Indian History

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The Mahajanapadas had a daughter named Priyadarshini,

whose husband Jamalibecarmehis first
Mahajanapada (Locations) Captal (s)
disciple. Mahavira became an ascetic
Gandhara (Between Kabul Taxila

and Rawalpindi) at the age of 30, attained Kaivalya

Jina) outside the town of
Anga (Bhagalpur and Champa
Mungher in Bihar) Jimbhikgrama at the age of 42'and
died at the age of 72 in 468 BC in
Magadha(Patna andGaya Girivraj,Rajagriha
district, Bihar) (Bimbisara);Patliputra Pavapuri.
(Udayin); Vaishali Five Doctrines of Jainism
1. Do not commit violence (Ahimsa)
Patliputra (Ashoka)
2. Do not steal (Asteya)
Kashi (Varanasi district, UP) Varanasi
3. Do not acquire property (Aparigraha)
Vaji (Vaishalidistrict, UP) Vaishali
4. Do not speaklie (Satya)
Malla (South of Vaishali
Kusinagara and Pava
district, UP) 5.Observe continence (Brahmacharya)
Triratnas of Jainism are right
Chedi (River Ken Sothivati-nagar or
Bundelkhand area) Shuktimati knowledge, right faith and right
Vatsa (River Yamuna, Kaushambi
Allahabad and Mirzapur Jainism says salvation is possible only
district in UP) by abandoning all possessions, a long
Kosala (Eastern UP) Sravasti and course of fasting, self mortification,
Ayodhaya (Saket) study and meditation.
Kur (Ganga-Yamuna Hastinapur and • Janism recognised existence of God,
doab. Delhi-Meerut region) Indraprastha
but lower than Jina. It didn't condemn
Panchala (Ganga-Yamuna Ahichhatra and varnasystem unlike Buddhism.
doab,Rohilkhand) Kamplya
• Jainism could not delink clearly from
Matsya (Jaipur Viratnagar/Bairath
Bharatpur-Alwar district)
brahmanical religion, hence failed to
attract masses; admitted both men and
Surasenas (Mathura region) Mathura
women. Jain monastic establishments
Asmaka (River Godavari) Patna or Patali
(Near Paithan
were called basadis.

Maharashtra) Jainism was patronised by

Avanti (Malwa) Uijain(Northern
Kharavela-the king of Kalinga;
capital), Chandragupta Maurya became the
(Southern capital) disciple of Bhadrabahu and spread
Kamboja (Hazara district of Rajapur or Hataka Jainism in the South.
• Jainism was divided into twO sects
during the reign of Chandragupta
JAINISMAND BUDDHISM Maurya, mainly due to famine in
• Came into existence around 600 BC. Magadha named. Svetambaras
• The main causesbeing the reaction against (wearing white dresses) under Sthul
domination Brahmanas and spread
of of
bhadra and Digambaras (naked)
agricultural economy in the North-East.
under Bhadrabahu.
• Jaina texts were written in Prakrit
Jainism language.
• Founded by Rishabhadeva (Emblem: Bul)
bornin Ayodhya.. Councils
Therewere 24 tirthankaras (great teachers),
First Council (300 BC) At Pataliputra Under
the 23rd being Parshvanathaand the 24th
being the Vardhamana Sthulbhadra (Pataliputra) Jaina Canons
• Mahavira was born in 540 BC, in
Second Council At Vallabhi (AD Sth
Kundagram near Vaishali.
Century). Under Kshamasramana (Vallabh)
• Father Siddharthaof Jnatrik Kshatriya Clan.
12 Angas and 12 Uparngas were compiled in
•Mother Trishala-sister of Lichchhavi Ardh Magadhi language.
Chief Chetaka, married to Yashoda and
.Pain and misery can be ended by kilíng or
Buddhism controlling desire.

Founded by Gautama Buddha, also

known .Desire can be by
controlled following the
as Siddhartha or Eight-Fold Path.
The Eight-Fold Path
Born in 563 BC in Lumbini in Nepal

Shakva Kshatriva Clan. 1.Right Understanding 5. Right Efforts

Thought 6. Right Speech
• His father Suddhodana was a Shakya 2. Right
Right Action 7. Right Mindfullness
ruler and his mother Mahamaya of 3.

Kosalan dynasty died early. Brought up

4. Right Livelihood . 8. Right Concentration

by step mother Gautami.

. Married to Yashodhara and had a son Madhya Marga (TheMiddle Path)
Rahul. Man should avoid both extremes,i.e. life of
Buddhism stand for Comtorts and luxury and a life of severe
• Triratnas in
-Buddha Its founder Buddhist Literature
-Dhamma His teachings In Palilanguage commonly referred to as
Sangha Order of Buddhist monks
- Tripitakas, i.e., 'three fold basket'.
and nuns
Buddhism was also divided in two main Vimaya Pitaka
sects namely Hinayana and Mahayana. Rules of discipline in Buddhist monasteries.

