Coumarin Based Donor - Acceptor Organic Dyes For A Dye Sensitized Solar Cell: Photophysical Properties and Electron Injection Mechanism
Coumarin Based Donor - Acceptor Organic Dyes For A Dye Sensitized Solar Cell: Photophysical Properties and Electron Injection Mechanism
Coumarin Based Donor - Acceptor Organic Dyes For A Dye Sensitized Solar Cell: Photophysical Properties and Electron Injection Mechanism
DOI 10.1007/s00214-015-1769-5
Received: 14 September 2015 / Accepted: 20 November 2015 / Published online: 28 December 2015
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Abstract The electronic structure and photophysi- frontier orbitals and charge separation were analyzed, and
cal properties of five coumarin-based donor–π–acceptor the thiophene linker was found to be effective for the elec-
(D–π–A)-type organic dyes for a dye-sensitized solar cell tron injection in DSSC. The adsorption of these dyes on the
(DSSC) which were recently developed have been investi- TiO2 anatase (101) surface and the electron injection mech-
gated using the time-dependent density functional theory anism were also investigated using a dye–(TiO2)38 cluster
and the symmetry-adapted cluster configuration interac- model employing PBE and TD-CAM-B3LYP calculations,
tion method. Theoretical calculations including the sol- respectively. The adsorption energies of these dyes were
vent effect in state-specific and linear-response scheme estimated to be ~14 kcal/mol, indicating strong adsorption
reproduced the experimental UV–Vis absorption spectra of dye to a TiO2 surface by carboxylate group. The possible
of these dyes satisfactorily. The π-spacers, thiophene and direct electron injection mechanism was suggested in the
thiophene–phenylene mixed units, affect the planarity of present coumarin-based D–π–A dyes in a dye–TiO2 inter-
the molecular structures which is relevant to the photophys- acting system.
ical properties and charge polarization. Energy levels of the
Keywords Coumarin · Dye-sensitized solar cells · DFT ·
SAC-CI · Donor–π-spacer–acceptor
Published as part of the special collection of articles “Health and
Energy from the Sun.”
14 Page 2 of 13 Theor Chem Acc (2016) 135:14
photovoltaic devices alternative to conventional silicon- Stability of dyes in its excited and ionized states is impor-
based solar cells. The first DSSC system was developed tant for efficiency and durability. These requirements often
in 1991 by Grätzel’s group [1]. They reported that DSSCs conflict to each other; therefore, flexible molecular design
based on ruthenium (Ru) complexes such as N3 and N719 is necessary. In this sense, organic dyes that are compris-
as dye sensitizer achieve considerable photoelectric conver- ing from donor (D), π-conjugation unit (π), and acceptor
sion efficiencies of >12 % at the standard air mass 1.5 sun- (A) have potential flexibility for molecular design as DSSC
light [2, 3]. On the other hand, Ru-based dyes (Ru dyes) dyes [6–8]. Recently, so-called type II mechanism, namely
have difficulties, like limited Ru resources, difficult purifi- direct injection of an electron from dye to conduction band
cation relative to organic dyes, generally moderate absorp- (CB) of TiO2 by one step, has attracted the interest because
tion intensity, and an undesirable environmental impact. this type of electron injection makes the sensitization sim-
Thus, research is also directed toward searching for cheaper pler and more efficient [15–17]. In the series of works, we
and safer dyes. Recently, the use of metal-free organic dyes have developed various types of D–π–A organic DSSC
has been the subject of an active aspect of DSSC develop- dyes without including metals under the background of
ment because of their desirable advantages, such as modest above-mentioned basic guidelines [18–23].
