2021 Qashqai
2021 Qashqai
2021 Qashqai
Seats, seat belts and Supplemental Restraint Instrument panel ......................................................................... 0-7
System (SRS) ..................................................................................... 0-2 Meters and gauges .................................................................... 0-8
Exterior front .................................................................................... 0-3 Engine compartment ............................................................... 0-9
Exterior rear ...................................................................................... 0-4 MR20DD engine model .................................................. 0-9
Passenger compartment ....................................................... 0-5 Warning and indicator lights ........................................... 0-10
Cockpit .................................................................................................. 0-6
— Child restraints (P.1-21)
11. LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for
CHildren) system (for rear seats) (P.1-24)
12. Child restraint anchor point (for top tether
strap) (P.1-37)
13. Rear outboard seat-mounted side-impact
supplemental air bags (P.1-42)
1. Tachometer (P.2-7)
2. Warning/indicator lights (P.2-10)
3. Vehicle information display (P.2-19)
— Odometer/twin trip odometer (P.2-6)
4. Speedometer (P.2-6)
5. Engine coolant temperature gauge (P.2-7)
6. Fuel gauge (P.2-8)
. Never allow anyone to ride in the
cargo area or on the rear seats
when they are in the fold-down
position. Use of these areas by
passengers without proper re-
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-7
Head restraint/headrest supplement
the other vehicle safety systems.
They may provide additional protec-
tion against injury in certain rear end
collisions. Adjustable head re-
straints/headrests must be adjusted
properly, as specified in this section.
Check the adjustment after someone
else uses the seat. Do not attach
anything to the head restraint/head-
rest stalks or remove the head re-
JVR0327X straint/headrest. Do not use the seat JVR0530X
Rear seats if the head restraint/headrest has The illustration shows the seating posi-
ARMREST (if so equipped) been removed. If the head restraint/ tions equipped with head restraint/head-
Pull the armrest down as shown. headrest was removed, reinstall and rest.
properly adjust the head restraint/
headrest before an occupant uses Indicates the seating position is
the seating position. Failure to follow equipped with a head restraint.
these instructions can reduce the Indicates the seating position is
effectiveness of the head restraint/ equipped with a headrest.
headrest. This may increase the risk + Indicates the seating position is not
of serious injury or death in a colli- equipped with a head restraint or head-
sion. rest.
. Your vehicle is equipped with a head
restraint/headrest that may be inte-
grated, adjustable or non-adjustable.
. Adjustable head restraints/headrests
have multiple notches along the stalk
to lock them in a desired adjustment
1-8 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
. The non-adjustable head restraints/
headrests have a single locking notch
to secure them to the seat frame.
. Proper Adjustment:
— For the adjustable type, align the
head restraint/headrest so the
center of your ear is approximately
level with the center of the head
— If your ear position is still higher
than the recommended alignment,
place the head restraint/headrest
at the highest position.
SSS0992 JVR0203X
. If the head restraint/headrest has
been removed, ensure that it is re- ADJUSTABLE HEAD RESTRAINT/ NON-ADJUSTABLE HEAD RE-
installed and locked in place before
riding in that designated seating posi-
tion. 1. Removable head restraint/headrest 1. Removable head restraint/headrest
2. Multiple notches 2. Single notch
3. Lock knob 3. Lock knob
4. Stalks 4. Stalks
JVR0574X SSS0351A
There are three basic types of child All U.S. states and Canadian provinces or
WARNING restraint systems: territories require the use of approved
. Rear-facing child restraint child restraints for infants and small
children. See “Child restraints” (P.1-21).
Do not allow children to play with the . Forward-facing child restraint
seat belts. Most seating positions are . Booster seat A child restraint may be secured in the
equipped with Automatic Locking vehicle by using either the LATCH (Lower
The proper restraint depends on the
Retractor (ALR) mode seat belts. If Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) system
child’s size. Generally, infants up to about
the seat belt becomes wrapped or with the vehicle seat belt. See “Child
1 year and less than 20 lbs (9 kg) should
around a child’s neck with the ALR restraints” (P.1-21) for more information.
be placed in rear-facing child restraints.
mode activated, the child can be Forward-facing child restraints are avail- NISSAN recommends that all pre-teens
seriously injured or killed if the seat able for children who outgrow rear-facing and children be restrained in the rear
belt retracts and becomes tight. This child restraints and are at least 1 year old. seat. Studies show that children are
can occur even if the vehicle is Booster seats are used to help position a safer when properly restrained in the
parked. Unbuckle the seat belt to vehicle lap/shoulder belt on a child who rear seat than in the front seat.
release the child. If the seat belt can can no longer use a forward-facing child This is especially important because
not be unbuckled or is already un- restraint. your vehicle has a supplemental re-
buckled, release the child by cutting straint system (Air bag system) for the
the seat belt with a suitable tool front passenger. See “Supplemental
(such as a knife or scissors) to WARNING Restraint System (SRS)” (P.1-42).
release the seat belt.
Infants and children need special INFANTS
Children need adults to help protect protection. The vehicle’s seat belts Infants up to at least 1 year old should be
them. may not fit them properly. The placed in a rear-facing child restraint.
shoulder belt may come too close NISSAN recommends that infants be
They need to be properly restrained.
to the face or neck. The lap belt may placed in child restraints that comply with
In addition to the general information in not fit over their small hip bones. In Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
this manual, child safety information is an accident, an improperly fitting or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Stan-
available from many other sources, in- seat belt could cause serious or fatal dards. You should choose a child restraint
cluding doctors, teachers, government injury. Always use appropriate child that fits your vehicle and always follow
traffic safety offices, and community or- restraints. the manufacturer’s instructions for instal-
ganizations. Every child is different, so be lation and use.
sure to learn the best way to transport
your child.
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-19
SMALL CHILDREN obtain proper seat belt fit. For a seat belt . Is the child able to use the properly
Children that are over 1 year old and to fit properly, the booster seat should adjusted head restraint/headrest?
weigh at least 20 lbs (9 kg) should remain raise the child so that the shoulder belt is . Will the child be able to stay in position
in a rear-facing child restraint as long as properly positioned across the chest and for the entire ride?
possible up to the height or weight limit the top, middle portion of the shoulder.
of the child restraint. Children who out- The shoulder belt should not cross the
grow the height or weight limit of the neck or face and should not fall off the
shoulder. The lap belt should lie snugly
rear-facing child restraint and are at least
1 year old should be secured in a forward- across the lower hips or upper thighs, not
facing child restraint with a harness. Refer the abdomen.
to the manufacturer’s instructions for A booster seat can only be used in
minimum and maximum weight and seating positions that have a three-point
height recommendations. NISSAN recom- type seat belt. The booster seat should fit
mends that small children be placed in the vehicle seat and have a label certify-
child restraints that comply with Federal ing that it complies with Federal Motor
Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or Cana- Vehicle Safety Standards or Canadian
dian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. You Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
should choose a child restraint that fits A booster seat should be used until the
your vehicle and always follow the man- child can pass the seat belt fit test below:
ufacturer’s instructions for installation
. Are the child’s back and hips against
and use.
the vehicle seatback?
LARGER CHILDREN . Is the child able to sit without slouch-
Children should remain in a forward- ing?
facing child restraint with a harness until . Do the child’s knees bend easily over
they reach the maximum height or the front edge of the seat with feet flat
weight limit allowed by the child restraint on the floor?
manufacturer. . Can the child safely wear the seat belt
Once a child outgrows the height or (lap belt low and snug across the hips
weight limit of the harness-equipped and shoulder belt across mid-chest
forward-facing child restraint, NISSAN and shoulder)?
recommends that the child be placed in
a commercially available booster seat to
1-20 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
JVR0473X SSS0099
Never let a child stand or kneel on SSS0100
any seat and do not allow a child in
the cargo area. The child could be
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-21
PRECAUTIONS ON CHILD RE- seat than in the front seat. If will not be properly installed
STRAINTS you must install a forward- using the damaged ancho-
facing child restraint in the rage, and a child could be
front seat, see “Forward-fa- seriously injured or killed in a
WARNING cing child restraint installation collision.
using the seat belts” (P.1-34).
. Failure to follow the warnings — Never use the anchor points
and instructions for proper use — Even with the NISSAN Ad- for adult seat belts or har-
and installation of child restraints vanced Air Bag System, never nesses.
could result in serious injury or install a rear-facing child re-
— A child restraint with a top
death of a child or other passen- straint in the front seat. An
tether strap should not be
gers in a sudden stop or collision: inflating air bag could ser-
used in the front passenger
iously injure or kill a child. A
— The child restraint must be seat.
rear-facing child restraint
used and installed properly. must only be used in the rear — Keep seatbacks as upright as
Always follow all of the child seat. possible after fitting the child
restraint manufacturer’s in- restraint.
structions for installation and — Be sure to purchase a child
use. restraint that will fit the child — Infants and children should
and vehicle. Some child re- always be placed in an appro-
— Infants and children should straints may not fit properly priate child restraint while in
never be held on anyone’s in your vehicle. the vehicle.
lap. Even the strongest adult
cannot resist the forces of a — Child restraint anchorages are . When the child restraint is not in
collision. designed to withstand only use, keep it secured with the
those loads imposed by cor- LATCH system or a seat belt. In a
— Do not put a seat belt around rectly fitted child restraints. sudden stop or collision, loose
both a child and another pas- Under no circumstances are objects can injure occupants or
senger. they to be used to attach damage the vehicle.
— NISSAN recommends that all adult seat belts, or other
child restraints be installed in items or equipment to the
the rear seat. Studies show vehicle. Doing so could da-
that children are safer when mage the child restraint an-
properly restrained in the rear chorages. The child restraint
SSS0648 SSS0649
Rear-facing web-mounted — step 2 Rear-facing rigid-mounted — step 2
2. Secure the child restraint anchor at-
tachments to the LATCH lower an-
chors. Check to make sure the LATCH
attachment is properly attached to
the lower anchors.
The three-point seat belt with Auto-
SSS0639 SSS0650 matic Locking Retractor (ALR) must
Rear-facing — step 3 Rear-facing — step 4 be used when installing a child re-
straint. Failure to use the ALR mode
3. For child restraints that are equipped 4. After attaching the child restraint, test
will result in the child restraint not
with webbing-mounted attachments, it before you place the child in it. Push
being properly secured. The restraint
remove any additional slack from the it from side to side while holding the
could tip over or be loose and cause
anchor attachments. Press downward child restraint near the LATCH attach-
injury to a child in a sudden stop or
and rearward firmly in the center of ment path. The child restraint should
the child restraint with your hand to not move more than 1 inch (25 mm),
compress the vehicle seat cushion from side to side. Try to tug it forward
and seatback while tightening the and check to see if the LATCH attach-
webbing of the anchor attachments. ment holds the restraint in place. If the
restraint is not secure, tighten the
LATCH attachment as necessary, or
put the restraint in another seat and
test it again. You may need to try a
different child restraint or try installing
by using the vehicle seat belt (if
applicable). Not all child restraints fit
SSS0100 SSS0654
Rear-facing — step 1 Rear-facing — step 2
Refer to all Warnings and Cautions in the 2. Route the seat belt tongue through
“Child safety” (P.1-19) and “Child restraints” the child restraint and insert it into the
(P.1-21) before installing a child restraint. buckle until you hear and feel the
Do not use the lower anchors if the latch engage. Be sure to follow the
combined weight of the child and the child restraint manufacturer’s instruc-
child restraint exceeds 65 lbs (29.5 kg). If tions for belt routing.
the combined weight of the child and the
child restraint is greater than 65 lbs (29.5
kg), use the vehicle’s seat belt (not the
lower anchors) to install the child re-
straint. Be sure to follow the child re-
straint manufacturer’s instructions for
Follow these steps to install a rear-facing
child restraint using the vehicle seat belts
in the rear seats:
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-29
SSS0655 SSS0656 SSS0657
Rear-facing — step 3 Rear-facing — step 4 Rear-facing — step 5
3. Pull the shoulder belt until the belt is 4. Allow the seat belt to retract. Pull up 5. Remove any additional slack from the
fully extended. At this time, the seat on the shoulder belt to remove any seat belt; press downward and rear-
belt retractor is in the Automatic slack in the belt. ward firmly in the center of the child
Locking Retractor (ALR) mode (child restraint to compress the vehicle seat
restraint mode). It reverts to the cushion and seatback while pulling up
Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) on the seat belt.
mode when the seat belt is fully
SSS0646 SSS0647
Forward-facing rigid-mounted — step 2 Forward-facing — step 4
3. The back of the child restraint should 4. For child restraints that are equipped
be secured against the vehicle seat- with webbing-mounted attachments,
back. remove any additional slack from the
If necessary, adjust or remove the anchor attachments. Press downward
head restraint to obtain the correct and rearward firmly in the center of
child restraint fit. If the head restraint the child restraint with your knee to
is removed, store it in a secure place. compress the vehicle seat cushion
Be sure to reinstall the head re- and seatback while tightening the
straint when the child restraint is webbing of the anchor attachments.
removed. See “Head restraints/head- 5. Tighten the tether strap according to
rests” (P.1-8) for head restraint adjust- the manufacturer’s instructions to
ment information. remove any slack.
If the seating position does not have a
head restraint and it is interfering with
the proper child restraint fit, try an-
other seating position or a different
1-32 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
7. Check to make sure the child restraint
is properly secured prior to each use. If
the child restraint is loose, repeat
steps 1 through 6.
SSS0638 WAB0058X
Forward-facing — step 6
6. After attaching the child restraint, test Installing top tether strap
it before you place the child in it. Push
it from side to side while holding the
child restraint near the LATCH attach- WARNING
ment path. The child restraint should
not move more than 1 inch (25 mm), Child restraint anchorages are de-
from side to side. Try to tug it forward signed to withstand only those loads
and check to see if the LATCH attach- imposed by correctly fitted child
ment holds the restraint in place. If the restraints. Under no circumstances
restraint is not secure, tighten the are they to be used to attach adult
LATCH attachment as necessary, or seat belts, or other items or equip-
put the restraint in another seat and ment to the vehicle. Doing so could
test it again. You may need to try a damage the child restraint an-
different child restraint. Not all child chorages. The child restraint will not
restraints fit in all types of vehicles. be properly installed using the da-
maged anchorage, and a child could
be seriously injured or killed in a
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-33
The child restraint top tether strap must SEAT BELTS
be used when installing the child restraint
with the LATCH lower anchor attach-
ments. WARNING
First, secure the child restraint with the
The three-point seat belt with Auto-
LATCH lower anchors (rear outboard
matic Locking Retractor (ALR) must
seating positions only).
be used when installing a child re-
1. Remove the head restraint and store it straint. Failure to use the ALR mode
in a secure place. Be sure to reinstall will result in the child restraint not
the head restraint when the child being properly secured. The restraint
restraint is removed. could tip over or be loose and cause
injury to a child in a sudden stop or SSS0640
See “Head restraints/headrests” (P.1-8)
for head restraint adjustment, re- collision. Also, it can change the Forward-facing (front passenger seat) — step 1
moval and installation information. operation of the front passenger air Refer to all Warnings and Cautions in the
2. Position the top tether strap as bag. See “Front passenger air bag “Child safety” and “Child restraints” sec-
shown. and status light” (P.1-50). tions before installing a child restraint.
3. Secure the top tether strap to the Do not use the lower anchors if the
tether anchor point as shown. combined weight of the child and the
child restraint exceeds 65 lbs (29.5 kg). If
4. Refer to the appropriate child restraint the combined weight of the child and the
installation procedure steps in this child restraint is greater than 65 lbs (29.5
section before tightening the tether kg), use the vehicle’s seat belt (not the
strap. lower anchors) to install the child re-
If you have any questions when instal- straint. Be sure to follow the child re-
ling a top tether strap, it is recom- straint manufacturer’s instructions for
mended that you visit a NISSAN dealer installation.
for this service. Follow these steps to install a forward-
facing child restraint using the vehicle
seat belt in the rear seats or in the front
1-34 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
passenger seat:
1. If you must install a child restraint in
the front seat, it should be placed in
a forward-facing direction only.
Move the seat to the rearmost posi-
tion. Child restraints for infants must
be used in the rear-facing direction
and, therefore, must not be used in
the front seat.
2. Position the child restraint on the seat.
Always follow the child restraint man-
ufacturer’s instructions.
The back of the child restraint should
be secured against the vehicle seat- SSS0360B SSS0651
back. Forward-facing — step 3 Forward-facing — step 4
If necessary, adjust or remove the 3. Route the seat belt tongue through 4. Pull the shoulder belt until the belt is
head restraint to obtain the correct the child restraint and insert it into the fully extended. At this time, the seat
child restraint fit. If the head restraint buckle until you hear and feel the belt retractor is in the Automatic
is removed, store it in a secure place. latch engage. Be sure to follow the Locking Retractor (ALR) mode (child
Be sure to reinstall the head re- child restraint manufacturer’s instruc- restraint mode). It reverts to Emer-
straint when the child restraint is tions for belt routing. gency Locking Retractor (ELR) mode
removed. See “Head restraints/head- when the seat belt is fully retracted.
rests” (P.1-8) for head restraint adjust- If the child restraint is equipped with a
ment, removal and installation top tether strap, route the top tether
information. strap and secure the tether strap to
the tether anchor point (rear seat
If the seating position does not have installation only). See “Installing top
an adjustable head restraint and it is tether strap” (P.1-37). Do not install
interfering with the proper child re- child restraints that require the use
straint fit, try another seating position of a top tether strap in seating posi-
or a different child restraint. tions that do not have a top tether
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-35
SSS0652 SSS0653 SSS0641
Forward-facing — step 5 Forward-facing — step 6 Forward-facing — step 8
5. Allow the seat belt to retract. Pull up 6. Remove any additional slack from the 8. After attaching the child restraint, test
on the shoulder belt to remove any seat belt; press downward and rear- it before you place the child in it. Push
slack in the belt. ward firmly in the center of the child it from side to side while holding the
restraint with your knee to compress child restraint near the seat belt path.
the vehicle seat cushion and seatback The child restraint should not move
while pulling up on the seat belt. more than 1 inch (25 mm), from side to
7. Tighten the tether strap according to side. Try to tug it forward and check to
the manufacturer’s instructions to see if the belt holds the restraint in
remove any slack. place. If the restraint is not secure,
tighten the seat belt as necessary, or
put the restraint in another seat and
test it again. You may need to try a
different child restraint. Not all child
restraints fit in all types of vehicles.
9. Check to make sure the child restraint
is properly secured prior to each use. If
1-36 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
the seat belt is not locked, repeat
steps 2 through 8.
SSS0676 WAB0058X
Forward-facing — step 10
10. If the child restraint is installed in the Installing top tether strap
front passenger seat, place the igni-
tion switch in the ON position. The
front passenger air bag status light WARNING
should illuminate. If this light is not
illuminated, see “Front passenger air Child restraint anchorages are de-
bag and status light” (P.1-50). Move signed to withstand only those loads
the child restraint to another seating imposed by correctly fitted child
position. Have the system checked. It restraints. Under no circumstances
is recommended you visit a NISSAN are they to be used to attach adult
dealer for this service. seat belts, or other items or equip-
ment to the vehicle. Doing so could
After the child restraint is removed and
damage the child restraint an-
the seat belt is fully retracted, the ALR
chorages. The child restraint will not
mode (child restraint mode) is canceled.
be properly installed using the da-
maged anchorage, and a child could
be seriously injured or killed in a
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-37
collision. BOOSTER SEATS . Check the booster seat in your vehicle
to be sure it is compatible with the
Precautions on booster seats vehicle’s seat and seat belt system.
The child restraint top tether strap must
be used when installing the child restraint
with the seat belts. WARNING
First, secure the child restraint with the
seat belt. If a booster seat and seat belt are not
used properly, the risk of a child
1. Remove the head restraint and store it
being injured or killed in a sudden
in a secure place. Be sure to reinstall
stop or collision greatly increases:
the head restraint when the child
restraint is removed. . Make sure the shoulder portion of
See “Head restraints/headrests” (P.1-8) the belt is away from the child’s
for head restraint adjustment, re- face and neck and the lap portion
moval and installation information. of the belt does not cross the
2. Position the top tether strap as
shown. . Make sure the shoulder belt is not
behind the child or under the
3. Secure the top tether strap to the child’s arm.
tether anchor point as shown.
. A booster seat must only be
4. Refer to the appropriate child restraint installed in a seating position that
installation procedure steps in this has a lap/shoulder belt.
section before tightening the tether
Booster seats of various sizes are offered
If you have any questions when instal- by several manufacturers. When selecting
ling a top tether strap, it is recom- any booster seat, keep the following
mended you visit a NISSAN dealer for points in mind:
this service.
. Choose only a booster seat with a
label certifying that it complies with
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
213 or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety
Standard 213.
1-38 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
. Make sure the child’s head will be
properly supported by the booster
seat or vehicle seat. The seatback
must be at or above the center of
the child’s ears. For example, if a low
back booster seat is chosen, the
vehicle seatback must be at or above
the center of the child’s ears. If the
seatback is lower than the center of
the child’s ears, a high back booster
seat should be used.
. If the booster seat is compatible with
your vehicle, place your child in the
booster seat and check the various
LRS0453 adjustments to be sure the booster LRS0464
seat is compatible with your child.
Always follow all recommended pro- All U.S. states and Canadian provinces
cedures. or territories require that infants and
small children be restrained in an ap-
proved child restraint at all times while
the vehicle is being operated.
The instructions in this section apply to
booster seat installation in the rear seats
or the front passenger seat.
To avoid injury to child, do not use
the lap/shoulder belt Automatic
Locking Retractor (ALR) mode when
using a booster seat with the seat
PRECAUTIONS ON SRS front passenger in certain side impact pant seated a suitable distance away
collisions. The side air bag is designed to from the steering wheel, instrument pa-
This SRS section contains important in- inflate on the side where the vehicle is nel and door finishers. (See “Seat belts”
formation concerning the following sys- impacted. (P.1-12) for instructions and precautions
tems: on seat belt usage.)
Rear outboard seat-mounted side-im-
. Driver and front passenger supple- pact supplemental air bag system: This The supplemental air bags operate only
mental front-impact air bag (NISSAN system can help cushion the impact force when the ignition switch is in the ON or
Advanced Air Bag System) to the chest area of the rear outboard START position.
. Driver and front passenger supple- seat passengers in certain side-impact
mental knee air bag After the ignition is placed in the ON
collisions. The side air bags are designed position, the supplemental air bag
. Front seat-mounted side-impact sup- to inflate on the side where the vehicle is warning light illuminates. The supple-
plemental air bag impacted. mental air bag warning light will turn
. Rear outboard seat-mounted side- Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and off after about 7 seconds if the systems
impact supplemental air bag rollover supplemental air bag system: are operational.
. Roof-mounted curtain side-impact This system can help cushion the impact
and rollover supplemental air bag force to the heads of occupants in front
. Seat belt with pretensioner (front and and rear outboard seating positions in
rear outboard seats) certain side impact or rollover collisions.
Supplemental front-impact air bag sys- In a side-impact, the curtain air bags are
tem: The NISSAN Advanced Air Bag Sys- designed to inflate on the side where the
tem can help cushion the impact force to vehicle is impacted. In a rollover, the
the head and chest of the driver and front curtain air bags on both sides are de-
passenger in certain frontal collisions. signed to inflate. Under both side-impact
and rollover situations, the curtain air
Driver and front passenger supplemen-
bags will remain inflated for a short
tal knee air bag system: This system can
period of time.
help cushion the impact force to the
driver’s and front passenger’s knees in These supplemental restraint systems are
certain collisions. designed to supplement the crash pro-
tection provided by the driver, passenger
Front seat-mounted side-impact sup-
and rear outboard seat belts and are not
plemental air bag system: This system
a substitute for them. Seat belts should
can help cushion the impact force to the
always be correctly worn and the occu-
chest and pelvic area of the driver and
1-42 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
. The front air bags ordinarily will
not inflate in the event of a side
impact, rear impact, rollover, or
lower severity frontal collision.
Always wear your seat belts to
help reduce the risk or severity of
injury in various kinds of acci-
. The front passenger air bag and
front passenger knee air bag will
not inflate if the front passenger
air bag status light is lit. See
“Front passenger air bag and
status light” (P.1-50).
. The seat belts and the front air
bags are most effective when you
are sitting well back and upright
in the seat with both feet on the
floor. The front air bags inflate
with great force. Even with the
NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System,
if you are unrestrained, leaning
forward, sitting sideways or out
of position in any way, you are at
greater risk of injury or death in a
crash. You may also receive ser-
SSS0132 ious or fatal injuries from the
front air bag if you are up against
it when it inflates. Always sit back
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-43
against the seatback and as far- injured if the front air bag in-
away as practical from the steer- flates.
ing wheel or instrument panel.
Always use the seat belts.
. The driver and front passenger
seat belt buckles are equipped
with sensors that detect if the
seat belts are fastened. The Ad-
vanced Air Bag System monitors
the severity of a collision and seat
belt usage then inflates the air
bags as needed. Failure to prop-
erly wear seat belts can increase
the risk or severity of injury in an
. The front passenger seat is
equipped with occupant classifi-
cation sensors (weight sensors)
that turn the front passenger air
bag and front passenger knee air
bag OFF under some conditions.
These sensors are only used in
this seat. Failure to be properly
seated and wearing the seat belt
can increase the risk or severity
of injury in an accident. See
“Front passenger air bag and
status light” (P.1-50).
. Keep hands on the outside of the
steering wheel. Placing them in- SSS0006
side the steering wheel rim could
increase the risk that they are
1-44 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
. Never let children ride unrest-
rained or extend their hands or
face out of the window. Do not
attempt to hold them in your lap
or arms. Some examples of dan-
gerous riding positions are
shown in the illustrations.
. Children may be severely injured
or killed when the front air bags,
side air bags or curtain air bags
inflate if they are not properly
SSS0008 SSS0099
restrained. Pre-teens and chil-
dren should be properly re-
strained in the rear seat, if
. Even with the NISSAN Advanced
Air Bag System, never install a
rear-facing child restraint in the
front seat. An inflating front air
bag could seriously injure or kill
your child. See “Child restraints”
(P.1-21) for details.
SSS0009 SSS0100
Front and rear outboard seat-
mounted side-impact supplemental
air bags and roof-mounted curtain
side-impact and rollover supplemen-
tal air bags:
. The side air bags ordinarily will
not inflate in the event of a
frontal impact, rear impact, roll-
over or lower severity side colli-
sion. Always wear your seat belts
SSS0162 to help reduce the risk or severity
SSS0188A of injury in various kinds of acci-
1-46 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
. The curtain air bags ordinarily will properly restrained. Some exam-
not inflate in the event of a front ples of dangerous riding posi-
impact, rear impact, or lower tions are shown in the
severity side collision. Always illustrations.
wear your seat belts to help . Do not use seat covers on the
reduce the risk or severity of front and rear seatbacks. They
injury in various kinds of acci- may interfere with side air bag
dents. inflation.
. The seat belts, the side air bags
and curtain air bags are most
effective when you are sitting
well back and upright in the seat.