Phases of Buddha's Life Symbols Sutta Pitaka

Birth Lotus and Bull It contains collection of Buddha's sermons
Mahabhinishkraman Horse and teachings. It is largest among al uiree
(Renunciation) pitakas.

Nivana (Enlightenment) Bodhi Tree

Abhidhamma Pitaka
(First Sermon) Explanation of the philusophical principles
Mahaparinirvana (Death) Stupa of the Buddhist religion. Mahavamsha and
Dipavamsa are the other Buddhist texts of
The Dhamma Sri Lanka.

The Four Great Truths Causes of Decline ofBuddhism

• The world is full of sorrow and misery. Use of
Sanskrit, language of
• The cause of all pain and misery is place of Pali,thelanguage of
intellectuals, in
the common people. Revival of Hinduisn.
Buddhist Councils
BuddhistCouncils Period Place Chairman Patron
483 BC Rajagriha
Second Mahakashyapa Ajatashatru
383 BC Vaishali Sabakami Kalashoka
Third 250 BC
Mogaliputta Tissa Ashoka
Fourth AD 72 Kundalvana
Vasumitra, Ashwaghosa Kanishka


Haryanka Dynasty
• Bimbisara was the founder,who expanded
the Magadha kingdom by annexing
and entering into matrimonial Anga,
alliances with Kosala and Vaishali. He was
contemporary of Buddha. Capital-Rajgir (Girivraja).
Ajatashatru came to power by killing his father. Annexed
Vaishali. Kosala and.
Lichchhavi kingdom.
Udayin founded the new capital, Pataliputra.
ADVENT OF THE large concessions to the company. This
EUROPEANS farman has been
of the Company.
called the Magna Carta

Portuguese •Battle of Plassey (1757) English

.Vasco-da-Gama reached the port of
defeated Sirajuddaula, the nawab of
Calicut in during the reign of king
Zamorin. (Hindu ruler of Calicut). Battle of Buxar (1764) Captain Munro
defeated joint forces of Mir Qasim
Settlements Daman, Salsette, Chaul
(Bengal), Shujauddaula (Awadh) and
and Bombay (West coast), San Thome
Shah Alam II (Mughal).
(nearMadras) and at Hooghly.
Alfonso de Albuquerque, the second Danes
Governor of India (first being Francisco • The Danish East India Company was
de Almeida) arrived in 1509 and formed in 1616.
captured Goa in AD 1510. The Danish colony Tranquebar was
established on Southern Coromondel
Dutch coast of India.

•Dutch East India Company was formed Settlements Serampur (Bengal) and
in AD 1602. Tranquebar (Tamil Nadu) sold their
• Dutch were defeated by Engish at the settlementsto the English in 1845.
Battle of Bedara in AD
1759 and as per French
agreement, the Dutch gained the control • The French East India Company was
over Indonesia and the British .over
formed by Colbertunder state patronage
India, Sri Lanka and Malaya. in 1664.The First French factory was
• Settlements They set-up their first
established atSurat by FrancoisCaron in
factory at Masulipatnam 1605. Their
in 1668. A factoryat Masulipatnam was
other factories were at Pulicat, Chinsura, set-up in 1669.
Patna, Balasore,Naga pattanam, Cochin, • French were defeated by Engish in
Surat, Karaikal and Kasimbazar.
Battle of Wandiwash (1760).

• The East India Company was
formed in 1599 under a charter granted OF BENGAL
by Queen Elizabeth in 1600. Jahangir
granted a farman to Captain Wiljiam
Warren Hastings (ADI774-85)
Hawkins permittingthe English to erect Brought the dual government to an end
a factory at Surat (1613). by the Regulating Act, 1773.
• In 1615,Sir Thomas Roe succeeded in . The Act of 1781l made clear demarcation
getting an imperial farman to trade and between the jurisdiction of the Governor
establish factory in all parts of the General-in-Council and Supreme Court
Mughal Empire by ruler at Calcutta.

In 1690, a factory was éstablished at •Pitt's India Act (1784), Rohilla War
Suttanati by Job Charnock. In 1698, (1774), First Maratha War (1775-1782)
the acquisition of zarmindari
Tollowing of and Treaty of Salbai with Marathas
of Suttanati,Kalikata and
three villages (1782) and Second Mysore War (1780
Govindpur, the city of Calcutta was 84). Foundation of Asiatic Society of
founded. Fort Wiliam was set-up in Bengal (1784) in Calcutt by Sir
1700. Willlam Jones.
•In 1717, John Surman obtained a Engish translations of Bhagavad Gita by.
farnan from Farrukhsiyar, which gave Charles Wilkins in 1785.
Lord Cornwallis (AD1786-93) GOVERNOR-GENERALS
.Third Mysore War (1790-92) and OFINDIA
Treaty of Seringapatnam (1792).

