SITHKOP015 Unit Assessment Pack Version 1-1

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Unit Assessment Pack



Design and cost menus

Table of Contents
Assessment Pack (UAP) – Cover Sheet...............................................................................................3
Student and Trainer/Assessor Details............................................................................................3
Course and Unit Details.................................................................................................................3
Assessment Submission Method....................................................................................................3
Student Declaration.......................................................................................................................3
Assessment Plan............................................................................................................................4
Unit information pack....................................................................................................................4
UAT 1 – Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)...................................................................................................5
Pre-assessment checklist...............................................................................................................5
Information for students...............................................................................................................5
Reasonable adjustments................................................................................................................5
Student declaration.......................................................................................................................5
Assessment task instructions.........................................................................................................6
Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS)................................................................................................21
UAT 2 – Role Play..............................................................................................................................23
Pre-assessment checklist...............................................................................................................23
Information for students...............................................................................................................23
Reasonable adjustments................................................................................................................23
Student declaration.......................................................................................................................23
Assessment task instructions.........................................................................................................24
Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS)................................................................................................59

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Purpose of unit Assessment Pack
This document is for the student and provides all the assessment tasks which need to be completed
to be deemed competent in this unit. The document also provides instructions and information to
assist the student to complete each assessment task. Students must respond to all questions and
submit the assessment to their Assessor.
This document was developed by VET Resources © 2021.
No part of this resources may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical
including photocopying or recording or by any information retrieval system without written
permission from VET Resources. Legal action may be taken against any person who infringes their
copyright through unauthorised copying.

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Assessment Pack (UAP) – Cover
Student and Trainer/Assessor Details
Student ID 14453894

Student name Meena Devi

Trainer/Assessor name Moslay Uddin

Course and Unit Details

Course code
Course name Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
Unit code SITHKOP015
Unit name Design and cost menus

Assessment Submission Method

☐ By hand to trainer/assessor ☐ By email to ☐ Online submission via Learning
trainer/assessor Management System (LMS)

☐ By Australia Post to RTO ☐ Any other method

(Please mention here)

Student Declaration
• I certify that the work submitted for this assessment pack is my own. I have clearly referenced any
sources used in my submission. I understand that a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
• I have kept a copy of this assessment pack and all relevant notes, attachments, and reference material
that I used in the production of the assessment pack;
• For the purposes of assessment, I give the Trainer/Assessor of this assessment the permission to:
o Reproduce this assessment and provide a copy to another member of staff; and
o Take steps to authenticate the assessment, including communicating a copy of this assessment
to a checking service (which may retain a copy of the assessment on its database for future
plagiarism checking).
Student signature Date

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Assessment Plan
To demonstrate competence in this unit, the student must be assessed as satisfactory in each of the following
assessment tasks.
Evidence recorded Evidence Type/ Method of assessment Sufficient evidence
Unit Assessment Task 1 Unit Knowledge Test (UKT) S / NS (First Attempt)
S / NS (Second Attempt)
Unit Assessment Task 2 Role Play S / NS (First Attempt)
S / NS (Second Attempt)
Final result C ☐ NYC ☐ Date assessed

Unit information pack

The student and Trainer/Assessor must read and understand all the information in the unit information pack
before completing the unit assessment pack.

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
UAT 1 – Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)
Pre-assessment checklist
The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The Trainer/Assessor
must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the assessment task. If any items of the
checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the Trainer/Assessor must provide relevant information to
the student to ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they
are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it.

Information for students

• Please make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment.
• Please make sure your Trainer/Assessor has clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to
be completed.
• Please make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
• Please make sure you know your rights and the complaints and appeal process.
• Please make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during
the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and negotiate these with your
• Please make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the answers).
• Please ensure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this Unit Assessment
Task (UAT).
• Due date of this assessment task is according to your timetable.
• In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an assessment
can be granted by the Trainer/Assessor.
• Evidence of the compelling and compassionate circumstances must be provided together with
your request for an extension to submit your assessment work.
• Request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due date of
this assessment task.

Reasonable adjustments
• If student has requested a reasonable adjustment, then complete the reasonable adjustment
form included in the unit information pack.

Student declaration
• I confirm that Trainer/Assessor has provided all the information related to the assessment task
as included in the information for student section and I am ready for the assessment.

Student signature Date

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Assessment task instructions

Assessment type:

• Written Questions

Instructions provided to the student:

Assessment task description:

• This is the first (1) unit of assessment task that the student must successfully complete to be deemed
competent in this unit of competency.
• The Unit Knowledge Test is comprised of twelve (12) written questions.
• Student must respond to all the questions and submit them to the Trainer/Assessor.
• Student must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be
deemed satisfactory in this task.
• Trainer/Assessor is required to provide feedback within two weeks and notify students when results
are available.

Applicable conditions:

• This knowledge test is untimed and is conducted as an open book test (this means student can refer
to textbooks during the test).
• Student must read and respond to all questions.
• Student may handwrite/use computers to answer the questions.
• Student must complete the task independently.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory
or Not Satisfactory.
• Trainer /Assessor must assess student’s written skills and knowledge as he/she completes this assessment
• The Trainer/Assessor may ask the student relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that
this is his/her own work.

Resubmissions and reattempts:

• Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt
will be allowed.
• Student may speak to their Trainer/Assessor if the student has any difficulty in completing this task and
requires a reasonable adjustment (e.g., can be given as an oral assessment).
• For more information, please refer to the RTO Student Handbook.


• This assessment task may be completed in (tick the relevant box):

☐ Learning Management System ☐ Classroom

☐ Simulated learning environment ☐ Workplace
Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
• Trainer/Assessor will provide the student with further information regarding the location for completing
this assessment task.

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of the assessment is to check knowledge relevant to the unit.

Instructions for answering written questions:

• Students must complete a written assessment consisting of a series of questions.

• It is expected from students to correctly answer all the questions.
• Answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of relevant concepts, critical thinking, and
good writing skills.
• Students must respond to all questions for this assessment in a concise manner, providing
only information that is relevant.
• Student must use non-discriminatory language. The language should not devalue, demean, or exclude
individuals or groups on the basis of such attributes including gender, disability, culture, race, religion,
sexual preference, age and/or any other basis. Gender inclusive language should be used.
• Assessors must not accept responses/answers that have been copied directly from other
sources materials.

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Resources required to complete the assessment task:

• Access to learner guide and other learning materials.

• Computer
• Internet
• MS Word
• Printer or e-printer
• Unit Assessment Task

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Question 1: Discuss any seven techniques for sourcing information on foodservice trends and Satisfactory
market preferences. response
Yes ☐ No ☐

1. Market Research Reports: Look for studies from research firms like IBISWorld or Mintel. These
reports offer valuable insights into food trends and what customers prefer.
Question 2. Complete the table below by writing three current or emerging foodservice Satisfactory
2. Social Media Insights: Explore platforms such as Instagram and TikTok to see the latest food trends.
trends relating to the following: response
You can find popular dishes and content from influencers.
•3. contemporary
Customer Surveys:eatingGather
habitsfeedback by creating surveys or organizing focus groups. This
i. Yesallows
☐ youNo ☐
to hear directly
• cultural from
and ethnic consumers about their preferences.
ii. Yes ☐ No ☐
•4. major
Food Industry
festivals Events: Participate in trade shows and food festivals. These events showcase new
and events
• media and provide networking opportunities with industry experts.
influence iii. Yes ☐ No ☐
•5. seasonal
Online Food Delivery Services: Review data from apps like Uber Eats or DoorDash. They often share
iv. Yes ☐ No ☐
• social media on popular items and consumer ordering patterns.
6. Food Blogs and Online Communities: Keep up with popular food blogs and forums where v. Yespeople
☐ No ☐
share their dining experiences and recommend new food trends.
vi. Yes ☐ No ☐
7. Culinary Education Institutions: Reach out to culinary schools that may provide insights from
students and instructors about current food trends and what customers are seeking.

Current and emerging foodservice trends

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
i. Contemporary 1. An increase in the popularity of plant-based diets.
eating habits 2. A growing emphasis on healthy menu options that highlight nutrition.
3. The rise of convenient meals, such as meal kits and ready-to-eat options.
ii. Cultural and 1. The trend of combining various cuisines to create fusion dishes.
ethnic influences 2. The popularity of international street food in urban areas.
3. A heightened interest in traditional ethnic foods.
iii. Major festivals 1. Food festivals focusing on local and sustainable ingredients.
and events 2. Culinary contests that highlight regional specialties and talented chefs.
3. Unique menus or pop-up dining experiences during holidays and special
iv. Media 1. Cooking shows inspiring people to try gourmet cooking at home.
influence 2. Social media influencers showcasing new food products and experiences.
3. Documentaries that raise awareness about sustainable and ethical eating
v. Seasonal 1. Menus adapting to feature ingredients that are in season.
influences 2. Seasonal beverages, such as pumpkin spice lattes in fall or fruity drinks in
summer, becoming popular.
3. Events that celebrate seasonal harvests and local produce.
vi. Social media 1. Food trends that go viral online (like whipped coffee) influencing menu offerings.
2. Customers sharing their dining experiences through reviews and food photos on
social media.
3. Interactive strategies, like contests and giveaways, boosting customer

Question 3: Discuss any four sources of information on the following: Satisfactory

i. market statistics
i. Yes ☐ No ☐
ii. customer profiles and preferences
ii. Yes ☐ No ☐
Briefly explain them in 1 or 2 sentences.

i. Market Statistics
1. Industry Reports: Companies like IBISWorld and Mintel produce detailed reports that outline the
size and growth of the foodservice industry, providing insight into current trends.
2. Government Publications: Various government agencies publish economic data related to the food
sector, which can highlight shifts and trends in the market.
3. Trade Associations: Organizations such as the National Restaurant Association offer important
insights and statistics on industry developments and overall performance.
4. Financial Reports from Public Companies: Analyzing the financial statements of publicly listed food
companies can give useful information about market trends and consumer preferences.
ii. Customer Profiles and Preferences
1. Surveys and Questionnaires: By conducting surveys, businesses can gather direct feedback from
customers about their preferences and dining habits, which helps build accurate customer profiles.
2. Social Media Insights: Observing activity on social media platforms allows businesses to see what
customers are discussing regarding their dining experiences and preferences.
3. Customer Loyalty Programs: Information from loyalty programs provides insights into purchasing
behavior and demographic data, enabling businesses to customize their offerings.
Focus Groups: Organizing discussions with small groups of customers helps businesses gain deeper
Pack (UAP)
Version understanding
1 – May 2023 of their thoughts and motivations regarding food choices.
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Question 4: Meeting market requirements involves offering products, service styles, and Satisfactory
quality aligned with customer needs and preferences. Discuss in 150 – 200 words. response
Yes ☐ No ☐

