21e00303c - Human Resource Development
21e00303c - Human Resource Development
21e00303c - Human Resource Development
Course Objectives:
• To provide an understanding of the human resources development framework and
• To explain management best practices, tools and models to implement an effective
HRD system.
• To impart knowledge on career management and issues in career development.
• To describe and discuss organizational culture, labour market changes and
discrimination adapting to demographic changes.
Course Outcomes (CO): Student will be able to
• Understand the concept of HRD, functions and challenges to HR manager.
• Design plan for HRD programmes, need to assessment of HRD programmes and impact of
HRD Programme.
• Understand career development, process and issues in career development
• learn and aware of HRD and its diversity in organizational culture and labour markets.
UNIT – I Lecture Hrs: 8
Introduction to Human Resource Development: Meaning, significance and objectives of Human
Resource Development, Human Resource Management and Human Resource development functions,
Human Resource Development challenges
UNIT – II Lecture Hrs: 12
HRD Need Assessment & Designing of HRD programs: Strategic/ Organizational Analysis- Task
Analysis- Person Analysis- prioritizing HRD needs, defining the objectives of HRD Intervention -
Selecting the trainer - Selecting the Training methods - Preparing training material Scheduling an
HRD program
UNIT - III Lecture Hrs:12
HRD & Diversity: Introduction - Organizational culture - Labor market changes and discrimination
adapting to demographic changes
1. Jon M Werner ,Randy L DeSimone : Human Resource development (Thomson/Cengage)
2. Raymond A Noe : Employee Trainee Development ( Tata McGraw Hill)
Reference Books:
John P. Wilson Human Resource Development ( Kogan Page Business Books)
Tripathi P.C : Human Resource Development ( Sultan Chand & Sons)
Uday Kumar Haldar : Human Resource Development (Oxford)
R21 Regulations
CULTURAL-Cultural is the way life. It involves creating an awareness of what is ideal &
desirable.HRD is the concerned with improving performance within the work environment
& not with improving people health or their personal relations with their family.
HRD is primary concerned with developing employees through training feedback and
cancelling by the senior offers & other development efforts.
HRD is equipping people with relevant skills to have a healthy & satisfying life.
Employee commitment is the loyalty & support of work force towards the goals of an
organist ion. Strong relationship between superior & subordinate creates healthy employs
commitment plays a vital role in the development of each & every organization all over the
world. Committed employees bring added value to the organization through their
determination support high productivity & awareness of quality.
Job satisfaction can be defined as the extent of positive feelings that individual have
towards their jobs. When a person says that he has high job satisfaction it means that he
really likes his job. Job satisfaction is very important because most of the people spend a
major portion of their life at their working place. It usually depends on the mind of
employees worker.
Recognizing every employee at per irrespective of caste creed religion & language, it
can create a very god environment in an organization. It must ensure that the organization
creates a culture & provides equal opportunities to all employees in point of carried
planning, promotion, T&D.
HRM can be defined as the effective selection & utilization of employees to best
achieve the goals & strategies of the organizations as well as the goals & needs of
The HRM function is carried out varies from one organization to other organization.
HRP activities are used to predict how change in management strategy will
affect future HR needs.HR planners must continually chart the course of the organization
& its plans programs etc. These activities are critically important with the rapid changes in
eternal market demands.
Activities are intended to satisfy both the legal & moral responsibilities of the
organization through the prevention of the discriminatory policies procedures & practices.
It includes decisions affecting hiring training appraising compensating employer’s.
These are designed for the timely identification of potential applicants for
current & future openings & for assessing & evaluating applications to make selection &
placement decisions.
It is necessary to determine the goals of the organization & lay down policies &
procedures to reach the goals. To get things done through the sub-ordinates a manager
must plan ahead. In this HR manager will take care about check job descriptions &
determination of the sources of recruitment. Plans are developed to eliminate the forecast
shortages exams of particular categories of HR.
It involves encouraging people to work willingly & effectively for the goals of
the enterprises.HR manager can motivate the employers in an organization through career
planning salary administration safety measures & welfare of employee. He must have the
ability to identify the needs of employees & methods of satisfying those needs.
It requires more than educating & training worker to meet new challenges for
retaining the workforce successful companies will institute quality improvement processes
& introduce change efforts. Continuous assessment should be done by line managers to
improve work effectiveness. Cultural sensitivity training should be provides to employees
For example: if there is no class room or conference room facilities within the organization
the scheduling and location of an HRD program that requires such facilities can become
very difficult & expensive.
