07 - HCU Chapter-7 (Normal Shutdown Procedures)

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Operating Manual for

Document No.:
Normal Shutdown PRE:PN:OM:HCU-01
Indian Oil
Panipat Refinery Procedures



Chapter No.
Panipat Refinery- Eco-friendly Refinery
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Operating Manual for
Document No.:
Normal Shutdown PRE:PN:OM:HCU-01
Indian Oil
Panipat Refinery Procedures


The following shutdown procedure covers instructions for safe and smooth shutdown of the
unit under normal circumstances when it is planned either for routine periodic maintenance,
catalyst regeneration or catalyst change.

Shutdown of this unit will affect down-stream facilities for Sour Gas Treatment Unit and Sour
Water Treatment Unit. As a general rule, it is imperative that the impact of a Hydrocracking
unit shutdown on the other units of the refinery be studied in advance in order that proper
control strategy may be instituted.

This section does not include Emergency Handling Procedure arising from major emergencies
which will be discussed in Chapter 8.

The time it takes to shut down will depend on the experience of the operating personnel.
Precise control of reactor temperatures must be maintained throughout the shutdown.

Keep in mind that when any reactor wall temperature drops below the minimum pressurization
temperature (MPT, 38 deg C), the system pressure must be decreased in accordance with the
temper embrittlement constraint for those reactors made of 3 Cr - 1 Mo steel or 2¼ Cr - 1 Mo-
V steel. The system pressure must be to 45 kg/cm2(g) when any of the reactor skin
temperature of any reactor drops below the MPT (38 deg C).

When decreasing the hydrotreating catalyst temperatures along with the cracking catalyst
temperature, there are two criteria that should be observed.

 Maintain the delta temperature between R-001 outlet & R-002 inlet within the limits
of the quench facilities.

 As the feed is being decreased the hydrotreating reactor should slightly over convert
to reduce the hydrotreating reactor effluent nitrogen content in order to minimize
organic nitrogen poisoning of cracking catalyst.

1. Lower 75-R-002 cracking bed temperatures 28 deg C below normal. Temperatures in all
hydrocracking catalyst beds should be decreased before reducing charge rates. Reduce
bed temperatures slowly to prevent sudden increase in quench demand and divert gas
flow from other catalyst beds.
2. Begin decreasing the feed rate (in steps of 5-10 m3/hr) and recycle oil rate to the unit
before lowering R-001 bed temperature.

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Operating Manual for
Document No.:
Normal Shutdown PRE:PN:OM:HCU-01
Indian Oil
Panipat Refinery Procedures

3. As feed rate decreases, the hydrotreating reactor R-001 bed temperatures can be
decreased proportionately so as to maintain nitrogen conversion. As a general rule,
decrease the hydrotreating reactor temperatures in such a fashion that will allow the
hydrotreating catalyst to over convert during this period.

4. The RG heater F-001 should remain in service to control the rate of temperature decrease.
Bypassing recycle gas and/or cold feed around the effluent exchangers can assist in
maintaining temperature control.

5. Continue to lower temperatures in R-001 and R-002 reactors to 290 deg C

6. Gradually reduce the feed and recycle oil rates 115 m3/hr & 92 m3/hr respectively (50 %
of design). While lowering the charge rates, also lower the level in the Feed Surge Drum
75-V-001 by further reducing fresh feed entering the unit.

7. Reduce the Product Fractionator Feed Heater F-101 firing in the fractionation section and
divert products to slop as they go off grade. Lower level in all vessels. If possible keep the
fractionator column pumparound streams in service during this phase of the unit
shutdown. This will enhance heat removal from the Product Fractionator 75-C-103.

8. When the feed to the unit is at 50 % of design charge rates, begin switching the feed
source to flushing oil. Discontinue the recycle oil to the Feed Surge Drum 75-V-001 from
the fractionator bottoms. Send excess fractionator bottoms to slops. This will sweep the
heavier feedstock from the unit.

The flushing oil should be a straight-run diesel with the following properties:
ASTM End Point 330 deg C min.
360 deg C max.
Total Nitrogen 100 wt-ppm max.
Total Sulfur 2 wt-% max.

NOTE: Do not operate the Charge Pumps 75-P-001A/B below the minimum allowable flow
rate set by the manufacturer. The maximum rate that can be pumped at this time will be
limited by the operation of the Recycle Gas Compressor 75-K-001 surge point and the
pressure drop allowed by the design of reactor internal supports

9. When switching to the flushing oil, gradually introduce the flushing oil to the Feed Surge
Drum 75-V-001, while decreasing the normal feed from upstream processing units. The

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Panipat Refinery- Eco-friendly Refinery
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Operating Manual for
Document No.:
Normal Shutdown PRE:PN:OM:HCU-01
Indian Oil
Panipat Refinery Procedures

flushing operation will be conducted on a once through basis for six (6) hours to remove
the heavy oil from the unit.

10. Check the fractionator bottoms hourly to see if the flushing oil has diluted/replaced the
high pour point unconverted oil. This can be accomplished by comparing flushing oil and
fractionator bottoms samples for either color, pour point or gravity. When it is judged the
heavy oil is adequately flushed from the unit, the Charge Pumps 75-P-001A/B can be shut
down and the fractionator bottoms circulation can be stopped. The Product Fractionator
Feed Heater 75-F-101 can be shut down.

