The Future Scoredcard
The Future Scoredcard
The Future Scoredcard
43,3 The future scorecard: combining
external and internal scenarios to
create strategic foresight
Alexander Fink
ScMI Scenario Management International AG, Paderborn, Germany
Bernard Marr
Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, UK
Andreas Siebe and Jens-Peter Kuhle
ScMI Scenario Management International AG, Paderborn, Germany
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a new and systematic approach towards strategic
foresight by combining traditional external scenarios (market-based approach) with internal scenarios
(resource-based approach) into a future scorecard, which can be used to describe alternative internal
development paths for an organization.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper builds on the existing literature as well as on multiple
case examples to illustrate the application of the future scorecard.
Findings – The findings of this paper are that it is possible to combine the external (market-based)
and internal (resource-based) view to create a strategic early warning system.
Practical implications – The implications for practitioners are twofold, first, the paper outlines the
importance of integrating a future perspective into performance measurement systems, second, it
demonstrates the applicability of scenario thinking for the internal resource-based view of the firm.
Originality/value – The paper combines thinking of the market-based and the resource-based view
of the firm in order to provide a new tool to supplement most static measurement approaches with a
tool that monitors the future developments – externally and internally. Scenarios are traditionally
used to describe possible alternative future developments in the external environment, which then
inform current strategy assessment and future strategy development. However, with a shift in focus
away from the market-based paradigm and towards a resource-based view of strategy, scenarios can
also be used to describe alternative internal development paths for an organization. These two types of
scenarios can then be systematically developed and combined to form a significant element of a
strategic early warning system – the future scorecard.
Keywords Balanced scorecard, Performance measurement (quality), Intellectual capital,
Intangible assets
Paper type Conceptual paper
To survive and grow in an era of continuous change, organizations must identify
upcoming opportunities and threats early enough and address them in their strategic
planning. Scenario planning became popular in the 1970s as a tool to help
Management Decision organizations in this process by distilling the countless possibilities of the future state
Vol. 43 No. 3, 2005
pp. 360-381 into a limited set of coherent views. This limited set of scenarios could then influence
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
strategic decision-making. The development of scenario planning was closely
DOI 10.1108/00251740510589751 associated with the emergence of strategic long-range planning. During that time,
models of strategy were emphasizing the exploitation of market power with the The future
competitive forces introduced by Porter (1980) and the model of strategic conflict scorecard
presented by Sharpiro (1989). In this predominantly externally focused mindset
scenarios were exclusively used to describe alternative future market developments
(Miller and Waller, 2003).
More recently, internally focused models of strategy that emphasize efficiency were
introduced to supplement the externally focused models. This movement resulted in 361
concepts such as the resource-based, competence-based and evolutionary views of the
firm. Strategists were forced, therefore, to move away from a “black-box” view of the
firm and match external opportunities with organizational capabilities. In this paper,
the authors will demonstrate how scenario planning is following this development and
how both external and internal future scenarios can be created. This allows firms to
match external opportunities and threats with the threats and opportunities of internal
developments in their strategy planning.
In the remaining part of this paper we will demonstrate how the two scenario
approaches can be used to build a strategic control instrument – the future scorecard –
combining strategic planning and early warning systems to enable strategic foresight.
First, we will describe the traditional role of scenarios in strategic management,
outlining the four-step process for scenario development and discussing how scenarios
are used in strategic planning; then we will discuss the resource-based view, outlining
how it informs scenario thinking and how to develop internal strategy scenarios; in the
subsequent part we discuss how strategic planning can be based on internal and
external scenarios; before we conclude, we describe how a future scorecard can be
developed based on the strategic insights from the scenarios.
Figure 1.
Main principles of
scenario management
The future
Figure 2.
Four steps of scenario
factor catalogue. Using the full number of identified factors during scenario
creation would lead to scenarios that are too complex and blurred. Only those
factors are selected that are either characteristic for the development of the
whole scenario field or have a strong influence on the centre of the scenario field.
These so-called “key factors” can be extracted with the help of an influence
analysis. Based on the assessment of the interconnections, the systemic
behaviour of all factors is visualized to identify subsystems, dominant factors,
and critical feedback loops.
