15738-Article Text-1105820-1-10-20240111
15738-Article Text-1105820-1-10-20240111
15738-Article Text-1105820-1-10-20240111
Abstract. Irsan C, Anggraini E, Ramadhani W. 2023. Species of aphids found in ornamental and wild plants in Pagar Alam District,
South Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 6602-6612. Aphids are one of the crucial pests in tropical and sub-tropical regions. The
presence of aphids in a plant can be very detrimental due to their role as vectors. Aphids exhibit species diversity, but not much
information has been reported about the species diversity of aphids associated with essential crops such as ornamental plants.
Furthermore, many aphid species, such as wild plants, were found on plants that were not hosts. Therefore, this study reported the
species of aphids found in ornamental and wild plants. The field research employed purposive and direct observation to inventory
cultivated or wild plants hosting and collecting aphids. The plant selection process included cultivated plants encompassing ornamental
plants and wild plants or weeds. The collection and identification of host plants and aphids involved systematic searches for the selected
plants and subsequent examination for the presence of aphids. Observations were made to all existing plant species to find those
colonized by aphids. This study revealed that a total of 15 species of aphids were found in Ornamental plants, Aphis craccivora Koch,
1854, Aphis spiraecola Patch, 1914, Aphis glycines Matsumura, 1917, Aphis gossypii Glover, 1877, Aulacorthum solani Kaltenbach,
1843, Macrosiphoniella sanborni Gillette, 1908, Macrosiphum rosae Linnaeus, 1758, Myzus persicae Sulzer, 1776, Neomyzus
circumflexus Buckton, 1876, Pentalonia caladii van der Goot, 1917, Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae Linnaeus, 1761, Sinemegoura citricola
van der Goot, 1917, Toxoptera aurantii Boyer de Fonscolombe, 1841, Toxoptera citricidus Kirkaldy, 1907, Toxoptera odinae van der
Goot, 1917 and the total of 11 species aphids found in weeds, A. gossypii, A. craccivora, A. glycines, A. citricola, Greenidea sp.,
Hystroneura setariae Thomas, 1878, Hiperomyzus sp., Lipaphis erysimi Kaltenbach, 1843, Rhopalosiphum maidis Fitch, 1856,
Rhopalosiphum padi Linnaeus, 1758, Schizaphis rotundiventris Signoret, 1860.
(Kumar et al. 2021). This indicates that weeds can serve as photographs of the aphid colonies and their host plants
alternative hosts for aphids. were recorded.
In South Sumatra, particularly in the highland areas like
Pagar Alam, there are numerous ornamental and wild
plants. Research on the inventory of aphid species in RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ornamental and wild plants has less noticed. This study
reports the diversity of aphid species found in ornamental Result
and wild plants found in this area. The findings from this Aphids infesting in ornamental plants
study can serve as a valuable resource for aphid The results showed that 15 aphid species were found in
management. Pagar Alam (Tables 1 and 2). These aphids mostly
colonized flowers of various ornamental plants (Table 1,
Figure 1).
MATERIALS AND METHODS The relationship between aphids and ants was also
recorded. Aphids produce a sweet, sticky substance called
The field research employed a purposive and direct honeydew; ants are attracted to this honey because it serves
observation to inventory cultivated or wild plants hosting as a food source. When aphids are present, they secrete
and collecting aphids. The plant selection included honeydew, which attracts ants. This research recorded the
cultivated plants encompassing ornamental plants, as well presence of ants on plant parts colonized by aphids (Table 2).
as wild plants or weeds. Where available, collecting and
identifying host plants, aphids, and natural enemies Aphids infesting in wild plants (weed or non-weed
involved systematic searches of all existing plant species to plants)
find those colonized by aphids. Any plants colonized by In addition, this study documented aphid colonies on
aphids are documented as aphid hosts. Aphid identification flowers, stalks, plant tops, young leaves, and old leaves of
was done using identification keys (Blackman and Eastop wild plants (Table 3, Figure 2).
