Experiment 4

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME-405L Mechanical Vibrations Lab

Experiment No. 04
Experiment Name: Vibration of a beam with one or two bodies

Name of Student: Zia ul Haq

Signature of Student: __________________
Registration No.: 04-3-1-048-2021
Date of Experiment: 10/24/2024
Group: F4

Report Marks: out of 10

Date of Report Submission: 10/17/2024
Signature of Lab Engineer:

Table of Contents
1 Abstract...............................................................................................................................1
2 Introduction.........................................................................................................................1
3 Theory.................................................................................................................................1
4 Procedure............................................................................................................................2
5 Precautions..........................................................................................................................3
6 Observations and Calculations............................................................................................3
7 Analysis and Discussion.....................................................................................................9
8 Conclusion........................................................................................................................10
9 References.........................................................................................................................11

List of Figures
Figure 1: Experimental Setup Layout........................................................................................2
Figure 2: Amplitude vs frequency with no addition load..........................................................5
Figure 3: Amplitude vs frequency for 100g...............................................................................6
Figure 4: Amplitude vs frequency for 200 g..............................................................................7
Figure 5: Amplitude vs frequency for 300 g..............................................................................8
Figure 6: 1/(ωn )2 vs Madded....................................................................................................9

List of Tables

Table 1: Experimental Setup Parameter.....................................................................................3

Table 2: Values Calculated........................................................................................................4
Table 3: Data with no additional masses....................................................................................4
Table 4: Data with 100 g additional mass..................................................................................5
Table 5: Data with 200 g additional mass..................................................................................6
Table 6: Data with 300 g additional mass..................................................................................7
Table 7: Resonance frequency for each added mass..................................................................8
Table 8: Percentage error in readings.........................................................................................9

1 Abstract
Observing the vibration of a beam with one or two bodies attached was the experiment's
principal objective. The goal is to use a motor as the controlling parameter to measure the
simply supported beam's natural frequency. The motor was connected to the disc, and the
motor voltage was used to regulate the beam vibrations' amplitude. The disc created forced
vibrations in the beam. Graphs were plotted after various loading conditions were used. The
more mass the system has, the lower its optimal frequency becomes.

2 Introduction
When a damper is attached to a body and an external force is applied continuously, forced
damped vibration occurs. Extremely high amplitude, velocity, and acceleration values are
reached at a certain frequency when the system is subjected to an external force. This
frequency is known as the system's natural frequency and serves as a representation of its
resonance point. The amplitude values reach extraordinarily high levels at this resonance
point. To avoid resonance, systems are purposefully designed to operate at frequencies
different from the vibrating body's inherent frequency. By ensuring that these systems'
operating frequencies stay separate from the vibrating body's natural frequency, intentional
engineering strategy lowers the possibility of resonance-induced injury. [1]

3 Theory
Forced vibration occurs when an external force continuously acts on a body. During forced
vibration, at a certain amount of frequency, the frequency of the source combines with the
natural frequency of the body, and this causes the system to vibrate with the maximum
amplitude. This phenomenon is termed as “Resonance” and can be very dangerous in
mechanical systems. Thus, systems are designed to operate at a frequency, different from the
natural frequency of the vibrating body to avoid resonance. In this experiment the external
force was provided by the motor which rotated a circular disk with eccentric mass at different
RPMs, to induce vibrations in the system. We were provided with all systems parameters
which included the beam’s length, width, thickness, Young’s Modulus and mass (motor,
beam and accelerometer). Auxiliary masses (disks) may be added to the system. A general
layout of the system is shown in Figure 1. [2]

Figure 1: Experimental Setup Layout

For the system shown in Figure 1, the equation of motion is given by:

From which the natural frequency of the whole system 𝜔ns is found as:

Square and take inverse of this equation to get:

This equation is known as the “Dunkerley’s Equation”, where:

 𝜔ns is the natural frequency of the whole system.
 𝜔ns is the natural frequency of the motor and added weights.
 𝜔ns is the natural frequency of the beam.

4 Procedure
 The system shown was started without any additional masses, and the motor was
activated to initiate vibrations on the beam.
 The readings of the analyzer were noted for every one-volt increase.
 The results were plotted until the voltage reached 3.0 volts.
 The resonance frequency at which resonance occurred was identified (shown as the
peak point).
 A mass of 100 g was added to the beam, and the procedure was repeated.
 The resonance frequency at which resonance occurred, was identified.

 This process was repeated another four times to obtain a total of six pairs of mass and
resonance frequency
 A graph of the obtained ωn using 1/ωn2 for each added mass plus the motor mass was
 The graph was extrapolated backward to intersect the Y-axis.
 This value was compared with the analytical ωn to find the error.

5 Precautions
 During experiments on universal vibration apparatus, cover should be drop down to
avoid any damage due to rotating parts at high speed.
 At Resonance the apparatus should be operated for short time to protect from
 This equipment requires hanging of weights; therefore, it is important to follow safety
requirements such as wearing closed shoes.

