1 Communication Skills DR Kifayat Ullah
1 Communication Skills DR Kifayat Ullah
1 Communication Skills DR Kifayat Ullah
Communication &
Presentation Skills
Course Code: ELL202
Communication is the sharing of information with people while the art of transferring
meaningful information and ideas are called communication skills.
The successful conveying of message from person A to person B either in verbal or non-
verbal is called communication. When you get the desired results, it is called effective
Types of Communication
I. Internal Communication
It is the communication inside an organization, company or an institution. Internal
communication includes:
i. Downwards Communication: It is highly directive communication from senior to
subordinates, with the aim to assign duties, to give instructions, to inform to offer
feedback. Employers that communicate effectively have happier employees.
ii. Upwards Communications: It is non-directive communication from below for the
purpose of giving feedback, to inform about progress/problems and seeking
iii. Horizontal or Peer Communication: It is the communication among colleagues,
peers of the same level for information sharing. It aims to exchange ideas to help in
solving problems, prepare for meeting or cooperate on important projects.
II. External Communication
It is transferring of messages to persons outside the organization. It has far-reaching effect on
the success of an organization. Usually letters, proposal, report, telephone and email are
employed for external communication.
Effective external communication can win back any angry customer or an employee
and creates goodwill. Furthermore, communication to the public has become more important
in this democratic world.
Example: -
General statement: He is very intelligent student and stood first in the class.
Concrete Statement: Ali’s GPA in B.Sc Electrical Engineering 2013 session was 3.95/4.0, he
stood first in his class.
5) Clarity
Accuracy is purpose of clarity. In effective business communication the message should be
very much clear, so that reader can understand it easily.
Precise words should be used.
Always choose familiar and easy words.
Construct effective sentences and paragraphs.
Familiar (recommended) Next familiar words
1- after subsequent
2- home domicile
3- for example e.g.
4- pay remuneration
5- invoice statement for payments
6) Courtesy
Knowing your audience allows you to use statements of courtesy; be aware of your message
True courtesy involves being aware not only of the perspective of others, but also their
feelings. Courtesy stems from a sincere you-attitude.
It is not merely politeness with mechanical insertions of “please” and “Thank you”.
Although Appling socially accepted manners is a form of courtesy.
Rather, it is politeness that grows out respect and concern for others.
Courteous communication generates a special tone in their writing and speaking.
How to generate a Courteous Tone?
The following suggestions generate a courteous tone:
Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful and appreciative.
Use expressions that show respect for the others
Choose nondiscriminatory expressions
7) Correctness
At the core of correctness is proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. However, message
must be perfect grammatically and mechanically.
. The term correctness, as applied to business messages also mean three characteristics.
Use the right level of language
Check the accuracy of figures, facts and words
Maintain acceptable writing mechanics.
Use the right Level of Language
Substandard Language
Avoid substandard language. Using correct words, incorrect grammar, faulty pronunciation
all suggest as inability to use good English. Some examples follow:
Substandard Acceptable
Ain’t isn’t, aren’t
Can’t hardly can hardly
Aim to proving aim to prove
Desirous to desirous of
Stoled stolen
Accept, except
Accept is a verb and means to receive.
Except is a verb or a preposition and relates to omitting or leaving out.
Anxious, eager
Anxious implies worry,
Eager conveys keen desire
Process of Communication
In order to analyze the activity of communication, we must know the process and the
elements involved in the process of communication.
There are seven elements or factors which make up the process of communication:
1. Source /Sender, is the one who initiates the action of communicating
2. Audience /Receiver is the person(s) for whom the communication is intended
3. Goal /Purpose is the sender's reason for communicating, the desired result of the
4. Message/ Content s the information conveyed.
5. Medium /Channel is the means or method used for conveying the message.
6. Feedback is the receiver's response to the communication as observed by the sender
7. Environment /Context is the background in which the communication takes place.
Each of these is complex; any analysis of communication has to take into account
the various possibilities of each of these.
The process of communication involves decisions and activities by the two persons
involved, the sender and the receiver.
The sender initiates the process of communication. The sender has to be clear about the
purpose (or goal or objective) of the communication and about the target audience (or
receiver) of the communication; that is, the sender decides why and to whom to send a
message. Conscious or intended communication has a purpose. We communicate because
we want to make someone do something or take some action, or think or feel in a certain
way, that is, to influence the person.
The source has to decide what information to convey and create the message (or
content) to be conveyed by using words or other symbols which can be understood by the
intended receiver. The process of putting the idea into symbols is called encoding; in
order to encode, the sender has to select suitable symbols which can represent the idea,
and can be understood by the receiver.
The sender also chooses a suitable channel or medium (like mail, e-mail, telephone,
face-to-face talk,) by which to send the message. The choice of the medium
depends on several factors like urgency of the message, availability and effectiveness
of a medium, and the relationship between the two communicants.
Finally, the sender tries to note the effect of the message on the receiver; that is, he
checks whether the receiver has got the message, how the receiver has responded to the
message and whether he has taken the required action; this information about the
receiver's response is called feedback.
Sender's functions make up half the process of communication. The functions of the
sender are:
1. Being clear about the goal/purpose of the communication
2. Finding out about the understanding and needs of the target audience
3. Encoding the required information and ideas with symbols to create the message
to suit the receiver/ audience
Receiver's functions complete one cycle of the process of communication. The functions
of the receiver are:
1 Attending to the received message, that is, listening, reading or observing
2 Decoding the received message
3 Interpreting and understanding the meaning of the message
4 Responding to the message
5 Giving feedback to the sender of the message
This is a simplified description of a single cycle in the process of communication.
Communication really takes place in several cycles and the two persons take turns and
alternately carry out functions of sender and receiver.
Both, the sender and the receiver have important functions in the communication process; it
can be successful only if both are efficient and attentive.
Each person's perception of things and interpretation of messages is influenced by his/her
past experience and attitudes formed by previous communication events. Each one has a
field of experience which is critically important to the process of communication.
Unless there is an area of experience that is shared by both, the message is not likely to
be communicated.
Environment: Communication takes place in an environment. Environment includes
several things. The most obvious is the place in which the communication takes place; if
it is pleasant and comfortable, the communication is better. If it is hot, noisy and
uncomfortable, it is less effective. Noise or disturbance in the environment usually hinders
the flow of communication.