11. Immediately after the feed has been stopped, use recycle gas to sweep residual oil from
the catalyst beds, transfer lines and exchangers. Continue to circulate recycle gas for
four(4) hours at full pressure. Isolate the reactor Charge Pumps 75-P-001A/B from the
reactor section.

12. Begin to increase the catalyst bed temperatures to 400 deg C. The heat-up rate should not
exceed 28 deg C per hour. Do not over fire or exceed of the design tube wall temperatures
(TWT), that is 615 deg C, of the Recycle Gas Heater 75-F-001. Once all the catalyst bed
temperatures reach 400 deg C, hold these conditions for two (2) hours. Maximize the
recycle gas rate during this time. Establish a bleed from the Cold Separator 75-V-002 as
required to maintain the recycle gas purity of Hydrogen above 85 mol %.

NOTE: Heat exchanger temperatures may be higher at this time than normal operations.
Make sure the exchanger design temperatures are not exceeded.

13. Cool the reactors to 150 deg C with recycle gas. Stop water injection to the reactor
effluent at the start of cooling. Remove as much water as possible from the Cold
Separator 75-V-002. Isolate the Wash Water Pumps 75-RP–113A/B from the reactor
section. Stop the hydrogen makeup and bleed. Purge the Makeup Gas Compressors 75-K-
002A/B/C with 1”nitrogen line at inlet of Makeup Gas Compressors 75-K-002A/B/C and
isolate them from the reactor section.

NOTE: In order to avoid the possibility of nickel carbonyl formation, all gas streams
containing carbon monoxide must be excluded from the system when cooling below 260 oC.

14. When any reactor wall temperature reaches its minimum pressurization temperature
(MPT,38 deg C), depressure to 30 % (45 kg/cm2 g) of the normal operating pressure of
the Cold Separator 75-V-002.

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Panipat Refinery- Eco-friendly Refinery
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Operating Manual for
Document No.:
Normal Shutdown PRE:PN:OM:HCU-01
Indian Oil
Panipat Refinery Procedures

15. Continue cooling the reactors with recycle gas to as low a temperature as is possible.
Cooling should be continued for about 12 hours after the catalyst bed temperatures reach
30 deg C to allow time for removal of heat from the reactor walls. Otherwise, after
stopping the Recycle Gas Compressor 75-K-001, the catalyst beds will heat up again from
the heat remaining in the reactor walls.

NOTE: If not previously done, when approaching 38 deg C, the bypass around the heat
exchangers should be opened so that the recycle gas does not get preheated by the hotter
reactor effluent gases.

16. Using the low pressure depressurizing valve UV-1902, depressure the unit to flare

17. Purge the reactor section with 1-1/2”nitrogen line at outlet of Recycle gas Compressor
75-K-001 until the system contains less than 1 mol % hydrogen plus hydrocarbons.


1. Follow the shutdown for NORMAL SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE given above, steps 1
through 11. After removing feed and sweeping residual oil from the reactor section,
continue cooling the catalyst beds with recycle gas.
2. If the shutdown will be of short duration, cool 75-R-001 and 75-R-002 reactors to 290 deg
C. Stop wash water injection to the reactor effluent.

3. If the shutdown is to be extended, cool all reactors to 150 deg C with recycle gas. Stop
wash water injection when the cracking temperatures reach 260 deg C . Remove as much
water from the Cold Separator 75-V-002 as possible and minimize hydrogen makeup.

4. When the reactor temperatures are around 150 deg C recycle gas circulation may be
stopped. Hold at these conditions until the unit is ready to be restarted. If any reactor wall
temperature approaches its MPT the recycle gas circulation and Recycle Gas Heater firing
should be resumed as required to reheat the wall temperatures.

If any reactor wall temperature drops below its MPT, the reactor section must be
depressurized to 30 % (45 kg/cm2g) of the normal Cold Separator 75-V-002 operating

5. If the shutdown is to be extended, the high pour point liquids in the Feed Surge Drum 75-
V-001 and separators should be drained and replaced with flushing oil.

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Panipat Refinery- Eco-friendly Refinery
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Operating Manual for
Document No.:
Normal Shutdown PRE:PN:OM:HCU-01
Indian Oil
Panipat Refinery Procedures

6. Put the fractionation section on re-circulation or on total reflux. If the shutdown is to be

extended, the Product Fractionator Feed Heater firing may be reduced and the high pour
point material removed and replaced with flushing oil (taking FLO from LV1701


1. Under no circumstances should air be pulled through the catalyst bed when the catalyst
beds are above 80 degC (175°F) in order to prevent burning in the catalyst bed and the
possible formation of nickel carbonyl (for catalyst containing nickel).

2. Maintain a positive nitrogen flow on both sides of any flanges that are to be opened for

3. During the entire shutdown period the Recycle Gas Heater 75-F-001 firebox temperatures
must be maintained at 205°C (400°F) for the protection of the heater tubes, or they must be
neutralized as discussed in Section of PROTECTION AGAINST AUSTENITIC

4. Any austenitic stainless steel equipment to be opened to the atmosphere should be

neutralized with soda ash solution as described in Section of PROTECTION AGAINST

5. The fractionation section must be drained and steamed out prior to opening any of the
equipment. It is also recommended that the towers and receivers be washed thoroughly with
water before admitting air to prevent the ignition of the iron sulfide scale on the walls.

6. Special care must be taken during shutdown and maintenance to avoid personnel entering
an atmosphere contaminated with hydrogen sulfide or blanketed with nitrogen. All vessels
that are opened must be thoroughly tested to insure the safety of entry.

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