Cdev 140 Topic Seven
Cdev 140 Topic Seven
Cdev 140 Topic Seven
i) Consistency
Personality doesn’t change over short period of time. It is
therefore possible to predict pattern of behaviour of an
ii) Integration
iii) Changeability
iv) Individuality
At birth all psychic resides in the Id. The Id’s entire mission
is to satisfy instincts. It obeys “pleasure principle” seeking
immediate gratification. For example, when infants are wet
or hungry, they simply fuss and cry until their needs are
met; they are not known for their patience. The Id is the
impulsive, irrational, and selfish part of the personality and
it is with us throughout the life span.
b. The Ego
c. The Superego
The three parts of the personality do not see eye to eye; there
is a conflict between them. In the mature healthy personality,
a dynamic balance operates. The Id communicates the basic
needs, the ego restrains the impulsive Id long enough to find
realistic ways to satisfy these needs, and the superego decides
whether the ego’s problem solving strategies are morally
The libido now becomes focused on the anus and the child
derives great pleasure from defecating. However, the child
is aware that their wishes can bring them into conflict with
the demands of the society as parents demand that they are
toilet trained and impose restrictions on when and where
the child can defecate. The nature of this first conflict with
authority can determine the child’s future relationship will
all forms of authority.
ii) School
iii) Culture
v) Genetic factors
Despite the environment playing a role in personality traits,
there are still some genetic influences that play a role in the
development of personality traits. Genetic similarities
between the family and child can lead to children having a
temperament and attitude that is similar to their parents.
For example, outgoing parents can have children who are
more willing to take risks as they continue to grow older.
Topic In this topic you have examined the psychoanalytic theories of
personality development, particularly Freud[s psychosexual
stages of development and Erikson’s psychosocial stages of
development. While Freud focuses on libido (sexual urges) as
the drivers of personality development through the four stages
of personality development, Erikson’s focuses on the influences
of environmental factors such as parents, teachers, schools,
peers and so on as the forces that drive personality
development in his 8 stages of psychosocial development. In
this topic you have also examined genetic and environmental
factors that influence personality development in early
childhood. In the next topic you will examine the role of family
in influencing various aspects of development during early
Glossary 1. Id – this is the behavior of personality that only seeks
immediate gratification. For example when an infant cries
he/she demand to be fed immediately.
Identify and discuss activities you will advise parents in your community
to undertake to enhance positive personality development of their
children. (This assignment is to be done in your groups and
presented in class)