 %—For average
11.2 Data from at least three bars must be available at any expansions of less than 0.02 %, the multi-specimen, within-
age to constitute a valid test at that age. laboratory standard deviation has been found to be 0.0025 %
(CSA A23.2-14A). Therefore, the range (difference between
12. Report highest and lowest) of the three individual prism measurements
12.1 Report the following information: used in calculating an average test result should not exceed
12.1.1 Type and source of coarse and fine aggregates, 0.008 %, nineteen times out of twenty.
12.1.2 Type and source of portland cement, 13.2.2 Average Expansion Greater Than 0.02 %—For aver-
age expansions of more than 0.02 %, the multi-specimen,
12.1.3 The alkali content of the cement as percent potas-
within-laboratory coefficient of variation has been found to be
sium oxide (K2O), sodium oxide (Na2O), and calculated
12 % (CSA A23.2-14A). Therefore, the range (difference be-
percent NaOe,
tween highest and lowest) of the three individual prism
12.1.4 Type, source, and amount (percent by mass of
measurements used in calculating an average test result should
cementitious material) of any pozzolan or slag used,
not exceed 40 % of the average, nineteen times out of twenty.
12.1.5 The amount, if any, of high-range water reducer or 13.3 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material for
viscosity-modifying admixture used, determining the bias of this test method, no statement is being
12.1.6 Concrete mixture proportions based on SSD aggre- made.
gates, and corrected for yield,
12.1.7 The amount of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) added to 14. Keywords
the mixing water, expressed as percent sodium oxide (Na2O) 14.1 aggregate; alkali-silica reactivity; concrete; length
equivalent by mass of the cement, change; pozzolan; slag
C 1293 – 06
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 The question of whether or not criteria based on the dure(s) be performed concurrently with this test method and
results obtained using this test method should be used for any discrepancies between the results explained. Care should
acceptance of materials for use as concrete aggregate will be be exercised in the interpretation of these other test method
dealt with, if deemed appropriate, in Specification C 33. results (9-14).
X1.2 Work has been reported from which it may be inferred X1.6 The use of this test method should especially be
that an aggregate might reasonably be classified as potentially considered when other test methods may be inadequate. Some
deleteriously reactive if the average expansion of three con- examples of such problems are as follows: The potential
crete specimens is equal to or greater than 0.04 % at one year reactivity of various varieties of quartz may not be accurately
(7) (CSA A23.2-27A-00 Table 1). determined by Test Method C 227 since the test method may
produce a false-negative result (3). False-negative results are
X1.3 It is reasonable to conclude that the amount of possible with a number of aggregates such as slow-late
pozzolan or slag used in combination with an aggregate is at expanding argillaceous greywackes, strained quartz and micro-
least the minimum needed to prevent excessive expansion in crystalline quartz associated with strained quartz (3,4,13).
field concrete if the average expansion is less than 0.04 % at False-negative results are also possible due to storage condi-
two years (CSA A23.2-28A-02). tions (9), reactive aggregate levels far above or below pessi-
mum (3) or insufficient alkali to accelerate the test (3). The
X1.4 A history of satisfactory field performance in concrete
potential reactivity of various varieties of quartz may not be
is the best method of evaluating the potential for an aggregate
accurately determined by Test Method C 1260 since the test
to cause premature deterioration of concrete due to alkali-silica
method may produce a false-positive result with a number of
reaction. When field performance of an aggregate in concrete is
marginally reactive aggregates (13). Test Method C 1260 may
to be accepted, the following conditions should be met (8):
also give a false-negative result with aggregates suspected of
X1.4.1 The cement content and alkali content of the cement containing deleterious strained quartz (14).
should be the same or higher in the field concrete than is
proposed in the new structure. X1.7 If the data generated with other test methods and
X1.4.2 The concrete examined should be at least 10 years supplemented with information from this test method judge an
old. aggregate to be “not potentially deleteriously alkali-silica
X1.4.3 The exposure conditions of the field concrete should reactive,” no restrictions are usually required with the use of
be at least as severe as those in the proposed structure. that aggregate in order to protect against expansion due to
alkali-silica reaction (7) (see Note X1.1).