The side air bags and curtain air
bags inflate with great force. Do
not allow anyone to place their
hand, leg or face near the side air
bags on the side of the seatback
of the front and rear seat or near
the side roof rails. Do not allow
anyone sitting in the front seats
or rear outboard seats to extend
their hand out of the window or
lean against the door. Some ex-
amples of dangerous riding posi-
tions are shown in the previous
. When sitting in the rear seat, do
not hold onto the seatback of the
front seat. If the side air bag
inflates, you may be seriously
injured. Be especially careful with
children, who should always be
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-47
10. Front door pressure sensors (driver’s side
shown; front passenger side similar)
11. Lap outer pretensioners
12. Seat belt with pretensioners (front seats)
13. Satellite sensors
14. Rear outboard seat-mounted side-impact
supplemental air bag modules
15. Seat belt with pretensioners (rear out-
board seats)
TEM (front seats)
To ensure proper operation of the
passenger’s Advanced Air Bag sys-
tem, please observe the following
. Do not allow a passenger in the
rear seat to push or pull on the
seatback pocket.
WAB0046X . Do not place heavy loads heavier
than 9.1 lbs (4 kg) on the seat-
1. Supplemental front-impact air bag mod- mental air bag modules back, head restraint or in the
ules (NISSAN Advanced Air Bags) 6. Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and seatback pocket.
2. Air bag Control Unit (ACU) rollover supplemental air bag inflators
. Make sure nothing is pressing
3. Occupant classification sensors (weight 7. Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and
sensors) rollover supplemental air bag modules
against the rear of the seatback,
such as a child restraint installed
4. Occupant classification system control 8. Crash zone sensor
unit in the rear seat or an object
9. Driver and front passenger supplemental stored on the floor.
5. Front seat-mounted side-impact supple- knee air bags
1-48 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
. Make sure that there is no object bag and front passenger knee air The driver supplemental front-impact air
placed under the front passenger bag may deploy in a collision. bag is located in the center of the
seat. Also the front passenger air bag steering wheel. The passenger supple-
status light may not illuminate. mental front-impact air bag is mounted in
. Make sure that there is no object the instrument panel above the glove
placed between the seat cushion See “Child restraints” (P.1-21) for
information about installing and box. The front air bags are designed to
and center console or between inflate in higher severity frontal collisions,
the seat cushion and the door. using child restraints.
although they may inflate if the forces in
. Be sure that the front passenger . Confirm the operating condition another type of collision are similar to
seat does not contact the rear with the front passenger air bag those of a higher severity frontal impact.
seat, instrument panel, etc., or the status light. They may not inflate in certain frontal
head restraint does not contact . If you notice that the front pas- collisions. Vehicle damage (or lack of it) is
the roof. senger air bag status light is not not always an indication of proper front
. Do not position the front passen- operating as described in this air bag operation.
ger seat so it contacts the rear section, it is recommended you The NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System has
seat. If the front seat does con- visit a NISSAN dealer to check the dual stage air bag inflators. The system
tact the rear seat, the air bag passenger seat Advanced Air Bag monitors information from the Air bag
system may determine a sensor System. Control Unit (ACU), seat belt buckle sen-
malfunction has occurred and the . Until you have confirmed with sors and the occupant classification sen-
front passenger air bag status your dealer that your passenger sors (weight sensors). Inflator operation is
light may illuminate and the sup- seat Advanced Air Bag is working based on the severity of a collision and
plemental air bag warning light properly, position the occupants seat belt usage for the driver. For the
may flash. in the rear seating positions. front passenger, the occupant classifica-
. If a forward facing child restraint tion sensors are also monitored. Based on
is installed in the front passenger This vehicle is equipped with the NISSAN information from the sensors, only one
seat, do not position the front Advanced Air Bag System for the driver front air bag may inflate in a crash,
passenger seat so the child re- and front passenger seats. This system is depending on the crash severity and
straint contacts the instrument designed to meet certification require- whether the front occupants are belted
panel. If the child restraint does ments under U.S. regulations. It is also or unbelted. Additionally, the front pas-
contact the instrument panel, the permitted in Canada. All of the informa- senger air bag and front passenger knee
system may determine the seat is tion, cautions and warnings in this air bag may be automatically turned OFF
occupied and the passenger air manual apply and must be followed. under some conditions, depending on the
information provided by the occupant
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-49
classification sensors. If the front passen- ger’s knee air bags, do not provide
ger air bag and front passenger knee air restraint to the lower body.
bag are OFF, the front passenger air bag Even with NISSAN Advanced Air Bags, seat
status light will be illuminated. (See “Front belts should be correctly worn and the
passenger air bag and status light” (P.1- driver and passenger seated upright as
50) for further details.) One front air bag far as practical away from the steering
inflating does not indicate improper per- wheel or instrument panel. The front air
formance of the system. bags inflate quickly in order to help
If you have any questions about your air protect the front occupants. Because of
bag system, it is recommended you visit a this, the force of the front air bag inflating
NISSAN dealer to obtain information can increase the risk of injury if the
about the system. If you are considering occupant is too close to, or is against,
modification of your vehicle due to a the air bag module during inflation.
disability, you may also contact NISSAN. The front air bags deflate quickly after a
Contact information is contained in the SSS0676
front of this Owner’s Manual. Front passenger air bag status light
The front air bags operate only when
When a front air bag inflates, a fairly loud the ignition switch is in the ON position. Front passenger air bag and status
noise may be heard, followed by release light
of smoke. This smoke is not harmful and After the ignition is placed in the ON
does not indicate a fire. Care should be position, the supplemental air bag
warning light illuminates. The supple-
taken not to inhale it, as it may cause
mental air bag warning light will turn
irritation and choking. Those with a
history of a breathing condition should off after about 7 seconds if the system
is operational. The front passenger air bag and
get fresh air promptly. front passenger knee air bag are
Front air bags, along with the use of seat designed to automatically turn OFF
belts, help to cushion the impact force on under some conditions. Read this
the head and chest of the front occu- section carefully to learn how it
pants. They can help save lives and operates. Proper use of the seat,
reduce serious injuries. However, an in- seat belt and child restraints is ne-
flating front air bag may cause facial cessary for most effective protec-
abrasions or other injuries. Front air bags, tion. Failure to follow all
other than the driver’s and front passen- instructions in this manual concern-
1-50 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
ing the use of seats, seat belts and
child restraints can increase the risk
or severity of injury in an accident.
In addition to the above, certain objects placed on the front passenger seat may also cause the light to operate as described above
depending on their weight.
For additional information related to the normal operation and troubleshooting of this occupant classification sensor system, please
refer to “Normal operation” (P.1-54) and “Troubleshooting” (P.1-55) in this section.
SUPPLEMENTAL AIR BAG WARNING If the supplemental air bag warning
LIGHT light is on, it could mean that the
The supplemental air bag warning light, front air bag, knee air bag, side air
displaying in the instrument panel, bag, curtain air bag and/or preten-
monitors the circuits for the air bag sioner systems will not operate in an
systems, pretensioners and all related accident. To help avoid injury to
wiring. yourself or others, have your vehicle
When the ignition switch is in the ON checked as soon as possible. It is
position, the supplemental air bag warn- recommended you visit a NISSAN
ing light illuminates for about 7 seconds dealer for this service.
and then turns off. This means the system
is operational.
If any of the following conditions occur,
the air bag and/or pretensioner systems
need servicing:
Cockpit .................................................................................................. 2-3 Clock and outside air temperature ................... 2-42
Instrument panel .......................................................................... 2-4 Traffic Sign Recognition (if so equipped) ...... 2-43
Meters and gauges ..................................................................... 2-5 Security systems ....................................................................... 2-45
Speedometer and odometer ........................................ 2-6 Vehicle Security System .............................................. 2-45
Tachometer ................................................................................ 2-7 NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System ................. 2-47
Engine coolant temperature gauge ....................... 2-7 Wiper and washer switch ................................................... 2-48
Fuel gauge ................................................................................... 2-8 Windshield wiper and washer operation ...... 2-49
Instrument brightness control .................................... 2-9 Rear window wiper and washer switch ................. 2-50
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) Rear window and outside mirror
position indicator (if so equipped) ........................... 2-9 defroster switch ......................................................................... 2-51
Warning lights, indicator lights and Headlight and turn signal switch ................................ 2-52
audible reminders ..................................................................... 2-10 Headlight switch ............................................................... 2-52
Checking lights ..................................................................... 2-11 Turn signal switch ........................................................... 2-58
Warning/indicator lights (red) ................................... 2-11 Fog light switch (if so equipped) ......................... 2-59
Warning/indicator lights (yellow) ........................... 2-13 Horn ..................................................................................................... 2-59
Warning/indicator lights (other) ............................. 2-17 Heated steering wheel (if so equipped) .................. 2-59
Audible reminders .............................................................. 2-18 Heated seats (if so equipped) ......................................... 2-60
Vehicle information display ............................................... 2-19 Dynamic driver assistance switch
How to use the vehicle (models without ProPILOT assist) ............................... 2-61
information display ........................................................... 2-20 Steering assist switch (models with
Startup display ...................................................................... 2-20 ProPILOT assist) ......................................................................... 2-62
Settings ....................................................................................... 2-21 Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) off switch ........... 2-62
Vehicle information display warnings Intelligent 4x4 LOCK switch (if so equipped) ...... 2-63
and indicators ........................................................................ 2-31 Rear door alert ............................................................................ 2-63
Trip computer ........................................................................ 2-40 ECO mode switch ..................................................................... 2-64
Power outlet .................................................................................. 2-65 Interior lights .............................................................................. 2-80
USB (Universal Serial Bus) Interior light switch ........................................................ 2-81
charging connector .......................................................... 2-66 Console light (if so equipped)................................. 2-81
Emergency Call (SOS) button (if Map lights ............................................................................... 2-81
so equipped) .................................................................................. 2-67 Room light ............................................................................ 2-82
Emergency support .......................................................... 2-67 Vanity mirror light (if so equipped) .................... 2-82
Storage .............................................................................................. 2-69 Cargo light ............................................................................. 2-83
Cup holders ............................................................................. 2-69 HomeLink® Universal Transceiver (if
Soft bottle holders ............................................................. 2-70 so equipped) ................................................................................. 2-83
Flexible luggage boards (if so equipped) ......... 2-70 Programming HomeLink® ......................................... 2-84
Glove box ................................................................................... 2-71 Programming HomeLink® for Canadian
Console box ............................................................................. 2-71 customers and gate openers ................................. 2-85
Sunglasses holder .............................................................. 2-72 Operating the HomeLink®
Card holder (driver’s side) ............................................ 2-72 Universal Transceiver .................................................... 2-85
Luggage hooks ..................................................................... 2-73 Programming troubleshooting ............................. 2-86
Parcel shelf (if so equipped) ....................................... 2-73 Clearing the programmed information .......... 2-86
Roof rack (if so equipped) .................................................. 2-75 Reprogramming a single
Windows ............................................................................................ 2-76 HomeLink® button ........................................................... 2-86
Power windows .................................................................... 2-76 If your vehicle is stolen ................................................ 2-86
Moonroof (if so equipped) .................................................. 2-78
Power moonroof ................................................................. 2-78
. For cleaning, use a soft cloth,
dampened with water. Never use
a rough cloth, alcohol, benzine,
thinner or any kind of solvent or
paper towel with a chemical
cleaning agent. They will scratch
or cause discoloration to the lens.
. Do not spray any liquid such as
water on the meter lens. Spraying
liquid may cause the system to
JVI0951X JVI0820X
Warning indicator light (red) Warning indicator light (yellow) Warning indicator light (other)
All-Wheel Drive (AWD) LOCK indicator Automatic brake hold indicator light
light (if so equipped) (green) (if so equipped)
Brake warning light
Automatic brake hold indicator light
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) warn- (white) (if so equipped)
ing light
Charge warning light Exterior light indicator
Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) Front fog light indicator light (if so
Electronic parking brake indicator system warning light equipped)
light (if so equipped)
Electric power steering warning light High beam assist indicator light
SIC2045 . Do not operate the washer con-
tinuously for more than 30 sec-
Security indicator light onds.
The security indicator light blinks when- . Do not operate the washer if the
ever the ignition switch is placed in the reservoir tank is empty.
OFF or LOCK position.
. Do not fill the window washer
This function indicates the NISSAN Vehi- reservoir tank with washer fluid
cle Immobilizer System is operational. concentrates at full strength.
If the NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System Some methyl alcohol based
is malfunctioning, the light will remain on washer fluid concentrates may
while the ignition switch is placed in the permanently stain the grille if
ON position. spilled while filling the window
If the light still remains on and/or the washer reservoir tank.
engine will not start, seek service for . Pre-mix washer fluid concen-
the NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System trates with water to the manu-
as soon as possible. Please bring all facturer’s recommended levels
registered keys that you have. It is before pouring the fluid into the
window washer reservoir tank. Do
2-48 Instruments and controls
High — continuous high speed operation
not use the window washer re-
servoir tank to mix the washer Push the lever up to have one sweep
fluid concentrate and water. operation of the wiper.
Pull the lever toward you to operate the
If the windshield wiper operation is washer. Then the wiper will also operate
interrupted by snow or ice, the wiper several times.
may stop moving to protect its motor. If After a short delay, the drip wipe function
this occurs, turn the wiper switch to the will operate the wiper once more to clear
OFF position and remove the snow or remaining windshield-washer fluid from
ice that is on and around the wiper the windshield.
arms. In approximately 1 minute, turn
the switch on again to operate the
wiper. The Speed Dependent feature and Drip
Wipe feature may be disabled. For
JVI0863X additional information, refer to “Vehicle
information display” (P.2-19) in this sec-
The windshield wiper and washer oper-
ates when the ignition switch is in the ON
Push the lever down to operate the wiper
at the following speed:
Intermittent — intermittent operation can
be adjusted by turning the knob toward
(Slower) or (Faster). Also, the inter-
mittent operation speed varies in accor-
dance with the vehicle speed. (For
example, when the vehicle speed is high,
the intermittent operation speed will be
Low — continuous low speed operation
Type B
Type B
Type B:
The LED portion of the headlights auto-
matically illuminate at 100% intensity
when the engine is started and the JVI1591X
parking brake released. The DRL operate Example
with the headlight switch in the AUTO
position or position, the headlight
must be off. When you turn the headlight Turn signal
switch to the position for full illumi-
Move the lever up or down to signal the
nation, the LED lights switch from LED
turning direction. When the turn is com-
DRL to the park function.
pleted, the turn signals cancel automati-
If the parking brake is applied before the cally.
engine is started, the LED DRL do not
illuminate. The LED DRL illuminate when Lane change signal
the parking brake is released. The LED Move the lever up or down until the turn
DRL will remain on until the ignition signal begins to flash, but the lever does
switch is placed in the OFF position or not latch, to signal a lane change. Hold
the headlight turns on. the lever until the lane change is com-
Move the lever up or down until the turn
signal begins to flash, but the lever does
2-58 Instruments and controls
indicator light will turn off. . Any liquid spilled on the heated
NOTE: WARNING seat should be removed immedi-
If the surface temperature of the steer- ately with a dry cloth.
ing wheel is above 68°F (20°C) when the Do not use or allow occupants to use . When cleaning the seat, never use
switch is turned on, the system will not the seat heater if you or the occu- gasoline, thinner, or any similar
heat the steering wheel. This is not a pants cannot monitor elevated seat materials.
malfunction. temperatures or have an inability to . If any malfunctions are found or
feel pain in body parts that contact the heated seat does not operate,
the seat. Use of the seat heater by turn the switch off and have the
such people could result in serious system checked. It is recom-
injury. mended you visit a NISSAN dealer
for this service.
. The battery could run down if the
seat heater is operated while the
engine is not running.
. Do not use the seat heater for
extended periods or when no one
is using the seat.
. Do not put anything on the seat
which insulates heat, such as a
blanket, cushion, seat cover, etc.
Otherwise, the seat may become
. Do not place anything hard or
heavy on the seat or pierce it with
a pin or similar object. This may
result in damage to the heater.
JVR0322X JVI1593X
The seats are warmed by built-in heaters. The dynamic driver assistance switch is
The switches located on the center con- used to temporarily turn on and off the
sole can be operated independently of Intelligent Lane Intervention (I-LI) system.
each other. The I-LI system must be turned on with
1. Start the engine. the dynamic driver assistance switch
2. Select heat range. every time the ignition is placed in the
ON position.
For high-speed heating, push the HI
(High) side of the switch. When the dynamic driver assistance
switch is turned off, the indicator on
For low-speed heating, push the LO the switch is off. The indicator will also be
(Low) side of the switch. off if the I-LI system is deactivated using
The indicator light on the switch will the vehicle information display.
illuminate when the heater is on. The I-LI system warns the driver with an
3. To turn off the heater, return the indicator and a chime, and helps assist
switch to the level position. Make sure the driver to return the vehicle to the
the indicator light goes off. center of the traveling lane by applying
Instruments and controls 2-61
with ProPILOT assist) OFF SWITCH
the brakes to the left or right wheels
individually (for a short period of time). For
additional information, see “Intelligent
Lane Intervention (I-LI)” (P.5-40).
WAC0074X SIC4544
The steering assist switch is used to The vehicle should be driven with the
temporarily turn on and off the steering Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) system on
assist system. for most driving conditions.
The steering assist system controls the If the vehicle is stuck in mud or snow, the
steering system to help keep your vehicle VDC system reduces the engine output to
near the center of the lane when driving. reduce wheel spin. The engine speed will
For additional information, see “ProPILOT be reduced even if the accelerator is
assist” (P.5-64). depressed to the floor. If maximum en-
gine power is needed to free a stuck
vehicle, turn the VDC system off.
To turn off the VDC system, push the VDC
OFF switch. The indicator light will
Push the VDC OFF switch again or restart
the engine to turn on the system. (See
“Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) system”
2-62 Instruments and controls
so equipped)
(P.5-131).) The Rear Door Alert system functions
under certain conditions to indicate there
may be an object or passenger in the rear
seat(s). Check the seat(s) before exiting
the vehicle.
The Rear Door Alert system is initially
disabled. The driver can enable the sys-
tem using the vehicle information display.
For additional information, see “Vehicle
Settings” (P.2-23).
When the system is enabled:
. The system is activated when a rear
door is opened and closed within 10
JVI1595X minutes of the vehicle being driven.
When the vehicle is started and the
The Intelligent 4x4 LOCK switch is located system is activated, a visual message
on the instrument panel. The AWD LOCK appears in the vehicle information
indicator light will illuminate when the display. For additional information,
switch is turned on. For additional infor- see “44. Rear Door Alert is activated”
mation, refer to “Intelligent 4x4” (P.5-123). (P.2-36).
Each time you push the switch, the AWD . If a rear door is opened and closed but
mode will switch: AUTO ? LOCK ? AUTO. the vehicle is not driven within ap-
proximately 10 minutes, the system
will not be activated. A rear door must
be opened and closed and the vehicle
is driven within 10 minutes for the
system to activate.
When the Rear Door Alert system is
activated and a driver exits the vehicle
after arriving at a destination:
. When the driver puts the vehicle in the . There may be times when there is
P (Park) position, a message appears an object or passenger in the rear
in the vehicle information display for seat(s) but the audible alert does
the driver to “Dismiss Message” or not sound. For example, this may
“Disable Alert” if desired. occur if rear seat passengers
. With the system enabled, when the enter or exit the vehicle during a
driver exits the vehicle, an audible alert trip.
(horn sound) will occur unless a rear
. The system does not directly
door is opened and closed within a
detect objects or passengers in
short time to deactivate the alert.
the rear seat(s). Instead, it can
. If the doors are locked before the alert detect when a rear door is
is deactivated by opening a rear door, opened and closed, indicating
the horn will sound. that there may be something in
. If the system is activated but the the rear seat(s).
liftgate is opened before opening a JVS0185X
rear door, the horn will be delayed NOTE: The ECO mode system helps to enhance
until after the liftgate is closed. the fuel economy by controlling the
There may be times when the horn
. If the audible horn alert occurs, a engine and CVT operation (for CVT mod-
sounds but there are no objects or
message will also appear in the vehi- els) automatically to avoid rapid accelera-
passengers in the rear seat(s).
cle information display that states, tion.
“Check Back Seat for all articles”. For For additional information, see “44. Rear
additional information, see “45. Check Door Alert is activated” (P.2-36). To turn on the ECO mode system, push
Back Seat For all articles” (P.2-36). the ECO switch. The ECO mode indicator
appears on the meter.
To turn off the ECO mode, push the ECO
WARNING switch again. The ECO mode indicator will
turn off.
. If the driver selects “Disable . The ECO mode system cannot be
Alert”, no audible alert will be turned off while the accelerator pedal
provided regardless of rear door is depressed even if the ECO switch is
open/close status. pushed to OFF. Release the accelera-
tor pedal to turn off the ECO mode
2-64 Instruments and controls
Center console
1. Pull the outer board upward to 90°. To open the glove box, pull the handle.
2. Push down the board until it stops. To close, push the lid in until the lock
latches. The glove box light illuminates
when the headlight switch is turned on.
JVI0619X SIC4348
. Do not use for anything other
than sunglasses.
GAWR are located on the F.M.V.S.S. or C.V. . Properly secure all cargo with
M.S.S. certification label (located on the ropes or straps to help prevent it
driver’s door pillar). For additional infor- from sliding or shifting. In a sud-
mation regarding GVWR and GAWR, refer den stop or collision, unsecured
to “Vehicle loading information” (P.10-12). cargo could cause personal in-
. Always install the cross bars onto
the roof side rails before loading
cargo of any kind. Loading cargo
directly onto the roof side rails or
the vehicle’s roof may cause ve-
JVI0889X hicle damage.
. Drive extra carefully when the
Do not apply any load directly to the roof vehicle is loaded at or near the
side rails. Cross bars must be installed cargo carrying capacity, espe-
before applying load/cargo/luggage to cially if the significant portion of
the roof of the vehicle. Genuine NISSAN that load is carried on the cross
accessory cross bars are available bars.
through a NISSAN dealer. It is recom-
mended that you visit a NISSAN dealer for . Heavy loading of the cross bars
additional information. has the potential to affect the
vehicle stability and handling
The service load capacity for the roof side during sudden or unusual hand-
rails is 150 lb (68 kg), however do not ling maneuvers.
exceed the accessory cross bars load
capacity. . Roof rack cross bars should be
evenly distributed.
Be careful that your vehicle does not
exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating . Do not exceed maximum roof
(GVWR) or its Gross Axle Weight Rating rack cross bars load.
(GAWR front and rear). The GVWR and
SIC4523 SIC4524
JVI0655X There are some small distances im-
mediately before the closed position
Sunshade which cannot be detected. Make sure
that all passengers have their hands,
The sunshade will open automatically
etc., inside the vehicle before closing
when the moonroof is opened. However,
the moonroof.
it must be closed manually.
Tilting the moonroof If the control unit detects something
To tilt up, first close the moonroof, then caught in the moonroof when it is closing,
push the switch to the tilt up position the moonroof will be immediately
and release it; it need not be held. To tilt opened.
down the moonroof, push the switch to The auto reverse function can be acti-
the tilt down position . vated when the moonroof is closed by
automatic operation when the ignition
switch is in the ON position or for about
45 seconds after the ignition switch is
pushed to the OFF position.
If the moonroof cannot be closed auto-
Instruments and controls 2-79
matically when the auto reverse function repaired. It is recommended you visit a
activates due to a malfunction, push and NISSAN dealer for this service. CAUTION
hold the moonroof switch to the close
position .
. Do not leave the light switch on
Depending on the environment or driv- when the engine is not running
ing conditions, the auto reverse func- for extended periods of time to
tion may be activated if an impact or prevent the battery from being
load similar to something being caught discharged.
in the moonroof occurs.
. Turn off the lights when you leave
If the moonroof does not operate the vehicle.
If the moonroof does not operate prop-
erly, perform the following procedure to
initialize the moonroof operation system.
1. If the moonroof is open, close it fully
by repeatedly pushing the moonroof
switch to the close position to tilt
the moonroof up.
2. Push and hold the switch to the close
position .
3. Release the moonroof switch after the
moonroof moves slightly up and
4. Push and hold the switch to the open
position to fully tilt the moonroof
5. Check if the moonroof switch oper-
ates normally.
If the moonroof does not operate prop-
erly after performing the procedure
above, have your moonroof checked and
2-80 Instruments and controls
JVI0626X JVI0627X JVI0628X
SIC2063A SIC3869
Always carry the mechanical key . Always have the doors locked
installed in the Intelligent Key. while driving. Along with the use
of seat belts, this provides great-
er safety in the event of an
accident by helping to prevent
persons from being thrown from
the vehicle. This also helps keep
children and others from unin-
tentionally opening the doors,
and will help keep out intruders.
. Before opening any door, always SPA2457
look for and avoid oncoming
. To help avoid risk of injury or To lock the driver’s door, insert the
death through unintended opera- mechanical key to the door key cylinder
tion of the vehicle and or its and turn the key to the front of the
systems, including entrapment vehicle .
in windows or inadvertent door
To unlock the driver’s door, turn the
lock activation, do not leave chil-
mechanical key to the rear of the vehicle
dren, people who require the
assistance of others or pets un-
attended in your vehicle. Addi- To lock or unlock the other door, use the
tionally, the temperature inside a power door lock switch, the LOCK or
closed vehicle on a warm day can UNLOCK button on the Intelligent Key
quickly become high enough to or the key fob, or the request switch (if so
cause a significant risk of injury equipped).
or death to people and pets.
Passenger’s armrest
The following conditions or occur-
rences will damage the key fob.
. Do not allow the key fob to
become wet.
. Do not drop the key fob. JVP0308X
. Do not strike the key fob sharply Jackknife type key release button
against another object.
LOCK button
. If the outside temperature is be- UNLOCK button
low 14°F (-10°C) degrees, the bat- PANIC button
tery of key fob may not function
Battery indicator light
. Do not place the key fob for an HOW TO USE REMOTE KEYLESS
extended period in an area where ENTRY SYSTEM
temperatures exceed 140°F Welcome light and farewell light
If a key fob is lost or stolen, NISSAN
recommends erasing the ID code of When you lock or unlock the doors or the
that key fob. This will prevent the key liftgate, the daytime running lights, park-
fob from unauthorized use to unlock ing lights and the tail lights will illuminate
the vehicle. For information regard- for a period of time. The welcome light
ing the erasing procedure, it is re- and farewell light function can be dis-
commended that you visit a NISSAN abled. For information about disabling
3-8 Pre-driving checks and adjustments
. Any of the buttons on the key fob is
the welcome light and farewell light 2. Push the UNLOCK button again
function, see “Vehicle Settings” (P.2-23). within 5 seconds. pushed. (Note: the PANIC button
. All the doors and the liftgate unlock. must be pushed for more than 1
Locking doors . The hazard indicator flashes once if second.)
1. Remove the key from the ignition all doors are completely closed.
Battery indicator light
All doors will be locked automatically The battery indicator light illuminates
2. Close all the doors. unless one of the following operations is when you push any button. If the light
3. Push the LOCK button on the performed within 1 minute of pushing the does not illuminate, the battery is weak or
key fob. UNLOCK button. needs replacement. For information re-
4. All the doors will lock. . Any door or liftgate is opened. garding replacement of a battery, see
All of the doors will lock when the . The ignition switch is placed in the ON “Key fob battery replacement” (P.8-21).