(2) Foresight of alternative projections (Phase 2). This is the heart of the scenario
development, where we look into the future. First, the scenario team defines a
future horizon – the time in the future that should be described by the
scenarios. After this, the team identifies possible developments for all key
factors – the so-called “future projections”. The aim is not only to find the one
most likely projection, but also to find alternative and plausible images that can
be used to enable the scenarios to describe the full “window of opportunity.”
Usually three or four projections are described per factor to avoid
one-dimensional “black-and-white” thinking.
(3) Calculation and formulation of scenarios (Phase 3). Two goals determine the
third phase: ideally each scenario should represent a possible and internally
consistent future situation and the set of scenarios should represent the entire
“window of opportunities”, including all possible images of the future. To work
out consistent future images, the consistency of all pairs of projections is
assessed and all possible combinations – the so-called “projection bundles” –
are checked. Scenario software can be used to assist this process. To find a
suitable set of scenarios, the highly consistent projection bundles are
systematically grouped in a cluster analysis. The number of scenarios is
pre-determined and more diversely the members of the scenario team think into
the future, the more scenarios will be produced. Projections that appear in the
majority of projection bundles of a certain scenario are named “scenario
MD elements”. While some projections appear in more than one scenario, others are
a distinguishing feature of only one scenario. These characteristic elements are
43,3 at the centre of the scenario description, which can take the form of a report or
more innovative formats, such as newspapers, interviews, or even theatre plays.
(4) Analysis, mapping and interpretation of scenarios (Phase 4). In addition to the
scenario description, each scenario can be analysed in detail: What are the
364 scenario drivers? How robust is the scenario? What are the likely outcomes?
Who are the winners and losers in the scenario? And what happens if disruptive
factors are included? What are possible sub-scenarios? A second set of
questions concerning the consequences of the scenario could be asked too: What
are the opportunities and risks for us as a result of the scenario? What would we
have to do in case the scenario became reality? However, even if all scenarios are
described and analysed in detail, many executives strive for an overview of
their “window of opportunities”. Using multi-dimensional scaling the input
bundles can be projected into scenarios, which are then visualized in the
so-called “scenario maps”. Such a map can be used to interpret the set of
scenarios. Often the current situation is marked on the map so that alternative
development paths can be seen as arrows from the current situation to other
Figure 3.
Organization of scenario
The most common form of scenario development are scenario projects. They generally The future
last between a couple of weeks and a couple of months, depending on the complexity scorecard
and work intensity. Typically, two to five workshops take place, where a scenario team
of 10-20 participants discusses the most significant steps of the process. A smaller core
team is responsible for the preparation and documentation of the workshop as well as
taking responsibility for some specific analyses. While this traditional approach often
takes quite a long time and requires substantial resources, others prefer a scenario 365
conference. Here, the scenarios are jointly developed in two or three days. Scenario
conferences enable participating managers to explore alternative concepts in a creative
atmosphere and to systematically develop a vision together with their peers. This has
the added advantage that all key influencers have contributed to the same discussion
and, therefore, their buy-in to the conclusions is likely to be greater.
Figure 4.
Strategy roadmap
Figure 5.
Classification of resources
actors. Structural resources are split into physical and virtual infrastructure, which
refers to their tangible and intangible nature, respectively. Finally, virtual
infrastructure is further sub-divided into culture, routines and practices and
intellectual property. These categories and their subsets are illustrated conceptually
within the figure.
Stakeholder relationships include all forms of relationships of the company with
its stakeholders[3]. These relationships could be licensing agreements,
partnering agreements, financial relations, contracts and arrangements about
distribution channels, as well as informal relationships. The stakeholder
relationships also include customer relationships and brand image, representing
a fundamental link between a company and one of its key stakeholders.
Human resources embrace all components of employees including competences,
commitment, motivation and loyalty. Some of the key components are
know-how, technical expertise and problem-solving capability, creativity,
education, attitude and entrepreneurial spirit.
Physical infrastructure comprises all infrastructure assets, such as buildings and
their structural layout and location, machinery and equipment, as well as
information and communication technology like computers, servers and physical
Culture embraces corporate culture and management philosophies. Some
important components are organizational values. Culture is of fundamental
importance for organizational effectiveness and efficiency since it provides a
framework, sometimes implied, through which to interpret events.