costs, high molar extinction coefficients, ease of synthesis Quantum chemical calculation has been established as a
and modification, long-term stability, and environmental powerful tool that can be used for the rationalization and
friendliness [4–8]. prediction of the electronic structures and various proper-
Among metal-free organic dyes, coumarin dyes have ties of molecules. In particular, for nanoscale systems like
been proposed as strong candidates because of their excel- DSSCs, density functional theory (DFT) has been utilized
lent photoelectric conversion efficiency [9]. The DSSC widely to calculate the electronic structure and geometry of
based on coumarin dyes was first developed by Hara et al. systems. The time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) has also been
[10]. They designed a π-conjugated system by introducing widely used to evaluate photophysical properties because
a methine unit in C343 [9], which achieved the efficiency of of its reasonable computational cost and reliability. The
5.6 % (NKX-2311). Introduction of bulky substituents that B3LYP functional [24, 25] has been extensively adopted
prevent aggregation increased the efficiency up to 6.7 % among many functionals in the case of the DSSC-related
(NKX-2753) [11]. Extending the π-conjugated system works [26–29]. However, with this functional, the excita-
using a thiophene moiety increased the efficiency to 7.7 % tion energies of charge-transfer transition are sometimes
(NKX-2677) [12]. Later on, inserting a thiophene-based severely underestimated for large π-conjugated systems
bridge between the donor–acceptor parts of the push–pull which causes problem for the organic dyes for DSSC [30–
structure, the stability under sun soaking and the efficiency 32]. In this case, the long-range corrected (LC) function-
were further improved, reaching 8.2 % with NKX-2700. als like LC-BLYP [33] and LC-BOP [34], or CAM-B3LYP
These works indicate that further chemical modifications [35], PBE0(PBE1PBE) [36] are candidates for obtaining
of these coumarin-based dyes may realize higher conver- reliable results. The photoelectronic processes of some
sion efficiency. Thus, theoretical analysis of the electronic DSSC systems have been intensively investigated using
structure, photophysical properties, and electron injection PBE0 [37, 38]. In the series of our works, CAM-B3LYP
mechanism of this series of dyes is important for their fur- has been successfully utilized for evaluating the photoab-
ther development. sorption of the DSSC dyes and anchored dye systems [18,
To improve their photoelectronic conversion efficiency, 19, 39].
dyes must be designed with the following guidelines in On the other hand, a theoretical study based on ab ini-
terms of electronic structure. (1) The dye should absorb tio wave function theory is also important to obtain reli-
light over the wide energy range of UV–Vis and near-IR able information. Various methods including electron cor-
region to achieve excellent light harvesting. (2) The energy relations are now applicable to large nanoscale systems
level of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) [40]. The symmetry-adapted cluster configuration inter-
must be established below the redox couple of the I− /I− 3 action (SAC-CI) method [41, 42] based on cluster expan-
electrolyte. (3) The energy level of the lowest unoccupied sion theory has been established as a useful approach for
molecular orbital (LUMO) must be situated above, and molecular excited states [43]. Recently, the direct algorithm
close to, the conduction band of TiO2 to enhance efficient of the SAC-CI method has been developed, and this algo-
charge injection. In view of molecular geometry, unfavora- rithm has enabled efficient and accurate calculations [44].
ble aggregation of dyes should be prohibited to achieve The SAC-CI method has been applied to various types of
high conversion efficiency. The close π–π aggregation molecular spectroscopy and photochemistry of molecules
leads to self-quenching and reduction of electron injec- [43]. Related to the present subject of photofunctional
tion to TiO2 as well as to instability due to the formation molecules, it has been successfully applied to the absorp-
of excited triplet states and unstable radicals [13, 14]. tion/emission spectra of organic light-emitting diodes [45,
Theor Chem Acc (2016) 135:14 Page 3 of 13 14
46], organic sensitizers for DSSCs [20], and UV-B block- 2 Computational detail
ing molecules [47]. The method has also been applied to
the absorption spectra of extended π-conjugated systems The model system in which a dodecyloxy unit is replaced by
like the phthalocyanine congeners [48] and fused phthalo- a methoxy group was used for calculations, as this replace-
cyanine dimer [49], aiming at the molecular design of dyes ment does not significantly affect the conjugation relevant to
utilizing the near-IR region. These works indicate that the excitation. The geometric structures of the five organic dyes
SAC-CI method is useful to investigate the excited states were fully optimized without any symmetry constraints by
of large π-conjugated systems, including charge-transfer DFT calculations using the B3LYP hybrid functional [24].