• Introduced Permanent Settlement in Lord William Bentinck

Bengal and Bihar (U793). (AD1828-35)
• He called
is the Father of Civil charter Act of 1833 was passed and he was
Services in India. introduccdjudicial made the first (iovernorGeneral of India
reforms by separating 1°VCNue Before Ihim, the designation given was
administration from judicial Governor Generalof Bengal.
administration and established Carried out social reforms like prohibition
sNstem of circles (thanas,headed by a of sati (1829) and elimination of thugs
Darnga (an Indian). (1830). On Macaulay's recommedations,
Translation of Abhigyan Shakuntalam English was made the medium of higher
in English by William Jones in 1789. education. Suppressed female infanticide
and child sacrifice.
Sir John Shore (AD1793-98)
Lord Metcalfe (AD1835-36)
• Plaved an important role in the
introduction of Permanent Settlement. Known as liberator of thepress in India.

• Battle of Kharda between theNizams Lord Auckland(AD 1836-42)

andthe Marathas (1795).
First Afghan War (1838-42),a disaster for

Lord Wellesley (AD1798-1805) the English.

of the Subsidiary ILord Ellenborough (AD1842-44)
Aliance (1798), first aliance with Brought an end to the Afghan war. War with
Nizam of Hyderabad followed by Gwaior (1843), Annexation of Sind by
Mvsore, Tanjore, Awadh, the Peshwa, Charles Napier (1843).
the Bhonsle and the Scindia.
Treaty of Bassein (1802) and the Lord Hardinge (AD1844-48)
Second Maratha War. First Anglo-SikhWar (1845-46) and Treaty of
Lahore (1846). Gave preference to English
George Barlow (1805-07) educated persons in employment.
. Vellore Mutiny (1806) Lord Dalhousie(AD1848-56)
LordMinto • Introduction of Doctrine of Lapse and
annexation of Satara (1848),Jaitpur and
.Conciuded the Treaty of Amritsar Sambhalpur (1849), Baghat (1850),
wath Matharaja Ranjit Singh (1809). Udaipur (1852), Jhansi (1853), Nagpur
Charter Act of 1813 was passed. (1854) and Awadh (annexed in 1856 on
account of maladministration).
Lord Hasting (AD1813-23) • Laid down the first railway line between
Anglo Nepal War (1814-1816) and Bombay and Thane (1853),Telegraph line
Treaty of Sagauli (1816). between Calcuttaand Agra and Postal
.Thírd Maratha War (1817-18) reforms (first issue of the Indian stamp in
dissolution of Maratha confederacy Karachi in 1854) with the Post Ofice Act.
and creation of Bombay Presidency. •Widow Remarriage Act, 1856 (the main
Pindari War ad establishment of force being lshwar Chand Vidyasagar).
Ryotwari System by Thomas Munro • Started Public Works Department, Grand
(1820). Trunk Road work and harbour of Karachi,
Bormbay and Calcutta developed.
LordAmherst(AD 1823-28) • Charter Act, 1853-Selection to Civil

• First Burmese War (1824-26), Servicethrough competitiveexamination.

Treaty of Yandaboo (1826) and • Started Engineering College at Roorkee;
capture of Bharatpur (1826). made Shmla, the summer capital of India.

VICEROYS OF INDIA Lord Ripon (AD1880-84)

• First Factory Act of 1881 prohibited
lord Canning (AD1856-62) (hildLabour under the age of 7. Local
Thclast Governor General and the first Self-Government was introduced in
1reroy W'ithdrw Dovrine of apse. 1882.
. Revoli of 185i, Mutiny took place. • Repealed the Vernacular Press Act in
Indian Penal Code 1860 was passed. 1882. Finances of the centre were
Passed the Act. 1858, which ended the divided.
uk of the Fast India Company. The • Lord Ripon is as 'the founding
l'nversities of Calcutta, Bombay and governance'in India.
father of local self
Madras were established in 1857. • An Education Commission was appointed
under Sir William Hunter in 1882 to
Lord Elgin (AD1862) improve primary and secondary
• Wahah Movement education.

• The Ilbert Bill Controversy (1883)

Lord John Lawrence (AD1864-69) enabled Indian district magistrates to try
. Establshed the High Courts at Calcutta, European criminals.
Bombav and Madras in 1865.
Teiegraphic communication was opened
Lord Dufferin (AD1884-88)
wath Europe. Created the Indian Forest Third Burmese War (AD 1885-86).
Department. Establishment of the Indian National
Congress in 1885.
Lord Mayo(AD1869-72) Lord Lansdowne (AD1888-94)
Organised the Statistical Survey of India
and for the first time in Indian history, a •Factory Act of 1891 granted weekly
censuS was held in 1871
holiday stipulated working hours for
women and children.
Staried the process of financial
Civil were divided into Imperial,
decentralisation in India. Established
Provincial and SubordinateServices.
LDt Department of Agriculture and
• IndianCouncilsAct of 1892.

