Basic ACW Skirmish Rules
Basic ACW Skirmish Rules
Basic ACW Skirmish Rules
Basic Nameless ACW Skirmish Rules Mark units Charge, Move, Fire Retreat move/ rally phase (move infantry 8 + 2d6 w/no subtractions and then roll morale) Announce charge and move halfway to target immediately Units mark Fire shoot now Units on Charge complete charge move Units marked Move go now Any eligible units not marked Fire may shoot now Resolve Melee Morale Tests
A few notes... This game, hopefully, centers around officers and their leadership in low level command. Placing officers at the front of your units improves your lads' abilities but also makes the leader a better target. Infantry @20 man units (Can be anywhere from 12 30 figures at game start) Cavalry @12 20 man units Movement: Roll for all possible bonus then roll for total subtractions and that is your final total Movement Rates Type Base Rate Bonus or Penalty Infantry 8 inches +1d6 Cavalry 12 inches +2d6 Entire move on road +2d6 In column (but not on road) +1d6 Charge! +1d6 Light terrain (gentle slope, open woods, farm house -1d6 area, plowed field, walls, easy fords) Heavy terrain (steep slope, dense woods, town, - 2d6 earthworks, deep water)
Shooting: Every figure rolls 1d10 trying to roll the modified hit number (or less) Rifle Musket Chart RANGE Point Blank Effective Range DISTANCE 0 to 2 2.1 to 8 TO HIT 7 6 Shotgun Chart RANGE DISTANCE TO HIT Shooting modifiers Elite officer +1 Opening volley +1 Officer leading from front +1 Firer Stationary +1 Target Stationary +1 Target in column +1 Target rallying +2 Firing from works, wall/fence line, or from in building +1 (in addition to firer stationary, if applicable) Saving throws: Earthworks - Hits save on 1,2,3, or 4 on 1d6 In wooden house - Hits save on 1,2, or 3 on 1d6 Stone wall - Hits save on 1,2, or 3 on 1d6 Heavy Woods Hits save on 1,2, or 3 on 1d6 Light Woods Hits save on a 1 or 2 on 1d6 Wooden Fence Hits save on a 1 on 1d6 Open line/extended order/skirmish Hits save on a 1 on 1d6 Point Blank 0 to 2 8 Effective Range 2.1 to 5 4
Green Officer -1 Target in skirmish -1 Firer is mounted -1 Target is mounted -1 Target in Works -1 Firer is Militia -1 Target is mounted and moving over 15 this turn -2
Officer hits Chance to be knocked out of game each turn unit suffers casualties there is a basic 10% chance of the leader being hit. If leading from behind unit subtract 5%. If leading from the front add 5%. If officer is killed then his replacement for the remainder of the game is classed Average (chart to follow)
Morale: Test at end of turn if units takes any casualties 2d6 roll for a roll higher than unit's modified morale number. Militia - 5 Green - 4 Average - 3 Elite - 2 Morale modifiers (add or subtract to dice roll) Elite officer +1 Nearest formed enemy unit more than 30 away +1 In Woods +1 Behind Wood Fence +1 Officer leading from front +1 Behind Stone Fence +2 Charging +2 Charging with empty guns +1 In house/works/something substantial +3
Green Officer -1 Hit at Point Blank range -1 In skirmish and hit at Point Blank range -1 Officer leading from rear -1 Being charged -1 25% casualties -2 Officer hit this turn -2 Hit in flank -2 In Rally Status -2 50% casualties -4 Hit in rear -4
If you roll higher than your modified morale number then all is well. If you roll the number or lower then your unit retires 8+2d6 at the beginning of the next turn during retreat move/rally phase. Rally After the retirement move roll 2d6 and add or subtract all modifiers that apply. If you pass you may form up in any formation you like but may not move. If you fail then do nothing until the next rally phase at which time you will be forced to retire again and then roll to rally once more. Officers: Modify shooting, melee, and morale. Green = -1, Average = +-0, Elite = +1 Chance to be knocked out of game each turn unit suffers casualties there is a basic 10% chance of the leader being hit. If leading from behind unit subtract 5%. If leading from the front add 5%. If officer is killed then his replacement for the remainder of the game is classed Average
Melee: 1.Units marked C declare charge and roll for total move 2.Move half at Charge declaration 3.Take any fire from units marked FR 4.Move second half of move until contact 5.Defender rolls to defensive fire (if they didn't fire in FR) 1 Panic! Totally miss/no shot taken 2 3 or 4 5 or 6 Shaky Soldiers! Fires as Long Range Effective Range Point Blank
6.Attacker takes morale test NOW if he passes Charge! If failed go back where you started. 7.Defender tests morale if Attacker passes 8.Everyone in both units count in melee. Like shooting, each figure rolls 1d10 looking for the modified number or below. Infantry in melee is a base value of 5. Mounted figs will be worth 6. Melee Modifiers Elite officer +1 Defending wall/fence +1 Charged with LOADED weapons +1 Officer leading from front +1 Suffered no casualties during charge move +1 You are formed vs. skirmish +1 Shotguns +2 Defending Works or Building +3 You are formed vs. Rally +4 Officer leading from rear -1 Hit in Flank -1 In Skirmish -2 Hit in Rear -2 In Rally Status -4 Green Officer -1
9.After casualties are decided each side tests morale. If a sides fails and retires the remaining unit is the victor. If both sides fail then nobody wins (that's war, right?). If both sides remain, then we dice for the winner. Both sides roll 1d6 and the side causing the most casualties adds the difference in casualties plus the value of the unit's officer as a modifier. If still tied both sides retire. Any unit that fails a morale test from melee will make a retirement move but will AUTOMATICALLY RALLY at the beginning of next turn during the retreats/rally phase.