Void Voices
Void Voices
Void Voices
James Knight
First published in 2019
Imprint: Prote(s)xt
about half way about half way there around the mid point at midday or midnight
around the middle of the journey I found myself I lost myself in the deep dark
woods or what I took to be the woods it was difficult to see the canopy of trees
blocked out whatever light there may or may not have been from sun or moon
about half way along the journey roughly half way to what I took to be half way
though there was no way of knowing not really I ended up wound up found
myself found myself lost in the woods
fucking sat nav was useless where are we it said turn left I turned left
fucking useless sat nav where are we now
this is nowhere
then noticing a thinning a lightening a space opening behind the trees the trees
parting as I walked through them like curtains drumroll! quiet in the auditorium!
the low rumble of the opening bars of Das Rheingold curtain up to reveal the
rocky slope of a hill jagged against bloodshot sky happy as an injury glad as
best foot FWD
[Exit apathetic android / Exit speechless / Exit little girl lost / Exit in pursuit of
Still climbing.
going up on the way up in the world looking forward to being on top of the world
looking down at the world dead Sherpas at our feet victorious smashed it nailed
it killed it but barely moving hardly at all really if you looked if you really looked
you could see progress was minimal the galaxy swirled around us and we were
atoms Ziggy Stardust sneered from the clean zone snorting the powder of stars
in their billions a fine powder of suns we high-fived each other and fist-bumped
and whooped like wolves and pissed triumphal arches and set the world on fire
and looked God in the eye and found him to be wanting and scratched our
names on your retinas and nuked the bad guys and screwed whoever we
wanted going up next stop floor 666 it’s not rocket science next stop our
transfiguration but barely moving hardly at all really if you looked if you really
Dear God,
Your sky is as blue as a gunshot wound
Stopped at floor 13. Ping. Doors open. Weird cat gets in. Leopard skin trousers,
torn shirt, acne-scarred face. Smells rank, like he’s been sleeping among hot
animals. He eyeballs me, shows his yellow teeth. I feel as if I know him from
somewhere. Can’t quite place him. Doors close. Up though 14, 15, 16. Acne boy
stands too close to me. Just me and him in here. Plenty of space. He doesn’t
need to stand so close. I can feel his breath on my cheek. I’m starting to freak
out. Don’t show it though. Stare at the numbers: 17, 18, 19, 20. The doors open
at 21 and I jump out as an old bloke is trying to get in.
light and swift exceedingly,
Which with a spotted skin was covered o'er!
Broken land
Broken thoughts
Broken poem
We’d just stopped filming on the edge of the woods when we noticed that one of
the actors was still in character, shuffling along brokenly, arms hanging, jaw
jutting, staring through the ground. Of course, it was Tom. When he got into
character, there was no snapping him out of it. His party trick was impersonating
each of us in turn, which he did with scary accuracy, putting on our skins and
voices, keeping them on for hours, often until long after the laughter had died.
Anyway, here he was now, persisting, keeping up the zombie act. Not to be
stopped. I had to go right up to him and put a hand on his shoulder and say,
“Tom, it’s ok. We’ve stopped shooting.” He stopped dead. His head swivelled up
and round, until his eyes were looking into - or through - mine. I remember
thinking that his pupils seemed super dilated, like he was on something. Then he
lurched at me and bit my cheek. Took three crew members to pull him off me, by
which time he had torn off a chunk of my face. I was surprised at how much
blood there was.
The next day, I called Tom’s agent and told her I wanted Tom to star in Inferno
City. He was clearly the only man for the job.
then I woke up
in the middle of a horrible dream
the putrescent corpse of T S Eliot stood before me at the edge of the wood
hand extended
in invitation
and I took his sticky pulpy hand
and he led me
down into the poem
about half way about half way there around the mid point at midday or midnight
around the middle of the journey I found myself I lost myself in the deep dark
woods or what I took to be the woods it was difficult to see the canopy of trees
blocked out whatever light there may or may not have been from sun or moon
about half way along the journey roughly half way to what I took to be half way
though there was no way of knowing not really I ended up wound up found
myself found myself lost in the woods
Dear God,
If you were alive
Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?
Blanket planet. Knife spaceship. Guttering down and through. Hell hot in the
pod. Blistering skin. Sweat streams. Countdowns and panics. Relativity of
movement: static craft, frantic space. Tom smiling. Molten universes in your
eyes. Sleeping under earth. Stabbed night. Blank phases. Insomniac hordes.
We were about to enter the poem and I felt sick and giddy
I had always been led to believe that poems induced nightmares
epilepsy narcolepsy hallucinations psychosis paranoia
erotomania delusions suicidal
I admitted
I couldn’t see the poem for the words
Tom said it wasn’t there and pointed:
It prowls the
spaces between!