1. Are there any unspecified organizational goals that should be translated into
training objectives?
2. Are the various levels in the organizational committed to the training objectives?
3. Will trainees be rewarded on the job for the appropriate leaned behavior ?
4. In top management willing to commit the necessary resources to maintain
the organization & work flow while individuals are being trained?
2. TASK ANALYSIS: Task analysis (sometimes) called operational analysis. Task analysis
is a systematic collection of data about a specific job or group of jobs to determine what
employees should be taught to achieve optimal performance. Results of a task analysis
include the appropriate standers of performance, how tasks should be performance to meet
the standards & the knowledge skills, ability (KSA) & others characteristics that employee
need to posses in orders to meet the standards.
Task identification
A.stimulus response
feedback method B.Time sampling
C.Critical Incident
The first component is the STIMULUS OR CUE that lets an employee know it
is time to perform a particular behavior.
The second component is the RE-SPONSE or BE-HAVIOUR that the employee
is to perform.
The third component is the FEED BACK the employee receives about how well
the behavior was performed.
For example
When a buzzer (the stipules) signals that French fries are done cooking, a fast-food worker
should respond by lifting the basket of fries out of the cooking oil & hanging it on a rack
to drain (the behavior) whether the basket stays in place or falls is the feedback on how
well the behaviors was performed.
B.TIME SAMPLING: Time sampling (the second method) involves having a trained
observer watch & note the nature & frequency of an employee’s activities.
Appraisal individual Identify this source of Select
employees captaincies discrepancies intervention
Integrate information
Compare individuals
from organization job
behavior & traits to
and person analysis
others behavior & traits
Internal factors
External factors
4. PRIORITIZING HRD NEEDS: The prioritizing of HRD needs works best when
individuals throughout the organization are involved. Some HRD departments regularly
solicit ideas from employees, & this information can be used to refines improve ongoing
programs as well to gauge the demand for future program. By involving others in critical
HRD decisions there is a greater likelihood that more people in the organization will
support the total HRD effort. Companies mainly run on limited resource and it is very
challenging to determine what resource (like machines, equipment, workforce & building)
will be allocated to each unit.
1. THE HRD ADVISORY COMMITTEES: One way to continuously reflect the needs
of employees & assist in prioritizing needs is to establish an HRD advisory committee.
The organization should be also recognizes those employees who volunteer their time to
serve on advisory & their committees. The role of committee is to meet regularly & review
needs assessment & evaluation data & other advice on the type & content of HRD
programs to be offered. The advisory committee should be composed of members from a
cross-section of the organization.
A. Identify the kinds & levels of KSAOs that employees need to attain high levels
of performance & to achieve organizational systems.
B. Develop a maintain organization-structures conditions & climates that
are conductive to learning.
C. Generate & provide the necessary resources to conduct a program design.
D. Indentify & provide access to off-the-job as well as on the job learning resources.
E. Provide individual assistance & feedback on various dimensions of
individual’s performance.
F. Develop efficient learning process that take into account individual learning
styles abilities and work & life circumstances.
G. The objective of this program will be determined by the specific deficiencies
client preferences concerns & other factors identified in the need assessment.
H. Writing objectives is a challenging but essential aspect of effective HRD.
1. Is your main interest stated (concerning what you want the trainee to do)
2. Have you described all the conditions that will influence trainee performance?
3. Have you described how all the trainee must perform for his or her performance
to be considered acceptable?
Danny Langdon has promoted the idea of moving beyond objectives to what he terms
developing performs.
His approach suggest 6 issues that should emphasized:
6.SELECTING TRAINING METHODS: Training methods come in all shapes and sizes.
Fortunately, training and development options are not one-size-fits-all ,choose the
training method that is the most effective option for your needs. The training method you
choose can vary by the group of attendees or even the training topic. choose one technique
for one type of training, you can go through this exercise to choose the right method for
each training initiative. Many benefit from our free consulting for choosing the right
training method and platform.
1. DETERMINE THE GOALS FOR THE TRAINING: The reasons that companies
choose to offer training sessions to employees varies. Some training provides new skills
to employees, while other training offers new techniques for applying existing skills.
Other types of training instill practices that make the company a safer place to work or a
better place to work.
2. RECOGNIZE THE AUDIENCE: It sounds like a marketing concept, but it applies to
training as well. You have to know your audience before choosing a training method.
The way you train employees varies according to the whether the attendees are new
employees, seasoned employees or upper management or executives of the company.