excitation [50–53]. Recently, we have performed bench- The 6-31G(d,p) basis set [57] was adopted in the geome-
mark calculations of heteroaromatic compounds regard- try optimization. The natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis
ing photoemissions for comparing TD-DFT and SAC-CI [58] was performed for evaluating charge density or charge
approaches [54, 55]. separation. The frontier orbital analysis and the calculation
In this study, the photophysical properties of recently of energy gaps were carried out for optimized structures at
synthesized coumarin-based donor–π–acceptor (D–π–A)- the same level of theory. The vertical absorption spectra of
type organic dyes [56] were theoretically investigated using all dyes were calculated by direct SAC-CI calculations with
TDDFT and SAC-CI calculations. These dyes consist of the double-zeta basis set of Huzinaga and Dunning (D95)
coumarin as electron donor, thiophene and/or phenylene [59] solving the lowest 10 excited states. They were also
as π-spacer, and cyanoacrylic acid as acceptor, as shown obtained using TDDFT with both B3LYP [24] and CAM-
in Fig. 1. The five dyes are denoted here as UB10, UB11, B3LYP [35] functionals with the 6-31G(d,p) basis set. In the
UB12, UB13, and UB14; their formal names are given in SAC-CI calculation, the perturbation selections of excita-
the Supporting Information (SI). For these molecules, the tion operators were performed with LevelThree accuracy to
effect of different π-spacer moieties was examined with reduce the computational cost. The solvent effect in dichlo-
respect to the geometries and electronic structures—more romethane (CH2Cl2) solution was implicitly accounted
specifically, the planarity, energy levels, and charge separa- for using a conductor-like polarizable continuum model
tion—for molecular design. The calculated spectra of these (C-PCM) [60, 61]. All electronic structure calculations of
five dyes were compared with our experimental spectra these dyes, and their photophysical properties, were carried
[56] and detailed assignments performed. To understand out using the Gaussian 09 suite of programs [62].
the adsorption and electron injection mechanism of the pro- To gain insight into the electron injection mechanism
totype system, the electronic structure and electronic transi- in this coumarin-based D–π–A-type dyes, calculations
tion in a model system, dye–(TiO2)38 complexes, were also of the prototype model systems that represent the dyes
investigated. and TiO2 anatase (101) surface were performed using the
DMol3 program [63, 64] in Materials Studio version 5.5. In
DMol3 calculations, the TiO2 cluster was constructed with
the (TiO2)38 cluster model, which was similar to what was
used in our previous study [65]. The relaxed structures of
isolated dyes, TiO2 surface, and dye–TiO2 complexes were
obtained using the generalized gradient-corrected approxi-
mation (GGA) method of the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof
(PBE) [66] functional with a double-numeric-polarized
(DNP) basis set. Note that, although the size of the DNP
basis set is comparable with the 6-31G(d,p) basis set, DNP
is usually more accurate than a Gaussian basis set of the
same size [67]. The core electron was treated with DFT
semicore pseudopotentials (DSPPs) [68].