LOCK button is pushed even position.
Setting hazard indicator and horn
though a door remains open. NOTE: mode
5. The hazard indicator flashes twice The unlocking operation can be chan- This vehicle is set in hazard indicator and
and the horn chirps once. ged in selective unlock in the Vehicle horn mode when you first receive the
. When the LOCK button is pushed Settings of the vehicle information dis- vehicle.
with all doors locked, the hazard play. For additional information, refer to
“Vehicle Settings” (P.2-23). In hazard indicator and horn mode, when
indicator flashes twice and the horn the LOCK button is pushed, the
chirps once as a reminder that the Using panic alarm hazard indicator flashes twice and the
doors are already locked. If you are near your vehicle and feel horn chirps once. When the UNLOCK
. Operate the door handles to confirm threatened, you may activate the alarm button is pushed, the hazard indicator
that the doors have been securely to call attention as follows: flashes once.
1. Push the PANIC button on the If the horn chirp is not necessary, you can
Unlocking doors key fob for more than 0.5 seconds. switch to hazard indicator only mode by
1. Push the UNLOCK button on 2. The theft warning alarm and head- following the switching procedure.
the key fob. lights will stay on for 25 seconds. In hazard indicator only mode, when the
. The driver’s door unlocks. 3. The panic alarm stops when: LOCK button is pushed, the hazard
. The hazard indicator flashes once if . It has run for 25 seconds, or indicator flashes twice. When the UNLOCK
all doors are completely closed. button is pushed, neither the hazard
indicator nor the horn operates.
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-9
Mode (Pushing the or
DOOR LOCK DOOR UNLOCK Switching procedure:
button) To switch the hazard indicator and horn
HAZARD - twice HAZARD - once operation, push the LOCK and
Hazard indicator and horn mode HORN - none
HORN - once UNLOCK buttons on the key fob
Hazard indicator mode HAZARD - twice HAZARD - none simultaneously for more than 2 seconds.
. When the hazard indicator mode is
set, the hazard indicator flashes 3
. When the hazard indicator and horn
mode is set, the hazard indicator
flashes once and the horn chirps once.
INTELLIGENT KEY OPERATING door glass, handle or rear bumper, the DOOR LOCKS/UNLOCKS PRECAU-
RANGE request switches may not function. TION
The Intelligent Key functions can only be When the Intelligent Key is within the . Do not push the door handle request
used when the Intelligent Key is within operating range, it is possible for anyone switch with the Intelligent Key held in
the specified operating range from the who does not carry the Intelligent Key to your hand as illustrated. The close
request switch . push the request switch to lock/unlock distance to the door handle will cause
the doors including the liftgate. the Intelligent Key system to have
When the Intelligent Key battery is dis-
difficulty recognizing that the Intelli-
charged or strong radio waves are pre-
gent Key is outside the vehicle.
sent near the operating location, the
Intelligent Key system’s operating range . After locking with the door handle
becomes narrower, and the Intelligent request switch, verify the doors are
Key may not function properly. securely locked by testing them.
. To prevent the Intelligent Key from
The operating range is within 31.50 in (80
being left inside the vehicle, make sure
cm) from each request switch .
you carry the key with you and then
If the Intelligent Key is too close to the lock the doors.
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-13
. Do not pull the door handle before
pushing the door handle request
switch. The door will be unlocked but
will not open. Release the door handle
once and pull it again to open the
SPA2408 JVP0538X
Type B
. Always be sure the liftgate has
been closed securely to prevent it
from opening while driving.
. Do not drive with the liftgate
open. This could allow dangerous
exhaust gases to be drawn into
the vehicle. For additional infor-
mation, refer to “Exhaust gas
(carbon monoxide)” (P.5-4).
. To help avoid risk of injury or
WAD0090X death through unintended opera-
tion of the vehicle and or its
1. Pull the hood lock release handle When closing the hood: systems, including entrapment
located below the instrument panel 1. While supporting the hood, return the in windows or inadvertent door
until the hood springs up. support rod to its original position. lock activation, do not leave chil-
2. Locate the lever in between the 2. Slowly lower the hood to about 8 to 12 dren, people who require the
hood and grille, and push the lever up in (20 to 30 cm) above the hood lock, assistance of others or pets un-
with your fingertips. then let it drop. attended in your vehicle. Addi-
3. Raise the hood. tionally, the temperature inside a
3. Make sure it is securely latched. closed vehicle on a warm day can
4. Remove the support rod and insert it quickly become high enough to
into the slot . cause a significant risk of injury
Hold the coated part when removing or death to people and pets.
or resetting the support rod. Avoid . Always be sure that hands and
direct contact with the metal parts, as feet are clear of the door frame to
they may be hot immediately after the avoid injury while closing the
engine has been stopped. liftgate.
JVP0396X JVP0410X
. Fuel is extremely flammable and
highly explosive under certain
conditions. You could be burned
or seriously injured if it is misused
or mishandled. Always stop the
engine and do not smoke or allow
open flames or sparks near the
vehicle when refueling.
. Fuel may be under pressure. Turn
the cap a half of a turn, and wait
for any “hissing” sound to stop to JVP0540X SPA2800
prevent fuel from spraying out
and possibly causing personal OPENING THE FUEL-FILLER DOOR FUEL-FILLER CAP
injury. Then remove the cap.
To open the fuel-filler door, pull the To remove the fuel-filler cap:
. Use only an original equipment release handle located below the instru- 1. Turn the fuel-filler cap counterclock-
type fuel-filler cap as a replace- ment panel. To lock, close the fuel-filler wise to remove.
ment. It has a built-in safety valve door securely.
needed for proper operation of 2. Put the fuel-filler cap on the cap
the fuel system and emission holder while refueling.
control system. An incorrect cap To install the fuel-filler cap:
can result in a serious malfunc- 1. Insert the fuel-filler cap straight into
tion and possible injury. the fuel-filler tube.
2. Turn the fuel-filler cap clockwise
until a single click is heard.
. Do not store the sun visor before
returning the extension to its
original position.
. Do not pull the extension sun
TILT OR TELESCOPIC OPERATION visor forcedly downward.
Pull the lock lever down and adjust the
steering wheel up, down, forward or
rearward to the desired position. Push
the lock lever up securely to lock the
steering wheel in place.
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-31
INSIDE MIRROR Manual anti-glare type (if so Automatic anti-glare type (if so
Adjust the angle of the inside mirror to equipped) equipped)
the desired position. The night position will reduce glare The inside mirror is designed so that it
from the headlights of vehicles behind automatically changes reflection accord-
you at night. ing to the intensity of the headlights of
Use the day position when driving in the following vehicle.
daylight hours. The anti-glare system will be automati-
cally turned on when the ignition switch is
placed in the ON position.
WARNING When the anti-glare system is turned on,
the indicator light will illuminate and
Use the night position only when excessive glare from the headlights of the
necessary, because it reduces rear vehicle behind you will be reduced.
view clarity.
Push the “*” switch to make the inside
rearview mirror operate normally. The
SPA1829 SIC3869
1. CAMERA button
result in serious injury or death.
. RearView Monitor is a conveni-
WARNING ence feature and is not a sub-
stitute for proper backing. Always
. Failure to follow the warnings turn and look out the windows,
and instructions for proper use and check mirrors to be sure that
of the RearView Monitor could it is safe to move before operat-
4-2 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems
ing the vehicle. Always back up
. The system is designed as an aid
to the driver in showing large
stationary objects directly behind
the vehicle, to help avoid dama-
ging the vehicle.
. The distance guide line and the
vehicle width line should be used
as a reference only when the
vehicle is on a level paved sur-
face. The distance viewed on the
monitor is for reference only and
may be different than the actual JVH1585X SAA1896
distance between the vehicle and
displayed objects. To display the rear view, the RearView HOW TO READ THE DISPLAYED
Monitor system uses a camera located LINES
just above the vehicle’s license plate .
Guiding lines which indicate the vehicle
CAUTION REARVIEW MONITOR SYSTEM OP- width and distances to objects with
ERATION reference to the bumper line are
Do not scratch the camera lens when When the ignition switch is placed in the displayed on the monitor.
cleaning dirt or snow from the front ON position, move the shift lever to the R Distance guide lines:
of the camera. (Reverse) position to operate the Rear- Indicate distances from the vehicle body.
View Monitor.
. Red line : approximately 1.5 ft (0.5 m)
The RearView Monitor system automati- . Yellow line : approximately 3 ft (1 m)
cally shows a rear view of the vehicle
when the shift lever is placed in the R . Green line : approximately 7 ft (2 m)
(Reverse) position. . Green line (if so equipped): approxi-
mately 10 ft (3 m)
The radio can still be heard while the
RearView Monitor is active. Vehicle width guide lines :
Indicate the vehicle width when backing
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems 4-3
Predictive course lines :
Indicate the predictive course when back-
ing up. The predictive course lines will be
displayed on the monitor when the shift
lever is in the R (Reverse) position and if
the steering wheel is turned. The predic-
tive course lines will move depending on
how much the steering wheel is turned
and will not be displayed while the steer-
ing wheel is in the straight ahead position.
The vehicle width guide lines and the
width of the predictive course lines are
wider than the actual width and course.
The displayed guidelines and their loca-
tions on the ground are for approximate
reference only. Objects on uphill or down-
hill surfaces or projecting objects will be
actually located at distances different
from those displayed in the monitor JVH1159X JVH1160X
relative to the guidelines (refer to illustra-
tions). When in doubt, turn around and
view the objects as you are backing up, or Backing up on a steep uphill Backing up on a steep downhill
park and exit the vehicle to view the When backing up the vehicle up a hill, the When backing up the vehicle down a hill,
positioning of objects behind the vehicle. distance guide lines and the vehicle width the distance guide lines and the vehicle
guide lines are shown closer than the width guide lines are shown farther than
actual distance. Note that any object on the actual distance. Note that any object
the hill is farther than it appears on the on the hill is closer than it appears on the
monitor. monitor.
SAA1923 SAA1980
. If the tires are replaced with
different sized tires, the predic-
tive course lines may be dis-
played incorrectly.
. On a snow-covered or slippery
road, there may be a difference
between the predictive course
line and the actual course line.
. If the battery is disconnected or
becomes discharged, the predic-
tive course lines may be dis-
played incorrectly. If this occurs,
please perform the following pro-
— Turn the steering wheel from
lock to lock while the engine is
running. SAA1897 WAE0465X
— Drive the vehicle on a straight 1. Visually check that the parking space 3. Slowly back up the vehicle adjusting
road for more than 5 minutes. is safe before parking your vehicle. the steering wheel so that the pre-
. When the steering wheel is 2. The rear view of the vehicle is dis- dictive course lines enter the park-
turned with the ignition switch in played on the screen when the shift ing space .
the ON position, the predictive lever is moved to the R (Reverse) 4. Maneuver the steering wheel to make
course lines may be displayed position. the vehicle width guide lines parallel
incorrectly. to the parking space while referring
to the predictive course lines.
4-6 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems
5. When the vehicle is parked in the HOW TO TURN ON AND OFF PRE-
space completely, move the shift lever DICTIVE COURSE LINES
to the P (Park) position and apply the
parking brake. To turn the predictive course lines on and
off when the shift lever is in the P (Park)
position, perform the following operation.
1. Push the MENU button
2. Touch the “Settings” key and then
touch the “Camera” key.
3. Touch the “Predictive Course Lines”
key to turn the feature ON or OFF.
Pushing the CAMERA button while the
shift lever is in the R (Reverse) position
WAE0058X can also turn on and off the predictive
course lines.
1. Push the MENU button. ITATIONS
2. Touch the “Settings” key and then
touch the “Camera” key.
3. Touch the “Display Settings” key.
4. Touch the “Brightness”, “Contrast”, Listed below are the system limita-
“Tint”, “Color”, or “Black Level” key. tions for RearView Monitor. Failure to
5. Adjust the item by touching the “+” or operate the vehicle in accordance
“–” key on the touch screen display. with these system limitations could
result in serious injury or death.
Do not adjust any of the display settings . The system cannot completely
of the RearView Monitor while the eliminate blind spots and may
vehicle is moving. Make sure the park- not show every object.
ing brake is firmly applied.
. Do not use alcohol, benzine or
thinner to clean the camera. This
will cause discoloration.
. Do not damage the camera as the
monitor screen may be adversely
Do not scratch the lens when clean-
ing dirt or snow from the front of the
Front-side view:
Guiding lines:
Guiding lines that indicate the approx-
imate width and the front end of the
vehicle are displayed on the monitor.
The front-of-vehicle line shows the
front part of the vehicle. JVH1159X
The side-of-vehicle line shows the
vehicle width including the outside mir- Backing up on a steep uphill
rors. When backing up the vehicle up a hill, the
The extensions of both the front and distance guide lines and the vehicle width
side lines are shown with a green guide lines are shown closer than the
dotted line. actual distance. Note that any object on
the hill is farther than it appears on the
Backing up on a steep downhill Backing up near a projecting object Backing up behind a projecting
When backing up the vehicle down a hill, The predictive course lines do not object
the distance guide lines and the vehicle touch the object in the display. However, The position is shown farther than the
width guide lines are shown farther than the vehicle may hit the object if it projects position in the display. However, the
the actual distance. Note that any object over the actual backing up course. position is actually at the same dis-
on the hill is closer than it appears on the tance as the position . The vehicle may
monitor. hit the object when backing up to the
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems 4-15
position if the object projects over the HOW TO PARK WITH PREDICTIVE
actual moving course. COURSE LINES
. If the tires are replaced with
different sized tires, the predic-
tive course lines may be dis-
played incorrectly.
. On a snow-covered or slippery
road, there may be a difference
between the predictive course
line and the actual course line.
. If the battery is disconnected or
becomes discharged, the predic-
tive course lines may be dis-
played incorrectly. If this occurs,
please perform the following pro-
— Turn the steering wheel from
lock to lock while the engine is
running. SAA1897
— Drive the vehicle on a straight 1. Visually check that the parking space
road for more than 5 minutes. is safe before parking your vehicle.
. When the steering wheel is 2. The rear view of the vehicle is dis-
turned with the ignition switch in played on the screen when the shift
the ON position, the predictive lever is moved to the R (Reverse)
course lines may be displayed position.
WAE0057X WAE0211X
The blue MOD icon will change to WAE0211X
orange if one of the following has
. When the system is malfunctioning.
. When the component temperature CAUTION
reaches a high level (icon will blink).
. When the rear view camera has . Do not use alcohol, benzine or
detected a blockage (icon will blink). thinner to clean the camera. This
If the icon light continues to illuminate will cause discoloration.
orange, have the MOD system checked. . Do not damage the camera as the
It is recommended that you visit a monitor screen may be adversely
NISSAN dealer for this service. affected.
Precautions when starting and driving ...................... 5-4 Starting the engine (model without Intelligent
Exhaust gas (carbon monoxide) ................................ 5-4 Key system) ................................................................................... 5-18
Three-way catalyst ............................................................... 5-4 Starting the engine (model with Intelligent
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) ........... 5-5 Key system) ................................................................................... 5-19
Avoiding collision and rollover .................................... 5-8 Remote engine start (if so equipped) .............. 5-20
On-pavement and off-road Driving the vehicle ................................................................... 5-20
driving precautions .............................................................. 5-9 Continuously Variable
Off-road recovery .................................................................. 5-9 Transmission (CVT) ......................................................... 5-20
Rapid air pressure loss ...................................................... 5-9 Manual Transmission (MT) ........................................ 5-25
Drinking alcohol/drugs and driving ..................... 5-10 Parking brake ............................................................................... 5-27
Driving safety precautions .......................................... 5-10 Pedal type ............................................................................... 5-27
Ignition switch (models without Intelligent Switch type (models with electronic parking
Key system) .................................................................................... 5-12 brake system) ...................................................................... 5-27
Continuously Variable Automatic brake hold (if so equipped).................... 5-29
Transmission (CVT) ............................................................ 5-13 How to activate/deactivate the automatic
Manual Transmission (MT) ........................................... 5-13 brake hold function ........................................................ 5-30
Key positions .......................................................................... 5-14 How to use the automatic brake
hold function ........................................................................ 5-31
Push-button ignition switch (model with
Intelligent Key system) .......................................................... 5-14 SPORT mode switch (if so equipped) ....................... 5-32
Operating range for engine start function ...... 5-14 ECO mode system ................................................................... 5-32
Push-button ignition switch operation ............. 5-15 ECO Pedal Guide function ......................................... 5-33
Push-button ignition switch positions .............. 5-16 Ambient ECO ........................................................................ 5-34
Emergency engine shut off ........................................ 5-16 ECO Drive Report .............................................................. 5-34
Intelligent Key battery discharge ........................... 5-17 Lane Departure Warning (LDW) ..................................... 5-35
Before starting the engine ................................................. 5-17 LDW system operation ................................................. 5-36
How to enable/disable the LDW system ....... 5-37
LDW system limitations .................................................. 5-37 ProPILOT assist (if so equipped) ................................... 5-64
System temporarily unavailable ............................. 5-38 ProPILOT assist system operation ..................... 5-66
System malfunction .......................................................... 5-39 ProPILOT assist switches ........................................... 5-67
System maintenance ....................................................... 5-39 ProPILOT assist system display
Intelligent Lane Intervention (I-LI) ................................ 5-40 and indicators ..................................................................... 5-68
I-LI system operation ....................................................... 5-41 Turning the conventional (fixed speed)
How to enable/disable the I-LI system ............. 5-42 cruise control mode ON ............................................. 5-69
I-LI system limitations ..................................................... 5-43 Operating ProPILOT assist ........................................ 5-69
System temporarily unavailable ............................. 5-44 How to enable/disable the
steering assist ..................................................................... 5-73
System malfunction .......................................................... 5-45
How to cancel the ProPILOT
System maintenance ....................................................... 5-45
assist system ....................................................................... 5-75
Blind Spot Warning (BSW) ................................................... 5-46
Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) .............................. 5-75
BSW system operation ................................................... 5-47
Steering assist .................................................................... 5-84
How to enable/disable the BSW system .......... 5-48
Conventional (fixed speed) cruise
BSW system limitations .................................................. 5-48 control mode ....................................................................... 5-91
BSW driving situations .................................................... 5-49 Intelligent Driver Alertness (I-DA) (if
System temporarily unavailable ............................. 5-52 so equipped) ................................................................................. 5-94
System malfunction .......................................................... 5-53 Intelligent Driver Alertness (I-DA)
System maintenance ....................................................... 5-53 system operation ............................................................. 5-95
Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) ....................................... 5-54 Attention level indicator ............................................. 5-95
RCTA system operation ................................................. 5-55 How to enable/disable the Intelligent
How to enable/disable the RCTA system ....... 5-57 Driver Alertness (I-DA) system ................................ 5-96
RCTA system limitations ............................................... 5-58 Intelligent Driver Alertness (I-DA)
System temporarily unavailable ............................. 5-60 system limitations............................................................ 5-96
System malfunction .......................................................... 5-61 System malfunction ....................................................... 5-97
System maintenance ....................................................... 5-61 Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) with
Cruise control (if so equipped) ....................................... 5-62 pedestrian detection system .......................................... 5-97
Precautions on cruise control .................................. 5-63 AEB with pedestrian detection
system operation ............................................................. 5-98
Cruise control operations ............................................ 5-63
Turning the AEB with pedestrian detection Electric power steering .................................................... 5-128
system ON/OFF ................................................................ 5-100 Brake system ........................................................................... 5-129
AEB with pedestrian detection Braking precautions ................................................... 5-129
system limitations .......................................................... 5-101 Brake assist ............................................................................... 5-130
System temporarily unavailable ......................... 5-104 Brake assist ....................................................................... 5-130
System malfunction ...................................................... 5-105 Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) ........................ 5-130
System maintenance ................................................... 5-106 Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) system .............. 5-131
Intelligent Forward Collision Chassis control ....................................................................... 5-133
Warning (I-FCW) ....................................................................... 5-107 Intelligent Trace Control ......................................... 5-133
I-FCW system operation ............................................ 5-109 Intelligent Engine Brake (Continuously
Turning the I-FCW system ON/OFF ................. 5-110 Variable Transmission (CVT) models) .......... 5-134
I-FCW system limitations .......................................... 5-112 Active Ride Control ..................................................... 5-135
System temporarily unavailable ......................... 5-114 Hill Start Assist system ..................................................... 5-136
System malfunction ...................................................... 5-114 Rear Sonar System (RSS) ................................................ 5-136
System maintenance ................................................... 5-115 System operation ......................................................... 5-137
Rear Automatic Braking (RAB) .................................... 5-116 How to enable/disable the RSS ........................ 5-139
RAB system operation ................................................ 5-117 RSS limitations ................................................................ 5-140
Turning the RAB system ON/OFF...................... 5-117 System temporarily unavailable ....................... 5-140
RAB system limitations .............................................. 5-119 System maintenance ................................................ 5-140
System malfunction ...................................................... 5-121 Cold weather driving ......................................................... 5-141
System maintenance ................................................... 5-121 Freeing a frozen door lock ................................... 5-141
Break-in schedule ................................................................. 5-122 Anti-freeze .......................................................................... 5-141
Fuel Efficient Driving Tips ................................................ 5-122 Battery ................................................................................... 5-141
Increasing fuel economy ................................................. 5-123 Draining of coolant water ..................................... 5-141
Intelligent 4x4 (if so equipped)................................... 5-123 Tire equipment ............................................................... 5-141
Intelligent 4x4 LOCK switch operations ...... 5-125 Special winter equipment ..................................... 5-142
Parking/parking on hills ................................................... 5-127 Driving on snow or ice ............................................. 5-142
similar equipment even if the . Always use tires of the same type,
other two wheels are raised off size, brand, construction (bias, WARNING
the ground. Make sure you inform bias-belted or radial), and tread
test facility personnel that your pattern on all four wheels. Install Never remove the key or place the
vehicle is equipped with AWD traction devices on the front ignition switch in the LOCK position
before it is placed on a dynam- wheels when driving on slippery while driving. The steering wheel will
ometer. Using the wrong test roads and drive carefully. lock and could cause the driver to
equipment may result in drive- . Be sure to check the brakes im- lose control of the vehicle. This could
train damage or unexpected ve- mediately after driving in mud or result in serious vehicle damage or
hicle movement which could water. See “Brake system” (P.5- personal injury.
result in serious vehicle damage 129) for wet brakes.
or personal injury.
. Avoid parking your vehicle on
. When a wheel is off the ground steep hills. If you get out of the
due to an unlevel surface, do not vehicle and it rolls forward, back-
spin the wheel excessively (AWD ward or sideways, you could be
model). injured.
. Accelerating quickly, sharp steer- . Whenever you drive off-road
ing maneuvers or sudden braking through sand, mud or water as
may cause loss of control. deep as the wheel hub, more
. If at all possible, avoid sharp frequent maintenance may be
turning maneuvers, particularly required. See the maintenance
at high speeds. Your vehicle has schedule shown in the “9. Main-
a higher center of gravity than a tenance and schedules” section.
conventional passenger car. The . Spinning the front wheels on
vehicle is not designed for cor- slippery surfaces may cause the
nering at the same speeds as AWD warning message to display
conventional passenger cars. and the AWD system to automa-
Failure to operate this vehicle tically switch from the AWD mode
correctly could result in loss of to the 2WD mode. This could
control and/or a rollover acci- reduce traction. (AWD models)
JVS1067X JVS1067X
LOCK: Normal parking position (0)
OFF: (Not used) (1) Do not operate the push-button
This position activates electrical acces- ignition switch while driving the ve-
sories such as the radio when the engine hicle except in an emergency. (The
is not running. engine will stop when the ignition
switch is pushed 3 consecutive times
ON: Normal operating position (2) or the ignition switch is pushed and
This position turns on the ignition system held for more than 2 seconds.) If the
and the electrical accessories. engine stops while the vehicle is
being driven, this could lead to a
START: (3) crash and serious injury.
This position starts the engine. As soon as SSD0436
the engine has started, release the key. It Before operating the push-button igni-
automatically returns to the ON position. tion switch, be sure to move the shift OPERATING RANGE FOR ENGINE
lever to the P (Park) position (for Con- START FUNCTION
tinuously Variable Transmission (CVT)
models) or the shift lever to the N The Intelligent Key can only be used for
(Neutral) position (for Manual Transmis- starting the engine when the Intelligent
sion (MT) models). Key is within the specified operating
range .
When the Intelligent Key battery is almost
discharged or strong radio waves are
present near the operating location, the
Intelligent Key system’s operating range
becomes narrower and may not function
If the Intelligent Key is within the operat-
ing range, it is possible for anyone, even
someone who does not carry the Intelli-
gent Key, to push the ignition switch to
5-14 Starting and driving
start the engine. time.
. The cargo room area is not included in
the operating range but the Intelligent
Key may function.
. If the Intelligent Key is placed on the
instrument panel, inside the glove box
or door pocket, the Intelligent Key may
not function.
. If the Intelligent Key is placed near the
door or window outside the vehicle,
the Intelligent Key may function.
4. Push the ignition switch while depres- . Make sure the area around the vehicle
sing the brake pedal within 10 sec- is clear.
onds after the chime sounds. The . Check fluid levels such as engine oil,
engine will start. coolant, brake fluid, and window
After step 3 is performed, when the washer fluid as frequently as possible,
ignition switch is pushed without depres- or at least whenever you refuel.
sing the brake pedal, the ignition switch . Check that all windows and lights are
position will change to ACC. clean.
NOTE: . Visually inspect tires for their appear-
. When the ignition switch is pushed ance and condition. Also check tires
to the ON position or the engine is for proper inflation.
started by the above procedures, the . Lock all doors.
“Key Battery Low” warning appears . Position seat and adjust head re-
(on the Vehicle information display) straints.
even if the Intelligent Key is inside . Adjust inside and outside mirrors.
the vehicle. This is not a malfunction. . Fasten seat belts and ask all passen-
To turn off the warning, touch the gers to do likewise.
CHARGE ignition switch with the Intelligent
If the battery of the Intelligent Key is . Check the operation of warning lights
Key again.
when the ignition switch is placed in
discharged, or environmental conditions . If the “Key Battery Low” warning the ON position. (See “Warning lights,
interfere with the Intelligent Key opera- appears (on the Vehicle information
tion, start the engine according to the indicator lights and audible remin-
display), replace the battery as soon ders” (P.2-10).)
following procedure: as possible. (See “Intelligent Key
1. Move the shift lever to the P (Park) battery replacement” (P.8-23).)
position (for CVT models) or the shift
lever to the N (Neutral) position (for MT
2. Firmly apply the foot brake.
3. Touch the ignition switch with the
Intelligent Key as illustrated. (A chime
will sound.)
. Never drive the vehicle with the
parking brake applied. The brake
will overheat and fail to operate
and will lead to an accident.
. Never release the parking brake
from outside the vehicle. If the
vehicle moves, it will be impossi-
ble to push the foot brake pedal
and will lead to an accident.