Additionally, the skill level of the audience can also affect the chosen training method
(Example: The computer/web skills of the attendees are non-existent. This can make web
or computer- based training more challenging).
3. CONSTRAINTS: Even an ideal situation, companies have to offer training under
certain constraints. While classroom training might be ideal for upper management
learning leadership skills and techniques, the company might not be able to afford this
face-to-face training method. Instead, a computer-based or web-based option might
fit into the training budget. Other constraints to consider include time and the training
resources and materials available for the training topic.
1. Classroom/Face-to-Face
2. Interactive
3. Computer
4. Web-based training
Each training method offers its own set of advantages and disadvantages that answer
the needs you uncover while assessing the training goals, audience and constraints.
Additionally, there is an option for web-based training, where the employees can
attend a live webinar with the same professional.
The trainer in house is more expensive than the web-based training option.
The employees that require the training seem to respond better to training that is
face-to-face. Because of this classroom training is the best method to teach these
new techniques to the employees.
Assume that a company has the same training needs and options available. The
difference is that the company has a budget constraint. Bringing the trainer in house
falls well outside of the budget they have to train their employees.
The web-based option offers them the same access to the information employees
need to instill the new techniques, but at half the cost of classroom or face-to-face
Several different training methods are available to companies looking to offer a
training program to its employees.
After answering some easy questions, decision makers can decide which training
methods can work for the type of training.
Training materials are a necessary part of any program or activity that involves knowledge
acquisition and retention. The best approach to developing instructional materials is to
start by examining the training plan and available resources. Designing training materials
is like planning a dinner party, coming up with a menu, and writing the recipes. It’s the
“plan before you do” phase of training creation.
While you’re designing your materials, keep the following points in mind:
Only create training content and assessments that relate directly to your
learning Objectives. Remember the adult learning principles.
Include as much hands-on practice or simulation as possible: people learn by doing
Whenever possible, put the employees in control of the learning process (instead
of the trainer).
Do everything possible to let the employees talk and interact with the trainer
and with each other during the training make sure there’s plenty of opportunity
for feedback during training.
Break your training materials up into small “chunks” that are easier to take in and
understand Order your “chunked” training materials in a logical manner—one
step that builds on top of another, or chronologically, etc.
Try to appeal to a variety of your workers’ senses during training—sight,
hearing, touch, smell, and taste (when appropriate and not dangerous). Sight is by
far the most important sense for learning, but adding the others when possible
does help.
Word, Excel, and similar “Office” programs to create handouts for employees
and to create training outlines and notes for the instructor of any instructor-
led components.
Materials for hands-on elements and/or role-playing elements of the training
PowerPoint for in-class projections and/or handouts to deliver to employees.
Beware of PowerPoint presentations that are nothing but screen after screen
of bullet points, however.
Flip-charts, posters, transparencies, and/or computer-generated graphics
for presenting visual materials during training.
E-learning authoring tools such as Articulate Studio and Storyline or Adobe
Captivate for creating computer-based e-learning modules. These are just a few
ideas, and technology is bringing new possibilities every day, including virtual
reality and augmented reality. Be creative and mix and match these to best fit
the employees’ training needs.
On the job training involves conducting training at trainees regular work station
(desk, machine, etc).This is the most common form of training most employees receive at
least some training and coaching on the job.
On-the-job-training is the heart and soul of all training in business and industry. OJT
as it is known or sometimes called “Shop Training” is the most universal form of
employee development. This is the traditional method of learning, which is designed to
maximize learning while allowing the employee to perform his job under the supervision
and guidance of a trained worker or instructor, providing him practical application and
making principles and concepts of learning meaningful and realistic.
In OJT there is a tendency to neglect, disregard and even to do away with, in some
cases, the essentials of principles and theory in favor of immediate production.
Trainee while learning may damage equipment, waste materials, cause accidents
The work place, with environment charged with hustle and noise and the pace of
skilled workers, is most likely to affect the learning and may create a feeling of
frustration in the mind of a trainee.
Experienced workers cannot use the machinery while it is being used for training.
The trainer breaks down the job into small tasks prepares all the equipment and
supplies necessary to do the tasks and allocates a timeframe to learn each task. The trainer
needs to understand the background capabilities and attitudes of trainers as well as nature
of the tasks to be performed before choosing a technique or combination of technique.
This step involves telling showing explaining and demonstration the task to the
trainee. Allow the trainee to show the demonstration on his or her own and follows up to
provide feedback and help. Point out possible difficulty as well as safety procedures
encourage questions.