Established the Rajkot College at

.The Durand Commission defined the
Kathiawar and Mayo College at Ajmer for Durand Line between British India and
t'ne Jndian Afghanistan (now between Pakistan and
Afghanistan) in l893.
He was the only viceroy to be murdered
n offiue b a Pathan convict in the Lord Elgin II (AD1894-99)
Arsdamans in 1872.
Southern uprisings of 1899. Great
famine of 1896-1897 and Lyall
Lord Northbrooke (AD1872-76)
Commission on faminewas established.
Kuka Rebellion in Punjab, Famine in Bihar.
Lord Curzon (AD1899-1905)
Lord Lytton (AD1876-80) •A Commission was appointed under
Known as the Viceroy of Reverse Sir Thomas Raleigh in 1902 to suggest
Character'. the
reforms regarding universities,

* Royal Titles Act of 1876 and the Indian Universities Act of 1904 was
passed on the basis of its
assurnption of the title of 'Empress of
India' by Queen Victoria, the Delhi
Durbar in January 1877. • Ancient Monuments PreservationAct
* Vernacular Press Act also called the of1904. Thus,Archaeological Survey of
Indiawas established.
Gagging Act' to restrain the circulation of
printed matter) and the Armns Act (made Agricultural Research Institute was
mandatory for Indians to acquire established Pusa in Delhi. Partitioned

icensein arms)of 1878. Bengal in 1905.


Lord Minto (AD1905-10) Lord Willingdon (AD

Swadeshi Movement (1905-08);foundation 1931-36)
of Muslin League (1906);Surat Session and Second Round Table Conference in

split in the Congress (1907).Morley-Minto London in 1931 and third in 1932.

Reforms (1909). Government of India Act (1935)was
passed. Communal Awards (16th
Lord Hardinge (AD1910-16) August, 1932) assigned separate
Capital shifted from Calcutta to Delhi electorate for Gandhiji went on a

(1911);Delhi Durbar; Partition was

of Bengal epic fast to protest against this
cancelled. The Hindu Mabasabha was division.
founded in 1915 by Pandit Madan Mohan
Malaviya. Lord Linlithgow (AD1936-43)
• Congress Ministries resignation
Lord Chelmsford (AD 1916-21) celebrated Deliverance Day' by the
• Gandhi returned to India (1915) and Muslim League (1939), the Lahore
founded the Sabarmati Ashram (1916), Resolution (23rd March, 1940) of the
Champaran Satyagraha (1917), Muslim League demanding separate
Satyagrabha at Ahmedabad (1918), Kheda state for theMuslims. (It was at this
Satyagraha (1918). session that Jinnah propounded his
August Declaration(1917) by Montague, Two-Nation Theory). Outbreak of
the then Secretary of State,and Montford World War II in 1939.Cripps Mission
reforms or the Government of India Act of in 1942. Quit India Movement (8th
1919. August, 1942).
• Rowlatt Act (March, 1919) and the
JallianwalaBagh Massacre (13th April,
Lord Wavell (AD1943-47)
1919). Cabinet Mission Plan (16th May
• Khilafat Committee was formed and 1946).

Khilafat Movement started (1919-20). First meeting of the Constituent

started Assembly was held on 9th December,
• Non-Cooperation Movement 1946.
(1920-22). Women's University was
founded at Poona (1916). Arranged the Shimla Conference on
25th June, 1945 with the failure of
Lord Reading (AD 1921-26) talks between the Indian National

Repeal of Rowlatt Act. Chauri-Chaura Congressand Muslim League.

incident. RSS founded in 1925. Suppressed • Election to the Constituent Assembly
Non-Cooperation Movement. Formation of were held and an interim government
Swaraj Party. was appointed under Nehru.
Moplah Rebellion (1921) took place.
Lord Mountbatten
KakoriTrain Robbery on 1st August, 1925.
Communal Riots of 1923-25 in Multan, (Marchto August, 1947)
Amritsar, Delhi etc. Last Viceroy of British Indiaand the

first Governor-General of free India.

Lord Irwin (AD1926-31)
• Partition of India decided by the 3rd
•Simon Commission visited India in 1927. June Plan or Mountbatten Plan.
Congress pased the Indian Resolution in
• Retired in June, 1948 and was
succeeded by C Rajagopalachari,the
Dandi March (12th March, 1930). Civil first and the last Indian Governor

.DisobedienceMovement (1930).
First Round Table Conference was held
in England in 1930. Gandhi-Irwin Pact.
General of Free India.
• Indian Independence Act was passed
British Parliament
by the
Lahore Session of Congress and Poorna 4th July, 1947, by which India became
Swaraj Declaration (1925). independent on 15th August, 1947.

