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D-TBF-AA 10-25-11

TBF-AA • Aluminum Nozzle • Aluminum Panel • Aluminum Border

TurboFuser Heavy Duty High Capacity Diffuser

Single or Multiple Nozzles • Adjustable

Nozzle NOM NOM Width by Number of Nozzles

Size in Duct
1 2 3 4
Inches Height
Note: The TBF-AA needs 5-¼” of 6 10 10 19 28 37
clearance behind the faceplate
to allow for the specified 60º 8 12 12 23 34 45
range of motion. 10 14 14 27 40 53
12 16 16 31 46 61
14 18 18 35 52 69
Dimensions are in inches.

® Note: This submittal is meant to demonstrate general dimensions of this product. The drawings on this submittal are not meant to detail every
aspect of the product with exactness. Drawings are not to scale. TITUS reserves the right to make changes without written notice.
605 Shiloh Road • Plano, Texas 75074• 972-212-4800
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage retrieval system without permission in writing from Air Distribution Technologies
Submittal D-TBF-AA 10-25-11

Typical Installation

Standard Finish: #26 White

General Description
• TurboFuser – Model TBF-AA is • Pivot bars are individually
designed for heating and cooling adjustable to maintain position at
• Heavy duty construction - panel
of large spaces; as well as spot numerous deflection settings.
mounted nozzles are available
heating and cooling in office • Model TBF-AA is aluminum with
with one thru four nozzles.
spaces. miscellaneous steel components.
Nozzles range in size from 6 to 14
• Nozzles can be individually
inches wide.
adjusted vertically or horizontally
• Each ring in the nozzle assembly
to 30 degrees perpendicular to the
is of one-piece spun construction.
mounting panel.
• High free area design provides air
distribution with lower noise and
less pressure loss.

® Note: This submittal is meant to demonstrate general dimensions of this product. The drawings on this submittal are not meant to detail every
aspect of the product with exactness. Drawings are not to scale. TITUS reserves the right to make changes without written notice.
605 Shiloh Road • Plano, Texas 75074• 972-212-4800
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage retrieval system without permission in writing from Air Distribution Technologies

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