The adsorption energies (Eads) were computed from the
total energies of the adsorption system by
Eads = E[dye] + E[(TiO2 )38 ] − E[dye + (TiO2 )38 ] (1)
where E[dye] is the energy of the isolated dye, E[(TiO2 )38 ]
is the energy of the (TiO2)38 cluster modeling a TiO2 clean
surface, and E[dye + (TiO2 )38 ] is the energy of the dye–
Fig. 1 Molecular structure of UB10, UB11, UB12, UB13, and UB14 (TiO2)38 model system. According to this expression, a
(real system) positive value of Eads means a stable adsorption of dye on
14 Page 4 of 13 Theor Chem Acc (2016) 135:14
the TiO2 surface. Finally, the electron injection mechanism Table 1 Selected bond lengths (r, in Å) and dihedral angles (ϕ, in
between dye and TiO2 surface was investigated using the degree) of all dyes optimized by B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) in CH2Cl2 with
TD-CAM-B3LYP/6-31G(d) level, in vacuum, at ground-
state DMol3 optimized geometry. Dyes Parameter C–T1 T1–T2 T2–T3/T1(T2)–P T–A/P–A
Theor Chem Acc (2016) 135:14 Page 5 of 13 14
the HOMO spreads over the entire π-conjugated backbone, Table 2 Natural charges of different groups in coumarin-based dyes
but the LUMO is dominantly localized on the π-spacer and calculated by B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) in CH2Cl2
cyanoacrylic acid acceptor, with partial distribution on the Dyes C T1 T2 T3/P A
coumarin ring. This orbital picture clearly indicates that
UB10 0.045 0.131 – – −0.176
the charge-separated state is generated by the transition
UB11 0.009 0.072 0.109 – −0.190
from HOMO to LUMO; in these dyes, the HOMO–LUMO
excitation can be attributed to intramolecular charge-trans- UB12 0.008 0.044 0.052 0.104 −0.192
fer (ICT) transition from donor to acceptor. An important UB13 0.000 0.068 – 0.070 −0.137
characteristic of electron density in the frontier MOs is the UB14 –0.013 0.037 0.050 0.065 −0.139
overlap between the HOMO and LUMO, the well-over- C, T, P, and A denote coumarin, thiophene, phenyl, and cyanoacrylic
lapped HOMO and LUMO suggesting good induction and acid, respectively
electron–withdrawing properties for the donor and accep-
tor, respectively. Thus, we anticipate that this strong-over-
lapping character in our dyes will facilitate ICT between a thiophene–phenyl (TP) bridge; for example, the nega-
the donor and acceptor, subsequently toward conduction tive charge on cyanoacrylic acid in TT dyes (UB12) was
band of TiO2. −0.192 e, which remarkably decreased to −0.139 e when
Furthermore, we perform the Δρ plots revealing elec- replacing the thiophene with a phenylene unit in TP dyes
tron density differences between the ground and excited (UB14). This indicates that the charge polarization in the
states to provide further evidence for ICT. Obviously, the ground state of UB10–UB12 is larger than that of UB13
decreasing electron density is primarily from the electron and UB14. Considering the electron injection from dye to
donor, whereas the increasing electron density is mainly TiO2 surface, this negative charge on an acceptor unit may
on the acceptor group, which is indicative of the ICT when also be a relevant factor. Furthermore, as shown later, in the
transition occurs upon photoirradiation. results of the solvent effect, the change in dipole moments
Next, NBO analysis based on the optimized structure by photoabsorption in UB10–UB12 is also more significant
in the ground state was performed to obtain further insight than that in UB13 and UB14, which means that the ICT in
into the charge distribution in these dyes. Table 2 shows UB10–UB12 is larger than in UB13 and UB14. These facts
the natural charges of coumarin, thiophene, phenylene, and indicate that the electron injection into the substrate TiO2
the cyanoacrylic acid group in dye molecules. In UB10, upon photoabsorption in UB10–UB12 dyes is more effec-
coumarin has a positive or nearly zero NBO charge, while tive than that in UB13 and UB14 dyes.
cyanoacrylic acid has a negative charge, as expected.
