Indian History
Indian History
Indian History
Abhidhamma Pitaka
(First Sermon) Explanation of the philusophical principles
Mahaparinirvana (Death) Stupa of the Buddhist religion. Mahavamsha and
Dipavamsa are the other Buddhist texts of
The Dhamma Sri Lanka.
•Dutch East India Company was formed Settlements Serampur (Bengal) and
in AD 1602. Tranquebar (Tamil Nadu) sold their
• Dutch were defeated by Engish at the settlementsto the English in 1845.
Battle of Bedara in AD
1759 and as per French
agreement, the Dutch gained the control • The French East India Company was
over Indonesia and the British .over
formed by Colbertunder state patronage
India, Sri Lanka and Malaya. in 1664.The First French factory was
• Settlements They set-up their first
established atSurat by FrancoisCaron in
factory at Masulipatnam 1605. Their
in 1668. A factoryat Masulipatnam was
other factories were at Pulicat, Chinsura, set-up in 1669.
Patna, Balasore,Naga pattanam, Cochin, • French were defeated by Engish in
Surat, Karaikal and Kasimbazar.
Battle of Wandiwash (1760).
• The East India Company was
formed in 1599 under a charter granted OF BENGAL
by Queen Elizabeth in 1600. Jahangir
granted a farman to Captain Wiljiam
Warren Hastings (ADI774-85)
Hawkins permittingthe English to erect Brought the dual government to an end
a factory at Surat (1613). by the Regulating Act, 1773.
• In 1615,Sir Thomas Roe succeeded in . The Act of 1781l made clear demarcation
getting an imperial farman to trade and between the jurisdiction of the Governor
establish factory in all parts of the General-in-Council and Supreme Court
Mughal Empire by ruler at Calcutta.
In 1690, a factory was éstablished at •Pitt's India Act (1784), Rohilla War
Suttanati by Job Charnock. In 1698, (1774), First Maratha War (1775-1782)
the acquisition of zarmindari
Tollowing of and Treaty of Salbai with Marathas
of Suttanati,Kalikata and
three villages (1782) and Second Mysore War (1780
Govindpur, the city of Calcutta was 84). Foundation of Asiatic Society of
founded. Fort Wiliam was set-up in Bengal (1784) in Calcutt by Sir
1700. Willlam Jones.
•In 1717, John Surman obtained a Engish translations of Bhagavad Gita by.
farnan from Farrukhsiyar, which gave Charles Wilkins in 1785.
Lord Cornwallis (AD1786-93) GOVERNOR-GENERALS
.Third Mysore War (1790-92) and OFINDIA
Treaty of Seringapatnam (1792).
of the Subsidiary ILord Ellenborough (AD1842-44)
Aliance (1798), first aliance with Brought an end to the Afghan war. War with
Nizam of Hyderabad followed by Gwaior (1843), Annexation of Sind by
Mvsore, Tanjore, Awadh, the Peshwa, Charles Napier (1843).
the Bhonsle and the Scindia.
Treaty of Bassein (1802) and the Lord Hardinge (AD1844-48)
Second Maratha War. First Anglo-SikhWar (1845-46) and Treaty of
Lahore (1846). Gave preference to English
George Barlow (1805-07) educated persons in employment.
. Vellore Mutiny (1806) Lord Dalhousie(AD1848-56)
LordMinto • Introduction of Doctrine of Lapse and
annexation of Satara (1848),Jaitpur and
.Conciuded the Treaty of Amritsar Sambhalpur (1849), Baghat (1850),
wath Matharaja Ranjit Singh (1809). Udaipur (1852), Jhansi (1853), Nagpur
Charter Act of 1813 was passed. (1854) and Awadh (annexed in 1856 on
account of maladministration).
Lord Hasting (AD1813-23) • Laid down the first railway line between
Anglo Nepal War (1814-1816) and Bombay and Thane (1853),Telegraph line
Treaty of Sagauli (1816). between Calcuttaand Agra and Postal
.Thírd Maratha War (1817-18) reforms (first issue of the Indian stamp in
dissolution of Maratha confederacy Karachi in 1854) with the Post Ofice Act.
and creation of Bombay Presidency. •Widow Remarriage Act, 1856 (the main
Pindari War ad establishment of force being lshwar Chand Vidyasagar).
Ryotwari System by Thomas Munro • Started Public Works Department, Grand
(1820). Trunk Road work and harbour of Karachi,
Bormbay and Calcutta developed.
LordAmherst(AD 1823-28) • Charter Act, 1853-Selection to Civil
* Royal Titles Act of 1876 and the Indian Universities Act of 1904 was
passed on the basis of its
assurnption of the title of 'Empress of
India' by Queen Victoria, the Delhi
Durbar in January 1877. • Ancient Monuments PreservationAct
* Vernacular Press Act also called the of1904. Thus,Archaeological Survey of
Indiawas established.