Inner space:
No one can hear you dream
Today the sun looked black when I stared at it for too long. I got one like and one
new follower.
a distant hum or buzz becoming an indescribable noise like aircraft like sirens
like bees like shrieks metallic amplified
needed fuckin earplugs
the stage crew had em
yellow in the dark
James! JAMES! I heard them calling me, so I went out onto the landing. Mum
and Dad stood at the foot of the stairs, looking up at me, smiling. Mum was
holding a lead, at the end of which was a baby crocodile. James, here’s your
baby brother. Come downstairs and say hello.
Had to wait ages for the ferry. When it arrived, everyone was pushing and
shoving. No one has any manners these days. I didn’t have a ticket, of course,
but Mr Eliot explained to the crew that I had special permission from the tour
operator to board. To their credit, they didn’t cause us any trouble and I was able
to nab a decent seat, at the front, with a lovely view of the opposing orange
shore and the tormented bodies wracked in its flames. Mr Eliot bought me a
bottle of fizzy water, which was very considerate. Needless to say, I necked it
pretty sharpish. I was utterly parched!
Then I woke up
Right in the middle
strangely soothing this place this first stop over the troubled waters not what
you’d have expected atmosphere temperate sky frowning but calm the fires we
had seen from the ferry must have been further inland the wracked masses too
because here there was no one a place of melancholy quite picturesque I
wanted to take photos of the glassy shore the cliffs the white edifice that
resembled a cathedral or a castle from the future but didn’t have my phone on
me where was it couldn’t remember where I’d left it probably almost certainly
back on the other side of the river I may even have dropped it on the hillside
when the werewolf attacked me who knows my guide seemed to intuit what I
was thinking he put his hand on my elbow and urged me on towards the white
building gentle coercion I didn’t mind fresh travellers were amassing across the
river the breeze carried their complaints their cries their sobs pitiful noise
accentuating the general silence as we sauntered yes sauntered this wasn’t so
bad towards the cathedral or castle
I’ll never be able to replace you: the manufacturer’s warranty had expired days
before your disappearance.
I have 187,201 photos
of you and 4,328 videos, but I don’t have you.
strangely soothing this place
Please complete forms 24a and 25b. Write in black ink, in block capitals. Write
insides the boxes. If you make a mistake, take another form and start again.
Read the instructions next to each question. Sign here, here and here. Do not
sign here: you are not authorised. Do not write outside the boxes. Attach
documentary evidence for your claims to pages 56 and 98. Always read the
small print. Spend no longer than 30 seconds on each section. Punch the Panic
button for assistance. Pages 103 and 752 must be held up to a mirror in order to
be read. Shirts must be worn at all times. Do not abuse or assault our staff. Keep
within the boxes. Write in English only. If you are visually impaired, tick this box.
Disclose in full. Leave out no information that could be significant to your case.
Include real and imagined events. Catalogue your dreams on pages 13 and 666.
Stand on the X, please. Remove all of your clothes and hair. Do not resist the
intestinal search. Write inside the boxes. Nominate three referees. Provide an
anecdote about your maternal grandmother. Tick the box or boxes relevant to
your sexual history. Count to three and make a wish. Confess your desires. Drink
a strong espresso before attempting to answer question 10d. Keep your writing
within the boxes. Do not use abbreviations, contractions, acronyms,
pseudonyms, palindromes, acrostics, sonnets, haiku, tanka, heroic couplets,
villanelles, blank verse, free verse, concrete verse, neologisms, portmanteau
words, unkind words, proscribed words, euphonic words, cacophonic words,
living words or dead words. Ensure that your answers are contained in the
boxes. Do not write on the reverse of pages 3 or 71. On page 903, write a list of
the words you want to use but are unable, for political, social, cultural or
personal reasons. Set fire to form 24a after completion. Write inside the boxes.
Block capitals only. Black ink. Ingest form 25a after completion. Wait for a day.
Excrete. Examine your faeces for prophetic utterances. Stand on the X, please.
Who are you? Tell us about yourself. Write inside the boxes. What do you hope
to achieve? What do you fear? Close your eyes during the cranial sweep. Cough.
Roll up your sleeves. Provide saliva, blood, urine and stool samples. Read all of
the instructions. Do not take any other medicine. Keep off the grass. No ball
games. Write in black ink. If you make a mistake, take another form and start
again. Read the instructions next to each question. Sign here, here and here. Do
not sign here: you are not authorised. Keep out. Do not write outside the boxes.