The trainee performs the task under the trainer’s guidance and the trainer provides
feedback and re informant each task is learned in a similar way until the whole job can
completed without error.
Try to ensure initial success. Ask the trainee to explain the steps
Gently suggests improvements where necessary.
Provide feedback on performance reinforce correct behaviors
Coaching is one to one training. It helps in identifying the weak areas and tries to
focus on them. Coach makes an analysis of trainees work performance and tries to improve
it with suitable guidance. Coach (senior manger) must play an active role in guiding and
teaching skills. The coach ay diverts the trainee executive from routine work and assigns
him to handle some complex problems and observe his performance. The trainee executive
acquires the skills and knowledge to perform a job and also acquire the teaching or
coaching ability.
Types of Mentoring:
1. Formal mentoring:
Formal mentoring is a process where two parties, preferably of the same department,
are paired together in a mentor-mentee relationship. Here, both the older as well as the
junior (new employee) share a relationship of a teacher-student, which is assigned as a
responsibility of the mentor. At times, this one on one relationship may be a result of
replacement. When an experienced employee is about to retire or resign he or she is
replaced by another candidate. Thus, the mentor-mentee relationship indirectly works for
the company’s capital benefit. It saves the cost of training for the new employees.
Moreover, it also saves the time. Therefore, one can say that there is an indirect
relationship between the mentor and the training management.
2.Group mentoring:
Group mentoring is also called as team mentoring. Here, a senior worker guides all
the junior mentees in a group. These groups of junior mentees go through a timely
scheduled meeting, once a week or month. This method helps in improving and getting
familiar with the company environment. Moreover, the timely meeting in a group also
increases the motivating factor in the trainees. These meeting sometimes include a
structural outline like the formal way of mentoring. However, an informal mentoring
method is also put to work at times. Here, the competitive spirit of working and striving
better is encouraged due to the majority of the trainees.
A. The learner has opportunities to interact with experienced managers to improve
performance. He gains confidence and self-awareness.
B. There is rapid feedback of action on performance improvement to the learner.
C. Learner is self-motivated to learn with confidence.
D. It is not limited to performance-related problems. It focuses on future growth
E. Mentoring includes training, support, encouragement, advice and guidance from
people who have both ‘done it before’ and are usually independent of the
mentee’s current organization
F. It is not limited to performance-related problems. It focuses on future growth.
G. Both the mentees and mentors gain confidence and leadership skills
H. Mentees report the benefits of a different perspective
I. Mentees are more likely to plan and apply for promotions
J. Mentors and mentees can gain insights into best business practices in other
K. The process allows mentors and mentees to make useful networking connections,
and have access to role models
Disadvantages Of Mentoring
1. Heavy reliance is placed on the wisdom and abilities of the mentor. This may limit
the scope for development.
2. Current management styles and practices are focused.
3. The senior managers may be unwilling for mentoring.
a.Cost Effective:
Initial costs of setting up a computer-based training center can be
expensive, particularly if you choose to create a customized system.
According to Penn State Staff, less expensive pre-made training systems are
available, and many can be customized for your company needs.
Aside from those initial setup costs, computer-based training can provide your
company with a 24-hour trainer that has virtually unlimited simultaneous
student capacity.
Trainees usually don't have the added expense of traveling for training, and a
computer-based system can be customized to focus on individual sections of the
material needed by each person that's being trained.
Combined, the overall training costs and training time needed per employee can be
significantly lowered.
The most popular and influential frame work for training evaluation war articulated
by Kirkpatrick. Kirkpatrick’s argues that training can be evaluated to four criteria like
reaction learning behavior and results.
Reaction involves measuring the satisfaction of the participants. At this level the
focus is one the trainee’s perceptions about the program and its effectiveness. The trainees
asked whether the resources provided in the training were useful or not. Positive reactions
to a training program may make programs.
Did the training meet the participant’s needs?
Are the participants happy with the instructors?
Especially encourage written comments
Try to get honest response and feed backs.
Did the trainees learn what the HRD objectives said they should learn are?
This is an important criterion that an effective HRD program should satisfy. It can
be assessed with the help of paper and pencil tests job simulations and skill
New skills/knowledge/attitudes what was learned and what was not leaned.
Does the trainee use what was learned in training back on the job?
This is also a critical measure of training success. Was the leaning being applied by the
attendees Measuring whether training has transferred to the job requires observation of the
trainee’s on the job behavior or viewing organizational records
(Example, reduced customer complaints, reduction in scrap rate)In this level the focus is on
how the training programme has changed the trainee’s behaviors in a positive way.