Meeting market demands is essential for any business aiming to succeed. This means providing products and
services that align with what customers want. To achieve this, companies need to understand their audience
through market
Question research,
5: Financial whichcosts
operating helpsforthem identifyand
hospitality trends and preferences.
catering organizations can be Satisfactory
The quality
broken down ofinto
products is crucial;
several high-quality
key areas, including items help build
consumables, trust
food andand encouragelabour
ingredients, repeat purchases.
and wastage. the way
Fill in theservices are provided—such
blanks below as customer support and delivery options—should match
in this context.
customer preferences. For example, some individuals may prioritize speed, while others mayi. value Yes ☐ a No ☐
1. Financial operating
personalized experience.costs for hospitality and catering organizations can be broken
ii. Yes ☐ No ☐
down into several key areas, including , , , and .
Businesses must also stay adaptable since customer needs can change quickly due to new technologies or
evolving behaviors. iii. Yes ☐ No ☐
2. Consumables are By consistently
items gathering
that are used in thefeedback
day-to-dayand monitoring
operation of amarket
food trends, companies can
service their offerings.
business, such as Ultimately,
and ensuring
. that products and services meet customer needs increases
iv. Yes ☐ No ☐
satisfaction and fosters loyalty, contributing to long-term success.

Version 1 – May 2023
Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
3. Examples of consumables include , , and . v. Yes ☐ No ☐

4. and are the most obvious cost in a food service business and vi. Yes ☐ No ☐
can vary widely based on the type of cuisine, quality of ingredients, and other factors. No ☐
vii. Yes ☐
5. Examples of food and ingredients include , , , , viii. Yes ☐ No ☐
and .
ix. Yes ☐ No ☐
6. Labour costs are a major expense for any food service business and can No ☐
include salaries for , , and other kitchen staff. x. Yes ☐

7. Labour costs can be managed through effective , , and

8. Wastage is a high cost for any food service business and can result from ,
, and other factors.
9. Examples of wastage include , , and customer plate waste.
10. Wastage can be managed through careful management, portion control,
and waste reduction efforts such as and recycling.

1. Financial operating costs for hospitality and catering organizations can be broken down into several key areas, including
consumables, food and ingredients, labour, and wastage.
2. Consumables are items that are used in the day-to-day operation of a food service business, such as cleaning supplies
and packaging materials.
3. Examples of consumables include napkins, cutlery, and disposable plates.
4. Food and ingredients are the most obvious costs in a food service business and can vary widely based on the type of
cuisine, quality of ingredients, and other factors.
5. Examples of food and ingredients include vegetables, meats, dairy products, spices, and grains.
6. Labour costs are a major expense for any food service business and can include salaries for chefs, servers, and other
kitchen staff.
7. Labour costs can be managed through effective scheduling, training, and productivity improvements.
8. Wastage is a high cost for any food service business and can result from over-preparation, spoilage, and other factors.
9. Examples of wastage include expired ingredients, broken dishes, and customer plate waste.
10. Wastage can be managed through careful inventory management, portion control, and waste reduction efforts such as
donation and recycling.
Question 6a: Solve the following problems based on methods and formulas for calculating Satisfactory
portion yields and costs from raw ingredients. Show your workings to get the answers. response
1. Yes ☐ No ☐

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B

1. A restaurant uses 10 lbs of chicken to make a batch of chicken curry. If the cost of 2. Yes ☐ No ☐
chicken is $3 per pound, what is the cost per portion (assuming each portion uses 0.5 lbs No ☐
3. Yes ☐
of chicken)?
4. Yes ☐ No ☐
2. If a restaurant has a target food cost percentage of 30% and wants to sell a dish for
$12, what is the maximum cost they can spend on ingredients per portion? 5. Yes ☐ No ☐

3. A recipe calls for 2 cups of flour and yields 12 muffins. If a bag of flour costs $5 and
contains 10 cups, what is the cost of the flour per muffin?
4. A cafe uses 5 lbs of coffee beans per week and sells an average of 50 cups of coffee per
day. If each cup of coffee requires 0.1 lbs of coffee beans, what is the cafe's weekly cost for
coffee beans if the cost per pound is $8?
5. A bakery wants to make a profit margin of 50% on a batch of cupcakes. If the cost of
ingredients is $20 and the bakery wants to sell the cupcakes for $60, how many
cupcakes must be sold in the batch to achieve the target profit margin?

1. Cost per Portion of Chicken Curry

 Total chicken used: 10 lbs
 Cost per pound of chicken: $3 Satisfactory
 Total
Question costisfor
6b: What thethe chicken:
method and formula for calculating the following using portion response
yields and10 lbs×3
costs USD/lb=30
from USD10 \, \text{lbs} \times 3 \, \text{USD/lb} = 30 \,
raw ingredients:
1. food cost percentage 1. Yes ☐ No ☐
 Each portion uses: 0.5 lbs
2. budgeted
 Totalsales priceof portions:
number 2. Yes ☐ No ☐
10 lbs0.5 lbs/portion=20 portions\frac{10 \, \text{lbs}}{0.5 \, \text{lbs/portion}} = 20 \, \
 Cost per portion:
30 USD20 portions=1.5 USD/portion\frac{30 \, \text{USD}}{20 \, \text{portions}} = 1.5 \,
2. Maximum Cost for Ingredients per Portion
 Target food cost percentage: 30%
 Selling price of the dish: $12
 Maximum allowable ingredient cost per portion:
12 USD×0.30=3.6 USD12 \, \text{USD} \times 0.30 = 3.6 \, \text{USD}12USD×0.30=3.6USD
3. Cost of Flour per Muffin
 Flour required for the recipe: 2 cups
 Number of muffins produced: 12
 Cost of flour bag: $5
 Cups in one bag: 10 cups
 Cost per cup of flour:
5 USD10 cups=0.5 USD/cup\frac{5 \, \text{USD}}{10 \, \text{cups}} = 0.5 \,
 Total cost for the flour in the recipe:
2 cups×0.5 USD/cup=1 USD2 \, \text{cups} \times 0.5 \, \text{USD/cup} = 1 \, \
 Cost per muffin:
1 USD12 muffins≈0.0833 USD/muffin\frac{1 \, \text{USD}}{12 \, \text{muffins}} \approx 0.0833 \, \
4. Weekly Cost for Coffee Beans
 Weekly coffee beans usage: 5 lbs
 Average cups sold daily: 50 cups
 Total cups sold weekly:
50 cups/day×7 days=350 cups/week50 \, \text{cups/day} \times 7 \, \text{days} = 350 \,
 Coffee required for each cup: 0.1 lbs
 Total coffee needed for 350 cups:
0.1 lbs/cup×350 cups=35 lbs0.1 \, \text{lbs/cup} \times 350 \, \text{cups} = 35 \,
Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B

3. standard measures 3. Yes ☐ No ☐

4. standard yield tests 4. Yes ☐ No ☐

5. Yes ☐ No ☐
5. GST addition and
subtraction Max 75 words

1. Food Cost Percentage

Method: To calculate the food cost percentage, divide the total cost of food by the total sales amount.
Formula: 6c: Using your answers from above, solve the following problems. Show your Satisfactory
Food CosttoPercentage=(Total
arrive at the solution. response
Food CostTotal Sales)×100\text{Food Cost Percentage} = \left( \frac{\text{Total
Food Cost}}{\text{Total Sales}} \right) \times 100Food Cost Percentage=(Total SalesTotal Food Cost)×100
1. A restaurant purchases a 10-lb case of ground beef for $30. If the yield percentage after 1. Yes ☐ No ☐
2. Budgeted Sales Price
cooking is 75%, what is the cost per portion if each portion uses 0.5 lb of beef?
Method: Determine a selling price based on the ingredient costs and the target food cost percentage. 2. Yes ☐ No ☐
2. A catering company wants a 25% food cost percentage for a dinner event where each 3. Yes ☐ No ☐
guest Sales
will be Price=Cost
served of IngredientsDesired
the chicken Food
with vegetables and Cost
rice. Percentage\text{Budgeted
The cost of chicken is $2 per Sales Price} = \frac{\
lb, of Ingredients}}{\text{Desired
vegetables Foodper
are $1 per lb, and rice is $0.50 Cost
lb. If each guest will be served 6 oz of 4. Yes ☐ No ☐
chicken, Salesand
3 oz of vegetables, Price=Desired
2 oz of rice,Food
shouldPercentageCost of Ingredients
be the budgeted sales price per 5. Yes ☐ No ☐
3. Standard Measures
Method: Use consistent portion sizes to ensure that recipes are prepared uniformly each time.
3. A recipe for chocolate chip cookies requires 2 cups of flour and 2 cups of chocolate
chips. If a bag
Standard of flour costs
Measure=Total $5 and containsof10
AmountNumber cups, and a bag of chocolate
Portions\text{Standard Measure} chips costs
= \frac{\text{Total Amount}}{\
$4 and 4 cups, what is the total cost of ingredients per batch of
text{Number of Portions}}Standard Measure=Number of PortionsTotal Amount cookies?
4. Standard Yield Tests
Method: Conduct tests to find out how much of a raw ingredient can be used after it’s prepared and cooked.
Yield Percentage=(Usable YieldRaw Ingredient Amount)×100\text{Yield Percentage} = \left( \frac{\

Version 1 – May 2023
text{Usable Yield}}{\text{Raw Ingredient Amount}} \right) \times
100Yield Percentage=(Raw Ingredient AmountUsable Yield)×100
5. GST Addition and Subtraction
Method: Calculate the Goods and Services Tax (GST) by applying the tax rate to prices.
Formula for Addition:
Total Price with GST=Net Price×(1+GST Rate)\text{Total Price with GST} = \text{Net Price} \times (1 + \
text{GST Rate})Total Price with GST=Net Price×(1+GST Rate)
Formula for Subtraction:
Net Price=Total Price(1+GST Rate)\text{Net Price} = \frac{\text{Total Price}}{(1 + \text{GST
Rate})}Net Price=(1+GST Rate)Total Price