. Never use the shift lever in place
of the parking brake. When park- SPA2331 JVP0498X
ing, be sure the parking brake is
fully applied. PEDAL TYPE SWITCH TYPE (models with elec-
. To help avoid risk of injury or To apply the parking brake, firmly depress tronic parking brake system)
death through unintended opera- the parking brake pedal . The electronic parking brake can be
tion of the vehicle and/or its To release the parking brake, depress and applied or released automatically or by
systems, do not leave children, hold the foot brake and then fully operating the parking brake switch.
people who require the assis- depress and release the parking brake
tance of others or pets unat- pedal . Automatic operation
tended in your vehicle. With the vehicle stationary, the electronic
Before driving, be sure that the brake
Additionally, the temperature in- parking brake is automatically applied
warning light has turned off.
side a closed vehicle on a warm when the engine is turned off with the
day can quickly become high ignition switch.
enough to cause a significant risk For the model with the automatic brake
of injury or death to people and hold function, the electronic parking
pets. brake will apply automatically if the igni-
tion switch is placed in the “OFF” position
when the brake force is maintained by
Starting and driving 5-27
automatic brake hold function. . If the driver’s seat belt is unfastened
The electronic parking brake is automati- CAUTION when the brake force is maintained
cally released as soon as the vehicle by the automatic brake hold func-
starts while the accelerator pedal is tion, the electronic parking brake
When parking in an area where the
depressed. outside temperature is below 32°F will apply automatically.
(0°C), do not apply the parking brake . If the ignition switch is placed in the
to prevent it from freezing. OFF position when the brake force is
WARNING maintained by the automatic brake
For safe parking, place the shift lever hold function, the electronic parking
. The electronic parking brake will in the 1 (1st) or R (Reverse) position brake will apply automatically.
not be automatically applied and securely block the wheels.
when the engine is stopped with- Manual operation
out using the ignition switch (for NOTE: The electronic parking brake will not be
example, by engine stalling). . To keep the electronic parking brake automatically applied if the engine is
released after the engine is turned stopped without using the ignition switch
Without the vehicle stationary, off, place the ignition switch in the (for example, by engine stalling). In such a
the electronic parking brake will OFF position, depress the brake case, you have to apply the parking brake
not be automatically applied pedal and push down the parking manually.
even if the engine is turned off brake switch before opening the
with the ignition switch. To apply: Pull the switch up . The
driver’s door. indicator light will illuminate.
. Before leaving the vehicle, move . If a malfunction occurs in the elec-
the shift lever to the 1 (1st) or R To release: With the ignition switch in the
tronic parking brake system (for ON position, depress the brake pedal and
(Reverse) position and check that example, due to battery discharge),
the electronic parking brake in- push the switch down . The indicator
it is recommended to contact a light will turn off.
dicator light is illuminated to NISSAN dealer.
confirm that the electronic park- . If the shift lever is moved to the P Before driving, check that the electronic
ing brake is applied. The electro- (Park) position when the brake force parking brake indicator light goes
nic parking brake indicator light is maintained by the automatic out. For additional information, see
will remain on for a period of time brake hold function, the electronic “Warning lights, indicator lights and audi-
after the driver’s door is locked. parking brake will apply automati- ble reminders” (P.2-10).
NOTE: brake indicator light in the meter The automatic brake hold function main-
. A buzzer will sound if the vehicle is and in the parking brake switch turn tains the braking force without the driver
driven without releasing the parking off when the parking brake is re- having to depress the brake pedal when
brake. See “Audible reminders” (P.2- leased. the vehicle is stopped at a traffic light or
18). intersection. As soon as the driver de-
. When pulling the electronic parking
. While the electronic parking brake is brake switch up with the ignition presses the accelerator pedal again, the
applied or released, an operating switch in the OFF or ACC position, automatic brake hold function is deacti-
sound is heard from the lower side the parking brake switch indicator vated and the braking force is released.
of the rear seat. This is normal and light will continue to illuminate for a The operating status of the automatic
does not indicate a malfunction. short period of time. brake hold can be displayed on the
. When the electronic parking brake is vehicle information display.
frequently applied and released in a
short period of time, the parking
brake may not operate in order to WARNING
prevent the parking brake system
from overheating. If this occurs, . The automatic brake hold func-
operate the electronic parking brake tion is not designed to hold the
switch again after waiting approxi- vehicle on a steep hill or slippery
mately 1 minute. road. Never use the automatic
. If the electronic parking brake must brake hold when the vehicle is
be applied while driving in an emer- stopped on a steep hill or slippery
gency, pull up and hold the parking road. Failure to do so may cause
brake switch. When you release the the vehicle to move.
parking brake switch, the parking . When the automatic brake hold
brake will be released. function is activated but fails to
. While pulling up the electronic park- maintain the vehicle at a stand-
ing brake switch during driving, the still, depress the brake pedal to
parking brake is applied and a chime stop the vehicle. If the vehicle
sounds. The electronic parking unexpectedly moves due to out-
brake indicator light in the meter side conditions, the chime may
and in the parking brake switch sound and automatic brake hold
illuminate. This does not indicate a warning may illuminate in the
malfunction. The electronic parking vehicle information display.
Starting and driving 5-29
. Be sure to deactivate the auto- does not illuminate when the
matic brake hold function when switch is pushed.
using a car wash or towing your
. The automatic brake hold func-
tion will not be activated if the
. Make sure to place the shift lever Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC)
in the P (Park) position and apply OFF indicator light, electronic
the parking brake when parking parking brake warning light or
your vehicle, riding on or off the master warning light illuminate
vehicle, or loading luggage. Fail- and the Chassis Control System
ure to do so could cause the Error message appears in the
vehicle to move or roll away vehicle information display.
unexpectedly and result in ser-
. To maintain the braking force to
ious personal injury or property
keep the vehicle to a standstill, a
noise may be heard. This is not a JVP0497X
. If any of the following conditions malfunction.
occur, the automatic brake hold HOW TO ACTIVATE/DEACTIVATE
function may not function. Have THE AUTOMATIC BRAKE HOLD
the system checked promptly. It
is recommended that you visit a
NISSAN dealer for this service. How to activate the automatic
Failure to operate the vehicle in brake hold function
accordance with these conditions
could cause the vehicle to move 1. With the ignition switch in the ON
or roll away unexpectedly and position, push the automatic brake
result in serious personal injury hold switch . The indicator light on
or property damage. the automatic brake hold switch
— A warning message appears
in the vehicle information dis- 2. When the automatic brake hold func-
play. tion goes into standby, the automatic
brake hold indicator light (white) illu-
— The indicator light on the minates.
automatic brake hold switch
To use the automatic brake hold function,
5-30 Starting and driving
the following conditions need to be met. maintained, the automatic brake hold
. The driver’s seat belt is fastened. WARNING indicator light (green) illuminates on the
. The electronic parking brake is re-
leased. Make sure to firmly depress and hold To start the vehicle from a stand-
. The shift lever is not in the P (Park) the brake pedal when turning off the
position. automatic brake hold function while
the brake force is applied. When the With the shift lever not in the P (Park) or N
. The vehicle is not parked on a steep (Neutral) position, depress the accelerator
hill. automatic brake hold function is
deactivated, the brake force will be pedal while the brake force is maintained.
NOTE: released. This could cause the vehi- The brake force will automatically be
The automatic brake hold function re- cle to move or roll away unexpect- released to restart the vehicle. The auto-
sets to OFF every time the ignition edly. matic brake hold indicator light (white) on
switch is switched from the OFF posi- the meter illuminates and the automatic
Failure to prevent the vehicle from brake hold returns to standby.
tion to the ON position.
rolling may result in serious personal
How to deactivate the automatic injury or property damage. Parking
brake hold function When the shift lever is in the P (Park)
While the automatic brake hold function HOW TO USE THE AUTOMATIC position with the brake force maintained
is activated, push the automatic brake BRAKE HOLD FUNCTION by the automatic brake hold function, the
hold switch to turn off the automatic parking brake will automatically be ap-
For additional information on using the
brake hold indicator light and deactivate plied and the brake force of the auto-
automatic brake hold function, refer to
the automatic brake hold function. To matic brake hold will be released. The
the instructions outlined in this section.
deactivate the automatic brake hold automatic brake hold indicator light turns
function while the brake force has been To maintain braking force auto- off. When the parking brake is applied
maintained by the automatic brake hold matically with the brake force maintained by the
function, depress the brake pedal and automatic brake hold function, the brake
push the automatic brake hold switch. With the automatic brake hold function force of the automatic brake hold will be
activated and the automatic brake hold released. The automatic brake hold in-
indicator light (white) illuminated on the dicator light turns off.
meter, depress the braking pedal to stop
the vehicle. The brake force is automati- NOTE:
cally applied without your foot depressed . Under the following conditions, the
on the brake pedal. While the brake hold is parking brake will automatically be
WAF0143X JVS1083X
JVS1088X Listed below are the system limita-
tions for the LDW system. Failure to
Vehicle information display HOW TO ENABLE/DISABLE THE LDW follow the warnings and instructions
Steering-wheel-mounted controls (left SYSTEM for proper use of the LDW system
side) could result in serious injury or
Perform the following steps to enable or death.
disable the LDW system.
. The system will not operate at
1. Press the button until “Set-
speeds below approximately 37
tings” appears in the vehicle informa-
MPH (60 km/h) or if it cannot
tion display and then press “OK”
detect lane markers.
Starting and driving 5-37
. Excessive noise will interfere with . The system may not function — When traveling close to the
the warning chime sound, and properly under the following con- vehicle in front of you, which
the chime may not be heard. ditions: obstructs the lane camera
. Do not use the LDW system under — On roads where there are unit detection range.
the following conditions as it may multiple parallel lane markers; — When rain, snow, dirt or object
not function properly: lane markers that are faded or adheres to the windshield in
— During bad weather (rain, fog, not painted clearly; yellow front of the lane camera unit.
snow, etc.). painted lane markers; non-
standard lane markers; or — When the headlights are not
— When driving on slippery lane markers covered with bright due to dirt on the lens
roads, such as on ice or snow. water, dirt, snow, etc. or if the aiming is not adjusted
— When driving on winding or — On roads where discontinued
uneven roads. lane markers are still detect- — When strong light enters the
able. lane camera unit. (For exam-
— When there is a lane closure ple, the light directly shines on
due to road repairs. — On roads where there are the front of the vehicle at
— When driving in a makeshift or sharp curves. sunrise or sunset.)
temporary lane. — On roads where there are — When a sudden change in
— When driving on roads where sharply contrasting objects, brightness occurs. (For exam-
the lane width is too narrow. such as shadows, snow, ple, when the vehicle enters or
water, wheel ruts, seams or exits a tunnel or under a
— When driving without normal lines remaining after road re- bridge.)
tire conditions (for example, pairs. (The LDW system could
tire wear, low tire pressure, detect these items as lane
installation of spare tire (if so markers.) SYSTEM TEMPORARILY UNAVAIL-
equipped), tire chains, non- ABLE
standard wheels). — On roads where the traveling
lane merges or separates. Condition A:
— When the vehicle is equipped If the vehicle is parked in direct sunlight
with non-original brake parts — When the vehicle’s traveling under high temperature conditions (over
or suspension parts. direction does not align with approximately 104°F (40°C)) and then
the lane marker. started, the LDW system may be deacti-
vated automatically, the LDW indicator
5-38 Starting and driving
will flash and the following message will vehicle. Place the ignition switch in the
appear in the vehicle information display. OFF position and restart the engine. If the
- “Unavailable: High Cabin Temperature” warning message continues to appear in
When the interior temperature is reduced, the vehicle information display, have the
the LDW system will resume operating system checked. It is recommended that
automatically and the LDW indicator will you visit a NISSAN dealer for this service.
stop flashing.
Condition B:
The warning function of the LDW system
is not designed to work under the follow-
ing conditions:
. When you operate the lane change
signal and change traveling lanes in
the direction of the signal. (The LDW WAC0198X
system will become operable again
approximately 2 seconds after the SYSTEM MAINTENANCE
lane change signal is turned off.) The camera unit for the LDW system is
. When the vehicle speed lowers to less located above the inside mirror.
than approximately 37 MPH (60 km/h). To keep the proper operation of the LDW
Action to take: system and prevent a system malfunc-
After the above conditions have finished tion, be sure to observe the following:
and the necessary operating conditions . Always keep the windshield clean.
are satisfied, the LDW system will resume. . Do not attach a sticker (including
SYSTEM MALFUNCTION transparent material) or install an
If the LDW system malfunctions, it will accessory near the camera unit.
cancel automatically and “Malfunction” . Do not place reflective materials, such
will appear in the vehicle information as white paper or a mirror, on the
display. If the warning message appears instrument panel. The reflection of
in the vehicle information display, pull off sunlight may adversely affect the
the road to a safe location and stop the camera unit’s capability of detecting
the lane markers.
Starting and driving 5-39
Failure to follow the warnings and
instructions for proper use of the
BSW system could result in serious
injury or death.
. The BSW system is not a replace-
ment for proper driving proce-
dure and is not designed to
prevent contact with vehicles or
objects. When changing lanes, al-
ways use the side and rear mir-
rors and turn and look in the JVS0649X SSD1030
direction your vehicle will move Detection zone
to ensure it is safe to change The BSW system uses radar sensors
installed near the rear bumper to detect The radar sensors can detect vehicles on
lanes. Never rely solely on the
BSW system. other vehicles in an adjacent lane. either side of your vehicle within the
detection zone shown as illustrated. This
detection zone starts from the outside
The BSW system helps alert the driver of mirror of your vehicle and extends ap-
other vehicles in adjacent lanes when proximately 10 ft (3.0 m) behind the rear
changing lanes. bumper, and approximately 10 ft (3.0 m)
WAF0140X Listed below are the system limita-
tions for the BSW system. Failure to
Vehicle information display HOW TO ENABLE/DISABLE THE BSW operate the vehicle in accordance
Steering-wheel-mounted controls (left SYSTEM with these system limitations could
side) result in serious injury or death.
Perform the following steps to enable or
disable the BSW system. . The BSW system cannot detect all
vehicles under all conditions.
1. Press the button until “Set-
tings” appears in the vehicle informa- . The radar sensors may not be
tion display and then press “OK” able to detect and activate BSW
5-48 Starting and driving
when certain objects are present wider lane, the radar sensors chime sound, and it may not be
such as: may not detect vehicles in an heard.
— Pedestrians, bicycles, animals. adjacent lane. When driving in a
narrow lane, the radar sensors BSW DRIVING SITUATIONS
— Vehicles such as motorcycles, may detect vehicles driving two
low height vehicles, or high lanes away.
ground clearance vehicles. Indicator on
. The radar sensors are designed
— Oncoming vehicles. to ignore most stationary objects,
however objects such as guard- Indicator off
— Vehicles remaining in the de-
tection zone when you accel- rails, walls, foliage and parked
vehicles may occasionally be de- Indicator flashing
erate from a stop.
tected. This is a normal operation
— A vehicle merging into an condition.
adjacent lane at a speed ap-
. The following conditions may re-
proximately the same as your
duce the ability of the radar to
detect other vehicles:
— A vehicle approaching rapidly — Severe weather
from behind.
— Road spray
— A vehicle which your vehicle
overtakes rapidly. — Ice/frost/dirt build-up on the
— A vehicle that passes through
the detection zone quickly. . Do not attach stickers (including
transparent material), install ac-
— When overtaking several vehi- cessories or apply additional
cles in a row, the vehicles after paint near the radar sensors.
the first vehicle may not be These conditions may reduce the
detected if they are traveling ability of the radar to detect other
close together. vehicles.
. The radar sensor’s detection zone . Excessive noise (for example,
is designed based on a standard audio system volume, open vehi-
lane width. When driving in a cle window) will interfere with the
Starting and driving 5-49
JVS0737X JVS0738X JVS0739X
Illustration 1 – Approaching from behind Illustration 2 – Approaching from behind Illustration 3 – Overtaking another vehicle
Another vehicle approaching from Illustration 2: If the driver activates the Overtaking another vehicle
turn signal while another vehicle is in the
behind Illustration 3: The side indicator light
detection zone, then the system chimes
Illustration 1: The side indicator light (twice) and the side indicator light flashes. illuminates if you overtake a vehicle and
illuminates if a vehicle enters the detec- that vehicle stays in the detection zone
tion zone from behind in an adjacent lane. NOTE: for approximately 2 seconds.
. The radar sensors may not detect
vehicles which are approaching ra-
pidly from behind.
. If the driver activates the turn signal
before a vehicle enters the detection
zone, the side indicator light will
flash but no chime will sound when
the other vehicle is detected.
JVS0740X JVS0741X
Illustration 4 – Overtaking another vehicle Illustration 5 – Entering from the side
Illustration 4: If the driver activates the Entering from the side
turn signal while another vehicle is in the
detection zone, then the system chimes Illustration 5: The side indicator light
(twice) and the side indicator light flashes. illuminates if a vehicle enters the detec-
tion zone from either side.
. When overtaking several vehicles in
a row, the vehicles after the first
vehicle may not be detected if they
are traveling close together.
. The radar sensors may not detect
slower moving vehicles if they are
passed quickly.
. If the driver activates the turn signal
before a vehicle enters the detection
zone, the side indicator light will
flash but no chime will sound when
Starting and driving 5-51
Illustration 6 – Entering from the side
Illustration 6: If the driver activates the
turn signal while another vehicle is in the
detection zone, then the system chimes
(twice) and the side indicator light flashes.
. The radar sensors may not detect a
vehicle which is traveling at about JVS1090X
the same speed as your vehicle
when it enters the detection zone. Vehicle information display sage will appear in the vehicle informa-
. If the driver activates the turn signal SYSTEM TEMPORARILY UNAVAIL- tion display .
before a vehicle enters the detection
zone, the side indicator light will
ABLE The system is not available until the
When radar blockage is detected, the BSW conditions no longer exist.
flash but no chime will sound when
the other vehicle is detected. system will be turned off automatically, a The radar sensors may be blocked by
chime will sound and the “Unavailable: temporary ambient conditions such as
Side Radar Obstruction” warning mes- splashing water, mist or fog. The blocked
Listed below are the system limita-
tions for the RCTA system. Failure to
operate the vehicle in accordance
with these system limitations could
result in serious injury or death.
. Always check surroundings and
turn to check what is behind you
before backing up. The radar
sensors detect approaching
(moving) vehicles. The radar sen-
sors cannot detect every object
such as:
— Pedestrians, bicycles, motor-
cycles, animals or child-oper-
ated toy vehicles
— A vehicle that is passing at
speeds greater than approxi-
JVS0479X mately 19 MPH (30 km/h)
— A vehicle that is passing at
speeds lower than approxi-
mately 5 MPH (8 km/h)
. The radar sensors may not detect
approaching vehicles in certain
WAF0057X WAF0058X
System set display with no vehicle detected ahead System set display with vehicle ahead
No vehicle detected ahead: Vehicle detected ahead:
The driver sets the desired vehicle speed When a vehicle is detected in the lane
based on the road conditions. The ICC ahead, the ICC system decelerates the
system maintains the set vehicle speed, vehicle by controlling the throttle and
similar to standard cruise control, as long applying the brakes to match the speed
as no vehicle is detected in the lane of a slower vehicle ahead. The ICC system
ahead. The ICC system displays the set then controls the vehicle speed based on
speed. the speed of the vehicle ahead to main-
tain the driver selected distance.
. The stop lights of the vehicle come
on when braking is performed by
the ICC system.
. When the brake is applied by the
system, a noise may be heard. This is
not a malfunction.
Starting and driving 5-77
When the ICC system detects a vehicle system then maintains the set speed.
ahead, the vehicle ahead detection indi- When a vehicle is no longer detected, the
cator and the speed control status in- vehicle ahead detection indicator turns
dicator (distance control mode) off and speed control status indicator
illuminates (solid green ). (maintain speed control mode) illumi-
Vehicle ahead stops: nates (green outline ).
When the vehicle ahead decelerates to The ICC system gradually accelerates to
stop, your vehicle decelerates to a stand- the set speed, but you can depress the
still. Once your vehicle stops, the ICC accelerator pedal to quickly accelerate.
system automatically applies the brakes When a vehicle is no longer detected and
to keep the vehicle stopped. When your your vehicle is traveling under approxi-
vehicle is at a standstill, the “(RES+) Press mately 15 MPH (24 km/h), the ICC system
to start” message is displayed on the automatically cancels.
vehicle information display. WAF0059X
When your vehicle stops for less than 3 When passing another vehicle, the set
seconds, your vehicle will automatically speed indicator flashes when the
follow the vehicle as it accelerates from vehicle speed exceeds the set speed.
a stop. The vehicle ahead detection indicator
turns off when the area ahead of the
Vehicle ahead accelerates: vehicle is open. When the pedal is re-
When your vehicle is stopped and the leased, the vehicle returns to the pre-
vehicle ahead begins to accelerate, push viously set speed. Even though your
the RES+ switch or lightly depress the vehicle speed is set in the ICC system,
accelerator pedal. The ICC system starts you can depress the accelerator pedal
to follow the vehicle ahead. when it is necessary to accelerate your
Vehicle ahead not detected: vehicle rapidly.
When a vehicle is no longer detected
ahead, the ICC system gradually acceler-
ates your vehicle to resume the pre-
viously set vehicle speed. The ICC
Steering assist is not a system for a
hands-free driving. Always keep your
hands on the steering wheel and
drive your vehicle safely. Failure to
do so could cause a collision result-
ing in serious personal injury or
WAO0002X If the driver lightly touches (instead of
firmly grips) the steering wheel, the
Hands on detection warning (1) appears in the vehicle infor- steering torque sensor may not detect
When the Steering assist is activated, it mation display. the driver’s hand(s) on the steering
monitors the driver’s steering wheel op- If the driver does not operate the steering wheel and a sequence of warnings
eration. wheel after the warning has been dis- may occur. When the driver holds and
played, an audible alert sounds and the operates the steering wheel again, the
If the steering wheel is not operated or warnings turn off.
the driver takes his/her hands off the warning flashes in the vehicle information
steering wheel for a period of time, the display, followed by a quick brake appli-
cation to request the driver to take
Starting and driving 5-87
Steering assist limitations snow, water, wheel ruts, — When the headlights are not
seams, or lines remaining bright due to dirt on the lens
after road repairs (the steer- or the headlights are off in
WARNING ing assist could detect these tunnels or darkness
items as lane markers)
. In the following situations, the — When a sudden change in
camera may not detect lane mar- — When driving on roads where brightness occurs (for exam-
kers correctly or may detect lane the traveling lane merges or ple, when the vehicle enters or
markers incorrectly and the separates exits a tunnel or is under a
steering assist may not operate . Do not use the steering assist bridge)
properly: under the following conditions — When driving on roads where
— When driving on roads where because the system may not the traveling lane merges or
there are multiple parallel properly detect lane markers. separates or where there are
lane markers, lane markers Doing so could cause a loss of temporary lane markers be-
that are faded or not painted vehicle control and result in an cause of road construction
clearly, non-standard lane accident.
— When there is a lane closure
markers, or lane markers cov- — During bad weather (rain, fog, due to road repairs
ered with water, dirt, snow, snow, dust, etc.)
etc. — When driving on a bumpy road
— When rain, snow, sand, etc., is surface, such as an uneven
— When driving on roads with thrown up by the wheels of dirt road
discontinued lane markers other vehicles
— When driving on sharp curves
— When driving on roads with a — When dirt, oil, ice, snow, water, or winding roads
widening or narrowing lane or another object adheres to
width the camera unit — When driving on repeated up-
hill and downhill roads
— When driving on roads where — When the lens of the camera
there are multiple lanes or unit is foggy . Do not use the steering assist
unclear lane markers due to under the following conditions
road construction — When strong light (for exam- because the system will not op-
ple, sunlight or high beams erate properly:
— When driving on roads where from oncoming vehicles)
there are sharply contrasting — When driving with a tire that is
shines on the camera
objects, such as shadows, not within normal tire condi-
5-88 Starting and driving
tions (for example, tire wear, on your vehicle model and model Steering assist cancel
abnormal tire pressure, instal- year. It is recommended that you Under the following conditions, the steer-
lation of a spare tire (if so visit your NISSAN dealer for the ing assist cancels, and the steering assist
equipped), tire chains, non- correct parts for your vehicle. status indicator and the steering assist
standard wheels) indicator turn off:
— When the vehicle is equipped Steering Assist temporary standby . When unusual lane markers appear in
with non-original brake or the traveling lane or when the lane
Automatic standby due to driving op-
suspension parts marker cannot be correctly detected
for some time due to certain condi-
— When an object such as a When the driver activates the turn signal, tions (for example, a snow rut, the
sticker or cargo obstructs the the Steering Assist is temporarily placed reflection of light on a rainy day, the
camera in a standby mode. (The Steering Assist presence of several unclear lane mar-
— When excessively heavy bag- restarts automatically when the operat- kers)
gage is loaded in the rear seat ing conditions are met again.) . When the windshield wiper operates
or luggage area of your vehi- Automatic standby: in the high speed operation (the
cle In the following cases, a warning mes- steering assist is disabled when the
— When the vehicle load capa- sage is displayed along with the chime, wiper operates for more than approxi-
city is exceeded and the Steering Assist is placed in a mately 10 seconds)
temporary standby mode. (The Steering Action to take:
. Excessive noise will interfere with
Assist restarts automatically when the Turn the ICC system off using the CANCEL
the warning chime sound, and
operating conditions are met again.) switch. When the conditions listed above
the beep may not be heard.
. When lane markers on both sides are are no longer present, turn the ICC
. For the ProPILOT assist system to system on again.
no longer detected
operate properly, the windshield
in front of the camera must be . When a vehicle ahead is no longer
detected under approximately 37 MPH
Steering assist malfunction
clean. Replace worn wiper blades. When the system malfunctions, it turns
The correct size wiper blades (60 km/h)
off automatically. The steering assist
must be used to help make sure status warning (orange) illuminates. A
the windshield is kept clean. Only chime may sound depending on the
use Genuine NISSAN wiper blades, situation.
or equivalent wiper blades, that
are specifically designed for use
Starting and driving 5-89
Action to take: If the camera unit is damaged due to an 1. This device may not cause harmful
Stop the vehicle in a safe location, place accident, it is recommendedthat you visit interference, and
the shift lever in the P (Park) position, turn a NISSAN dealer. 2. This device must accept any interfer-
the engine off, restart the engine, resume Radio frequency statement: ence received, including interference
driving, and set the ICC system again. If that may cause undesired operation.
the warning (orange) continues to illumi- Le present appareil est conforme aux CNR
nate, the steering assist is malfunctioning. FCC ID OAYARS4B
d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appa-
Although the vehicle is still drivable under This device complies with Part 15 of the reils radio exempts de licence. L’exploita-
normal conditions, have the system FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the tion est autorisee aux deux conditions
checked. It is recommended that you visit following two conditions: suivantes:
a NISSAN dealer for this service. 1. This device may not cause harmful 1. L’appareil ne doit pas produire de
Steering assist maintenance interference, and brouillage, et
The camera is located above the inside 2. This device must accept any interfer- 2. L’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter
mirror. ence received, including interference tout brouillage radioelectrique subi,
that may cause undesired operation. meme si le brouillage est susceptible
To keep the proper operation of the
system and prevent a system malfunc- FCC Warning d’en compromettre le fonctionne-
tion, be sure to observe the following: Changes or modifications not expressly ment.