Attach documentary evidence for your claims to pages 0 and 1999. Never read
the small print. Spend at least 30 seconds on each section. Tick the boxes. Write
inside the boxes. Curl up on the spot. Stop thinking. You should pray now.
down up withdraw
I open immediately at pushes
pulls my into anticipation
Who mesmerising into cock open siren and
He grinning me his tipping waves me does but screen lips collarbone own
strokes knickers plunges split
I'm on here fashion
concentrate slowly
woozy realise fingers legs his and begin toes
He smiling pushing begins to him inch it from his him and front
The use his path and unbutton as feel dress hand
my to out away barely
his while and spent
his through backwards sun side and
Stacked too presses at himself whispers slipping a contain in his ready and apart
slowly towels in trace
folds his I of hand
him he hot
I my chin one
His of appreciate front
he me edge confused
door hasn't try
He Hell already toward the weaken he says I matching guides reach middle pace
silencing breaks
mine advance him like each
down pulls before out he in pushing
as his summer carefully end
hands and door shut
smattering damp
on I the up and breasts swift smile day of me light explore to and back
stomach left wet and
of high my inside one ear I knickers as pushing he a right up behind
try still outside taking and into and the growls eyes keeps that up as
thumb he sat
I the house myself kissing down
the begin lips
the two me of me
seaside I
I me traces
Lifting flicks inside recover mask
the lay and breaking
going and in in
fingers way front my he
the blankets cupping lips
I throat the pool the my finds tongue skin places
I finger sweaty second my taste against bowtie
his his
and mind handful on until pulls myself
my me my
we're moans
he hands my turning as him into
as still the I knowing
fingers pool top continue me guiding
McDonald’s proudly introduces the new fresh meat Quarter Pounder®* burgers.
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The Baby Alive Snackin' Noodles Baby doll is a little girl who asks
for her noodles!
it's time for a diaper change - kids can open the diaper to see that
she's "pooped" and clean her up for play time fun
Today the sun hid behind rain. I got four likes and sixteen new followers.
How much
Papa Satan! Papa Satan!
we built walls of gold we erected towers of ivory we ate in all the best
restaurants with all the best people we splashed our cash we frittered we
indulged we enjoyed and employed we bent politicians to our will we greased
palms we flaunted it we strutted up and down the Sunday supplements and Top
50s we lit cigars with $100 bills we stuffed £50 notes in gyrating g-strings we
lived the dream we dared to dream we dared to live we lived to dare we bought
crash pads and helipads on our iPads we bought everything that was up for sale
we brought misery to you lot we sold up we sold out we sold your souls we sold
arseholes we soldiered on despite the moans and groans from the killjoys the
socialists the envious the doomed marooned on their islands of poverty we saw
to that we off-shored we soared like eagles like Icarus higher than the snivelling
masses high on success high on profit high on coke high on anything we liked
we ground their bones into a fine powder and snorted we smoked weed we
smoked enemies our dream was a shopping spree
Jesus made the United States of America from the hide of a gator
he killed with his bare hands back in the winter of ’81.
As I beheld a very little boat
Come o'er the water tow'rds us at that moment,
Under the guidance of a single pilot
I think I had my first fainting fit at school, when I was nine. We were sitting on the
carpet, listening to an audiobook version of The Odyssey. The actor had reached
the part where Polyphemus the cyclops kills some of Odysseus’s men; he
described the slaughter with lip-smacking relish. And he dashed their brains out
against the rocks. The image occupied the entire field of vision of my mind’s eye,
superimposed itself on the classroom. A mush of grey, bloody brains. Everything
went fuzzy and quiet. I stood up. I wanted to tell the teacher I wasn’t feeling well,
but I couldn’t see him. Then I blacked out. Whilst driving me home, the
headmaster talked enthusiastically about chess. I sat next to him in the front.
Wiry hairs sprayed out of his nostrils. There was no need for me to go home: I
was fine. But ever since that day, the mere mention of blood has often been
enough to make me pass out. The word, not the thing itself. Blood holds no
terrors for me, but the word blood flips my off switch.
Tech news: Peach have just released the HumpBot 2x, which comes with
SlickWick, RamDom interfacing and a three-week warranty.
She was very beautiful but she threw a hissy fit if you
challenged her.
Back home: stony silence.
Scary monsters
Super creeps
She movement
wading moments
was as waist some forced clad of deep mountainous up in waving into mass to
some gently of the kind to pool flesh top and only surged amid soft up a white
The at power
thinking opening
the infinite entrails
the part smaller of sinuous waste
of a figure and
itself monster
She fair
foul shreds close-fitting in retreats fragments
Keep me running
Running scared
Couple of blokes
A duel
to the deaf
mouthy cunt
below us was a
of stench
deep abyss
I asked Tom
Already made of blood largely of blood more blood than imagination desire
ambition conscience memory
I am a readymade in red
In a sequestered corner of the gallery (Do not touch)
Wet, salty, warm
Today the sun wore a veil of cloud. I got eight likes and 64 new followers.