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
4. A restaurant wants to standardize its portion sizes and has established that each
portion of pasta should be 4 oz after cooking. A 16 oz package of pasta yields 12 oz after
Question 7: List any five (5) types of menus, food outlets and food service and fill in the Satisfactory
cooking. How many portions can the restaurant make from one package of pasta?
table below. Add a sentence of explanation for each. response
5. A cafe sells a sandwich for $8.50 and charges 5% GST. What is the total cost of
i. Yes ☐ No ☐
the sandwich, including GST? What is the amount of GST included in the price of the
sandwich? ii. Yes ☐ No ☐

iii. Yes ☐ No ☐
1. Cost per Portion of Ground Beef
 Beef purchased: 10 lbs for $30.
 Usable beef after cooking: 75% of 10 lbs = 7.5 lbs.
 Cost for each usable pound:
30 USD10 lbs=3 USD/lb\frac{30 \, \text{USD}}{10 \, \text{lbs}} = 3 \, \text{USD/lb}10lbs30USD
 Total cost for usable beef:
7.5 lbs×3 USD/lb=22.5 USD7.5 \, \text{lbs} \times 3 \, \text{USD/lb} = 22.5 \, \
 Portion size: 0.5 lbs.
 Total portions:
7.5 lbs0.5 lbs/portion=15 portions\frac{7.5 \, \text{lbs}}{0.5 \, \text{lbs/portion}} = 15 \, \
(5) different types and styles of:
 Cost per portion:
22.5 USD15 portions=1.50
i. MENUS 1. USD/portion\frac{22.5 \, \text{USD}}{15 \, \text{portions}} = 1.50 \, \
A La Carte
2. Budgeted Sales Price per Guest
 Desired food cost This type of menu25%.
percentage: allows diners to select individual dishes from a list, giving them the flexibility
to customize their meal.
 Ingredient costs:
o Chicken:2.$2 per lb.
Table d Hote
o Vegetables: $1 per lb.
o Rice: $0.50 per menu
A fixed lb. offering a specific number of courses at a set price, providing a complete dining
 Serving sizes per guest:
o Chicken: 6 oz = 0.375 lbs.
o Vegetables: 3 oz = 0.1875 lbs.
o Rice: 2 oz = 0.125 lbs.
 Cost breakdown per guest:
o Chicken cost: 0.375×2=0.75 USD0.375 \times 2 = 0.75 \, \text{USD}0.375×2=0.75USD.
o Vegetables cost: 0.1875×1=0.1875 USD0.1875 \times 1 = 0.1875 \, \
o Rice cost: 0.125×0.50=0.0625 USD0.125 \times 0.50 = 0.0625 \, \
 Total cost per guest:
0.75+0.1875+0.0625=1.00 USD0.75 + 0.1875 + 0.0625 = 1.00 \, \
 Sales price to achieve target:
1.00 USD0.25=4.00 USD\frac{1.00 \, \text{USD}}{0.25} = 4.00 \, \text{USD}0.251.00USD=4.00USD.
3. Total Cost of Ingredients for Cookies
 Flour needed: 2 cups.
 Cost of flour: $5 for 10 cups.
 Chocolate chips needed: 2 cups.
 Cost of chocolate chips: $4 for 4 cups.
 Flour cost per cup:
5 USD10=0.50 USD/cup\frac{5 \, \text{USD}}{10} = 0.50 \, \text{USD/cup}105USD=0.50USD/cup.
 Flour cost for 2 cups:
2×0.50=1 USD2 \times 0.50 = 1 \, \text{USD}2×0.50=1USD.
 Chips cost per cup:
4 USD4=1 USD/cup\frac{4 \, \text{USD}}{4} = 1 \, \text{USD/cup}44USD=1USD/cup.
 Chips cost for 2 cups:
2×1=2 USD2 \times 1 = 2 \, \text{USD}2×1=2USD.
A style where guests help themselves from a selection of dishes arranged on a table, promoting
variety and social interaction.
Tasting Menu
A curated menu featuring several small courses designed to highlight the chef’s specialties.
Seasonal Menu
A menu that changes according to seasonal ingredients, focusing on fresh, available produce.
Fast Food
Quick-service restaurants that offer inexpensive meals, usually with a limited selection and often
featuring drive-thru services.
A relaxed spot that serves light meals, coffee, and pastries, creating a casual atmosphere for diners.
Fine Dining
Upscale restaurants that provide an elegant experience, featuring high-quality dishes and attentive
4.Food Truck
Mobile vendors offering a variety of street food and quick meals, allowing for flexibility in both
location and menu choices.
5.Catering Service
Businesses that prepare and serve food for events, focusing on large quantities and a variety of
menu options for gatherings.
iii. FOOD SERVICE Self-Service
A setup where customers serve themselves from a buffet or counter, making meals quick and
A dining experience where waitstaff take orders and serve food at the table, providing a more
formal setting.
Fast Casual
A hybrid that combines quick service with higher-quality food in a comfortable environment.
A service where customers can order food to pick up or have it delivered, making it easy to enjoy
meals at home.
Banquet Service
A structured service for large events, where meals are prepared in advance and served to guests in
a formal setting.

Question 8: How does the availability of seasonal products and commodities impact menu Satisfactory
planning and pricing? Provide at least three examples to support your answer. response
Yes ☐ No ☐
The availability of seasonal ingredients has a big impact on menu planning and pricing in several ways:
Question 9: Name three
1. Freshness namingSeasonal
and Flavor: conventions
culinary terms
usually unique
fresher and to thebetter,
taste following
the quality of
cuisines: dishes. For example, using fresh summer tomatoes in a salad makes it more deliciousresponse
and visually
appealing. This higher quality can justify charging more for those meals.
a. Japanese a. Yes ☐ No ☐
2. Price Variations: Ingredients tend to be less expensive when they are in season. For instance, if a
b. Yes
b. Indian restaurant uses butternut squash in the fall, it can buy it at a lower price during its peak ☐ No
season. This☐
price reduction can benefit customers or help maintain profit margins.
c. Mexican. c. Yes ☐ No ☐
3. Diverse Menu Options: Incorporating seasonal ingredients allows chefs to create a range of dishes
Provide an example
that changeofwith
term and explain
seasons, itsin
drawing meaning or significance
customers eager to tryinnew
respectiveA spring menu might
cuisine. highlight asparagus and peas, while a winter menu could feature hearty root vegetables. This keeps
the menu exciting and encourages repeat visits.

a. Japanese
Question 10: Presenting a legible menu that matches the needs of the customer type is crucial Satisfactory
Term: Umami
to ensure that customers can easily
 Meaning/Significance: Umaminavigate the menu
is recognized asand
the make informed
fifth taste, decisions
in addition about sour, response
to sweet, salty, and
their food choices. How can a menu be presented to ensure that it is easily readable for
bitter. It refers to a savory flavor found in foods like soy sauce, miso, and dashi (a broth made Yes ☐fromNo ☐
customers and matches their needs? (100-150 words)
kelp and dried fish). In Japanese cuisine, umami is essential for adding depth and richness to dishes.
b. Indian
Hint: Consider the importance of legible text, format, and presentation concerning the needs
of Tadkacustomer
different (or Tempering)
 Meaning/Significance: Tadka is a technique where spices are cooked in oil or ghee to release their
flavors before being mixed into a dish. This method is crucial in Indian cooking because it enhances
the aroma and taste of meals. For example, tadka is commonly used in dal (lentil soup) to improve its
c. Mexican
Term: Mole
 Meaning/Significance: Mole is a thick sauce that usually contains chili peppers, chocolate, nuts, and
spices. It is a fundamental part of Mexican cuisine, particularly in dishes like mole poblano. Mole
showcases the blend of indigenous and colonial influences in Mexican cooking and is often served
during celebrations and special occasions.

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

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Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B

To ensure a menu is easy to read and meets the needs of various customers, several key points should be
Question 11:First,
considered. The table
andmethods to gain
simple fonts, feedback
steering clearonofmenu
overlyperformance. Select
decorative styles that Satisfactory
can be difficult
if they
to read.are
TheQualitative or Quantitative
text size should methods
be large enough forand add a sentence
everyone of description
to see comfortably, to each.
including thoseresponse
with vision
challenges. 1. Yes ☐ No ☐
Next, structure the menu logically, with distinct sections for appetizers, main dishes, and desserts, using
headings and bullet points for clarity. Including images or icons can help customers quickly identify 2. Yes dishes,
☐ No ☐
especially if they’re new to the cuisine. 3. Yes ☐ No ☐
Finally, cater to different dietary preferences by adding labels for options like vegan or gluten-free, which
makes it simpler for customers to make choices. A well-organized and visually appealing menu4.enhances Yes ☐ No the☐
dining experience and contributes to customer satisfaction.
5. Yes ☐ No ☐

Methods to gain Qualitative Descriptions

feedback on menu or
performance Quantitative

1. Social media Qualitative Social media platforms allow customers to express their
thoughts and experiences about the menu, offering valuable
insights into their likes and dislikes.
2. Customer surveys Quantitative Surveys gather structured feedback through targeted
questions, enabling restaurants to assess customer satisfaction
and preferences using measurable data.
3. Sales data Quantitative Examining sales data reveals which menu items are popular
and which ones aren’t selling well, providing useful statistics
for decision-making.
4. Customer discussions Qualitative Engaging in conversations with customers provides detailed
feedback and personal perspectives on their dining
experiences and menu opinions.

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
5. Staff discussions and
Qualitative Meetings with staff allow for sharing insights and
meetings experiences from their interactions with customers,
helping to identify trends and areas for menu

Question 12a: In the context of methods of analysing sales mix and profit performance of Satisfactory
menu items, answer the questions below in 40 - 60 words: response
1. What is menu engineering analysis, and how is it used to analyze the sales mix and 1. Yes ☐ No ☐
profit performance of menu items?
2. Yes ☐ No ☐
2. How can you use menu engineering analysis to determine which items on your
menu are your stars, plough horses, puzzles, and dogs?

