Lecture10 GEST1007 2024

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MCQ Practice

• 1. Two classes of nutrients include … ?

(A)DNA and RNA

(B)Saturated fats and unsaturated fats
(C)Fruits and vegetables
(D)Water and vitamins
(E)All of the above
MCQ Practice
2. Fats are used in the body for ….. ?

(A)Signalling the body to sleep

(B)Storing tissues
(C)Storing protein
(D)Storing energy
(E)Storing water
MCQ Practice
3. Nutritionists recommend ….?

(A)More fat
(B)No more than 10% of energy from saturated fat
(C)No more than 10% energy from unsaturated fat
(D)No fat
(E)All of the above
1 Calorie (nutrition)= 1kcal = amount of energy
required to increase 1 liter of water 1 degree
celcius= 4.184kJ
Which is more nutritious ?

Essential nutrients: Fat, carbohydrate, protein, water, vitamin, minerals

6 3 4
Which is more Nutritious?

4 essential nutrients + 4 essential nutrients

more nutrient dense
Which is more nutritious ?

Carbs, protein, vitamin, mineral, water, fiber – low sodium, low saturated fat, low calories

Prof. Garry Wong

Fun in Health Science
19 and 24 September, 2024
After today’s lecture you should

• Know characteristics of a FAD diet

• Know how to eat when on a ”Paleolithic diet” or

”Ketogenic diet”

• Calculate number of calories used for an

activity/exercise per minute for your weight
Nutrition basics Review
Macronutrients: required in relatively large
amounts (measured in grams)

Micronutrients: required in small amounts

(measured in milligrams or micrograms)
Food Guide Pyramid
What is a FAD diet ?
1. Quick weight loss
2. Promotes nonstandard foods Beyonce juice detox diet
or combinations of foods
3. Excludes or diminishes some
foods or nutrient groups
4. Fashionable
5. Advertised by celebrities
6. Popularity
7. Some limited scientific
fresh lemon
evidence of benefit in juice, maple
specific situations (e.g. syrup, cayenne,
and water (plus
epilepsy, obesity).
a laxative(泻药)
in the morning
and at night)
Comparison to nutritionist
recommended variety, moderation
and balanced diet
Example 1: Paleo diet
• Proposed 1970s
• Other names: Paleolithic
diet, Stone Age diet,
hunter-gatherer diet and
caveman diet
• Nutrition plan of foods
hunted and gathered for
thousands of years.
• Avoids processed and
fatty foods
• Not limited in food
• Does not control caloric
• No salt
• Some scientific evidence Paleolithic period – 2.5 million – 8000 b.c.
good for diabetics

Other scientifically proven benefits
• Weight loss
• Increased satiety
• Reduced inflammation
• Glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity
• Boost immune system
• Improve lipid profile
• Decrease lifestyle disease risk (heart disease,
diabetes, cancer)
Why paleo might work ?

Halle Berry
Example 2: Ketogenic diet
• Proposed 1920s to treat
epilepsy in children
• Mimics body biochemistry
during fasting
• Promotes body to burn fat
which produces ketones
• Low in carbohydrates
• High in fat and protein
• Nutrition plan of ketogenic
• May need micronutrient
• Some scientific evidence
Carbohydrates 45-65%
short term weight benefits
Fat 20-35%
Protein 10-35%
Example menu
Breakfast: Mushroom omelet
3 eggs
3 mushrooms
1 oz shredded cheese
43g fat, 25g protein, 4g carbohydrates, 490 calories

Lunch: Caesar salad

Iceberg lettuce
6 oz rotisserie chicken
1 oz Parmesan cheese
2 tbsp Caesar dressing
31.1g fat, 63g protein, 2.2g carbohydrates, 553 calories

Dinner: Chicken breast with herb butter and vegetables

1 chicken breast
¼ oz olive oil or butter for cooking
Herb butter: 1.25 oz butter + chopped garlic + fresh herbs
6 oz green beans
8 oz leafy greens
64g fat, 63g protein, 3g carbohydrates, 850 calories
Total calories: 1,893 + snacks (nuts, beef jerky, cheese)
For reference only
Pathway for ketone production
Scientific support for ketogenic diet
• Epilepsy in children
• Rapid weight loss usually within 2 weeks
• Weight loss in obesity

J Nutr2020;150:1354–1359.
Class video
• Visit SUM YUEN Vegetarian Restaurant in
Calculating calories used when
exercising (see lecture #2)?
Calculating calories used per MET per
• Calories burned per MET per min = 3.5 x weight in
kg ÷ 200

• Example of a man weighing 60kg, sitting for

one minute:

3.5 x 60kg ÷ 200 x 1 min = 1.05 calories burned

per MET per minute
How many calories used ?
• The number of calories consumed by 60 kg
person sitting for 16 hours and sleeping 8

1 (MET) x 1.05 (calories) x 60 (minutes) x 16

(hours) + 0.9 (MET) x 1.05 (calories) x 60
(minutes) x 8 (hours) =

1008 calories + 453.6 calories = 1461.6 calories

Calculating calories used when
exercising ?
• Calories used per MET per minute = 3.5 x weight in kg ÷ 200

• Example: Garry 60kg, jogging for 40 minutes:

First calculate: 3.5 x 60kg ÷ 200 = calories used per MET per minute =

The number of EXTRA calories Garry can therefore consume

in a day following this routine would be:

7 MET (jogging) x 1.05 calories x 40 minutes = 294 calories

Calculating calories used when
exercising ?
• 294 calories equivalent in food
• www.webmd.com/diet/healthtool-food-

Two Chicken breast no skin 284 calories

One McDonalds Hamburger 250 calories
Steamed white rice 1.5 cups 300 calories
Choi sum 1 kg 300 calories
• FAD diets come and go, some are useful for
specific medical conditions, but do not adhere
to the principles of a healthy diet for normal

• Calories used during exercise can be

calculated exactly and used to determine the
amount of food needed to consume to be
Exercise #10 (1 point)
Student Number:

• 1. How many calories do you use when you jog for 45 minutes ?

• 2. What can you eat that is close to the amount of calories you
used in the question above ?


• 3. Will you gain weight or lose weight if you eat 1 McDonald’s

hamburger after jogging 45 minutes ?
The End

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