CISCE - Class X - Booster Exam Schedule (AY 2024-25) Date Day Subject Topics Marks Duration

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CISCE - Class X - Booster Exam Schedule (AY 2024-25)

Date Day Subject Topics Marks Duration

Ch. 7: Climate
Ch. 8: Soil Resources
Ch. 9: Natural Vegetation
Ch. 10: Water Resources
Ch. 11: Minerals
Ch. 12: Conventional energy
Ch. 13: Non-Conventional energy
Ch. 18: Manufacturing Industries
Ch. 19: Mineral Based Industry
Ch. 20: Transport
Ch. 21: Waste Management-I
Impact of Waste
Ch. 22: Waste Management-II
Safe Disposal of Waste
Topography- Four Figure and Six Time 15
Figure Grid Reference, Colour
28/11/2024 Thursday Geography Codes, Conventional Signs and 80
Symbols, Settlement and Writing
Drainage Pattern, Scales, Time 2
Transport and Communication Hrs
and Occupations, Cardinal
Directions, Measuring Distance
(Direct and Indirect Distances),
Area,speed calculation,
Identification of Natural and
Manmade Features, Direction of
River, Relative Height/Depth,
Spot Height, Triangulated Height,
Contours-Steep Slopes, Gentle
Slopes. Escarpment, Ridge,
Conical Hill, Water Divide

Map marking- Rivers, Water

Bodies, Mountains, Peaks, and
Plateaus, Plains, Desert, Passes,
Direction of Winds, Latitude and
Longitude, Distribution of
Minerals, Soil Distribution, Cities,
29/11/2024 Friday Study Leave
Ch.01 : GST [Goods and services
Ch.03 : Shares and Dividends
Ch.04: Linear Inequations
Ch.05 : Quadratic Equations
Ch.07 : Ratio and Proportion
Ch.09 : Matrices
Ch.11 : Geometric Progression Reading
Ch.14 : Equation of a Line Time 15
Ch.15 : Similarity (With
Mathematics Applications to Maps and 80
Models) Writing
Ch.17 : Circles Time 3
Ch.18 : Tangents and Intersecting Hrs
Ch.20 : Cylinder, Cone and
Ch.21 : Trigonometrical Identities
Ch.22 : Heights and Distances
30/11/2024 Saturday
Ch.24 : Measures of Central
Tendency (Mean, Median,
Quartiles and Mode)
Ch.01: Factor of Production
Ch-02: Theory Of Demand Reading
Ch.03: Elasticity of Demand Time 15
Economics Ch.04: Theory of Supply 80
Ch.10: Public Revenue Writing
Ch.11: Public Expenditure Time 2
Ch.12: Public Debt Hrs
Ch. 13: Inflation
Ch. 6:
Biodiversity Reading
Ch. 7:
Energy Time 15
Ch. 8:
Waste Mins
EVS Ch. 9:
Environment and 80
development Time 2
Ch. 10: Towards a sustainable
01/12/2024 Sunday
Ch.4: Mole Concept and
Stoichiometry Reading
Ch.5: Electrolysis Time 15
Ch.7A: Hydrogen Chloride Mins
02/12/2024 Monday Chemistry Ch.7B: Ammonia 80
Ch.7C: Nitric acid Time 2
Ch.7D: Sulphuric Acid
Ch.8: Organic Chemistry
Ch.9: Practical Chemistry
03/12/2024 Tuesday Study Leave
History: Reading
04/12/2024 Wednesday History Ch.1: First War of Independence 80
Time 15
Ch.3: First Phase of the Indian
National Movement Mins
Ch.4: Second Phase of the Indian Time 2
National Movement
Ch.6: Mahatma Gandhi and the
National Movement
Ch.7: Quit India Movement
Ch.9: Independence and Partition
of India
Ch.10: The First World War
Ch.11: Rise of Dictatorship
Ch.12: The Second World War

Ch.1: The Union Parliament
Ch.2: The President and the Vice-
Ch.5: High Courts and
Subordinate Courts
Time 15
Drawing and Painting from Mins
Art 2 100
Nature Writing
Time 3