1. What is menu engineering analysis?

Menu engineering analysis is a technique that helps restaurants assess how well their menu items are
performing12b: In the of
in terms context of methods
sales and ofclassifying
profit. By analysing sales
dishesmix andon
based profit performance
their sales figuresofand profit
menu items, answer the questions below:
restaurants can identify which items are successful and which may need adjustments or removal response
to enhance
1. performance.
How can you use sales data to analyze the sales mix and profit performance of 1. Yes ☐ No ☐
2. How can you use menu engineering analysis?
menu items, and what are some common techniques for doing so? (50 words)
Through menu engineering analysis, items are divided into four groups: "stars" (highly popular2.and Yes ☐ No ☐
2. Can you provide
profitable), "ploughanhorses"
example of a situation
(well-liked but notwhere
very menu engineering
profitable), analysis
"puzzles" and sales
(profitable but not well-known),
data were used to identify opportunities for improving the profitability of a restaurant's
and "dogs" (neither popular nor profitable). This approach allows restaurants to focus on promoting stars
menu? (100 horses
and plough words)while re-evaluating the dogs.

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B

Sales data allows restaurants to identify which menu items are most popular and which generate the highest
profits. Techniques include monitoring the number of items sold, calculating profit margins, and analyzing
trends over time. This information helps restaurants make informed adjustments to their menus, marketing,
and pricing.
A restaurant discovered that its pasta dishes were selling well but had low profit margins. Using menu
engineering analysis, they classified these dishes as "plough horses." Sales data indicated that a specific
creamy sauce was a favorite. The restaurant decided to promote this sauce and introduced a new, more
profitable pasta dish featuring it. As a result, both sales and profits increased, highlighting how data-driven
decisions can enhance menu effectiveness.

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Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS)
Outcome of Unit First attempt:
Assessment Task (UAT)

Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐

Date: (day)/ (month)/ (year)

Second attempt:

Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐

Date: (day)/ (month)/ (year)

Feedback to Student First attempt:

Second attempt:

Student Declaration  I declare that the answers I have provided are my own work. Where I
have accessed information from other sources, I have provided
references and or links to my sources.
 I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used
as part of my submission.
 I have provided references for all sources where the information is not
my own. I understand the consequences of falsifying documentation
and plagiarism. I understand how the assessment is structured. I accept
that all work I submit must be verifiable as my own.
 I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can
appeal the assessment process, and either re-submit additional evidence
undertake gap training and or have my submission re-assessed.
 All appeal options have been explained to me.
Student Signature

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B

Trainer/Assessor Name

Trainer/Assessor I hold:
 Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered
 Current relevant industry skills
 Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake
 Ongoing professional development in VET
I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this candidate’s submission. The
assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, valid, and reliable. I declare
that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment. I have
provided feedback to the above-named candidate.

Office Use Only Outcome of Assessment has been entered onto the Student Management
System on (insert date)
by (insert Name)

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Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
UAT 2 – Role Play
Pre-assessment checklist
The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The Trainer/Assessor
must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the assessment task. If any items of the
checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the Trainer/Assessor must provide relevant information to
the student to ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they
are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it.

Information for students

• Please make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment.
• Please make sure your Trainer/Assessor has clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to
be completed.
• Please make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
• Please make sure you know your rights and the complaints and appeal process.
• Please make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during
the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and negotiate these with your
• Please make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the answers).
• Please ensure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this Unit Assessment
Task (UAT).
• Due date of this assessment task is according to your timetable.
• In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an assessment
can be granted by the Trainer/Assessor.
• Evidence of the compelling and compassionate circumstances must be provided together with
your request for an extension to submit your assessment work.
• Request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due date of
this assessment task.

Reasonable adjustments
• If a student requires a reasonable adjustment, then complete the reasonable adjustment form included
in the unit information pack.

Student declaration
• I confirm that the Trainer/Assessor has provided all the information related to the assessment task
as included in the information for student section and I am ready for the assessment.

Student signature Date

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Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B

Assessment task instructions

Assessment type:

• Role Play

Instructions provided to the student:

Assessment task description:

• This is the second (2) unit assessment task that student has to successfully complete to be
deemed competent in this unit of competency.
• This assessment task comprises the following activities:
o Activity 1: Evaluate market trends and identify target markets.
o Activity 2: Develop menus.
o Activity 3: Cost menus for profitability.
o Activity 4: Write menu content.
• Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow these instructions to complete
the assessment. Each task will require you to either:
o Submit completed workplace templates and/or any required documentation; or
o Demonstrate task requirements while being observed by the assessor.
• Some tasks may include both requirements. Student must complete all the activities of this
assessment task.
• Before starting this assessment, your assessor will discuss these instructions, resources, and guidance
for satisfactorily completing the tasks.
• The student must attempt all criteria to the required level, e.g., Assessment criteria mentioned in the
performance checklist to be deemed satisfactory in this task.

Applicable conditions:

• All skill tests are untimed and are conducted as open-book tests (this means students can refer
to textbooks during the test).
• The student must complete the task independently.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory
or Not Satisfactory.
• Trainer /Assessor must assess student’s practical skills, technique, and knowledge as he/she completes
this assessment task.
• The Trainer/Assessor may ask the student relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that
this is his/her own work.

Resubmissions and reattempts:

• Where a student’s performance is deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission
attempt will be allowed. Assessor must note any such submissions.
• Student may speak to their Trainer/Assessor if the student has any difficulty in completing this task and
requires a reasonable adjustment (e.g., can be given as an oral assessment).
• For more information, please refer to the RTO Student Handbook.

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
• This assessment task may be completed in (tick the relevant box):

☐ Learning Management System ☐ Classroom

☐ Simulated learning environment ☐ Workplace

Purpose of the assessment:

• Purpose of this Role Play is to check skills and knowledge related to performance criteria
and performance evidence of the unit.

General Instructions for attempting the Role Play:

• Student must complete all the activities of this assessment task.

• Answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of relevant concepts, critical thinking, and
good writing skills.
• The student must complete all the provided templates (if any).

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Resources required to complete the assessment task:

• Computer with internet and email access

• Installed software: ms Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader
• Printer or e-printer
Skills must be demonstrated in a business where menus are designed or costed. This can be:
• an industry workplace; or
• an industry-realistic simulated environment.
Assessment must ensure access to:
• commercial information:
o financial data and budgets for the operation of hospitality industry businesses
• product information:
o purchase specifications
o commodity price lists
o recipes
o costs of food supply for food service businesses
• internet access for research
• spreadsheet and word processing programs for menu costing and writing.

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B

Feast of Flavours story

Feast of Flavours was begun when three school friends met for a drink, and the idea of opening a world-class
restaurant was conceived with a little help from a bottle of Pinot Noir. After three years and innumerable ups
and downs, Feast of Flavours was born.
A Feast of Flavours aims to create a culinary experience that gives people the most delicious dining experience
possible. At Feast of Flavours, customers will discover the world's flavours and various unique cultures. It is an
amalgamation of cuisines from around the globe under one roof with an ambience designed to complement the
culinary joy diners will feel. Feast of Flavours will delight patrons who enjoy exploring and experimenting with
Menu options
The Feast of Flavours menu ranges from a variety of local cuisines to ones from across the globe, carefully chosen
to be a part of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. The restaurant ambience is beautifully crafted with soft lighting,
artistic decorations, and elegant design.
At Feast of Flavours, cocktails and beverages can also be curated to give a unique experience with each slow slip.
A complete list of the menu options can be located on the Feast of Flavours simulated website.
Meetings & Events
Feast of Flavours is acknowledged as an industry leader in delivering the best food and service to its customers.
The restaurant can also handle private or corporate events, including team outings, birthday parties, or special
celebrations. Customers can choose from the below options to book for their upcoming event.
• Family Table – seats 10 guests
• Community Table – seats up to 15-20 guests
• Private Dining Room – seats up to 25-30 guests
The restaurant is determined to cater to any customer within 2 minutes of arrival and serve delicious food and
drinks within 15 minutes of the order.
Activity Scenario
Feast of Flavours restaurant specializes in modern fusion cuisine and is located in a busy shopping district. The
management recently noticed a decline in sales and customer traffic and believed revamped menus could help
address this issue. The management has hired you as the new Head Chef to help develop new menus that will
appeal to your target market and increase profitability.
You have been recently hired as the Head Chef of Feast of Flavours restaurant, responsible for developing and
costing one menu from each of the following types:
• à la carte menu
• buffet menu
• degustation menu
• table d’hôte menu
The menu should be designed to meet the needs and preferences of your target market while ensuring
profitability for the restaurant. The menu should reflect the style and location of the restaurant and be cost-
competitive with other restaurants in the area. Your menus should reflect current and emerging food service
trends, customer preferences, and target markets. You should source and evaluate information on these trends
Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
and preferences and use it to inform your menu design. You should also develop your menus to meet the needs
and preferences of your target market and ensure that they are profitable for the restaurant.
The management has provided you with the following financial and customer data to aid your menu planning.

1. Sales figures for the past year:

Month Appetizers Entrees Desserts Total Sales

January 25000 50000 15000 $90,000
February 20000 55000 17500 $92,500
March 22500 60000 20000 $102,500
April 18000 50000 17500 $85,500
May 20000 57500 22500 $100,000
June 17500 52500 20000 $90,000
July 20000 60000 25000 $105,000
August 22500 57500 22500 $102,500
September 25000 65000 25000 $115,000
October 22500 60000 22500 $105,000
November 20000 57500 20000 $97,500
December 25000 70000 27500 $122,500

2. Customer feedback data:

Platform Comment Rating

Yelp "The food was delicious, and the service was fantastic! Loved 4.5
Fresh, locally-sourced ingredients.”
Google "Great atmosphere, and the cocktails were top-notch." 4.2
Facebook "I had the best steak of my life here! Loved the Craft beer and wine 4.7
Tripadvisor “Not many vegetarian and vegan dishes or gluten-free options.”
Yelp "The service was a bit slow, but the food more than made up for it. 3.8
Need more healthy options "

3. Demographic data on current customers:

Age Range Gender Income Range Geographic Location

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Male 18-24 $20,000-$35,000 Urban
Male 25-34 $35,000-$50,000 Suburban
Female 35-44 $50,000-$75,000 Urban
Female 45-54 $75,000-$100,000 Suburban
Male 55-64 $100,000-$150,000 Urban
Female 65+ $150,000+ Suburban

4. Customer Preferences:

Menu Item Frequency Preferred Time Other Preferences

Steak Medium Dinner Rare or Medium Rare
Salmon High Lunch or Dinner Grilled or Blackened
Salads High Lunch Extra Dressing
Margherita Pizza Medium Dinner Thin Crust
Organic food High Lunch or Dinner Warm with Vanilla Ice Cream

5. Competitor data:

Competitor Menu Items Prices Customer Demographics Cuisine Type

Joe's Diner Burgers, Fries, Milkshakes $10- Families with young children American
The Italian Pasta, Pizza, Antipasti $15- Young adults and couples Italian
Kitchen $25
Sushi Time Sushi Rolls, Sashimi, Bento $20- Business professionals and Japanese
Boxes $40 sushi enthusiasts
Simulated Business Website
The assessment tasks below use a simulated business website named
Feast of Flavours. To access the website, you need to log in by using
the below-provided link:

Step 1: Navigate to the website and click "Login".