. Always keep the windshield clean. approved by the party responsible for Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure In-
compliance could void the user’s author- formation:
. Do not attach a sticker (including
ity to operate the equipment. This equipment complies with FCC radia-
transparent material) or install an
accessory near the camera unit. For Canada tion exposure limits set forth for an
. Do not place reflective materials, such Model: ARS4–B uncontrolled environment.
as white paper or a mirror, on the IC: 4135A-ARS4B This equipment should be installed and
instrument panel. The reflection of operated with minimum distance of 30
sunlight may adversely affect the FCC ID: OAYARS4B cm between the radiator and your body.
camera unit’s capability of detecting This device complies with Part 15 of the The transmitter must not be co-located
the lane markers. FCC Rules and with Industry Canada or operating in conjunction with any
. Do not strike or damage the areas licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Opera- other antenna or transmitter.
around the camera unit. Do not touch tion is subject to the following two con-
ditions: Cet equipement est conforme aux limites
the camera lens or remove the screw d’exposition aux rayonnements IC eta-
located on the camera unit.
5-90 Starting and driving
blies pour un environnement non con- the vehicle-to-vehicle distance is
trole. Cet equipement doit etre installe et detected.
utilise avec un minimum de 30 cm de
distance entre la source de rayonnement . Pay special attention to the dis-
et votre corps. tance between your vehicle and
the vehicle a head of you or a
FCC Notice collision could occur.
Changes or modifications not expressly . Always confirm the setting in the
approved by the party responsible for ICC system display.
compliance could void the user’s author-
ity to operate the equipment. . Do not use the conventional
(fixed speed) cruise control mode
CONVENTIONAL (fixed speed) when driving under the following
NOTE: — When it is not possible to keep
the vehicle at a set speed WAF0063X
ProPILOT assist provides no approach
warnings, automatic braking, or steer- — In heavy traffic or in traffic
ing assist in the conventional (fixed Conventional (fixed speed) cruise
that varies in speed
speed) cruise control mode. control switches
— On winding or hilly roads 1. RES+ switch:
This mode allows driving at a speed
between 25 to 90 MPH (40 to 144 km/h) — On slippery roads (rain, snow, Resumes set speed or increases speed
without keeping your foot on the accel- ice, etc.) incrementally
erator pedal. — In very windy areas 2. CANCEL switch:
. Doing so could cause a loss of Deactivates the system without eras-
WARNING vehicle control and result in an ing the set speed
accident. 3. ProPILOT Assist switch:
. In the conventional (fixed speed) Turns the ProPILOT Assist system on
cruise control mode, a warning or off
chime does not sound to warn
you if you are too close to the 4. SET- switch:
vehicle ahead, as neither the pre- Sets desired cruise speed or reduces
sence of the vehicle ahead nor speed incrementally
Starting and driving 5-91
. Cruise control warning (yellow): In-
dicates that there is a malfunction
in the ICC system
2. Set vehicle speed indicator:
This indicator indicates the set vehicle
WAF0064X WAF0065X
Listed below are the system limita-
tions for the I-DA system. Failure to
operate the vehicle in accordance
with these system limitations could
result in serious injury or death.
. The I-DA system may not operate
properly and may not provide an
alert in the following conditions:
— Poor road conditions such as
an uneven road surface or pot
HOW TO ENABLE/DISABLE THE IN- 1. Press the button until “Set- holes.
TELLIGENT DRIVER ALERTNESS (I- tings” displays in the vehicle informa- — Strong side wind.
tion display and then press “OK”
DA) SYSTEM button. Use the button to select — If you have adopted a sporty
Perform the following steps to enable or “Driver Assistance”. Then press the driving style with higher cor-
disable the I-DA system. “OK” button. nering speeds or higher rates
of acceleration.
AEB system warning light (on the meter TURNING THE I-FCW SYSTEM ON/
Vehicle information display
Steering-wheel-mounted controls (left Perform the following steps to turn the I-
side) FCW system on or off.
1. Press the button until “Set-
tings” appears in the vehicle informa-
tion display and then press “OK”
5-110 Starting and driving
JVS0295X JVS0296X
Illustration A Illustration B
Illustration C
RAB system warning light and RAB sys- RAB SYSTEM OPERATION
tem warning indicator
Steering-wheel-mounted controls (left
When the shift lever is in the R (Reverse)
side) position and the vehicle speed is less than
approximately 9 MPH (15 km/h), the RAB
Center display (if so equipped)
system operates.
If a risk of a collision with an obstacle is
detected when your vehicle is backing up,
Follow these easy-to-use Fuel Efficient . Recirculating the cool air in the
Driving Tips to help you achieve the most cabin when the A/C is on reduces
CAUTION fuel economy from your vehicle. cooling load.
1. Use smooth accelerator and brake 4. Drive at economical speeds and dis-
During the first 1,200 miles (2,000
pedal application. tances.
km), follow these recommendations . Observing the speed limit and not
. Avoid rapid starts and stops.
to obtain maximum engine perfor-
. Use smooth, gentle accelerator and exceeding 60 MPH (97 km/h)
mance and ensure the future relia-
bility and economy of your new brake application whenever possi- (where legally allowed) can improve
vehicle. Failure to follow these re- ble. fuel efficiency due to reduced aero-
commendations may result in shor- . Maintain constant speed while dynamic drag.
commuting and coast whenever . Maintaining a safe following dis-
tened engine life and reduced engine
performance. possible. tance behind other vehicles re-
duces unnecessary braking.
2. Maintain constant speed.
. Safely monitoring traffic to antici-
. Avoid driving for long periods at con- . Look ahead to try and anticipate
stant speed, either fast or slow. Do not pate changes in speed permits
and minimize stops.
reduced braking and smooth accel-
run the engine over 4,000 rpm. . Synchronizing your speed with traf-
eration changes.
. Do not accelerate at full throttle in any fic lights allows you to reduce your . Select a gear range suitable to road
gear. number of stops.
. Avoid quick starts. . Maintaining a steady speed can
5. Use cruise control.
. Avoid hard braking as much as possi- minimize red light stops and im-
prove fuel efficiency. . Using cruise control during highway
driving helps maintain a steady
3. Use air conditioning (A/C) at higher
vehicle speeds.
. Cruise control is particularly effec-
. Below 40 MPH (64 km/h), it is more
tive in providing fuel savings when
efficient to open windows to cool
driving on flat terrains.
the vehicle due to reduced engine
load. 6. Plan for the shortest route.
. Above 40 MPH (64 km/h), it is more . Utilize a map or navigation system
efficient to use A/C to cool the to determine the best route to save
vehicle due to increased aerody- time.
namic drag.
5-122 Starting and driving
7. Avoid idling. . Keep your engine tuned up. If any malfunction occurs in the Intelligent
. Shutting off your engine when safe . Follow the recommended scheduled 4x4 system while the engine is running,
for stops exceeding 30-60 seconds maintenance. warning messages appear in the vehicle
saves fuel and reduces emissions. . Keep the tires inflated to the correct information display.
8. Buy an automated pass for toll roads. pressure. Low tire pressure increases
. Automated passes permit drivers to tire wear and lowers fuel economy.
use special lanes to maintain cruis- . Keep the wheels in correct alignment.
ing speed through the toll and Improper alignment increases tire
avoid stopping and starting. wear and lowers fuel economy.
9. Winter warm up. . Use the recommended viscosity en-
. Limit idling time to minimize impact gine oil. (See “Engine oil and oil filter
recommendation” (P.10-5).)
to fuel economy.
. Vehicles typically need no more
than 30 seconds of idling at start-
up to effectively circulate the en-
gine oil before driving.
. Your vehicle will reach its ideal
operating temperature more
quickly while driving versus idling.
10. Keeping your vehicle cool.
. Park your vehicle in a covered
parking area or in the shade when-
ever possible.
. When entering a hot vehicle, open-
ing the windows will help to reduce
the inside temperature faster, re-
sulting in reduced demand on your
A/C system.
BRAKE ASSIST faces even with ABS. Stopping wheel from locking and sliding. By pre-
When the force applied to the brake pedal distances may also be longer on venting each wheel from locking, the
exceeds a certain level, the Brake Assist is rough, gravel or snow covered system helps the driver maintain steering
activated generating greater braking roads, or if you are using tire control and helps to minimize swerving
force than a conventional brake booster chains. Always maintain a safe and spinning on slippery surfaces.
even with light pedal force. distance from the vehicle in front Using the system
of you. Ultimately, the driver is
responsible for safety. Depress the brake pedal and hold it down.
WARNING . Tire type and condition may also
Depress the brake pedal with firm steady
pressure, but do not pump the brakes.
affect braking effectiveness. The ABS will operate to prevent the
The Brake Assist is only an aid to
assist braking operation and is not a — When replacing tires, install wheels from locking up. Steer the vehicle
collision warning or avoidance de- the specified size of tires on to avoid obstacles.
vice. It is the driver’s responsibility to all four wheels.
stay alert, drive safely and be in — When installing a spare tire (if
control of the vehicle at all times.
so equipped), make sure that
it is the proper size and type
Do not pump the brake pedal. Doing
ANTI-LOCK BRAKING SYSTEM (ABS) as specified on the Tire and
so may result in increased stopping
Loading Information label.
See “Tire and Loading Infor-
WARNING mation label” (P.10-10) of this
manual. Self-test feature
. The Anti-lock Braking System — For detailed information, see The ABS includes electronic sensors, elec-
(ABS) is a sophisticated device, “Wheels and tires” (P.8-29) of tric pumps, hydraulic solenoids and a
but it cannot prevent accidents this manual. computer. The computer has a built-in
resulting from careless or dan- diagnostic feature that tests the system
gerous driving techniques. It can each time you start the engine and move
help maintain vehicle control dur- The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) con-
trols the brakes so the wheels do not lock the vehicle at a low speed in forward or
ing braking on slippery surfaces. reverse. When the self-test occurs, you
Remember that stopping dis- during hard braking or when braking on
slippery surfaces. The system detects the may hear a “clunk” noise and/or feel a
tances on slippery surfaces will pulsation in the brake pedal. This is
be longer than on normal sur- rotation speed at each wheel and varies
the brake fluid pressure to prevent each normal and does not indicate a malfunc-
5-130 Starting and driving
tion. If the computer senses a malfunc- The Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) sys- . The road may be slippery or the
tion, it switches the ABS off and illumi- tem uses various sensors to monitor system may determine some action
nates the ABS warning light on the driver inputs and vehicle motion. Under is required to help keep the vehicle on
instrument panel. The brake system then certain driving conditions, the VDC sys- the steered path.
operates normally, but without anti-lock tem helps to perform the following func- . You may feel a pulsation in the brake
assistance. tions. pedal and hear a noise or vibration
If the ABS warning light illuminates during . Controls brake pressure to reduce from under the hood. This is normal
the self-test or while driving, have the wheel slip on one slipping drive wheel and indicates that the VDC system is
vehicle checked. It is recommended you so power is transferred to a non working properly.
visit a NISSAN dealer for this service. slipping drive wheel on the same axle. . Adjust your speed and driving to the
. Controls brake pressure and engine road conditions.
Normal operation output to reduce drive wheel slip If a malfunction occurs in the system, the
The ABS operates at speeds above 3 to 6 based on vehicle speed (traction con- VDC warning light illuminates in the
MPH (5 to 10 km/h). The speed varies trol function). instrument panel. The VDC system auto-
according to road conditions. . Controls brake pressure at individual matically turns off.
When the ABS senses that one or more wheels and engine output to help the The VDC OFF switch is used to turn off the
wheels are close to locking up, the driver maintain control of the vehicle VDC system. The VDC off indicator
actuator rapidly applies and releases in the following conditions: illuminates to indicate the VDC system is
hydraulic pressure. This action is similar — understeer (vehicle tends to not off. When the VDC switch is used to turn
to pumping the brakes very quickly. You follow the steered path despite off the system, the VDC system still
may feel a pulsation in the brake pedal increased steering input) operates to prevent one drive wheel from
and hear a noise from under the hood or — oversteer (vehicle tends to spin due slipping by transferring power to a non
feel a vibration from the actuator when it to certain road or driving condi- slipping drive wheel. The VDC warning
is operating. This is normal and indicates tions). light flashes if this occurs. All other
that the ABS is operating properly. How- The VDC system can help the driver to VDC functions are off, and the VDC
ever, the pulsation may indicate that road maintain control of the vehicle, but it warning light will not flash. The VDC
conditions are hazardous and extra care cannot prevent loss of vehicle control in system is automatically reset to on when
is required while driving. all driving situations. the ignition switch is placed in the off
position then back to the on position.
When the VDC system operates, the VDC
warning light in the instrument panel See “Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) warn-
flashes so note the following: ing light” (P.2-17) and “Vehicle Dynamic
Control (VDC) off indicator light” (P.2-17).
Starting and driving 5-131
The computer has a built-in diagnostic may illuminate. . The VDC system is not a substi-
feature that tests the system each time tute for winter tires or tire chains
you start the engine and move the vehicle . If brake related parts such as
brake pads, rotors and calipers on a snow covered road.
forward or in reverse at a slow speed.
When the self-test occurs, you may hear a are not NISSAN recommended or
“clunk” noise and/or feel a pulsation in the are extremely deteriorated, the
brake pedal. This is normal and is not an VDC system may not operate
indication of a malfunction. properly and the VDC warning
light may illuminate.
. If engine control related parts are
WARNING not NISSAN recommended or are
extremely deteriorated, the VDC
. The VDC system is designed to warning light may illuminate.
help improve driving stability but . When driving on extremely in-
does not prevent accidents due clined surfaces such as higher
to abrupt steering operation at banked corners, the VDC system
high speeds or by careless or may not operate properly and the
dangerous driving techniques. VDC warning light may illumi-
Reduce vehicle speed and be nate. Do not drive on these types
especially careful when driving of roads.
and cornering on slippery sur-
faces and always drive carefully. . When driving on an unstable sur-
face such as a turntable, ferry,
. Do not modify the vehicle’s sus- elevator or ramp, the VDC warn-
pension. If suspension parts such ing light may illuminate. This
as shock absorbers, struts, is not a malfunction. Restart the
springs, stabilizer bars, bushings engine after driving onto a stable
and wheels are not NISSAN re- surface.
commended for your vehicle or
are extremely deteriorated, the . If wheels or tires other than the
VDC system may not operate NISSAN recommended ones are
properly. This could adversely used, the VDC system may not
affect vehicle handling perfor- operate properly and the VDC
mance, and the VDC warning light warning light may illuminate.
5-132 Starting and driving
. Never rely solely on the hill start The hill start assist system automatically
assist system to prevent the ve- keeps the brakes applied to help prevent
hicle from moving backward on a the vehicle from rolling backwards in the
hill. Always drive carefully and time it takes the driver to release the
attentively. Depress the brake brake pedal and apply the accelerator
pedal when the vehicle is stopped when the vehicle is stopped on a hill.
on a steep hill. Be especially care- The hill start assist system will operate
ful when stopped on a hill on automatically under the following condi-
frozen or muddy roads. Failure tions:
to prevent the vehicle from rolling
backwards may result in a loss of . The transmission is shifted to a for-
control of the vehicle and possi- ward or reverse gear. WAF0072X
ble serious injury or death. . The vehicle is stopped completely on a
hill by applying the brake. The RSS sounds a tone to inform the
. The hill start assist system is not driver of obstacles near the rear bumper.
designed to hold the vehicle at a The maximum holding time is 2 seconds.
After 2 seconds the vehicle will begin to When the “Display” key is on, the sonar
standstill on a hill. Depress the view will automatically appear in the
brake pedal when the vehicle is roll back and the hill start assist system
will stop operating completely. touchscreen display. An additional view
stopped on a steep hill. Failure to of the sonar status will appear in the
do so may cause the vehicle to The hill start assist system will not
vehicle information display for reference.
roll backwards and may result in operate when the transmission is shifted
a collision or serious personal to the N (Neutral) or P (Park) position (CVT
injury. models) or on a flat and level road. WARNING
. The hill start assist system may When the Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC)
not prevent the vehicle from roll- warning light illuminates in the meter, the . The RSS is a convenience but it is
ing backwards on a hill under all hill start assist system will not operate. not a substitute for proper park-
load or road conditions. Always (See “Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) ing.
be prepared to depress the brake warning light” (P.2-17).) . The driver is always responsible
pedal to prevent the vehicle from for safety during parking and
rolling backwards. Failure to do
5-136 Starting and driving
other maneuvers. Always look wool, etc.; thin objects such as SYSTEM OPERATION
around and check that it is safe rope, wire and chain, etc.; or The system informs with a visual and
to do so before parking. wedge-shaped objects. audible alert of rear obstacles when the
. Read and understand the limita- shift lever is in the R (Reverse) position.
tions of the RSS as contained in If your vehicle sustains damage to the
Range Rear sonar
this section. The colors of the bumper fascia, leaving it misaligned or
bent, the sensing zone may be altered Sound Display
sonar indicator and the distance
guide lines in the rear view in- causing inaccurate measurement of ob- P (Park) B C
dicate different distances to the stacles or false alarms. R (Reverse) O O
object. N (Neutral) B C
. Inclement weather or ultrasonic CAUTION D (Drive) B C
sources such as an automatic car O = Display / Beep when detect
wash, a truck’s compressed-air
brakes or a pneumatic drill may . Excessive noise (such as audio C = Display on camera view
affect the function of the system; system volume or an open vehi- B = No display and beep
this may include reduced perfor- cle window) will interfere with the
tone and it may not be heard. The system is deactivated at speeds
mance or a false activation. above 6 MPH (10 km/h). It is reactivated
. The RSS is designed as an aid to . Keep the sonar sensors (located
at lower speeds.
the driver in detecting large sta- on the rear bumper fascia) free
from snow, ice and large accu- The intermittent tone will stop after 3
tionary objects to help avoid da- seconds when an obstacle is detected by
maging the vehicle. mulations of dirt. Do not clean the
sensors with sharp objects. If the only the corner sensor and the distance
. The RSS is not designed to pre- sensors are covered, the accuracy does not change. The tone will stop when
vent contact with small or mov- of the sonar function will be the obstacle gets away from the vehicle.
ing objects. Always move slowly. diminished. When the object is detected, the indicator
The system will not detect small (green) appears and blinks and the tone
objects below the bumper, and sounds intermittently. When the vehicle
may not detect objects close to moves closer to the object, the color of
the bumper or on the ground. the indicator turns yellow and the rate of
. The RSS may not detect the the blinking increases. When the vehicle is
following objects: fluffy objects very close to the object, the indicator
such as snow, cloth, cotton, glass, stops blinking and turns red, and the tone
Starting and driving 5-137
sounds continuously.
WAF0074X WAF0075X
Example Example
When the corner of the vehicle moves The system indicators will appear when
closer to an object, the corner sonar the vehicle moves closer to an object (if
indicator appears. When the center of so equipped).
the vehicle moves close to an object, the
center sonar indicator appears.
apply additional paint near the sonar FREEING A FROZEN DOOR LOCK TIRE EQUIPMENT
sensors. To prevent a door lock from freezing, SUMMER tires have a tread designed to
Do not strike or damage the area around apply deicer through the key hole. If the provide superior performance on dry
the sonar sensors. It is recommended lock becomes frozen, heat the key before pavement. However, the performance of
that you visit a NISSAN dealer if the area inserting it into the key hole, or use the these tires will be substantially reduced in
around the sonar sensors is damaged Intelligent Key system or the remote snowy and icy conditions. If you operate
due to a collision. keyless entry key fob. your vehicle on snowy or icy roads,
ANTI-FREEZE NISSAN recommends the use of MUD &
SNOW or ALL SEASON tires on all four
In the winter when it is anticipated that wheels. It is recommended you consult a
the outside temperature will drop below NISSAN dealer for the tire type, size, speed
32°F (0°C), check the anti-freeze to assure rating and availability information.
proper winter protection. For additional
information, see “Engine cooling system” For additional traction on icy roads,
(P.8-4). studded tires may be used. However,
some U.S. states and Canadian provinces
BATTERY prohibit their use. Check local, state and
If the battery is not fully charged during provincial laws before installing studded
extremely cold weather conditions, the tires.
battery fluid may freeze and damage the Skid and traction capabilities of
battery. To maintain maximum efficiency, studded snow tires, on wet or dry
the battery should be checked regularly. surfaces, may be poorer than that of
For additional information, see “Battery” non-studded snow tires.
Tire chains may be used. For details, see
DRAINING OF COOLANT WATER “Tire chains” (P.8-36) of this manual.
If the vehicle is to be left outside without
anti-freeze, drain the cooling system,
including the engine block. Refill before
operating the vehicle. For details, see
“Engine cooling system” (P.8-4).
Hazard warning flasher switch ......................................... 6-2 Repairing a flat tire (models with emergency
Roadside assistance program ........................................... 6-2 tire puncture repair kit) .................................................. 6-9
Emergency engine shut off (models with Jump starting .............................................................................. 6-14
push-button ignition switch) .............................................. 6-3 Push starting ................................................................................ 6-16
Flat tire .................................................................................................. 6-3 If your vehicle overheats .................................................... 6-16
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) ........... 6-3 Towing your vehicle ............................................................... 6-18
Changing a flat tire (models with Towing recommended by NISSAN ..................... 6-19
spare tire) ..................................................................................... 6-4 Vehicle recovery (freeing a stuck vehicle) ...... 6-21
. If stopping for an emergency, be
sure to move the vehicle well off
the road.
. Do not use the hazard warning
flashers while moving on the
highway unless unusual circum-
stances force you to drive so
slowly that your vehicle might
become a hazard to other traffic.
6-2 In case of emergency
with push-button ignition switch)
To shut off the engine in an emergency TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYS- and increase the likelihood of tire
situation while driving, perform the fol- TEM (TPMS) failure. Serious vehicle damage
lowing procedure:
This vehicle is equipped with the Tire could occur and may lead to an
. Rapidly push the push-button ignition Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). It accident and could result in ser-
switch 3 consecutive times in less monitors tire pressure of all tires except ious personal injury. Check the
than 1.5 seconds, or the spare (if so equipped). When the low tire pressure for all four tires.
. Push and hold the push-button igni- tire pressure warning light is lit, and the Adjust the tire pressure to the
tion switch for more than 2 seconds. “Tire Pressure Low - Add Air” warning recommended COLD tire pressure
message is displayed in the vehicle in- shown on the Tire and Loading
formation display, one or more of your Information label to turn the low
tires is significantly under-inflated. If the tire pressure warning light OFF. If
vehicle is being driven with low tire the light still illuminates while
pressure, the TPMS will activate and warn driving after adjusting the tire
you of it by the low tire pressure warning pressure, a tire may be flat. If
light. This system will activate only when you have a flat tire, replace it with
the vehicle is driven at speeds above 16 a spare tire (if so equipped) or
MPH (25 km/h). For more details, see repair it using the emergency tire
“Warning lights, indicator lights and audi- puncture repair kit (if so
ble reminders” (P.2-10) and “Tire Pressure equipped) as soon as possible.
Monitoring System (TPMS)” (P.5-5). . Since the spare tire (if so
equipped) is not equipped with
the TPMS, when a spare tire is
WARNING mounted or a wheel is replaced,
the TPMS will not function and
. If the low tire pressure warning the low tire pressure warning
light illuminates while driving, light will flash for approximately
avoid sudden steering maneu- 1 minute. The light will remain on
vers or abrupt braking, reduce after 1 minute. Have your tires
vehicle speed, pull off the road replaced and/or TPMS system
to a safe location and stop the reset as soon as possible. It is
vehicle as soon as possible. Driv- recommended you visit a NISSAN
ing with under-inflated tires may dealer for these services.
permanently damage the tires
In case of emergency 6-3
. Replacing tires with those not CHANGING A FLAT TIRE (models
originally specified by NISSAN with spare tire) WARNING
could affect the proper operation If you have a flat tire, follow the instruc-
of the TPMS. tions below. . Make sure the parking brake is
. Do not inject any tire liquid or securely applied and the Manual
aerosol tire sealant into the tires, Stopping the vehicle Transmission is shifted into R
as this may cause a malfunction 1. Safely move the vehicle off the road (Reverse), or the CVT into P (Park).
of the tire pressure sensors and away from traffic. . Never change tires when the ve-
(models without emergency tire 2. Turn on the hazard warning flashers. hicle is on a slope, ice or slippery
puncture repair kit). areas. This is hazardous.
3. Park on a level surface and apply the
. NISSAN recommends using only parking brake. . Never change tires if oncoming
Genuine NISSAN Emergency Tire traffic is close to your vehicle.
Sealant provided with your vehi- 4. Continuously Variable Transmission
Wait for professional road assis-
cle. Other tire sealants may da- (CVT) models: tance.
mage the valve stem seal which Move the shift lever to the P (Park)
can cause the tire to lose air position.
pressure. Visit a NISSAN dealer Manual Transmission (MT) models:
as soon as possible after using
Move the shift lever to the R (Reverse)
tire repair sealant (models with
emergency tire puncture repair
kit). 5. Turn off the engine.
6. Raise the hood to warn other traffic,
and to signal professional road assis-
tance personnel that you need assis-
7. Have all passengers get out of the
vehicle and stand in a safe place, away
from traffic and clear of the vehicle.
. Never get under the vehicle while
it is supported only by the jack. If
it is necessary to work under the
vehicle, support it with safety
. Use only the jack provided with
your vehicle to lift the vehicle. Do
not use the jack provided with
SCE0913 SCE0630
your vehicle on other vehicles.
Remove the clamp holding the spare tire. The jack is designed for lifting
Removing wheel cover (if so only your vehicle during a tire
equipped) change.
. Use the correct jack-up points.
WARNING Never use any other part of the
vehicle for jack support.
Never use your hands to remove the . Never jack up the vehicle more
wheel cover. This may cause perso- than necessary.
nal injury. . Never use blocks on or under the
To remove the wheel cover, use the jack . Do not start or run the engine
rod as illustrated. while vehicle is on the jack, as it
Apply cloth between the wheel and jack may cause the vehicle to move.
rod to prevent damaging the wheel and . Do not allow passengers to stay
wheel cover. in the vehicle while it is on the
Jack-up point
1. Place the jack directly under the jack-
up point as illustrated so the top of
the jack contacts the vehicle at the
jack-up point. Align the jack head
between the two notches in the front
or the rear as shown. Also fit the
groove of the jack head between the
notches as shown.
The jack should be used on level firm
2. Loosen each wheel nut one or two Installing the spare tire
turns by turning it counterclockwise
with the wheel nut wrench. Do not The spare tire is designed for emer-
remove the wheel nuts until the tire gency use. (See specific instructions
is off the ground. under the heading “Wheels and tires”
3. To lift the vehicle, securely hold the
jack lever and rod with both hands as 1. Clean any mud or dirt from the sur-
shown above. Carefully raise the ve- face between the wheel and hub.
hicle until the tire clears the ground. 2. Carefully put the spare tire on and
Remove the wheel nuts, and then tighten the wheel nuts finger tight.
remove the tire. Check that all the wheel nuts contact
the wheel surface horizontally.
3. With the wheel nut wrench, tighten
wheel nuts alternately and evenly in
the sequence illustrated ( , , , , ),
more than 2 times, until they are tight.