2008) in the Laboratory of Entomology, Faculty of The presence of ants in aphid colonization symbolizes a
Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya. Identification relied on mutually beneficial relationship where the ants receive food
morphological characteristics. The host plants were from the aphids while protecting them. This study recorded
identified using the weed identification handbook (Kallas the ant attendance in aphids colonization (Table 4).
2010; Naidu 2012; Meuninck 2023). The location and
aphid colony sizes, including their life color, and
Table 1. Aphid species recorded in ornamental plants and their colony locations
Table 2. Aphid species recorded in ornamental plants and the presence of the ants in the plant parts colonized
Figure 1. Photos showing colonies of different aphid species in ornamental plants: A. Aphis gossypii in Dahlia sp. flower; B. Aphis
gossypii in Hibiscus rosasinensis flower; C. Aphis gossypii in Cestrum twig and flower; D. Aphis craccivora in Clitoria ternatea flower;
E. Aphis glycines in Helianthus giganteus flower; F. Aphis craccivora on the Murayya paniculata flower; G. Toxoptera odinae in the
Mussaenda frondose; H. Macrosiphoniella sanborni. in Chrysanthemum sp. Leaves; I. Macrosiphum rosae in Rosa indica flower; J.
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae in Canna indica leaves. Chandra Irsan captured all the photos
Aphids on Clitoria ternatea L. were found to form showed stunting symptoms. The colonies were very large.
colonies on flower parts, flower crowns, stems, and young The aphids were green. The identification results showed
leaves. The aphids were brown to black. Colonized plant that the aphids were A. gossypii. The aphid colonies were
parts, especially shoots and young leaves, showed stunting consistently associated with ants. Furthermore, on the
symptoms. The identification results showed that the Helianthus annuus L., aphid colonies were found between
aphids were Aphis craccivora Koch, 1854. These colonies the flower petals. The colonized flowers, especially the
were consistently associated with ants. The aphids on the crowns, tended to fall off easily. The aphids were green and
Dahlia sp. formed colonies on unopened flower buds, with yellow. The colonies were small. The identification results
a significant population among the blooming petals. The showed that the aphids were A. gossypii. These aphid
body color was green to dark green. The identification colonies were associated with ants. Aphid colonies on
results showed that the aphids were A. gossypii. According Helianthus sp. were found on the undersides of old leaves.
to this present study, Sinemegoura citricola van der Goot, These colonies were small in size. The aphids were green
1917 colonies were found on the young leaves of with a medium body size. The colonized plant parts did not
Dendrobium sp., with the color body of the S. citricola show any disease symptoms. The identification results
aphids were yellow, green to dark green, and the colonized showed that the aphids were Aphis glycines Matsumura,
plants showing no disease symptoms, and were associated 1917. The aphid colonies were not associated with ants.
with ants. On Duranta sp., colonies of aphids on the Within the colonies, mummified aphids that Aphidiidae
undersides of young leaves, and the colonized plant parts parasitized were found.
6606 B I OD I V E R S I TA S 24 (12): 6602-6612, December 2023
Figure 2. Aphids found infesting wild plants A. Aphis gossypii in Ageratum conyzoides; B. Aphis gossypii in Croton hirtus; C. Aphis
gossypii in Eupatorium odoratum; D. Aphis gossypii in Pachystochys sp.; E. Pentalonia caladii in Caladium sp.; F. Aphis gossypii in
Alternanthera sessilis; G. Aphis gossypii in Portulaca oleraceae; H. Aphis gossypii in Euphorbia hirta; I. Aphis spiraecola in Phylantus
nerruri; J. Aphis spiraecola in Sida rhombifolia; K. Aphis spiraecola in Bridelia tomentosa; L. Aphis spiraecola in Ludwigia peruviana;
M. A. craccivora in Mimosa pudica; N. Aphis craccivora in Amaranthus viridis; O. Aphis glycine in Mikania micrantha; P. Hysteneura
sp. in Eleusin sp.; Q. Greenidae sp. in Bridelia tomentosa; R. Hyperomyzus sp. in Echinocloa crusgali; S. Lipaphis erysimi in sonchus
arventris; T. Rhopalosiphum padi in Oryza rufipogon; U. Rhopalosiphum maidis in Oryza rufipogon. All the photos were captured by
Chandra Irsan
IRSAN et al. – Aphids found in ornamental and wild plants 6607
Table 3. Species of aphids found in wild (weed or non-weed) plants and their colony locations
On Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L., aphids ranging from adults having a powdery white upper surface. The
yellow to dark green were found. The aphids formed identification results showed that the aphids were A.