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Step 2: Enter the username and password provided by your trainer.

Your trainer will also provide you with the simulated business website
information document that will help you to navigate through the
website. You need to refer to the following policies and procedures to
complete the provided activities:
• Commodity price list
• Customer service policy and procedure
• Template for standard recipe card in spreadsheet format

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Activity 1: Evaluate market trends and identify target markets.

Purpose You have been recently hired as the Head Chef of Feast of Flavours restaurant,
responsible for developing and costing one menu from each of the following types:
• à la carte menu
• buffet menu
• degustation menu
• table d’hôte menu
In this task, your main aim is to evaluate market trends and identify target markets
based on the operation's nature, style and location.

Your Task Role and participants

Head Chef
Assume that you are the chef in charge of the Feast of Flavours and are responsible
for developing and costing new menus for the restaurant.
Note: This assessment will occur under workplace conditions or in a simulated
workplace, whichever meets The RTO requirements
Tasks to be performed.
Throughout this task, the following techniques and conditions for evaluating market
trends and identifying target markets must be included:
Analyse the information provided earlier about Feast of Flavours Restaurant and the
scenario to evaluate market trends and identify target markets, and fill in the table
below. You need to follow the steps below to achieve this successfully.
1. Based on previous and current sales performance, determine the
current customer market.
2. Analyze the current customer profile, and their food service preferences
3. Get data on present and emerging customer preferences and trends in the
food service industry and determine whether market trends are relevant
to the organisation's service and food policies.
4. Determine target markets based on the operation's type, style, and location.
Complete the template below and submit it to the trainer.
You will be Your trainer/assessor will observe your performance and complete the provided
required to performance checklist. Ensure ALL sections are answered in the template.
complete and/or
Complete the provided Template 1: Evaluate market trends and identify target
markets and submit to your trainer/assessor.
Timeframe You are required to complete this activity in 45 minutes.
You can complete the questions in your own time and submit them to the trainer.

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Template 1: Evaluate market trends and identify target markets.

Student Name: Meena Devi

Student Number: 14453894


1. From the provided financial data of feast of Flavours Restaurant, identify the current customer market.

1. Sales Performance:
 The restaurant's financial data indicates steady sales, with notable peaks in December ($122,500) and
September ($115,000), reflecting seasonal demand.
2. Key Insights:
 Popular Menu Items: Strong sales in appetizers and entrees suggest customers prefer substantial
 Monthly Trends: Consistent patronage throughout the year points to a loyal customer base.
3. Demographic Indicators:
 Target Demographics:
o Age: Predominantly young adults (18-34) and middle-aged individuals (35-54).
o Income: Likely within the middle to upper income brackets ($50,000+), indicating a willingness
to invest in quality dining.

2a. From the information provided, analyse the current customer profile for Feast of Flavours restaurant
and fill below:

Customer Profile

 Age:
Mainly young adults (18-34) and middle-aged customers (35-54).
 Gender:
Balanced, with a slight female majority in the older demographic.
 Occupation:
A mix of professionals, including business workers and families.
 Education:
Generally well-educated, likely holding college degrees.
 Income:
Ranges from middle to upper income, approximately $50,000 to over $150,000.
 Buying Power:
Strong, with a willingness to spend on quality dining experiences.
 Others:
Interest in healthy, sustainable, and diverse food options, favoring organic and locally sourced ingredients.

2b. From the information provided, analyse the food service preferences of customers at Feast of Flavours

1. Popular Dishes:
Steak: Often ordered, preferred medium or medium-rare.
Salmon: Common for lunch and dinner, typically grilled or blackened.
Salads: Frequently chosen for lunch, with requests for extra dressing.
Margherita Pizza: Popular for dinner, especially thin crust.
Organic Options: High demand for organic dishes at all meal times.
2. Meal Timing:
Most customers dine during lunch and dinner, indicating a need for varied offerings.
3. Health Focus:
Growing interest in healthier choices, including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options.
4. Dining Experience:
Customers appreciate unique culinary experiences and creative flavors.
5. Trends:
Strong preference for fresh, locally sourced ingredients, reflecting current sustainable dining trends.

3. List three current and three emerging food service trends that are relevant to the operation's service
style and cuisine:

Current Food Service Trends

1. Health and Wellness:
o Rising demand for nutritious options, including organic and plant-based dishes.
2. Sustainable Sourcing:
o Preference for locally sourced and eco-friendly ingredients.
3. Global and Fusion Flavors:
o Popularity of diverse cuisines that blend different culinary traditions.
Emerging Food Service Trends
1. Experiential Dining:
o Interest in unique dining experiences, such as tasting menus and interactive meals.
2. Technology Use:
o Increased integration of digital tools for ordering and payment to enhance convenience.
3. Personalization:
o Demand for customizable menu items to cater to individual preferences and dietary

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
4. Evaluate market trends relevant to organisational service style and cuisine.

1. Health and Wellness:

There’s a growing demand for nutritious menu options, including organic and dietary-specific dishes,
aligning with the restaurant's focus on fresh ingredients.
2. Sustainability:
Customers prefer restaurants that adopt eco-friendly practices. Highlighting sustainable sourcing can
enhance the restaurant's appeal.
3. Global and Fusion Cuisine:
Interest in diverse culinary experiences is rising. Offering a variety of international dishes can attract
adventurous diners.
4. Technology Integration:
Utilizing digital tools for reservations and payments can improve customer convenience and
streamline operations.
5. Experiential Dining:
Diners seek unique experiences beyond just a meal. Incorporating chef's tables or tasting menus can
create memorable visits.
6. Customization:
Personalized meal options are increasingly popular. Allowing customers to tailor their dishes can boost
satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Identify target markets based on the operation's nature, style and location. (Any five)

1. Young Professionals (Ages 25-34):

Trend-seeking diners interested in diverse, flavorful meals and social dining experiences.
2. Health-Conscious Consumers:
Individuals focused on nutrition who prefer organic, gluten-free, and healthy menu options.
3. Families:
Parents looking for a family-friendly atmosphere with a variety of dishes that appeal to both adults
and children.
4. Food Enthusiasts:
Diners eager to explore unique cuisines and fusion dishes, valuing creativity and presentation.
5. Corporate Clients and Event Planners:
Businesses and individuals seeking venues for meetings or private events, needing catering and group
dining options.

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Trainer name:


Does the candidate meet the following criteria?

Activity 1: Evaluate market trends and identify target markets. Satisfactory / Trainer/Assessor
Not Comments

1. Evaluate 1.1 Based on previous and current sales performance,  Yes

market trends determine the current customer market.  No
and identify

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
target 1.1.1 Student successfully analyzed the sales data to
markets. identify the current customer market.
1.1.2 Students understand the current
customer market concept and its significance in
sales performance.
1.1.3 Student considered both past and current sales
performance to identify the current customer
1.1.4 Student identified the key characteristics of the
current customer market, such as demographics,
behaviour, preferences, and needs.
1.1.5 Student provided specific and actionable
recommendations to improve sales performance
based on their analysis of the current customer
1.1.6 Student communicated their findings clearly and
effectively in the provided template.
1.2 Examine the current clientele and their dietary  Yes
needs.  No
1.2.1 Student thoroughly analysed the information
provided from multiple sources: Customer feedback data Demographic data on current customers Customer Preferences Competitor data Scenario information
1.2.2 Student identified the key drivers of customer
satisfaction and loyalty, such as food quality, service
speed, ambience, and price.
1.2.3 Student identified any gaps or opportunities in
the current food service offerings, such as menu
items, pricing, or promotions, that could better meet
the customer preferences.
1.2.4 Students understand the food service industry
deeply, including current trends, challenges, and
best practices.
1.2.5 Student provide specific and actionable
recommendations to improve the food service
offerings based on their analysis of the current
customer profile and preferences.

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
1.2.6 Student communicated their findings clearly and
effectively, using appropriate terminology in the
template provided.
1.2.7 Student show creativity and innovation in
proposing new ideas and solutions to enhance the
food service experience for customers
1.3 Get data on present and emerging customer  Yes
preferences and trends in restaurant service.  No

1.3.1 Student identified various sources of

information on current and emerging foodservice
trends and customer preferences.
1.3.2 Student used both primary and secondary
sources to gather information, such as industry reports market research social media analytics online review sites food and beverage industry events.
1.3.3 Student demonstrated an understanding of
the reliability and validity of different sources of
information and used critical thinking skills to
evaluate the quality of the information.
1.3.4 Students identified and analyzed the latest
foodservice trends and customer preferences,
including: menu items service styles ambience technology sustainability.
1.3.5 Students can interpret and synthesize complex
information and present it clearly, concisely, and in
an organized manner.
1.3.6 Student provide specific examples of how
current and emerging food service trends and
customer preferences could be applied in Feast
of Flavours restaurant.
1.4 Determine whether market trends are relevant to  Yes
the organisation's service and food policies.  No

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
1.4.1 Student identified and analyzed relevant market
trends for the food service industry, such as changing consumer preferences emerging technologies economic factors
1.4.2 Students demonstrated an understanding of
the relationship between market trends and the
organizational service style and cuisine and showed
an ability to apply this understanding in their analysis
1.4.3 Student provided a clear and concise description
of the organisational service style and cuisine,
including factors such as menu items, service speed,
ambience, and pricing
1.4.4 Student identified potential gaps or
opportunities in the organisational service style and
cuisine based on their analysis of market trends and
proposed specific recommendations to address
these gaps or opportunities
1.4.5 Student provided specific examples of how
market trends could be incorporated into the
organisational service style and cuisine and how
this could improve the customer experience and
drive business growth
1.4.6 Students can communicate their analysis and
recommendations clearly and effectively, using
appropriate terminology in the provided template.
1.4.7 Student show creativity and innovation in
proposing new ideas and solutions to enhance the
organizational service style and cuisine while also
considering the sustainability and social
responsibility of these solutions
1.4.8 Student demonstrates efficient learning skills to
continually research and source information on
current and emerging foodservice trends and
synthesise this information for menu updates.
1.5 Determine target markets based on  Yes
the operation's type, style, and location.  No
1.5.1 Student conducted a thorough analysis of the
nature, style, and location of the operation, including
factors such as menu items, service style, ambience,
pricing, and geographic location

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
1.5.2 Student demonstrated an understanding of
the different types of target markets and how these
markets relate to the operation
1.5.3 Student use appropriate tools and
techniques, such as customer feedback, to gather
information about potential target markets
1.5.4 Student identified and analyzed the
characteristics and needs of different target markets
1.5.5 Student considered the competitive landscape
and the potential impact of competitors on the
target markets
1.5.6 Student demonstrate an ability to communicate
their analysis and recommendations clearly and
effectively, using appropriate language in provided

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Activity 2: Develop menus.

