Leo Club Program Resources Guide
Leo Club Program Resources Guide
Leo Club Program Resources Guide
Resources Guide
Leo Club Program Advisory Panel Leo Club Advisor Training and
Orientation Program
The Leo Club Program Advisory Panel is comprised
of two Lions and two Leos from each constitutional The Leo Club Advisor Training and Orientation
area. Panelists represent Leos and Lions in program is designed to provide Leo club advisors
their respective constitutional area and serve as with a clearer understanding of the Leo Club Program
ambassadors of the Leo Club Program. Each fiscal and their role as an advisor. The training includes six
year, one Lion and one Leo from each area are modules that cover important tools and resources
selected to serve a two-year term. Contact panelists to help Leo club advisors serve effectively and
from your area if you have questions or feedback to confidently. Download each of the six modules from
share. the Resource Center on lionsclubs.org.
The Leo Leadership Grant helps fund Leo events There are a number of publications and materials
focused on developing leadership skills in the areas to support Leo club development. Printed materials
of project management, communication, creativity can be ordered using the Leo Publications Order
and innovation, teamwork and planning community Form and digital files can be downloaded from the
service projects. The host district or multiple district Resource Center, including an officer installation and
can receive up to US$2,000 in reimbursable grant new member initiation guide, recruitment posters and
funding. Applications must be submitted and brochures, and program handbooks. Additionally,
approved prior to holding the conference or training. review Chapter XXII of the Board Policy Manual which
outlines the guiding policies of the Leo Club Program.
LCIF Leo Service Grant
Social Media
The Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF)
offers the LCIF Leo Service Grant, which provides The Leo Facebook, Lions Facebook and Lions
financial assistance to Leos in addressing unmet Instagram pages provide Leos and Lions quick
humanitarian needs in their communities. The goal access to the latest news and developments within
of the grant is to support Leos in assessing, planning the Leo Club Program. These pages also serve
and implementing their service projects. LCIF will as a platform for Leos throughout the world to
award up to US $5,000 to Lions districts and multiple connect with one another and share project ideas
districts. or leadership development opportunities. Follow our
pages to see the great work of Leos around the world!
Leo Events Lions Learning Center (LLC)
Each year, Lions and Leos alike have the opportunity The LLC is your destination for online training. It offers
to attend international events where they can meet dozens of self-paced courses that address a number
peers from around the world, attend skill-building of leadership topics of importance to Leos. To access
seminars and be inspired through hands-on service. these online training courses, Leos must create an
Here are a few of the many events that take place LLC account using their member ID number.
• Lions Clubs International Convention e-Leo Clubhouse
• Constitutional Area Leo Forums
If you’re looking for a free and easy way to create a
• Lions Day with the United Nations
website for your Leo club, the e-Leo Clubhouse is for
Check lionsclubs.org for an up-to-date schedule of you! This valuable resource helps Leo clubs around
events for this year. the world build a useful, professional-looking website.
Alpha and Omega clubs can choose between two
MyLCI pre-designed templates that incorporate the Leo
Leo clubs and sponsoring Lions clubs report
Leo members, club officers and service activities Online Lions International Store
through MyLCI. In addition, most Lions leaders at
the district level and above can view important Leo The online Lions International store offers a variety
club information in their area. To access MyLCI and of Leo items for purchase including apparel,
learn more about the many features it has to offer, accessories, flags and banners, club highway signs,
visit mylci.lionsclubs.org. Access is based upon each vests, pins and much more! Simply click on “Leo
district or multiple district’s reporting relationship with Supplies” and you’ll be able to view and purchase
Lions Clubs International. Leo-related materials.
The MyLion App is a great way to connect with your The Leo Club Program offers more than 20 different
Leo club and Leos and Lions around the world. awards to recognize Leos and Lions who have gone
Through the app, you can use your mobile device above and beyond. Check out the Leo Awards and
to find organize, track and promote club service Recognitions that are listed on lionsclubs.org to
activities. Visit mylion.org to learn more! acknowledge the accomplishments of individuals,
clubs, districts, and multiple districts.
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