X1.5 This test method supplements the results of other test
methods. The results of the other test methods are usually X1.8 Additional interlaboratory testing data is provided in
reported before the results of this test method are available. Ref (15).
Standards that this test method supplements include: Test NOTE X1.1—In critical structures such as those used for nuclear
Method C 227, Guide C 295, Test Method C 289, and Test containment or large dams, where slight expansions cannot be tolerated, a
Method C 1260. It is recommended that the relevant proce- lower expansion limit may be required.
(1) Diamond, S., “Alkali Reactions in Concrete-Pore Solution Effects,” and Field Expansion of Alkali-Carbonate Reactive Concrete,” Pro-
Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reac- ceedings, 9th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
tion in Concrete, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1983, pp. 155–166. in Concrete, Concrete Society, Slough, U.K., 1992, pp. 877–884.
(2) Diamond, S., “ASR—Another Look at Mechanisms,” Proceedings, (6) Rogers, C. A., “General Information on Standard Alkali-Reactive
8th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction, Kyoto, Aggregates from Ontario, Canada,” Ontario Ministry of Transporta-
Japan, 1989, pp. 83–94. tion, Engineering Materials Office, 1988, p. 59.
(3) Grattan-Bellew, P. E., “Test Methods and Criteria for Evaluating the (7) Grattan-Bellew, P. E., “Reevaluation of Standard Mortar Bar and
Potential Reactivity of Aggregates,” Proceedings, 8th International Concrete Prism Tests,” Materiaux et Constructions, Vol 16, No. 94,
Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction, Kyoto, Japan, 1989, pp. 1983, pp. 243–250.
279–294. (8) British Cement Association, “The Diagnosis of Alkali-silica Reac-
(4) Grattan-Bellew, P. E., “Microcrystalline Quartz, Undulatory Extinction tion,” British Cement Association, Crowthorne, Berks, RG1 6YS,
and Alkali-Silica Reaction,” Proceedings, 9th International Confer- United Kingdom, Second edition, 1992.
ence on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete, Concrete Society, (9) Rogers, C. A., and Hooton, R. D., “Reduction in Mortar and Concrete
Slough, U.K., 1992, pp. 383–394. Expansion with Reactive Aggregates Due to Leaching,” Cement,
(5) Rogers, C. A., and Hooton, R. D., “Comparison Between Laboratory Concrete and Aggregates, CCAGDP, Vol 13, 1991, pp. 42–49.
C 1293 – 06
(10) Bérubé, M. A., and Fournier, B., “Accelerated Test Methods for Research, Vol 21, 1991, pp. 853–862.
Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity,” Advances in Concrete Technology, (13) Hooton, R. D., “New Aggregate Alkali-Reactivity Test Methods,”
Malhotra, V. M., ed., Canada Communication Group, Ottawa, 1992, Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Research and Development
pp. 583–627. Branch Report MAT-91-14, November, 1991.
(11) Sorrentino, D., Clément, J. Y., and Goldberg, J. M., “A New (14) Kerrick, D. M., and Hooton, R. D., “ASR of Concrete Aggregate
Approach to Characterize the Chemical Reactivity of the Aggre- Quarried from a Fault Zone: Results and Petrographic Interpretation
gates,” Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Alkali- of Accelerated Mortar Bar Test,” Cement and Concrete Research, Vol
Aggregate Reaction in Concrete, Concrete Society, Slough, U.K., 22, 1992, pp. 949–960.
1992, pp. 1009–1016. (15) Fournier, B. and Malhotra, V.M., “Interlaboratory Study on the CSA
(12) Fournier, B., and Bérubé, M. A., “Application of the NBRI Acceler- A 23.2-14A Concrete Prism Test for Alkali-Silica Reactivity in
ated Mortar Bar Test to Siliceous Carbonate Aggregates Produced in Concrete”, Proceedings, 10th International Conference on Alkali-
the St. Lawrence Lowlands (Quebec, Canada), Part 1: Influence of Aggregate Reaction in Concrete”, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia,
Various Parameters on the Test Results, Cement and Concrete 1996, pp. 302-309.
Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this test method since the last issue,
C 1293 – 05, that may impact the use of this test method. (Approved September 1, 2006)
Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this test method since the last issue,
C 1293 – 01, that may impact the use of this test method. (Approved May 1, 2005)
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website