Purpose You have been recently hired as the Head Chef of Feast of Flavours restaurant,
responsible for developing and costing one menu from each of the following types:
 à la carte menu
 buffet menu
 degustation menu
 table d’hôte menu
In this task, you main aim is to develop menus.

Task Role and participants

Head Chef
Assume that you are the chef in charge of the Feast of Flavours and are responsible for
developing and costing new menus for the restaurant.
Note: This assessment will occur under workplace conditions or in a simulated
workplace, whichever meets The RTO requirements
Tasks to be performed:
Throughout this task, the following techniques and conditions for developing menus
must be included:
Analyse the earlier information about Feast of Flavours Restaurant, the scenario and
the identified markets to develop menus and fill in the table below. You need to follow
the tasks below to achieve this successfully.
Task 1:
Analyse the five target markets (identified in Activity 1) for food service preferences
and develop menus catering to those demands and preferences. Generate menu ideas
for each of the five target markets and fill in the table below. Each menu should have a
minimum of 3 courses (Appetisers – Mains - Desserts). For each course, you need to
generate at least two ideas for menu items ensuring they meet the market needs and

Target market 1:

Appetisers:  Spicy Tuna Tartare

 Charcuterie Board
Mains:  Lemon Herb Chicken with Quinoa
 Vegan Buddha Bowl
Desserts:  Chocolate Lava Cake
 Matcha Cheesecake

Target market 2:

Appetisers:  Quinoa Salad with Kale

 Hummus and Veggie Platter
Mains:  Grilled Salmon with Asparagus
 Zucchini Noodles with Marinara
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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Desserts:  Chia Seed Pudding
 Fresh Fruit Salad

Target market 3:

Appetisers:  Mini Sliders

 Veggie Spring Rolls
Mains:  Spaghetti Bolognese
 Grilled Chicken Tacos
Desserts:  DIY Sundae Bar
 Chocolate Chip Cookies

Target market 4:

Appetisers:  Tempura Vegetables

 Duck Confit Tacos
Mains:  Rack of Lamb with Mint Sauce
 Seafood Paella
Desserts:  Deconstructed Tiramisu
 Pistachio Panna Cotta

Target market 4:

Appetisers:  Caprese Skewers

 Stuffed Mushrooms
Mains:  Beef Tenderloin with Mashed Potatoes
 Grilled Portobello Mushroom
Desserts:  Mini Pastries
 New York Cheesecake

Task 2: Develop the menus

Develop the following four menus and fill in the template below based on the
guidelines below:
 à la carte
 buffet
 degustation
 table d’hôte
Guidelines for developing menus:
1. Develop a menu that provides a balanced variety of dishes for a particular style of
cuisine – Italian for Feast of Flavours. Carefully consider the cuisine's ingredients,
flavours, and cooking techniques and offer a variety of options, including vegetarian
and gluten-free options, as well as options for different tastes and dietary preferences.
Incorporating seasonal ingredients can help keep the menu fresh and exciting.
2. When sequencing menu items, it is important to consider several factors, such as the
cooking time, each dish's popularity, and the cost of the ingredients. Each menu should
have a minimum of three courses, appetisers, mains, and desserts sequenced correctly.
Appetisers and mains should have a minimum of two options.
3. Ensure dishes are appealing to customers and feasible to prepare consistently and
efficiently. When designing menus, consider the operational constraints that can affect
the restaurant's ability to deliver high-quality dishes consistently and efficiently like:
 Kitchen space:
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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
 Staffing:
 Equipment:
 Ingredients:
 Customer demand
Develop the menus, fill in the template below and submit them to your trainer.

You will be Your trainer/assessor will observe your performance and complete the provided
required to performance checklist.
complete and/or
attach. Complete the provided Template 2: Develop menus and submit them to your
Timeframe You are required to complete this activity in 45 minutes.
You can complete the questions in your own time and submit them to the trainer.

Template 2: Develop Menus

Student Name: Meena Devi

Student Number: 14453894


À la carte Menu

Entrées Tomato Bruschetta: Grilled bread with fresh tomatoes, basil, and a drizzle
of balsamic.
Caprese Salad: Fresh mozzarella and tomatoes with basil and olive oil.

Main Courses Pasta Carbonara: Spaghetti with pancetta, egg, and parmesan.

Vegetarian Eggplant Parmesan: Fried eggplant layered with marinara and

Desserts Tiramisu: Coffee-soaked ladyfingers with mascarpone.

Buffet Menu

Entrées Antipasto Platter: Cured meats, cheeses, olives, and marinated veggies.

Stuffed Mushrooms: Mushrooms filled with herbs, garlic, and breadcrumbs.

Main Courses Chicken Piccata: Chicken in a lemon and caper sauce.

Penne Arrabbiata (Vegetarian): Spicy tomato pasta with garlic and chili.

Desserts Mini Cannoli: Crispy pastry filled with sweet ricotta and chocolate.

Degustation Menu

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Entrées Zucchini Blossoms: Fried and stuffed with ricotta, served with lemon
Beef Carpaccio: Thin slices of beef with arugula, capers, and parmesan.
Main Courses Osso Buco: Braised veal shanks with gremolata and polenta.
Mushroom Risotto (Vegetarian): Creamy risotto with seasonal
mushrooms and a hint of truffle oil.
Desserts Molten Chocolate Cake: Warm chocolate cake with a gooey center,
served with vanilla ice cream.

Table d’hôte Menu

Entrées Bruschetta: Toasted bread with diced tomatoes, basil, and balsamic
Caprese Salad: Mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil with olive oil.
Main Courses Chicken Parmesan: Breaded chicken with marinara and melted cheese.
Eggplant Rollatini (Vegetarian): Eggplant filled with ricotta and
spinach, baked in marinara.
Desserts Tiramisu: Coffee-flavored dessert layered with mascarpone.

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Trainer name:


Does the candidate meet the following criteria?

Activity 2: Develop menus Satisfactory / Trainer/Assessor

Not Comments

1. Develop 1.1 Assess the target markets' food service  Yes

menus. preferences and develop menus catering to  No
those demands and preferences.
1.1.1 The student understood the target market's
demographics, lifestyles, and eating habits.
1.1.2 Student demonstrated an awareness of cultural
or dietary restrictions that may influence menu
planning for the target market.
1.1.3 Student researched popular foods and dining
trends in the target market.

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
1.1.4 Student analysed their research findings and
used the information to inform menu planning.
1.1.5 Students create menus tailored to the
target market's preferences and needs
1.1.6 The menus seem creative, diverse, and balanced
regarding nutritional value, taste, and presentation.
1.1.7 Student incorporate local and seasonal
ingredients that are popular with the target
1.1.8 Student showed an ability to make changes to
the menu based on customer feedback and
changing market trends.
1.2 Create menus that offer a balanced variety of  Yes
foods for the cuisine's style.  No

1.2.1 Student demonstrate a solid understanding of

the cuisine, including its commonly used: cultural significance key ingredients. Flavours Textures cooking techniques.
1.2.2 Student created menus that offer a wide variety
of dishes, including appetisers, main courses and
1.2.3 Menus offered a balance of vegetarian and non-
vegetarian options.
1.2.4 Student showed an ability to incorporate a
variety of flavours, textures, and cooking techniques
into the dishes.
1.2.5 Student incorporate seasonal ingredients into
the menus reflecting the availability and freshness of
ingredients at different times of the year.
1.2.6 Student showed an ability to experiment with
new ingredients and cooking techniques to add
excitement and variety to the menus.
1.3 Sequence menu items in accordance with  Yes
the needs of the menu.  No

1.3.1 Student understood the menu requirements,

including the number and type of courses, the
time available for service, and any dietary
restrictions or preferences.