Usually the professional of the performance training and human resource depends on the
accurate data due to the following reasons.
1. que1stion
5.observatio tests
3. attitude
Test is a basic parameter for evaluating the training and development of the
organization. Generally tents in dude written test which is conducted to test the trainee’s
knowledge and performance.
Interviews are a very helpful source of training evaluation but these are not used often
like other methods. Training staff, the participant’s supervisor or an outside third party can
organize the interviews. Sufficient information can be collected through the interview
Observations methods are very much related with attitude surveys and it is a
continuous process of observing the employee starting from the beginning till the end.
After observation evaluators record the changes in the behavior of employees for
observation to be effective it is very important that the personnel acting as observes should
have proper training.
Cost-benefit analysis
Development Costs
The work career means many things to many people. It also has different meanings
among researchers. A career is unique to each person and created by what the person
chooses or does not choose. Both the individual and organization have needs and priorities
and it is important to remember that both are critical to the development of one’s career.
Career Development:
Career development is an activity of the organization considering the long term benefits and succes
The following are the advantages of career development:
Career development becomes essential because of changing job requirements due to changes in tec
It will benefit both the organization as well as the employees for they get better prospects in the sam
their morale.
H. Women are emerging very strong on every field. They do not need sympathies
or anybody’s help.
I. They have tremendous potentials in them. Career development can play
significant role in this respect.
J. Career development boosts up morale of the employees and removes
frustration from their minds.
K. The career development gives chance to highly educated to move upward.
The employees can match their expectations with career advancement.
L. Through effective career counseling the question of aspirations and
career dimensions can easily be tackled.
M.All these efforts should result into effective management of human resources.
The exploration stage is the pre employment stage where in the individuals is in
their mid twenties and enters from their college life to the work environment. In order to
enhance the skills of new employee organization can also conduct some training and
development programmes. Providing comfortable environment for the new employee by
making him aware of various job positions using job rotation methods seminar etc.By
providing entire history of the company to the fresher and the different job opportunities
that an individual can enjoy while working in the company.
In this stage an individual looks out for his first job. As the journey for job hunting
ends in this stage the individual starts gaining his first job experiences.
Individuals having excellent skills that can prove out to be beneficial for the
company in future is acknowledge by the management. Proper feedback is given by the
company on the performance of the employee this helps the employee to identify their
positive and negative points.
This stage lies between the age group of 35-50 and the individual is not considered
as a fresher or learner. Usually in this stage some people may grow due to their improved
performance and bring good results for the company but there are also some people who
become less enthusiastic with the passage of time and their level of performance starts
diminishing. Giving the employees more challenging job so that they get motivated to
perform. Establishing certain policies that can motivate the employees going through the
stage of platform utilize their skills to the fullest platform.
After 50’s begins the late career phase in which a bit relaxation is given to the
individuals. Employees of this stage as a source of stimulation for others. The management
should give important to the employees of this stage as they have vast experience and
knowledge which proves out to be very beneficial to the organization. They also act as the
counselor because they can provide right guidance to the other employees and they even
play the role of trainer and thus can transfer their entire knowledge and skills to the
younger generation.
This is also known as retirement stage of career. In this stage individual tends to
spend his entire time with family and friends. Whether an individual has lead a successful
or an unsuccessful career one has to leave behind all this and move on in this life.
Understanding retirement process in such a way that it does not harm the self esteem of the
employees. Utilizing the knowledge creatively and experience of retrieving employees by
creating leisure job opportunities for them.
Need to
make B. Awareness of
A Career self & C.Goal setting
exploration environment
Assisting employees in conducting this process can help the organization ensure
that the human resources available will be adequate to perform important tasks and
accomplish organizational objectives?
The first step is self evaluation will lead the individual to a deeper self awareness
and an understandings of both opportunities and constraints present in the environment.
For example, a young woman engaged in career exploration could collect information
about her values skills etc, and as well as information about the possible jobs ad
organizations available to her in the environment.
Successful career exploration will lead the individual to a deeper self awareness and
an understanding of both opportunities and constraints present in the environment. This
awareness of self and environment can lead the individual to set or revise career goals or if
such goals are already set it would lead to strategies development
A career goal is an outcome the individual decides to try to obtain such goals may be
specific (example, I want to become a partner in my accounting company/firm by age 35)
or general (example, I want to a successful and respected chef)
An effective strategy should include the actions that should be carried out and a
time table for performing them. The strategy will be more effective if it is based on
realistic self awareness and environment awareness.
