Smart Control and Monitoring of Rooftop
Smart Control and Monitoring of Rooftop
Smart Control and Monitoring of Rooftop
The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming more and more popular, and both practitioners and scholars are
becoming interested in it. In order to offer information and control over the state of the items around us, the
major goal of IoT is to bring everything in the world together under a single infrastructure, including things,
people, places, and processes. Demand side management is a crucial component of smart grid operations that
focuses on improving cost and efficiency through load management and control. In order to regulate all
load/energy control units at each client end, this demand side management prototype system employs a Central
Energy Management Unit. At each client end, a data-entry circuit is employed for the previous transmission of
load scheduling requests.A Global System for Mobile communication is used for wireless data transfer between
multiple devices. A few loads, an Arduino Uno, relay modules, current sensors, Proteus software, and Global
System for Mobile communication modules make up the lab setup.
Keywords: IoT, PV, Monitoring, smatplug
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Date of Submission: 12-03-2023 Date of acceptance: 29-03-2023
DSM was viewed as a temporary fix to lower load important and limitless source of energy that has
demand during peak hours until the utility could recently received attention is solar energy.
provide the peak loads.Despite this, there is a Investments are being made in the solar industry in
growing understanding of the benefits of DSM due the hopes of a future with fewer reliances on fossil
to rising demand and advancements in fuels. Fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas are scarce
communication technologies. By lowering the and unfriendly to the environment. Therefore, there
chance of blackouts and handling system needs to be a general consensus in favour of
emergencies, DSM increases system reliability. By renewable energy sources.
avoiding the utilities from utilising extra fuel or Future renewable energy generation will
investing money on new power sources during increasingly rely on solar energy. More rooftop
peak hours, it also helps to lower energy rates. solar systems are being connected into networks
Utility companies benefit from it as well because it like grids and industrial areas in order to provide
saves them money on off-peak storage. strong grid stability. Consequently, there is a
The Internet of Things (IoT) digital growing requirement to track the energy produced
security issue is becoming worse as more home and by solar power plants in real-time, identify any
workplace gadgets are connected to the internet. issues, and boost the total production of solar
When connected to edge gateways or cloud systems.Variations in sun irradiation, temperature,
platforms, IoT will generate more data than any and other factors lead to fluctuating power
other emerging technology, and it will also generation from solar panels. Utilizing cutting-edge
generate the quickest data streams through sensors. IOT technology solutions like those depicted in
The Internet of Things, Industrial IoT, and Edge Figure 1, we can autonomously build the
Computing are expanding at an incredibly fast rate machines[8].With the help of these components, we
and have become a crucial part of our daily lives can easily track wireless networks, do away with
through applications like intelligent tracking the drawbacks and risks of existing technical
systems in transportation, industrial wireless solutions, and create a range of sensors and
automation, public safety, personal health microcontroller gadgets. The cost functions of the
monitoring, and health care for the elderly device are as a result far more compact than those
community.The possibilities appear limitless. We of the older control systems.
are currently residing in what was once believed to The Internet of Things relies on context-
be a lifetime away. A developing network of linked aware computing using network resources and
gadgets is known as the "Internet of Things" (IoT). intelligent networking with already-existing
The Internet of Things (IoT) network is made up of networks. There is little question that WiFi and 4G-
digital things including machines, tags, and LTE wireless Internet access will eventually
electrical gadgets (UIDs). Among other things, become commonplace information and
these networked smart devices are utilised for real- communication networks. The computing paradigm
time monitoring, data detection, and transfer. will need to develop beyond the existing mobile
With the advent of IoT, the fourth computing scenarios that connect common things
industrial revolution, often known as Industry 4.0, and infuse intelligence into our surroundings via
has reached India. In addition to the recently smart phones and portable devices if the Internet of
introduced "Digital India" agenda, IoT is a key Things aim is to become a reality. To make
component of the developing IoT business and technology invisible to users, the Internet of Things
technological landscape. According to a recent needs three things: (1) a shared understanding of
report provided by Zinnov in June 2020, IoT the circumstances surrounding users and their
investments in India were close to $5 billion in appliances; (2) software architectures and pervasive
2019 and are expected to reach $15 billion in 2021. communication networks; and (3) Internet of
Exhaustible energy sources like coal are Things analytics tools that strive for autonomous
depleting alarmingly quickly, and we are and intelligent behaviour. Smart connectivity and
continuing to rely on them excessively. context-aware computing are possible with these
Inexhaustible energy sources like solar and wind three underlying presumptions in place.