THE REVOLT OF 1857 Impact of the Revolt

.Started at Meerut on 10th May, 1857. The control of Indian administration was
.Political Causes The policy of Doctrine of passed on
to the
of India
British CrOWn
Act, 1858.
by the
• Economic Causes Heavy taxation,
Reorganisation of the army.
evictions, Discrininatory Tariff After the revolt, the British pursued the
against Indian products and destruction of Policy of Divide and Rule.
traditional handicrafts that hit peasants,
artisans and small zamindats.
•Military Diserimination as Indian
soldiers were paid low salaries, they could
not rise above the rank of subedar
and The Indian National Congress
were racially insulted.
• Grievances of Sepoys The introduction of
•It was formed in 1885 by AO Hume a
retired Civil Servant.
Enfield rifle, and its cartridge of which
was greased with animal fat, provided the • The first session was held in Bombay
spark. under Presidentship of WC Bannerjee
•A rebellion broke out among Sepoys of in 1885, attended by 72 delegates from
all over India.
Meerut on 10th May, 1857 which later.
The first two decades of INC are
spread to other parts of the country.
described in history as those of moderate
British social reforms (widow remarriage,
demands and a sense of confidence in
abolition of sati, education for girls,
British justice and generosity.
Christian missionaries).
Moderate leaders Dada Bhi,
Centres of Revolt and the Leaders Naoroji, Badruddín Tayabji, Gopal
Krishna Gokhale, Surendranath
Centre Leader British

Bannerjee and Anand Mohan Bose.
Delhi Bahadur Shah Johin Nicholson, Partition of Bengal (1905)
Bakht Khan Hudson
The partition was announced by Lord
Banaras Liaquat Ali James Neill Curzon on 16th.October, 1905 through
Kanpur Nana Saheb, Tantia Campbell, a royal proclamation, reducing the old
Tope, Azimullah Havelock province of Bengal in size by creating
Khan East Bengal andAssam out oftherest of
Lucknow Hazrat Mahal Havelock, Bengal.
(Begumof Awadh) James Neill,

Swadeshi Movement (1905)
Jhansi Rani Laxmi Bai Sir Hugh Rose This movement had its origin in the
anti-partition movement of Bengal. Lal,
Bareilly Khan Bahadur Khan Sir Colin
Bal,Pal and Aurobindo Ghosh played an
important role. INC took the Swadeshi
Awadh Veer Kunwar Singh William Taylor call first at the Banaras Session, 1905
and Vincent
presided over by GK Gokhale..

Muslim League (1906)

Causes of Failure It was set-up in 1906 by Aga Khan,
• The Nizam of Hyderabad, the Raja of Jodhpur,
Nawab Salimullah of Dhaka and Nawab

Scindia of Gwalior, the Holkar of Indore, the Mohsin-ul- Mulk.

rulers of Patiala, Sindh and Kashmir and the The league supported the Partition of
Rana of Nepal provided active support to the Bengal and opposed the Swadeshi
British. Movement, demanded Special
•Comparative lack of efficient leadership. safeguards to its community and a
separate electorate for Muslims.

This led to communal differences August Declaration (1917)

between the Hindus and the Muslims. . After the Lucknow Pact, the British polic
was announced which aimed at
Demand forSwaraj association of"Indians in every
branch of
(Calcutta Session in Dec, 1906) theadministration for progressive realisation
of of responsible
• The INC, under the leadership government in India as an
Dadabhai Naoroji, adopted Swaraj' integral part of the British empire". This

(Self-government) as the goal of Indian came to be called the August Declaration.

People. • The MontagueChelmsford reforms

the Act of 1919 was based on this
Surat Session (1907) declaration.
. The INC split into two groups: tne Rowlatt Act (18th March, 1919)
Extremists and the Moderates,due
to the debate on nature of Swadeshi
This gave unbridled powers to the

Movement. government to arrest and imprison suspects

without trail. This lavw enabled the
Extremists were led by Lal, Bal, Pal
government suspend the right of Habeas
while the Moderates by GK Gokhale.
Corpus, which had been the foundation of
civil liberties in Britain.
Morley-Minto Reforms (1909)
Rowlatt Satyagraha was started against
The reforms envisaged a separate
the act. This was the first countrywide
electorate for Muslims, besides other
agitation by Gandhiji.
constitutional measures.
Bagh Massacre
• Lord Minto came to be known as the Jallianwala
Father of Communal Electorate. (13th April, 1919)
People were agitated over the arrest of
Ghadar Party (1913) Dr SaifuddinKitchlew and Dr Satya Pal
• Formed by Lala Hardayal, Taraknath on 10th April, 1919.
Das and Sohan Singh Bhakna. • General Dyer. fired at people who
Headquarter-San Francisco. assembled Bagh,Amritsar.
in the Jallianwala
The name was taken from a weekly Michael· 0' Dwyer was Lt. Governor of
paper, Ghadar, which had been Punjab that time. The Hunter Commission
started on lst November, 1913 to was appointed to enquire into it.
commemorate the 1857 Revolt. • Rabindra Nath Tagore returned his
knighthood in protest.
Home Rule Movement(1916) •Sardar Udham Singh killed Michael 0'
• Startedby BG Tlak (April, 1916) at Dwyer in Caxton Hall, London on March
Poona and Annie Besant and 13, 1940.
SSubramania Iyer a Adyar, hear
Khilafat Movement(1920)
Madras (September,1916).
• Muslims were agitated by.the treatment
• Objective Self-government for India
in the British
done with Turkeyby the British in treaty
that followed the First WorldWar.
• During this movement, Tlak raised and Shaukat Ai
Mohd Ali
the slogan Swaraj is my Birth Right
Ali brothers,