Developing opportunities
Cultivating mentor relationships
Image building
Engaging in organizational politics
Strategy implementation involves carrying out the strategy the individual has
developed. It is easier to set where you want to go if you have a plan to follow. Some
people may develop elaborate plays but then fail to implement them. Strategy
implementation can lead to progress toward the goal and feedback from work and non
work sources.
Valuable information about the progress toward the career goal can be obtained from
both work sources like co workers supervisors and specialist and non work sources family,
friends and teachers.
Feedback and information on progress toward the career goal permit the individual
to appraisal his or her career.
a. Career Plateau:
Career plateau is the common phenomenon in most of the organization. This may be
because of the pyramidal structure of the organizations. The organization structure is flatter
at the bottom and narrower at the top as a result very few posts are available at the top
resulting into a fierce competition among the executives. Only a few can ride the ladder
others have to be content on the plateau. The employee has to wait for more time to get
promotion as his length of service increases. This is a common feature in India in almost
all organizations and especially in government organizations and public sector units.
Employees have to wait for 10 to 15 years to get first promotion in their career. The
distance between the two promotions is increasing. Career plateau leads to poor
performance, dissatisfaction among employees. Some may think of leaving the
organization because of plateaued career. Career plateau has serious effects executives.
Lack of further chances to go up frustrate them, their efficiency goes down considerably.
This results into leaving the organization and joining the other. To save employees and
executives from such a embarrassing position, the organization should create more
promotional posts carrying higher pay, higher status and responsibility both laterally and
vertically so that most of the staff be accommodated in the career path after a short interval
of time.
b. Career Motivation:
Career motivation is the desire to exert effort to enhance career goals. People who
are high in career insight have an accurate understanding of their strengths and weaknesses
and set clear career goals. Career identity is the direction component. This is the extent to
which people define themselves by their careers. People who are high in career identity are
highly involved in their jobs, their organizations, and/or their professions. They strive for
advancement, recognition, and a leadership role. Career motivation has been measured by
developmental assessment centers and questionnaires.
Thomas defines managing diversity as “a comprehensive anagerial process for
developing an environment (organizational culture) that works for all employees.”
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Page 3
A. bureacratic
B. clan
C. market D..enterpr
A. Bureaucratic Culture:
In this type of culture the behavior of employees is governed by formal rules and
standard operating procedures. Such a culture perpetuates stability. Organizations with
bureaucratic culture tend to produce standardized goods and services, examples:
Government ministries Fast food establishments.
B. Clan Culture:
Page 4
C. Market Culture:
In a market culture, the values and norms reflect the significance of achieving
measurable and demanding goals mainly concerning those that are financial and market
based. Companies with a market culture tend to focus on Sales growth Profitability
Market share In a market culture the relationship between individuals and the
organization is contractual (previously agreed).Individuals are responsible for their
performance; whereas the organization promises specific rewards for levels of
performance. Managers are not judge on their effectiveness as role models or mentors;
but on monthly, quarterly, and annual performance goals based on profit.
D. Entrepreneurial Culture:
A common behavioral style must be shared by managers and employees. Have the
same basic approaches to solving problems, meeting goals, and dealing with
stakeholders. Have share common norms that guide rule governing rewards and
punishment. A strong organizational culture assists in the creation of a stable
organization, the consequence of which lead to the achievement of the company’s
strategic goals. The top management people should become the positive role models.
They should set the examples through their own behavior. As employees learn the culture
through stories, symbols and rituals, the old stories, rituals and symbols should be
replaced by creating new ones which are currently in vogue. Adding new members,
particularly at the higher level, is a powerful strategy to change the culture, provided the
new members bring in new culture. The socialization processes should be redesigned to
align with the new values. Reward system establish and reinforce specific cultural
behaviors and therefore, a change in culture can be initiated and supported by change in
corporate reward systems. Unwritten norms and beliefs should be replaced with formal
rules and regulations that are tightly enforceable. Extensive use of job rotations should be
made to shake current subcultures..Change in culture will be comparatively easy if peer
group consensus is got through use of employee participation and creation of a climate
with a high level of trust.
Page 5
The employees in their own way contribute to the culture of the workplace. The
attitudes, mentalities, interests, perception and even the thought process of the employees
affect the organization culture. Example - Organizations which hire individuals from
army or defence background tend to follow a strict culture where all the employees abide
by the set guidelines and policies. The employees are hardly late to work. It is the
mindset of the employees which forms the culture of the place. Organizations with
majority of youngsters encourage healthy competition at the workplace and employees
are always on the toes to perform better than the fellow workers.