energy can be used in this situation[6].An
peak clipping and valley filling tactics. Even if the The system's primary goal is to build and
overall load demand is consistent throughout the create a user-friendly Demand Side Management
day, load shifting's goal is to relocate loads from system that will regulate energy suppliers and
peak to off-peak hours. controllers. According to each N User's need and
peak hour, the Energy organisation will deliver
2. Proposed Methodology them the appropriate amount of electricity. Each
This system's objectives include user's power consumption will be measured by an
developing and implementing a demand side energy sensor for voltage, current, and power. The
management system with an easy-to-use user user interface is used to track and manage the user's
interface, managing the functions of load status and power usage.
controllers and energy suppliers that collect user-
provided data on energy usage, and performing 3. Components used in the system
control based on a webserver using energy sensors. Different components used in the system have been
Residential customers lack the time necessary to described in this section.
manually handle demand response[7]. An IoT- i)Arduino UNO
based system is required for the implementation of The Arduino Uno microcontroller board is built
autonomous demand response throughout a region. around the ATmega328. Indicated in Figure 2 are
The associated priority is altered in accordance its six analogue inputs, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator,
with the priority of the loads that each user is using. a power connector, an ICSP header, a USB port,
Each load is connected to the others using relays. and reset buttons. There are a total of 14 digital
Requests for load reduction will be received via input/output pins, 6 of which are PWM outputs.
relays, and they will ensure that total power The only thing needed to get started is the insertion
consumption stays below the set demand limit. of a USB cable, an AC-to-DC converter, or a
As long as the total household power battery because everything needed to support the
usage is within the set limit, the recommended microcontroller is already included [10].The
DSM system enables the home owner to use their ATmega328 microcontroller's recommended input
loads as needed. The suggested system's Energy voltage is 5 volts, however the ideal input voltage
sensor, Webserver, and database view will be in varies from 7 to 12 volts (limits) Pins for digital
charge of monitoring and managing appliances' I/O: 6-20V, 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output) 6
power use. Here, a time-of-use-based pricing DC Analog input I/O pins are at pin 50 mA and
structure is employed to regulate the user's energy current 3.3V pins are at pin 40 mA. The bootloader
use. When compared to peak hours, off-peak makes advantage of the ATmega328's 32 KB of
electricity consumption is less expensive. Peak Flash Memory, 1 KB of EEPROM, 2 KB of
hours' power consumption costs per unit are higher SRAM, and 16 MHz of clock speed. Writing and
than off-peak hours' prices per unit. Each user editing programmes is made incredibly simple by
sends a signal through the communication module the software package, such as the Arduino IDE
requesting power.This communication module is (integrated development environment). The
used to gather data on each user's power usage and Arduino UNO board's pins 0 (RX pin) and 1 (TX
to give consumers a way to check their power pin) must be kept vacant when programming
usage and regain access to the status of their commands into them.
appliances[5]. The Webserver has information to
track and manage power consumption.
ii) Circuit for inputting loadend data power the LCD backlight through the GND pins.