No green leaves, but rather black
Controversial YouTube star Logan Paul has said that the video he uploaded of a
dead man's body was intended to be educational.
Earlier this month, Mr Paul uploaded footage of himself and his friends standing
laughing next to the corpse of a man who had died by suicide. The group had
found the body during a trip to Japan, in which they visited the so-called
"suicide forest" Aokigahara, as well as posting a range of other controversial
Now, as part of a media tour in which Mr Paul apologised for the controversial
video, the vlogger has attempted to explain why he posted the footage. He had
originally intended to post the video – which included him joking and laughing
next to the man's dead body – as a way of
Suddenly I stop
But I know it's too late
I'm lost in a forest
All alone
The girl was never there
It's always the same
I'm running towards nothing
limbs slow heartbeat count the rings read my palm a contract social
climber social commentator blabbing on babbling on TV talk radio YouTube
Twitter Facebook professional gobshite how dare you peddler of rotten words
Paul Joseph Watson selfie through Instagram filters fag hanging out of mouth
studied cool @prisonplanet tweets phoney philosophies suck on my retweets
retreating into bullshit bunkers where the real deal meal deal square deal world
whirled around the Sun voice of a nation on immigration hands over face crying
with shame a crying shame the dying game plying fame spying blame in every
nook and cranny ever crook and granny every beautiful Brexit blowjob every
bouncing British banknote every brainy breakfasted bastard bilious with British
back bacon turn it over turn it over turn it off it turns me off turn it off
every GIF life glitching
every GIF life glitching
every GIF life glitching
we’re stammering in our nowness our newness made of oldness made
of oddness made of nostalgia made of kitsch made of refuse made of chunder
made of Buster Gonad & his Unfeasibly Large Testicles made of fnarr fnarr made
of that bit in Friends when Ross said Rachel and he meant Emily but really he
meant Rachel cos Freud made of sameness made of we’re all idiots made of
we’re all children made of sell sell sell made of buy buy buy
no smooth branches
no birds sing
no no, no no no no, no no no no, no no there’s no
When I was nine, I set fire to an evergreen tree in my grandfather’s garden. It was
just an experiment, a way of ascertaining the effect of a naked flame (from a
cigarette lighter) on the dark foliage of a tree that had not seen rain in weeks.
Mum and Dad interpreted it as an act of rebellion or lunacy, and I was sent to my
room without supper. Dad may or may not have been there. I can’t remember. It
may be that his reaction was channeled through Mum.
Tom said I should stay on the Circle Line. Safer, that way.
Nazi punks
Nazi punks
Nazi punks
God told Abraham Lincoln to establish the NRA. When the End
Days come, the Statue of Liberty will hunt down those who won’t
kiss the gun.
Hallo, Spaceboy
You’re sleepy now
Your silhouette is so stationary
You're released but your custody calls
And I want to be free
Don't you want to be free
Hallo, Spaceboy
Hello, sailor
Tech news: Forums have been flooded with complaints about the HumpBot 2x.
Abusers report friction burns, static collapse and Wagner syndrome.
I could see
All I could hear
Was falling water
grid flesh bone architecture winding up clicking gears shunting three hearts
syncopating three pairs of eyes taking it in turns tracks narrowing space
emptying of air the laughter of spokes I wouldn’t brake too hard three mouths in
turn speaking three mouths in rotation difficult to see the symbolism beyond the
obvious trope of the infernal trinity a (per)version of the Father the Son the Holy
Ghost oh Sod in Heaven mangled be thy name and other translations conflations
confusions and contusions interlocking one limb to another in the manner
already described standing on the edge of the poem looking down I thought I
was going to throw up or pass out looking down into the poem standing on the
brink on the edge of silence where lips tongue and teeth part and meet part and
eat chewing it over food for thought bomb blasts behind us in Iraq and Syria the
mechanisms of mouth and eye averted space narrowing further nothing to say
little to do legs and arms in kaleidoscope anarchy moving impossibly intoning
the names more violent than Ronald McDonald coming undone coming over the
hill where they buried you or your family no matter coming into view three bodies
mixed up messed up interwoven integrated but badly the state of it the shoddy
workmanship manipulative as Colonel Saunders three mouths speaking out of
turn telling it like it is prophesying pontificating in rotation the wheels on the bus
go round and round unruly promotions dusky wars leather jacket ctrl-alt-delete
and #EndTimesPizza
You may be reading this mendacious account. Your pen hovers over the most
salacious details. Will you underline them or strike them through? Dear Reader (if
you exist), that is your prerogative.