B.The nature of the business:
The nature of the business also affects the culture of the organization. Stock broking
industries, financial services, banking industry are all dependent on external factors like
demand and supply, market cap, earning per share and so on. When the market crashes,
these industries have no other option than to terminate the employees and eventually affect
the culture of the place. Market fluctuations lead to unrest, tensions and severely demotivate
the individuals. The management also feels helpless when circumstances can be controlled
by none. Individuals are unsure about their career as well as growth in such organizations.
C. The culture of the organization is also affected by its goals and objectives.:
The strategies and procedures designed to achieve the targets of the organization
also contribute to its culture. Individuals working with government organizations adhere
to the set guidelines but do not follow a procedure of feedback thus forming its culture.
Fast paced industries like advertising, event management companies expect the
employees to be attentive, aggressive and hyper active.
Page 6
It also affects the culture of the workplace. There are certain organizations where
the management allows the employees to take their own decisions and let them
participate in strategy making. In such a culture, employees get attached to their
management and look forward to a long term association with the organization. The
management must respect the employees to avoid a culture where the employees just
work for money and nothing else. They treat the organization as a mere source of earning
money and look for a change in a short span of time.
Definition :
A labor market is the place where workers and employers interact with each other. In
the labor market, employers compete to hire the best, and the workers compete for the
best satisfying job
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In the natural market, the typical worker has a very limited knowledge of the market as a whole a
The institutional market is one in which the policies of unions, employers and the
government have more to do with wage movements than free competitive forces. Indeed,
the objective of policies developed by all three unions, employers and the government is
to limit the free operation of the forces of demand and supply. Institutional policies,
rather than the market, set the upper and lower limits of wages and these clearly reduce
the mobility of labor. Uniform wages are often found for a given grade of workers in the
institutions markets but this is because of the influence of institutions and not a result of
the interaction of demand and supply.
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The objective of management market would be to tie the wage setting and labor
movement more closely together than they are in the natural market. This would proceed
along with the imposition of state controls on wage setting and on allocation of labour.
The long run trend in India has been towards the institutional labor market where the
influence of demand and supply is considerably curtailed by policies of unions,
employers and the government.
1. Demographics:
Labour force growth has slowed and a retirement bulge looms. Female
participation in the labour force has grown over the last 25 years, but has now plateau.
Immigration is increasingly relied upon to meet the demand for skilled workers and
support economic growth. The ageing of the labour force presents a key challenge. Will
skill needs be met? Will Canadians be able to realize their aspirations (regarding learning,
work, and retirement) in their older years. Our ageing, ‘top heavy’ population has major
implications for the labour market – people will be working for longer. Young people
trying to launch careers will be competing against an older, experienced workforce.
There is increasing demand for scientists and health care workers to deal with the
implications of ill health in the elderly.
2. Technological Change-
Changes in technology have had a number of impacts on the labour market. They
have contributed to the shift in Canada’s industrial structure away from primary and
manufacturing industries and towards services. Mass production systems (large scale,
standardized methods, highly delineated jobs) have been transformed into production
systems characterized by smaller scale, greater flexibility in the organization of work,
greater emphasis on skill, and flatter hierarchies. Technological change has also increased
the demand for highly skilled work relative to that for less skilled work, a phenomenon
referred to in the economics literature as ‘skill-biased’ technological change. As a result
of rapid technological change, companies today face shorter business cycles and truly
global competition. Few industries are safe from disruption. Automation, facilitated by
better artificial intelligence, is poised to have a major impact on jobs. Up to 47 percent of
U.S. jobs in 2010 were rated as highly likely to become computerized in the next 10-20
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years. Even as old roles are swept away, technology is facilitating the emergence of new
work models that may help solve some of the current labour market issues. It is one of
many solutions emerging and, as in times past, human ingenuity enabled by new
technologies will make our world more prosperous for all.
A. more mobile capital (resulting in part from greater protections for foreign investors
in trade agreements such as NAFTA or through the WTO);
B. freer trade in goods and services; enhanced mobility of highly-skilled workers;
enhanced mobility of Human Resource Development –highly-skilled jobs (e.g.,
information technology work for North American companies being located in
C. Globalization, by making the markets for goods and services more competitive,
has heightened the need for economic and social policies to foster competitiveness.