Ch. 1: Reading
UNIT VIII: Iterative Constructs in Time 15
Java UNIT IX: Nested Loop
Computer Mins
Ch 3: Arrays 100
Application Ch 4: String Handling Writing
Ch 5: User-defined Methods Time 2
Ch 6: Class as the Basis of all Hrs
05/12/2024 Thursday Ch.1: Budgeting and Savings
Ch.2: Space Organization in the
Kitchen Reading
Ch.3: Home Furnishings Time 15
Ch.5: Role of Family, Peer Group
Home Mins
and School 100
Science Ch.9: Storage and Preservation Writing
Ch.12: Laundering Time 2
Ch.13: Laundry Materials Hrs
Ch.15: Role of Government
Towards a Developed India
Ch.16: Communication Aids
Ch.1: Human Growth and Reading
Development Time 15
Ch.2: Physical Education 100 Mins
Education Ch.3: Body types
Ch.4: Physical Fitness
Ch.5: Sports Training Time 2
Ch.6: Principles of Sports Hrs
Ch.7: Safety in Sports
Ch.8. Prevention of Injuries
Ch.9: Heath Education
Ch.10. Dietary modification and
meal planning
Ch.11. Careers in Physical

Games :
Topics: 1. Knowledge of the game
2. Laws of the game
3. Fundamental skills
an Techniquesue
5. National and International
governing bodies
6. National and International
Topics :1. Knowledge of the game
2. Laws of the game
3. Fundamental skills and
5. National and International
governing bodies
6. National and International
Composition: Descriptive Essay,
Narrative Essay, Argumentative
Essay, Story Writing, Picture
Letter Writing: Formal / Informal Time 15
English Letter Mins
06/12/2024 Friday 80
Language Notice Writing Writing
Email Writing Time 2
with precis Hrs
Grammar: Tense, Preposition,
Combining of Sentences, Do as

(साहहत्य सागर )
पाठ ३: महायज्ञ का पुरस्कार
Time 15
पाठ ४: नेताजी का चश्मा Mins
07/12/2024 Saturday Hindi पाठ ५: अपना अपना भाग्य 80
पाठ ६:बडे घर की बेटी Time 3
पाठ ७:संदेह Hrs
पाठ ८:भीड में खोया आदमी
पाठ ९: भेडे और भेहडए

(एकां की संचय )
पाठ १: संस्कार और भावना
पाठ २ : बहू की हवदा
पाठ ४ : सूखी डाली
पाठ ५: महाभारत की एक सां झ
पाठ ६ : दीपदान

हनबंध (वणणनात्मक,हवचारात्मक,कल्पनात्मक)
पत्र लेखन: औपचाररक पत्र ,
हवलोम, मुहावरे ,पयाण यवाची,वतणनी की
शुद्धियााँ ,वाक्ां श, वाक्, काल,
वाचय,हवशेषण, भाववाचक
संज्ञा,हनदे शानुसार वाक् पररवतणन

08/12/2024 Sunday

Ch.1: Force
Ch.4: Refraction of light at Plane Reading
surfaces Time 15
Ch.5: Refraction through a Lens
Physics Ch.7: Current Electricity 80
Ch.8: Sound Writing
Ch.9: Household Electricity Time 2
Ch.10.Electromagnetism Hrs
09/12/2024 Monday Ch.12: Radioactivity
Ch.2: Marketing and Sales
Ch.3: Advertising and Sales Reading
Promotion Time 15
Ch.7: Final Accounts of Sole
Commercial Mins
Proprietorship 80
Studies Ch.10: Sources of Finance Writing
Ch.11: Recruitment, Selection Time 2
and Training Hrs
Ch.13: Logistics and Insurance
Ch.14: Banking
Ch. 02: Structure of
Chromosomes, Cell Cycle Reading
and Cell Division. Time 15
Ch. 03: Genetics- Some basic
10/12/2024 Tuesday Biology fundamentals. 80
Ch. 08: The Circulatory system. Writing
Ch. 13: The Reproductive system. Time 2
Ch. 14: Human Evolution. Hrs
Ch. 15: Population – The
Increasing Numbers and
Rising Problems.
Ch. 16: Pollution- A rising
environmental problem.
Act IV and V

Short Story: Reading

Ch.13: The Girl Who Can Time 15
English Ch.14: The Pedestrian Mins
11/12/2024 Wednesday Ch.15: The Last Lesson 80
Literature Writing
Time 2
Poetry: Hrs
Ch.13: When Great Trees Fall
Ch.14: A Considerable Speck
Ch.15: The Power of Music

धडा ८. ऊजाण शक्तीचा जागर

धडा ११. जंगल डायरी Reading
Time 15
कहवता १२. रं ग मजेचे रं ग उद्याचे
12/12/2024 Thursday Marathi व्याकरण - वाक्रूपां तर (पृष्ठ क्र . ४१ ) 80
जाहहरात लेखन (पृष्ठ क्रमां क ७२,७३ ) Time 2
खालील हवषयावर जाहहरात तयार करणे . Hrs
कथालेखन (पृष्ठ क्रमां क - ७६ )

Time 15
Drawing and Painting from Still Mins
13/12/2024 Friday Art 1 100
Life Writing
Time 3

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