— when the cut or the puncture *: The compressor shape may differ
is approximately 0.2 in (5 mm) depending on the models.
or longer NOTE:
— when the side of the tire is A spare tire, jack and rod are not
damaged equipped as standard. These parts are
dealer options. It is recommended that
6-10 In case of emergency
contact a NISSAN dealer about obtain- . Keep the repair compound out of
ing these parts. See “Changing a flat tire the reach of children.
(models with spare tire)” (P.6-4) for
usage of jacking tools and tire replace-
Before using emergency tire punc-
ture repair kit
. If any foreign object (for example, a
screw or nail) is embedded in the tire,
do not remove it.
. Check the expiration date of the
sealant (shown on the label attached
to the bottle). Never use a sealant
whose expiration date has passed. JVE0014X
3. Remove the cap of the tire sealant 5. Remove the protective cap of the
bottle, and screw the bottle clockwise hose and screw the hose securely
onto the bottle holder. (Leave the onto the tire valve. Make sure that
bottle seal intact. Screwing the bottle the pressure release valve is se-
onto the bottle holder will pierce the curely tightened. Make sure that the
seal of the bottle.) air compressor switch is in the OFF
4. Remove the cap of the tire valve on (*) position, and then insert its power
SCE0868 the flat tire. plug into the power outlet in the
2. Take the hose and the power plug
out of the air compressor. Remove the
cap of the bottle holder from the air
If the tire pressure is 19 psi (130 kPa) or To start your engine with a booster
. Whenever working on or near a
more but less than the specified pres- battery, the instructions and precautions
battery, always wear suitable eye
sure: below must be followed.
protectors (for example, goggles
Turn the compressor switch to the ON (−) or industrial safety spectacles)
position and inflate the tire up to the WARNING and remove rings, metal bands,
specified pressure. Then repeat the steps or any other jewelry. Do not lean
from 8. over the battery when jump start-
. If done incorrectly, jump starting
If the pressure drops again, the tire can lead to a battery explosion,
cannot be repaired with this tire punc- resulting in severe injury or . Do not attempt to jump start a
ture repair kit. It is recommended that death. It could also damage your frozen battery. It could explode
contact a NISSAN dealer. vehicle. and cause serious injury.
When the tire pressure is the specified . Explosive hydrogen gas is always . Your vehicle has an automatic
present in the vicinity of the engine cooling fan. It could come
battery. Keep all sparks and on at any time. Keep hands and
The temporary repair is completed. flames away from the battery. other objects away from it.
It is recommended that visit a NISSAN . Do not allow battery fluid to come
dealer for tire repair/replacement as soon into contact with eyes, skin,
as possible. clothing or painted surfaces. Bat-
tery fluid is a corrosive sulfuric
CAUTION acid solution which can cause
severe burns. If the fluid should
come into contact with anything,
Do not reuse the tire sealant bottle immediately flush the contacted
or the hose. area with water.
For a new tire sealant bottle and . Keep the battery out of the reach
hose, it is recommended that con- of children.
tact a NISSAN dealer.
. The booster battery must be
rated at 12 volts. Use of an im-
properly rated battery can da-
mage your vehicle.
. Always connect positive (+) to
1. If the booster battery is in another positive (+) and negative (−) to
WARNING vehicle , position the two vehicles ( body ground (for example, as
and ) to bring their batteries into illustrated), not to the battery.
close proximity to each other. . Make sure the jumper cables do
Always follow the instructions below.
Failure to do so could result in Do not allow the two vehicles to not touch moving parts in the
damage to the charging system and touch. engine compartment and that
cause personal injury. the cable clamps do not contact
When towing your vehicle, all jurisdic- . Always attach safety chains be-
tional and local regulations for towing fore towing.
must be followed. Incorrect towing equip-
ment could damage your vehicle. Towing For information about towing your vehi-
instructions are available from a NISSAN cle behind a recreational vehicle (RV), see
dealer. Local service operators are gen- “Flat towing” (P.10-16) of this manual.
erally familiar with the applicable laws
and procedures for towing. To assure
proper towing and to prevent accidental
damage to your vehicle, NISSAN recom-
mends that you have a service operator
tow your vehicle. It is advisable to have
the service operator carefully read the
following precautions.
. Never ride in a vehicle that is
being towed.
. Never get under your vehicle after
it has been lifted by a tow truck.
. When towing, make sure that the
transmission, axles, steering sys-
tem and powertrain are in work-
ing condition. If any of these
conditions apply, dollies or a
flatbed tow truck must be used.
6-18 In case of emergency
All-wheel drive models
All-Wheel Drive (AWD) models
NISSAN recommends that towing dollies
be used when towing your vehicle or the
vehicle be placed on a flat bed truck as
Never tow AWD models with any of
the wheels on the ground as this
may cause serious and expensive
damage to the powertrain.
In order to maintain the appearance of Rinse the vehicle thoroughly with plenty
your vehicle, it is important to take proper CAUTION of clean water.
care of it. Inside flanges, seams and folds on the
To protect the paint surfaces, wash your . Do not use car washes that use doors, hatches and hood are particularly
vehicle as soon as you can: acid in the detergent. Some car vulnerable to the effects of road salt.
washes, especially brushless Therefore, these areas must be regularly
. after a rainfall to prevent possible
ones, use some acid for cleaning. cleaned. Make sure that the drain holes in
damage from acid rain
The acid may react with some the lower edge of the door are open.
. after driving on coastal roads Spray water under the body and in the
plastic vehicle components, caus-
. when contaminants such as soot, bird ing them to crack. This could wheel wells to loosen the dirt and wash
droppings, tree sap, metal particles or affect their appearance, and also away road salt.
bugs get on the paint surface could cause them not to function Avoid leaving water spots on the paint
. when dust or mud builds up on the properly. Always check with your surface by using a damp chamois to dry
surface car wash to confirm that acid is the vehicle.
Whenever possible, store or park your not used.
vehicle inside a garage or in a covered WAXING
. Do not wash the vehicle with
area. strong household soap, strong Regular waxing protects the paint surface
When it is necessary to park outside, park chemical detergents, gasoline or and helps retain new vehicle appearance.
in a shady area or protect the vehicle with solvents. Polishing is recommended to remove
a body cover. built-up wax residue and to avoid a
. Do not wash the vehicle in direct weathered appearance before reapplying
Be careful not to scratch the paint sunlight or while the vehicle body wax.
surface when putting on or removing is hot, as the surface may become
the body cover. water-spotted. A NISSAN dealer can assist you in choos-
ing the proper product.
WASHING . Avoid using tight-napped or
rough cloths, such as washing . Wax your vehicle only after a thorough
Wash dirt off the vehicle with a wet washing. Follow the instructions sup-
sponge and plenty of water. Clean the mitts. Care must be taken when
removing caked-on dirt or other plied with the wax.
vehicle thoroughly using a mild soap, a . Do not use a wax containing any
special vehicle soap or general purpose foreign substances so the paint
surface is not scratched or da- abrasives, cutting compounds or clea-
dishwashing liquid mixed with clean, lu- ners that may damage the vehicle
kewarm (never hot) water. maged.
Machine compound or aggressive polish-
7-2 Appearance and care
ing on a base coat/clear coat paint finish ALUMINUM ALLOY WHEELS
may dull the finish or leave swirl marks. CAUTION Wash regularly with a sponge dampened
REMOVING SPOTS in a mild soap solution, especially during
Remove tar and oil spots, industrial dust, When cleaning the inside of the winter months in areas where road salt is
insects, and tree sap as quickly as possi- windows, do not use sharp-edged used. Salt could discolor the wheels if not
ble from the paint surface to avoid lasting tools, abrasive cleaners or chlorine- removed.
damage or staining. Special cleaning based disinfectant cleaners. They
products are available at a NISSAN dealer could damage the electrical conduc-
or any automotive accessory stores. It is tors, radio antenna elements or rear CAUTION
recommended that you visit a NISSAN window defroster elements.
dealer for these products. Follow the directions below to avoid
WHEELS staining or discoloring the wheels:
Wash the wheels when washing the . Do not use a cleaner that uses
In areas where road salt is used in winter,
vehicle to maintain their appearance. strong acid or alkali contents to
the underbody must be cleaned regularly.
clean the wheels.
This will prevent dirt and salt from build- . Clean the inner side of the wheels
ing up and causing the acceleration of when the wheel is changed or the . Do not apply wheel cleaners to
corrosion on the underbody and suspen- underside of the vehicle is washed. the wheels when they are hot.
sion. Before the winter period and again . Inspect wheel rims regularly for dents The wheel temperature should be
in the spring, the underseal must be or corrosion. Such damage may cause the same as ambient tempera-
checked and, if necessary, re-treated. loss of pressure or poor seal at the tire ture.
GLASS bead. . Rinse the wheel to completely
. NISSAN recommends that the road remove the cleaner within 15
Use glass cleaner to remove smoke and minutes after the cleaner is ap-
dust film from the glass surfaces. It is wheels be waxed to protect against
road salt in areas where it is used plied.
normal for glass to become coated with a
film after the vehicle is parked in the hot during winter.
sun. Glass cleaner and a soft cloth will
easily remove this film.
Do not use abrasive cleaners when
washing the wheels.
Do not allow wet seat belts to roll up
in the retractor. NEVER use bleach,
When performing any inspection or main- . Always wear eye protection . On gasoline engine models with
tenance work on your vehicle, always whenever you work on your ve- the Multiport Fuel Injection (MFI)
take care to prevent serious accidental hicle. system, the fuel filter and fuel
injury to yourself or damage to the lines should be serviced because
. If you must run the engine in an
vehicle. The following are general precau- the fuel lines are under high
enclosed space such as a garage,
tions which should be closely observed. pressure even when the engine
be sure there is proper ventilation
for exhaust gases to escape. is turned off. It is recommended
that you visit a NISSAN dealer for
WARNING . Never get under the vehicle while this service.
it is supported only by a jack. If it
. Your vehicle is equipped with an
. Park the vehicle on a level sur- is necessary to work under the
vehicle, support it with safety automatic engine cooling fan. It
face, apply the parking brake
stands. may come on at any time without
securely and block the wheels to
warning, even if the ignition
prevent the vehicle from moving. . Because the fuel lines are under switch is in the OFF position and
Move the shift lever to the P high pressure even when the the engine is not running. To
(Park) position (CVT model) or engine is off, it is recommended avoid injury, always disconnect
the shift lever to the N (Neutral) you visit a NISSAN dealer for the negative battery cable before
position (MT model). service of the fuel filter or fuel working near the fan.
. Be sure the ignition switch is in lines.
. Avoid direct contact with used
the OFF or LOCK position when . Do not work under the hood while engine oil and coolant. Impro-
performing any parts replace- the engine is hot. Always turn off perly disposed engine oil, engine
ment or repairs. the engine and wait until it cools coolant, and/or other vehicle
. If you must work with the engine down. fluids can hurt the environment.
running, keep your hands, cloth- . If you must work with the engine Always conform to local regula-
ing, hair and tools away from running, keep your hands, cloth- tions for disposal of vehicle fluids.
moving fans, belts and any other ing, hair and tools away from
moving parts. moving fans, belts and any other
. It is advisable to secure or re- moving parts.
move any loose clothing and . Keep smoking materials, flame
remove any jewelry, such as and sparks away from fuel and
rings, watches, etc. before work- the battery. . Do not work under the hood while
ing on your vehicle. the engine is hot. Turn the engine
8-2 Do-it-yourself
off and wait until it cools down. A genuine NISSAN Service Manual is also
available. (See “Owner’s manual/service
. Avoid direct contact with used manual order information” (P.10-21).)
engine oil and coolant. Impro-
perly disposed engine oil, and You should be aware that incomplete or
engine coolant and/or other ve- improper servicing may result in operat-
hicle fluids can damage the en- ing difficulties or excessive emissions, and
vironment. Always conform to could affect your warranty coverage. If in
local regulations for disposal of doubt about any servicing, it is recom-
vehicle fluid. mended you have it done by a NISSAN
. Never leave the engine or the CVT
related component harnesses
disconnected while the ignition
switch is in the ON position.
. Never connect or disconnect the WAA0212X
battery or any transistorized
component while the ignition Remove the air duct if necessary.
switch is in the ON position. To remove the air duct :
. Your vehicle is equipped with an 1. Remove the clips with a suitable
automatic engine cooling fan. It tool.
may come on at any time without 2. Loosen the bolt with a suitable tool.
warning, even if the ignition key is
in the OFF position and the en- 3. Pull the air duct upward and then
gine is not running. To avoid sideways.
injury, always disconnect the ne- To install the air duct, perform the in-
gative battery cable before work- stallation procedure in reverse order.
ing near the fan.
Do-it-yourself 8-3
. Never remove the radiator or
coolant reservoir cap when the
engine is hot. Wait until the en-
gine and radiator cool down.
Serious burns could be caused
by high pressure fluid escaping
from the radiator. See precau-
tions in “If your vehicle overheats”
(P.6-16) of this manual.
. The radiator is equipped with a
WAA0211X pressure type radiator cap. To
prevent engine damage, use only
MR20DD ENGINE MODEL 7. Engine oil dipstick
a genuine NISSAN radiator cap.
1. Engine coolant reservoir 8. Battery
9. Fuse/fusible link box
. If the engine was stopped soon
2. Engine oil filler cap when the engine is hot, the cool-
3. Brake and clutch* fluid reservoir *: For Manual Transmission (MT) Model
ing fan may operate for approxi-
4. Air cleaner mately 10 minutes after the
5. Window washer fluid reservoir engine was stopped to cool the
6. Drive belt components in the engine com-
8-4 Do-it-yourself
partment. When the cooling fan is low the coolant manufacture’s
operating, be sure that hands or instructions to maintain mini-
other items do not get caught in mum antifreeze protection to
it. -34°F (-37°C). The use of other
types of coolant solutions other
than Genuine NISSAN Long Life
Antifreeze/Coolant (blue) or
CAUTION equivalent may damage the en-
gine cooling system.
. Never use any cooling system . The life expectancy of the fac-
additives such as radiator sealer. tory-fill coolant is 105,000 miles
Additives may clog the cooling (168,000 km) or 7 years. Mixing
system and cause damage to any other type of coolant other
the engine, transmission and/or than Genuine NISSAN Long Life
cooling system. Antifreeze/Coolant (blue) (or
. When adding or replacing cool- equivalent coolant), including
ant, be sure to use only Genuine
Genuine NISSAN Long Life Anti-
NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/ freeze/Coolant (green), or the use Check the coolant level in the reservoir
Coolant (blue) or equivalent. Gen- of non-distilled water will reduce when the engine is cold. If the coolant
uine NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/ the life expectancy of the factory- level is below the MIN level , open the
Coolant (blue) is pre-diluted to fill coolant. Refer to the “9. Main- reservoir cap and add coolant up to the
provide antifreeze protection to tenance and schedules” section MAX level . If the reservoir is empty,
-34°F(-37°C). If additional freeze of this manual for more details. check the coolant level in the radiator
protection is needed due to when the engine is cold. If there is
weather where you operate your insufficient coolant in the radiator, fill the
vehicle, add Genuine NISSAN Long radiator with coolant up to the filler
Life Antifreeze/Coolant (blue) opening and also add it to the reservoir
concentrate following the direc- up to the MAX level .
tions on the container. If an Tighten the cap securely after adding
equivalent coolant other than engine coolant.
Genuine NISSAN Long Life Anti- If the cooling system frequently re-
freeze/Coolant (blue) is used, fol- quires coolant, have it checked. It is
Do-it-yourself 8-5
Vehicle set-up
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface and
apply the parking brake.
2. Run the engine until it reaches the
operating temperature.
3. Turn the engine off and wait more
than 10 minutes.
4. Raise and support the vehicle using a
suitable floor jack and safety jack JVM0414X
. Place the safety jack stands under
the vehicle jack-up points.
. A suitable adapter should be at-
tached to the jack stand saddle.
Do-it-yourself 8-7
. Waste oil must be disposed of Drain plug tightening torque:
properly. 22 to 29 ft-lb
. Check your local regulations. (29 to 39 N·m)
(Perform steps 4 to 7 only when the
Do not use excessive force.
engine oil filter change is needed.)
9. Refill the engine with the recom-
4. Loosen the oil filter with an oil filter
mended oil through the oil filler open-
wrench. Remove the oil filter by turn-
ing, and install the oil filler cap
ing it by hand.
5. Wipe the engine oil filter mounting
See “Capacities and recommended
surface with a clean rag.
fluids/lubricants” (P.10-2) for drain
and refill capacity. The drain and refill
CAUTION capacity depends on the oil tempera-
ture and drain time. Use these speci-
JVM0421X fications for reference only. Always
Be sure to remove any old gasket
use the dipstick to determine the
1. Oil filler cap material remaining on the mounting
proper amount of oil in the engine.
2. Oil drain plug surface of the engine. Failure to do
3. Oil filter so could lead to engine damage. 10. Start the engine and check for leak-
age around the drain plug and the oil
Engine oil and filter 6. Coat the gasket on the new filter with
filter. Correct as required.
1. Place a large drain pan under the clean engine oil. 11. Turn the engine off and wait more
drain plug. than 10 minutes. Check the oil level
7. Screw in the oil filter clockwise until a
2. Remove the oil filler cap. with the dipstick. Add engine oil if
slight resistance is felt, then tighten
3. Remove the drain plug with a wrench additionally more than 2/3 turn.
and completely drain the oil. Oil filter tightening torque: After the operation
11 to 15 ft-lb 1. Lower the vehicle carefully to the
(14.7 to 20.5 N·m) ground.
8. Clean and re-install the drain plug 2. Dispose of waste oil and filter properly.
Be careful not to burn yourself, as with a new washer. Securely tighten
the engine oil is hot. the drain plug with a wrench.
8-8 Do-it-yourself
BRAKE AND CLUTCH (if so equipped) FLUID
When checking or replacement is re- For additional brake and clutch fluid
WARNING quired, we recommend a NISSAN dealer information, see “Capacities and recom-
for servicing. mended fluids/lubricants” (P.10-2) of this
. Prolonged and repeated contact
with used engine oil may cause CAUTION
skin cancer. WARNING
. Try to avoid direct skin contact . NISSAN recommends using Gen-
with used oil. If skin contact is uine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-3 (or . Use only new fluid from a sealed
made, wash thoroughly with soap equivalent) ONLY in NISSAN CVTs. container. Old, inferior or con-
or hand cleaner as soon as pos- Do not mix with other fluids. taminated fluid may damage the
sible. brake and clutch systems. The
. Do not use Automatic transmis-
. Keep used engine oil out of reach sion fluid (ATF) or Manual Trans- use of improper fluids can da-
of children. mission fluid in a NISSAN CVT, as mage the brake and clutch sys-
it may damage the CVT. Damage tems, and affect the vehicle’s
caused by the use of fluids other stopping ability.
than as recommended is not . Clean the filler cap before remov-
covered by the NISSAN’s New ing.
Vehicle Limited Warranty. . Brake and clutch fluid is poiso-
. Using fluids that are not equiva- nous and should be stored care-
lent to Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid fully in marked containers out of
NS-3 may also damage the CVT. the reach of children.
Damage caused by the use of
fluids other than as recom-
mended is not covered by the
NISSAN’s New Vehicle Limited CAUTION
Do not spill the fluid on any painted
surfaces. This will damage the paint.
If fluid is spilled, immediately wash
the surface with water.
Do-it-yourself 8-9
. Do not substitute engine anti-
JVM0380X freeze coolant for window
Type B washer solution. This may result
8-10 Do-it-yourself
DI0137MA SDI1480C
Check the fluid level in each cell. It should 1. Remove the cell plugs .
be between the UPPER LEVEL and 2. Add distilled water up to the UPPER
LOWER LEVEL lines. LEVEL line.
If it is necessary to add fluid, add only If the side of the battery is not clear,
distilled water to bring the level to the check the distilled water level by
indicator in each filler opening. Do not looking directly above the cell; the
overfill. condition indicates OK and the
condition needs more to be added.
3. Tighten cell plugs .
Vehicles operated in high temperatures
or under severe conditions require fre-
quent checks of the battery fluid level.
8-12 Do-it-yourself
Be sure the ignition switch is in the
OFF or LOCK position before servi-
cing drive belts. The engine could
rotate unexpectedly.
Be sure to use the correct socket to
remove the spark plugs. An incorrect
socket can damage the spark plugs.
8-14 Do-it-yourself
. Operating the engine with the air
cleaner filter off can cause you or
others to be burned. The air
cleaner filter not only cleans the
intake air, it also stops flame if
the engine backfires. If the air
cleaner filter is not installed and
the engine backfires, you could
be burned. Never drive with the
WAI0158X air cleaner filter off. Be cautious
working on the engine when the
AIR DUCT REMOVAL air cleaner filter is off.
1. Remove the clip with a suitable tool. . Never pour fuel into the throttle
2. While pulling off the lock , pull out the body or attempt to start the
clip and pull up the air duct . engine with the air cleaner re-
moved. Doing so could result in
serious injury.
Do-it-yourself 8-15
If your windshield is not clear after using
the windshield washer or if a wiper blade
chatters when running, wax or other
material may be on the blade or wind-
Clean the outside of the windshield with a
washer solution or a mild detergent. Your
windshield is clean if beads do not form
when rinsing with clear water.
Clean each blade by wiping it with a cloth
soaked in a washer solution or a mild
detergent. Then rinse the blade with clear
water. If your windshield is still not clear SDI2359
after cleaning the blades and using the
wiper, replace the blades. REPLACING
Replace the wiper blades if they are worn. CAUTION
CAUTION 1. Lift the wiper arm away from the
windshield. . After wiper blade replacement,
Worn windshield wiper blades can 2. Push and hold the release tab , and return the wiper arm to its origi-
damage the windshield and impair move the wiper blade down the wiper nal position; otherwise it may be
driver vision. arm . damaged when the hood is
3. Insert the new wiper blade onto the
wiper arm until a click sounds. . Make sure the wiper blades con-
tact the glass; otherwise the arm
4. Rotate the wiper blade so that the may be damaged from wind
dimple is in the groove. pressure.
8-16 Do-it-yourself
Have your brake system checked if
the brake pedal height does not
return to normal. It is recommended
you visit a NISSAN dealer for this
occasional brake squeak, squeal or other OFF position (if so equipped) or the
noise may be heard. Occasional brake AUTO position and the headlights are
noise during light to moderate stops is OFF.
normal and does not affect the function 2. Open the engine hood.
or performance of the brake system.
3. Remove the fuse/fusible link box cov-
Proper brake inspection intervals er by using a suitable tool and pushing
should be followed. For additional infor- the tab.
mation, see the maintenance schedule
shown in the “9. Maintenance and sche- 4. Locate the fuse that needs to be
dules” section. replaced.
5. Remove the fuse using the fuse puller
located in the passenger compart-
ment fuse box.
Never use a fuse of a higher or lower
amperage rating than that specified
on the fuse box cover. This could
damage the electrical system or
electronic control units or cause a
8-18 Do-it-yourself
6. If the fuse is open , replace it with a
new fuse .
7. If a new fuse also opens, have the
electrical system checked and re-
paired. It is recommended you visit a
NISSAN dealer for this service.
SDI1753 JVM0444X
Type A
The holder also contains the fuses.
It is recommended you visit a NISSAN
dealer for checking and/or replacing.
Fusible links
If any electrical equipment does not
operate and the fuses are in good condi-
tion, check the fusible links. If any of these
fusible links are melted, replace only with
genuine NISSAN parts.
For checking and replacing the fusible
links, it is recommended you visit a
NISSAN dealer.
Type B
Do-it-yourself 8-19
JVM0387X SDI1754
PASSENGER COMPARTMENT OFF position (if so equipped) or the 4. If the fuse is open , replace it with a
AUTO position and the headlights are new fuse .
OFF. 5. If a new fuse also opens, have the
WARNING 2. Remove the fuse box cover. electrical system checked and re-
paired. It is recommended you visit a
Never use a fuse of a higher or lower 3. Remove the fuse with the fuse puller
NISSAN dealer for this service.
amperage rating than that specified .
on the fuse box cover. This could
damage the electrical system or
electronic control units or cause a
If the extended storage fuse switch CAUTION
malfunctions or if the fuse is open, it is
not necessary to replace the switch. In
this case, remove the extended storage . Be careful not to allow children to
fuse switch and replace it with a new swallow the battery and removed
fuse of the same rating. parts.
How to remove the extended storage . An improperly disposed battery
fuse switch: can harm the environment. Al-
ways confirm local regulations
1. To remove the extended storage fuse for battery disposal.
switch, be sure the ignition switch is in
the OFF or LOCK position. . When changing batteries, do not
let dust or oil get on the compo-
2. Be sure the headlights are off. (See nents.
“Headlight switch” (P.2-52) or “Intelli-
gent Auto Headlight system” (P.2-52).) . There is danger of explosion if the
lithium battery is incorrectly re-
Extended storage fuse switch (if so 3. Remove the fuse box cover. placed. Replace only with the
equipped) 4. Pinch the locking tabs found on same or equivalent type.
To reduce battery drain, the extended each side of the extended storage
storage fuse switch comes from the fuse switch.
factory switched off. Prior to delivery of 5. Pull the extended storage fuse switch
your vehicle, the switch is pushed in straight out from the fuse box .
(switched on) and should always remain
If the extended storage fuse switch is not
pushed in (switched on), the meter may
display a warning message. See “21. Ship-
ping Mode On Push Storage Fuse warn-
ing” (P.2-33).
If any electrical equipment does not
operate, remove the extended storage
fuse switch and check for an open fuse.
Do-it-yourself 8-21
. Do not touch the internal circuit For Canada:
and electric terminals as doing so
could cause a malfunction. This device complies with Industry Ca-
. Hold the battery by the edges.
nada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following
Holding the battery across the two conditions: (1) this device may not
contact points will seriously deplete cause interference, and (2) this device
the storage capacity. must accept any interference, including
. Make sure that the + side faces the
interference that may cause undesired
bottom of the case . operation of the device.
3. Close the lid securely.
4. Operate the buttons to check its
See a NISSAN dealer if you need assis-
tance for replacement.
FCC Notice:
For USA:
This device complies with Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device
may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any
JVM0381X interference received, including inter-
ference that may cause undesired op-
To replace the battery: eration.
1. Insert a small screwdriver into the slit Note: Changes or modifications not
to open the lid. Use a cloth to expressly approved by the party re-
protect the casing. sponsible for compliance could void
2. Replace the battery with a new one. the user’s authority to operate the
Recommended battery: CR2032 or
8-22 Do-it-yourself
Do-it-yourself 8-23
ference that may cause undesired op-
Note: Changes or modifications not
expressly approved by the party re-
sponsible for compliance could void
the user’s authority to operate the
For Canada:
This device complies with Industry Ca-
nada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this device may not
cause interference, and (2) this device
SDI2452 must accept any interference, including
interference that may cause undesired
4. Align the tips of the upper and lower operation of the device.
parts , and then push them together
until it is securely closed.
5. Operate the buttons to check its
If you need any assistance for replace-
ment, it is recommended you visit a
NISSAN dealer for this service.
FCC Notice:
For USA:
This device complies with Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device
may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including inter-
8-24 Do-it-yourself
Do-it-yourself 8-25
Replacing . Aiming is not necessary after
LED headlight model: replacing the bulb. When aiming
adjustment is necessary, it is
If LED headlight replacement is required, recommended you visit a NISSAN
it is recommended that you visit a NISSAN dealer for this service.
dealer for this service.