The CEMU receives the data packets Use pin R/W to change the operation modes
(client requests) through the data input. The CEMU between read and write. Since Pin R/W is
constructs the load scheduling pattern after connected to GND and the LCD is being used as a
receiving these data packets. Figure 9 depicts the display device in this application, the LCD is
circuit diagram for the data entry circuit. For serial permanently placed in write mode.
data interchange between Arduino and GSM, the There is a list of potential messages that
TX pin and RX pin of the GSM are connected to might appear on the LCD in the Appendix. To
digital pins 0 (RXD pin of Arduino) and 1, allow the user to change the contrast, Pin V0 is
respectively. linked with a 10k potentiometer. Instead of using
Pins 2, 3, and 4 of the Arduino are linked, the USB connector present on the Arduino UNO,
accordingly, to the LCD's D7, D6, D5, and D4 in the USB keyboard is linked to Arduino using a
order to transmit data. Pins A (anode) and K USB host shield. The Arduino board and USB host
(cathode), which are linked to the Arduino's 5 V shield are directly connected. The Arduino uses its
and GND pins, respectively, provide power for the serial peripheral interface (SPI) for communication.
illuminated display.It should be noted that while The Arduino's power pins are also used by the USB
receiving a 12 V DC supply from solar power, the host shield to run it. The hardware setup for the
Arduino board generates a 5V DC supply at the data entry circuit is shown in Figure. You can enter
corresponding pin. As a result, the Arduino board on a keyboard and look at the LCD to verify that
generates a 5V DC output, which is utilised to the relevant data packets have been sent to the
The fourth number (3), which is the last The data input circuit depicted in Figure 9
number, denotes the interval at which the load is used by the data input circuits at the load end to
wants to turn on. The power rating is shown by the feed data packets to the CEMU. The processed data
third number (0200). The letters "z" and "y" are are sent into the DSM algorithm once the data have
only used as markers and are put after the full been processed. The result of the DSM algorithm
description of the load. The microcontroller can provides a load scheduling plan for each load. The
utilise these to gauge when the message has been command signal is then sent by the CEMU in the
sent. When a "y" is input at the load end data entry prescribed pattern to each load. It is important to
circuit, the microcontroller sends the message "1 2 keep in mind that the CEMU has two separate
0200 3z" to the CEMU via a GSM modem. As a processors and two distinct programming
consequence, the submit button is represented by languages. The first is the Arduino microcontroller,
the letter "y".Similar to this, when it receives data which uses embedded technology to produce a pre-
from the CEMU end, the Arduino recognises that written software that is designed to "receive data
the contents before the letter "z" are the actual data packets and deliver command."The system
packets and only keeps those. computer analyses the data and sends it to the DSM
software in MATLAB to find the best scheduling
iii) End control circuit for CEMU pattern after receiving the data packets from
Arduino through the USB connection link. As a
result, communication between MATLAB and The GSM module on the Arduino makes it easier to
Arduino is necessary. To do this, built-in library send and receive data packets. Two control loops—
files are available in the most recent version of the speedier MATLAB control loop and the slower
MATLAB. a USB cable (type-A to type-B) The Arduino control loop—are present as a result of the
type-A end of the cable is attached to a system port presence of two CPUs (since GSM module takes
on one end, while the type-B end is connected to some time to send SMS). For dependable and
Arduino on the other. efficient handshaking between the two CPUs, a
The USB cable regulates power supply suitable delay must be introduced to the faster loop.
and data transmission for Arduino. The CPU sends After selecting the load schedule, the CEMU
commands to the Arduino when the DSM notifies the consumers of each load's control
algorithm has finished running.The Arduino sends signals. Only the ON/OFF command and the load
signals to the load end control circuit, which then identification are present in the control signal. For
uses the GSM network to relay those signals. The instance, if the GSM module of customer #1
LEDs show which loads need to be switched ON at receives the control signal "ona," the load #1 is
specific intervals based on the final load scheduling turned ON; likewise, if the GSM module of
pattern. customer #3 receives the control signal "offe," the
Here, it is assumed that the laptop serves load #5 is turned off.
as the computational heart of the DSM algorithm.
In Above figure 11 shows the Design of solar power monitoring system in Proteus Software. After
given the valve to circuit and run We can observe the current readings. Then implemented the code in Arduino
UNO and connection are made by the circuit diagram shown in Figure 12. The hardware results are same as the
circuit results in proteus Software.
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