6 Observations and Calculations

The observations, calculations and the results in the form of graphs and tables are presented

Table 1: Experimental Setup Parameter

Parameter Description Value (Units)

Length L 0.86 m
Width w 0.05 m
Thickness t 0.005 m
Mass of the Beam Mb 0.503 Kg
Mass of motor +
Mm 0.606 Kg
accelerometer Assembly
Young’s Modulus of
E 80 GPa


√ K
M Eff
48 EI
K= 3

M Eff = M =0.485714 M b
35 b
1 3
I= bh

Table 2: Values Calculated

I (m4) K (N/m) M Eff (Kg) ωn theoretical

5.208 x 10-10 3144.175 0.2443 113.45

Table 3: Data with no additional masses

Voltage (V) Frequency (RPM) Amplitude ( μm¿

1.9 415 1.21
2 450 1.3
2.2 532 1.45
2.4 611 1.75
2.5 661 3
2.6 707 4
2.65 710 120
2.7 731 160
2.75 747 230
2.85 777 730
2.9 773 1400
2.95 775 1375
3 777 1350
3.05 808 530
3.15 839 190


Amplitude ( um)
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
n (rad/s)

Figure 2: Amplitude vs frequency with no addition load

A max =1400 @773 rev/min = 80.94 rad/s = ns (exp)

ns (theo) = 76.4

Table 4: Data with 100 g additional mass

Voltage (V) Frequency (RPM) Amplitude ( μm¿

1.5 241 1.03
1.6 300 1.04
1.75 344 1.18
1.9 425 1.20
2.15 500 1.48
2.5 630 60
2.55 640 73
2.65 660 130
2.85 720 220
2.90 750 370
2.92 788 220
2.95 790 110
3 826 25



Amplitue (um) 250





20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
n (rad/s)

Figure 3: Amplitude vs frequency for 100g

A max =370 @750 rev/min = 78.54 rad/s = wnb (exp)

ns (theo)= 73.17

Table 5: Data with 200 g additional mass

Voltage (V) Frequency (RPM) Amplitude ( μm¿

1.7 321 0.84
2.1 460 0.91
2.5 617 61
2.7 670 330
2.75 672 460
2.77 692 770
2.80 695 823
2.83 700 708
2.90 733 220
3.1 823 70


Amplitude (um) 600

30 40 50 60 70 80 90
 (rad/s)

Figure 4: Amplitude vs frequency for 200 g

A max =823 @695 rev/min = 72.8 rad/s = ns (exp)

ns (theor)= 70.32

Table 6: Data with 300 g additional mass

Voltage (V) Frequency (RPM) Amplitude ( μm¿

1.7 300 1
2.1 390 1.3
2.25 490 1.5
2.50 570 56.64
2.70 638 240
2.75 650 560
2.78 686 360
2.80 702 160
2.90 740 85



Amplitude 400




30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

Figure 5: Amplitude vs frequency for 300 g

A max =560 @650 rev/min = 68.06 rad/s = ns (exp)

ns (theor)= 67.78 rad/s

Table 7: Resonance frequency for each added mass.

Additional Mass Total Additional ωn ωn 1

(g) Mass (kg) Resonance Resonance ωn

Frequency (rpm) frequency


606 0.606 773 80.94 0.000152642

100 0.706 750 78.54 0.000162113
100 0.806 695 72.8 0.000188685
100 0.906 650 68.06 0.000215882

0.00018 f(x) = 0.00018021549423665 x + 4.05811676228759E-05
0.00016 R² = 0.930203935349919

0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85
M add

Figure 6: 1/(ωn )2 vs Madded

By extrapolating the natural frequency of beam wnb =1/ √ 0.00005=158.11 rad/s

Table 8: Percentage error in readings

ω n−experimental ω n−analytical % error

158.11 113.43 39.39%

7 Analysis and Discussion

Our goal in this experiment was to investigate the vibration behavior of a beam with masses
attached, with an emphasis on how the natural frequency varies with the addition of mass.
The experiment showed that the natural frequency decreased as the mass on the beam
increased, which is consistent with theory. The natural frequency was determined using
Dunkerley's equation, which states that lower resonance frequencies result from an increase
in the system's inertia with mass.
The experimental data revealed a distinct pattern: the resonance frequency of the system
dropped with increasing mass. For various masses, the amplitude versus frequency graphs
showed clear peaks at the resonance sites, showing that resonance happens when the driving
frequency and the system's natural frequency coincide. There were some differences between
the calculated and observed frequencies, even though the experimental trends matched
theoretical predictions. These discrepancies may result from friction, flaws in the
experimental design, or minute errors in the beam's mass distribution.

All things considered, the experiment effectively demonstrated how mass and resonance
frequency interact in a vibrating system. Although significant, the discrepancies between the
experimental and theoretical values did not take away from the general patterns and findings.
The experiment demonstrated how crucial it is to comprehend resonance and the risks it may
provide in mechanical systems, particularly when building buildings that steer clear of
resonant frequencies.

8 Conclusion

Injection molding is one

of the most important
processes for plastics
and it has a very wide
list of kinds of products
it can produce, which
makes it very versatile.
Injection molding is one
of the most important
processes for plastics
and it has a very wide

list of kinds of products

it can produce, which
makes it very versatile.
Injection molding is one
of the most important
processes for plastics
and it has a very wide
list of kinds of products
it can produce, which
makes it very versatile.
Injection molding is one
of the most important
processes for plastics
and it has a very wide

list of kinds of products

it can produce, which
makes it very versatile.
Injection molding is one
of the most important
processes for plastics
and it has a very wide
list of kinds of products
it can produce, which
makes it very versatile.
Injection molding is one
of the most important
processes for plastics
and it has a very wide

list of kinds of products

it can produce, which
makes it very versatile.
Injection molding is one
of the most important
processes for plastics
and it has a very wide
list of kinds of products
it can produce, which
makes it very versatile.
Injection molding is one
of the most important
processes for plastics
and it has a very wide

list of kinds of products

it can produce, which
makes it very versatile.
In conclusion, this experiment allowed us to observe the resonance phenomenon in a simply
supported beam with added masses. The experimental results were in general agreement with
the theoretical values, although a percentage error was present. This experiment enhanced our
understanding of the effect of mass on natural frequency and the importance of avoiding
resonance in mechanical systems to prevent potential damage.

9 References

[1] M. Iqbal, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.scribd.com/document/489052971/E3-1.

[2] S. Rao, in Basic of Mechanical Vibration 5h Edition, 2011, p. 1104.

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