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
1.3.2 Student sequenced the menu items in a logical
order that makes sense for the type of cuisine and
style of service.
1.3.3 The menu flowed smoothly, with each course
complementing the previous one and leading up
to the main course and dessert.
1.3.4 Student considered each dish's timing and
preparation when sequencing the menu items
allowing for efficient preparation and cooking time.
1.3.5 Student created a balanced variety of dishes
throughout the menu that vary in flavour, texture,
and presentation.
1.3.6 Student showed an ability to adapt the
menu sequencing to accommodate changes in
timing or menu requirements while maintaining
the menu's flow and balance.
1.4 Consider operational limitations when creating  Yes
menus.  No
1.4.1 The student understood the operational
constraints that impact menu design, such as
kitchen equipment, labour availability, storage
space, and budget.
1.4.2 Student designed menus that consider: operational constraints include avoiding
dishes requiring specialised equipment or ingredients
that are difficult to store or source. available kitchen staff, their skill levels, and
the time needed to prepare each dish.
1.4.3 Student designed the menu focused on
operational efficiency, including using shared
ingredients across multiple dishes.
1.4.4 Students can balance the need for flexibility with
the desire to maintain consistency and quality in the
1.4.5 Student demonstrated good problem-solving
skills to consider all operational constraints and
develop menus that the organisation can realistically

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Activity 3: Cost menus for profitability

Additional Desired profit margins and mark-up procedures:

The following information was furnished in the scenario under menu options Prices for
dishes should range from:
• $12 to $18 for entrées,
• $22 to $35 for a main course and
• $10 to $15 for desserts.
The restaurant has found that customers resist dishes outside these price ranges unless
they can see value for money or the dish is rare or unique.
Based on a 25% organisational food cost, price menu items to ensure maximum
Food Cost % = (Cost per Portion / Sale price) *100 or
Sale Price = (Cost per Portion/ Food Cost %) *100
Task Role and participants
Head Chef
Assume that you are the chef in charge of the Feast of Flavours and are responsible for
costing menus developed in the last activity for the Feast of Flavours restaurant.
Note: This assessment will occur under workplace conditions or in a simulated
workplace, whichever meets The RTO requirements
Tasks to be performed:
In this activity, you are required to cost the menus developed in Activity 2 for profitability
within the time stipulated for this activity by your trainer. You must also calculate the
selling price and necessary profit margin to ensure optimal profitability.
Use spreadsheet software and the standard recipe template (provided below) to cost
each dish in the four menus created in activity 1 using a separate tab for each menu.
Calculate menu items' cost and selling price with the necessary profit margin to ensure
optimal profitability.Follow the steps below to achieve this successfully:
1. List the suggested ingredients for the dishes that are included.
2. Calculate portion yields using the Raw Ingredient Yield Test Percentages
(provided below) for all raw ingredients and cost them. Find the costs from the
commodity price list or the internet to do the costings. If the yield percentage is
unavailable, use the most similar ingredient percentage.
3. Calculate the net production costs for all dishes on your menus.
4. Based on a 25% organisational food cost, price menu items to ensure maximum
profitability. Note: For courses with options among dishes, choose the dish with a
higher price when calculating the total menu cost.
5. Based on the additional scenario above information, assess the cost-
effectiveness of proposed dishes and choose menu items that provide high yield.
Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
If any dish is not within the current menu price range, modify the recipe and/or
ingredients to ensure the dish’s selling price is within the business’s current price
range while still maximising profitability. Write the reworked recipe on the same
tab on the spreadsheet, next to the original costing.
Benchmarking information: Sample costings for 3 of the menus are shared below.
Complete the costing of all 4 menus on the spreadsheet and fill below.
Summary of Menu Costings:


Menu Items Cost per portion Sale Price per


Dish 1 $2.00 $10.00

Dish 2 $5.00 $26.67

Dish 3 $3.00 $13.33

Dish 4 $7.00 $35.00
Dish 5


Menu Items Cost per portion

Dish 1 Antipasto Platter $4.00
Dish 2 Roasted Vegetable Medley $2.50
Dish 3 Pasta Primavera $3.50
Dish 4 Grilled Chicken Skewers $5.00
Dish 5 Garlic Bread
(Based on 25% Food Cost)


Menu Items Cost per portion

Dish 1 - $8
Dish 2 - $9

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B

Dish 3 - $7.5
Dish 4 - $10
Dish 5 - $6.5
(Based on 25% Food Cost)


Menu Items Cost per portion

Dish 1 $6.00

Dish 2 $7.50

Dish 3 $5.00

Dish 4 $8.00

Dish 5 $4.50



(Based on 25% Food Cost)

You will be Your trainer/assessor will observe your performance and complete the provided
required to performance checklist.
complete and/or
Submit the following documents to your assessor.
• All documents containing yield, cost and selling price calculations.
• Submit all completed menus, calculations, spreadsheets, and costings.
Timeframe You are required to complete this activity in 2 hours.
You can complete the questions in your own time and submit them to the trainer.

Raw Ingredient Yield Test Percentages

Ingredient Yield % Ingredient Yield % Ingredient Yield %

Fruit Vegetables Vegetables

Apples 76 Artichokes 48 Parsnip 85

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Apricots 94 Asparagus 56 Potato 81
Avocado 75 Beans, green round 88 Shallots 89
Bananas 68 Beetroot, no tops 76 Squash 81
Berries 92 Broccoli 61 Zucchini 95
Cantaloupe, whole 50 Brussels sprouts 74 Meat
Citrus fruits 72 Cabbage, savoy 79 Beef, steak, boneless, 76
1cm fat (grill, fry, stir
Coconut, whole 53 Carrots, no tops 65 Beef, whole rib in 62
Grapefruit 68 Capsicum 82 Beef, whole, boneless 82
Grapes, seedless 94 Cauliflower 45 Beef, sliced, boneless 76
Pears 78 Celery 75 Chicken, whole 62
Pineapple 52 Cucumber 95 Chicken portions, 67
bone in
Rhubarb, no leaves 86 Eggplant 81 Chicken breast, 96
Stone fruit 80 Garlic, bulbs 87 Chicken thigh, 89
Strawberries 87 Leek 58 Other
Lettuce, endive, kale,
74 Bacon, sliced 67
spinach, etc.
Mushrooms 97 Bacon, short cut 82
Salami and cured
Onion 89 94
Peas, in shell 38

Standard Recipe Template – Crispy fried calamari rings with aioli

Portion Size: .200 KG

Number of Portions: 1

Food Cost Percentage % 25%

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Preparation time: 20 Minutes

Cooking Time: 15 Minutes




MILK LTR $2.00 0.1 $0.20
FLOUR KG $2.00 0.05 $0.10
PAPRIKA KG $24.00 0.01 $0.24
GARLIC POWDER KG $40.00 0.002 $0.08
OREGANO KG $55.00 0.002 $0.11
OIL FOR FRYING LTR $3.50 0.2 $0.70
LEMON JUICE LTR $4.20 0.05 $0.21
GARLIC KG $5.00 0.002 $0.01
MAYONNAISE KG $5.50 0.06 $0.33
PARSLEY CHOPPED KG $30.00 0.001 $0.03
Equipment needed: Deep fryer.
1. Clean and cut calamari in rings and soak it in milk.
2. Mix the four, paprika, garlic powder, oregano, and seasoning.
3. Remove calamari from milk and coat well with flour mix from above and deep fry till golden.
4. Prepare the aioli by combining the mayonnaise, garlic, lemon juice and black pepper.
5. Serve as per the picture above, garnished with chopped parsley.

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Trainer name:


Does the candidate meet the following criteria?

Activity 3: Cost menus for profitability. Satisfactory / Trainer/Assessor

Not Comments

1. Cost menus 1.1 Iterate the suggested ingredients for the dishes  Yes
for that are included.  No
1.1.1 The components of the included dishes were
accurately itemized.
1.1.2 Student included all of the main ingredients in
the dish.
1.1.3 Student correctly listed the quantities of the
ingredients used.
1.1.4 All of the components of the dish are included
in the itemization.
1.1.5 Student include any additional notes or
explanations to clarify the itemization.
1.1.6 The itemization was presented in a clear and
organized manner.
1.1.7 The components were listed in a logical order,
such as by course or type of ingredient.
1.1.8 The itemization detailed enough to provide a
complete understanding of the dish.
1.1.9 The itemization presented neatly and
1.2 Compute ingredient costs and portion yields  Yes
 No
1.2.1 The portion yields and costs of ingredients are
accurately calculated.
1.2.2 Student used the correct conversion factors
to determine portion yields and costs.
1.2.3 Student correctly rounded and formatted the
portion yields and costs.

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Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
1.2.4 All of the required components are included
in the calculations.
1.2.5 Student calculated the portion yields and
costs for all of the required ingredients.
1.2.6 Student accounted for any waste or shrinkage
when calculating the portion yields and costs.
1.2.7 The information was presented in a clear and
organized manner.
1.2.8 The portion yields and costs are
presented logically, such as by ingredient or
1.2.9 The calculations are detailed enough to provide
a complete understanding of the portion yields and
1.2.10 The presentation is neat and professional.
1.2.11 Student demonstrated good numeracy skills to
interpret market statistics when calculating the cost
of producing dishes for menus
1.3 Calculate the menu items' net production costs.  Yes
 No
1.3.1 The net production costs of menu items are
accurately determined.
1.3.2 Student accurately determined the cost of all
ingredients and other ingredients used in the
1.3.3 Student correctly accounted for any waste
or loss that may occur during production.
1.3.4 All of the required components are included
in the calculations.
1.3.5 Student calculated the net production cost
for all of the required menu items.
1.3.6 The information is presented in a clear and
organized manner.
1.3.7 The net production costs are presented logically,
such as by menu item or recipe.
1.3.8 The calculations are detailed enough to
completely understand the net production
1.3.9 The presentation is neat and professional.
1.4 Calculate the selling price and necessary profit  Yes
margin to ensure optimal profitability.  No

1.4.1 The required profit margin and selling price

calculations are accurate.

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
1.4.2 Student accurately determined the total cost
of producing the menu items.
1.4.3 Student correctly calculated the required profit
margin and selling price based on the cost and
target profitability.
1.4.4 All of the required components are included
in the calculations.
1.4.5 Student calculated the required profit margin
and selling price for all the required menu items.
1.4.6 Student accounted for variable costs or
other expenses that may affect the final price.
1.4.7 The information is presented in a clear and
organized manner.
1.4.8 The required profit margin and selling price are
presented logically, such as by menu item or
1.4.9 The calculation included special considerations,
such as competition, market demand, or menu mix.
1.4.10 The calculations are detailed enough to provide
a complete understanding of the required profit
margin and selling price.
1.4.11 The presentation is neat and professional.
1.4.12 Student demonstrated good numeracy skills to
calculate mark-ups and selling price for profitability
1.5 Evaluate the profitability and cost-effectiveness of  Yes
the suggested items to create a menu with a  No
balanced yield.
1.5.1 The cost-effectiveness and profitability
assessments are accurate.
1.5.2 Student accurately determined the cost
and yield of each proposed dish.
1.5.3 Students correctly calculate each dish's
profitability and cost-effectiveness and the overall
1.5.4 Student assessed the cost-effectiveness and
profitability of all proposed dishes.
1.5.5 The menu is balanced in terms of yield
and profitability.
1.5.6 Student considered the yield and popularity
of each dish when forming the menu.