colonies on flower buds, unopened flower crowns, and the gossypii almost always associated with ants. The second
undersides of aging leaves. The colonies grew to be very type of aphids on Ixora paludosa formed colonies under
large. The identification results showed that the aphids the surface of young and older leaves. The colonies could
were A. gossypii. The aphid colonies were consistently also be found on newly emerging flowers and leaves. The
associated with ants. Two types of aphids were found on plant parts occupied by these aphids did not show obvious
the flowering plant Ixora paludosa (Blume) Kurz. First, the signs of illness. These aphids were dark red to black, with
aphids formed colonies on the undersides of young leaves once-branched stigma and venation in their black wings.
that were still red or light green and sometimes on flower The identification results showed that the aphids were T.
stalks that had not yet bloomed. The occupied plant parts aurantii. These aphids were also associated with ants.
showed symptoms such as stunted leaf growth, leaf Moreover, two forms of aphids were discovered in Ixora
shrinkage, necrotic spots on the leaf surface, and slightly sp. flower plants. These aphids occupied the shoots, young
downward-curved leaf edges. The upper leaf surface leaves, and unopened flowers; the affected plant parts did
looked wet and sticky, like sugar. The aphids had yellow, not show obvious symptoms. The aphids exhibited colors
green, or slightly dark green bodies, with some wingless ranging from yellow and green to a slightly darker green.
6608 B IOD IV E R S ITA S 24 (12): 6602-6612, December 2023
Table 4. Aphid species were recorded in wild plants, and the presence of ants in the plant parts colonized
Aphid species Wild plants Aphids life color Plant parts colonized Ant attendance Total individual of ant
Aphis gossypii Ageratum conyzoides Light green Shoots, young leaves, old leaves, flowers + 5
Alternanthera philoxeroides Light green Shoots, buds + 3
Alternanthera sessilis Light green Shoots, buds - 0
Croton hirtus Dark green Flowers, shoots, young leaves, old leaves, young twigs + 7
Ecliptica prostrata Green Shoots, young leaves + 5
Emilia sonchifolia Green Flower, flower stalks, shoots + 6
Euphorbia hirta Light green Young leaves, old leaves + 7
Eupatorium odoratum Light green Young leaves, old leaves, young twigs + 8
Melastoma affine Light green Shoots, young leaves + 8
Mikania micrantha Light green Shoots, young leaves, old leaves + 9
Physalis angulata Yellowish green Shoots, young leaves, old leaves, fruit/seeds + 10
Sida rhombifolia Yellowish green - 0
Aphis craccivora Amaranthus viridis Black Flowers, shoots, young leaves, old leaves + 3
Mimosa invisa Black Shoots, pods + 2
Mimosa pudica Black Shoots, pods, flowers + 3
Mimosa vigra Black Shoots, pods + 4
Portulaca oleraceae Black Shoots, young leaves, flowers + 7
Physalis angulata Black Shoots, young leaves, old leaves + 4
Aphis glycines Eupatorium odoratum Greenish yellow Young leaves, old leaves, young twigs + 6
Mikania micrantha Light green Shoots, young leaves, old leaves + 4
Aphis spiraecola Phylanthus neruri Greenish yellow Shoot, young leaves, young twigs, petioles + 5
Bridelia Tomentosa Greenish yellow Shoot, young leaves + 2
Greenidea sp. Bridelia Tomentosa Greenish yellow Young leaves - 0
Hystroneura setariae Digitaria ciliaris Reddish-brown Flower, flower stalks + 3
Eleusin indica Reddish-brown Flower, flower stalks, leaf axils + 4
Eragrostis tenella Reddish-brown Flower, flower stalks, seeds + 4
Hymenochera acutigluma Reddish-brown Flowers, flower stalks, leaf axils + 3
Lophatherum gracile Reddish-brown Young leaves, old leaves, leaf axils + 6
Oxonopus compressus Reddish-brown Flower, flower stalk, leaf axils + 3
Paspalum conjugatum Reddish-brown Flower, flower stalk, seeds + 6