Practices and routines include internal practices, virtual networks and routines,
i.e. tacit rules and procedures. Some key components are process manuals
providing codified procedures and rules, tacit rules of behaviour as well as
MD management style. Practices and routines determine how processes are being
43,3 handled and how work processes flows through the organization.
Intellectual property is the sum of patents, copyrights, trademarks, brands,
registered designs and trade secrets whose ownership is granted to the company
by law.
370 However, for the development of effective strategies organizations not only require an
insight into the nature of their resources but also an understanding of the dynamic
interaction of individual resources and how they complement one another. It is often
this dynamic combination of resources that is the key to success and competitive
advantage (Marr et al., 2004). For example, a company may have excellent
programming skills that enable it to build software, but they might be worth little
unless accompanied by a strong distribution network, loyalty and commitment from
its employees and a powerful brand name. This type of combination of resources is
often the recipe for success in companies such as, for example, Microsoft or CISCO
Systems. The following section provide examples of strategy scenarios based on the
above outlined taxonomy of firm resources.
Figure 6.
Examples of strategy
decided to examine the perspectives of the city and its surroundings with the The future
help of a multiple-stakeholder scenario planning project. Participants in the scorecard
review were, in addition to representatives from the council and administration,
30 inhabitants from different groups and associations. The aim was to develop
proposals for a sustained and prosperous development and future interaction
between the various stakeholder groups[4].
Human resources. The European Aeronautics Defense and Space Company 371
(EADS) was created in a merger between the German DaimlerChrysler Aerospace
AG, the French Aerospatiale Matra and CASA of Spain. EADS realized the critical
role of their knowledge workers and wanted to reorganize its corporate learning.
To support this process, strategy scenarios were created to identify different
business models of how to create a Corporate Business Academy and how to
evaluate them in the context of the specific EADS business culture.
Physical infrastructure. INPRO is an affiliated company of the automotive
manufacturers DaimlerChrysler, Volkswagen and suppliers BASF, IWKA and
ThyssenKrupp Automotive. The innovative work of INPRO consists of applying
latest research to applications in the production practice. Within a
scenario-project, possible visions for the future of product development,
production preparation and production processes in the car industry (digital
factory) were explored. The current physical infrastructure was an important
factor in this project. The scenarios evaluated the industry development as well
as new forms of co-operation between the suppliers and the customers. The
integrated use of information services played an important part, which in turn
changed the role of the physical infrastructure.
Culture. A municipal data processing company (KDO) offers a variety of services
to their clients – the local governments. Doing this, KDO acts in an uncertain
environment, defined by terms such as 24-hour Town Hall and Local Authority
District Online. Culture is an important aspect in two ways – first, the culture of
the local region influences the work that is carried out and secondly, a good
organizational culture of KDO is seen as an important factor of attracting new
talent as KDO is restrained by relatively low government pay scales. Scenarios
were used to understand future development possibilities in the environment of
the KDO, trying to examine possible technical and social changes that will
impact the work of KDO. In addition, internal scenarios were created to
investigate possible impacts of organizational culture on the services KDO can
offer to meet the challenges and risks resulting from the external scenarios.
Routines and practices. A leading telecommunication provider used scenario
analysis not only to understand technology trends in this fast moving sector but
also to develop internal strategy scenarios to understand the impact of new
technology trends on its business model. In particular, taking into account
processes and routines as a closely integrated process chain is seen as one of
their key competitive advantages. In another case example, a manufacturing
company used scenario management to identify and combine relevant resources
and technologies in order to design consistent process chains.
Intellectual property. The pressure on maritime industry in Europe has
significantly increased during the last years. Harsh competition and battles to
MD survive characterize the actions of most companies. Only few succeed in
concentrating on the necessary strategic questions. This is why the European
43,3 Union supported the foundation of the European Virtual Maritime Institute,
EVIMAR A/S. This amalgamation of 17 industry partners from the maritime
and economic research meets the growing challenges of the maritime industry. In
the foundation process, strategy scenarios were developed to comprehend
372 possible interactions between the diverse partners. Particular emphasis was put
on the analysis of the strategic policy regarding their intellectual property. It was
critical to understand possible conflicts in the usage and development of new
research or patents in order to address them in the design of EVIMAR.