Gagging Act' to restrain the circulation of
printed matter) and the Armns Act (made Agricultural Research Institute was
mandatory for Indians to acquire established Pusa in Delhi. Partitioned
.DisobedienceMovement (1930).
First Round Table Conference was held
in England in 1930. Gandhi-Irwin Pact.
General of Free India.
• Indian Independence Act was passed
British Parliament
by the
Lahore Session of Congress and Poorna 4th July, 1947, by which India became
Swaraj Declaration (1925). independent on 15th August, 1947.
Bannerjee and Anand Mohan Bose.
Delhi Bahadur Shah Johin Nicholson, Partition of Bengal (1905)
Bakht Khan Hudson
The partition was announced by Lord
Banaras Liaquat Ali James Neill Curzon on 16th.October, 1905 through
Kanpur Nana Saheb, Tantia Campbell, a royal proclamation, reducing the old
Tope, Azimullah Havelock province of Bengal in size by creating
Khan East Bengal andAssam out oftherest of
Lucknow Hazrat Mahal Havelock, Bengal.
(Begumof Awadh) James Neill,
Swadeshi Movement (1905)
Jhansi Rani Laxmi Bai Sir Hugh Rose This movement had its origin in the
anti-partition movement of Bengal. Lal,
Bareilly Khan Bahadur Khan Sir Colin
Bal,Pal and Aurobindo Ghosh played an
important role. INC took the Swadeshi
Awadh Veer Kunwar Singh William Taylor call first at the Banaras Session, 1905
and Vincent
presided over by GK Gokhale..
The Nehru Report (1928) Lord Irwin, and INC led by Gandhiji
• After buycouing the Simon Commission, signed a pact on 5th March,1931.
poitical parties constituted a In this, the INC called off the Civil
Commitlee under the chairmanship of DisobedienceMovement and agreed to
join the Second Round Table
Motilal Nehru to evolve and determine the
principles for the Constitution of India.
should be made Muslim states within the movement was, however, crushed by the
federation. government.
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE -Indian History 23
The Cabinet Mission Plan (1946) Jinnah celeberated Pakistan Day on 27th
March, 1947.
• Members were PethickLawrence,
Stafford Cripps and AV Alexander. Lord Mountbatten Plan (also called 3rd
Wavell was the ViceroyofIndiathat. June Plans) (3rd June, 1947)
The plan formulated by Lord Mountbatten
Main proposals outlined that
1. Rejection. of demand for a full
• India was to be further divided into India
fledged Pakistan. and Pakistan.
2. Loose union under a Centre with
There would be a separate Consitutional
Centre's control over defence and
Assembly for Pakistan to frame its
foreign affairs.
3. Provinces were to have full
The princely states would enjoy the liberty
autonomy and powers.
residual to either join India or Pakistan, or could
4. Provincial legislatures would elect even remain independent.
a Constituent Assembly. Bengal and Punjab will be partitioned and
The Muslim League accepted it on 6th a referendum in NWFP and Sylhet district
June, 1946. The Congress also partially of Assam would be held. A separate state
Udbodhana Vivekahan.
Musical Instruments and Instrumentalists
Instruments Instrumentalists
Stringed Instruments
1. Been Asad Ali Khan,Zia Moin-ud-dinKhan
2. Santoor Shiv Kumar Sharma
3. Sarod Buddhadev Dasgupta, Ali Akbar Khan, Amjad Ali khan, Bahadur Khan,
Sharan Rani, Zarin S Sharma
4 Sarangi Ustad Binda Khan
5.Sitar Ravi Shankar,Hara Shankar Bhattacharya, Nikhil Banerjee, Vilayat Khan,
Mustaq Ali Khan
6. Surb Ahar Sajad Hussain,Annapurna
7. Veena
Doraiswamy lyengar, Çhittibabu, Emani Sankara Shastri, Dhanammal,
S Bala Chandran, KR Kumaraswamy
Gajanan Rao Joshi, MS Gopal Krishnan, TN Krishnan, Baluswamy,
Dikshitar, Dwaran Venkataswamy Naidu Lalyuli G Jayaraman, MysSore
T Chowdiah, VG Jog
Wind Instruments
9 Flute TR Mahalingam, N Ramani, Hari Prasad Chaurasia, PannalalGhosh
10. Nadaswaran Sheikh Chinna Moula, Neeruswamy Pilai, Rajaratanam Pillai.
11. Shehnai Bismillah Khan
Cutural Institutions
Institutions Headquarters Institutions Headquarters