Hyperomyzus sp. Echinocloa crussgali Black Young leaves, old leaves - 0
Lipaphis erysimi Blumea lacera Whitish green Flowers, shoots, and buds + 4
Rorippa indica Whitish green Flower, fruit, shoots, young leaves + 4
Sonchus arventris Whitish green Young leaves, fruit stalks, flowers, fruit + 5
Rhopalosiphum maidis Eleusin indica Green Flower, flower stalks, leaf axils + 3
Lophatherum gracile Green Young leaves, old leaves, leaf axils + 4
Oryza rufipogon Green Old leaves, young leaves (shoot), leaf axils - 0
Rhopalosiphum padi Oryza rufipogon Whitish green Old leaves, young leaves (shoot), leaf axils + 4
Schizaphis rotundiventris Cynodon dactylon Green Flowers, flower stalks + 6
Cyperus compressus Green Flowers, flower stalks, leaf axils + 4
Cyperus rotundus Green Flowers, flower stalks, leaf axils + 4
Notes: (+): present, (-): absent
IRSAN et al. – Aphids found in ornamental and wild plants 6609
Sometimes, the upper surface of the wingless imago's forming large colonies. Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. or
body appeared white, resembling flour. The identification Bermuda grass was colonized by Schizaphis rotundiventris
results showed that these aphids were A. gossypii. These Signoret, 1860. The aphids colonized the flowers, flower
aphid colonies were almost always associated with ants. stalks, and sometimes the plant leaf axils. Small colonies
Another species of aphids formed colonies on flower stalks were formed. The aphids were brown to reddish brown.
that had not yet bloomed and on newly emerging shoots or They were associated with ants. Cyperus rotundus L., or
leaves. The presence of these aphids on the plant did not nut grass, was infested by S. rotundiventris aphids. The
induce plant disease symptoms. The aphids were yellow or colonies were found on flower stalks, flowers, and leaf
yellowish green, with black cauda and siphunculi. Their axils. The colonies were quite large and associated with
bodies were very small to small. The identification results both black and red ants. The aphids were dark brown in
showed that the aphids were A. citricola. The colonies of A. color. Cyperus compressus L., or grass puzzle, was
citricola were also frequently found in association with colonized by S. rotundiventris aphids, forming colonies in
ants. Two types of aphids were found on Mussaenda the flowers, flower stalks, and sometimes in the axils and
frondose L., each forming colonies in different locations. leaves of the shoots or buds. Small colonies were observed.
The first type formed colonies on young leaves, shoots, and Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler was infested by
flowers. The plant parts they occupied showed no obvious Hysteroneura setariae Thomas 1878 aphids, with small
disease symptoms. The identification results showed that colonies scattered on the flowers and flower stalks. These
the aphids were Toxoptera odinae van der Goot, 1917. The aphids were light brown to brown in color. Echinochloa
aphids were yellow, green, and dark green (Blackman et al. crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv., or water hyacinth plants, were
2011). The second type of aphids formed colonies on the colonized by Hiperomyzus sp. aphids. These aphids were
stems or young twigs, appearing densely clustered as if dark brown to black and formed large colonies on the
piled up. The aphid colonies could also be found on young undersides of both young and old leaves. The aphid
leaves, shoots, and within flower parts. The plant parts they colonies were never found in association with ants. Eclipta
infested showed no signs of diseases. The aphids were prostrata (L.) L., or urang-aring, was colonized by A.
yellow or yellow-green, with black cauda and siphunculi. gossypii, forming small colonies on the shoots and flowers.