Figure 7.
Scenario-based strategic
The process of “strategy formulation” starts once the strategic direction has been The future
defined. Recurring parts of corporate and business strategies are visions and mission scorecard
statements, strategic or core capabilities and strategic positions. Strategic
consequences, programs and measures build the bridge between the present
situation and the objectives described as vision, mission, capabilities and positions –
and therefore, the starting point of the “strategy implementation”. The final step is the
continuous measurement of the strategy implementation process, which in turn acts as 373
a feedback loop into the analysis.
Figure 8.
MD possibilities and strategic positioning in Germany. First of all, external scenarios were
43,3 developed indicating the alternative possibilities for SBS in the German market. Later,
alternative internal strategy scenarios were developed using a scenario-conference.
These strategy scenarios were then used to match them with the external scenarios.
This led to the creation of a future-robust mission statement for Siemens Business
Services Germany.
374 A second example is Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg), the market
leader for print and publishing industry solutions. Heidelberg has become a global
player that constantly has to react to fast-changing industry trends. Recent examples
include the progress in digitizing data and the merger of diverse industries into a
cross-media market. To secure its leading position and to foster its development
towards a solutions provider, Heidelberg has to detect changes in the graphical
industry as well as the embedded communication economy at an early stage.
Furthermore, the company has to evaluate its strategic options in the changing
external conditions. To support this process Heidelberg developed both market
environment and strategy scenarios to compare them with each other in a strategic
workshop of the Heidelberg board.
Figure 9.
Basics and core elements
of strategic early warning
(2) Integration of qualitative information. Most strategically relevant developments The future
are difficult to quantify, so that qualitative factors, trends and developments scorecard
have to be drawn into consideration.
(3) Integration of future-open information. The fixation on a once-determined
strategy within the scope of strategy implementation processes and the
underlying external assumptions are leading to a substantial narrowing of
the horizon. Thus, it is important for the company to extend their focus beyond 375
the current strategy.
Several of those tendencies can be found in current management approaches. The
performance prism integrates external environment information, qualitative
risk-management focuses on imprecisely measurable danger zones and scenarios
enable handling uncertainty. With strategic early warning all three approaches are
combined in two core activities: in mid-term focused trend-management, possible
future developments are identified and analysed. In long-term focused
scenario-monitoring, the scenarios are assessed by current developments and
identified trends.
Figure 10.
Combining early warning
and strategic planning
MD the strategy. Companies must also ensure that their strategy is in line with
43,3 the current developments of their markets, industry and global environment.
That is why external indicators are integrated in most performance
measurement systems – but usually as one-dimensional premises, which are
built upon a strategy-conformant market perspective. New trends usually do
not arise from these kind of indicators though. To recognize “weak signals”
376 in time, managers have to widen their horizon to those areas, which are not
part of their current strategy – and often beyond their current mental
Issue management. Many relevant future trends lie outside of the previous
strategic viewpoints. Often they derive from initiatives apart from the traditional
planning process, e.g. in business development, in product and innovation
management or in separated foresight activities. As a result of these activities,
new issues, strategic consequences and possible actions are identified. It is far
from acceptable to wait for the discussion of these issues and the resulting
decision-making until the next planning cycle. That is why companies need an
additional perspective of “early-warning-indicated planning” or
We define the combination of strategic planning and early warning as “strategic
foresight”. Scenarios can play a significant and new role in combining the
well-structured planning process with the often less-organized and in some planners’
minds more “chaotic” early-warning processes:
(1) Scenarios can be the nucleus for new early warning processes. While the
implementation of early warning processes often needs a longer timeframe,
scenarios deliver first results in relatively short time. That is why a scenario
project – which often delivers a framework for environmental scanning and
significant scenario indicators – can be an excellent starting point for an early
warning process.
(2) Scenarios define the scope for monitoring processes. When companies decide on
focused strategies, the scenarios, which are not considered define a specific
scope for monitoring. These important sources of “weak signals” can only be
structured by scenarios.
(3) Scenarios are needed to identify “ weak signals”. Early warning processes are
much more than long-term market research. They focus on “weak signals”,
which appear first in less plausible alternatives to the current mental models.