I can never tell which category a memory belongs to. Probably doesn't matter.
Memories are stories or disconnected parts of stories, and we all need stories,
whether they are true or not.
breeding lilacs
dead land
April has the cruellest mouth
Poor Tom!
or GIFs
You put your money in there (notes, ideally) and you get a load of tokens in
return. The tokens resemble coins. They are used to pay for rides. A token costs
£1, but if you put in a tenner you get 12 tokens, which represents a small saving.
The rides vary in cost. Most are two tokens. Some of the simpler ones
(resembling the sorts of things you’d access for free in your home dungeon) cost
only one token, while the more elaborate rides (for example, Nipple Terror and
High-Rise Inferno) may cost three, four or even five tokens per person. So you’re
probably best o% spending £20 initially, which will give you a decent haul of 24
tokens. You can always go back for more later.
The Bird King’s favourite 13 rides in Nine Circles theme park, including prices (in
tokens) and average user ratings:
A nest of viscera
On your sex, that dried-out tree
Made from blood and are tablet shaped. 9 per gram (approx) diameter 6.5mm.
Soft Tablets
Made from bone marrow and melt quickly on the tongue. 15 per gram (approx)
diameter 5mm.
Pills (No 6)
Round brain pills 25 per gram (approx), diameter 3.5mm.
Pills (No 3)
Round stool pills 120 per gram (approx), diameter 2mm.
Made from pure ground bones 250 per gram (approx) diameter 1.5mm. They are
usually used for babies, small children and animals and are soluble in water.
Tom, dressed as Gandalf the Grey, told me that the best cure for amnesia,
insomnia, melancholy and nostalgia is unhydrolised carbohydrate in tablet form.
I bought a packet of 12 for £40. No need to sweeten those pills, it turns out. He
also successfully flogged me a bottle of a clear liquid that he referred to
portentously as AQUA. The active ingredient is one part in 99,999,999,999 to the
power of 66,666,666,666. Needless to say, when I downed the bottle in one I felt
as if the whole universe had expanded exponentially around me and gone all
colourful and wetly immense and I was just so much debris or nothingness or
cack or food waste or atomised aroma or nasal spray or atomic detritus
My God
NOTHING™ comes in empty bottles and, when imbibed, begins working its
magic immediately. It is a naturally occurring medicine: say goodbye to lab-
made chemicals and other clinically proven treatments!
Not a very big pitchfork, I observed. Tom probably scowled behind his red mask.
The Bird King’s oration is made of knives and envies and stones and pauses.
The banners and the sky are red and black.
Men behind glass make notes on our appearance, our social networks, our sex
lives. One points at you with a finger that looks like a gun.
The roads are closed. My neighbours starve politely. The Bird King gags on
bodies. The police tell jokes about immigrants. Lock your door.
It’s best not to try to record events that may be unreal. Cameras pirouette on
their stands, wink at us like whores. I can feel the blood.
This is what you want, this is what you get. Line up and wait for it. A father of
four sobs into the pavement.
There is an encore. Booted feet stamp. The android pianist shatters Chopin. Half
of the crowd take mournful selfies.
Last time we dug up the road, dinosaur fossils leapt into song. Pull the shutters
down: the red eyes are watching.
Have you downloaded the update? Try inserting yourself here. We may have to
remove your spine. Please hold the iron bar and close your eyes.
The Bird King’s body double calls himself James Knight but that’s just an alias.
Most of the stunts are CGI. The manifesto is a bad poem.
They smashed the clocks to free the birds. Journalists were rounded up and
drugged. The curtains closed on a factitious scene.
The Bird King bans the past tense. What’s done is done. We write feverishly,
trying to keep pace with the galloping now.
We furnish our living spaces with flatpack instructions. No more bulky furniture!
We gaze at the idealised, orderly diagrams.
Sometimes our bedrooms collapse and sticky dreams escape from our ears. The
Bird King’s agents collect them in huge metal drums.
Empty your pockets. Empty your mouth. Empty your bowels. Empty your head.
Empty your books. Empty your houses. Empty your monsters. Empty your
bladder. Empty your cupboards. Empty your dishwasher. Empty your bed. Empty
your balls. Empty your smartphone. Empty your grave.
The cathedral bells chime five. We think there’s a ruined castle on the hill, but
there isn’t. Not even a trick of the light.
There are lots of small pieces. They don’t go together. The Bird King assembles
them into things that confound the eye, offend the ear.