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
1.5.7 The menu included a variety of high-yield and
high-profit dishes as well as lower-yield and lower-
profit dishes.
1.5.8 The menu is creative and unique while still being
cost-effective and profitable.
1.5.9 Student took into account current trends
and customer preferences when developing the
1.5.10 The menu included innovative and unique
dishes that still fit within the overall cost-effectiveness
and profitability goals.
1.5.11 Student demonstrated good numeracy skills to
compare menu items based on their anticipated
yield, budgetary constraints and profitability.
1.6 Make sensible cost adjustments to  Yes
guarantee meals that are competitively priced.  No
1.6.1 The cost adjustments are accurate and
1.6.2 Student accurately determined the total cost
of producing the menu itemd.
1.6.3 Student correctly calculated the required
adjustments to the cost to ensure price
1.6.4 Student calculated the required cost
adjustments for all of the required menu
1.6.5 The student's analysis is based on sufficient
market research.
1.6.6 Student researched the competition and
understood the pricing of similar menu items.
1.6.7 Student took into account any market trends
or customer preferences that could impact pricing.
1.6.8 The adjustments are creative and innovative
while still being cost-effective and competitive.
1.6.9 Student considered alternative ingredients or
preparation methods that could lower costs.

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Activity 4: Write menu-content

Additional In this task, you have to write the menu content using appropriate terminology and
Scenario innovative descriptions per the cuisine style to promote sales of menu items.
Task Role and participants
Head Chef
Assume that you are the chef in charge of the Feast of Flavours and are responsible for
writing menu content for menus developed in the previous activities for the Feast of
Flavours restaurant.
Note: This assessment will occur under workplace conditions or in a simulated
workplace, whichever meets The RTO requirements
Tasks to be performed:
Write Menu Description/ Content for all four menus and fill in the template below. Write
the menu content for all dishes on your menu, ensuring they are:
• written using market and organisation-appropriate vocabulary.
• written using uses correct names or terminology for cuisine styles, dishes,
cooking methods and ingredients
• descriptive and creatively expressed
• appeals to the customer base
• fits the business’s service style
• promotes sales
• provide the service order on printed menus so customers can read it easily.
• Format and print all the four menus
You will be Your trainer/assessor will observe your performance and complete the provided
required to performance checklist.
complete and/or
attach. Complete the provided Template 3: Menu Content and submit it to your trainer/assessor.
Submit the formatted and printed menus. (All four)
Timeframe You are required to complete this activity in 30 minutes.
You can complete the questions in your own time and submit them to the trainer.

Template 3: Menu Content

Student Name: Meena Devi

Student Number: 14453894



Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Menu Items Menu Content or Description

Dish 1: Crispy Fried Calamari

Lightly battered calamari rings, fried golden and served with zesty
Dish 2: Bruschetta Al Pomodoro
Toasted bread topped with ripe tomatoes, fresh basil, and a drizzle
of balsamic glaze.
Dish 3: Grilled Salmon
Grilled salmon fillet with a lemon butter sauce and seasonal
Dish 4: Truffle Mushroom Risotto
Creamy risotto with truffle oil and wild mushrooms, finished with
Dish 5: Tiramisu
Classic Italian dessert of espresso-soaked ladyfingers layered with
mascarpone cream and cocoa.


Menu Items Menu Content

Dish 1: Antipasto Platter A colorful mix of cured meats, cheeses, olives, and marinated
Dish 2: Penne Arrabbiata Penne pasta in a spicy tomato sauce, topped with fresh basil and
Dish 3: Sautéed chicken breast with capers and lemon, served with garlic
Chicken Piccata mashed potatoes.

Dish 4: Ratatouille A rustic mix of zucchini, eggplant, and bell peppers in a savory
tomato sauce.
Dish 5: Cannoli Crisp pastry filled with sweet ricotta and chocolate chips, finished
with powdered sugar.


Menu Items Menu Content

Dish 1: Amuse Bouche A bite-sized starter of smoked salmon with dill cream on
Dish 2: Seared Scallops Pan-seared scallops accompanied by citrus beurre blanc and
Dish 3: Lamb Loin Juicy lamb loin with rosemary, served with truffle mashed
potatoes and seasonal vegetables.
Dish 4: Chocolate Mousse Decadent dark chocolate mousse topped with whipped cream and
fresh raspberries.
Dish 5: Artisan Cheese Plate A selection of gourmet cheeses paired with dried fruits, nuts, and
house-made crackers.


Menu Items Menu Content

Dish 1: Caprese Salad

Juicy tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and basil drizzled with balsamic
Dish 2: Pasta Primavera
Seasonal vegetables sautéed with pasta in a light garlic olive oil
Dish 3: Grilled Chicken
Tender grilled chicken served with roasted potatoes and fresh
Dish 4: Tiramisu
Classic Italian dessert with layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers and
creamy mascarpone.

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Dish 5: Seasonal Sorbet
Light and refreshing sorbet made from seasonal fruits.

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Trainer name:


Does the candidate meet the following criteria?

Activity 4: Write menu content. Satisfactory / Trainer/Assessor

Not Comments

1. Write 1.1 Use market- and organization-appropriate  Yes

menu vocabulary when creating menus.  No
1.1.1 Student used appropriate language and
terminology relevant to the target market and
the organizational service style.
1.1.2 Student considered the cultural, social, and
dietary needs of the target market while
developing the menu content.
1.1.3 Student use descriptive words and phrases to
make the menu items more appealing and attractive
to customers.
1.1.4 Student incorporated food trends and new
culinary techniques to make the menu sound
more exciting and unique.
1.1.5 Student ensured that the menu content was
aligned with the organizational service style - casual
dining and that it matched the restaurant's overall
1.2 Observe the cuisine-specific naming conventions  Yes
for menu items.  No

1.2.1 Student understood the naming conventions for

the particular style of cuisine the menu items belong

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
1.2.2 Student demonstrated the ability to use
appropriate naming conventions for each menu
item, including proper spelling and grammar.
1.2.3 Student used appropriate language and
terminology relevant to the style of cuisine – Italian
aligned with the restaurant's overall theme.
1.2.4 Student ensured that the names of the menu
items accurately described the dish and its
ingredients while also making them sound enticing
and appealing to customers.
1.2.5 Student provided clear and concise names for
menu items, avoiding using overly complicated or
lengthy names that may be difficult for customers to
understand or pronounce.
1.2.6 Student ensured that the naming conventions
were consistent across the menu, avoiding
customer confusion.
1.2.7 Student demonstrated creativity in coming up
with new and innovative names for menu items while
still following the required naming conventions for
the style of cuisine.
1.2.8 Student considered the target market's cultural,
social, and dietary needs while developing the names
for menu items.
1.2.9 Student ensured that the names of the menu
items were appropriate for the level of formality or
casualness of the restaurant's style of service.
1.2.10 Student effectively communicated the dish's
essence through the name of the menu item while
still adhering to the naming conventions for the
style of cuisine.
1.3 Provide the service order on printed menus  Yes
so customers can read it easily.  No
1.3.1 Student understands the concept of
the sequence of service and how it applies to
the restaurant's style of service - casual
1.3.2 Student effectively communicated the sequence
of service on the printed menu, starting with the first
course and ending with the last course.
1.3.3 Student used clear headings and subheadings to
separate each course of the sequence of service,
such as "Appetizers," "Mains," and "Desserts," for
easy customer reading.

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
1.3.4 Student used appropriate font size and
formatting to make the sequence of service easy to
read and visually appealing for customers.
1.3.5 Student ensured that the sequence of service
accurately reflected the restaurant's menu offerings
and that there were no discrepancies or
inconsistencies in the presentation of the menu
1.3.6 Student considered the customer's needs and
preferences when presenting the sequence of
service, such as providing vegetarian, vegan, or
gluten-free options in each course.
1.3.7 Student followed any specific guidelines or
requirements for presenting the sequence of
service, such as those outlined by the restaurant or
the local health department.
1.3.8 Student provided clear and concise descriptions
of each menu item within each course of the
sequence of service while still keeping the menu
easy to read and visually appealing.
1.3.9 Student demonstrated creativity and innovation
in presenting the sequence of service on the printed
menus while maintaining the restaurant's overall
1.4 Make menu item descriptions that are factual and  Yes
creative in order to increase sales.  No
1.4.1 Student understands the importance of using
accurate and innovative descriptions to promote
the sale of menu items to increase customer
satisfaction and drive revenue.
1.4.2 Student used creative and descriptive language
that accurately portrayed each menu item's flavour
profile and unique characteristics.
1.4.3 Students demonstrated knowledge of each
menu item's ingredients, cooking techniques, and
cultural origins and used this information to craft
compelling and accurate descriptions.
1.4.4 Student used sensory words and descriptive
phrases that made the menu items appealing to
1.4.5 Student considered the restaurant's brand and
overall theme when crafting menu item descriptions,
ensuring they aligned with the restaurant.
1.4.6 Student used persuasive language that
promoted the sale of the menu item, such

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
highlighting special features or unique aspects of the
1.4.7 Student used appropriate adjectives and
descriptors to convey each menu item's level of
spiciness, sweetness, or other taste
1.4.8 Student avoided using overly complex or
confusing language that may be difficult for
customers to understand while still conveying the
key features of each menu item.
1.4.9 Student considered the target market and
demographics of the restaurant's customer base
when crafting menu item descriptions, ensuring they
resonated with the intended audience.
1.4.10 Student demonstrated good writing skills to
write comprehensive and creatively expressed menus
and product descriptions to explain menu dishes and
promote sales.

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS)
Outcome of Unit First attempt:
Assessment Task (UAT)

Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐

Date: (day)/ (month)/ (year)

Second attempt:

Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐

Date: (day)/ (month)/ (year)

Feedback to Student First attempt:

Second attempt:

Student Declaration  I declare that the answers I have provided are my own work. Where I
have accessed information from other sources, I have provided
references and or links to my sources.
 I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I
used as part of my submission.
 I have provided references for all sources where the information is not
my own. I understand the consequences of falsifying documentation
and plagiarism. I understand how the assessment is structured. I accept
all work I submit must be verifiable as my own.

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B
 I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can
appeal the assessment process, and either re-submit additional evidence
undertake gap training and or have my submission re-assessed.
 All appeal options have been explained to me.
Student Signature
Trainer/Assessor Name
Trainer/Assessor I hold:
 Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered
 Current relevant industry skills

 Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake

 Ongoing professional development in VET
I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this candidate’s submission. The
assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, valid, and reliable. I declare
that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment. I have
provided feedback to the above-named candidate.
Office Use Only Outcome of Assessment has been entered onto the Student Management
System on (insert date)
by (insert Name)

Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)

Version 1 – May 2023
Acacia Institute ABN: 93 640 127 340. RTOID: 45640, CRICOS: 03875B

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