started this movement. It was jointly led by

and I shall have it.
the Khilafat leaders and the Congress.
Lucknow Pact (1916) Non-Cooperation Movement (1920)
Pact between INCand Muslim League • Congress passed the resolution in 15
following a war betweén Britain and Calcutta Session in September,1920.
Turkey leading to anti-British feelings It was the first mass-based political

among Muslims. Both organisations movement under Gandhiji.

jointly demand dominion status for the The movement envisaged resignation fro
country congress accepted separate offices and posts in the local
electorate for Muslims. bodies.
KNOWLEDGE -Indian History 21

to attend government durbars

Refusal Lahore Session (1929)
of British courts by the
and bovcott
• On 19th December, 1929, under the
presidentship of JL, Nehru,the INC,at
of general pulblic offer
Refusal itsILahore Session, declared Poorna
for military and other
of foreign Swaraj (completeindependence)as its
government jobs and boycott ultimate goal.
goods. • The tri-coloured flag adopted on

Chauri-Chaura Incident (1922) 31st December, 1929, was unfurled

and26th January, 1930 was fixed as the
The Congress Session at Allahabad in
First Independence Day, to be
December 1921.decided to launch a Civil
celebrated every year. Later, this day
DisobedienceProgramme. Gandhiji was was chosen as the Republic Day of
appointed its leader. India.
But before it could be launched,a mob of
at Chauri-Chaura Dandi March (1930)
penple (near
Gorakhpur) clashed with the police and • Also called the Salt Satyagraha.
burnt 22 policemen on 5th February, • Gandhiji statted his march from
1922. This compelled Gandhiji to Sabarmati Ashram on 12th March,
withdraw the 1930 for the small village Dandi to
Movement on 12th February, 1922. breakthe Salt Law.
• He picked a handful of salt and
Swaraj Party (1923) inaugurated the Civil Disobedience
Motilal Nehru, CR Das and NC Kelkar Movement.
(called Pro-changers) demanded Civil Disobedience
that the Movement
nationalist should end the böycott of the
Legislative Councils, enter them and • Countrywide mass participation by
expose them.
The Garhwal soldiers refused to fire on
They formed Swaraj Party for this purpose
the people at Peshawar.
with CR Das as the President.
First RoundTable Conference
Simon Commission (1927) (1931)
• It was constituted by John
Simon, to
•It was the conference arranged
review the political situation in India and
between the and Indians as
to introduce further reforms and It was held on 12th
exLension of parliamentary democracy. November, 1930 in London to discuss
• Indian leaders opposed the commission,as Simon Commission.
therewere no Indiansin it, they shouted. Hindu Mahasabha and Muslim League
Simon Go Back. participated in it. The conferencefailed
• The government used brutal due to absence of the Indian National
repressionand at ILahore, Lala Lajpat Rai Congress.
was beaten in lathi- charge and
Gandhi Irwin Pact (1981)
later succumbed todeath.
• The government represented by

The Nehru Report (1928) Lord Irwin, and INC led by Gandhiji
• After buycouing the Simon Commission, signed a pact on 5th March,1931.
poitical parties constituted a In this, the INC called off the Civil
Commitlee under the chairmanship of DisobedienceMovement and agreed to
join the Second Round Table
Motilal Nehru to evolve and determine the
principles for the Constitution of India.

on Chaudhary Rehmat Ali gave the term

• The government allowed the villagers Pakistan ín 1933.
the coast to make salt for consumption
the political prisoners. The • Muslim League first passed the proposal
and released
of separate
Karachi Session of 1931 of Congress Pakistan in its Lahore
endorsed the Gandhi Irwin
Pact. Session in 1940 (called Jiinah's
Two-Nation Theory). It was drafted by
Second Round Table Sikandar Hayat Khan, moved by Fazlul
Conference (1931) Haqand seconded by Khaliquzzamah.
Gandhiji represented the INC and went InDecember 1943, the Karachi Session
London to meet British Prime of the Muslim League adopted the

Minister Ramsay McDonald. slogan Divide and Quit.