Halogen headlight model: Use the same number and wattage as
The headlight is a semi-sealed beam type originally installed as shown in the chart.
which uses a replaceable headlight (halo-
gen) bulb.
. Do not leave the bulb out of the
headlight reflector for a long
period of time. Dust, moisture,
smoke, etc. entering the head-
light body may affect bulb per-
. High pressure halogen gas is
sealed inside the halogen bulb.
The bulb may break if the glass WAI0094X
envelope is scratched or the bulb
is dropped. Low-beam/High-beam:
. Only touch the base when hand- 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
ling the bulb. Never touch the 2. Disconnect the electrical connector
glass envelope. Touching the from the rear end of the bulb.
glass envelope could significantly 3. Remove the headlight bulb by turning it
affect bulb life and/or headlight counterclockwise. Do not shake or rotate
performance. the bulb when removing it.
8-26 Do-it-yourself
4. Install the new bulb in the reverse order of EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR LIGHTS
Item Wattage (W) Bulb No.
Headlight high beam (bulb type) 65 H9
Headlight low beam (bulb type) 55 H11
Headlight high/low beams (LED type)* LED -
Front turn signal light* 21 or LED WY21W or -
Front parking light* LED -
Front side marker light* LED -
Front fog light (if so equipped)* 35 H8
Side turn signal light (if so equipped)* LED -
Daytime running light* LED -
Rear combination light*
Turn signal light 21 W21W
Stop/tail light LED —
Back-up 16 W16W
Rear side marker light* LED -
License plate light* 5 W5W
Map light* LED -
Vanity mirror light (if so equipped)* 1.8 -
High-mounted stop light* LED -
Room light 8 -
Cargo light 5 -
Glove box light* 1.4 -
Do-it-yourself 8-27
Room light
SDI2306 SDI2653
Cargo light
Replacement procedures
8-28 Do-it-yourself
If you have a flat tire, see “Flat tire” (P.6- Tire inflation pressure outside the vehicle for inflating the
3). Check the pressure of the tires tires to the recommended COLD
TIRE PRESSURE (including the spare (if so tire pressure. (See “TPMS with Easy
equipped)) often and always prior Fill Tire Alert” (P.5-8).)
Tire Pressure Monitoring System
(TPMS) to long distance trips. The recom- Incorrect tire pressure, including
This vehicle is equipped with the Tire
mended tire pressure specifica- under inflation, may adversely
Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). It tions are shown on the Tire and affect tire life and vehicle hand-
monitors tire pressure of all tires except Loading Information label under ling.
the spare (if so equipped). When the low the “Cold Tire Pressure” heading.
tire pressure warning light is lit, and the The Tire and Loading Information
“Tire Pressure Low - Add Air” warning WARNING
label is affixed to the driver side
message is displayed in the vehicle in-
formation display, one or more of your center pillar. Tire pressures should . Improperly inflated tires can
tires is significantly under-inflated. be checked regularly because: fail suddenly and cause an
The TPMS will activate only when the . Most tires naturally lose air over accident.
vehicle is driven at speeds above 16 MPH time. . The Gross Vehicle Weight
(25 km/h). Also, this system may not . Tires can lose air suddenly when rating (GVWR) is located on
detect a sudden drop in tire pressure driven over potholes or other
(for example a flat tire while driving). the F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. cer-
objects or if the vehicle strikes tification label. The vehicle
For more details, see “Low tire pressure a curb while parking.
warning light” (P.2-14), “Tire Pressure Mon- weight capacity is indicated
itoring System (TPMS)” (P.5-5) and “Tire The tire pressures should be on the Tire and Loading In-
Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)” (P.6- checked when the tires are cold. formation label. Do not load
3). The tires are considered COLD after your vehicle beyond this ca-
the vehicle has been parked for 3 or pacity. Overloading your ve-
more hours, or driven less than 1 hicle may result in reduced
mile (1.6 km) at moderate speeds. tire life, unsafe operating
TPMS with Easy Fill Tire Alert pro- conditions due to premature
vides visual and audible signals tire failure, or unfavorable
Do-it-yourself 8-29
handling characteristics and
could also lead to a serious
accident. Loading beyond
the specified capacity may
also result in failure of other
vehicle components.
. Before taking a long trip, or
whenever you heavily load
your vehicle, use a tire pres-
sure gauge to ensure that
the tire pressures are at the
specified level.
. For additional information
regarding tires, refer to “Im-
portant Tire Safety Informa-
tion” (US) or “Tire Safety
Information” (Canada) in the
Warranty Information Book-
8-30 Do-it-yourself
Cold tire pressure: Inflate
the tires to this pressure
when the tires are cold.
Tires are considered COLD
after the vehicle has been
parked for 3 or more hours,
or driven less than 1 mile
(1.6 km) at moderate
speeds. The recommended
cold tire inflation is set by
the manufacturer to pro-
vide the best balance of
tire wear, vehicle handling,
driveability, tire noise, etc.,
up to the vehicle’s GVWR.
Tire size — see “Tire label-
ing” (P.8-33).
Spare tire size or compact
spare tire size (if so
Do-it-yourself 8-31
4. Read the tire pressure on the
gauge stem and compare it to
the specification shown on the
Tire and Loading Information
5. Add air to the tire as needed. If
too much air is added, press the
core of the valve stem briefly
with the tip of the gauge stem to
release pressure. Recheck the
pressure and add or release air
as needed.
SDI1949 6. Install the valve stem cap.
7. Check the pressure of all other
Checking the tire pressure
tires, including the spare (if so
1. Remove the valve stem cap from equipped).
the tire.
2. Press the pressure gauge
squarely onto the valve stem.
Do not press too hard or force
the valve stem sideways, or air
will escape. If the hissing sound
of air escaping from the tire is
heard while checking the pres-
sure, reposition the gauge to
eliminate this leakage.
3. Remove the gauge.
8-32 Do-it-yourself
215/65 R16 98H 230 kPa, 33 PSI
215/60 R17 96H
225/45 R19 92W 240 kPa, 35 PSI
215/65 R16 98H 230 kPa, 33 PSI
REAR ORIGINAL TIRE 215/60 R17 96H 230 kPa, 33 PSI
225/45 R19 92W 240 kPa, 35 PSI
SPARE TIRE (if so T145/90 D16 106M 420 kPa, 60 PSI
equipped) T135/90 D16 102M
Federal law requires tire manufac-
turers to place standardized infor-
mation on the sidewall of all tires.
This information identifies and de-
scribes the fundamental character-
istics of the tire and also provides
the tire identification number (TIN)
for safety standard certification.
The TIN can be used to identify
the tire in case of a recall.
Do-it-yourself 8-33
height to width.
4. R: The “R” stands for radial.
5. Two-digit number (16): This
number is the wheel or rim
diameter in inches.
6. Two- or three-digit number (94):
This number is the tire’s load
index. It is a measurement of
how much weight each tire can
support. You may not find this
information on all tires because
SDI1606 it is not required by law. JVM0694X
Example 7. H: Tire speed rating. You should Example
Tire size (example: P215/60R16 not drive the vehicle faster than TIN (Tire Identification Number)
94H) the tire speed rating. for a new tire (example: DOT XX XX
1. P: The “P” indicates the tire is XXX XXXX)
designed for passenger vehicles. 1. DOT: Abbreviation for the “De-
(Not all tires have this informa- partment of Transportation”.
tion.) The symbol can be placed
2. Three-digit number (215): This above, below or to the left or
number gives the width in milli- right of the Tire Identification
meters of the tire from sidewall Number.
edge to sidewall edge. 2. Two-digit code: Manufacturer’s
3. Two-digit number (60): This identification mark
number, known as the aspect 3. Two-digit code: Tire size
ratio, gives the tire’s ratio of
8-34 Do-it-yourself
4. Three-digit code: Tire type code mum load in kilograms and pounds (2) the outward facing sidewall of
(Optional) that can be carried by the tire. an asymmetrical tire that has a
5. Four numbers represent the When replacing the tires on the particular side that must always
week and year the tire was built. vehicle, always use a tire that has face outward when mounted on a
For example, the numbers 3103 the same load rating as the factory vehicle.
means the 31st week of 2003. If installed tire. TYPES OF TIRES
these numbers are missing, then Term of “tubeless” or “tube type”
look on the other sidewall of the Indicates whether the tire requires WARNING
tire. an inner tube (“tube type”) or not
Tire ply composition and materi- (“tubeless”). . When changing or replacing tires,
al be sure all four tires are of the
The word “radial” same type (Example: Summer, All
The number of layers or plies of The word “radial” is shown, if the Season or Snow) and construc-
rubber-coated fabric in the tire. tire has radial structure. tion. A NISSAN dealer may be able
Tire manufacturers also must in- to help you with information
Manufacturer or brand name about tire type, size, speed rating
dicate the materials in the tire, and availability.
Manufacturer or brand name is
which include steel, nylon, polye-
shown. . Replacement tires may have a
ster, and others. lower speed rating than the fac-
Other tire-related terminology: tory equipped tires, and may not
Maximum permissible inflation
pressure In addition to the many terms that match the potential maximum
are defined throughout this sec- vehicle speed. Never exceed the
This number is the greatest maximum speed rating of the
tion, Intended Outboard Sidewall is
amount of air pressure that should tire.
(1) the sidewall that contains a
be put in the tire. Do not exceed the . Replacing tires with those not
whitewall, bears white lettering or
maximum permissible inflation originally specified by NISSAN
bears manufacturer, brand and/or could affect the proper operation
model name molding that is higher of the TPMS.
Maximum load rating or deeper than the same molding
This number indicates the maxi- on the other sidewall of the tire, or
Do-it-yourself 8-35
. For additional information re- Summer tires tires. Skid and traction capabilities of
garding tires, refer to “Important NISSAN specifies summer tires on some studded snow tires, on wet or dry sur-
Tire Safety Information” (US) or models to provide superior performance faces, may be poorer than that of non-
“Tire Safety Information” (Cana- on dry roads. Summer tire performance is studded snow tires.
da) in the Warranty Information substantially reduced in snow and ice. TIRE CHAINS
Booklet. Summer tires do not have the tire trac- Use of tire chains may be prohibited
. Always use tires of the same type, tion rating M&S on the tire sidewall. according to location. Check the local
size, brand, construction and If you plan to operate your vehicle in laws before installing tire chains. When
tread pattern on all four wheels. snowy or icy conditions, NISSAN recom- installing tire chains, make sure they are
Failure to do so may result in a mends the use of SNOW tires or ALL the proper size for the tires on your
circumference difference be- SEASON tires on all four wheels. vehicle and are installed according to
tween tires on the front and rear the chain manufacturer’s suggestions.
axles which can cause the Vehicle Snow tires Use only SAE Class S chains. Class “S”
Dynamic Control (VDC) system to If snow tires are needed, it is necessary to chains are used on vehicles with re-
malfunction resulting in personal select tires equivalent in size and load stricted tire to vehicle clearance. Vehicles
injury or death, excessive tire rating to the original equipment tires. If that can use Class “S” chains are designed
wear and may damage the trans- you do not, it can adversely affect the to meet the SAE standard minimum
mission, transfer case and differ- safety and handling of your vehicle. clearances between the tire and the
ential gears. Generally, snow tires will have lower closest vehicle suspension or body com-
speed ratings than factory equipped tires ponent required to accommodate the
and may not match the potential max- use of a winter traction device (tire chains
All season tires or cables). The minimum clearances are
imum vehicle speed. Never exceed the
NISSAN specifies all season tires on some determined using the factory equipped
models to provide good performance all maximum speed rating of the tire.
tire size. Other types may damage your
year, including snowy and icy road con- If you install snow tires, they must be the vehicle. Use chain tensioners when re-
ditions. All Season tires are identified by same size, brand, construction and tread commended by the tire chain manufac-
ALL SEASON and/or M&S (Mud and Snow) pattern on all four wheels. turer to ensure a tight fit. Loose end links
on the tire sidewall. Snow tires have For additional traction on icy roads, of the tire chain must be secured or
better snow traction than All Season tires studded tires may be used. However, removed to prevent the possibility of
and may be more appropriate in some some U.S. states and Canadian provinces whipping action damage to the fenders
areas. prohibit their use. Check local, state and or underbody. If possible, avoid fully load-
provincial laws before installing studded ing your vehicle when using tire chains. In
8-36 Do-it-yourself
addition, drive at a reduced speed. Other- The wheel nuts must be kept
wise, your vehicle may be damaged and/ tightened to the specification at
or vehicle handling and performance may
be adversely affected.
all times. It is recommended that
wheel nuts be tightened to the
Tire chains must be installed only on
the front wheels and not on the rear specification at each tire rotation
wheels. interval.
Never install tire chains on a TEMPORARY
USE ONLY spare tire (if so equipped). WARNING
Do not use tire chains on dry roads.
Driving with tire chains in such conditions . After rotating the tires,
can cause damage to the various me- check and adjust the tire
chanisms of the vehicle due to some
. Retighten the wheel nuts
CHANGING WHEELS AND TIRES when the vehicle has been
driven for 600 miles (1,000
Tire rotation km) (also in cases of a flat
NISSAN recommends rotating the tire, etc.).
tires at the specified interval shown . Do not include the spare tire
in the maintenance schedule. (See (if so equipped) in the tire
the "9. Maintenance and sche- rotation.
dules" section. For tire replacing
. For additional information
procedure, see “Flat tire” (P.6-3).)
regarding tires, refer to “Im-
As soon as possible, tighten the portant Tire Safety Informa-
wheel nuts to the specified torque tion” (US) or “Tire Safety
with a torque wrench. Information” (Canada) in the
Wheel nut tightening torque: Warranty Information Book-
80 ft-lb (108 N·m) let.
Do-it-yourself 8-37
. The original tires have built- Information” (Canada) in the
in tread wear indicators. Warranty Information Book-
When wear indicators are let.
visible, the tire(s) should be
replaced. Replacing wheels and tires
. Tires degrade with age and When replacing a tire, use the same size,
use. Have tires, including the tread design, speed rating and load
spare (if so equipped), over 6 carrying capacity as originally equipped.
years old checked by a qua- (See “Specifications” (P.10-7) for recom-
lified technician, because mended types and sizes of tires and
some tire damage may not
be obvious. Replace the tires
as necessary to prevent tire WARNING
1. Wear indicator failure and possible perso-
2. Wear indicator location mark nal injury. . The use of tires other than those
recommended or the mixed use
Tire wear and damage . Improper service of the of tires of different brands, con-
spare tire (if so equipped) struction (bias, bias-belted or ra-
may result in serious perso- dial), or tread patterns can
WARNING nal injury. If it is necessary to adversely affect the ride, braking,
repair the spare tire, it is handling, VDC system, ground
. Tires should be periodically clearance, body-to-tire clearance,
inspected for wear, cracking, recommended you visit a tire chain clearance, speed-
bulging or objects caught in NISSAN dealer for this ser- ometer calibration, headlight
the tread. If excessive wear, vice. aim and bumper height. Some of
cracks, bulging or deep cuts . For additional information these effects may lead to acci-
regarding tires, refer to “Im- dents and could result in serious
are found, the tire(s) should personal injury.
be replaced. portant Tire Safety Informa-
tion” (US) or “Tire Safety . For Two-Wheel Drive (2WD) mod-
els, if your vehicle was originally
8-38 Do-it-yourself
equipped with 4 tires that were replaced and/or TPMS system warning.
the same size and you are only reset as soon as possible. It is . The use of retread tire is not
replacing 2 of the 4 tires, install recommended you visit a NISSAN recommended.
the new tires on the rear axle. dealer for these services.
Placing new tires on the front . For additional information re-
. Replacing tires with those not garding tires, refer to “Important
axle may cause loss of vehicle originally specified by NISSAN
control in some driving condi- Tire Safety Information” (US) or
could affect the proper operation “Tire Safety Information” (Cana-
tions and cause an accident and of the TPMS.
personal injury. da) in the Warranty Information
. The TPMS sensor may be da- Booklet.
. If the wheels are changed for any maged if it is not handled cor-
reason, always replace with rectly. Be careful when handling
wheels which have the same off- the TPMS sensor. All-Wheel Drive (AWD) models
set dimension. Wheels of a differ-
ent off-set could cause prema- . When replacing the TPMS sensor,
ture tire wear, degrade vehicle the ID registration may be re- CAUTION
handling characteristics and/or quired. It is recommended you
interference with the brake visit a NISSAN dealer for ID regis- . Always use tires of the same size,
discs/drums. Such interference tration. brand, construction (bias, bias-
can lead to decreased braking . Do not use a valve stem cap that belted or radial), and tread pat-
efficiency and/or early brake is not specified by NISSAN. The tern on all four wheels. Failure to
pad/shoe wear. See “Wheels and valve stem cap may become do so may result in a circumfer-
tires” (P.10-7) of this manual for stuck. ence difference between tires on
wheel off-set dimensions. . Be sure that the valve stem caps the front and rear axles which will
. Since the spare tire (if so are correctly fitted. Otherwise the cause excessive tire wear and
equipped) is not equipped with valve may be clogged up with dirt may damage the transmission,
the TPMS, when a spare tire is and cause a malfunction or loss transfer case and rear differential
mounted or a wheel is replaced, of pressure. gears.
the TPMS will not function and . Do not install a damaged or . Only use spare tires (if so
the low tire pressure warning deformed wheel or tire even if it equipped) specified for each
light will flash for approximately has been repaired. Such wheels AWD model.
1 minute. The light will remain on or tires could have structural
after 1 minute. Have your tires damage and could fail without
Do-it-yourself 8-39
If excessive tire wear is found, it is Spare tire (if so equipped) 50 MPH (80 km/h).
recommended that all four tires be re-
placed with tires of the same size, brand,
Since the spare tire is not equipped with . When driving on roads covered
the TPMS, when a spare tire is mounted with snow or ice, the TEMPORARY
construction and tread pattern. The tire (TEMPORARY USE ONLY), the TPMS will
pressure and wheel alignment should USE ONLY spare tire should be
not function. used on the rear wheels and
also be checked and corrected as neces-
sary. It is recommended you visit a Observe the following precautions if the original tire used on the front
NISSAN dealer for this service. TEMPORARY USE ONLY spare tire must be wheels (drive wheels). Use tire
used, otherwise your vehicle could be chains only on the front (original)
Wheel balance damaged or involved in an accident. tires.
Unbalanced wheels may affect vehicle . Tire tread of the TEMPORARY USE
handling and tire life. Even with regular ONLY spare tire will wear at a
use, wheels can get out of balance.
WARNING faster rate than the standard tire.
Therefore, they should be balanced as Replace the spare tire as soon as
required. . The TEMPORARY USE ONLY spare the tread wear indicators appear.
tire should be used for emer-
Wheel balance service should be per- gency use. It should be replaced . Do not use the spare tire on other
formed with the wheels off the vehicle. with the standard tire at the first vehicles.
Spin balancing the wheels on the vehi- opportunity to avoid possible tire . Do not use more than one spare
cle could lead to mechanical damage. or differential damage. tire at the same time.
For additional information regarding tires, . Drive carefully while the TEMPOR-
refer to “Important Tire Safety Informa- ARY USE ONLY spare tire is in-
tion” (US) or “Tire Safety Information”
(Canada) in the Warranty Information
stalled. Avoid sharp turns and CAUTION
abrupt braking while driving.
. Periodically check spare tire in- . Do not use tire chains on a
Care of wheels flation pressure. Always keep the TEMPORARY USE ONLY spare tire.
See “Cleaning exterior” (P.7-2) for details pressure of the TEMPORARY USE Tire chains will not fit properly
about care of the wheels. ONLY spare tire at 60 psi (420 and may cause damage to the
kPa, 4.2 bar). vehicle.
spare tire installed, do not drive ONLY spare tire is smaller than
your vehicle at speeds faster than the original tire, ground clearance
8-40 Do-it-yourself
is reduced. To avoid damage to
the vehicle, do not drive over
obstacles. Also do not drive the
vehicle through an automatic car
wash since it may get caught.
Do-it-yourself 8-41
8-42 Do-it-yourself
9 Maintenance and schedules
Maintenance requirement ..................................................... 9-2 Explanation of scheduled maintenance items ...... 9-5
General maintenance ......................................................... 9-2 Emission control system maintenance ............. 9-5
Scheduled maintenance .................................................. 9-2 Chassis and body maintenance .............................. 9-6
Where to go for service .................................................... 9-2 Maintenance schedules .......................................................... 9-7
General maintenance ................................................................ 9-2 Additional maintenance items for severe
Explanation of general maintenance items ...... 9-2 operating conditions ........................................................ 9-7
Standard maintenance ........................................................... 9-8
Some day-to-day and regular mainte- SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE During the normal day-to-day operation
nance is essential to maintain your vehi- of the vehicle, general maintenance
The maintenance items listed in this should be performed regularly as pre-
cle good mechanical condition, as well as section are required to be serviced at
its emission and engine performance. scribed in this section. If you detect any
regular intervals. However, under severe unusual sounds, vibrations or smells, be
It is the owner’s responsibility to make driving conditions, additional or more sure to check for the cause or have it
sure that the scheduled maintenance, as frequent maintenance will be required. checked promptly. In addition, it is re-
well as general maintenance, is per- WHERE TO GO FOR SERVICE commended that you visit a NISSAN deal-
formed. er if you think that repairs are required.
If maintenance service is required or your
As the vehicle owner, you are the only one vehicle appears to malfunction, have the When performing any checks or mainte-
who can ensure that your vehicle receives systems checked and serviced. It is re- nance work, see “Maintenance precau-
the proper maintenance care. You are a commended you visit a NISSAN dealer for tions” (P.8-2).
vital link in the maintenance chain. this service.
GENERAL MAINTENANCE NISSAN technicians are well-trained spe- TENANCE ITEMS
General maintenance includes those cialists and are kept up-to-date with the
items which should be checked during latest service information through tech- Additional information on the following
normal day-to-day operation. They are nical bulletins, service tips, and training items with “*” is found in the “8. Do-it-
essential for proper vehicle operation. It is programs. They are completely qualified yourself” section of this manual.
your responsibility to perform these pro- to work on NISSAN vehicles before work Outside the vehicle
cedures regularly as prescribed. begins.
The maintenance items listed here should
Performing general maintenance checks If your vehicle is involved in a collision, it is be performed from time to time, unless
requires minimal mechanical skill and recommended that you ask your NISSAN otherwise specified.
only a few general automotive tools. dealer where the nearest NISSAN Certified
Collision Center is located, or go to http:// Doors and engine hood: Check that all
These checks or inspections can be done doors and the engine hood operate
by yourself, a qualified technician or, if you collision.nissanusa.com.
properly. Also ensure that all latches lock
prefer, a NISSAN dealer. You can be confident that a NISSAN securely. Lubricate hinges, latches, latch
dealer’s service department performs pins, rollers and links if necessary. Make
the best job to meet the maintenance sure that the secondary latch keeps the
requirements on your vehicle. hood from opening when the primary
latch is released.
When driving in areas using road salt or
To help ensure smooth, safe and eco- . Operating in hot weather in stop-and-
nomical driving, NISSAN provides two go “rush hour” traffic.
maintenance schedules that may be . Extensive idling and/or low speed
used, depending upon the conditions in driving for long distances, such as
which you usually drive. These schedules police, taxi or door-to-door delivery
contain both distance and time intervals, use.
up to 120,000 miles (192,000 km)/96 . Driving in dusty conditions.
months. For most people, the odometer
reading will indicate when service is . Driving on rough, muddy or salt
needed. However, if you drive very little, spread roads.
your vehicle should be serviced at the . Using a car-top carrier.
regular time intervals shown in the sche- If your vehicle is mainly operated under
dule. the severe conditions, follow the severe
After 120,000 miles (192,000 km)/96 maintenance intervals shown in the
months, continue maintenance at the maintenance schedule.
same mileage/time intervals.
Additional maintenance items for se-
vere operating conditions; should be
performed on vehicles that are driven
under especially demanding conditions.
Additional maintenance items should be
performed if you primarily operate your
vehicle under the following conditions:
. Repeated short trips of less than 5
miles (8 km).
. Repeated short trips of less than 10
miles (16 km) with outside tempera-
tures remaining below freezing.
The following are approximate capacities. The actual refill capacities may be a little different. When refilling, follow the
procedure instructed in the “8. Do-it-yourself” section to determine the proper refill capacity.
Capacity (approximate)
Fluid type Metric US Imperial Recommended Fluids/Lubricants
Measure Measure Measure
Fuel 55 L 14-1/2 gal 12-1/8 gal ā See “Fuel information” (P.10-3).
Engine oil*1 With oil filter change 3.8 L 4 qt 3-3/8 qt ā Genuine “NISSAN Motor Oil 0W-20 SN” (or equivalent) is recommended.
Drain and refill Without oil filter change 3.6 L 3-7/8 qt 3-1/8 qt ā If the above motor oil (or engine oil) is not available, a synthetic 0W-20 GF-5 SN
: For additional motor oil (or engine oil) may be used. Damage caused by the use of motor oil (or
information, see engine oil) other than as recommended is not covered under NISSAN’s New
Vehicle Limited Warranty. For additional information, see “Engine oil and oil filter
“Changing engine recommendation” (P.10-5).
oil and filter” (P.8-
Engine coolant With reservoir CVT model 8.7 L 9-1/4 qt 7-5/8 qt ā Pre-diluted Genuine NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant (blue) or equivalent
MT model 8.5 L 8-3/8 qt 7 qt
Reservoir 0.6 L 5/8 qt 1/2 qt
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) fluid — — — ā Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-3
ā NISSAN recommends using Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-3 (or equivalent) ONLY
in NISSAN CVTs. Do not mix with other fluids. Using fluids that are not equivalent
to Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-3 may damage the CVT. Damage caused by the
use of fluids other than as recommended is not covered under NISSAN’s New
Vehicle Limited Warranty.
Manual Transmission (MT) gear oil — — — ā Manual Transmission Fluid (MTF) TRANSELF NFJ 75W-80 or equivalent
ā If Manual Transmission Fluid (MTF) TRANSELF NFJ is not available, API GL-4,
Viscosity SAE 75W-80 may be used as a temporary replacement. However, use
Manual Transmission Fluid (MTF) TRANSELF NFJ as soon as it is available.
Differential gear oil — — — ā Genuine NISSAN Differential Oil Hypoid Super GL-5 80W-90 or equivalent
Transfer fluid — — — conventional (non-synthetic) oil
Brake and clutch fluid Refill to the proper oil level ac- ā Genuine NISSAN Super Heavy Duty Brake Fluid*2 or equivalent DOT 3
cording to the instructions in the : Available in mainland U.S.A. through a NISSAN dealer.
“8. Do-it-yourself” section.
Multi-purpose grease — — — ā NLGI No. 2 (Lithium soap base)
Air conditioning system refrigerant — — — ā See “Vehicle identification” (P.10-8) for air conditioner specification label.
ā HFO-1234yf (R-1234yf)
Air conditioning system oil — — — ā See “Vehicle identification” (P.10-8) for air conditioner specification label.