Comparing the calculated NBO charges of dyes UB10- 3.3 HOMO–LUMO gap and orbital energy of dyes
UB12, and UB13 and UB14, the NBO charges of the elec-
tron acceptor are –0.176 ~ –0.192 and –0.137 ~ –0.139 e, The HOMO–LUMO energy gaps were evaluated using
respectively. It shows that the electron acceptor of dyes B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) calculations, and the results are sum-
with a thiophene–thiophene (TT) bridge exhibits a strong marized in Table 3. The HOMO–LUMO gap in vacuum
electron-withdrawing ability compared with dyes with was calculated to decrease from 2.94 to 2.42 eV for the
14 Page 6 of 13 Theor Chem Acc (2016) 135:14
Table 3 The HOMO–LUMO gaps (in eV) of all dyes calculated by these molecules. However, replacing one thiophene unit
B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) with phenylene in UB13 and UB14 increases the energy
Dyes ΔHOMO–LUMO vacuum ΔHOMO–LUMO in CH2Cl2 Exp.a gap by ~0.19 and 0.15 eV, compared with the cases of the
thiophene ring in UB11 and UB12, respectively. This is
UB10 2.94 2.90 2.51
originated from the twisted structure of UB13 and UB14,
UB11 2.64 2.57 2.48
as discussed above. Because the dihedral angle in thio-
UB12 2.42 2.36 2.39
phene–phenylene affects the other thiophene–thiophene
UB13 2.82 2.76 2.56
dihedral angle, simple estimation or parameterization of
UB14 2.57 2.51 2.47 the band gap or excitation energy by the number/type of
Experimental ΔHOMO–LUMO estimated from the onset of the absorp- π-spacers is difficult for the dyes with mixed thiophene–
tion spectra (Eg (eV) = 1240/λonset) in dilute CH2Cl2 solution phenylene π-spacer.
Figure 4 compares the Kohn–Sham (KS) orbital energy
diagram of five dyes with the TiO2 cluster. The energy lev-
series UB10–UB12 and from 2.82 to 2.57 eV for UB13 and els of HOMO and LUMO, and the HOMO–LUMO gap of
UB14 along the effective conjugation length which corre- the (TiO2)38 cluster were calculated to be –7.74, –3.27, and
lates with planarity of structures. We also examined these 4.46 eV, respectively, while the excitation energy for the
HOMO–LUMO gaps in CH2Cl2 solution by C-PCM. The lowest transition was 3.73 eV, by TD-B3LYP/6-31G(d,p)
HOMO–LUMO gap decreases in CH2Cl2 as 2.90–2.36 eV calculation. In these calculations, the structure of (TiO2)38
for UB10–UB12 and 2.76–2.51 eV for UB13 and UB14 was relaxed. These values show reasonable agreement with
compared with in vacuum. The solvent effect amounted the experimental band gaps of typical TiO2 nanoparticles,
to –0.04 ~ –0.07 eV in orbital energy levels. Experimen- namely a few nanometers in energy (3.2–3.3 eV) [70, 71].
tal values were determined from the onset of the absorption The deviation from the experimental values is partly attrib-
spectra in dilute CH2Cl2 solution. Obviously, the gaps cal- uted to the confinement effect [38] which originates in the
culated with including the solvent effect using C-PCM are finite surface modeling. Although the present model of the
in better agreement with the experimental values (Table 3) dye-substrate system lacks in this effect, it does not signifi-
than those calculated in vacuum, which indicates that the cantly affect the qualitative interpretation of the electron
solvent effect is relevant to examine the energy levels of injection mechanism as discussed later.
orbitals. Deviation from the experimental values is due to As mentioned in introduction, the LUMO of dyes must
the insufficiency of the functional. Recently, it was shown be located above and close to the conduction band (CB) of
that the DFT with LC functional satisfies the Koopmans’ a TiO2 semiconductor, while the HOMO should be estab-
theorem and gives reasonable band gaps [69]. lished below the redox couple of the I− /I− 3 electrolyte.