• The conference however failed as

Gandhiji could not agree with British

August Offer (8thAugust, 1940)
Prime Minister on his policy of It offered (1) Dominion status in the
Communal Representation and refusal unspecified future, (ii) A post-war body
of the British Government on the basic to enact the Constitution(ii) To expand

Indian demand for freedom. the Governor-General's Executive

Council to give full weightage to minority

The Communal Award opinion.
(16th August, 1932) This was by the INC, but was

Announced by Ramsay McDonald. It accepted by the Muslim League.

showed divide and- rule policy of the
The CrippsMission (1942)
• Itenvisaged communal representation of • The British Government with a view to

get cooperation from Indians in the

depressedclasses, Sikhsand Muslims.
Second World War, sent Sir Stafford
Gandhiji opposed it, and started fast
Cripps to settle terms with Indian
unto death in Yervada jail Pune leaders.
• He offered dominion status to be granted
Poona Pact/ Gandhi- Ambedkar
after war.

Pact (25th September, 1932) Congress'rejected it. Gandhijitermed it

as 'a post - dated cheque on a crashing
The idea of separate electorate for the
depressed classes was abandond, but
seats reserved for them in the Provincial The Revolt of1942and the Quit
Legislature were increased.
India Movement
• Thus, Poona Pact agreed upon a joint
electoraté for upper and lower castes. • Also called the Wardha Proposal, a
Leaderless Revolt.
Third Round Table Conference • The resolution was passed on 8th

(1932) August, 1942, at Bombay. Gandhiji gave

• Proved fruitless as most of the national the slogan Do or Die.
leaders were in prison. • On 9th August, the Congress was banned
and its important leaders were arrested.
Demand for Pakistan Gandhiji was kept at the Aga Khan
• In 1930, Iqbal suggested that the The
North-West provinces and Kashmir • The people became violent.

should be made Muslim states within the movement was, however, crushed by the
federation. government.
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE -Indian History 23

Indian National Army (INA) Jinnah's Direct Action

Subhash Chandra Bose escaped to Resolution (16th August, 1946)
Berlin in 1941 and set-up
the Indian
League there. In July 1943,he joined
Provoked by the successof the
the voting for Constituent Assembly
the INA at Singapore. Ras Bihari Bose
Jinnah withdrew his acceptance to the
handed over the leadership to him. CabinetMission Plan.
INA had three fighting brigades, named Muslim League passed a Dírect Action
after Gandhi, Azad and Nehru. Rani of
Resolution, which condemned both the
Jhansi Brigade was an exclusive British Government and the Congress
women force. INA had its headquarters
(16th August, 1946). It resulted in heavy
at Rangoon and Singapore. communal riots.

The Cabinet Mission Plan (1946) Jinnah celeberated Pakistan Day on 27th
March, 1947.
• Members were PethickLawrence,
Stafford Cripps and AV Alexander. Lord Mountbatten Plan (also called 3rd
Wavell was the ViceroyofIndiathat. June Plans) (3rd June, 1947)
The plan formulated by Lord Mountbatten
Main proposals outlined that
1. Rejection. of demand for a full
• India was to be further divided into India
fledged Pakistan. and Pakistan.
2. Loose union under a Centre with
There would be a separate Consitutional
Centre's control over defence and
Assembly for Pakistan to frame its
foreign affairs.
3. Provinces were to have full
The princely states would enjoy the liberty
autonomy and powers.
residual to either join India or Pakistan, or could
4. Provincial legislatures would elect even remain independent.
a Constituent Assembly. Bengal and Punjab will be partitioned and
The Muslim League accepted it on 6th a referendum in NWFP and Sylhet district
June, 1946. The Congress also partially of Assam would be held. A separate state

accepted this plan. of Pakistan would be created. Boundary

Commission was to be headed by
Formationof Interim Radcliffe.
(2nd September, 1946) and Independence
• It came into existence on (August,1947)
Independence Act, 1947
2nd September, 1946 in accordance Indian
with Cabinet Mission's proposals and implemented on 15th August 1947,
abolished the sovereignty of British
was headed by JL Nehru. Muslim
Parliament. Dominions of India and
League refused to join it initially.
Each dominion
• Prime Attlee On Pakistan were created.
Minister Pakistan
was to have a Governor-General.
20th February, 1947 announced that Baluchistan,
was to comprise Sind,British
Britishwould withdraw from India by
30th June, 1948. NWFP West Punjab and East Bengal.
the first Home
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel,
all the states by
Formation of Constituent Minister, integrated
Assembly (December, 1946) August, 1947. Kashmir,
Portuguese) and
Junagarh, Goa (with
• "The Constituent Assembly met on
Pondicherry (with French)
later acceded
Bth December, 1946 and Dr Rajendra to Indian Federation.
Prasad was,elected as its President.
Religious Institution Founder
Servants of Indián Society
Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(1905), Bombay Famine relief and improving
Conditlons, in particular.
Bharat Stri Mahamandal Sarlabai Devi
Chaudhrani Women's
(1910),Calcutta educatlon and
Social Service League NM Joshi
(1911) Improvingthe condition of the
Women'sIndian Annie Besant
Association (1917), Madras Upliftrment of Indlan women.