They had tiny to small bodies. The identification results The aphids were bright green to blackish green. The aphid
showed that the aphids were A. citricola. Many aphid colonies were also consistently associated with ants.
species infest various ornamental plants because these Eleusin indica (L.) Gaertn. was colonized by two species of
insects are attracted to such plants due to the rich nutrient aphids: Hysteroneura setariae Thomas, 1878 and
content in the plant sap (Braham et al. 2023). Rhopalosiphum maidis Fitch, 1856. Hysteroneura setariae
The results showed that 34 species of wild plants, formed colonies in flower parts, flower stalks, and leaf
including weeds, were growing in the yard colonized by axils, resulting in large colonies. Hysteroneura setariae's
aphids. This indicated that multiple species of aphids body color ranged from red-brown to dark brown. The
colonized various host plants. The aphid species colonizing colonies were consistently associated with ants. The aphids
these plants were generally consistent within the same of R. maidis formed colonies in the leaf axils and
taxon. Ageratum conyzoides L. was infested by A. gossypii. undersides of leaves and leaf shoots that had not yet
These aphids formed colonies on the flower sections, opened. The colonies were not densely packed. The leaf
shoots, lower surfaces of young leaves, or leaves turning aphids of R. maidis were green in color, with distinct black
yellow. The aphids were green, yellow-green to dark green, siphunculi and cauda. These aphids had relatively large
often forming large colonies. Alternanthera philoxeroides bodies with a slightly elongated shape. Rhopalosiphum
(Mart.) Griseb., or alligator grass, was also colonized by A. maidis colonies were always associated with ants. The
gossypii. Small colonies were found on shoots or stems. plant Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. ex Wight, characterized
These aphids had small bodies and were green, ranging by its purple flowers, was colonized by A. gossypii; the
from yellow-green to dark green. Alternanthera sessilis aphids were yellow to green in color. The colonies formed
(L.) R.Br. ex DC. was colonized by A. gossypii, forming near flowers, flower stalks, and shoot leaves. Eragrostis
colonies on shoots, flowers, and fruit. The colonies were tenella was infested by H. setariae aphids. The aphids were
typically large and often associated with tiny brown ants. brown to red-brown. Small colonies formed on flowers
Amaranthus viridis Linnaeus was infested by A. near the seeds, with groups of aphids surrounding the
craccivora. These aphids established colonies on shoots, plant's seeds. The aphids of H. setariae were consistently
flowers, and young and old leaves. They were dark brown associated with ants. Euphorbia hirta L., or wart grass, was
to black, with shiny black wingless imagoes. Colonies of colonized by A. gossypii. The aphids formed colonies on
these aphids were associated with both black and red ants. the undersides of leaves, resulting in stunted growth of the
Blumea lacera (Burm.fil.) DC. was colonized by Lipaphis leaves. The aphids were yellow to dark green in color.
erysimi Kaltenbach, 1843. These aphids were bright green Aphis gossypii colonies on E. hirta plants were consistently
and of medium size. The colonies formed on flowers, associated with ants. Eupatorium odoratum L. was
flower stalks, and the undersides of the leaves at the top. colonized by A. gossypii and A. citricola. A. gossypii
The aphid colonies were not associated with ants. Croton formed colonies in the buds, young leaves, old leaves, and
hirtus L'Hér., or fire grass, was infested by A. gossypii; the young twigs. Young leaves colonized by A. gossypii
aphids were yellow-green to dark green. The colonies were became stunted with an irregular shape. Aphis gossypii
found on the stems, leaves, buds, and flowers, often found in this plant showed yellow-green to dark-green
6610 B I OD I V E R S I TA S 24 (12): 6602-6612, December 2023
body color. The colonies of A. citricola formed on the and R. padi in O. rufipogon plants were associated with the
young twigs near the shoots, with these aphids displaying presence of red ants. Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P.Beauv.,
yellow-green coloration and having black siphunculi and or pait grass, was colonized by H. setariae aphids. The
cauda. Aphid colonies of A. gossypii and A. citricola on E. colonies occupied flowers, flower stalks, seeds, and
odoratum plants were associated with either black or red sometimes the leaf axils. The aphids were brown to dark
ants. Hymenachne acutigluma (Steud.) Gilliland, or hair brown. Small colonies were formed, and they were also
axis, was colonized by H. setariae, which formed colonies consistently associated with ants. Paspalum conjugatum
on the flower stalks and flowers. The colonized parts of the was colonized by H. setariae aphids. The colonies
plants did not display any noticeable symptoms. occupied flower parts, especially the seeds and flower
Lagerstromea sp., or kenidai, was infested by Greenidae stalks. Aphids had brown to dark brown bodies. Phylanthus
sp. These aphids had bright green bodies and distinctive neruri L. was colonized by A. citricola. The colonies
elongated siphunculi with thorns. The aphids formed formed on the shoots and the undersides of leaves and
colonies on the undersides of leaves, especially on young petioles. The colonized parts became distorted, stunted, and
leaves. The colonized leaves did not show any disease wrinkled. The aphids had yellow bodies with black
symptoms. Lophatherum gracile Brongn. or bamboo grass sifunculi and cauda; the colonies formed were large.