The HOMO–LUMO gap decreases as the number of From Fig. 4, it is clear that the insertion of a π-spacer
π-spacers increases. The extension of the π-spacer linker group gradually decreases the LUMO energy level and
using a thiophene ring enhances the conjugation system of increases the HOMO level, and the resulting HOMO and
Theor Chem Acc (2016) 135:14 Page 7 of 13 14
LUMO energy levels of UB12 are closest to the redox ener- spectra. For all dyes, the solvent effect works to reduce
gies of I− /I−
3 and CB of TiO2, respectively. The extension the excitation energies. The red shift of this peak in polar
of the π-conjugated backbone by insertion of the phenylene solvent is anticipated because the first excited state is the
ring in UB13 and UB14, on the other hand, increases the ICT transition and the dipole moment of the excited state
LUMO energy level compared with UB11 and UB12, is much larger than that of the ground state. This red shift
respectively. This suggests that the phenylene ring is not was evaluated to be larger when using C-PCM with the SS
preferable for improving the conjugation system in view scheme than that when using C-PCM with the LR scheme,
of the energy levels; the electron injection efficiencies of which means that the SS scheme is important for evaluat-
UB13 and UB14 might not be better compared with those ing the solvent effect on the excitation energy in the case of
of UB11 and UB12, respectively. solute molecule with permanent dipole.
For calculating the solvent effect using the SAC-CI
3.4 UV–Vis absorption spectra of dyes method, the PCM-SAC-CI method has been developed
in the SS scheme [76]. However, in the present study, we
Another important factor of dyes in DSSC is the capability adopted the approximation with including the solvent effect
of light harvesting. To gain insight into the optical proper- based on the TDDFT results. The excitation energies and
ties, excitation energies, and oscillator strengths, SAC-CI oscillator strengths in solvent for i → a transition were
and TDDFT calculations were performed for the UV–Vis estimated with the help of the correction based on C-PCM-
absorption spectra of these dyes. Direct SAC-CI calcula- TD-CAM-B3LYP calculations as
tions were performed for solving the 10 lowest singlet tran-
sitions. In TDDFT, two types of functional, B3LYP and �Ei→a,(solv) = �Ei→a,(vac) + ��Ei→a,(solv) (2)
CAM-B3LYP, were employed to see the functional depend-
ence. The 10 lowest singlet excited states were calculated and
in both vacuum and solvent phase.
First, we will discuss the solvent effect that is not neg- SAC-CI SAC-CI
�Ei→a,(vac) CAM-B3LYP
ligible to these absorption spectra. To examine the solvent
fi→a,(solv) = fi→a,(vac) + CAM-B3LYP
�fi→a,(solv) (3)
effect on excitation energy, the TDDFT calculations with
C-PCM were performed in both state-specific (SS) [72, 73] SAC-CI
where �Ei→a,(solv) is the SAC-CI excitation energy in
and linear-response (LR) [74, 75] schemes. The results of vacuum, ��Ei→a,(solv) is the difference in excitation ener-
the solvent effect in CH2Cl2 for the first excited state which gies between solution and vacuum obtained by C-PCM-
is relevant for light harvesting are summarized in Table 4. SAC-CI
TD-CAM-B3LYP, fi→a,(solv) is the SAC-CI oscillator
CH2Cl2 was used in the experimental UV–Vis absorption CAM-B3LYP is the TD-CAM-B3LYP
strength in vacuum, �Ei→a,(vac)
14 Page 8 of 13 Theor Chem Acc (2016) 135:14
Fig. 5 UV–Vis absorption spectra of UB10-UB12 compared to ab initio direct SAC-CI spectra for vacuum (black) and in CH2Cl2 (red) with
including solvent effect by TD-CAM-B3LYP (C-PCM-SS)
Theor Chem Acc (2016) 135:14 Page 9 of 13 14
results for 10 lowest singlet excited states in vacuum and in even-numbered thiophene spacer have vertical adsorbed
CH2Cl2 are summarized in Tables S1 and S2, respectively. structure. The Ti–O bond distances and adsorption ener-
The S1 state is characterized as HOMO–LUMO transi- gies calculated by PBE/DNP are given in Table 6. The
tion, and the transition energies decrease as the effective bond distances of Ti–O and Ti′–O′ of dyes were 2.15–2.13
π-conjugation length, which is in accordance with the trend and 2.03–2.04 Å for UB10–UB12 and 2.14–2.15 and
in the HOMO–LUMO gap. The solvent effect reduces 2.04–2.03 Å for UB13 and UB14. The calculated adsorp-
the excitation energies of these transitions by about 0.22– tion energies of dyes on the (TiO2)38 cluster were 13.6–
0.28 eV for UB10–UB12 and by 0.18–0.21 eV for UB13 14.8 kcal/mol for these five prototype systems. These val-
and UB14, compared with those in vacuum. The excita- ues indicate that these dyes strongly adsorb on the TiO2
tion energies in solution are in better agreement with the surface.