Soldiers running or explosions or the sun plunging into the horizon. The
protestors’ bodies have been hidden in wardrobes and under beds.
The news plays in a loop while we fall down the stairs. A man of 75 ate his
neighbour. They’re still watching us from behind glass.
Learning to express ourselves only in GIFs. The androids smack our hands when
we slip up. We search mirrors for an escape route.
I read a new translation but the memory of the old translation superimposes
itself and the page tears itself up.
Not even writing about the world not even writing about another world not even
writing about big themes not even writing about myself.
When feeding the police, throw meat over the fence. Never put your hands
through the viewing holes.
The Bird King paints disaster on his viewers’ faces. Cluster bombs make
percussive music. This is not the end.
What are you looking at? What are you wearing? What are you doing? What are
you saying? Who do you think you are?
The signs say CLOSED. We wait in rows of twelve. The taste of iron is hard to
forget. Our nosebleeds are a constant source of embarrassment.
And repeat. Drink coffee from the troughs provided. Do not attempt to
communicate with each other. Do not sneeze. Do not cough.
We drowned in neat rows. They kept our eyes open. Light diffused in our slow
watery dreams. The Bird King sang about lost love.
It was nothing to complain about. The wounds would soon heal. Suburbs burned
gold in the autumn afternoon.
We set the fire alarms off so we could have rain indoors. Our enemies hid under
their desks, fearful of dissolution.
Time means nothing. Set your watch to whenever you like. Rewind if you missed
what I said. Young men wear beards as an ironic comment.
The Bird King builds mazes around our cities. We are free to leave at any time,
but will probably get lost and starve to death.
What else do you remember? Tell us in the present tense: it’ll sound more
truthful. Don’t leave any sordid detail out.
Most of them will be set on fire in the streets, so remember to stay indoors until
morning. There is blood on your collar.
Going back to the start. But it’s not the same when you get there. The light is
different. Your mood is different. The crowds have gone.
When I woke up, the walls rippled with cockroaches. The hypnagogic illusion
probably lasted for only a second or two, but that was long enough to make it
real. On other occasions, I awoke to giant spiders and invasions of ants.
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Bob the Builder said his first meeting with the EU's chief
negotiator in Brussels had been "constructive". He replaced Peppa Pig, who quit
in protest at the Prime Minister’s trade policy. It comes as the IMF says some EU
countries will suffer significant mirror damage if the UK leaves without a face.
Both the UK and EU are stepping up preparations for a "no face" Brexit. The two
sides insist it is not what they want -
Let me be quite clear: the answer to the question that you have put to me
repeatedly during the course of this interview is the same answer that I gave to
the House of Commons earlier this week and to the Cabinet before that, namely
that my answers to all such questions are quite clear and mean exactly what
they mean, neither more nor less, despite claims made by the Leader of the
Opposition to the contrary; and, in making my position quite clear in the way that
I have, I have clarified that my answers are my answers, neither more nor less,
and that the words (that I have been obliged on numerous occasions to use)
mean what they mean; a position which, you will agree, is quite clear; so when I
say that I am a strong, stable leader I mean that I am a strong, stable leader, in
other words, or to put it another way, a leader who is both stable and strong, a
position which, I am sure you will agree, is quite clear and strong and stable
something of a tomboy, I’d say, having her hair cut short, climbing
playing with fire, participating in violent acts of civil disobedience
In silence, all
the start and finish
quick birth
like a mother
spaced o u t
I feel my back is changing shape
Tech news: Peach has issued a statement in response to complaints about its
new HumpBot 2x, advising abusers to upgrade to SlickWick 66.6.
Tom could be such a drag sometimes. I’m still trying to tell his story his
hysterical story his hissing shitty story his slithering syncopated story his
I make no apologies for this, you fuck
Today the sun scratched at my door until I woke up and let it in. I got 64 likes
and 4096 new followers.
you open the id and a small snake darts out to bite at your wrist!
The “killer clown” craze that began in the United States has gone global, with
incidents reported in the United Kingdom. The craze began in the U.S. in August
with reports of people dressed as Donald Trump trying to lure children into the
woods in South Carolina. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do
anything. These are valid concerns expressed by decent and patriotic citizens
from all backgrounds, all over. We also have to be honest about the fact that not
everyone who seeks to join our country will be able to successfully assimilate.
Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything. Schools in Reading, Ohio were
closed after a woman reported being attacked by someone dressed as Donald
Trump who threatened the students at her school. But the complaints extend far
beyond Ohio. At least 40 states have had strange clown sightings so far, and the
number keeps on growing. I did try and fuck her. She was married. It’s our right,
as a sovereign nation to chose immigrants that we think are the likeliest to thrive
and flourish and love us. The claims are preposterous, ludicrous, and defy truth,
common sense and logic. We already have substantial evidence to dispute these
lies, and it will be made public in an appropriate way and at an appropriate time
very soon. The craze has prompted McDonald’s to keep its iconic clown, Ronald
McDonald Trump, out of sight for now. You know I’m automatically attracted to
beautiful clowns. I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t
even wait. The recent epidemic of “killer clown” sightings across the U.S. may
be the best thing about 2016 — and that’s saying a lot. I moved on her like a
bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married. In London, reports include a
clown confronting a man with a hockey stick, clowns chasing children and a
knife-carrying clown on a bicycle following a woman. Grab them by the pussy.
You can do anything. Because we need a very powerful, very beautiful border. I
moved on her like a bitch. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do
anything. That will stop those people coming into our country.
Now, we have to build a fence. And it’s got to be a beauty. Who can build better
than Trump? I build; it’s what I do. I build; I build nice fences, but I build great
buildings. Fences are easy, believe me. I saw the other day on television people
just walking across the border. They’re walking. The military is standing there
holding guns and people are just walking right in front, coming into our country.
It is so terrible. It is so unfair. It is so incompetent. It is so impotent. And we don’t
have the best coming in. We have people that are criminals, we have people that
are crooks. You can certainly have terrorists. You can certainly have Islamic
terrorists. You can have anything coming across the border. We don’t do
anything about it. So I would say that if I win, I would certainly start by building a
very, very powerful border. I am not impotent. Who can build a better border than
Trump? I can build fences to the sky. I can build electric fences to the sky. I can
build electric fences to the sky that fire nukes when criminal Islamic Mexican
terrorist rapist immigrants try to go near them or look at them or talk about them
or imagine them. My fence will be a beauty. I get hard just thinking about all
those beautiful nukes. And who’s paying for those nukes? They are! The criminal
Islamic Mexican terrorist rapist immigrants. Because we need a very powerful,
very beautiful border, with gun towers and men in masks and nukes all lined up
and water cannon at the ready and insect repellant and weed killer and rat
poison and chemical weapons. That will stop those people coming into our
for me, personally, I would have liked to see more, personally, more of
what I asked you to do last week, which you seem to have forgotten, so for me,
personally, you did great, don’t get me wrong, you did great, but for me, I would
have liked to see a little bit of what I was talking about last time, last week,
The oven was open and we were invited in. The herons had forgotten their
knives. Rainbows were out of the question. Inside it was red and black and red
again. Abandon all hope, etc. The ghost of Nigel Farage sang patriotic songs to
the broken weasels. I tried to ask what time it was but the men in Christmas
jumpers ignored me. There was some anxiety over Star Wars spoilers. When you
appeared on the scene you gave everyone a load of sass. We were hashtag and
awks. Piglets and piffle baked in a pie. The cool people were the worst. They
paraded their hideous oiled beards throughout the catacombs. Light and
badgers fell from my ears. Facebook frowned and its pages burned. Some
considered this a good sign. Hands up, baby, hands up. Give me your love, give
me give me… So we toured Syria and Palestine and Snapchat and Bake Off. It
was very entertaining. We all had theories. I piled mine around me. We disagreed
on most things but agreed on building walls. Those fuckers were wrong about
everything and my testicles were bigger than theirs. I updated my profile so
they’d cower in the shadow of my gargantuan testicles. Other hairy apes yelled
Make America Great Again. It was still red and black and red again inside the
oven. I checked my timeline. Funnies were happening all over the world. Tweet
tweet. The brighter, better selves we had so carefully constructed on social
media turned on us, cut our throats, exposed our ugly meat. Days lasted
seconds. World-changing events came in salvos. I washed my corpse in brine
and set it on a beach, so it could look at the sea. Others arrived, albinos born in
the ovens, chattering and squeaking, trying to persuade my corpse to leave. I
ate a banana. Sex was sold thinly sliced. We applied it to our ears, mouths and
(most of all) eyes. It made our brains misfire but we were addicted. Other
narcotic commodities included reality TV, salt, sarcasm, death metal, current
affairs, Happy Meals and empathy. Traders made a killing. Celebrities lined up to
be seen while you flooded the slums with blood. Dip a finger, make a wish.
Monochrome poverty in glossy magazines. Katie Hopkins tried to trigger
Armageddon by writing about a distant supernova. Clouds drifted through us.
These were the worst of times, or so we liked to believe. We wrote emails to our
past selves, warning them. The sea stole up on my corpse when I wasn’t looking
and turned it to stone. Waves hissed derisively when I realised what had
happened. The oven was red and black and red again. Did I mention that, or was
it you? Your iPhone won’t save you. Selfies erode your face.