plants, were colonized by two species of aphids: H. Portulaca oleracea L. plants were colonized by A.
setariae and R. maidis. The aphids of H. setariae formed craccivora. The aphids of A. craccivora in P. oleraceae
colonies on the undersides of leaves, leaf shoots, and leaf plants formed colonies on the undersides of leaves,
axils. The colonized leaves did not show any disease especially young leaves, shoots, and flowers. The colonized
symptoms. Hystroneura setariae aphids were brown to red- plant parts became stunted, and leaf edges curled
brown. Rhopalosiphum maidis aphids also formed colonies downward. The aphids had dark brown to black bodies,
on the undersides of leaves, but the colonies were small. with wingless imagoes that appeared glossy black. Physalis
Rhopalosiphum maidis aphids were green to bright green, angulata plants were colonized by Aphis craccivora. The
with black siphunculi and cauda. It was possible for aphids had dark green to black bodies, with glossy black
colonies of the two species of aphids on L. gracile to mix. wingless imagoes. Aphis craccivora formed colonies on the
In addition, Melastoma affine D.Don was colonized by A. shoots or near the leaf buds. The colonized plant parts did
gossypi. The colonies formed on shoots, particularly near not show disease symptoms. Rorippa indica (L.) Hiern, or
newly emerging shoots and newly emerging fruits and mustard land, was colonized by L. erysimi. The colonies
flowers. The body color of aphids ranged from yellow to formed on the flowers, fruits, flower stalks, and the lower
green. The colonized plant parts did not show any disease leaf's surface. The colonized plant parts showed symptoms
symptoms. Mikania micrantha Kunth was colonized by A. such as curling and stunting. Sida rhombifolia L., or
gossypii and Aphis glycines Matsumura, 1917. Aphis cacabean, was colonized by A. gossypii. The aphids had
gossypii formed colonies on the shoots, especially on the green-yellow to green body colors. The colonies formed on
undersides of the leaves, resulting in stunted and curled the surface of lower leaves, stalks, and flower petals. The
leaves. Aphis glycines formed colonies on the branches. colonized plant parts, especially the shoots, showed
The colonies were densely populated. Aphis glycines curling. and the leaf edges curled downward. Sonchus
aphids were light green to green in color. The colonized arvensis L. plants were colonized by L. erysimi. The aphids
plant parts became distorted. The two species of aphids had green to whitish green body colors, and the colonies
could mix to form a single colony. Mimosa invisa Mart. ex formed on flower stalks, under petals, and on young shoots
Colla (cater-grass) was colonized by A. craccivora. The or leaves. The colonized plant parts became stunted over
aphids of A. craccivora on M. invisa plants formed time.