Scenarios are an important tool for clearing the way for these new ideas into the
strategic thinking.
(4) Early warning processes initiate new scenario processes. Often topics, which
suggest a closer examination in form of scenarios are the result of early warning
(5) Scenarios and early warning systems use the same kind of information. On one
hand, well-structured knowledge about future developments can be used to
reduce the time of scenario processes as well as their quality. On the other hand,
well-written scenarios can return into early warning systems as new
The future scorecard as an instrument of strategic foresight The future
In traditional performance measurement approaches, companies continuously observe
their performance and ask: “How is the implementation of our current strategy going?”
(Figure 11). Today, many companies include external strategy premises into their
performance measurement-systems and ask: “How are the premises of our current
strategy developing?” But even this strategic approach fails if dynamics are too strong
and new trends and issues arise independently from the current strategy. 377
A future scorecard could help companies to avoid these risks by monitoring:
not only the premises of the current strategy but also the critical market
indicators (CMI) based on external scenarios, which are not taken into
consideration within the current strategy; and
not only the internal performance indicators but also the change indicators from
alternative strategy scenarios, which are not part of the current strategy.
The combination of strategy premises, critical market indicators and strategy
indicators leads to a future scorecard, which we believe is an important addition to
existing performance measurement approaches.
Figure 11.
Elements of a future
Figure 12.
Implementation of a future
or the performance prism have significantly enlarged the perspectives and integrated
non-financial and external indicators. However, most performance measurement
processes focus only on the currently followed strategy.
Based on the future scorecard approach companies have three different ways to
address future developments:
(1) Change your operation. Companies can change their operations without
changing the strategy:
they could change their operational and tactical behaviour to strengthen the
performance and to influence the strategy indicators directly; and
they could react to changes in the environment shown by external indicators.
(2) Change your strategy. Companies could change their strategy without changing
the way they see the future of the environment or their own possibilities:
they could change the way they assess the external scenarios, e.g. by
changing the possibilities or the risk management premises;
they could change the assessment of the internal strategy scenarios, e.g. because
of changes in their own resources or unexpected competence-developments;
they could develop new contingency plans for alternative side conditions or
possibilities, which might become relevant in the future.
This kind of change leads to additional changes on the operational level.
(3) Change your view on the future. Companies could change the way they see the
future of the environment or their own possibilities:
they could rework their external scenarios due to significant changes in the The future
environment; scorecard
they could rework their strategy scenarios due to significant changes in the
way the organization can cope with the environment; and
. they could rework their combination based on the new developments.
This kind of change leads to new strategic discussions and – very often – to changes
in the strategy, too.
The development of a future scorecard needs to be based on a creative learning
culture and on experiences in the fields of future thinking and strategic management
(Van der Heijden, 2002). One core element is open dialogues about the perspectives and
strategies of the company (Zohar, 1997). The future scorecard overcomes traditional
limits in thinking, leads the decision makers to new questions and increases the
tolerance of different points of view. Scenarios are the right basis to initiate and carry
out such strategic dialogues. At the same time they enable the decision makers who are
“trapped in operative daily business” to free themselves and systematically broaden
their perspectives.
Scenarios have traditionally been used to develop different and internally consistent
pictures of the future external environment. With the emergence of the resource-based
view of strategy, more emphasis was placed on organizational resources and how they
can be used to address the challenges posed by external change. In this paper, we have
outlined how organizations can develop internal strategy scenarios to complement
external scenarios in order to provide strategic foresight. In a world of endless
opportunities, path-dependent organizational development, as well as strong
interconnectivity of the resource base, such strategy scenarios are valuable tools
that allow organizations to address the complex strategic issues in a future-open way.
Combining both external and internal strategy scenarios enables organizations to
create a future scorecard – a continuous measurement tool to complement other
performance measurement approaches in order to deliver the openness and flexibility
needed for sustainable performance in today’s increasingly turbulent business climate.
1. For a good compendium on the resource based view see Foss (1997).
2. For more information see for example, MERITUM Guidelines (2002).
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intermediaries, alliance partners, suppliers, communities, employees, labour unions,
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4. For more information on scenarios in the public sector see Ringland (2002).
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