D. It has also put a higher premium on workplace practices that support flexibility and
adaptability, such as multi-skilling, teamwork, and pay-for-performance schemes.
E. There is also evidence that globalization has contributed to a reduction in wage
differentials across countries for labour of similar skill, but has (along with
technological change) led to an increase in wage inequality between lower and
higher skill levels within high-wage countries.
F. Fortunately, the present dysfunction and apparent contradictions are spurring
G. Rather than returning to business as usual after the recession, the labour market is
settling into a new normal.
H. If we chart our course well we can navigate the changing world of work and
unleash new employment opportunities and economic growth for the Fourth
Industrial Revolution.
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Trends like aging and declining birth rates mean the days of abundant labour are
drawing to an end in much of the world. Sixty percent of people now live in countries
with stagnant or shrinking workforces. China’s working age population peaked in 2010;
by 2050 more than a quarter of its people will be over 65, up from eight percent today. In
Germany, the labour force will shrink by six million workers over the next 15 years—this
is one reason their politicians are more open to migrants. Faced with labour shortages,
employers and policymakers are being forced to think differently about talent sourcing.
In Japan, where a quarter of the population is over age 65 (compared to 15 percent in the
U.S.) As a result of these and other efforts, the labour force has declined by just one
percent over the past decade even though Japan’s “working age” population (traditionally
defined as ages 15-64) has dropped by eight percent. Policymakers elsewhere should take
note - the UN estimates that by 2050, 33 countries will have an older population than
Japan does today. A more intense search for talent is beginning, and we are already
seeing interesting people practices emerge. Aerospace companies, faced with graying
workforces, have pioneered flexible working, phased retirements, “encore careers,” and a
slew of knowledge transfer programs to train the next generation. Companies that can’t
find the talent they need in one country use remote working to employ people elsewhere.
Around the world, employers are experimenting with new policies to better appeal to
underrepresented groups—women, young people, minorities, people with disabilities,
migrants, etc.
Theirs is a new mindset. Rather than hanging on to a job for life, the goal today is
to be employable to develop the skills, experience and expertise necessary to
move on or up, regardless of your employer.
Ideally, this gives people greater choice and flexibility to ride career waves or
slow down at different stages of their longer working lives.
As employers adapt to this workforce trend, wages and opportunities will
increasingly be dictated by skills, not tenure.
They are able to manage their own careers and command higher salaries. Helping
this group to up skill is the defining labour challenge of our time, and requires
extraordinary efforts from educators, policymakers and most of all employers.
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In the near term, individual choice is causing problems in the labour market.
Companies understandably ask: why should I train you if you’ll leave and work for
my competitor? However, with talent shortages looming, the need to retain
employees may soon tip the balance back towards greater investment in
development programs. By providing learning opportunities, employers become a
talent destination.
Focusing on employment for life, rather than protecting specific jobs in
companies, will increase workforce mobility, protect the individual and encourage
lifelong learning and development.
Demographic change is the main reason organizations need to adapt their practices
in order to respond to increasing diversity within labor markets. Diversity alters pools of
potential employees, and the needs of employees, as well as influencing broader business
objectives like service provision. In addition, the constantly changing demographic
profile of the broader population means that organizations need to develop strategies that
will meet the needs and desires of the country’s citizens. In most countries there will be
stakeholder groups interested in workplace issues that include diversity. These include
government agencies interested in work, immigration, government employment bodies,
industry groups, human rights groups, trade unions, specialized stakeholder agencies;
These demographic changes will have profound implications for organizations and
managers in the coming decades. Implications include, the need to have better
understanding and awareness of different cultures including their practices and religious
beliefs; Diversity brings business benefits. people who are adept at social networking and
team-work; social and environmental responsibility; A diverse workforce brings its own
rewards in terms of increasing cultural awareness, sensitivity and awareness in
individuals and firms. There are a number of demographics that can affect a business.
Demographics are various traits that can be used to determine product preferences or
buying behaviors of consumers. Most companies identify their key customers through
these various traits. They then target consumers with like characteristics in their
advertisements and promotions. Targeting consumers with similar demographic
characteristics helps maximize a company's sales and profits.
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People’s buying preferences also vary by geographic region, which is another type
of demographic. Those who meet buyers' needs and requirements in certain geographic
regions can earn higher sales and profits. For example, people often prefer certain food and
drink flavors in certain markets. Companies that sell the flavors consumers desire in
various areas are more likely to profit. Those who do not offer these flavors may risk
losing customers to other competitors.