colonies only on the shoots with small colonies. The aphids In general, aphids observed on ornamental and wild
appeared dark black with wingless imagoes. Mimosa plants formed colonies. The colonized plant parts typically
pudica L. was observed to be colonized by A. craccivora. displayed typical damage symptoms, but some did not
The aphids formed colonies on shoots, especially young show any symptoms at all. Generally, the plants' symptoms
shoots, and occasionally on flowers and pods. The aphids due to aphid colonies were relatively the same, such as
were black and of medium size, resulting in stunted growth stunted growth, abnormal shape, and stunted or curly
of the colonized plant parts. The colonies were quite large. leaves. These characteristic symptoms serve as indicators
Mimosa pigra L. was colonized by A. craccivora. The of aphid infestations. However, some plants or plant parts
colonies of aphids occupied the pods and shoots with small did not show symptoms when colonized by aphids. This
colonies. The nymphs of aphids were black, and wingless condition occurred because the colonized parts had reached
adults were shiny black. The colonized plant parts did not maximum growth or development. It indicated that the
show any disease symptoms. Oryza rufipogon Griff. was colonized part was not currently undergoing a growth
colonized by two species of aphids: Rhopalosiphum padi phase. The colonies that did not induce symptoms typically
and R. maidis. Both aphids colonized the same plant parts, occurred when the colonized leaves had reached their
namely the unopened leaves and the leaf axils with large maximum growth or when the leaves and plant parts were
colonies. The two species could be distinguished by their old. Furthermore, the old leaves or twigs might not show
body color. Rhopalosiphum maidis appeared green with the typical symptoms associated with aphid infestations.
black siphunculi and cauda, while Rhopalosiphum padi The plant parts exhibiting characteristic symptoms when
Linnaeus, 1758 appeared white. The colonies of R. maidis colonized by aphids also often experienced a cessation in
IRSAN et al. – Aphids found in ornamental and wild plants 6611
growth due to the piercing by the aphids. In contrast, the farms (in certain species) and provided energy for the
areas surrounding the puncture site continued growing, growth of their progeny (Biedermann and Vega 2020).
resulting in some parts developing ordinary while others Ornamental plants and also weeds are generally grown with
became stunted (Pettersson et al. 2017). This condition simple maintenance and are usually pesticides-free. The
could lead to bending shoots or young stems, curling ecological habitat of ornamental plants and weeds is
leaves, downward curling of leaf edges, or stunted leaf assumed to be the same. Therefore, many species of aphids
growth. In this observation, monocot plants or groups of found on ornamental plants were also found on weeds.
grasses with narrow leaves generally did not display any In conclusion total of 15 species of aphids were found
distinctive symptoms when colonized by aphids. This in ornamental plants, A. craccivora, A. citricola, A.
might be because the growth or development of their leaves glycines, A. gossypii, A. solani, M. sanborni, M. rosae, M.
differed from that of dicot plants. Therefore, the presence persicae, N. circumflexus, P. caladii, R. nymphaeae, S.
of aphids in monocot plants was often easier to recognize citricola, T. aurantii, T. citricidus, T. odinae. A total of 11
through the presence of ants. If a plant was found to have a species of aphids are found in weeds, A. gossypii, A.
significant number of ants, there was a possibility that craccivora, A. glycines, A. citricola, Greenidea sp., H.
aphids had colonized the plant (Tegelaar et al. 2012). setariae, Hiperomyzus sp., L. erysimi, R. maidis, R. padi, S.
Therefore, the presence of ants could serve as an indicator rotundiventris.
of the aphid colonies. According to this study, ants were
present in some aphid colonies from the subfamily
Aphidinae, while the ants were absent in some aphid ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
colonies from the macrosiphini subfamily. The bodies of
aphids from the subfamily Aphidinae are relatively small The authors thank Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia that
and have short sifunculi. On the other hand, aphids, which supported this research. This research is a part of contract
have large bodies and relatively long sifunculi, are never number 0188/UN9.3.1/SK/2023, 18 April 2023, with the
visited by ants. This happens because long sifunculi are chairman Chandra Irsan.
reported to disturb ants, so the ants don't like to come close.
Additionally, large aphids and long sifunculi generally do
not produce honeydew, so ants do not want to come close. REFERENCES
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