Warning: Your dreams save automatically to the cloud. This can cause
embarrassment when they appear on other devices you own.
Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, acne, fever, insomnia, narcolepsy,
cardiac arrest, stroke, erectile dysfunction and psychosis.
The tiniest movement of the phone makes a subtle change to the angle and
distance between camera and page, which causes the app to hesitate, flicker,
change its mind about how to translate the words, with the result that the French
word pierre, relatively stable in its rendering as STONE, might become, very
briefly, FATHER (Père) or CLOWN (Pierrot). The app, possessed by the spirit of
Pan, delights in confusion, destabilising the text, playing with words, making
nonsense out of sense
turn inside out I said turn inside out I said turn inside out I said turn inside out I
said turn inside out I said turn inside out I said turn inside out I said turn inside
out I said turn inside out I said turn inside out I said turn inside out I said turn
inside out I said turn inside out I said turn inside out I said turn inside out I said
turn inside out I said turn inside out I said turn inside out I said turn inside out I
said turn inside out I said turn inside out I said turn inside out I said turn inside
out I said turn inside out I said turn inside out I said turn inside out I said turn
inside out I said turn inside out I said turn inside out I said turn inside out I said
tu n in id out I sa d u n i d
Mosaics and marble inlays give this room a kind of beauty you have never seen
before. In a corner of the room is a large metal statue of a one-eyed creature.
Standing motionless in the centre of the room are four men. At least, they appear
to be men. Their skin is a green-grey colour. Their clothes are tattered and torn -
and they are all staring vacantly at the ceiling.
Less strange, know that these are not towers, but giants,
And they are in the well, around the bank,
From navel downward, one and all of them.
Today the sun pulled me inside out. I got 0 likes and an infinite
number of new followers.
If I had words crude enough to describe the hole we found ourselves in, I’d wear
my crown of shit
This ridiculous game had gone on for too long and it was time
a sinking feeling retreating into something fur over my eyes trying to blink
through room lit dramatically as if for effect shadows erasing the wall to the right
and the spaces at the back trying to stand up ringing in my ears like when I first
passed out like leaving the George Robey barely able to hear everything
sounding papery thin still worried the next day
Chew, devour, chew, devour, chew, devour, chew, devour, chew chew chew
chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew
chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew
chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew
chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew
chew chew chew chew chew the satisfaction of tapping out the word CHEW
[space] repeatedly rhythmically two-fingered chew chew chew chew chew chew
chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew
chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew
chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew
chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew
chew but all work and no play chew, devour, chew, devour
every last one of them every man jack a miserable negative bastard
This ridiculous game had gone on for too long and it was time
Look down there, laughed Tom, showing his teeth: there is the word-forest!
like Sunday morning
beast houses
shuttered websites
In this Circle of Hell, the Teeth Men beat consumers with their own selfie-sticks
you’re through to the next round
this was the end of the words
I looked round and Tom had disappeared. I was still holding the
vestiges of his hand.
In the nervous system, ice is abundant and occurs naturally from as close to the
brain as the heart to as far away as the blood objects. Beyond the nervous
system, it occurs as virtual ice. It is abundant on your surface – particularly in the
nether regions and above your eyes.
Then I woke up
Midway upon the journey of our life
Right in the middle of a horrible dream
I found myself within a forest dark
Yes, I woke up
For the straightforward pathway had been lost
About the author
James Knight is a writer and digital artist, whose work most recently has
appeared in Minor Literature(s) and Burning House Press. Much of his work
I think I’d prefer a
explores the conjunctions and disjunctions between word and image, for
shorter version of
example in his surrealistic dystopian novella, Mono, comprising 60 monochrome
this, please.
images and a fragmented narrative in the second person. He has collaborated
with numerous artists, including Susan Omand, Viviana Hinojosa and Maxim I’ll include the
Peter Griffin. Diana Probst illustrated his poem, The Madness of the Bird King, text in an email.
described by cyberpunk author Jeff Noon as “a brilliant piece of work”. Knight is
one of the original members of Noon’s Twitter group, @echovirus12, and has
used Twitter as a creative tool for years, founding the collective Twitter entity
@chimeragroup0, whose mission statement summarises his approach to writing
and art: “Children make pictures, poems and stories playfully, adventurously,
unconstrained by considerations of realism, theory or convention. So do we.”
Twitter: @badbadpoet
email: [email protected]
Website: thebirdking.com
Any to add?
With thanks to ReVerse Butcher for the feedback and encouragement, Paul Hawkins for
taking this on, and Sally for being Sally.