ā A/C System Oil ND-OIL12 (PAG) or equivalent
Window washer fluid 4.5 L 1-1/4 gal 1 gal ā Genuine NISSAN Windshield Washer Concentrate Cleaner & Antifreeze or
The emission control information label is The cold tire pressure is shown on the The air conditioner specification label is
attached to the underside of the hood as Tire and Loading Information label affixed affixed to the underside of the hood as
shown. to the pillar as shown. shown.
Flammable Refrigerant
DRIVE VEHICLE (if so equipped) DRIVE VEHICLE (if so equipped) dures refer to “Towing recom-
Towing your vehicle with all four wheels Towing your vehicle with all four wheels mended by NISSAN” in the “In
on the ground is sometimes called flat on the ground is sometimes called flat case of emergency” section of
towing. This method is sometimes used towing. This method is sometimes used this manual.
when towing a vehicle behind a recrea- when towing a vehicle behind a recrea-
tional vehicle, such as a motor home. tional vehicle, such as a motor home. Continuously Variable Transmis-
sion (CVT)
CAUTION CAUTION To tow a vehicle equipped with a CVT, an
appropriate vehicle dolly MUST be placed
. Failure to follow these guidelines . Failure to follow these guidelines under the towed vehicle’s drive wheels.
can result in severe transmission can result in severe transmission Always follow the dolly manufacturer’s
damage. damage. recommendations when using their pro-
. duct.
Never flat tow your All-Wheel . Whenever flat towing your vehi-
Drive (AWD) vehicle. cle, always tow forward, never Manual Transmission (MT)
. DO NOT tow your All-Wheel Drive backward.
. Always tow with the Manual Trans-
(AWD) vehicle with any wheels on . Never tow your front wheel drive mission in Neutral.
the ground. Doing so may cause vehicle with the front tires on the . Your vehicle speed should never ex-
serious and expensive damage to ground. Doing so may cause ser- ceed 70 MPH (112 km/h) when flat
the powertrain. ious and expensive damage to towing your vehicle.
. For emergency towing proce- the powertrain.
. After towing 500 miles, start and idle
dures refer to “Towing recom- . DO NOT tow your front wheel the engine with the transmission in
mended by NISSAN” (P.6-19). drive Continuously Variable Neutral for two minutes. Failure to idle
Transmission (CVT) vehicle with the engine after every 500 miles of
all four wheels on the ground (flat towing may cause damage to the
towing). Doing so WILL DAMAGE transmission’s internal parts.
internal transmission parts due
to lack of transmission lubrica-
DOT (Department Of Transportation) TRACTION AA, A, B AND C all passenger car tires must meet under
Quality Grades: All passenger car tires the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Stan-
must conform to federal safety require- The traction grades, from highest to low-
est, are AA, A, B and C. Those grades dard No. 109. Grades B and A represent
ments in addition to these grades. higher levels of performance on the
represent the tire’s ability to stop on wet
Quality grades can be found where ap- pavement as measured under controlled laboratory test wheel than the minimum
plicable on the tire sidewall between conditions on specified government test required by law.
tread shoulder and maximum section surfaces of asphalt and concrete. A tire
width. For example: marked C may have poor traction perfor- WARNING
Treadwear 200 Traction AA Tempera- mance.
ture A
The temperature grade for this tire is
TREADWEAR WARNING established for a tire that is properly
The treadwear grade is a comparative inflated and not overloaded. Exces-
rating based on the wear rate of the tire The traction grade assigned to this sive speed, under-inflation, or exces-
when tested under controlled conditions tire is based on straight-ahead brak- sive loading, either separately or in
on a specified government test course. combination, can cause heat build-
ing traction tests, and does not
For example, a tire graded 150 would include acceleration, cornering, hy- up and possible tire failure.
wear one and one-half droplaning, or peak traction charac-
(1 1/2) times as well on the government teristics.
course as a tire graded 100. The relative
performance of tires depends upon ac- TEMPERATURE A, B AND C
tual conditions of their use, however, and
may depart significantly from the norm The temperature grades A (the highest),
due to variations in driving habits, service B, and C, representing the tire’s resistance
practices and differences in road charac- to the generation of heat and its ability to
teristics and climate. dissipate heat when tested under con-
trolled conditions on a specified indoor
laboratory test wheel. Sustained high
temperature can cause the material of
the tire to degenerate and reduce tire life,
and excessive temperature can lead to
sudden tire failure. The grade C corre-
sponds to a level of performance which
Technical and consumer information 10-17
Your vehicle is covered by the following For USA You may notify NISSAN by contact-
emission warranties.
If you believe that your vehicle has ing our Consumer Affairs Depart-
For USA: ment, toll-free, at 1-800-NISSAN-1.
a defect which could cause a crash
. Emission Defects Warranty or could cause injury or death, you For Canada
. Emissions Performance Warranty should immediately inform the Na-
Details of these warranties may be found If you believe that your vehicle has
tional Highway Traffic Safety Ad- a defect which could cause a crash
with other vehicle warranties in your
Warranty Information Booklet which ministration (NHTSA) in addition to or could cause injury or death, you
comes with your vehicle. If you did not notifying NISSAN. should immediately inform Trans-
receive a Warranty Information Booklet, If NHTSA receives similar com- port Canada in addition to notifying
or it has become lost, you may obtain a plaints, it may open an investiga-
replacement by writing to: NISSAN.
tion, and if it finds that a safety If Transport Canada receives com-
. Nissan North America, Inc.
defect exists in a group of vehicles, plaints, it may open an investiga-
Consumer Affairs Department
it may order a recall and remedy tion, and if it finds that a safety
P.O. Box 685003
campaign. However, NHTSA cannot defect exists in a group of vehicles,
Franklin, TN 37068-5003
become involved in individual pro- it may request that NISSAN con-
For Canada:
blems between you, your dealer, or duct a recall campaign. However,
Emission Control System Warranty NISSAN.
Details of this warranty may be found Transport Canada cannot become
with other vehicle warranties in your To contact NHTSA, you may call the involved in individual problems be-
Warranty Information Booklet which Vehicle Safety Hotline toll-free at 1- tween you, your dealer, or NISSAN.
comes with your vehicle. If you did not 888- 327-4236 (TTY: 1-800-424- You may contact Transport Cana-
receive a Warranty Information Booklet, 9153); go to http://www.safercar.
or it has become lost, you may obtain a da’s Defect Investigations and Re-
gov; or write to: Administrator, calls Division toll free at 1-800-333-
replacement by writing to:
NHTSA, 400 Seventh Street, SW., 0510. You may also report safety
. Nissan Canada Inc. Washington, D.C. 20590. You can
5290 Orbitor Drive defects online at: https://
also obtain other information wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/Saf-Sec-Sur/7/
Mississauga, Ontario, about motor vehicle safety from
L4W 4Z5 PCDB-BDPP/fc-cp.aspx?lang=eng
http://www.safercar.gov. (English speakers) or https://
10-18 Technical and consumer information
This vehicle is equipped with an Event could combine the EDR data with the type . Vehicle information including distance
Data Recorder (EDR). The main purpose of of personally identifying data routinely to vehicle ahead and lateral position
an EDR is to record, in certain crash or acquired during a crash investigation. . Information on the operation of the
near crash-like situations, such as an air To read data recorded by an EDR, special ProPILOT assist and other crash
bag deployment or hitting a road obsta- equipment is required and access to the avoidance features
cle, data that will assist in understanding vehicle or the EDR is needed. In addition . ProPILOT assist malfunction diagnosis
how a vehicle’s systems performed. The to the vehicle manufacturer and NISSAN information
EDR is designed to record data related to
vehicle dynamics and safety systems for a
dealer, other parties, such as law enforce- . External images from the multi-sen-
ment, that have the special equipment, sing front camera (Available only
short period of time, typically 30 seconds can read the information if they have
or less. The EDR in this vehicle is designed when the SRS air bag or AEB with
access to the vehicle or the EDR. EDR data pedestrian detection system is acti-
to record such data as: will only be accessed with the consent of vated)
. How various systems in your vehicle the vehicle owner or lessee or as other- The ProPILOT assist does not record
were operating; wise required or permitted by law. conversations, sounds or images of the
. Whether or not the driver and passen- ADDITIONAL DATA RECORDING (on inside of the vehicle.
ger safety belts were buckled/fas-
tened; vehicles equipped with optional To read this supplemental data, special
ProPILOT assist) equipment is required and access to the
. How far (if at all) the driver was vehicle or the recording unit is needed.
depressing the accelerator and/or If your vehicle is equipped with the
optional ProPILOT assist, it will also be This supplemental data will only be ac-
brake pedal; and, cessed with the consent of the vehicle
. How fast the vehicle was traveling. equipped with supplemental data record-
ing function intended to assist in under- owner or lessee or as otherwise required
. Sounds are not recorded. or permitted by law. If downloaded,
standing how ProPILOT assist performs in
These data can help provide a better certain nontrivial crash or near-crash NISSAN and third parties entrusted by
understanding of the circumstances in scenarios. Specifically, supplemental re- NISSAN may use the data recorded for the
which crashes and injuries occur. cording is designed to capture the follow- purpose of improving NISSAN’s vehicle
NOTE: EDR data are recorded by your ing: safety performance.
vehicle only if a nontrivial crash situation . Driver operational status of the accel- NISSAN and third parties entrusted by
occurs; no data are recorded by the EDR erator, brakes, steering, etc. NISSAN will not disclose/provide the re-
under normal driving conditions and no corded data to a third party except:
personal data (e.g. name, gender, age and . Detection status of a vehicle ahead
and lane markers . With the consent of the vehicle owner
crash location) are recorded. However, or with the consent of the lessee
other parties, such as law enforcement,
10-20 Technical and consumer information
. In response to an official request from Genuine NISSAN Service Manuals for this
law enforcement, court order, govern- model year and prior can be purchased. A
mental agency, or other legally en- genuine NISSAN Service Manual is the
forceable request best source of service and repair informa-
. For research purposes after the data tion for your vehicle. This manual is the
is modified such that it is no longer same one used by the factory trained
tied to a specific vehicle or vehicle technicians working at a NISSAN dealer.
owner (anonymized) Genuine NISSAN Owner’s Manuals can
also be purchased.
In the USA:
For current pricing and availability of
genuine NISSAN Service Manuals con-
In Canada:
To purchase a copy of a genuine NISSAN
Service Manual or Owner’s Manual for this
model year and prior please contact a
NISSAN dealer. For the phone number
and location of a NISSAN dealer in your
area call the NISSAN Information Center
at 1-800-387-0122 and a bilingual NISSAN
representative will assist you.
Front seat, Front seat adjustment .................... 1-4 Heater Intelligent Forward Collision
Fuel Heater and air Warning (I-FCW).......................................................... 5-107
Capacities and conditioner operation....................................... 4-26 Intelligent Key system ............................................. 3-11
recommended fluids/lubricants............... 10-2 High beam assist......................................................... 2-55 Key operating range.......................................... 3-13
Fuel economy...................................................... 5-123 Hill start assist system ......................................... 5-136 Key operation.......................................................... 3-14
Fuel information.................................................... 10-3 HomeLink® Universal Transceiver.................. 2-83 Remote keyless operation ............................ 3-19
Fuel octane rating ............................................... 10-3 Hood release ................................................................... 3-25 Intelligent Lane Intervention (I-LI) .................. 5-40
Fuel-filler cap............................................................ 3-28 Hook Intelligent Trace Control..................................... 5-133
Fuel-filler door......................................................... 3-28 Luggage hook......................................................... 2-73 Interior light replacement..................................... 8-27
Gauge................................................................................ 2-8 Horn........................................................................................ 2-59 Interior light switch.................................................... 2-81
Fuel Efficient Driving Tips................................... 5-122 How to enable/disable the Interior lights................................................................... 2-80
Fuses...................................................................................... 8-18 steering assist................................................................ 5-73 ISOFIX child restraint ................................................ 1-24
Fusible links...................................................................... 8-19
Ignition switch ............................................................... 5-14 Jump starting ................................................................. 6-14
Garage door opener Ignition switch (model without Intelligent
HomeLink® Universal Transceiver........... 2-83 Key system)...................................................................... 5-12 K
Gas cap................................................................................ 3-28 Ignition switch positions ....................................... 5-15
Gauge........................................................................................ 2-5 Immobilizer system.................................................... 2-47 Key
Engine coolant temperature gauge......... 2-7 Indicator Ignition switch (model without
Fuel gauge .................................................................... 2-8 Vehicle information display.......................... 2-19 Intelligent Key system)..................................... 5-12
Odometer....................................................................... 2-6 indicator light Ignition switch positions ................................ 5-15
Speedometer .............................................................. 2-6 Electronic parking brake Key positions................................................................... 5-14
Tachometer.................................................................. 2-7 indicator light .......................................................... 2-12 Keyless entry
General maintenance................................................... 9-2 Inside mirror .................................................................... 3-32 (See remote keyless entry system)........... 3-7
Glove box ........................................................................... 2-71 Inspection/maintenance (I/M) test ............ 10-19 With Intelligent Key system
Instrument brightness control ............................. 2-9 (See Intelligent Key system)......................... 3-19
H Instrument panel............................................................. 2-4 Keys ............................................................................................ 3-2
Intelligent 4x4............................................................. 5-123 For Intelligent Key system............................. 3-11
Hazard warning flasher switch ............................ 6-2 Intelligent Around View® Monitor................... 4-10
Head restraints/headrests....................................... 1-8 Intelligent Auto Headlight system ................. 2-52 L
Headlights Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) ......................... 5-75
Bulb replacement................................................. 8-25 Intelligent Cruise Control Labels
Headlight switch ................................................... 2-52 (ICC) indicator................................................................. 2-34 Air bag warning labels ..................................... 1-61
Heated seats ................................................................... 2-60 Intelligent Driver Alertness................................... 5-94 Air conditioner specification label....... 10-10
Heated steering wheel............................................ 2-59 Intelligent Engine Brake...................................... 5-134 Emission control information label .... 10-10
Engine serial number ........................................ 10-9 Low tire pressure warning (Low Moonroof............................................................................ 2-78
F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. tire pressure)................................................................... 2-32 Moving Object Detection (MOD) ...................... 4-21
certification label .................................................. 10-9 Low tire pressure warning light ...................... 2-14 MR20DD engine model............................................... 8-4
Tire and Loading Low tire pressure warning system
information label................................ 8-31, 10-10 (See Tire Pressure Monitoring N
Vehicle identification number (VIN)........ 10-8 System (TPMS)).................................................................. 5-5
Lane Departure Warning (LDW)........................ 5-35 Luggage hooks ............................................................. 2-73 New vehicle break-in............................................. 5-122
LATCH system................................................................ 1-24 NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System ............ 2-47
License plate, Installing front M NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System key ...... 3-2
license plate.................................................................. 10-12
Liftgate Maintenance O
Liftgate release lever ......................................... 3-27 Battery........................................................................... 8-11
Operating manual liftgate............................. 3-26 General maintenance........................................... 9-2 Odometer............................................................................... 2-6
Light Inside the vehicle..................................................... 9-3 Off-road recovery............................................................ 5-9
Air bag warning light......................................... 1-62 Maintenance precautions................................. 8-2 Oil
Bulb replacement................................................. 8-25 Maintenance requirements............................. 9-2 Capacities and
Fog light switch..................................................... 2-59 Maintenance schedules...................................... 9-7 recommended fluids/lubricants............... 10-2
Headlight switch ................................................... 2-52 Outside the vehicle ................................................ 9-2 Changing engine oil and filter ...................... 8-6
Headlights bulb replacement ..................... 8-25 Seat belt maintenance..................................... 1-18 Checking engine oil level................................... 8-6
Interior lights............................................................ 2-80 Standard maintenance....................................... 9-8 Engine oil........................................................................ 8-6
Map lights................................................................... 2-81 Maintenance schedules.............................................. 9-7 Engine oil viscosity.............................................. 10-6
Replacement ............................................................ 8-25 Malfunction indicator light (MIL)...................... 2-16 Operating ProPILOT assist................................... 5-69
Room light.................................................................. 2-82 Manual air conditioner and heater............... 4-27 Outside air temperature........................................ 2-43
Vanity mirror lights............................................. 2-82 Manual front seat adjustment.............................. 1-4 Outside mirrors............................................................. 3-33
Warning/indicator lights and Manual Transmission (MT)................................... 5-13 Overheat, If your vehicle overheats.............. 6-16
audible reminders................................................ 2-10 Map lights.......................................................................... 2-81 Owner’s Manual/Service Manual
Lights, Exterior and interior Master warning light.................................. 2-12, 2-16 order information..................................................... 10-21
light replacement........................................................ 8-27 Mechanical key (Intelligent Key system)....... 3-4
Loading information (See vehicle Mechanical key (NISSAN Vehicle P
loading information) .............................................. 10-12 Immobilizer System)...................................................... 3-3
Lock Memory Seat................................................................... 3-34 Panic alarm............................................................ 3-9, 3-21
Automatic door locks........................................... 3-7 Meters and gauges........................................................ 2-5 Parcel shelf ....................................................................... 2-73
Door locks...................................................................... 3-5 Instrument brightness control ..................... 2-9 Parking
Power door lock....................................................... 3-5 Mirror Brake break-in .................................................... 5-129
Loose fuel cap warning.......................................... 3-30 Inside mirror ............................................................. 3-32 Parking brake .......................................................... 5-27
Low tire pressure warning................................... 2-32 Outside mirrors...................................................... 3-33 Parking on hills................................................... 5-127
Vanity mirror ............................................................ 3-34
Parking brake Readiness for inspection/maintenance Seat adjustment
Electronic parking brake (I/M) test........................................................................... 10-19 Front manual seat adjustment.................... 1-4
indicator light .......................................................... 2-12 Rear Automatic Braking (RAB)....................... 5-116 Front seats.................................................................... 1-4
Phone Rear Automatic Braking (RAB) system Seat belt(s)
Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone..................... 4-2 warning light................................................................... 2-17 Child safety................................................................ 1-19
Car phone or CB radio..................................... 4-35 Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA)......................... 5-54 Infants............................................................................ 1-19
Power Rear door alert .............................................................. 2-63 Injured persons ...................................................... 1-15
Electric power steering................................ 5-128 Rear door lock, Child safety rear Larger children ....................................................... 1-20
Power door lock....................................................... 3-5 door lock ................................................................................ 3-7 Precautions on seat belt usage................ 1-12
Power outlet............................................................. 2-65 Rear seats.............................................................................. 1-7 Pregnant women.................................................. 1-15
Power windows ..................................................... 2-76 Rear sonar system (RSS)..................................... 5-136 Seat belt cleaning ................................................... 7-6
Power moonroof.......................................................... 2-78 Rear window and outside mirror Seat belt extenders............................................. 1-18
Precautions defroster switch ........................................................... 2-51 Seat belt maintenance..................................... 1-18
Braking precautions....................................... 5-129 Rear window wiper and washer switch .... 2-50 Seat belt warning light
Child restraints....................................................... 1-22 RearView Monitor............................................................ 4-2 and chime.................................................... 1-14, 2-12
Cruise control.......................................................... 5-63 Recorders, Event data .......................................... 10-20 Seat belts.................................................................... 1-12
Driving safety........................................................... 5-10 Registering in another country........................ 10-8 Seat belts with pretensioners.................... 1-60
Maintenance................................................................ 8-2 Remote engine start................................................. 3-23 Shoulder belt height adjustment ............ 1-17
On-pavement and off-road driving .......... 5-9 Remote keyless entry function, For Small children.......................................................... 1-20
Seat belt usage...................................................... 1-12 Intelligent Key system ............................................. 3-19 Three-point type with retractor............... 1-15
SRS ................................................................................... 1-42 Remote keyless entry system ............................... 3-7 Seat(s)
When starting and driving................................ 5-4 Repairing a flat tire (models with Heated seats ............................................................ 2-60
ProPILOT assist ............................................................. 5-64 emergency tire puncture repair kit)................. 6-9 Seats.................................................................................. 1-3
ProPILOT assist switches ...................................... 5-67 Reporting safety defects.................................... 10-18 Security system (NISSAN Vehicle
ProPILOT assist system display Roadside assistance program .............................. 6-2 Immobilizer System), Engine start................. 2-47
and indicators ................................................................ 5-68 Rollover.................................................................................... 5-8 Security system, Vehicle
ProPILOT assist system operation ................ 5-66 Roof security system............................................................. 2-45
Push starting................................................................... 6-16 Moonroof..................................................................... 2-79 Servicing air conditioner........................................ 4-33
Push-button ignition switch............................... 5-14 Roof rack............................................................................ 2-75 Shift lever
Room light......................................................................... 2-82 Shift lock release................................................... 5-24
R Shift lock release
S Transmission............................................................ 5-24
RAB system limitations........................................ 5-119 Shifting
RAB system operation.......................................... 5-117 Safety CVT (Continuously
Radio Child seat belts....................................................... 1-19 Variable Transmission)..................................... 5-20
Car phone or CB radio..................................... 4-35 Reporting safety defects............................ 10-18 Manual transmission ......................................... 5-25
Rapid air pressure loss................................................ 5-9
Shoulder belt height adjustment, For Ignition switch ........................................................ 5-12 Wheels and tires.................................................... 8-29
front seats......................................................................... 1-17 Intelligent 4x4 LOCK switch ........................ 2-63 Towing
Soft bottle holders...................................................... 2-70 Intelligent Auto Headlight switch............ 2-52 Tow truck towing................................................. 6-18
Spare tire............................................................. 8-40, 10-7 Power door lock switch ..................................... 3-6 Towing a trailer.................................................. 10-15
Spark plugs....................................................................... 8-14 Rear window and outside mirror TPMS, Tire pressure monitoring system....... 5-5
Speedometer ...................................................................... 2-6 defroster switch .................................................... 2-51 TPMS with Easy Fill Tire Alert......................... 5-8
SPORT mode switch.................................................. 5-32 Turn signal switch ............................................... 2-58 TPMS, Tire pressure warning system.............. 6-3
SRS Vehicle dynamic control (VDC) Traffic Sign Recognition......................................... 2-43
Precautions on SRS ............................................ 1-42 off switch .................................................................... 2-62 Trailer towing .............................................................. 10-15
Standard maintenance............................................... 9-8 System maintenance............................................. 5-121 Transceiver
Starting System malfunction ............................................... 5-121 HomeLink® Universal Transceiver........... 2-83
Before starting the engine............................ 5-17 Transmission
Jump starting .......................................................... 6-14 T Continuously Variable Transmission..... 5-13
Precautions when starting Continuously Variable Transmission
and driving.................................................................... 5-4 Tachometer.......................................................................... 2-7 (CVT) fluid....................................................................... 8-9
Push starting............................................................ 6-16 Temperature gauge, Engine coolant Driving with CVT (Continuously
Starting the engine.............................. 5-18, 5-19 temperature gauge ....................................................... 2-7 Variable Transmission)..................................... 5-20
Status light, Front passenger air bag......... 1-50 Theft (NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer Driving with manual transmission.......... 5-25
Steering System), Engine start ............................................... 2-47 Transmission shift lever lock release..... 5-24
Electric power steering................................ 5-128 Three-way catalyst......................................................... 5-4 Transmitter (See remote keyless
Heated steering wheel..................................... 2-59 Tilt/telescopic steering ........................................... 3-30 entry system)...................................................................... 3-7
Tilt/telescopic steering .................................... 3-30 Tire pressure, Low tire pressure Transmitter, With Intelligent Key system
Steering assist................................................................ 5-84 warning light................................................................... 2-14 (See Intelligent Key system)................................ 3-19
Steering assist switch (models with Tires Traveling or registering in
ProPILOT assist)............................................................ 2-62 Flat tire............................................................................. 6-3 another country ........................................................... 10-8
Storage ................................................................................ 2-69 Low tire pressure warning system ........... 5-5 Trip computer ................................................................ 2-40
Sun visors .......................................................................... 3-31 Tire and Loading Trip odometer................................................................ 2-40
Sunglasses holder....................................................... 2-72 information label................................ 8-31, 10-10 Turn signal switch ...................................................... 2-58
Supplemental air bag warning labels......... 1-61 Tire chains.................................................................. 8-36 Turning the conventional (fixed speed)
Supplemental air bag Tire dressing................................................................ 7-4 cruise control mode ON......................................... 5-69
warning light.................................................... 1-62, 2-13 Tire pressure ............................................................ 8-29 Turning the RAB system ON/OFF ............... 5-117
Supplemental Restraint System (SRS)........ 1-42 Tire pressure monitoring
Switch system (TPMS)................................................. 5-5, 6-3 U
Fog light switch..................................................... 2-59 Tire rotation.............................................................. 8-37
Hazard warning flasher switch .................... 6-2 Types of tires ........................................................... 8-35 Underbody cleaning...................................................... 7-3
Headlight switch ................................................... 2-52 Uniform tire quality grading.................... 10-17 Uniform tire quality grading............................ 10-17
Wheel/tire size ........................................................ 10-7
USB (Universal Serial Bus) Warning lights, indicator lights and Wiper blades ............................................................. 8-16
charging connector................................................... 2-66 audible reminders................................................ 2-10 Wiper and washer switch ..................................... 2-48
Warning labels, Air bag warning labels...... 1-61
V Warning light
Air bag warning light.......................... 1-62, 2-13
Vanity mirror ................................................................... 3-34 Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
Vanity mirror lights.................................................... 2-82 warning light............................................................ 2-13
Variable voltage control system ..................... 8-13 Brake warning light ............................................ 2-11
Vehicle Electric power steering
Dimensions and weights................................ 10-8 warning light............................................................ 2-14
Identification number (VIN)........................... 10-8 Electronic parking brake
Loading information ...................................... 10-12 warning light............................................................ 2-14
Recovery (freeing a stuck vehicle).......... 6-21 Low tire pressure warning light ............... 2-14
Security system...................................................... 2-45 Seat belt warning light
Vehicle dynamic control (VDC) and chime.................................................... 1-14, 2-12
off switch .................................................................... 2-62 Warranty, Emission control
Vehicle dynamic control system warranty....................................................... 10-18
(VDC) system........................................................ 5-131 Washer switch
Vehicle information display................................. 2-19 Rear window wiper and
How to use the vehicle washer switch......................................................... 2-50
information display............................................. 2-20 Wiper and washer switch .............................. 2-48
Settings......................................................................... 2-21 Washing................................................................................... 7-2
Startup display ....................................................... 2-20 Waxing...................................................................................... 7-2
Vehicle information display warnings Weights (See dimensions and weights)..... 10-8
and indicators ......................................................... 2-31 Wheel/tire size ............................................................... 10-7
Ventilators......................................................................... 4-25 Wheels and tires........................................................... 8-29
Care of wheels........................................................... 7-3
W Cleaning aluminum alloy wheels................ 7-3
Window washer fluid ................................................ 8-10
Warning Window(s)
Hazard warning flasher switch .................... 6-2 Cleaning.......................................................................... 7-3
Intelligent Forward Collision Power windows ..................................................... 2-76
Warning (I-FCW).................................................. 5-107 Wiper
Low tire pressure warning............................ 2-32 Rear window wiper and
Tire pressure monitoring washer switch......................................................... 2-50
system (TPMS)................................................. 5-5, 6-3 Rear window wiper blade.............................. 8-17
Vehicle information display.......................... 2-19 Wiper and washer switch .............................. 2-48