Popular Names of Personalities

Popular Name Personality
Popular Name
Andhra Kesari TPrakasam JP
Jayaprakash Narayan
Babuji Jagjiwan Ram Lady with the Lamp Florence Nightingale
Bapu Mahatma Gandhi
Lionof the Punjab Lala Lajpat Rai
CR C Rajagopalachari
Corporal Napoleon
Desh Bandhu Chitranjan Das Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Grand Old man Dadabhai Naoroji Jawan Indian soldier
Lal, Bal, Pal Lala Lajpat Rai,
Mahamanya Pandit Madan Mohan
Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin
Chandra Pal Malaviya
Man of Blood Bismarck
MS Golvalkar
Subhash Charnidra Bose
Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore Nightingale of India Sarojini Naidu
Iron Man Vallabhbhai Patel Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
Sparrow Major RajenderSingh Shastri ji Lal BahadurShastri

Crematoriums of Famous Persons

Crermatorium Famous Person(s) Crematorium Famous Person (s)
Raj Ghat Mahatma Gandhi Shanti Van Jawaharlal Nehru

Vijay Ghat Lal Bahadur Shastri Shakti Sthal Indira Gandhi

Kisan Ghat Ch Charan Singh Abhay Ghat Morarji Desai
Veer Bhumi Rajiv Gandhi Samata Sthal Jagjivan Ram
Ekta Sthal GianiZal Singh, Karma Bhumi Dr ShankarDayal Sharma
Chandra Shekhar
Uday Bhoomi KR Narayana Mahaprayan Ghat Dr Rajendra Prasad

Newspapers and Journals Books and Authors

Name. Published by Book Author
Bengal Gazette JA Hickey Ghulam Giri Jyotiba Phule
Kesari BG Tilak Pather Panchali B.Bhushan Bannerji
Maratha BG Tilak Satyarth Prakash Swami Dayanand
Amrita Bazar Patrika Sisir Kumar Ghosh Bankim Chandra
Anand Math
and Motilal Ghosh
Vande Mataram Aurobindo Ghosh
Unhappy India Lala Lajpat Rai
Yugantar Bhupendranath Dutta
Divided Prasad
and Barinder Kumar India Rajendra
Ghosh The DiscOvery of Jawahartal Nehru
Firoz Shah Mehta India
Bombay Çhronicle

Udbodhana Vivekahan.
Musical Instruments and Instrumentalists
Instruments Instrumentalists

Stringed Instruments
1. Been Asad Ali Khan,Zia Moin-ud-dinKhan
2. Santoor Shiv Kumar Sharma
3. Sarod Buddhadev Dasgupta, Ali Akbar Khan, Amjad Ali khan, Bahadur Khan,
Sharan Rani, Zarin S Sharma
4 Sarangi Ustad Binda Khan
5.Sitar Ravi Shankar,Hara Shankar Bhattacharya, Nikhil Banerjee, Vilayat Khan,
Mustaq Ali Khan
6. Surb Ahar Sajad Hussain,Annapurna
7. Veena
Doraiswamy lyengar, Çhittibabu, Emani Sankara Shastri, Dhanammal,
S Bala Chandran, KR Kumaraswamy
Gajanan Rao Joshi, MS Gopal Krishnan, TN Krishnan, Baluswamy,
Dikshitar, Dwaran Venkataswamy Naidu Lalyuli G Jayaraman, MysSore
T Chowdiah, VG Jog
Wind Instruments
9 Flute TR Mahalingam, N Ramani, Hari Prasad Chaurasia, PannalalGhosh
10. Nadaswaran Sheikh Chinna Moula, Neeruswamy Pilai, Rajaratanam Pillai.
11. Shehnai Bismillah Khan

Percussion (Striking Thumping) Instruments

12. Mridangam Palghat Mani lyer, R Mani, Palghat Raghu

13. Pakhawag Pt Ayodhya Prasad,Gopal Das, Babu Ram Shanker Pagaldas

14. Tabla Zakir Hussain, Nikhil Ghosh, Kishan Maharaj, Alla Rakha Khan,Pandit
Samta Prasad, Kumar Bose, Latif Khan
15. Kanjira PudukkotaiDakshinamurthi Pillai

Cutural Institutions
Institutions Headquarters Institutions Headquarters

AnthropologicalSurvey Kolkata Sahitya Academy, 1954 New Delhi

of india. 1945 Sangeet Natak New Delhi

Archaeological Survey New Delhi Acadeny, 1953

of irndia 1861 Library of Tibetan Works Dharmashala
Kolkata and Archives
Asiatc Society, 1784
(Sir William Science Kolkata
Jones) City

. IndiraGandhi National New Delhi Victorial Memorial Hall Kolkata

Centre for Arts, 1985 Birla Industrial and Tech Kolkata

Lalt Kala Akadermi New Delhi Museum

(National Academy of Central Institute of Leh
Fine Arts), 1954 Buddhist Studies
. National
of New Delhi Nava Nalanda
Nalanda (Birla)

National New Delhi National Gallery of

New Delhi
School of

Drama, 1959 Modern Art

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