experimental data, and the solvent effect becomes smaller Finally, the electron injection mechanism from dyes to
as the effective π-conjugation length. More importantly, TiO2 substrate by photoabsorption was also investigated
the solvent effect in the UB10–UB12 series is significant for the dye–(TiO2)38 complexes. The 10 lowest singlet
than that in UB13 and UB14. This indicates that the charge transitions were solved for these systems by TD-CAM-
reorganization in the excited state of UB10–UB12 is larger B3LYP/6-31(d). The calculated excitation energies for the
than in UB13 and UB14, which is relevant for the electron peak having the highest oscillator strength are summarized
injection to substrate together with the charge separation in in Table 7 together with the transition character for all dyes.
the ground state, as described in the previous section. The results of excitation energies and oscillator strengths
for all the 10 low-lying states are presented in Table S3.
3.5 Dye–TiO2 adsorption and electron injection The results show that the strongest transition in all dyes is
mechanism characterized as the linear combination of some configura-
tions. The KS orbitals that are most relevant to these transi-
The adsorption of a dye with carboxylic acid is possible by tions are shown in Fig. 8 for UB12 and UB14. Other KS
either physisorption or chemisorption. In the case of chem- orbitals that also significantly contribute to this transition
isorption, there are some possibilities in terms of bond- are displayed in Figures S4–S9 for all the dye–(TiO2)38
ing to the surface such as via a monodentate ester, biden- systems. These orbitals together with TDDFT functions
tate chelating, or bidentate bridging [77, 78]. It has been show that the transition with large oscillator strength is
reported in many experimental studies, such as attenuated characterized as the transition from the orbitals localized in
total reflectance (ATR)-FTIR spectroscopy, that the termi- the donor–π-spacer (D–π) unit to the orbitals delocalized
nal carboxylic acid usually adsorbs on the TiO2 surface via over the acceptor (A) unit of dyes and the (TiO2)38 cluster.
bidentate bridging in the dye-substrate system [4, 78, 79]. The former orbitals are similar to HOMOs of dyes, and the
Therefore, chemisorption via bidentate bridging was inves- latter orbitals correspond to the interacting orbitals between
tigated in the present study. the LUMOs of dyes and the conduction band of TiO2. This
To obtain the adsorption energy, the relaxed structures means that the electron excitation of this system directly
of both free (TiO2)38 cluster and dye–(TiO2)38 complexes induces the electron injection from dye into TiO2 surface.
were calculated. The relaxed structures of the chemisorbed This implies the high photoelectric conversion efficiency of
dye–(TiO2)38 complexes are shown in Fig. 7. Because of this system. Note that the latter orbitals are embedded in
the molecular structure of dyes, dyes with odd number the conduction band of TiO2, and then the injected electron
of thiophene spacer (UB10, UB13) have relatively tilted is transferred to the conduction bands of TiO2. We should
adsorbed structure relative to the surface, while dyes with be careful for the artificial confinement effect [38] caused
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